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8'trit&'rrzr»t qf tlrr s«lrrrics fees, and corn»zi ssions of naval oPcers of tire custorrtswlzosc net es»olusnents exceed the nta. imusn allotvcd by lrc re,<br />

«url their rli sbuise»tc»ts for clerk hire, , stationery, rent, fuel, and other crperzscs fo'r thcfiscal yc«r ending June 30, 1S60.<br />

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Receipts from—<br />

Districts. Naval offi ers, Time.<br />

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Bnston and Charlcsto)vn, Mass. .<br />

Ncw York city, N. Y.<br />

1'hilrulelphia, Penn. . . . , . . . . . . . . .<br />

Baltin)orc, Md.<br />

Charleston, S. C<br />

New Orteains) La.<br />

San Irrancicco, Cal. . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Charles G. Green. A. Birdsall. .... .... .<br />

Charles McKibben. ,<br />

Lcvi K. Bowen. John Laurens. . Joseph Genois. Prank Tilford. ......<br />

July 1, 1859, to June 30, 1S60. . .<br />

do. . do. do. , do. ....<br />

do. . do. ...<br />

&lo. . do. .<br />

do. . dn. .. .<br />

...... do. .......... do. ..... ...<br />

3, 756 12<br />

52 20<br />

49 92<br />

464 29<br />

93 33<br />

$4)415 86<br />

14, 587 37<br />

72, 069 02<br />

7, 523 41<br />

4)518 34<br />

2, 173 30<br />

8, 181 78<br />

4)947 00<br />

2, 980 00<br />

9)896 00<br />

7, 239 20<br />

1, 805 61<br />

7, 299 00<br />

15, 607 21<br />

114)000 22 44, 827 02<br />

17, 567 37<br />

75) 825 14<br />

l7, 471 61<br />

11, 807 46<br />

3, 978 91<br />

)5)945 07<br />

20, 647 54<br />

163, 243 10<br />

1<br />

9<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8taterncnt as above for reports dated prevl'ous to July 1, 1S59.<br />

1 Baltimore, Md. Levi K. Bowen. . . July 1, 1858, to June 30, 1859. . $12 48 4, 450 23 7, 445 94 11, 808 65 1<br />

&S(rrtcrrzcrrt rrs aboz c for the fiscal year ending Junc 30, 1S61.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Bostnn nnd Charlesto)vn, Mass. . .<br />

Philadrlphia, Penn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Balt)more, Md,<br />

, . . . . , do,<br />

Charles G. Green . ,<br />

Edward Wallace. l. evi K. Bowen, T. S. Corkran .....<br />

July 1, 1860, to June 30, 1861 . May 1, 1861, to June 30, 1861. July 1, 1860, to May 4, 18lil. ...<br />

May 5& 186I, to June 3U, 1861 . .<br />

10, 918 79<br />

1, 047 63<br />

5S 64 3, 592 90<br />

461 40<br />

1)500 00<br />

1, 869 67<br />

6, 600 24<br />

1, 399 02<br />

12, 418 79<br />

2, 917 30<br />

10, 251 78<br />

1, 86U 42<br />

658 64 16)090 72 11) 368 93 27, 448 99<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />


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