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Economic and Social Committee, reference notes in the Bulletin of the European Union and reports of committees of the European Parliament. the presentation in EUR-Lex remains dificult to understand; it is based on references and a result list of documents in chronological order. Lay people or less experienced lawyers often have problems in getting all relevant information. In order to overcome these deiciencies and offer the same functionalities as PreLex, the document corpus must be enlarged with all relevant documents and additional metadata have to be added. these metadata comprise information on the status and time of validity of documents in the legislative process. thus, a presentation with timeline, description of legislative procedure and additional information on the procedural steps could be created automatically by rules determining proper data interpretation. the PreLex output representation could serve as an example of appropriate visualisation. the function of EUR-Lex would not be only giving hints to useful documents but representing in real time the status of the legislative procedure of a particular Commission proposal. It does not involve much work to improve EUR-Lex with such a feature. the additional documents are available in electronic format and have only to be uploaded. (Semi)automatic text analysis may provide the additional metadata. the presentation of results can follow the PreLex example. CItAtIONS NAVIGAtOR Legal citation represents the cross-linked structure of legal acts (Schweighofer, 1999). Legal basis, preparatory acts, amendments, corrections, proposals for modiications, repeals, related case-law and literature are represented in EUR-Lex using the CELEX number as the uniform document identiier. the rich citation structure that is a legacy of CELEX is now somewhat hidden and is not properly used for searching but more for representing links to related documents. the simple search of EUR-Lex has still not the functionality of the old mistral search as the various ields are not suficiently described and combinations of ields cannot be searched ( 11 ). ( 11 ) List of ields: Amendment_to, CONSLEG, Bf, Instruments_cited, Instruments_cited_in_ case_law, case_affecting, Earlier_related_instruments, Affected_by_case, Legal_basis, Amended_by, Subsequent_related_instruments. the online guide does not contain a description of these ields. 01_2007_5222_txt_ML.indd 146 6-12-2007 15:14:03

WORKSHOP As a irst step, the existing representation of relations should be restructured using URI style references. (Semi)automatic text extraction tools may help in inding references in the various documents. the structure of citations should then be improved, focusing on the main types of legal basis, amendments and repeals, preparatory acts and proposed modiications, case-law and literature. Relations should be represented with a graph, with the document in question in the centre and with arrows linking to boxes with the various types of citations. An eficient ranking algorithm should select the most important citations. while the additional metadata does not constitute a big problem and a more appropriate visualisation may be introduced quite easily, the ranking algorithm remains the biggest challenge. So far, the otherwise helpful weighting algorithms have not worked properly in a legal environment. however, a better structured visualisation of citations provides suficient value to the user in order to focus on this improvement and postpone the weighting algorithm for later implementation. LAyERS Of thE LEGAL ORDER NAVIGAtOR A weak point of EUR-Lex is the missing (semi)automatic consolidation of legal acts. main documents, their amendments and corrections have to be consolidated by the user. Luckily, more and more acts are also available in a consolidated version. this work has greatly improved the availability of workable text versions; however, it requires a lot of resources. A restructuring of the text corpus would provide the basis for a (semi)automatic consolidation. the Austrian legal database RIS (Rechtsinformationssystem des Bundes) ( 12 ) could serve as a role model. In this database, the various laws are segmented into the subelements of sections, articles or annexes. the time of validity is stored per document segment. Standard searches also retrieve documents with a given date of validity, e.g. as a default value the day of searching. European documents are not as formally structured as Austrian laws but small adaptations will solve this problem. Recitals of the preamble could be treated like articles. A basic document would contain the title, legislative history and additional information like citations of the bundle of documents of a regulation or directive. ( 12 ) website: 146 | 147 01_2007_5222_txt_ML.indd 147 6-12-2007 15:14:03

Economic and Social Committee, reference notes in the Bulletin of the European<br />

Union and reports of committees of the European Parliament.<br />

the presentation in EUR-Lex remains dificult to understand; it is based<br />

on references and a result list of documents in chronological order. Lay<br />

people or less experienced lawyers often have problems in getting all relevant<br />

information.<br />

In order to overcome these deiciencies and offer the same functionalities<br />

as PreLex, the document corpus must be enlarged with all relevant documents<br />

and additional metadata have to be added. these metadata comprise information<br />

on the status and time of validity of documents in the legislative process.<br />

thus, a presentation with timeline, description of legislative procedure and<br />

additional information on the procedural steps could be created automatically<br />

by rules determining proper data interpretation. the PreLex output representation<br />

could serve as an example of appropriate visualisation. the function of<br />

EUR-Lex would not be only giving hints to useful documents but representing<br />

in real time the status of the legislative procedure of a particular Commission<br />

proposal.<br />

It does not involve much work to improve EUR-Lex with such a feature.<br />

the additional documents are available in electronic format and have only to<br />

be uploaded. (Semi)automatic text analysis may provide the additional metadata.<br />

the presentation of results can follow the PreLex example.<br />


Legal citation represents the cross-linked structure of legal acts (Schweighofer,<br />

1999). Legal basis, preparatory acts, amendments, corrections, proposals<br />

for modiications, repeals, related case-law and literature are represented<br />

in EUR-Lex using the CELEX number as the uniform document identiier. the<br />

rich citation structure that is a legacy of CELEX is now somewhat hidden and<br />

is not properly used for searching but more for representing links to related<br />

documents. the simple search of EUR-Lex has still not the functionality of the<br />

old mistral search as the various ields are not suficiently described and combinations<br />

of ields cannot be searched ( 11 ).<br />

( 11 ) List of ields: Amendment_to, CONSLEG, Bf, Instruments_cited, Instruments_cited_in_<br />

case_law, case_affecting, Earlier_related_instruments, Affected_by_case, Legal_basis,<br />

Amended_by, Subsequent_related_instruments. the online guide does not contain a<br />

description of these ields.<br />

01_2007_5222_txt_ML.indd 146 6-12-2007 15:14:03

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