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LlHRARY<br />

ROOM 593{3<br />

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37TH Or&xnREss, t Ilt)UHI'' OF REPItL'SEA~ TATIVL'~. j Ex. Do&. '.<br />

2d Session. Xo. 36.<br />

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rs. .<br />

RECLeIPT'i<br />

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AXI) EXPENSE)ITL Rl;8: J4 ~-<br />

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FBO»&<br />


TRANSMrrr&XG<br />

Annual stateinent of tlze reve&'Izts and evpendz'tures of the L:aitr &7 8'(&ztcs for the<br />

fis&&a7 year ending Iunc 30, 1861, as rctuired by the standing order of' thie<br />

IIouse (fi I&, c7)resentati ves of Decenzlzcr 30, 1791, anti the act nf Augus~6t<br />

1842.<br />

JAnvsar 27, 1882. — Laid on the table, and orilered to be pri&ite&l.<br />

TREAsuRY 1)EI'AII'Iiii Ex'I', Ja&i&(&z&ot 23, l. S62.<br />

SIR; l. li&iri thc honor herewith ti& transmit;t;it& niente prepared by thc<br />

Register of the Treasury, with liis loller tran. mitting tliem to tliis oRicc, exhibiting<br />

an;i«coiint of the receipts and. expenditures of thc l nited '&tat& a for the<br />

fiscal year ending Junc 30, 1SG1, stat&. d in pnrsuance of the standing order of<br />

tl«House of I« l&i «, »tiitiri 8 of December 30, 1791, and tlie act of Augnst '6,<br />

1S42.<br />

'tVitl& &. i. &-, it respect, ,<br />

~. P. CHASL&',<br />

Seri'i'tel i' &/<br />

of' t1i e Ti &'&!sz&& y.<br />

Holi. 6. A. . (I Roii',<br />

&4p& &&7&r r ifi the IIouse of P&. epresentati z&es.<br />

TREA, 'I'I&i' DEPAB'I'M EXY,<br />

Fri «istir's OPcc, January 17, 18G2.<br />

SIII: I lure tlic honor to transmit the account, of thc reci il&ts anil expenditures<br />

&&f tlii l. nit& d &t &t&, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1S61, st;&t& d in pursuaiice<br />

of thc stauding oril&ir of tl» House of lh l&resnit;itic&- of D&c&mbcr 30, 1791,<br />

iuul an iict of August 2G, 1842.<br />

Tllis iic&'oiillt, collt&lills:<br />

1. A &incral account of tli& r«i il&t. and i xpenditures of tli& ti. c;&I year cudin .<br />

Jun&i 30, 1SG1. Tlic p;I c. in tlic margin of tlie ere&lit side refer to tlie ilet:iile&l<br />

& xpenditurcs und&r tlie specific he&vis of appropriation.



2. The expenditures and repayments uuder each head of appropriation& sho~~ing<br />

the aggregate amount paid to, and repaid by, each individual during the<br />

year.<br />

3. Statements of the appropriations made for the fiscal year ending June 30,<br />

1861, including the balances on July 1, 1860; the payments during t»c year i<br />

the several sums carried to the surplus fund; and the balances unexpended at<br />

the end of the year.<br />

4. Statements of the balances due by, and in favor of, supervisors~ c»iec«»r<br />

and others, of the late direct tax and internal revenue.<br />

6. Statements of the operations of thc several land offices in the fiscal year<br />

ending June 30, 1861.<br />

6. Statements in relation to the customs.<br />

I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,<br />


Aevi ster.<br />

Hon. S. P. GHAsz,<br />

Secretary oj' the Treasury.


OF<br />


OF<br />



8tated in pnrsnance of the fottoroing standing order of the 11orrse of Piepresentatives<br />

of the United States, passed December 30, 1791, viz I<br />

"Resolved, That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to Iay before the<br />

House of Representatives, on the fourth Monday of October in each year, if Congress shall<br />

then be in session, or, if not then in session, within the first week of the session next<br />

following the said fourth Monday in October, an accurate statement and account of the<br />

receipts snd expeuditures of all the public moneys down to the last day, inclusively, of the<br />

month of December immediately preceding the said fourth Monday in October, distinguishing<br />

the amount of the receipts of each State or district, and from each officer therein;<br />

in which statement shall also be distinguished the expenditures rvhich shall fall under<br />

each head of appropriation; and shall be shown the sums, if auy, which remain unexpended<br />

and to be accounted for in the next statenrent of each and cvcry of such appropriations;"<br />

And of "An act to define and establish the fiscal year of the treasury of the United<br />

States,<br />

" passed August 26, 1842.



General account oj' the receiyts and expenditures of t~<br />

'To balauce in tl e treasury June 30, 1860<br />

32, 979& 530 78<br />


From customs<br />

From collectors of customs of the following districts:<br />

Bion Bradbury, late collector, Passatuaquoddy, Maine Robert Burns, late collector, Passamaquoddy, Maine .. ..<br />

A. F. Parlin, collector, Machias, Maine. .. J. H, Nichols, late collector, Bath, Maine. .<br />

Rolanrl Fisher, collector, Bath, Maine .<br />

J. R. Redo&an, collector, Penobscot, Maine.<br />

John Cousens, collector, Kennebunk, Maine .<br />

T. Cunningham, collector, Wiscasset, Maine<br />

J. G. Dickerson, collector, Belfast, Maine. .<br />

J. H. Kennedy, oollector, Waldoboro', Maine<br />

D. F. Leavitt, late collector, Bangor, Maine<br />

W. P. Wingate, collector, Bangor, Elaine<br />

A. A. Sanscnm, collector, Saco, Maine. ...<br />

Moses Macdonald, late collector, Portland and Falmouth,<br />

M aine .<br />

Jedediah Jewctt, collector, Portland and Falruouth, Maine<br />

Luther Jenkins, collector, York, Maine. .. .. .. . .... .<br />

T. D. Jones, late collector, I'renchman's Bay& Maine. ....<br />

I. H. Thomas, collector, Frenchman's Bay, 5faine. ..<br />

Augustus Jenkins, late collector, Portsmouth, N. H.<br />

J. B. Upham, collector, Portsmnuth, N. H<br />

Charles Linslcy, late collector, Burlington,<br />

J. B. Bowdish, late collector, Burlington, Vt . .<br />

Wru. Clapp, collector, Burlington, Vt<br />

Constant Norton, late collector, Edgartown,<br />

Ai . Wadsworth, collector, Plymouth, 81ass .<br />

J. Darrow, collector, Edgartown Mass<br />

Vt<br />

Mass<br />

W. B. Pike, late collector, Salem and Bevmly, Mass<br />

W. C. Phillips, collector, Salem and Beverly, Mass .<br />

G. Babson, collector, Gloucester, Mass. .. ..<br />

P. W. Leis. nd, collector, Fall River, Mass.<br />

James Blood, collector, Newburyport, Mass<br />

S. B. Phinney, collector, Barnstable, Mass ..<br />

E. W. Alleu, collector, Nantucket, Mass. . . .<br />

William Bartoll, collector, Marblchead, Mass.<br />

J. S. Whitney, late collector, Boston aud Charlestown,<br />

21am<br />

J. Z. Goodrich, collector, Boston and Charlestown, Mass. .<br />

C. B. H. Fessenden, late collector, New Bedford, Mass<br />

Lawrence Grinnell, collector. Ncsv Bedford, Mass . . . . .<br />

3, 924 23<br />

7& 784 04<br />

208 85<br />

4, 461 18<br />

1, 253 88<br />

1, 094 90<br />

137 52<br />

140 70<br />

257 50<br />

489 88<br />

13& 664 44<br />

785 78<br />

122 51<br />

173, 096 74<br />

30, 367 15<br />

33 63<br />

609 19<br />

92 10<br />

3, 429 35<br />

590 00<br />

5&587 72<br />

2& 204 01<br />

839 76<br />

117 39<br />

56 00<br />

262 97<br />

29, 655 25<br />

2, 700 00<br />

7&783 64<br />

4, 792 49<br />

2, 627 22<br />

1, 807 63<br />

149 49<br />

158 07<br />

3 467 835 79<br />

605. 684 95<br />

4, 765 35<br />

1, 589 15<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . - $4, 381, 160 47 32, 979) 530 78



U'uited Statesfor the ftscal year ending June 30, 1861.<br />


Page.<br />

Payments for the eh)it fist.<br />

81 Compensation and mileage of senators. . .<br />

84 Compensation and mileage of members of the House<br />

of Representatives and delegates.<br />

89 Compensation of ofi]cers, clerks, messengers, Gtc. , re-<br />

ceiving an ann u;&]salary in the service of the Senate<br />

89 Compensation of officers, «]eries, messengers, tkc. , re-<br />

ceiving au annual salary in the service of the House<br />

of Representatives.<br />

89 C]erks to committees, pages, police, horses and carryalls<br />

for the Senate.<br />

89 Stationery for the Senate.<br />

89 Misccl]aneous items for the Senate.<br />

89 Newspapers for the Senate<br />

89 Congressional G]cbe and binding same for the Senate.<br />

89 Reporting proceedings for the Senate. .<br />

89 For thc usual additional compensation to the reporters<br />

of the House and Senate for reporting the proceedings<br />

of the 2d session of the 36th Congress, at 9800<br />

each .<br />

89 Expenses of the heating and ventilating apparatus, including<br />

pay of engineers, firemen, tec. .<br />

89 Binding for the Senate.<br />

89 Lithographing and engraving for the Senate<br />

90 Fixtures for gas au&1 furniture for the committee,<br />

office, and other rooms and apartments<br />

in the north<br />

wing of the Capitol, &&tc<br />

90 Capitol po]ice, Senate.<br />

90 Draughtsmen and clerks on ]and maps, clerks to com-<br />

mittees, 8:c. , House of Representatives ... 90 Stationery for the House of Representatives. 90 Newspapers for the House of Represeutat]ves. . .. ..<br />

90 Misce]]aueous items for the House of Representatives.<br />

90 Fuel, oil, and candles for the House of Representatives<br />

90 Horses, carriages, and saddle-horses for the House of<br />

Representatives .<br />

90 Furniture, repairs, and boxes for members of the<br />

House of Representatives.<br />

90 Pages and mail boys for the House of Representatives.<br />

90 Two nmil boys c, t $900, and the messenger in charge<br />

of the south extension.<br />

90 Laborers for the House of Representatives. 91 Capitol police, House of Representatives. ... .... ....<br />

203, 548 36<br />

581, 540 o9<br />

71, 399 82<br />

81, 248 16<br />

26, 998 82<br />

12, 000 00<br />

23, 000 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

62, 333 32<br />

15, 446 00<br />

3, 200 00<br />

12, 000 00<br />

TG) 560 44<br />

54, 161 35<br />

19, 400 00<br />

9, 296 97<br />

17, 799 19<br />

21, 363 96<br />

12, 500 00<br />

127, 727 28<br />

9, 938 68<br />

6& 000 00<br />

22, 095 79<br />

4, 499 31<br />

3) 300 00<br />

6, 285 00<br />

9, 513 49<br />

Carried forward. . . . . $1, 499, 656 53



Gene& al aeronnt of the;eceipts and expenditures<br />

of the &+zte~<br />


Brouglit forward<br />

G. H. Reynolds, late collector, Bristol and Warren, R. I .<br />

W. H. S. Bayley, collector, Bristol and Warren, R. I<br />

J. A. Aborn, collector, Provideuce, R. I .<br />

Gilbert Chase, late collector, Newport, R. I. .<br />

S. W. Macy, collector, Newport, R. I<br />

M. A. Osborn, late collector, New Haven, Conn<br />

J. S. Babcock, collector, New Haven, Conn<br />

Patrick Fagan, late collector, Middletown,<br />

Oregen Utiey, collector, 51iddlctown, Conn<br />

W. S. Pomeroy, collector, FairQeld, Conn. ..<br />

Conn.<br />

J. P. C. Mather, late collector, iNew London, Conn. .<br />

Edward Prentiss, collector, New London, Conn.<br />

E. Williams, jr. , collector, Stonington, Cour.<br />

P. M. Bromley, collector, Gencsee, N. Y. . .<br />

J. B. Higgins, collector, Oswego, N. Y. .<br />

J. Richardson, late collector, Oswego, N. Y. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

H. B. Smith, collector, Champlain, N, Y<br />

Horace Moody, collector, Oswegatchie, N. Y.<br />

G. P. Eddy, collector, Niagara, N. Y. . . .<br />

J. M. Terbcll, collector, Sag Harbor, N. Y<br />

O. F. Dickinson, collector, Dunl-irk, N. Y . . . . .<br />

Hiram Barney, collector, New York, N. Y. . .<br />

Augustus Schell, late collector, New York, N. Y. . . . . . . . .<br />

Warren Bryant, late collector, BuQ'slo Creek, i%. Y. .<br />

C. Metz, jr. , collector, BuQ'alo Creek, N. Y.<br />

W. Howland, collector, Sackett's Harbor, N. Y.<br />

T. Peugnet, collector, Cape Vincent, N. Y<br />

T. B. Atkinson, collector, Camden, N. J<br />

S. Birdsell, collector, Camden, N. J. . .<br />

Amos Robbins, collector, Perth Amboy, N. J. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

J. S. Boggs, collector, Perth Amboy, N. J. . „.<br />

E, T. Hillyer, collector, Newark, N. J. . .<br />

T. D. Winner, collector, Great Lrgg Harbor, N. J. . . .<br />

J. S. Jennings, collector, Little Egg Harbor, N. J.<br />

H. J. Ashmore, collector, Burlington, N. J. .<br />

William S. Bowen, collector, Bridgetown, N. J<br />

C. M. Tibbals, collector, Presque Isle, Pa. .<br />

J. Brawley, late collector, Presque Isle, Pa.<br />

M, Whallon, late collector, Presque Isle, Pa.<br />

W. B. Thomas, collector, Philadelphia, Pa. .<br />

J. B. Baker, late collector, Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

C. W. Batchelor, designated colhctor, Pittsburg, Pa. .<br />

J. A. Gibson, late designated collector, Pittsburg, Pa.<br />

4) 381, 160<br />

7, 2'75<br />

1, 031<br />

40, 31S<br />

12, 878<br />

319<br />

71, 047<br />

13, 325<br />

12, 667<br />

551<br />

902<br />

8, 13Z<br />

64<br />

172<br />

1, 385<br />

4, 964<br />

8, 000<br />

26, 433<br />

2, 443<br />

4, 848<br />

1, 200<br />

112<br />

2, 891, 098<br />

25, 509, 563<br />

9, 934<br />

1, 692<br />

89<br />

967<br />

433<br />

30<br />

985<br />

283<br />

245<br />

647<br />

364<br />

78<br />

1, 197<br />

Z49<br />

91<br />

8<br />

181, 437<br />

1. 766, 922<br />

179<br />

1, 899<br />

47 32, 979, 530 78<br />

22<br />

90<br />

43<br />

S4<br />

30<br />

43<br />

30<br />

38<br />

00<br />

72<br />

65<br />

00<br />

69<br />

19<br />

12<br />

00<br />

81<br />

46<br />

06<br />

52<br />

95<br />

32<br />

40<br />

75<br />

01<br />

07<br />

63<br />

40<br />

00<br />

60<br />

00<br />

70<br />

00<br />

23<br />

00<br />

80<br />

38<br />

44<br />

10<br />

08<br />

16<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . $34. 967, 142 00 32& 979, 530 78<br />




States for theftseal year erirli»g . 7!s»e 30, 1861 — Conti nuecl.<br />


Brought forward.<br />

Page.<br />

91 Foldin«documents, including pay of folders, tkc„<br />

House of Representatives<br />

91 Binding documents for the House of Representatives<br />

91 Binding documents ordered to be printed by the House<br />

of Representatives during the 33d and 34th Congrcsscs,<br />

and for engravings, and lithographs, and<br />

electrotypes.<br />

91 Cartage for the House of Representatives. . ....<br />

91 Reporting debates for the House of Representatives<br />

91 Engraving, electrotyping, and lithographing for the<br />

House of Representatives.<br />

91 Engraving maps, 6:c. , of surveys for the Pacific railroad<br />

91 Additional compensation to the reporters for thc Congressional<br />

Globe for reporting the proceedings of<br />

the House of Representatives. . .... ..<br />

91 Binding 24 copies of the Congressional Globe and Appendix<br />

for the 2d ression 35th and 1st sessiou 3tith<br />

Congresses<br />

91 For 24 copies of thc Congressional Globe and Appendix<br />

for 2d sessiou 35th and 1st session 36th Con-<br />

gresses<br />

91 To indemnify the clerk for sums expended for books,<br />

under resolution of the House of Representatives of<br />

July 7, 1856, and to enable him, under said resolution,<br />

to furnish each member and delegate.<br />

92 To supply deficiencies in the appropriation for print-<br />

ing, dry pressing, inserting maps and plates, and<br />

bindiug documents ordered during the 33d, 34th,<br />

and 35th Congresses<br />

92 Printing required for the 1st session 36th Congress<br />

92 Printing required for the 2d session 36th Congress. .<br />

92 Paper required for the printing of thc 1st session 36th<br />

Con«ress .<br />

92 Paper required for the printing of the 2d session 36th<br />

Congress<br />

92 Principal anrl assistant librarians and uressengers in<br />

library of Congress.<br />

92 Contingent expenses of the library of Congress.<br />

93 Purchase of books for library of Congress. .<br />

93 Purchase of law books for the library of Congress.<br />

93 For paper, printing, and binding a complete catalogue<br />

of the books in the library of Congress. . . .<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . .<br />

I& 499, 656 53<br />

56, 847 52<br />

91, 154 32<br />

708 75<br />

2, 000 00<br />

10, 118 18<br />

70& 338 64<br />

594 73<br />

4-, 000 00<br />

I, ), 173 34<br />

52, 272 00<br />

6&, 786 00<br />

5, 050 07<br />

47, 525 21<br />

47, 164 67<br />

103, 784 30<br />

134, 213 56<br />

9, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

3. 000 00<br />

1 500 00<br />

1, 363 64<br />

82, 163, 251 46



General account of the receipts and expenrjitures<br />

of the Untte<br />


Brought forward .. . 34,<br />

Jesse Sharpe, collector, Wilmington, Del. ....<br />

Tench Tilghman, collector, Oxford, AId.<br />

H, W. 1Iotfman, collector, Baltimore, Md<br />

J. T. Mason, late collector, Baltimore, Md .<br />

W. B. Morgan, collector, Havre dc Grace, Md.<br />

W. S. Jackson, collector, Vienna, Md.<br />

J. R. Thompson, collector, 'l'own Creek, Md<br />

J. T. Hammond, collector, Anuapo)is, Md.<br />

H. C. Matthews, collector, Georgetown, D. C. ....... ....<br />

Gordon Forbes, collector, Yeocomico, Va<br />

Timothy Rives, collector, Petersburg, Va. ...<br />

J. J. Simkins, collector, Norfolk aud Portsmoutb, Va. ...<br />

A. J. Pannell, designated collector, Wheeling, Va.<br />

J. S. Parker, collector, Cherrystone, Va<br />

E. S. Hough, collector, Alexandria, Va. ... ..<br />

W. M. Harrison, collector, Richmond, Va. .<br />

W. F. Presson, collector, Yorktown, Va . .<br />

G. T. Wright, collector, Tappahannock, Va . . . . .<br />

H. F. Hancocl-, collector, Washington, N. C. . . .<br />

L. D. Starke, collector, Camden, N. C .<br />

Joseph Ramsey, collector, Plymouth, N, C.<br />

W. G. Singleton, collector, Newbern, N. C .<br />

Edmund Wright, collector, Edenton, N. C. . . . . . .<br />

J. C. Gibble, late collector, Beaufort. N. C.<br />

J. T. Miller, collector, WHmington, N. C .<br />

O. S. Dewey, collector, Ocracoke, N. C . . .<br />

W. F. Colcocl&, collector, Charleston, S. C<br />

J. N. Merriman, collector, Georgetown, S. C.<br />

John Boston, collector, Savannah, Ga<br />

F. W. Fleming, collector, Augusta, Ga. . .<br />

Woodford Blabry, collector, Brunswick, Ga . . .<br />

J. A. Baratle, late collector, St. Mary' s, Ga.<br />

Charles Howe, collector, Key West, , Fla, .<br />

J. P. Baldwin, late collector, Key West, 1sla .<br />

Thomas L<strong>edu</strong>itlb collector, St. John's Fla.<br />

Jos. Sierra, collector, Pensacola Fla.<br />

A. B. Noyes collector St. Mark's Fla .<br />

Nathan Baker, collector, Apalacbicola, Fla.<br />

R. J. Floyd, late collector, Apalachicola Fla. .<br />

F. Livingston, collector, Fernandina Fla.<br />

A. J. Decatur, collector, Bayport, Fla . .<br />

Thaddeus Sanford, collector, Mobile, Ala .<br />

J. W. Rhea, collector, Tuscumbia, Ala.<br />

967, 142 00 32, 979, 530 78<br />

9, 257 21<br />

345 87<br />

84, 790 69<br />

874, 033 04-<br />

119 80<br />

685 00<br />

95 25<br />

285 84<br />

1, 565 45<br />

78 93<br />

13, 000 00<br />

11, 461 10<br />

1, 504 84<br />

2o6 28<br />

14, 049 73<br />

58, 142 49<br />

288 86<br />

154 00<br />

617 23<br />

o62 28<br />

1, 083 89<br />

2, 119 79<br />

276 45<br />

31 03<br />

43187S 09<br />

79 16<br />

183, 841 95<br />

601 20<br />

GS, 135 36<br />

12, 725 08<br />

290 23<br />

37 13<br />

925 00<br />

2, 351 86<br />

261 42<br />

13)410 91<br />

1, 008 23<br />

Gi 882 73<br />

2, 330 30<br />

13, 257 16<br />

3 80<br />

G3, 877 58<br />

385 44<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . . . . 836, 456, 229 68<br />

32 979 530 78


S(ates for elec ftscal year euding Juue 30, 1861 — Continued.<br />


Brought forward<br />

Page.<br />

93 Compensation of the Superintendent of Public Printing<br />

and clerks and messengers in his office .<br />

93 Blank books, stationery, postage, &c, for oflice of the<br />

Superinteudent of Public Printing ..<br />

93 To supply the deficiency in the appropriatious heretofore<br />

made for printing ordered by the Senate and<br />

House of Representativ s at the 1st session of the<br />

36th Congress, and for paper for the same<br />

94 To enable the Superintendent of Public Printiu ~ to<br />

carry into effect the joint resolution in relation to<br />

public printing.<br />

94 Salaries of three judges of the Court of Claims, the<br />

solicitor, assistant solicitor, deputy solicitor, clerks,<br />

&<br />

94 Stationery, fuel, gas, labor, printing, and miscellaneous<br />

items for the Court of Claims<br />

94 Commissioner's fees for tal'ing testimony in behalf of<br />

the government, and fees of witnesses, 8rc. , in the<br />

Court of Claims<br />

&J4 American State Papers, act June 25, 1860 .<br />

94 Salary of the President of the United States<br />

94 Salary of the Vice-President of the United )States . . . .<br />

94 Private secretary, stcwanl, and messenger to the Presi-<br />

d<br />

95 Contingent expenses of thc Executive office, including<br />

stationery, &c<br />

95 Salary of secretary to sign patents fo&' public lauds<br />

95 Salary of the Secretary of State .<br />

95 Salary of the Assistant Secretary of State. ..... ...<br />

95 Clerks, messengers, snd laborers in thc office of Secretary<br />

of State<br />

95 Extra clerk hire and copying in the State Department.<br />

96 Stationery, blank books, binding, furniture, &c. , for<br />

the State Department<br />

96 Newspapers for the State Department .<br />

96 Miscellaneous items for the State Department. ..<br />

96 Publishing the laws in pamphlet form and in the newspapers,<br />

&c. , for the State Department ......<br />

97 Copper-ph&te printing. books, end maps for the State<br />

Department .<br />

97 Proof-reading, packing, and distributing la)vs and<br />

docun&ents, &c. , for the State Department<br />

Carrie&1 forward. ..<br />

2, 163, 251 46<br />

9, 713 99<br />

2, 850 00<br />

174, 141 75<br />

135, 000 00<br />

27, 879 66<br />

4, 000 00<br />

4, 464 40<br />

290, 540 37<br />

23, 097 83<br />

7, 333 00<br />

4, 428 99<br />

559<br />

1, 500 00<br />

7, 955 . )2<br />

2, 999 98<br />

45, 839 68<br />

3, 000 00<br />

11, 012 71<br />

749 2;)<br />

2, 726 57<br />

21, 025 50<br />

1, 142 32<br />

1, 749 20<br />

«2, 946, 9&)1 44


General account of the receipts and expenditures<br />

of t«e<br />


Brought forward. .<br />

J. Baraldson, designated collector, Selma, Ala.<br />

Pobert Eager, collector, Pearl River, Miss<br />

John Bobb, collector, Vicksburg, Miss<br />

W. D. Roy, late collector, Vicl-sburg, Miss .<br />

F. H. Hatch, collector, New Orleans, La. .<br />

R. N. McMillan, collector, Teche, La. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

D. M. Stapp, collector, Saluria, Texas<br />

E. W. Wallace, collector, Saluria, Texas.<br />

Hamilton Stuart, collector, Galveston, Texas. .<br />

F. W. Latham, collector, Brazos de Santiago, Texas ..<br />

S. J. Jones, collector, Paso del Nor te, Texas ..<br />

A. W. Lamb, designated collector, Hannibal, Mo<br />

R. J. Howard, collector, St. Louis, Mo .<br />

D. H. Donovan, late collector, St. Louis, Mo<br />

Franl- Stewart, designated collector, Columbus, Ey. .<br />

W. N. Haldeman, designated collector, Louisville, Ey<br />

Wm. Nolen, designated collector, Paducah, Ey<br />

Jesse Thomas, designated collector, Nashville& Tenn<br />

H. T. Hulbert, designs, te&i collector, Memphis, Tenn<br />

H. F. Cooper, designated collector, Chattanooga, Tenn<br />

S. G. Patterson, collector Sandusky, Ohio<br />

J. A. Jones, late collector, Sandusl'y, Ohio .<br />

Robert Parks, collector, Cuyahoga, Ohio . .<br />

B. Brownell, late collector, Cuyahoga, Ohio.<br />

E. T. Carson, desiguated collector, Cincinnati, Ohio<br />

T. J. Sherlocl-, late designated collector, Cincinnati, Ohio<br />

E. D. Potter, collector, Mia, mi, Ohio<br />

Chas. Denby, designated collector, Evansville, Ind<br />

Daniel Warm, designated collector, Galena, Ill.<br />

Julius White, collector, Chicago, Ill .<br />

B. F. Strother, late collector, ('hicago, Ill.<br />

Thos. Benneson, desi»nated collector, Quincy, Ill<br />

N. G. Isbell, collector, Detroit, Iiich.<br />

R. W. Davis, late collector, Detroit, Mich .<br />

M. Shoemaker, late collector, Detroit, Mich<br />

J. A. T. Wendell, collector, Michilimackinac, Mich. . .<br />

Edwin Palmer, collector, Milwaukie, Wis<br />

G. W. Clasen, la, te collector, 5Iilwaukie, Wis ..<br />

M, H. Frost, collector, Puget's Sound, W. T. .<br />

B. Brittain, collector, Port Orford, Oregon. .<br />

John Adair, collector, Astoria, Oregon. .<br />

'I'. B. Storer, collector, Sonoma, Cal<br />

H. Hancock, collector, San Diego, Cal .... ..<br />

36, 4oG, 229 68 32, 979& 530 78<br />

168 94<br />

130 40<br />

14& 26Z 05<br />

496 83<br />

1, 345, 044 04<br />

136 80<br />

3, 476 87<br />

64 12<br />

41, 520 37<br />

6, 972 28<br />

9, 502 00<br />

21 10<br />

3& 366 19<br />

107, 982 60<br />

19, 787 40<br />

14, 136 39<br />

127 00<br />

3, 374 82<br />

11, 534 78<br />

10& 471 80<br />

447 28<br />

94<br />

84 60<br />

9& 319 10<br />

4, 619 15<br />

49, 771 90<br />

351 52<br />

3, 475 4G<br />

696 00<br />

1, 377 '76<br />

46, 677 57<br />

5, 808 21<br />

4, 015 45<br />

65, 989 39<br />

956 43<br />

426 02<br />

642 G7<br />

2, 224 43<br />

2, 647 21<br />

33 84<br />

1, 197 70<br />

44 52<br />

9 94<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . --. . . $38, 249'GZ3 55 32, 979, 530 78


Stagesfvr fhe fiscal year ending Jane 30, 1861 — Continue&1.<br />

Page.<br />

Brought forward<br />


97 To enable the Secretary of State to purchase 50 copies<br />

each of volumes 20 and 21 of Howard's Reports of<br />

the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United<br />

States . ....<br />

97 For 150 copies of volume 23 of IIoward's Reports of<br />

Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States<br />

97 Compensation of four watchmen and two laborers in<br />

northeast executive building .<br />

97 Fuel, lights, and repairs, northeast executive building.<br />

98 8alary of the Secretary of the Treasu&y ..<br />

98 Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. .<br />

98 Clerks, messengers, and laborers in the oflice of the<br />

Secretary of the Treasury<br />

98 Copying, blank books, stationery, Rc. , for ihe oNce<br />

of the Secretary of the Treasury.<br />

98 Icirst Comptroller of the Treasury ..<br />

98 Clerks, messengers, and laborers in the oNce of the<br />

First Comptroller<br />

98 Furniture, blank books, binding, stationery, &c. , for<br />

the oNce of the First Comptroller. 98 Second Comptroller of the Treasury ..<br />

99 Clerks, messengers, and laborers in the oNcc of the<br />

Second Coruptroller<br />

99 Blank books, binding, stationery, Rc. , for the oNce of<br />

Second Comptroller.<br />

99 First Auditor of thc Treasury. ....<br />

99 Clerks, messengers, and laborers in the oflice of First<br />

Auditor<br />

99 Blanl- books, binding, stationery, Rc. , for the oNce<br />

of First Auditor.<br />

99 Second Auditor of the Treasury.<br />

99 Clerks, messengers, and laborers in the oNce of<br />

Second Auditor<br />

99 Blank books, binding, stationery, &c. , for the oNcc<br />

of Second Auditor.<br />

99 Third Auditor of the Treasury.<br />

99 Clerks, messengers, and laborers iu the oNce of Third<br />

Auditor<br />

99 Blank books, binding, stationery, Rc. , for oNce of<br />

Third Auditor.<br />

100 Fourth Auditor of thc Treasury. .. .<br />

100 Clerks, messengers, and laborers in thc oNce of Fourth<br />

Auditor<br />

Carried forward.<br />

2, 946, 961 44<br />

500 00<br />

750 00<br />

3, 600 00<br />

3, 285 81<br />

8, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

37, 041 00<br />

14, 000 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

24-, 651 54<br />

1, 700 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

23, 402 72<br />

500 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

32, 940 00<br />

1, 450 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

32, 309 77<br />

1, 800 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

127, 249 85<br />

2, 440 06<br />

2, 956 10<br />

24, 438 58<br />

$3, 308, 476 Si


Gene) al account of the receipts and expenditures<br />

of tke<br />


Brought forward.<br />

J. A. Watson, collector, iklonterey, Cal<br />

Lewis Saunders, jr. , collector, Sacramento, Cal .<br />

P. H. Downey, collector, San Pedro, Cal.<br />

I. P. Rankin, collector, San Francisco, Cal . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

B. F. Washington, late collector, San Francisco, Cal.<br />

S. J. Jones, collector, Las Cruses, N. M. . . . . .<br />

Sales of I&attic 1&t&t&fs.<br />

From receivers of public moneys:<br />

L. M. Stifi, Centre, Ala.<br />

J. W. Warren, Tuscaloosa, Ala .<br />

T. E. Herbert, Greenville, Ala.<br />

S. M. Torbert, Demopolis, Ala .<br />

R. T. Cov&k, Elba, Ala.<br />

E. 51. Hastiugs, Montgontery, Ala, . .<br />

John Peeble, St. Stephens, Ala.<br />

J. S. Nance, Huntsville, Ala<br />

R. D. Haden, Columbus, Miss.<br />

W. N. Whitehurst, Washington, Miss.<br />

J. J. Gage, Grenada, , Miss<br />

R. A. Clark, Jackson, Miss .<br />

A. R. Carter. Paulding, Miss<br />

John Posey, Opelousas, La<br />

John Laplace, Natchitoches,<br />

Ls,<br />

T. C. Hunt, late, Natchitoches, La . . . .<br />

H. W. Palfrey, New Orleans, La<br />

J. B. iZIcClen&ion, Greeiisburg, La<br />

C. H. Dabbs, ZIonroe, La.<br />

G. Purvis. late, Monroe, La .<br />

W. A. Bevens, Batesville, Ark. . .<br />

J. L. Dickson, Huntsville, late, Fayetteville,<br />

Arkansas .<br />

Daniel Critfin, Washington, Ark<br />

W. T. Sargent, Champagnole, Ark. .<br />

M. Rose, Clarksville, Ark .<br />

P. T. Crutchfield, Little Rock, Ark.<br />

G. Helvenston, Newmaosville, Fla<br />

ZI. Post, Tampa, Fla .<br />

A. L. Woodward, Tallahassee, Fla<br />

F. P. Ferreira, St. Augustine, Fla.<br />

J. S. Dougherty, St. Louis, iZIo. .<br />

T. J. Bishop, Springfield, Zlo. .<br />

14, 916 62<br />

11, 378 47<br />

29, 032 57<br />

9, 608 0&)<br />

8, 613 6G<br />

6, 177 80<br />

5, 401 70<br />

8, 895 35<br />

17, 243 45<br />

1, 989 15<br />

4, 025 16<br />

334 52<br />

11, 394 2Z<br />

41, 780 90<br />

29, 181 47<br />

7, 054 23<br />

1, 337 83<br />

10, 303 60<br />

18, 459 77<br />

6, 660 t)0<br />

15, 685 44<br />

26, 787 56<br />

38, 500 00<br />

64, 269 59<br />

29, 317 65<br />

28, 640 G7<br />

3, 04;i 00<br />

1, 093 91<br />

5, 310 41<br />

717 10<br />

2, 556 71<br />

o& 949 61<br />

38 249 623 55 3Z, 979& 530 78<br />

8 65<br />

11G 60<br />

25 19<br />

134& 229 46<br />

1, 196, 724 09<br />

I& 398 00<br />

39, 58'2, 125 64<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . 8465, 668 12 39, 582, 125 64 32, 979, 53()


States for the giseu~ year endir&g Auric 30, 1861 — Continuerl.<br />

BY EXPE'&&r" ITl RES.<br />

Brought forward. . . . . . . . . 3, 308, 476 87<br />

Page,<br />

100 Stationery, books, bindiug, 6ic. for the office of Fourth<br />

&<br />

Auditor<br />

100 Expenses of removing the oNce of Fourth Auditor<br />

100 Fifth Auditor of the Treasury . . . . . . .<br />

100 Clerks, messengers, and laborers in the office of Fifth<br />

Au&litor<br />

100 Blank books, binding, stationery, 8cc. , for thc office of<br />

Fifth Auditor.<br />

101 Sixth Auditor of the Treasury<br />

101 Clerl s, messengers, and laborers in the office of Sixth<br />

Auditor<br />

101 Blank books, binding, stationery, 6ic. , for the office<br />

of Sixth Auditor<br />

101 Treasurer of the United States .<br />

101 Clerks, messengers, and laborers in office of the Troasurer.<br />

102 Blcnl books, binding, stationery, 8ic. , for office of<br />

the Treasurer<br />

102 Bcgister of the Treasury<br />

102 Clerks, messengers, and laborers in the office of thc<br />

Register .<br />

102 Ruling and full binding books for recording, &c. ,<br />

blanl.<br />

books, 6ic. , for office of the Register.<br />

102 Solicitor of the Treasury.<br />

102 Clerks, messengers, and laborers in tlie office of the<br />

Solicitor<br />

102 Blank books, binding, stationery, etc. , for office of the<br />

Solicitor.<br />

102 Commissioner of Customs.<br />

102 Clerks, messengers, and laborers in the office of Com-<br />

for<br />

missioner of Customs.<br />

103 Blank books, binding, stationery, tkc. , for the ofhce of<br />

Commissioner of Customs<br />

103 Clerks, messengers, aud laborers in the office of thc<br />

Light-house Board<br />

103 Blank books, binding, stationery, postage, &c.<br />

&<br />

the office of Light-house Board.<br />

103 Compensation of 8 watchmen and 9 laborers in the<br />

si&uthcast executive building .<br />

103 Fuel, light, repairs, and niiscelhinecus contingent<br />

expenses of ibe southeast executive building<br />

1, 000 00<br />

3 508 55<br />

3, 000 00<br />

14, 342 98<br />

800 00<br />

2, 829 67<br />

167, 884 23<br />

8, 317 23<br />

3, 000 00<br />

21, 250 46<br />

768 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

48, 636 04<br />

5, 864 94<br />

3, cOO OO<br />

13, 011 82<br />

2, 000 00<br />

3& 000 00<br />

li, 354 34<br />

1, 200 00<br />

9, 223 33<br />

6OO OO<br />

13, 800 00<br />

11, 000 00<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . $3, 670, 368 46

¹ B.<br />


General account of the receipts and exyenCitures<br />

of the Untte~<br />


Brought forward.<br />

J. J. Turnbaugh, Jackson, Mo.<br />

E. E. Buckner, Boonville, Mo. . . . . . .<br />

N. B. Holden, Warsaw, Mo.<br />

J. S. Houston, late, Plattsburg, Mo.<br />

A. Eaton, Stevens's Point, Wis ~. . . .<br />

A. G. Ellis, late, Stevens's Point, Wis. . . .<br />

M. Barlow, La Crosse, Wis<br />

T. Rodolf, late, La Crosse, Wis<br />

J. D. Reymert, Hudson, Wis<br />

J. E. Perkins, Eau Clare, Wis<br />

Boyden, Eau Clare, Wis .. . ... J. D. Reymert, Falls of St. Croix, AVis. . .<br />

Samuel Ryan, Meuasha, Wis. .<br />

T. R. Spencer, Hayfiel& Wis<br />

J. H. McKenny& Chatfield, Minn. . .<br />

John Whipple, Portland, Minn. .<br />

igl, H. Abbott, Cambridge, Minn. ..<br />

S. E. Adams, St. Cloud, Minn. .<br />

S. L. Hayes, St. Cloud, Minn.<br />

George Bradley, 1 orest City, Minn. .<br />

J. D. Evans, late, I'crest City, Minn.<br />

William Sawyer, Otter Tail City, Minn<br />

W. H. Mower, Sun Pise City, gfinn. .<br />

C. Graham, Henderson, Minn.<br />

B. F. Tillotson, St. Peter, Minn.<br />

J. Kern, St. Peter, 'Minn. ..<br />

W. L. P. Little, East Saginaw, Mich. .<br />

E. Warner, Marquette, Mich. . . .<br />

J. Beeson, late, Detroit, Mich<br />

G. S. Frost, late, Detroit, Mich<br />

H. K. Sangcr, Detroit, glich<br />

H. J. Wilson, Ionia, Mich<br />

J. C. Dexter, Ionia, glich<br />

O. A. Stevens, Tra, verse City, Mich<br />

James Compton, Jlarysville, Cal. . . .<br />

C. Lindley, late, iih&rysville, Cal<br />

Joseph Hopkins, Jlarysville, Ca 1<br />

G. W. Hook, Humboldt, Cal.<br />

T. Baker, Yisalia, Cal<br />

W. B. iVorman, Stockton, Cal.<br />

P. P&equette, San Francisco, Cal. . .<br />

A. L. Lovejoy, Oregon City, Oregon. .<br />

W. J. Jlartin, Roseburg, Oregon .<br />

465& 668 12 3g, 582, 125 64 32, 979, 530 78<br />

14, 409 29<br />

1, 489 44<br />

14&178 64<br />

650 00<br />

286 56<br />

4, 322 90<br />

366 70<br />

20, 788 39<br />

479 11<br />

1, 100 37<br />

633 42<br />

1, 425 58<br />

6, 223 73<br />

249 37<br />

19& 120 53<br />

81G 99<br />

292 62<br />

9, 55G 12<br />

273 03<br />

ll, iill 55<br />

1, 092 02<br />

219 92<br />

2& 499 08<br />

34&403 11<br />

28, 501 78<br />

286 81<br />

8, 513 54<br />

6, 398 53<br />

1, 512 18<br />

7, 996 42<br />

213 08<br />

7, g5p 18<br />

265 00<br />

5& 191 41<br />

19, 000 00<br />

222 00<br />

21, 046 02<br />

19, 151 94<br />

7, 950 00<br />

18 925 30<br />

3, 600 00<br />

830 32<br />

850:)2<br />

Carried forward. $(70&561 62 39, 582, 125 64 32 gg7 53p 78

gtzztegf0r<br />


the fiscal year czzdizg zJu'zze 30, 1861 — Continneck.<br />


Brought forwa& d. . . . . 8, 670, 868 46<br />

Page.<br />

103 Fuel and miscellaneous items for the southeast executive<br />

building.<br />

103 Salary of the Secretary of the Interior.<br />

103 Clerks, messengers, and laborers in the once of the<br />

Secretary of the Interior .<br />

103 Blank bool-s, stationery, &c. , for the once of thc<br />

Secretary of the Interior.<br />

103 Commissioner of the General Land OKce.<br />

103 Recorder, draughtsman, assistant draughtsman, clerks,<br />

messenger, &c. . in the General Land Office . .<br />

103 Additional clerks in the General Land Oflice, under<br />

act of March 3, 1855, granting bounty lands, &c<br />

103 Cash system, &c. , under laws prior to September 28,<br />

1850, for patents and other records, tract books and<br />

blank books, for this and the district land offices<br />

104 Fuel, lights, and incidental expenses, including pay<br />

of l-eepers, &c. , of the General Land Office.<br />

104 Commissioner of Indian Affairs<br />

104 Clerks, messengers, &c. , in the office of the Commis-<br />

sioner of Indian. Affairs.<br />

104 Extra clerk hire for the service of the Indian office,<br />

per act of August 5, 1854<br />

104 One clerk in the Ind. ia, n office, employed under act of<br />

March 3, granting bounty lands to Indians. ... .<br />

104 Blank books, binding, stationery, fuel, lights, &c., for<br />

the Indian office .. .<br />

l04 Commissioner of Pensions<br />

l04 (lerks, messengers, &c. , in the office of the Commis-<br />

sioner of Pensions.<br />

l04 Stationery, binding, furniture, &c. , for. the Pension<br />

0 fIice. . .<br />

f04 Commissioner<br />

of Public Buil. dings<br />

I. 04 Clerks in the office oi the Coinmissioner of Public<br />

B ' uildings.<br />

I. 05 Messenger in the office of the Commissioner of Public<br />

Buildings.<br />

l. 05 Stationery, bool-s, plans, drawings, &c. , for the office<br />

of the Commissioner<br />

of Public Buildings<br />

. 05 Surveyor general of Florida.<br />

-o5 Clerks, &c. , in office of surveyor general of 1'lorida--<br />

. 05 Surveyor gencraI of Louisiana<br />

. 05 Clerks, & . , in office of surveyor gener il of Louisiana-<br />

Carried forward. . . --------<br />

1 750 00<br />

8, 000 00<br />

28, 900 00<br />

6, 500 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

170, 890 00<br />

5', 400 00<br />

56, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

3) 000 00<br />

28, 940 00<br />

(, 0 IO 00<br />

1) 400 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

106, 340 00<br />

15) 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1, 400 00<br />

1, 166 6T<br />

250 00<br />

1)500 00<br />

2, 585 87<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 250 00<br />

S4, 186, 591


Creneral account of the receipts and ezpendi tures of tk<br />

Brought forward<br />

J. G. Weeks Fort des Zfoines. Iow<br />

Isaac Cooper, late, Fort des Moines, Iowa<br />

A. H. Palmer, Council BlufFs, Iowa,<br />

R. Means, Sioux City, Iowa<br />

C. W. Hobbs, late, Osage, Iowa.<br />

T. Sargent, Fort Dodge, Iowa.<br />

T. McNally, Chil icothe, Ohio<br />

C. C, Campbell, Indianapolis, Ind<br />

A. G. Herndon, Springfield, I 1 1 .<br />

G. K. Green, Vincennes, Ind<br />

G. J. Clark, Fort Scott, Kansas<br />

F. Patterson, Junction City, Kansas<br />

W. Brindle, Lecompton, Kansas<br />

P. F. Wi!ron, Omaha City, N. T.<br />

A. B. Gilmore, Omaha, City, N. T<br />

C. B. Smith, Brownsville, N. T.<br />

B. M. Truinbull, N&. brasks, City, N. T<br />

E. A . Desi onde, late, Nebrs slca City, N . T<br />

A. . H. Jackson, Dakota, N. T<br />

G. B. Gruff, late, Dakota, , N. T. .<br />

S. Garfield, Olympia, W. T<br />

The Secretary of the Interior, being the<br />

balance of an unexpended sum of<br />

$43, 000 paid by A. J. Isaacs for fonr sections<br />

of laud purchs. sed of the Christians,<br />

act June 8, 1858<br />

TO RKCEIP'I'S .<br />

3Ioneys reccrbed on account of fees of consuls.<br />

stantinopleple<br />

George Bray ton, consul at Lahaina<br />

A. G. Chandler, late consul at Lahaina<br />

Thos. Dunn, late consul at Foo-Choo<br />

S. L. Gouverneur, jr. , consul at Foo-Choo.<br />

J. L. Dickson, late commercial agent at<br />

Apia<br />

C. W. Dabney, consul at Fayal<br />

James McDowell, consul at Constantinople.<br />

Alexander Thompson, vice-consul at Con-<br />

J. P. Brown, acting vice-consul at Constantinople<br />

Albert Pillsbury, consul at Halifax<br />

S. S. Remark, consul at Trieste<br />

D. M. Huckins, consul at Cape Town<br />

770, 561<br />

245<br />

27 181<br />

4, 715<br />

1, 150<br />

1, 090<br />

2, 607<br />

2, 960<br />

2 19<br />

1 1, 432<br />

330<br />

1 1, G96<br />

9, 037<br />

7, 535<br />

5, 321<br />

565<br />

4, 000<br />

683<br />

1, 621<br />

450<br />

469<br />

33 6<br />

31, 448 22<br />

6Z 39, 582, 125 64 3Z, 979, 530 ill<br />

00<br />

48<br />

8 7<br />

00<br />

9 1<br />

50<br />

0 6<br />

00<br />

2 9<br />

00<br />

35<br />

2 8<br />

97<br />

44<br />

2 1<br />

1 5<br />

2 9<br />

33<br />

00<br />

5 1<br />

06<br />

37 59<br />

494 40<br />

50 47<br />

I 1G 10<br />

53 91<br />

478 92<br />

24 00<br />

170 79<br />

1, 041 81<br />

912 03<br />

477 19<br />

139 85<br />

870, 658 54<br />

Carried forward<br />

33, 967 40 452r 784 18 32r 979 530 'll

PiECEIP'1 8 A's'D<br />


8lafes fur the fi. seal year cni7in«Jaime 30, 18fil — Continued.<br />


Brought forward.<br />

page.<br />

105 Surveyor general of Wisconsin and Iowa.<br />

105 Clerks, &c. , in office of surveyor general of Wisconsin<br />

and Iowa.<br />

105 Surveyor general of Illinois and Missouri. .......<br />

105 Clerks, &c., in office of surveyor general of Illinois<br />

and Missouri.<br />

106 Clerks, &c. , in office of surveyor general of Minnesota<br />

106 Surveyor general of Kansas and Nebraska .<br />

106 Clerks, &c. , in office of surveyor general of Kansas<br />

and Nebraska.<br />

106 Office rent, fuel, &c. , for surveyor general of Kansas<br />

and Nebraska.<br />

106 Eor binding field-notes and records of surveys in the<br />

office of thc surveyor general of Kansas and Ne-<br />

braska, clerks, &c<br />

106 Surveyor general of Minnesota<br />

106 Surveyor general of New Mexico. . . .<br />

107 Clerks, &c. , in ofiice of surveyor general of New<br />

Mexico<br />

107 Rent of surveyor general's oNce in New Mexico,<br />

fuel, books, &c<br />

107 Translator in the office of surveyor general of New<br />

Mexico .<br />

107 Surveyor general of Utah Territory .... ...<br />

107 Clerks, &c. , in the oihce of the surveyor general of<br />

Utah. ....<br />

107 Rent of the surveyor general's office in Utah<br />

107 Surveyor general of California<br />

107 Clerks, &c., in the office of the surveyor general of<br />

California.<br />

108 Rent of surveyor general's office in California, fuel,<br />

books, &c<br />

108 Surveyor general of Oregon<br />

108 Clerks, &c. , in the oNce of the surveyor general of<br />

Oregon<br />

108 Bent of surveyor general's office in Oregon, fuel,<br />

books, &c<br />

108 Surveyor general of Washington Territory<br />

108 Clerks, &c. , in the office of tlie surveyor general of<br />

6'asking ton Terri iory<br />

4, 186, 591 00<br />

2, 307 69<br />

6, 300 00<br />

2, 142 85<br />

3, 743 3$<br />

7, 152 9li<br />

I, 901 09<br />

6s 108 15<br />

1, 889 G5<br />

107 00<br />

2, Oii5 93<br />

3, 000 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

2, 319 18<br />

1, 826 09<br />

3. 000 00<br />

2, G60 60<br />

1, 929 70<br />

3, 375 00<br />

10, 70G 52<br />

2, 262 5:i<br />

2, 625 00<br />

3. 950 00<br />

2, 715 Ot<br />

3, 000 00<br />

3, 400 00<br />

Carricil forward. . . . . - 64, 271, 079 23



Genera1 account og the receipts ancg eapenrlitrzr<br />

es og thc<br />

Brought forward. . . . .<br />

G. S. Holmes, late consul at Cape Town<br />

P. A. Stockton, consul at Leipsic<br />

R. G. Barnwell, consul at Amsterdam<br />

. J. W, squiggle, consul at Antwerp. . . .<br />

Joel White, consul at Lyons .<br />

L. W. Viollier, vice-consul at Lyons<br />

A. B. Corwine, consul at Panama .<br />

W, B. S. Moo&e, consul general at Montreal<br />

W. L. Patterson, consul at Genoa<br />

J. P. M. Eppiug, consul at Elsinore .<br />

J. T. Pickett, consul at Vera Cruz.<br />

Charles Riel-er, vice-consul at Vera Cruz<br />

Sam'1 Ricker, consul general at Frankforton-the-Main.<br />

John Somers Smith, consul at Malaga<br />

John Endlich, consul at Basle .<br />

Andrew Ten Brook, consul at Munich<br />

T. T. Tunstall, consul at Cadiz .<br />

Isaac Winston, consul at Kingston<br />

A 1 ex. Derbes, consul at Marseilles.<br />

R. H. Bayle, consul at Montevideo<br />

J. A. Johnson, consul at Beirut. .<br />

J. G. Willis, commercial agent at St. Paul<br />

de Loando .<br />

C. A. Less, consul at Revel.<br />

George V. Brown, consul at Monrovia. . . .<br />

-John Seys, vice. commercial agent at Monrovia<br />

.<br />

I. S. McMicken, late consul at Acapulco. .<br />

X). B. Van Brunt, late vice-consul at Acapulco<br />

Wm. Thompson, consul at Southampton .<br />

A. G. Carothers, consul at Turk's Island<br />

J. S. Crisson, late vice-consul at Turk's<br />

Island<br />

George Vail, consul at Glasgow<br />

Richmond Inuring, commercial agent at<br />

Aux Cayes .<br />

G. W. Fish, consul at Ningpoo<br />

D. H. Guyon, vice-consul at Aspinwall<br />

D. A. Robinson, jr. , consul at Aspinwall. . .<br />

R. C. Campbell, consul at London. . . . . . .<br />


3, 997 06 40, 452, 784 18 32, 979, . 530 78<br />

123 83<br />

915 00<br />

141 45<br />

1, 403 98<br />

192 00<br />

498 00<br />

755 11<br />

338 17<br />

627 05<br />

78 34<br />

155 03<br />

435 43<br />

384 00<br />

623 66<br />

1, 082 75<br />

122 78<br />

657 24<br />

143 95<br />

1, 221 25<br />

150 97<br />

60 27<br />

146 00<br />

1 00<br />

21 50<br />

136 58<br />

53 37<br />

174 80<br />

802 35<br />

77 40<br />

225 58<br />

2, 085<br />

505 06<br />

24 68<br />

563 22<br />

447 45<br />

754 94<br />

Carried forward . . $20, 126 68 40, 452, 784 18 32, 979 530 78


&i&ates for the fiscal I ear &i&!Chng f»«& 30, 1861 — C&&ntinue&l.<br />


Brought forward. .<br />

page.<br />

108 Bent of surveyor general's office in Washii&gton Territory,<br />

fuel, 6rc<br />

108 Extra clerks and draughtsmen in tbe office of the surveyors<br />

general, to be apportioned according to the<br />

exigencies of the public service.<br />

109 Salary of the Secretary of War<br />

109 Clerks, messengers, and laborers in the office of the<br />

Secretary of i&Var.<br />

109 Blank books, stationery, books, maps, plans, extra<br />

clerk hire, 6rc, for oNce of Secretary of War. ..<br />

109 Clerks and messengers in the office of the Adjutant<br />

General<br />

109 Blank books, binding, 6rc. , for the office of the Adjujutaut<br />

General<br />

110 Clerks and messengers in thc office of the Quartermaster<br />

General.<br />

110 Blank books, binding, 6tc. , for the oifice of the Quartermaster<br />

General<br />

110 Clerl-s and messengers in the oifice of the Paymaster<br />

General .<br />

110 Clerks, messengers, 6rc. , in the office of Commissary<br />

General of Subsistence.<br />

110 Clerks and messengers in the office of the Surgeon<br />

General<br />

110 Blank books, binding, stationery, Rc. , for office of<br />

Surgeon General<br />

110 Clerks and messengers in the office of Topographical<br />

Engineers .<br />

110 Blanl. books, binding, stationery, 6ic. , for the office<br />

of Topogrs, phical Engineers<br />

110 Clerks and messenger in the office of thc Chief Engi-<br />

neer<br />

110 Blank books, binding, stationery, &kc. , for ofHce of<br />

Chief Engineer<br />

110 Clerks and messenger in the office of the Colonel of<br />

Ordnance.<br />

110 Blank books, binding, stationery, 6rc. , for offiic«of<br />

Colonel of Ordnance.<br />

110 Compensation of four watchmen and two laborers for<br />

the northwest executive building<br />

111 Fuel, lights, and niisccllaneous items for the northwest<br />

executive building<br />

Carried forward.<br />

4, 271, 079 23<br />

1, 111 93<br />

23, 710 04<br />

8, 000 00<br />

15& 400 00<br />

5, 500 00<br />

14, 830 21<br />

2, 000 00<br />

16, 392 52<br />

I, 200 00<br />

11, 212 38<br />

10, 016 38<br />

5, 204 38<br />

400 00<br />

9, 040 00<br />

1& 200 00<br />

8, 381 38<br />

900 00<br />

12& 087 63<br />

250 00<br />

3, 300 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

$4& i 2;&. 216 08


General account og the receipts and, expenditures<br />

og tke usted<br />

Brought forward. .<br />

Beverley Tucker, consul at Liverpool . . . .<br />

C. De Ronceray, consul at San Juan.<br />

G. Eustis Hubbard, commercial agent at<br />

Cape Haytien<br />

Robert Bayman, consul at Madeira<br />

Edwin De Leon, consul at Alexandria. . . .<br />

T. W. Rountrce, consul at La Rochelle. .<br />

Lervis Joel, corsul at Cobija<br />

J. A. Binda, consul at Leghorn. .<br />

W. H. Morse, consul at St. Jago, Cape de<br />

Verde<br />

G. H. Leavenworth, consul at Bay of<br />

Islands<br />

Caleb Croswell, consul at St. Petersburgh<br />

Etobert Dowling, consul at Cork<br />

Duncan Macauley, consul at Manchester. .<br />

W. K. Page, consul at Jerusalem<br />

R. A. Edes, consul at Pernambuco.<br />

R. Runnels, consul at Ran Juan del Sur.<br />

William Trevitt, consul at Callao.<br />

C. H. Lay, late vice-consul at Callao<br />

J. F. Maguire, consul at Melbourne . . . . .<br />

Abel French, consul at Aix la Chapelle.<br />

J. W. Magill, consul at Sabanilla<br />

J. N. Lewis, consul at 1'ort au Prince<br />

C. W. Bradley, consul at Ningpoo<br />

J. P. O' Sullivan, consul at Singapore<br />

L. G. Sanford, consul at Tumbez<br />

G. G. Fleucot, consul at Bordeaux<br />

W. H. Vesey, consul at Elavre . . . .<br />

7'. G. Webb, consul at Zanzibar<br />

Wm. Jliles, deceased, late consul at Callao<br />

James Busby, vice-consul at Bay of Islands,<br />

O. H. Perry, consul at Cantou. . . . . . . . . . .<br />

J. J. Sprenger, consul at Venice. .<br />

F. L. Sarmiento, late consul at Venice. . . .<br />

T. T. Dogherty, vice-consu. l at Honolulu<br />

Abner Pratt, late consul at Honolulu<br />

H. W. Spencer, consul at Paris<br />

Albert Davy, consul at Leeds<br />

Theodore Frean, consul at Belfast . . . . . . .<br />

A. B. Blakey, consul at Talcahuano<br />

E. C. Stiles, consul at Vienna.<br />

S. S. Mured, late vice-consul at Jerusalem.<br />


20, 126 68 40, 452, 784 18 32, 979) 530 78<br />

41 50<br />

187 13<br />

210<br />

27<br />

118<br />

256<br />

40<br />

I, 397<br />

64<br />

95<br />

14<br />

62<br />

06<br />

00<br />

86 41<br />

37<br />

288<br />

9O5<br />

646<br />

12<br />

316<br />

51<br />

1, 921<br />

314<br />

1, 909<br />

1, 089<br />

337<br />

454<br />

148<br />

725<br />

125<br />

2, 069<br />

I, 500<br />

123<br />

137<br />

248<br />

350<br />

9<br />

35<br />

170<br />

3, 278<br />

5, 166<br />

1, 462<br />

2) 000<br />

750<br />

1, 125<br />

Carried forward. 850, 207 69 40, 452, 784 18 32 9», 530 78<br />

6<br />

44<br />

00<br />

5)J<br />

00<br />

50<br />

73<br />

55<br />

76<br />

33<br />

23<br />

00<br />

16<br />

31<br />

63<br />

08<br />

00<br />

38<br />

no<br />

94<br />

61<br />

90<br />

52<br />

58<br />

39<br />

02<br />

91<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />




8tutes for the fiseul year ending . J«ne 30, 1S61 — Continued.<br />


Brought forward. 4&425, 216 08<br />

page.<br />

111 Compensation of sup& rintendent, watchuien, and laborers<br />

in building corner of F and 17th streets. ...<br />

111 Fuel, compensation of firemen, and miscellaneons<br />

items for building corner of F and 17th streets .<br />

ill Salary of the Secretary of the Navy .<br />

111 Cleiks, messengers, and laborers in the oflice of the<br />

Secretary of the Navy<br />

11] Blank books, binding, stationery, &&:c., i'or the office of<br />

the Secretary of the Navy<br />

111 Chief of Bureau of Navy Yards and Docks<br />

111 Clerks, messengers, an&i laborers in Bureau of Navy<br />

Yards and Docks<br />

111 Blank books, stationery, plans, and drawings for<br />

Bureau of Navy Yards and Docks. .<br />

111 Chief of Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography<br />

112 Clerks, messengers, and laborers iu Bureau of Ordnance<br />

and Hydrography<br />

112 Blank books, stationery, and miscellaneous items for<br />

Bureau of Ordnance and Hrdrogrsphy.<br />

112 Chief of Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and<br />

Reps, ir .<br />

112 Engineer-in-chief, clerks, messengers, and laborer in<br />

Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repair.<br />

112 Blank books, binding, stationery, 6 c„ for Bureau of<br />

Constructiou, Equipnient, and Repair<br />

112 Clerks, messengers, and laborer in Bureau of Provisions<br />

and Clothing.<br />

112 Blanl- books, binding, stationerv, and miscellaneous<br />

items for Bureau of Provisions and Clothing .<br />

112 Chief of Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. . .<br />

112 Clerl-s, iuessengers, and laborers in the Bureau of<br />

Medicine and Surgery<br />

112 Blank books, stationery, and miscellaneous items for<br />

the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery<br />

112 Compersation of four watchmen in the southwest ex-<br />

ecutive building<br />

113 Labor, fuel, lights, aud niisceliaueous items for south-<br />

west execntive building<br />

113 Salary of thc Postmaster General<br />

113 Three Assistant Postmasters General<br />

l13 Clerks, messengers, watchmen, and laborers in the<br />

offices of the Post Office Department<br />

Cariied forward<br />

3, 850 00<br />

4, 800 00<br />

8, 000 00<br />

21, 600 00<br />

:&, 989 38<br />

3, 500 00<br />

10, 640 00<br />

205 77<br />

2, 916 00<br />

8, 840 00<br />

183 91<br />

3, 500 00<br />

17, 840 00<br />

376 06<br />

8, 840 00<br />

317 16<br />

3. 500 00<br />

6, 009 56<br />

GOO 00<br />

2, 400 00<br />

3& 114. 01<br />

8, 000 66<br />

8, 999 50<br />

140, 8G2 81<br />

84, G98, 100 93


I'cuenaE account of the receipts and eryenditures<br />

of t«e ~nt '"<br />


Brought forward<br />

J. R. Eooken, consul at Trinidad de Cuba<br />

J. B. Itiiller, consul at Hamburg. . .<br />

J. B. 51cDouald, vice-consul at Hamburg<br />

W. F. Giles, consul at Geneva.<br />

T. S. Bell, consul at San Juan del Norte<br />

T. C. Jenkins, jr. , consul at Demarara<br />

C. J. Fox, late consul at Aspinwall<br />

H. S. Barstow, consul at Palermo<br />

R. A. Finlay, consul at Santa, Cruz<br />

E. P. Johnson, consul at Tabasco<br />

J. N. Casanova, consul at Guapaquil.<br />

Edward Ely, deceased, late consul at Bom-<br />

bay<br />

B. P. Waring, consul at St. Thomas .<br />

F. J. Grand, consul u, t Havre . .<br />

J. B. WilBams, consul at Lanthala<br />

Albert AIathieu, consul at Cartagena<br />

Augustus Follin. consul at Omoa .<br />

J. P. Hopkins, late consul at Tabasco<br />

P. McD. Collins, commercial agent at<br />

Amoor river<br />

Franklin Chase, consul st Tampico .<br />

C. J. Helm, consul general at Havana<br />

J. B. Holderby, consul at Dundee<br />

W. L. G. Smith, consul at Shanghai<br />

Henry Anthon, jr. , consul at Batavia . .<br />

R. G. Brownell, coosul at Amsterdam<br />

B. H. Gayle, consul at 5Iontevideo<br />

G. F. Upton, consul at Bio Grande.<br />

L. IV. Emery, consul at Acapulco<br />

J. F. Porteous, consul at Oporto .<br />

J. J. Barclay, consul at Cyprus<br />

Hugh Jlartin, jr. , consul at Matanzas.<br />

L. G. Sauford, consul at Tumbez<br />

E. S. Oflley, consul at Smyrna<br />

G. H. Fairfield, consul at kfauritius<br />

T. H, Hyatt, cousul at Amoy<br />

T. W. Young, consul at Stuttgardt .<br />

Alexander Hammett, consul at Naples<br />

W. S. Campbell, consul at Botterdstn<br />

I. J. Iierritt, consul at Nassau<br />

J. B. Gor&lon, consul at Valparaiso<br />

H. H. Parstow, consul at Palermo<br />

50. 207<br />

499<br />

987<br />

140<br />

105<br />

106<br />

188<br />

3, 188<br />

123<br />

107<br />

197<br />

176<br />

177 89<br />

1, 383 09<br />

3, 253 70<br />

6 50<br />

282 35<br />

3 00<br />

16 53<br />

34 50<br />

692 03<br />

6, 630 00<br />

1, 648 62<br />

1, 416 47<br />

196 59<br />

149 86<br />

184 60<br />

406 08<br />

64 57<br />

86 68<br />

4 00<br />

3, 430 33<br />

232 49<br />

585 02<br />

688 75<br />

155 13<br />

293 00<br />

o83 03<br />

194 51<br />

951 24<br />

1, 160 96<br />

364 65<br />

69 40. 452. 784 18 32. 979)530 78<br />

65<br />

"0<br />

77<br />

50<br />

15<br />

94<br />

28<br />

65<br />

41<br />

36<br />

05<br />

Carried forward . $8, . o 32 40, 452, 784 18 32, g79 530 78


c&fafes fiir thefcscczl year Pc&dirc' Jczrce 30, 1861 — Continued.<br />


Brought forward . . . 4, 698, 100 93<br />

Page,<br />

113 Blank books, &c. , and fuel, for the General Post<br />

ONce building, including the Auditor's office, oil,<br />

gas, &c. . . . . . . . . . . . . 19, 000 00<br />

113 Watchmen, engineers for steam-engine, laborers, furniture,<br />

&c. , for the General Post OKce extension<br />

113 ivor furnishing partially 81 rooms in the General Post<br />

10, 000 00<br />

Oflice extension, &c. , aud for fuel, gas, candles, day<br />

ivatchmen, &c 14, 105 04<br />

113 Couiinissions allowed to clerks and others employed<br />

in the city post oKce, Washington, D, C<br />

113 Salary of the Attorney General of the United States„<br />

114 Assistant Attorney General of thc United States<br />

114 Clerks, messengers, &c. , in thc offico of Attorney<br />

16, 330 98<br />

7, 332 00<br />

2, 750 00<br />

Genera, l 5, 627 00<br />

114 Contingent expenses of the Attorney General's office 2, 361 31<br />

114 Office t'urniture and bookcases for the Attorney Gen-<br />

&-. ral's oflice<br />

114 Fuel and labor for the Attorney General's oKce<br />

114 Rent of lutilding occupied by the Attorney General<br />

1, 350 00<br />

590 00<br />

and First Auditor 875 00<br />

114 1'urchase of law and necessary books for the Attorney<br />

General's office<br />

900 00<br />

114 Purchase of deficient State Reports and Statutes for<br />

the Attorney General's oKce 500 00<br />

114 For legal assistance, &c. , in the disposal of private<br />

land claims in California<br />

5, 666 00<br />

114 Furnishing rooms in the Treasury building for the<br />

office of the Attorney General 2, 500 00<br />

114 Paper and printing for thc executive departments,<br />

including paper, &c, for thc annual statements, &c 48, 201 40<br />

115 Salaries of assistant trcasurers of the United States 16, G81 50<br />

115 Salaries of ten additional clerlcs, authorised by acts<br />

of Aug'ust 6, 184G, &c 5, 705 33<br />

115 Clerks, messengers, &c, in the oflice of the assistant<br />

treasurer at New York<br />

13, 900 00<br />

115 Ofhcers, clerks, &c. , of the United States niint at<br />

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania . 34, 875 00<br />

115 ONcers, clerks, &c. , of the i&ranch mint at Charlotte,<br />

North Carolina,<br />

3, 000 00<br />

115 Officers, clerks, &c. , of the branch mint atDahlone«a,<br />

Georgia<br />

nnp pp<br />

115 Ofticers, «1&rl-s, &c. , of the branch mint at Neiv Orleans,<br />

l, ouisiarni 9 I-n op pp<br />

Carried forward $4, 922, 501 49


General account of the receipts anoT, ezyertditures of the»~te&<br />

Brought forward. . .<br />

J. D. Diomatari, consul at Athens<br />

R. F. Schillow, consul st Stettin<br />

A. J. Smith, consul at Laguayra<br />

G. Catlin, consul at Prince Edward's<br />

Island<br />

J, C. Gallaher, consul at, Ponce<br />

M. A. Tora, vice-consul at Ponce<br />

W. EL McGrath, consul at Maranham<br />

E. P. Bailey, consul at Para,<br />

J. S. Gillmer, consul at Bahia<br />

R G. Scott, jr. , consul at Rio Janeiro<br />

Jonathan Elliott, commercial agent at St.<br />

Domingo<br />

Consular receiyts.<br />

T. H. Hyatt, late consul at Amoy, for<br />

moneys received belonging to the estates<br />

of the following deceased seamen, viz:<br />

Lewis Sanders 35 49<br />

Peter Court . 53 09<br />

C. J. Helm, consul general at Havana, for<br />

moneys received belonging to the estates<br />

of the following deceased seamen, viz:<br />

C. Sanales . 31 00<br />

C. Kingley 20 07<br />

J. S. Wallace 35 80<br />

Wm. Trevitt, consul st Callao, for moneys<br />

received belonging to the estates of the<br />

following deceased seamen, viz:<br />

George Donnell<br />

William Brown.<br />


60 00<br />

37 50<br />

Thos. Miller, consul at Hilo, for moneys received<br />

belonging to the estate of Charles<br />

Rogers, a, deceased American seaman<br />

James Keenan, late consul at Hong Kong,<br />

for moneys received belonging to the<br />

estate of Henry Rorer, a deceased American<br />

seaman<br />

J. T. Lansing, consul at Aries, for moneys<br />

received belonging to the estate of Myer<br />

Goodwin, a deceased American seaman<br />

3pp 32 4p 4o2 784 18 J2. 979, 530 78<br />

9 00<br />

41 00<br />

42 90<br />

216 80<br />

254 39<br />

161 38<br />

114 54<br />

332 30<br />

86 47<br />

3, 084 03<br />

13 44<br />

88 58<br />

86 87<br />

97 50<br />

4 00<br />

100 00<br />

1, 095 93<br />

85, 661 57<br />

Carried forward<br />

81, 472 88 40, 538, 445 » 32, 979, 53p 78

lerks,<br />


States fhr the f&r&ral year &&r&eJiw~ Ja&&e 30, 1860 —('outinuod.<br />


Yirought forward. 1, ,'&22, 501 49<br />

Page.<br />

&<br />

116 Oflicers, 6&c. , of the branch mint at San Francisco,<br />

California .<br />

116 Officers, clerks, kc. , in the a&say office at New York<br />

116 Salary of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and<br />

eight associated judges<br />

116 Salary of the reporte& of the decisions of th& Supreme<br />

C ourt ..<br />

116 Chi&. f justice of the District of Columbia„associate&i<br />

judges, snd judges of the orphans' and criminal<br />

courts<br />

116 District judges of the United States<br />

117 Salary of the circuit judge of California<br />

117 District attorneys of the United States.<br />

118 Marshals of the United States<br />

119 Expenses of courts of the United States<br />

126 Payment of clerks of United States courts where the<br />

compensation is less than $500 per annum, act of<br />

February Z6, 1853<br />

126 Governor, judges, 6&c. , of the Territory of New Mexico<br />

127 Compensation and mileage of me&nbers of the legislative<br />

asserubly of New Mexico<br />

127 Contingent expenses of the Territory of New iVIexico<br />

127 To employ an interpreter or translator for the Terri-<br />

tory of New Mexico<br />

127 Governor, judgos, 8:c. , of the Territory of Utsb<br />

127 Compensation and usileage of members of the legisla-<br />

tive assembly of the Territory of Utah<br />

127 Contingent expenses of Utah Territory<br />

127 Governor, judges, &c. , of Washington Territory.<br />

IZS Compensation and mileage of members of the legislative<br />

assen&bly of Washington Territory<br />

128 Contingent expenses of Washington 'I'erritory.<br />

128 Governor, judges, 6;c. , of Nebraska Territory<br />

128 Compensation snd mileage of members of the legis-<br />

lative ssscml&ly of Nebraska Territory<br />

12S Contingen&, expensos of Nebraska Territory<br />

128 Governor, judges, lkc. , of Oregon Territory<br />

128 Compensation a&id mileage of men&hers ot the legislative<br />

&ssembly of Oregon Territory<br />

129 Governor, judges, 6&c. , of Kansas Ter&itorv<br />

129 Compensation and &nil&&agc of members of thc legislative<br />

ass&'»»ly &&I Kansas Territory.<br />

129 Contin ent expenses of Kansas Territor) .<br />

22, 875 00<br />

245 900 00<br />

49 505 49<br />

1, 300 00<br />

16, 687 50<br />

123, 211 08<br />

6&, 000 00<br />

9. 609 50<br />

10, 435 Sl<br />

712, 122 83<br />

I, 395 88<br />

9, 9G7 03<br />

17& 352 19<br />

1, 000 00<br />

500 00<br />

10, 943 24<br />

7, 233 83<br />

3, 000 00<br />

11, 875 00<br />

15, 475 40<br />

1, 250 00<br />

I'2, 027 78<br />

19, G50 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

&30 i7<br />

3i5 88<br />

9, 714 lS<br />

19, 699 50<br />

506 11<br />

Carried forward . . . . ------ Sf&, 042. 845 49



Creneral account of thc rcceeJits uue7 e~»credi turns of<br />

TO RE&CEI PTS.<br />

Broughtforward . I 472 88 40, 538, 445 75 32&<br />

Samuel Ward, consul at Bristol, for moneys<br />

received belonging to the estate of<br />

. Charles Hadelen, a deceased American<br />

seaman<br />

Stephen<br />

Cochrau, consul at St. Jago de<br />

Cuba, for moneys received belonging to<br />

the estate of Robert Pedden, a deceased<br />

American seaman . .<br />

G. G. Fleurot, consul at Bordeaux, for<br />

moneys received belonging to the estate<br />

of Henry Johnson, a deceased seaman<br />

J. P. O' Sullivan, consul at Singapore, for<br />

moneys man. received belonging to the estate<br />

of H. Sylvester, a deceased seaman . . .<br />

C. J. Helm, late consul general at Havana,<br />

for moneys received belonging to the<br />

estate of W. H. Klliott, a deceased sea-<br />

J. T. Lansing, commercial agent at Aries,<br />

for moneys received belonging to the<br />

estate of Myer Goodman, a, deceased<br />

American seaman.<br />

J. W. Magill, consul at Sabanilla, for<br />

moneys received belonging to the estate<br />

of Patrick Eelley, a deceased American<br />

seaman.<br />

Franklin Chase, consul at Tampico, for<br />

moneys received belonging to the estates<br />

of the following deceased Americau sea-<br />

men, viz<br />

G. W. Gordon . . . . . 22 53<br />

Andrew Nelson. . . . . . . . . 7 9 12<br />

James Byrne. . . . . . . . . . . 1 21<br />

9 03<br />

17 86<br />

34 08<br />

35 95<br />

29 00<br />

242 00<br />

164 10<br />

102 86<br />

2, 107 76<br />

Ifoneys received on account of steamboat<br />

fees.<br />

Robert Burns, late collector, Passama-<br />

quoddy, M»ine<br />

Bion Bradbury,<br />

late collector, Passama-<br />

quoddy, Maine<br />

A. A. Hanscom, collector, Saco, blaine<br />

Carried forward<br />

60 00<br />

60 00<br />

60 00<br />

8180 00 40, 540, 553 51 32, 979, 530 76


8tates for the fisca1 year enrjireg June 30, 1861 — Continued.<br />


Brought forward $6, 042, 845 49<br />

Page.<br />

129 Expenses of the legislative assembly of 21iunesots,<br />

Territory<br />

129 Compensation and mileage of members of the legislative<br />

assembly of Colorado Territory.<br />

129 Contingent expenses of Colorado Territory.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct excess of repayments beyond<br />

expenditures, and repayments where there are no<br />

expenditures,<br />

viz:<br />

129 Compensation of extra, clerk in the<br />

War Department.<br />

129 Public building for the use of the<br />

legislature of Ks, ness. 5 74<br />

&Vieeettoneoua.<br />

130 Wages of workmen and adjusters in the United States<br />

mint at Philadelphia.<br />

130 Incidental and contingent expenses, including wastage,<br />

3rc. , in the United States mint at Philadelphia<br />

130 Transportation of bullion from the New York assay<br />

office to the mint at Philadelphia<br />

130 Specimens, ores, and coins, to be reserved at the miut<br />

at Philadelphia.<br />

130 Wages of workmen in the branch mint at Charlotte,<br />

North Carolina.<br />

130 Incidental and contingent expenses of the branch<br />

mint at Charlotte, North Carolina. . . . . .<br />

130 Wages of workmen, Brc. , iu the branch mint at Dah-<br />

lone a, Georgia.<br />

130 Iucidental and contingentexpenscsof the branch mint<br />

at Dahlonega<br />

131 Wages of workmen in the branch mint at New Or-<br />

leans, Louisiana.<br />

131 Incidental and contingcut expenses of the branch mint<br />

at New Orleans.<br />

131 Images of workmen and adjusters in thc branch mint<br />

at San Francisco.<br />

131 Incidental and contingent expenses of the branch u&int<br />

at San Frm&cisco.<br />

131 Wages of &vorkrnen, sec. , iu the ss;ay offi at New<br />

York<br />

132 Incidental a»d contingent expenses of the assay office<br />

at New York.<br />

r o-<br />

24. , 805 09<br />

5, 000 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

6 074 150 58<br />

8 75<br />

85, 700 00<br />

48, 750 00<br />

7, 500 00<br />

600 00<br />

1 750 00<br />

500 00<br />

213 53<br />

1, 386 47<br />

16, 900 00<br />

15 961 35<br />

98, 953 52<br />

121, 171 48<br />

33, 000 00<br />

39, 600 00<br />

6, 074, 141 83<br />

Carried for ward $471, 986 35 6, 074, 141 83'


(reuerol account of the receipts and exyendi tures of' the &n~t&<br />


Brought forward<br />

5l. 5lacdoual&i, late collector, Portland<br />

and Fahnouth, Maine.<br />

P. W. Leland, collector, Fall River, Mass. .<br />

E W. Allen, collector, Nantucket, Mass<br />

W. B. Pike, late collector, Salem and Bev-<br />

erl y, Massachusetts. . .<br />

J. S. Whitney, late collector, Boston and<br />

Charlestown, Massachusetts.<br />

. J. P. C. Mather, late collector, New London,<br />

Connecticut<br />

J. F. Babcock, collector, New Haven, Conn.<br />

M. A. Osborn, late collector, New Haven,<br />

Connecticut. . . . . . . . . .<br />

P. I agan, collector, Middletown, Conn<br />

J. A. Aborn, late collector, Providence,<br />

Rhode Island<br />

J. B. Bowdish, late collector, Burlington,<br />

Vermont.<br />

Charles Linsley, late collector, Burlington,<br />

Vermont<br />

C. Metz, jr. , collector, Duffaio Creek, N. Y.<br />

W. Bryant, late collector, Buffalo Creek,<br />

Nerv York<br />

Hiram Barney, collector, New Yorl-, N. Y<br />

Augustus Schell, late collector, New York,<br />

New York.<br />

Horace Moody, collector, Oswegatchie,<br />

New York<br />

Amos Robins, collector, Perth Amboy,<br />

New Jere. . y<br />

E. T. Hillyer, collector, Newark, N. J<br />

T. B. Atkinson, designated collector, Camden.<br />

N. J<br />

W. B. 'I'homas, collector, Philadelphia,<br />

P enn. ..<br />

J, B. Baker, late collector, Philadelphia,<br />

Penn.<br />

C. W. Batchelor, designated collector,<br />

Pittsburg, Penn<br />

J. A. G!bson, late designated collector,<br />

Pittsburg, Penn. ..<br />

180 00 40, 540, 553 51 32. 979, 530 78<br />

183 00<br />

235 00<br />

25 00<br />

20 00<br />

663 00<br />

208 00<br />

30 00<br />

105 00<br />

38 20<br />

220 00<br />

177 00<br />

75 00<br />

699 00<br />

842 66<br />

784 00<br />

4, 088 00<br />

60 00<br />

280 00<br />

25 00<br />

220 00<br />

20G 00<br />

651 00<br />

ion oo<br />

2, oss on<br />

Carried for warcl. . . $12, 192 8G 40, 540, 553 51 32, 979 530 78


&itnt(w for the fi'sc«t year eading June 30, 1S61 — Continuerl.<br />


Brought forward<br />

Page.<br />

182 Mail service for the several departments of government<br />

13Z Mail service performed for the two houses of Congress,<br />

and other departments and offices of government.<br />

132 For supplying deficiencie in the revenue of the Post<br />

Office Department.<br />

132 Transportation of the mails between San Francisco,<br />

Calit'ornia, and Olympia, Washington Territory<br />

132 Transportation of the mails between the United States<br />

and foreign ports by steamship, per act of June 4,<br />

1858.<br />

132 Transportation of the mails between Washington and<br />

Oregon Teiritories aud California. .<br />

132 Transportation of the mails from New York, »&a Panama,<br />

to San I'rancisco, California. . . . . .<br />

132 Transportation of the niails on Puget's sound, Wash-<br />

ington T'erritory.<br />

133 For a post office in thc city of Baltimore.<br />

138 For a site and building for the accommodation of the<br />

United States courts at Baltimore .....<br />

138 For a, site and building for a post office in the city of<br />

Ne w Yorl- .<br />

133 For the accommodation of the United States courts<br />

at Rutland, Yerniont. ..<br />

138 Ten per cent. for contingent expenses for United States<br />

courts, 3;c. , at Rutland, Vermont. ..<br />

133 For the accommodation of the United States courts<br />

and post office, at Windsor, Vcrmorit<br />

133 Ten per cent. for contingent expenses for accommodation<br />

of United States courts, post office, 6:c. , at<br />

Windsor, Vermont. .<br />

133 Purch&ise of a site and erection of a building for a<br />

post oflice and court-house in the city of Philadel-<br />

phia .<br />

133 Court-house and post office at Raleigh, N. C. . .<br />

133 Court-house and post office at Memphis, Tenn. . . .<br />

134 Court-house and post office at Iudianapolis, Ind .<br />

134 Court-house and post office at Madison, Wis<br />

134 Continuation of the Treasury building . . .<br />

134 Repairs of the capitol building in the Territory of<br />

Nebraslea<br />

134 Completion of tbe capitol of the Territoiy of Ncu<br />

Mexico<br />

471, 986 35 6, 074, 141 83<br />

200, 000 00<br />

250, 000 00<br />

4, 064, 234 44<br />

30, 100 24<br />

357, 620 04<br />

25, 065 7G<br />

28G, 249 99<br />

7, 624 56<br />

125 50<br />

Zl, 558 25<br />

200, 250 00<br />

2, 0G4 95<br />

122 75<br />

483 81<br />

422 (0<br />

164, 118 89<br />

7, 918 00<br />

15& 044 00<br />

34, 152 00<br />

50 00<br />

315& 711 9G<br />

5, 000 00<br />

132 00<br />

Carrried forivard . . Gli, 410, 086 19 6, 074, 141 83


General account of' tlute receipts and expenditures<br />

nf the United<br />


Brought forward<br />

Jesse Sharpe, collector, Wilmington, Del<br />

J. T. Hammond, collector, Annapolis, Md.<br />

W. H. Hoifman, collector, Baltimore, Md<br />

, l. T. 3lason, late collector, Baltimore, Md.<br />

H. C. 2iatthews, collector, Georgetown,<br />

D. C.<br />

E. S. Hough, collector, Alexandria, Va<br />

W. M. Harrison, collector, Richmond, Va.<br />

A. J. Panuell, designated collector,<br />

Wheeling, Va . .<br />

J. J. Simkins, collector, Norfolk and<br />

Portsmouth, Va . . . .<br />

, Joseph Ramsey, collector, Plymouth, N. C.<br />

Edmund Wright, collector, Edenton, N. C.<br />

J. T. 1Viiller, collector, Wilmington, N. C.<br />

W. F. Colcock, collector, Charleston, S. C.<br />

Thomas Ledwith, collector, St. John' s, Fla<br />

Thaddeus Sanford, collector, Mobile, Ala<br />

F. H. Hatch, collector, New Orleans, La<br />

D. M. Stapp, collector, Saluria, Tex. .<br />

Hamilton Stuart, collector, Galveston, Tex.<br />

R. J. Howard, collector, St. Louis, Mo<br />

D. H. Donovau, late collector, St. Louis,<br />

M 0<br />

Wm. Nolen, designated collector, Paducah,<br />

Ky<br />

'W. N. Haldeman, designated collector,<br />

I ouisville, Ky.<br />

Jesse Thomas, designated collector, Nash-<br />

ville, Tenn<br />

H. T. Hulbert, designated collector, Memphis,<br />

Tenn<br />

E. T. Carson, dcsifgnated collector, Cincinnati,<br />

Ohio.<br />

T. J. Sherlock, late designated collector,<br />

Cincinnati, Ohio. ...<br />

Robert Parks, collector, Cuyahoga,<br />

.<br />

Ohio<br />

l. A. Jones, late collector, Sandusky, Ohio<br />

Julius White, collector, Chicago, Ill.<br />

B. F. Strother, late collector, Chicago, Ill.<br />

J. A. T. Wendell, collector, Michilimackinac,<br />

Mich.<br />

Carried forward<br />

12, 192 86 40, 540, . 553 51 32. 97g, 53p 76<br />

375 00<br />

40 00<br />

64 90<br />

84 00<br />

365 00<br />

45 00<br />

55 00<br />

1, 243 00<br />

100 00<br />

45 00<br />

45 00<br />

85 00<br />

247 93<br />

20 00<br />

470 00<br />

2& 336 00<br />

40 00<br />

138 00<br />

105 00<br />

3, 480 00<br />

45 00<br />

2, 296 90<br />

465 00<br />

172 00<br />

210 00<br />

2, 098 90<br />

317 00<br />

25 00<br />

180 00<br />

4i9 00<br />

195 00<br />

828, 040 4g 4p, 54p 553 51 32 979 530 1)

&<br />



&, ~yafea for thefiarol year enCkng Jar&«BO, 1861 — Cnntinu&&l.<br />


Brought forward<br />

Page.<br />

134 Purchase of a site and erection of temporary capitol<br />

for Washington Territory.<br />

134 Frection of a penitentiary in Washington Territory. .<br />

135 Carrying into effect the act entitled "An act for the<br />

admission of Kansas into the Union" . . .<br />

135 Survey of Atlantic and Gulf coast of United States<br />

135 Contining the survey of the western coast of the<br />

United States<br />

135 Continuing the survey of the Florida reefs and keys.<br />

135 Publishing observations made in the progress of the<br />

survey of tbe United States .<br />

135 Fuel and quarters, (kc. , for officers of the army serv-<br />

ing on the Coast Survey<br />

135 Pay and rations of engineers of seven steamers used<br />

in the hydrography of the Coast Survey. .<br />

135 Repairs of the» iVIadison,<br />

" "Crawford, " "Mason&"<br />

"George Xl. Bache,<br />

" and other sailing vessels used<br />

in the Coast Survey<br />

135 Salaries and expenses of nine supervising and fifty<br />

local inspectors of steam vessels<br />

137 Compensation to such persons as may be designated<br />

to receive and keep the public money.<br />

137 Compensation of special agents to examine books,<br />

accounts, 6rc. , in the several depositories. ... .<br />

137 Building vaults as additional security to the public<br />

funds in sixty-six depositories<br />

137 Contingent expenses under the act of August 6, 1846,<br />

for the safe-keeping of the public revenue .<br />

l38 Expenses incident to loans and treasury notes. ..<br />

138 Expenses of engraving, printing, preparing, and issuing<br />

treasury notes, per act of December 23, 1857<br />

138 Expenses of engraving and printing certificates of stock<br />

of the $20, 000, 000 loan, per act of June 14, 1858<br />

138 Engraving and printing the certificates and other expenses<br />

of the loan of 1860. ...... .. .<br />

138 Expenses of engraving and printing certificates of<br />

stock loan, per act of February 8, 1861, (6th section)<br />

138 Expenses of eugraving, printing, (kc.<br />

&<br />

treasury notes,<br />

per 11th section of the act of Dece&nber 17, 1860.<br />

139 To cause aualysis of the different ore beds, to facilitate<br />

the prope& selections of iron for public use. . .<br />

139 Payment for horses and other property lost or. destroye&i<br />

iu tl&e military service of the United States<br />

Carried forward(<br />

6, 410&036 19 6, 074, 141 83<br />

35 00<br />

60 00<br />

59 74<br />

210&700 00<br />

113, 000 00<br />

38, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

9, 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

81& 192 27<br />

3, 556 30<br />

2, 179 70<br />

665 00<br />

33, 069 72<br />

1, 000 00<br />

2, 448 83<br />

37 oO<br />

1 590 00<br />

6& 722 50<br />

3, 041 90<br />

(i5 00<br />

34, 304 07<br />

$6, 969, 763 72 6, 074, 141 83



General account of the receipts ant1 eapenetitures<br />

of the Urs&tetf<br />


Brought forward<br />

N. G. Isbell, collector, Detroit, Mich<br />

B. W. Davis, late collector, Detroit, Mich<br />

I. P. Rankin, collector, San Francisco, Csl.<br />

B. F. Washington, late collector, San<br />

Francisco, Cal .<br />

28, 040 49 40, 540, 553 51 32) 979, 530 78<br />

G93 00<br />

731 50<br />

90 00<br />

1, 160 00<br />

30, 714 99<br />

zIIoneys reeeioed on aeeottnt of fines, penalties,<br />

Warren Bryant, late collector, Buftklo,<br />

N. Y<br />

Jesse Thomas, designated collector, Nashville,<br />

Tenn<br />

F. H. Hatch, collector, New Orleans, La<br />

Augustus Schell, late collector, New York,<br />

N. Y<br />

J. J. Simkins, collector, Norfolk and<br />

Portsrnouth, Va .<br />

F. J. Moreno, ruarshal, southern district of<br />

Flor'ida .<br />

, I. D. Hoover, late marshal, District of Co-<br />

lumbia<br />

Wm. Selden, late ntarshal,<br />

lumbia .<br />

District of Co-<br />

P. L. Solomon, marshal, California . . .<br />

Isaiah Rynders, marshal,<br />

southern district<br />

of New York.<br />

W. M. Lowry, marshal, western district of<br />

Tennessee<br />

D. H. Hamilton, marshal. South Carolina<br />

T. S. Bryant, late marshal, eastern district<br />

of Missouri<br />

E. E. Blackburn, marshal, northern district<br />

of Florida<br />

. l. S. Yost, marshal, eastern district of<br />

Penney lvauia<br />

J. S. Bragg, marshal, Michigan.<br />

J. F. Wiley, marshal, eastern district of<br />

Virginia<br />

F. IV. Green, clerk of district court, northern<br />

district of Ohio. .........<br />

J. M. Miller, clerk of district court, Wisconsin.<br />

W, D. Wilkins, clerk of district court,<br />

Michigan<br />

A. Blackburn, clerk of district court, Connecticut<br />

J, T. Francis, clerk of district court, Norfolk,<br />

Virginia, ..<br />

W. A. Bradley, clerk of circuit court,<br />

northern district of Illinois.<br />

J. B. Ogden, clerk of district court, western<br />

district of Arkansas<br />

G. F. Betts, clerk of district court, south.<br />

em district of New York ..<br />

A. A. Boyce, cleric of circuit court, northern<br />

district of New York. ... ..<br />

and forfeitares.<br />

50 00<br />

207 20<br />

1, 826 22<br />

559 77<br />

250 00<br />

I 00<br />

281 80<br />

915 74<br />

G75 00<br />

205 00<br />

26 00<br />

400 00<br />

1, 736 33<br />

251 00<br />

665 00<br />

100 00<br />

74 59<br />

29 80<br />

41 61<br />

560 00<br />

125 00<br />

233 80<br />

792 00<br />

200 00<br />

8]0 00<br />

Carried forsvard 48 40& o71 2(&+ 50 32, 9(9 o30 6&


States for the fiseatyear ending June 80, 1861 — Continued.<br />


Brought forward.<br />

6~ 969' 763 72 Gg 074y 132 83<br />

Page,<br />

140 Expenses incurred by the provisional government of<br />

Oregon in defending the people of that Territory<br />

from the Cayuse Indians<br />

390 70<br />

140 Completing tbe works of the Exploring Expedition. 3, 000 00<br />

140 Expenses of the Smithsonian Institution.<br />

30, 910 14<br />

141 For the discharge of miscellaneous claims not otherwise<br />

provided for<br />

2, 188 63<br />

141 Expenses of conveying to the seat of goverurrient the<br />

votes oil the electors of the respective States for<br />

President and Vice-President of the United States . 18, 214 00<br />

141 Consular receipts<br />

2. 011 44<br />

142 Expenses of collecting the revenue from customs. 2, 843, 455 84<br />

147 Payment of debentures, drawbacks, bounties, or allowances<br />

640, 811 59<br />

148 Debentures and other charges, act October 16, 1837 8, 526 57<br />

148 Refunding duties to extend the warehousing system 1, 108 55<br />

148 Refunding duties on fish and other articles, under the<br />

reciprocity treaty with Great Britain<br />

10 00<br />

148 Payment of discriiuinating tonnage duties<br />

189 90<br />

148 Unclaimed merchandise<br />

648 96<br />

149 Proceeds of the sale of goods, wares, 6rc. , act of April<br />

11, 1854<br />

309 15<br />

149 Repayments to importers of excess of deposits for<br />

unascertained duties.<br />

764, 393 92<br />

4, 990 09<br />

152 Salaries of special examiners of drugs<br />

152 Additional compensation to collectors aud naval<br />

officers, act July 7, 1838. . . .<br />

152 Additional compensation to officers and men of the<br />

revenue service who served on the Pacific coast, kc.<br />

152 Salaries of light-house keepers, assistants, Grc<br />

154 Salaries of keepers of light-boats, Grc. . . . . . . . . .<br />

155 Supplying light-houses with oil, tube-glasses, wicks,<br />

Lc<br />

156 Repairs and incidental expenses, Grc. , of light-houses<br />

157 Seamen's wages, repairs, and supplies of light-boats,<br />

&c<br />

158 Commissions of 2$ per cent. to such superintendents<br />

as are entitled to the same .<br />

159 Expenses of superintendents in visiting light-houses<br />

annually, reporting their condition, &c .<br />

148 Refunding duties collected in Mexico from military<br />

contributions .<br />

160 Expenses of weighing, mooring, cleaning, repairing<br />

and supplying losses of beacons, trc . . . .<br />

161 Fuel and quarters of officcrs of the army serving on<br />

light-house duty .<br />

161 Towards the erection of a light-house of granite, iron,<br />

or a combination of both, on the outer 51inot ledge,<br />

entrance of Boston harbor, Massachusetts. . .<br />

161 For rebuilding the two light-house towers on Thatcher's<br />

islaiid, Cape Ann, Massachusetts, aud for fitting<br />

them witli first order of illuminating apparatus. .<br />

161 Compensation of two superintendents of life stations<br />

on the coast of Long Island and New Jersey.<br />

l61 Compensation of fifty-four keepers of life stations, at<br />

$200 each pcr aunum, on the coast of New Jersey<br />

10& 347 86<br />

32 00<br />

146, 601 62<br />

18, 688 48<br />

145, 373 91<br />

100, 408 47<br />

139, 386 99<br />

7, 775 59<br />

825 80<br />

170 00<br />

78, 794 45<br />

8, 832 22<br />

17)511 46<br />

40, 000 00<br />

2, 798 07<br />

]0, 168 13<br />

Carried forward. . . . . 812, 013, 088 25 6, 074, 182 83



General account oj the receipts and expenditures<br />

oj' the United<br />


Brought forward<br />

Thomas Hoyne, marshal, northern district<br />

of Illinois.<br />

W. F. Colcock, collector, Charleston, S. C.<br />

G. M. Whorton, United States attorney,<br />

eastern district of Pennsylvania .<br />

H. E. Stoughton, United States attorney,<br />

Vermont . .<br />

W. M. Addison, United States attorney,<br />

Maryland .<br />

D. M. Bates, United States attorney, Del.<br />

G. W. Ricker.<br />

1 1& 025 48 40& 571) 268 50 32) 979) 530 78<br />

34 25<br />

190 04<br />

1, 500 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

140 00<br />

100 00<br />

400 00<br />

15& 389 77<br />

3foneys received on account of surplus emoluments<br />

customs,<br />

C. McKibben, naval officer, Philadelphia<br />

C. G. Green, naval of5cer, Boston<br />

J. Hamilton, jr. , surveyor, Philadelphia. .<br />

M. A. Osborne, late collector, New Haven,<br />

Connecticut.<br />

M. McDonald, late collector, Portland and<br />

Falmouth, Maine . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

of officers of the<br />

128 46<br />

219 00<br />

87 23<br />

1& 349 76<br />

219 6G<br />

2& 004 11<br />

3fone&&s received on account of surplus emoluments of district<br />

attorneys, marshals, 4'c.<br />

G. F. Betts, clerk of district court, southern<br />

district, New York. .<br />

J. J. Rosevelt, United States attorney,<br />

southern clistrict, New York .<br />

W. H. Bradley, clerk of district court,<br />

northern district, Illinois . .<br />

S. E. Sprague, clerk of district court, Mass.<br />

H W. Fuller, clerk of circuit court, Mass.<br />

Robert Quid, late United States attorney,<br />

District of Columbia .<br />

K. G. White, clerk of circuit court, southern<br />

district, New York .<br />

3foneys received from premiums<br />

on transfer drafts.<br />

62 02<br />

242 78<br />

513 48<br />

356 64<br />

18 48<br />

228 61<br />

123 97<br />

1, 545 98<br />

J. H. Sturgeon, assistant treasurer of the<br />

United States, St. Louis, Missouri.<br />

J. R. Snyder, assistant treasurer of the<br />

United States, San Francisco, California.<br />

625 00<br />

26) 51G 14<br />

27, 141 14<br />

3Ioneys received<br />

on account of fees for locating mil&ry bounty<br />

land u arrants.<br />

G. S. Frost, late receiver, Detroit, Mich.<br />

Jacob Beeson, late receiver, Detroit, Mich<br />

H. K. Sanger, receiver, Detroit, 21ichigan<br />

127 00<br />

37 00<br />

21 00<br />

Carried forward 0 40, 617, 349 50 32 9&9 530 71


States for the fiscal year ending June 30, 18Gl — Continued.<br />


Brought forward . 12, 013, 088 25 6, 074, 132 83<br />

Page.<br />

162 Contingencies of lifo stations on the coast of Long<br />

Island and New Jersey 309 91<br />

162 Rebuilding on a proper site the light-house destroyed<br />

by ice during the last winter, Pungoteague, Virginia.<br />

24 24<br />

162 Rebuilding the light-house st Cape Canaveral, and<br />

'<br />

fitting it up with first order catadioptric illuminating<br />

up pal'e, t il s 23, 000 00<br />

162 Repairing the works and piers in order to preserve<br />

and secure the light-house at Chicago, Illinois. 3, 500 00<br />

162 To enable the light-house board, under direction of<br />

the Secretary of the Treasury, to experimi. nt with<br />

Daboll's and other signals, and to purchase the<br />

sIgnsl erected by Daboll, and now in operation at<br />

New London, Connecticut<br />

1, 500 00<br />

162 Establishment and alteration of the beacon-light on<br />

long wharf, New Haven, Connecticut<br />

2, 000 00<br />

162 Beacon-light on one of the Sisters' islands, in the St.<br />

Lawrence river, below Alexanilria bay.<br />

162 For the erection of a stono beacon on Mill reef, New<br />

York.<br />

162 Rebuilding the two light-house towers at Navesink,<br />

New Jersey.<br />

163 Construction of a first class light-house at Apateague<br />

Virginia<br />

163 Completing the tower and keeper's dwelling at Cape<br />

27 000 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

3, 113 57<br />

CJiarles, Virginia 5, 000 00<br />

163 Erection of a light-house at North river, N. C . . . 5, 000 00<br />

163 Light-house at the mouth of Cape Fear river, N. C . 700 00<br />

163 Commencement and completion of an iron-screw light-<br />

house at or near the entrance to the channel of the<br />

iCississippi river, at the Southwest Pass, 6tc. , La. . .<br />

163 Rebuilding the towers at Whitefish Point, Mich. . . . .<br />

163 Fog-bell at Grand Haven light-house, Mich<br />

163 Completion and protection of way to light-house at<br />

5, 000 00<br />

33, 768 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

Huron, Ohio. 4, 000 00<br />

163 Protecting the piers and beacon-lights on the pier at<br />

Cleveland, Ohio. 7, 479 49<br />

163 Light-house at Raspberry island, one of the Apostle<br />

islands, Lake Superior, AVis, . . . . . . . 1, 750 00<br />

164 Constructiou of pier and light-bouse at Milwaukie, Wis-<br />

11 000 0<br />

164 Construction. of a suitable beacon-light at the port of<br />

Racine, Wis 11. 000 00<br />

164 For a light-house at Red Bluff, Whitby's island,<br />

Washington Territory<br />

4, 000 00<br />

164 Oil and other supplies for fifteen lights, kc. , on the<br />

coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington. . . . 3, 459 00<br />

