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1. hOw DO wE END 2006? Expert search was made available in August and the advanced search link giving easier access to expert search has now been activitated. Expert search is not a completely new development as it was in fact cut out of CELEX and had to be reconnected with all its ‘capillarities’ to the new EUR-Lex system. Expert Search is a very potent tool, essential for specialists, in particular within the EU institutions and in national administrations. LexAlert, the system notifying new documents or information to users, has been in production for several months even if registration online is still not possible. the weak point of notiication systems is the e-mail infrastructure: the risk of the sending server being identiied as an author of spam is quite high. that is why notiication is also offered by RSS feeds: this functionality should develop in the future and might become the only one available for mass notiication. Besides linking and RSS feeds, new features for 2006 related to the reuse of data. web services have been developed and tested internally within the institutions. they allow, for example, speciic systems maintained by directorates-general of the Commission to include data from EUR-Lex as the reference database. Duplication of documents and information can thus be avoided and updating in parallel to EUR-Lex also becomes possible. web services should also interest member States, for example in a database following their own implementation of directives. traditionally, CELEX and now EUR-Lex are licensed. New formats and the new EUR-Lex allowed for new formats for licence holders, to which we added a new communication mode. An ftP store server for the licence holders was opened by mid-November and the irst extractions in XmL delivered. Since summer 2006, one main task has been preparing for enlargement. the special editions of the Official Journal of the European Union which publish oficially all acts in force on the day of accession in the languages of the new member States have also had to be available online in Bulgarian and Romanian. In addition the current editions of the Oficial Journal will have to be made available in the new languages from 1 January 2007. Developments are well under way and the results should be available in December 2006. further developments are needed for creating all browsing and search functions in the new languages and uploading documents in the new languages as soon as they are made available. 01_2007_5222_txt_ML.indd 52 6-12-2007 15:13:39

MEETING OF THE COUNCIL WORKING PARTY ON LEGAL DATA PROCESSING One current task is related to improving the quality of information on national implementation measures: it requires close collaboration with the Secretariat-General of the Commission. the Secretariat-General’s new database can now systematically deliver for dissemination references to the different measures adopted in each member State. the information on national implementation measures is part of the bibliographic notice of directives. further structuring of the information in the future would make it easier to link to the full text of measures in national legislative databases which offer a URN or URI server. the last development offered to the user before the end of 2006 will be the access to judgments of the Civil Service tribunal set up by the end of 2005. New editorial features include a simple search guide and an advanced search guide online. 2. mAIN DEVELOPmENtS fOR 2007 for 2007, there are four main themes: enlargement and a new linguistic regime, enrichment of document collections, further developments of the system, and usability. Besides these main tasks, the Publications Ofice will also work on a few other elements to facilitate legal information. Enlargement and a new linguistic regime Enlargement has already been mentioned, but in addition Irish will become a full oficial language — although with a derogation similar to the one adopted for maltese — from 1 January 2007. Dealing with the Oficial Journal is not all. Step by step all functionalities in EUR-Lex will have to include three new languages and offer the users of these new languages the same service offered in the older linguistic versions. this will not mean that all documents will be available in the new languages, but that information will at least be available whatever linguistic version of EUR-Lex is used. Browsing access to case-law will, for example, be needed from the beginning of January as documents of the European Courts will be available in Bulgarian and Romanian on the day new judgments are given. the same applies to COm documents, which should also be delivered in the two new languages from the beginning of 2007. As for the acquis communautaire, the expectation is to terminate publishing by summer 2007 and then start the uploading of iles in the new languages. (there will be no acquis translated into Irish.) 52 | 53 01_2007_5222_txt_ML.indd 53 6-12-2007 15:13:39



One current task is related to improving the quality of information on<br />

national implementation measures: it requires close collaboration with the<br />

Secretariat-General of the Commission. the Secretariat-General’s new database<br />

can now systematically deliver for dissemination references to the different<br />

measures adopted in each member State. the information on national<br />

implementation measures is part of the bibliographic notice of directives. further<br />

structuring of the information in the future would make it easier to link to<br />

the full text of measures in national legislative databases which offer a URN or<br />

URI server.<br />

the last development offered to the user before the end of 2006 will be the<br />

access to judgments of the Civil Service tribunal set up by the end of 2005.<br />

New editorial features include a simple search guide and an advanced<br />

search guide online.<br />

2. mAIN <strong>DE</strong>VELOPm<strong>EN</strong>tS fOR 2007<br />

for 2007, there are four main themes: enlargement and a new linguistic<br />

regime, enrichment of document collections, further developments of the system,<br />

and usability. Besides these main tasks, the Publications Ofice will also<br />

work on a few other elements to facilitate legal information.<br />

Enlargement and a new linguistic regime<br />

Enlargement has already been mentioned, but in addition Irish will become<br />

a full oficial language — although with a derogation similar to the<br />

one adopted for maltese — from 1 January 2007. Dealing with the Oficial<br />

Journal is not all. Step by step all functionalities in EUR-Lex will have to<br />

include three new languages and offer the users of these new languages the<br />

same service offered in the older linguistic versions. this will not mean that<br />

all documents will be available in the new languages, but that information<br />

will at least be available whatever linguistic version of EUR-Lex is used.<br />

Browsing access to case-law will, for example, be needed from the beginning<br />

of January as documents of the European Courts will be available in<br />

Bulgarian and Romanian on the day new judgments are given. the same<br />

applies to COm documents, which should also be delivered in the two new<br />

languages from the beginning of 2007. As for the acquis communautaire, the<br />

expectation is to terminate publishing by summer 2007 and then start the<br />

uploading of iles in the new languages. (there will be no acquis translated<br />

into Irish.)<br />

52 | 53<br />

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