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States for the fiscal year ending June 30, 18Gl — Continued.<br />


Brought forward . 12, 013, 088 25 6, 074, 132 83<br />

Page.<br />

162 Contingencies of lifo stations on the coast of Long<br />

Island and New Jersey 309 91<br />

162 Rebuilding on a proper site the light-house destroyed<br />

by ice during the last winter, Pungoteague, Virginia.<br />

24 24<br />

162 Rebuilding the light-house st Cape Canaveral, and<br />

'<br />

fitting it up with first order catadioptric illuminating<br />

up pal'e, t il s 23, 000 00<br />

162 Repairing the works and piers in order to preserve<br />

and secure the light-house at Chicago, Illinois. 3, 500 00<br />

162 To enable the light-house board, under direction of<br />

the Secretary of the Treasury, to experimi. nt with<br />

Daboll's and other signals, and to purchase the<br />

sIgnsl erected by Daboll, and now in operation at<br />

New London, Connecticut<br />

1, 500 00<br />

162 Establishment and alteration of the beacon-light on<br />

long wharf, New Haven, Connecticut<br />

2, 000 00<br />

162 Beacon-light on one of the Sisters' islands, in the St.<br />

Lawrence river, below Alexanilria bay.<br />

162 For the erection of a stono beacon on Mill reef, New<br />

York.<br />

162 Rebuilding the two light-house towers at Navesink,<br />

New Jersey.<br />

163 Construction of a first class light-house at Apateague<br />

Virginia<br />

163 Completing the tower and keeper's dwelling at Cape<br />

27 000 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

3, 113 57<br />

CJiarles, Virginia 5, 000 00<br />

163 Erection of a light-house at North river, N. C . . . 5, 000 00<br />

163 Light-house at the mouth of Cape Fear river, N. C . 700 00<br />

163 Commencement and completion of an iron-screw light-<br />

house at or near the entrance to the channel of the<br />

iCississippi river, at the Southwest Pass, 6tc. , La. . .<br />

163 Rebuilding the towers at Whitefish Point, Mich. . . . .<br />

163 Fog-bell at Grand Haven light-house, Mich<br />

163 Completion and protection of way to light-house at<br />

5, 000 00<br />

33, 768 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

Huron, Ohio. 4, 000 00<br />

163 Protecting the piers and beacon-lights on the pier at<br />

Cleveland, Ohio. 7, 479 49<br />

163 Light-house at Raspberry island, one of the Apostle<br />

islands, Lake Superior, AVis, . . . . . . . 1, 750 00<br />

164 Constructiou of pier and light-bouse at Milwaukie, Wis-<br />

11 000 0<br />

164 Construction. of a suitable beacon-light at the port of<br />

Racine, Wis 11. 000 00<br />

164 For a light-house at Red Bluff, Whitby's island,<br />

Washington Territory<br />

4, 000 00<br />

164 Oil and other supplies for fifteen lights, kc. , on the<br />

coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington. . . . 3, 459 00<br />

164 Salaries of keepers and assistant keepers of light-houses<br />

on the coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington.<br />

17, 970 70<br />

164 Commissions of 2$ per cent. to such superintendents<br />

as are entitled to the same on the coasts of Californiua<br />

Oregon, and Washington. 987 83<br />

164 Repairs and incidental expeuses of lights, and buildings<br />

therewith, on the coasts of California, Oregon, and<br />

Wasliington<br />

4, 746 16<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . . $12, 179, 397 15 6, 074, l32 83

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