164 Salaries of keepers and assistant keepers of light-houses<br />

on the coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington.<br />

17, 970 70<br />

164 Commissions of 2$ per cent. to such superintendents<br />

as are entitled to the same on the coasts of Californiua<br />

Oregon, and Washington. 987 83<br />

164 Repairs and incidental expeuses of lights, and buildings<br />

therewith, on the coasts of California, Oregon, and<br />

Wasliington<br />

4, 746 16<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . . $12, 179, 397 15 6, 074, l32 83



General account of the receipts and expenditures<br />

of t1«&»ster<br />


Brought forward<br />

P. T. Crutchfield, receiver, Little Rock,<br />

Arkansas<br />

A. L. Woodward, receiver, Tallahassee, Fla.<br />

J. D. Reyment, receiver, Hudson, Wis.<br />

Samuel Ryan, receiver, Menasha, Wis. . . .<br />

P. F. Wilson, receiver, Omaha City, N. T.<br />

1S5 00 40, 617, 349 50 32, 979, 530 76<br />

409 82<br />

112 00<br />

180 75<br />

15 86<br />

1, 5S4 42<br />

27 487 85<br />

3foneys received on account of military contributions<br />

in 3Iextco.<br />

J, M. Steiner, assistant surgeon 154 00<br />

3foneys received on, account of interest due on stocks held in trust<br />

for benefit of Smithsonian Institution.<br />

Treasurer of the United States<br />

State of Arkansas .<br />

8, 787 70<br />

65, 941 81<br />

74, 729 51<br />

3foneys received on account of interest due on stocks heldin trust<br />

for benefi't of Chickasasv Indtans.<br />

Treasurer of the United States 67, 557 38<br />

3foneys rece'. ved on account of interest due on stocks held in trust<br />

for benefit of certain Indian tribes.<br />

Treasurer of the United States<br />

3foneys received from sale of vessels captured and condemned for<br />

being engaged in the slave trade, due to navy pension fund.<br />

J. B Browne, clerk of district court, south-<br />

ern district of Fla, for brig" Cygnet" .<br />

J. B. Browne, clerk of district court, southern<br />

district of Fla. , for barks " Bogota"<br />

and "William"<br />

J. T. Francis, clerk of district court, Norfolk,<br />

Va. , for slaver "Storm King"<br />

G. F. Betts, clerk of district court, southern<br />

district, of N. Y. , for ship "Erie"<br />

G. F. Betts, clerk of district court, southern<br />

district of N. Y. , for slaver "Cdra"<br />

J. N. Hambleton, paymaster United States<br />

navy, for bark "Cora" .<br />

J. T. Thomas, clerk of district court, eastern<br />

district of Va, for slaver "Triton"<br />

J. B. Browne, clerk of district court, northern<br />

districtof Fla. , for bark " Wildflre"<br />

G. F. Betts, clerk of district court, southern<br />

district of N. Y. , for brig "W. R.<br />

Kelley" .<br />

1, 679 88<br />

3, 051 00<br />

I) 507 56<br />

3) 547 70<br />

4, 385 84<br />

60 71<br />

1, 293 76<br />

3, 043 88<br />

2, 044 68<br />

3Ioneys received from sale of vessds captured and condemned for<br />

being engaged in the slave trode, due to captors.<br />

J'. T. Francis, clerk of district court, Norfolk,<br />

Va. , for slaver "Storm King" . . . 1, 50? 56<br />

155, 664 75<br />

20, 615 01<br />

Carried forward . . $1, 507 56 4p, g38, 558 pp 32 g79 530 76


States for the fiscal year enrling June 30, IS61 — Continued.<br />


Brought forward 12, 179, 397 15 6& 074& 132 83<br />

Page.<br />

165 Expenses of raising, cleaning, repairing, and removing,<br />

&c. , Qoating beacons, buoys, &c. , on the coasts of<br />

California, Oregon, and Washington. ...... ..<br />

I, 818 07<br />

165 Providing a suitable vessel, and maintaining the same,<br />

in visiting the lights, kc. ; for inspection and delivery<br />

of supplies; and for transportation of mate-<br />

rials, supplies, and, laborers for repairing, kc. , the<br />

light-houses on the Pacific coast. . .<br />

165 Contingencies of life-saving apparatus on the coast of<br />

the United States<br />

165 Light-house at Point Lobos, California. .<br />

165 Marine hospital establishment. ..<br />

16T Annual repairs of marine hospitals. .<br />

168 Marine hospital at Chelsea, Mass.<br />

168 Marine hospital at Burlington, Vt.<br />

168 Marine hospital at Wilmington, N. C<br />

168 Marine hospital at St. Mark's, Fla ...<br />

168 Construction of a marine hospital at New Orleans, La<br />

168 Ten per cent. for contingent expenses, kc. , in tbe<br />

erection of a marine hospital at New Orleans, La .<br />

168 Construction of a marine hospital at Cincinnati, Ohio.<br />

168 Construction of a marine hospital s, t Evansville, Ind<br />

168 Construction of a marine hospital at Detroit, Mich<br />

169 Construction of a marine hospital at Burlington, Iowa<br />

169 Purchase of a site and construction of a marine hospital<br />

at Burlington, Iowa.<br />

169 Annual repairs, kc. , of custom-houses. .<br />

169 Fencing and grading site of custom-house at Bath, Me.<br />

169 Custom-house at Ellsworth, Me.<br />

169 Custom-house, 8&c. , at Belfast, Me.<br />

169 For the accoinmodation of the custom-house, post<br />

office, and United States courts at Portsmouth, N. H<br />

169 Custom-house, kc. , at Bristol, R I.<br />

170 Custom-house, &c. , at New Haven, Conn<br />

170 Ten pcr cent. for contingent expenses, kc. , in the<br />

erection of a custom-house at Plattsburg, N. Y. . .<br />

170 Custom-house, kc. , at Oswego, N. Y. .<br />

170 Ten per cent. for contingent expenses, &c, in the<br />

erection of a custom-house at Buffalo, N. Y.<br />

170 Ten per cent. for contingent expenses of the customhouse,<br />

kc. , ar Perth Amboy, N. J.<br />

170 Repairs of the custom-house at Baltimore, Md<br />

170 Purchase of a site and erection of a custom-house at<br />

Norfolk, Va<br />

170 Custom-house, kc, )<br />

at Wheeling, Va . .<br />

IT1 Custom-house, kc. , at Petersburg, Va .<br />

171 Custom-house at Charleston, S. C<br />

171 Purchase of s, site and erection of a custom-house at<br />

Mobile, Ala.<br />

171 Custoru-house at New Orleans, La. .<br />

171 Custom-bouse, &c. , at Galveston, Texas<br />

172 Ten per cent, . for contingent' expenses, kc, in the<br />

erection of a custom-house at Galveston, Texas<br />

172 Purchase of a site and erection of a fire-proof building<br />

at St. Louis, 5lissouri, for custom-liouse, independent<br />

treasury, kc .<br />

29, 990 00<br />

10& 617<br />

250<br />

309, 840<br />

499<br />

I, 684<br />

51<br />

I, 503<br />

7, 051<br />

274<br />

I, 831<br />

100<br />

835<br />

5<br />

23<br />

00<br />

33<br />

00<br />

69<br />

20<br />

40<br />

80<br />

39<br />

73<br />

71<br />

00<br />

37<br />

00<br />

600 00<br />

1& 176 88<br />

18 42<br />

1, 721 85<br />

2, 131 37<br />

5, 083 97<br />

1&285 50<br />

1, 463 20<br />

25 00<br />

69 88<br />

198 40<br />

142 50<br />

13, 526 70<br />

486 00<br />

G98 75<br />

1, 518 50<br />

7G, 284 69<br />

555 50<br />

39, 928 72<br />

&8) 300 95<br />

721 25<br />

3)304 41<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . $12& 7T4, 992 51 G& OT4, 132;:)



General account oj't1ze receipt ts ancE expenditures<br />

of ~1z«»«tt<br />

Brought forward. . . ... . .<br />

G. F. Bette, clerk of district court, southern<br />

clistrict of N. Y, for ship "Erie"<br />

G. F. Butts, clerk of district court, southern<br />

district of N. Y. , for slaver "Cora"<br />

J. A. Hambleton, paymaster United States<br />

navy, for bark " Cora "... . .. ....<br />

J. T. Thomas, clerl- of district court, eastern<br />

district of Ya. , for slaver "Triton"<br />

G. F. Bette& clerk of district court, southern<br />

district of N. Y. , for brig "W. R.<br />

Eelley" .<br />


1&507 56 40, 938, 558 00 37&979&530 78<br />

3, 547 70<br />

4, 385 84<br />

60 71<br />

1, 293 75<br />

2, 044 67<br />

12, 840 23<br />

3loneys received froin profits on gold and silver coinage.<br />

G. W. Caldwell, superintendent of branch<br />

mint at Charlotte, N. C ..<br />

st Dahlonega, Ga. ..<br />

J. XL Patten, superintendentof branch mint<br />

J. H. 9 alton, treasurer of branch mint at<br />

Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

J. R. Snyder, treasurer of branch mint at<br />

San Francisco, Cal. . .<br />

4, 495 19<br />

91 27<br />

123& 733 91<br />

70, 127 17<br />

3Ioneys received from parting charges, @c. , available for the conti»gent<br />

expenses of the branch mint at 1&Ve)o Orleans, La.<br />

A. J. Guirot, treasurer of branch mint at New Orleans, La<br />

198) 447 54<br />

3, 590 57<br />

31oneys received arinng from profits on gold bullion deposits, available<br />

for contzngent expenses of branch mint at Dahlonega, Ga.<br />

J. ZI. Patton, superintendent of branch mint at Dahlonega,<br />

Ga 70 42<br />

!1Ioneys received arising from profits on gold bullion deposits,<br />

ovzuloble for continger&t expenses of the branch mbzt at San<br />

1 rancisco, California.<br />

J. R. Snyder, treasurer of branch mint at San Francisco,<br />

California. 66, 332 40<br />

JIo»cl&ts received on account of d<strong>edu</strong>ctions from bullion deposits,<br />

available for contingent expenses of the assay oPce at IVY York.<br />

J. J. Cisco, treasurer of thc assay once at New York<br />

397 662 77<br />

3Ioneys received aris&'ng from profits on gold bullion deposits,<br />

available for contingent expenses of the branch mint at Charlotte,<br />

&&o&th Carolina.<br />

G. tt . Caldwell, superintendent of branch mint at Charlotte,<br />

North Carolina.<br />

3loneys received on account of interest on debts due by individuals,<br />

S. T. Sawyer, late depositary, Norfolk, Va<br />

541 98<br />

1, 871 12<br />

Carried forward<br />

$541 98 41, 261, 373 05 32, 979, 530 78



Stateegor the fisca year ending June 30, 18G1 — Continued.<br />


Brought forward. . . ... . .<br />

Page.<br />

172 Ten per cent. for contingent expenses in the erection<br />

of a custom-house at Toledo, Ohio . ..<br />

172 Construction of a building at Sandusky, Ohio, for the<br />

accommodation of a custom-house, post oflice, kc<br />

172 Custom-house, trc.<br />

&<br />

at Cleveland, Ohio . .<br />

172 Tcn per cent. for contingent expenses, trc. , in the<br />

erection of a custem house at Cleveland, Ohio. .. 172 Custom-house, kc. , Chicago, Ill<br />

173 Ten per cent for contingent expenses, 6"c. , in the<br />

erection of a custom-house at Chicage, Ill . .<br />

178 For the accommodation of a custom-house and post<br />

once at Galena, Ill<br />

173 Custom-house, ti:c. , at Detroit, Mich. . . . . . .<br />

173 For the accommodation of a custom-house and post<br />

oflice at Dubuque, Iowa.<br />

173 Erection of a custom-house at San Francisco, Cali-<br />

fornia, to contain rooms for post oflice, trc. . . . . . . .<br />

173 Construction of a warehouse at quarantine station on<br />

the Mississippi river, below New Orleans, La.<br />

173 Construction of an appraiser's store for the custora-<br />

house at San Francisco, Cal .<br />

174 To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay Peter<br />

Campau, per act June 20, 1860 .<br />

174 Expenses of depositing the public moneys by registers<br />

and receivers of public moneys ....<br />

175 Salaries and commissions of registers of the land otlicers<br />

and receivers of public moneys, trc. .<br />

186 For services heretofore performed by registers and receivers<br />

of land oKces in locating military bounty<br />

land warrants.<br />

176 Incidental expenses of the several land oKces. .<br />

178 Salary of recorder of land titles in Missouri. ..<br />

178 Salaries and incidental expenses of commission appointed<br />

to settle land claims in California<br />

178 Repayments for lands erroneously sold. ...<br />

186 Indemnity for swamp lands purchased by individuals<br />

186 Debentures and other charges, (lands) . .<br />

186 Surveys, trc. , of the public lands, per act of August<br />

31&1852.<br />

187 Resurveys of the public lands in the States where the<br />

oKces of the surveyors general have been or shall<br />

be closed .<br />

187 Surveying the public lands and private land claims in<br />

California, trc<br />

187 Surveying the eastern boundary of California, per act<br />

of June 25, 1860.<br />

187 Surveying liabilities incurred by the late surveyor<br />

general of California prior to June, 1857, per acts<br />

October 24 and May, 1860<br />

188 Surveying the necessary base, meridian, standard<br />

parallel, township, and section lines in Kansas and<br />

Nebraska, per act August 4, 1854.<br />

189 Surveying liabilities incurred by the late surveyor<br />

general of Kansas and Nebraska during the fiscal<br />

year ending June 30, 1859, per act May 24,<br />

1860 .<br />

Carried foravard . . . . . $13<br />

&<br />

12, 774, 992 51 6&074, 132 83<br />

25 00<br />

50 00<br />

851 60<br />

75 00<br />

61, 160 80<br />

2, 320 00<br />

66 50<br />

12, 883 61<br />

45, 408 48<br />

801 30<br />

2, 959 22<br />

5, 733 84<br />

103 33<br />

10, 781 25<br />

175, 211 34<br />

192 28<br />

29, 016 25<br />

500 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

39& 282 44<br />

41, 357 57<br />

35 88<br />

39, 742 89<br />

2&000 00<br />

60, 176 84<br />

37, 551 19<br />

27, 935 18<br />

19, 726 88<br />

15, 028 62<br />

406& 969 75 6, 074, 132 83


General account of the receipts and expenditures<br />

of the United<br />

Brought forward<br />

Thomas Hayes, late navy agent, Philadelphia,<br />

Pa .<br />

J. Richardson, late collector, Oswego, N. Y<br />


3Ioneys received on account of fees on letters patent.<br />

The Commissioner<br />

of Patents<br />

3foneys received for rent of house at Augusta,<br />

G. F. Sheplcy, United States attorney, Maine<br />

1Ioneys received from sale of old furmture.<br />

J. 3. . Gibson, late collector, Pittsburg, Pa<br />

Thos. Hayne, marshal, northern<br />

Illinois. . . . .<br />

district of<br />

3faine.<br />

541 98 41, 261, 373 05 32& 979& 530 78<br />

42 48<br />

720 00<br />

3 00<br />

75 00<br />

3foneys received from sale of sails bdonging to revenue cutter<br />

" Dobbin.<br />

"<br />

Captain Webster<br />

3Ioneys received from sale of a boat.<br />

S. B. Phinnev, collector, Barnstable, Mass . .<br />

3Ioneys received from some persons unknou n.<br />

The Treasurer of the United States.<br />

3foneys on account of premium on treasury notes.<br />

The Treasurer of the United States.<br />

1, 304 46<br />

213, 198 16<br />

56 07<br />

78 00<br />

42 00<br />

22 00<br />

225 75<br />

414 70<br />

3foneys receired fm treasury notes issued under the act of December<br />

17, 1860.<br />

The Treasurer of the United States. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10, 010, 900 00<br />

3foneys rece&ved for premium on the United States stock loan of 1860.<br />

The Treasurer of the United States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Moneys received on account of the loan of 1860.<br />

The Treasurer of the United States.<br />

Moneys received on account of the loan authorized under act of<br />

Eebruary 8, 1861.<br />

Tbe Treasurer of the United States.<br />

Moneys received<br />

on account of treasury notes issued under act of<br />

February 8, 1861.<br />

33, 216 20<br />

7, 022, 000 00<br />

16, 339, 966 40<br />

The Treasurer of the United States. . . . . . . . . 4, 782& 250 00<br />

3foneys received on account of treasury notes issued under act of<br />

tune 22, 1860, as authorized by act of 3farch 2, 1861.<br />

The Treasurer of the United States 2, 274, 093 34<br />

3Ioneys received on account of treasury notes issued under act, of<br />

—<br />

P'ebruary 8, 1861, as authorized by aet of March 2, 1861.<br />

The Treasurer of the United States 1, 432, 5pp pp<br />

83, 371, 640 13<br />

Carr&ed forward . . --$116 351, 170 91


States for the fsseal year ending June 30, 1861 — Continued.<br />


Brought forward.<br />

13, 406, 969 75 6& 0?4, 132 83<br />

Page.<br />

189 Compensation of clerks in the land office at Kickapoo,<br />

Kansas, in accordance with the act approved August<br />

18, 1856, as per act February 19, 1861<br />

3, 553 00<br />

189 Surveviug in Louisiana at augmented rates, acts March<br />

3, 1851 and 1855.<br />

4& 861 53<br />

189 Refunding money where certain lands have been<br />

entered at the land office in the Greensburg (late St.<br />

Helena) land district, Louisiana<br />

189 Surveying the public lands in Oregon, to be disbursed<br />

at the rates now authorized bylaw, act March 3, 1859.<br />

190 Surveying liabilities incurred by the late surveyor<br />

general of Oregon during the fiscal year ending June<br />

30, 1859, per act May 24, 1860<br />

190 For defraying the expenses of a geological reconnoissance<br />

and explorations in Oregon and Washington Terri-<br />

406 25<br />

16& 896 16<br />

V, 948 33<br />

tories over and above the appropriations of March<br />

3, 1853 and 1855, per act March 2, 1860<br />

3, 574 VO<br />

190 Surveying township and subdivision lines, estiruatcd<br />

at 4, 920 miles, in Washington Territory, at a rate<br />

not exceeding $12 pcr mile.<br />

21, 883 75<br />

190 Surveying standard and meridian lines in Washington<br />

Territory, an estimated distance of 500 miles<br />

9, 470 14<br />

191 Surveying the public lands in Washington Territory<br />

at the rates now authorized bylaw, act June 25, 1860 10&488 56<br />

191 Surveying the necessary base, meridian, stander&l<br />

parallel, township, and section lines in New Mexico,<br />

act August 4, 1854<br />

8, 980 43<br />

191 Surveying such of the private laud claims in New<br />

Mexico as have been confirmed by Congress, includin «<br />

expenses incurred by the surveyor general, &c 3, 855 25<br />

191 Surveying the base, principe, l meridian, correction of<br />

parallels, township, and section lines in Utah Territory<br />

at augmented rates<br />

1& 939 68<br />

191 Preparing the unfinishe records of public aud private<br />

surveys, to be transferred to the State authorities,<br />

in those districts where the surveys are about beiug<br />

completed<br />

3& 616 81<br />

191 An act to authorize the President of the United States,<br />

in conjunction with the State of Texas, to run and<br />

mark the boundary lines between the Territories of<br />

the United States and the State of Texas, approverl<br />

June 5, 1858<br />

5, 000, 00<br />

192 Running and marking that part of the western boundary<br />

of Minnesota, which is not defined by the natural<br />

landmarks, estimated at a distance of 130 miles,<br />

per act March 3, 1859<br />

842 52<br />

192 Expenses of running and marking the boundary line<br />

between the United States and Mexico<br />

725 96<br />

189 Expenses iucurred in the analysis of eighty-eight<br />

specimens from different localities of soils, coals,<br />

and ores, and preparation of the final report for<br />

publica, tion, act 5larch 2, 1861.<br />

6, 984 50<br />

189 To enable the Secretary of the Interior to supply such<br />

newly created ofhces, &c. , with full sets of the<br />

Statutes a, t Large<br />

42 00<br />

193 Suppression of the slave trade<br />

120, 261 15<br />

Carried forward . . . . . . . . . . $13, 637, 800 47 6& 074& 132 83


General account of t1&e receipts aud expenditlres<br />

of<br />

t~~e +~&Qd<br />


'grorrgirf, forward ------- - „116& 3511170 91<br />

Carried forward . 0116 351 179 91


gtates for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1861 — Corrtirtuerl.<br />


Brought forward. . . . . . . . . . . 13, 637, 800 47 6, 074, 132 83<br />

PPgP,<br />

lg5 For removing to the coast of Africa and there providing<br />

with food, shelter, and clothing, for a term not<br />

exceeding one year from the date of landiug in<br />

Africa, the captured Africans recently landed in the<br />

southern district of Florida, act June 16, 1860.<br />

lg5 Roads and canals within the State of Alabama .<br />

]96 Two per cent. fund of the net proceeds of sale of public<br />

lands sold by the United States and relinquished<br />

to the State of Alabama<br />

196 Roads and canals within the State of Mirsouri .<br />

196 Two per cent. fund of the net proceeds of the sale of<br />

public lands sold in the State of Missouri& act February<br />

28, 1859<br />

196 Roads and canals within the State of Louisiana, (five<br />

per cent. fund).<br />

196 Five per cent. fuml of the net proceeds of sale of public<br />

lands in the State of Minnesota . .<br />

l96 Roads and canals within the State of Arkansas, (five<br />

per cant, fund)<br />

196 Roads and canals within the State of 51ississippi<br />

196 Two per cent. of the net proceeds of lands sold by the<br />

Vnited States and relinquished to the State of Misslss!PP1<br />

196 Roads and canals within the State of Micbigan.<br />

196 Alteration and repairs of the President's House, lkc<br />

196 Refurnishing the President's House, to be expended<br />

under the direction of the President<br />

197 Compensation of doorkeeper of the President's House.<br />

197 Compensation of assistant doorkeeper of the President's<br />

House<br />

197 Compensation of two night watchmen in the President's<br />

House<br />

197 Compensation of the furnace keeper at the President's<br />

Houso<br />

197 Fuel in part for the President's House.<br />

197 Purchase of books for the library of the Executive<br />

mansion<br />

197 Annual repairs of the Capitol, water-closets, public<br />

stables, water-pipes, pavements, and other works<br />

within the Capitol square, broken glass, locks, 6!c<br />

197 To enable the President to contract with Hiram Powers<br />

for some work of art, executed or to be executed<br />

by him, and suitable for an ornament to the Capitol.<br />

197 Repairs of water-pipes at the Capitol. .<br />

198 For furnishing and ornamenting the Capitol with such<br />

work of art as may be ordered by the Committee<br />

on the Library, to be placed in either wing of the<br />

extension.<br />

198 Compensation of laborer for cleaning rotunda, waterclosets,<br />

6!c. , Capitol .<br />

198 Compensation of western gate keeper at the Capitol<br />

l98 Compensation of two watchmen to preserve the public<br />

g!ounds about the Capitol.<br />

l98 Compensation of one night v:atchman eluployed for<br />

the protection of the buildings<br />

Capitol<br />

lying south of the<br />

149, 500 57<br />

4, 324 4g<br />

2, 882 99<br />

8, 858 05<br />

5, 905 37<br />

13& 382 09<br />

3, 555 17<br />

65, 941 81<br />

7, 354 87<br />

4, 903 24<br />

3, 316 88<br />

6& 000 00<br />

7, 917 70<br />

700 00<br />

700 00<br />

1& 400 00<br />

700 00<br />

1& 800 00<br />

944 93<br />

5, 000 00<br />

5& 000 00<br />

300 00<br />

1, 050 00<br />

511 00<br />

1, 022 00<br />

1, 400 00<br />

700 00<br />

Carried forward. . . $13, 942, 871 63 6, 074, 132 83



General account of the receipts and expenditures<br />

of the United'~<br />


/<br />

/<br />

Carried forward . . . -<br />

. - $116 351 170 )

'<br />



~ y~zgeg for (he fisca year ending June 30, 1861 — Continued.<br />


Brought forward . . 13, 942, 871 63 6 074 132 83<br />

Page.<br />

) )<br />

198 Lighting the Capitol, President's House, and public<br />

grounds around them, and around the executive<br />

offices, and Pennsylvania avenue. . . . . . . 47 057 60<br />

198 For converting the old Senate chamber into a courtrooIn,<br />

the old court-room into a law library, and<br />

fitting up the rooms in connexion with them for the<br />

use of the Supreme Court<br />

198 For fitting up the rooms in the centre building of the<br />

Capitol formerly occupied by the Senate Committees<br />

on Naval, Military, and Indian Afiairs, for the use<br />

25, 000 00<br />

of the Court of Claims. . . . . 3 000 00<br />

199 For the erection of the north front of the Patent<br />

Office building, per act August 18, 1856. . . . 3 600 00<br />

199 Casual repairs of the Patent Office building, act<br />

March 3, 1857. . . . . . 2, 000 00<br />

199 Making cases aud fitting up rooms in the Patent Office<br />

building to receive copy-right bool-s, charts, &c . . 1, 200 00<br />

199 For the collection of agricultural statistics, investigations<br />

for promoting agricultural and rural economy,<br />

and the procurement of cuttings and seeds, act<br />

March 3, 1859<br />

l99 Drawings to illustrate the Report of the Commissioner<br />

of Patents<br />

50, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

l99 For the preservation of the collections of the exploring<br />

and surveying expeditions of the government,<br />

per act March 3, 1859 4, 000 00<br />

. 99 For the construction of the cellar of the north front<br />

of the Patent Office building into offices and store<br />

rooms, and. for putting iron railings around the<br />

areas in the court yard, &c . 9, 000 00<br />

99 Patent fund 277, 861 69<br />

00 To enable the Secretary of the Interior, under direc-<br />

tion of the President of the United States, to purchase<br />

a site in the neighborhood of Washington,<br />

and for erecting, &c. , an asylum for the insane of<br />

the District of Columbia and for the army and<br />

navy<br />

30 Support, clothing, medical treatment of the insane of<br />

the District of Columbia and of the army and navy<br />

at the asylum. 7<br />

)0 For heating and ventilating the entire unfinished remainder<br />

of the Insane Hospital edifice, and for<br />

slightly remodelling the heating apparatus of the<br />

present finished portions of the buildings, &c. , per<br />

act Jun. e 12, 1858<br />

0 For books and incidental expenses of the Insane Hospital<br />

of the District of Columbia, per act June 25,<br />

1860<br />

a s s or<br />

0 For furnishing the present hospital continuatio n for<br />

the insane of the District of Columbia, comprising<br />

the centre and three sections of the wing, per act<br />

March 3, 1859<br />

) For erecting, furnishing, lighting, and heating<br />

lodge for colored women, corresponding to thai<br />

already erected<br />

33, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

500 00<br />

5, 343 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

4, 455, 433 92 6, 074, 132 83<br />

Carried forward. . ..... .. . Sl



general account of t/te receipts an/i expenditures<br />

of the Uni@<br />

'I'0 RECEIPTS.<br />

Brought forward<br />

. -- 116& 361, 170 gi<br />

/<br />

/<br />

Carried forward. . . . $116 351 170<br />



&q&tates far the fiscal year ending June 30, 1861 — Continued.<br />


Brought forward. . . . . . . . . 14, 455, 433 92 G, 074, 132 83<br />

page.<br />

700 Salaries and incidental expenses of the Columbian<br />

Institute for the deaf, dumb, and blind, per act<br />

March 3, 1839<br />

200 Maintenance and tuition of the deaf, dumb, and blind<br />

pupils of the District of Columbia at the Columbian<br />

Institute<br />

201 Support and medical treatment of forty transient<br />

paupers, medical and surgical patients in the Washington<br />

Infirmary, act March 3, 1859<br />

201 Support of the penitentiary in the District of<br />

Columbia.<br />

201 Compensation of the warden, clerk, physician, chaplain,<br />

&c., of the penitentiary, District of Columbia,<br />

201 Compensation of three inspectors of the penitentiary,<br />

District of Columbia<br />

201 Compensation of four drawkeepers and a watchman,<br />

and for fuel and oil for the lamps of the Potomac<br />

bridge<br />

201 For taking down and rebuilding the southwest span<br />

of the bridge across the Potomac, known<br />

as the<br />

"Long Bridge"<br />

201 Repairs of the Potomac, navy yard, and upper bridges,<br />

per act March 3, 1859<br />

201 Compensation of two drawkeepers, and for fuel and<br />

oil for lamps of the two bridges across the eastern<br />

branch of the Potomac<br />

201 To repay the corporation of Georgetoavn, D. C. , all<br />

moneys heretofore advanced by said corporation<br />

towards the construction of the bridge over the<br />

Potomac at "Little Falls" . .<br />

202 Compensation of the public gardener Washington city,<br />

D. C.<br />

202 Compensation of laborers employed on the public<br />

grounds and President's garden.<br />

102 &Support of the public greenhouses, including psy of<br />

horticulturist and assistants<br />

102 Procuring manure, tools, purchasing trees, shrubs,<br />

6rc. , for the Botanic Garden, to be expended under<br />

the direction of the Committee of the Library of<br />

Congress<br />

l02 Taking care of the ground south of the President's<br />

mansion, continuing the improvement of the<br />

same, &c<br />

l02 Public reservation No. 2 and Lafayette square. . . . . .<br />

l02 Purchase of trees and tree-boxes to replace, when<br />

necessary, such as have been planted by the United<br />

States, and repairs of pavement in front of public<br />

grown(ls<br />

l02 I'or hire of carts on the public grounds.<br />

&03 Purchase of manure for the public grounds<br />

F03 Repairs of Pennsylvania avenue<br />

i03 Cleaning out the sewer traps on Pennsylvania avenue.<br />

'03 Curbing and paving foot-walk and gutter, layiug<br />

stone~ footing and grading the south side of Missouri<br />

avenue from Third to Sixth streets west<br />

3, 000 00<br />

3, 585 20<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6& 296 25<br />

12, 643 00<br />

562 50<br />

3) 782 40<br />

3, 247 54<br />

9, 000 00<br />

1)359 95<br />

4, 600 00<br />

1, 738 74<br />

15, 400 00<br />

5, 743 00<br />

3) 600 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1, 095 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

3& 000 00<br />

600 00<br />

1, 939 37<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . $14) 549, 6Z6 87 6, 074-, 132 83


General account of the receipts and expenditures<br />

of<br />

t&e Utter'<br />


Brought forward . 116, 351, 170 g<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

CarrIed forward . . ----- F116 351 170 pi<br />




States for t&ie fiscal year ending June 30, 1861 — Continued.<br />


Brought forward<br />

Page'<br />

203 Enclosing the Circle at the intersection of Penrsylvania<br />

avenue and K and 23d streets, with a wrought-iron<br />

rail fence<br />

203 Grading and gravelling B street south from Seventh<br />

to Fourteenth street west, setting curb, &c. . . .<br />

203 For seats of wood in the Smithsonian grounds<br />

203 Replacing the fence around that portion of the mall<br />

upon which the Smithsonian building is situated.<br />

203 For the purchase and repairs of tools for the public<br />

grounds<br />

203 Compensation and contingent expenses of the Auxiliary<br />

Guard<br />

204 Compensation of twenty policemen in the city of<br />

Washington, to be appointed in the same manner<br />

as the Auxiliary Guard, &, c. .<br />

204 Expenses of packing and distributing the congressional<br />

journals and documents, in pursuance of the provision<br />

contained in the joint resolution of Congress,<br />

approved January 28, 185?.<br />

204 Expenses to be incurred preliminary to taking the<br />

eighth census<br />

204 To provide for blanks and other printing, and paper<br />

for the same, required preliminary to taking the<br />

eighth census<br />

204 Expenses to be incurred in taking the eighth census<br />

of the inhabitants of the United States.<br />

204 For services of special counsel, and other extraordinary<br />

expenses, in defending the title of the United States<br />

to public property in California.<br />

204 To enable the Secretary of the Interior to procure a<br />

lease from the board of supervisors of Ontario<br />

county, New York, for court-rooms and post office<br />

at Canandaigua, and for furnishing the same. .<br />

205 For rent of rooms occupied by the United States<br />

courts at Los Angelos, California, from October 27,<br />

1854, to August 5, 1856, per act June 23, 1860<br />

208 Compensation of watchman employed on reservation<br />

No. 2.<br />

205 Relief of sundry individuals . .<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct excess of repayments beyond<br />

expenditures, and repayments where there are no<br />

expenditures, viz:<br />

134 Lighting and ventilating the upper<br />

story of the Treasury building. . . 1, 986 68<br />

134 Erection of a penitentiary at the seat<br />

of government, Utah Territory<br />

167 Marine hospital at Portland, Maine<br />

Buoy on &2fiddle-ground Shoal, Beau-<br />

fort, N. C. . .<br />

5, 108 05<br />

1, 247 38<br />

Procuring copies of Dr. Kohl's maps<br />

of the continents and islands of<br />

America, .<br />

264 00<br />

'09 Construction of a building at Burlington,<br />

Vermont, for the accommodation<br />

of custom-house and post otRce. 53 23<br />

14, 549& 626 87 6, 074) 141 83'<br />

9, 018 47<br />

7, 979 50<br />

100 00<br />

500 00<br />

250 00<br />

36& 185 10<br />

13& 000 00<br />

12, 000 00<br />

7, 000 00<br />

10& 466 07<br />

899, 614 00<br />

30& 562 58<br />

12)000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

550 00<br />

447&432 33<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . $8& 666 35 16& 039 284 92 6 074& 141 88


general account of the receipts and ex@en/fitures<br />

of the &~ite"<br />


Brought forward . ,<br />

116& 351, 170 91<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

Carried forward


States for th& ps&rat year er)iJir& ~ Ji»)e 30, 1861 — Continued.<br />

51<br />

Brought forward. . .<br />

page.<br />

209 Teu per cent. for contingent expenses,<br />

&c. , in the erection of a marine hos-<br />

pital at Burlington,<br />

Vermont<br />

209 Contingent expenses in tho erection of<br />

a marine hospital at Detroit, Mich.<br />

209 Ten per cent. i' or contingent expenses,<br />

&c. , in the erectiou of a customhouse<br />

at Alexandria, Va. . . . .<br />

209 Erection of a first class light-house,<br />

aud fitting it up with first order<br />

apparatus, at Barnegat, N. J.<br />

209 Erection of a light-house at Fenwick's<br />

island, Delaware ..<br />

209 Light-house at Seven-foot Knoll, Md.<br />

209 Making permauent the signals placed<br />

by the coast survey on Florida Reef,<br />

Florida<br />

209 Beacon-light on Rebecca shoal, Fla .<br />

209 For a ch«uuel range light at Maumee<br />

bay, Ohio.<br />

209 For a light-house at Green island,<br />

Lake Erie, Ohio. .<br />

209 Arranging and binding for preservation<br />

the original returns of the seventh<br />

census, aud those prior thereto<br />

210 Expenses attending Lieut. Whipple's<br />

party from Gila .<br />

210 For transporting and placing Mills's<br />

Statue of Washington on the pedestal,<br />

&c<br />


8, 666 35 16, 039, 284 92 6) 074, 141 83<br />

32 22<br />

710 35<br />

1 92<br />

1, 251 04<br />

700 00<br />

488 56<br />

100 21<br />

458 00<br />

97 86<br />

29 00<br />

175 00<br />


210 Salaries of ministers of the United States to Great<br />

Britain, &c<br />

ill Salaries of secretaries of legatiou of the United States.<br />

ill Salary of secretary of legatiou to Turkey acting as<br />

interpreter.<br />

&11 Salary of secretary of legation to China acting as<br />

interpreter.<br />

ill Salaries of assistant secretaries of legation to London<br />

and Paris.<br />

ill Salaries of United States consuls and coin mercial agents<br />

!15 For estimated loss of exchange on drafts of consuls<br />

and conimercial agents for salaries. . . . . . .<br />

ll6 Blanlt boolts, stationery, arms, presses, flags, &C., for<br />

the consuls of the Uuited States.<br />

ll7 Office rent for those consuls general, consuls, and com-<br />

mercial agents who are not allowed to trade. .. .<br />

guards, and other expenses &&f the consulates<br />

at Constantinople, Smyriia, Candia, &C.....<br />

I18 Interpretcrs,<br />

'18 Salary of i, he cvmmiseiooer of claims iu China.<br />

18 Compensation of tbe couuuissioner to China, and the<br />

cousuls to the five ports iu China.<br />

19 Contiugent expenses vf &lie coiuuiissioner in China.<br />

12, 710 13<br />

16& 026) 574 79<br />

294&794 95<br />

28, 721 71<br />

3) 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

255& 133 69<br />

10, 139 75<br />

30, 863 68<br />

16, 912 24<br />

3, 019 27<br />

961 33<br />

4& 334 23<br />

367 90<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . . . $656&248 75 22&100, 616 62


General account of the receipts and expenditures<br />

of '&e Unitea<br />


Brought forward . . 116, 351, 170 91<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

Carried forward. . . ----- 6116 351 170$


Btates fnr the fiscal year ending tune 30, 1861 — Continued.<br />


Brought forward. . . . . . . 656, 248 75 22, 100, 616 62<br />

gage.<br />

218 Interpreters to the consulates in China. . . . . . 5 699 83<br />

218 Compensation of the interpreter of the mission to Japan 3, 750 00<br />

219 Expenses of intercourse with the Barbary powers. 2, 500 00<br />

219 Contingent expenses of all the missions abroad. . . . . . 63, 510 93<br />

219 Contingent expenses of foreign intercourse. . . . . . . 70, 710 39<br />

220 Carrying into efi'ect the convention between the United<br />

States and Paraguay<br />

220 Prosecution of the work, including pay of commissioner<br />

and other expenses provided in first article<br />

2, 698 87<br />

of the reciprocity treaty with Great Britain . . 15, 000 00<br />

220 Compensation of the con&missioner, secretary, chief<br />

astronomer, &c. , and contingent expenses of the<br />

commissioner to run and mark the boundary line<br />

between the United States and the British possessions<br />

bounding on Washington Territory. . . . . . 110, 000 00<br />

220 To meet the necessary expenses attendant upon the<br />

execution of the neutrality act of April 12, 1818, &c.<br />

220 To defray the expenses of carrying into eifcct the joint<br />

resolution of May 11, 1858, authorizing suitable<br />

415 52<br />

acknowledgments to be made to the British naval<br />

authorities at Jamaica, &c.. 3, 000 00<br />

220 To defray the cost of a prison-ship at Canton, China,<br />

from January 1, 1854, to January 1, 1857, and for<br />

compensation of the marshal of the consular court<br />

of Canton during the said period.<br />

4, 75G 52<br />

221 Compensation of the commissioner, secretary, interpreter,<br />

&c. , to adjust claims of citizens of the United<br />

States against New Granada, act of February 20,<br />

1861, (8th section) 1, 000 00<br />

221 Awards under the 15th article of the treaty between<br />

the United &States and Mexico, per acts of February<br />

2, 1848, and March 3, 1849<br />

221 Awards under the convention between the United<br />

States and the Emperor of Brazil. .<br />

221 To meet an extraordinary emergency which has arisen<br />

in bringing from Batavia 24 seamen of the ship<br />

2, 895 22<br />

1, 000 00<br />

"Staghound,<br />

" charged with mutiny. . . . . . 9, 792 00<br />

221 Settlement of the accounts of Edward Ely, deceased,<br />

late consul at Bombay. 1, 832 49<br />

221 Expenses incurred by Charles J. Helm, consul general<br />

at Havana 7, 146 33<br />

221 Expenses of rescuing citizens of the United States from<br />

shipwreck 1, 297 28<br />

221 Bringing home from foreign countries persons charged<br />

with crime, and expenses incident thereto, &c<br />

222 Relief snd protection of American seamen<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct excess of repayments<br />

beyond<br />

expenditures:<br />

218 Preservation of the archives of the consulates<br />

and commercial agencies of<br />

the United States . . 2, 258 23<br />

218 Expenses of envoys an&i suite constituting<br />

thc Japanese embassy. . . 18, 370 31<br />

Car&icd forward.<br />

6& 684 61<br />

198, 476 71<br />

1, 168, 415 45<br />

20, 62S 54<br />

1, 147, 786 91<br />

$23, 248, 403 53


General a/corsnt of the receiyts a/«I expen/litrsrcs<br />

of the United<br />


Brought forward . - 116, 351/170 g1<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

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/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

Carned forward<br />

---. &116, &61, ~176 I


States fo& the J&'seal year ewdir&g nisi&e 30, 1861 — Continued.<br />

55<br />




Brought forward. .<br />

Page,<br />

244 Invalid pensions, (army)<br />

245 Pensions, acts March 18, 1818; May 15, 1828; June<br />

7, 1832<br />

246 Pensions, acts July 4, 1836& (section 3, ) July 7, 1838;<br />

March 3, 1843; June 17, 1844; February 2 and<br />

July 29, 1848; February 3, 1853, (section 2)<br />

247 Pensions, acts July 21, 1848; February 3, 1853, (section<br />

1;) and under special acts of Congress<br />

248 Pensions, act June 3, 1858<br />

249 Unclaimed pensions, (army)<br />

253 Half-pay pensions to widows and orphans, payable<br />

through the Third Auditor's Office<br />

254 Invalid pensions, (navy).<br />

254 Navy pensions (five years) to widows and orphans,<br />

act August 11, 1848<br />

255 Navy privateer pensions<br />

255 Unclaimed pensions, (navy).<br />

255 Navy pension fund<br />

256 Fulfilling treaty with thc Blackfoot Nation<br />

256 Fulfilling treaties with the Comanches, Kioways, and<br />

Apaches, of Arkansas river<br />

256 Fulfilling treaty with the Chippewas of Lake Superior,<br />

of September 30, 1854<br />

256 Fulfilling treaties with the Chippewas of Swan creek<br />

and Black river<br />

256 Fulfilling treaties with the Chippewas of the Mississippi<br />

256 Fulfilling treaty with the Chippewas of the Mississippi,<br />

of February 22, 1855<br />

257 Fulfilling treaties with the Chippewas, Menomonees,<br />

Winnebagoes, and New York Indians<br />

257 Fulfilling treaties with tlie Creeks<br />

257 Fulfilling treaties with the Choctaws<br />

257 Fulfilling treaty with the Choctaw orphan reservations<br />

— proceeds of lands.<br />

257 Fulfilling treaties with the Chasta, Scoton, and Umpqua<br />

Indians<br />

257 Fulfilling treaties witli the Calapooias, Molalas, and<br />

Clackamas<br />

257 Fulfilling treaties with the Delawares<br />

258 Fulfillii&g treaties with thc Delawares —<br />

proceeds of<br />

lands<br />

258 Fulfilling treaty with the Flatheads and other confederated<br />

tribes<br />

258 Fulfilling treaties with the Chippewas and Christian<br />

Indians — proceeds of lands.<br />

258 Fulfilling treaties with the Iowas<br />

258 Fulfilling treaties with the Iowas — proceeds of lands<br />

259 Fulfilling treaties with the Kansas<br />

259 Fulfilling treaties with the Kickapoos<br />

259 Fulfillin« ~ treaties with the Kaskaskias, Peorias, Weas,<br />

and Piankeshs ws — proceeds of lands<br />

259 Fulfilling treaties with the Mismis<br />

259 Fulfilling treaties with the Miamis of Eel river.<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . -. .<br />

409, 525 63<br />

231208 47<br />

230, 082 02<br />

58&796 07<br />

135) 027 64<br />

141746 26<br />

1, 611 98<br />

39, 196 59<br />

119, 889 72<br />

775 46<br />

1, 739 89<br />

15, 232 58<br />

16, 707 75<br />

41, 582 85<br />

17& 491 80<br />

7) 000 00<br />

64, 390 42<br />

1, 125 00<br />

56, 400 16<br />

12&460 00<br />

141 36<br />

10, 670 00<br />

19, 700 00<br />

3& 618 4G<br />

4& 914 68<br />

19, 371 4G<br />

5, 531 85<br />

689 60<br />

14, 986 81<br />

16& 8G8 30<br />

12) 178 00<br />

3& 236 32<br />

31, 495 20<br />

1) 099 95<br />

23&248)403 53<br />

$1, 411, 492 28 23&248&403 53



6'eneral account of' the receipts artd ezpertrIitrrres<br />

of' the United<br />


/<br />

!<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

I<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/ / I<br />

Carried forward $]]6 36] ]76 ]i



Statee for thefi'Seal year ending Jrrne 30, 1861 — Continued,<br />

57<br />


Brought forward. . . . . . . . . .<br />

Page.<br />

260 Fulfilling treaties with the Menoinonees<br />

260 Fulfilling treaties with the Ottawas and Chippewasof<br />

Michigan<br />

260 Fulfilling treaties with the Osages<br />

260 I&'ulfilling treaties with the Omahas .<br />

260 Fulfilling treaties with the Ottawas of Kansas .<br />

260 Fulfilling treaties with the Ottawas and 51issourias<br />

260 Fulfilling treaties with the Pottawatomies<br />

261 Fulfilling treaties with the Pottawatomies of the<br />

Huron<br />

261 Fulfilling treaties with the Puget's sound Indians<br />

261 Ii'ulfilling treaties with the Pawnees<br />

261 Fulfilling treaties with the Poncas<br />

261 Fulfilling treaties with the Quapaws. .<br />

262 Fulfilling treaties with the Rogue river Indians. .<br />

262 Fulfilling treaties with the Sioux of the Mississippi. .<br />

262 Fulfilling treaties with the Sacs and Foxes of Mississippi-<br />

262 Fulfilling treaties with the Sacs and Foxes of Missouri.<br />

263 Fulfilling treaties with the Senecas<br />

263 I&'ulfilling treaties with the Senecas of New York<br />

263 Fulfilling treaties with the Shawnees.<br />

263 Fulfilling treaties with the Senecas and Shawnces .<br />

263 Fulfilling treaties with the Six Nations of New York.<br />

263 Fulfilling treaties with the Stockbridges<br />

263 Fulfilling treaties with the Stockbridges and Munsees.<br />

263 Fulfilling treaties with the Tonawanda 1ndians<br />

263 Fulfilling treaties with the Unipquas, Cow creek band<br />

264 Fulfilling treaties with the Umpquas and Calapooias<br />

264 Fulfilling treaties with the Winnebagoes<br />

264 Fulfifiing treaties with the Yancton Sioux or Dakotah<br />

Indians<br />

264 Fulfilling treaties with the Walla-Walla, Cayuse, and<br />

Umatilla tribes<br />

264 Fulfilling treaties with the Yakama Nation<br />

265 Fulfilling treaties with the confederated tribes and<br />

bands in Oregon<br />

265 Fulfilling treaties with the Dwamish and other allied<br />

tribes in Washington Territory<br />

265 Fulfilling treaties with the Mal-, ah tribe<br />

265 Fulfilling treaties with the 5folel Indians<br />

265 Fulfilling treaties with the Nez Perces<br />

266 Fulfiilling treaties with the Qui-nai-elt and Quil-lehute<br />

Indians<br />

266 Fulfilling treaties with the 8'Kallams<br />

266 Interest due Chippewas, Ottawas, and Pottawatomies,<br />

(<strong>edu</strong>cation)<br />

266 Interest due Choctaws, (<strong>edu</strong>cation)<br />

266 Interest due Choctaws under convention with Chicl--<br />

asaws<br />

266 Interest duc Cherokees under treaty of 1835-'36<br />

267 Interest due Cherokee orphans under treaty of<br />

I D<br />

1835- 5 3G<br />

267 Interest due Creek orphans<br />

267 Interest due Delawares<br />

267 Interest due iZIenomonecs<br />

1, 411, 492 Z 8 23, 248, 403 63<br />

2", 69O 00<br />

49, 62G 68<br />

2, 686 80<br />

28, 221 25<br />

4, 900 00<br />

14, 650 00<br />

76, 199 11<br />

400 00<br />

12, 171 88<br />

60, 433 94<br />

18, 730 20<br />

2, 122 19<br />

5, 062 56<br />

175& 545 25<br />

107, 328 94<br />

15, 910 00<br />

2& 190 00<br />

11, 902 50<br />

103& 973 97<br />

1, 530 00<br />

4, 549 93<br />

1, 555 00<br />

4, 339 26<br />

Z, 747 95<br />

825 00<br />

11, 925 00<br />

63, 397 24<br />

49, G71 27<br />

45, 939 35<br />

71, 120 00<br />

52& 706 84<br />

27, 691 25<br />

8, 74G 00<br />

10& 970 00<br />

69, 603 30<br />

8, 336 37<br />

13, 327 38<br />

1, 029 68<br />

5, 859 51<br />

39, 540 20<br />

8, 963 30<br />

1, 370 25<br />

13, 700 96<br />

45, 48G 23<br />

16, 000 00<br />

Carried forward. . . . . ------- 82, 7i2, 1G8 82 23, Z48&403 53


Ger/erat account of the receipts and erpeurlitures<br />

of the L'nited<br />


Brought forward. . . .<br />

. 116, 351, 170 gi<br />

Carried forward<br />



States for the fisca year eu«fir&@ June 30, IS61 — Continued.<br />


Brought forward<br />

2&712, 168 82 23, 248, 403 53<br />

Page.<br />

267 Interest due Osages, (<strong>edu</strong>cation)<br />

5, 330 17<br />

267 Interest due Senecas<br />

250 00,<br />

267 Interest due Senecas and Shawnees<br />

802 96<br />

267 Interest due Stockbridges and Munsees<br />

312 24<br />

268 Interest due Kaskaskias, Peorias, Weas, and Pianl-eshaws<br />

268 Interest due Pottawatomies, (e&lucation)<br />

13, 230 00<br />

2, 606 25<br />

268 Carrying into effect the treaty with Chickasaws of<br />

October, 1832.<br />

8G, 689 27<br />

268 Cherokee schools, (1819)<br />

4, 682 35<br />

268 Kansas schools<br />

22& 000 00<br />

268 Pay of superintendents and Indian agents<br />

51, G98 50<br />

268 Pay of Indian sub-agents<br />

2, 526 74<br />

269 Pay of interpreters<br />

16, 947 59<br />

270 Civilization of Indians<br />

5, 659 00<br />

270 Presents to Indians<br />

3) 460 48<br />

270 Provisions for Indians<br />

23& 544 59<br />

271 Buildings and repairs at the agencies<br />

10, 199 22<br />

271 Vaccination of Indians<br />

2, 282 85<br />

271 Contingencies of the Indian Department<br />

29, 460 08<br />

272 Pay of clerk to superintendent at St. Louis<br />

600 00<br />

272 Temporary clerks to superintendents of Indian afiairs. 3, 298 00<br />

273 Incidental expenses of Indian service in California 3, 106 99<br />

273 Incidental expenses of Indian service in Utah Territory<br />

43& 163 51<br />

273 Incidental expenses of Indian service in washington<br />

Territory<br />

9, 559 65<br />

273 Incidental expenses of Indian service in New Mexico. 69, 815 40<br />

274 Holding council svith the Red lake and Re&1 river<br />

Chippewas in Minnesota, for the extinguishment of<br />

their title to lands in that State, act June 19, 1860. 9, 864 05<br />

274 Adjusting difficulties and preventing outbreaks among<br />

Indians in Oregon<br />

200 74<br />

274 Insurance and transportation of annuities to Indian<br />

tribes in Oregon.<br />

1, 223 68<br />

274 Insurance, transportation, t&c. , of annuities, goods,<br />

kc. , to the Indian tribes in Minnesota, Michigan,<br />

and IVisconsin<br />

3, 002 01<br />

274 Compensation of three special agents and three interpreters<br />

for Indians in 'I'exas<br />

4&831 24<br />

274 Removal and subsistence of Indians in California to<br />

the reservations in that State; pay of physicians,<br />

smiths, mechanics, and laborers at the reservations.<br />

34, 499 44<br />

275 Payment of annuities and transportation to certain<br />

Indian tribes, per treaty of Fort Laramie.<br />

68, 881 09<br />

275 I(emoval and subsistence of Indians<br />

2, 281 25<br />

275 Payment to Cherokees, omitted in the census taken<br />

by D. W. Siler<br />

371 28<br />

275 Payment to Spunk, or Bald Frog, alias Josepli Henson<br />

400 00<br />

276 Surveying and allotting to the proper persons the reserved<br />

tracts, per treity with the Sacs and Foxes of<br />

July 1. &, 1830<br />

904 02<br />

276 Payment to &lie Shsivnees, to be reimbursed to the<br />

United States wlien collected from Ageuts Gay and<br />

Arnold<br />

3, 074 44<br />

Carrmd forward 83, 25', 930 90 23&248)403 53



General acconnt of' the receipts and expenditures<br />

of the United<br />


Brought forward . 116, 351, 170 91<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/ !<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

I<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

, /<br />

~<br />

Carried forward . . . . . 3116 351 17p g



States for the+seal year ending Jvne 30, 1861 — Continued.<br />

61<br />


Brought forward<br />

3&252&930 90 23, 248, 403 53<br />

Psge,<br />

276 Payment to settlers for their improvements on lands<br />

situated within the general reservation at Puget's<br />

Sound<br />

9& 000 00<br />

276 Restoring and maintaining peace with Indian tribes<br />

in Oregon<br />

50, 000 00<br />

276 Payment to Merit L. Young, for rations furnished to<br />

the emigrating Pottawatomies, Chippewas, and Ottawas,<br />

in 1852<br />

9, 625 00<br />

276 Road from Fort Kearney to California<br />

16& 835 11<br />

276 Road from El Paso to Fort Yuma.<br />

10, 664 44<br />

277 Extinguishing title of Indian tribes to lands west of<br />

Missouri and Iowa<br />

1& 915 23<br />

277 Engagements and stipulations of General Harney with<br />

the Sioux Indians at Fort Pierre<br />

1& 003 60<br />

277 Restoration to their relatives in Wisconsin of four orphan<br />

children of Edward Miltimore, who escaped<br />

the massacre by Indians in 1859, and found refuge<br />

at Camp Floyd<br />

1& 500 00<br />

277 Insurance, transportation, lkc. of Pawnee annuity<br />

&<br />

goods<br />

2, 112 71<br />

277 Incidental expenses of Indian rervice in Oregon and<br />

Washington Territories<br />

27& 873 03<br />

278 Iudian service in the district of country leased from<br />

the Choctaws for Indians lately residing in Texas 31, 695 50<br />

278 Indian service in Utah, under direction of the Secretary<br />

of the interior<br />

10&922 73<br />

278 Settlement of the acc»&unts of Oliver M. Wozencraft<br />

156 00<br />

278 Payment of the late Indian agents in Utah Territory 23, 764 99<br />

278 Colonizing, supporting, &c. , the Wichitaws and other<br />

afBhated bands.<br />

47, 465 94<br />

278 Insurance, transportation, 6&c.<br />

&<br />

of annuities and provisions<br />

for the Chippewas of Lake Superior . 3, 000 00<br />

278 Insurance, transportation, Brc. , of annuities and provisions<br />

for the Chippewas of the Mississippi<br />

3, 88G 75<br />

278 Insurance, transportation, 6&c. , of annuities and provisions<br />

for Indian tribes in Minnesota aud Michigan<br />

279 Insurance, transportation, Brc„of annuities, goods,<br />

and provisions for the Flatheads, Yakimas, and Nez<br />

PercBs.<br />

279 Insurance, transportation, Rc. , of annuity goods and<br />

provisions for the Pawnee, Ponca, and Yancton<br />

Sioux<br />

279 Transportation and delivery of annuity goods to the<br />

Blackfoot Indians<br />

279 HoMing council with the Arapahoe and Cheyenne Indians,<br />

south of the Platte river. . . . .<br />

279 Loss and destruction of property of citizens of Minnesota<br />

and Iowa, at Spirit lake in 1857, by Ink-padu-tah's<br />

baud of Sioux Indians.<br />

280 Payment to the Choctaw nation on account of their<br />

claim, under articles 11th and 12th of the treaty<br />

of June 22, 18, ». .<br />

280 Payment to Sisseeton and Wah-pa-ton bands of Dakoiah<br />

or Sioux Indians.<br />

280 Payment to the Med-a, -wa-kan-tou and Wah-pa-koo-ta<br />

bands of Dakotah or Sioux Indiaus .<br />

20, 150 62<br />

17& 905 42<br />

8, 853 89<br />

10 459 40<br />

20& 23G 12<br />

8& 955 16<br />

250, 000 00<br />

31, 171 67<br />

37) 580 30<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . . . . $3& 909, 664 51 23, 248, 403 53



General account of the receipts anil expenditures<br />

of «&e Un'«"<br />


Brought forward . .. - ---- 116 /' 351<br />

/ 170 919<br />

/<br />

, /<br />

Carried forward. . . .<br />

6116, 651, 17p 9i


States pier the fiscal year endirig tune 30, 1861 — Continued.<br />


Brought forward . . . . . - . 3, 909, 664 51 23, 248, 403 53<br />

Page.<br />

280 Relief of Ann Scott. . 58 35<br />

280 Relief of O. D. Fairbanks, Fredine<br />

Dodge, and others.<br />

280 Relief of thc children of the late Cap-<br />

614 38<br />

tain Capron. 300 00<br />

281 Relief of destitute Indians and Indian<br />

tribes. . . . . . . . . . 21, 000 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct excess of repayments beyond<br />

expenditures, and repayments where there are no<br />

expenditures, viz:<br />

256 Navy pension fund.<br />

258 Fulfilling treaties with the Florida<br />

Indians or Seminoles. . . . . . . .<br />

267 Interest due Iowas. . . . . . . .<br />

275 Collecting and establishing the Southern<br />

Comanches, Wichitaws, 6:c. , on<br />

reservations south of the Arkansas<br />

river.<br />

277 Removal and subsistence of Seminolo<br />

Indians now in Florida. .<br />

281 Interest due Chippewas, Ottawss, and<br />

Pottawatomies.<br />

281 Road from Platte river to Running<br />

Water river<br />

281 Expenses of the recovery and restoration<br />

to their homes of the children<br />

surviving the massacre by Indians<br />

of the emigrant trains from Arkansas<br />

in 1857<br />

281 Erecting building for Indian agents in<br />

Washington Territory. .<br />


1&831 51<br />

21, 840 25<br />

11840 12<br />

2, 359 26<br />

293 74<br />

110 01<br />

425 60<br />

85<br />

2, 855 00<br />

281 Pay of the army.<br />

283 Subsistence of the army<br />

286 Subsistence of ofiicers.<br />

287 Transportation of the army<br />

290 Forage.<br />

291 Clothing.<br />

292 'Payment in lieu of clothing for officers' servants<br />

293 Purchase of horses for dragoons<br />

294 Expenses of recruiting.<br />

296 Raising four additional regiments.<br />

296 Quartermaster's department . .<br />

300 Incidental cxpcnscs of the Quartermaster's department.<br />

303 Transportation of officers' baggage<br />

305 Medical and hospital department<br />

308 Barracks, quarters, 6'c<br />

21, 972 73<br />

3, 931& 637 24<br />

31, 556 34<br />

4, 111, 419 35<br />

3, 729, 468 15<br />

954, 931 45<br />

4, 070, 181 74.<br />

105, 073 41<br />

1, 139, 110 53<br />

34, 199 60<br />

297, 720 65<br />

110, 033 94<br />

91, 839 49<br />

1, 824, 226 70<br />

666, 580 03<br />

115& 372 67<br />

197& 520 58<br />

431, 403 71<br />

3, 900, 080 90<br />

Carried forivard. . . . . . . . . . . 817, 879, 082 00 27, 148, 484 43



general, account of the receipts aed expenditures<br />

of t««n&ted<br />


Brpaght fpr~ard - - - - - - - - 116, 351, 170 01<br />

/<br />

Carried forward . . . . . . . $116, 351, 170 11


8tatesfrw rl!efixeal yea) ending June 30, 1Sfil — Continuul.<br />


Brought forward<br />

17, 879, 082 00 27, 148, 484 43<br />

page.<br />

310 Contingencies of the army<br />

26, 281 08<br />

311 'I'hree months' extr;i pay<br />

1, 947 OU<br />

311 Payment to discharge&i soldiers for clothing not drawn. 50, 001 14<br />

311 Purchase of stoves for oflicera' and soldiers' quarters<br />

877 16<br />

312 Purchase of horses for light artillery by ordiiance department<br />

39 805 07<br />

312 Apparatus and equipment for field signals<br />

2, 000 00<br />

312 Pay of officers, cadets, kc. , at West Point ...<br />

110, 027 00<br />

312 Subsistence of &, fficers, &c, at West Point<br />

3, 508 20<br />

312 Forage fur officers' horses at West Point .<br />

718 39<br />

3l2 Current and ordinary expenses at West Puint ..<br />

36, 895 00<br />

, i3 Forage for artillery and cav;ilry horses at West<br />

Point .<br />

5, 640 00<br />

313 Horses for artillery and cavalry practice at West<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1, 000 UU<br />

4, 500 00<br />

100 00<br />

Point .<br />

313 Increase a, nd expenses of library at West Point.<br />

313 Expenses of board of visitors at Wes(, Point. . . . .<br />

313 Furniture for hospital for cadets at IVest Point.<br />

313 Extension of mater-pipes and incre;ise of reservoir at<br />

West Point . .<br />

313 Repairs of officers' quarters at West Point . .<br />

313 Targe(s and batteries for artillery exercise at West<br />

Point . .<br />

313 Gas-pipes, gasorneters, and retorts at West Point.<br />

313 Payment in lieu of clothing to ofiicers' servants at<br />

West Point .<br />

313 Iron girders for acadia mic bui)ding at West Point<br />

3i3 tVarming apparatus for academic building at West<br />

Point .<br />

314 Materials for quarters for subaltern officers.<br />

314 Commissions»pon United States i21i)i(ary Academy . .<br />

314 Arming and equippir&g the militia<br />

314 Armament of fortifications .<br />

315 Contingencies of fortifications . .<br />

315 Arsenals<br />

316 Manufacture of arms at the nations', armorias. .<br />

316 Pay of civil superintendcu(s at the national armories<br />

31(i Repairs, 3rc. , at Springfield armory<br />

316 Repairs, (tc, at Harper's Ferry armory.<br />

316 51achiuery, tools kc. . for an arsenal of construction<br />

at Fayettevillc, North Carolina, . .<br />

316 Ordnance service<br />

317 Ordnance, ordnance stores, and supplies . . . . . .<br />

319 Purchase of best breech-loading carbiues. . . . . . . .<br />

319 Arsenal s, t Allegheny.<br />

319 Arsenal at Charleston<br />

319 Arsenal in Cali('ornia .<br />

3l9 Arsenal at Fort Monroe.<br />

820 Arsenal at Eennebec<br />

320 Arsenal at New Yorlt<br />

320 Arsenal at St Louis<br />

320 Arsenal in Texas<br />

320 Arsenal at Wasliington<br />

320 Arsenal at Watervliet<br />

320 Arsenal at Watertown<br />

320 Repairs at the smaller arsenals. . . . . .<br />

R<br />

2, 500 00<br />

500 UU<br />

150 00<br />

50U UU<br />

9 33<br />

3, 500 OU<br />

250 00<br />

3, 500 (0<br />

2, 860 00<br />

189, 686 ()0<br />

485, 356 56<br />

96, 496 41<br />

9) 571„12<br />

24:L 708 05<br />

4, 375 UU<br />

6:3, 622 67<br />

34, 500 00<br />

5, 775 00<br />

15(i, ((45 69<br />

49T, 936 78<br />

24, 916 25<br />

5, 350 00<br />

250 00<br />

59, 665 10<br />

23, 266 76<br />

800 00<br />

I) 100 00<br />

3, 937 90<br />

5. 046 20<br />

8, 950 00<br />

15, 000 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

7, 235 15<br />

Carried forward. . . . $20, 119, 84" 61 27, 148, )'4


General account of the receipts and expenditures<br />

of the Uniterl<br />


Brought forward . . - . - 116& 351&170 51<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

//<br />

/<br />

/<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . ~. . . . . . . . . 6116, 861~179 &



States for the fisca year en&ling June 30, 1S()1 — C)ontiuued.<br />


Brought forwar&i. . . . . . . . 20, 119, 842 Gl 27, 148, 484 43<br />

Page.<br />

321 Contingencies of arsenals<br />

321 Fort Adams, Rhode Ishmd<br />

321 Fort Carroll, Maryland<br />

321 Fort Calhoun, Virginia,<br />

321 Fort Clinch, Florida<br />

821 Fort Dele, ware, Delaware<br />

321 Fort a(, 8'ort Point, California . .<br />

321 Fort Gaines, Alabama<br />

322 Fort Jackson, Louisiana.<br />

322 P'ort Jef'fersou, Florida.<br />

822 Fort Ei)ox, Maine<br />

322 Fort Montgomery, New York. .<br />

322 Fort Monroe, Virginia.<br />

322 Yort Moultrie, South ('arolina<br />

322 Yort McRea, Flori&ia.<br />

322 Fort Richmond, New York<br />

822 I&'ort Sun)ter, South Carolina<br />

322 P'ort St Philip, Louisiana<br />

323 Fort Taylor, Florida .<br />

328 Fort Winthrop, Massachusetts<br />

328 Fort opposite lvort Schuyler, New York.<br />

323 Fort on site of I&'ort Tompkins, New York<br />

323 Ports on the westeru frontier of Texas.<br />

323 Fort!Qcations at A(catraz island, California<br />

323 Fortifications at entrance of New Bedford harbor<br />

328 Fortificatir&ns at Hog Island ledge, Maine<br />

823 Fortifications at Sandy Hook, New Jersey<br />

323 For(ific;itions for defence ot' eutrance to Ga(vestou<br />

harbor and bay<br />

323 Fortilications at Ship island, coast or the Mississippi<br />

324 Recoristructing the stables at Csrlisle biirracks<br />

324 Repaiis. &c. , of barracks, quarters, (kc. , at forts not<br />

occupied by troops<br />

l24 Survey for military defences of the sea and inland<br />

frontier<br />

l24 Purchase of a site and additional defences of San<br />

Francisco<br />

124 Road from Fort Benton to Walla-Walla<br />

124 Road from Steilacoom to Vancouver<br />

124 Repairs of bridge over Mill creek .<br />

124 Paying existing liabilities, and to fmish the maps, &:c,<br />

of the survey of' the A. trato route of interior-oceanic<br />

canal<br />

25 Removing obstructions in the Savannah river. .<br />

25 Removing obstructions in the niouth of the Mississippi<br />

river<br />

25 Improvement of Des Moines rapids, in the Mississippi<br />

1(vei'<br />

25 Survey of northern and northwestern la!res<br />

25 Repairs and contingeucies of harbors<br />

25 Pier and mole at Oswego, New York<br />

25 Printin)r charts of lake surveys .<br />

25 Continuing ~ the topographical and hydrographical survey<br />

of tlie delta of the Mississippi<br />

'5 Impioveincnt of the Tennessee river<br />

'6 Dome of the Capi(, ol of the United States.<br />

8, 256<br />

5 000<br />

20, 000<br />

45& 000<br />

21, OOU<br />

43, (142<br />

52, 000<br />

25, 807<br />

175<br />

116, 000<br />

1Z, 500<br />

7, 000<br />

9, 699<br />

13, 500<br />

8, 500<br />

19, 828<br />

41, 000<br />

7, 000<br />

120, 000<br />

29&i<br />

5 950<br />

31, 80U<br />

35&, 000<br />

25, 000<br />

ZU, UUO<br />

24, 810<br />

84, 000<br />

G5<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

70<br />

00<br />

19<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

UO<br />

59<br />

00<br />

00<br />

UU<br />

00<br />

00<br />

5U<br />

OU<br />

00<br />

OU<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

38, 000 00<br />

18, 199 Go<br />

8, 050 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

54) G80 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

61, 501 98<br />

10, 000 UU<br />

500 00<br />

6, 500 00<br />

8, 000 00<br />

33, 176 92<br />

40, 000<br />

75, 000<br />

3<br />

10, 000<br />

5, 000<br />

00<br />

00<br />

05<br />

00<br />

00<br />

1, 060 02<br />

446 53<br />

IG4, 999 80<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . . . $21, 454, 725 Zi, 148, 484 48



General account of the receipts and expenditures<br />

of the United<br />


Brought forward . . . . . . 116& 351, 170 01<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

Carrhd forward<br />

. . . . . . -------- $116, 651, 170 &ll

$&r&A. .<br />


c for thefisrrrcl I&ear enrjinI, , Terre BO, 1661<br />

—&<br />

&ontinuccl<br />


Brought forward . . . 21, 454, 72o 27, 148, 484 43<br />

page.<br />

326 Extension of the Capitol of the United States<br />

326 Extension of the General Post Ofiice<br />

326 Continuing the Washington aqu<strong>edu</strong>ct<br />

326 Payment to the State of Maine f' or expenses incurred<br />

in orgauiziug a regiment of volunteers for the<br />

Mexic &n war<br />

327 Payment of expenses of militia of New Mexico<br />

327 Pay of volunteers.<br />

3!7 Settlement of suspended accounts for expenses of volunteers<br />

in Kansas in 1856<br />

327 Pay of five companies of Texas mounted volunteers<br />

'58<br />

327 1'aymeut of Florida volunteers in 1857 —<br />

328 Payment of mounted riflemen, volunteers under Captain<br />

John C. Fremont<br />

328 Payment of claims adjudicate&i to mounted?ifie)nen<br />

under Captain John C. Frdmont in 1846<br />

328 Travelling allowance to volunteers<br />

328 Arrearages of psy to volunteers in Black Hawk war<br />

328 Pay of three companies of Kaz&sas volunteers<br />

3!9 l«cf'ur&ding to the State of California, expenses incurred<br />

in suppressing Indian hostilities prior to January<br />

1, 1854<br />

329 Purchase of gunpowder for the Pacific coast<br />

329 Preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities<br />

329 Repressing Seminole hostilities . .<br />

329 Mexican hostilities<br />

329 Purchase of gunpow&ler for land service<br />

329 Purchase aud repairs of iustruments for corps of topographical<br />

engineers<br />

330 Military contributions in Mexico<br />

330 Refunding moneys for expenses incurred, 3&c<br />

330 Arrearages prior to July, 1815<br />

330 Printing book of tactics.<br />

330 Contingent expenses of the adjutant general's department.<br />

330 Compensation of clerk and messenger in office of comruanding<br />

general.<br />

330 Contingent expenses of office of commanding general<br />

331 Expenses of the Rogue River Indian war. . . . . . .<br />

331 Printing a revised edition of the System of Instruction<br />

for Field Artillery<br />

331 Paymeut to tbe State of 5linnesota for expense» incurred<br />

by Capt&)in James Starlrey's company of Minnesota<br />

volunteers in 1857<br />

331 Deficiency from Indian hostilities in the transportation<br />

of troops, sct glarch 2, 1861<br />

331 D&)iciency fro&u Indian hostilities in barracks, quarters,<br />

3&c<br />

331 Deficiency from Indian hostilities in incidental ex-<br />

penses of quartermaster's department<br />

331 Completing the report and perfecting the drawings of<br />

the San Juan exploring expedition. . . . .<br />

331 Protection of crnigrants on the overland routes<br />

332 Relief of Mrs. Agatha O' Brien. .<br />

332 Relief of the legal representatives of Sylvester Day,<br />

late surgeon United States army. . . . .<br />

434, 348 10<br />

86, 000 00<br />

251, 470 55<br />

10, 308 28<br />

60, 000 00<br />

401 54<br />

1& 021 40<br />

40 97<br />

7, G52 85<br />

1& 032 00<br />

822 90<br />

2S7 46<br />

447 32<br />

279 98<br />

11, 527<br />

2, 957<br />

5, 649<br />

307<br />

10, 000<br />

37, 87G<br />

43<br />

50<br />

18<br />

78<br />

00<br />

45<br />

10, 000 00<br />

4, 543 59<br />

22 00<br />

253 51<br />

286 50<br />

500 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

300 00<br />

576& 40<br />

5, 100 00<br />

1, 111 77<br />

469, 150 00<br />

178, 000 00<br />

56, 400 53<br />

l. 800<br />

2, ), 000<br />

486<br />

00<br />

00<br />

75<br />

426 00<br />

Carried forward. . . . . -. . ---. 823& 133 114 70 27. 14S, 484 43


General account of the receipts and ezyencIitures<br />

ag the United<br />


Brought forward 116, 351, 170 91<br />

/<br />

Carried forward. . . . . - - - - - 8116, 351, 176 ~i


States for the frscal year ending June 30, 1861 — Continued.<br />


Brought forward. .. 23, 133, 114 70 27, 1 8, 484 43<br />

Page.<br />

332 Relief of the missionary societies of the Methodist<br />

Episcopal church, act June 16, 1860 ..<br />

20, 000 00<br />

332 Relief of bfieutenant George S. Hartsuff, United States<br />

army.<br />

380 00<br />

231 153, 494 70<br />

From which deiluct excess of repayments beyond<br />

expenditures, and repayments where there are no<br />

expenditures:<br />

308 Transportation and supplies in the<br />

quartermaster's department ..<br />

327 Pay of four companies of volunteers<br />

called out by Lieutenant Colonel<br />

Washington<br />

328 Pay and supplies of mounted and foot<br />

companies of Florida volunteers<br />

328 Support of four companies of volunteers<br />

at Camp Scott, Utah Territory.<br />

332 Purchase of best breech-loading rifles.<br />

332 Repairs of barracks at Baton Rouge,<br />

Louisiana.<br />

332 Road from a point on the Missouri<br />

river, opposite the city of Council<br />

Bluffs, to new Fort Eearney, Washington<br />

Territory<br />

332 Road from Fort Riley to Bridger's<br />

' 332 Road from Fort Riley to the Arkansas<br />

1'1 ver<br />

882 Survey of railroad from the Mississippi<br />

mies in the field. .<br />

to the Pacific. . . . .<br />

333 Roads and bridges for the use of ar-<br />

333 Reopening a communication between<br />

Albemarle sound and the Atlantic<br />

ocean.<br />

833 Improvement of Cape Fear river,<br />

North Carolina<br />

833 Improvement of St. John's river, Florida<br />

333 Delaware breakwater<br />

333 Construction of a harbor on the east<br />

side of Reedy island<br />

333 Improvement of the navigation of the<br />

Colorado river<br />

333 Continuing the improvement of thc<br />

harbor of Dunkirl-<br />

333 Ses;wall, harbor of St. Augustine,<br />

Floriila.<br />

333 Payment of Texas volunteers under<br />

General Brook. .<br />

333 Testing gun metal for heavy cannon<br />

Carried forward<br />

958 38<br />

25, 860 09<br />

14, 133 59<br />

98, 112 17<br />

13 57<br />

52 40<br />

6 68<br />

6 63<br />

6 64<br />

I) 201 13<br />

903 24<br />

3, 521 39<br />

795 65<br />

822 60<br />

19 88<br />

77 43<br />

41 50<br />

158 68<br />

90 20<br />

5, 000 00<br />

182 23<br />

151, 964 03<br />

23, 001, 580 67<br />

50, 150, 015 10



General account nf' the receipts and expenditures<br />

of'the United<br />


Brought forward 116, 351, 170 91<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

Carried forward<br />

. . . . . . 6116, 351, 170 Ã


&g&ates fair the fiscal year ending June 30, IS61 — Continued.<br />


v&ze.<br />


Brought forward.<br />

33&4 Pay of the navy<br />

336 Clothing for the navy.<br />

337 Provisions for the navy<br />

S38 Pay of superintendents.<br />

339 Surgeons' necessaries.<br />

3'&9 Contingent expenses of the navy.<br />

341 Increase, repairs, armament, snd e&4u]pment of the<br />

navy<br />

342 Six first class steam frigates. . .<br />

343 Five sloops-of-wsr.<br />

34S Seven steam sloops and one steamer.<br />

344 Seven steam screw sloops-of war, (second class) .. 344 Navy yard at B& eton, Massachusetts. . .... 344 Naval Academy<br />

344 Navy yard at Portsmouth, Ncw Hampshire<br />

344 Navy yard at New York, New York. ,<br />

345 Navy yard at P( ilsdclphia, Pennsylvania<br />

345 Navy yard at Washington, District of Co]umb]a. . . . .<br />

345 Navy yard at Norfe]k, Virginia.<br />

345 Navy yard at Pensacola, Florida.<br />

346 Navy yard at Sackett's EIarbor, New York<br />

346 Magazine at Por(smouth, New Elampshire .<br />

S46 Magazine at Boston, Massachusetts<br />

346 Magazine at New York, New York. .<br />

846 Magazine at Philadelphia, Permsylvania<br />

~ 347 Magazine at Washington, District of Columbia. ..<br />

347 11a«azine at Norfo]k, Virginia.<br />

347 Magazine at Pens&&cola, Florida. ... .<br />

347 Hospital at Boston, Massachusetts. ..<br />

847 Hospital at New York, New York<br />

3(8 Hospital at Philsd&lphia, Penusylvania<br />

348 Hospital at Norfolk, Virginia<br />

348 Hospital at Pensacola, Florida. .... 348 Support of beneficiaries at. naval asylum at Phi]adeldelphia,<br />

Pennsylvania<br />

349 Pay of the marine corps<br />

350 Provisions for the marine corps. .... .... ..<br />

350 Clothing for the marine corps<br />

350 Military stores for the ma&ice corps.<br />

351 Transportation and recruiting of marine corps<br />

S51 Repairs of barracks, Src, for the marine corps .<br />

351 Contingencies of the ma&inc corps<br />

351 5Iarine barracks at Brooklyn. New York. . . . . . . . . . .<br />

351 Marine barracks at Pensacola, 1'lorida.<br />

351 Repairs of marine barracks at Charlestowu, Mass.<br />

352 American Nautical Almanac.<br />

352 Purchase aml r&pairs of nautical instruments<br />

352 Publication of Wind and Current Charts<br />

352 Contingent cxpcnscs and wages in Observato(y aud<br />

Hydrographical Off]ce<br />

353 Publishing &'l»&rts, 3(c, of ]-a Plate river<br />

353 'I'est(ng improvement in stean& boilers. . .<br />

353 Testing useful inventions and discoveries.<br />

5, 006, 197 88<br />

79, 621 50<br />

1, 171, 664 81<br />

126, 393 80<br />

]7, 216 12<br />

698 009 57<br />

2, 559, 263 20<br />

192, 791 06<br />

128, 247 95<br />

63, 010 24<br />

25, 581 00<br />

55, 593 49<br />

16, 632 81<br />

53, 839 32<br />

35, 707 (&3<br />

25, 172 00<br />

2G, 940 77<br />

46& 089 51<br />

33, 036 74<br />

I, 000 00<br />

35& 565 36<br />

791 00<br />

13, 334 50<br />

483 00<br />

2, 315 02<br />

9, 821 68<br />

I, 511 29<br />

2, 19G 00<br />

12, 567 48<br />

4, 671 00&<br />

7, 168 58<br />

9, 838 77<br />

25, 778 72<br />

342. 454 88<br />

70, 756 06<br />

], 16, 031 89<br />

10, 751 56<br />

5. G40 55<br />

1. 100 45<br />

33, 248 09<br />

49, 183 90<br />

49G 25<br />

11, 000 00<br />

20, 152 87<br />

19& 854 12<br />

19 559 36<br />

9, 128 82(<br />

4, 325 42<br />

68 54<br />

2, 797 70<br />

50, 150, 015 10<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . 811, 204, 601 70 50, 150, 015 10


General account of' the receipts and expenditure&<br />

of th«&««"<br />


Broogbt forward<br />

116, 351, 176 gl<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

Csraod forward. . . . 8 1 lb, 361, 176 S<br />



States for the fiscal Igear endr'ng June 30, 1861 — Continued.<br />

75<br />


Brought forward<br />

11, 204, 601 70 50, 150, 015 10<br />

page.<br />

353 Military contributions in Mexico<br />

5, 375 13<br />

353 Prize money to captors during the war with Mexico . 7, 044 G7<br />

J54 Arming and manning the ordnance rbip Plymouth<br />

53 12<br />

2) 163 79<br />

354 Arranging specimens of natural history<br />

354 Exploration of the Panama arrd tributaries of thc<br />

Paraguay river<br />

354 Removal of the naval monument to the Naval Academy<br />

at Annapolis, Maryland. . . . . . . .<br />

354 Erection of a h) se-h))use.<br />

J54 Extra pay to officers and men employed on the Pacific<br />

coast.<br />

354 Compensation of clerks in the United States naval<br />

astronomical expedi<br />

& ion .<br />

354 Increase of pay of clerks and Inessengers in Wa;hing.<br />

ington navy yard and marine barracks.<br />

354 Purchase or charter of vessels for the Paraguay expediti<br />

&n.<br />

355 Fuel for the navy<br />

355 Purchase of hexrrp for the navy.<br />

356 Ordnance, ordnance stores, and small arms, including<br />

incidental expenses<br />

356 Purchase of saltpetre for the navy ..<br />

356 Engraving charts of the survey of Bchring straits, the<br />

South Pacific ocean and China sea<br />

357 Corumi&sion to the Isthmus of Chiriqui.<br />

357 Report of the survey of the road between California<br />

and China and portions of the coast of Japan<br />

357 Purchase of the right to Brooks's deep-sea sounding<br />

apparatus<br />

357 Purchase of the riglrt to Davidson's boat )pparatus<br />

357 Purchase of the right to Sargeant's steam engine<br />

governor<br />

357 Relief of the widows and orphans of the officers and<br />

men lost in the United States sloop Albany. . . .<br />

352 Printing snd publishing sailing directions . .<br />

357 Relief of JDIeph Morehcad.<br />

357 Relief of Richard W. Mearie<br />

357 Relief of the forward officers of the late exploring<br />

expedition<br />

357 Belief of Thomas G. Corbin<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments beyond<br />

&. xpenditures, viz:<br />

346 Navy yard at Mare Island, California . 116, 919 07<br />

348 Hospital fund 7, 689 20<br />

'I 93 47<br />

350 8uel for the n&arine corps . .<br />


230 Redemption of United States stock loan, cf 184G.<br />

2JO Payment of interest on the public debt .<br />

230 hedernption of bounty land stock, per act of February<br />

11, 1847<br />

Carri)&d forward.<br />

1, 884 27<br />

1, 500 00<br />

I, 48o 50<br />

14, 674 45<br />

2, 304 94<br />

595 00<br />

2, 856 61<br />

615, 180 12<br />

138& 476 03<br />

474, 375 95<br />

I, 625 31<br />

4-, 980 83<br />

882 72<br />

3, 078 86<br />

5& 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

336 00<br />

1, 300 50<br />

375 61<br />

535 00<br />

879 00<br />

293 15<br />

12, 511, 858 26<br />

124, 701 74<br />

2, OOO OO<br />

2, 966, 00G Ol<br />

100 00<br />

12, 387, 156 52<br />

. . 32& OIi8, 106 Ol 62, 537) 171 G2



GeneraZ account of the receipts anar expenrIitures<br />

of the Lnilcrl<br />


Brought forward 116, 351, 17p 31<br />

/<br />

I<br />

I<br />

/<br />

!/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

I<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

/<br />

Carried forward. . Si 1 5 351 17p


States fr~ tlute fiscal year enrling June 30, 1861 — Continued.<br />


Brought forward.<br />

Page.<br />

230 Iniere t on bounty land stock, per act of February ll,<br />

1847.<br />

230 Reinrbttisclncnt of treasury notes, per acts prior to<br />

July 22, 1846.<br />

231 Reimbursement of treasury notes, per acts of July 22,<br />

1S46<br />

23&1 Interest on treasury notes, per act of February 9,<br />

1847<br />

231 Payment of treasury notes, per section 9 of act of<br />

December 23, 1857<br />

238 Payment of interest on treasury notes, per section 9<br />

of act of December 23, 1857<br />

231 Reimbursement of treasury notes, per act of January<br />

28, 1847<br />

231 Payment to such creditors of Texas as are cutnprehended<br />

in the act of September 9, 1850 .<br />

231 Payment of treasury notes, per sectiou 9 of the act of<br />

December 17, 1860.<br />

357 Payment of interest on treasury notes, per section 9<br />

of the act of Decetnber 17, 18li0.<br />

231 Payment of treusnry notes, per section 4 of the act of<br />

March 2, 1861<br />

231 Payment of interest on treasury notes, per section 4<br />

of the act of March 2, 1851 . .<br />

Balance iu the treasury on June 30, 1861<br />

2, 968, 106 01 62, 537, 171 62<br />

9 06<br />

300 00<br />

50 00<br />

34 10<br />

18, 080, 150 00<br />

1, 062)012 9G<br />

100 00<br />

78, 884 16<br />

68, 350 00<br />

379 58<br />

— —<br />

586, 050 00<br />

5, 715 59<br />

22, 850, 141 4G<br />

S5 387, 313 08<br />

o30, 963&857 83<br />

$116, 351, 170 91<br />

Mains<br />

Nrw Hampshirr . lllassachusctts .<br />

Verruont .... Connccucut . .....<br />

Rhode lslarrd<br />

&Vow York<br />

New Jersey. . , .<br />

Pennsylvania .<br />

llclawaro. . ~<br />

lllarylarnl .... .... trilglnia . ~ ~ ~ ~ North carolina. 8outh Carolina ...<br />

Georgia.<br />

"This balance includes the amounts dcposilcd with the following States:<br />

955, 838 25<br />

6li9, 086 79<br />

1, 378, l73 58<br />

669, U86 79<br />

764, 6ie 6U<br />

382~335 30<br />

4&014&520 71<br />

764, 6iU 60<br />

2& 867, 514 78<br />

&ssb&751 49<br />

955I 838 25&<br />

2, 198, 427 9'J<br />

1, 433, 757 39<br />

1, 051, 422 09<br />

1, 051, 422 09<br />

Alabama . . . .<br />

r571&sl. slppr<br />

Tcnncsssc . . .<br />

E (& r 'l t u c k y. . . ,<br />

Ohro<br />

Missouri . . . . .<br />

Inrliaua. . . . . .<br />

Illinois<br />

Michrgan. . . .<br />

Arkansas . . . .<br />

I ouisiana . . .<br />

669, 086 79<br />

3tl2, 335 JU<br />

1, 433~757 39<br />

1, 433, 757 39<br />

2, 007, 260 34<br />

382, 335 30<br />

86U, 257 44<br />

4i7, 919 14<br />

2C6, 751 49<br />

286, 751 49<br />

477, 919 14<br />

$28&101, 644 91

—<br />

Ci'metal oicozsnt of t7ic rer cipts rinrl erI&enrtitztres of t7&e Znite&7 &S'trzfrw foz' t7ze fiscal &tear r &zrliigi, litnr 30, 1861 Contillrle(l.<br />

Included in tAe foregoing account of reciif ts of tAe United States are the follouing on account of funds held in trust Ay tAe gooernn&ent.<br />


llloncys received on account of stocks held in trust for the<br />

Bniitlisonian Institution.<br />

'efoncys received on account of stocks held in trust for Chickasaw<br />

In&liana.<br />

Navy pension fund<br />

74, 729 51<br />

67, 557 38<br />

20, 615 01<br />


Interest due Choctaws, (<strong>edu</strong>cation). . .<br />

Carrying into ef bet treaty with Chickasaws of October, 1832.<br />

Cherokee schools, 1819 .<br />

Kansas schools.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct excess of repayments beyond<br />

expenditures,<br />

Navy pension fund<br />

Navy hospital fund<br />

I, 831 51<br />

7, 689 20<br />

$5, 859 51<br />

86, 689 27<br />

4, 682 35<br />

22, 000 00<br />

119& 231 13<br />

9, 520 71<br />

9162& 901 90<br />

i<br />

$10, ), 710 42


RZ 0 Z IP T 8 AXD Z XP Z lYB I TURK 8<br />





1860-'61.<br />




Compensation<br />

and mileage of senators.<br />

To Asbury Dickins, Secretary of the Senate<br />

Amount by Asbury Dickins, per report No. 135, 277 10 00<br />

Amount advanced to Asbury Dickins in the year ending June<br />

30, 1861 338, 861 72<br />

Amount advanced as above 208, 788 1G<br />

208, 788 16<br />

$5) t7, 659 SB<br />

Which has been accounted for by paymenis to the followiug senators<br />

during the 36th Congress, from its corumenccment to and including<br />

the Sd of March, 1861, viz:<br />

TQ— Mileage. Compensa, lion Total.<br />

Ienry B. Anthony<br />

ldward D. Baker<br />

ames A. Bayard<br />

udah P. Benjaruin .<br />

yilliam Bigler .<br />

;insley S. Bingham. .<br />

homas Bragg . .<br />

:sse D. Bright<br />

Ibert G. Brown .<br />

mon Cameron<br />

Ichariah Chandler .. )mes Chestnut, jr<br />

auiel Clarlr<br />

ement C. Clay, jr ..<br />

Iomas L. Clingn)an. ..... ..<br />

. cob Collamer.<br />

hn J. Critteuden<br />

tferson Davis .<br />

Ines Dixon .<br />

mes R. Doolittle<br />

'. phen A. Douglas<br />

aries Durkee. .<br />

illiam P. Fesseuden<br />

sham N. Fitch ------- -----.<br />

Ijamin Fitzpatrick<br />

720 00<br />

5, 968 00<br />

176 00<br />

4, 148 80<br />

440 00<br />

1, 819 20<br />

516 80<br />

1, 489 60<br />

3, 838 40<br />

200 00<br />

1, 729 6)0<br />

472 00<br />

822 40<br />

1, 865 60<br />

96)9 20<br />

880 00<br />

1, 248 00<br />

3, 176 00<br />

560 00<br />

2, 288 00<br />

2, 168 00<br />

2, 795 20<br />

984 00<br />

2)292 80<br />

I, G97 60<br />

5, 891 38<br />

a 1, 241 09<br />

5, 786 30<br />

5 5, 613 70<br />

5. 926 03<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 966 89<br />

5, 901 37<br />

c 5, 605 48<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 967 12<br />

01 5, 038 37<br />

5, 975 St<br />

e 5, 654 79<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 926 03<br />

f 5, 654 79<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 983 56<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 9!)7 13<br />

5, 950 G9<br />

g 5, 663 01<br />

6, 611 38<br />

7, 209 09<br />

5, 962 30<br />

9, 762 50<br />

6, 36G 03<br />

7, $19 20<br />

6, 483 69<br />

71390 97<br />

9, 443 88<br />

G, 200 00<br />

7, G9ti 72<br />

5 510 37<br />

G, 797 74<br />

7, 520 39<br />

6, 969 20<br />

6) 880 00<br />

7, 174 03<br />

8, 830 79<br />

6, 560 00<br />

8, 271 56<br />

8, 16S 00<br />

8, '795 20<br />

G, 951 13<br />

8, 243 49<br />

7, 360 61<br />

CI rried fomvard. - . . ---. $43, 265 20, 111, 713 07 184, 978 27 208, 7$8 16<br />

a From Oct. 2, 1860, to March 3, 1861.<br />

t) To February 4, 18G1.<br />

e To January 14, 186)1.<br />

It To November 10, 18GO.<br />

e To January 21, 1861.<br />

f To January 21, 1861.<br />

g To January 21, 1SGl.

