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1860-'61.<br />




Brought forward. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

To W. C. Young, late marshal, western district of Texas. . . . . . . .<br />

J. G. Halliburton, late marshal, eastern district of Arkansas . .<br />

B. J. Jachoway, late marshal, western district of Arkansas.<br />

Hancock Jackson, marshal, eastern district of Missouri<br />

J. L. Jones, marshal, western district of Missouri ..<br />

W. M. Lowry, late marshal, eastern district of Tennessee. ...<br />

J. B. Clemente, marshal, middle district of Tennessee .<br />

H. McClanahan, marshal, western district of Tennessee<br />

T. R. Dohoney, marshal, Kentucky.<br />

Mathew Johnson, marshal, northern disttict of Ohio<br />

L. W. Sifi'ord, marshal, southern district of Ohio. ... ..<br />

E. G. English, marshal, Indiana<br />

J. L. Robinson, late marshal, Indiana.<br />

Thomas Boyne, marshal, northern district of Illinois ...<br />

W. L. Dougherty, marshal, southern district of Illinois. . .<br />

J. S. Bagg, Marshal, Michigan<br />

J. H. Lewis, marshal, Wisconsin .<br />

L. Sum)ners, marshal, Iowa .<br />

W. B. Gere, marsha, l, Minnesota .<br />

W. Z. 51oore, marshal, Nebraska . .<br />

P. T. Colby, marshal, Kansas<br />

C. P. Clever, marshal, New 3fexico<br />

Henry Grice, marshal, Utah<br />

P. K. Dolson, late marshal, Utah<br />

P. L. Solomon, marshal, northern district of California . .<br />

J. C. Pennie, marshal southern district of California.<br />

J. L. Meek, marshal, Oregon<br />

C. E. Weed, tuarshal, Washington 'l'erritory<br />

119<br />

4, 762 92<br />

100 00<br />

100 00<br />

189 44<br />

19? 26<br />

100 00<br />

193 89<br />

207 69<br />

150 00<br />

215 38<br />

213 19<br />

208 24<br />

202 75<br />

59 34<br />

196 67<br />

205 50<br />

204 40<br />

150 00<br />

202 75<br />

206 59<br />

167 58<br />

257 69<br />

200 00<br />

117 39<br />

232 61<br />

500 00<br />

500 00<br />

197 83<br />

196 70<br />

$10)435 81<br />

Expenses of courts of the United S(ates.<br />

To Charles Clark, marshal, Maine<br />

W. K. Kimball, late marshal, Maine<br />

S. W. Dearboru, marshal, New Hampshire .<br />

S. Garfield, late marshal, New Hampshire .<br />

L. S. Partridge, marshal, Vermont.<br />

J. S. Keyes, marshal, Massachusetts<br />

Watson Freeman, late marshal, Massachusetts . . .<br />

Albert Sanford, marshal, Rhode Island.<br />

F. C. Gardner, late tnarshal, Rhode Island .<br />

D. H. Carr, marshal, Connecticut<br />

Curtis Bacon, late marshal, Connect, icut<br />

E. J. Chase, marshal, northern district of New York. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

James B. Howe, late marshal, northern district of New York<br />

Robert Murray, marshal, southern district of New York. .<br />

Isaiah Rynders, late marshal, southern district of New York.<br />

G. H. Nelden, marshal, New Jersey<br />

W. Millward, marshal, eastern district of Pennsylvania ..<br />

J. S. Yost, late marshal, eastern district of Pennsylvania.<br />

A, E. Roberts, late marshal, eastern district of Pennsylvania.<br />

A. Murdock, marshal, western district of Pennsylvania. ..<br />

J. G. Campbell, late marshal, western district of Pennsylvania. . . . . . . .<br />

William Morro)v, marshal, Delaware<br />

Washington Bonifant, marshal, Maryland .<br />

J W. Watkins, late marshal, Maryland<br />

W. H, Lamon, marshal, District of Columbia .<br />

J, D. 11oover, late marshal, District of Columbia. . .<br />

WjBiam Selden, late marshal, District of Columbia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

3& 362 81<br />

2, 372 40<br />

1, 238 00<br />

52 30<br />

2& 000 00<br />

201000 00<br />

22, 099 48<br />

4, 529 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

2, 439 10<br />

1, 388 50<br />

9) 897 35<br />

10, 716 86<br />

20) 000 00<br />

29, 547 23<br />

5, 365 83<br />

12, 024 00<br />

8, 904 57<br />

49 80<br />

6, 571 00<br />

7, 323 00<br />

509 72<br />

8, 040 00<br />

7, 662 00<br />

22, 554 00<br />

879 50<br />

50, 118 70<br />

Carried for tvard . . 8260, 645 15

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