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1860-'61.<br />

To P. Gallaher .<br />

J. B. Evans<br />

M, A. Gale.<br />

T. O. Bryant . . .<br />

L. R. Cook.<br />

O. H. Cook.<br />

E. 8r, E. Hays.<br />


Brought forward . . . 38, 621 09<br />

80 00<br />

94 87<br />

118 15<br />

162 58<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

105 75<br />

$39, 282 44<br />

1ndemnity for stcamp lands purchased by individuals.<br />

To the State of Illinois $41 357 57<br />

To J. C. Hutcheson<br />

Debentures and other charges, (lands. )<br />

$35 88<br />

Jor services heretofore performed by registers and receivers of land oisces in<br />

locating military bounty land u;arrants, per act hrch 22, 1852.<br />

To James Pollard $192 38<br />

Survey of the public lands, per act August 81, 1852.<br />

To L. Dancy .. . surveyor general .. . . Florida.<br />

J. D. Galbraith. . . deputy surveyor Tallahassee. do S. E. Hope. .. . . . do. ... Brookville .. do .... A. L. Mershon . ... . do. .... .. .. . Louisiana. John Loughborough surveyor general .. Illinois and Missouri. ..<br />

John Lampton. . . deputy surveyor. . . Missouri.<br />

R. F. Templeton. . do. Whitehouse do . . .<br />

D. H. Ewiug. .. .. . . do. ... . Savannah .. do .<br />

%V. J. McCullough . . .. do. .. . . . . ... Louisiana<br />

A. Millard .. . do. . . Rochester Michigan<br />

W. Lewis. surveyor general. . Wisconsin and Iowa . . John Ball . . . deputy surveyor. . Dubuque Iowa .<br />

W. E. Dougherty. ... . do. do .<br />

H. C. Fellows . . . do. . do<br />

T. J. Townsend . do. ...... Wisconsin<br />

W. D. Washburn. s&rrveyor general . . Minnesota<br />

Oscar Taylor, late ... deputy surveyor. .. .. .. . do<br />

E. N. Darling, late. . do. do<br />

E. D. Atwater, . deputy surveyor. . . . . do<br />

C. L. Emerson . . .. . surveyor general. . .... . .. . do .<br />

F. Whipperman. . deputy surveyor. . . .. do .<br />

J. W. 51yers. .. . . do . do<br />

M. Black. . do. . do ..<br />

A, S. Bradley .. . .. . .. . do. . ... ... . ... . Kansas .<br />

J. Jackson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do . . . . . . . Tampa . Florida .<br />

W. S. Haines. . . . . do. . . . Brookville. . . . do<br />

J. O. Breenius. . . . . . do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minnesota. .<br />

J. B. Kilgore. . . . . . . . . . . . . do. . . . . . . . . . St. Augustine, Florida<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By John Loughborough, surveyor general, Illinois and Missouri . . . . . .<br />

212 00<br />

488 07<br />

2& 154 96<br />

107 19<br />

500 00<br />

19 74<br />

60 81<br />

58 56<br />

535 15<br />

4, 941 39<br />

595 16<br />

5, 053 15<br />

1, 874 60<br />

11918 91<br />

300 00<br />

400 00<br />

433 54<br />

1, 208 40<br />

3, 437 99<br />

11 557 18<br />

45 71<br />

4, 206 56<br />

3, 661 76<br />

1, 170 93<br />

2, 228 94<br />

1, 843 65<br />

632 64<br />

136 26<br />

39, 773 27<br />

30 38<br />

839, 742 S9

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