82<br />


1860 —'61.<br />


To— Mileage. Compensation Total.<br />

Brought forward.<br />

Solomon Foots<br />

Lafayette Foster. . .<br />

James S. Green<br />

James W. Grimes.<br />

William M. Gwin<br />

John P. Hale.<br />

Hannibal Hamlin.<br />

James H. Hammond<br />

James Harlan<br />

Henry P. Haun.<br />

John Hem phill<br />

Alfred Iverson .<br />

Robert M. T. Hunter .... ..<br />

Robert W. Johnson . ...... ..<br />

Andrew Johnson .<br />

Anthony Kennedy. .<br />

1'reston King. ..<br />

Joseph Lane. ..<br />

Milton S. Latham. ..<br />

Stephen R. Mallory.<br />

James M. Mason<br />

Lot M. Morrill .<br />

A. 0. P. Nicholson ...<br />

James A. Pcarcc<br />

Trusten Polk<br />

Lazarus W. Powell<br />

George E. Pugh<br />

Henry 51. Rice ..<br />

Wil lard Saulsbury ..<br />

William K. Scbastian<br />

William H. Seward<br />

James F. Simruons<br />

John Slidell<br />

Charles Sumner<br />

John C. Ten Eyck<br />

John B Thompson ..<br />

Robert Toombs<br />

Lyman Trumbull .<br />

Benjamin F. Wade.<br />

L. T. Wigfall. ..<br />

M. S. Wilkinson. .<br />

Henry Wilson ..<br />

David L Yulee.<br />

Additional per diem to Hon. B.<br />

Fitzpatrick as president pro<br />

tempore of the Senate at the<br />

special session in June, 1860,<br />

and first session of the 36th<br />

Congress, 14 days, at $8 per<br />

day .<br />

43, 265 20<br />

1, 072 00<br />

600 00<br />

2, 792 00<br />

3, 168 00<br />

10, 964 80<br />

846 40<br />

1, 180 80<br />

o59 20<br />

3, 212 80<br />

5, 626 40<br />

5) 129 60<br />

184 00<br />

1, 560 00<br />

3& 200 00<br />

878 40<br />

64 00<br />

1&059 20<br />

11, 936 00<br />

11, 188 80<br />

2, 940 80<br />

228 80<br />

540 00<br />

1, 891 20<br />

208 00<br />

2, 504 00<br />

1, 620 80<br />

1, 052 80<br />

3) 808 00<br />

320 00<br />

2, 400 00<br />

98G 40<br />

720 00<br />

4, 148 80<br />

739 20<br />

249 60<br />

288 00<br />

1, 224 00<br />

2, 480 00<br />

955 20<br />

5, 094 40<br />

3, 952 00<br />

739 20<br />

2& 430 80<br />

Carried forward. . . 8150, 009 60<br />

a To January 16, 1861.<br />

b To November 11, 1860,<br />

c To January 28, 1861,<br />

d To January 21, 1861.<br />

141, 713 07<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 934 25<br />

5 991 78<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 991 78<br />

5, 926 03<br />

a 5, 621 92<br />

55, 079 46<br />

5, 967 13<br />

I 40or 48<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 950 69<br />

c 5, 720 54<br />

5. 909 59<br />

6. 000 00<br />

5, 983 56<br />

5, 934 25<br />

6, 000 00<br />

2, 991 77<br />

d 5, 539 72<br />

5, 967 13<br />

e 386 30<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 96? 12<br />

G, OOO 00<br />

5, 926 03<br />

5, 891 37<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 810 96<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 736 99<br />

5, 934 25<br />

f 5, 728 77<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 975 34<br />

5, 827 40<br />

g 5, 490 42<br />

5, 958 91<br />

6, 000 00<br />

3, 657 53<br />

5, 778 59<br />

5, 934 25<br />

h 5, 564 38<br />

184, 978 27<br />

7, 072 00<br />

6), 534 25<br />

8, 783 78<br />

9, 168 00<br />

16, 956 58<br />

6, 772 43<br />

6, 802 72<br />

5, 638 66<br />

9, 179 93<br />

7, 031 88<br />

11, 129 60<br />

6, 134 69<br />

7, 280 54<br />

9, 109 59<br />

6, 878 40<br />

6, 04? 56<br />

6, 993 45<br />

17, 936 00<br />

14, 180 57<br />

8, 480 52<br />

6, 195 93<br />

926 30<br />

7, 891 20<br />

6, 1?5 12<br />

8, 504 00<br />

7, 54-6 83<br />

6, 944 1?<br />

9, 808 00<br />

6, 130 96<br />

81400 00<br />

6, 723 39<br />

6, 654 25<br />

9, 877 57<br />

6, 739 20<br />

6, 224 94<br />

6, 115 40<br />

G, 714 42<br />

8, 438 91<br />

6, 955 20<br />

8, 751 93<br />

9, 730 59<br />

6, 673 45<br />

7, 995 18<br />

328 00 328 00<br />

208, 788 16<br />

379 524 76 529 534 3() 208, 788 l<br />

e From January 9 to March 3, 1861<br />

f To 1'ebruary 4, 1861.<br />

g To January 13, 1861.<br />

h 'I'o January 21, 1861.



i8GO-'61.<br />


To— 51ilcagc.<br />

,<br />

Compensate ion Total.<br />

Brought forward<br />

For same to EIon. S. Iroote as<br />

president pro tempore of the<br />

Senate, 1 day, second session<br />

36th Congress, at 38 pcr day<br />

For same to Hon. Jesse D. Bright,<br />

4 dave, at SS per day . . . . .<br />

Amount paid Hon. . I. Harlan for<br />

short charges for mileage at<br />

ihe 1st and 3d sessions of thc<br />

34th Congress, and thc 1st<br />

and 2d sessions of the 35th<br />

Congress, 360 miles each session;<br />

and for the, same for<br />

second mileage in consequence<br />

of his re-election at the Sd<br />

session of the 34th Congress<br />

Amount paid Hon. Andrew Johnson<br />

for short charges for mileage<br />

at thc two sessions of the<br />

35th Congress<br />

Amount paid EIon, ItMat. Ward<br />

for compensation<br />

from 5farch<br />

4 to December 4, 1859, 276<br />

days.<br />

Amount paid Hon. Joseph Lane<br />

for mileage at 2d session of<br />

the 35th Congress, 14, 920. . . .<br />

150, 009 60<br />

720 00<br />

56 00<br />

5, 968 00<br />

3156, 753 60<br />

379, 524 76<br />

8 00<br />

32 00<br />

2. 2GS 49<br />

381, 833 25<br />

529, 534 3G 208. 788 16<br />

8 00<br />

32 00<br />

720 00<br />

5G 00<br />

2. 268 49<br />

5, 968 00<br />

538, 586 85 208, 788 16<br />

Amount repaid by Asbury Diclcins, por warrant No. 178,<br />

dated September 20, 1860<br />

Amount due by Asbury Dicldns, to be hereafter accounted<br />

for by him.<br />

5, 239 80<br />

3, 833 23<br />

8547, 659 88<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By Asbury Dickins, Secretary of the Senate 5, 239 80<br />

$203, 548 36

'<br />


1860-'61.<br />


THIRT r-sIXTII coxGRESS.<br />

Compensation and mileage of members of the FFouse of Ffepresentatives.<br />

To W. C. Price, Treasurer of the Uuited States and agent for paying the<br />

compensation and mileage of members of the House of Representatives<br />

and delegates<br />

Thomas Rivers<br />

Amount advanced to W. C. Price, Treasurer of the United States and agent<br />

for paying the compensation and mileage of members and delegates in<br />

the year ending June 30, 1860, the expenditure of which was not accounted<br />

for $1, 240, 000 00<br />

Amount advanced as above 688, 176 30<br />

688, 160 30<br />

16 09<br />

688, 176 30<br />

1, 928, 176 30<br />

Which has been accounted for by payments to the following members of<br />

the House of Representatives and delegates during the 3tith Congress,<br />

from its commencement to and including 3d of March, 1861, viz:<br />

Charles F. Adams. .<br />

Green Adams<br />

Garnett P&. Adrain.<br />

Cyrus Aldrich<br />

William Allen<br />

John B. Alloy.<br />

Thomas L. Anderson<br />

William C. Anderson<br />

James M. Ashley<br />

John D. Ashmore<br />

william T. Avery<br />

Elijah Babbitt<br />

William Barksda]e<br />

Thomas J. Barr.<br />

J. Richard Barrett<br />

Charles L. Beale<br />

John A. Bingham<br />

Samuel S. Blair<br />

Francis P. Blair<br />

Harrison G. Blake .<br />

Thomas S. Bocock<br />

MiHedge L. Bonham<br />

Alexander R. Boteler<br />

John Boulig&ny<br />

William tV. Boyce<br />

Reese B. Brabson<br />

I, awrence O'B. Branch<br />

William D. Brayton<br />

George Briggs<br />

Francis 11. Bristow.<br />

John Young Brown .<br />

James Buiiinton<br />

John C. Burch<br />

Anson Burlingame<br />

Henrv C. Burnett<br />

To— Mileage. Compenss, tion. Total.<br />

752 00<br />

I, 600 00<br />

308 80<br />

3, 766 40<br />

I, 000 40<br />

796 80<br />

2, 659 20<br />

1, 600 00<br />

1, 012 40<br />

I, 126 40<br />

I& 920 00<br />

I, 180 80<br />

2, 145 60<br />

392 00<br />

2, 444 80<br />

619 20<br />

680 00<br />

430 40<br />

11222 40<br />

907 20<br />

412 80<br />

I, 105 60<br />

185 60<br />

4, 208 00<br />

I, 045 60<br />

11177 60<br />

514 00<br />

640 00<br />

37T 60<br />

I, 948 42<br />

904 00<br />

794 60<br />

11, 6i2 80<br />

771 20<br />

2 112 00<br />

Carried forward 8 o4, 3&4 62<br />

i<br />

i<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 998 95<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6& 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 389 74<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 573 96<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5)532 88<br />

5, 991 80<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 983 60<br />

4, 225 34<br />

5) 992 80<br />

5, 9&0 80<br />

5, 323 98<br />

5, 982 t)3<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5& 381 20<br />

5, 999 00 .<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6&000 00<br />

6. 000 00<br />

4, 320 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

i<br />

03&64G 68<br />

i<br />

258,<br />

6, 752 00<br />

7, 600 00<br />

6, 308 80<br />

9, 765 35<br />

7) 000 40<br />

6, 796 80<br />

8, 659 20<br />

7, 600 00<br />

7, 012 40<br />

6& 516 14<br />

7, 920 00<br />

7, 180 80<br />

7, 719 56<br />

6& 392 00<br />

7, 977 68<br />

6, 611 00<br />

6, 680 00<br />

6, 414 00<br />

5, 447 74<br />

6, 900 00<br />

6, 363 60<br />

6, 429 58<br />

6, 168 23<br />

10) 208 00<br />

G, 426 80<br />

), 1TG 60<br />

G, 514 00<br />

6, 640 00<br />

6, 377 60<br />

7, 948 42<br />

5, 224 00<br />

6, 794 60<br />

17, 612 80<br />

6, 771 20<br />

8, 112 00<br />

021 30 6 3'<br />

688& 17


1860-'61.<br />


To— Mileage Compensation. Total.<br />

Brought forwaul<br />

Alfred A. Burnham<br />

Silas M. Burroughs<br />

Martin Butterfield<br />

James H. Campbell<br />

John Carey<br />

Luther C. Carter<br />

Charles Case<br />

Horace F. Clarl-<br />

John B. Clark<br />

Sherrard Clemens<br />

David Clopton<br />

Williamson R. W. Cobb<br />

btephen Coburn<br />

Clark B. Cochrane<br />

John Cochrane<br />

Schuyler Colfax<br />

Roscoe Conklin<br />

Martin F. Conway<br />

George B. Cooper .<br />

Thomas Corwin<br />

John Covode<br />

Samuel S. Cox<br />

James Craig<br />

Burton Craige<br />

Martin J. Crawford<br />

Jabez L. M. Curry<br />

Samuel R. Curtis<br />

Thomas G. Davidson<br />

H. Winter Davis<br />

John G, Davis<br />

Reuben Davis .<br />

Henry L. Dawes .<br />

Daniel C. De Jarnette<br />

Charles Delano<br />

William H. Dimmick<br />

Ik Holls, nd Duell<br />

William M. Dunn<br />

Sidney Edgerton<br />

Henry A. Edmondson<br />

I'homas M. Edwards<br />

I'homas D. Eliot<br />

Alfred Ely .<br />

IVilliam H. English<br />

Emerson Etheridge<br />

fohn F. Farnsworth.<br />

Ieuben E. Fenton<br />

)rris S. I)'erry<br />

fhomas B. Florence<br />

!tephen C. Foster<br />

'hilip B. Foul'e . - -- - ---<br />

(ugustus<br />

Frank<br />

):zra B. French -. - - - --- --<br />

fuscoe R. EI. Garnett<br />

)ucius J. Gartrell .<br />

ohn A. Gilmer<br />

)aniel W. Gooch<br />

54, 374 62<br />

632 00<br />

720 00<br />

972 80 '<br />

369 f)0<br />

1, 046 40<br />

)<br />

408 00<br />

I, (iotk OO<br />

384 00<br />

2, 904 00<br />

784 00<br />

1, 569 60<br />

I, 368 00<br />

560 00<br />

649 60<br />

394 00<br />

1, 297 60<br />

768 00<br />

2, 080 00<br />

939 20<br />

1, 004 80<br />

600 00<br />

892 80<br />

3, 250 00<br />

744 00<br />

1, 560 00<br />

1, 824 00<br />

2& 448 00<br />

4, 752 44<br />

64 00<br />

1, 832 00<br />

3, 200 30<br />

760 00<br />

164 80<br />

684 80<br />

6)32 94<br />

884 80<br />

1, 20G 40<br />

904 84<br />

540 80<br />

744 00<br />

740 35<br />

1, 025 60<br />

I, 720 00<br />

2, 608 00<br />

2, 220 00<br />

I, 184 00<br />

573 fio<br />

225 60<br />

1, 360 00<br />

2, 400 00<br />

I, 080 00<br />

1, 056 00<br />

192 00<br />

I, 347 20<br />

696 00<br />

780 80<br />

203, 646 68 '<br />

6, 000 00<br />

3, 750 00<br />

6, 000 00;<br />

5, 983 56<br />

5, 941 80<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 950 80<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 508 20<br />

5& 647 6Q<br />

5oo oo<br />

i<br />

G, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 991 80<br />

6, 000 00<br />

291 00<br />

3, 588 00<br />

5, 749 20<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

G, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 664 44<br />

5, 480 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 991 80<br />

6, 000 00<br />

G, OOO OO<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5 97r) 40<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

G, ooo oo<br />

5, 983 56<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 897 00<br />

6& 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

(), 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

G, OOO OO<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 817 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6& 000 00<br />

G, OOO OO<br />

6, 000 00<br />

G, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, G55 So<br />

G, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

258, 021 30<br />

6, 632 00<br />

4, 470 00<br />

6, 972 80<br />

6, 353 IG<br />

6, 988 20<br />

6), 408 00<br />

7, 696 00<br />

6& 384 00<br />

8, 854 80<br />

6, 784 00<br />

7)077 80<br />

7, 015 60<br />

1, 060 00<br />

6, 649 60<br />

6, 394 00<br />

7, 289 40<br />

6, 768 00<br />

2, 371 00<br />

4, 527 20<br />

G, 754 00<br />

G, 600 00<br />

6, 892 80<br />

9, 250 00<br />

G, 744 00<br />

7, 224 44-<br />

7, 304 00<br />

8, 44S 00<br />

10, 752 44<br />

6, 055 80<br />

7, S32 00<br />

9, 200 30<br />

6, 7GO 00<br />

6, 140 20<br />

6, 684 80<br />

6, 632 94<br />

6, 884 80<br />

7, 189 9G<br />

6, 904 84<br />

6, 437 80<br />

6, 744 00<br />

6, 740 35<br />

7, 025 60<br />

7, 720 00<br />

8, 608 00<br />

8, 220 00<br />

7, 184 00<br />

G, 390 60<br />

G, 225 60<br />

7, 360 00<br />

8, 400 00<br />

7, 080 00<br />

7, 05G 00<br />

6, 192 00<br />

7) 003 00<br />

6, 69li 00<br />

6, 780 80<br />

688, 176 30<br />

Carried forward $121) 822 29 521& 013 64 642, 835 93 688, 176 30


1860-' 61.<br />


To— Mileage. Compensation. Total.<br />

Brought forward<br />

Wm. O. Goode, deceased. .<br />

James H. Graham<br />

Galusha A. Grow<br />

John A. Gurley<br />

James T. Hale<br />

Chapin Hall<br />

Andrew J. Ha. milton<br />

Thomas Hardeman<br />

J. Morrison Harris<br />

Johu T. Harris<br />

John B. flaskin<br />

Robert Hatton<br />

George S. Hawkins<br />

Wi Siam Helmick<br />

J ohn Hickman<br />

Joshua Hill<br />

Thomas C. Hindman<br />

Charles B. Hoard .<br />

William S. Holman<br />

Georgo S. Houston<br />

William A. Howard<br />

William Howard<br />

George W. Hughes<br />

James Humphrey<br />

John Hutchins<br />

William Irvine .<br />

James Jackson<br />

Albert G. Jenkins<br />

John J. Jones .<br />

Benjamin F. Juukin.<br />

Lawrence M. Keitt<br />

Francis W. Kellogg<br />

William Kellogg<br />

William S. Kenyon<br />

David Kilgore.<br />

John W. Killinger<br />

Jacob M. Kunkel<br />

Lucius Q. C. Lamar<br />

John 51. Landrum<br />

Charles H. Larrabee<br />

DeWitt C. Leach<br />

James II. Leach<br />

Shelton F. Leake<br />

M. Lindlcy Lee<br />

John A. Logan .<br />

Henry C. Longnecker<br />

Dwight Looruis .<br />

Peter E. I. ove<br />

Owen Lovejoy<br />

W. B. Maclay<br />

Robert Mallory<br />

Gilman Marston<br />

Charles D, Martin<br />

Elbert S. Martin.<br />

Horace Maynard<br />

John A. McClernand<br />

121&822 29 521, 013 64 642, 835 93 688, 176 80<br />

1, 000 00 1, 000 00<br />

768 00 6, 000 00 6, 768 00<br />

640 20 6, 000 00<br />

6& 640 20<br />

1, 046 40 5, 934 60 6, 981 00<br />

544 00<br />

6& 000 00 6, 544 00<br />

1, 288 00 6, 000 00 7, 288 00<br />

5, 129 60 6, 000 00 11, 129 60<br />

1&400 00 5, 664 00 7, 064 00<br />

70 40 6, 000 00 6, 070 40<br />

283 GO 5, 975 40 6, 209 00<br />

404 80 6, 000 00 6), 404 80<br />

1, 467 20 5, 991 17 7, 458 37<br />

2, 464 00 5, 573 80 8, 037 80<br />

998 97 6, 000 00 6, 998 97<br />

280 00 6, 000 00 6, 280 00<br />

1, 280 00 5, 557 40 6, 837 40<br />

2, 400 00 6, 000 00 8, 400 00<br />

899 20 6, 000 00 6, 899 20<br />

1, 344 00 6, 000 00 7&844 00<br />

1, 520 00 5, 647 60 7, 167 60<br />

1, 752 00 6, 000 00 7, 752 00<br />

1, 311 40 6, 000 00 7, 811 40<br />

86 40 6, 000 00 6, 086 40<br />

390 40 6, 000 00 G, 390 40<br />

958 40 6, 000 00 6, 958 40<br />

960 00 6, 000 00 6, 960 00<br />

1, 288 00 5, 905 80 7, 193 80<br />

832 00 6, 000 00 6, 832 00<br />

1, 120 00 5, 500 00<br />

6& 620 00<br />

252 80 6, 000 00 6&252 80<br />

1& 120 00 5, 816 70 6&436 70<br />

1, 998 40<br />

G& 000 00 7, 998 40<br />

2, 528 00 6, 000 00 8, 528 00<br />

548 80 6, 000 00 6, 548 80<br />

1, 768 00 6, 000 00 7, 768 00<br />

240 00 6, 000 00 6, 240 00<br />

182 80 5, 909 80 6&042 60<br />

1&936 00 5, 323 98 7, 259 98<br />

5, 328 00 5, 672 20 11, 000 20<br />

2, 560 00 6, 000 00 8, 560 00<br />

1, 912 00 6, 000 00 7, 912 00<br />

747 20 6, 000 00<br />

6& 747 20<br />

192 00 G, 000 OO 6, 192 00<br />

905 60 6, 000 00 G, 905 60<br />

2, 260 80 6, 000 00 8, 260 80<br />

323 20 6, 000 00 6, 323 20<br />

879 20 5, 951 00 6, 830 20<br />

1, 672 00 5, 614 80 7, 286 80<br />

3, 104 00 . 6, 000 00 9, 104 00<br />

384 00 6, 000 00<br />

6& 384 00<br />

1, 750 40 6, 000 00 7, 750 40<br />

848 00 6, 000 00 G, 848 00<br />

827 20 6, 000 00 6, 827 20<br />

851 82 6, 000 00 6, 851 82<br />

939 20 5, 882 46 G, 821 66<br />

1, 537 60 6, 000 00 7, 537 iiO<br />

Carried forward. $192, 246 28 847, 434 35 1& 039, 680 &i3 688, 17~ 3

'<br />



87<br />

18GU-'61.<br />


'lo— Mileage. Compensation. Total.<br />

Brought forward<br />

James B. McKean<br />

Jacob K. McKenty.<br />

Robert McKnight<br />

Edward McPherson<br />

John McQuee»<br />

John J. McRae<br />

W. Porcher Miles<br />

John S. Millson<br />

WiUisrn Mill ward<br />

William Montgomery<br />

Laban T. Moore<br />

Sydenham Moore .<br />

James K. Jfoorhead.<br />

Justin S. Morrill .<br />

Edward Joy Morris<br />

Isaac A. Norris<br />

I'reeman H, Morse<br />

Thomas A. R. iNelson<br />

William E. Niblaclc<br />

John T. Nixon<br />

John W. Noell<br />

Abram B. Olin<br />

George W. Palmer.<br />

George H. Pendleton<br />

Wm. Pennington, Speaher.<br />

John Perry<br />

John U. Pettit<br />

Samuel O. Peyton<br />

John S. Phelps<br />

Albert G. Porter<br />

John F. Potter<br />

Emory B. Pottle<br />

Roger A. Pryor<br />

James L. Pugh<br />

John A. Quitman, dec'd<br />

James i21. Quarles<br />

John H. Reagan<br />

John H, Reynolds.<br />

Edward R. Reynolds<br />

Alexander H. Rice<br />

Jetur R. Higgs<br />

Christopher Robinson<br />

James th Robinson<br />

Homer E. Royce<br />

Thomas Burin.<br />

Albert Bust<br />

John Schwartz, deceased<br />

Charles L. Scott<br />

George W. Scranton<br />

Charles B. Sedgwiclc<br />

John Sherman<br />

Daniel E. Siclcles<br />

WRliam E. gimme<br />

Otho R. Singleton<br />

William Smitlr<br />

'IVil)iau& N, H. Smith<br />

Daniel E. Somes<br />

192, 246 28 I<br />

684 80<br />

608 00<br />

185 60<br />

1, 043 47<br />

3, 352 00<br />

I, 944 00<br />

379 20<br />

224 00<br />

692 80<br />

1& 452 80<br />

1, 780 80<br />

608 00<br />

817 60<br />

224 00<br />

2, 822 40<br />

1, 016 00<br />

779 20<br />

1, 600 00<br />

286 40<br />

2, 400 00<br />

G33 60<br />

888 00<br />

1, 046 40<br />

360 00<br />

1, 040 00<br />

1, 802 60<br />

1, 689 60<br />

3, 089 Go<br />

1 158 40<br />

2, 560 00<br />

1)019 21<br />

256 00<br />

1, 640 00<br />

1& 896 00<br />

4, G4G 40<br />

614 40<br />

784 00<br />

409 40<br />

736 00<br />

2, 272 00<br />

1, 195 20<br />

473 60<br />

3, 008 2S<br />

153 60<br />

11, 432 63<br />

Goo 80<br />

847 97<br />

1, 0G7 20<br />

449 07<br />

1, 419 20<br />

3, 6i2 00<br />

89 60<br />

462 40<br />

936 00<br />

847, 434 35 1, 039, G80 63 688, 176 30<br />

6& 000 00 G, 684 80<br />

2, 281 80 2, 281 80<br />

G, ooo 00 6, 608 00<br />

5, 909 80 6, O95<br />

5, 186 22 6, 229 69<br />

5, 573 80, 8, 925 80<br />

4, 332 20 G, 276 20<br />

G, OOO OO 6, 379 20<br />

6, 000 00 6, 224 00<br />

6& 000 00 6, 692 80 '<br />

5, 958 90 !<br />

7, 411 70<br />

5, 573 40 7, 354 20<br />

'<br />

6, 444 00<br />

6, i27 40<br />

6, 224 OO (<br />

8, 822 40<br />

7, 016 00<br />

6, 721 80<br />

7. GOU OU<br />

6, 2G1 80<br />

8, 400 00<br />

6, 633 60<br />

G, 888 00<br />

7, 04G 40<br />

12, 360 00<br />

7, 040 00<br />

7, 802 60<br />

7, 681 40<br />

9, 073 20<br />

7, 158 40<br />

8& 396 00<br />

7, 019 21<br />

6. 2oG 00<br />

i<br />

7, 065 60<br />

, &, 83G 00<br />

5, 909 80,<br />

'<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, ooo oo<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 942 60<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 975 40<br />

G, ooo 00<br />

6, OOU 00<br />

G, ooo 00<br />

G& 000 00<br />

12, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6& 000 00<br />

5& 991 80<br />

5, 983 60<br />

6, 000 oo<br />

5, 83G 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

G, 000 00<br />

5, 425 60<br />

326 70<br />

5, 975 34<br />

5, 603 60<br />

6, 000 00<br />

2, 950 00<br />

G, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 975 34<br />

6, 000 00<br />

3 88&J 40<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6) 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5 991 03<br />

5, 5l3 80<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 942 60<br />

6, 000 00<br />

326 70<br />

i<br />

7, 871 34<br />

10, 250 00<br />

6, 614 40<br />

2, 950 00<br />

6, 784 00<br />

6, 409 40<br />

6, 756 00<br />

8, 272 00<br />

7, 195 20<br />

6, 448 94<br />

9, 008 28<br />

4, 043 00<br />

17, 432 63<br />

6, 609 80<br />

(), 847 97<br />

7, 067 20<br />

6, 449 07<br />

7&410 23<br />

9, 245 80<br />

6, 089 60<br />

G, 405 00<br />

6, 936 00<br />

Carried i'or wani 8299, 505 51 1, 175, 379 08 1, 444, S84 59 688, 17G 30

'<br />

88<br />



1860-'61.<br />


To— Mileage. Compensation. Total<br />

Brought forward 269, 505 51 1, 175, 379 08<br />

James Spink, deceased<br />

750 00<br />

Elbridge G. Spaul ding 1, 120 00 6, 000 00<br />

Francis E. Spinner<br />

755 20 6, 000 00<br />

James A. Stallwortb. 1, 800 00 5. 631 00<br />

Benjamin Stanton<br />

996 80 5, 893 40<br />

Thaddeus Stevens<br />

200 00 5, 959 00<br />

John AV. Stevenson<br />

1, 376 00 5, 877 00<br />

James A. Stewart<br />

353 60 6, 000 00<br />

William Stewart<br />

763 20 6, 000 00<br />

W. B. Stoke<br />

1, 515 20 5, 991 80<br />

Lansing Stout<br />

12) 1GO 00 6, 000 00<br />

John L. N. Stratton. . 264 00<br />

6), 000 00<br />

Mason W. Tappan<br />

905 60 6, 000 00<br />

Miles Taylor<br />

4, 208 00 5, 782 80<br />

Eli Thayer<br />

718 40 5, 950 80<br />

Thomas C. Theaker.<br />

643 20 6, 000 00<br />

James H. Thomas<br />

1, 868 80, 6, 000 00<br />

Cydnor B. Tompkins<br />

755 20 6, 000 00<br />

Charles R. Train<br />

752 00 6, 000 00<br />

Carey A. . Trimble<br />

891 20 6, 000 00<br />

John W. C. Underwood 1, 478 60 5, 590 20<br />

Clement L. Vallandigham. 1, 008 00 G, 000 00<br />

Zebulon B. Vance. .. . 960 00 5, 975 40<br />

William Vandever<br />

3, 232 56 6, 000 00<br />

Charles H. Van Wyck<br />

552 00 G, ooo on<br />

John P. Verree.<br />

225 60 5, 901 60<br />

Edward %Vade<br />

1, 350 40 6, 000 00<br />

Henry Waldron<br />

1, 120 00 6, 000 00<br />

E. P. Walton<br />

1, 072 00 G, 000 00<br />

Cadwalader C. Washburn. 3, 264 00 6, 000 00<br />

Elihu B. Washburne<br />

3, 200 00 6, 000 00<br />

Israel washburn<br />

1, 148 40 5 500 00<br />

Edward H. Webster .<br />

120 00<br />

6& 000 00<br />

Alfred Wells<br />

787 20 o, 991 80<br />

William G. Whiteley<br />

185 58 6, 000 00<br />

James Wilson<br />

1, 942 20 6, 000 00<br />

William Windom<br />

3, 694 40 G, ooo 00<br />

Warren EViuslow<br />

664 00 G, OOO OO<br />

John Wood<br />

251 20 G, ooo 00<br />

John Woodruff<br />

501 1G 6, 000 00<br />

Samuel H. Woodson<br />

3, 136 00 6, 000 00<br />

John V. Wright<br />

1, 761 00 6, 000 00<br />

Samuel G. Daily, delegate 4, 320 00 6, 00'j 00<br />

Experience Est erbrook, del. 1, 840 00 8, 620 90<br />

Wm. H. Hooper, deh:gate. 5, 600 00 6, ooo oo<br />

Miguel A. 0tero do<br />

G, 800 00 51927 20<br />

Marcus J. Parrott do 4, 172 40 5, 709 00<br />

Isaac I. Stevens do 12, 160 00 6, 000 00<br />

$368)098 Gl 1) 453, 430<br />

Am'trepaid by W. C. Price, per )varrantc num bered 231 and<br />

151, dated, respectively, Sept. 29, 1860, and June 5, 1861<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

Sept. 29, 1860. No. 231. By W. C. Price, Treasurer U. S<br />

June 5, 1861. — No. 151. By the same<br />

1, 444, 884 59<br />

750 00<br />

7, 120 00<br />

6, 755 20<br />

7, 431 00<br />

6, 890 20<br />

6& 159 00<br />

7, 253 00<br />

6, 353 60<br />

6, 763 20<br />

7, 507 00<br />

18, 160 00<br />

6, 264 00<br />

6& 905 60<br />

9, 990 80<br />

6, 669 20<br />

6& 643 20<br />

7, 8G8 80<br />

6, 755 20<br />

6& 752 00<br />

6, 891 20<br />

7, 063 80<br />

7, 008 00<br />

6, 935 40<br />

9, 232 56<br />

G, 55Z 00<br />

6, 127 20<br />

7, 350 40<br />

7, 120 00<br />

7, 072 00<br />

9, 264 00<br />

9, 200 00<br />

6, 648 40<br />

G, 1ZO 00<br />

6, 779 00<br />

6, 185 58<br />

7, 942 20<br />

9, G94 40<br />

G, 664 00<br />

6, 251 20<br />

6, 501 16<br />

9, 13G 00<br />

7, 761 00<br />

10& 320 00<br />

5, 460 90<br />

11& Goo 00<br />

12, &27 20<br />

9, 881 40<br />

18, 160 00<br />

1) 821, 524 59<br />

106) 635 71<br />

j 1 928 160 30<br />

98 944 57<br />

7, 701 ll<br />

688, 176 30<br />

106, 635 'll<br />

8581, 540 59

1860-'61.<br />




Compensation of the officers, clerks, messengers, and others receiving annual salaries in the Senate<br />

fo Asbury Dickins, Secretary of the Senate . $74 399 82<br />

Cbmpensation of' the oPcers, clerhs, messengers, ond others receiving an annual salary in the service of<br />

the Ilouse of llepresentatives.<br />

To John W. Forney, Clerk of the IIouse of Representatives. . $81 Z48 16<br />

Clerhs to committees, pages, police, horses, and carryalls for the Senate.<br />

To Asbury Dickins, Secretary of the Senate . . $26 998 82<br />

Stationery for !he Senate.<br />

To Asbury Dickins, Secretary of the Senate . . . . . $12 000 00<br />

3liscetlaneous items for the Senate.<br />

To Asbury Dickins, Secretary of the Senate . . $23, 000 00<br />

syetospopcrs for the Senate.<br />

To Asbury Dickins, Secretary of the Senate $3, 500 00<br />

Congressional<br />

Globe, and binding the same, for the Senate.<br />

To Asbury Dickins, Secretary of the Senate<br />

$62, 333 3Z<br />

The usual additional to the reporters of the Senate for the Congressional Globe, for reporting thc proceedings<br />

of the 2d session of the 36th Congress.<br />

To Richard Sutton and others. $3, 200 00<br />

Reporting proceedings<br />

of the Senate.<br />

To Asbury Diclrins, Secretary of the Senate $15) 446 00<br />

Eor the expense of the heating and ventilating apparatus, including pay of engineers, firemen, 8cc.<br />

To Asbury Dickins, Secretary of the Senate $12, 000 00<br />

lttndtng<br />

fm the Senate.<br />

To Asbury Dickins, Secretary of the Senate $76, 560 44<br />

Lithographing and engraving for the Senate.<br />

To Asbury Diclcins, Secretary of the Senate $54, 161 35

90<br />



1860-'61,<br />


Fixtures for gas, and furniture for the committee, a~ice and other rooms, and apartments in the north<br />

ning of the Capitol, as directed by the resolution of the Senate of, ifui ch. 30, 1860.<br />

To Asbury Dickins, Secretary of the Senate $19, 400 00<br />

Capitol police for the Senate of the LInited Sta!es.<br />

To Asbury Dickins, Secretary of the Senate $9, 296 97<br />

Compensation of drauglasmen and clerks on the land maps, clerks to committees, t'rc. , House pf<br />

Representatives.<br />

To John W. Forney, Clerk of the House of Representatives $17, 799 19<br />

Stationery for the House of Representatives.<br />

To John W, Forney, Clerk of the House of Representatives . . . $21, 363 95<br />

3'ewspapers for the House of Representatives.<br />

To John W. Forney, Clerk of the House of Representatives . $12 500 00<br />

miscellaneous<br />

items for the House of Representatives.<br />

To John W. Forney, Clerk of the House of Representatives. . . . $127, 727 28<br />

Fuel, oil, and candles, for the IIouse of Representatiues.<br />

To Jolrn 1V. Forney, Clerk of the House of Representatives $9, 938 68<br />

Horses, carryalls, and saddle-horses,<br />

for the House of Representatives.<br />

To John W. Forney, Clerk of the House of Representatives . . . . . . $6 000 00<br />

Furniture, repairs, and boxes, for members of the House of Representatives.<br />

To John IV. Forney, Clerk of the House of Representatives. . . . $22 095 it<br />

Pages and mail-boys for the House of Representatives.<br />

To John IV. Forney, Clerl- of the House of Representatives. . . . . . . . . . . $1, 499 31<br />

Two maiL-boys, at 8900 cack, and the messenger in chambre of the south extension.<br />

To John W. Forney, Clerk of the House of Representatives. . . . . . . . . . 83, 300 00<br />

Laborers for the House of Representatives.<br />

To John W. Forney, Clerk of the House of Representatives $6, 285 00

1860-' 6 1.<br />



Capitol police, House of Representatives.<br />

91<br />

To John W. Forney, Clerk of the House of Representatives $9, 513 49<br />

Folding documents,<br />

including pay of folders, Grc. , IIouse of Representatives.<br />

To John W. Forney, Clerk of the House of Representatives. . . . . $56, 847 52<br />

Binding documents for the House of Representatives.<br />

To John W. Forney, Clerk of the House of Representatives. $91, 154 32<br />

Ilinding documents ordered to le printed by the House of Representatives during the 33d and 34th Congresses,<br />

and for engravings, lithographs, and electrotypes for the same.<br />

To John W. Forney, Clerk of thc House of Representatives. . . $708 75<br />

Cartage for the IIousc of Representatives.<br />

To John W. Forney, Clerk of the House of Representatives. . . . . . $2 000 00<br />

Reporting debates for the House of Representatives.<br />

To John W. Forney, Clerk of the House of Representatives. . . . . . . . . . $10, 118 18<br />

Engraving, electrotypinb5 and lithographing, for the IIouse of Representatives.<br />

To John W. Forney, Clerk of the House of Representatives. . . . $70, 338 G4.<br />

Engraving<br />

maps, Gcc. , of surveys for the Pacific radroad.<br />

To Asbury Dickins, Secretary of the Senate. $594 73<br />

Additional compensation to the reporters for the Congressional Globe, for reporting the proceedings of the<br />

House of Representatives for the next regular session of the 35th Congress.<br />

To William Hincks, jr $4, 000 00<br />

llinding tioenty four cop&'es of the Congressional Globe and . 4ppendix, for 2d session of the 35th and<br />

1st session of the 3Gsh Congress.<br />

To John W. Forney, Clerk of thc House of Representatives. . . . . $15, 173 34<br />

For ttcentyfour copies of the Congressional Globe and Appendix, for 2d session of the 35th and 1st<br />

session of the 36th Congress.<br />

To John W. Forney, Clerk of the House of Representatives. . . $52, 272 00<br />

To indemnify the Clerk for sums expended for books, under resolution of the House cf Representatives of<br />

July 7, 1856, ansi to enable him under such resolution to furnish each member and delegate, trc.<br />

To John W. Forney, Clerl- of the House of Representatives. . . . . . $6, 78G 00



1860-'6 l.<br />


For supplying deficiencies in the appropriations for printing, dry-pressing, inserting maps and plates,<br />

and binding documents ordered during 33d, 34th, and 35th Congresses.<br />

To Beverly Tucker.<br />

A. 0. P. Nicholson<br />

Cornelius Wendell .<br />

2, 412 97<br />

1, 509 54<br />

1, 127 56<br />

So&050 07<br />

'To Thomas H. Ford<br />

Cornelius Wendell.<br />

James B. Steadman<br />

George W. Bowman<br />

Printing requiredfor<br />

the 1st session of the 36th Congress.<br />

30, 801 45<br />

7, 774 27<br />

1, 185 76<br />

7, 7G3 73<br />

$47, 525 21<br />

To Timothy Kinney<br />

Charles Megargee &, Co<br />

H. V. Butler & Co.<br />

Paper required for printing<br />

of the 1st session 0f the 3Gth Congress.<br />

66, 912 75<br />

17, 740 80<br />

19, 130 75<br />

$103&784 30<br />

Printing required for the 2d session of the 36th Congresa<br />

'To Thomas H. Ford.<br />

George W. Bowman<br />

Cornelius Wendell<br />

John D. Defrees.<br />

8, 632 89<br />

10, 097 78<br />

434 00<br />

28, 000 00<br />

817&1G4 67<br />

Paper required for the printing<br />

'I'o Timothy Kenny<br />

Charles Megargee & Co.<br />

H. V. Butler & Co<br />

Curtis &, Bro<br />

John H. Hall<br />

J. N. Me g argee g<br />

J. H. Hall<br />

of the 2d session of the 36th Congress.<br />

25, 875 00<br />

11, 088 00<br />

8, 437 00<br />

46, 394 36<br />

14, 492 80<br />

11, 622 00<br />

16, 304 40<br />

$134& 213 56<br />

Prfnc&pal and assistant librarians and messengers,<br />

To John S. Meehan.<br />

John G. Stel&heusen<br />

library of Congress.<br />

8, 25&0 00<br />

750 00<br />

$9& 000 00<br />

Contingent<br />

expenses of the library of Congress.<br />

'To Finley Bigger, agent joint library committee<br />

Michael Nourse, agent joint library committee .<br />

432 91<br />

567 09<br />

81& 000 00

1860 —'61.<br />


CIA)IL LIST.<br />


Purchase of look» for the library of Congress.<br />

To Michael Nourse, agent joint library committee . . .<br />

Finley Bigger, agent joint library committee<br />

I rom which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By Michael Nourse, agent joint library committee<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1, 667 16<br />

3. 667 16<br />

667 16<br />

$3, 000 00<br />

Purchase of latv books for the library of Congress.<br />

To Finley Bigger, agent joint library committee<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

1, 799 63<br />

2)J9 63<br />

81, 500 00<br />

For paper, printing, and binding, a complete catalogue of the books in the li brary of Congress.<br />

To Finley Bigger, agent joiut library con)mittce<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By Michael Noursc, agent joint library committee. . . .<br />

1, 562 84-<br />

199 20<br />

81, 363 64<br />

Ccmpensation of the Superintenrlent of Public Printing and the clerks and messenger i)) hts ogice.<br />

To John D. Defrecs, Superintendent.<br />

John Heart, late Superintendent<br />

3, 262 53<br />

6, 451 46<br />

69, 713 99<br />

Blank boolcs, stationery, postage, @c. , in the office of the public printer.<br />

To John D. Defrees, Superintendent<br />

John Heart, late Superintendent<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By John Heart, , late Superintendent .<br />

1, 730 62<br />

2, 062 50<br />

3, 793 12<br />

943 12<br />

. 82) 850 00<br />

To supply the d)ftciency in the appropriations heretofore made for prinA'ng ordered by the Senate and<br />

lIouse of Representatives at the 1st session of the 36th Congress, ond for paper for the same.<br />

To Thomas H. Ford 9, 336 02<br />

George W. Bowmau 77) 284 00<br />

Cornelius Wendell. 1, 561 95<br />

Charles hie)u)rgee Gs Go. 15, 360 58<br />

Timothy Kenny 51, 822 45<br />

H. V. Butler bc Co. --- ~ - . ~ 18, 776 75<br />

8174, 141 75



18GO —'61.<br />


To enable the Superintendent of Public Printing to carry into ep'e1 tlu, provisions of the j oint resolution<br />

in relation to the public printing, approved tune 23, 18(i0.<br />

To John D. Defrces, Superintendent . $135, 000 00<br />

Salarie~ of three judges of the Court of Claims, the solicdor, ass)'stunt solicitor, deputy, clerks, Grc. ,<br />

thereof.<br />

To George P. Scarburgh, judge of the Court of Claims<br />

James Hughes, judge of the Court of Claims .<br />

Edward G. Loring, judge of the Court of Claims .<br />

R. H. Gillett, solicitor<br />

D. Ratcliffe, assistant solicitor .<br />

John D. McPherson) deputy solicitor<br />

Samuel H. Huntington, clerl-.<br />

E. 3I. Garnett, assistant clerk<br />

Stark B. Taylor, messenger<br />

4) 318 68<br />

4. 000 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

3, 596 15<br />

3, 596 15<br />

2) 568 68<br />

3) 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

800 00<br />

$27, 879 66<br />

Stationer)y, fuel, gas. labor, printing, and miscellaneous items, for the Court of Claims.<br />

To S, H. Huntington, clerk of the Court of Claims $4, 000 00<br />

Commissioners' fees for taking testimony on behalf of government, fees of u)itnesses, @c. ) Court of Claim.<br />

To S. H. Huniington, clerk of the Court of Claims<br />

James B. Townsend.<br />

P. L. Solomon.<br />

4, 000 00<br />

458 32<br />

G 08<br />

$4, 464 40<br />

To Gales 8: Seaton<br />

rfmerican<br />

State Papers.<br />

$290, 540 37<br />


Salary of the President of the United States.<br />

To Sbraham Lincoln, President of the United States<br />

James Buchanan, late President of the United States<br />

6, 250 00<br />

16, 847 63<br />

$23, 097 63<br />

Salary of the T'ice-Prudent<br />

of the United States.<br />

To Hannibal Hamlin, Vice-President of the United States . . 1 955 22<br />

John C. Breckinridge, late Vice-President of the United States 5, 377 76<br />

$7, 333 06<br />

Salary of private secretar)J, stc)card, and messenger to the President.<br />

To John G. Nicolay, private secretary and disbursing agent<br />

James Buchanan, jr. , late private secretary and disbursing<br />

ti. . J. Glosbrenner, late private secretary and disbursing agent<br />

agent,<br />

766 00<br />

1, 181 05<br />

2, 481 94<br />

$4)428 99


1860-'61.<br />


Contingent erpeuses of thc executive ofhce, including stationery.<br />

To A. J. Glosbrenner, late private secretary and disbursing agent<br />

370 00<br />

James Buchanan, jr. , late private secretary and disbursing agent<br />

191 56<br />

py A, J. Glosbrenner, late private secretary an&1 disbursing ageut 230 00<br />

561 56<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

$559 26<br />

Compensation<br />

To W. 0. Stoddard, secretary<br />

A. . B. Leonard, late secretary<br />

of secretary to sign patents for public lands.<br />

259 71<br />

1, 240 29<br />

$1, 500 00<br />

Compensation<br />

To William H. Seward, Secretary of State<br />

Jeremiah S. Black, late Secretary of State<br />

Lewis Cass, late Secretary of State<br />

William Hunter, late Acting Secretary of State<br />

of the Secretary of State.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By Edward Stubbs, disbursing clerk State Department<br />

2, 554 56<br />

1, 770 53<br />

3, 630 43<br />

21 74<br />

7, 977 26<br />

21 74<br />

$7, 955 52<br />

Salary of the Assistant Secretary of State.<br />

To Frederick H. Seward, Assistant Secretary of State<br />

1Villiam Hunter, late Assistant Secretary of State<br />

John Appleton, late Assistant Secretary of State<br />

966 67<br />

622 99<br />

1, 410 32<br />

$2, 999 98<br />

Clerlcs, messengers,<br />

To Edward Stubbs, disbursing clerk State Department<br />

George E. Bal-er<br />

William E. Stubbs . do.<br />

and laborers, in the oPce of the Secretary of State.<br />

. . . do<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By William Hunter, disbursing clerk State Department<br />

Edward Stubbs . do<br />

426 31<br />

5 97<br />

30, 968 82<br />

11&303 65<br />

3, 999 49<br />

46, 271 96<br />

432 28<br />

$45, 839 68<br />

To Edward Stubbs, disbursing<br />

William F. Stubbs -. -. do<br />

George E. Baker . . do<br />

Ext& a clerk hire and copying in the State Department.<br />

clerk State Department<br />

Carried forward<br />

2, 500 00<br />

500 00<br />

847 69<br />

$3, 847 69


1860-'f)1.<br />


From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By Edward Stubbs, disbursing clerk State Departruent.<br />

William E. Stubbs<br />

do<br />

Brought forward. . . .<br />

407 69<br />

440 00<br />

3&847 69<br />

847 69<br />

$3, 000 00<br />

Stationery, blank books, binding, furniture, painting, 8j'c. , once of Secretary of State.<br />

To Edward Stubbs, disbursing<br />

William E. Stubbs<br />

George E. Baker<br />

. . . do<br />

clerk State Department<br />

do<br />

9& 894 37<br />

2, 600 00<br />

5& 000 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By Edward Stubbs, disbursing clerk State Department 5, 354 16<br />

William E. Stubbs . . do . 1, 127 50<br />

17, 494 37<br />

6, 481 66<br />

$11, 012 71<br />

1Vewspupers for the State Department.<br />

To Edward Stubbs, disbursing clerk State Department<br />

William E. Stubbs. . do<br />

George E. Baker<br />

do<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By Edward Stubbs, disbursing clerk State Department<br />

William E. Stubbs . do<br />

200 75<br />

100 00<br />

450 00<br />

100 00<br />

500 00<br />

1, 050 00<br />

300 75<br />

$749 25<br />

3fiscettaneous items, State Department.<br />

To Edward Stubbs, disbursing<br />

William E. Stubbs<br />

George E. Baker<br />

clerk State Department<br />

do<br />

do<br />

2, 000 00<br />

750 00<br />

500 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By Edwaul Stubbs, disbursing clerk State Department<br />

William E. Stubbs . do<br />

396 30<br />

127 13<br />

3, 250 00<br />

523 43<br />

$2, 726 57<br />

Publishing the laws in pamphlet form and in the newspapers, @c. , for the State Department.<br />

To Little, Brown &, Co. , publishers<br />

Edward Stubbs, disbursing clerk State Department<br />

William E. Stubbs.<br />

do<br />

George E. Baker . . &lo.<br />

Carried forward<br />

8, 250 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

$24& 250


1860-'61 ~<br />

(,'IVIL LIST.<br />

Brought forward.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By Edward Stubbs, disbursing clerk State Department 2 604 50<br />

William E. Stubbs do . . 620 00<br />

24, 250 00<br />

3, 224 50<br />

$21, 025 50<br />

Copper-pla(e prin!ing, boolrs and maya in (he S:a(e Depar tmen(.<br />

To Ledward Stubbs, disbursing clerk State Department . .<br />

William E. Stubbs<br />

do<br />

George E. Baker . . do<br />

800 00<br />

250 00<br />

500 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By Edward Stubbs, disbursing clerk State Department<br />

William E. Stubbs. do<br />

157 68<br />

250 00<br />

1, 550 00<br />

407 68<br />

81, 142 32<br />

Proof reading, packing, dis(ributing laws and documents, Qc. , State Department.<br />

To Edward Stubbs, disbursing clerk State Department<br />

William E. Stubbs<br />

do<br />

George E. Baker<br />

do<br />

1, 000 00<br />

500 00<br />

647 35<br />

From which dednct the following repayments:<br />

By Edward Stubbs, disbursing clerk State Department<br />

William E. Stubbs . do<br />

237 28<br />

160 87<br />

2, 147 35<br />

398 15<br />

ttl, 749 20<br />

rTo snab (he Secrelary of Stale to purchase fifLy copies eaclr, of volumr s 20 and 21 of lio&vrrrd's<br />

of the Decisions of the Sirpreme Court of the United SLates.<br />

Reports<br />

To W. H. 3& O. H. Morrison $500 00<br />

Ror one hundred anrl fifty copies of volume 23 of Ifo&vard's Repor(s of Decisions of the Supreme Court (o<br />

be furnished by (he repor(er to the Slate Department for dis(riburion.<br />

'I'o Benjamin H. Howard $750 00<br />

CompensuLion of four &vatchmen and tivo laborers of the northeast executive building,<br />

„.<br />

'I'o Edward Stubbs, disbursing<br />

George E. Baker<br />

William E. Stubbs<br />

clerk State D& p;&rtmcnt<br />

do<br />

. . do<br />

2, 389 '. is<br />

900 00<br />

310 02<br />

3, 600 00<br />

plrel, b'glus, and repairs, nor(lieasl erecu(ive building.<br />

tpo Edward Stubbs, disbursing clerk State Departnicnt.<br />

Carried forward<br />

4, 000 00<br />

94, 000 00<br />

/ IL

98<br />



1860-'61.<br />


From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By Edward Stubbs, disbursing clerk State Departtnent<br />

William E. Stubbs<br />

do<br />

Brought forward 4, 000 00<br />

383 59<br />

330 60<br />

714 19<br />

83r 285 81<br />

Salary of the Secretary of the Tr. easury.<br />

To Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury, from March 6, 1861<br />

John A. Dix, Secretary of the Treasury, from Jan. 14 to March 6, 1861 . .<br />

Phillip F. Thomas, Secretary of the 'I'reasury, from December 8, 1860,<br />

to January 14, 1861<br />

Howell Cobb, Secretary of the Treasury, tn December 8, 1860<br />

S. M, McEean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department<br />

2, 555 56<br />

I, 133 32<br />

724 17<br />

3, 500 00<br />

86 95<br />

$8& 000 00<br />

Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.<br />

To George Harrington, Assistant Secretary, from IrIarch 12, 1861<br />

Gilbert Rodman, Assistant Secretary, from January 16, 1861, to March<br />

12, 1861 458 33<br />

Philip Clayton, Assistant Secretary, to January 12, 1861 . 1, 633 33<br />

$3& 000 00<br />

Compensatln of clerks, messengers, antE laborers in the office of the Secretary of the Treasury.<br />

To S. M. McEean, disbursiug cleric Treasury Department $37, 041 00<br />

Copying, blank books, stat&'onerry, Ej c. , attics of the Secretary of the Treasury.<br />

'I'o S. M. McEean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department $14, 000 00<br />

Piirst Comptrcller<br />

of the Tiea&ury.<br />

To Elisha Whittlesey, First Comptroller<br />

William Medill, late First Comptroller.<br />

584 00<br />

2, 916 00<br />

$3&500 09<br />

Compensatron of clerks& messengers, and laborers in the ofjice of the Eirst Comptroper.<br />

To J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerl Treasury Department . $24 651 bt<br />

Furniture, blank books, binding, stationery, 3tc. , olrice of the Plrst Comptroller.<br />

To J, D. Colmesnil disbursing clerk Treasury Department $1, 700 09<br />

Second Comptroller<br />

of the Treasury.<br />

To J. &I. Cutis, Second Comptroller 73, 000 09

(I 360 — ' (i I .<br />




Clerks, messer&g&rs,<br />

and laborers in the o(Fice of (he Second Comptroller.<br />

To J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk Treasury Department $23 402 &2<br />

$(onk books, s(a((onery, binding,<br />

('rc. , for once of Second Comptroller.<br />

To J. D. Colmesnil, disbursin~ clerk Treasury Department $500 00<br />

Eirst Audi(or of the Treasary.<br />

'To Thomas L. Smith, First Auditor Treasury $3, 000 00<br />

Cler1&s, messengers,<br />

and laborers in the oP'ce of the 1&'irst Auditor of the Treasury.<br />

To J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk Treasury Department $32, 940 00<br />

dJlank bookb binding, s(ationery, Qc. , for thc ogice of (hc Thirst Auditor.<br />

'Xo J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk Treasury Department $1 450 00<br />

Second Audi(or of the Treasury.<br />

'To T. J. D. Fuller, Second Auditor $3, 000 00<br />

Clerl s, mess&ngers,<br />

and laborers in the agee of the Second Audi(or.<br />

'To S. AI McEean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department $32, 309 27<br />

8(an(c books, bmding, stadonery, J(c. , for the ogice of (he Second Andi(or.<br />

'To S. M. 2IcEean, disbursing clerk Treasury Dcpartn)ent. $1, BOO 00<br />

T(drd Audi(or of the Treasury.<br />

Jo Robert J. . Atkinson 'I'bird Auditor $3, 000 00<br />

Clerl s, messengers, and lalorers in the oJJ&ce of the Th&'rd 4udktor.<br />

'To J. D (.'olmesni], disbursing clerk Treasury Department . $12&, 249<br />

Bb&nk b&oks, b(n&hbg, s!ationery, 3(c. , for o judice of (he Third 4uditor.<br />

'Xo J. L&. Colnaesnil, disbursing clerk Treasury Depa& tn&ent 2, 500 00<br />

Pron& which d<strong>edu</strong>ct tbe following repayments:<br />

&Ity Samuel Y. R&ci&l, clerk<br />

R . i. Atl'inson, 'I'bird Auditor<br />

40 00<br />

IO 94<br />

$2, 440 05


1860-'61.<br />


Eourth Auditor of the Treasury<br />

To H. Berrian, Fourth Auditor, from May 1, 1861<br />

T. Hunter, late Fourth Auditor, from April 1 to April 25, 1861.<br />

A. J. O'Barmen, late Fourth Auditor, to March 1, 1861<br />

J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk Treasury Department<br />

461 54<br />

205 48<br />

2, 244 56<br />

44 52<br />

$2, 956 10<br />

Clerks, messenger, and laborer in the oPce of the Eourth 4uditor.<br />

To J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk Treasury Department<br />

R. L. Mackall<br />

24, 234 38<br />

204 20<br />

$24, 438 58<br />

Stationery, books, binding, labor, and miscellaneousiterns, once of the Eourth . 4uditor.<br />

To J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk Treasury Department. 1, 380 86<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By W. C. Price, late Treasurer United States . . 303 28<br />

J. Hackett 77 58<br />

380 86<br />

$1, 000 00<br />

Erpense nf removing the orpiece of the Eourth Auditor to the opartments assigned in llinder's buttdkvg,<br />

repairing and furnishing the same.<br />

To J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk Treasury Department,<br />

W. C. Price, late Treasurer United States<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk Treasury Department<br />

3, 508 55<br />

303 28<br />

3, 811 83<br />

303 28<br />

3, 508 55<br />

Eath Auduor of the Treasury.<br />

To T. M. Smith, Auditor from May 1, 1861<br />

Bartholomew I'uller, late Auditor, to April 30, 1860<br />

500 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

$3, 000 00<br />

Clerks, messengers,<br />

and laborers in the ojNce of the Ei fth Auditor.<br />

To J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk Treasury Department<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following reparment:<br />

By J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk Treasury Department.<br />

14, 477 98<br />

135 00<br />

$14, 342 9'"-<br />

Blank books, binding, stationery, 4. c. , for the oPce of Eifth Auditor.<br />

Tu J. D. Colmesnii, disbursing cleric Treasury Depattmeut. $800 00


4860-' 6 L<br />


Sixth Auditor of the Treasury.<br />

To Green Adams, Auditor from April 1, 1861<br />

Thomas M. Tate, late Auditor, to March 31, 18ti 1<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By Green A. dame . .<br />

752 75<br />

2, 250 00<br />

3, 002 75<br />

173 08<br />

$2, 829 67<br />

Clerks, messengers,<br />

and laborers in the ofhce of the Sixth Auditor,<br />

To C. C. A. Striblen, disbursing clerk Treasury Department, from April I,<br />

1861<br />

David R. Lindsay, late disbursing clerk Treasury Department, to March<br />

31, 1861<br />

J. Iiall Moore<br />

R. Cawthon<br />

W. . W. Tyler .<br />

John Green<br />

A. T. C. Pierson.<br />

V. N. J. Godwin<br />

Robert Leach<br />

A. E. Saunders.<br />

D. W. Archer<br />

F. L. Grammar<br />

T. M. Embry<br />

Green Adams,<br />

Sixth Auditor<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By Green A&iams, Sixth Auditor<br />

David R. Lindsay, late disbursing<br />

partment<br />

clerk Treasury De-<br />

1, 737 23<br />

315 63<br />

28, 176 11<br />

126, 960 20<br />

84 62<br />

84 62<br />

84 62<br />

72 52<br />

56 04<br />

96 15<br />

18 76<br />

53 85<br />

26 92<br />

80 76<br />

76 92<br />

14, 065 00<br />

169& 937 09<br />

2, 052 86<br />

$167&884 23<br />

Statirmery,<br />

blank books, @c. , for the ogice of the Sixth Auditor.<br />

To C. C. A. Striblen, disbursing clerk Treasury Department<br />

David R. Lindsay, late do do<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By David R. Lindsay, late disbursing clerk Treasury Department.<br />

1, 000 00<br />

7, 500 00<br />

87500 00<br />

182 77<br />

$8, 317 23<br />

Treasurer of the United States.<br />

To Francis E. Spinner, Treasurer, from March 22, 1861<br />

William C. Price, late Treasurer, to March 21, 1861<br />

833 34<br />

2, 1G6 GG<br />

$3, 000 00<br />

Clerks, messeny&rs, and lal&orers in the oPce of the Treasurer.<br />

To J, D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk Treasury Department . $24, 250 4G


1860-'61.<br />


Rlank books, bina'ing, stationery, @c. I for the opec of the Treasurer.<br />

ToJ. D. D*I 'I, d'0 'g) IT JDP t t. . . . . . . . . - 0)6600<br />

Register of the Treasury.<br />

To L. E. Chittenden, Register, from April 17, 1861<br />

To Finley Bigger, late Register, to April 16, 1861<br />

618 13<br />

2, 381 87<br />

03, 000 00<br />

Clerks, niessengers, and laborers gn the oPce of the Register of the Treasury.<br />

To J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk Treasury Department . . $48) 636 04<br />

Ruling and full binding<br />

books for recording, Qc. ) blank books, Qc. , for once of the Register.<br />

To J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk Treasury Department<br />

Benner tk O' Brien<br />

5, 720 00<br />

144 94<br />

85) 864 94-<br />

Solicitor of the Treasury.<br />

To Edward Jordan, Solicitor, from April 12, 1861<br />

B. F. Pleasant, late Solicitor, from II'ebruary 13 to April 12, 1861<br />

James Hillyer, late Solicitor, to February 12, 1861<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk Treasury Department<br />

759 62'<br />

572 33:<br />

2, 461 05<br />

3, 793 00<br />

293 00<br />

83, 500 00<br />

Clerks, messengers, and laborers in the a/ice of the Solicitor of the Treasury.<br />

To J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk Treasury Department 313) 011 82<br />

Rlank books, binding, stationery,<br />

Qc. , for the office of the Solicitor.<br />

'1'o J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk Treasury Department $2 000 00<br />

Commissumer<br />

of Custo)ns.<br />

To Nathan Sargent, Commissioner, from May 20, 1861<br />

Samuel Ingham, late Commissioner, to May 19, 1861.<br />

346 15<br />

2, 653 85<br />

$3, 000 00<br />

Clerks, messengers, and laborers in the opec of the Commissioner rpf Custonis.<br />

To J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk Treasury Department. . 17 487 34<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk Treasury Department. 133 00<br />

817) 354 34


l860-'G l.<br />

CIVIL I. ISI'.<br />

Blank books, stationer&g& @c. for ogcce of the Cmnmissioner<br />

&<br />

of Custonvz.<br />

1'o J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk Treasury Department $1, 200 00<br />

Clerks, messenyers& and laborers i » (he of'fzce of the Light-house Board.<br />

To J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk Treasury Department . . $9& 223 33<br />

Blank books, binding, postage, @c, &<br />

for the oJ(ce of the Itght-hozzse Board.<br />

To J. D. Colmesnil, disbursing clerk Treasury Department $600 00<br />

Compensation of eight uatchmen and nine laborers in. (he southeast execu((ve building.<br />

To S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department . $13& 800 00<br />

I'uet& ligh(s, repairs, and miscellaneous contingent expenses of the southeas(, executive building.<br />

To W. W. Cochran $1, 750 00<br />

Salary of the Se&rc. 'ury of (he Inm&tor.<br />

To Caleb B. Smith, Secretary, from it'larch 4, 1861<br />

Moses Kelly, Acting Secretary, from January 10 to March 4, 1861.<br />

Jacob Thompson, late Secretary, to January 8, 1861.<br />

2, 600 00<br />

I& 222 23<br />

4, 177 77<br />

$8& 000 00<br />

C?crks, messengers,<br />

and laborers in the off(ce of the Secre(ary of thc Interior.<br />

To Peter Lammond, disbursing clerk Interior Department $28, 900 00<br />

B(anlc books, s(a(ionery,<br />

6& c. , for the office of (he Secretary of the Interior.<br />

To Peter Lammond, disbursing clerk Interior Department, . . . 86, 500 00<br />

Commzssioner of (he General Land O??lce,<br />

To J. M. Edmunds, Commissioner, from March 25, 1861<br />

J. S. Wilson, late Commissioner, to March 25, 1861 .<br />

808 34<br />

2, 191 G6<br />

$3, 000 00<br />

Recorder, draugh(en&en, ass&'stant draugh(omen, clerks, mzssengers, ((&"c.<br />

&<br />

z'n the Gcnerzzl Land Ogive.<br />

To Peter Lamruoud, disbursing clerl- Interior Department 8170, 890 00<br />

additional clerks in the General Land Once, unoer act . Varch 3, 1855, gran(ing boun(y lands, $(c.<br />

To Peter Lammond, disbursing clerk Interior Department . . „858, 400 0(<br />

Cash system, 6&"c. ,<br />

under lazes prior to Sep(ember 28, 1850, for paten(s and other records& (ract books<br />

and blanlc books for thzs and the dzs(riel land once.<br />

To Peter Larumond, disbursing clerl. Interior Department 856& 000 0(

104<br />



18 60-' 61.<br />


Puel, lights, and incidental expenses, including poy of keepers, t'cc, , in, the General I and Ofhce.<br />

To Peter Lammond, disbursing clerk Interior Department $2, 000 00<br />

Commissioner<br />

of Indran Affairs.<br />

To William P. Dole, Commissioner, from March 14, 1861<br />

A. B. Greenwood, late Commissioner, to March 14, 1861<br />

900 00<br />

2, 100 00<br />

$3, 000 00<br />

Clerks, messengers, @c. , in the oPce of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs,<br />

To Peter Lammond, disbursing clerk Interior Department 828, 940 00<br />

Extra clerk hire for the service of the Indian Ogive, per act August 5, 1854.<br />

To Peter Lammond, disbursing clerk Interior Department $7, 000 00<br />

One clerk in the 1iulian Once, unplayed under act of 3Iarch 3, 1855, granting bounty lands to Indians,<br />

To Peter Lammond, disbursing clerk Interior Department . . $1, 400 00<br />

Blank books, binding, stationery, fuel, lights,<br />

Qc. , for the Indian Othe.<br />

To Peter Lammond, disbursing clerk Interior Department . $5, 000 09<br />

To J. H. Barrett, Commissioner<br />

G. C. Whiting, late Commissioner<br />

Commissioner<br />

of Pensions.<br />

502 75<br />

2, 497 25<br />

$3, 000 00<br />

Clerks, messengers, g. c. , in the office of the Commissioner of Pensions.<br />

To Peter Lammond, disbursing clerk Interior Department $106 340 OO<br />

Stationery, binding, furniture, @c. , for the Pension OPce.<br />

To Peter Lammond, disbursing clerk Interior Department $15 000 OO<br />

Commnsioner<br />

of Pubt+ ButMings.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner $2, 000 00<br />

To W. S. Wood, late Commissioner<br />

J. B. Blake, late Commissioner<br />

Clerk in the ofIsce of the Commissioner<br />

of Public Buildings.<br />

100 00<br />

1, 300 OO<br />

81, 400 00

]860-'61.<br />




105<br />

'I'o W. S. Wood, late Commissioner<br />

J. B. Blake, late Commissioner<br />

Messenger z'n the oPce of the t, 'oznvzzsi'oner<br />

of Public Buildings.<br />

83 34<br />

1, 083 33<br />

81& 166 67<br />

Stationery, books, plans, drazvfngs, 6tc. , for omah'ce of the Comvzizsioner of Public Buildings.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner $250 00<br />

Compensation of the surveyor general of Florida.<br />

To Frarcis L. Dancy, late surveyor general<br />

8 1& 500 00<br />

To Martha M. Hei&1<br />

E. D. Fonhall<br />

R. F. Dorsey<br />

John S. Purviance<br />

Clerks,<br />

t'rc.<br />

&<br />

in the once of the surveyor general of Florida.<br />

300 00<br />

975 00<br />

1, 200 00<br />

60 87<br />

82, 535 87<br />

Surveyor general of Louisiana.<br />

To W. J. McCulloch, late surveyor general $1& 000 00<br />

To P. A. Hatkinson<br />

L. C. Ilsley<br />

J. H. Ayrand<br />

Clerks, 1'rc.<br />

&<br />

in the once of the surveyor general of Lo&sisiana.<br />

750 00<br />

250 00<br />

250 00<br />

81, 250 00<br />

Surveyor general of IVisconsin and Lov&a.<br />

To Warner Lewis, surveyor general $2, 307 69<br />

Clerks, pc. in the ofl7re of the surveyor general of ll isconsin and lozva.<br />

&<br />

To W. W. Smith<br />

T. Hardie<br />

H. B. Welsh<br />

S. G. Fennimore<br />

T. S. Nairn<br />

1, 100 00<br />

1, 100 00<br />

1, 300 00<br />

1, 300 00<br />

1&500 00<br />

86, 300 00<br />

Surveyor general of 1llinois and, llissouri.<br />

To Johhn. S. Loughborough, surveyor general $2, 142 85<br />

Clerks, Qc. ,<br />

To J. A. H. Lampton<br />

J. E. ll vchl iclzi<br />

0. H. Hoifstetter „<br />

Gabriol Hoi'fstetter<br />

John R. Atlrinson<br />

in the ofhce of the surveyor generol of 1llinois and Mzssozzri.<br />

1, 683 3o<br />

1, 280 00<br />

275 00<br />

27, & 00<br />

230 00<br />

$3, 743 33


1860-' 6 1 CIVIL LIST.<br />

Surveyor general of ilfinnesota.<br />

To C. L. Emerson, surveyor general. 82, 065 93<br />

Clerks, Qc. , in the once of the surveyor general of 3A'nnesotu.<br />

To W. R. Wood<br />

C. A. F. 21orris<br />

W. B. Farrell<br />

James W. Wood<br />

C. G. Wilson<br />

Hunter Brool-e<br />

S. S Smoot<br />

Josias R. King<br />

H. Von KIenden<br />

Alexander Buchanan<br />

William Crooirs<br />

1, 549 45<br />

I, 342 86<br />

1, 177 56<br />

1, 136 26<br />

861 26<br />

532 9i<br />

350 00<br />

105 02<br />

39 56<br />

32 97<br />

25 09<br />

87, 152 91<br />

Surveyor general of Kansas and nebraska.<br />

To W. B. P&urnett, surveyor general $1& 901 09<br />

Clerks, Qc. ,<br />

To A. W. Pentland<br />

E. E. 31ason<br />

C. S. I(amsdell<br />

A. Gaines<br />

A. R. Gilmcre<br />

G. C. Vanzandt<br />

W. 5I. Hill<br />

C. C. Whitmau<br />

in the oPce of tke surveyor general af Kansas and nebraska.<br />

900 00<br />

1, 254 12<br />

1, 071 19<br />

825 05<br />

565 21<br />

1, 034 79<br />

264 35&<br />

193 43<br />

$6& 108 15<br />

Once rent, fuel, Qc. , for<br />

To W. B. Burnett, surveyor general<br />

W. B. Hail<br />

Amos H. Shultz &, Co.<br />

G. G. Gillette<br />

C. Wasurand<br />

W. Leamor<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By W. B. Burnett, surveyor<br />

general<br />

surveyor general of Kansas and iYebraska.<br />

1, 109 01<br />

350 00'<br />

362 37<br />

51 55<br />

30 06<br />

7 55<br />

1, 910 5!<br />

20 9<br />

81, 889 6<br />

FOr binding field notes, plots, and records of surveys in the opec of the surveyor general of KansasssI<br />

f ebra&ka.<br />

To Amos H. Shultz &; Co<br />

3107 60<br />

Surveyor general of Hew 3$ezico.<br />

To Alexander P. Wilhur, surveyor general<br />

William Pelham, late surveyor general<br />

1, 769 5I<br />

1, 230 5'<br />

83, 000 95

]660-'61.<br />

Clerks,<br />

To Juan C. Tapia<br />

Thomas Means<br />

J. E. Vigil<br />

J. H. Mink<br />

Philip Smith<br />

Joseph Rose<br />

R. A Mathews<br />


CIVIL LIS'I'.<br />

6fc.<br />

&<br />

in the once of the surveyor general of .'Veu: 3lez&co.<br />

107<br />

719 42<br />

1, 350 00<br />

501 12<br />

500 12<br />

550 00<br />

200 00<br />

179 34<br />

$4, 000 00<br />

Rent of the surveg&or generays once in i'&o JEexico, fuel, books, @c.<br />

To A, P. Wilbur, surveyor general<br />

W. Pelham, late surveyor general<br />

W. H. Maurice<br />

1, 500 00<br />

218 93<br />

600 25<br />

$2, 319 18<br />

Compensation<br />

o D. N. Whiting<br />

J. H. Watts<br />

D. J. Miller<br />

of a translalor in the otfsce of the surveyor general of Arete<br />

3Iexico.<br />

326 09<br />

500 00<br />

500 00<br />

$1, 826 09<br />

Surveyor general of Utah Territory.<br />

Po S. C. Stambaugh, surveyor general $3, 000 00<br />

Cleiks, 6, "c , in the once of the surveyor general of Utah Territory.<br />

fo T. R. Green<br />

C. E. Wents<br />

E. L. Mason .<br />

David Jones<br />

W, H. Brodhead<br />

101 09<br />

750 00<br />

I, 250 00<br />

500 0 )<br />

59 51<br />

$2, 660 60<br />

l'o S. C. Stambaugh,<br />

Rent of the surveyor generays ofsce in Utah.<br />

surveyor general<br />

$1 929 70<br />

i James W. Mandeville,<br />

Surveyor general of California.<br />

surveyor general<br />

$3, 375 00<br />

Clerks, 6fc. in the ogice of the surveyor general of Cat forniu.<br />

&<br />

o K. Conoway<br />

W. M. Smith<br />

R. C. Hopkins<br />

C. Bilawski<br />

T. Snell<br />

C. E Gliddon<br />

R. W. I'islrbournc<br />

E. B. Drake<br />

Joseph H. Wiles<br />

George F. Allardt<br />

2& 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

1, (il5 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

750 00<br />

506 52<br />

450 00<br />

295 00<br />

295 00<br />

$10, 411 52


18 60-' 6 1. CIVIL LIST.<br />

Rent nf the surveyor general's offtce in California, fuel, books, stationery,<br />

@c.<br />

To Jatnes W. MandeviBe& surveyor general<br />

$2, 262 6p<br />

Surveyor general of Oregon.<br />

To W. W. Chapman, surveyor general $2, 625 pp<br />

To A. W. Patterson<br />

Wiliam P. Thompson<br />

J. M. Curley<br />

S. Scofield<br />

Clerks, Qc. , in the offcce of the surveyor general of Oreglu<br />

$3, 950 0<br />

Rent of the surveyor general's oPcein Oregon, fuel, books, stationery, @c.<br />

'To W. W. Chapman, surveyor general. $2, 715 04<br />

To James Tilton, surveyor general<br />

Surveyor general of Washington Ter&itory.<br />

$3& 000 PP,<br />

To J. K. Hall .<br />

J. Lodge<br />

P. Turpin<br />

W. H. Carlton<br />

Clerks, Pic. , in the oPce of the surveyor general of lgashington<br />

Ter&itory.<br />

2, 050 09<br />

600 09<br />

505 44<br />

244 59<br />

$3, 400 00;<br />

Rent of oPce of surveyor general of lgashington<br />

Territory, fuel, books, Qc.<br />

'To James Tilton, surveyor general $1, 111 93<br />

Eztra clerks and draughtsrnen in the oaves of the survRJN's general, to be apportioned<br />

exigencies cf thc public service.<br />

To J. S. Purviance, clerk in office of surveyor general<br />

H. Brooke, clerk in office of surveyor general of<br />

S. Smoot do do.<br />

W. Crooks do. . . do<br />

J. B. King do. . . . . do<br />

C G. Wilson do. do<br />

Alexander Buchanan do . . do<br />

lV. B. Farrell, draughtsman. do . do<br />

J. W. Myers, clerk . do. . . . . do<br />

H. Gascon, clerk in ofGce of surveyor general of Lo<br />

C. L. Ilsley do . . do<br />

C. L. Mavor do . do<br />

A. Bercegay. . do. . . . . . do<br />

J. M, Washburn do do<br />

of Florida<br />

Minnesota<br />

uisiana<br />

Carried forward . .<br />

according ts tht<br />

439 II<br />

209 2<br />

823 4&<br />

923 47<br />

233 1<br />

661<br />

22<br />

313<br />

275<br />




109<br />

l860- 61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

q'o A, W. Pentland, clerk in office surveyor general Kansas and Nebraska<br />

A, Gaines do . do<br />

C. B. Ramsdell do . . do<br />

W. C. Rarnsdell . . do do<br />

N. Hill do do.<br />

(,<br />

' C. Whitman, draughtsm'n do . . . do<br />

Philip Smith, clerk in office of surveyor general of New Mexico<br />

Thomas Means . do .. . do.<br />

J. , C. Tapis . .&lo . do<br />

J. Rose do do<br />

D, J, MiHer do. . do<br />

E. B. Drake, clerk in office of surveyor general of California<br />

C. E. Gliddon . . do do.<br />

T. Snell do do<br />

G. E. Ai)sr&it, draughtsman. do. . do „<br />

J, W. Wilders do . do . do<br />

R, W. Eishbourne do . do. . . do<br />

C. Hopkins . do &lo do<br />

J. H. Wilds do. do do<br />

C. Bielawski do do do<br />

S, Scofielrl, clerk in office of surveyor general of Oregon<br />

E. L. Bristow do . do<br />

D. H. Murphy do &lo<br />

J. M. Curlcy, dra, ughtsman do. . „do<br />

Peterfield Turpin, clerk in office of surveyor general of Wash. Ter'y<br />

E. Gibson do . . do . .<br />

J. S. Hurd, draughtsman do do.<br />

James Lodge . do do do<br />

E. Giddinge, jr<br />

5, 161 48<br />

275 00<br />

275 00<br />

28 81<br />

121 09<br />

195 97<br />

500 00<br />

758 00<br />

334 00<br />

588 58<br />

486 00<br />

333 00<br />

1, 350 00<br />

1, 250 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 400 00<br />

900 00<br />

843 48<br />

500 00<br />

450 00<br />

385 00<br />

462 91<br />

406 94<br />

1, 600 00<br />

1, 185 49<br />

769 56<br />

1, 218 75<br />

626 09<br />

202 17<br />

102 72<br />

823, 710 04<br />

Salary of the Secretary of Ilrar.<br />

To Simon Cameron, Secretary, from March 11, 1861<br />

Joseph Holt, late Secretary, from January I to March 10, 1861<br />

John B. I'loyd, late Secretary, to December 31, 1860<br />

2, 406 67<br />

I& 533 33<br />

4, 000 00<br />

000 00<br />

Clerks, au s, enyers, and lal orcrs in the oP'ce of the Se&'retrrry of ll ar.<br />

Io John Potts, disbursing clerl War Department . . . . $15, 400 00<br />

fttank books, stationery,<br />

books, mnps, ertra clerk hire, 6ec. , for the udice of the Seer etary of 1 Ear.<br />

I'o John Potts, disbursing clerk 1Var Department 85, 500 00<br />

Clerks and messcnyer in the ogicc of the<br />

Idj utant C "eneral.<br />

I'o John Potts, disbursiug clerk War Depa&truent. $11, 830 21<br />

&tank books, binrliny, stationery, grc. , for office of the trj lutant General.<br />

po John potts, disbursing clerk IVar Departusent . 82, 000 00


1860-'61.<br />


Clerl", s and messenger in the oft8'ce of the Qzzartermaster<br />

General.<br />

To John Potts, disbursing clerk War Department. . . 016&392 52<br />

hlarzk boolcs, binding, Qc, for the otkce of the Q&zartermaster General.<br />

To John Potts, disbursiug clerl- War Depa&tment $1, 200 00<br />

Clerks and messenger in the o(Ace zzf the Pz&ymaster<br />

General.<br />

To John Potts, disbursing clerk War Department $11, 212 38z<br />

Clerks and &nessw&ger in the a/ice of the Comnzissary General of Subsistence.<br />

To John Potis, disbursing clerk War Department $10, 016 38<br />

Clerks and messenger in the once of the Surgeon General.<br />

To John Potts, disbursing clerk iVar Depart&nent. 05, 204 38<br />

Elank books, binding, stationery, 6tc. , for oPce of Szzrgaz&z General.<br />

To John Potts, disbursing cleric War Department $400 09<br />

Clerks and messengers in the office of T&&pographicat<br />

Engines&s.<br />

To John Potts, disbursing clerk )Var Department $9, 040 00<br />

Bkznk lzooks, lzinding, stationery, Qc. , for once of Topogroph&'ca/ Engineers.<br />

To John Potts, disbursing cle&k War Department $1, 200 00<br />

Clerks and &nessenger in tlze offzce of the Chief Engi zzeer.<br />

To John Potts, disbursing clerl- War Department. $8, 381 38<br />

Blank books, binding, stationery, 8tc. , oPice of Chief Engineer.<br />

To John 1'otts, disbursing clerk War Department $900 00<br />

Ctzrks and messenger in the ofhce of the Colonel of Ordnance.<br />

To John Potts, disbursing clerk War Department 3&12& 087 88<br />

Eta&zk books, binding, stationery, 8tc. , oP'ce of Colonel of tgrdnanre.<br />

To John Potts, disbursing clerls War Department 0250 0o<br />

Compensation of four watchmen and tuo laborers for the northn crt eaez at &<br />

c lzzilding.<br />

To John Potts, disbursing clcrl- War Department, 03, 300 08


1660-'61.<br />


I uel, tights, and miscellaneous items for (lie nor(h(vest eor~i ve buildn&g.<br />

fo John Potts, disbursing clerk War Department. . . 84, 000 00<br />

Coinpensa(ion of superintendent, u atchmcn, and laborers in building corner 91 I&'arid 17(ii streets.<br />

$3 850 00<br />

I'o John Potts, disbursing clerk War Department . „.<br />

Fuel& compensation of firemen& and miscellaneous items for b'(riding corner nf F niid 17th s(reets.<br />

l'o John Potts, disbursing clerk War Department . . . 84, 800 00<br />

Salary of the Secretory of the Xri& g,<br />

:1'o Gideon Wells, Secretary, from March 7, 1861<br />

Isaac Toucey, Secretary, to March 6, 1861<br />

2, 555 56<br />

5, 444 44<br />

$8, 000 00<br />

C'ler1is, niessengers,<br />

and lalioi ere in tlie office of the Secre(ary of (Iie cVavy,<br />

lo William P. Moran, disbursing clerk Navy Department $21, 500 00<br />

Blan1c 1 oohs, binding, stationery, 6(c. , for the once of (he Secre(ary of (Iie ~V»vy.<br />

l'o William P. Moran, disbursing<br />

clerk Navy Depart(uent<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

3y L. B. Hardie<br />

3, 800 00<br />

310 G2<br />

$3, 489 38<br />

Ct&ief of the Bureau of cYavy Yards and Doc(is.<br />

o Joseph Smith, chief $3, 500 00<br />

Clerhs, messengeis,<br />

and laborers in Bureau of Vavy I aro's and Dochs.<br />

o William P. Moran& disbursing clerk Navy Department $10, 640 00<br />

Blanlc boohs, stationery, plans and drauings for Bureau of s avy Yirras and Duels.<br />

'o Willianr P. Moran, disbursing clerk Navy Department<br />

GOO 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

y L. B. Hardie<br />

394 23<br />

$205 77<br />

C'hief of Burcaii. of Oidnance.<br />

o George A. Magi'uder, chief, from September 24, 1860<br />

Dunc~an N. in&"raliam, late chief, to September 23, 1860<br />

2& 107 58<br />

808 42<br />

$2, 91G 00


1860-'61.<br />


Clerks, messengers,<br />

and laborers in Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrograpl&y.<br />

To William P. Moran, disbursing clerk Navy Department. . . . . 88, 840 00<br />

Blank books, stationery, and miscellaneous items, for Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography.<br />

To William P. Moran, disbursing clerk Navy Department 600 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By L. B. Hardie. 41G 09<br />

$183 91<br />

Chief of Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repair.<br />

To John Lenthall, chief. $3, 500 00<br />

Engineer-in-chi f, clerks, messengers, and laborer in Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and Repmr,<br />

To 1VBliam P. Moran, disbursing clerk Navy Department. . . . . . . . . $17, 840 00<br />

Blank books, binding, stationery& Qc, &<br />

for Bureau of Construction, Equ&'pment, and Repair.<br />

To William P. 2Ioran, disbursing clerk Navy Department . . 600 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By L. B. Hardie. 223 94<br />

$376 OG<br />

Clerks, messenger,<br />

and laborer in the Bureau of Provisions and Ckthing.<br />

To William P. Moran, disbursing clerk Navy Department . . . . . . . . 8~, 840 00<br />

Blank books, stationery, and miscellaneousitems, for Bureau of Provisions and Clothing.<br />

To William P, llloran, disbursing clerk Navy Department . 600 00<br />

From svhich d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By L. B. Hardie 282 84<br />

$317 16<br />

C hief of Bureau of &lledicine and Surgery.<br />

To William Whelan, chief. 03, 500 00<br />

Clerks, messenger,<br />

and laborer in the Bureau of Jfedicine and Surgery.<br />

To William P. Moran, disbursing clerk Navy Department $6, 009 GG<br />

Bbtnk books, stationery, and miscellaneous items, for the Bureau of 3tedicfne and Surgery.<br />

To William P. 3loran, disbursing clerk Navy Department $600 00<br />

Compensation of four u atchmen in the southwest executive building.<br />

To William P. Moran, disbursing clerk Navy Department . . @2, 400 09


1860-'61.<br />


Labor, fuel, lights, and miscellaneous items for southwest ezecutive building.<br />

To William P. 11oran, disbursing clerk, Navy Department . . .<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayinent:<br />

Py L. B. Hardie<br />

3, 600 00<br />

485 99<br />

$3, 114 01<br />

Salary of the Postmaster<br />

General.<br />

To Montgomery Blair, Postmaster General, froir March 6, 1861<br />

Horatio King, late. . . . . . do. . from January I to March 6, '61<br />

Joseph Holt, late. . . . . do. . to January 1, 186l . . .<br />

2, 556 22<br />

1, 444 44<br />

4, 000 00<br />

$8, 000 66<br />

Three Assistant Postmasters General.<br />

To John A. Kasson, First Assistant, from bfarch ll, 1861. .<br />

St. John B. L. Skinner, late Assistant, from Jan'y 1 to March 10, 1861<br />

Horatio King, . . . . . do. . . . to Jauuary 1, 1861. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

G. W. McLcllan, Second Assistant, from March 15, 1861<br />

Eben L. Childs, late. do. . . from January 25 to March 14, 1861<br />

William H. Dundas, late do. . . . to January 24, 1861. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Alexander N. yievely, Third Assistant.<br />

924 83<br />

575 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

891 50<br />

408 33<br />

1, 700 00<br />

2, 999 84<br />

$8, 999 50<br />

Clerks, messengers, watchmen, and laborers in the office of the Post Once Department.<br />

To william Bell, disbursing clerk, Post Office Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $140, 862 84<br />

Blank books, Qc. , and fuel for the General Post Office building, including the Auditor's oPce, oil,<br />

gas, 6cc.<br />

To William Bell, disbursing clerk, Post ONce Department. . . . . . . . . . $16, 000 00<br />

8'atchmen, engineers for steam engines, laborers, furniture, @c. , for the General Post OP'ce rxlension.<br />

To WiHiam Bell, disbursing clerk, Post Office Department. . . . . . . . . . . $10, 000 00<br />

I'or furnishing partially eighty-one rooms in the Ceneral Post Once extension, ttic. , and for fuel, gas,<br />

candles, day-watchmen, Qc.<br />

To william Bell, ilisbursing clerk, Post Office Department. . . . . . . . . $14, 105 04<br />

Commissions allowed the clerks and other employee in the city post once, Iyushington, D. C.<br />

To william Jones, late postruaster . $16, 330 98<br />

Salary of the Attorney General of the United States.<br />

To Edward Bateau Attorney General, from bIarch 6, 1861.<br />

E. M. Stantou, late. do. . from Deceinber 22 to March 5, 1861<br />

J S. Black. . .-do... do. . to December 16, 1860.<br />

lk M, McKean, disbursing clerk, Treasury Department<br />

8R<br />

1, 909 77<br />

1, 639 62<br />

3, 679 82<br />

102 79<br />

$7, 332 00

114<br />



18 60-' 61.<br />


Assistant Attorney General of the United States.<br />

To T. J. Co!fey, assistant Attorney General, from April 4, 1861. . . .<br />

A, . B. McCalr~ont, late assistant Attorney General, to April 3, 1861<br />

475 28<br />

2, 274 72<br />

82, 750 00<br />

Clerks, messengers,<br />

6!c. , in the ofhce of the Attorney General.<br />

To S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk, Treasury Departmeut. . . . . . . . . . $5, 627 00<br />

To S. M. 2IcKean, disbursing<br />

Contingent expenses of the Attorney General's once.<br />

clerk, Treasury Department.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By A. Roane.<br />

2, 725 00<br />

363 69<br />

$2, 361 31<br />

Once furniture and bookcases for the Attorney General's offic.<br />

To S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk, Treasury Department. . . . . . . . . . Sl, 350 00<br />

F&ul and labor for the Attorney<br />

General's ogive.<br />

To S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk, Treasury Department. $590 00<br />

Beat of building<br />

occupied by the A!torney General and First Auditor.<br />

To S, M. McKean, disbursing clerk, Treasury Department. $875 00<br />

Purchase of lau and necessary books for the Attorney General's oPce.<br />

To S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk, Treasury Department. ..<br />

,. .... ... $900 00<br />

Purchase of deficient S!a!e reports and statutes for the Attorney<br />

General's agee.<br />

To S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk, Treasury Department. . . . . . . . . . . 8500 00<br />

For legal assistance,<br />

@c. , in the disposal of private land cledms in California.<br />

To S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk, Treasury Department. . . . . .<br />

-From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By J. S. Black, Attorney General<br />

5, 966 00<br />

300 00<br />

$5, 666 00<br />

Furnishing rooms in the Treasury bu&Ming for the oPce of the Attorney General.<br />

To S. M. Clark. 32, 500 00<br />

Paper and printing for the executive departmm!s,<br />

To George W. Bowman<br />

John H. Hall.<br />

John D. Defrees .<br />

James B. Steadman<br />

including paper, Qc. , for the annual statement,<br />

ttc.<br />

23, 986 08<br />

10& 988 28<br />

5, 800 00<br />

85 82<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . . $40, 860 18

1860-'61.<br />




115<br />

To Thomas H, I ord<br />

Timothy Kenny.<br />

Charles Megargee 6c Co<br />

H. V. Butler 6: Co.<br />

Brought forward. . 40, 860 18<br />

47 80<br />

4, 264 20<br />

21 380 22<br />

649 Uo<br />

$48, 201 40<br />

Salaries of the Assistant Treasurers<br />

of the United States.<br />

To John J. Cisco, assistant treasurer, New York.<br />

E. E. Pratt. . do. . Boston<br />

Ezra Lincoln. .. . do. . . do<br />

J. H. Walton. .. do. Philadelphia ..<br />

B. C. Pressley do. ... Charleston, S. C. ..<br />

A. J. Guirot. .. . . . do. . New Orleans. ... ....<br />

J. H. Sturgeon. . . do. . ... St. Louis<br />

Benjamin Farrar .. .. do. .. . do<br />

6, 000 ou<br />

3, 494 51<br />

505 49<br />

750 00<br />

1, 681 50<br />

250 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

I i 000 00<br />

$16, 681 50<br />

Salaries of ten additional clerks, authorized by acts of August. 6, 1846, Qc,<br />

To E. E. Pratt, assistant treasurer, Boston<br />

J. H. Walton. ... do. . Philadelphia .<br />

B. C. Pressley. do. Charleston, S. C. .<br />

A. J. Guirot. . . do. New Orleans. J. H. Sturgeon. . . do. . St, Louis .. .. ...... ...<br />

Ezra Lincoln. .. do. . Boston .<br />

Benjamin Farrar. .. do. ... .. St. Louis<br />

1, 686 26<br />

1, 3io 00<br />

605 34<br />

750 00<br />

675 00<br />

413 73<br />

225 00<br />

85, 705 33<br />

Clerks, messengers, Qc. , in the office of the Assistant Treasurer, Ãeu: Fork.<br />

To Jacob Russell, disbursing clerk $13, 900 00<br />

Officers, clerks, @c. , of the Um'ted States mint at Philadelphia.<br />

To J. H. Walton, treasurer of the mint at Philadelphia $34, 875 00~<br />

Opcers, clerks, @c. , of the tiranch mint at Charlotte, f&rorth Carolina.<br />

. To George W, Caldwell, late superintendent $3, 000 00'<br />

Officers, clerks, @c. , of the branch mint at Dahtonega,<br />

Georgia,<br />

To J. M. Patton, late superintendent $3, 000 00<br />

OPcers, clerks, @c. , of the branch mint at Aeu Orleans.<br />

T&i A. J. Guirot, late treasurer<br />

From which de&hict the following repayment:<br />

ily A. J. Guirot, late treasurer<br />

10, 725 83<br />

1, 575 83<br />

$9, 15o oo

116<br />

1860-'61.<br />




Officers, clerks, Qc. , of the branch mint at San Fraricisco,<br />

To J. R. Snyder, treasurer. $22, 875 00<br />

Officers, clerks, @c. , of the assay once at rVero Pork.<br />

To John J, Cisco, treasurer $24, 900 00<br />


Chirf Justice and associate j udges of the United States.<br />

To Roger B. Taney, chief justice.<br />

John McLean, acsociate judge<br />

Samuel Nr, lson, associate judge<br />

Robert C. Grier, associate judge<br />

John A. Campbell, associate judge.<br />

James M. Wayne, associate judge<br />

John Catron, associate judge<br />

Nathan Clifford, associate judge<br />

Peter V. Daniel, associate judge<br />

6, 500 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6r 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6) 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

I, 005 49<br />

$49, 505 49<br />

To B. C. Howard.<br />

Salary of the reporter of the decisums of the Supreme Court.<br />

$1, 300 00<br />

Chief j ustice of the District of Columbia, associatej udges, andj udges of the orphans' and criminal courts.<br />

To James Dunlap, chief justice.<br />

James S. Morsell, associate judge<br />

J<br />

Williain 5I. Merrick, associate judge<br />

William F. Purcell, judge of the orphans' court<br />

Thomas H. Cravvford, judge of the criminal court<br />

4, 687 50<br />

3, 500 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

21500 00<br />

$26, 687 50 '<br />

District judges of the United States.<br />

To Ashur 1Vare, district judge, Maine<br />

Mathew Harvey, district judge, New Hampshire.<br />

D. A. Smalley, district judge, Vermont<br />

Peleg Sprague, district judge, Massasliusetts<br />

John Pitman, district judge, Rhode Island<br />

Williain D. Shipman, district judge, Connecticut.<br />

S. R. Bette, district judge, southern district of New Yorlr<br />

Nathan K. Hall, district judge, western district of Ncw York<br />

Philemon Dickerson, district judge, New Jersey<br />

Wilson McCandlcss, district judge, northern Pennsylvania.<br />

John Cadwallader, district judge, eastern Pennsylvania<br />

%VII]ard Hall, district judge, Delaware.<br />

W. F. Giles, district judge, 2Iaryland.<br />

J. D. Halliburton, district judge, eastern district of Virginia<br />

J. W. Brockenbrough, late district judge, western district of Virginia<br />

Asa Biggs, late district judge, North Carolina<br />

A G. 2Iagrath, late district judge, South Carolina. .<br />

J. C. Nicoll, late district judge, Georgia<br />

Carried forward.<br />

2, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

2, 000 09<br />

3, 000 09<br />

2, 000 00<br />

2, 109 89<br />

3, 750 GG<br />

2, 750 09<br />

2, 000 09<br />

2, 5OO 09<br />

3, 000 09<br />

2, 000 00<br />

3. 000 00<br />

2, r50 00<br />

I, 875 00<br />

1, 875 00<br />

1, 375 00<br />

2, OG2 59<br />

$42, 047 99

1860-' 61.<br />




Brought forward<br />

To IlcQucen Jlcl»tosh, late district judge, northern district of Florida. . .<br />

William &llarvin, late district judge, southern district of Florida.<br />

W. G. Jones, late district judge, Alabama<br />

S. J. Gohlson, late district judge, Mississippi<br />

T. H. 51cCaleb, late district judge, eastern district of Louisiana.<br />

Henry Royce, late district judge, western district of Louisiana.<br />

J. C. Watrous, late district judge, eastern district of Texas<br />

'1'. H. Duvall, late district judge, western district of Texas.<br />

Daniel Bingo, late district judge, Arkansas<br />

Samuel Treat, district jud& e, eastern district of Missouri<br />

Robert W. Wells, district judge, western<br />

district of Jlissouri<br />

T. B. 5fonroe, district judge, Kentucky<br />

W. H. Humphreys, district judge, Tennessee<br />

H. V. Wilson, district judge, northern district of Ohio<br />

H. H. Leavitt, district judge, southerr. district of Ohio<br />

E. 51. Huntington, district judge, Indiana<br />

Thomas Drummond, district judge, northern district of Illinois<br />

Ross Wilkins, district judge, Ilichigan<br />

A. J. Miller, district judge, Wisconsin<br />

J. M. Love, district judge, Iowa<br />

R. R. Nelson, district judge, &llinnesota.<br />

Ogden Hoffman, district judge, northern district of California .<br />

Isaac S. K. Ogier, district judge, southern district of California,<br />

M. P. Deady, district judge, Oregon<br />

117<br />

42, 047 39<br />

I, 687 50<br />

3& 000 00<br />

'&, 062 50<br />

1, 875 00<br />

2, 897 16<br />

I& 875 00<br />

I, 875 00<br />

1. 875 00<br />

1, 875 00<br />

5, 500 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

2, 500 00.<br />

2, 500 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

18, 945 84-<br />

6, 808 33<br />

2, 887 36<br />

$123, 211 08<br />

Salary of the circuit judge of California.<br />

To M. H. McAllister, circuit judge of California $6, 000 00<br />

District attorneys<br />

of the United States.<br />

To George F. Shepley, district attorney, Maine<br />

A. S. Marshall, district attorney, New Hampshire.<br />

H. E. Stoughton, district attorney, Vermont.<br />

C. L. Woodbury, district attorney, Massachusetts<br />

G. H. Browne, district attorney, lthode Island<br />

T. E. Doolittle, district attorney, Connecticut.<br />

W. D. Shipman, late district attorney, Connecticut.<br />

J. C. Spencer, district attorney, northern district of New York<br />

G, S. Carmon, district attorney, New Jersey<br />

G. 5L Wharton, district attorney, eastern district of Pennsylvania<br />

R. B. Roberts, district attorney, western district of Pennsylvania<br />

D. M. Bates, district attorney, Delaware.<br />

W, M. Addison, district attorney, 5Iaryland.<br />

Robert Quid, district attorney, District of Columbia<br />

P. H. Aylett, late district attorney, eastern district, of Virginia<br />

, l. M. Gregory, late district attorney, eastern district of Vir. inia<br />

F. B. &Iiller, late district attorney, western district of Virginia.<br />

R. P. Dick, late district attorney, North Carolina<br />

James Conner, late district attorney, South Carolina<br />

Hamilton Cooper, late district attorney, Georgia<br />

C. C. Yongc, late district attorney, northern district of Florida<br />

J. L, 'I'stum, late district attorney, southern district of Florida, .<br />

M. J. 'I'urnley, late district attorney, northern district of Alabama<br />

A. J. Re&luier, late district attorney, southern district of Alabama<br />

F. J. Lovejoy, late district attorney, northern district of i&lississippi<br />

Camot Posey, late district attorney, southern district of Mississippi.<br />

Carried forward<br />

200 00<br />

200 00<br />

200 00<br />

200 00<br />

200 00<br />

156 59<br />

89 01<br />

150 00<br />

150 00<br />

191 21<br />

200 00<br />

200 00<br />

200 00<br />

200 00<br />

96 74<br />

50 00<br />

150 00<br />

150 00<br />

100 00<br />

150 00<br />

150 00<br />

150 00<br />

150 00<br />

150 00<br />

150 00<br />

200 00<br />

84, 183 55

118<br />



1860-' 61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

To L. D. Mar]-s, late district attornev, eastern district of Mississippi<br />

H. C. Miller, late district attorney, eastern district of Louisiana.<br />

George Mason, late district attorney, eastern district of Texas. .<br />

J. T. Warren, late district attorney, western district of Texas<br />

J. M. Harrell, late district attorney, eastern district of Arkansas<br />

A. M. Wilson, late district attorney, western district of Arkansas.<br />

C. F. Wilson, late district attorney, eastern district of Missouri . . . .<br />

A. M. Lay, late district attorney, western district of Missouri<br />

J. C. Ramsey, late district attorney, eastern district of Tennessee<br />

T. B. Childress, late district attorney, midd]e district of Tennessee .<br />

A. W. Campbell, late district attorney, western district of Tennessee<br />

C. C. Rogers, district attorney, Kentucky<br />

G. W. Be]den, district attorney, northern district of Ohio<br />

Stanley Mathews,<br />

district attorney, southern district of Ohio<br />

D. W. Voorhees, district attorney, northern district of Indiana<br />

H. S. Fitch, district attorney, northern district of Illinois<br />

E. B. Herndon, district attorney, southern district of Illinois<br />

W. E. Parrish, late district attorney, southern district of Illinois.<br />

Joseph Mil]er, district attorney, Michigan<br />

D. A. J, Upham, district attorney, Wisconsin<br />

J. C. Enapp, district attorney, Iowa<br />

E. M. Wilson, district attorney, 51innesota<br />

R. A. Howard, district attorney, Nebraska.<br />

A. . C. Davis, district attorney, Kansas.<br />

R. H, Tompkins, district attorney, Utah.<br />

P. Della Torre, late district attorney, northern district of California.<br />

C. Bentam, district attorney, northern district of California<br />

Paciiicus Ord, district attorney, southern district of California<br />

J. II. Gitchel], late district attorney, southern district of California<br />

A. J. Thayer, district attorney, Oregon.<br />

B. P. Anderson, district attorney, Washington Ten itory<br />

4, 183 55<br />

37 50<br />

150 00<br />

100 00<br />

150 00<br />

100 00<br />

150 00<br />

150 00<br />

200 00<br />

150 00<br />

150 00<br />

150 00<br />

100 09<br />

150 00<br />

200 00<br />

150 00<br />

150 00<br />

171 46<br />

50 00<br />

150 00<br />

200 00<br />

150 00<br />

204 40<br />

193 68<br />

187 50<br />

125 00<br />

467 21<br />

332 88<br />

154 89<br />

500 00<br />

231 87<br />

1]9 56<br />

$9, 659 50<br />

31arehal» of the Unf7ed Sta]ee.<br />

To W. K. Kimball, marshal, Maine<br />

S. W. Dearborn, marshal, New Hampshire<br />

L. S. Partridge, marshal, Vermont<br />

F. C. Gardiner, marshal, Rhode Island.<br />

Curtis Bacon, marshal, Connecticut.<br />

J. B. Howe, marshal, northern district of New York<br />

S. B. Jewett, late marshal, northern district of New York.<br />

G. H. Nelden, marshal, New Jersey<br />

J. G. Campbell, marshal, western districtof Pennsylvania. ... ... . William Morrow, marshal, Delaware<br />

J. F. Wiley, late marshal, eastern district of Virginia. ..<br />

J. T. Martin, late marshal, western district of Virginia.<br />

Wesley Jones, ]ate marshal, North Carolina<br />

D. H. Hamilton, late marshal, South Carolina . .<br />

J. M. Spul]ock, late marsha], Georgia<br />

E. E. Blackburn, late marrhal, northern district of Florida. .<br />

F. J. Moreno, late ruarshal, southern district of Florida. .<br />

Benjamin Pat, terson, late marshal, northern district of Alabama . .<br />

C. M. Godbo]d, late marshal, southern district of Alabama<br />

W. H. H. Tison, late marshal, northern district of Mississippi . . . . . . . .<br />

Richard Grif]]th, late marshal, southern district of Mississippi<br />

J. 51. Kennedy late marshal, eastern district of 5Iississippi ..<br />

R. A. Hunter, late marshal, eastern district of Louisiana<br />

H. E. McCu]loch, late marshal, eastern district of Texas<br />

Carried forward<br />

216 48<br />

150 00<br />

150 00<br />

273 08<br />

219 23<br />

128 85<br />

100 00<br />

204 95<br />

212 64<br />

207 63<br />

250 00<br />

150 00<br />

300 00<br />

100 00<br />

150 00<br />

150 00<br />

150 00<br />

200 00<br />

250 00<br />

100 00<br />

750 00<br />

172 83<br />

27 17<br />

150 06<br />

334, 762 92

1860-'61.<br />




Brought forward. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

To W. C. Young, late marshal, western district of Texas. . . . . . . .<br />

J. G. Halliburton, late marshal, eastern district of Arkansas . .<br />

B. J. Jachoway, late marshal, western district of Arkansas.<br />

Hancock Jackson, marshal, eastern district of Missouri<br />

J. L. Jones, marshal, western district of Missouri ..<br />

W. M. Lowry, late marshal, eastern district of Tennessee. ...<br />

J. B. Clemente, marshal, middle district of Tennessee .<br />

H. McClanahan, marshal, western district of Tennessee<br />

T. R. Dohoney, marshal, Kentucky.<br />

Mathew Johnson, marshal, northern disttict of Ohio<br />

L. W. Sifi'ord, marshal, southern district of Ohio. ... ..<br />

E. G. English, marshal, Indiana<br />

J. L. Robinson, late marshal, Indiana.<br />

Thomas Boyne, marshal, northern district of Illinois ...<br />

W. L. Dougherty, marshal, southern district of Illinois. . .<br />

J. S. Bagg, Marshal, Michigan<br />

J. H. Lewis, marshal, Wisconsin .<br />

L. Sum)ners, marshal, Iowa .<br />

W. B. Gere, marsha, l, Minnesota .<br />

W. Z. 51oore, marshal, Nebraska . .<br />

P. T. Colby, marshal, Kansas<br />

C. P. Clever, marshal, New 3fexico<br />

Henry Grice, marshal, Utah<br />

P. K. Dolson, late marshal, Utah<br />

P. L. Solomon, marshal, northern district of California . .<br />

J. C. Pennie, marshal southern district of California.<br />

J. L. Meek, marshal, Oregon<br />

C. E. Weed, tuarshal, Washington 'l'erritory<br />

119<br />

4, 762 92<br />

100 00<br />

100 00<br />

189 44<br />

19? 26<br />

100 00<br />

193 89<br />

207 69<br />

150 00<br />

215 38<br />

213 19<br />

208 24<br />

202 75<br />

59 34<br />

196 67<br />

205 50<br />

204 40<br />

150 00<br />

202 75<br />

206 59<br />

167 58<br />

257 69<br />

200 00<br />

117 39<br />

232 61<br />

500 00<br />

500 00<br />

197 83<br />

196 70<br />

$10)435 81<br />

Expenses of courts of the United S(ates.<br />

To Charles Clark, marshal, Maine<br />

W. K. Kimball, late marshal, Maine<br />

S. W. Dearboru, marshal, New Hampshire .<br />

S. Garfield, late marshal, New Hampshire .<br />

L. S. Partridge, marshal, Vermont.<br />

J. S. Keyes, marshal, Massachusetts<br />

Watson Freeman, late marshal, Massachusetts . . .<br />

Albert Sanford, marshal, Rhode Island.<br />

F. C. Gardner, late tnarshal, Rhode Island .<br />

D. H. Carr, marshal, Connecticut<br />

Curtis Bacon, late marshal, Connect, icut<br />

E. J. Chase, marshal, northern district of New York. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

James B. Howe, late marshal, northern district of New York<br />

Robert Murray, marshal, southern district of New York. .<br />

Isaiah Rynders, late marshal, southern district of New York.<br />

G. H. Nelden, marshal, New Jersey<br />

W. Millward, marshal, eastern district of Pennsylvania ..<br />

J. S. Yost, late marshal, eastern district of Pennsylvania.<br />

A, E. Roberts, late marshal, eastern district of Pennsylvania.<br />

A. Murdock, marshal, western district of Pennsylvania. ..<br />

J. G. Campbell, late marshal, western district of Pennsylvania. . . . . . . .<br />

William Morro)v, marshal, Delaware<br />

Washington Bonifant, marshal, Maryland .<br />

J W. Watkins, late marshal, Maryland<br />

W. H, Lamon, marshal, District of Columbia .<br />

J, D. 11oover, late marshal, District of Columbia. . .<br />

WjBiam Selden, late marshal, District of Columbia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

3& 362 81<br />

2, 372 40<br />

1, 238 00<br />

52 30<br />

2& 000 00<br />

201000 00<br />

22, 099 48<br />

4, 529 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

2, 439 10<br />

1, 388 50<br />

9) 897 35<br />

10, 716 86<br />

20) 000 00<br />

29, 547 23<br />

5, 365 83<br />

12, 024 00<br />

8, 904 57<br />

49 80<br />

6, 571 00<br />

7, 323 00<br />

509 72<br />

8, 040 00<br />

7, 662 00<br />

22, 554 00<br />

879 50<br />

50, 118 70<br />

Carried for tvard . . 8260, 645 15

120<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward. To P. R. Aylett, late marshal, eastern district of Virginia . ...... ..<br />

J. F. Wiley, late marshal, eastern district of Virginia.<br />

J. T. Martin, late marshal, western district of Virginia ..<br />

Wesley Jones, late marshal, North Carolina<br />

D. H. Hamilton, late marshal, South Carolina.<br />

D. H. Stewart, late marshal, Georgia.<br />

J. M. Spullock, late marshal, Georgia<br />

E. E. Blackburn, late marshal, northern district of Florida ....<br />

J. C. Clapp, marshal, southern district of Florida. ..<br />

F. J. Moreno, late marshal, southern district of Florida . .<br />

B. Patterson, late marshal, northern district of Alabama. .<br />

W. H, H. Tison, late marshal, northern district of Mississippi<br />

R. A. Hunter, late marshal, eastern district of Louisiana .... ..<br />

W. C. Young, late marshal, western district of Texas, .<br />

B. J, Jackoway, late marshal, western district of Arkansas<br />

J. L. Jones, late marshal, western district of Arkansas.<br />

D. A. Rawlings, marshal, eastern district of 21issouri. . ....<br />

H. Jackson, late marshal, eastern district of Missouri<br />

T. S. Brvant, late ma, rshal, eastern district of Missouri<br />

H. M. Lowry, late marshal, eastern district of Tennessee. .. J. B. Clements, late marshal, middle district of Tennessee. . . . ....<br />

Earl Bill, marshal, northern district of Ohio<br />

Mathew Johnson, late marshal, northern district of Ohio<br />

A. C. Sands, marshal, southern district of Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

L. W. Sifford& late marshal, southern district of Ohio<br />

D. H. Rose, marshal, Indiana.<br />

E. G. English, late marshal, Indiana .<br />

J. R. Jones, marshal, uorthern district of Illinois. .. . . . .<br />

F. Hoyne, late marshal, northern district of Illinois .. .<br />

D. L. Philips, marshal, southern district of Illinois.<br />

W, L. Dougherty, late marshal, southern dirtrict of Illinois.<br />

Charles Dickey, marshal, Michigan<br />

J. S. Bagg, late marshal, Michigan.<br />

R. Davis, late marshal, Michigan<br />

J. H. Lewis, marshal, Wisconsin<br />

Dar iel C. Jackson, marshal, Wisconsin.<br />

H. M. Hoxie, marshal, Iowa .<br />

L. Summers, late marshal, Iowa<br />

C. F. Buck, marshal, Minnesota<br />

W. B. Gere, late marshal, Minnesota<br />

W. E. Moore, marshal, Nebraska<br />

J. L. lMcDowe]1, marshal, Kansas .<br />

P. T. Colby, late marshal, Kansas.<br />

H. Grice, late marshal, Utah.<br />

P. L. Solomon, late marshah northern district of California J. C. Pennie, late marshal, southern district of California. .... ..<br />

C. E. Weed, marshal, Washington Territory<br />

D. B. Hannah, marshal, Oregon<br />

G. F. Shepley, district attorney, Maine<br />

A. S. Marshal, district attorney, N& w Hampshire<br />

H. E. Stoughton, district attorney, Vermont<br />

C. L. Woodbury, district attorney, Massachusetts<br />

M. Andross, acting district attorney, 21assachusetts<br />

G. H. Browne, district attorney, Rhode Island<br />

T. E. Doolittle, district attorney, Connecticut<br />

J. C. Spencer, district attorney, northern district of New Yorl-<br />

E. 31. Holbrook, acting district attorney, northern district of New York<br />

W. C, Brown, acting district attorney, northern district of New York<br />

J. J. Rosevelt, district attorney, southern district of New York<br />

G. S. Cannon, district attorney, New Jersey<br />

G. 31. Wharton, district attorney, eastern district of Pennsylvania<br />

Carried forward. ..<br />

260, 645 15<br />

61& 00<br />

13, 754 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

374 97<br />

1, 421 20<br />

325 16<br />

7& 405 OO<br />

7, 657 75<br />

3, 000 00<br />

4& 350 00<br />

1, 742 51<br />

1, 393 83<br />

5, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

14, 800 00<br />

2& 885 05<br />

5, 000 00<br />

44 99<br />

8, 235 67<br />

700 94<br />

2, 912 78<br />

6, 180 00<br />

7, 345 86<br />

5& 770 00<br />

5, 758 50<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 280 00<br />

3, 764 00<br />

5, 987 22.<br />

10, 628 00<br />

7& 106 25<br />

3, 685 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

56 00<br />

4. 051 03<br />

2& 025 00<br />

5, 270 50<br />

4, 705 00<br />

6&033 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

8, 730 99<br />

4, 648 00<br />

14, 422 50<br />

5, 000 09<br />

3&118 32<br />

238 23<br />

7, 831 00<br />

3, 435 55<br />

971 00<br />

637 00<br />

50 00<br />

2& 031 00<br />

1, 155 00<br />

596 00<br />

389 00<br />

3, 503 60<br />

415 BO<br />

500 00<br />

3, 022 73<br />

227 49<br />

1, 983 39<br />

$527, 317 83



1'~1<br />

1860-' 61.<br />


Brought forward.<br />

To J. C. Van Dyke, late district attorney, eastern district of Pennsylvania<br />

P. . B. Roberts, district attorney, western district of Pennsylvania<br />

R V. Waite, late acting district at torney, eastern district of Pennsylvania<br />

J. W. Ashmead, late district attorney, eastern district of Pennsylvania<br />

D. M. Bates, district attorney, Delaware<br />

W. 5I. Addison, district attorney, 2laryland<br />

E. C. Caningtou, district attorney, District of Columbia<br />

Robert Quid, late district attorney, District of Columbia .<br />

J. M. Gregory, late district attorney, eastern district of Virginia<br />

F. B. 5liller, late district attorney, western district of Virginia<br />

R. I'. Dick, late district attorney, North Carolina<br />

James Conner, late district attorney, South Carolina<br />

W. E. Mickell, late acting district attorney, South Carolina<br />

Hamilton Cowper, late district attorney, Georgia<br />

Josenh Gauahl, late district attorney, Georgia<br />

C. C. Youge, late district attorney, northern district of Florida<br />

J. D. IVestcott, late district attorney, northern district of Florida<br />

J. L. Tatum, late district attorney, s&&uthern district of Florida<br />

M. J. Turnley, late district attorney, northern district of Alabama<br />

A. J, P&equier, late district attorney, southern disirict of Alabama<br />

F. J. Lovejoy, late district attoruey, northern district of Mississippi .<br />

H. C, Miller, late district attorney, eastern district &&f Louisiana<br />

George Mason, late district attorr&ey, eastern district of Texas<br />

C. L. Robards, late acting district attorney, eastern district of Texas<br />

A. M. Wilsou, late district attorney, western distr'. ct of Arkansas<br />

C, F. Burnes, district attorney, eastern district of Missouri<br />

A. M. Lay, &listrict attorney, northern district of Missou)i<br />

J. C. Ramsey, late district attorney, eastern district of Tennessee<br />

F. B. Childress, late district attorney, middle district of Tennessee<br />

F. P. Scurlock, late acting district attorney, western district of Tennessee<br />

C. C. Rogers, late district attorney, Kentucky<br />

G. W. Craddock, acting district attorney, Kentucl'y.<br />

G. W. Belden, attorney, uorihern district of Ohio<br />

Stanley Mathews, district attorney, southern district oi' Ohio<br />

D. W. Voorhees, district attorney, Indiana.<br />

H. &S. Fitch, district attorney, northern distri&. t of Illinois<br />

E. Cobun, assistant district attorney, northern district of Illinois<br />

E. B. Herndou, acting district attorney, southern district of Illinois<br />

Joseph Miller, jr. , district attorney, Michigan<br />

D. A. J. Upham, district attorney, Wisconsin<br />

. I. C. Knapp, district attorr)ey, Iowa<br />

E. M. wilson, district attorney, Minnesota<br />

O. Simmons, acting district attorney, Minnesota<br />

W. W. McNair, acting district attorney, Minnesota<br />

James Heinds, acting district attorney, 5liunesota, .<br />

D. T. Griffin, acting district attorney, Iliunesota<br />

Cramer Burt, acting district attorney, 31iuuesota<br />

R. A. Howard, district attorney, Nebraska<br />

Jouas Suly, late district attorney, Nebraslra<br />

C. C. Blair, acting district attorney, Vebrasl'a,<br />

I. Seely, late acting district attorney, Nebraska .<br />

A. C. Davis, district attorney, lfansas<br />

T. F. Abrams, late district attorney, Kansas<br />

John Martin, acting district attorney, Kansas<br />

E. M Lowe, acting district attorney, Kansas .<br />

Isaac Caldwell, late acting district attorney, Kansas<br />

W, P. Gambell, late acting distri& t attorney, Ifausas.<br />

D. B. Hadley, late acting district attorney, Kaus&)s .<br />

T. H. Hopi'ins, attorney, New JIexico<br />

R, H, Tomkins, late district attorney, Nc)v Mexico<br />

W. W. Broadhead, acting district attorney, Utah .<br />

527& 317 88<br />

903 00<br />

2, 250 00<br />

65u 00<br />

o00 00<br />

105 00<br />

I, 843 80<br />

2o5 00<br />

6,<br />

&921 40<br />

724 00<br />

1, G39 80<br />

542 40<br />

690 00<br />

120 00<br />

200 00<br />

5 00<br />

1, 412 40<br />

150 20<br />

470 00<br />

195 20<br />

100 00<br />

38 00<br />

965 00<br />

I, 060 00<br />

135 00<br />

3, 792 00<br />

770 00<br />

115 00<br />

206 31<br />

2GO 00<br />

200 00<br />

95 60<br />

25 00<br />

5, 774 36<br />

630 00<br />

873 40<br />

] 935 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

535 00<br />

1, 400 00<br />

G65 00<br />

I, 037 60<br />

1, 081 00<br />

15 00<br />

20 00<br />

20 00<br />

53 00<br />

15 00<br />

360 00<br />

20 00<br />

320 00<br />

95 00<br />

2, 165 60<br />

45 00<br />

65 00<br />

45 00<br />

85 00<br />

30 00<br />

6)8 00<br />

15 00<br />

66 00<br />

140 00<br />

Carried fonvard. 8573, 230 95

122<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward. .<br />

To J A. He]ting, acting district attorney, Utah<br />

S. D. Wo]f, late district attorney, Utah<br />

C. Benbam, attorney, northern district of California<br />

P. Della Torre, late district attorney, northern district of California<br />

T. R. Wise, acting district attorney, northern district of California<br />

J. R. Gitchell, district attorney, southern district of California.<br />

P. E. Hubbs, acting district attorney, Washington Territory .<br />

F. A. Chenswith, ]ate acting district attorney, Washington Territory<br />

B. P. Anderson, acting district attorney, Washington Territory<br />

W. W. Page, acting district attorney, Oregon<br />

W. P. Preble, clerk, Maine<br />

G. I. Emory, clerk, Maiue<br />

A. R. Hatch, clerk, &c. , New Hampshire<br />

W. H. Hoyt, clerk, Vermont<br />

H, W. Fuller, c]erl-, Mascachusetts<br />

S. E. Sprage, clerk, Massachusetts .<br />

J. L. W. Fuller, clerk, Massachusetts .<br />

H. Peterson, clerk, Rhode Island<br />

A. Blackman, clerk, Connecticut.<br />

A. Conkling, c]erk, northern district of New York .<br />

A. A. Royce, clerk, &c. , northern district of New York<br />

K. G. White, clerk, southern district of New Yorl<br />

G. W. Morton, late clerk, southern district of New York<br />

G. F. Bette, clerk, southern district of New Yorl-<br />

Philemon Dickerson, clerk, New Jersey.<br />

G. R. Fox, clerk, eastern district of Pennsylvania<br />

Benjamin Patton, clerk, western district of Pennsylvania<br />

H. Sproul, clerk, western district of Pennsylvania<br />

J. H. Bailey, clerk, western district of Pennsylvania<br />

L. E. Wales, clerk, De]aware<br />

Thomas Spicer, clerl-, Maryland<br />

E. J. Middleton, clerk, District of Columbia<br />

J. F&. Francis, late clerk, &c. , eastern district of Virginia<br />

L. N. Ellett& late clerk, eastern district of Virginia<br />

J. W. Caldwe]l, c]erk, western district of Virginia<br />

J. S. Cantwell, clerl-, North Caro]ina<br />

John M. Jones, late clerk, A]bemarle district, North Carolina<br />

J. L. Gardiner, ]ate clerl', Pamlico district, North Carolina,<br />

H. Y. Gray, late clerk, South Carolina<br />

C. S. Henry, late clerk, &c. , southern district of Georgia. . . .<br />

B. Wright, late clerk, northern district of Florida<br />

S. W. Spencer, late clerk, northern district of Florida<br />

51. P. De Riobo, late clerk, northern district of Florida .<br />

J. B. Browne, late clerk, southern district of Florida<br />

R. B. Owen, late clerk, southern district of Alabama<br />

J. W. Gurley, late clerk, eastern district of Louisiana<br />

N. R. Jennings, late clerk, eastern d!strict of Louisiana<br />

James Love, late clerk, eastern district of Texas<br />

H. H. Rutherford, late clerk, eastern district of Arkansas<br />

R. Searcy, late clerl-, eastern district of Arkansas<br />

J. B. Ogden, late clerk, western district of Arkansas<br />

A, McLean, late clerl-, western district of Arkansas<br />

B. F. Hick!uan, clerk, eastern district of Missouri.<br />

F. C. Reynolds, clerk, eastern district of Missouri<br />

J. Harrison, clerk, western district of Missouri<br />

C. W. Crozier, late clerk, eastern district of 'lennessee<br />

N. Gammon, late clerk, eastern district of Tennessee .<br />

J. W. McGavo& k, late clerl-, middle district of Tennessee<br />

J. A. Monroe, clerl-, &c. , Kentucky<br />

I&'. W. Green, clerk, nortbern district of Ohio<br />

John McLean, c]er]', southern district of Ohio<br />

Carried forward<br />

573, 230 95<br />

30 00<br />

25 00<br />

1, 920 00<br />

20 00<br />

341 50<br />

1, 506 50<br />

30 00<br />

280 00<br />

6&25 00<br />

118 00<br />

702 75<br />

242 30<br />

153 40<br />

379 84<br />

646 86<br />

I, 407 50<br />

7 15<br />

550 90<br />

156 10<br />

1, 059 6Z<br />

668 58<br />

I, 888 43<br />

38 95<br />

1, 777 55<br />

I, 243 00<br />

1, 751 90<br />

885 00<br />

I& 651 05<br />

840 05<br />

81 55<br />

960 25<br />

15 00<br />

319 05<br />

656 20<br />

1, 332 15<br />

75 20<br />

65 00<br />

15 00<br />

703 63<br />

247 10<br />

9 35<br />

34 25<br />

364 55<br />

251 60<br />

155 40<br />

699 40<br />

1, 914 0]<br />

461 7'i<br />

41 90<br />

100 00<br />

1, 503 60<br />

1, 993 91<br />

636 30<br />

2, 528 85<br />

111 65<br />

45 20<br />

86 80<br />

708 59<br />

422 65<br />

1, 64Z 66<br />

1, 066 95<br />

8613, 427 40



1860-' 61.<br />


Brought forward, .<br />

To John H. Rea, clerk, Indiana,<br />

Horace Bassett, clerk, Iudiaua<br />

H. H. Bradley, clerk, northern Illinois<br />

P. P. Enos. clerk, southern district of Illinois<br />

W. D. Wilkins, clerk, Michigan<br />

John Winder, clerk, 3Iichigan<br />

J. M. Miller, clerk, Wisconsin ~<br />

George W. Prescott, clerk, Minnesota<br />

E, B. Chandler, clerk, Nebraska<br />

R. T. Beall, clerk, Nebrasl. a<br />

Alk:n Blacker, clerk, Nebrasl-a,<br />

Z. N. Eccleston, cleric, Kansas<br />

J. P. . Whitehead, clerk, Kansas.<br />

S. Zllison. clerk, Washington Territory<br />

J. E. Risley, clerk, Utah<br />

L. N. Scovill, clerk, Utah<br />

W. J. Appleby, clerk, Utah<br />

James Leivis, late clerk, Utuli<br />

W. H. Chevers, clerk, northern district of California<br />

C. McAllister, clerk, southern district of California<br />

G. P. Johnson, late clerk, northern district of California<br />

C. Sims, cleric, southern district of California.<br />

W. W. Miller, clerk, Washington Territory<br />

A. J. Moses, clerl-, Washington Territory<br />

James B. La Du, late clerk, Washington Territory<br />

R. C. Hill, clerk, Washington Territory<br />

S. A. Williams, clerk, Kansas<br />

E. B. Jackson, commissioner, Maine<br />

T. A. Deblois, commissioner, Maine<br />

J. M. Meserve, commissioner, Maine<br />

H. Webster, commissioner, New Hampshire<br />

B. F. Hallctt, commissioner, iilfassachusetts<br />

C. W. Loriug, commissioner, Massachusetts<br />

G. D. Guild, commissioner, lhLussachasetts<br />

W. S. Dexter, commissioner, Massachusetts<br />

J. S. Pitman, commissioner, Rhode Island<br />

L&'. Smith, commissioner, Couueclicot<br />

C. R. Ingersoll, commissioner, Connecticut.<br />

W. D. Shipman, commissioner, Connecticut<br />

Robert Pierpont, commissioner,<br />

Vermont<br />

T. M Howell, commissioner, northern district of New York.<br />

R J. Hilton, commissioner, northern district of View York<br />

W. C. Ruger, commissioner, northern district of New York<br />

A. Perry, commissioner, northern district of New York<br />

W. C. Storrs, commissioner, northern district of New York.<br />

G. W. Morell, commissioner, southern district of iVew York<br />

J. Bridgham, commissioner, southern district of New York<br />

R. E. Stilwell, commissioner, soutliern district of iVew York<br />

J. P. Vroom, commissioner, New Jersey<br />

J. Burchard, commissioner, eastern district of Pennsylvania<br />

C. F. Hazlett, commissioner, eastern district of Pennsylvania<br />

H. C. Parsons, commissioner, western district of Pennsylvania<br />

John Hanan, commissioner, Maryiu~~d<br />

N. Guf, late commissioner, western dkstrict of Virginia<br />

R. Gilchrist, late comuussioner, South Caroline.<br />

G. W. Zgleston, late conunissioner, South Carolina<br />

W. Bethel, lute commiasiouer, southern district of Florida<br />

M. M. Cohcrh late courmissioner, eastern district of Louisiana<br />

R. M. Lusher, late commissioner, eastern district oi' Louisiana<br />

G. T. White, late commissioner, 1lissouri<br />

B. white, commissioner, northern district of Ohio<br />

123<br />

613, 427 40<br />

359 00<br />

125 00<br />

330 55<br />

400 00<br />

004 80<br />

906 70<br />

465 80<br />

483 20<br />

565 78<br />

158 20<br />

151 90<br />

144 30<br />

449 40<br />

140 00<br />

50 00<br />

38 15<br />

143 50<br />

25 00<br />

I, 420 85<br />

2<br />

103 95<br />

708 95<br />

455 15<br />

95 00<br />

30 00<br />

45 00<br />

77 55<br />

95 80<br />

41 05<br />

11 15<br />

15 00<br />

74 75<br />

338 75<br />

824 10<br />

369 15<br />

832 53<br />

88 10<br />

34 05<br />

29 05<br />

304 20<br />

22 65<br />

67 80<br />

209 27<br />

168 65<br />

212 65<br />

24 95<br />

427 05<br />

95 35<br />

226 70<br />

23 90<br />

43 95<br />

254 35<br />

104 75<br />

417 10<br />

3 60<br />

234 15<br />

66 45<br />

89 05<br />

136 10<br />

957 35<br />

38 80<br />

182 95<br />

Curried forward $633, 370 38

124<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

To E. R. Marshall, commissioner, southern district of Ohio<br />

John F. Hoy, commissioner, southern district of Ohio<br />

F. Halliday, commissioner, southern district of Ohio<br />

E. R. Newhall, commissioner, southern district of Ohio<br />

R. H. Hall, commissioner, Indiana<br />

C. Craft, commissioner, Indiana<br />

P. A. Hoyne, commissioner, northern district of Illinois<br />

G. G. Bull, commissioner, Michigan<br />

J. 51. Edwards, acting commissioner and justice of the peace, Michigan<br />

J. L. Bostick, commissioner, middle district of Tennessee<br />

C. W. Jones, judge, Tennessee<br />

A. C. Dillon, commissioner, Iowa<br />

Isaac S. Gibbs, commissioner, Nebraska<br />

J. W. Woolworth, commissioner, Nebraska<br />

J. A. Savage, jr. , commissioner, Wisconsin<br />

P. S. Post, commissioner, 6tc. , Kansas<br />

E. St. J. Cox, commissioner, Minnesota<br />

G. G. Ripley, commissioner, Minnesota<br />

R. 21. Walker, commissioner, Washington Territory<br />

J. J. H. Von Bokhelen, commissioner, Washington Territory<br />

J. P. . Williams, commissioner, northern district of California<br />

S, Edmondson, justice of the peace, Alabama<br />

W. H. H. McArty, justice of the peace, Nebraska<br />

J. H. Hsskinson, justice of the peace, Nebraska<br />

O. Dsfendorf, justice of the peace, Esnsss<br />

B. J. Monroe, justice of the peace, Kansas<br />

M. S. Adams, justice of the peace, Kansas.<br />

G. W. Wilson, timber agent<br />

William Weston, timber agent<br />

G. Otto, deputy timber agent.<br />

O. S. Kendrick, deputy timber agent.<br />

J. B. Gehr, timber agent<br />

C. J. Helm, consul<br />

E. S. OiBey, consul<br />

W. Thoinson, consul<br />

John Bedel, special agent of the Interior Department<br />

Thomas J. 51iller, agent of the Interior Department<br />

A. P, Stone, treasurer, Ohio<br />

The State of 51innesota<br />

The State of New Hampshire<br />

The commissioner of Lycoming county, Pennsylvania<br />

A. McKensie<br />

T. M. League<br />

J. W. South<br />

The American Philosopbical Society<br />

lohn Gauche<br />

S. M. Swenson<br />

John Parrott<br />

S. T. Cowes<br />

W. E. Burton<br />

L. A. Grant<br />

J. G. Downey<br />

T. Eirkpatricl<br />

A. V. Brown<br />

The Grand Lodge of Masons, 5laryland<br />

J. C. W. Seymour<br />

F. W. Cole<br />

R. P. . Jefferson.<br />

N. B. Bowden<br />

Baker 6r Von Phul<br />

Daniel Csrn<br />

633, 370 38<br />

16 85<br />

7 25<br />

36 90<br />

62 00<br />

9 OO<br />

72 70<br />

316 65<br />

9 05<br />

93 94<br />

112 30<br />

284 00<br />

25 30<br />

66 95<br />

69 05<br />

19 00<br />

112 30<br />

112 40<br />

18 75<br />

71 15<br />

21 20<br />

I, 138 65<br />

16 06<br />

16'70<br />

2 35<br />

35 35<br />

42 15<br />

4 95<br />

300 60<br />

325 40<br />

127 70<br />

42 00<br />

155 00<br />

105 19<br />

4 65<br />

709 39<br />

59? 20<br />

?31 75<br />

5, 452 26<br />

258 84<br />

245 00<br />

100 OU<br />

1, 350 00<br />

750 00<br />

I, 653 75<br />

2, 8?5 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

2OO OO<br />

9, 166 63<br />

135 00<br />

16, 000 00<br />

300 00<br />

1, 5OO OO<br />

7) 997 25<br />

700 UO<br />

1, 800 00<br />

426 66<br />

14 36<br />

2, 161 79<br />

5 85<br />

161 20<br />

2, 182 05<br />

Carned forward $696, ?O5 97

1860 — '<br />

61.<br />




125<br />

To George Robbins<br />

T. A. Hamilton.<br />

G. H. Hail.<br />

B. Henshaw<br />

E. Hopkins.<br />

F. R. Jones<br />

Lockwood & Vertue<br />

Moses Kelly .<br />

B. A. Murphy .<br />

Mitchell & Rammelsburg<br />

C. Kelly<br />

A, R. Luik<br />

E. F. Parker<br />

'Ihe owners of the Masonic Hall, Indianap<br />

J. F. Pickett<br />

S. I'. Logan .<br />

J. M, Reed.<br />

Sampson & Handricks<br />

George Sayre<br />

R. H. Reddick<br />

'I'he Philosophical<br />

Society, Philadelphia<br />

A. R. Sparks.<br />

Webber & Wheeler<br />

M. M. Sutton<br />

William Sharp<br />

H. 1V. Martin<br />

C. C. Mera<br />

James Larmon<br />

J, M. Hcrrin.<br />

T. H. Laue<br />

Albert Greenleaf<br />

A. W. Fergusou<br />

S. F. Graham<br />

R. Allen.<br />

Samuel Casey<br />

P. T, Glover<br />

A. , R. Allen<br />

R. E. Elliott<br />

Samuel Chilton<br />

J. & S. Elwell<br />

T. Ih Dahoney, marshal, Kentucky<br />

S. Bay]es<br />

J. W. Gerard<br />

R. M. Smith<br />

W. J. Sanders<br />

J. McGarr<br />

W A. West, late marshal,<br />

Isaac Hackett<br />

Campbell & Smith .<br />

Nebraska.<br />

Brought forward<br />

olis. . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

lrrom which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayruents:<br />

By W K. Kimball, late marshal, Maine, . . . . . . . . . $86 49<br />

S. W. Dearborn, ruarshal, New Hampshire. . . . . . 65 38<br />

F. C. Gardiner, la, te marshal, Rhode Island, . . . 123 08<br />

Curtis Bacon, late marshal, Connecticut 948 10<br />

J, B. Howe, late marshal, northern districtof New York. 53 85<br />

J. G. Campbell, late marshal, western district of Peunsyl<br />

van ia 62 64<br />

William Morrow, marshal, Delaware 57 69<br />

J. F. Wiley, late marshal, eastern district of Virginia. 50 00<br />

696, 705 92<br />

2, 398 00<br />

2, 083 33<br />

44 00<br />

11 50<br />

32 2o<br />

5 00<br />

25 00<br />

55 40<br />

14 00<br />

552 17<br />

8 85<br />

7 00<br />

1, 763 25<br />

300 00<br />

386 50<br />

800 00<br />

14 00<br />

250 00<br />

500 00<br />

22 80<br />

750 00<br />

82 75<br />

511 54<br />

34 00<br />

7 00<br />

24 00<br />

40 00<br />

892 50<br />

8 10<br />

42 27<br />

28 17<br />

500 00<br />

24 00<br />

48 60<br />

2, 675 50<br />

34 00<br />

200 00<br />

34 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

6 7&<br />

6, 595 40<br />

400 00<br />

500 00<br />

800 00<br />

164 64<br />

1, 750 00<br />

2, 463 00<br />

28 62<br />

324 69<br />

726, 448 50<br />

Carried forward 81, 447 23 726, 448 50

126<br />



1860 —'61.<br />


Prought forward<br />

By Wesley Jones, late marshal, North Carolina .. . .....<br />

F. J. Moreno, late marshal, southern district of Florida,<br />

W. C. Young, late marshal, western district of Texas<br />

B. J. Jacl-owav, late Iuarshal, western district of Arkansas<br />

F. S. Bryant, late marshal, eastern district of Missouri<br />

H. Jackson, late marshal, eastern district of Missouri<br />

J. B. Clemcnts, late marshal, middle district of Tennessee<br />

Matthew Johnson, late marshal, northern district of Ohio<br />

L. W. Sifiord, late marshal, southern district of Ohio.<br />

E. G. English, late marshal, Indiana<br />

J. L. Robinson, late marshal, Indiana. .<br />

Thos. Hoyne, late marshal, northern district of Illinois.<br />

C. N. Pine, late marshal, northern district of Illinois.<br />

W. L. Dougherty, late marshal, southern district of Ill's<br />

J. L. Bagg, late marshal, Michigan L. Summers, late marshal, Iowa. . . ...<br />

W. B. Gere, late marshal, Minnesota. . .. ........<br />

W. E. More, marshal, Nebraska ..<br />

P. T. Colby, late marshal, Kansas<br />

C. P. Clever, late marshal, New Mexico. ..<br />

P. K. Dotson, late marshal, Utah.<br />

J. M. Kennedy, late marshal, eastern district of Louisiana<br />

M. J. Thomas, late marshal, Wisconsin. .<br />

C. M. Godbold, late marshal, south'n district of Alabama.<br />

H. Grice, late marshal, Utah<br />

P. L. Solomon, late marshal, northern district of Calif'a.<br />

J. C. Pennie, late marshal, southern district of Calif'a<br />

C. E. Weed, marshal, Washington Territory. .<br />

G. 11L Wharton, district attorney, eastern district of<br />

Pennsylvania<br />

J. C. Van Dyke, late district attorney, eastern district<br />

of Pennsylvania.<br />

W. M. Addison, district attorney, Maryland<br />

T. J. Miller, special agent, Interior Department<br />

Charles Devens.<br />

Richard Griffith.<br />

J. W. Kelly<br />

J. W. kfcGratf<br />

S. Tilton .<br />

J. L. Meek<br />

Treasurer of the United States. . . . . . . .<br />

1, 447 23<br />

89 43<br />

3, 764 96<br />

576 00<br />

89 44<br />

1, 143 37<br />

55 50<br />

68 49<br />

650 38<br />

58 24<br />

62 09<br />

59 34<br />

233 81<br />

52 20<br />

55 50<br />

54 40<br />

52 75<br />

56 59<br />

50 00<br />

107 69<br />

50 00<br />

132 61<br />

72 83<br />

287 58<br />

262 00<br />

50 00<br />

131 08<br />

125 00<br />

50 00<br />

30 00<br />

700 00<br />

40 00<br />

575 00<br />

1, 597 13<br />

750 00<br />

20 15<br />

18 75<br />

321 90<br />

197 83<br />

156 40<br />

726, 448 50<br />

14, 295 67<br />

$7 12, 152 83<br />

Payment of cterhs of United 8tates<br />

8500 g&er annum, per<br />

To J. C. L. Smith, deceased<br />

L. D. Shetz<br />

courts Inhere the compensation<br />

act of february 26, 1853.<br />

is less tkaII<br />

814 43<br />

58l 43<br />


GoIIernorjudges, ge. , of the Territory<br />

To Abraham Rencher, governor<br />

A. III. Jackson, secretary<br />

Kirby Benedict, chief justice<br />

W. G. Blackwood, associate justice<br />

W. A. Davidson, associate justice<br />

of New mexico.<br />

81, 395 88<br />

2, 500 00<br />

2, 000 09<br />

1, 875 00<br />

2, 500 06<br />

I& 092 03<br />

$9, 967 03



127<br />

1860-' 61.<br />


Ccnnpensation and mileage of the members nf the legislative assembly of Verr'<br />

11r'xxco.<br />

1'o A. iL Jackson, secretary<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By A. 51. Jacl-son<br />

18, 040 00<br />

687 81<br />

$17, 352 19<br />

Contingent<br />

expenses of the Territory of Neur i%Iexico.<br />

To A. Rencher, governor $1, 000 00<br />

Employing an interpreter or translator for the Territory of Nero mexico.<br />

To Abraham Rencher, governor $500 00<br />

Governor, judges, $c. , of the Territory of Utah.<br />

To A. Gumming, governor<br />

Francis A. Wootten, secretary<br />

John H. Kenney, chief justice<br />

D. R. Eckles, late chief justice<br />

R. P. Flenniken, associate justice<br />

Henry R. Crosbie, associate iustice<br />

3, 125 00<br />

1, 401 10<br />

1, 902 47<br />

625 00<br />

2, 225 27<br />

1, 664 40<br />

$10, 943 24.<br />

Compensation<br />

To Francis H. Wootten, secretary<br />

William C. Stains, librarian<br />

James 5IcKnight<br />

John S Davis<br />

Albert Carrington<br />

and mileage of members<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following<br />

repayment:<br />

of the legislative<br />

assembly of Utah.<br />

11, 000 00<br />

283 33<br />

4, 130 75<br />

829 20<br />

697 00<br />

16, 940 28<br />

By John Harneti;, late secretary 9, 706 45<br />

$7, 233 83<br />

Conttngcnt expenses of Utah Territory.<br />

To A. Cumming, governor $3, 000 00<br />

Governorj rrdges, $c. , of If'ashington Territory.<br />

To R. D. Gholson, governor<br />

H. IlcGill, recretsry<br />

0. B. McFadden, chief justice<br />

William Strong, associate justice<br />

E. C, Fitzhugb, associate justice<br />

2, 250 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

3, 125 00<br />

$11, 875 00

128<br />



1860-'6L<br />


Compensation<br />

To H. McGill, secretary<br />

and mileage of members of the legislative assembly of Washington<br />

Territory,<br />

1'7, 500 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct ihe following repayment:<br />

By C. H. Mason, late secretary<br />

2, 024 60<br />

$15, 475 40<br />

Contingent expenses of Washington Territory.<br />

To H. M. McGill, secretary $1, 250 00<br />

Governor, judges, tj. c. , of Neb&asl a Territory.<br />

To S. W. Black, governor<br />

J. S. Morton, secretary<br />

Augustus Hall, chief justice.<br />

Eleazar Wakely, associate justice<br />

Joseph Miller, associate justice<br />

2, 500 00<br />

2, 350 00<br />

2, 677 78<br />

2, 500 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

$12, 027 78<br />

I<br />

Compensation and mileage of members of the legislative assembly of Nebraska<br />

Territory.<br />

To J. S. Morton, secretary<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following<br />

By J. S. Morton, secretary-<br />

repayment:<br />

20, 000 00<br />

350 00<br />

$19, 650 00<br />

Contingent expenses of Nebraska Territo~ y.<br />

To S, W. Blacl', governor $1, 000 00<br />

Governor, judges, tIv. ,<br />

of' Oregon Territory.<br />

To B. F. Harding, secretary $730 77<br />

Compensation and mileage of members of the legislative assembly of Oregon<br />

Territory.<br />

To T. J. Dyer<br />

B. J. Pengra<br />

J. 1V. Nesmith<br />

E. J. Harding<br />

B. F. Bonham<br />

Asahel Bush<br />

42 88<br />

9 08<br />

125 08<br />

51 25<br />

52 08<br />

116 67<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By B. F. Harding, secretary<br />

393 95<br />

20 07<br />

$375 88



1860-61<br />


Governor, judges, $e. , of Kansas Territory.<br />

Tp Samuel Medary, governor<br />

George M. Beebe, acting governor.<br />

H. S. Walsh, secretary<br />

John Pettit, chief justice<br />

Rush Klmore, associate justice<br />

Joseph Williams<br />

1, 875 00<br />

1, 691 70<br />

541 93<br />

1, 972 22<br />

1, 972 22<br />

1, 661 11<br />

ComPe'Isation and mileage of niembers of Q, e legislative asseml, ly of E<br />

Territory.<br />

$9, 714 18<br />

I'o George M Beebe, acting governor<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By George Beebe, acting governor<br />

20, 000 00<br />

300 50<br />

$19, 699 50<br />

To Samuel Medary, governor<br />

Wilson Shannon, late governor<br />

Hugh S. Walsh, secretary<br />

J. iQ 0. P. Wood . .<br />

Contingent expenses of Ziansas Territory.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By Samuel Medary, governor 1, 088 15<br />

James W. Denver 203 95<br />

1, 500 00<br />

156 03<br />

110 18<br />

32 00<br />

1, 798 21<br />

1, 292 00<br />

$506 11<br />

Iayment of ge expenses of ge legislative assembly of 3~innesota Territory.<br />

To Charles SchoQ'er, treasurer of the State . $24, 805 09<br />

Compensation any mileage of menibers of the legislative assemhfJ~ of Colorado<br />

Territory.<br />

To Lewis L. Weld, secretary'. $5, 000 00<br />

Contingent<br />

ezyenses of Colorado Territory.<br />

TTT le ~ ~ ~<br />

To ~vnnam u-ijpin governor .. --..- $1, 500 00<br />

REpAYMEN'rs<br />

Compensation<br />

n putts, disbursing clerk War Department . .<br />

9R<br />

of extra «le~Lsin the tt'ar Be@a& trent,<br />

3 01

130<br />



1860-'61.<br />

Wages of workmen<br />


and adj usters in, the United States mint at Phi7adelphia.<br />

To J. H. Walton, treasurer 585, 'IIIO 00<br />

Incidental and contingent expenses, including wastage, $c. , in the United 8tgta<br />

mint at Philadelphia.<br />

To J. H. Walton, treasurer $48, 750 00<br />

'Transportation<br />

of bullion from New York assay once to the mint at Philadelyhi&<br />

To J. H. Walton, treasurer $7, 500 01<br />

Specimens of ores and coins to be reserved at the mint at Philadelphia.<br />

To J. H. Walton, treasurer. $600 00<br />

Wages of workmen in the branch mint at Charlotte, North Carolina.<br />

To G. W. Caldwell, superintendent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1, 750 0i,<br />

Incidental and contingent expenses, gc. , in the branch<br />

Carohna.<br />

mint at Charlotte, Nortl<br />

To G. W. Caldwell, superintendent $500 01<br />

Wages of icorkmen, g. , in the branch, mint at Dahlonega, Georgia.<br />

To J. iG. Patton, superintendent $213 5!<br />

Incidental and contingent<br />

expenses in the branch mint at Dahlonega, Georgis<br />

To J. M. Patton, superintendent<br />

George Kellogg<br />

si. ~gw<br />

Wages of workmen in the branch mint at New Orleans.<br />

To A. J. Guirot, assistant treasurer, New Orleans<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By A, J, Guirot, assistant treasurer, New Orleans<br />

19, 400<br />

2, 500<br />

$16, 900

1860-'61.<br />

Incidental and contingent<br />

To A. J. Guirot, treasurer<br />



From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By A. J. Guirot, treasurer.<br />

expenses of the branch &mint at New Orleans.<br />

13 1<br />

19, 461 35<br />

3, 500 00<br />

815, 961 35<br />

Wages of u;orkmen and adj usters in the branch mint at San Francisco.<br />

To I, R. Snyder, assistant treasurer, San Francisco . . . . . . $98, 953 52<br />

Incidental and contingent<br />

expenses, tIc. , in the branch mint at San Francisco.<br />

To J. R. Snyder, assistant treasurer, San Francisco . . . . . . . $121, 171 48<br />

Wages of workmen,<br />

$c. , in the assay once at Eew York<br />

"fo John J, Cisco, asristant treasurer, New York . . $33 000 00<br />

Incidental and contingent<br />

expenses in the assay once, New York.<br />

To John J. Cisco, assistant treasurer, New Yorl' $39, 600 00<br />

3Iaii seruices for the seueral departments<br />

of the gocernment.<br />

To the Post Office Department . . . $200, 000 00<br />

Payment a»d compensation for mail seruice performed for the tu:o houses of<br />

Congre~s and other departments and ogces of the government.<br />

To the Post Oiffce Department $250, 000 00<br />

For supplying<br />

d&ycie»cies in the rcuenues of the Post 0+ce Department.<br />

To the Post Offic D&. partrnent<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By the Post Oliicc Department<br />

4, 364& 234 44<br />

300, 000 00<br />

$4-, 064, 234 44<br />

Transportatio» of the mails between San Francisco,<br />

1Vushington Territory.<br />

. I'o the Post Office Department<br />

Fron& whi&. h . l<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By the Post Oiffcc Department.<br />

California, and Olympia,<br />

37, 724 80<br />

7, 624 56<br />

$30, 100 24

132<br />



1860-' 61.<br />


Transportation of the mails between the United States and foreign porls per<br />

steamship, per act of tune 14, 1858.<br />

To the Post Office Department $357, 620 06<br />

Semi-monthly mail by sea between Washington and Oregon Territories antt'<br />

California.<br />

To the Post Offic Department $'?5, 065 76<br />

For carrying the mail from New York via Panama<br />

February 19, 1861.<br />

To the Post Oflice Department<br />

to San<br />

Francisco, per sj0<br />

$236, 249 96<br />

Transportation of the mails on Puget's Sound, Washington Territory, per 005<br />

tion 14, act 3Iarch 8, 1857.<br />

To the Post Office Department $7, 624 0)<br />

For a post o+ce in the city of Baltimore.<br />

To S. M. McKean<br />

John Morris, postmaster<br />

59 0II<br />

66 50<br />

$125 00<br />

For a site and building for the accommodalion of the United Slates courts aI<br />

Baltimore.<br />

'To 50L M. McKean.<br />

J. T. Mason<br />

1, 358 20<br />

20, 200 00<br />

$21, 55515<br />

For a site and building for a post once in the city of iVew York.<br />

'To James J. Roosevelt. $200& 250 06<br />

Zor tt&e accommodanon<br />

To L. S. Partridge<br />

Wood & Pcrot<br />

Henry R. Dyer<br />

J. J. R. Randall.<br />

Cornelius 8h Baker.<br />

F. Chaffee .<br />

Curtis, Atwood& Ruggles &, Co. .<br />

of ttte United States courts, past cd&tee, hc. , ot Sattastl<br />

Vermont.<br />

516 1<br />

758 1<br />

819<br />

268 9<br />

103 Q<br />

230 6<br />

$2, 064 9'



86o-'61.<br />


te+ per cent. for contingent expenses for united States courts, 8p, '. , at Butland,<br />

Vermont.<br />

'o S. M. McKean. $122 75<br />

"or the accommodation of the p»ited Stat o t,<br />

Vermont.<br />

'o L. S. Partridge 8488 81<br />

Pen per cent. fo" contingent elope»ses for accommodation of U»ited St te<br />

courts, post once, $c. , at TVindsor, Vermont.<br />

o S. M. McKean.<br />

ood R Perotee s e ~ sees esses ~ sess sess ~ se sess ~<br />

40 20<br />

382 50<br />

$422 70<br />

For the purchase of a site and the erection of a building thereon for a post once<br />

and court-house in the city of Philadelphia, act June 28, 1860.<br />

To H. M. Phillips<br />

George %. AVharton.<br />

Eli M. Bailey, Robert M. Stratton, and Hector Morrison, trustees.<br />

Joseph T. Bailey, deceased<br />

S. M. McKean<br />

Augustus Kollrner. . .<br />

75, 000 00<br />

200 00<br />

ll)000 00<br />

75) 000 00<br />

1, 092 39<br />

1, 016 50<br />

$164) 118 89<br />

-To S. M. McKean<br />

Annie Lawrence<br />

Court-house<br />

and post once at raleigh, North, Carolina.<br />

218 00<br />

7, 700 00<br />

97) 918 00<br />

To S M. McKean<br />

P. G. Meath .<br />

Court-house and post once at 3Iemphis, Tennessee.<br />

44 00<br />

15, 000 00<br />

$15, 044 00<br />

Court-house and post once at Indianapolis, Indiana.<br />

I'o Hayward, Bartlett 8r, Co<br />

E dwln May s e e ~<br />

S, M. McKean<br />

~ e e ~ ~<br />

13) 847 00<br />

20) 000 00<br />

305 00<br />

g34, 152 00



1860-'61.<br />

Court-house<br />


and post ogice at 3Iadison, Wisconsin.<br />

To S. M. McKean $50 00<br />

To S. M. Clark<br />

S. M. McKean<br />

Continuation<br />

of the Treasury bui7ding.<br />

318, 000 06<br />

347 15<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By A. H. Bowman<br />

318, 347 15<br />

2, 635 Ic<br />

83157 711 96<br />

Lighting and ventilating the upper story of the Treasury bui7ding, Jlc,<br />

To J. W. Thompson<br />

Br Co<br />

Which d<strong>edu</strong>ct from the following repayment:<br />

By A. H. Bowman<br />

Excess of repayment<br />

307 00<br />

2, 293 68<br />

$1, 986 68<br />

Itepairing of the capitol building in the Territory of nebraska.<br />

To J. S. Morton, secretary $5, 000 00<br />

Completion<br />

of the capitol of the Territory of 2Veio 3Ieaico.<br />

To J. Connell 8132 00<br />

Erection of a penitentiary at the seat of government of Z tah Territory.<br />

To John Hartnett, late secretary<br />

Which d<strong>edu</strong>ct from the following repayment:<br />

By A. W. Babbitt, commissioner.<br />

57 00<br />

5, 165 65<br />

S5 108 III<br />

For the purchase of a site and erection of a temporary<br />

Territory.<br />

capitol for Washingtss<br />

To S. M. McKean 035 68<br />

Erection of a penitentiary in Washington Territory.<br />

To S. M. McKean 060 80

1860-'61.<br />




135<br />

f'0 carry into effect the act entitled "An act for the admission of the State of<br />

Eansas into the Union. "<br />

To S. W. Driggs and others .<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By Hugh S. Nash, secretary of Kansas Territory.<br />

264 89<br />

205 15<br />

859 74<br />

Survey of the Atlantic and Gulf coast of the United States.<br />

To Samuel Hein. --- ~ -- ------- - . . . . . -. . 8255, 000 00<br />

Continuing<br />

the survey of the western coast of the United States.<br />

To Samuel Hein 8113, 000 00<br />

Continuing<br />

the survey of the Florida reefs and keys.<br />

To Samuel Hein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 838, 000 00<br />

Publishing observations made in the progress of the survey of the coast of the<br />

United States.<br />

To Samuel Hein 85, 000 00<br />

Fuel and quarters, dc. , for ogcers of the army surveying<br />

on the coast survey.<br />

To Samuel Hein . 84, 000 00<br />

Pay and rations of engineers of seven steamers used in the hydrography<br />

coast survey.<br />

of the<br />

To Samuel Hein 89, 000 00<br />

Repairs of the "Crawford, " "37izdison, n "~Iason, n "George 3L Bache, " and other<br />

sailing vessels used in the coast survey.<br />

To Samuel Hein . 810, 000 00<br />

Salaries and expenses of nine supervising and fifty local inspectors of steam<br />

vessels.<br />

To William Burnett . . . supervising inspector.<br />

C. W. Copeland. . . . . do<br />

J. S. Brown . do.<br />

O. A. Pitfield do.<br />

Charles Ross .<br />

~ ---.. . do.<br />

John Shallcross. .. . .„.. do. .<br />

Benjamin Crawford. .. .. . . do.<br />

Isaac Lewis<br />

do<br />

Aurrustus Walker. . ., . do. .<br />

2, 157 90<br />

2, 043 23<br />

3, 218 95<br />

4, 558 55<br />

2, 109 40<br />

I& 853 43<br />

2, 441 60<br />

3, 509 25<br />

2, 533 39<br />

Carried forward. 824, 425 70



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward To J. O. McLean. . . .. . . ... . local inspector. . .. .. . . .<br />

J. C. Marsh do.<br />

H. B. Renwick. . . ... .. do.<br />

J. 11. 1Veeks . do.<br />

T. J. Haideman. .. ... . . . do.<br />

J. V. Guthrie .. . do.<br />

H. Singleton. do.<br />

J. H. McCord do<br />

J. C. Hoyt. . do<br />

G. W. Coifee . ... do<br />

R. J. Grace . . . . . do.<br />

T. Snowdon. . . .. do.<br />

J. Swager do.<br />

R. Dawson. . do.<br />

C. Reeves do.<br />

T. Truman do.<br />

H. F. Toulmin .... ... .. . ... do.<br />

J. B. Cilia do ..<br />

James Curran. ... .. . . .. do.<br />

I. F. Farlow do.<br />

T. Murphy. do.<br />

S. Vaughan. do<br />

G. W. Strong do<br />

W. F. Chittenden. . . .. .. do.<br />

Increase S. Hill. do.<br />

Auclrew Burnham. . .. . . do.<br />

B. A. Steward. . . do.<br />

T. R. De Forest . ... . .. .. . do<br />

R. Prindeville do.<br />

T. C. James . . do<br />

T. J. Garden do. .<br />

A. M. Phillips. .. .. . .. ... do.<br />

E. Chandler do.<br />

E. E. Hewes .. do.<br />

I. ul-e Christie do.<br />

William Kine .... do.<br />

H. H. Harrison . . .. . ... . . . do.<br />

John Wilson<br />

. do<br />

W. H. Huuter .. . . . . .. .. do.<br />

G. B. Davids do.<br />

W. T. Barnes. .. .... . . .. .. .. do<br />

J. E. Lee . do.<br />

John Sparrow . . . . . do.<br />

J. W. Dyer do. . .. .... .<br />

Calvin Lister. .. .. . .. do.<br />

C. M. Daboll . .. do.<br />

I. Clark .. . do<br />

L. S. White. . . do.<br />

Elijah Root. .. do. .<br />

J. E. Haviland. .. . .. ... . . do.<br />

S. Vaughn &, T. Murphy. .. . . local inspectors<br />

J. '1'. Haldeman & J. V. Guthrie .. . .. do<br />

J. Wilson & H. H. Harrison . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. Savage 8 R. Dawson . . . . . . . do.<br />

R. Prindeville and T. C. James. . do<br />

A. M. Phillips & T. J. Garden. . . . . . . . do.<br />

H. F. Toulmie &. J. B. Ollis . . . . . . . do.<br />

C. Reev& s & T. Truman . . . . . . . . do.<br />

R. J. Grace & T. Snowdon. . . . . do.<br />

J. H. McCord & H. Singleton. . . . . . . . . do.<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . .<br />

24, 425 7p<br />

1&500 QQ<br />

1, 500 00<br />

2) 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

1& 500 Qp<br />

1, 500 00<br />

3, 069 00<br />

I& 500 00<br />

2, 130 40<br />

1, 500 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

1, 200 00<br />

1, 200 QQ<br />

1, 200 00<br />

1& 200 00<br />

750 00<br />

750 00<br />

1, 130 65<br />

1& 129 02<br />

605 98<br />

1, 000 00<br />

2, 073 44<br />

1, 686 86<br />

1& 336 05<br />

1, 024 80<br />

536 90<br />

515 28<br />

500 00<br />

500 00<br />

500 00<br />

656 35<br />

29 67<br />

664 10<br />

375 00<br />

379 00<br />

400 00<br />

618 10<br />

391 20<br />

591 83<br />

483 00<br />

391 80<br />

352 00<br />

352 00<br />

619 60<br />

(i72 43<br />

225 00<br />

226 00<br />

231 50<br />

225 00<br />

226 Bl<br />

322 05<br />

1, 819 38<br />

216 20<br />

688 14<br />

415 98<br />

136 50<br />

299 41<br />

265 39<br />

423 00<br />

877, 160 47

1860-'61.<br />




137<br />

To J. O. McLean & J. C. Marsh<br />

. . . local in&pectors.<br />

J. M. Weeks & H. B. Benwick . . . . . . . . do<br />

S. Vau«hearn & &vt. W. Wap]es. . . . . do.<br />

J, C. Booth. . . . do.<br />

T. H. Garrett. . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

John Powers. . . . . . . . do<br />

P. D. Saunders . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

G. F. Trescott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. W. Waples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

A. J. Pannell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

Brought forward.<br />

77, 160 47<br />

581 70<br />

828 35<br />

150 00<br />

821 00<br />

181 00<br />

129 50<br />

254 35<br />

690 64<br />

315 22<br />

80 04<br />

$81, 192 27<br />

Compensation to such persons as may be designated to receiue and keep the public<br />

moneys.<br />

To Warren Bryant . . . designated depositary Buffalo, New York. .<br />

J. J. Simkins. . . . . . . . do. . . . Norfolk, Virginia. .<br />

W. SL Haldeman . . . do. . . . . . . . . Louisville, Kentucky. . . .<br />

B. F. Strother. . . . . . . . . do. . . . . . . . Chicago, Illinois<br />

Jacob Beeson . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. . . Detroit, Michigan<br />

P. F. )Vilson. . . . . . . do. . . . . Omaha, Nebraska. . . .<br />

A. B. Gilmore. . . . do. . . . . . . . . do .<br />

Jesse Thomas. . . . . . . . . do. . . . . . . . Nashville, Tennessee.<br />

T. J. Sherlock<br />

21 03<br />

186 79<br />

45 25<br />

252 73<br />

17 009 22<br />

53 36<br />

592 98<br />

1, 325 37<br />

69 57<br />

$3, 556 30<br />

. Compensation of special agents to examine books, accounts, tS. c. , in the several<br />

d&positories.<br />

To William M. Gouge<br />

Peter F. . WHson.<br />

1, 411 70<br />

768 00<br />

82, 179 70<br />

Building uaults as additional<br />

security to the public moneys in 66 depositories.<br />

To F. H. North $665 00<br />

"ontingent expenses under the act of August 6, 1846, for the safe keeping of<br />

the public moneys.<br />

To E. E. Pratt. .. assistant tre&asurer. .... Boston .<br />

J. J. Cisco. ... .. . do. . New York. .<br />

B. C. Pressley . . do . . Charleston, South Car.<br />

A. J. Guirot. . . . do. . . New Orleans.<br />

J. H. Sturgeon. . do. ... . St Louis<br />

Benjamin Farrier. . . do „. . St. Louis .<br />

J. It. Sny&icr. . . . do ........ . Ssn Francisco. ..<br />

J. H. dalton . do. . . . . . . . . Philadelphia . . .<br />

Hamil& & a& Stuart designated depositary . Galveston, Texas<br />

Christie«2lctz. . . . . do. . . . . . . . Buffalo, New York .<br />

G. it Pcary<br />

Newton Kurtz<br />

505 8G<br />

11, 107 26<br />

227 68<br />

580 00<br />

2, 493 18<br />

540 00<br />

1, 040 00<br />

30 00<br />

15 00<br />

5 00<br />

25 00<br />

79 95<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . &IG 648 93

138<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward.<br />

To C. P. Bertrand<br />

Adams's Express Company.<br />

S. M. McKeaa, disbursing clerk Treasury Department. . . .<br />

The Comruissioner of Public Buildings, Charleston, South Car. . . . -<br />

16, 648 93<br />

25 00<br />

2& 195 79<br />

14, 000 00<br />

200 00<br />

$33, 069 72<br />

Expenses incident to loans and treasury notes.<br />

To S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk of the Treasury Department. . . . . . . $1, 000 00<br />

Expenses of engraving, printing, preparing, and issuing treasury notes per act<br />

December 28, 185'I.<br />

To the American Bank Note Company<br />

S. M. McKean, dhsbursing clerk Treasury Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

146 88<br />

2, 301 95<br />

662, 448 83<br />

Expenses for engraving ond printing certificates of stock of the 820, 000, 000<br />

loon, per act tune 14, 1858.<br />

To Beals& Green tk Co $37 59<br />

Engraving and printing the certificates, and other expenses of the loan of 1860.<br />

To the American Bank Note Company. $1& 590 00<br />

Expenses of engraving and printihhg certificates of stock loan, 6th, section act<br />

February 8, 1861, roc.<br />

To the American Bank Note Company.<br />

S. M. McEean, disbursing clerl- Treasury Department.<br />

3, 722 50<br />

3, 000 UO<br />

06&722 59<br />

Expenses of engraving, printing, tyc. , treasury notes, per 11th section act December<br />

1'I, 1860,<br />

To the American Bank Note Company<br />

S. M. McEean, disbursing clerl- Treasury' Department<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By the American Bank Note Company<br />

1, 441 76<br />

2, 000 OU<br />

3, 441 76<br />

399 86<br />

63& 041 99

1860-'61.<br />




ib cause analyses of the diferent ore beds to facilitate the proper selections of<br />

iron for public use.<br />

To S. M. McEean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department. . . . 865 00<br />

Payment for horses or other property lost or destroyed in the military sertnce of<br />

the Vnited SLates.<br />

To J. P. Long<br />

J. R. Wiliiams .<br />

M. A. Mitchell . . . .<br />

R. Lunceford.<br />

Henry Boles aud others<br />

W. Fisher s, nd others<br />

Pat. Dugan and others.<br />

D. F. Brownfield.<br />

J. Doggett and others<br />

E. Murray and others<br />

John Gehb and others.<br />

IL Burke and P. Prater . . .<br />

E. Thorp<br />

Josh Dolores Olevias aud others.<br />

J. Solis and others.<br />

D. McCiintock<br />

J. T. Montaine and others.<br />

F. Galvis and others<br />

D. M. 51cCliutock.<br />

Santiago Gal 1 egos and others.<br />

H. B. Ammous<br />

G. Iteal aud others<br />

Jos&'. F. Gracia and others.<br />

James Bates and others.<br />

F. Gallegos and others<br />

Joseph Howell<br />

D. W. Haydcn and others<br />

John D. Stevenson.<br />

Edward J. Brown.<br />

Frederick D. Jackson<br />

Maus5eld Lovell<br />

F. Baulcrson and others.<br />

John Fsrril and others<br />

Conrad Frederick and others.<br />

William H. Cousens<br />

Alfred Oliver.<br />

David Bell<br />

Abner Potter<br />

Henry M Sweet . . .<br />

H. H. Sibley<br />

Johu A. Leebis and others.<br />

John Wells.<br />

Allen Godwin<br />

George H. Dulaney<br />

Henry Gothsner and Gothrnan<br />

Isaac Lemons<br />

Peter M. Gilbreath<br />

James M. Dump<br />

Samuel L. Kennedy.<br />

Lewis Dorlarc .<br />

Humphrey siarshall.<br />

Jesse Galloway<br />

J. B. Roy<br />

Carrred forward. . . . . . . . . . .<br />

78 80<br />

50 00<br />

42 65<br />

108 70<br />

171 40<br />

312 67<br />

971 25<br />

55 00<br />

438 80<br />

496 00<br />

73 70<br />

129 43<br />

46 60<br />

549 30<br />

758 40<br />

60 00<br />

591 00<br />

765 00<br />

40 00<br />

201 14<br />

137 00<br />

827 00<br />

715 00<br />

260 60<br />

195 00<br />

150 00<br />

104 26<br />

250 00<br />

104 75<br />

80 00<br />

200 00<br />

260 00<br />

376 62<br />

426 00<br />

183 32<br />

130 00<br />

200 00<br />

84 22<br />

125 00<br />

185 00<br />

323 80<br />

117 50<br />

148 00<br />

175 00<br />

154 23<br />

45 00<br />

107 60<br />

158 70<br />

70 00<br />

50 00<br />

610 00<br />

125 00<br />

$20, 018 44

140<br />


1860-' 61. MISCELLANEOUS.<br />

Brought forward. . .. .<br />

To Major D. C. Buell.<br />

Brevet Major H. H. Sibley<br />

E, T. Owen or Owens.<br />

Lieutenant Colonel B. S. Roberts.<br />

George Sinter.<br />

Henry Connolly and others<br />

Ms, lias Gracia and others<br />

Young Sheppard Veasey, alias Sheppard-<br />

Veasey and Nathan P. Browning.<br />

Joseph Lane.<br />

R. B. Sagely .<br />

Lorenzo Lewis<br />

A. S. Cooper<br />

Antonio Baco and others<br />

H. Diggius and others<br />

S. P. Moses.<br />

A. W. Leavenworth.<br />

James R. Dudley and others<br />

James R. Lawless .. A. G. Bracl-ett.<br />

20& 018 44<br />

200 00<br />

200 00<br />

55 00<br />

200 00<br />

40 00<br />

8, 970 00<br />

1, 395 40<br />

126 80<br />

200 Go<br />

160 00<br />

470 00<br />

175 00<br />

1, 367 60<br />

181 00<br />

162 93<br />

50 00<br />

145 30<br />

36 60<br />

150 00<br />

834, 304 07<br />

Erpenses incurred by the provisional government of Oregon in<br />

people of that Territory from the Cayuse Indians.<br />

To Harvey Evans.<br />

Levi S. Potter<br />

Wallace Gates .<br />

Thomas Otchin.<br />

Jerome B. Walling<br />

C, R. Walker .<br />

J. Bolton.<br />

defending<br />

the<br />

70 00<br />

48 00<br />

44 92<br />

81 50<br />

24 00<br />

32 43<br />

89 85<br />

$390 70<br />

Completing the tcorlcs of the exploring expedition.<br />

Finley Bigger, late agent Joint Library Committee. .<br />

To Michael Nourse, late agent Joint Library Committee. . . . . . .<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By Michael Nourse, agent Joint Library Committee . . 2, 000 00<br />

1, 677 62<br />

3, 677 62<br />

677 62<br />

83, OOO OO<br />

Iteplacing the teorks of the exploring exyedition destroyed by fire in Philo<br />

delphia.<br />

To Finley Bigger, agent Joint Library Committee . . . . . . . 576 88<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By Michael Nourse, agent Joint Library Committee . .<br />

Expenses of the Smithsonian<br />

Institution.<br />

576 86<br />

To chancellor and secretary of the Institution. $30, 910 14

1860-'61.<br />




Eor the discharge of miscellaneous claims not otherwise provided for.<br />

To William lV. Browne<br />

New York Day Book<br />

Js, mee S. Holland<br />

New York Herald.<br />

Savannah Morning News .<br />

Beals, Green 8r, Co<br />

The Evening National Argue .<br />

B. F. Washington.<br />

The Public Ledger<br />

The Pennsylvanian.<br />

W. D. Wallach.<br />

141<br />

346 29<br />

151 05<br />

175 75<br />

279 00<br />

63 70<br />

318 00<br />

161 56<br />

255 74<br />

145 35<br />

161 56<br />

130 63<br />

82, 188 G3<br />

of the respective States for conveying to the seat of gov-<br />

Payment gf messengers<br />

ernment the votes of the electors of said States for President and Vice-President<br />

of the United States.<br />

To Robert M. Chatton<br />

R H. Whittaker<br />

Joseph Christian<br />

William Byrne<br />

Charles lroster<br />

Sullivan Ballou<br />

Mordecai Oliver.<br />

James R. Hood.<br />

Henry J. Mills .<br />

David Tsggart<br />

James W. Rhea<br />

G. A. BIL11<br />

Stewart L. Woodford.<br />

F. . N. Bates.<br />

James R. Marks<br />

Joseph Ankeny<br />

W. H. Cogswell<br />

William R. Kinney.<br />

Herman Lindeman.<br />

Isaac Jenkinson. .<br />

George M. Lee.<br />

Edmund Carleton.<br />

Lewis O. Cowan.<br />

R. H. Purdon.<br />

George W. Taylor<br />

James H. Mitchell<br />

George E McClellan.<br />

I. H. I' s, rish .<br />

John D. Brown<br />

Edward A. Cahoon . .<br />

Leonard Sweet.<br />

William H. Weeks .<br />

Thomas J. Dyer.<br />

298 00<br />

208 50<br />

65 00<br />

21 50<br />

81 00<br />

227 50<br />

845 00<br />

386 00<br />

84 00<br />

122 00<br />

448 50<br />

412 00<br />

193 00<br />

G21 50<br />

712 00<br />

270 50<br />

172 00<br />

432 50<br />

505 r50<br />

353 00<br />

405 50<br />

270 50<br />

317 50<br />

54G 00<br />

825 50<br />

234 00<br />

566 00<br />

957 00<br />

667 50<br />

278 50<br />

474 50<br />

2, 956 00<br />

3, 256 50<br />

$18, 214 00<br />

To J. P, O. Sullivan<br />

Daniel D. Emerson.<br />

Consular receipts.<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . . .<br />

152 30<br />

49 23<br />


142<br />

1860-'61.<br />



To Meyer Godman.<br />

G. G. Fleurot<br />

Patrick Kelly<br />

Horace Sylvester, deceased<br />

William Barnes<br />

W. E. Elliott, deceased<br />

John Campbell<br />

Brought forward. . 201 53<br />

1, 095 93<br />

34 09<br />

245 80<br />

35 95<br />

169 00<br />

29 00<br />

200 15<br />

$2& 01 1 45<br />

Expenses of collects'ng the revenue from customs.<br />

Robert Burns, late collector, Passamaquoddy, Maine. .<br />

To Washington Long, collector, Passamaquoddy, Maine. .<br />

Bion Bradbury, late collector, Passamaquoddy, Maine. . . W. B. Smith, collector, Machias, Maine<br />

A. F. Parlin, late collector, Machias, Maine.<br />

I. H. Thomas, collector, Frenchman's Bay, Elaine ... . ... . .. .. T. D. Jones, late collector, Frenchman's Bay, Maine.<br />

S. K. Devereoux, collector, Penobscot, Elaine . J. R. Redman, late collector, Penobscot, Maine.<br />

J. H. Kennedy, late collector, Waldoboro'. Elaine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Erastus Foote, collector, Wiscasset, Maine.<br />

'1 homas Cunningham, late collector, Wiscasset, Elaine.<br />

Roland Fisher, collector, Bath, Maine<br />

Joseph Berry, late collector, Bath, Maine.<br />

Jedediah Jewett, collector, Portland and Falmouth, Maine. . . . . . . . .<br />

M. Macdonald, late, collector, Portland and Falmouth, Elaine. .<br />

T. K. Lane, collector, Saco, Maine<br />

A, A, Hanscom, late collector, Saco, Maine.<br />

John Cousens, collector, Kennebunk, Elaine<br />

J. S. Putuam, collector, York, Maine<br />

Luther Jenkius, late collector, York, Maine<br />

J. G. Dickcrson, late collector, Belfast, Maine<br />

Truman lfarmon, collector, Belfast, EIaine<br />

W. P. Wingate, collector, Bangor, Elaine<br />

D. F. Leavitt, late collector, Bangor, Eiafne<br />

J. B. Upham, collector, Portsmouth, New Hampshire .. .<br />

Augustus Jenkins, late collector, Portsmouth, New Hampshire .<br />

William Clapp, collector, Burlington, Vermont . . . ..<br />

James Blood, late collector, Newburyport, Massachusetts. .. .. J. S. Webber, collector, Gloucester, Massachusetts.<br />

J B. Bowdish, late collector, Burlington, Vermont ..<br />

Gorham Babson, late collector, Gloucester, Elassachusctts . .<br />

W. P. Phillips, collector, Salem and Beverly, Massachusetts.<br />

W. B. Pike, late collector, Salem and Beverly, Massachusetts. . .<br />

William Bartoll, collector, Marblehead, EIassachusetts .<br />

J. Z. Goodrich, collector, Boston and Cbarlestown, Massachusetts<br />

J, S. Whitney, late collector, Boston and Charlestown, Massachusetts<br />

Wait Wadsworth, late collector, Plymouth, EIassachusetts. . P. W. Leland, late collector, Fall River, Massachusetts<br />

S. B. Phinney, late collector, Barnstable, EIassachusetts<br />

Lawrence Grinnell, collector, New Bedford, Massachusetts .<br />

C. B. H. Fessendcn, late collector, New Bedford, Massachusetts. .<br />

John Vinson, collector, FAgartown, Elassachusetts. . .<br />

Constant Norton, late collector, Edgartown, Massachusetts. .<br />

Ira Darrow, h&te collector, Edgartown, Massachusetts. . . .<br />

Alfred Macy, collector, Nantucket, EIassa husetts .<br />

F. , W. Allen, late collector, Nantucket, Massachusetts<br />

Charles Anthony, collector, Providence, Rhode Island . . . . . . . .<br />

Carried forward.<br />

5, 267 00<br />

21&691 00<br />

22 02<br />

671 00<br />

2& 074 00<br />

1, 368 00<br />

4, 117 00<br />

1, 022 00<br />

3, 391 00<br />

5, 835 00<br />

1, 737 00<br />

5, 022 00<br />

1, 840 00<br />

16 50<br />

5. 809 00<br />

23, 015 00<br />

943 00<br />

179 74<br />

536 00<br />

109 00<br />

68 07<br />

5, 622 00<br />

1, 046 00<br />

1, 279 00<br />

4, 468 00<br />

1, 753 00<br />

5, 192 00<br />

3, 761 00<br />

894 03<br />

3, 235 00<br />

1, 657 00<br />

5, 370 00<br />

4, 914 00<br />

9, 060 00<br />

1, 655 OO<br />

104, OOO 00<br />

245, 900 00<br />

620 00<br />

2, 71300<br />

10, 040 OO<br />

1&745 00<br />

5, 155 00<br />

640 OO<br />

78 30<br />

2, 136 OO<br />

549 OO<br />

1, 699 00<br />

1, 779 OO<br />

8511, 194 59



143<br />

1860-' 61.<br />


Brought forward. . . . . . . . .<br />

To J. A. Aborn, late collector, Provirlence, Rhode Island<br />

W. H. S. Bayley, collector, Bristol and W»rren, P. bode Island .<br />

G, H. P&eyno]ds, late collector, Bristol and Warren, Rhode Island.<br />

S. W. Macj', collector, Newport, Rhode Island<br />

Gilbert Chase, late collector, Newport, Rhode Island . .<br />

Origen Utley, collector, Middletown, Connecticut.<br />

Patrick Fagan, late collector, Middletown, Connecticut.<br />

Edward Prentiss, collector, New London, Connecticut . . J. P. C. Mother, late collector, New London, Connecticut<br />

J. F. Babcock, collector, New Haven, Connecticut .. . .<br />

M. A. Osborn, late collector, New Haven, Connecticut. W. S Pomeroy, late collector, Fa]rffe]d, Connecticut . .<br />

F. A. Palmer, collector, Stonington, Connecticut<br />

C. W. Iuglehart, collector, Sackett's Harbor, New York. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

William How]and, late collector, Sackett's Harbor, New York<br />

P. M. Bromley, late collector, Genesee, New York .<br />

J B. Higgins, collector, Oswego, New York.<br />

Franklin Spa]ding, collector, Niagara, New York .<br />

Warren Bryant, late collector, Buffalo Creek, New York. .<br />

D. M. Chapin, collector, Oswegatchie, New York<br />

George P. Eddy, late collector, Niagara, New York .<br />

C. Metz, jr. , collector, Buffalo Creek, New York<br />

Horace Moody, late collector, Oswegatchie, New York . . . . . . . .<br />

John Sherry, collector, Sag Harbor, New York<br />

J. M. Terbe]1, late collector, Sag Harbor, New York<br />

Hiram Barney, collector, New York, New York.<br />

Augustus Schell, late co]lector, New York, New York<br />

H. B. Smith, late collector, Champlain, New York .<br />

J. W. Iugal]s, collector, Cape Vincent, New York .<br />

Theop. Peugnet, late collector, Cape Vincent, New York. . .<br />

0 ]&'. Dickinson, late collector, Dunkirk, New York<br />

W. S. Bowen, collector, Bridgetown, New Jersey.<br />

H. J, Ashrriore, collector, Burlington, New Jersey<br />

J. L. Boggs, collector, Perth A. mboy, New Jersey .<br />

Aruos Bobbins, late collector, Perth Aruboy, New Jersey. .'.. T. D. Winner, late collector, Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey. ..<br />

J. H, Bartlett, collector, Litt]e Egg Harbor, New Jersey<br />

J. S, Jennings, late collector, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey. ......<br />

P. W. Martin, collector, Newark, New Jersey.<br />

E. T. Hillyer, late collector, Newark, New Jersey. .<br />

T. B. Atkinson, ]ate collector, Camden, New Jersey .. W. B. Thomas, collector, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania<br />

J. B. Baker, late collector, Pliiladelphia, Pennsylvania<br />

C. M. Tibbo, lls, late collector, Presque Isle, Pennsylvania<br />

C. W. Botchelor, designated collector, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.<br />

J. A. Gibson, late designated collector, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania<br />

T. M. Rodney, collector, Wilmington, Dc]aware<br />

Jesse Sharpe, late collector, Wilrui»gto», Delaware<br />

H. W. Hoffman, collector, Baltiruore, Maryland<br />

J. T. Mason, late collector, Baltimore, Maryland.<br />

J. T. Hammond, late collector, Annapolis, rVlary]and<br />

Tench Ti]ghman, collector, Oxford, Maryland<br />

W. S. Jackson, late collector, Vienna, Maryland<br />

. J. R. Thompson, des]gnated collector, Town Creel-, Maryland<br />

W. B. ]rlorgan, designateu collector, Havre de Grace, 21oryland<br />

H. C. Mrrtthews, late collector, Georgetown, District Columbia<br />

W. M. Harrison, lute collector, Richmond, Virginia.<br />

J. J. Sir»kins, late collector, Norfolk aud Portsmouth, Virginia<br />

G. T. Wright, late collector, Tappabaunock, Virginia<br />

J S, Porlrcr, collector, Cherrystone, Virginia<br />

IY T. Prcsson, collector, Yorktowu, Virginia<br />

Carried forward. . . . . .<br />

511, 194 59<br />

11, 210 00<br />

970 00<br />

1, 938 00<br />

1, 718 00<br />

4, 370 00<br />

551 00<br />

2, 052 08<br />

I, 085 00<br />

9& 257 00<br />

3, 889 02<br />

I', 057 00<br />

1, 816 00<br />

409 00<br />

822 00<br />

2, 185 66<br />

4& 249 00<br />

19, 219 00<br />

3, 095 00<br />

9& 515 75<br />

2, 271 00<br />

10, 634 00<br />

2, 799 00<br />

2, 951 00<br />

14o 00<br />

433 00<br />

201, 747 00<br />

879, 459 77<br />

8, 302 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

4 559 00<br />

552 00<br />

351 95<br />

1]6 00<br />

956 00<br />

2, 8 i4 00<br />

674 00<br />

113 00<br />

376 00<br />

460 00<br />

1, 358 00<br />

276 00<br />

18, 086 00<br />

162, 640 00<br />

37872 00<br />

691 00<br />

2, 097 00<br />

3, 294 00<br />

16, 575 00<br />

38, 342 00<br />

118, 814 00<br />

690 00<br />

208 00<br />

685 00<br />

115 50<br />

119 80<br />

2, 067 00<br />

6& 075 00<br />

19, 384 00<br />

803 00<br />

349 00<br />

214 00<br />

$2& 118, 572 12

144<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

To Timothy Rives, collector, Petersburg, Virginia<br />

E. S. Hough, late collector, Alexandria, Virginia<br />

A. J. Pannell, late designated col]ector) Wheeling, Virginia. .<br />

Gordon Forbes, designated collector, Yecomico, Virginia<br />

L. D. Starke, late collector, Camden, North Carolina<br />

Henry Hancock, collector, Washingtou, North Caro]ina<br />

Edmund Wright, collector, Edenton, North Carolina<br />

Joseph Ramsey, collector, Plymouth, North Carolina<br />

W G. Singleton, late collector, Newbern, North Carolina<br />

O. S. Dewey, collector, Ocracol-e, North Carolina<br />

J. F. Bell, collector, Beaufort, North Carolina<br />

J. E. Gibble, late col]ector, Beaufort, North Carolina<br />

J. T. Miller, collector, Wi]mington, North Carolina<br />

W F. Co]cock, collector, Char]eston, South Carolina<br />

J. N. Merriman, collector, Georgetown, South Carolina<br />

B. R. B]ythwood, collector, Beaufort, South Carolina<br />

John Boston, collector, Savannah, Georgia<br />

J. J. Dufour, collector, St. Mary' s, Georgia<br />

Woodford olabry, collector, Brunswick,<br />

Georgia<br />

F. W. Flemming, designated collector, Augusta, Georgia<br />

A. J. Decatur, designated collector, Bayport, Florida<br />

George Lucas, designated collector, P»latka, Florida<br />

R R. Reid, late designated collector, Palatka, Florida<br />

Joseph Sierra, collector, Pensacola, Florida<br />

Paul Arnau, collector, St. Augustine, Florida.<br />

Charles Howe, collector, Key West, Florida<br />

J. P. Baldwin, late collector, Key West, Florida. . . .<br />

A. B Noyes, collector, St. Marl-'s, Florida<br />

Thomas Ledwith, collector, St. John' s, Florida<br />

Nathan Baker, collector, Apalachicola, Florida<br />

R J. Floyd, late collector, Apalachicola, Florida<br />

Felix I. ivingston, collector, Fernandina, Florida<br />

Thaddeus Sanford, collector, Mobile, Alabama<br />

J. Hara]son, designated collector, Selma, Alabama<br />

J. W. Rhea, designated collector, Tuscumbia, Alabama<br />

Robert Eager, collector, Pearl River, Mississippi.<br />

John Hunter, collector, Natchez, Mississippi<br />

John Bobb, collector, Vicksburg, Mississippi<br />

F. H, Hatch, co]lector, New Orleans, Louisiana<br />

R. N. 51cJIill»n, collector, Techo, Louisiana<br />

P. H. Rosson, designated collector, Shreveport, Louisiana. . .<br />

Hamilton Stuart, collector, Galveston, Texas<br />

D. M. Stapp, collector, Saluri», Texas<br />

F. W. Latham, collector, Br»zos de Santiago Texas<br />

b. J Jones, collector, Paso de] Norte, Texas.<br />

D. H. Donovan, late designated collector, St. Louis, Missouri<br />

R. J. Howard, designated collector, St. Louis Missouri.<br />

A. W. Lamb, late designated collector, Hannibal, Missouri<br />

C. B. Co]ton, desi nated collector, Louisville Kentucky<br />

W. N. Hs]deruan, late designated collector, Louisville, Kentucky<br />

William No]en, designated collector, Paducah, Kentucky.<br />

Frank Stuart, designated collector, Columbus, Keniucky.<br />

Jesse 'I'homas, desi nated collector, Nashville, Tennessee<br />

H. T. Hulbert, designated collector, Memphis, Tennessee<br />

S. D. J. Lewis, designated collector, Knoxville, Tennessee.<br />

H. F. Cooper, designated collector, C]rattauooga, Tennessee.<br />

E T. Carson, designated<br />

collector, Cincinnati, Ohio.<br />

T. J. Sherlock, late designated collector, Cincinnati, Ohio<br />

Andrew Stepham, collector, Miami, Ohio<br />

E. D. Potter, late collector, Miami, Ohio<br />

John Young», collector, Sandusky, Ohio<br />

Carried forward<br />

2, 118, 572 12<br />

3, 747 00<br />

3, 376 00<br />

571 00<br />

118 93<br />

191 00<br />

2, 168 82<br />

188 00<br />

4O] OO<br />

667 00<br />

1) 100 00<br />

228 00<br />

188 44<br />

5, 370 00<br />

31) 277 00<br />

230 00<br />

125 00.<br />

22, 918 00<br />

251 66<br />

539 00<br />

345 00<br />

174 83<br />

155 06<br />

19 02<br />

]) 828 00<br />

443 00<br />

92o OO<br />

4, 686 OO<br />

2, 418 00<br />

1, 315 00<br />

2, 433 00<br />

1, 408 00<br />

1, 912 OU<br />

22, ]87 00<br />

534 50<br />

564 00<br />

424 OU<br />

345 00<br />

875 83<br />

181, 291 00<br />

1, 005 OU<br />

87 50<br />

16, 143 66<br />

3, 948 00<br />

5, 983 00<br />

6, 695 00<br />

4, 464 00<br />

1, 526 00<br />

749 17<br />

600 00<br />

1, 800 00<br />

265 00<br />

983 40<br />

437 00<br />

1, 438 00<br />

173 ]0<br />

)40 50<br />

300 00<br />

4, 207 00<br />

643 00<br />

2, 882 00<br />

I, 033 00<br />

$2, 472, 675 46



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

To S. G. Patterson, late collector, Sandusky Ohio.<br />

C. J. Ballard, collector, Cuyahoga, Ohio<br />

Benjamin Brownell, late collector, Cuyahoga, Ohio<br />

N. G, Isbell, collector, Detroit, Michigan<br />

R. W, Davis, late collector, Detroit, Michigan<br />

J. W. McMath, collector, Michilimackinac, Michigan<br />

J. A. T, Wendell, late collector, Michilimackinac, Michigan<br />

L. Robinson, designated collector, Evansville, Indiana<br />

Charles Denby, late designated collector, Evansville, Indiana<br />

B. L Dorsey, late designated collector, Alton, Illinois.<br />

Daniel Warm, collector, Galena, Illinois<br />

Thomas Benneson, late designated collector, Quincy, Illinois<br />

L W. Webb, designated collector, Peoria, Illinois<br />

Julius White, collector, Ci&icago, Illinois<br />

B. F. Strother, late collector, Chicago, Illinois<br />

Edwin Palmer, coll. ector, Milwaukie, Wisconsin<br />

G. W. Clason, late collector, Milwaukie, Wisconsin<br />

Philip Harvey, designated collector, Burlington, Iowa.<br />

William Stotts, designated collector, Reokuk, Iowa<br />

Edward Spotswood, designated collector, Dubuque, Iowa<br />

James McFctridge, late collector, Minnesota, Minnesota.<br />

M. H. Frost, late collector, Puget's Sound, Washington Territory.<br />

John Adair, late collector, Astoris& Oregon<br />

Benjamin Brittain, collector, Port Orford, Oregon<br />

Ira P. Rankin, collector, San Francisco, California<br />

B. F. Washington, late collector, Sau Francisco, California<br />

T. B Storer, bete collector, Sonoma, California,<br />

Andrew Lester, collector, Sau Joaquin, California<br />

I ewis Sanders, jr. , collector, Sacramento, California<br />

J. A. Watson, late collector, Monterey, California<br />

P. H. Downey, collector, San Pedro, Cahfornia<br />

J. B. Guthrie, special agent, Treasury Department<br />

S. M. McRcan, disbursiug clerk, Treasury Department<br />

J. C. Vandyke, U. S. district attorucy, castcrn district of Penn<br />

Charles Linslay<br />

Benjamin Wiggin.<br />

C. P. Cooper<br />

G. W. Bcldcn<br />

H. F. Hancocl-<br />

L. S. Lightner<br />

J. H. Nichols<br />

C. C. Phillips<br />

E. 1VBliams, jr<br />

G. M. Wharton<br />

G. G. Bowden<br />

J. A. Baratle<br />

A. C. Bsiue<br />

G. P. Gillis<br />

W. R. Kimball<br />

Felix McCloskey<br />

John McRcon<br />

J. 1V, Taylor<br />

John Winder<br />

C. L. Woodbury<br />

lV, 51. Addison<br />

E. C. Bates &S: Co<br />

H. S. Austin.<br />

John Bs, bson<br />

G. F. Bette<br />

F. S. Bloom<br />

J. J. Rosevelt<br />

10 11<br />

2, 472, 675 46<br />

3, 198 00<br />

1, 515 00<br />

4, 290 11<br />

4, 628 00<br />

15, s48 00<br />

1, 501 00<br />

7, 340 10<br />

300 00<br />

53O On<br />

323 00<br />

34G 00<br />

285 04<br />

196 00<br />

3, 287 00<br />

9, 238 00<br />

2, 037 00<br />

7& 607 00<br />

261 56<br />

324 00<br />

486 00<br />

1, 545& 00<br />

9, 293 50<br />

18, 09&9 00<br />

1, 506 21<br />

57, 172 00<br />

190, 184 34<br />

830 94<br />

885 00<br />

2, 436 39<br />

4-, 327 50<br />

4, 020 00<br />

3, 352 90<br />

3, 000 00<br />

775 00<br />

9, 621 00<br />

3, 198 30<br />

1 555 60<br />

624 00<br />

260 00<br />

600 00<br />

5, 975 00<br />

17. 665 io<br />

1, 338 00<br />

350 00<br />

397 00<br />

131 81<br />

1, 221 33<br />

1, 500 00<br />

30 83<br />

392 30<br />

4, 980 61<br />

2& 124 00<br />

55 00<br />

4, 292 50<br />

157 50<br />

3G 10<br />

248 24<br />

4&542 10<br />

67 50<br />

1, 500 00<br />

8, 009 50<br />

Carried forward 82, 904&518 06

146<br />



1860-'61.<br />

To F. B. 'Cutting<br />

James Connor<br />

N. P. Roeboo<br />

J. W. Pelle<br />

J. Berger<br />

J. T. Hatch<br />

Charles O' Connor<br />

E. H. Saulnier<br />

Peyton Middleton<br />

Michael Shoemaker<br />

J. N. Gregory<br />

C. C. Yonge.<br />

L. N. Ellett<br />

C. M. Godbold<br />

Giro & Fraucia.<br />

H. C. Miller.<br />

Aurelian Conkling<br />

T. J. Semmes<br />

Joe Roulac,<br />

W. N. Gouge<br />

%L S. Hulbert<br />

J. C. Spencer<br />

J. L. Tatuna<br />

J, J. Cisco .<br />

W. P. Preble<br />

K. W. Wallace<br />

W. B. Moore<br />

P. Della Torre.<br />

T. D. Winchester<br />

W. H. Goodwin<br />

F. O'. Green<br />

H. Y. Gay<br />

Ritchpl & Perkins<br />

W. C. Young<br />

S. T. Sawyer<br />


Brought forward 2, 904, 518 06<br />

250 Qp<br />

20 00<br />

4 41<br />

28 48<br />

1 75<br />

1, 181 00<br />

3& 330 00<br />

105 65<br />

2, 500 00<br />

882 47<br />

80 00<br />

40 00<br />

22 25<br />

12 00<br />

81 36<br />

750 00<br />

29 10<br />

500 00<br />

3l 38<br />

502 50<br />

637 Pp<br />

97 00<br />

60 00<br />

733 00<br />

39 75<br />

394 02<br />

120 OO<br />

2&890 00<br />

500 OO<br />

10 80<br />

33 20<br />

27 20<br />

49 68<br />

576 PP<br />

146 82<br />

2. 921&184 88<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayruents:<br />

By Noses Qlacdonald, late collector, Portland and Falmouth,<br />

Maine<br />

Biou Bradbury, late collector, Passamaquoddy, Maine<br />

W. B. Pil-e, collector, Salem ard Beverly, Muss<br />

Charles Anthony, collector, Providence, Rhode Isl-md<br />

W. S Pomeroy, late collector, Fairfield, Connecticut<br />

Augustus Schell, ]ate collector, New York, New Yorlr<br />

J. '1'. Mason, late collector, Baltimore, Maryland<br />

W. F. Colcock, collector, Charleston, South Carolina,<br />

John Boston, collector, Savannalb Georgia,<br />

Woodford Nabry, collector, Brunswick, Georgia.<br />

J. P. Baldwin, collector, Key West, Flori la<br />

F H. Hatch, collector, New Orleans, Louisiana. . . .<br />

Hamilton Stuart, coliector, Galveston, Texas<br />

T. Sanford, collector, Mobile, Alabama<br />

G, S. Patterson, collector, Sandusky, Ohio<br />

B, Brittain, collector, Port Orford, Oregon<br />

Goshen JIott<br />

John Brarvley<br />

S. N. McEean<br />

L. C. Hardy<br />

Carried forward<br />

2, 604 9?<br />

7?5 11<br />

891 04<br />

862 00<br />

38 95<br />

3, 119 84<br />

6, 125 24<br />

1, 518 28<br />

1, 469 10<br />

29 63<br />

27 &2<br />

24, 162 00<br />

8& 864 00<br />

8& 859 45<br />

787 99<br />

722 3?<br />

16 02<br />

11 48<br />

1&000 00<br />

40 00<br />

S51& 425 14 2, 921& 184 88

18 60-' 61.<br />




147<br />

By W. 5I Gouge<br />

G. Bradford<br />

L. K. Bowen.<br />

1V. H. Jones<br />

C. )21. McKibben<br />

T. )21. Taylor.<br />

C. G. Green.<br />

M. Whalen<br />

P. F. Wilson<br />

A. Birdsall<br />

D. A. Bokee<br />

Brought forward. 51, 425 14 2, 921, 184 88<br />

502 50<br />

13 54<br />

49 92<br />

228 30<br />

62 89<br />

12 00<br />

75 50<br />

34 51<br />

768 00<br />

7, 414 84<br />

17, 141 90<br />

77, 729 04<br />

$2, 843, 455 84<br />

Payment of debentures, drawbacks, bounties or allowances.<br />

To Robert Burnes, late collector, Passamaquoddy,<br />

A, . F. Parlin, late collector, Machias, Maine.<br />

Maine<br />

T. D. Jones, late collector, I'rencbman's Bay, Maine. .. . . . ... ..<br />

J. R. Redmaa, late collector, Penobscot, Maine .<br />

Thomas Cunningham, collector, Wiscasset, Maine. .. . . .. ...<br />

M. Macdonald, late collector, Portland and Falmouth, Maiae<br />

John Cousens, collector, Kennebunk, Maine<br />

T. K, Lane, collector, Saco, Maine<br />

J. G. Dickerson, late collector, Belfast, Maine<br />

J. H. Kennedy, late collector, Waldoborough, Maine<br />

D. F. Leavitt, late collector, Bangor, Maine<br />

Augustus Jenkins, late collector, Portsmouth, New Hampshire . . . . .<br />

James Blood, late collector, Newburyport, Massachusetts<br />

Gorham Babson, late collector, Gloucester, i&Iassachusetts<br />

W. B. Pike, late collector, Salem and Beverly, 5Iassachusetts<br />

William Bartoll, hite collector, Marblehead, Massachusetts<br />

J. X Goodrich, collector, Boston and Charlestown, Massachusetts<br />

J. S. whitney, late coRector, Boston and Charlestown, Massachusetts<br />

Wait Wadsworth, late collector, Plymouth, Massachusetts . .<br />

S. B. Phiaaey, la, te collector, Barnstable, Massachusetts.<br />

W. H. S. Bayley, collector, Bristol and Warren, Rhode Island<br />

Hiram Barney, collector, New York, New York<br />

Augustus Schell, late collector, New York, New York.<br />

W. B. Thoraas, collector, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania .<br />

J. B. Baker, lute collector, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.<br />

H. W. IIoifman, collector, Baltimore, Maryland.<br />

J. T. Mason, late collector, Baltimore, Maryland<br />

Ira P. Rankin, collector, Ban I'rancisco, California. . .<br />

B. F. Washington, collector, Ssn Francisco, California.<br />

G H Lucas, deccascd<br />

G. G. Bowden .<br />

J. H. Nichols<br />

P. Longis Br Gratiaa.<br />

P. Longrs.<br />

J. H. Thomas<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By J. G Dickcrson, late collector, Belfast, Maine<br />

T. D. Jones, late collector, Frenchman s Bay, Maine. . .<br />

A. A. Hanscorll) late collector, Saco, Maiae<br />

Carried forward<br />

851 10<br />

237 97<br />

93 50<br />

5, 224 12<br />

5, 752 82<br />

38, 303 38<br />

66, 374 53<br />

35, 988 02<br />

11, 415 55<br />

2, 291 01<br />

I 156 65<br />

38, 172 28<br />

27, 038 78<br />

4, 061 22<br />

6, 631 30<br />

6& 186 33<br />

I'20, 571 41<br />

16, 002 31<br />

16, 818 44<br />

17, 920 65<br />

37, 811 81<br />

16, 072 43<br />

56, 411 53<br />

881 90<br />

25, 000 00<br />

60&000 05<br />

232 07<br />

2, 65)7 03<br />

95 82<br />

10, 039 12<br />

2, 250 00<br />

2)000 00<br />

204 81<br />

I, 014 72<br />

9, 685 97<br />

168 39<br />

27 78<br />

92 10<br />

644 554 33<br />

81, 182 57 644, 554 33



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

By S. B. Phinney, late collector, Barnstable, Massachusetts.<br />

J. S. Whitney, late collector, Boston and Charlestown,<br />

Mes sech uset ts<br />

J. H. Kennedy<br />

1, 182 57 644, 554 33<br />

21 115 83<br />

920 65<br />

23 69<br />

4, 242 74<br />

$640, 311 59<br />

Debentures<br />

and other charges, act of October 16, 188'I.<br />

To A. D. Bache, superintendent of weights and measures. . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

G ersham Mott .<br />

J. H. Battle<br />

8, 000 00<br />

16 02<br />

510 55<br />

$8, 526 57<br />

refunding duties on ftsh and other articles under the recrIrrocity treaty urtth<br />

Great Rritainr<br />

To C. Barlow $10 00<br />

To J. J. Fisher<br />

Payment of discriminating<br />

tonnage duties.<br />

$189 90<br />

Refunding duties to extend the warehousing system, act of 3Iarch 8, 1854.<br />

To M. Morgentham .<br />

George C. Johnson<br />

Santa ~ & Co.<br />

J. B. Ghio<br />

Bare 8r, West,<br />

& Co.<br />

582 00<br />

148 08<br />

89 70<br />

13 50<br />

275 27<br />

$1, 108 55<br />

Refunding<br />

duties collected in 3Iexico from military contributions.<br />

To Jonathan Hamor $170 00<br />

l, nclaimed merchandise.<br />

To W. J. P. Ingraham<br />

H. S. Hill 8' Co<br />

White & Branswig<br />

A. & S. Henry & Co<br />

Hubbard Brothers<br />

Pickering, Winslow & Co<br />

Schack & Hotop.<br />

Edward Behr<br />

395 34<br />

10 00<br />

24 25<br />

87 62<br />

78 89<br />

4 63<br />

22 70<br />

25 53<br />

$648 96

1860-'61<br />




Proceeds of the sale of goods, rcares, les:. , act of April o, 1854.<br />

To Horace Moody, collector Oswegatchie, New York. .<br />

G. P. Eddy, collector, Niagara New York<br />

Warren Bryant, late collector, Buffalo Creek, New York<br />

W. F. Colcock, collector, Charleston, South Carolina<br />

149<br />

68 30<br />

42 17<br />

21 56<br />

177 12<br />

$309 15<br />

Itepayments to importers of ex'cess of deposits for unascertained duties.<br />

To J. Z. Goodrich, collector, Boston and Charlestown,<br />

Massachusetts<br />

J. S. Whitney, late collector, Boston and Charlestown, Massachusetts<br />

Gorham Babson, late collector, Gloucester, Zlassachusetts<br />

W. B. Pike, late collector, Salem and Beverly, Massachusetts .<br />

Augustus Jeukins, late collector, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.<br />

&S. W. Macy, collector, Newport, Rhode Island<br />

Gilbert Chase, late collector, Newport, Rhode Island<br />

G. H. Reynolds, late collector, Bristol and Warren, Rhode Island<br />

W. H. S. Bayley, collector, Bristol and Warren, Rhode Island<br />

Hiram Barney, collector, New York, New York<br />

Augustus Schell, late collector, New York, New York .<br />

H. W. Hoifman, coBector, Baltimore, Maryland<br />

J. T. Mason, late collector, Baltimore, Maryland<br />

W. B. Thomas, collector, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania .<br />

J. B. Baker, late collector, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania<br />

W. M. Harrison, late collector, Richmond, Virginia<br />

W. F. Colcock, collector, Charleston, South Carolina<br />

F. H. Hatch, collector, Ncw Orleans, Lou!siana,<br />

Ira P. Ranlrin, collector, San Francisco, California<br />

B. F. Washington, late collector, San Francisco, California .<br />

Wilkinson, Stettson & Co<br />

Leh&naier Brothers.<br />

F. Barritt 8: Co<br />

Sbeldon, Hoyt &'. Co<br />

B. & P. Lawrence<br />

Young, McArtbur, Rankin & Co<br />

Edmiston Brothers<br />

J. B. Behrmann<br />

I&yon tk Street<br />

A. . Moiler 8r, Co<br />

Gormez, Wallis &", Co<br />

Laycraft &, Co<br />

Yzuago del Valle &; Co<br />

Noel Olleman<br />

Stuart & Brugins<br />

Mara Brothers, Naverro 8' Co<br />

Ottenheimcr Brothers .<br />

Bell, Peen, Lavender 8c Co<br />

Smythe, Sprague 8: Cooper<br />

Berstein & Dingclstedt<br />

Emden, Ganef, Co<br />

Hyman L. Lipman<br />

Renauld, Francois &, Co<br />

I, copold XVachenheim<br />

Scribner & Co<br />

Thayer 8r, Warren.<br />

A. H. Solo&uou<br />

l&lurray 8r, Ingate<br />

llenry Boblcn tk Co<br />

Carried forward<br />

25, 000 00<br />

88, 532 80<br />

23 25<br />

639 46<br />

17 31<br />

500 00<br />

428 90<br />

400 00<br />

256 00<br />

120, 733 12<br />

375, 902 66<br />

3, 763 37<br />

26, 638 10<br />

20, 000 00<br />

39, 479 79<br />

1&150 00<br />

2& 000 00<br />

4. 000 00<br />

3, 150 00<br />

22, 250 00<br />

90 80<br />

271 44<br />

542 76<br />

14&J 04<br />

302 6&4<br />

271 20<br />

87 60<br />

111 80<br />

18 90<br />

87 24<br />

956 94<br />

152 04<br />

405 12<br />

17 697 70<br />

108 80<br />

29 04<br />

34 56<br />

29 76<br />

467 04<br />

9 20<br />

56 16<br />

10 56<br />

16 50<br />

128 lf&<br />

34 48<br />

20 16<br />

29 89<br />

193 52<br />

125 30<br />

8741, 303 11

150<br />



1860-'61.<br />

To Krus, Drenel & Schmidt<br />

Christ, Jay & Hess<br />

Samuel McLean & Co<br />

John Caswell & Co<br />

M. Straus 8r, J. Solomon<br />

Lachaise, Fauche & Co<br />

James Houldsworth<br />

Fachire &, Co.<br />

Joseph Youlke &, Sons<br />

Louis Seibert.<br />

Legiman Brothers & Co<br />

Lewis & Cp<br />

Joseph Bartleman<br />

J. A. Allen<br />

W. B. Reynolds 8r, Co.<br />

Dutilh & Co. .<br />

Caron &, Co<br />

Lane, Lanson & Co.<br />

Foster 8: Taylor<br />

Kittel 8 Klingenberg.<br />

Sears, Adriance & Platt<br />

Mitchell & Pott.<br />

Henry bchroeder<br />

8r, Co<br />

& Co.<br />

W. T. Coleman 8t Co.<br />

Bniken & Seifks.<br />

Victor Barsalow<br />

F. Cosinery & Co.<br />

G. Raymond & Bayloy<br />

S. Strahlheim & Co.<br />

Joseph Sands<br />

Thomas Fieldin«& Son<br />

L&'. Pavenstedt .<br />

Merrick 8r, Bull<br />

P. 8r. Lewis Schifflin.<br />

Woodruff & Robinson.<br />

Reed & Markham<br />

Pickering, Winslow & Co<br />

F. M. Jones &. Co<br />

C. F. A. Henricke<br />

LeBrun &. Thompson<br />

Lefnrsn, Keifer & Thomas.<br />

Louis Stueller.<br />

Muren & Bonner<br />

H Schlessinger & Co. . .<br />

A. Plender<br />

C. F. Schneider &, Co<br />

Dulles 8: Cope<br />

O. iV. Pollitz & Co<br />

Gordon, Bruce 8: McAuliff.<br />

Isaac Hamberger & Co<br />

J. W. Queen 8: Co<br />

August Geiger<br />

Burgess 8r, Mead<br />

Arnold &. Walter.<br />

R. R. Barthold.<br />

H. S. Lansing & Co<br />

J. V. Onatavia & Co<br />

Ponvert & Co<br />

Paton, Stewart & Co<br />

Slocumb, Stowell & Co<br />

William Watson & Co.<br />


Brought forward 741, 3O3 11<br />

57 35<br />

1, 398 00<br />

239 40<br />

26 70<br />

266 50<br />

177 28<br />

284 43<br />

126 96<br />

31 65<br />

37 50<br />

34 39<br />

5, 498 64<br />

229 57<br />

50 32<br />

31 84<br />

1, 444 03<br />

57 15<br />

76 99<br />

28 80<br />

258 96<br />

5 28<br />

3 84<br />

26 70<br />

101 52<br />

54 72<br />

17 40<br />

238 32<br />

37 68<br />

1 53<br />

5 52<br />

48 48<br />

358 56<br />

10 53<br />

16 80<br />

90 15<br />

37 20<br />

475 20<br />

219 60<br />

141 72<br />

12 96<br />

22 80<br />

21 30<br />

8 10<br />

16 34<br />

7 80<br />

883 fs<br />

16 80<br />

78 96<br />

21 90<br />

94 56<br />

203 07<br />

6O Oo<br />

71 55<br />

19 95<br />

35 04<br />

5 40<br />

274 80<br />

146 64<br />

8 10<br />

15 40<br />

13 20<br />

Carried forward.<br />

$755) 588 67



1860-'61.<br />

To William Wilkins & Co<br />

Fowler & Jova. ..<br />

M. Madan<br />

Blame &. Co.<br />

Graydon, Swanwick &, Co.<br />

Bliss, Douglas, Wheelock & Co<br />

L. K. Amsick & Co. .<br />

Plume &, Lamont .<br />

Lazard 1'reres .<br />

J. M. Strong<br />

Nordlinger Brothers<br />

Ponvert &, Co<br />

Whitman, Brothers 8: Co.<br />

Stuart & Brugiere<br />

J D. Nairne.<br />

Charles Terrero.<br />

J. L. Lafitte<br />

Irving, Van Wart &, Co<br />

John Vogt & Co.<br />

Gardner & Coolidge<br />

Ruhl, Von Keller & Co<br />

J. M. Walton<br />

Roe, Lockwood & Co.<br />

R. & G. A. Wright<br />

Eessler & Co<br />

John A. Ecrnochan<br />

Leoschick, Wesendonk<br />

& Co<br />

Vayse &, Sons<br />

John Watson & Co<br />

Stuart & Brother<br />

P. V. King & Co<br />

C. Dorr & Co<br />

A. L. Blamenthal & Son.<br />

Brugier & Deriweine<br />

Giro 8: Francia<br />

Blenkhard &, Hutton<br />

Joseph Fisher &, Co<br />

Sturgis & Co<br />

Walter & Carbutt<br />

A. C. Rosiue<br />

J. Rosenthal & Co<br />

Eladis Rubira<br />

W. A. Smith<br />

J. ZI Smith & Co<br />

Caleb Cope & Co<br />

Butt, Block &. Guild<br />

F. S. Schlessinger & Son<br />

E. Gautherin<br />

J. Lewis .<br />


Brought forward. . .<br />

755, 588 67<br />

25 84<br />

111 84<br />

27 00<br />

20 80<br />

18 Z4<br />

83 58<br />

17 iG<br />

156 96<br />

38 70<br />

71 40<br />

51 12<br />

131 04<br />

502 32<br />

21 30<br />

51 60<br />

11 76<br />

42 GO<br />

23 52<br />

759 6G<br />

177 27<br />

432 50<br />

30 96<br />

12 08<br />

93 39<br />

138 00<br />

72 00<br />

35 34<br />

25 44<br />

39 36<br />

3& 470 85<br />

127 92<br />

149 52<br />

174 24<br />

24 00<br />

27 28<br />

167 52<br />

182 40<br />

348 96<br />

418 08<br />

G25 68<br />

50 88<br />

111 36<br />

9 12<br />

852 48<br />

126 60<br />

21 75<br />

14 16<br />

152 10<br />

220 64<br />

766, 087 59<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By J T. Mason, late collector, Baltimore, &laryland . 1, 118 15<br />

W. F. Colcock, late collector, Charleston, S. Carolina, 539 4S<br />

G. Bradford 36 04<br />

1, 693 67<br />

87G4, 393 92

'<br />

1rq2<br />



1860 —'61.<br />


Salaries of special examiners of drugs.<br />

To J, Z. Goodrich, collector, Boston and Charlestown, Massachusetts<br />

J S. Whitney, late collector, Boston and Charlestown, Massachusetts.<br />

Hiram Barney, collector, New York, N. Y<br />

Augustus Schell, late collector, New York, N. Y<br />

H. W. Hoffman, Baltimore, Maryland<br />

J. T. Mason, late collector, Baltimore, Maryland<br />

W. F. Colcock, collector, Charleston, South Carolina<br />

F. H. Hatch, collector, New Orleans& Louisiana<br />

253 69<br />

663 89<br />

500 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

250 95<br />

834 24<br />

487 32<br />

583 00<br />

5& 073 09<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By F. H. Hatch, collector, New Orleans,<br />

Louisiana<br />

83 00<br />

$4&990 09<br />

Additional compensation to collectors and naval ogcers, act Jul y<br />

To Joseph Berry, late collector, Bath, Maine<br />

Augustus Jenkins, late collector, Portsmouth, N. H<br />

James Blood, late collector, Newburyport, Massachusetts<br />

J. A. Aborn, late collector, Providence, Rhode Island<br />

Gilbert Chase, late collector, Newport, Rhode Island<br />

J. J. Simkins, collector, Norfolk and Portsmouth, Virginia<br />

E. S. Hough, late collector, Alexandria, Virginia<br />

A. J. Denby, late collector, Norfolk and Portsmouth, Virginia<br />

C. C. Robinson, naval oflicer, Norfolk and Portsmouth, Virginia<br />

Nicholas Brown, naval ulcer, Newburyport, Massachusetts<br />

Nathan Jackson, surveyor, iVewburyport, Massachusetts<br />

S. King Shay, surveyor, Alexandria, Virginia<br />

W. C. Baker, late surveyor, Providence, Rhode Island<br />

S. B. Lord, naval ofRcer, Portsmouth, New Hampshire<br />

J. G. . Hadley, surveyor, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.<br />

Ebenezer Dodge<br />

J. H. Nichols<br />

J. D. Austin<br />

G. Bradford<br />

'l, 1838.<br />

709 99<br />

511 06<br />

247 08<br />

2)776 20<br />

1& 29o 73<br />

763 46<br />

340 58<br />

228 74<br />

136 15<br />

51 09<br />

46 55<br />

102 89<br />

33 89<br />

148 89<br />

178 25<br />

1, 061 45<br />

392 31<br />

106 76<br />

1, 216 79<br />

$10. 347 86<br />

Additional compensation to ogcers ard men of the'revenue service u&ho sewed<br />

on the Pacipc coast, tI-.<br />

To George Bloomfield 032 00<br />

Salaries of light-house 1ceepers, assistants, g.<br />

To J. S. Whitney, late superintendent, Boston aud Charlestown, Mass<br />

J. Z. Goodrich, superintendent, Boston and Charlestown, Mass<br />

T. D. Jones, late, superintendent, Frenchman's li&ay, Maine<br />

I. H. Thomas, superintendent, Frenchman's Bay, Maine<br />

M. Macdonald, late superintendent, Portland and Falmouth. Maine<br />

Jedediah Jewett, superintendent, Portland and Falmouth, Maine<br />

Augustus Jenl-ins, late superintendent, Portsmouth, N. Hampshire<br />

J. B. Upham, superintendent, Portsmouth, New Hampshire<br />

William Clapp, superintendent, Burlington, Vermont .. .<br />

Charles Linsley, late superintendent, Burlington, Vermont.<br />

S. B. Phinney, superintendent, Barnstable, Massachusetts. . Carried forward. . . .. ... . .. .<br />

2, 831 &6<br />

6, 325 00<br />

5, 2o0 00<br />

5, 250 00<br />

4, 680 00<br />

2, 340 00<br />

2, 034 39<br />

1, 0l7 67<br />

525 00<br />

543 75<br />

3, 025 00<br />

$33, 822 58



1860-'61<br />


Brought forward<br />

To J, B, H. Fessenden, superintendent, New Redford, Massachusetts. ..<br />

John Vinson, superintendent, Edgartown, Massachusetts.<br />

Ira Darrow, late superintendent, Edgartown, Massachusetts<br />

Alfred Macy, superintendent, Nantucket, lifassachusetts. .. .<br />

E. W. Allen, late superiateadent, Nantucket, Massachusetts.<br />

S. W. Macy, superintendent, Viewport, Rhode Island .<br />

Gilbert Chase, late superiotendent, Newport, Rhode Island ..<br />

Edward Prcntiss, superintendent,<br />

Ncw London, Connecticut<br />

J. P. C. Mather, late superiutendent, New London, Coonecticut .<br />

J. F. Babcock, superintendent, New Haven, Connecticut .<br />

W. A. Osborn, late superintendent, New Haven, Connecticut .<br />

F. A. Palmer, superintendent, Stonington, Connecticut . .<br />

E. Williams, jr. , late superintendent, Stonington, Connecticut. . . .<br />

C. W. Ioglchart, superintendent, Sackett's Harbor, New York<br />

W. Howland, late superintendent, Sackett's Harbor, New York. .<br />

P. M. Crandall, superintendent, Genesee, New York.<br />

P. M. Bromley, late superintendent, Geaesee, iVow York.<br />

J. B. Higgins, superintendent, Oswego, New York.<br />

Franklin Spal&ling, superintendent, Niagara, New York .<br />

8eorge P. Eddy. lato suporintendent, Niagara, New York. . .. Christian Ments, jr, superintendent, Buffalo Creek, New York ...<br />

Warren Bryant, late superintendent, Buffalo Creek, New York .<br />

D. M. Chapin, superintendent, Oswegatchie, New York<br />

Horace Moody, late superintendent, Oswegatchie, New York .<br />

John Sherry, superintendent, Sag Harbor, New York. . . . . . . .<br />

J. M. Terbell, late superintendent, Sag Harbor, Nesv York .<br />

Hiram Baruey, superintcn&ient, New York<br />

Augustus Schell, late supe&iotendent, New York .<br />

H. B. Smith, late superintendent, Champlain, New York J. M. Ingalls, superintendent, Cape Vincent, New York. ..<br />

Theophilus Pcugnct. late superintendent, Cape Vincent, New York. .<br />

T. D. Winner, late superintendent, Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey .<br />

J. EI. Bartlett, superintendent, Little Egg Harbor, New Je&sey .<br />

J. S. Jennings, late superintendent, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey<br />

C. M. Tibbals, . late superintendent, Presque Isle, Peunsylvania.<br />

Jesse Shnrpe, late superintendent, Wilmington, Delaware. . . . . . . . -. .<br />

J. M. Rodney, superintendent, Wilmington, Delaware<br />

H. W. Hoff&aan, superintendeot, Baltimore, Maryland<br />

J. T. Mason, late superintendent, Baltimore, Maryland. . . . .<br />

J. , l. bimpkins, superintendeut, Norfolk and Portsmouth, Virginia<br />

J. S. Parker, superintendent, Cherrystone, Virginin .<br />

E. S. Hough, late superintendent, Alercandris, Virginia<br />

L. D. Starke, superintendent, Camden, North Carolina .<br />

EI. F. Hancock, superintendent, washington, North Carolina<br />

O. S. Dewey, suporintendeat, Ocrncoke, North Carolina ..<br />

J. F. Bell, superintendent, Iieaufort, North Carolina ..<br />

J, E. Gibble, late superintendent, Beaufort. North Carolina. ...<br />

J. T. Miller, superiateadent, Wilmingtoo, North Carolina. .<br />

W. F. Colcock, superintendent, Charleston, South Carolina.<br />

J. W. Merriman, superintendent, Georgetown, South Carolina ..<br />

John Boston, superintendent, Savannah, Georgia ..<br />

J. A. Baratle, late superintendent. St. Mary' s, Georgia .<br />

J. J. Dafour, superintendent, St. apiary's, Georgia ..<br />

Woodfurd Mnbry, superintendent, Brunswick, Georgia .<br />

Thsddeus Sanford, superintendent, Mobile, Alabama. ... ..<br />

Robert Eager, superintendent, Pearl River, Mississippi.<br />

Joseph Sierra, superintcadcot, Pensacola, Florida .<br />

Paul Aronu, superintendent, St. Augustine, Florida.<br />

J. P. Bald&via, superintendent, Key &Vest, Florida<br />

C. P. Pickering, late superintendent, Kcy West, Florida. . ..<br />

A. B. Noyes, superintendent, St. Marl-'s, Florida.<br />

33, 822 53<br />

11650 00<br />

712 50<br />

I& 425 00<br />

807 50<br />

1, 752 50<br />

1, 050 00<br />

2, 100 00<br />

275 00<br />

825 00<br />

735 50<br />

1, 502 88<br />

775 00<br />

775 00<br />

550 00<br />

550 00<br />

147 50<br />

295 00<br />

652 50<br />

87 50<br />

175 00<br />

430 00<br />

935 00<br />

350 00<br />

350 00<br />

1, 575 00<br />

1, 575 00<br />

3, 816 4S<br />

7, 605 70<br />

1, 552 50<br />

262 50<br />

525 00<br />

900 00<br />

300 00<br />

324 23<br />

375 00<br />

4, 189 00<br />

2, 275 54<br />

1, 745 75<br />

3. 491 50<br />

3, 550 00<br />

1, 175 00<br />

660 00<br />

1, 135 14<br />

1, 250 00<br />

200 00<br />

200 00<br />

350 00<br />

3, 861 50<br />

2, 224 55<br />

375 00<br />

1, 191 66<br />

107 25<br />

100 00<br />

507 65<br />

1, 810 00<br />

1, 434 44<br />

150 00<br />

36 68<br />

5, 384 78<br />

2, 694 66<br />

600 00<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . „. $1 12& 241 92

154<br />



1860-'pl.<br />


Brought forward. .<br />

To Thomas Ledwith, superintendent, St. John' s, Florida<br />

Nathan Baker, superintendent, Apalachicola, Florida. . . . .<br />

R. J. Floyd, late superintendent, Apalachicola, Florida. .<br />

Felix Livingston, superintendent, Fernandina, Florida<br />

F. H. Hatch, superintendent, New Orleans, Louisiana. .<br />

R. W. McMillen, superintendent, Teche, Louisiana .. .<br />

Hamilton Stewart, superintendent, Galveston, Texas ..<br />

D. M. Stapp, superintendent, Saluria, Texas.<br />

F. 1V. Latham, superintendent, Brazns de Santiago, Texas. .<br />

E. D. Potter, late superintendent, Miami, Ohio .<br />

B. Brownell, late superintendent, Cuyahoga, Ohio<br />

Andrew Stepham, superintendent, Miami, Ohio ... . .. .. ... John Young, superintendent, Sandusky, Ohio ..... . G. S. Patterson, late superintendent, Sandusl-y, Ohio. . ...<br />

R. W. Davis, late superintendent, Detroit, Michigan<br />

N. G. Isbell, superintendent, Detroit, Michigan<br />

J. W. McMath, superintendent, Michilimackiuac, Michigan<br />

J. A. T. Wendell, late superintendent, Michilimackinac, Michigan<br />

Julius White, superintendent, Chicago, Illinois .<br />

B. F. Strother, late superintendent, Chicago, IRinois<br />

Edwin Palmer, superintendent, Milwaukie, Wisconsin.<br />

G. W. Classon, late superintendent, Milwaukie, Wisconsin . . .<br />

T. A. Jenkius, topographical engineers<br />

112, 241 92<br />

175 00<br />

1, 235 pp<br />

533 87<br />

525 00<br />

1, 910 00<br />

1, 518 00<br />

3, 810 00<br />

1, 55l 96<br />

952 46<br />

200, 00<br />

425 00<br />

1, 075 OO<br />

526 67<br />

1& 128 33<br />

2, 275 00<br />

1, 150 00<br />

5& 322 50<br />

5, 545 00<br />

1. 36)9 99<br />

1, 579 50<br />

1, 037 50<br />

2& 071 64<br />

459 52<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

C. Norton.<br />

W. F. Colcock<br />

J. T. Mason<br />

M. Shoemaker<br />

Charles Linsley<br />

22 22<br />

272 05<br />

1, 509 82<br />

204 51<br />

8 66<br />

148, 618 00<br />

2, 017 26<br />

TQ<br />

Salaries of keepers of light-boats,<br />

J. S. Whitney, late superintendent, Boston and Charlestown, llIass.<br />

J. Z. Goodrich, suuerintendent, Boston and Charlestown, Mass<br />

S. B. Phinney, late superintemlent, Barnstable, Massachusetts<br />

C. B. H. Fessenden, late superintendent, New Bedford, Massachusetts<br />

E. W. Allen, late superintendent, Nantucket, Massachusetts<br />

A. lfred Macy, superintendent, Nantucket, Massachusetts<br />

S. W. Macy, superintendent, Newport, Rhode Island<br />

Gilbert Chase, late superintendent, Newport, Rhode Island<br />

Edward Prentiss, superintendent, New London, Connecticut<br />

J. P. C. Mather, late superintendent, New London, Connecticut<br />

J. F. Babcock, superintendent, New Haven, Connecticut<br />

M. A. Osborn, late superintendent, New Haven, Connecticut<br />

F. A. Palmer, superintendent, Stonington, Connecticut<br />

E. Williams, jr. , late superintendent, Stonington, Connecticut<br />

Hiram Barney, superintendent, New York, New York<br />

Augustus Schell, late superintendent, New York, New York<br />

Isaac S. Jennings, late superintendent,<br />

8'.<br />

Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey.<br />

T. 2I. Rodney, superintendent, Wilmington, Delaware<br />

Jesse Sharpe, late superintendent, Wilmington, Delaware<br />

H. W. Hoffman, superintendent, Baltimore, Maryland<br />

J. T. Mason, late superintendent, Baltimore, Maryland<br />

J. J. Simpkins, superintendent, Norfolk, Virginia.<br />

G. T. Wright, late superintendent, Tappahanuock, Virginia<br />

Carried forward<br />

$146, 601 62<br />

291 03<br />

1, 437 00<br />

2, 204 16<br />

487 50<br />

1, 100 00<br />

537 50<br />

175 00<br />

350 00<br />

275 00<br />

825 00<br />

175 00<br />

350 00<br />

250 00<br />

250 00<br />

175 00<br />

350 00<br />

300 00<br />

30p 00<br />

Ooo oo<br />

212 50<br />

425 00<br />

1, 250 0)r<br />

200 00<br />

@12&519 69

1860-'61.<br />




155<br />

Brought forward<br />

To E. S. Hough, late superintendent, Alexandria, Virginia<br />

L. D. Starke, late superintendent, Camden, North Caroling<br />

Joseph Ramsey, superintendent, Plymouth, North Carolina<br />

H. F. Hancock, superintendent, Washington, North Carolina<br />

O. S. Dewey, superintendent, Ocracoke, North Caroliua<br />

J. F. Bell, superintendent, Beaufort, North Carolina<br />

J. T. Miller, superintemlent, Wilruington, North Carolina<br />

W. F. Colcock, superintendent, Charleston, South Carolina<br />

B. R. Bythewood, superiatendent, Beaufort, South Carolina .<br />

John Boston, superintendent, Savannah, Georgia<br />

Woodford Mabry, superintenilent, Brunswick, Georgia<br />

Joseph Sierra, superintendent, Pensacola, I"lorida .<br />

Thomas Ledwith, superintendent, St. John' s, Florida<br />

R, N. 5lcMillen, superintendent, Tecbe, Louisiana<br />

G. W. Classoa, late superintendent, Milwaukie, Wisconsin<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct thc following repayment:<br />

By J. T. Mason<br />

12, 519 69<br />

400 00<br />

250 00<br />

2oO 00<br />

762 00<br />

1, 2oO 00<br />

150 00<br />

700 00<br />

350 00<br />

500 00<br />

600 00<br />

242 63<br />

200 00<br />

125 00<br />

150 00<br />

482 50<br />

18& 931 82<br />

243 34<br />

$18& 688 48<br />

Supplying light-houses uith oil, tube glasses, wicks, tIc.<br />

To Jedediah Jewett, superintendent, Portland, Maine.<br />

Moses Macdonald, late superintendent, Portland, Maine<br />

J. B, Uphom, superintendent, Portsmouth, New Hampshire<br />

Charles Linslcy, superiuteadeat, Burlington, Vermont<br />

J. Z. Goodrich, superintendent, Boston and Charlestcwn, Mass.<br />

J. S. Whitney, late superintendent, Boston and Charlestown, Jlass . .<br />

Lawrence Grinnell, superintendent, New Bedford, Massachusetts<br />

C. B. H. Fesseaden, late superintendent, New Bedford, 21assachusetts<br />

E. W. Allen, late superintendent, Nantucket, JIassachusetts<br />

Gilbert Chase, late superintendent, Newport, Rhode Island<br />

J. P. C. Mather, late superintendent, New London, Conrecticut<br />

M. A. Osborn, late superintendent; New Haven, Connecticut<br />

E. Williams, jr. , late superintendent& Stnningtoa, Connecticut<br />

Warren Bryant, late superintendent, Buifalo Creek, New York .<br />

J. M. Terbell, late superinteadeat, Sag Harbor, New York<br />

Augustus Sche)I, late superintendent, New York, . New York<br />

H. B. Smith, late superintendent, Champlain, New York<br />

T. JI. Rodney, superintendent, Wilmington, Delaware<br />

Jesse Sharpe, late superintendent, Wihnington, Delaware<br />

J. J. Simpkins, superintendent, Norfolk and Portsmouth, Virginia<br />

J. S. Parker, superintendent, Cherrystone, Virginia<br />

E. S. Hough, late superintendent, Alexandria, Virginia<br />

H. F. Hancock, superintendent, Washington, North Carolina<br />

J. T. Miller, supeiintendent, IVilmingtoa, North Carolina<br />

W. F. Colcock, superintendent, Charleston, South Carolina<br />

John Boston, superintendent, Savannah, Georgia,<br />

Woodford Mabry, superintendent, Brunswick, Georgia<br />

J. P. Baldwin, superintendent, Key West, Florida<br />

F. IL Hatch, superintendent, New Orleans, Louisiana.<br />

N. G. Isbcll, superintendent, Detroit, Michigan<br />

R. W. Ds, vis, late superintendent, Detroit, &Jiichigan<br />

B, F. Strothcr, superintendent, Chicago, Illinois<br />

Edwin Palmer, superintendent, klil&vaukie, wisconsin<br />

G. W. Classon, late superintendent, Mi! waukie, IYisconsia<br />

Benjamin Brownell, superintendent, Cuyahoga, Ohio<br />

583 92<br />

I, 662 03<br />

50 00<br />

20 00<br />

410 49<br />

5o2 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

11&218 51<br />

26 00<br />

100 00<br />

150 00<br />

100 00<br />

50 00<br />

730 81<br />

100 00<br />

4, 195 00<br />

20 00<br />

500 00<br />

154 89<br />

333 25<br />

15 00<br />

650 00<br />

40 00<br />

450 00<br />

361 01<br />

99 00<br />

80<br />

901 33<br />

300 00<br />

I& 300 00<br />

912 44<br />

18 38<br />

25 56<br />

25 00<br />

126 00<br />

Carried forward . . . . 6:9, 181 42



1860-'61.<br />

To W. F. Smith, topographical<br />


engineers.<br />

C. N. Turnbull, topographical engineers<br />

A. M. Pennock<br />

T. A. Jenkins<br />

J. B. Marcland .<br />

Brought forward. . . .<br />

29, 181 41,<br />

6, 900 00IJ<br />

61, 260 00<br />

45, 440 00<br />

500 00<br />

4, 125 82<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By T. P. Green<br />

M. Shoemaker<br />

J. T. Mason<br />

F. H. Hatch<br />

M. Macdonald.<br />

551 73<br />

1& 026 64<br />

74 89<br />

180 42<br />

199 65<br />

2, 033 33<br />

6145&373 91<br />

Repairs and incidental expenses, gc. , of light-houses.<br />

To I. H. Thomas, superintendent, Frenchman's Bay, Maine<br />

Jedediah Jewett, superintendent, Portland and Falmouth, Maine<br />

Moses Macdonald, late superintendent, Portland and Falmouth, Maine.<br />

W. Clapp, superintendent, Burlington, 'Vermont<br />

J. Z. Goodrich, superintendeut, Boston and Charlestown, Mass . . .<br />

J. S, Whitney, late superintendent, Boston and Charlestown, Mass. .<br />

C. B. H. Fessenden, late superintendent, New Bedford, Mass<br />

Ira Darr&rw, late superintendent, Edgartown, 51assachusetts.<br />

Alfred Macy, superintendent, Nantucket, Massachusetts<br />

E. W. Allen, late superintendent, Nantucket, Massachusetts<br />

J. P. C. Mather, late superintendent, New London, Connecticut<br />

E. Williams, jr. , late superintendent, Stonington, Connect&cut<br />

Christian Metz, jr. , superintendent, Butfalo Creek, New York<br />

Warren Bryant, late superintendent, Buffalo Creek, New York<br />

Hiram Barney, superintendent, New York, New York<br />

Augustus Schell, late superintendent, New York, New York<br />

T. M. Rodney, superintendent, Wilmington, Delaware<br />

Jesse Sharpe, late superintendent, Wilmington, Delaware<br />

J. T. Mason, late superintendent, Baltimore, Maryland<br />

J. J. Simpkins, superintendent, Norfolk and Portsmouth, Virginia.<br />

J. S. Parker, superintendent, Cherrystone, Virginia<br />

L. D. Starke, superintendent, Camden, North Carolina<br />

H. F. Hancocl-, superintendent, Washington, North Carolina<br />

J. E. Gibble, superintendent, Beaufort, North Carolina<br />

J. T. Miller, superintendent, Wilmington, North Carolina<br />

W. F. Colcock, superintendent, Charleston, South Carolina<br />

Thaddeus Sanford, superintendent, Mobile, Alabama .<br />

J. P. Baldwin, superintendent, Key West, Florida<br />

F. H. Hat&. h, superintendent, New Orleans, Louisiana<br />

Hamilton Stewart, superintendent, Galveston, Texas<br />

N. G. Isbell, superintendent, Detroit, Michigan<br />

R. %V. Davis, late superintendent, Detroit, 51ichigan .<br />

B F. Strother, late superintendent, Chicago, Illinois<br />

C. N. Turnbull, topographical engineers<br />

W. F. Smith, topographical engineers<br />

W. H. Stevens, topographical engineers<br />

W. H. C. Whiti~g, topographical engineers<br />

J. N. 5lacomb, topographical engineers<br />

A. lV. Whipple, topographical engineers.<br />

Carried forward. . .<br />

4 85<br />

255 00<br />

1, 408 07<br />

15 00<br />

1)154 85<br />

1, 912 00<br />

100 00<br />

39 00<br />

4 l7<br />

66 83<br />

17 80<br />

75 00<br />

306 19<br />

976 30<br />

1&000 00<br />

1& 000 00<br />

300 00<br />

1& 007 00<br />

25 00<br />

590 00<br />

100 00<br />

10 00<br />

195 00<br />

30 45<br />

250 00<br />

900 00<br />

787 50<br />

1, 075 59<br />

3, 790 00<br />

100 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

562 50<br />

250 00<br />

15, ooo oo<br />

40, 680 00<br />

4&598 49<br />

1, S00 00<br />

7, 000 00<br />

5& 000 00<br />

$94&886 59



15?<br />

1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

To Hartman Bache, topographical engineers<br />

T. N. Jenkins, topographical engineers<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By J. B. Bowdish<br />

J. A. Winslow<br />

J. T. Mason<br />

F. H. Hatch<br />

Augustus Schell<br />

M. A. Osborn<br />

E. S. Hough<br />

189 32<br />

31 25<br />

195 12<br />

655 00<br />

47 24<br />

94 96<br />

511 80<br />

94, 886 59<br />

6, 746 57<br />

600 00<br />

102& 133 16<br />

1, 724 69<br />

$100, 408 47<br />

Seamen's uages, repairs, an&j supplies of light-boats,<br />

To J. Z. Goodrich, superintendent, Boston and Cbarlestown, Mass.<br />

J. S. Whitney, late superintendent, Boston and Charlestown, Zlass<br />

S. B. Phinney, late superintendent, Barnstable, Massachusetts<br />

C. B. H. Fessenden, late superintendent, New Bedford, 51assachusetts<br />

Ira Darrow, late superintcndcnt, Edgartown, Massachusetts<br />

Alfred Macy, superintendent, Nantucket, Massachusetts<br />

E. W. Allen, late superintendent, Nantucket, Massachusetts<br />

S. W. Macy, superintendent, Newport, Rhode Island<br />

Gilbert Chase, late superintendent, Newport, Rhode Island.<br />

Edward Prentiss, superintendent, New London, Connecticut<br />

J. P. C. Mathcr, late superintendent, New London, Connecticut.<br />

J, F. Babcock, superintendent, New Haven, Connecticut<br />

M. A. Osborn, late snperintendent, New London, Connecticut<br />

F. A. Palmer, superintendent, Stonington, Connecticut<br />

E. Williams, jr. , late superintendent, Stonington, Connecticut<br />

Hiram Barney, superintendent, New York, New York .<br />

Augustus Schcll, late superintendent, New York, New York . .<br />

T. M. Rodney, superintendent, , Wilmington, Delaware<br />

Jesse Sharpe, late superintendent, Wilmington, Delaware<br />

H. W. HoQ'man, superintendent, Baltimore, Maryland<br />

J. T. 51ason, laic superiutendent, Baltimore, Maryland .<br />

J. J. Simpkins, superintendent, Niorfolk and Ports&uouth, Virginia<br />

G, T. Wright, superintendent, Tappahsnnock, Virginia<br />

E. S. Hough, late superintendent, Alexandria, Virginia<br />

L. D. Starke, superintendent, Camden, North Carolina.<br />

Joseph Ramsey, superintendent, Plymouth, North Carolina<br />

H. F. Hancock, superintendent, Washington, North Carolina<br />

O. S. Dewey, superintendent, Ocracoke, North Carolina.<br />

J. T. Miller, superintendent, Wilmington, horth Carolina .<br />

W F. Colcock, superintendent, Charleston, South Carolina<br />

B R. Bythewood, superintendent, Beaufort, South Carolina<br />

John Boston, superiutcndent, Savannah, Georgia<br />

Thaddeus Sanford, superintendent, Mobile, Alabama .<br />

Joseph Sierra, superintendent, Pensacola, Florida .<br />

Thomas Ledwith, superintendent, St. John' s, Florida<br />

F. H. Match, superintendent, New Orleans. Louisiana . -------------<br />

B. F. Strotbcr, late superintendent, Chicago, Illinois<br />

J. N. Macomb, topographical engineers<br />

W. F. Smith, topographical engineers<br />

C. N. Turnbull, topographical engineers<br />

Carried forward<br />

gc.<br />

3, 514 G9<br />

6, 255 55<br />

8, 058 17<br />

2&665 41<br />

578 00<br />

I, 681 42<br />

3, 145 33<br />

570 00<br />

1, 537 00<br />

666& 00<br />

5, 559 89<br />

360 00<br />

820 00<br />

612 00<br />

'762 00<br />

1, G09 61<br />

3, 966 87<br />

976 00<br />

3, 757 75<br />

474 00<br />

998 00<br />

13, 9&J6 24<br />

298 70<br />

732 00<br />

1, 019 00<br />

1, 749 00<br />

1, 981 66<br />

3, 560 00<br />

3, 478 35<br />

2, 391 99<br />

978 00<br />

1&416 00<br />

154 47<br />

225 00<br />

114 00<br />

1, 528 25<br />

4 80<br />

25, 350 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

13, 833 33<br />

$123, 378 48



1860-'61.<br />

To J. J. Cisco, assistant treasurer,<br />

A. M. Pennock<br />


Brought forward.<br />

New York<br />

123, 378 48<br />

2, 500 08<br />

16, 175 08<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>cl the following repayments:<br />

By J. T. Mason<br />

Gilbert Chase<br />

J. A. %Vins]ow<br />

J. S. Whitney<br />

J. P. C. Mather<br />

702 94<br />

149 74<br />

47 07<br />

1, 666 00<br />

150 74<br />

142, 053 48<br />

2)716 49<br />

6 l39, 336 99<br />

Commissions nf tu)o anor, a half per cent. to such superintendents<br />

the same.<br />

To T. D. Jones, late superintendent, Frenchman's Bav, Maine<br />

I. H. Thomas, superintendent, Frenchman's Bay, Maine<br />

J. B. Upham, superintendent, Portsmouth, New Hampshire<br />

Augustus Jenkins, late superintendent, Portsmouth, New Hampshire<br />

William Clapp, superintendent, Burlington, Vermont<br />

Charies Liusley, late superintendent, Burlington, Vermont.<br />

C. H. Pcaslee, late superintendent, Boston aud Charlestown, Mass<br />

S. B. Phinney, late superintendent, Barnstable, Massachusetts<br />

John Vinson, superintendent, Edgartown, Massachusetts<br />

Ira Darrow, late superintendent, Edgartown, Massachusetts.<br />

Alfred Macy, superintendent, Nantucket, Massachusetts<br />

E. W. Allen, late supcrintendeut, Nsutucket, Massachusetts .<br />

S. W. Macy, superintendent, Newport, Rhode Island<br />

Gilbert Chase, late superintendent,<br />

Edward I'rentiss, superintendent,<br />

Newport, Rhode Island<br />

New London, Connecticut<br />

J. P. C. Mather, late superintendent, New London, Connecticut<br />

J. F. Babcock, superintendent, New Haven, Connecticut<br />

F. A. Palmer, superintendent, Stonington, Connecticut<br />

E. )1 illiams, jr. , late superintendent, Stonington, Connecticut<br />

C. W. Iuglehart, superintendent, Sackett's Harbor, New York<br />

William Howland, late superintendent, Sackett's Harbor, New York<br />

P. 2L Crandall, superintendent, Genesee, New York<br />

P. M. Bromley, late superintendent, Genesee, New York<br />

J. B. Higgins, superintendent, Oswego, New York<br />

Franklin Spalding, superintendent, Niagara New York<br />

George P. Eddy, late superintendent, Niagara, New York.<br />

Christian 21etz, jr. , superintendent, Buffalo Creek, New York.<br />

Warren Bryant, late superintendent, Buffalo Creek, New York<br />

D. M. Chopin, superintendent, Oswegatchie, New York<br />

Horace Moody, late superintendent, Osw) gatchie, New York.<br />

John Sherry superintendent, Sag Harbor, New York<br />

J. M. Terbell, late superintendent, Sag Harbor, New York<br />

H, B. Smith, superintendent, Champlain, New York<br />

J. 1V. Ingalls, superintendent, Cape Vincent, New York. . .<br />

Theodore Peugnet, late superintendent,<br />

Cape Vincent, New York<br />

J. D. Winner, superintendent, Great Erg Harbor, Ncw Jersey<br />

J. H. Bartlett, superintendent, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey<br />

J. S Jennings, late superintendent, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey<br />

C. W. Tibbals, superintendent. Presque Isle, Pennsylvania.<br />

T. M. Rodney, superintendent, Wihnington, Delaware.<br />

Jesse Sharpe, late superintendent, Wilmingtou, Delaware.<br />

J J. Simpl-ins, superintendent, Norfolk and Portsmouth, Virginia<br />

as are entitled to<br />

131 26<br />

131 70<br />

27 08<br />

50 70<br />

13 50<br />

17 91<br />

963 48<br />

341 62<br />

17 81<br />

35 62<br />

98 63<br />

150 13<br />

44 87<br />

91 54<br />

54 80<br />

255 04<br />

31 75<br />

40 92<br />

40 92<br />

13 74<br />

13 74<br />

3 69<br />

7 38<br />

16 32<br />

2 19<br />

4 38<br />

48 32<br />

72 71<br />

8 74<br />

8 74<br />

39 38<br />

39 38<br />

39 31<br />

6 5Ii<br />

13 12<br />

19 98<br />

10 63<br />

44 83<br />

9 38<br />

138 'f9<br />

425 80<br />

200 00<br />

Carried forward.<br />

83, 726 39



159<br />

1860-'61 ~<br />


Brought forward.<br />

E. 8, Hough, superinten&leut, Alexandria, Virginia. . . G. T. Wright, superintendent, Tappahannock, Virginia. .<br />

To J. S. Parker, superintendent, Cherrystone, Virginia. .<br />

I, . D. Starke, superintendent, Camden, North Carolina. . . . .<br />

Joseph Ramsey, superintendent, Plymouth, North Caroliua.<br />

H, F. Hancock, superintendent, Washington, North Carolina<br />

O. S. Dewey, superintendent, Ocracoke, North Carolina. . . . . .<br />

J. F. Bell, superintendent, Beaufort, North Carolina<br />

J. E. Gibble, late superintendent, Beaufort, North Carolina.<br />

J. T. Miller, superintendent, Wilmington, North Carolina .<br />

B. R. Bythewood, superintendent, Beaufort, South Carolina<br />

J. J Dufour, superintendent, St. Mary' s, Georgia.<br />

Woodford Mabry, superintendent, Brunswick, Georgia.<br />

Robert Eager, superintendent, Pearl River, Mississippi<br />

Joseph Sierra, superintendent, Pensacola, Florida<br />

J. P. Baldwin, superintendent, Key West, Florida<br />

A. B. Noyes, superintendent, St. Mark's, Florida<br />

Thomas Ledwith, superintendent, St, John' s, Florida. . . . .<br />

Nathan Baker, superintendent, Apalachicola, Florida, . . .<br />

R. l. Floyd, late superintendent, Apalachicola, Florida<br />

Felix Livingston, superintendent, Fernandina, Florida<br />

R. N. McMillan, superintendent, Techs, Louisiana<br />

Hamilton Stewart, superintendent, Galveston, Texas.<br />

D. M. Stapp, superintendent, Saluria, Texas.<br />

F. W. Lstham, superintendent, Brazos de Santiago, Texas.<br />

Andrew St~ phan, superintendent, Miami, Ohio. . . . . . . . . . .<br />

E. D, Potter, late superintendent, Miami, Ohio. . . . . . .<br />

John Youngs, superintendent, Sandusky, Ohio<br />

G. S. Patterson, late superintendent, Saudusky, Ohio<br />

Benjamin Brownell, late superintendent, Cuyahoga, Ohio<br />

N. G. Isbcll, superintendent, Detroit, Michigan<br />

R. W. Davis, late superintendent, Detroit, Michigan .<br />

J. lV. McMatb, superintendent, Michilhuackinac, Michigan. . . .<br />

J. A T. Wendell, late superintendent, Michilimackinac, Michigan.<br />

Julius White, superintendent, Chicago, Illinois<br />

B. F. Strother, late superintendent, Chicago, Illinois.<br />

Edwin Palmer, superintendent, Mkwaukie, Wisconsin<br />

G. W. Cia:son, lute superintendent, Milwaukie, Wisconsin. . .<br />

P. F. Thomas.<br />

3, 726 39<br />

31 18<br />

95 00<br />

13 54<br />

53 58<br />

25 10<br />

50 70<br />

90 00<br />

8 75<br />

9 51<br />

100 05<br />

18 50<br />

2 50<br />

18 76<br />

35 86<br />

14 37<br />

275 22<br />

15 00<br />

10 35<br />

27 10<br />

15 43<br />

13 12<br />

40 00<br />

97 75<br />

39 24<br />

23 80<br />

4 50<br />

10 62<br />

13 16<br />

28 20<br />

31 00<br />

116 25<br />

102 99<br />

133 05<br />

138 62<br />

34 25<br />

40 35<br />

26 57<br />

67 19<br />

Z, 178 04<br />

$7 775 r59<br />

Expenses of' superintendents in visiting light-houses annually, reporting their<br />

condition, g'.<br />

To E. S Hough, late superintendent, Alexandria, Virginia<br />

R W. Davis, late superintendent, Detroit, Michigan. . .<br />

J. S. Whitney, late superintcndcnt, Boston aud Cbarlestown, Mass<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following re-payment:<br />

By E. S Hough<br />

1, 000 00<br />

270 00<br />

75 00<br />

1, 345 00<br />

519 20<br />

Ss25 80<br />

refunding duties collected in 3$exico from military contributions.<br />

To Jonatha. n Hamor $170 00

160<br />



1860-'61<br />


Expenses of' weighing, mooring, cleaning, repairing, and supplying losses pf<br />

beacons,<br />

To I. H. Thomas, superintendent, Frenchman's Bay, Maine. . .<br />

Jedcdiah Jewett, superintendent, Portland and Falmouth, Maine.<br />

Moses Macdouald, late superintendent, Portland and Falmouth, Maine<br />

J. B. Upham, superiotendent, Portsmouth, New Hampshire<br />

Charles Linsley, late superintendent, Burlington, Vermont.<br />

J. Z. Goodrich, superintendent, Boston and Charlestown, Mass. . . . . .<br />

J. S. Whitney, late superintendent, Boston and Charlestown, Mass.<br />

C. B. H. Fessenden, late superintendent, New Bedford, Mass.<br />

Ira Darrow, late superintendent, Edgartown, Massachusetts<br />

Alfred Macy, superintendent, Nantuclret, Massachusetts<br />

E. W. Allen, late superintendent, Nantucket, Massachusetts<br />

J. P C. slather, late superintendent, New London, Connecticut<br />

Christian Metz, jr. , superintendent, Buffalo Creek, New York<br />

Warren Bryant, late superintendent, Buffalo Creek, New York<br />

Hiram Barney, superintendent, New York, New York.<br />

Augustus Schell, late superintendent, New York, New York<br />

T. D. Winner, superintendeut, Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey .<br />

J. S Jennings, late superintendent, Little Egg Harbor, New York. .<br />

J. H Bartlett, superiutendent, Little Egg Harbor, New York<br />

T. M. Rodney, superintendent, Wilmington, Delaware<br />

Jesse Sharpe, late superintendent, Wihnington, Delaware.<br />

J. T. Mason, late superintendent, Baltimore, Maryland<br />

J. J. Simpkins, late superintendent, Norfolk and Portsmouth, Virginia.<br />

J. S. Parker, superintendent, Cherrystone, Virginia<br />

H, F. Hancock, superintendent, Washington, North Carolina<br />

J. T, Miller, superintendent, Wilmington, North Carolina<br />

W. F Colcock, superintendent, Charleston, South Carolina .<br />

Thaddeus Sanford, superintendent, Mobile, Alabama. ..<br />

Joseph Sierra, superintendent, Pensacola, Florida,<br />

J. P. Baldwin, superintendent, Key West, Florida<br />

Thomas Ledwith, superintendent, St. John' s, Florida<br />

Nathan Blake, superintendent, Apalachicola) Florida<br />

Felix Livingston, late superintendent, Apalachicola, Florida<br />

F. H. Hatch, superintendent, New Orleans, Louisiana<br />

G. S. Patterson, superintendent, Sandusky, Ohio<br />

N. G. Isbell, superintendent, Detroit, Michigan.<br />

R. W. Davis, late superintendent, Detroit, Michigan<br />

B. F. Strother, superintendent, Chicago, Illinois<br />

C. N. Turnbull, topographical engineers<br />

W. I'. Smith, topographical engineers<br />

W. H. Stevens topographical engineers<br />

C. W. Pickering<br />

T. A. Jenkins. .<br />

13 00<br />

2, 458 30<br />

6& 354 00<br />

50 00<br />

150 00<br />

1, 936 00<br />

7, 074 00<br />

975 00<br />

2, 507 00<br />

915 00<br />

2, 992 00<br />

2, 874 24<br />

1, 196 64<br />

1, 038 45<br />

2, 041 13<br />

7) 228 18<br />

184 25<br />

197 50<br />

169 46<br />

1, 200 00<br />

2, 830 56<br />

25 00<br />

5) 905 51<br />

72 50<br />

4, 293 75<br />

2, 750 00<br />

6, 550 00<br />

2, 300 00<br />

1, 656 00<br />

2, 873 29<br />

150 00<br />

50 00<br />

150 00<br />

4, 957 69<br />

1&233 95<br />

700 00<br />

100 00<br />

461 25<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1&500 00<br />

150 60<br />

1, 115 66<br />

1, 000„00<br />

84) 380 15<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By M. Shoemaker<br />

J. T. Mason.<br />

F. H. Hatch<br />

M. Macdonald<br />

E. S. Hough<br />

1, 420 57<br />

225 43<br />

2& 150 00<br />

1, 028 79<br />

760 91<br />

5, 585 70<br />

678, 794 45



161<br />

l 860-' 6 l .<br />


Fuel and quarters of ogcers of the army serving on light-house<br />

To A. W. Whipple, i, opographical<br />

engineers<br />

J. N. Macomb, topographical engineers.<br />

Hartman Bache . do<br />

C. N. Turnbull. do.<br />

W. F. Smith . . do<br />

B, S. Alexander. . . do<br />

W. H. C. Whiting do<br />

W. H, Stevens . do<br />

N. Michler . . . . . do<br />

duty.<br />

494 49<br />

501 00<br />

672 50<br />

586 00<br />

310 24<br />

489 66<br />

87 00<br />

91 33<br />

600 00<br />

$3, 832 22<br />

Tou!ards the erection of a hght-house of granite, iron, or a combination of both,<br />

on the outer I&Iinot Ledge, entrance of Boston harbor, 3Iassachusetts.<br />

To B. F. Alexander, topographical engineers.<br />

W. F. Smith, topographical engineers.<br />

17, 500 00<br />

11 46<br />

$17, 511 46<br />

For rebuilding the tu&o light-house tomers on Thatcher's island, Cape Ann,<br />

itIassachusetts, and formfitting them with first order of illuminating apparatus.<br />

To C. N. Turnbull, topographical engineers. $40) 000 00<br />

Compensation of tu)o superintendents of life stations on the coast of Long<br />

Island and, Net&& Jersey.<br />

To S. C. Dunham, superintendent of life stations. . . .<br />

0. S. Denton, superintendent of life stations<br />

Daniel Townsend, superiutendent of life stations<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following<br />

By S. C. Dunham<br />

repayment:<br />

799 45<br />

1, 500 00<br />

873 62<br />

3, 173 07<br />

375 00<br />

$2, 798 07<br />

ComI&ensation of fifty four keepers of hfe stations, at $200 each per annum, on<br />

the coast of Nero Jersey.<br />

To S. C. Dunham, superintendent of life stations .<br />

0. S. Dcnton, superintendent of life stations .<br />

Daniel Townsend, superintendent of life stations.<br />

Froru which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following<br />

By S. C. Dunham.<br />

repayment:<br />

1, 350 00<br />

4, 768 13<br />

5, 400 00<br />

11, 518 13<br />

1, 350 00<br />

$10, 168 13

162<br />



1860-'61.<br />

Contingencies<br />


of life stations on the coast of Long Island and New Jersey,<br />

To S. C. Dunham, superintendent of life stations<br />

O. S. Denton, superintendent of life stations<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By S, C. Dunham.<br />

11 25<br />

309 91<br />

321 16<br />

11 25<br />

$309 91<br />

Rebuilding on a proper site the light-house destroyed by<br />

at Pungoteague, Virginia.<br />

ice during the last uinter<br />

To J. S. Parker, superintendent.<br />

$24 24<br />

ItebuiMing the light-house at Cape Canaveral, and fitting it up ivith first order<br />

catadioptric illuminating apparatus.<br />

To W, F. Smith, topographical engineers $23, 000 00<br />

Repairing the works and piers in order to preserve and secure the light-house<br />

at Chicago, Illinois.<br />

To W. F. Smith, topographical engineers $3, 500 00<br />

To enable the Light-house Board, under direction of the Secretary of the Treasury,<br />

to experiment with Dabotl'0 and other signals, and to purchase the signal<br />

erected by Dabolt, and now in operation at New London, Connecticut.<br />

To W. F. Smith, topographical engineers $1, 500 00<br />

Establishment and alteration of the beacon-light on long wharf, New IIaven,<br />

Connecticut.<br />

'To W. F. Smith, topographical engineers $2, 000 00<br />

Beacon-light on one of the Sisters' islands in the St. Lawrence river, below<br />

Alexandria bay.<br />

To J. J. Cisco, assistant treasurer, New York . . . . $2, 000 00<br />

For the erection of a stone beacon on iVilt reef, iVew York.<br />

To W. F. Smith, topographical engineers $3, 500 00<br />

RebuiMing the tu o light-house towers at Navesink, New Jersey.<br />

To W F. Smith, topographical engineers . . . . . $10, 000 00



1860-' 61<br />


Co/tstruction of a firs class light-house at Apateague, Virginia.<br />

To Hartman Bache, topographical engineers $3, 113 57<br />

Completing the tower and keeper's du, elling at Cape Charles, V»rginia.<br />

To J. N. 51acomb, topographical engineers $5, 000 00<br />

Erection of a light-house<br />

at 3]orth river, 1Vorth Carolina.<br />

To J. N. Xacomb, topographical engineers. $5, 000 00<br />

Light-house<br />

at the mouth of Cape Fear river, %orth Carolina.<br />

To W. H. C. Whiting, topographical engineers $700 00<br />

Commencement and completion of aniron screw light-house at or near the entrance<br />

of the channel of the 37ississ»pp» rior, at the Southwest Pass, JJc. , Louisiana.<br />

To W. F. Smith, topographical engineers $5, 000 00<br />

Rebuilding the to»cere at Whitefish Point, coast of Lake<br />

To W. F. Smith, topographical engineers<br />

John Pope, topographical engineers.<br />

Superior, 3Iichigan.<br />

29, 000 00<br />

4, 768 00<br />

$33, 768 00<br />

Fog-bell at Grand Haven light-house,<br />

SA'chigan.<br />

To W. F. Smith, topographical engineers $1& 500 00<br />

Completion and protection of u:ay to the light-house at EEuron, Ohio.<br />

To A. W. Whipple, topographical engineers $4, 000 00<br />

Protecting the piers and beacon-lights on the pier at Cleveland, Ol»io.<br />

To A. W. Whipple, topographical engineers $7 479 49<br />

Light-house on Raspberry island, one of the c4postle islands, Lake Superior,<br />

IVisconsin.<br />

To John Pope. topographical engineers<br />

W, F. Smith, topographical engineers<br />

500 00<br />

1, 250 00<br />

$1&750 00

164<br />



1860 —'61.<br />


Construction of a pier and light-house at 31ittcaukie, wisconsin.<br />

To W. F. Smith, topographical engineers Ill, 000 00<br />

Construction of a suitable beacon-light at the port of Racine, TTrisconsin,<br />

To W. F. Smith, topographical engineers $11, 000 00<br />

Eor a light-house at Red Blug;, Whitby'8 island, TVashington Terrztory.<br />

To N. Michler, United States navy $4, 000 00<br />

Oil and other supplies for fifteen lights, Sic. , on the coasts of California, Oregon,<br />

and washington.<br />

To B. F. Washington, late superintendent,<br />

C. S. Boggs, Uuited States navy<br />

San Francisco, California<br />

1, 109 00<br />

2, 350 00<br />

$3, 459 00<br />

8alaries of keepers and assistant keepers of light-houses<br />

nia, Oregon, and Washington.<br />

on the coasts of Califor-<br />

To John Adair, superintendent,<br />

Oregon<br />

B. J. Burns, superintendent, Cape Perpetua, Oregon<br />

P. H. Downey, superintendent, San Pedro, California<br />

J. A. Watson, superintendent, Monterey, California<br />

B. F. Washington, late superintendent, San Francisco, California<br />

H. Hancock, superintendent, San Diego, California<br />

N. Michler, United States navy<br />

C. C. Phillips<br />

1, 350 00<br />

866 66<br />

1, 487 26<br />

975 00<br />

5, 805 00<br />

950 66<br />

2, 150 00<br />

4& 386 12<br />

ZZ17, 970 70<br />

Commission of 2-', per cent. to such superintendents as are entitled to the same,<br />

on the coasts of Calzfornia, Oregon, and Washington.<br />

To B. J. Burns, superintendent,<br />

C. C. Phillips<br />

C. H. Peasle<br />

Cape Perpetua, Oregon<br />

21 66<br />

109 65<br />

866 52<br />

$987 83<br />

Repairs and incidental expenses of lights and buildings. connected thereurith on<br />

the coasts of California, Ozegon, and Washington.<br />

To B. F. Washington, late superintendent, San Francisco, California. . . 1, 066 49<br />

N, Michler, United States navy . 3, 680 67<br />

64, 746 16

1860- 61.<br />




Expenses of raising, cleaning, repairing, and removing, Jfc. , floating beacons,<br />

buoys, tI, on the coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington.<br />

To B. F. Washington, late superintendent,<br />

N. Michler, United States navy .<br />

P. Della Torre<br />

San Francisco, California<br />

165<br />

495 95<br />

822 12<br />

500 00<br />

$1, 818 07<br />

Providi ng a suitable vessel and maintaining the same in, visiting the lights, gc. „<br />

for inspection and delivery of supplies, and for transportatiou of materials&,<br />

supplies, and laborers for repairing, &I'yc. , light-houses on the Pacific coast.<br />

To C. S. Boggs, United States navy $29, 990 00'<br />

Contingencies rf& life-saving apparatus on the coast of the United 8!ates.<br />

To Marshall LeiYarts<br />

H. P. Gardner<br />

Daniel Townsend<br />

3. 784 00<br />

6, 633 23<br />

200 00<br />

$10& 617 23<br />

Light-house at Point Lobos, Cahfornia.<br />

To<br />

. Della Torre<br />

$250 00<br />

3Iari&re hospital<br />

establishment.<br />

To W'ashington Long, agent, Passamaquoddy, Maine. . . .<br />

Robert Burns, late ageni, , Passamaquoddy, Maine<br />

Bion Bradbury, late agent, Passamaquoddy, Maine<br />

A. F. Parlin, late agent, Machias, Maine.<br />

T. D. Jones, late agent, Frenchman's Bay, Maine<br />

Davis Tillsnn, agent, Waldoborough, Maine<br />

J. H. Kennedy, late agent, Waldoborough, Maine<br />

Jedediah Jewett, agent, Portland and Fain&outh, ELaine<br />

Moses Macdonald, late agent, Portland and Falmouth, Maine . .<br />

Thomas K. Lane, agent, Saco, Maine<br />

A. A. Hanscom, late agent, Saco, Maine.<br />

John Cousens, agent, Kennebec, Maine<br />

Luther Jenkius, agent, York, Maine<br />

J. G. Dickerson, agent, Belfast, Maine<br />

D. F. Leavitt, agent, Bangor, Maine<br />

Augustus Jenkins, agent, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.<br />

William Clapp, agent, Burlington, Vermont<br />

Charles Linsley, late agent, Burlington, Vermont<br />

James Blood, agent, Newburyport, Massachusetts<br />

Gorham Babson, agent, Gloucester, Massachusetts<br />

W. B. Pike, late agent, Salem and Beverly, Elassachusetts<br />

J. S. Whitney, late agent, Boston and Charlestown, Massachusetts<br />

S. B. Phinney, agent, Barnsiable, Irfassachusetts<br />

C. B. H. I'esseuden, agent, Ncw Bedford, Massachusetts.<br />

Ira Darrow, late agent, Edgartown, Elassachusetts<br />

Charles Anthony, agent, Providence, Rhode Island<br />

J. A. Aborn, late agent, Providence, Rhode Island.<br />

G, H Rr ynolds, late agent, Bristol and Warren, Rhode Island<br />

225 00<br />

2, 025 00<br />

189 64<br />

700 00<br />

554 00<br />

400 00<br />

1, 097 00<br />

520 00<br />

4, 732 00<br />

125 00<br />

1 25<br />

101 00<br />

10 37<br />

387 00<br />

1, 603 00<br />

1, 125 00<br />

101 00<br />

202 00<br />

7 50<br />

134 00<br />

71 00<br />

18, 124 00<br />

7, 797 00<br />

253 00<br />

2, 296 00<br />

405 00<br />

3, 827 00<br />

207 00<br />

Carried forward $47, 219 76

166<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

To Gilbert Chase, late agent, Newport, Rhode Island<br />

Edward Prentiss, agent, New London, Connecticut<br />

J. P. C. Mather, late agent, New London, Connecticut<br />

Patrick Fsgsn, agent, Middletown, Connecticut<br />

J. F. Babcock, agent, New Haven, Connecticut<br />

M. A. Osborn, late agent, New Haven, Connecticut.<br />

W. S. Pomeroy, agent, Fairfield, Connecticut<br />

P. M. Bromley, agent, Genesee, New York<br />

J. B. Higgins, agent, Oswego, New York<br />

G. P. Eddy, agent, Niagara, New York<br />

C. Metz, jr. , agent, Buffalo Creek, New York<br />

Warren Bryant, late agent, BufFalo Creek, New York.<br />

D. M. Chapin, agent, Oswcgatchie, New York<br />

Augustus Schell, late agent, New York, New York<br />

Theophilus Peuguet, agent, Cape Vincent, New York.<br />

W. S. Bowen, agent, Bridgetown, New Jersey.<br />

T. D. Winner, agent, Great Egg Harbor, New Jersey<br />

J, S. Jennings, agent, Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey<br />

C. W. Bstchelor, agent, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.<br />

J. A. Gibson, late agent, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania<br />

W. B. Thomas, agent, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania<br />

J, B. Baker, late agent, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania<br />

C. M. 'Iibballs, agent, Presque Isle, Pennsylvania<br />

H. W. Hoffman, agent, Baltimore, Maryland<br />

J. T. Mason, late agent, Baltimore, Maryland<br />

El. C. Mathews, agent, Georgetown, District of Columbia.<br />

W. M. Harrison, late agent, Richmond, Virginia . . . . .<br />

J. J. Simpkins, agent, Norfolk and Portsmouth, Virginia<br />

G. T. Wright, agent, Tappahannock, Virginia<br />

E. S. Hough, late agent, Alexandria, Virginia.<br />

Timothy Rives, agent, Petersburg, Virginia<br />

A. J. Psnncll, late agent, Wheeling, Virginia<br />

L. D. Starke, agent, Camdea, North Carolina<br />

Edmund Wright, agent, Edeutou, North Carolina<br />

Joseph Ramsey, agent, Plymouth, North Carolina<br />

O. S. Dewey, agent, Ocrscoke, North Carolina.<br />

J. E. Gibble, late agent, Beaufort, North Carolina.<br />

J. T. Miller, agent, Wilmiugton, North Carolina<br />

W. F. Colcock, agent, Charleston, South Carolina.<br />

J. N. Merriman, agent, Georgetown, South Carolina<br />

John Boston, agent, Savannah, Georgia<br />

Woodford Mabry, agent, Brunswick, Georgia.<br />

Thaddeus Sanford, agent, Mobile, Alabama.<br />

John Hunter, agent, Natchez, Mississippi<br />

John Bobb, agent, Vicksburg, Mississippi.<br />

Joseph Sierra, agent, Pensacola, Florida<br />

J. P. Baldwin, agent, Key West, Florida.<br />

A. B. Noyes, agent, St. Mark's, Florida.<br />

Thomas Ledwith, agent, St John' s, Florida<br />

R. J. Floyd, agent, App&alschicola, Florida<br />

F. H. Hatch, agent, New Orleans, Louisiana.<br />

Hamilton Stewart, agent, Galveston, Texas. ..<br />

D, M. Stspp, agent, Saluria, Texas. ...<br />

F. W. Lathsm, agent, Brazos de Santiago, Texas W. N. Haldeman, agent, Louisville, Kentucky ....<br />

William Nolen, agent, Psducah,<br />

Jesse Thomas, agent, Nashville,<br />

Kentucky<br />

Tennessee<br />

H. T. Hubbard, agent, Memphis, Teuaessee<br />

D. H. Donovan, agent, St, Louis, Missouri<br />

T. J. Sherlock, agent, Cincinnati, Ohio.<br />

E. D. Potter, agent, Miami, Ohio .<br />

47, 219 76<br />

675 00<br />

16 00<br />

308 00<br />

408 00<br />

101 00<br />

587 00<br />

25 00<br />

215 pp<br />

4, 195 00<br />

78 00<br />

757 pp<br />

3& 724 00<br />

49 00<br />

29& 350 00<br />

100 00<br />

598 00<br />

24 00<br />

43 00<br />

2, 041 00<br />

3, 486 00<br />

I, 200 00<br />

5, 890 00<br />

175 00<br />

1, 312 00<br />

3& 937 00<br />

805 00<br />

800 00<br />

3&431 00<br />

210 00<br />

275 00<br />

620 00<br />

1, 012 00<br />

952 00<br />

166 00<br />

401 00<br />

I, 994 00<br />

85 00<br />

2, 492 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

325 00<br />

4, 871 00<br />

172 00<br />

8, 307 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

2, 750 00<br />

1, 883 00<br />

1, 453 00<br />

2, 060 00<br />

116 00<br />

373 00<br />

26, 666 00<br />

i&, 902 00<br />

600 00<br />

13 00<br />

10, 833 00<br />

10, 100 00<br />

290 00<br />

I, 966 00<br />

]0, 500 00<br />

9, 347 00<br />

I, 287 00<br />

Carried forward . $224, 465 76



167<br />

1860-' 61.<br />


Brought forward. .<br />

To John Youngs, agent, Sandusky, Ohio.<br />

G. S. Patterson, late agent, Sandusky, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Benjamin Brownell, agent, Cuyahoga, Ohio.<br />

N. G. Isbell, agent, Detroit, Michigan.<br />

R. W. Davis, late agent, Detroit, Michigan.<br />

J. A. T. Wendell, agent, Michilimackinac, Michigan<br />

Julius White, agent, Chicago, Illinois<br />

B. F. Strother, late agent, Chicago, Illinois.<br />

Daniel Warm, agent, Galena, Illinois.<br />

Charles Denby, agent, Evansville, Indiana.<br />

Edwin Palmer, agent, Milwaukie, Wisconsin . . .<br />

G. W. Classon, late agent, MHwaukie, Wisconsin . .<br />

Philip Harvey, agent, Burlington, Iowa<br />

B. F. Washington, late agent, San Francisco, California. ...... . ..<br />

M. H. Frost, late agent, Puget's Sound, Washington Territory . . . . .<br />

G. G. Bowden<br />

A. A. Eddington<br />

J. H. Nichols<br />

C. C. Phillips<br />

Nathan Baker .<br />

Jonathan Dickerson<br />

J. Berger<br />

M, Shoemaker<br />

B. H. Wirtz<br />

Stark Denham<br />

M. Whallon<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By F. H. Hatch.<br />

John Brawley.<br />

J. A. Gibson.<br />

C, Norton<br />

J. A. Baratle.<br />

W. H. Singleton.<br />

Luther Jenkins<br />

W. Mabrey .<br />

W. F. Colcock<br />

J. E. Gibble.<br />

M, Macdonald.<br />

Charles Anthony<br />

Charles Linsley<br />

J. B. Bowdish<br />

Annual<br />

repairs of marine hospitals.<br />

To Benjamin Brownell, late agent, Cuyahoga, Ohio ..<br />

J. J. Simpkins, agent, Norfolk and Portsmouth, Virginia ...<br />

1lIari ne hospital at Portland, 3Iaine.<br />

To S. 51. McKcan, disbursing clerk Treasury Department. .<br />

C. M. Plumn&er .<br />

Which d<strong>edu</strong>ct from the following repayment:<br />

By M. 5lacdonald<br />

Escess of repayment .<br />

3, 979 81<br />

52 96<br />

36 00<br />

11 38<br />

29 31<br />

108 42<br />

64<br />

50 14<br />

173 40<br />

28 40<br />

46 93<br />

405 Ou<br />

13 20<br />

114 30<br />

224, 465 76<br />

50 00<br />

267 00<br />

5, 421 00<br />

1, 141 00<br />

5, 438 76<br />

389 00<br />

705 00<br />

6, 691 00<br />

350 00<br />

5, 170 00<br />

891 00<br />

2, 062 00<br />

1, 767 00<br />

32, 846 00<br />

3, 640 00<br />

156 83<br />

3&961 20<br />

1, 435 00<br />

15, 474 00<br />

888 00<br />

889 00<br />

. 3 20<br />

73 96<br />

144 00<br />

536 00<br />

34 51<br />

314, 890 22<br />

5, 049 89<br />

$309&840 33<br />

49 00<br />

450 00<br />

$499 00<br />

12 00<br />

143 I?<br />

155 17<br />

1, 402 55<br />

$1, 247 38

168<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Marine hospital at Chelsea, Massach, usetts.<br />

To S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department. . . . . . . . . . .<br />

J. S. Whitney, late agent, Boston, Massachusetts. . . . . . .<br />

B. S. Alexander.<br />

5 00<br />

1, 400 00<br />

279 69<br />

$1, 684 69<br />

Marine hospital at Burlington,<br />

Vermont.<br />

To J. B. Bowdish, fate agent, Burlington, Vermont . . . 80 20<br />

Marine hospital at Wilmington,<br />

North Carolina.<br />

To S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department $51 40<br />

To provide for a suitawe building<br />

as a vnarine hospital at St. 1lIark's, Elorida.<br />

To S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Departruent. . . . . . . .<br />

A. B. Noyes, agent, St. Mark's, Florida<br />

25 00<br />

1, 478 80<br />

81, 503 80<br />

Construction of a marine hospital at Netc Orleans, Louisiana.<br />

To F. H. Hatch, agent, New Orleans, Louisiana<br />

S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department. .<br />

The Trenton Locomotive Company, kc<br />

3, 002 24<br />

305 00<br />

10, 731 80<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By F. H. Hatch<br />

14, 039 04<br />

6, 987 65<br />

$7)051 39<br />

Ten per cent. for contingent expenses, gc. , in the erection of a marine hospital<br />

at Nem Orleans, Louisiana.<br />

To F. H. Hatch, agent, New Orleans, Louisiana. 8274 73<br />

Construction of a marine hospital at Cincinnati, Ohio.<br />

To T. J. Sherlock, late agent, Cincinnati, Ohio. $1, 831 il<br />

Construction of a marine hospital at Euansuille, Indiana.<br />

To Charles Denby, agent, Evansville, Indiana $100 00<br />

Construction of a marine hospital at Detroit, Ilichigan.<br />

To R. W. Davis, late agent, Detroit, Michigan $835 37



169<br />

1860-' 61.<br />


Construction of a marine hospital at Burlington, Iowa.<br />

To S. M. 51cKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department $5 00<br />

Annual repairs, 8jc. , of cu;tom-houses.<br />

To J, R. Redman, late collector, Penobscot, Jlaine.<br />

M. Macdonald, late collector, Portland and Falmonth, Ilaine<br />

Bion Bradbury, late collector, Passamaquoddy, Maine<br />

S. B. Phinney, late collector, Barnstable, Massachusetts. ..... ....<br />

J. A. . Gibson, late collector, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. ...<br />

E. S. Hough, late collector, Alexandria, Virginia,<br />

Joseph Ramsey, late collector, Plymouth, North Carolina<br />

J. A. T. Wendell, late collector, 51ichilimackinac, Michigan.<br />

S. 51. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department<br />

John Frazer.<br />

James Blood<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By John Brawley<br />

S. M. Clark<br />

C. B H. Fessenden<br />

26<br />

337 52<br />

265 06<br />

8 53<br />

200 00<br />

645 47<br />

225 00<br />

107 50<br />

25 00<br />

219 25<br />

155 00<br />

65 00<br />

53 97<br />

75 00<br />

Ii779 72<br />

602 84<br />

$1, 176 88<br />

Fencing and grading the site of the custom-house<br />

at Bath, Maine.<br />

To Joseph Berry, late collector, Bath, Maine $18 42<br />

Custom-house at Ellstvorth, Maine.<br />

To James White<br />

To James White.<br />

Custom;house<br />

at Bef last, Maine.<br />

$1, 721 85<br />

$2, 131 37<br />

For the accommodatton of the custom-house, post once, and United States courts,<br />

Portsmouth, Irew Hampshire.<br />

To Augustus Jenkins, collector, Portsmouth, New Hampshire<br />

S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department. .<br />

Wood tt Perot<br />

Cornelius tr, Baker<br />

3, 250 00<br />

112 50<br />

I, 386 88<br />

334 59<br />

$5, 083 97<br />

Custom-house,<br />

Jyc. , at Bristol, Bhode Island.<br />

To G. H. Reynolds, collector, Bristol, Rhode Island . . . .<br />

8 51, McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department.<br />

Wood 6r, Perot<br />

799 00<br />

74 00<br />

412 50<br />

$1, 285 50

170<br />

1860-'61.<br />




Custom-house,<br />

gc. , at New Ha«en, Connecticut.<br />

To M. A. Osborn, late collector, New Haven, Connecticut . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

J. T. Babcock, late collector, New Haven, Connecticut .<br />

S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department<br />

Linus Yale, jr. ,<br />

Gr, Co<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By M. A. . Osborn.<br />

544 81<br />

866 00<br />

IIO 00<br />

168 50<br />

I, 689 31<br />

226 11<br />

$1, 463 20<br />

'Pen per cent. for contingent expenses, gc. , in the erection of a custom-house at<br />

Plattsburg, New York.<br />

'To H. B. Smith, collector, Plattsburg, New York $25 00<br />

Custom-house,<br />

gc. , at Oswego, iVew York.<br />

To J. B. Higgins, collector<br />

S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department<br />

15 88<br />

54 00<br />

$69 88<br />

Ten pe~ cent. for contingent expenses, Q. , in the erection of a custom-house at<br />

Buffalo, New York.<br />

To S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department . . . . $198 40<br />

I'en per cent. for contingent expenses of the custom-h5use, tIc. , at Berth rfmboy,<br />

New Jersey.<br />

To S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department . 6142 50<br />

Repairs of custom-house<br />

at Baltimore, Jtraryland.<br />

'To J. T. 5Iason, late collector, Baltimore, Maryland<br />

S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department. . . . . . .<br />

Cornelius &, Baker<br />

J. Gt W. Henderson<br />

9, 200 00<br />

638 48<br />

121 60<br />

3, 566 61<br />

813, 526 70<br />

Purchase of a site and erection of a custont-house<br />

To S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department.<br />

J. H. Sale.<br />

at No~folk, Virginia.<br />

40 00<br />

446 00<br />

$486 00



171<br />

1860-'61.<br />


Custom-house, Jfc. , at Wheeling, Virginia.<br />

To A, J. Pannell, late collector, Wheeling, Virginia $698 75<br />

Custom-house at Petersburg, VirginM.<br />

To James Minetree<br />

S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department. .<br />

17 509 50<br />

9 00<br />

$1, 518 50<br />

Custom-house at Charleston, South Carolina.<br />

To W. F. Colcock, collector, Charleston, South Carolina<br />

S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department<br />

Edward Learned<br />

James Berwick<br />

Cooper, Hewitt 8r, Co<br />

Hayward, Bartlett sr Co<br />

Laborers .<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By W. F. Colcock.<br />

14& 450 00<br />

1, 518 20<br />

58, 988 22<br />

116 00<br />

1, 148 89<br />

1, 566 30<br />

1, 577 00<br />

79, 364 61<br />

3, 0'l9 92<br />

$76, 2S4 69<br />

Purchase of a site and erection of a custom;house<br />

rooms for y&ost once, Jfc.<br />

1'o S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department. . . . . .<br />

Wood Jr Perot .<br />

at mobile, Alabama, to contain<br />

95 00<br />

460 50<br />

$550 50<br />

Construction of a custom-house at New Orleans, Louisiana.<br />

To F. H. Hatch, collector, New Orleans, Louisiana<br />

S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department<br />

Learned, Fisher 8r Co<br />

Charles Knapp<br />

F. H. North<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By F. H. Hatch 10, 212 96<br />

A. G. Penn . . . . 1, 473 14<br />

39, 000 00<br />

1, 411 06<br />

10, 664 89<br />

363 87<br />

175 00<br />

51, 614 82<br />

11, 686 10<br />

$39, 928 72

'<br />

172<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Custom-house, t6c. , at Galveston, Texas.<br />

To Hamilton Stewart, collector, Galveston, Texas .<br />

Blaisdell th Emerson<br />

19, 000 00<br />

59, 300 95<br />

$78, 300 06<br />

Ten, per cent. for contingent expenses, gc. , in the erection of a custom-house at<br />

CralUeston, Texas.<br />

To S. M. McKean, disbursing<br />

S. T. G. Morsell<br />

Blaisdell 6r Emerson<br />

clerk Treasury Department<br />

420 00<br />

64 00<br />

237 25<br />

$721 25<br />

Purchase of a site and erection of a fireproof building at St. Louis, Missouri,<br />

for custom-house, independent treasury, gc.<br />

To D. H. Donovan, late collector, St. Louis, 'Missouri<br />

S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasiuy Department.<br />

9, 575 04<br />

25 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following<br />

By D. H. Donovan<br />

W.<br />

repayments:<br />

395 02<br />

5, 900 61<br />

9. 600 04<br />

6, 295 63<br />

$3, 304 41<br />

Ten per cent. for contingent expenses in the erection of a custom-house st<br />

Toledo, Ohio.<br />

To S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department $25 00 i<br />

Construction of a building at Sanduslcy, Ohio, for the accommodation of 0<br />

custom-house, post once, gc.<br />

To G. S. Patterson, late collector, Sandusky, Ohio $50 00<br />

Custom-house, tyc. , at Cleveland, Ohio.<br />

To Robert Parks, late collector, Cleveland,<br />

Benjamin Broivnell.<br />

Ohio.<br />

401 60<br />

450 00<br />

8851 60<br />

Ten per cent. for contingent expenses, tjc. , in the erection of a custom-house at<br />

Clei:eland, Ohio.<br />

To S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department $75 00

1860-' 61.<br />




173<br />

Custrrm-house,<br />

To B. F. Strother, late collector, Chicago,<br />

Cornelius & Baker<br />

C. A. James, deceased<br />

Heywood,<br />

Bartlett & Co<br />

Linus Yale, jr. , & Co<br />

F. H. North<br />

tj. c. , at Chicago, Fdinois.<br />

Illinois 10, 650 00<br />

1, 422 01<br />

35, 704 70<br />

11, 559 09<br />

1, 006 00<br />

819 00<br />

$61, 160 80<br />

Ten per cent. for contingent expenses, abc. , in the erectz'on of' a custom-house at<br />

Chicago, Illinois.<br />

To B. F. Strother, late collector, Chicago, Illinois<br />

S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department.<br />

1, 900 00<br />

420 00<br />

$2, 320 00<br />

For the accommodation of a custom-house and post once at Galena, Illinois.<br />

To C. P. Dixon $66 50<br />

Custom-house<br />

at Detroit, 3A'chigan.<br />

To W. W. Davis, late collector, Detroit, Michigan<br />

S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department<br />

Cornelius &, Baker<br />

G. R. Jackson & Co .<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment;<br />

By M. Shoemaker<br />

9, 450 00<br />

175 00<br />

625 17<br />

3, 094 14<br />

13, 344 31<br />

460 70<br />

$12, 883 61<br />

For the accommodation of a custom-house and post once at Dubuque, iowa.<br />

To Edward Spottswood, collector, Dubuque, Iowa<br />

S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk 'I'reasury Department<br />

William Stewart<br />

Trenton Iron Company<br />

Linus Yale, jr.<br />

Moorehead & Co.<br />

Schanck & Downing.<br />

36, 650 00<br />

127 63<br />

4, 545 51<br />

743 50<br />

483 00<br />

2, 074 07<br />

784 72<br />

$45, 408 43<br />

Erectio~ of a custom-house at San Francisco, California, to contain rooms for<br />

post once, Jfc.<br />

To S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department $801 30<br />

Construction, of appraiser'8 slore for the custom-house at San Francisco, Cal.<br />

To J. M, Phillips $5, 733 84

174<br />



18 60-' 61.<br />


Construction of warehouses at quarantine station on the mississippi river, beloM<br />

New Orleans, Louisiana.<br />

To F. H. Hatch, collector, New Orleans, Louisiana . . . . . . 3, 000 00<br />

S. M. McKean, disbursing clerk Treasury Department . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the followiug repayment:<br />

3, 055 00<br />

By F. H. Hatch. 95 76<br />

82, 959 22'<br />

To enable<br />

To Peter Campan.<br />

the Secretary of the Treasury to pay Peter Campan, per act tune<br />

20, 1860.<br />

$103 33<br />

i<br />

Expenses of depositing public moneys by registers and receivers<br />

moneys.<br />

To J. W. RVarner, late receiver, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. .<br />

R. F. Cook, late receiver, Elba, Alabama.<br />

L. M. Stiff, late receiver, Centre, Alabama .<br />

E. M. Hastings, late receiver, Montgomery, Alabama .<br />

S. M. Torbert, late receiver, Demopolis, Alabama .<br />

T. E. Herbert, late receiver, Greenville, Alabama<br />

J. J. Gage, late receiver, Grenada, Mississippi .<br />

A. R. Carter, late receiver, Augusta, Mississippi<br />

W. N. Whitehurst, late receiver, Washington, Mississippi ..<br />

R. D. Hadeu, late receiver, Columbus, Mississippi. .<br />

John Posey, late receiver, Opelousas, Louisiana ..<br />

C. H. Dabbs, late receiver, Monroe, Louisiana .<br />

J. B. McClendon, late receiver, Greensburg, Louisiana .<br />

T. C. Hunt, late receiver, Natchitoches, Louisiana. .<br />

John Laplace, late receiver, Natchitoches, Louisiana.<br />

D. Griibn, late receiver, Washington, Arkansas<br />

W. A. Bevins, late receiver, Batesville, Arkansas .<br />

M. Rose, late receiver, Clarksville, Arkansas<br />

W. T. Sargent, late receiver, Champagnole, Arkansas. . . . . .<br />

J. L. Dickson, late receiver, Fayetteville, Arkansas.<br />

J. J. Turnbaugh, receiver, Jackson, Missouri. .<br />

O. A. Stevens, receiver, Traverse City, Michigan<br />

W. L. P. Little, receiver, East Saginaw, Michigan. .<br />

H. J. Wilson, receiver, Ionia, Michigan<br />

S. Ryan, receiver, Manasha, Wisconsin<br />

T. Rodolpb, receiver, LaCrosse, Wisconsin<br />

T. Sargent, receiver, Fort Dodge, Iowa.<br />

S, E, Adams, receiver, St. Cloud, Minnesota . . .<br />

G. Bradley, receiver, Forest City, Minnesota.<br />

C. Graham, receiver, Henderson, Minnesota<br />

J. H. McKenney, receiver, Chatfield, Minnesota. . . . . .<br />

W. Brindle, receiver, Lecompton, Kansas.<br />

G. J. Clark, receiver, Fort Scott, Kansas<br />

Daniel tVoodson, receiver, Kickapoo, Kansas . . . . . . .<br />

J. Hopkins, receiver, Marysville, California<br />

of public<br />

252 00<br />

90 00<br />

168 40<br />

160 00<br />

60 00<br />

94 20<br />

60 00<br />

175 00<br />

60 00<br />

150 00<br />

500 00<br />

300 00<br />

33 60<br />

1, 750 00<br />

1, 158 00<br />

75 00<br />

340 00<br />

220 00<br />

1, 781 75<br />

595 00<br />

56 40<br />

116 60<br />

20 00<br />

25 00<br />

80 00<br />

253 30<br />

48 00<br />

50 00<br />

70 00<br />

100 00<br />

144 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

100 00<br />

100 00<br />

105 00<br />

$10, 781 25



175<br />

1860-' 61.<br />

Salaries and compensation<br />


of reyisters of the land vices and recet'vers of public<br />

moneys.<br />

To T. E Herbert, late receiver and disbursing agent, Greenville, Als<br />

John &. Nance, late receiver and disbursing agent, Huntsville, Als<br />

E. i51. Hastings, receiver and disbursing agent, Montgomery Als<br />

J. W. Warren, receiver and disbursing agent, Tuscaloosa, Ala<br />

R. F. cook, receiver and disbursing agent, Elba, Ala<br />

L. M. Stifi; receiver snd disbursing agent, Centre, Alabama<br />

S. M. Torbert, receiver and disburring agent, Demopolis, Als<br />

Benjamin Doyd, deceased, late receiver snd disbursing agent, Greenville,<br />

Ala<br />

J. J. Gage, late receiver and disbursing agent, Grenada, Miss<br />

W. A. Whitehurst, receiver and disbursing agent, Washington, Miss.<br />

R D. Hsden, receiver and disbursing agent, Columbus, Miss<br />

A. R. Carter, receiver and disbursing agent, Paulding, Miss . . . .<br />

R. A. Clark, receiver and disbursing agent, Jackson, Miss. . . . . . . . . .<br />

W. H. Palfrey, receiver and disbursing agent, Ne&v Orleans, La.<br />

J. B. McClendon, receiver and disbursing ~gent, Greensburg, La. .<br />

C. H, Dabbs, receiver and disbursing agent, Monroe, La<br />

John Posey, receiver and disbursing agent, Opelousas, La. ..<br />

T. H, Hunt, late receiver and disbursing agent, Natchitoches, La<br />

John Laplace, receiver and disbursing agent, Natchitoches, La<br />

F. P. Ferreirs, receiver and aisbursing agent, St. Augustine, Fla<br />

M. Post, receiver and disbursing agent, Tampa, Fls. .<br />

A. L. Woodward, receiver snd disbursing agent, Tallahassee, Fla ....<br />

W, F. Ssrgent, receiver and disbursing agent, Champagnole, Ark .<br />

J. L. Dickson, receiver and disbursing agent, Fsyctteville, Ark. .. J. P. Cruichfield, receiver snd disbursing agent, Little Rock, Ark. . W. A. Bevins, receiver and disbursing agent, Batcsville, Ark.<br />

M. Rose, receiver and disbursing agent, Cl &rksville, Ark .<br />

D. Grifiith, receiver and disbursing agent, Washington, Ark<br />

J. 8, Dougherty, receiver aud disbursing agent, St. Louis, Mo<br />

E. E. Buckner, receiver snd disbursing agent, Boonville, Mo<br />

T. J. Bishop, receiver and disbursing agent, Springfield, Mo<br />

J. J. Turnbaugh, receiver snd disbursing agent, Jackson, Mo<br />

A. G. Herndon, receiver and disbursing agent, Springfield, Ill<br />

T. McNelly, receiver and disbursing agent, Chilicothe, Ohio .. .<br />

C. C. Campbell, receiver and disbursing agent, Indianapolis, Ind<br />

G. E. Green, receiver snd disbursing agent, Vincennes, Ind. Jacob Beeson, receiver and disbursing agent, Detroit, Mich ....<br />

G. S. Frost, receiver and disbursing ageut, Detroit, 51ich<br />

C. Q. Heyerman, late receiver and disbursing agent, Detroit, klich<br />

O. A, Stevens, receiver snd disbursing agent, Traverse City, Mich<br />

H. J. WRson, receiver and disbursing agent, Ionia, Mich<br />

J. C. Dexter, receiver and disbursing agent. Ionia, Mich.<br />

W. L P. Little, receiver and disbursing agent, E&st Saginaw, Mich<br />

C. K. Robinson, receiver snd disbursing agent, East Saginaw, Mich<br />

E. Warner, receiver and disbursing agent, Marquette, Mich.<br />

Peter White, receiver ami disbursing agent, Marquette, Mich. .... .<br />

H. A. Mathcr, receiver and disbursi&ig agent, Marquette, Mich.<br />

J. D. Reyment, receiver and disbursing agent, Henderson, 1Vis.<br />

S. Ryan, receiver and disliursing agent, illenasba, Wis ...<br />

N. S. Boydeu, receiver and &iisbursing agent, Eau Claire, Wis. ......<br />

J. E. Perkins, receiver an&i disbursing agent, . Eau Claire, Wis<br />

A. G. Ellis, receiver and disbursing agent, Stevens's Point, Wis<br />

Almanson Esston, receiver and disbursing a& ent, Stevens's Point, AVis<br />

T. Rush Spencer, receiver aud disbursing agent, Superior, Wis<br />

T. Rodolph, receiver and disbursirig ageut, La Crosse, Wis .<br />

Milton Bsrlow, receiver and disbursing agent, Ls Crosse, Wis.<br />

Isaac Cooper, receiver and disbursing agent, Fort des Moines, Iuws<br />

J. G, W& eke, receiver su&i disbursing agent, i'ort des Moines, luv a<br />

], 282 67<br />

1, 900 00<br />

1. 111 80<br />

3, 000 00<br />

1, 747 53<br />

801 15<br />

700 00<br />

525 00<br />

330 00<br />

367 86<br />

1, 020 58<br />

2, 250 00<br />

229 16<br />

520 00<br />

1, 750 00<br />

11150 00<br />

4, 619 00<br />

4, 150 00<br />

5, 614 72<br />

540 00<br />

805 00<br />

1) 112 00<br />

5, 679 64<br />

1, 525 30<br />

1, 200 00<br />

1, 767 14<br />

Z, 060 93<br />

1, 100 00<br />

805 00<br />

923 00<br />

2, 527 00<br />

2, 813 64<br />

2, 044 27<br />

830 66<br />

1, 2 I 9 00<br />

330 00<br />

20 73<br />

707 00<br />

827 88<br />

1, 831 47<br />

1, 237 00<br />

240 00<br />

870 00<br />

230 00<br />

427 54<br />

369 90<br />

300 00<br />

984 13<br />

1, 090 00<br />

500 00<br />

1, 748 18<br />

810 00<br />

211 81<br />

525 00<br />

1, 530 00<br />

288 58<br />

1, 150 00<br />

220 00<br />

Carned forward. 875, 470 72

176<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward . .<br />

To T. Sargent, receiver and disbursing agent, Fort Dodge, iowa .<br />

A. H. Palmer, receiver and disbursing agent, Council Bluffs, Iowa<br />

D. C. Bloomer, receiver and disbursing agent, Council Bluffs, Iowa<br />

R. Means, receiver and disbursing agent, Sioux City, iowa. . .<br />

C. W. Hobbs, receiver and disbursing agent, Osage, Iowa.<br />

W. Sawyer, receiver and disbursing agent, Otter Tail City, Minn .<br />

G. B Cletherall, receiver and disbursing agent, Ot:er Tail City, Minn.<br />

B. F. Tillotson, receiver and disbursing agent, St. Peter' s, Minn . . .<br />

John Kern, receiver and disbursing agent, St. Peter' s, 5Iinn . . . .<br />

S. L. Hays, receiver and disbursing agent, St. Cloud, Minn<br />

S. E. adams, receiver and disbursing agent, St. Cloud, Minn .<br />

J. D. Evans, receiver and disbursiog agent, Forest City, Minn<br />

G. Bradley, receiver and disbursing agent, Forest City, Minn. . . . . . .<br />

J. H. McKenny, receiver and disbursing agent, Chatfield, Minn<br />

J. Whipple, receiver and disbursing agent, Portland, Minn.<br />

J. S. Watrous, late receiver and disbursing agent, Portland, Minn<br />

M. H. Abbott, receiver aod disbursing agent, Cambridge, Minn.<br />

C. Graham, receiver and disbursing agent, Henderson, Minn .<br />

W. H. Mower, receiver and disbursing agent, Sunrise City, Minn<br />

L. K. Stannard, receiver aod disbursing agent, Sunrise City, Minn. . . .<br />

F. Patterson, receiver and disbursing agent, Ogden, Kansas ..<br />

G. J. Clark, receiver and disbursing agent, Fort Scott, Kansas<br />

W. Brindle, receiver and disbursing agent, Lecompton, Kansas. ..<br />

James E. Jones, receiver and disbursiog<br />

Daniel Woodson, receiver and disbursing<br />

agent, Lecompton, Kansas<br />

agent, Kickapoo, Kansas<br />

P. Whitfield, receiver and disbursing agent, Kickapoo, K;msas<br />

P. F. Wilson, receiver and disbursing age»t, Omaha, Neb.<br />

B. M. Trumbull, receiver and disbursing agent, Omaha, Neb . . . . . . . .<br />

Geo. B. Graft', receiver and disbursing agent, Dakota, , Neb. .<br />

A. H. Jackson, receiver and disbursing ageut, Dakota, Neb<br />

E. A. Deslonde, receiver aod disbursing agent, Nebraska City, Neb<br />

C. B. Smith, receiver and disbursiog agent, Brownsville, Neb<br />

W. A. Street, receiver and disbursing agent, Santa Fe, New Mex. . . .<br />

O. P. Richardson, receiver and disbursing agent, Santa F&i, New Mex<br />

Paschal Bequette, receiver and disbursing agent, San FraociSco, Cal<br />

W. B. Norman, receiver and disbursing agent, Stockton, Cal. Thomas Baker, receiver and disbursing agent, Visalia, Cal.<br />

James Hopkins, receiver and disbursing agent, Marysville, Cal .... .<br />

A. Olvera, receiver and disbursing agent', Los Aogelos, Cal.<br />

G. W. Hook, receiver and disbursing agent, Humboldt, Cal. .<br />

A. L. Lovejoy, receiver and disbursiog agent, Oregon City, Oregon W. J. Martin, receiver aod disbursing agent, Wiuchester, Oregon. ...<br />

S. Garfield, receiver and disbursing agent, Olympia, Wash. Ter .<br />

S. M. Van Clever, receiver and disbursing agent, Olympia, Wash. Ter.<br />

R. W. Edmondson, clerk United States district court, Miss.<br />

J. S. Houston.<br />

75&470 72<br />

1, 800 00<br />

1, 170 pp<br />

168 00<br />

1, 050 00<br />

700 00<br />

440 54<br />

296 20<br />

5& 503 76<br />

286 81<br />

218 03<br />

3, 259 7B<br />

892 02<br />

1, 979 30<br />

6, 148 18<br />

850 00<br />

70 05<br />

292 62<br />

6) 160 45<br />

1, 580 18<br />

278 57<br />

2, 257 25<br />

5, 810 84<br />

2, 500 00<br />

1, 018 30<br />

1, 500 00<br />

750 00<br />

2, 029 00<br />

400 00<br />

342 25<br />

570 00<br />

743 72<br />

1, 380 15<br />

4, 186 45<br />

325 00<br />

4&263 66<br />

4& 500 00<br />

4, 500 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

6&000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

3, 750 00<br />

1, 250 00<br />

3, 980 39<br />

250 00<br />

550 00<br />

I& rom which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By J. C. Hutchesou<br />

J. S. Dougherty .<br />

35 88<br />

225 00<br />

175, 472 22<br />

260 BB<br />

$175 211 34<br />

Incidental expenses of the seoera( land aces.<br />

To Beojamin Lloyd, late receiver and disbursiug agent, Greenville, Ala. .<br />

John S. Nance, receiver and disbursing agent, Huntsville, Ala. .<br />

Carried forward.<br />

143 19<br />

309 75<br />

8452 94

1860-' 61.<br />




Brought forward.<br />

To E. M. Hastings, receiver and disbursing agent, Iloutgomery, Ala<br />

J. W. Warren, receiver and disbursing agent, Tuscaloosa, Ala<br />

R. F. Cook, receiver and disbursing agent, Elba, Ala .<br />

L. M. Stiff, late receiver and disbursing agent, Centre, Ala. .<br />

S. M. Torbert, late receiver and disbursing agent, Demopolis, Ala.<br />

R. D. Hayden, receiver and disbursing agent, Columbus, Miss. .<br />

A. R. Carter, receiver and disbursing agent, Paulding, Miss<br />

R. A Clark, receiver and disbursing agent, Jackson, Miss<br />

John J. Gage, receiver and disbursing agent, Grenada, Miss<br />

W. H. Palfrey, receiver and dirbursing agent, New Orleans, La .<br />

J. B. M&C!endon, Greensburg, La.<br />

C. H. Dabbs, receiver and disbursing agent, Monroe, La. .<br />

John Laplace, receiver and disbursing agent, Natrhitoches, La .<br />

T. C. Hunt, ls, te receiver and disbursing agent, Ns, tchitoches, La.<br />

F. Y. Yerreira, receiver and disbursing agent, St. A. ugustiue, Florida.<br />

M. Post, receiver and disbursing agent, Tampa, Florida, ...... . .<br />

N. F. Sar ent, receiver and disbursing agent, Champaguole, Ark.<br />

J. L. Dickson, receiver and disbursing agent, Fayetteville, Ark. . P. T. Crutchfeld, receiver aud disbursing agent, Little Rock, Ark. .<br />

W. A. Sevens, receiver and disbursing agent, Batesville, Ark. M. Rose, receiver and disbursing agent, Clarksville, Ark. .. . . . . D. Griffin, receiver and disbursing agent, Washington, Ark<br />

J. S. Dougherty, receiver and disbursing agent, St. Louis, Mo .<br />

E. E. Buckner, receiver and disbursing agent, Boonville, Mo.<br />

J. S. Huston, receiver and disbursing agent, Plattsburg, Mo. .. A. G. Herndon, receiver and disbursing agent, Springfield, Ill. .... .<br />

T, McNally, receiver and disbursing agent, Chilicothe, Ohio. . . .<br />

James Rowe, receiver and disbursing agent, Chilicothe, Ohio<br />

C. C. Campbell, receiver and disbursing» agent, Indianapolis, Ind. . .<br />

Jacob Beeson, receiver and disbursin«agent, Detroit, klich<br />

G. S. Frost, receiver and disbursing agent, Detroit, Mich.<br />

C (I Heyerman, late receiver and disbursing agent, Detroit, Mich<br />

C. A Stevens, receiver and disbursing agent, Traverse City, Mich.<br />

J. C. Dexter, receiver and disbursing agent, Ionia, Mich. .<br />

W. L. P. Little, receiver aud disbursing agent, East Saginaw, Mich.<br />

C. K. Robinson, receiver and disbursing agent, East Saginaw, Mich<br />

Peter White, receiver and disbursing agent, Marquette, Mich.<br />

J. D. Reymet, receiver and disbursing agent, Hudson, AVis.<br />

S. Ryan, receiver and disbursing agent, Menasha, Wis.<br />

N. B. Boyden, receiver and disbursing agent, Eau Claire, Wis .<br />

J. E. Perkins, receiver and disbursing ag& nt, Eau ()laire, Wis. „.<br />

A. G. Ellis, receiver and disbursing agent, Stevens's P&&tnt, AVis.<br />

Almanson Eaton, receiver and disbursing agent, Stevens's Point, Wis.<br />

T. R. Spencer, rcceiv'er and disbursing agent, Superior, Wis. .<br />

T Rodolf, receiver and disbursing agent, La Crosse, Wis. . . . .<br />

Milton Barlow, rereiver and disbursing agent, La Crosse, Wis. .<br />

Isaac Cooper, receiver and disbursiug agent, I&'ort des Moines, iowa. .<br />

J. G. 1Veeks, receiver and disbu&sing agent, Fort des Moines, Iowa<br />

T, Sergent, receiver and disbursing agent, Fort Dodge, Iowa .<br />

D. C, Bloomer, receiver and disbursing agent, Council Bluffs, Iowa<br />

C. 1V, Hobbs, receiver and disbursing agent, Os&ige, Iowa.<br />

B. F. Tillottson, receiver and disbursing agent, St. Peter' s, Minn .<br />

S L. Hays receiver and disbursing agent, St. Cloud, Minn<br />

Samuel Adams, receiver and disbursing agent, St. Cloud, Miun .<br />

J. D. Evans, receiver and disbursing agent, Forest City, iiMinn .<br />

G. Bradley, receiver and disbursing agent, Forest City, Minn<br />

"hatfield, Minn<br />

J. H. MclCenney, receiver and disbursing agent, (.<br />

C. Graham, receiver and disbursing agent, Henderson, Glinn. ... L. K. Stannard, receiver and &lisbursin agent, Sunrise ('ity, Minn. C- J. Clark, receiver and disbursiug agent, Fort Scott, Kansas. .. James E Jones, receiver and disbursing agent, Lecorupton, Kan. ...<br />

1(7<br />

452 94<br />

25G 50<br />

26 2o<br />

276 13<br />

105 00<br />

8 00<br />

63 87<br />

88 00<br />

105 36<br />

10 00<br />

5, 270 65<br />

20 00<br />

35 00<br />

408 7&<br />

I) 154 23<br />

60 00<br />

75 00<br />

25 00<br />

190 57<br />

50 00<br />

721 43<br />

24 00<br />

50 00<br />

856 73<br />

585 44<br />

100 00<br />

1, 128 62<br />

729 40<br />

409 50<br />

64-3 53<br />

594 38<br />

68 87<br />

25 00<br />

10 00<br />

25 00<br />

312 00<br />

10 00<br />

32 00<br />

160 00<br />

IGO G2<br />

127 57<br />

30 00<br />

132 50<br />

74 7, &<br />

125 00<br />

326 49<br />

78 12<br />

381 48<br />

25 00<br />

1'&Z 00<br />

23 50<br />

390 91<br />

140 00<br />

55 00<br />

368 17<br />

200 00<br />

314 25<br />

328 35<br />

806 92<br />

46 75<br />

145 OO<br />

17Z 06<br />

12R<br />

Carried forward. $19) 741 59

178<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

To Ely More, dec'd, late receiver and disbursing agent, Lecompton, Kan.<br />

Daniel Woodson, receiver and disbursing agent, Kickapoo, Kan. .. .<br />

W. Brindle, receiver and disbursiug agent, Lecompton, Kan.<br />

G. B. Gratf. receiver and disbursing agent, Dakota, Neb.<br />

A. H Jackson, receiver and disbursing agent, Dakota, Neb<br />

Z. A. Deslonde, receiver and disbursiug agent, Nebraska City, Neb<br />

B. M. Trumbull, receiver and disbursing agent, Omaha, Neb. . ..<br />

P. F. Wilson, receiver and disbursing agent, Omaha, Neb. .<br />

E. B. Smith, receiver and disbursing agent, Brownsville, Neb<br />

W. A. Street, receiver and disbursing agent, Santa Fe, N. Mexico<br />

Paschal Bequette, receiver and disbursing agent, San Francisco, Cal.<br />

Thomas Baker, receiver and disbursing agent, Visalia, Cal<br />

James Hopkins, receiver and disbursing agent, Marysville, Cal. .<br />

W. B. Noman, receiver and disbursing agent, Stockton, Cal. . . . ..<br />

C. Lindly, late receiver and disbursing agent, Marysville, Cal. ..<br />

Augustin Olvera, receiver and disbursing agent, Los Angelos, Cal. . .<br />

G. W. Hool-, receiver and disbursing agent, Humbolt, Cal. . . A. . L. Lovejoy, receiver aud disbursing agent, Oregon City, Oregon . Amos Holbrook, receiver and disbursing agent, Oregon City, Oregon.<br />

W. J. Martin, receiver and disbursing agent, Winchester, Oregon.<br />

S. Garfield, receiver and disbursing agent, Olympia, Wash. Ter. .<br />

J. C. Vancleave, receiver and disbursing agent, Olympia, Wash. Ter. .<br />

H. Moore, receiver and disbursing agent, Olympia, Wash. 'I'er. . . . . .<br />

R Pritchett<br />

W. H, Mower<br />

19, 741 59<br />

336 lp<br />

602 gg<br />

317 47<br />

104 28<br />

54 op<br />

1V2 20,<br />

40 00<br />

96 87<br />

12o 00<br />

100 00<br />

411 44<br />

387 pp<br />

450 00<br />

995 50<br />

222 Opi<br />

150 Op<br />

351 g4<br />

V75 00<br />

68 75,<br />

650 00<br />

600 Ooi<br />

947 23<br />

73 01<br />

708 82i<br />

448 90<br />

9929, 016 25<br />

Salary of the recorder of land titles in 3Eissouri.<br />

To Adolph Renard, recorder, 1'sc. , St. Louis, Missouri. . . . . . . . . . . $500 00<br />

Salaries and incidental expenses of commission appointed to settle land claims<br />

in California.<br />

To R. H. Gillet 81, 000 00<br />

Repayment<br />

To A. C. Cadwallader<br />

D. K. Robertson<br />

R. J. Alcorn<br />

W. Davis<br />

Joseph Ligon, deceased.<br />

Charles Whipple<br />

L. Haskall.<br />

John Murphy<br />

A. J. and G. W. Danforth<br />

T. D. W. Yanley.<br />

G. W. Damon<br />

John S. Reed<br />

D. L. Trice<br />

B. W. Dogan<br />

J. W. C. Lilley.<br />

P. M. O'Haver<br />

F. 21. Scott.<br />

J. F. Watson<br />

R. Wallace<br />

F. Dunn<br />

for<br />

land erroneously<br />

sold.<br />

300 00<br />

50 00<br />

197 43<br />

10 00<br />

59 89<br />

200 00<br />

50 00<br />

5 00<br />

5O 00<br />

10 Op<br />

50 oo<br />

lOO OP<br />

38 ol<br />

40 00<br />

29 72<br />

5o op<br />

oo oo<br />

23 ll<br />

100 09<br />

40 Oo<br />

Carried forward. . ... .. . SL 463 97

1860-' 61.<br />

To W. Bracken<br />

H. D. Stone<br />

J. W. Trecker<br />

H. Chaffey.<br />

D. Trammel .<br />

H. P, Bell.<br />

J. Hulscy .<br />

D. Belt .<br />

Catharine A. Hubbard<br />

H enr: Iagg rt<br />


J. M. Wright .... . .. . ..<br />

T. D, Price.<br />

W. M. Pitts ...<br />

T. B. Giles<br />

J. C. Burness, jr<br />

P. F. Cowardin .<br />

L. Aubuchon<br />

Z. Rawson.<br />

J. M. Jesse.<br />

G. Frank<br />

D. Doolin<br />

G. C. Helsey.<br />

J. Wright<br />

T. M. YVright<br />

R. S. Pratler<br />

T. D. Neal<br />

S. R. Etheridge<br />

J. Morrill<br />

Wooldridge.<br />

O. Pyle<br />

J. G. Turman<br />

T. N. Skeels<br />

John Warner<br />

J. M. Ingram.<br />

M. Q. Ashbey .<br />

Caroline Cheason and othe<br />

R. H. Tyner<br />

Hazel Thomas . .<br />

W. H. Martin<br />

Harrison Dodge<br />

W. H. Omelvey<br />

S. P. Briggs<br />

W. B. Taylor .<br />

C. F. Splete<br />

Samuel Hicl-s<br />

William M, doney.<br />

Fountain Donan .<br />

B. Pilkington.<br />

H. F. Fellows<br />

Joseph Hindman<br />

Sterling Gilmore<br />

John G. Abell<br />

A. A. Black<br />

A. D. Blackwell<br />

R. S. Eubank<br />

E. IV. Fans&vorth<br />

Clrarles Br;mnock<br />

Mary Goodin<br />

L, AV. Hursey<br />

Benjamin Chase<br />

D. Perry<br />

rs<br />



Brought forward . . .<br />

Ca& ried forward. . . . . . . . .<br />

1(9<br />

1, 463 97<br />

200 00<br />

120 00<br />

48 24<br />

50 00<br />

90 00<br />

120 00<br />

40 00<br />

30 78<br />

30 00<br />

10 00<br />

40 00<br />

25 00<br />

40 00<br />

100 00<br />

5 00<br />

24 88<br />

30 00<br />

10 00<br />

200 00<br />

100 00<br />

40 00<br />

5 00<br />

24 62<br />

21 39<br />

100 00<br />

168 78<br />

10 35<br />

50 00<br />

160 00<br />

20 00<br />

200 00<br />

50 00<br />

33 33<br />

I& 402 45<br />

204 80<br />

50 00<br />

200 00<br />

90 15<br />

100 00<br />

30 00<br />

200 00<br />

10 00<br />

50 00<br />

100 00<br />

50 00<br />

5 00<br />

50 00<br />

5 00<br />

20 00<br />

48 07<br />

80 00<br />

20 00<br />

121 59<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

200 06<br />

21 46<br />

120 OC<br />

20 OC<br />

200 0(<br />

$7&209 8(

180<br />



1860-'61.<br />


To Samuel Combest<br />

A. S. Grosvenor<br />

John B. Reed<br />

Zalmon Young<br />

C. D. Coleman<br />

Solomou Stone<br />

Peter McCollum<br />

C. C. Wagner<br />

Aaron Brown<br />

D. C. Grinnell<br />

M. L. Walton<br />

N. A. Turnipseed<br />

W. Finch<br />

W. J. Covington<br />

J. H. Thompson<br />

D. W. Harvey<br />

'l. H. Harrison<br />

L. Cook<br />

P. Bleimehl<br />

A. J. Wheeler<br />

John Lock<br />

G. McClosliy<br />

J. C, Childress<br />

W. Rosinski<br />

F. Rourke<br />

P. McClann<br />

P. Eurz<br />

J. V. Sargent<br />

J. S. Bussc<br />

T. Emlinstine<br />

K. F. Dutton<br />

P. Biedeman<br />

F. L. Ward.<br />

A. W. Howe<br />

John Taffee<br />

A. T. Tracy<br />

M. Sherborn<br />

D. O. McCarty<br />

James Thompson<br />

J. Filber<br />

A. B. Smithard and P. G. Hawley<br />

S. Pearl<br />

J. R. Ismon<br />

S. F. Hcssey and Isa&ac Staples<br />

W. R. Palmer, deceased<br />

Thomas Spence<br />

S. All yn.<br />

A. C. Harvey<br />

S. W. Spencer<br />

S. S. Snow<br />

J. Jh Emany<br />

A. . Bohan.<br />

H. N Bucklcy<br />

W. Allen<br />

H. A. Mofht<br />

J. M. Hensley<br />

E. M. Orton<br />

S. Pierce<br />

G. Wolf<br />

T. Bsgett<br />

B. F. Eddy<br />

Rrought forward 7, 209 80<br />

59 91<br />

50 00<br />

92 49<br />

200 00<br />

20 00<br />

243 88<br />

80 00<br />

50 00<br />

47 78<br />

50 00<br />

10 00<br />

25 00<br />

25 00<br />

119 94<br />

30 03<br />

29 13<br />

50 00<br />

200 00<br />

200 00<br />

100 00<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

99 75<br />

50 00<br />

40 00<br />

50 00<br />

20 00<br />

400 00<br />

150 00<br />

20 00<br />

50 00<br />

20 00<br />

400 00<br />

400 00<br />

200 00<br />

50 00<br />

400 00<br />

40 02<br />

8 31<br />

13 30<br />

98 50<br />

203 12<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

15 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

400 00<br />

100 00<br />

100 00<br />

100 00<br />

1 57<br />

35 54<br />

200 00<br />

20 00<br />

20 00<br />

oo 00<br />

oo oo<br />

88 67<br />

121 11<br />

Bo 00<br />

30 00<br />

Carried forward . .<br />

$15, 207 85



181<br />

1860-' 61.<br />

To G. W. Green<br />

J. C. Bartow<br />

P, H. Quinn<br />

W. Laughlin<br />

C. , I. Kervin<br />

R. Stevens<br />

G. W. Kenncy<br />

J hl. Ba, &len<br />

G. 21. Eldri&lgc<br />

J. hl. Bradley<br />

W. Adams<br />

J. 1 itzgcrald<br />

Augustine and Josephine<br />

J. W. Sentell and J. J. Le<br />

F. E. Corey<br />

E. Boven<br />

S. C. Thomas<br />

E. P. Clark<br />

John H. Wier<br />

B. Frisbee<br />

T. McDonold<br />

E. N. Lang&ford<br />

J. A. Rogers<br />

'(I . FI Kennedy<br />

M. Scott<br />

T. 31, Y:&don<br />

B. F. Chandler<br />

M. Murry<br />

J. H. T. hIain<br />

W. Kersey<br />

G. C, Wathins and G. A. .<br />

Eber 3& W. II. Goodman<br />

J. C. Johnston<br />

Joseph Gregory<br />

Elizabeth P. Collins<br />

hIariah A. Long<br />

D. C. Coffman<br />

hI. Davis<br />

L. 51. Fuller<br />

0. C. Th&unpson<br />

F. Hochleihner, deceased<br />

Henry Crank<br />

E. hl. David<br />

Josiah Stewart<br />

J. Sallier<br />

L. E. Beasley<br />

M. McEntce<br />

J. D, West<br />

A Walton<br />

hlary Bette<br />

R. B, hlosley<br />

R. Sbeldou<br />

'I'i&<br />

y Parrish.<br />

T. L Smith<br />

H. (Vood worth<br />

C. W. Loving<br />

W, hIcComb<br />

P. C. Bullock<br />

M, I&a<br />

James Vivi&m<br />

J. P. B;&tes<br />

Silve<br />

wls<br />

Gallagher<br />


Brought forward<br />

Carried forward<br />

15&207 85<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

73 62<br />

90 67<br />

231 88<br />

28 75<br />

10 00<br />

28 96<br />

317 65<br />

84 50<br />

50 00<br />

169 25<br />

239 40<br />

209 47<br />

641 60<br />

15 00<br />

5 00<br />

10 00<br />

27 26<br />

50 12<br />

31 20<br />

20 00<br />

80 00<br />

100 00<br />

40 00<br />

30 00<br />

60 00<br />

3 64<br />

50 (10<br />

59 51<br />

100 00<br />

100 00<br />

200 00<br />

5 00<br />

200 00<br />

50 00<br />

30 00<br />

GO 10<br />

9 88<br />

21 OS<br />

92 OS<br />

50 00<br />

151 l$<br />

19 95<br />

77 50<br />

G9<br />

199 90<br />

39 81<br />

59 86<br />

20 17<br />

40 00<br />

33 19<br />

30 00<br />

50 00<br />

235 00<br />

32 65<br />

27 57<br />

15 00<br />

150 00<br />

70 00<br />

10 00<br />

$20&279 94

182<br />



1860-'61.<br />


To B. Jervis<br />

J. C. Fell<br />

S. M. Murphy<br />

S. 0. Campbell.<br />

W. H. Smith<br />

W. B. March A W. B. Douglass<br />

R. Delogny<br />

L. E. Cheatham<br />

James Townsley<br />

W. Huett.<br />

L. R. Marshall<br />

E Davis<br />

G. Howard<br />

T. Welden<br />

A. H. S. Webb<br />

A. I'leetwood and W, Hatfield<br />

E J. Daniel<br />

G. A. Sleet<br />

T. D. Boardman.<br />

James Broadwell<br />

E. D. Parsons<br />

B. Gass<br />

A. Sherwood<br />

D. Mileham<br />

William Parks<br />

L. Wood<br />

J. B. Dunlap<br />

A. M. Donaldson<br />

J. M. Collins and others<br />

Joseph Rivereille, jr<br />

G. A. Wortham<br />

T. R. Todd<br />

A. M. Dashields .<br />

R. Perkins<br />

W. Farmer<br />

William Hulstone<br />

M. B. Bird<br />

J. B, Dunning<br />

John Jacques EIalverson<br />

J. Lumbard<br />

A. Wasson<br />

P. Cuthland .<br />

H. Grant<br />

A. Cutting<br />

D. M Sparks<br />

L. Chapman<br />

Ritcher<br />

T. J. McAdams<br />

H. R. James<br />

G. Robinson<br />

H. McKinley<br />

E. Rigney<br />

N. J. Steele .<br />

A. T. Kreikenbaum<br />

C. Hansom<br />

J. M. Combs<br />

J. M. Rhodes<br />

R. Fowler<br />

H. H. Harber, jr<br />

J. 57. Murdo<br />

0. Burgrow<br />

Brought forward 20, 279 94<br />

4 99<br />

15 00<br />

50 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

29 45<br />

277 42<br />

20 00<br />

100 00<br />

]9 85<br />

503 90<br />

40 00<br />

40 00<br />

10 00<br />

30 00<br />

100 00<br />

119 54<br />

50 00<br />

22 00<br />

50 00<br />

308 30<br />

200 00<br />

51 21<br />

93 14<br />

10 00<br />

207 14<br />

100 00<br />

329 25<br />

200 00<br />

21 00<br />

32 96<br />

51 15<br />

40 00<br />

160 00<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

9 57<br />

200 00<br />

95 06<br />

30 00<br />

87<br />

20 30<br />

51 33<br />

100 00<br />

40 27<br />

19 69<br />

50 00<br />

25 54<br />

10 00<br />

50 00<br />

90 00<br />

31 20<br />

20 00<br />

5 00<br />

19 07<br />

20 00<br />

15 00<br />

45 00<br />

68 94<br />

50 00<br />

120 0o<br />

Carried forward.<br />

)24, 892 06


1860-'61.<br />

To J. W. Biftle.<br />

W. J. Elabaugh<br />

J. Smith<br />

J. C. Windham<br />

T. Rowe<br />

B. C. Brooke<br />

A. Jackson<br />

D. L'. Hughes<br />

T. Bruero.<br />

J. P, Shields<br />

B. Levan<br />

J. C. Smith<br />

W. T. Pcdan<br />

A. B. Beauchamp<br />

Jaroes Jacl son<br />

T. J. Willett<br />

J. S. Rollins .<br />

C. W. Tosh<br />

A. Hubbard<br />

Bela Brown<br />

Conrad Sharp<br />

J. L. Hodgc and others<br />

Henry Shauser<br />

John Harris<br />

James Westfall<br />

A. Wallace<br />

C. J. Crowell<br />

P. L. Hobbs<br />

William Hammond<br />

David Tobey<br />

E. L. Bounty<br />

L ScheQ'er<br />

George DuISn<br />

W. R. Sprague<br />

F. Kennett<br />

Henry Winkle<br />

Henry Austin<br />

Rebecca Brocken<br />

M. C. Sandige<br />

J. Stemberg<br />

F. McClanahan<br />

W. B. Todd<br />

C. H. Potter.<br />

J. P. Brand<br />

J. B. Beianger<br />

W. H. and Sarah J, Tytfe<br />

Elisha Diefendorf<br />

S. E. Smith<br />

George Dorman<br />

W. J. Anderson<br />

H. B Meddaugh<br />

J . S. Richards<br />

James Richardson<br />

E. M. Samuel<br />

James Parsons<br />

A. M. Baldwin<br />

J. F, Schwcnn<br />

Henry Weeks<br />


Brought forward<br />

Carried forward. . . . . .<br />

24, 892 08<br />

80 00<br />

60 00<br />

30 00<br />

10 00<br />

40 00<br />

10 00<br />

15 00<br />

10 55<br />

75 83<br />

38 93<br />

50 00<br />

313 60<br />

40 05<br />

10 00<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

15P PP<br />

194 52<br />

100 00<br />

100 00<br />

76 96<br />

1, 780 95<br />

54 12<br />

21 08<br />

200 00<br />

20 00<br />

150 OG<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

80 00<br />

400 00<br />

38 73<br />

20 06<br />

100 00<br />

150 PP<br />

10 00<br />

12 50<br />

50 00<br />

37 65<br />

50 00<br />

10 00<br />

1. 00 00<br />

1:00 00<br />

23 36<br />

100 00<br />

100 00<br />

10 50<br />

5 00<br />

20 00<br />

100 OG<br />

779 30<br />

150 00<br />

100 00<br />

54 61<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

52 44<br />

20 00<br />

%31& 497 82

184<br />



1860-'61.<br />

To W. W. Colbut<br />

H. Brondes<br />

J. H. Ryan<br />

W. W. Bryan<br />

T. W. Farmer<br />

J. Boutwell.<br />

J. Lester<br />

L P. Larkin<br />

H. S. Grosvenor<br />

H. Holmes<br />

W. N. Borah<br />

E. Graham<br />

J. M. Reed<br />

J. T. McLaine<br />

J. A. Barker<br />

D. Love<br />

E. Houpt<br />

J. Erajink<br />

S. Pcrin<br />

J. Hickman<br />

C. B. Hartwell<br />

J. McLain<br />

J. Courtois<br />

S. Evans<br />

J. Garmoe<br />

J. A. Marshal<br />

George W. 1Varren<br />

T. L McCary<br />

L. Finch<br />

M. Weeks<br />

D, P. Ford.<br />

T. Almy.<br />

H. . Talbot<br />

S. Price, jr. , tt R. B. Price<br />

C. Bollenger<br />

J, T. Hughes.<br />

A. Smith<br />

H D. Perry<br />

H. Whittington<br />

O. Stevens<br />

J. 5lrAfee<br />

J. B. Ridley.<br />

W. Brinch<br />

T. 21 Crutchfield<br />

H. H, May<br />

C. 21cIntosh<br />

21. M. Driver .<br />

J. Leister<br />

J. A. Reynolds.<br />

P. Deacy<br />

P. J. Detarville<br />

W. Tennant<br />

J. Smith, Iowa<br />

O. Ramsbottom<br />

R. Dalziel<br />

S. N. Morse 6r J. O. Morse<br />

P. Fox.<br />

G. N. Lyman<br />

W. R. Estes<br />

P. T. Tipton<br />

E Butler, jr<br />


Brought forward.<br />

Carried forward.<br />

31& 497 82<br />

5 00<br />

50 00<br />

10 00<br />

9 89<br />

7 60<br />

9 97<br />

120 00<br />

10 05<br />

100 00<br />

50 00<br />

5 00<br />

10 00<br />

'9 10<br />

80 00<br />

10 03<br />

400 00<br />

20 00<br />

20 00<br />

50 00<br />

5 00<br />

23 43<br />

78 01<br />

5 00<br />

47 04<br />

10 00<br />

15 00<br />

319 69<br />

20 00<br />

49 88<br />

50 09<br />

9 97<br />

60 00<br />

20 00<br />

100 00<br />

20 00<br />

50 00<br />

16 07<br />

10 00<br />

4 22<br />

100 00<br />

30 05<br />

60 00<br />

20 00<br />

15 00<br />

50 00<br />

120 00<br />

50 12<br />

29 97<br />

80 65<br />

60 00<br />

40 00<br />

50 00<br />

100 00<br />

80 00<br />

40 00<br />

100 00<br />

40 00<br />

50 00<br />

20 00<br />

40 00<br />

34 51<br />

334, 598 16


1860 —'Gl.<br />

MISCELLANY& &I. S.<br />

To W. XB&rrison<br />

R. T. Strickland<br />

J. E. Crai g<br />

B. L&' Strick land<br />

H. F. Clemente<br />

1V. F Peck<br />

W. J. Ra, y<br />

R. H. Carver<br />

W. Scrub<br />

T. McCam<br />

T. W. Wells. .<br />

N. A. Cowen<br />

L. H. Young<br />

G. Lec<br />

A. W, Roundtrc<br />

C. H. Downes<br />

J. Smith, Arkansas. .<br />

J. P. Southerland.<br />

W, Emerso son<br />

J. W. Graves.<br />

J. Kenzer.<br />

B. B. Putnsm.<br />

H. McCombs<br />

J, W. Lyon<br />

L. Wright<br />

P. W. Reisdorf<br />

P. Hon<br />

B. F. Ingraham.<br />

I&'. Coleman<br />

F . Hames<br />

A. T. Morgan<br />

W. M. Anderson<br />

R. Hopper<br />

L. Brown<br />

J. A. T. Wendell<br />

W. S. C. Yonge<br />

H. Houser<br />

E. Andrews.<br />

T. Scott and M. Rings.<br />

D. G. Barnett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

W. 51. Blaylock<br />

D, pu h<br />

J. k W. Dyer<br />

J. Johnson<br />

J. Hudson<br />

N. D. Osborn.<br />

W. Vir&len<br />

1V Reed.<br />

A. S. Buckhalter<br />

J. C. Bates<br />

H. JV. Bierce<br />

D. N. Carden<br />

C. J. Beding<br />

Charles Smith .<br />

E; S. Colfman<br />

J. Roding<br />

J. It, Willburn<br />

Y&. J. Tinker<br />

S. D. Reynolds<br />

M. J Irwin<br />

A. Elci&nschmidt.<br />

Brought forward.<br />

Carried for ward . . . . . . . - -.<br />

185<br />

34, 598 16<br />

40 00<br />

202 15<br />

25 35<br />

149 48<br />

50 13<br />

48 79<br />

80 00<br />

10 00<br />

100 00<br />

50 00<br />

10 00<br />

50 00<br />

12 75<br />

10 09<br />

80 05<br />

100 00<br />

10 00<br />

83 50<br />

50 00<br />

100 56<br />

5 6o<br />

38 74<br />

28 28<br />

120 00<br />

30 00<br />

15 00<br />

80 00<br />

50 00<br />

60 00<br />

80 00<br />

20 00<br />

47 09<br />

90 00<br />

200 00<br />

59 06<br />

33 75<br />

30 00<br />

100 00<br />

200 00<br />

20 00<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

200 00<br />

80 00<br />

60 08<br />

60 00<br />

41 23<br />

80 49<br />

81 25<br />

60 00<br />

197 65<br />

60 40<br />

120 00<br />

95 56<br />

50 90<br />

3O OO<br />

80 00<br />

50 00<br />

5 00<br />

90 00<br />

10 00<br />

$88, G21 09



1860-'61.<br />

To P. Gallaher .<br />

J. B. Evans<br />

M, A. Gale.<br />

T. O. Bryant . . .<br />

L. R. Cook.<br />

O. H. Cook.<br />

E. 8r, E. Hays.<br />


Brought forward . . . 38, 621 09<br />

80 00<br />

94 87<br />

118 15<br />

162 58<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

105 75<br />

$39, 282 44<br />

1ndemnity for stcamp lands purchased by individuals.<br />

To the State of Illinois $41 357 57<br />

To J. C. Hutcheson<br />

Debentures and other charges, (lands. )<br />

$35 88<br />

Jor services heretofore performed by registers and receivers of land oisces in<br />

locating military bounty land u;arrants, per act hrch 22, 1852.<br />

To James Pollard $192 38<br />

Survey of the public lands, per act August 81, 1852.<br />

To L. Dancy .. . surveyor general .. . . Florida.<br />

J. D. Galbraith. . . deputy surveyor Tallahassee. do S. E. Hope. .. . . . do. ... Brookville .. do .... A. L. Mershon . ... . do. .... .. .. . Louisiana. John Loughborough surveyor general .. Illinois and Missouri. ..<br />

John Lampton. . . deputy surveyor. . . Missouri.<br />

R. F. Templeton. . do. Whitehouse do . . .<br />

D. H. Ewiug. .. .. . . do. ... . Savannah .. do .<br />

%V. J. McCullough . . .. do. .. . . . . ... Louisiana<br />

A. Millard .. . do. . . Rochester Michigan<br />

W. Lewis. surveyor general. . Wisconsin and Iowa . . John Ball . . . deputy surveyor. . Dubuque Iowa .<br />

W. E. Dougherty. ... . do. do .<br />

H. C. Fellows . . . do. . do<br />

T. J. Townsend . do. ...... Wisconsin<br />

W. D. Washburn. s&rrveyor general . . Minnesota<br />

Oscar Taylor, late ... deputy surveyor. .. .. .. . do<br />

E. N. Darling, late. . do. do<br />

E. D. Atwater, . deputy surveyor. . . . . do<br />

C. L. Emerson . . .. . surveyor general. . .... . .. . do .<br />

F. Whipperman. . deputy surveyor. . . .. do .<br />

J. W. 51yers. .. . . do . do<br />

M. Black. . do. . do ..<br />

A, S. Bradley .. . .. . .. . do. . ... ... . ... . Kansas .<br />

J. Jackson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do . . . . . . . Tampa . Florida .<br />

W. S. Haines. . . . . do. . . . Brookville. . . . do<br />

J. O. Breenius. . . . . . do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Minnesota. .<br />

J. B. Kilgore. . . . . . . . . . . . . do. . . . . . . . . . St. Augustine, Florida<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By John Loughborough, surveyor general, Illinois and Missouri . . . . . .<br />

212 00<br />

488 07<br />

2& 154 96<br />

107 19<br />

500 00<br />

19 74<br />

60 81<br />

58 56<br />

535 15<br />

4, 941 39<br />

595 16<br />

5, 053 15<br />

1, 874 60<br />

11918 91<br />

300 00<br />

400 00<br />

433 54<br />

1, 208 40<br />

3, 437 99<br />

11 557 18<br />

45 71<br />

4, 206 56<br />

3, 661 76<br />

1, 170 93<br />

2, 228 94<br />

1, 843 65<br />

632 64<br />

136 26<br />

39, 773 27<br />

30 38<br />

839, 742 S9



187<br />

1860-' 61.<br />


Resurveys of' the public lands in the States where the aces of the surveyors<br />

general have been or shall be closed.<br />

To Peter Lammond, disbursing clerk Interior Department. . . . . $2, 000 00<br />

8urveying<br />

To J. W. Mandeville<br />

the pubhc lands and private land claims in Calrfornia.<br />

.. . surveyor general. . California.<br />

W. J. Lewis .. .. deputy surveyor. . do.<br />

H. Washington do. . do.<br />

A. W. Von Schmidt . do. . .. . do. H. Hancock. . . . . do. . . do. . ...... .. ..<br />

J. E. 'I'crrell. . do . do<br />

R. C. Mstherson. . . do . . . . do.<br />

J. T. Stratton. do. do.<br />

C. ". C, Tracy. . .. . . do .. . do.<br />

John Wallace. . .. .. . do ... . . . do<br />

Duncan Beaumont. do.<br />

do.<br />

C. T. Healy. . . do . do. G. H. Thompson .. . . . . do . do. . John LaCroizc .. . . . do. . do. ...... .. ..<br />

A. S. Easton. . . . do. do<br />

B. M. Henry. . do. . . . do<br />

W. G. Boss .. ... ... . . do .. .... . .. do.<br />

T. J. Arnold. . . . .. . do. . .. . .... . . do. ..... ...<br />

J.<br />

A. J. Hatch. . . do . . . . do.<br />

J. C. Hays. . . do. do<br />

R. W. Norris. ... . . do. . do.<br />

Weston sr Church . .. .. . do . ...... .... . do. . .<br />

Vincent Torras.<br />

H. Hamilton.<br />

Thomas Boyd<br />

J. W. Guthrie<br />

William Godfrey.<br />

McElroy sr Blakely.<br />

Thompson tk Brother<br />

B. F. Ankeny<br />

J. 0. Doherty<br />

Thomas Boyce .<br />

0. B. I'owers tr Co<br />

Bradford sr Bunker<br />

F. F. Fargo<br />

The "Butte Democrat"<br />

The "Almeda County Gazette"<br />

J. S. Watkins.<br />

71 00<br />

1, 182 20<br />

4, 570 78<br />

7, 286 65<br />

3, 451 46<br />

16, 409 51<br />

4, 914 26<br />

426 72<br />

3, 426 79<br />

1, 268 83<br />

398 55<br />

456 02<br />

495 96<br />

2, 769 37<br />

136 23<br />

2, 755 18<br />

I, 508 44<br />

304 87<br />

99 00<br />

746 53<br />

780 87<br />

718 88<br />

4) 980 74<br />

42 50<br />

52 50<br />

105 00<br />

20 00<br />

33 00<br />

35 00<br />

31 50<br />

30 00<br />

25 00<br />

45 00<br />

12 50<br />

12 50<br />

30 00<br />

10 00<br />

12 50<br />

30 00<br />

485 00<br />

860, 176 84<br />

J'or surveying the eastern boundary of California, per act June 2~, 1860.<br />

To L. Moury $37 551 19<br />

Surveying<br />

To H. Washington<br />

W. J. Lewis<br />

J. E. Whitaker<br />

liabilities incurred by the late surveyor general of California prior to<br />

June, IS4b, per act 3Iay 24, 1860.<br />

Carried forward. . .<br />

18, 809 79<br />

131 59<br />

1, 071 84<br />

320) 013 22

'<br />

188<br />



1860-'61<br />

To D. C. Cage<br />

T. S. Stevens<br />

A. G. Stal-es<br />

H. II», ncock .<br />

J. La Croize<br />

P. It Thompson<br />

J. Kellersberger<br />

J. S. Watkins<br />

W. S. Washburn<br />

E. Twitchell.<br />

J. E. Freeman.<br />


Brought forward 20, 013 22<br />

2& 203 29<br />

1, 269 76<br />

1, 116 55<br />

425 03<br />

740 10<br />

435 89<br />

475 27<br />

550 00<br />

329 03<br />

187 04<br />

190 00<br />

$27& 935 18<br />

Surveying necessary base, meridian, standard parallel, totonsbip, and section<br />

lines in Kansas and 1Vebraska, per act August 4, 1854.<br />

To H. McEee, deputy surveyor,<br />

Kansas and Nebraska.<br />

J. H. Starr, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska<br />

J. Withrow, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska.<br />

W. N. Byers, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska . . . .<br />

W. S. Caldwell, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska<br />

J. A. Hutcheson, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska<br />

F. Hawn, deputy survevor, Kansas and Nebraska<br />

C. E Watson, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska. . . . .<br />

Isaac C. Stuck, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska<br />

A. . Oliphant, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska<br />

J. P. Caithcart, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska.<br />

C. Coborn, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska<br />

G. A. Dunn, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska<br />

C. W. Pierce, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska<br />

T. J. Mackey, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska.<br />

W. G. Allen, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska.<br />

J. H. Cook, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska. .<br />

C. A. Manners, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska<br />

W. D. Laishaw, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska<br />

W. P. Fain, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska<br />

W. Speucer, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska<br />

N. P. Cook, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska<br />

T. J. Wheatley, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska<br />

J. T. Hanseborough, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska<br />

S. F. Hale, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska. .<br />

C. Turner, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska<br />

D. F. Mitchell, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska<br />

A A. Crain and J. W. Doniphan, deputy surveyors, Kansas and<br />

Nebraska<br />

H. aud J. H. Robertson, deputy surveyors, Kansas and Nebras]ca<br />

S. Shepherd and N. Diefendorf, deputy surveyors, Kansas and<br />

Nebraslra<br />

H. Gaines and W. W. Clark, deputy surveyors, Kansas and Nebraska. .<br />

J. C. Stuck and W. N. Hill, deputy surveyors, Kansas and Nebraska<br />

824 89<br />

34 21<br />

3, 383 77<br />

87 27<br />

8 54<br />

10 40<br />

19 16<br />

40 64<br />

3 41<br />

156 32<br />

19 49<br />

9 51<br />

1 06<br />

2&610 90<br />

477 17<br />

142 88<br />

62 45<br />

34 81<br />

5 04<br />

4 87<br />

80<br />

2, 359 64<br />

59 06<br />

176<br />

2 34<br />

75 24<br />

5 00<br />

4 60<br />

6 53<br />

7 29<br />

3, 562 43<br />

5, 705 49<br />

$19, 726 88

1860-'61.<br />




189<br />

Surveying lialJilities incurred by the late surveyor general of Eansas and<br />

nebraska during the fiscat year ending the 80th tune, 1859, per act 24th<br />

May, 1860.<br />

To Diefendorf and Thompson, deputy surveyors, Kausas aml Nebraska . 5, 265 54<br />

J. h. . Brown, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska . I 996 05<br />

E. M. Kennedy, deputy surveyor Kansas and Nebraska . 2 852 04<br />

W. T. Starr, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska. I 425 86<br />

F. F. Campbell, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska . 2, 852 14<br />

F. G. Herbert, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska 502 24<br />

Hugh MeKee, deputy surveyor, Kansas and Nebraska 134 75<br />

$15, 028 62<br />

Compensation of the clerlcs in the land once at. Eiclcapoo, Eansas, in accordance<br />

with an act, g . , approved August 18, 1856, as per act J'ebruary 18, 1861.<br />

To J. W. Whit6eld. 83 553 00<br />

Expenses incurred in the analysis of eightyeight specimens from diferent<br />

localities of soils, coals, and ores, and preparation of the final report for publication,<br />

per act March 9, 1861.<br />

To John Evans 36, 984 50<br />

To enable the Secretary of the Interior to supply such neuly created ogcers, tyc. ,<br />

with full sets of the Statutes at Large.<br />

To W. H. & 0. H. Morrison $42 00<br />

Salaries and incidental expenses of commissions appointed to settle land claims<br />

in California.<br />

To R. H. Gillet. $1, 000 00<br />

Surveying in Louisiana at augmented rates, act of March 8, 1851 and 1855.<br />

To C. G. Hale<br />

W. C. Etobert<br />

T. Gillespie<br />

S. L. Meshon.<br />

I) 313 06<br />

23 50<br />

2, 064 70<br />

1, 460 27<br />

tt4, 861 53<br />

Itefunding<br />

To M. Harris<br />

moneys where certain<br />

Greensburg (late St<br />

lands have been entered at the land once in the<br />

Helena) land district, Louisiana.<br />

$406 25<br />

Surveying thc public lands in 0& egon, , to be disbursed at the rates now authorized<br />

by laic, act 31arch 8, 1859.<br />

To W. W. Chapman<br />

D. S. Herren.<br />

69 25<br />

'708 10<br />

Carried forward . . . . . . . . $777 35

190<br />

1860-'61.<br />

To R. V Short.<br />

Lafayette Cartee<br />

J, A. Burnett<br />

Thomas Chapman<br />

D. Murphy .<br />

E. E. Haft<br />

John Castello<br />

W. B. Campbell.<br />




Brought forward 77'7 35<br />

670 48<br />

4, 161 24<br />

3) 497 62<br />

351 80<br />

1, 920 00<br />

3, 543 90<br />

300 50<br />

1, 673 27<br />

$16, 896 16<br />

Surveying liabilities incurred by the surveyor general of Oregon during the<br />

fiscat year ending tune 80, 1859, per act 3Iay 24, 1860.<br />

To S. Truax<br />

H. Gordon.<br />

E. T. T. Fisher<br />

D. P. 'Ihompson<br />

N. Ford.<br />

A. R. Flint<br />

S. D. Snowdon.<br />

D. Hathorn<br />

J. A. Burnett<br />

Z. F. Moody<br />

837 08<br />

3, 830 23<br />

708 32<br />

257 50<br />

375 80<br />

214 17<br />

297 93<br />

452 09<br />

781 25<br />

193 90<br />

$7, 948 33<br />

For defraying the expenses of a geological reconnaissance and exploration itt<br />

Oregon and IVashington Territories over and above the appropriations of<br />

3Iarch 8, 1858 and 1855, per act 3Iarch 2, 1861.<br />

To John Evans 8&3& 574 70<br />

Surveying tozonship and subdivision lines, estimated at 4, 920 miles, in Wash.<br />

ington Territory, at a rate not exceeding $12 per mile.<br />

To H. S. Gile, deputv surveyor, Washington<br />

W. H. Carlton<br />

A. C. Smith.<br />

L. Van Vleet and J. Newson<br />

John Trutch<br />

J. W. Smith and J. S. Hurd.<br />

Henry N. Stearns<br />

El. O. C. and D. H. 5Iurphy<br />

Justin Chenowith<br />

Territory.<br />

587 78<br />

3, 383 76<br />

4, 518 BB<br />

1, 641 57<br />

6& 827 20<br />

740 53<br />

31722 34<br />

386 4<br />

75 24<br />

$21, 883 70<br />

Surveying standard parallel and meridian lines in TVashington Territory, stt<br />

estimated distance of 500 miles.<br />

To H. J. G. Maxon and Jared S. Hurd<br />

J. E. Hall.<br />

9, 266 39<br />

203 70<br />

$), &» &4

1860-'61.<br />




191<br />

Surveying the public lands in washington Territory, at the rates now authorized<br />

by law, act tune 2;&, 1860.<br />

To H. N. Stearns<br />

W. H. Carlton<br />

Edward Gibson.<br />

Louis Van Vleet<br />

J. S. Hurd and James Lodge<br />

187 66<br />

3, 897 01<br />

423 00<br />

1, 442 83<br />

4, 538 06<br />

810, 488 5G<br />

Surveying the necessary base, meridian, standard parallel, township, and section<br />

lines in New 3Iexico, per act August 4, 1854.<br />

To J. W. Garretson<br />

W. Pelham and R. K. Clements<br />

195 44<br />

8, 784 99<br />

$8, 980 43<br />

Burveying such of the private claims in New 3Iexico as shall have been conferred<br />

by Conlrev, ', including expenses incurred by the surveyor general, $ . , per act<br />

June 12, 1858.<br />

To W. Pelham<br />

J. W. Garretson<br />

94 00<br />

3, 761 25<br />

83, 855 25<br />

Surveying the base, principal meridian, correction of parallels, townships, and<br />

section lines in Utah Territory, at augmented rates.<br />

To S. C. Stambaugh 81, 939 68<br />

Preparin the unfinished records of public and private surveys to be transferred<br />

to the State authorities in those districts u&here the surveys are about being<br />

completed.<br />

To J. R. Atkinson<br />

G. Hoot'setter<br />

E. Haren, jr<br />

J. M. Washburn .<br />

H. Gascon .<br />

R. Conover<br />

C. L. Mavor<br />

A. Bercegay<br />

J. H. Ayrand.<br />

C, Renard<br />

J. H. Ry«Riel'i.<br />

370 00<br />

600 00<br />

600 00<br />

300 00<br />

275 00<br />

500 00<br />

300 00<br />

300 00<br />

192 91<br />

98 90<br />

80 00<br />

$3, 616 81

192<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Sn act to authorise the President of fhe United States, in conjunction u!ith the<br />

State of Texas, to run and mark the boundary lines betueen the territories<br />

of the United States and fhe State of Texas, approved June 5, 1858.<br />

To John H. Clark $5, 000 00<br />

Running and marking that part of the toestern boundary of 3~~nnesota u!hieh<br />

is not defi'ned by natural landma! ks, estimated at 180 miles, per act 3Iarch 3,<br />

1859<br />

To C. H. Swain and H. Hutton.<br />

F. Upperman.<br />

152 88<br />

189 64<br />

$342 52<br />

Expenses of running and marking the boundary line betu!een the Knifed States<br />

and ilIexico, (arrearages. )<br />

To J. M. McClelland (deceased).<br />

E. E. Chamberlain (deceased) .<br />

265 96<br />

505 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By A H, Chamberlain (deceased).<br />

770 96<br />

45 00<br />

$725 96<br />

To John Seys.<br />

F. J. !Mereuo<br />

H. W. Hilliard .<br />

Abner Read<br />

O. H. Lackey<br />

H. Sigler<br />

J. Williams<br />

A. Wadsworth<br />

E. Mills<br />

J. F. Tully<br />

E. J. Rogers, (boy)<br />

John Boston<br />

M. M. Burrows<br />

Nark Sullivan<br />

Ward, Jacl'son & Jones.<br />

John Collins. .<br />

Suppression<br />

of the slave trade.<br />

Carried forward. . . . . .<br />

3, 827 60<br />

15, 369 09<br />

ji 600 00<br />

320 62<br />

171 25<br />

65 38<br />

224 44<br />

114 51<br />

224 44<br />

65 39<br />

65 38<br />

1, 758 59<br />

213 75<br />

67 60<br />

3, 000 00<br />

65 39<br />

027, 153 43



1860-'61.<br />

To Mary H. Stacy .<br />

P. Phillips.<br />

A. Baxter.<br />

J, G. Carr<br />

R, C. Deane.<br />

C. C. Davis<br />

C. G. Hoffman<br />

G. Roberts.<br />

E. McKean .<br />

F. Ray<br />

W. Smith<br />

W. Divine .<br />

R. . Seldcn.<br />

'<br />

H. L. Shcldon.<br />

R. Druex.<br />

T. M. Patterson.<br />

J. P. Jones<br />

E Young<br />

H. Barbot<br />

G. D. Emmons<br />

T. A. M. Craven<br />

J. H. Hoadley<br />

L Kennedy<br />

George Drain and M. F. Donnelly<br />

T. H. Davis<br />

W. H. Cushman .<br />

E. C, Patten .<br />

E. T. Spedden and C. C, Carpenter.<br />

P. C. Kennedy<br />

A. K. Hughes<br />

John Jones and others. . . .<br />

A. M. Vedder<br />

R. Welsh<br />

J. W. Duuningion<br />

T. A. Dornin<br />

J. W. Prout.<br />

L. Watson.<br />

E. Ssussex<br />

J. Kennessy .<br />

R. Jordan .<br />

John Littleton and others.<br />

T. Stanley<br />

D. Benjamin<br />

J. H. Raynard and W. Smith<br />

M. Coughlin and M. B. Ryan.<br />

C. Erving. .<br />

E. P. Williams .<br />

E. L, Dick<br />

3V. Williams.<br />

W. Nash<br />

J. H. Raynard.<br />

M. Kellog<br />

John Huber and others<br />

D. Faren .<br />

D. H. Stews, rt .<br />

P. H. Aylctt .<br />

William McLain .<br />

I'eter Miller<br />

IV. C. Wheeler Charles Jones .<br />

Michael Casson .<br />

13 R<br />


Brought forward 27 153 43<br />

171 25<br />

000 00<br />

114 51<br />

204 03<br />

179 81<br />

93 20<br />

93 19<br />

204 03<br />

221 81<br />

27 50<br />

64 16<br />

37 50<br />

320 62<br />

221 81<br />

117 79<br />

433 50<br />

433 50<br />

65 39<br />

316 87<br />

253 50<br />

267 50<br />

221 81<br />

204 04<br />

130 78<br />

179 82<br />

213 75<br />

253 50<br />

633 74<br />

171 25<br />

308 00<br />

196 15<br />

128 33<br />

90 53<br />

433 50<br />

540 00<br />

27 50<br />

27 50<br />

221 81<br />

90 53<br />

125 00<br />

313 12<br />

282 50<br />

25 51<br />

155 83<br />

140 78<br />

118 46<br />

212 50<br />

253 50<br />

25 51<br />

126 25<br />

122 50<br />

118 46<br />

116 24<br />

90 53<br />

71 90<br />

211 15<br />

57, 681 21<br />

58 12<br />

258 46.<br />

221 81<br />

90 53<br />

Carried forward. . . $100, 887 31

194<br />



1860-'61.<br />


To J'. B, Sheridan and J. J. McElhone<br />

Michael Burke.<br />

S. C. Van Dyke.<br />

D. H. btus, rt .<br />

R. S. McCook<br />

H. D. Todd<br />

W. B. Hall.<br />

J. T. Joyce<br />

J. S. Albert<br />

J. L. Tatum<br />

T H. Eastman and others<br />

W. J. McCluney<br />

J. R. Jarvis<br />

Charles Wilson<br />

Owen Gibbon<br />

C. E. Clark<br />

C. Hatfield<br />

George Williams . . . . . . . .<br />

J. N. Nicholson<br />

Henry Lelland<br />

John beys aud others<br />

H. A. Cargill<br />

C. P. Clark<br />

J. P. Foster<br />

Daniel Burns<br />

Peter Lammond<br />

Curtis B*con.<br />

Yates Porterfleld.<br />

Richard Smith<br />

Robert Murray.<br />

C. Seymour and others<br />

A . H. Watson.<br />

Brought forward . . 100& 887 31<br />

195 00<br />

78 23<br />

&49 51<br />

94 93,<br />

128 33<br />

316 09<br />

138 01<br />

27 50<br />

2o3 50<br />

196 06,<br />

G41 26<br />

1, 275 60<br />

3 7J<br />

27 50<br />

58412<br />

90 53<br />

316 81<br />

25 51<br />

27 50<br />

17 57<br />

9& 132 24<br />

41 40<br />

218 82<br />

385 00<br />

58 12<br />

I, 000 00<br />

878 87<br />

301 10<br />

8I3 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 687 86<br />

62 56<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayxncnts:<br />

By Edward Siubbs.<br />

J. J. Rosevelt.<br />

801 93<br />

54 00<br />

121& lli 08<br />

855 93<br />

$120, 261 15<br />

For removing to the coast of Africa, and there providing teith food, shelter, and<br />

clothing for a term not excee&li»g one year from the date of landing in Africa,<br />

the captured Africans recently landed in the southern district of Florida, per<br />

act of tune 16, 1860.<br />

To W. Lindsley, special agent United States. . . . . . . . . 400 00<br />

W. 3icLain 18, 875 00<br />

J, M. McCalla, jr . . . . . . . 606 6G<br />

American Colonization Society 121, 018 35<br />

W. P. Young 750 00<br />

John Seys . . . . . . . . . 1, 578 52<br />

J. H. Towne ar 8 others. 1 852 28<br />

J. Seys and L. Johnson 3r Co . . . . . . . 2, 072 92<br />

J. beys and others 2&346 84<br />

@149 500 57<br />

Roads and canals, and thei nprocement<br />

of nauigation uithin the State of Alabaraa<br />

To the State of A. labama. $4, 324 49


1860-' 61.<br />


1'uo per cent. of the net proceeds of lanrl sold by the United<br />

quished tn the Stote of Alabama.<br />

19'<br />

Sta'es and relin-<br />

To the State of Alabama. 82, 882 99<br />

Roads and canals unthin the Slate of Missouri on account of the 8 per cent.<br />

fund.<br />

To the State of Missourf . $8, 858 05<br />

1'mo per cent. fund of the net proceeds of the sales of public lands sold in the<br />

State of Missouri.<br />

To the State of Missouri. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5, 905 37<br />

Roads and Levees mthin the State of Louisiana, (five per cent. fund. )<br />

To the State of Louisiana $13, 382 09<br />

Five per cent. fund of the net proceeds of sales of'public lands in the State of<br />

3Ii n nesota.<br />

To the State of Minnesota. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3, 555 1<br />

Itoads and canals uithin<br />

the State of Arkansas on account of the five per cent.<br />

fund.<br />

To thc State of Arkansas 665, 941 81<br />

Roads and canals tvithin the State of 3Iississippi, dc.<br />

To the State of Mississippi $7, 354 87<br />

Z'u:o per cent, of the net proceeds of lands sold by the United<br />

quished to the State of 3Iississippi.<br />

Slates and relin-<br />

To the State of Mississippi $4, 903 24<br />

Roads and canals u'ithin the State of lIichigan.<br />

To the State of Michigan $3, 316 88<br />

Alterations<br />

and repairs of the President's IIouse.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6, 000 00



1860-'61.<br />


Refurnishing the President's House.<br />

To J. B. Blal. e, late Commissioner of Public Buildings<br />

W. H. Carryle tr Bro .<br />

417 7p<br />

7, 500 pp<br />

$7, 917 70<br />

Compensation<br />

of doorkeeper of the President's House.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings. .<br />

W. S. Wood. . . . . . . . . do<br />

650 00<br />

50 00<br />

$700 00<br />

Compensation<br />

of assistant doorkeeper of the President'8 House.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

W. S. Wood. . . . . . . . . . do<br />

650 00<br />

50 00<br />

8700 00<br />

Compensation<br />

of tu:o night uatchmen in the President's House.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings. . . .<br />

W. S, Wood. . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

I& 800 00<br />

100 00<br />

81, 400 00<br />

Compensation<br />

of the furnace keeper at the President's House.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings. .<br />

W. S. Wood. . . . . . . . . do.<br />

650 00<br />

50 00<br />

8700 00<br />

J'uel, in part, for the President's<br />

House.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings. . . . . . . . . $1, 800 00<br />

Purchase of boo1cs for the h7rarg of the Executi ne 3Iansion.<br />

To James Buchanan, jr<br />

A. . J. Glossbrenner.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By A. J. Glossbrenner<br />

869 95<br />

690 58<br />

980 47<br />

15 54<br />

8944 98<br />

rfnnual repairs of the Capitol, tooter closets, Jf".<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildiogs. 8. -, 000 pp


1660 —'61.<br />


7o enable tkc J'iriident to contract witk P& am Pvuers for some scoria of art<br />

executed or to be executed by him, and suitalle for an ornament to tke<br />

Capitol.<br />

To Hiram Powers. 65, 000 00<br />

Ltepairs of water pipes at the Capitol.<br />

'To W. S, Wood, late Commissioner of Public Buildings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8300 00<br />

J'or furnishing and ornamenting the Capitol witk such worIes of art as may be<br />

ordered by the Committee on tke Library to be placed in either wing of the extension.<br />

To Einley Bigger, late agent joint library committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . $1, 050 00<br />

Compensation of laborerfor cleaning the rotunda, water closets, Jfc. , at the Capitol.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

W. S. Wood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

474 50<br />

36 50<br />

8)11 00<br />

Compensation<br />

of the western gate l:eeper at the Capitol.<br />

To, l. B. Blake, late Commissioner<br />

W. S. Wood. . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

of Public Buildings.<br />

949 00<br />

73 00<br />

ttl, 022 00<br />

Compensation of tuo watchmen to preserve the public grounds about the<br />

Capitol.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner<br />

W. S. Wood . do do.<br />

cf Public Buildings<br />

1, 300 00<br />

100 00<br />

$1, 400 00<br />

Compensation<br />

of one night uatchman employed for tke protection of the buildings<br />

lying south of the Capitol.<br />

To J. B. Blalre, late Commissioner of Public Buildings<br />

W. S. Wood do . do<br />

650 00<br />

50 00<br />

$700 00<br />

Lighting the Ch&tdtol and President'3 A'ouse, and the public grounds around<br />

tnem a~«t around the executive vices and Pennsylvania avenue.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings. . . . . . S47, 057 60

198<br />



1860-'61.<br />


For converting the old Senate chamber info a courtroom, the old court-roots<br />

into a law library, and fitting up the rooms in connexion urith them for the<br />

use of the Supreme Court.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings . $25, 000 Il<br />

l~orfitting up the roomsin the centre building of the Capitol, formerly occupied<br />

by the Senate Committees on Naval, military, and Indian A/airs, for the use<br />

of the Court of Claims.<br />

To John B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings . . $3, 000 pp<br />

For the erection of the north front of the Patent Offrrce building.<br />

To John B. Blal-c, late Commissioner of Public Buildings . . $3, 600 0p<br />

Casual repairs of the Patent Once building.<br />

To Peter Lammond, disbursing clerk of the Interior DePartment $2, 000 00<br />

zaking cases and fittin up rooms in fhe Patent Once building to receive copyright<br />

books, charts, and other copy-right matter, gc.<br />

To S. T. Shugert, late Commissioner of Patents $1, 200 00<br />

For fhe collection of' agricultural statistics, investigations for promoting agriculture<br />

and rural economy, and procurement of' cuttings and seeds.<br />

To D. P. Hollomay, Commissioner of Patents<br />

P. F. Thomas, late . do.<br />

S, T. Shugert do do<br />

4, 000 00<br />

25, 000 00<br />

21, 000 00<br />

$50, 000 00<br />

Drawings to illustrate the reporf of the Commissioner<br />

of Patents.<br />

To P. F. Thomas, late Commissioner of Patents $6, 000 00<br />

For the preservation of the collection of the exploring and surveying expeditious<br />

of the government.<br />

To Peter Lammond, disbursing clerk of the Interior Department . $4, 0"0 00<br />

For constructing<br />

the cellar of the north front of the Patent Once building is«<br />

aces and store rooms, and for putting iron railing around the areas in t~e<br />

court-yard of said building, and for flagging the same.<br />

To John B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings<br />

W. S. Wood. do. . do<br />

o, ooo oo<br />

0, 000 pp<br />

$P, O00 00



199<br />

Patent fund.<br />

'I'o D. P, Hnlloway, Commissioner of Patents, for salaries in his ofdce<br />

r'. F. Shuge&t, late Act'g Comm'r of Patents, for salaries in his office<br />

I'. F. Th&rmas, late Commissioner of Patents, for salaries in his office. .<br />

D. 1'. Hollo way, Commissioner of Patents, for tezupor»ry clerks.<br />

I'. F. Thomas, late Cr&znmissioner of Patents, for tc&uporary clerl's<br />

S. T. Shugert. late Act'g Commissioner of Patents, for temporary clerks<br />

D. P. Holloway, Commissioner of Patents, for contingent expenses<br />

P. F. 'I'homas, late Commissioner of Patents, for contingent expenses<br />

S. T. Shugert, late Acting Commissioner of Patents, for coutingent<br />

expenses.<br />

D P. FIolloway, Commissioner of Patents, for repay&nents for applications<br />

for patents withdrawn<br />

To P. F. 'I'horn»s, late Commissionr. r of Patents, for repayments for applications<br />

for patents withdrawn<br />

S. T. Shugert, late Acting Commissioner of Patents, for repayments<br />

for applications for patents withdr»wn<br />

I'. F. Thorn»s, late Commissioner of Patents, for judges of appeals<br />

S. '1'. Shugcrt, late Acting Commissioner of Patents, for judges of appeals<br />

S. T. Shu'crt, late Acting Com&nissioner of Patents, for refuuding money<br />

paid by mistake<br />

28, 000 00<br />

35, 177 38<br />

56, 684 31<br />

16, 600 00<br />

22, 000 00<br />

18, 000 00<br />

13, 000 00<br />

26, 000 00<br />

25, 500 00<br />

14, 000 00<br />

11, 000 00<br />

11, 000 00<br />

500 00<br />

500 00<br />

500 00<br />

$277, 861 69<br />

To enable lhe Secretary of tire Interior, under the direr, lion of the President of<br />

the t &riled Stoics, lo I&urchase a, site in the neighborhood of IUa, :hington, and<br />

/or r r& r;lio», g;. , uf an asylum for the insane of the District of Columbia and<br />

the arnzy and navy.<br />

To C. H. Nichols, superintendent $33, 000 00<br />

Support, clvthi»g, and me&heal treatment<br />

bia, and of the arnzzy and nauy, at the asylum.<br />

of lhe insane of the District of Colum-<br />

To C. H. Nichols, superintendent $30, 000 00<br />

FIeatirzg and &ce&ztilating the entire u&&finishe remainder &f&' the insane hospital<br />

edzfic&', gc.<br />

To C. H. Nichols, superintendent $5, 000 00<br />

Eor books and incidental expenses of the insane hospttal, per act June 2o, 1860.<br />

To C. H. Nichols, superintendent $500 00<br />

Eor furnisluing<br />

the present hospital conti»nation, comprising the centre and three<br />

sections of the u&ing.<br />

To C. H, Nichols, superintendent $5, 343 00<br />

Eor e& & cling, f«rni shi &g, lighting, and h&aling a lodge for colored zconzen, correspv»&lirzg<br />

to that at& eady erected and occ«pied by colored men.<br />

To C. EI. Nichols, superintendent $10, 000 00

200<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Ii'or salaries and incidental expenses of the Columbia Institute for the deaf, dumb,<br />

and blind.<br />

To the Columbia institution . $3, 000 00<br />

llaintenance<br />

and tuition of the deaf, dumb, and, blind pupils of the District of<br />

Columbia at the Columbia Institution.<br />

To the Columbia Institution. $3, 585 20<br />

Eor the support<br />

and medical treatment of forty transient paupers, medical and<br />

. surgical patients, in the washington injirmary.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings $6, 000 00<br />

Support of the penitentiary<br />

of the District of Columbia.<br />

To C. P. Sengstack, late warden $6, 296 25<br />

Compensation of the Marden, clerk, physician, chaplain, g. , of the penitentiary,<br />

District of Columbia.<br />

To Hiram J. King, warden<br />

C. P. Sengstack, late warden<br />

2, 428 00<br />

10, 215 00<br />

812, 643 00<br />

Compensation of three inspectors of the penitentiary, District of Columbia.<br />

1<br />

To C. P. Sengstack, late warden $562 50<br />

Compensation of four dratokeepers and a u:atchman, and fuel and oil for th»<br />

lamps, of the Potomac bridge.<br />

To John B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildmgs<br />

W. S. Wood, late Commissioner of Public Buildings<br />

3 530 40<br />

252 00<br />

$3, 782 40<br />

For taking dou, 'n and rebuilding the southernmost span of the bridge across the<br />

Potomac knoton as the Long bridge.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings $3, 247 54<br />

Eor repairs of the Potomac, navy yard, and upper bridges, gc.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings<br />

W. S. Wood, late Commissioner of Public Buildings<br />

6, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

$9. 000 00



201<br />

1860-'61.<br />


Compensation of two drawkeepers, and for fuel and oil for the lamps of the two<br />

bridges across the Eastern Branch of the Potomac.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buil&lings<br />

W. S. Wood, late Commissioner of Public Buildings . 1, 269 95<br />

90 00<br />

$1)359 95<br />

To repay the corporation of Georgetown, District of Columbia, all moneys heretofore<br />

advanced by said corporation towards the construction of the bridge oUer<br />

the Potomac at Little I'alls.<br />

To the corporation of Georgetown $4, 600 00<br />

Compensation of the public gardener, TVashington, District of Columbia.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner<br />

of Public Buildings<br />

1, 618 74<br />

W. S. Wood, late Commissioner of Public Buildings . . 120 00<br />

$1, 738 74<br />

Compensation<br />

of laborers on the public grounds and the President's garden.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Comruissioner of Public Buildings. . . $15, 400 00<br />

Support of the public greenhouses, including pay of horticulturist and assistants.<br />

'I'o Michael Nourse, late agent Joint Library Coromittee. .<br />

Finley Bigger do do. . . . . do<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By Michael Nourse, late agent Joint Library Committee<br />

2, 621 50<br />

3, 630 77<br />

6, 252 27<br />

509 27<br />

85)743 00<br />

Procuring manure, tools, fuel, repairs, purchasing trees, gc, , fur botanic garden,<br />

to be expended under the direction of the Library Committee of Cong&<br />

ess.<br />

To Michael Nourse, late agent Joiut Library Committee<br />

F' in icy Bigger. . . do. do . . . do<br />

From whicli d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following<br />

repayment:<br />

By Michael Nourse, late agent Joint Library Committee<br />

2, 300 00<br />

1, 987 94<br />

4, 287 94<br />

687 94<br />

63, 600 00

202<br />



1860-'61.<br />


For taking care of the grounds south of' the President's mansion, continuing<br />

the improvements of the same, tlc.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings . . $2. 000 pp<br />

PuNic reservation<br />

No. 2 and Lafayette Square.<br />

TosJ. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings . . . $2, 000 00<br />

Purchase of trees and tree-boxes, to replace where necessary such as have been<br />

placed by the United States, and repairs of pavements in jront of the public<br />

grounds.<br />

To W. S. Wood, late Commissioner of Public Buildings $2, 000 00<br />

For the hire of carts on the public grounds.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings. . $1, 095 00<br />

Purchase of manure for the public grounds.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings $1, 000 00<br />

Repairs of Pennsylvania<br />

avenue.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings $3, 000 00<br />

Cleaning out the seu:er traps on Pennsylvania<br />

avenue.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings $600 00<br />

Curbing and paving footwalk and gutter, laying stone footway, and grading on<br />

the south side of 31issouri avenue, from 3d to 6th streets west.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings . . . $1, 939 3'l<br />

Enclosing the circle at the intersection of Pennsylvania avenue and E and 2M<br />

streets uith a urrought iron rail fence.<br />

To J. B. Biake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings . . . $9, 018 47<br />

Grading and gravelling B street south, from '1th to 14th street meet, setting curb,<br />

and paving gutter with stone and footway mith brick, tSc.<br />

To J. B. Blal-e, late Commissioner of Public Buildings. . . . $7. 979 50


203<br />

1860 —'61<br />


J'or seats of u, 'ood in the Smithsonian grounds.<br />

To J. B. Blake, late Commissionerof Public Buildings . . $100 00<br />

Repairing the fence around that portion of the mall upon uhich the Smithsonian<br />

building is situated.<br />

To J, B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings . $500 00<br />

J"or the purchase and repair of tools used on the public grounds.<br />

To, J. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings $250 00<br />

Compensation and contingent expenses of the auxiliary guard.<br />

To J B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings<br />

33, 518 42<br />

W. . S. Wood. . do. .. . do do do. . 2, 666 68<br />

$36, 185 10<br />

Compensation of ttcenty policemen in the city of Washington, to be appointed<br />

in the same manne~ as the auxiliary guards, gc.<br />

To the corporation of Washington .<br />

J, B, Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings. . . .<br />

1& 000 00<br />

12& 000 00<br />

$13, 000 00<br />

Expense of packing and dhstributing congressional journals and documents, in<br />

pursuance of thejoint resolution of Congress approved January 28, 1858.<br />

To Peter Lammond, disbursing clerk of the Interior Department . . . . . . . $12, 000 00<br />

Expenses to be incurred preliminary<br />

to taking the eighth census.<br />

To Peter Lammond, disbursing clerk of the Interior Department . . . . . . . . $7, 000 00<br />

To provide for blanks and other printing, and paper, for the same, required<br />

preliminary to taktng the eighth, census.<br />

To G. W. Bowman<br />

J. H. Hall.<br />

10, 189 17<br />

276 90<br />

$10, 466 07

204<br />



1360-'61.<br />


Expenses to beincurred in tating the eighth census of the inhabitants of the<br />

United States.<br />

To Peter A. Keller, disbursing clerk of the Interior Department. . . . . . . 370, 000 00<br />

W. B. Gulick, late. . do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530, 000 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

9007 000 00<br />

By W. B. Gulick, late disbursing clerk of the Interior Department . . . . . . . . 386 00<br />

4899, 614 00<br />

J'or services of the special counsel and other extraordinary expenses in defending<br />

the title of the United States to public property in Ualtfornia.<br />

To P. Della Torre<br />

G. W. Guthrie.<br />

P. L. Solomon .<br />

Caleb Cushing .<br />

Eben Foxen.<br />

Alexander Zakageroski.<br />

J. F. Shunk .<br />

Charles E. Clifford.<br />

2, 901 54<br />

730 00<br />

19, 500 00<br />

500 00<br />

400 00<br />

170 00<br />

5, 636 04<br />

725 00<br />

030, 562 58<br />

To enable the Secretary of the Interior to procure a lease from the board of<br />

supervisors of Ontario county, New York:, for court rooms and post once at<br />

Canandaigua, New York, and to furnish the same.<br />

To the board of supervisors of Ontario county, New York . . . . . . . . . . . . 012) 000 00<br />

J'or rent of rooms occupied by the United States courts at Los Angelos, California,<br />

from October 27, 1864, to the b&h of August, 1866, per act June 28,<br />

1860.<br />

To McFarland tk Downey $3, 000 00<br />


A resolution authorizing the settlement of the accounts of John Il. Itartlett, late<br />

commissioner of the United States to run the boundary line between the United<br />

States and 3Iexico, approved June '1, 1860.<br />

To John R. Bartlett.<br />

John D. Groesbeck.<br />

6, 953 58<br />

125 00<br />

87, 878 58


1860-'61<br />


205<br />

An act for the relief of Taylor Dudley, of'Minnesota, approved March 2, 1861.<br />

To Taylor Dudley . . „. . . . . . . . . „. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $370 00<br />

Itelief for damages by seizures of vessels and cargo in the harbor of San<br />

Francisco.<br />

To Jacob DeHart $3, 024 00<br />

An act for the relief nf John II: W heeler, approved March 2, 1861.<br />

To John H. Wheeler $5&715 20<br />

An act for the relief of Augustus II. Evans, approved March 1, 1861.<br />

To Augustus H. Evans. $800 00<br />

An act for the relief of Moses Meeker, approved February 8, 1861.<br />

To Moses Meeker $6, 484 34<br />

An act for the relief of Eliza B. 3Iills, n, 'idotc of Robert 3Ii7ls, approved 57arch<br />

2, 1861.<br />

To Eliza B. Mills $500 00<br />

Joint resolution for the beneftt of George II. Giddings, received by the President<br />

States on the 18th, of February, 1861, and not returned by him<br />

of the United<br />

with objections uiithin ten days.<br />

To George H. Giddings . $70, 000 00<br />

For compensation to Robert L At1cinson, Third Auditor nf t1&e Treasury, for<br />

duties performed by him in the investigation of claims for the suppression of<br />

Indian hostilities in Oregon and TVashington Territory.<br />

To Robert J. Atkinson $1, 000 00<br />

An act for the relief of Samuel S, Green, approved February 28, 1861.<br />

To the Post Office Department. $12, 443 83<br />

To reimburse the Territory of Utah for ez'penses incurred in suppressing Indian<br />

host&gities in said Territory in the year 1858, per act of February 27, 1861.<br />

'I'o David 0, Calder . $53 %' ) 512 20


1860-' 61<br />


An act for the relief of Coale g Barr, approved JIarch 1, 1861.<br />

To Coale k Barr $204 00<br />

I<br />

An act for the relief of SamueL B. IIibbard, approved JIarch 2, 1861.<br />

To the Post Once Department 6830 00<br />

An act for the relief of 0. D. Fairbanks, Fred. Dodge, and the Pacific 3IgQ<br />

Steamship Comyany, ayproved January 28, 1861.<br />

To the Paci6c Mail Steamship Company $412 50<br />

An actfor the relief of Samuel Perry, ayproved February 28, 1861.<br />

To Eliza Perry, executrix of Samuel Perry, deceased $638 98<br />

An act for the relief of the California Stage Company, approved June 22, 1866.<br />

To the Post Oflice Department $59, 382 08<br />

An act for the relief of 3Irs. A. TV. Angus. widow of the Late Captain Samuel<br />

Angus, approved tune 28, 1860.<br />

To Anne W. Angus $21, 800 77<br />

An act for the relief of Peter Itogerson g Son, of Saint John' s, Newfoundland,<br />

owners of the British, brig Jessie, approved June 9, 1860.<br />

To Peter Rogerson k Son<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By Peter Rogerson k Son<br />

7)788 75<br />

3. 894 37<br />

1 3, 894 BB<br />

An act for the relief of Peay P AyH/e, approved June 21, 1861.<br />

To the Post 016ce Department $20, 014 29<br />

An act for the relief of Benjamin Sayre, approved June 16, 1861.<br />

To Benjamin Sayre 82, 043 00



207<br />

1860-' 61.<br />


An act for the relief of W. K Hansell, the heirs of W. H: Underu:ood,<br />

representatives of Samue/ Rockwell, approved June 9, 1861,<br />

To John W. H. Underwood and J. B. Underwood.<br />

G. M. Underwood<br />

Elijah Humphreys and Elizabeth T. Humphreys<br />

Lemuel J. Standifer, Sarah W. Standifer, his wife, and W. H. Underwood<br />

deceased<br />

The heirs of W. H. Underwood<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By the heirs of W. H. Underwood<br />

and the<br />

2, 234 54<br />

1, 117 27<br />

1& 117 27<br />

1, 117 27<br />

8, 938 17<br />

14& 524 52<br />

8& 938 17<br />

$5, 586 35<br />

An act for the relief of Philip B. Holmes and William Pedrick.<br />

'lo P. B. Holmes and William Pedrick $3, 000 00<br />

An act for the relief of Cassius 3L Clay, approved June ol, 1860.<br />

To Csssius M. Clay $918 70<br />

An act for the relief of John Black, late consul at the city of 3Iexico, per second<br />

section act of 3fay 9, 1848.<br />

To John Black $1, 124 00<br />

4n act for the relief of Aaron H. Palmer, approved February 18, 1861.<br />

To Aaron H. Palmer $3, 000 00<br />

An act for the relief of the heirs of the legal representatives of the estate of<br />

Charles H. 3Iason, approved June 21, 1860.<br />

To Charles H. Mason $2, 024 60<br />

An act for the relief of Richard C 31artin, approved January 15, 1861.<br />

To Richard C. Martin $1, 050 00<br />

An act for the relief of Randall Pegg, approved February 19, 1861.<br />

To Randall Pegg $199 58<br />

An act for the relief of Townsend<br />

approved February 18, 1861.<br />

Harris, or his he~rs or legal representatives,<br />

To Townsend Harris $10, 000 00

208<br />



1860-'61.<br />


An act for the relief of WiLliam Couring, approved February 18, 1861.<br />

To William Cowing $126 Oo<br />

An act f' or the relief of Hockaday Eg Ligget, received by the President of the<br />

Exited States February 16, 1861, and not returned<br />

uithin ten days.<br />

To Hockaday 8r. Ligget .<br />

by him nilh objections<br />

$40, 000 00<br />

An act for the relief of Sheldon 3IcJ'night, approved June 28, 1860.<br />

To the Post Oflice Department. . . . . . . . . . . $13, 630 00<br />

To Robert A. Davidge<br />

An act for the relief of Robert A. Davidge.<br />

$118 9p<br />

An act for the relief of Guadalupe Estudillo<br />

E. 4rguello.<br />

de Arguello, nidor of Santiago<br />

To G. E. de Arguello<br />

$14, 888 0t<br />

For payment to H: Woods and Legal representatives of S. Roseberg, deceased,<br />

for servrces in superintending construction of the custom-house at Pittsburg,<br />

Pennsylvania.<br />

To H. Woods $2 290 00<br />

An act for the relief of W. A. Lewis's estate, approved December 22, 1860.<br />

To F. C. Reynolds $6, 039 96<br />

For the settlement,<br />

kc. , of the accounts of the contractor, Sgc. , for the customhouse,<br />

gc. , at San Francisco, California.<br />

. $54, 438 21<br />

To James Smiley. . . . . . . . . ,<br />

An act fur the relief of Captain ALevander<br />

V. Frashier.<br />

To Alexander V, Frashier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3, 920 00<br />

An act for the relief of Henry Rice.<br />

To Henr y Rice.<br />

$10 539 88<br />

To Horace P. Russ<br />

An act for the relief of Richard Chenery.<br />

$3, 890 00<br />

Compensation of u;atchmen employed on reservation Xo<br />

To John B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings<br />

W. S. Wood, late Commissioner of Public Buildings<br />

500 00<br />

50 00<br />

$55o 00



209<br />

1860-'61 ~<br />


nEPdrbMrs.<br />

Construction of a building at BurLington, Vermont, for the accommodation of a<br />

custom-house and post once, act of August 4, 1854.<br />

By J. B. Bowdish. $53 23<br />

Ten per cent. for the contingent expenses of a custom-house,<br />

rirginia, act of March 8, 1855.<br />

Jyc. , at Alexandria,<br />

By E. 8. Hough $0 11<br />

Contingent expenses of erecting the marine hospital at Detroit, Michigan.<br />

By M. Shoemaker $710 35<br />

Ten per cent. for the contingent expenses, gc. , of a marine hospital at Burlington,<br />

Vermont, act March 8, 1855.<br />

By J. B. Bowdish $32 22<br />

~Erection of a first class light-house, and fitting it with first order apparatus, at<br />

Barnegat, New Jersey.<br />

By H. Bache. $1 92<br />

Erection of a Light-house<br />

on FenwicPs island, Delaware.<br />

By H. Bache. $1, 251 04<br />

By J. N. Macomb<br />

Light-house<br />

af, Sevenfoot It:noLL, Maryland.<br />

$700 00<br />

Making permanent<br />

the signals by the Coast Survey on Florida reef, Florida.<br />

By H. Bache $488 56<br />

By H. Bache.<br />

Beacon-Light on Bebecca Shoal, Florida.<br />

$100 21<br />

For a channel range hght at Maumee bay, Ohio.<br />

By A. W. Whipple $458 00<br />

For a light-house<br />

on 6'reen island, Lake Erie, Ohio.<br />

By J. A. Jones $0 01<br />

Arranging and binding for preservatio~ the original returns<br />

census and those prior thereto.<br />

By Peter Lammond<br />

of the seventh<br />

$97 36<br />

Expenses attending Lieutenant 8 hippLA party fr'om Gila.<br />

By A, W, Whipple. . . .. . ~ $29 00<br />

14 a

210<br />

1860-'61.<br />



I'or transporting and placing Drills's statue of washington on the yedestaL, 40.<br />

By J. B. Blake, late Commissioner of Public Buildings $175 00<br />

For a buoy on Mtddleground shoal, Beaufort, 2%orth Carolina.<br />

By J, E. Gibble, topographical engineer $7 01<br />



Salaries of ministers of the United States to 6'reat Britain, 4c.<br />

To George M. Dallas, late minister resident to Great Britain 2, 693 40<br />

James Buchanan, late minister resident to Great Britain 769 23<br />

William L. Dayton, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary<br />

to France 1, 438 20<br />

Cassius M. Clay, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to<br />

Russia<br />

F. W. Pickens, late ruinister resident to Russia.<br />

John Appletou, late minister resident to Russia<br />

James E, Harvey, minister resident to Portugal<br />

. J. L. O. Sullivan, late minister resident to Portugal<br />

Carl Schurz, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to Spain.<br />

W. Preston, envoy extraordiuary and minister plenipotentiary to Spain.<br />

A. B. Dickenson, minister resident to Nicaragua<br />

Alexander Dimitry, late minister resident to Nicaragua<br />

E. O. Crosby, minister resident to Guatemala<br />

Beverly L. Clark, deceased, late minister resident to Guatemala.<br />

Norman B Judd, envoy extraordinary and minister to Berlin<br />

Charles N. Riotte, minister resident to Costa Rica<br />

Anson Burlingame, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary<br />

987 00<br />

1, 683 08<br />

2, 550 63<br />

616 43<br />

1, 887 12<br />

1&000 00<br />

231 20<br />

616 43<br />

14&021 35<br />

611 41<br />

3, 770 49<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1& 875 00<br />

to Vienna<br />

Thomas Corwin, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to<br />

1, 000 00<br />

Mexico 1& 000 00<br />

John B. Weller, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to<br />

Mexico<br />

Bradford R. Wood, late miuister resident to Mexico.<br />

Robert M. McLain, late minister<br />

resident to Mexico.<br />

C. Le D. Elgee, charge d'afi'aires, ditto a&t interim, to Mexico<br />

H. R. de la Reintree, late charge d'aifaires to 5Iexico<br />

J. M. Daniel, minister resident to Sardinia<br />

Frederic Hassaurek, minister resident to Ecuador. . . .<br />

C. R. Buckalew, late minister resident to Ecuador<br />

George G. Fogg, minister resident to Switzerland<br />

D. K. Carter, minister resident to Bolivia<br />

John Cotton Smith, late minister resident to Bolivia . . .<br />

J. S. Haldeman, minister resident to Stockholm<br />

Rufus King, minister resident to Rome<br />

G. P. Marsh, minister resident to Turin<br />

E. Y. Fair, minister resident to Brussels<br />

Robert M. Palmer, minister resident to Argentine Confederation<br />

John F. Cushman& late minister resident to Argentine Confederation<br />

George L. Brent, secretary of legation and charg0 d' affaires to Argentine<br />

Confederation<br />

George W. Jones, minister resident to New Granada .<br />

E. A. . Turpin, minister resident to Venezuela<br />

Lewis Casa, jr. , late minister resident to the Pontifical States<br />

John Bigler, minister to Chili<br />

James W. Borden, commissioner to the Sandwich Islands<br />

Baring Brothers & Co. , bankers of the United States in London. . . .<br />

1& 500 00<br />

616 43<br />

9, 238 38<br />

3, 131 82<br />

924 45<br />

14, 762 51<br />

616 43<br />

7, 570 44<br />

616 43<br />

1, 232 86<br />

7& 500 00<br />

616 43<br />

516 43<br />

986 30<br />

625 00<br />

616 48<br />

5& 650 69<br />

937 50<br />

6, 967 00<br />

7&500 00<br />

518 50<br />

6& 805 00<br />

7, 500 09<br />

170, 000 00<br />

$294, 794 95


1860 —'61.<br />


Salaries of secretaries of legation.<br />

To C. Le D. Elgee, secretary of legation to Mexico<br />

A. H. Gillespie, secretary of legation to Mexico. .<br />

W. H. Corwin, secretary of legation to Mexico<br />

George Lee Brent, secretary of legation to Argentine Confederation<br />

Joseph S. Priest, acting secretary of legation to Argentine Confederation.<br />

Louis Rodolphus, acting secretary of legation to Chili<br />

Charles S. Rand, acting secretary of legation to Chili<br />

W. R. Calhoun, secretary of legation to France<br />

Robert M. Walsh, secretary of legation to France<br />

Julian A. Mitchell, secretary of legation to St. Petersburg<br />

John E. Bacon, late secretary of legation to Russia<br />

P. N. Dallas, secretary of legation to Great Britain<br />

Charles L. Wilson, secretary of legation to London<br />

John P. Brown, secretary of legation and dragoman in Turkey<br />

Romaine Dillon, secretary of legation to Brazil.<br />

E. B. Faulkner, secretary of legation to Paris.<br />

E. G. W. Butler, jr. , late secretary of legation to Prussia<br />

John de Havilland, acting secretary of legation to Spain<br />

Baring Brothers & Co. , bankers of the United States in London.<br />

211<br />

900 00<br />

300 00<br />

300 00<br />

488 95<br />

1, 090 63<br />

250 00<br />

1, 125 00<br />

683 00<br />

218 70<br />

352 74<br />

167 16<br />

381 44<br />

216 00<br />

573 24<br />

223 06<br />

403 44<br />

149 35<br />

900 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

$28& 721 71<br />

Salary of secretary of legation to Turkey acting as interpreter.<br />

To Baring Brothers tk Co $3, 000 00<br />

Secretary af legation to China acting as interpreter.<br />

To Baring Brothers & Co $5&000 00<br />

Salaries of assistant secretaries of legation.<br />

To Baring Brothers 8r, Co 83& 000 00<br />

Salaries of United States constds and commercial<br />

To H. P. A. nthon, jr. , consul at Batavia .<br />

J. D. Arnold, consul at Odessa<br />

John P. Brown, consul general at Constantinople<br />

R. G. Barn well, consul at Amsterdam<br />

H. H. Barstow, consul at Palermo<br />

J. J. Barclay, consul at Cyprus<br />

E. P. Bailey, consul at Para<br />

T. S. Bell, consul at San Juan del Norte<br />

James Bushby, vice-consul at Bay of Islduds<br />

J. M. Brower, consul at Lanthalia<br />

H. B. Brow, consul at Bermuda<br />

A. G. B]akey, consul at Talcahuano<br />

C. W. Bradley, late consul at Ningpo<br />

George Brayton, consul at Lahaina<br />

J. Black, consul at Mexico.<br />

George V. Brown, consul at Tangiers<br />

J. A. Binds, consul at Leghorn.<br />

Robert Bayman, acting consul at Yunchal, Madeira<br />

P. McD. Collins, commercial agent at Amoor river .<br />

A. G. Chandler, consul at Lahaina.<br />

Carried forward<br />

agents,<br />

1, 014 43<br />

164 83<br />

3, 893 81<br />

896 23<br />

1& 500 00<br />

1, 014 88<br />

1& 000 00<br />

1& 000 00<br />

500 00<br />

57 54<br />

1 37<br />

912 90<br />

1, 452 86<br />

1, 138 62<br />

1& 618 36<br />

21 50<br />

2, 250 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

2, 828 11<br />

$23& 765 44

212<br />



18 60-' 61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

To A. B. Corwine, consul at Panama<br />

W. S. Campbell, consul at Rotterdam.<br />

F. S. Claxton, consul at Moscow.<br />

A. G. Catlan, consul at Prince Edward's Island<br />

J. N. Casanova, consul at Guaya&lail .<br />

Caleb Croswell, consul st St. Petersburg<br />

A. G. Carothers, consul at Turk's Island<br />

A. Canfield, consul at Candia<br />

B. S. Cotrell, late consul at Saa Juan del Norte. .<br />

H. G, O. Chase, late commercial agent at Amoor river<br />

F. Chase, consul at Tampico<br />

A. N. Calvin, consul at Demarars.<br />

J. B. Cone, late vice-consul at Lyons<br />

Stephen Cochran, consul at St. Jago de Cuba<br />

J. C. Crisson, vice-consul at Turk's Island<br />

W. H. Carpenter, consul at Foo-Choo<br />

Thomas Dunn, consul at Voo Choo<br />

J. C. Dirickson, commercial agent st Apia<br />

C. W. Dabney, consul at Fayal<br />

D. R. DiffenderQer, coasul at Paso del Norte<br />

Isaac R Diller, consul at Bremen<br />

Alexander De&bes, consul at Marseilles .<br />

J. D. Diomatari, consul at Athens<br />

C. De Ronceray, consul at San Juan .<br />

T. T. Dougherty, vice-consul at Honolulu<br />

Albert Davy, consul at Leeds<br />

R. Dowling, consul at Cork<br />

N. Davis, late acting consul at Tunis<br />

Edwin De Leon, consul geaeral at Alexandria<br />

J. P. M. Epping, consul at Elsinore<br />

J. Endlich, consul at Basle<br />

J. Elliott, commercial agent at St. Domingo.<br />

L. W. Emery, consul at Acapulco.<br />

J. T. Edgar, consul at St'. Thomas<br />

E. Ely, (deceased, ) late consul at Borabsy<br />

R. A. Edes, consul at Pernambuco<br />

G. W. Fish, vice-consul at Ningpo<br />

A. Fallin, consul at Omoa.<br />

R. A. Finlay, consul at Santa Cruz<br />

G. H. Fairfield, consul at Mauritius.<br />

Abel French, consul at Aix-la-Chapelle .<br />

Theo&2ore Fresu, consul at Belfast<br />

G. G. Fleurot, consul at Bordeaux<br />

Charles J. Vox, late consul at Aspiuwall<br />

F. J. Grund, consul at Havre<br />

S. L. Gouverneur, jr. , consul at Foo-Choo<br />

R. H. Gayle, consul at Montevideo.<br />

J. B. Gordon, consul at Valpsraiso<br />

W. F. Giles, consul st Geneva.<br />

J. C. Gallaher, consul at Ponce, P. R.<br />

J. S. Gillaer, consul at Bahia<br />

D. H. Gayon, vice. consul at Aspinwall .<br />

T. H. Hyatt, consul at Amoy<br />

G. S. Holmes, consul at Cape Town<br />

Alexander Hammett, consul at Naples<br />

Charles Helm, j. r. , consul general at Havana<br />

J. B. Holderby, consul general at Dundee<br />

H. F. Hitch, consul general at Pernambuco.<br />

D. M. Huckins, consul general at Cape Town<br />

John L. Hodge, late consul general at Marseilles<br />

Carried forward . .<br />

23, 765 44<br />

3, 500 00<br />

531 00<br />

2&050 83<br />

1, 000 00<br />

850 7g<br />

2, 594 00<br />

994 55<br />

1, 015 00<br />

164 35<br />

500 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

225 27<br />

79 17<br />

272 Og<br />

225 58<br />

287 67<br />

69 31<br />

847 55<br />

996 00<br />

490 00<br />

2, 010 91<br />

2, 519 12<br />

l& 000 00<br />

1, 939 20<br />

902 59<br />

I& 500 00<br />

3, 474 97<br />

809 78<br />

118 14<br />

1, 500 00<br />

2&000 00<br />

1, 504 17<br />

808 93<br />

330 76<br />

177 89<br />

1, 267 14<br />

750 00<br />

748 00<br />

923 07<br />

2, 625 08<br />

1, 875 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

2&000 00<br />

3, 125 00<br />

4&769 03<br />

5, 992 44<br />

658 84<br />

1, 690 24<br />

1, 488 70<br />

375 00<br />

842 79<br />

625 00<br />

4, 163 79<br />

365 36<br />

1, 500 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

2&422 26<br />

334 80<br />

6I8 26<br />

212 94<br />

8109, 427 82



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

To J. P. Hopkins, (deceased, ) late consul general at Tabssco<br />

G. E. Hubbard, commercial agent at Cape Haytien<br />

A. M. Hancock, consul at Malaga<br />

Caleb Jones, (deceased, ) late consul at Foo-Choo<br />

J. A. Johnson, consul at Beirut<br />

Thomas C. Jenkins, jr. , consul at Damascus<br />

H. D. Johnson, late consul at Constantinople<br />

E. P. Johnson, consul at Tabasco<br />

Lewis Joel, consul at Cobija, Jamaica<br />

Hugh Keenan, late consul at Cork<br />

Joel B. Haskin, consul at Trinidad de Cuba<br />

R. H. Leese, consul at Spezzia. . .<br />

R. Loring, corumercisl agent at Aux Cayes<br />

C. A. Less, consul at Revel<br />

J. N. Lewis, commercial agent, Port au Prince<br />

G. H. Leavenworth, consul at Bay of Islands<br />

Samuel IiiRey& consul general at Calcutta<br />

C. H. Lav, vice-consul at Callso<br />

Samuel Long, consul at Lahaina<br />

W. B. S. Moor, consul general at 31ontreal<br />

Isaac J. Merritt, consul at Nasss, u<br />

D. Macauley, consul at Manchester<br />

W. H. McGrath, consul at Maranham<br />

S. J. Murand, consul at Jerusalem<br />

J. W. Magill, consul at Sabanilla<br />

James McDowell, late consul general at Constantinople<br />

Hugh Martin, jr. , consul at Matanzas<br />

Albert Mathiew, consul at Cartha'gena<br />

W. H. Morse, consul at St. Jago, Cape de Verd<br />

C. H. Morgan, consul at Messina<br />

J. B. Miller, consul at Hamburg.<br />

J. F. Maguire, consul at Melbourne.<br />

William Miles, consul at Callao<br />

Isaac S. McMicken, consul at Acapulco.<br />

W. P. Mangum, jr. , consul at Ningpo<br />

J. R. McDonald, vice-consul at Hamburg<br />

E. S. Of8ey, consul at Smyrna.<br />

J. P. O. Sullivan, consul at Singapore<br />

Albert Pillsbury, consul at Halifax<br />

J. F. Pickett, consul at Vera Cruz<br />

W. L. Patterson, consul at Genoa . .<br />

J. F. Porteous, consul at Oporto<br />

O. H. Perry, consul at Canton<br />

W. R. Page, consul at Jerusalem .<br />

J. A. Parker, consul at Honolulu<br />

Abner Pratt, consul at Honolulu<br />

J. O. Putnam, consul at Havre<br />

J. W, Quiggle, consul at Antwerp<br />

Ran. Runnels, consul at Sau Juan del Sur<br />

F. M. Binggold, consul at Payta<br />

b. S. Remak, consul at Trieste<br />

Samuel Ricker, consul general at Frankfort-on-the-Main<br />

T. W. Boundtree, consul at La Rochelle<br />

Charles Bicker, vice-consul at Vera Cruz . .<br />

James Beily, late consul at St. Petersburg<br />

W. W. Richmond, commercial agent at St. Domingo<br />

D. A. Robinson, jr. , cousul at Aspinwall<br />

P. A. Stockton, consul at Leipsic<br />

J. S. Smith, consul at Malaga<br />

R, F. Schillow, consul at Stettin<br />

A. J. Smith, consul at Laguayra<br />

109, 427 82<br />

240 28<br />

1, 000 00<br />

123 60<br />

922 93<br />

1, 993 36<br />

1, 840 37<br />

750 00<br />

604 35<br />

500 00<br />

814 01<br />

2, 500 00<br />

1, 007 91<br />

625 00<br />

'2, 000 00<br />

1, 554 08<br />

801 80<br />

847 22<br />

314 83<br />

750 00<br />

4, 274 72<br />

2, 000 00<br />

2, 025 72<br />

1, 025 90<br />

687 50<br />

410 80<br />

117 23<br />

8&975 15<br />

500 00<br />

1, 671 83<br />

1, 119 44<br />

1, 332 25<br />

4, 472 52<br />

475 54<br />

126 37<br />

247 70<br />

500 00<br />

2&000 00<br />

2&504 88<br />

1, 926 63<br />

1, 500 00<br />

1, 489 53<br />

1, 097 53-<br />

3& 000 00<br />

1& 199 49<br />

841 89<br />

3, 278 91<br />

496 33<br />

2, 500 00<br />

2&977 70<br />

291 16<br />

2, 000 00<br />

2, 994 88<br />

1, 500 00<br />

2, 187 79<br />

870 85<br />

122 28<br />

625 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

1, 508 68<br />

1& 000 00<br />

1, 864 22<br />

Carried for ward. 8193& 857 48

Casanova,<br />

214<br />



1860-'61.<br />


To W. B. Storm, consul at Sabanilla<br />

Brought forward<br />

R. G. Scott, consul at Rio Janeiro<br />

W. L. G. Smith, consul at Shanghae<br />

J. Seys, commercial agent at Monrovia.<br />

F. L. Sarmiento, consul at Venice<br />

L. G. Sanford, consul at Tumbez<br />

W. H, Smyley, commercial agent at Port Stanley<br />

H. W. Spencer, consul at Paris<br />

E. C. Stiles, consul at Vienna<br />

J. J. Spenger, consul at Venice<br />

Andrew Teu Brook, consul at Munich<br />

T. T. Tunstall, consul at Cadiz<br />

Alexander Thompson, consul at Constantinople<br />

William Thompson, consul at Southampton<br />

M. M. Taro, vice-consul at Ponce, P B<br />

William Troitt, consul at Valparaiso<br />

Vicesimus Turner, consul at Tahiti .<br />

W. Thayer, consul general at Alexandria<br />

G. F. Upton, consul at Rio Grande<br />

I W. Villier, vice-consul at Lyons<br />

D. V. Van Brnndt, consul at Acapulco<br />

George Vail, consul at Glasgow<br />

L. G. Vroomans, vice-consul at Rotterdam<br />

W. H. Vesey, consul at Havre<br />

W. P. Vesey, consul at Aix-la-Chapelle<br />

G. W. Van Horn, consul at Marseilles<br />

G. B, . West, consul at Bay of Islands.<br />

J. W. Wh te, consul at Lyons<br />

R. P. Waring, consul at St. Thomas<br />

J. G. Willis, consul at St. Paul de Loando<br />

Isaac Winston, consul at Kingston, Jamaica<br />

J. H. Wolf, vice-consul at Southampton<br />

W. G. Webb, consul at Zanzibar .<br />

H. T. Wells, commercial agent at San Juan del Norte<br />

J. B. Williams, consul at Lanthala<br />

L. M. Wolf, commercial agent at Apia<br />

J. W. Wolf, late vice-consul at Southampton<br />

George E. Wiss, consul at Rotterdam<br />

F. W. Young, consul at Stutgard<br />

Baring Brothers A Co. , United States bankers, London .<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By W. B. Stone, consul at Sabanilla<br />

H, D. Johnson, late consul at Constantinople<br />

C. J. Fox, late consul at Aspinwall<br />

R. Loring, commercial agent at Aux Cayes<br />

C. J. Helm, consul general at Havana<br />

Ran. Runnels, consul at San Juan del Sur.<br />

J. ¹ consul at Guayaquii<br />

W. Knapp, jr. , late consul at bhanghae.<br />

7 25<br />

64 51<br />

188 50<br />

153 33<br />

93 50<br />

4 64<br />

50<br />

1, 524 69<br />

193, 857 48<br />

96 15<br />

6, 134 34<br />

1, 406 47<br />

971 pp<br />

550 27<br />

436 96<br />

445 86<br />

5, 703 2p<br />

1, 125 00<br />

387 51<br />

991 74<br />

1, 500 pp<br />

4, 367 50<br />

1, 976 92<br />

973 58<br />

3, 542 57<br />

252 06<br />

311 71<br />

538 92<br />

1, 134 36<br />

529 56<br />

2, 269 33<br />

156 03<br />

1, 500 00<br />

207 49<br />

206 04<br />

163 91<br />

375 00<br />

4, 027 83<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 625 00<br />

128 00<br />

895 09<br />

600 00<br />

250 00<br />

81 52<br />

486 00<br />

65 93<br />

999 47<br />

15&000 00<br />

257&170 61<br />

2, 036 92<br />

$255, 133 69

1860-'61.<br />




For estimated loss by exchange on drafts of consuls and commercial<br />

salaries.<br />

To Henry Anihon, jr. , consul at Batavia.<br />

H. H. Barstow, consol at Palermo<br />

S. W, Bonney, interpreter at Canton<br />

C. W. Bradley, late consul at Ningpo<br />

E. P. Bailey, consul at Para<br />

J. J. Barclay, consul at Cyprus<br />

G, Bray ton, consul at Lahaina<br />

A, G. Chandler, consul at Lahaina. . .<br />

W. S. Campbell, consul at Rotterdam<br />

A. G. Catlin, consul at Prince Edward's Island<br />

F. S. Claxton, consul at Moscow<br />

J. C. Dirickson, commercial agent at Apia.<br />

A. Derbes, consul at Marseilles<br />

T. S. Dougherty, vice-consul at Honolulu<br />

Albert Davy, consul at Leeds .<br />

J, D. Diomatari, consul at Athens<br />

R. Dowling, consul at Cork<br />

J. P. M. Epping, consul at Elsinore<br />

J. Elliott, commercial agent at St. Domingo<br />

R. A. Edes, consul at Pernambuco<br />

J. Endlick, consul at Basle<br />

G. H. Fairfield, consul at Mauritius<br />

Abel French, consul at Aix-la-Chapelle.<br />

G. W. Fish, vice-consul at Ningpo.<br />

S. L. Gouverneur, jr. , consul at Foo-Choo<br />

Francis J. Grund, consul at Havre<br />

T. H. Hyatt, jr„consul at Amoy<br />

D. M. Huckius, consul at Cape Town<br />

Fred. Jenkins, interpreter at Shanghae<br />

J. A Johnson, consul at Beirut<br />

T. C. Jenkins, consul at Damascus<br />

H. D. Johnson, deceased, late consul at Constantinople<br />

Wrn. Knapps, jr. , late consul at Shanghae<br />

B. H. Leese, consul at Spezzia<br />

Charles A. Less, consul at Revel<br />

G. H. Leavenworth, consul at Bay of Islands<br />

B. C. Murphy, late consul at Shanghae<br />

James McDowell, late consul general at Constantinople<br />

W. H. McGrath, consul at Maranham<br />

D. B. McCartee, late consul at Ningpo<br />

J. F. Maguire, consul at Melbourne.<br />

W. B. S. Moor, consul general at Montreal<br />

W. H. Morse, consul at St. Jago, Cape de Verd<br />

E. S. Offley, consul at Smyrna<br />

J. P. O. Sullivan, consul at Singapore<br />

W. B. Page, consul at Jerusalem<br />

W. L. Patterson, consul at Geneva<br />

J. F. Porteous, consul at Oporto<br />

O. H. Perry, consul at Canton<br />

J. A. Parker, consul at Honolulu<br />

J. W. @niggle, consul at Antwerp<br />

T. T. Rickett, consul at Vera Cruz.<br />

T. W. Rountree, consul at La Rochelle<br />

Charles Bicker, vice-consul at Vera Cruz<br />

Ban. Runnels, consul st San Juan del Sur<br />

P. A. Stockton, consul at Leipsic<br />

W, L. G. Smith, consul at Shanghae<br />

J. S. Smith, consul at Malaga<br />

R. F. Shillow, consul at Stettin .<br />

215<br />

agentsfor<br />

25 21<br />

76 11<br />

183 94<br />

259 89<br />

26 55<br />

44. 88<br />

14 46<br />

20 88<br />

19 09<br />

16 17<br />

300 00<br />

373 01<br />

64 03<br />

7 32<br />

1 58<br />

12 40<br />

14 71<br />

202 95<br />

18 07<br />

104 86<br />

58 54<br />

177 91<br />

30 41<br />

43o 19<br />

828 04<br />

36 66<br />

557 82<br />

57 87<br />

461 55<br />

115 96<br />

65 54<br />

41 12<br />

605 81<br />

89 85<br />

210 00<br />

128 71<br />

350 00<br />

64 04<br />

71 40<br />

230 25<br />

128 16<br />

116 57<br />

211 40<br />

264 42<br />

502 72<br />

55 63<br />

19 37<br />

59 33<br />

472 94<br />

13 23<br />

69 95<br />

14 02<br />

200 69<br />

183 25<br />

24 30<br />

34 12<br />

225 61<br />

57 26<br />

64 50<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . . $9& 120 27

216<br />

1860-'61.<br />


I<br />



Brought forward. . .<br />

To R. G. Scott, consul at Rio Janeiro<br />

H. W. Spencer, consul at Paris<br />

A. Ten Brook, consul at Munich<br />

T. T. Tunstall, consul at Cadiz<br />

Alexander Thompson, consul at Constantinople. .<br />

G. F. Upton, consul at Rio Grande<br />

W. L. Viollier, vice-consul at Lyons<br />

Joel W. White, consul at Lyons<br />

R. P. Waring, consul at St. Thomas .<br />

W. G. Webb, consul at Zanzibar<br />

T. W. Young, consul at Stutgard<br />

9, 120 2?<br />

385 36<br />

6 08<br />

28 23<br />

67 40<br />

378 39<br />

11 16<br />

28 26<br />

10 98<br />

24 39<br />

57 93<br />

21 30<br />

$10, 139 75<br />

Blank books, sfafionery, arms, presses, gags, $c. , for fAe eonsttls of fAe f nited<br />

Blafes.<br />

To Isaac R, Diller.<br />

A. W. Frestadius, jr<br />

Alexander Derbes<br />

Alexander Thompson<br />

R. P. Warring<br />

C. A. Leas.<br />

A. G. Catlin<br />

Edward Conner<br />

Beverley Tucker<br />

W. T. Wright, jr.<br />

A. G. Blakeley<br />

J. P. O. Sullivan<br />

F. J. Grund<br />

C. H. Morgan<br />

E , J. Mallet . .<br />

F. B. Wells.<br />

G. H. Goundee<br />

T. T. Tunstall<br />

C. I. Helm<br />

W. R. Page.<br />

Samuel Rickey<br />

G. E. Hubbard<br />

S. L. Gouverneur, jr.<br />

Charles Obermayer<br />

G. E. Baker, disbursing clerk State Department<br />

Edward Stubbs, disbursing clerk State Department<br />

W. E. Stubbs.<br />

75 20<br />

3 81<br />

23 79<br />

246 78<br />

39 2?<br />

90 83<br />

33 20<br />

96 22<br />

481 42<br />

63 42<br />

325 99<br />

59 21<br />

45 77<br />

107 59<br />

93 20<br />

74 48<br />

154 38<br />

100 27<br />

88 00<br />

64 15<br />

576 40<br />

36 6?<br />

45 38<br />

9 50<br />

5, 000 00<br />

16, 000 00<br />

9, 000 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct<br />

By Isaac R. Diller<br />

A. W. Frestadius, jr<br />

Alexander Thompson<br />

D. Macaulcy<br />

A. S. York<br />

A. G. Catlin<br />

R. P. Waring<br />

J. W. Magill<br />

J. P. O. Sullivan<br />

Alexander Derbes.<br />

C. H. Morgan<br />

J. P. Brown<br />

the following repayments:<br />

139 60<br />

3 81<br />

361 78<br />

10 46<br />

3? 74<br />

86 65<br />

39 27<br />

72 40<br />

59 21<br />

56 87<br />

107 59<br />

113 73<br />

32, 939 93<br />

Carried forward $1, 089 11 32, 939 93



1860-'61.<br />

By C. A. Leas<br />

Edward Conner<br />

F. B. Wells<br />

G. S, Holmes<br />

W. R. Page<br />

C. W. Bradley<br />

Edward Stubbs, disbursing<br />


Brought forward.<br />

clerk State Department<br />

W. E. Stubbs . . . . . do . . . do<br />

1& 089 11<br />

95 83<br />

96 22<br />

74 48<br />

14 54<br />

64 15<br />

11 65<br />

162 86<br />

467 41<br />

32, 939 93<br />

2, 076 25<br />

630, 863 68<br />

Once rent for those consuls general, consnls, and commercial agents tcho are not<br />

allotced to trade.<br />

To Samuel Ricker<br />

consul general.<br />

Alexander Derbes . consul . .<br />

T. T. Tunstall do.<br />

R. P. Waring do<br />

Thomas C. Jenkins . . do<br />

Duncan Macauley<br />

do<br />

W. F. Giles do. . ..<br />

C. M. Morgan do .<br />

Robert Dowling<br />

do<br />

L. W. Emory do<br />

Alexander Hutchinson deputy consul .<br />

Edward Stubbs, disbursing clerk State Department .<br />

Alexander Thompson<br />

consul.<br />

W. E. Stubbs .<br />

George E. Baker<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By J. P. Brown . . . ... . acting consul general. .<br />

Alexander Thompson . . . . consul<br />

T. T. Tunstall do<br />

R. P. Waring do<br />

Alexander Derbes<br />

do<br />

C. H. Morgan. do<br />

C. W. Bradly. . do<br />

Edward Stubbs, disbursing clerk State Department<br />

W. E. Stubbs . . . do . . do<br />

300 00<br />

157 50<br />

157 68<br />

102 00<br />

132 35<br />

41 66<br />

125 00<br />

1, 549 05<br />

559 25<br />

3&76 26<br />

65 25<br />

45 36<br />

102 00<br />

52 50<br />

50 68<br />

76 12<br />

41 66<br />

302 45<br />

69 32<br />

80 13<br />

11, 500 00<br />

75 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

5, ono oo<br />

20, 036 73<br />

3, 124 49<br />

$16&912 24<br />

Preservatln of the archiues of the constdates and commercial agencies of the<br />

United States.<br />

To A. W. Frestadius<br />

W. T. Wright, jr.<br />

C. H. )iorgan<br />

F. B. Wells<br />

W. R. Page<br />

S. L. Gouveneur, jr<br />

Chs, ries Obermeyer<br />

19 61<br />

42 11<br />

10 00<br />

22 80<br />

14 04<br />

61 53<br />

5 00<br />

Carried forward.<br />

$175 09

218<br />


1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

Which d<strong>edu</strong>ct from the following repayments:<br />

By S. W. Frestadius, jr . 19 61<br />

C. H. Morgan 10 00<br />

F. B. Wells 22 80<br />

G. S. Holmes 3 75<br />

W. R. Page 14 04<br />

Edward Stubbs, disbursing clerk State Department. . 2, 363 12<br />

175 09<br />

2, 433 32<br />

Excess of repayments 82, 238 23<br />

Interpreters, guards, and other expenses of the consulates at Constantinople,<br />

Smyrna, Candia, gc.<br />

To Slexander Thompson, consul at Constantinople<br />

J. S. Johnson, consul at Beirut. .<br />

E. S. OfQey, consul at Smyrna<br />

N. Davis, late acting consul, Tunis<br />

George Mountfort, late consul, Candia<br />

826 87<br />

848 11<br />

574 l4<br />

79 38<br />

750 66<br />

31079 16<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By John P. Brown, acting consul general, Constantinople 59 '89<br />

$3&019 27<br />

Salary of the commission of claims in China.<br />

To Charles W. Bradley, commissioner<br />

$961 33<br />

Compensation of the commissioners to China<br />

China.<br />

To R. C. Murphy& late consul at Shanghae<br />

D. B. McCartee, late consul at Ningpo.<br />

Thomas H. Hyatt, consul at Smoy<br />

and the consuls to they've portsin<br />

1& 500 00<br />

1, 334 23<br />

1, 500 00<br />

34, 334 23<br />

To S. W. Bonney, interpreter.<br />

Baring Brothers tb Co<br />

Interpreters<br />

to the consulotes in China.<br />

699 93<br />

5, 000 00<br />

Q5&699 93<br />

Compensation of the interpreter of the mission to Japan.<br />

To Baring Brothers 8r Co. 33, 750 00<br />

Expenses of the envoy and suite constituting<br />

the Japan embassy.<br />

To Isaac Toucey, late Secretary of the Navy 51699 54<br />

H. S. Wise, lieutenant United States navy 762 09<br />

Which d<strong>edu</strong>ct from the following repayment:<br />

By Captain S. F. DuPont, United States navy<br />

Excess of repayment<br />

6, 461 54<br />

24, 833 83<br />

8&8, 2&8 34<br />

Expenses of intercourse with the Barbary powers.<br />

To Baring Brothers tk Co<br />

Contingent expenses of the commission to China.<br />

To C. W. Bradley, commissioner .<br />

32, 5oo 00<br />

3367 90

1860 —'61.<br />




219<br />

Contingent<br />

To R. K. Meade, minister, Brazil<br />

W. Preston, minister, Spain<br />

C. Eames, late minister resident, Caraccas .<br />

expenses of all the missMns abroad.<br />

G. W. Jones, minister resident. New Granada<br />

Joseph A. Wright, minister, Prussia<br />

E. A. Turpin, minister resident, Venezuela<br />

A. lexander Dimitry, minister resident, Nicaragua<br />

B. L. Clark, minister, Guatemala .<br />

J. R. Clay, minister, Peru<br />

Townsend Harris, minister resident, Japan<br />

C. R. Buckalcw, minister resident, Ecuador<br />

J. F. Cushman, minister resident, Argentine Confederation<br />

John Bigler, minister, Chili<br />

J. C. Smith, minister resident, Bolivia<br />

John E. Ward, minister, China<br />

James Williams, minister resident, Turkey<br />

J. B. Wel ler, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, Mexico.<br />

J. W. Borden, commissioner to the Sandwich Islands<br />

J. S. Priest, consul, San Juan del Sur<br />

J. P, O. Sullivan, consul, Singapore<br />

R. W. Woolley, charge d'aifaires ad interim to Turkey<br />

G. W. Heard, jr. , secretary of legation to China<br />

C. Le D. Elgee, secretary of legation to Mexico .<br />

R, Dillon, secretary of legation to Brazil<br />

E. G. N. Butler, jr. , late secretary of legation to Prussia<br />

H. C. J. Hueskcn, interpreter to the legation to Japan<br />

T. J. De Sabla, bearer of the treaty with the republic of Bolivia<br />

Edward Stubbs, disbursing clerk State Department.<br />

W. E. Stubbs do do<br />

George E, Baker do . . . do<br />

Baring Brothers i&s Co. , bankers, London<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By John Y. Mason<br />

George W. Jones.<br />

P. D. Vroom.<br />

Edward Stubbs.<br />

W. E. Stubbs<br />

Contingent expenses of foreign intercourse.<br />

To Joseph A. Wright, minister to Prussia ..<br />

Willis Baxley, agent, United States<br />

1, 116 63<br />

'30O OO<br />

437 22<br />

1, 145 80<br />

154 50<br />

George E. Baker, disbursing clerk State Department. . W. E. Stubbs, late disbursing clerk State Department .. . ... Edward Stubbs, late disbursing clerk State Department. . .<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By J A. Wright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 68<br />

W. E, Stubbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 661 77<br />

480 19<br />

5& 176 98<br />

50 00<br />

1, 348 00<br />

255 17<br />

260 00<br />

230 15<br />

62 77<br />

13, 601 92<br />

2, 918 24.<br />

397 12<br />

690 39<br />

991 16<br />

1, 106 25<br />

1, 553 11<br />

2& 976 88<br />

190 00<br />

1, 262 86<br />

22 15<br />

172 63<br />

300 05<br />

258 71<br />

5 50<br />

161 47<br />

82 68<br />

972 75<br />

1, 137 95<br />

3, 750 00<br />

500 00<br />

1&000 00<br />

24, 750 00<br />

66, 665 08<br />

3&154 15<br />

663& 510 93<br />

79 68<br />

1, 000 00<br />

30, 000 00<br />

10& 500 00<br />

32, 872 16<br />

74&451 84<br />

3& 741 45<br />

$70, 710 39<br />

To carry into egect the convention<br />

To Cave Johnson, commissioner<br />

between the United States and<br />

Paraguay.<br />

22, 698 87


1860-'61.<br />


Prosecution of the work, including pay of commissioners, and other expensst<br />

provided in first article of the reciprocity treaty with Great Britain.<br />

To John Hubbard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150000 00<br />

Compensation of the commissioner, secretary, chief astronomer, Q. , and cos,<br />

tingent expenses of the commission to run and mark the boundary between tits<br />

United States and the British possessions bounding on Washington Territory.<br />

To Archibald Campbell; commissioner 0110, 000 00<br />

To meet the necessary expenses attendant upon the execution of the neutrality<br />

act of copra 12, 1818, Is. c.<br />

To James J. Rosevelt. 500 00<br />

E. DelaSeld Smith 500 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By F. H. Hatch.<br />

J. J. Rosevelt.<br />

84 48<br />

500 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

584 48<br />

8415 52<br />

J'or defraying the expenses of carrying into effect the j oint resolution of May<br />

11, 1858, authorizing suitable acknowledgment to be made to the British nasal<br />

authorities at Jamaica, gc.<br />

To James Ross Snowden, director United States mint Philadelphia . . . . . 606 54<br />

George E. Baker, disbursing clerk State Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 393 46<br />

$30000 00<br />

To defray the cost of a prison ship at Canton, in China, from January 1, 1854,<br />

to January 1, 1857, and for compensation of the marshal of the consular<br />

court at Canton from January 1, 1854, to January 1, 185 i.<br />

To J. P. Cook, marshal 05, 750 51<br />

Compensation of the commissioner, secretary, interpreter, g. , t'o adjust claim&<br />

of citizens of the United States against 1Vew Granada, pursuant to the eighth<br />

section of the act of J'ebruary 20, 1861.<br />

To Charles W. Davis, commissioner<br />

Awards under the fifteenth article of the treaty between the United States atttl<br />

Mexico, per act of February 21, 1848, and 3Iarch 81, 1849.<br />

To James J. Kendall<br />

A. L. Robertson.<br />

Thomas Hayes .<br />

477 54<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 417 66<br />

$2, 895 22<br />

Awards under the convention between the United States and Emperor of Bra«<br />

To Edward R. Bell'. $11000

1860-'61.<br />

To meet an extraordinary<br />




221<br />

emergency which has arisen in bringing from Batavta<br />

tuenty four seamen of the ship "Slag Hound" charged with mutiny.<br />

&To W. H. Howland . . . . $9& 792 00<br />

8ettlement of accounts of Edward Ely, deceased, late consul at Bombay.<br />

1'o Edward Ely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 832 49<br />

Expenses incurred by Charles J; Helm, consul general at Havana.<br />

I'o Charles J. Helm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7, 146 33<br />

Expenses, Q. , of rescuing citizens of the United Statesfrom shipwreck.<br />

1'o George E. Baker, disbursing clerk State Department . 500 00<br />

Edward Stubbs, late . . . . do. . . . . . . . . . . . do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 500 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repaymeuts:<br />

By Edward Stubbs 4& 430 79<br />

W. E. Stubbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 93<br />

6, 000 00<br />

4, 802 72<br />

$1, 197 28<br />

L&'xpenses incurred in bringing home fromforeign countries persons charged<br />

mth crime, and expenses incident thereto.<br />

'Io W. L. Patterson<br />

James H, Little<br />

H. Anthon, jr<br />

R. D. Merrill<br />

H. Hemmingray<br />

Charles W. Dabney.<br />

Thomas F. Bibber.<br />

Frederick A. Merrill.<br />

Henry B. Browne<br />

Beverly Tucker<br />

A rthur P. Cox . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

C. W. Bradley.<br />

Charles J. Helm .<br />

Emerson Titcomb .<br />

Benjamin Bangs.<br />

Robert G. Scott, jr.<br />

Robert B. Campbell<br />

G. G. Fleurot<br />

William M. Otis<br />

Charles Carlisle.<br />

J, D. Bullock.<br />

Relief and protection of American seamen.<br />

To H. Anthon, jr. . . . . . . . consul.<br />

G. Brayton. . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

A. G. Blakey. . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

T. S. Bell . . . . . . . . --. . . . . . . . . do.<br />

H. H. Barstow . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. Busby, acting . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

J. P. Brown, late. . . . . . . . consul general.<br />

A. B. Corwine . . . . . . . . . . . . . consul.<br />

A. . G. Chandler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

Carried for ward<br />

34 68<br />

75 00<br />

1, 938 89<br />

90 00<br />

350 00<br />

144 63<br />

15 00<br />

30 00<br />

72 92<br />

110 37<br />

400 00<br />

59 49<br />

728 50<br />

50 00<br />

1, 293 75<br />

118 50<br />

754 94<br />

69 38<br />

31 39<br />

297 17<br />

25 00<br />

$6, 684 61<br />

826 27<br />

13, 289 65<br />

11, 612 67<br />

17 25<br />

523 43<br />

876 47<br />

29 69<br />

2, 397 11<br />

22&772 71<br />

$52& 345 25


1860 —'61.<br />


To Edward Conner consul.<br />

W, S. Campbell. do.<br />

J. N. Casanova .. . . . do.<br />

Franklin Chase. . . do.<br />

J. C. Cresson, vice do.<br />

A. G. Catiiu. .. . . . . do.<br />

Stephen Cochran . . do<br />

C. W. Dabney do.<br />

Albert Davy. .. . . do. A. lexander Derbes . do. C. De Ronceray .. do. T. T. Dougherty, vice do. .<br />

Robert Dowling . . . . do.<br />

J, Elliott. . . . commercial agent.<br />

R. A. Edes. . . consul<br />

G. H. Fairfield .. ;. do.<br />

B. Forstall, vice . . . . . do.<br />

C. J. Fox . . . . do. G. G. Fleurot . .. . . do. .<br />

R. H. Gayle . do.<br />

F. J. Grund .. . . do.<br />

J. B. Gordon. .. ... do.<br />

D. H. Guyon, vice . . do.<br />

Alexander Hammett . . . . do.<br />

G. E. Hubbard. . commercial agent.<br />

T. H. Hyatt. . ... . consul.<br />

R. S. Higginbotham. . do.<br />

H. F. Hitch, acting . . . do.<br />

C. I. Helm . consul general.<br />

Lewis Joel. . consul.<br />

E. P. Johnson . ... . . do.<br />

Hugh Keenan, late.<br />

. .. do.<br />

James Keenan. . . do. .<br />

C. H. Lay, vice. . . . . do.<br />

R. Loring. ... . commercial agent.<br />

Charles A. Leas. .. . .. consul.<br />

G. H, Leavenworth . do.<br />

R. D. Merrill. . do.<br />

Isaac J. Merritt. do.<br />

W. H. Morse . . .. do.<br />

J. W. Magill ... ... .. . do.<br />

Thomas Miller<br />

. do.<br />

W. 51iles, late . .. . do.<br />

W. B. S. Morr. . . ... . consul general.<br />

C. H. Morgan. .. .. . consul .<br />

D. McPherson, vice do.<br />

J. F. 5faguire . . . do.<br />

H. Martin, jr. . . do<br />

W. S. H. Newman . . do.<br />

E. S. Ofiiey. . . . .. . do.<br />

J. P. O. Sullivan. do.<br />

Abner Pratt . . do.<br />

A. Pillsbury . do.<br />

R. Preciat. . . . do.<br />

J, F. Porteous . do.<br />

T. M. Ringgold. do.<br />

G. W. Ryckman . do.<br />

S. S. Remak. . . . do. Ran. Ruunels . . . do. D. A. Robinson, jr . . . . . . do. .<br />

Brought forward.<br />

Carried forward<br />

52, 345 25<br />

1&673 63<br />

62 37<br />

424 75<br />

102 86<br />

201 17<br />

228 43<br />

17 86<br />

3&787 01<br />

74 93<br />

723 43<br />

2, 289 25<br />

3, 274 54<br />

1& 127 60<br />

163 98<br />

222 40<br />

1, 767 79<br />

2, 101 29<br />

217 71<br />

319 00<br />

34 08<br />

859 25<br />

242 93<br />

6& 021 85,<br />

336 00<br />

49 23<br />

29 50<br />

88 58<br />

1, 828 11<br />

1, 112 51<br />

1, 349 54<br />

64 00<br />

10 00<br />

32 59<br />

100 00<br />

4& 138 04<br />

291 07<br />

55 28<br />

409 95<br />

2, 026 97<br />

2& 090 86<br />

242 17<br />

32 90<br />

2& 670 00<br />

337 93<br />

18 00<br />

44 44<br />

672 33<br />

1& 594 00<br />

244 70<br />

48 06<br />

936 96<br />

262 12<br />

20, 062 39<br />

172 17<br />

82 10<br />

678 50<br />

11& 995 75<br />

986 25<br />

635 27<br />

4 64<br />

276 50<br />

yl34, 292 69

i860-' 61.<br />




223<br />

To W. H. SPencer. . . .. . . . consul<br />

mith.<br />

J, Seys. . . . commercial agent.<br />

W. B. Storm. consul.<br />

L. G. Sanford. . ... do.<br />

W. H. Smyley. commercial agent<br />

W. L. G. Smith . consul.<br />

H. . J. Sprague. . . do.<br />

W. Thompson . do.<br />

V. Turner . .. . . do.<br />

W. Trevitt .. . .. . . do.<br />

Alexander Thompson.<br />

.. do.<br />

D. R. B. Upton .. do.<br />

L. W. Veillier, vice. .. do.<br />

G. R. West . do.<br />

S. Ward. ... do.<br />

R. P. Waring do.<br />

F, B. Wells. .. .... .. . . . do.<br />

Brought forward<br />

amounts paid to th e undersigned owners and caI& tains of vessels,<br />

assage, gc. , from foreign I&orts to the United<br />

and others, for p<br />

Slates, viz r<br />

To H. Aplegate<br />

Jose Abisa.<br />

J. R. Atkinson<br />

J. Adams.<br />

B. N. Adams.<br />

G, H. Avery .<br />

A. Austin<br />

W. J. Axworthy<br />

C. Abrams .<br />

F. B. A. mes . . . . .<br />

R. Adams<br />

J. Buddington<br />

J. Bryant.<br />

C. Boker<br />

A. Brownl isa<br />

D. B. Burton.<br />

J. B. Bartlett.<br />

J. B. Bradley.<br />

S. C. Bailey<br />

Otis Baker, jr.<br />

A. Burditt.<br />

H. Burke<br />

W. G. Bush<br />

A. R. Baker<br />

C. Bockleman.<br />

B. Burgess tk Sons.<br />

G. Bishop.<br />

J. F. Bowers .<br />

J. B. Baxter<br />

D. Bartlett. .. .<br />

C. H. B&ook. P. B. Bowers H. Brown. . .<br />

W. H. Hearse.<br />

E. Boynton .<br />

D. C. Baxter<br />

J. H. Blethere.<br />

S. Bailey<br />

134&292 69<br />

6 27<br />

32 49<br />

82 28<br />

14 95<br />

9, 414 25<br />

597 67<br />

745 48<br />

425 04<br />

68 59<br />

1, 931 60<br />

14, 604 78<br />

432 68<br />

73 76<br />

9 54<br />

2 22<br />

397 29<br />

361 03<br />

181 26<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

20 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

40 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

288 00<br />

20 00<br />

60 00<br />

140 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

696 00<br />

40 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

60 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

1, 974 26<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

112 50<br />

60 00<br />

10 00<br />

Carried forward. . $167& 484 63

224<br />



1860-'61.<br />


To C. Bradbury .<br />

T. F. Bidder<br />

George Braziel.<br />

J. G. Bailey.<br />

H. S. Brown.<br />

Barrelli Brothers .<br />

J. S. Barton.<br />

F. R. Baby.<br />

F. N. Bango<br />

C. Bliifens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

F. Burness.<br />

T. L. Briggs.<br />

W. Brown<br />

N. C. Brooks .<br />

J. B. Bell<br />

B. Buckingham<br />

F. W. Burnett.<br />

Jacob Brow<br />

C. F. Baker .<br />

M. Bartlett . . . . . . .<br />

Joseph Brow<br />

L. H. Botsford<br />

J, A. Brown.<br />

Bishop Bataillon<br />

J. L. Baker.<br />

T. C. Churchill<br />

Amos Crosby<br />

F. Curtis<br />

W. H. Caulfield<br />

S. H. Cotter<br />

J. Carlisle .<br />

John Collins.<br />

J. Conley .<br />

Henry Cole.<br />

S. P. Crafts<br />

J. C1iiford<br />

S. Clark<br />

D. Cook<br />

D. W. Collum<br />

E. Combs.<br />

J. E. Carberry<br />

J. Craig<br />

J. C. Currier.<br />

J. S. Colcord<br />

S. P. Crowder<br />

R. Crockett<br />

D. Chase, jr<br />

C. A. Combs.<br />

C. L. Crandall<br />

Clark 3r Woodward.<br />

Charles Cheever<br />

A. G. Carothers<br />

J. Corrie<br />

R. B. Campbell<br />

J. Crowell<br />

G. W. Coggins.<br />

L. Calvint<br />

J. H. Creevey<br />

William Conley<br />

J. O. Cathcart<br />

Orville Cooper<br />

Brought forward. . . 167, 484 63<br />

Carried forward . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10. 00<br />

30 OQ<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

30 00<br />

40 00<br />

40 06<br />

10 00<br />

44 00<br />

10 00<br />

120 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

70 00<br />

10 06<br />

20 00<br />

844 80<br />

20 00<br />

4 00<br />

28 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

80 00<br />

20 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

7 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

40 00<br />

20 00<br />

318 61<br />

20 00<br />

4&927 31<br />

1Q 00<br />

10 00<br />

50 00<br />

10 00<br />

170 00<br />

10 00<br />

12 00<br />

$174, 860 37



225<br />

i660-'61.<br />

'<br />

To L. S. Conne11y.<br />

S. Cason<br />

R. C. Cuttings. . . . . . . .<br />

T. Churchill<br />

J. R. Congdon<br />

W'. F. Dough.<br />

James Dali .<br />

Captain Deccsn<br />

W. S. Dol<br />

A. Delano .<br />

E. S. Delisle.<br />

H. W. Davis<br />

J. H. Davis .<br />

Dsbney & Cunningham.<br />

Francis Damon.<br />

W. E. Dennison.<br />

A. D. Davis<br />

J. W. Dublin.<br />

R. W. Dexter.<br />

W. 8. Doe<br />

H. Day<br />

E. De Hola<br />

J. B. Emerson.<br />

D. Ellictt.<br />

S. Elliott<br />

G. W. Edge<br />

W. Foster .<br />

T. Feenhsgun.<br />

David Foote<br />

S. E. Fickett . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

S. Fowler<br />

Forbes & Babcock<br />

Dan Foster<br />

Luther Fish .<br />

W. Flye<br />

E. Freeman.<br />

S. Forbes<br />

Forbes & Babcock<br />

W. G. Frith.<br />

E. Flynn<br />

Fitzgerald, Booth & Co.<br />

Benjamin Forest.<br />

M. Giddings<br />

W. W. Goddard<br />

Captain Griggs.<br />

W Greenman.<br />

W. H. Garrick.<br />

S. P. Griffin .<br />

H. Gibbs .<br />

C. W. Gillis<br />

W. Gore.<br />

R. H. Gilliott.<br />

H. Hopperholdt. . . . . . . . .<br />

Thomas Harnon<br />

C. Hamfield.<br />

E. A. Harding<br />

J. Harriman, jr<br />

H. L. Higgins.<br />

T, J. Harrison<br />

E. Ham moud<br />

W. Haths, way, jr. .<br />

15 It<br />


Brought forward. . .<br />

174, 860 37<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

20 00<br />

52 50<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

23 53<br />

30 00<br />

10 00<br />

578 00<br />

20 00<br />

100 00<br />

40 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

26 11<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

20 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

40 00<br />

10 00<br />

50 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

40 00<br />

30 00<br />

30 00<br />

20 00<br />

80 00<br />

20 00<br />

20 00<br />

21 00<br />

52 44<br />

20 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

i0 00<br />

30 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

80 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

Carried forward. . $176)733 95

226<br />



18 60-' 61.<br />

To W. B. Hilson<br />

W. C. Hammer<br />

Peter Hanson<br />

James Hunnewell<br />

J. C Harmon<br />

W. Homes<br />

C. Hutchinson<br />

J. L. Hodge.<br />

C. Hazzard .<br />

J. Hurtlick.<br />

A. Hadley .<br />

James Hall<br />

J. B. Harding<br />

E. Hecker .<br />

J. Hopkins,<br />

J. H. Hallett .<br />

H. Hall, jr<br />

G. S. Hill.<br />

J. W. Hill.<br />

A. Hutchiuson<br />

C. A. Hussey .<br />

J. Harrison, jr.<br />

J. Hatch.<br />

J. W. Henning<br />

F L. Hanks .<br />

H. L. Hepburn .<br />

H. E. Hubbard<br />

J. Head .<br />

E. G. Harrison.<br />

H. P. Hathaway<br />

C. A. Homans.<br />

F. Hotch kiss .<br />

W. N. Howland.<br />

C. Hitch & Son<br />

M. Hume.<br />

W. Inman<br />

A. G. Jones<br />

Thomas Julius<br />

M. Jctfrey<br />

C. M. Jackson<br />

D. Jamrin<br />

J. Johnson.<br />

A. M. Jackson.<br />

W. Johnson<br />

Kirkland, Chase & Co.<br />

J. W. Kitchum<br />

R. King .<br />

W. L. Knowles.<br />

H. Kendrick<br />

Captain Kager<br />

G. W. Knight ... S. S. Lewis .<br />

C. J. Lavitt .<br />

J. Litcher.<br />

J. B. Lockwood.<br />

N. F. Larrs, bee .<br />

C. E. Lord<br />

W. Liesegang .<br />

P. E. Lefevre.<br />

I. ewis & Damon.<br />

S. P. Lee.<br />


Brought forward. . . . . . . -. --<br />

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

176, 733 95<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

40 OQ<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

39 31<br />

10 00<br />

1U 00<br />

20 00<br />

100 00<br />

780 00<br />

40 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

938 28<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

80 00<br />

10 00<br />

7& 526 09<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

42 00<br />

110 00,<br />

30 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

80 00<br />

20 00<br />

40 00<br />

30 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

100 00<br />

OQ 00<br />

10 00<br />

115 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

30 UO<br />

10 00<br />

70 OO<br />

344 00<br />

Carried forward. . . $187, 829 22

l660-' 61.<br />

To George Latimer<br />

J. P. Land berg .<br />

D. Lines<br />

E. Lane<br />

C. P. Low.<br />

W. Liesegang .<br />

W. F. Lapridge.<br />

A. Leighton .<br />

O. Lamphier.<br />

J. L. Lee<br />

Isaac S. Lewis.<br />

N. Z. Larrabee .<br />

E. T. Marshall<br />

C. H. Moore<br />

C. Morton.<br />

G. H. Miller.<br />

T. Miner.<br />

Captain A. Marwick<br />

Marcus Mullan.<br />

James McNair<br />

H. McGilring.<br />

W. J. Munroe.<br />

. F. R. Meyer<br />

B. M. Melcher . . . . . .<br />

D. McCauly.<br />

J. McGowan .<br />

George E. Miller<br />

E. H. Merriman.<br />

J. B. McConnell<br />

Thomas Mitchell<br />

F. L. Measurer<br />

McRuer &, Merrill.<br />

T. H. Marks.<br />

Thomas Mussells.<br />

J. Merrithew.<br />

C, Mills . . . .<br />

T. H. Morton<br />

T. Mandell<br />

J. V. McKnwen<br />

P. McGuigan.<br />

C. McLeoa.<br />

John Merehouse<br />

E. Mayo.<br />

R. F. Newell.<br />

P. Nickinson.<br />

E. Nickerson.<br />

W. Nixon<br />

J. R. Nickerson<br />

James Newman<br />

Ira Nash<br />

M, Nickerson<br />

D. W. Newcomb<br />

L. G. Northup<br />

W. G. Nickels<br />

John K. Nickerson.<br />

F. Niclrerson 6r Co.<br />

A. J. North.<br />

J. Nickerson.<br />

T. B O' Brien<br />

C. H. O'Dell<br />

B. O' Brien.<br />

/<br />




227<br />

Brought forward . . 187, 829 22<br />

7 32<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 09<br />

10 00<br />

72 00<br />

10 00<br />

60 00<br />

30 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

120 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

22 62<br />

40 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

100 00<br />

20 00<br />

444 00<br />

40 00<br />

10 00<br />

36 75<br />

10 00<br />

60 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

30 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

40 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

30 00<br />

30 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

30 00<br />

265 00<br />

10 00<br />

82 00<br />

10 00<br />

8 00<br />

Carried forward. -- -. - - . . -- $189, 886 91

228<br />



1860-'61.<br />


To G. O. Lord & Co,<br />

Isaac Orr.<br />

W. Potter<br />

James Perry<br />

W. G. E. Pope.<br />

N. E. Paddock<br />

John Patty .<br />

G. Parsons.<br />

G. M. Patrick<br />

W. H. Park<br />

J. H. Phinney .<br />

W. C. Plummer. ..<br />

D. V. Pool<br />

W. D. Perl-ins.<br />

J. M. Perry<br />

J. Penniston<br />

R. H. Pearson.<br />

J. Preble<br />

A. Percival<br />

H. Parmelee<br />

W. H. Punniston.<br />

P. W. Pershallow .<br />

P. F. Petrie<br />

D. Pendleton<br />

Alvin Phinney<br />

Jaber Pratt<br />

W. J. Penton<br />

Abel Reynolds, jr.<br />

J. J. Rogers .<br />

P. E. Rowland<br />

C. Ryder.<br />

J. M. Roberts<br />

J. B. Richmond<br />

W. H. Russell<br />

O. Ramsdell<br />

W. Robinson<br />

P. W. Reed<br />

W. Ross.<br />

J. Rayno<br />

C. Rey<br />

R. Rankin<br />

W. Rathbone<br />

J'. S. Sargent. ...<br />

E. J. Sawyer<br />

G. O. J. Smith.<br />

H. Shippey<br />

James Smith<br />

J. M, Swan<br />

Alfred SchoQeld.<br />

F. B. Soule<br />

C. H. Sinclair.<br />

H. Smith<br />

W. Scott<br />

J. R Staples<br />

R. W. Shufeldt. ..<br />

G. R. Sampson.<br />

J. l'(. Smith<br />

W. Survey.<br />

J. Stickney<br />

A. C. Schaeffer<br />

A. . Salmon.<br />

Brought forward<br />

Carried forward.<br />

189, 886 91<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

170 00<br />

10 00<br />

30 00<br />

140 00<br />

7 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

200 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

20 00<br />

20 00<br />

60 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

30 00<br />

40 00<br />

168 00<br />

20 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

70 00<br />

20 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

30 00<br />

10 00<br />

16 67<br />

10 00<br />

60 00<br />

20 00<br />

30 00<br />

198 00<br />

40 00<br />

120 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 09<br />

10 00<br />

70 00<br />

10 00<br />

60 00<br />

90 00<br />

30 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

802 94<br />

$192, 859 92



22'<br />

1860-'61 ~<br />

To A. Somes.<br />

R. B. Summers. . . . . .<br />

C. P. Seabury<br />

A. M. Shiverlick<br />

H. J. Sargeant. .<br />

H. F. Sparrow<br />

C. Scsndella<br />

W. J. Shaw.<br />

F. R Small<br />

W. R. Spear<br />

J. C. Stouffer<br />

Josiah Shepherd .<br />

O. J. Starrett<br />

John Skerrill .<br />

F. W. Strong<br />

A. Salmon.<br />

D. Souper<br />

J. Taylor.<br />

J. Turrell<br />

J. A. Thompson.<br />

W. R. Turner<br />

E. L. Tinklepaugh,<br />

D. W. Thorndike.<br />

Z. Treworgy<br />

J. Thsyer<br />

J. C. Tyler<br />

J. R Taber<br />

W, E. Tuttle<br />

W. Taylor.<br />

L. W. Tibbitts.<br />

J. H. Tabbutt<br />

J. Towast<br />

J. D. Thompson.<br />

G. F. Upton<br />

N. Varian<br />

F. Willliams<br />

E. B Winchester.<br />

David Wiswell<br />

David Wilson.<br />

B M. Hand<br />

S. Whetten<br />

Foster Wills .<br />

W. E. Wheeler.<br />

W. F. Weld 8r, Co<br />

J, Wilson<br />

J. A. Wooton<br />

F. H. Wist<br />

D. Wilson<br />

W. G. Weld.<br />

J. T. Watkins.<br />

C. B. Webb.<br />

H. Y. Worth.<br />

E. Weiner<br />

T. Wren.<br />

A. Weeks<br />

Z. Welden.<br />

P. H. 1Vhiteberry.<br />

S. Whitman<br />

Z. S. Wylie .<br />

J. C. Williams .<br />

E. B. Woodward<br />


Brought forward<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . .<br />

192&859 52<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

20 00<br />

70 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

20 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

IO OO<br />

40 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

699 60<br />

30 00<br />

10 00<br />

40 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

210 00<br />

10 00<br />

40 00<br />

10 OO<br />

20 00<br />

30 00<br />

30 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

'20 00<br />

10 00<br />

50 00<br />

113 71<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

60 00<br />

40 00<br />

40 00<br />

10 00<br />

359 00<br />

50 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

60 00<br />

2O Oo<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

30 00<br />

60 00<br />

60 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

40 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

4, 184 52<br />

638 25<br />

8200, 334 60

230<br />


1860-'61.<br />

To C. Whitaker . . .<br />

A. S. York<br />


. Yerega . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

S. Young<br />

Brought forward<br />

K. Young .<br />

Baring Brothers 8z Co, , United States bankers, London<br />

200, 334 66)<br />

62 81<br />

122 88<br />

60 Op<br />

20 po<br />

10 Op<br />

1, 000 Op<br />

$201, 610 2g<br />

To Caleb Brintnall, deceased<br />

C. H. Carter.<br />


Redemption of united States loan of 1846.<br />

1, 000 Oo.<br />

1, 000 OP<br />

$2, 000 Po<br />

Payment of interest on the public debt.<br />

To E. E. Pratt, late assistant treasurer, Boston .<br />

Ezra Lincoln, assistant treasurer, Boston<br />

J. J. Cisco, assistant treasurer, New York<br />

J. H. Walton, assistant treasurer, Philadelphia . B C. Pressley, assistant treasurer, Charleston.<br />

k. J. Guirot, assistant treasurer, New Orleans. . . ... .. . . . . F. E Spinner, Treasurer of the United States. .<br />

W. C. Price, late Treasurer of the United States. . . J. T Mason, late collector, Baltimore<br />

C. H. Carter<br />

H. W. Hoff'!nan<br />

Caleb Brintnall, deceased.<br />

70, 566 41<br />

73, 357 87<br />

2&603&056 26<br />

103& 915 77<br />

1&419 Op'<br />

66 00<br />

36, 641 14<br />

42&521 66<br />

36, 247 00<br />

22 0i<br />

35, 272 68<br />

22 01<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By E. E. Pratt, late assistant treasurer, Boston. . .... . J. J. Cisco, assistant treasurer, New York. ... .<br />

J. H. Walton, assistant treasurer, Philadelphia<br />

A. J. Guirot, assistant treasurer, New Orleans. .. ..<br />

J. T. Mason, late collector, Baltimore. . . . . . 300 00<br />

3, 480 75<br />

32&931 00<br />

300 60<br />

90 00<br />

3&003, 107 76<br />

37, 101 75<br />

», &66, »6 &1<br />

Redemption<br />

To J. N. Inson<br />

of bounty land stock, per act of February 11, 184'I.<br />

$100 OO<br />

Interest on bounty land stock, per act of February 11, 184't.<br />

To J. N. Inson $9 66<br />

Reimbursement of treasury notes, per act prior to July 22,<br />

To Richard Smith<br />

Philip Clayton.<br />

Lewis Johnson 8r, Co. .<br />

1846.<br />

15O Op<br />

pp Op<br />

10O Op<br />

03PP oo


231<br />

1860-'61.<br />


Peimbursement of treasury notes, per act of July 90, 1846.<br />

To Benedict 8r, CO 850 00<br />

Interest on treasury notes, per act of February 9, 184'I.<br />

To Trevor & Colgate<br />

Richard Smith, cashier<br />

Philip Clayton<br />

Lewis Johnson & Co<br />

Benedict & Co<br />

12 00<br />

9 74<br />

3 94<br />

5 73<br />

2 70<br />

$34 10<br />

Iteimbursement of treasury notes, pursuant to the act of Congress of June<br />

98, 1847.<br />

To Trevor & Colgate. $100 00<br />

Payment of treasury notes, per 9th, section of the act of December I t, 1860.<br />

To Augustus Schell, late collector, New York, N. Y. . . .<br />

Hiram Barney, collector, New York<br />

J. S. Whitney, late collector, Boston, Mass .<br />

J. B. Baker, late collector, Philadelphia, Pa . . . . .<br />

61&800 00<br />

2, 050 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

500 00<br />

$68, 350 00<br />

Payment of treasury notes, per fourth section of the act of %arch 2, 1861.<br />

To J. Z. Goodrich, collector, Boston<br />

W. B. 'I'homas, collector, Philadelphia.<br />

Jedediah Jewett, collector, Portland<br />

J. F. Babcock, collector, New Haven<br />

Hiram Barney, collector, New York<br />

S. S. White<br />

2, 600 00<br />

39, 950 00<br />

5', 000 00<br />

2& 600 00<br />

534, 900 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

8586&050 00<br />

Payment of interest on treasury notes. per fourth section of the act of 3Iarch<br />

2, 1861.<br />

To J. Z. Goodrich, collector, Boston<br />

W. B. Thomas, collector, Philadelphia . .. Jedediah Jewett, collector, Portland<br />

J. F. Babcock, collector, New Haven<br />

Hiraru. Barney, collector, New York . . .<br />

15 02<br />

369 30<br />

50 12<br />

33 06<br />

5, 248 09<br />

$5&715 59<br />

Payment to such creditors of Texas as are comprehended<br />

9, 1850.<br />

To J. C. Bailey<br />

G. M. Nichols<br />

S. M. Swenson.<br />

in the act of September<br />

187 62<br />

40 75<br />

38 44<br />

Carried forward f266 81

232<br />



1860-'61.<br />

To C. M. Koones.<br />

J. C. Willard.<br />

G. K. Listare<br />

Susan A. Goodwin<br />

J. D. Barrow<br />

W. P. Williams.<br />

I. M. Swisher<br />

T. F. Andrews .<br />

William Bradstreet. . . . . .<br />

William Garthwaite<br />

W. S. Wetmore.<br />

Trustees of Austin College<br />


Brought forward 266 61,<br />

19 gg<br />

26 91 i<br />

192 23<br />

i<br />

515 lg<br />

38 44<br />

32 29,<br />

1, 827 07<br />

4, 195 39<br />

1, 922 37<br />

49 96<br />

69&720 60<br />

76 89<br />

$78&884 16<br />

Payment of treas~cry notes, per act of Congress of December o3, 1857, section 9,<br />

To Eloses McDonald, late collector of customs, Portland and Falmouth,<br />

Maine.<br />

W. B. Pike, late collector of customs, Salem and Beverly, Mass. . . . . .<br />

J. Z. Goodrich, collector 'of customs, Boston and Charlestown, Eiass .<br />

J. S. Whitney, late collector of customs, Boston, Mass. .<br />

J. A. Aborn, late collector of customs, Providence, S)hode Island<br />

Minot Osbo. n, late collector of customs, New Haven, Connecticut.<br />

Hiram Barney, collector ot customs, New York<br />

Augustus Schell, late collector of customs, New York<br />

W. B. Thomas, collector of customs, Philadelphia.<br />

J. B. Baker, late collector of customs, Philadelphia, Pa. . H. W. Hoffman, collector of customs, Baltimore.<br />

J. T. Mason, late collector of customs, Baltimore, Eiaryland ....<br />

American Exchange Bank<br />

Bank of the State of New York<br />

Bank of New York<br />

Blackstoue Bank, Boston<br />

Five Cents Saving Bank, Boston.<br />

Bank of Washington, District of Columbia. . ..<br />

Brooklyn Savings Bank<br />

Bank of Commerce.<br />

Bowery Savings Bank<br />

Buffalo Savings Bank, Buffalo& New York<br />

Bank of Savings, New York.<br />

Broadway Bank, Boston.<br />

Bank of America, New York<br />

Baal- of the Commonwealth, New York<br />

Bank of Manhattan Company, New York.<br />

Brooklyn Gas-light Corupany<br />

Continental Bank, New York<br />

Commercial and Farmers' Bank, Baltimore .<br />

Connecticut Fire Insurance Company, Hartford, Connecticut .<br />

Chemical Bank, New York .<br />

City Bank, New York<br />

The East River Savings Institution.<br />

Delaware Eiutual Safety Fire Insurance Company, Philadelphia, Pa<br />

Delaware Mutual Insurance Company<br />

Dry Dock Savings Institute<br />

Danvers Savings Bank.<br />

Eutaw Savings Bank<br />

Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank, New York . . 4, 500 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

19, 450 00<br />

472) 300 00 '<br />

2, 000 00<br />

100 00<br />

148) 800 00<br />

2, 832, 900 00<br />

6) 000 00<br />

247, 000 00<br />

47, 000 00<br />

73, 500 00<br />

5. 200 00<br />

19& 800 00<br />

10& 000 00<br />

25, 000 00<br />

50, 000 00<br />

15, 000 Oo<br />

70&000 00<br />

405, 000 00<br />

1, 014, 200 00<br />

156, 000 00<br />

650& 400 00<br />

30, 000 00<br />

345, 900 00<br />

18, 500 00<br />

8, 000 00<br />

39, 000 00<br />

2, 100 Oo<br />

24& 000 00<br />

25, 000 00<br />

10, 400 00<br />

45', 4OO OO<br />

37, 500 00<br />

58, 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

250, 000 00<br />

15, 000 00<br />

100&000 00<br />

360, 000 00<br />

Carried forward . . $7, 664, 450 00



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward. . . . .<br />

To Farmers and Mechanics' Bank<br />

Farmers' Bank of Lancaster<br />

Firemen's Insurance Company, New York<br />

Fulton Bank, New York<br />

German Savings Bank<br />

Great Western Insurance Company<br />

Greenwich Savings Bank<br />

Irving's Savings Institute.<br />

Irving Bank, New York<br />

Institute for Savings of Merchants' Clerks, New York .<br />

Bank of Republic, New York<br />

Leather Manufacturers'<br />

Bank, New York<br />

Mechanics aud Traders' Bank, New York<br />

Mechanics' Bank<br />

Manuiacturers and Merchants' Bank, New York . .<br />

Manufacturers and Mechanics' Bank, New York. . . . . . . .<br />

Merchants' Bank, New York<br />

Mutual Life Insurance Company<br />

Mariners' Savings Institute.<br />

New York and Havre Steamship Company<br />

New York and New Haven Railroad Company. . . .<br />

Merchants' Bank, Boston<br />

Mercantile Bank, New York<br />

Manhattan Savings Institute, New York<br />

Metropolitan Bank, New York<br />

Natioual Bank.<br />

New York Life Insurance Company<br />

Neptune Insurance Company.<br />

Orient Mutual Insurance Company.<br />

Oriental Bank .<br />

Park Bank, New York<br />

Philadelphia Saving Fund Society<br />

Pennsylvania Mutual Insurance Company, Philadelphia. .<br />

Pennsylvania Company for Insurance on Lives and Granting Annuities.<br />

Phmnix Bank, New York<br />

Provi&ient Savings Institute, Boston<br />

Pennsylvania Mutual Life Insurance Company . .<br />

Phcenix Mutual Insurance Company<br />

Peekskill Savings Bank. . . . . . . . . . ---. -<br />

Pacific Mail Steamship Company, New York<br />

Phil idelphia Contributionists for Insurance on Houses.<br />

Riggs 8r Co.<br />

Revere Bank<br />

Relief Fire Insurance Company.<br />

Sweeney, Rittenhouse, Fant lk Co.<br />

Seamen's Bank of Savings<br />

Seventh Ward Bank<br />

Suter, Lee 6r Co.<br />

Savings Bank, Baltimore<br />

Richard Smith, cashier<br />

Home Insurance Company<br />

Sufi'olk Bank, Boston.<br />

Salem Five Cents Savings Bank, Salem, Massachusetts<br />

Sing Sing Savings Bank, New York<br />

'1'renton Banking Company, Trenton, New Jersey. . . . .<br />

Union Bank of Maryland<br />

Union Dime Savings Institute.<br />

Worcester Bank<br />

Warren Institute for Savings, Charlestown, Massachusetts .<br />

Washington Insurance Company<br />

Washin«ton 5Iariue Insurance Company<br />

7, 664, 450 00<br />

56)900 00<br />

29, 000 00<br />

12)000 00<br />

41, 500 00<br />

158, 000 00<br />

92, 000 00<br />

364, 600 00<br />

101&300 00<br />

600 00<br />

85, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

45, 000 00<br />

114, 800 00<br />

5& 000 00<br />

7, 000 00<br />

7, 900 00<br />

70, 900 00<br />

261, 000 00<br />

25, 500 00<br />

140& 000 00<br />

45, 000 00<br />

149, 000 00<br />

1, 400 00<br />

204)000 00<br />

76, 000 00<br />

15, 000 00<br />

24, 000 00<br />

188, 000 00<br />

189, 600 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

58, 800 00<br />

348, 000 00<br />

80, 000 00<br />

174, 000 OO<br />

1, 198, 100 00<br />

344, 000 00<br />

40, 000 00<br />

25, 000 00<br />

4, 500 00<br />

116, 000 00<br />

16, 000 00<br />

505, 200 00<br />

58, 000 00<br />

o, oon oo<br />

5, 100 00<br />

59, 000 00<br />

1& 100 00<br />

100 00<br />

195, 500 00<br />

71, 200 00<br />

25, 000 00<br />

100, 000 00<br />

75, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

25, 000 00<br />

67, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

50, 000 00<br />

110, 000 00<br />

50, 000 00<br />

35, 500 00<br />

Carried forward . . . . . . . 818, 881, 050 00

264<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

To Worcester County Institute for Savings<br />

United States Ship Insurance Company<br />

Washington Life Insurance Company.<br />

Long Island Bank.<br />

JefFerson Insurance Company.<br />

G irard Banl- .<br />

Broadway Savings Institute<br />

Adams Express Company<br />

G. H. Burns, agent, Adams Express Company. . . .<br />

P. S. McLaughlin, Adams Express Company<br />

Arney & Heye .<br />

M. A. rmstrong fk Sons<br />

J. R. Buckley& president, and W. Burnett, treasurer, New York and<br />

New Haven Railroad Company<br />

Bs, llin & Snider<br />

Alexander Brown & Sons.<br />

Bowen, Beekman 8r, Bradford, jr<br />

Brown, Brothers & Co.<br />

J. J. Borger & Co<br />

H. Bradford & Son<br />

Benedict 8r. Co .<br />

Duncan, Sherman &, Co.<br />

Drexell & Co<br />

Clark, Dodge & Co .<br />

E. W. Clark & Co.<br />

Colgate & Hoffman<br />

W. English & Co.<br />

B. H. Field<br />

Gourd, Freres 8r, Co.<br />

J. A. Gilmer<br />

Gilbert & Son.<br />

G-rinnell, Minturn & Co.<br />

Hoffman 8r, Co<br />

J. R. Ingersoll and J. G. Craig, trustees .<br />

L. Johnson & Co .<br />

A. Jacobs & Son<br />

P. T. James & Co<br />

Ketchum & Son<br />

J. G. King's sons .<br />

Kirtland & Co .<br />

W, Labach & Sheperd<br />

Lord&T av ylor v<br />

x'c xrcKin<br />

& Co<br />

Merritt, Strong & Co .<br />

G. Mead & W. H. Carter.<br />

Iightner & Co<br />

Learing & Brother<br />

Livermore, Clews & Mason<br />

W. L. Lockwood 8t Co. .<br />

H. T hfor ga a an 8r, Co<br />

H. W. Mali 8r, Co<br />

E. Pratt 8r, Brother<br />

M. Morgan & Son.<br />

Platt & Brother<br />

Peters, Campbell & Co.<br />

Riggs & Co. and Western Iiailroad Sinking Fund. .<br />

Read, Drexell 8r Co<br />

Ribon 8r, Co.<br />

Samuel Rosevelt & Co<br />

Robt. Ray, trustee of M. King<br />

R. L. . & A. Stewart<br />

13, 881, 050 pp<br />

20&009 00<br />

12, 000 00<br />

62, 000 00<br />

1& 500 00<br />

3, 100 00<br />

49& 000 00<br />

50& 000 00<br />

64&000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

37, 800 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

150, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

75, 000 00<br />

5)000 00<br />

132& 000 00<br />

7) 000 00<br />

1&000 00<br />

500 00<br />

16, 900 00<br />

32&300 00<br />

2, 600 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

100 00<br />

5&000 00<br />

200 00<br />

300 00<br />

25, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

35, 000 00<br />

13, 000 00<br />

17&000 00<br />

9, 900 00<br />

6, 600 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

9, 000 00<br />

1& 700 00<br />

1, 600 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

63& 000 00<br />

1, 800 00<br />

30, 500 00<br />

600 PP<br />

4, 500 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

4&000 00<br />

28, 500 PP<br />

20, 000 00<br />

38& 700 PP<br />

10, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

100, 000 00<br />

193, 000 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

100 00<br />

1, 200 60<br />

453, 600 PP<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . . 316 709 35p pp



235<br />

1860-' 61.<br />


Brought forward . . 15, 709, 350 00<br />

To Thompson Brothers . .. . .. .. . .. 6, 700 00<br />

Trevor & Colgate. . .. . .... . . . .... . . ... . 112, 200 00<br />

0. H. 1illinghast<br />

R. & M. Tuska.<br />

T. R. Fellow and B. D. Brush, executors, &c. , New York . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

C, & W. J. Smith<br />

State of Massachusetts. .<br />

Stewart & Brother.<br />

John Warren & Son<br />

E Whitehouse, Son & Morrison, New York.<br />

Ward, Campbell & Co<br />

W ard & Co.<br />

William Louis Winans, Ward Campbell & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Winslov&, Lanier & Co.<br />

John Warren &, Son<br />

White, Mo)ris & Co<br />

James Adams, cashier<br />

1&300 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

2, 200 00<br />

35, O0O OO<br />

33, 500 00<br />

43& 000 00<br />

200 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

34& 000 00<br />

46, 500 00<br />

13&000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

100 00<br />

100 00<br />

20, 200 00<br />

W. B. Astor 70, 000 00<br />

J. B. Alley. 6& 300 00<br />

M, , Baker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 000 00<br />

Samuel Bobke I& 000 00<br />

E. Bradford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I, 000 00<br />

W. B. Bradford . 5, 500 00<br />

G. H Burns 167 600 00<br />

J. C. Beeman 9, 000 00<br />

Isaac Bell, jr. , president . . 5& 000 00<br />

T. Champion 400 00<br />

Ralph Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9, 000 00<br />

Thomas Carberry. 10, 400 00<br />

J. B. Cronin 6& 000 00<br />

Charles Christmas. 5, 000 00<br />

Jacob Collamer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 000 00<br />

R. 0. Currie ' 500 00<br />

D. Condey . 1, 000 00<br />

E. B Cobb. 1&000 00<br />

E. Flagg 500 00<br />

R. Catrill 100 00<br />

N. Canton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 000 00<br />

J. A. Dix. 5, 800 00<br />

A. J. Delatour 2, 500 00<br />

W. Dehon, trustee . 6&100 00<br />

Charles Dutilh 10&000 00<br />

J. Y. Dewy. . . . . . . . . . 20, 000 00<br />

H. R. Dunham . 3, 000 00<br />

E. B. Day 13, 000 00<br />

J. Dunlap. 8&000 00<br />

M. De Cour val 500 00<br />

J. W. Dix. 12, 500 00<br />

J. W. Ding. 1, 000 00<br />

M. M. Densen<br />

40& 000 00<br />

Albert Ellery . 300 00<br />

T. A. Emmett . 2, 000 00<br />

C. L. Everett. 1, 000 00<br />

Lucy Francis. . . . . . -. . . . . . . ~ - ~ ~ -- --- ~ -- ~ ~--- 700 00<br />

Henry L. Fuller. 200 00<br />

James i&arrington . 9, 000 00<br />

J. M. Gillie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 Oo<br />

W. L. Graham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 000 00<br />

W. W. G&ouge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 000 00<br />

J. S. lian&ber. 1, 000 00<br />

V. T. Hall .<br />

67, 500 00<br />

Carried forward $16, 446, 950 00

236<br />

1860-'6 l.<br />

To V. Hess<br />

T. J. Hobbs<br />

M. M. Hendricks .<br />

T. N. Hailer .<br />

A. F. Holly.<br />

Q. A. Hall .<br />

L. Hasbrouch<br />

G. Innis<br />

Felix Ingoldsby<br />

C. A. . Hamilton.<br />

J. Harrington<br />

C. E. Haviland<br />

H. Hendricks<br />

W. H. Hart<br />

T. M. Hanson<br />

W, B. Hill<br />

G. Johnson<br />

G. B. Justram.<br />

Jane Jackson<br />

Samuel Kirby<br />

George Kern<br />

G. D. Keen<br />

E. J. King<br />

Eugene Kettellas.<br />

W. King.<br />

J. G. Kidder<br />

D. Kane<br />

C. B. Kern<br />

J. Loring<br />

J. F. Lee.<br />

Fred. Lawrence<br />

D. B. Lindsay<br />

James Lawson<br />

H. Lawrence.<br />

Lawrence &, Co.<br />

H. Y. Ledger.<br />

J. S. McKenny, cashier<br />

A. B. Merrill<br />

Alexander Muirhead<br />

G. Neal<br />

C. A. Macy.<br />

Thomas McDowell<br />

C. B. Moss<br />

J. IL Langdon<br />

D. T. Lanman<br />

H. S. Lea, treasurer, &c. . .<br />

Q. B. Malcolm.<br />

J. Mitchell.<br />

E. Morrison<br />

Samuel Miller<br />

D. W. C. McClosky<br />

S. M. McKean, disbursing<br />

A. McNeil<br />

Sam@el C. Moore<br />

Preston Mathews. . . . .<br />

Alexander Benson<br />

Helena Ann Nelso&r<br />

G. H. Norman<br />

G. L Nevins<br />

H. Otto<br />

T, V. Oliver.<br />


clerk Tre<br />



Brought forward.<br />

asury Department. . . . .<br />

~ ~ ----<br />

. . 16, 446, 950 0p<br />

200 00<br />

1, 200 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

900 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1& 000 00<br />

20&000 00<br />

30, 000 00<br />

300 00<br />

500 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

17& 000 00<br />

2& 000 00<br />

30& 000 00<br />

200 00<br />

61&000 pp<br />

1& 200 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

100 00<br />

400 00<br />

1&800 00<br />

30& 000 00<br />

100 00<br />

33, 500 00<br />

200 00<br />

3& 000 00<br />

26, 000 00<br />

600 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

200 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

3, 600 00<br />

500 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

7, 500 00<br />

41, 500 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

30, 200 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

500 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

50, 000 00<br />

900 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

500 00<br />

139& 000 00<br />

5, 000 0<br />

25, 000 00<br />

19, 000 06<br />

15& 000 00<br />

~ -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 0<br />

2, 400 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

C & d fo d d.<br />

. . &1&, 1&d, ddd &&I



1860-'61.<br />

To Sarah Otterback<br />

J. Y. Penny<br />

E. Plait<br />

Rufus Prince.<br />

W. H. Platt. .<br />

J. N. Prior<br />

k. R. Potts<br />

Susan M. Parrish.<br />

Isaac Phillips.<br />

W. C. Price<br />

James Pollard<br />

Riera lk Theband<br />

k. Roan. .<br />

A. W. Russell<br />

P. Reynolds<br />

W. B. Randolph<br />

W. Redin<br />

C. H. Russell<br />

J. J. Rosevelt<br />

R. Schappi<br />

Thos. Suifern<br />

R. S. Stuart<br />

J. lt F. Sener<br />

Leonard Scott<br />

J. C. Ti1lotson<br />

T. M. Tate<br />

M. Tenery.<br />

L. C. Tripp.<br />

k. Tobias<br />

M. Trimble<br />

Hiram Thomas<br />

L. M. Shoemaker<br />

L. L. Squire.<br />

James Sampson<br />

H. Y. Sanford<br />

W. E. Small.<br />

R. Suckley<br />

T. T. Sawyer<br />

W. T. Smithson<br />

J. Sweeney<br />

T Sanford.<br />

J. Suckert.<br />

M. S. Savage.<br />

E. M. . Stanton<br />

Daniel Stone<br />

Mary Simmon<br />

W. M. M. Turner<br />

Benjamin R. Vaughan.<br />

H. F. Vail,<br />

J, Wiener<br />

W. S. Wetmore<br />

F. Wilson.<br />

N. Wolf<br />

M V. S. Wolf<br />

Joel Wolf<br />

6. H. Wilthams<br />

Hugh Whittell<br />

T. M. Wigham.<br />

J. W. Weier, cashier<br />

B. C. Wantell<br />

J. T. Wright<br />


Brought forward . . . . . . . 17, 130, 050 00<br />

3, 300 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

900 00<br />

15, 300 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

500 00<br />

200 00<br />

8&500 00<br />

3& 500 00<br />

44, 000 00<br />

100 00<br />

11& 000 00<br />

100 00<br />

1, 200 00<br />

8, 700 00<br />

300 00<br />

8, 600 00<br />

61, 000 00<br />

15, 000 00<br />

800 00<br />

11, 000 00<br />

800 00<br />

16, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 800 00<br />

60, 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

5, 500 00<br />

10& 200 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

104& 100 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

25, 000 00<br />

15, 000 00<br />

100 00<br />

25, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

100 00<br />

800 00<br />

1, 100 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

10& 000 00<br />

10& 000 00<br />

500 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

300 00<br />

50, 000 00<br />

37& 200 00<br />

10, 030 00<br />

100 00<br />

800 00<br />

12, 000 00<br />

16, 000 00<br />

4, 500 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

100 00<br />

700 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

2&500 00<br />

9, 000 00<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . , . . . . $17, 804, 750 00



1860-'61<br />

To Stephen Whitney<br />

B. C. White.<br />

G. W. Welsh<br />

P. H. Watson .<br />

W. H. Webb<br />

W. F. Worthington<br />

J. H. Wilkins<br />

Brothers McKim<br />

C. H. Birdsall.<br />

S. C. Blal-e<br />

Louis Bergman<br />

Abner Beers.<br />

J. F. Brown.<br />

Egbert Ber. son.<br />

Mary M. Barnes.<br />

Grace Browne<br />

W. J. Bromwell<br />

Joseph Ba liard<br />

John P. Baldwin<br />

Mulford Martin<br />

John Myers<br />


Brought forward. . . . . . . . . . 17, 804, 750 06<br />

180, 000 06<br />

6&000 00<br />

101000 00<br />

81000 00<br />

15&000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

2& 000 00<br />

1& 000 00<br />

100 00<br />

100 00<br />

13, 000 00<br />

1, 300 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

2&000 00<br />

1&500 00<br />

25)000 60<br />

200 00<br />

~ 1) 000 00<br />

200 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

$18, 080, 150 00<br />

Payment of interest on treasury ~otes, per 9th section, act of December 28, 1857.<br />

To Moses McDonald, late collector of customs, Portland and Falmouth,<br />

Maine<br />

Minot A. Osborn, late collector of customs, New Haven, Connecticut.<br />

J. Z. Goodrich, collector of customs, Boston, Massachusetts<br />

J. S. Whitney, late collector of customs, Boston, Massachusetts<br />

W. B. Pike, late collector of customs, Salem and Beverly, Mass<br />

J. A. Aborn, late collector of customs, Providence, Rhode Island<br />

Hiram Barney, callector of customs, New York.<br />

Augustus Schell, late collector of customs, New York<br />

W. B. Thomas, collector of customs, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania<br />

J B Baker, late collector of customs, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.<br />

H. W. Hoffman, collector of customs, Baltimore, Maryland<br />

J. T. Mason, late collector of customs, Baltimore, Maryland<br />

American Exchange Bank<br />

Bank of the State of New York<br />

Bank of New York<br />

Blackstone Bank, Boston<br />

Five Cents Saving Bank, Boston<br />

Bank of Washington, D. C<br />

Brooklyn Savings Bank<br />

Bank of Commerce<br />

Bowery Savings Bank<br />

Buffalo Savings Bank, Buff'alo, N. Y<br />

Bank for Savings, N. Y<br />

Broadway Bank, Boston<br />

Q &&4<br />

R. S. 'tuart.<br />

Bank of America<br />

Bank of tbe Commonwealth<br />

Bank of Manhattan Company, N. Y<br />

Brooklyn Gas-light Company<br />

Continental Bank, N. Y<br />

Commercial and Farmers' Bank, Baltimore<br />

Connecticut Fire Insurance Company<br />

Chemical Bank, N Y<br />

200 75<br />

8 18<br />

614 17<br />

211251 74<br />

89 79<br />

98 30<br />

7, 582 03<br />

103&346 63<br />

811 36<br />

9, 858 45<br />

2, 108 64<br />

2& 283 74<br />

318 69<br />

1& 309 07<br />

620 87<br />

3& 578 77<br />

2, 832 87<br />

912 39<br />

4, 157 39<br />

34, 897 99<br />

59, 53S 42<br />

11&612 86<br />

49, 649 44<br />

2, 186 44<br />

80 16<br />

, 20, 983 42<br />

890 66<br />

485 76<br />

2, 410 08<br />

123 12<br />

2)483 54<br />

2, 022 50<br />

627 43<br />

Cartied forward<br />

8348, 915 55



1860-'61 ~<br />


Brought forward. . . . . . . . . .<br />

To City Bank, N. Y<br />

The East River Savings Institution<br />

Delaware Mutual Safety Fire Insurance Company<br />

Delaware 5Iutual Insurance Company<br />

Danver's Savings Bank<br />

Eutaw Savings Bank<br />

Dry Dock Savings Institute<br />

Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank, N. Y<br />

Farmers and Mechanics' Bank<br />

Farmers' Bank of Lancaster<br />

Firemen'e Insurance Company<br />

Fulton Bank, N, Y<br />

German Savings Bank.<br />

Great Western Insurance Company<br />

Greenwich Savings Bank.<br />

Irving Savings Institute<br />

Irving Bmk, New York<br />

Institute for havings of Merchants' Clerks, N. Y<br />

Bank of the Republic, N. Y<br />

Leather Manufacturers' Bank, N. Y<br />

Mechanics and Traders' Bank, N. Y<br />

Mechanics' Bank<br />

Manufacturers and Merchants Bank, N. Y<br />

Merchants' Bank<br />

Mutual Life Insurance Company<br />

Mariners' Savings Institute<br />

New York and Havre Steamship Company<br />

New York and New Haven Railroad Company<br />

Merchants' Banks, Boston<br />

Eugene &S. Ballin, treasurer<br />

Manhattan Savings Institute, N. Y<br />

Metropolitan Bank, N. Y<br />

National Bank<br />

New York Life Insurance Company.<br />

Neptune Insurance Company<br />

Oriental Mutual Insurance Company, N. Y<br />

Oriental Bank<br />

Park Bank, N. Y<br />

Philadelphia Saving Fund Society<br />

Pennsylvania Mutual Insurance Company, Philadelphia<br />

Pennsylvania Company for Insurance on Lives and Granting Annuities<br />

Phmnix Bank, N. Y<br />

Provident Saving Institute, Boston.<br />

Pennsylvania Mutual Life Insurance Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Phceuix Mutual Insurance Company<br />

Peekskil1 Saving Bank<br />

Pacific Mail Steamship Company, N Y<br />

Philadelphia Contributionists for Insurance on Houses . . . . . .<br />

Revere Bank<br />

Relief Fire Insurance Company, N. Y<br />

Seventh Ward Bank<br />

Riggs & Co .<br />

Suter, Iiee & Co<br />

Sweeney, Rittenhouse, Fant 8r, Co.<br />

Seainen's Bank of Savings<br />

Riche, rd Smith, cashier<br />

Home Insurance Company<br />

Suffolk Bank, Boston<br />

Salem Five Cents Saving Bank, Salem, Mass.<br />

Sing Sing Savings Bank, N. Y<br />

Treuton Bank, Trenton, N. J.<br />

Carried forward.<br />

348, 915 55<br />

3, 385 31<br />

2, 286 99<br />

3, 694 72<br />

1, 219 73<br />

909 86<br />

6, 913 64<br />

15, 141 44<br />

21, 350 59<br />

3, 369 10<br />

1, 691 23<br />

936 66<br />

2, 773 73<br />

6, 438 49<br />

8, 361 71<br />

Z3, 959 70<br />

6& 115 28<br />

71 83<br />

2, 117 26<br />

168 33<br />

Z, 679 29<br />

7, 821 80<br />

300 82<br />

1, 238. 97<br />

5, 474 73<br />

14, 996 88<br />

1, 846 77<br />

8, 443 42<br />

2, 736 99<br />

7, 497 54<br />

24 89<br />

12, 093 84<br />

4, 851 02<br />

1, 095 21<br />

1, 756 26<br />

8, 076 42<br />

12, 306 94<br />

157 62<br />

4, 109 89<br />

22, 501 77<br />

1, 908 49<br />

10, 467 95<br />

69, 077 68<br />

22, 968 76<br />

3, 392 97<br />

1, 567 40<br />

272 35<br />

7, 288 37<br />

962 63<br />

3, 614 11<br />

363 95<br />

72 03<br />

39& 345 38<br />

7 45<br />

319 34<br />

3, 834 65<br />

4, 999 88<br />

1 573 98<br />

7&684 93<br />

4, 664 39<br />

303 29<br />

1, 375 OO<br />

$765&897 20

240<br />



1860-'61.<br />


To Union Bank, Md.<br />

Union Dime Saving Institute.<br />

Worcester Bank<br />

Brought forward. . . . . . . . . . 765, 897 20<br />

Warren Institute for Savings, Charlestown, Mass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Washington Insurance Company<br />

Washington Marine Insurance Company<br />

Worcester County Institution for Savings .<br />

United States Life Insurance Company, N. Y<br />

Long Island Bank<br />

Jefferson Insurance Company .<br />

Girard Bank<br />

Broadway Savings' Institute<br />

Savings' Bank, Baltimore.<br />

Washington Life Insurance Company, N. Y.<br />

Adams' Express Company<br />

n<br />

G. H. Burns, agent, Adams's Express Compa<br />

B. S. McLaughlin . . do<br />

Arney 8r Heye<br />

y--------------------<br />

J. R. Buckley, president, and W. Burnett, treasurer, New York and<br />

New Haven Railroad Company<br />

Ballin & Sander<br />

Alexander Brown 8r Sons<br />

Brown, Beekman 8r Bradford, jr.<br />

Brown Brothers 8r Co<br />

J. J. Borger 8r Co<br />

H. Braden & Son.<br />

Benedict & Co<br />

Duncan, Sherman & Co.<br />

Drexel & Co<br />

Clark, Dodge 8r Co<br />

E. W. Clark 8r Co<br />

Colgate 8r, Hoffman<br />

W. English 8r Co.<br />

B. H. Field<br />

Gourd, Vreres 8r Co<br />

J. A. Gilmer<br />

Gilbert 8r Son<br />

Grinnell, Minturn<br />

8r Co<br />

Hoffman & Co<br />

J. R. Ingersoll 8r J. G. Craig, trustees.<br />

L. Johnson 8r Co<br />

A. Jacobs & Son<br />

T. P. James & Co<br />

Ketchum 8r, Co .<br />

J. G. King's Sons .<br />

Kirtland & Co<br />

W. Labach 8r Scheperer<br />

Lord 8r Taylor.<br />

McKim & Co<br />

Merritt, Strong 8: Co.<br />

G. Mead &, W. H. Carter<br />

Lrghtner 8r, Co<br />

Learing 8r Bro<br />

Livermore, Clews & Mason<br />

W. I Lockwood &, Co.<br />

H. T. Morgan & Co<br />

H. W. T. Mali & Co .<br />

E, Pratt & Bro<br />

M. Morgan r&e Son<br />

Platt 8r, Bro<br />

Peters, Campbell 8r, Co.<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . .<br />

4& 393 81<br />

366 16<br />

3, 079 24<br />

7&958 61<br />

6, 008 22<br />

2, 402 94<br />

1, 200 00<br />

813 10<br />

82 50<br />

298 87<br />

2, 873 43<br />

3, 189 05<br />

13, 241 72<br />

720 00<br />

5, 055 89<br />

378 97<br />

180 49<br />

2, 247 65<br />

9& 357 53<br />

60 00<br />

5, 964 86<br />

300 00<br />

9, 049 02<br />

490 68<br />

86 04<br />

48 70<br />

932 04<br />

1, 946 22<br />

199 31<br />

62 47<br />

7 48<br />

300 00<br />

25 15<br />

18 67<br />

2, 004 ll<br />

302 47<br />

2, 424 99<br />

827 43<br />

1, 020 00<br />

662 25<br />

395 21<br />

60 82<br />

7S2 05<br />

103 96<br />

109 73<br />

175 92<br />

IS2 49<br />

4, 383 18<br />

142 81<br />

2, OO9 3l<br />

33 75<br />

272 96<br />

82 73<br />

246 58<br />

329 59<br />

1, 795 77<br />

1, 419 45<br />

2, 349 34<br />

691 64<br />

226 44<br />

$872&209 00



241<br />

1860-'61.<br />


To Read, Drexel & Co.<br />

Ribon & Co<br />

Samuel P. osevelt & Co.<br />

P&. L. & A. Stewart<br />

Thompson Brothers<br />

O. H. Tillinghast .<br />

R. & M. Tuska<br />

T. R. Tillow and B. D. Brush, executors, &c<br />

C. & W. J. Smith .<br />

State of Massachusetis<br />

M. King<br />

Trevor &, Colgate<br />

Stuart & Bro<br />

John Warren & Son.<br />

E Whitebouse, Sou & Morrison<br />

Ward Campbell & Co<br />

Ward & Co<br />

William Louis Winans, Ward Campbell,<br />

Wiuslow, Lacier & Co<br />

White, Morris &, Co.<br />

James Adams, cashier<br />

W. B. Astor.<br />

J, P. Alley<br />

N, Baker<br />

Samuel Bobke<br />

E. Bradford<br />

W. B. Bradford<br />

6. H, Burns.<br />

Isaac C. Beman<br />

Isaac Bell, jr<br />

T. Champion<br />

Ralph Clark<br />

Thomas Carbery.<br />

J. B. Cronin.<br />

Charles Christmas<br />

Jacob Collamer<br />

R. 0. Currie.<br />

D. Condey.<br />

E. B. Cobb .<br />

E, Flagg .<br />

T. R. Catrill .<br />

N. Canton.<br />

J, A. Dix<br />

A. J. Delatour .<br />

W. Dehon, trustee .<br />

Charles Dutilh.<br />

J. Y. Dewey.<br />

H. R. Dunham.<br />

E. B. Day<br />

J. Dunlop .<br />

M. D. Courvol<br />

M. Armstrong & Sons.<br />

C. L Everett<br />

Albert Ellery<br />

T. A. Emmett.<br />

Mary M. Barncs.<br />

Egbert Benson<br />

Brothers McKim<br />

E. H. Birdsal<br />

S. C. Blake<br />

Louis Bergman.<br />

16 R<br />

Brought forward.<br />

&c<br />

872& 209 00<br />

12& 298 90<br />

288 33<br />

8 52<br />

27, 118 42<br />

434 41<br />

102 93<br />

60 49<br />

169 07<br />

2, 107 07<br />

2, 025 18<br />

72 59<br />

7&239 38<br />

2, 637 21<br />

23 52<br />

344 82<br />

2& 396 51<br />

3 150 00<br />

921 43<br />

302 47<br />

8 74<br />

1, 445 52<br />

4& 280 48<br />

556 13<br />

72 96<br />

64 94<br />

79 48.<br />

332 33<br />

127 84<br />

674 01<br />

326 23<br />

23 03<br />

613 54<br />

870 18<br />

733 11<br />

301 64'<br />

60 33<br />

30 16<br />

65 26<br />

60 16<br />

25 96<br />

8 84<br />

1, 084 44<br />

487 27<br />

182 18<br />

338 26<br />

601 23<br />

1) 200 00<br />

180 00.<br />

787 40<br />

489 54<br />

30 25<br />

87 92<br />

68 71<br />

22 24<br />

120 00<br />

86 64<br />

131 10<br />

72 03<br />

7 52<br />

8 17<br />

1) 189 51<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . 8051& 695 08

242<br />



1860-'61.<br />

To Abner Beers . . .<br />

J. F. Brown<br />

J. P. Baldwin.<br />

Grace Brown.<br />

W. T. Bromwell<br />

Joseph Ballard.<br />

Alexander Benson<br />

J. W. Dix<br />

J. W. Ding<br />

M. A. Danson<br />

Lucy Francis<br />

H. L. Fuller<br />

John Farrington<br />

J. M. Gillie .<br />

W. L. Graham<br />

W. W. Gouge<br />

G. A. Hall<br />

J. S Ha, mien .<br />

V. T. Hall<br />

Valentine Bess<br />

T. J. Hobbs<br />

M. M. Hendricks.<br />

T. N. Hailer.<br />

. A. F. Holly.<br />

W, H. Hunt<br />

Henry Hendricks<br />

Levi Hasbrouck.<br />

C. A. Hamilton<br />

Jeremiah Harrington.<br />

C. E. Haviland<br />

Fe) ix Iugoldsby.<br />

George Johnson.<br />

G. B. Jostram<br />

James Jackson.<br />

E. J. King .<br />

Samuel Kirby.<br />

George Kearn.<br />

G. D. Kean.<br />

William King<br />

C. B. Keen<br />

J. G. Kidder .<br />

Daniel Kane.<br />

H. I awrence<br />

J. F. Lee<br />

George Innis .<br />

F. Lawrence<br />

D. B. Lindsay<br />

James Lawsou<br />

Henry Leger<br />

J. B. Laugdon .<br />

D. T. Lauman .<br />

Lawrence 6: Co.<br />

H S Lee. .<br />

J. S. McKenney<br />

A. B. Morrill.<br />

Alexander Muirhead.<br />

Gabriel Mead<br />

C. N. Macy.<br />

C. B. Moss .<br />

W. B. Malcolm<br />

Judson Mitchell<br />


Brought forward. . 951& 695 03<br />

114 44<br />

176 22<br />

17 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

18 74<br />

88 00<br />

1, 512 33<br />

776 05<br />

60 49<br />

2& 021 92<br />

48 14<br />

12 00<br />

797 43<br />

14 25<br />

94 19<br />

120 00<br />

68 35<br />

56 21<br />

4, 054 18<br />

12 99<br />

76 00<br />

330 90<br />

174 75<br />

88 60<br />

1&026 59<br />

240 66<br />

60 00<br />

1&800 00<br />

18 00<br />

41 97<br />

1, 203 29<br />

11 49<br />

3, 776 31<br />

72 56<br />

158 01<br />

1& 106 03<br />

7 52<br />

37 81<br />

8 33<br />

325 97<br />

2, 087 59<br />

12 07<br />

112 11<br />

35 08<br />

60 00<br />

135 92<br />

12 48<br />

424 11<br />

244 ll<br />

1, 895 56<br />

181 97<br />

189 37<br />

1, 216 44<br />

30 66<br />

96 29<br />

536 36<br />

2, 425 34<br />

85 81<br />

146 7&<br />

36 78<br />

85 32<br />

Carried forward .<br />

8983, 866 83



1860-' 61.<br />

To E. Morrison<br />

Merce, ntile Bank .<br />

Samuel Miller.<br />

D. 1V. C. DicCloskey.<br />

S. M. McKean .<br />

Archibald McNeill<br />

S. C. Moore.<br />

Preston Mathewe.<br />

Mulford Martin, .<br />

John Myer<br />

Helena Anne Nelson .<br />

G. H. Norman<br />


National Fire Insurance Co. , Montpelier,<br />

George Nevins.<br />

Henry Otto. .<br />

T. V. Oliver.<br />

Sarah Otterback<br />

W. H. Platt<br />

A. R. Potts<br />

J. Y. Penny.<br />

Ebenezer Platt.<br />

Rufus Prince.<br />

W. C. Platt. . .<br />

Susan M. Parrish.<br />

Isaac Phillips .<br />

Joseph Polard.<br />

William Redin<br />

Reira & Thebaud.<br />

A. Roan<br />

Abbie W. Russell.<br />

Patrick Reynolds.<br />

W, B. Randolph .<br />

C. H. Russell, executor<br />

C. H. Russell<br />

J. Roosevelt. . . . . .<br />

Randolph<br />

Schappi<br />

Thomas Suifern<br />

R. L. Stewart.<br />

J. F. Sener<br />

Leonard Scott.<br />

S. M. Shoemaker<br />

T. Sandford<br />

John Sweeney<br />

W. T. Smithson<br />

Rusten Suckley .<br />

L. L. Squire<br />

, Joseph Sampson<br />

Henry Sauford.<br />

W. E. Small.<br />

S. T. Sawyer<br />

Julius Suckert .<br />

W. I&. Ss, vage<br />

E, M. Stanton .<br />

D&miel Stone.<br />

hi sry Si mmons .<br />

Alfred Tobias<br />

J. C. Tiliottson .<br />

T M. Tate<br />

M. Tenny<br />

hie rritt Tri mbl e<br />

L. C. Tripp .<br />

Brought forward<br />

Vt.<br />

983, 866 83<br />

112 39<br />

60 12<br />

3<br />

&<br />

292 47<br />

G9 98<br />

87 99<br />

30 00<br />

8, 429 92<br />

2<br />

7<br />

399 32<br />

GO 66<br />

60 00<br />

305 69<br />

936 30<br />

13 15<br />

49 GO<br />

134 17<br />

150 00<br />

299 35<br />

31 23<br />

13 59<br />

25? 52<br />

69 57<br />

974 58<br />

175 23<br />

686 45<br />

255 11<br />

6 10<br />

641 29<br />

632 13<br />

8 2il<br />

84 73<br />

26? 76<br />

18 85<br />

978 74<br />

707 40<br />

907 40<br />

16 68<br />

704 45<br />

22 19<br />

137 97<br />

?1 57<br />

082 11<br />

8? 67<br />

66 63<br />

6 13<br />

508 21<br />

118 56<br />

500 00<br />

919 73<br />

7 58<br />

322 03<br />

120 00<br />

606 58<br />

600 00<br />

44 38<br />

292 19<br />

332 63<br />

55 15<br />

Go 80<br />

634 52<br />

6GO 00<br />

612 24<br />

Carried forward . . . 81& 028, 688 82

244<br />



1860-'61.<br />

To Hiram Thomas.<br />

M. 51. Turner.<br />

T. M. Hanson.<br />

W. B. Hill<br />

W. C. Price.<br />

B. R. Vaughn<br />

H. F. Vail.<br />

Johanna Weiner<br />

W. S. Wetmore<br />

Franklin Wilson<br />

Udolph Wolf<br />

Margaret V. S. Wolf<br />

Joel Wolf<br />

G. H. Wilthams<br />

Hugh Whittell.<br />

T. M. Wigham.<br />

J. W. Weir<br />

H. F. Worthington<br />

W. H. Webb<br />

B. C Wendell<br />

J. T. Wright.<br />

Stephen Whitney, dec<br />

Benjamin White<br />

G. W. Welsh<br />

P H. Watson.<br />

J. H. Wilkins.<br />

Eugene Keteltas<br />

Thomas 5fcDonnell<br />

J. N. Prior<br />

eased<br />


Brought forward 1, 028& 688 82<br />

255 45<br />

18 05<br />

275 ll<br />

2& 090 96<br />

1, 987 gg<br />

3, 664 99<br />

2&829 83<br />

748 3l<br />

5 59<br />

44 72<br />

690 &3<br />

971 27<br />

288 77<br />

239 89<br />

7 28<br />

49 18<br />

1& 509 86<br />

323 84<br />

1& 159 52<br />

192 96<br />

650 51<br />

10, 854 25<br />

368 88<br />

606 25<br />

483 95<br />

158 14<br />

2, 733 70<br />

72 01<br />

42 82<br />

$1, 062, 012 96<br />

To D. N. Barrows<br />


1n valid yensi ons — army.<br />

. . . agent.<br />

P. Dickinson. . do.<br />

A. M. Warner. . . . .. .. do<br />

P. T. Crutchfield. . . do.<br />

P. Bequettc do.<br />

A, L. Lovejoy. .. . . do.<br />

J. W, Chapman . ...... . .&io.<br />

B. G. Heriot . . „.<br />

do.<br />

F. H. Flogg. . . . . do.<br />

S Belden. . . . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

W. Henderson. . . . . . . . . do<br />

P. C Jeifries. . . do.<br />

J. B. Kinkead. . . . . . . do.<br />

G. F. Emery . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

I. O. Borneo. . . . . . do<br />

T. H. Clarke . . . . . . do.<br />

A. M. Reed . . . . . . do.<br />

H, C. Kibbee . . . . . . do<br />

M. D. Newman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

Carried forward<br />

1, 589 22<br />

3, 100 00<br />

2, 200 00<br />

300 00<br />

5, 44O 00<br />

1& 000 0<br />

5, 950 00<br />

6, 700 00<br />

800 00<br />

5, 10O 00<br />

9, 500 00<br />

4 500 00<br />

17 0&0 80<br />

20, 200 00<br />

13, 200 00<br />

16, 400 0o<br />

2, 600 OO<br />

17, 30O 00<br />

3, 700 OO<br />

yisi, 65O 02


1860-' 61.<br />


To J. C. Green.<br />

V. B. Livingston . ..... . &io.<br />

J. Grayson .. . do<br />

E. Hessenmueller . . do.<br />

W. G. Broadfoot. .. . ... do.<br />

I. Lewis. do<br />

J. M. Smith . do.<br />

C. H. Larkin do.<br />

A. Hey t do,<br />

J. B. Freeman. .. . .. ... ... do.<br />

C. F. Warner<br />

W. K. Blair<br />

G. Minot<br />

S. Brady<br />

H. Wilton<br />

Br ough t forward<br />

agent.<br />

do.<br />

. do.<br />

do<br />

do.<br />

. do.<br />

G. % Biggs, jr. . .. . ... .. . do<br />

S. W. Dalton . . do<br />

R. C. Pearson . .. . . do.<br />

J. S. Gittings. . . . ... . . do.<br />

I. W. Kelly. do.<br />

J. E. Devitt do<br />

B, T. Blodgett . . . .. .. . do.<br />

J. O. Yerrill<br />

B. C. Kent.<br />

L. Bowers.<br />

M, Donoho.<br />

J. Friend.<br />

I. Vanderpoel . . . . . ,<br />

G. L. West<br />

J. D, Biles<br />

. do.<br />

do.<br />

do<br />

do.<br />

&io.<br />

. . do<br />

do.<br />

. do.<br />

J. L. Thompson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

A. H. Hamilton . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

H. C. Borden. . . . do<br />

J. Ih Selby, jr. . . . . . . &lo.<br />

J. W. Bunn. . do.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By G. A. Mercer .. . . .. agent. .<br />

J. W. Kelly, deceased, late. do<br />

E. Hessenmuller ... . . ...... do. ..<br />

I Lewis.<br />

do<br />

P. C. Jctfrics d o.<br />

J. B, Freeman. .. ... . . . do. ..<br />

J. O. Ferrill. . . do<br />

2) 107 23<br />

390 24<br />

306 8U<br />

1, 309 36<br />

468 00<br />

1, 300 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

131, 650 02<br />

22, 800 00<br />

23, 000 00<br />

14, 800 00<br />

5, 800 00<br />

1, 250 00<br />

10, 500 00<br />

14, 600 00<br />

3, 700 00<br />

4, 750 09<br />

2, 300 00<br />

4, 750 00<br />

18, 100 00<br />

5, 500 00<br />

2, 700 00<br />

35, 000 00<br />

12, 500 00<br />

3, 262 00<br />

i', 650 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

390 24<br />

21, 100 00<br />

5, 800 00<br />

8, 500 00<br />

3, 700 00<br />

1, 530 00<br />

600 00<br />

8, 000 Up<br />

25&000 00<br />

4, 400 00<br />

475 00<br />

500 00<br />

ppp pp<br />

2I500 00<br />

800 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

417, 407 26<br />

7, 881 63<br />

8409, 525 63<br />

Pensions — acts llarch 18, 1818; 3Iay lo, 1828; tune 'I, 1832.<br />

. . . .. ... anent<br />

P. Dickinson . . do.<br />

P. T. Crutchfield do. ..<br />

J. W. Chapman. .. ... do.<br />

B, G. Heriot do.<br />

G. A. 51 ercer, late. .. . . .. . . do<br />

S. Belden. do<br />

W. Henderson .... . -.. .. .. do<br />

To D. N. Barrows.<br />

52 52<br />

300 00<br />

1UO 00<br />

150 00<br />

300 00<br />

157 81<br />

600 00<br />

400 00<br />

Carried forward. $2, 060 33



1860-'61.<br />

To P. C. Jeffries . . . .<br />


Brou ght forward. .<br />

.. . agent<br />

J. B. Kinkead. . ... . .. . . do<br />

G. F. E&nery. do<br />

I. O. Barnes do<br />

T. H. Clarke do.<br />

H. C. Kibbee . do.<br />

M. D. Newman. . . . ... do.<br />

J. C. Green. do.<br />

V. B. Livingston. ... .. ... .. do.<br />

J. Grayson. do.<br />

E. Hessenmueiler. . .. . do<br />

W. G. Bradfoot. . .. .... .. . . do.<br />

I. Lewis. do.<br />

C. H. Lenkin . do.<br />

A. H. Hoyt. do<br />

J. B. Freeman. . .. . . . . . do.<br />

C. F. Warner. . do.<br />

W. K. Blair. do.<br />

H. WBtnn . do.<br />

G. W. Riggs, jr. ...... . . . . . do<br />

S. W. Dalton. , oo.<br />

14. C. Pearson .. do.<br />

J. E. Devitt do.<br />

B. T. Blodgett. .... . ... .... do<br />

J. 0. Ferrill. do.<br />

L. Bowers. .. .. . . do<br />

J. M. Smith. . do.<br />

J. Friend. do.<br />

G. Minot. .. .. do.<br />

I. Vanderpoel. . . . . ... . . . do.<br />

ti. C. Kent.<br />

. do.<br />

G. S. West. . do.<br />

S. Brady. . do.<br />

J. D. Biles . . . . . . . . do.<br />

A. H. Hamilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

H. C. Borden. . do<br />

J. W. Bunn. . Iio.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By J. B. Freeman<br />

.. . ... . . .. agent<br />

J. O. Ferrill. . . . . do. . . 2, 060 33<br />

150 00<br />

1, 006 29<br />

1, 200 pp<br />

1& 200 00<br />

800 00<br />

800 00<br />

600 00<br />

800 00<br />

I, 10O OO<br />

500 00<br />

446 85<br />

250 00<br />

500 Pp<br />

100 00<br />

150 00<br />

100 00<br />

250 0&i<br />

700 00<br />

900 Po<br />

500 Oo<br />

200 00<br />

I<br />

150 00<br />

1&100 00<br />

400 00<br />

200 00<br />

70 Pp<br />

4, 000 00<br />

600 00<br />

200 00<br />

I& 200 00<br />

150 00<br />

200 00<br />

150 00<br />

25 00<br />

100 00<br />

200 00<br />

300 00<br />

23, 358 47<br />

50 00<br />

100 00 ' 150 Po'<br />

$23 208 47<br />

Pensions — acts July 4, 1886, section 8; July t, 1888; March 8, 1848; Iuse<br />

17, 1844; February 2 and July 09, 1848; February 8, 1858, section 2.<br />

. . . . . agent.<br />

P. Dickinson. .. . . . . do<br />

A. M. Warner .. do.<br />

J. W. Chapman .. . . . . .. do.<br />

B. G. Heriot . do<br />

G. h. Mercer. . . .. do.<br />

S. Belden. . .... do.<br />

W. Henderson . . .. do.<br />

P. C. Jeffries. . .... ... . ... do.<br />

To T. H. Clark<br />

3, 5OO PO<br />

IO, 7OO Op<br />

3, 300 PP I'<br />

7OO Op<br />

3, loO OO<br />

1, 078 14 I&<br />

18, 000 Op<br />

I', 8OO Op<br />

ooo Oo.<br />

Carried forward<br />

842, 628 14

1869-'61.<br />



To J B. Kinkead. . . . . . . . . . . . agen<br />

G. F. Emery . . do.<br />

I. O. Barnes. . do<br />

H, C. Kihl&ee . do<br />

M. D Newman. . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. C. Green. . . . do.<br />

V. B. Livingston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J, Grayson. . do.<br />

E. Hcsscnmueller. . . . . . . . do.<br />

W. G. Broadfoot . . . . . . . . do.<br />

O. Lewis . . . . . . do<br />

J. M. Smith. . do.<br />

C. H. Larkin. . (io.<br />

A. H. Hoyt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. B. Freeman . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

C. F. Warner. do.<br />

W. K. Blair. . do.<br />

G. Minot. . do. .<br />

S. Brady. . do.<br />

H. Wilton. do.<br />

G. W. Riggs, jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

S. W. Dalton . do.<br />

R. C. Pearson . do.<br />

J. S. Gittings do.<br />

J. E. Devitt. . do<br />

B. T. Blodgett. . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

B. C. Kent. do<br />

L. Bo&v&rs . 60.<br />

M. Donoho. do.<br />

J. O. Fcrrill . do.<br />

J. Friend. . do.<br />

I, Vanderpoel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

G, S. West. . do.<br />

E. Youlson. do.<br />

A. Thieme. do.<br />

J. L. Thompson. . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. B. Reynolds . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

A. H. Hamilton . . . . . . . . do.<br />

D. N. Barrows. . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

H. C. Borden . do.<br />

J. W. Bunn. . . . do.<br />

Br ought forward<br />

I&'rom which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By I. Vanderpoel. . .. .... .. . do.<br />

A. F. Morrison, deceased, late .. . do. .<br />

T1<br />

J. B. I<br />

J. O. Ferrill. . . .. . do. .. . .... . t.<br />

6, 268 26<br />

1, 200 00<br />

550 00<br />

600 00<br />

247<br />

42, 628 14<br />

12, 500 00<br />

15, 000 00<br />

18, 100 00<br />

2, 100 00<br />

13, 700 00<br />

9, 000 00<br />

12, 800 09<br />

5, 700 00<br />

2, 250 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

3, 300 00<br />

4, 500 00<br />

300 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1, 100 00<br />

7, 000 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

5, 900 00<br />

3, 250 00<br />

4, 500 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

100 00<br />

1, 900 00<br />

5, 300 00<br />

11, 800 00<br />

7, 400 00<br />

2, 400 00<br />

700 00<br />

300 00<br />

2, 100 00<br />

1, 800 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

300 00<br />

2&000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

400 00<br />

1, 07Z 14<br />

1, $00 00<br />

1, 700 00<br />

238, 700 28<br />

8, 618 26<br />

$230, 082 02<br />

Pensions — acts July 21, 1848; February 8, 1858; and under special acts of<br />

Con. gress.<br />

.. . . . agent<br />

P. Dickinson. do.<br />

P. T. Crut«hfichl . . do.<br />

J. 1V. Chapms, n .. .. ... . .... . . do.<br />

To T. H. Clarke . --. .<br />

Carried forward .<br />

3, 800 00<br />

300 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

50 00<br />

$7&650 00

248<br />



1860-'61.<br />


... . . agent.<br />

G. A. Mercer, late . .. . .. . do.<br />

S. Belden . do.<br />

W. Henderson. .. . ... ..... . . clo.<br />

P. C. Je(fries . do.<br />

J. B. Kinkead. . .. . . do.<br />

G. F. Emery .... ... do.<br />

I. O. Barncs. do.<br />

H. C. Kibbee. do<br />

M. D. Newman. . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. C. Green . do.<br />

V. B. Livingston. .. .. . do<br />

J. Grayson . do.<br />

E. Hessenmueller. .. .. .. do.<br />

W. G. Broadfoot. .. . . . .. . . do.<br />

To B. G. Heriot<br />

I. Vanderpoel . . . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

I. Lewis. . do,<br />

J. M. Smith. . (10.<br />

C. H. Leukin do.<br />

G. Minot. . . . . . do.<br />

S. Brady. . do.<br />

H. Wilton . . do.<br />

G. W. Riggs, jr. . . . . . . . do.<br />

S. W. Dalton . do<br />

R. C. Pearson do<br />

J. E. Devitt . do.<br />

B. T. Blodgett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. O. I errill . do.<br />

J. S. Gettings. . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the followiug repayments:<br />

Brough t forward. .<br />

By J. W. Kelly, deceased, late . . . agent. . .... . .<br />

S. W. Dalton do . .<br />

D. N. Barrows. . ... . . . . do . .<br />

Pensions — act tune 8, 1858.<br />

To D. N. Barrows. . . . . . . . . . agent.<br />

P. Dickinson. . . . . do.<br />

A. M. Warner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

P. T. Crutchfield. . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

P. Bequette. . . . do.<br />

J. W. Chapman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

B. G. Heriot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

G. A. Mercer, late . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

F. H. Flagg . . . . . . do.<br />

S. Belden . do.<br />

W. Henderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. B. Kinkead . . . . . . , . . . do.<br />

G. F. Emery. . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

I. O. Barnes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

T. H. Clarke . . do.<br />

H. C. Kibbee. . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

M. D. Newman. . . . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

J C. Green.<br />

. do.<br />

V. B. Livingston. . . . . . . . do<br />

Carried forward<br />

390 24.<br />

362 00<br />

1, 185 89<br />

7, 650 OQ<br />

2, 600 00<br />

413 20<br />

200 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

100 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

3. 0110 OQ<br />

3, 000 UQ<br />

600 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

1&800 00<br />

1, 300 OQ<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1, 221 00<br />

500 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

300 00<br />

400 00<br />

600 00<br />

160 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

8. 500 00<br />

900 00<br />

400 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

500 00<br />

1, 400 00<br />

2, 200 00<br />

60, 734 20<br />

1, 938 13<br />

$58, 796 07<br />

500 00<br />

2, ' 100 00<br />

5OO OO<br />

600 00<br />

60 00<br />

350 00<br />

2, 800 00<br />

458 08<br />

3, Uoo 00<br />

2, 100 OU<br />

2, 500 00<br />

S, QOO 00<br />

2) 600 00<br />

6, 500 00<br />

8, UUO 00<br />

4, 200 00<br />

4, uoo oo<br />

I(, 600 00<br />

6, soo 00<br />

$62, 168 Us



249<br />

1860-'61<br />


Brought forward<br />

To J. Grayson. . . . . . . . . . . . agent. . . .<br />

W. G. Broadfoot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

I. Lewis. . . . do<br />

J. M. Smith do.<br />

A. H. Hoyt. . . do<br />

E. Hessenmueller. . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. B. Freeman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

C. F. Warren . . . do.<br />

W. K. Blair do.<br />

H. Wilton do.<br />

G. W. Riggs, jr<br />

b. W. Dalton. . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. S. Gittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. E. Devitt. do.<br />

B. F. Blodgett. . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J, O. Ferrill . do.<br />

B. C. Kent. . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

L. Bowers. . . . . . . do<br />

S. Brady . do<br />

M. Donoho. -do.<br />

J. Friend. . do.<br />

G. Minot. . . . do.<br />

I. Vanderpoel . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

G. S. West. . do.<br />

P. C. Jeffries. . . . do.<br />

R. C. Pearson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

H. C. Borden. . . . do.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By J, B. Freeman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . agent.<br />

J. O. Ferrill. do. . . .<br />

D. N. Harrows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do . . . . .<br />

To W. Patterson e( al.<br />

Nancy Griffin.<br />

A. Pence .<br />

L. G. Davis .<br />

J. Locke.<br />

George Lewis, deceased.<br />

Jacob Reiuer, deceased.<br />

George Roebuck, deceased.<br />

Lydia Smith.<br />

Thomas Clintou, deceased.<br />

Sarah Gott.<br />

Martha, J. Keller<br />

Sarah Whitt .<br />

Abraham Early, deceased .<br />

Mary Collins, deceased<br />

Phebe Auiiuunett .<br />

Johii Luke, deceased<br />

Elij;ih Lutes . .<br />

'1'humas Lowo.<br />

David McCall<br />

Z nelaimed Iiensions — army.<br />

300 00<br />

300 00<br />

27 99<br />

62, 168 08<br />

3, 000 00<br />

8, 000 00<br />

4, 200 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

900 QO<br />

1& 637 55<br />

900 00<br />

100 00<br />

1, 700 00<br />

14, 600 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

2, 900 00<br />

5, 500 00<br />

11, 500 00<br />

900 00<br />

3&300 00<br />

1, 150 00<br />

1& 200 00<br />

400 00<br />

600 00<br />

1, 100 00<br />

800 00<br />

2, 800 00<br />

100 00<br />

400 00<br />

800 00<br />

500 00<br />

136, ti55 63<br />

627 99<br />

$186, 027 64<br />

10 39<br />

8 98<br />

36 ilo<br />

14 13<br />

7 20<br />

9 74<br />

40 35<br />

35 36<br />

38 50<br />

11 01<br />

12 91<br />

11 18<br />

26 65<br />

24 00<br />

12 82<br />

30 00<br />

16 90<br />

GO 00<br />

48 00<br />

222 72<br />

Carried forward. . 8616 84

250<br />



1860-'61.<br />

To Elizabeth Oliver .<br />

Susan A. Taylor.<br />

George Valentine.<br />

Sarah Green<br />

George Cassidy<br />

John L. Tubbs .<br />

Sarah Carnahan<br />

William Peters. . .<br />

Ot. is W. Willis .<br />

Sampson Hosley.<br />

James M. Miller.<br />

Lucretia Stone<br />

John Taylor<br />

Joseph Reading .<br />

Phebe Robinson.<br />

John Curtis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

James Bolt<br />

John Freeman.<br />

Peter Hays .<br />

Jesse Meredith.<br />

Joseph Woods . . . . . .<br />

Jacob Ellidge<br />

John Shannon .<br />

Benjamin Millott.<br />

Cleonice P, Bultez.<br />

Samuel Brown<br />

Sarah Lanham<br />

Sarah Hubbard.<br />

John Keily.<br />

John B. Regnier.<br />

Holly Balthrop.<br />

Celia Oglesby<br />

Jemima Dickinson .<br />

John Vance<br />

John 31orehead<br />

Catharine Keegan.<br />

John Keen<br />

Timothy Gordon.<br />

John 1'agan<br />

Pinckney Anderson<br />

Elizabeth Vanderhey den .<br />

Marshall Burton<br />

Sylvia Ellis.<br />

Conrad Kremer.<br />

Phebe Mason<br />

Gustavus Burch.<br />

Michael D wyer<br />

Thomas E. London<br />

Joseph Tichenor<br />

Richard Glover<br />

Jane B. Syfnonds<br />

Elizabeth Hill<br />

Margaret Rue<br />

Sally Richarrlson.<br />

Nicholas White<br />

William R. Nelson.<br />

'1'homas N. Smith<br />

Caleb Kimball<br />

John B. Puckett . . .<br />

Mary Canton, or Csntine. .<br />


Brought forward<br />

Carried forward<br />

6684<br />

21 94<br />

3 25<br />

49 50<br />

40 35<br />

96 00<br />

104 52<br />

22 33<br />

72 00<br />

72 00<br />

15 75<br />

48 00<br />

8 04<br />

40 G8<br />

61 62<br />

29 13 i<br />

152 00<br />

84 00<br />

11 35<br />

48 00<br />

45 43<br />

25 35<br />

20 39<br />

24 00<br />

39 84<br />

77 68<br />

768 00<br />

10 00<br />

8 87<br />

72 00<br />

36 00<br />

66 52<br />

ll 11<br />

5l 41<br />

96 00<br />

98 26<br />

6 33<br />

78 3G<br />

19 06<br />

10 59<br />

192 00<br />

213 85<br />

47 47<br />

13 09<br />

42 90<br />

11 50<br />

174 06<br />

48 00<br />

288 06<br />

96 24<br />

12 00<br />

25 19<br />

35 11<br />

10 84<br />

gg 82<br />

gl 43<br />

lgfl 00<br />

32 00<br />

i7<br />

48 Gil<br />

8 4'1<br />

84, 846 29



251<br />

1860-' 61.<br />

To Sophronia Brentlinger<br />

Michael Moran.<br />

John Daily.<br />

George W, Gilley<br />

Eunice Smart<br />

David F. White<br />

Ruth Hunter<br />

Mary B. Francisco.<br />

Bethiah Thompson.<br />

Henry Sanderson<br />

George M. Cowardin<br />

Elizabeth Pride.<br />

Susan E. Lyles<br />

Isaac G. Stearns.<br />

James Brut'<br />

Charlotte Wornal<br />

Jacob Hoyer.<br />

Lucy Stoddard<br />

John Lattimer<br />

Oliver Wentworth<br />

Grace Bowley.<br />

Henry Dougal<br />

William Knox<br />

Annie Warner<br />

George Field<br />

Alexander McElroy.<br />

Obadiah Wilson<br />

Abagail Shaw<br />

Joseph Armstrong.<br />

Gotlieb Krack<br />

Franklin Johnson.<br />

DIartba Dudley<br />

Levi Chapin.<br />

John Welsh<br />

John Huliug.<br />

Joseph Lewis<br />

Isaac W. Curtis.<br />

Joseph Benjamin<br />

Anne Kinney.<br />

Hannah Smith.<br />

Betsey Lockwood<br />

Charles F. Wilson<br />

John R. Stradley.<br />

Henry H. GrindstaQ'.<br />

Elizabeth Smith .<br />

joseph Finch<br />

Catharine Goldsborough.<br />

Elsie Van Gordon.<br />

John 7~eigler<br />

Nancy Defever.<br />

Ephraim Leonard.<br />

Eleazer Scott .<br />

Lrlizabeth Randall<br />

Polly Wakefield<br />

James Marr<br />

Peter XVeldon<br />

John Kellogg<br />

William H. Kearney<br />

William Dodge<br />

DIaria L. Botts<br />


Brought forward. . . . . . . . . . --<br />

Carried forward. . . . .<br />

4, 846 29<br />

28 82<br />

14 13<br />

17 03<br />

166 53<br />

12 55<br />

16 13<br />

21 52<br />

14 35<br />

21 00<br />

927 20<br />

23 00<br />

60 00<br />

21 00<br />

96 00<br />

48 00<br />

14 19<br />

4 18<br />

21 28<br />

5 23<br />

31 73<br />

29 63<br />

37 97<br />

3 73<br />

16 34<br />

20 39<br />

468 39<br />

33 81<br />

196 28<br />

5 90<br />

11 61<br />

360 00<br />

9 21<br />

10 58<br />

7 23<br />

11 16<br />

7 48<br />

144 00<br />

9 03<br />

25 64<br />

9 72<br />

13 42<br />

25 07<br />

48 00<br />

48 00<br />

20 00<br />

21 00<br />

10 39<br />

10 43<br />

844 80<br />

37 94<br />

24 26<br />

44 06<br />

8 77<br />

54 99<br />

14 40<br />

48 00<br />

7 67<br />

51 00<br />

67 l3<br />

9 56<br />

89, 237 75

252<br />



1860-' 61.<br />

To William Oney<br />

Elizabeth Lipford<br />

James Sexton.<br />

Elizabeth Caldwell<br />

Rice Connelly<br />

Hugh Mc Millan.<br />

Henry Wick, deceased<br />

Laban Cooper<br />

Peggy Carpenter, deceased<br />

John Jones, deceased<br />

Mary Hebbard.<br />

Naomi Carroll<br />

Jenks Xl. Kramer<br />

Bcuj*min Floyd, deceased<br />

George W. Boswell, deceased<br />

William F. Bowen<br />

James 5IcCarty.<br />

James Sheridan<br />

Elizabeth Horton, deceased.<br />

Oliver Forward.<br />

Daniel Vancamp, deceased<br />

John Scott, deceased<br />

Martha Floyd, deceased.<br />

James Hedrick, deceased<br />

Loomis Kinsman, dcccased.<br />

Sarah Jones, deceased.<br />

Samuel Pellett, deceased.<br />

David Minear, deceased.<br />

Noah Pratt, deceased.<br />

James Allmand& deceased.<br />

Henry Pell, deceased.<br />

P oily Dole.<br />

Martha Cox<br />

Mary James, deceased<br />

Hiram Patrick<br />

T. Herbert Judson<br />

James H. Whitenton.<br />

Miriam Choate, deceased.<br />

Lavinia Eldredge.<br />

John J. Barrow.<br />

Maurice K. Simous.<br />

5Iarcus h. . Hodges<br />

bylvanus Gates, deceased<br />

Enoch Ducker<br />

Sarah Darrow, deceased<br />

George Rinehart, deceased<br />

Tho M. F<br />

John Kibling, deceased.<br />

Miranda Matthew<br />

Hannah Burroughs, deceased.<br />

Mar W'<br />

y Wilson.<br />

Elizabeth B. Peace, deceased<br />

Joseph McCormick, deceased.<br />

Luther Lawton, deceased.<br />

Benjamin Ellsworth, deceased<br />

Christopher Colly, deceased.<br />

Sarah A. . Stewart.<br />

Hannah Preston.<br />

Daniel Robert on.<br />

John 51ilicr, deceased.<br />

William P. Campbell. . . .<br />


Brought forward<br />

Curried forward.<br />

9) 237 75<br />

32 83<br />

18 33<br />

48 00<br />

80 00<br />

48 00<br />

60 00<br />

113 74<br />

36 00<br />

52 00<br />

29 16<br />

23 33<br />

45 00<br />

42 00<br />

12 94<br />

17 73<br />

24 00<br />

164 00<br />

101 68<br />

79 08<br />

96 00<br />

15 70<br />

2 50<br />

11 93<br />

18 67<br />

5 53<br />

12 07<br />

30 45<br />

50 49<br />

5 60<br />

63 30<br />

24 00<br />

20 OP<br />

26 66<br />

21 00<br />

32 00<br />

36 00<br />

192 00<br />

9 63<br />

18 94<br />

24 00<br />

336 00<br />

48 00<br />

14 73<br />

48 00<br />

15 44<br />

79 12<br />

24 00<br />

6 10<br />

42 00<br />

37 79<br />

21 00<br />

39 06<br />

13 67<br />

7 74<br />

43 4i<br />

107 34<br />

26 30<br />

16 26<br />

6i2 00<br />

106 87<br />

32 00<br />

812& 718 93



1860-'61.<br />

To Robert EIawkins. .<br />

Lucinda Chadwick<br />

Francis A. Claridge.<br />

Tamar Benton, deceased<br />

Levi Pritchctt.<br />

Miriam Arno, deceased.<br />

Artemus B. Cleveland.<br />

George Darrow, deceased.<br />

Manassah McFadden<br />

Michael Crance<br />

Edward Brady.<br />

John A. Rogers, deceased.<br />

Mary Evans, deceased<br />

Charles Eeischer<br />

'Ihomas Harris.<br />

John Jackson.<br />

Elizabeth Hensley.<br />

William Colgan, deceased<br />

Rebecca Smith, deceased<br />

Edward Griswold, deceased.<br />

Rebecca Mathews.<br />

William C. Evans.<br />

Isaac Taylor.<br />

William Davis, deceased.<br />

Elizabeth M. Rice, deceased<br />

William Smith, deceased<br />

Dyce Aiken<br />

Samuel Beavers, deceased.<br />

Pleasant Ballinger, deceased<br />

Hannah Brown, (for Button)<br />

Reuben Barto.<br />

James Laughlin.<br />

Rebecca Neal.<br />

James Osbournc<br />

Joseph Hoag<br />

Mary Wood, deceased. .<br />


Brought forward 12, 718 93<br />

36 00<br />

30 00<br />

48 00<br />

11 93<br />

24 00<br />

85 22<br />

48 00<br />

21 85<br />

96 00<br />

48 00<br />

41 80<br />

83 50<br />

80 49<br />

32 00<br />

108 00<br />

12 00<br />

116 66<br />

IG 00<br />

61 79<br />

48 00<br />

16 66<br />

32 00<br />

24 00<br />

88 60<br />

35 88<br />

5 2G<br />

233 05<br />

6 09<br />

11 47<br />

26 53<br />

4 70<br />

72 00<br />

20 00<br />

480 00<br />

72 00<br />

13 77<br />

$14, 755 13<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By Sarah Hubbard, deceased 8 87<br />

814, 746 26<br />

Halfpay pensions to tcidou:s and orphans, payable through 'Third Auditor's<br />

once.<br />

To O. H. P. Taylor, deceased.<br />

W. A. Slaughter .<br />

IVRBam Meatier .<br />

EBjah IfcBee<br />

Abraham 'I'homas.<br />

IVilliam Thompson.<br />

Robert Martin, deceased<br />

John McBride<br />

George McLane .<br />

159 99<br />

180 00<br />

117 41<br />

15G 58<br />

240 00<br />

124 00<br />

204 00<br />

240 00<br />

210 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following<br />

By David White.<br />

repayment:<br />

17631 98<br />

20 00<br />

81, 611 98

254<br />



1860-' 61.<br />


1nvatid pensions — navy.<br />

I'o G. W. Riggs, jr . . . . . . . . . . . . agent.<br />

I. 0. Barnes . do.<br />

J. S. Gittings . . . . . . . do<br />

J. E. Dcvitt . do.<br />

V. B. Liviugston. . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

G. F. Emery. do<br />

A. M. Warner . do.<br />

E. Pendleton . do.<br />

S. Belden . do.<br />

A. E. Maxwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

S. W. Dalton . do.<br />

T. H. Clarke do.<br />

A. H. Hoyt do.<br />

J. C. Green do<br />

J. Grayson do.<br />

B. G. Heriot. . do.<br />

J. B. Einkcad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

E. Poulson . do.<br />

P. Dickinson . do.<br />

H. C. Borden . do.<br />

C. F. Potter do.<br />

E. F, Gallaher. . . . . . . . . do<br />

G. R. Phelps . do.<br />

P. Bequette do.<br />

Secretary of the Navy.<br />

. . . . trustee.<br />

4, 737 00<br />

5, 754 00<br />

4, 068 00<br />

1, 300 00<br />

15, 428 00<br />

744 00<br />

405 00<br />

400 00<br />

63 00<br />

21 00<br />

290 00<br />

148 00<br />

1, ISQ 00<br />

112 00<br />

174 00<br />

13 34<br />

42 00<br />

2, 752 00<br />

5 00<br />

171 00<br />

744 00<br />

42 00<br />

65 25<br />

200 00<br />

368 00<br />

839, 196 59<br />

Navy pensions (five years) to widows and orphans; aet August 11, 1848.<br />

To G. W. Riggs, jr<br />

I. 0. Barues<br />

J. S. Gittings<br />

J. E. Devitt<br />

V. B. Livingston<br />

A. M. Warner.<br />

E. Pendleton<br />

P. Dickinson<br />

H. C. Eibbee<br />

S. Belden<br />

A. E. Maxwell<br />

J. 0 Ferrill<br />

S. W. Dalton<br />

G. 1'. Emery<br />

T. H. Clarke<br />

A. H. Hoyt<br />

J. C. Green<br />

J. Grayson<br />

B. G. Heriot.<br />

J. B Einkead<br />

E. Poulson<br />

E. C. Borden<br />

C. F. Potter<br />

E. F. Gallagher<br />

G. R. Phelps.<br />

agent<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do-<br />

-. do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

Iio.<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

. do.<br />

('io<br />

do<br />

do.<br />

-do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

. do<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

A. JI. Warner. . . . agent.<br />

18, 500 00<br />

16, 600 00<br />

8, 428 00<br />

8, 452 00<br />

37, 500 00<br />

3, 300 00<br />

10, 592 88<br />

930 00<br />

120 00<br />

942 00<br />

859 00<br />

300 00<br />

700 00<br />

336 00<br />

1, 020 00<br />

I& 430 00<br />

330 00<br />

600 00<br />

661 67<br />

405 00<br />

5, 900 00<br />

330 00<br />

336 00<br />

40S 00<br />

957 55<br />

119, 935 10<br />

4S 38<br />

8119, 889»



255<br />

1860-'61.<br />



37avy privateer pensions.<br />

To G. W. Riggs, jr . . agent<br />

S, W. Dalton do<br />

Isaac O. Barnes ..<br />

. do<br />

J. S. Gittiugs . . do.<br />

V, B. Livingston. .. do<br />

J. E. Devitt . .... do<br />

J. Grayson do<br />

E. Poulson . do<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By A. M. Warner .. ... agent<br />

To Peter Lewis<br />

Andrew Christopher<br />

William Evans<br />

Robert W. Asphelin,<br />

C. Goodell<br />

James Egan<br />

Thomas Hines.<br />

Jscob Marks<br />

John Williams<br />

Peter Ackerman<br />

Henry Eickhotf<br />

Robert W. Caulk<br />

James Derbyshire<br />

Nathaniel Niles<br />

James Williams<br />

Horace N. Harrison<br />

Unclaimed pensions — navy.<br />

deceased<br />

162 00<br />

36 00<br />

236 00<br />

144 00<br />

72 00<br />

48 00<br />

36 00<br />

48 00<br />

782 00<br />

6 54<br />

$775 46<br />

60 00<br />

2 80<br />

90 00<br />

51 00<br />

22 50<br />

22 50<br />

36 00<br />

2 62<br />

57 00<br />

108 00<br />

105 00<br />

108 00<br />

72 00<br />

107 30<br />

36 00<br />

859 17<br />

$1, 739 89<br />

TQ<br />

iVavy pension fund.<br />

G. W. Riggs, jr. agent<br />

P. Dickinson do<br />

H. C. Kibbee do<br />

S. Belden . do<br />

J. O. Ferrill do-<br />

S. W. Dalton do<br />

J. S. Gittiugs do<br />

T. H. Olarke do<br />

A. H, Hoyt do<br />

J. C. Green . do.<br />

J. E. Devitt do<br />

J. Grayson . . do<br />

A. M. Warner &lo<br />

B. G. Heriot . . do.<br />

J. B. Kinkead . do.<br />

E Poulson<br />

H. C, Borden do<br />

V. B. Livingston . . . . . . . do<br />

I. O. Barncs . do.<br />

C. F. Potter do<br />

E F. Gallagher . . . do<br />

G. R. Phelps. . . . . . do<br />

do<br />

Carried forward. . .<br />

301 00<br />

20 00<br />

5 00<br />

15 00<br />

6 00<br />

10 00<br />

160 00<br />

32 00<br />

60 00<br />

8 00<br />

200 00<br />

23 00<br />

136 92<br />

9 42<br />

8 94<br />

300 00<br />

12 00<br />

500 00<br />

410 00<br />

20 00<br />

8 94<br />

15 15<br />

$2, 261 37

256<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Brought<br />

Which d<strong>edu</strong>ct from the following repayment:<br />

By E. Pendleton.<br />

E xcess of repayment<br />

. . . agent<br />

forward<br />

2& 261 37<br />

4, 092 88<br />

$1, 831 51<br />

To Cronin, Hurxthal & Sears<br />

Pennsylvania Railroad Company<br />

A. M. Robinson, superintendent<br />

H. E Leman.<br />

Poultney & Trimble<br />

C. Barnum<br />

Fulp7ling treaty with the Blackfoot nation.<br />

11, 008 50<br />

32 98<br />

786 33<br />

1, 596 iT<br />

766 00<br />

1, 042 00<br />

$15, 232 58<br />

Fulfilling treaties with the Comanches,<br />

To A. 2I. Robinson, superintendent.<br />

Cronin, Hurxthal & Sears<br />

New York Central Railroad Company<br />

Eiowas,<br />

and Apaches of Arkansas<br />

riser<br />

6, 040 99<br />

9& 931 29<br />

735 47<br />

$16& 707 75<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Chippeuas of Lake<br />

To A. M. Fitch, sge»t<br />

Cronin, Hurxthal & Sears .<br />

Whiting, Galloupe, Bliss & Co.<br />

H. E. Leman.<br />

W. J. Cullen<br />

W. W. Ringsbury<br />

J. M. Gordon, treasurer<br />

W. E. Vantassel, blacksmith<br />

C. W. Thompson, superintendent.<br />

Superior of September 80, 1854.<br />

5, 965 33<br />

13, 488 45<br />

395 00<br />

859 33<br />

15& 650 33<br />

564 75<br />

750 00<br />

150 00<br />

3, 759 66<br />

$41, 582 85<br />

Fulfillin treaties unth the Chippewas<br />

To A. . M. Fitch, agent .<br />

Cronin, Hurxthal 8r, Sears .<br />

of Saginau, Su:an creek, and Black river.<br />

14, 983 30<br />

2, 508 50<br />

$17, 491 80<br />

Fulfilling treaties with the Chippewas<br />

of Lake Superior and the 3Iississippi.<br />

To W. J. Cullen, superintendent $7&000 00<br />

Fuifilling treaty with the Chippewas<br />

To lV. J. Cullen, superintendent . . . . .<br />

H. E. Leman<br />

Cronin, Hurxthal & Sears<br />

Poultney & Trimble .<br />

C. W. 'Ihompson.<br />

of the<br />

3Iism'ssippi of February 22, 1855.<br />

45, 331 08<br />

1, 054 36<br />

10, 300 00<br />

15O 00<br />

7, 554 98<br />

$64, 390 42



207<br />

1860-'61<br />


Fulfilling treaties with the Chippewas, Menomonees, Winnebagoes, and X& u 1 or k<br />

Indians.<br />

To A, D. Bonesteel, agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1, 125 00<br />

Fulfillin treaties with the Creeks.<br />

To Rev. E. W. Schon.<br />

W. Lowrie, i;ecretary .<br />

E. Rector, superintendent .<br />

W. H. Garrett, agent.<br />

3, 000 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

43, 400 16<br />

$56, 400 16<br />

To W. Lowrie, secretary.<br />

Elias Rector, superintendent.<br />

P. P. Pitc'nlynn<br />

L Folsom<br />

S. Garland<br />

Fulfilling treaties with the Choctazos.<br />

6, 000 00<br />

4GO 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

$12, 460 00<br />

Fulfilling treatg unth the Choctaw orphans' reserz, ations~roceeds ofi lands.<br />

To J. J. Gage, receiver 70 68<br />

S, M. Hawkins, register. 70 68<br />

$141 36<br />

Fulfilhng treaties with the Chasta, Scoton, and Urn@qua Indians.<br />

'I'o E. R. Geary, superintendent.<br />

J. W. Nesmiih, superintendent.<br />

2, 850 00<br />

7, 820 00<br />

$10, 670 00<br />

Fulfilling treaties zeith the CalaIzooias, 3Iolalas, and Clackamas.<br />

To J. W. Nesmith, superintendent<br />

E. R. Geary, superintendent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

15, 700 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

$10, 700 00<br />

Fulfilling treaties zcith the Delawares.<br />

To N. Boynton, treasurer.<br />

A. M. Robinson, superintendent . . . . . . . .<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By T. B. Sykes, agent .<br />

2, 304 00<br />

I& 350 00<br />

3, 654 00<br />

35 54<br />

$3, 618 46<br />

17 R

95/<br />



t860-'61.<br />


Fulfilling treaty with the Delawares — proceeds of lands.<br />

To B, F. Robinson, late agent<br />

P. Lammond, disbursing clerk<br />

C. G. Wagner, special agent.<br />

A. M. Robinson, superintendent<br />

T. B. Sykes, agent.<br />

E. W. Turner, commissioner.<br />

J 51. Tebbetts, commissioner.<br />

K. Pritchette, commissioner .<br />

298 35<br />

2, 000 00<br />

61 60<br />

1, 005 00<br />

309 00<br />

408 15<br />

510 00<br />

322 58<br />

N, 914 68<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Flatheads and other confederated tribes.<br />

To E. R. Geary, superintendent. . . . . .<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By Cronin, Hurxthal 8r Sears.<br />

20I 081 21<br />

709 75<br />

819, 371 46<br />

Fulfilling treaties with the Chippewas and Christian Indians — proceeds nf lands.<br />

To P. Fuller, agent . .<br />

C. C. Hutchinson, agent.<br />

3, 531 85<br />

2, 000 00<br />

85, 531 85<br />

Fulfilling treaties tcith the Florida Indians, or Senrinoles.<br />

To Elias Rector, superintendent<br />

D. G. Major<br />

J. J. Young<br />

A. E. Ilathews.<br />

D. H. Cooper, agent.<br />

Which d<strong>edu</strong>ct from the following repayment:<br />

By E. Rector, superintendent .<br />

Excess of repayment .<br />

25, 000 00<br />

1, 002 00<br />

175 00<br />

400 00<br />

4, 500 00<br />

31, 077 00<br />

52, 917 25<br />

$21, 840 25<br />

Fulfilling treaties with the Iowas.<br />

To W. Lowrie, secretary.<br />

Fulfilling treaties with the Iowas — proceeds of lands,<br />

To A. M. Robinson, superintendent . . . .<br />

D. Vanderslice, agent.<br />

8689 60<br />

6, 620 00<br />

8, 366 81<br />

8 14, 988 Bl



259<br />

1860-'61 ~<br />


To W. Lowrie<br />

A. M. Rob;nson, superintendent R. G. Cronin, special agent . . .<br />

Mackey 8r, Berry<br />

Fulfilling treaties with the Eansas.<br />

105 00<br />

15, 000 00<br />

800 00<br />

963 30<br />

816, 868 30<br />

To A. M. Robinson, superintendent<br />

W. Lowrie, secretary<br />

Fulfilling treaties with the Eiclcapoos.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By D. Vanderslice, agent . ... .. ... . .. . . .. . ... ..<br />

11, 000 00<br />

1, 295 28<br />

12, 295 28<br />

117 28<br />

$12, 178 00<br />

Fulfilling treaties unth the Eashaslcias. Peorias, Weas, and Pianleekhawsproceedk<br />

of' lands.<br />

To P. Lammond.<br />

W. J. Howard, commissioner<br />

A. R. Boon, commissioner<br />

R. S. Stevens, commissioner<br />

1, 500 00'<br />

84 75<br />

68 57<br />

I, 583 00<br />

$3, 236 32<br />

Fulfilling treaties with the 3Iiamies.<br />

To A. M. Robinson, superintendent<br />

J. A. Graham, special agent<br />

W. J. Howard, commissioner<br />

A. R. Boon, commissioner<br />

J. W. Dawson, special agent<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the followiug<br />

By S. Clover, agent<br />

repayment:<br />

15, 275 14<br />

138 34<br />

116 25<br />

108 75<br />

17, 926 53<br />

33, 565 01<br />

2, 069 81<br />

$31, 495 20<br />

Fulfilling treaties u;ith the 3fiamies of Eel riser.<br />

To J. W. Dawson, special agent<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By J A. Graham, special agent<br />

1, 100 00<br />

81, 099 95

260<br />



1860-' 61.<br />


Fulfilling treaties u i' the 3Ienomonees.<br />

To J. H. Howe, attorney<br />

K. Pritchette, special agent<br />

A. D. Bonesteel, special agent.<br />

350 00<br />

682 18<br />

26, 657 82<br />

$27, 690 00<br />

Eutfilling treaties with the Ottawas and Chippewas of ilIiehigan.<br />

To A. M. Fitch, agent 41, 875 68<br />

Cronin, Hurxthal 6r Sears. 7)751 00<br />

$49, 626 68<br />

To A. J. Dorn, agent<br />

Rev. J. O' Neil<br />

Eulfilling treaties with the Osages.<br />

75 38<br />

2& 611 42<br />

$2, 686 80<br />

Eulp7li ng treaties with the Omahas.<br />

'To A. M. Robinson, superintendent<br />

W. Lowrie, secretary<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

'Sy W. F. Wilson, late agent<br />

W. K. Moore, late agent<br />

J. B. Robertson, late agent<br />

1, 031 72<br />

48 88<br />

2, 968 15<br />

28, 520 00<br />

3, 750 00<br />

32, 270 00<br />

4, 048 75<br />

$28, 221 25<br />

Eutfilting treaties with the Ottau as of Eansas.<br />

To A. M. Robinson, superintendent<br />

C. C. Hutchinson, agent<br />

4, 100 00<br />

800 00<br />

$4, 900 00<br />

Eutfilling treaties with the Ottoes and 3Iissourias.<br />

To A. M. Robinson, superintendent<br />

W. Lowrie, secretary<br />

14, 087 50<br />

562 50<br />

$14, 650 00<br />

Eulfitlirrg treati es with the Pottawatomies.<br />

To Rev. L O' Neil<br />

Rev. R. Holman<br />

A. M. Fitch, agent<br />

A. M. Robinson, superintendent<br />

F. W. Lea, late agent<br />

A. . Robinson, chief<br />

W. W. Ross, agent<br />

2, 550 00<br />

1, 766 48<br />

1, 587 50<br />

55, 794 50<br />

110 01<br />

500 00<br />

13, 890 62<br />

$76, 199 11



261<br />

1860-'61.<br />


Fulfilling treaties with the Po!tawatomies of the Euron.<br />

To A, M. Fitch, ;&gent $400 00<br />

Fulfilling treaties with the Puget's Sound 1ndians.<br />

To E. R. Geary, superintendent<br />

J. W. Nesmith, superintendent<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By Isaac I. Stevens, late governor, &c<br />

4, 350 00<br />

8, 700 00<br />

13& 050 00<br />

878 12<br />

$12, 171 88<br />

Fulfilh'ng<br />

To A. M. Robinson, superintendent<br />

J. Black<br />

W. Whitmore<br />

T. Y. Huffaker<br />

Northup & Chick<br />

J. B, Gridley<br />

Cronin, Hurxthal & Sears<br />

H. F. . Leman<br />

Poultney & Trimble<br />

J. T. Honore<br />

J. Mitchell<br />

J. B. Robertson, late agent<br />

treaties with the<br />

Pawnees.<br />

31& 813 06<br />

636 10<br />

1, 000 00<br />

350 00<br />

1, 400 00<br />

83 60<br />

17, 165 00<br />

3, 425 82<br />

1& 150 36<br />

2& 500 00<br />

410 00<br />

500 00<br />

$60, 433 94<br />

To J. B. S. Ted&1<br />

Cronin, Hurxthal & Sears.<br />

A. M. Robinson, superintcudent<br />

H. E. Leman<br />

C. Barnum<br />

Fulfilling treaties with the Poncas.<br />

1, 905 4. 8<br />

6, 400 00<br />

9, 000 00<br />

801 97<br />

800 00<br />

18, 907 45<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By Cronin, Hurxthal & Sears 177 25<br />

$18, 730 20<br />

To Rev. J. O' Neil<br />

E. Rector, superintendent<br />

A. J. Dorn, agent<br />

Fulfilling treaties with the Quapaws.<br />

962 19<br />

830 00<br />

330 00<br />

$2, 122 19

262<br />



1860-'61.<br />


To F. Narcerette<br />

J. W. Nesmith, superintendent<br />

W. J. Newton<br />

E. R Geary, superintendent.<br />

J. C. Tolman<br />

B, . B. Metcalfe<br />

F. Royenstock<br />

Fulfillin treaties with the Rogue River Indians.<br />

509 03<br />

2&500 00<br />

556 32<br />

1, 250 00<br />

60 35<br />

29 90<br />

156 46<br />

$5, 062 56<br />

Fulfillin treaties with the Sioux of the 35& sissippi.<br />

To W. J. Cullen<br />

H. E. Leman<br />

Foultney &, Trimble<br />

Cronin, Hurxthal & Sears<br />

C. Barnum<br />

W. D. Crothers 8r, Co<br />

G. F. Brott<br />

J. C. Burbank tk Co<br />

J. B Mills<br />

C. W. Thompson, superintendent<br />

60, 584 73<br />

603 46<br />

1, 527 00<br />

8, 340 00<br />

2, 150 00<br />

5, 500 00<br />

300 00<br />

700 00<br />

250 00<br />

97, 328 Zo<br />

177, 283 89<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By R. G. Murphy,<br />

late agent<br />

1 738 04<br />

$170, 545 25<br />

Fulfilling treaties with Sacs and Eoxes of 3Iississippi,<br />

To A. M. Robinson<br />

Denman & McCarthy<br />

P. Fuller, agent.<br />

J. H. Hobbs, commissioner.<br />

E tV. Turner, commissioner.<br />

H. B. Denman.<br />

E. Pritchette, commis:ioner.<br />

C. C. Hutchinson, agent<br />

75, 740 00<br />

6, 951 42<br />

503 50<br />

602 00<br />

326 25<br />

4, 782 30<br />

432 Zo<br />

18, 000 00<br />

107, 338 17<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By P. Fuller, agent ..<br />

9 23<br />

$107, 328 94<br />

Fulfilling treaties with the Sacs and Eoxes of Missouri.<br />

To A. M. Robinson, superintendent .<br />

D. Vanderslice, agent. . .<br />

J. A. Burbank<br />

6, 410 00<br />

6, 5oo oo<br />

3, OOO 00<br />

$15, 910 00



18 0 —'61<br />

~<br />


To E. Rector, superintendent<br />

A. J. Dora, agent.<br />

Fulfilling treaties with the Se&l ecas.<br />

c e<br />

kk30 00<br />

I, 360 00<br />

c2 190 00<br />

Fuzfilling treaties with the Senecas of New'Z'ork.<br />

To B. H. Colegrove, agent. 811, 902 50<br />

To E. Piectcr, superintendent<br />

A. J. Dern, agent<br />

Fulfilling treaties with<br />

the Senecas and Shau nees.<br />

530 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

Sk&530 00<br />

To E. W. Schon<br />

A. M. Robinson, superintendent .<br />

W. J. Howard, commissioner.<br />

R. Boon, corn&nissioncr.<br />

Fzdfilling treaties with the Shawnees.<br />

3, 750 00<br />

100, 000 00<br />

121 27<br />

102 70<br />

8103, 973 97<br />

To Cronin, Hurxthak<br />

Fulfilling treaties zz&ith<br />

kk Sears.<br />

A. D. Bonesteel. agent .<br />

A. J. Dorn, agent.<br />

the Six Nations of New York.<br />

3, 555 93<br />

882 00<br />

112 00<br />

$4, 549 93<br />

Fzclfilling treaties zcith the Stockbridges.<br />

To P. Lammond, disbursing clerk<br />

A, D. Boncskcel, agent. .<br />

300 00<br />

1, 255 00<br />

~k 555 00<br />

Fulfilling treaties with the Stockbridges and 1IIunsees.<br />

To A. D. Bonesteel, agent. 81, 339 26<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Tonawanda Indians,<br />

To J. H. Martindale, special agent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2, 747 95<br />

Fzzlfilling treaties with tne Lmpzluas, Cow Creek band. .<br />

To J. W. Nesmith, superintendent<br />

E. R. Geary, superintendent<br />

550 00<br />

275 00<br />

8325 00

264<br />



18 60-' 61.<br />


Fulfilling treaties ttn'th the l, mpquas and Catapooias.<br />

To J. W. Nesmith, superintendent.<br />

E. R, Geary, superintendent<br />

8, 950 00<br />

2, 975 00<br />

$11, 925 pp<br />

Fulfi7ling treaties u&ith the Winnebagoes.<br />

To W. J. Cullen, superintendent.<br />

A. Coleman<br />

C. H. Mix, agent<br />

Cronin, Hurxtbal tt Sears<br />

Poultney & Trimble<br />

E. Wolcott, commissioner<br />

C. W. Thompson, superintendent<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By J. E. Fletcher, late agent<br />

7, 958 33<br />

1, 017 00<br />

27, 541 92<br />

19, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

6& 666 67<br />

64&183 92<br />

786 68<br />

$63, 397 24<br />

Fulfilling treaty u&ith the Yancton Sioux or Dakota<br />

To A. Nf. Robinson, superintendent<br />

J. B. S. Todd.<br />

Frost & Kenuerly<br />

P. Chouteau, jr. & Co.<br />

Cronin. Hurxthal &; Sears.<br />

H. E. Leman<br />

W. F. Wilson, late agent.<br />

Poultney 8r, Trimble<br />

C. Barnum.<br />

jndians.<br />

18, 500 00<br />

4, 900 35<br />

1& 494 61<br />

9, 800 71<br />

10, 650 00<br />

1, 213 44<br />

1&645 66<br />

716 50<br />

V50 00<br />

$49, 671 27<br />

Fu&filling treaty toith the TValla- Walla,<br />

To E. R Geary.<br />

Cronin, Hurxthal &, Sears.<br />

Dugan 8r, Jeukins.<br />

Poultney & Trimble<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By E. R. Geary, superintendent.<br />

Cayuses, and Umatilta tribes.<br />

51, 200 00<br />

V& 723 2c<br />

471 35<br />

644 75<br />

60, 039 35<br />

14, 100 00<br />

$45, 939 35<br />

Fulfilling treaty urith the Yakama nation.<br />

To E. R. Geary, superintendent<br />

Cronin, Hurxthal &, Sears.<br />

Dugan & Jenkins<br />

Poultney &, Trimble.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By E. It. Geary, superintendent. . . . . . .<br />

41, 800 00<br />

38, 175 00<br />

1, 700 00<br />

645 00<br />

82, 320 00<br />

11, 200 00<br />

$71, 120 00



265<br />

1860-'61.<br />


Fulfilling treaty u iN<br />

To A. P. Dennison, agent.<br />

E, R. Geary.<br />

Cronin, Hurxthal & Sears.<br />

Dugan 8' Jenkins.<br />

Poultney & Trimble<br />

the confederated<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

tribes and bands in Oregon.<br />

5, 000 00<br />

46, '250 00<br />

9, 190 00<br />

745 84<br />

646 00<br />

61& 831 84<br />

By E. R. Geary, superintendent. 9, 125 00<br />

ritory.<br />

$52, 706 84<br />

Fulfilling treaty u&ith the Dtoamish and other allied tribes in IVashington Ter-<br />

To E. R. Geary, superintendent.<br />

Cronin, Hurxthsl & Sears.<br />

Dugan & Jenkins<br />

Poultney & Trimble.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By E. R. Geary, superintendent.<br />

13, 250 00<br />

14, 350 00<br />

621 00<br />

970 25<br />

29&191 25<br />

I& 500 00<br />

827, 691 25<br />

To E. R. Geary<br />

Cronin, Hurxthal &, Sears.<br />

Dugan 8r, Jenkins<br />

Poultney & Trimble<br />

Fulfilling treaty u'ith the 3IIa1cah tribe.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By E. R. Geary, superintendent<br />

11, 000 00<br />

2& 900 00<br />

96 00<br />

250 00<br />

14&246 00<br />

5, 500 00<br />

88, 746 00<br />

To E R. Geary, superintendent.<br />

A. F. Hedges, late superintendent.<br />

Fulfilling treaty u, ith the 3Iolel Indians.<br />

8, 550 00<br />

2, 420 00<br />

810, 970 00<br />

To E. R. Geary, superintendent<br />

Cronin, H»rxthal & Sears.<br />

Dugan & Jenkins.<br />

Poult ney & Tritnble.<br />

Fulfilling treaty icilh the Nez Perces.<br />

32, 100 00<br />

34. 450 00<br />

2&407 30<br />

646 00<br />

$69, 603 30

266<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Fulfilling treaty urith the Qui-nai elt and<br />

To E. R. Geary, superintendent.<br />

Cronin, Hurxthal 3t Sears.<br />

Dugan & Jenkins.<br />

Poultney 3t Trimble<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By E. R. Geary, superintendent.<br />

Quit-leh-ute<br />

Indians.<br />

11, 300 pp<br />

2, 300 pp<br />

195 00<br />

191 37<br />

13, 986 37<br />

5) 650 00<br />

$8) 336 37<br />

To E. R. Geary, superintendent.<br />

Cronin, Hurxthal & Sears.<br />

Dugan 8t Jenkins.<br />

Poultney & Trimble.<br />

Fulfilling treaty uith the S'E/allams.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By E. B, . Geary, superintendent. .<br />

9)500 00<br />

5, 800 00<br />

195 00<br />

332 38<br />

15& 827 38<br />

2, 500 00<br />

0l3, 327 36<br />

Interest on stocks for Chippewasof<br />

To G. Bailey, disbursing clerk.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By G. Bailey, disbursing clerk.<br />

Swan creek.<br />

1, 287 58<br />

$1, 287 58<br />

Interest on stocks for Chipyewas, Ottawas, and Pottawatomies — <strong>edu</strong>cation.<br />

To Rev. R. Holman. $1, 029 68<br />

To P. P. Pitchlynn.<br />

C. Stone.<br />

Elias Rector, superintendent. . .<br />

Interest on stocks for Choctaws — <strong>edu</strong>cation.<br />

803 99<br />

100 00<br />

4, 955 52<br />

0&, 859 51<br />

Interest on stocks for Choctau:s under convention<br />

To Elias Rector, superintendent.<br />

G. Bailey, disbursing clerk<br />

with Chickasaws.<br />

39, 525 16<br />

15 04<br />

$39, 540 20<br />

Interest on stocks under Cherokee<br />

To G. Bailey. disbursing clerk .<br />

W. G. Cofliu, superiutendent . .<br />

treaty of 1885 and 1886.<br />

3 00<br />

8, 960 30<br />

38, 963 30



1860-'61<br />


Interest due Cherokee orphans, treaty of 1885 — '36.<br />

To W. 6. Coiiin, superintendent.<br />

To 6. Bailey, disbursing clerk.<br />

Elias Rector, superintendent.<br />

W. 6. CoKn, superintendent.<br />

Interest on stocks for Creek orphans.<br />

1nterest on stocks for Delawares.<br />

To A. M, Robinson, superintendent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

N. Boynton, treasurer<br />

F. Johnson, agent.<br />

$1, 370 25<br />

96<br />

1, 200 00<br />

12, 500 00<br />

$13, 700 96<br />

30& 000 00<br />

2, 196 00<br />

13, 290 23<br />

$45, 486 23<br />

Interest on stocks for 3Ienomonees.<br />

To S. D. Bonestecl, agent. $16, 000 00<br />

To Rev. J. O' Neil.<br />

1nterest on stocks for Osages — <strong>edu</strong>cation.<br />

$5, 330 17<br />

To Elias Rector, superintendent.<br />

h. J. Dorn, agent.<br />

Interest on stocks for Senecas.<br />

125 00<br />

125 00<br />

$250 00<br />

To E. Rector, superintendent<br />

k. J. Dorn, agent.<br />

Interest on stocks for Senecas and Shamnees.<br />

446 48<br />

356 48<br />

8802 96<br />

Interest on stocks for Stockbridges and 3Iunsees.<br />

To k. D. Bonesteel, agent 8312 24<br />

To A. M. Robinson, superintendent<br />

J. A. Burbank, agent<br />

Interest due lotcas.<br />

Which d<strong>edu</strong>ct from the following repayment:<br />

By D. Venderslice, agent<br />

Excess of repayme~t<br />

1, 750 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

4, 750 00<br />

6, 590 12<br />

$1, 840 12

268<br />

1860-'61.<br />




Interest due Kaskaskias, Peorias, TVeas, and Piankeshaws.<br />

To A. M. Robinson, superintendent<br />

G. A. Colton, agent<br />

9, 630 00<br />

3, 600 00<br />

To Rev. J. O' Neil<br />

Interest due Pottawatomies — <strong>edu</strong>cation.<br />

0)0, 800 00<br />

00, 606 M<br />

Carrying into egect the treaty with Chickasaws of October,<br />

To Rev. E. W. Schon<br />

W. Lowrie, secretary<br />

Elias Rector, superintendent<br />

D H. Cooper, agent<br />

E. Pickens, S. Folsom, and J. Gamble<br />

1882.<br />

5, 250 00<br />

3, 069 27<br />

76, 000 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

870 00<br />

Cherokee schools — 1819,<br />

386, 089 27<br />

To W. G. CoSn, superintendent $4&682 35<br />

Kansas schools.<br />

To A. M. Robinson, superintendent . . . . $22&000 00<br />

To E. R. Geary<br />

Pay of superintendents<br />

superintendent<br />

A. M. Fitch agent<br />

A. M. Robinson<br />

B. S. Scboonover<br />

W. H. Rogers . . . agent<br />

B. Davies<br />

C. L. Craig . late agent<br />

M. C. Dickey<br />

W. J. Cullen<br />

B. H. Colegrove. . . . agent<br />

A. D. Bonesteel<br />

G. Hurt late agent<br />

J. L. Collins<br />

Elias Rector . agent<br />

A. Humphreys . do<br />

F. Dodge do<br />

A. G. Boone . . . do<br />

C. H. Mix do<br />

M. Leeper . do<br />

W. H Garrett . . . . do<br />

D. Venderslice . . do .<br />

A. J. Dorn . do<br />

T. B. Sykes . . . . do<br />

D. H. Cooper. . . . . do<br />

W. F. Wilson, late . do<br />

W. W. Bent, late . do<br />

J. Forney . late superintendent<br />

J. L. Gillie agent<br />

J. S. Gregory . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

and agents.<br />

9, 726 28<br />

750 00<br />

12, 791 60<br />

720 00<br />

738 88<br />

2, 262 50<br />

500 00<br />

4 73<br />

4, 125 00<br />

11000 00<br />

750 00<br />

365 98<br />

11& 950 00<br />

4, 250 00<br />

1) 162 50<br />

750 00<br />

794 82<br />

750 00<br />

305 56<br />

750 00<br />

17 59<br />

375 00<br />

427 85<br />

375 00<br />

440 2l<br />

331 15<br />

3, 000 00<br />

375 00<br />

200 00<br />

Carried forward @59, 989 65

1860-'61.<br />




Brought forward.<br />

To F. B. Culver . . . special agent<br />

J. E. Fletcher . . . . late ageut.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By A. F. Hedges, late superintendent<br />

E. IL Geary, superintendent<br />

R, G. Murphy, late agent.<br />

Isaac I. Stevens, governor, tkc<br />

A. H RedOeld, agent<br />

A. P. Dennison<br />

2, 045 95<br />

3, 976 28<br />

102 14<br />

3& 312 50<br />

3 70<br />

104 82<br />

269<br />

59, 989 65<br />

467 56<br />

786 68<br />

61&243 89<br />

9, 545 39<br />

$51, 698 50<br />

Pay of sub-agents.<br />

To E, R. Geary, superintendent . . . . . .<br />

E. White, late sub-agent.<br />

12, 076 91<br />

28 85<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By S. B. Rose, late sub-agent<br />

F. . R. Geary, superintendent.<br />

R. B. Metcalfe, late agent<br />

250 00<br />

9, 076 91<br />

252 11<br />

12, 105 76<br />

9& 579 02<br />

$2, 526 74<br />

To K. Pritchette, special ageut<br />

E, R. Geary, superintendent .<br />

A. M. Fitch, agent.<br />

A. M. Robinson, superintendent.<br />

O'. H. Rogers, agent.<br />

B, Davies, superintendent.<br />

W. J. Cullen, superintendent . . . . . . .<br />

B, H. Colegrove, agent. .<br />

A. D. Bonesteel<br />

G. Hurt, late agent<br />

J. L. Collins, superintendent.<br />

E. A. Beddel, late agent.<br />

E. Rector, superintendent .<br />

A. Hurnphreys, agent.<br />

F. Dodge, agent.<br />

A. G, Boone, agent<br />

A. J. Cain, agent<br />

C. H- Mix, agent<br />

W. H. Garrett, agent .<br />

A. J. Dorn, agent.<br />

T. B. Sykes, agent<br />

W. W. Bent, late agent<br />

C. W. Thompson, superintendent.<br />

J. L Gillis, agent. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Pay of interpreter s.<br />

~ & ~ I ~<br />

Carried forward . .<br />

50 00<br />

6, 980 47<br />

1, 200 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

41 66<br />

750 00<br />

1& 200 00<br />

400 00<br />

300 00<br />

446 80<br />

4, 000 00<br />

125 00<br />

2& 100 00<br />

414 00<br />

415 00<br />

100 00<br />

39 84<br />

200 00<br />

200 00<br />

350 00<br />

100 00<br />

166 66<br />

400 00<br />

100 00<br />

$24& 079 43

270<br />



1860-'61.<br />


From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By S. B. Rose, late sub-agent. . A. F. Hedges, sub-agent.<br />

E. R. Geary, superintendent. . R. B. Metcalfe, late agent. . . .<br />

R. G. Murphy, late agent.<br />

Laac I. Stevens, late governor, &c. . ... .. . .. . Brought forws, rd. . . 24, 079 34<br />

5Q<br />

374 05<br />

37 980 47<br />

437 50<br />

300 01<br />

2, 039 31<br />

7, 131 84<br />

$16, 947 59<br />

Civilization<br />

To W. Williams, trustee .<br />

Rev. G. C. V. Eastman<br />

A. M. Robinson, superintendent<br />

B. H. Colegrove, agent.<br />

P. Lammond, disbursing clerk.<br />

W. Lowrie<br />

D. Vanderslice<br />

of Indians.<br />

164 00<br />

25 OO<br />

250 00<br />

520 00<br />

1 950 00<br />

2&600 00<br />

250 00<br />

$65, 659 00<br />

To A. M. Bean.<br />

J. C. R. Clark, special agent .<br />

A, M. Fitch, agent . . . . . . .<br />

S. Mowry, commissioner<br />

Cronin, Hurxthal 6r, Sears.<br />

Echo Harjo. .<br />

J. G. Smith<br />

M. Kennard .<br />

A. M. Robinson, superintendent.<br />

J. H. Lendrum, captain<br />

C. W. Thorn peon, superintendent.<br />

Presents to Indians.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By W. W. Bent, late agent<br />

205 00<br />

75 00<br />

100 00<br />

560 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

166 67<br />

166 66<br />

166 67<br />

170 00<br />

4 46<br />

250 00<br />

3, 804 48<br />

344 00<br />

$7, 444 47<br />

Provisions for Indian.<br />

To A. M. Fitch, agent. . . . . . . . . .<br />

W. H. Garrett<br />

A, M. Robinson, superintendent.<br />

W. J. Cullen, supenntendent<br />

A. J. Dorn<br />

R. G. Murphy, late agent.<br />

P. Lammond, disbursing clerk<br />

100 00<br />

850 00<br />

181 22<br />

22& 043 2l<br />

50 00<br />

170 16<br />

150 00<br />

$23, 544 59



271<br />

1860-'61 ~<br />


To R. J. Cowart, agent .<br />

E. Rector, superintendent<br />

A, 21. P&obinson<br />

W. J. Cullen<br />

D. Venderslice, agent<br />

T. B. Sykes, agent<br />

R. G. Murphy, late agent<br />

J. B. Robertson.<br />

A. H. Redfield<br />

Buildings and repairs at the agencies.<br />

200 00<br />

3, 740 07<br />

770 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

600 00<br />

66 00<br />

I&701 63<br />

475 00<br />

146 52<br />

810& 199 22<br />

Vaccination of Indians.<br />

To J. C. R. Clark, special agent.<br />

A. M. Robinson, superintendent.<br />

E. R. Geary, superintendent.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By E. R. Geary, superintendent<br />

I, 482 85<br />

700 00<br />

200 00<br />

2, 382 85<br />

100 00<br />

$2, 282 85<br />

Contingencies<br />

oj' the Indian department.<br />

To Hallock, Hale & Hallock<br />

A. M. Fitch, agent.<br />

A. M. Robinson, superintendent<br />

W. H. Garrett, agent.<br />

Cronin, Hurxthal & Sears<br />

W. J. Cullen, superintcodent<br />

A. M. Fridley, late agent. .... ..<br />

B. H Colegrove, agent<br />

P. Fuller, agent<br />

P. Lammond, disbursing clerk<br />

A. D. Bonesteel, agent<br />

J. R. Roche, special agent&.<br />

E. B. Grayson, special agent.<br />

E. Rector, superintendent. H. Miller, special agent. .... .. ... . . ..<br />

J. A. Graham, special agent.<br />

E Morwitz<br />

E. A. 5lunson<br />

J. Stevens & Co.<br />

W. Lloyd & Co.<br />

W. J. Howard<br />

F. L. McChesney<br />

A. R. Boon<br />

W. M. Clark<br />

Pomeroy & Morse<br />

G. Benley, special agent .<br />

Gallaway 8r, Cluskey<br />

B. H. Richardson & Co,<br />

Tracy, Fisk & Co.<br />

Beals, Green & Co.<br />

O. Barrett & Co.<br />

97 50<br />

660 00<br />

4, 546 50<br />

581 50<br />

3 50<br />

1, 983 09<br />

986 30<br />

300 00<br />

9 23<br />

4, 500 00<br />

450 00<br />

510 31<br />

58 40<br />

900 00<br />

186 60<br />

520 05<br />

93 00<br />

91 12<br />

93 00<br />

84 37<br />

279 95<br />

80 24<br />

138 75<br />

92 00<br />

71 70<br />

259 31<br />

68 25<br />

90 50<br />

43 12<br />

86 90<br />

77 62<br />

Carried forward . . . . . . . $2, 904, 518 06

272<br />



1860-'61,<br />


Brought forward<br />

To R. J. Cowart, agent.<br />

W. F. Wilson, late agent.<br />

T. C. Reynolds, late United States district attorney<br />

W. N. Haldeman 8r, Co.<br />

W. M. Browne.<br />

M. Niedner<br />

M. Leeper, agent.<br />

C. H. Mix, agent.<br />

Shorter tr Reid.<br />

W. E. Moore, late agent<br />

A. J. Dorn, agent<br />

J. C. Rives<br />

T. B. Sykes, agent<br />

R. S. Stevens, commissioner<br />

D. H. Cooper, agent. .<br />

H. S. Walsh, special agent . ... . .. . ... .<br />

R. H. Gillett, attorney<br />

W. W. Bent, late agent.<br />

R. G. Murphy, late agent. . ... .. .<br />

J. Montgomery, late agent<br />

C. W Thompson, superintendent<br />

W. W. Seaton<br />

W. G. Cofi5n, superintendent.<br />

C. C. Hutchinson, agent. . . .. . . . . . . . . ... . . J. A. Burbank, agent<br />

W. W. Ross, agent<br />

A. H. Redneld, agent<br />

G. A. Colton, agent.<br />

2& 472, 675 46<br />

705 70<br />

726 85<br />

100 00<br />

65 62<br />

391 87<br />

57 75<br />

60 00<br />

200 00<br />

49 50<br />

294 55<br />

945 00<br />

76 25<br />

160 25<br />

896 00<br />

500 00<br />

1&466 78<br />

280 00<br />

ill 31<br />

821 43<br />

437 10<br />

1)150 00<br />

800 00<br />

1&000 00<br />

100 00<br />

100 00<br />

100 00<br />

3 35<br />

100 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By M. C. Dickev, agent<br />

J. B. Robertson, agent .<br />

T. B. Sykes<br />

4 73<br />

130 00<br />

17 31<br />

29, 612 12<br />

152 04<br />

329& 460 08<br />

Pay of clerk to superintendent<br />

at St. Lout's.<br />

To tr. M. Robinson, superintendent 8600 00<br />

Temporary clerks to superintendents<br />

To E. R. Geary, superintendent . . . . .<br />

W. J. Cullen, superintendent<br />

E. Rector, superintendent. . . . . . .<br />

D. Vanderslice, agent .<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By E. R. Geary, superintendent.<br />

of Indian a/airs.<br />

3& 600 00<br />

'875 00<br />

500 00<br />

123 00<br />

5, 098 00<br />

1& 800 00<br />

$3&298 00


273<br />

1860-' 61.<br />


Incidental expenses of Indian service in California.<br />

To J. A. Dreibellis, agent.<br />

J. Tobin.<br />

A. D. Rightmire, superintendent .<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 606 99<br />

500 00<br />

83, 106 99<br />

Incidental expenses of Indian service in litah Territory.<br />

To E. Pritchette, special agent<br />

B. Davis, superintendent<br />

W. H. Rogers, agent<br />

P. Lammond, disbursing clerk<br />

L&'. F. Ruth, special agent<br />

C. L. Craig, late agent.<br />

F. Dodge, agent<br />

A. Humphrcys . . .<br />

Livingston,<br />

Bell Gh Co.<br />

F. W. Lander<br />

J. Forncy, late superintendent<br />

J. W. Nye, superintendent<br />

Poultney &, Trimble<br />

128 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

977 20<br />

542 77<br />

553 43<br />

1& 34o 70<br />

5, 345 83<br />

5, 000 00<br />

2, 1G1 82<br />

77 26<br />

16, 250 01<br />

5, 000 00<br />

2GO 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By C. L, Craig, late agent<br />

G. Hunt, late agent<br />

E. A. Bedell, late agent.<br />

S, B. Rose, late sub-agent.<br />

300 00<br />

2, 740 56<br />

20 15<br />

1, 417 80<br />

47, 642 02<br />

4, 478 51<br />

843, 163 51<br />

Incidental expenses of Indian service in washington<br />

1'o P. Lammond, disbursing clerk<br />

Isaac I. Stevens, late governor, Ghc.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By A J. Cain, agent.<br />

Territory.<br />

300 00<br />

9, 299 49<br />

9, o99 49<br />

39 84<br />

697 559 65<br />

Incidental expenses of Indian service in New mexico.<br />

To A. M. Robinson, superintendent. .<br />

J. L. Collins, superintendent<br />

M. T. McMahon, special agent. .<br />

New York Central Railroad Company<br />

M. Steck, agent<br />

Overland Mail Company<br />

Cronin, Hurxthal Sr, Sears.<br />

Poultney & Trimble.<br />

C Barnum.<br />

W. M. 1&. Arny, agent<br />

5, 346 71<br />

45, 281 46<br />

300 00<br />

942 37<br />

1&500 00<br />

362 50<br />

9, 514 61<br />

5, 403 75<br />

864 00<br />

300 00<br />

669& 815 40<br />

1S n

274<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Holding council with the Red Lake and Red River Chippetcas, in JIinnesota, d'or<br />

the extinguishment of their title to lands in that Slate, act June. 19, 1860,<br />

To G. Bailey, disbursing clerk.<br />

W. J. Cullen, superintendent<br />

1, 000 00<br />

9&000 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By G. Bailey, disbursing clerk<br />

10, 000 Qo<br />

135 95<br />

$9& 864 05<br />

Adjusting difhculties and preventing<br />

To E. R. Geary, superintendent.<br />

A. P. Dennison, agent<br />

outbreaks among Indians in Oregon.<br />

500 00<br />

200 74<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By E. R. Geary, superintendent .... .. .. .<br />

700 74-<br />

500 04<br />

$200 74<br />

I&isurance and transportation<br />

To R. B. Metcalfe, late agent.<br />

of annuities to Indian tribes in Oregon.<br />

$1, 223 6B<br />

Insurance, transportation, 8fc. , of annuities, goods, 8'fc. , to the Indian tribes in<br />

'lIinnesota, michigan, and Wisconsin.<br />

To Cronin, Hurxthal Bt Sears<br />

New York Central Railroad Company<br />

J. R. Roche, special agent . . . . . . . . . .<br />

W. J. Cullen, superintendent .<br />

286 52<br />

1, 165 87<br />

62 36<br />

1, 487 26<br />

$3, 002 01<br />

Compensation<br />

of three special agents and three interpreters for Indians in Texas<br />

To Hendricks Bt Marshall 500 00<br />

M. Leeper, agent 2, 735 89<br />

Howard Bt Flynt. 665 35<br />

E. Rector, superintendent. 930 00<br />

$4, 831 24<br />

Removal and subsistence of Indiansin California to the reservations of that State,<br />

and for pay of physicians, smiths, mechanics, and laborers at the reservationa<br />

To J. L. Howard<br />

A. D. Rightmire, superintendent. . . . . .<br />

Isaac M. Ward<br />

J. A. Dreibellis, agent.<br />

Rosenstock 8t Price<br />

Poultney Bt Trimble<br />

2, 187 72<br />

10, 000 00<br />

36O OO<br />

19, 809 82<br />

1, 411 90<br />

730 00<br />

$34, 499 44

1860 —'61.<br />



Removal and subsistence of Indians in Oregon.<br />

275<br />

To E, R. Geary, superintendent.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By E. R. Geary, superintendent.<br />

13& 879 34<br />

$13, 379 84<br />

Removal and subsistence of' Indians in Washington<br />

To K. R. Geary, superintendent.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By E. R. Geary, superintendent.<br />

Territory.<br />

5& 636 27<br />

$5, 636 27<br />

Collecting and establishing the Southern Comanches, Wichitau&s, tSc. , on reservations<br />

south of the Arkansas river.<br />

To Elias Rector, superintendent . .<br />

Which d<strong>edu</strong>ct from the follorving repayment:<br />

By Cronin, Hurxthal &, Sears.<br />

Excess of repayment.<br />

1, 094 74<br />

3, 454 00<br />

$2& 359 26<br />

Paynient of annuities and transportation to certain Indian tribes, per treaty of'<br />

Fort Laramie of September 17, 1851.<br />

To A. M. Robinson, superintendent.<br />

Pennsylvania Railroad Company<br />

Cronin, Hurxthal & Sears<br />

New York Central Railroad Company<br />

H. E. Leman .<br />

Poultney & Trimble<br />

W. W. Bent, late agent<br />

C. Barnum.<br />

12, 247 08<br />

28 42<br />

45, 071 50<br />

1, 174 22<br />

5, 092 47<br />

2, 984 66<br />

576 24<br />

1& 706 50<br />

$68, 881 09<br />

Removal and subsistence of' Indians.<br />

To W. J. Cullen, superintendent. $2, 284 25<br />

Payment to Cherokees omitted in the census taken by D. IU, Si7er.<br />

To ilfatthew Killingsworth $371 28<br />

Payment to Spunk or Bald Frog, alias Joseph benson.<br />

To Spunk, alias Joseph Henson. $400 00



1860-'61.<br />


Surveying and allottizzg to the proper persons the reserved tracts, per treatzl nith<br />

th Sacs and I'&ores of July 15, 1830.<br />

'<br />

To A. M. Robinson, superintendent<br />

D. Crawford, commissioner<br />

C. H, Mott<br />

69 00<br />

114 00<br />

721 02<br />

$904 02<br />

Payment to the Shazcnees, to be reimbursed to the l. nited States zchezz collected<br />

fiom Agr. ents gay and Arnold.<br />

To A. M. Robinson, superintendent. $3, 074 44<br />

Payments to settlersfor their improvements on land situated within the general<br />

reservations at Puget Sound.<br />

To E. R. Geary, superintendent $9, 000 00<br />

Restoring and maintaining<br />

peace uzth the Indian tzibes in Oregon.<br />

To E. P&. Geary, superintendent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54, 637 53<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By E. R. Geary, superintendent. 4, 637 53<br />

$50, 000 00<br />

Payment to Ment L. Youzzrg for rations furnished to the emigrating<br />

mies, Clzzppezvas, and Ottazcas in. 1852.<br />

Pottawato-<br />

'To M. L. Young $9, G25 00<br />

Road from Fort Is". carney to Oahfornia.<br />

To P. Lammond, disbursing clerl-<br />

F. W. Lander, superintendent.<br />

T. A. Janney<br />

M. Magee &, Co.<br />

1, 808 80<br />

14& 537 GS<br />

361 70<br />

126 93<br />

816, S35 ll<br />

To H. L. Ha'lett.<br />

C. P. Stone. commissioner<br />

M A. McKinnon, disbmsiug<br />

J. D. Austin, superintendent.<br />

Roadfror&z El Paso to Fort E uma.<br />

agent.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By M. A. McKinnon, late disbursing agent.<br />

100 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

165 00<br />

564 44<br />

10, 829 44<br />

165 00<br />

$10, 664 44

1860-'61.<br />




277<br />

F rtingvishi rrg title oj' Indian tribes to lands v:est of zlIissouri and Iona.<br />

To A B. Greenwood, Commissioner of Indian AfFairs . . . . . 68 25<br />

J. B. P&obertson, late agent. . . . . „. 1, 993 15<br />

From which derluct the following repayment<br />

2, 0G1 40<br />

By A. H. P&edficld, agent. . . 146 17<br />

$1, 915 23<br />

Errgagements and stipulations of general IIarney uith the 8ioux Indians at Fort<br />

Pierre.<br />

To E. Pritchette, special agent. . . $1, 003 60<br />

llentoval and subsistence of 8eminole Indians norv in Florida.<br />

To Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company<br />

Elias Rector<br />

Which d<strong>edu</strong>ct from the following repayment:<br />

By Cronin, Hurxthal<br />

6r, Sears<br />

Excess of repayment<br />

43 90<br />

156 67<br />

200 57<br />

494 31<br />

$293 74<br />

Restoration to their relatives in TVisconsin four orphan children of Edward<br />

Mittmore, rcho escaped the massacre by Indians in 1859, and found refuge at<br />

Camp Eloyd.<br />

To M. S. Harrington<br />

$1, 500 00<br />

1nsurance, transportation, Jfc. , of Pawnee annuit'y goods.<br />

To H. Z. Ludington.<br />

A. M. Robinson, superintendent .<br />

New York Central Railroad Company<br />

J. L. Gillis, agent.<br />

483 09<br />

773 65<br />

722 20<br />

133 77<br />

$2&112 71<br />

Incidental expenses of Inclian. service in Oregon<br />

To E. R. Geary, superintendent<br />

Cronin, Hurxthal Gr, Sears<br />

Atlantic and Pacific Steamship Company<br />

P. Lammond, disbursing clerk<br />

Sutton 8: Co<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By E. R, Geary, superintendent<br />

A. P. Dennison, agent<br />

and B'ashington<br />

14, 14G 33<br />

95 92<br />

Territories.<br />

35, 514 12<br />

2, 639 96<br />

1, 826 27<br />

1, 300 00<br />

834 93<br />

42, 115 28<br />

14, 242 25<br />

S27, 873 03

278<br />



18 61-' 61.<br />


for Indians<br />

Indian service in the district of country leased from the Choctaws<br />

lately residing in Texas.<br />

To Elias Rector, superintendent $31, 695 50<br />

Indian service in Utah under the direction<br />

To J. Hatch.<br />

A. M. Robinson, superintendent<br />

A. Humphreys, agent<br />

H. Martin, superintendent.<br />

of the Secretary of the Interior.<br />

466 66<br />

750 00<br />

3, 106 07<br />

6, 600 00<br />

$10, 922 73<br />

Settlement of the accounts of Oliver M. TVozencraft.<br />

To O. M. Wozencraft, late agent $156 00<br />

Payment of the late Indian agentsin<br />

To G. Hunt, late<br />

agent<br />

E. A. Bed ell, late do<br />

G. W. Armstrong, late do<br />

S. B. Rose sub-agent<br />

P. Boyce<br />

S. P. Hoyt<br />

Utah Territory.<br />

19, 205 94<br />

1, 213 10<br />

211 66<br />

1, 668 30<br />

1, 268 13<br />

197 86<br />

$23&764 99<br />

Colonizing, supporting, Q. , the Wichitas and the other aQliated bands.<br />

To Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company 391 30<br />

Elias Rector, superintendent 33, 062 00<br />

M. Leeper, agent 14, 012 64<br />

$47) 465 94<br />

Insurance, transportation,<br />

'. To W. J. Cullen, superintendent<br />

$c. , of annuities and provisions for the<br />

Lalce Superior.<br />

Chippewas of<br />

$3) 000 00<br />

Insurance, transportation,<br />

To W. J. Cullen, superintendent<br />

C. W. '1'hompson<br />

Q. , of arinuities and provisions for the<br />

the Mississippi.<br />

Chippewas of<br />

2, 329 76<br />

1, 556 99<br />

$3, 886 79<br />

Insurance, transportation, tI. c. , of annuities and provisions for the Indian tribez<br />

in 3Iinnesota and Michigan.<br />

To A. M. Fitch, agent<br />

W. J. Cullen, superintendent<br />

Cronin, Hurxthal 6". Sears<br />

C W. Thompson<br />

5 OOO 09<br />

l, O19 39<br />

23 00<br />

14 108 31<br />

$20, 150 6'

1860-'61.<br />




279<br />

Insurance, transportation, $c, , of annuities, goods and provisions for the Flatheads,<br />

Yakamas, and Nez Percds.<br />

To Cronin, Hurxthal & Sears .<br />

Atlantic and Pacific Steamship Company<br />

A. M. Robinson, superintendent<br />

New York Central Railroad Company.<br />

J. R. Roche, special agent .<br />

button & Co.<br />

4, 459 68<br />

3, 150 00<br />

8, 076 52<br />

457 38<br />

324 99<br />

1, 436 85<br />

$17, 905 42<br />

Insurance, transportation,<br />

To Pennsylvania Railroad Company.<br />

A. M. Robinson, superintendent.<br />

New York Central Railroad Company .<br />

Cronin, Hurxthal & Sears. . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

J. L Gillie, agent<br />

tp:. , of annuity goods and provisions for the Paumee,<br />

Ponca, and Yancton Sioux.<br />

38 63<br />

7&660 20<br />

467 58<br />

221 25<br />

466 23<br />

$8, 853 89<br />

'Transportation<br />

To A. M. Robinson, superiutendent.<br />

New York Central Railroad Company<br />

and delivery of annuity goods to the Blackfoot Indians.<br />

10, 102 46<br />

356 94<br />

910, 459 40<br />

Holding council tvith the Arapahoe and Cheyenne Indians, south of the Platte river.<br />

To A. M. Robinson, superintendent<br />

A. B. Greenwood, commissioner<br />

T. E. Tutt & Co.<br />

Cronin, Hurrrthal & Sears<br />

Dugan & Jenkins. .<br />

New York Central Railroad Company<br />

J. R. Roche, special agent<br />

A. R. Potts, special agent.<br />

A. G. Boone, agent.<br />

F. B. Culver, special agent. . . . . . . . . . .<br />

6, 458 29<br />

7, 000 00<br />

2, 727 00<br />

288 75<br />

1, 120 33<br />

483 52<br />

40 00<br />

708 08<br />

1, 201 75<br />

208 40<br />

$20, 236 12<br />

Loss and destruction of property of citizens of 3linnesota and Iotva, at Spirit<br />

lake, in 18M, by InI; pa-du-tah'8 band of Sioux Indians.<br />

To G. L. Becker, commissioner<br />

J. C. Wise<br />

Hensley & Gunning<br />

Babcock & Marsh<br />

E. B. N. Strong<br />

H. AV. Granger<br />

AV. Ward, deceased<br />

1, 416 00<br />

15 00<br />

15 00<br />

614 98<br />

461 82<br />

1, 062 36<br />

5, 370 00<br />

$8, 955 16

280<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Payment to the Choctau& nation, on account of their claim under<br />

12 of the treaty of June 22, 1855.<br />

To D. H. Cooper, agent.<br />

P. P. Pitchlynn and others<br />

articles 11 and<br />

134, 512 55<br />

115, 487 45<br />

8250, 000 00<br />

Payment to the Sisseeton<br />

To J. J. Fazier.<br />

A. Faribault.<br />

S. Campbell .<br />

H. Belland .<br />

F. Labuthe.<br />

S. F. Brown 8r, Co .<br />

A. Renville .<br />

A. Frenier.<br />

N. R. Brown and J. W.<br />

A. J. Daniels.<br />

D. L. Fuller, deceased.<br />

M. Sweetser<br />

H. H. Sibley.<br />

and TVahpa-ton bands of the Dakota or Sioux Indians,<br />

4& 154 63<br />

14 80<br />

245 90<br />

1, 110 00<br />

783 73<br />

6, 750 83<br />

321 22<br />

275 06<br />

Lynd 3, 646 95<br />

1, 110 00<br />

1, 141 05<br />

8, 657 50<br />

2, 960 00<br />

$31, 171 67<br />

Payment to the Med-a-u&a-kan-ton aud Wah-pa-koo-ta bands of Dakota or Sioua<br />

Indians.<br />

To A. Faribault.<br />

J. J. Frazier.<br />

S. Campbell<br />

H. Belland<br />

F. Labuthe.<br />

S. F, Brown Ss Co.<br />

B, H. Randall<br />

A. Frenier<br />

N. R. Brown and J. W. Lynd<br />

T. A. Holmes.<br />

D. L. Fuller, deceased<br />

N. Myrick Ss Co.<br />

M. Sweetser<br />

H. H. Sibley.<br />

1, 049 53<br />

2, S17 17<br />

39 49<br />

675 00<br />

1, 897 69<br />

963 08<br />

523 49<br />

3 64<br />

I, 196 95<br />

3&375 00<br />

3, 848 SS<br />

7, 000 00<br />

4, 740 38<br />

9, 450 00<br />

@37, 5SO 30<br />

To Ann Scott. . .<br />

Rehef of Ann Scott.<br />

&5» &<br />

Relief of O. J'. D. Fairbanks, Frederic Dodge, and the Pactf&c 3Iail &%ea&nshiI&<br />

Company.<br />

To F. Dodge, Indian agent 6614 38<br />

Relief of the child& en of the late Captain E. A. Capron, deceased.<br />

To E. A. Capron, deceased, late captain<br />

0300 00



281<br />

1860-'61.<br />


To H. C. Whitney, special agent<br />

T. C. Slaughter, special agent.<br />

Kalkman k, Weasels. . . . .<br />

Pehef of destitute Indians anel Indian, tribes.<br />

10& 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

$21, 000 00<br />

BBPariuBB Ts.<br />

Interest on, stocks for Chip&peuas, Ottatvas, and Pottateatomies.<br />

By F. W. Lea, late agent. 8110 01<br />

Roadjiom Platte river to Running IVater river.<br />

By G. Sites, superintendent. $425 60<br />

Expenses of the recovery ancE the restoration to their homes of the ch&ildren sur-<br />

viving the massacre by Indians of the emigrant<br />

fall of 1857.<br />

trains from Arkansas, in the<br />

By J. Forney, late superintendent. $0 85<br />

Erecting buildings for Indian agents in TVashington 1'erritory.<br />

By Isaac I. Stevens, late governor, 6rc $2, 855 00<br />


Pay of the arr&iy.<br />

To B, F. Lamed . paymaster general<br />

E. Van Ness . deputy paymaster general<br />

T. P. Andrews do<br />

Benjamin Alvord . paymaster<br />

G. H. Riuggold . . .. do<br />

T. M. Winston . do<br />

H. Leonard . do<br />

R. B. Reynolds do<br />

T. G. Rhett . do.<br />

C. H. Fry . do<br />

L, J. Beall do<br />

G. C. Hutter do<br />

B. W. Brice do<br />

A. B. Ragan do.<br />

T. J. Leslie do<br />

D. Hunter do.<br />

H. Hill do.<br />

A. W. Gaines, deceased . . . do<br />

R. H. Chilton do<br />

N. W. Brown do<br />

S. Maclin .. do<br />

9, 506 55<br />

245, 000 00<br />

386, 000 00<br />

216, 000 00<br />

147, 751 67<br />

146, 000 00<br />

142, 000 00<br />

93, 000 00<br />

50, 618 54<br />

101, 568 00<br />

133, 000 00<br />

70, 000 00<br />

108, 000 00<br />

92, 000 00<br />

2567000 00<br />

144, 000 00<br />

203, 000 00<br />

l4, 895 18<br />

77, 400 00<br />

140, 000 00<br />

148, 000 00<br />

Carried forward $2, 923, 739 94-



1860 —'61.<br />


To D. McClure<br />

Brought forward<br />

paymaster<br />

J. Longstreet . do<br />

R, B. Marcy do<br />

F. E. Hunt do<br />

F. A. Cunningham do<br />

H. Prince - &io<br />

A. J. Smith do<br />

G. L. Febiger do<br />

B. Cameron. do<br />

W. S. Wallace . . do<br />

R. A. . Kenzie do<br />

R. P. Dodge . do. .<br />

R. E. Patterson. . . . do<br />

D. Taggart do<br />

. E. Paulding . do<br />

D. H. McPhail -do<br />

J. H. Eaton do<br />

J. A. Nunes do<br />

S. Woods do<br />

A. M. Sallade. do.<br />

J. H. Kenzie do<br />

T. M. Haisey do<br />

W. Pat ten . do<br />

W. P. Goal(i . -do.<br />

J. H. Phinney do.<br />

E. D. Judd do<br />

Thomas S. Jesup, dec'd, late quartermaster general<br />

Thomas Jordan<br />

. . assistant quartermaster<br />

A. B. Lansing, late . . . do<br />

A. C. Myers, late do<br />

R. W. Kirkham, acting do<br />

M. M. Blunt do<br />

N. S. Clark, deceased, late brigadier general<br />

W. Seawell colonel<br />

E. G. Beckwith . . . . captaiu<br />

J. H. Lendrum . do<br />

A. Buford . . . . do<br />

O. L. Shepherd . do<br />

B. H. Arthur, deceased, late do.<br />

P. Calhoun, deceased, late . . do<br />

J. C. Pemberton, late do<br />

J. T. Shaaff lieutenant<br />

H. L. Pearse . . . . . do<br />

W. H. Emory, late do<br />

D. D. Clark, late do<br />

C. E. Jesup, late do<br />

S. W. Ferg&uson, late . . . . . do<br />

T. J. Berry, Iste do<br />

E. R. Putts, late do<br />

R. C. Duryea, late. . . . do<br />

W. B. Hazen, late do<br />

W. K. Lear, late . do<br />

O. Chapman, late . do<br />

J. Dowling, late . . do<br />

J. M. Steiner, late assistant surgeon<br />

Zf. Miles, deceased, late<br />

private<br />

C. H. Nichols superintendent government asylum<br />

B. King . . treasurer<br />

Carried forward<br />

2, 923, 739 94<br />

139, 000 pp<br />

112, 000 09<br />

117, 000 pp<br />

40, 000 09<br />

18, 149 07<br />

98, 788 00<br />

43& 000 09<br />

130, 000 09<br />

18, 000 06<br />

40, 000 pp<br />

50, 000 00<br />

25, 000 09<br />

20, 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

35, 000 00<br />

26, 000 00<br />

35, 000 09<br />

30, 000 00<br />

87, 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

30, 000 09<br />

30, 000 00<br />

45, 000 00<br />

12, 000 09<br />

25&000 00<br />

' 25, 000 09<br />

52 33<br />

30 09<br />

107 78<br />

4 76<br />

110 12<br />

5 00<br />

2, 765 38<br />

20 14<br />

19 90<br />

90 V6<br />

21 19<br />

29 00<br />

22 36<br />

10 93<br />

13 98<br />

1 Pp<br />

65 33<br />

238 00<br />

65 06<br />

68 99<br />

15, 65<br />

15 28<br />

34 49<br />

5 47<br />

2 51<br />

54 00<br />

VB 36<br />

290 78<br />

900 99<br />

371 34<br />

144 40<br />

54&799 99<br />

@4 255, 132 16



283<br />

1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By T. P. Andrews . deputy paymaster general<br />

E. Van Ness . . do<br />

B. Alvord . paymaster<br />

F. E. Hunt . . do<br />

J. Longstreet . do<br />

H. Leonard . do<br />

G. H. Ringgold . . do<br />

D. McClure do<br />

B. W. Brice do<br />

G. C. Hutter . do<br />

H. Hill do.<br />

D. Hunter . do<br />

L. J. Beall do<br />

R. B. Marcy . do<br />

R. H. Chilton . . . do<br />

T. J. Leslie do<br />

R. B. Reynolds do<br />

S. Macliu . . do<br />

F. A. Cunningham . . do<br />

N. W. Brown . . do<br />

C. H. Fry<br />

T. M. Winston . . do.<br />

A. J. Smith. do.<br />

H. Prince do<br />

T. G. Rhett, late do<br />

J. C. Pemberton captain<br />

A. V. Colburn . lieutenant<br />

P. T. Swaine do<br />

M. Milea, deceased, late private<br />

30, 639 09<br />

534 78<br />

2, 567 82<br />

9, 861 91<br />

3, 922 00<br />

2, 987 62<br />

2, 897 70<br />

428 92<br />

1, 164 88<br />

27, 442 88<br />

5, 734 97<br />

2, 192 04<br />

10, 283 06<br />

1, 221 99<br />

610 09<br />

20, 789 26<br />

7, 307 89<br />

441 12<br />

1, 577 72<br />

2, 706 83<br />

2, 096 ti2<br />

87 41<br />

4, 952 81<br />

1, 000 00<br />

89 15<br />

12 50<br />

5 GO<br />

6 06<br />

150 08<br />

4, 255, 132 15<br />

148, 712 80<br />

84, 111, 419 35<br />

Sukst'"tence of' the army.<br />

To W. W. Burns . . . . . commissary of subsistence<br />

G. G. Waggaman do<br />

J. B. Grayson do<br />

A. B. Eaton do<br />

M. D, L. Simpson. . . do<br />

W. B. Blair . do<br />

R. B. Lee do.<br />

C. L. Kilburn do-<br />

B. Du Barrv do<br />

A. Beckwith do<br />

H. C. Symonds . . do.<br />

E. Sbiras do<br />

J. Symingtou . . assistant commissary of subsistence<br />

A. C, Myers do<br />

B. Huger do<br />

J. L. Ben o do<br />

J. Green act'g assist. commissary of subsistence<br />

P. G. T. Beauregard do<br />

H. C. Ransom do<br />

A. A. Gibson . do.<br />

T. Finl( do<br />

F. Wheaton do<br />

S. P. Heintzelman . . . do<br />

220, 500 00<br />

460, 000 00<br />

3G5, 700 02<br />

955, 000 00<br />

225, 000 00<br />

50, 000 00<br />

15, 068 59<br />

92, 100 00<br />

60, 800 00<br />

407& 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

700 00<br />

65, 000 00<br />

750 00<br />

1, 198 00<br />

23, 800 00<br />

25, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

175 00<br />

400 00<br />

767 00<br />

7. 150 00<br />

Carried forward ~8 007 G03 61

284<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Brou<br />

... act'g assist. commis<br />

S. Eastman do<br />

G. Loomis do<br />

J. H. Simpson . do<br />

T. G. Pitcher do<br />

L, Walker . do<br />

E. G. Beckwith .. . do.<br />

J. W. T. Gardiner do<br />

T. T. S. Laidley do<br />

J. C. Robinson . . .. do<br />

A. D. Nelson do<br />

J. R. Smead do<br />

J. McL, Taylor . .. .. . do<br />

J. McRea do<br />

T. J. C. Amory do<br />

E. G. Marshall . . .. do<br />

H. C. Bankhead do<br />

G. T. Balch do<br />

J. D. Wilkins do<br />

E. Burt. do<br />

W. Alexander do<br />

M. W. Smith do<br />

H. Douglas do<br />

J. A. De Lagnel do<br />

W. F. Magruder .. . ...... ........ do.<br />

T, G. Baylor do<br />

E. Powell . do.<br />

W. P. Martin. do<br />

M. Cogswell. . do.<br />

J. Thompson. do<br />

D. Bell. . . . do<br />

L. Leffman. do<br />

S. S. Carroll do.<br />

J. Cameron lio<br />

G. H. Webber do.<br />

T. J. Treadwell. . . . . . . .. do<br />

J. O. Long. . .. do<br />

G. Bromley do.<br />

W. Clinton. do.<br />

J. H. Gilman. . do<br />

C, R. Woods do<br />

J, Reilly. . do.<br />

T. Dailey . .. .. . . do.<br />

N. J. Hall do<br />

J. M. Robertson .. . . . do<br />

J. Davidson. . . . do.<br />

W. P. Carlin. . do.<br />

G. B. Anderson. . .. do.<br />

J. P. Holliday. .. .. . do.<br />

M. M. Blunt . . . . do.<br />

H. A. Smalley do.<br />

E. C. Jones . . . ... .. do.<br />

S. M. Cooper . do.<br />

J. S. Saunders. ... do. '<br />

S. Crispin . ... do<br />

A. L. Long. . . . do<br />

J. Totten ... . . do.<br />

T. Edson. .... .. do.<br />

N. B. Sweitzer dn<br />

R. Jones. . .. . do<br />

A. G-. Brackett. . . .... ... .... . do.<br />

To J. L. Tidball<br />

ght forward<br />

sary of subsistence<br />

3, 007, 603 61<br />

30& 000 QP<br />

12, 500 00<br />

20, 000 pp<br />

15, 000 00<br />

22, 000 00<br />

116 58<br />

122& 000 00<br />

4, 460 00<br />

5) 000 00<br />

12, 000 00<br />

15, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

36, 000 00<br />

350 00<br />

29, 490 00<br />

706 pp<br />

200 00<br />

3, 526 00<br />

19, 000 00<br />

84 00<br />

109 50<br />

202 95<br />

57 20<br />

2&500 89<br />

125 00<br />

1& 115 00<br />

400 00<br />

103 00<br />

300 00<br />

1, 857 00<br />

350 00<br />

100 00<br />

2, 561 00<br />

59 80<br />

2, 099 17<br />

2, 900 00<br />

7 23<br />

106 83<br />

520 00<br />

1, 350 00<br />

12, 640 00<br />

100 00<br />

V5 00<br />

3& 625 00<br />

VV5 00<br />

109 50<br />

1, 000 00<br />

975 00<br />

16, 285 00<br />

2, 526 97<br />

5, 285 00<br />

'446 00<br />

485 00<br />

8, 250 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

900 00<br />

1, 228 00<br />

817 00<br />

1 00<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . 33&434&884 23

m<br />



285<br />

1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

To H. Benson. .. . ... . acting assist. commissary of subsistence. .<br />

G. C. Strong do.<br />

A. C. Gillern. . do.<br />

J. K. McCall do<br />

F, J. Shank. .. .. . ... .. do.<br />

R Macfeeley.<br />

AV. Craig<br />

. do.<br />

do<br />

G Bei I (10.<br />

J. C. Kelton . do.<br />

C, W. Thomas. . do<br />

T Grey.<br />

do.<br />

1&'. Darkingkillcr. . ... . .... .. . do.<br />

S. H. Reynolds . do.<br />

J. P, ib)y . . do.<br />

A. Ch &<br />

hers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

W. A Webb . . do.<br />

D. B. McKibben. . .... ..... .. do.<br />

B. J. Baldwin. . .. . military storekeeper<br />

L. Leonard. ... do.<br />

F. C Humphries .. .... .. ... . do<br />

R. Fatherly . do.<br />

J. 5i. Gait do<br />

J. K Abell. do<br />

B. H. Gilbreth. . .. do<br />

C, Thomas .... . . assistant quartermaster general. .<br />

J. B Tully. .. .. quartermaster.<br />

A, B. Babbitt. ..... .. . assistant quartermaster. .. . . ..<br />

I'. T. Turnley<br />

. do.<br />

. B. H. Lyon . . . . . acting assistant quartermaster<br />

E, L. Hartz . . . do.<br />

G. D. Ramsay. . . . . . . . . . . . . brevet major.<br />

B„H. Anderson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . captain. . . . . . .<br />

J. D. McConnell. . . . . . . . . lieutenant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

C. H. Ogle . do.<br />

D. Bell do<br />

FI. Randall.<br />

. do<br />

C. B Watson. . do.<br />

W. B. Hughes. do.<br />

F, A. Washingtou . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J, C. Davis. . . . do.<br />

A. V. Colburn. do.<br />

F. Stephensou. . do.<br />

W. Maria . . do<br />

J. 6( R. H. Porter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

James 6( Devoe<br />

Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Railroad Company<br />

Washington Gas Company<br />

3, 434, 884 23<br />

3, 000 00<br />

1, 300 00<br />

1, 951 00<br />

9 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

32, 900 00<br />

11, 500 00<br />

2, 680 00<br />

200& 000 00<br />

37, 500 00<br />

45, 500 00<br />

100 00<br />

160 00<br />

5, 333 50<br />

14, 000 00<br />

1, 095 00<br />

13, 642 00<br />

400 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

400 00<br />

538 67<br />

250 00<br />

350 00<br />

150 00<br />

30, 200 00<br />

626 62<br />

37 50<br />

5) 600 00<br />

26 00<br />

4 00<br />

540 00<br />

87<br />

175 00<br />

250 00<br />

480 00<br />

28 00<br />

1 75<br />

38 00<br />

4 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

5 60<br />

30 00<br />

I, 077 49<br />

2, 400 00<br />

726 24<br />

3, 655 93<br />

584 64<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By J. B. Grayson . commissary of subsistence<br />

A. , B. Eaton . do<br />

A C Myers . ass't commissary of subsistence<br />

D. S. Stanley act'g ass't commissary of subsistence<br />

H. A. Srnalley . do<br />

E. B. Babbitt . . assistant quartermaster<br />

J, W. McCrabb, dec'd, late do<br />

C. A. Reynolds act'g assistant quartermaster<br />

S, P. Higgins, dcc'd, late . . . . do<br />

J, Flynn do<br />

115, 700 02<br />

4 00<br />

25&044 52<br />

977 67<br />

4, 400 00<br />

5 00<br />

874 03<br />

201 70<br />

1, 300 00<br />

61 49<br />

3, S79, 135 04<br />

Carried forward $148, 568 43 3 879. 135 04



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward. .<br />

By G. Chapin. . . . captain<br />

J. Pope do.<br />

J. Holmes . lieutenant<br />

J. Thompson . . . . . do<br />

R. Loder do<br />

T. G. Berry, late. . . do<br />

148&568 43<br />

445 81<br />

591 00<br />

52 50<br />

1 00<br />

22<br />

7 93<br />

3, 879, 135 04<br />

149, 666 89<br />

$3, 729, . 468 15<br />

Subsistence of ogcers.<br />

To T. P. Andrews . deputy paymaster genera<br />

E. Van Ness . do<br />

B. Alvord paymaster<br />

G. H. Ringgold . do<br />

T. M. Winston do<br />

H. Leonard . . do<br />

R. B. Reynolds . do<br />

L. J. Beall do<br />

B. W. Brice do<br />

T. J. Leslie do<br />

C. H. Fry do<br />

H. Hill rlo<br />

A. B. Ragan. . . . . do<br />

D. Hunter . do<br />

G. C. Hutter do<br />

S. Maclin do<br />

J. Longstreet . do<br />

R. H. Chilton . do<br />

N. W. Brown do-<br />

R. B. Marcy do<br />

F. A. Hunt do<br />

D. McClure do<br />

S. Woods do<br />

F. A. Cunningham . . do<br />

T. G. Rhett . . do.<br />

H. Prince do<br />

A. J. Smith . . do<br />

G. S. Febiger . do<br />

B. Cameron . . . . . do<br />

Thomas S. Jesup, deceased quartermaster general<br />

N. S. Clark, deceased brigadier general<br />

E. Harding, deceased . major<br />

J. W. McCrabb, deceased assistaut quartermaster<br />

A. B. Lansing, deceased do<br />

P. Calhoun, deceased captain<br />

A. Buford do<br />

B. H. Arthur, deceased . . do<br />

J. M. Steiner, late . . assistant surgeon<br />

W. II. Lear lieutenant<br />

O. Chapman . do<br />

E. R. Potts. . . do<br />

D. D. Clark, deceased, late . do<br />

C. E. Jesup, deceased, late do<br />

H. L Pearce . do<br />

W. H. Emory, late . do<br />

Carried forward<br />

138, 000 00<br />

58, 900 00<br />

38, 000 00<br />

23 500 00<br />

28, 500 00<br />

28, 500 00<br />

28, 116 45<br />

40, 389 23<br />

22, 000 00<br />

136, 861 90<br />

33, 000 00<br />

73, 600 00<br />

16, 000 00<br />

56, 000 00<br />

13, 800 00<br />

26. 307 90<br />

24, 000 00<br />

16, 600 00<br />

27, 258 00<br />

22, 000 00<br />

9, 000 00<br />

25, 600 00<br />

23, 000 00<br />

4, 500 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

23, 347 45<br />

]4, 733 10<br />

15, 000 00<br />

11, 000 00<br />

81 00<br />

4, 350 80<br />

25 60<br />

237 20<br />

88 20<br />

9 69<br />

72 80<br />

17 60<br />

567 60<br />

46 00<br />

84 00<br />

34 50<br />

30 60<br />

69 00<br />

46 50<br />

246 00<br />

989, 521 03



287<br />

1860-' 61<br />


From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By T. P. Andrews . deputy paymaster general<br />

G. H. Ringgold. paymaster ....<br />

R. H. Cbilton . do.<br />

H. Prince .. do ...<br />

F. A, Cunningham . do<br />

C. H. Fry do<br />

A. W. Gaines, deceased, late do<br />

J. H. Lendrum . captain<br />

R. Dilworth, deceased . lieuteuant<br />

Brought forward . 989, 521 03<br />

8, 400 00<br />

3, 681 52<br />

847 55<br />

5&600 00<br />

2, 914 99<br />

11, 380 24<br />

1, 706 00<br />

48 10<br />

11 18<br />

34, 589 5S<br />

$954, 931 45<br />

'TransI&ortation<br />

of the army.<br />

To C. Thomas .. .. . . assistant quartermaster general. .<br />

D, D. Tompkins. . ... . ... . do.<br />

T. Swords. .. . .. . ..... deputy quartermaster general. .<br />

G. H. Crosman . do.<br />

H. D. Vinton. .... ... . quartermaster .<br />

M. M. Clarl- . do.<br />

E. B, Babbitt ... ... .. assistant quarter(uaster.<br />

S. Van Vliet. (io<br />

J, L. Donaldson. . . . . do.<br />

M. S. Miller. ........ ... ... . do.<br />

J. Mcltiustry . do.<br />

H. C. Ransom . do.<br />

J. G. Martin do<br />

A. Montgomery . . ... . . do.<br />

A. C. Myers . do.<br />

R. E. Clary do.<br />

W. W. Chapman. . .. .. . do.<br />

W. L. Cabell. . . do.<br />

l'. T. Turnley<br />

do.<br />

J. Belger. (10<br />

D. H. Rucker do.<br />

J. H. Dickerson. .. .. .. .. do.<br />

0. H. 'I'illinghast. ... do.<br />

R. 0. Tyler . do<br />

S. B Holabird do<br />

R. Sexton do. .<br />

J. D. Bingham do<br />

A. Boyd do<br />

G. Tall madge do<br />

G. T. Balch. . . ..... . acting assistant quartermaster .<br />

S. S. Carroll . do.<br />

J. P Holiday do.<br />

C. H. Webber do.<br />

J. D. Wilkins. (io.<br />

J L. Reno. . ... . .. . do.<br />

R S C. Lord.<br />

. do.<br />

J. Thompson . d0.<br />

J, P. Roy do<br />

J. S. Saunders . do.<br />

A, Bai(d . do.<br />

T. A. Miller, late . . . . . . . . . . (h&.<br />

W. P. Cs, rlin. . . . . do<br />

J. W. Robinson, late. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

17G, 460 00<br />

520, 418 73<br />

175& 260 47<br />

544, 339 53<br />

198, 800 00<br />

17, 648 00<br />

210, 200 00<br />

636& 63S 00<br />

121, 700 00<br />

310, 915 00<br />

130, 750 00<br />

2, GOO 00<br />

1, 025 00<br />

28, 455 00<br />

24, 35G 21<br />

23, 000 00<br />

1, 76G 35<br />

600 00<br />

13, 0('0 00<br />

81, 250 00<br />

16, 000 00<br />

261, 300 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

2& 000 00<br />

12, 500 00<br />

80, 600 00<br />

75, 000 00<br />

62, 500 00<br />

6, 585 60<br />

510 00<br />

1, 300 00<br />

29, 880 00<br />

I, 000 00<br />

10, 259 00<br />

100 00<br />

23 52<br />

50 00<br />

500 00<br />

1, 150 00<br />

25 07<br />

923 07<br />

418 91<br />

286 90<br />

Carried forward. $3, 784, 094 36

288<br />



1860-'Gl.<br />


Brought forward<br />

To G. L. Hartsuff. . . . . . acting assistant quartermaster. . . . . . . . .<br />

J. Georgas. do.<br />

A. L. Long do.<br />

T. J. Treadwell . do.<br />

S. P. Higgins, deceased. . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

E. Ingraham. . (io.<br />

T. Edson . do.<br />

W. H. Wood do<br />

J. S. IIIarmaduke. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

N. J. Hall do.<br />

R. Jones. do<br />

N. H. McLean . (io.<br />

L. Beall do.<br />

H. Benson Clo<br />

J. A. De Lagnel. . . . . do<br />

W. Butler do<br />

J. J. Dana . do.<br />

C. R. Reynolds do<br />

J. L. K. Smith . do.<br />

G. C. Strong Ci0.<br />

S. 2f. Cooper . do<br />

C. L. Killburn. do<br />

%V. C]inton<br />

do<br />

A. Beckwith do<br />

W. Craig Cl0.<br />

J. C. Davis . . do<br />

F. Wheaton. do.<br />

J. P. Hawkins . ... . . . .. do. .<br />

L. L. Langdon . do<br />

T. J. C. Amory Clo ..<br />

A. C. Gilled do.<br />

G. C. Strong . do.<br />

A. Chambers. ..... . do.<br />

J. R. 'll addy do.<br />

D. R. Ranson. . do<br />

IVI. N. Blunt<br />

do<br />

J. B. 5fclntyre. . regimental quartermaster. ..<br />

J. 5I. McL. Taylor ... .... .. .. .. do.<br />

S. Macliu. paymaster ..<br />

L. Taliaferro. . . ... .. .. military storekeeper.<br />

R. Fatherly . do.<br />

F. C, Humphries .. .. .. .... .... do.<br />

L. Leonard do.<br />

B. G. Baldwin . do.<br />

W. W. Chapman, deceased, late. ... . major .... ..<br />

S. Eastman do<br />

H. C. Wayne, brevet. .. .. . . do.<br />

Fitz John Porter. . . .. .... do.<br />

J. b. Simonson .. . do.<br />

W. K, Van Bolckelen .... ... ... . captain ..<br />

J. . Tnt ten<br />

P. T. Swaine . . lieutenant<br />

L. L, Rich. . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

C. G. Sawtelle . do.<br />

L. Loeser . do.<br />

G. A. Kensel . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

H. S. Putnam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

T. C. Sullivan Clo.<br />

G, Chapin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. B. Hood . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. S. Mason . do.<br />

3) 784, 094 36<br />

200 Op<br />

11 40<br />

3, 500 00<br />

250 Op<br />

5, 876 35<br />

50 00<br />

988 00<br />

7 50<br />

453 81<br />

175 00<br />

450 00<br />

468 49<br />

199 00<br />

1&000 00<br />

100 00<br />

114 44<br />

cp<br />

393 &0<br />

741 57<br />

&90 00<br />

251 57<br />

500 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

4, 590 87<br />

5, 000 00<br />

500 00<br />

450 00<br />

840 47<br />

4, 000 00<br />

1)500 00<br />

220 00<br />

4)500 00<br />

500 00<br />

46 50<br />

70 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

5 20<br />

3& 680 00<br />

75 00<br />

100 00<br />

100 00<br />

75 00<br />

105 00<br />

500 00<br />

63 30<br />

40, 012 25<br />

45 00<br />

17, 602 46<br />

390 00<br />

13, 995 51<br />

4, 067 16<br />

4) 099 89<br />

1, 539 34<br />

1, 741 57<br />

227 90<br />

2, 523 49<br />

930 81<br />

2, 059 94<br />

814 55<br />

Carried forward . . . $3) 927, 592 20



289<br />

1860-' 61<br />


Brought forw a rd<br />

. lieutenant<br />

To D. S. Stanley .. . .... . T. M. Saunders. . . do.<br />

T. J. Berry. . . .... do.<br />

I. I. Stevens ... . . late governor. R. B. Thomas. .... . .. . . agent. .... .<br />

H. Montz and eight others. . . . . . . teamsters .<br />

G, Sickliter<br />

J. Mills.<br />

J. McCullough<br />

A. B. Warren snd J. Green<br />

J. A. Hearn<br />

J. Jeffcourt<br />

H. Shipbower<br />

D. McShaine<br />

R. Marshall<br />

W. Fallen<br />

W. Bevins .<br />

J. Clair<br />

J. McCarty<br />

H. Miller.<br />

J. Malowskie<br />

P. Brady<br />

A. Sharkey<br />

E. Alfield<br />

J. Welsh<br />

G, Pipes<br />

M. Quirk<br />

J. Riordan and six others<br />

Y, Kearney<br />

J. R. Cox<br />

J. Quigley, deceased<br />

D. 0. Conner, deceased<br />

Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad Co!npauy<br />

J. B. Richardson<br />

(l. Kahler and three others<br />

D. McKissick<br />

T. Brady<br />

L. Mandee<br />

E. Emlant<br />

J. Roeder<br />

J. Bracban<br />

W. Watson<br />

F. Metcalf<br />

P. W!nslow, deceased<br />

J. Autonio, teamster<br />

Isaac Gumbo<br />

J. Barnett<br />

J. Woods .<br />

S. Rice<br />

J. M. Shclton, deceased<br />

J. Rabin and R. P. Jones<br />

F. D. Cleary and others<br />

J. Quinn, deceased<br />

T. Cady and others.<br />

B. Fitzpatrick<br />

A. D. Tenn;&nt<br />

W. Andrews<br />

H. J. Lovewell .<br />

J. A. Dix, R. M. Blatchford, and G. Op&lyke<br />

G. May<br />

J. Ryan<br />

3, 927 592 20<br />

977 67<br />

2i 000 00<br />

100 50<br />

121 68<br />

245 20<br />

215 00<br />

106 00<br />

115 00<br />

205 00<br />

280 00<br />

135 00<br />

105 00<br />

135 00<br />

135 00<br />

105 00<br />

105 00<br />

185 00<br />

135 00<br />

97 50<br />

135 00<br />

135 00<br />

105 00<br />

105 00<br />

105 00<br />

105 00<br />

105 00<br />

105 00<br />

745 00<br />

195 00<br />

69 00<br />

25 16<br />

63 22<br />

931 40<br />

105 00<br />

430 00<br />

105 00<br />

105 00<br />

115 00<br />

115 00<br />

170 00<br />

105 00<br />

105 00<br />

105 00<br />

30 00<br />

105 00<br />

115 00<br />

17 43<br />

6S 54<br />

104 98<br />

12 50<br />

210 00<br />

570 00<br />

146 66<br />

420 00<br />

155 00<br />

105 00<br />

115 00<br />

115 00<br />

I, 000, 000 00<br />

105 00<br />

105 Ou<br />

Carried forward $4, 9t 0, 984 64<br />

1&0 &r

290<br />



1860-'61.<br />


To E. Buchley<br />

S. Lozier.<br />

J. A. Wheeler<br />

M. 0. Roberts<br />

Quartermaster's<br />

department.<br />

Brought forward. . . 4, 940, 984 64<br />

115 00<br />

850 00<br />

177 80<br />

1, 250 00<br />

452 58<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By' M. S. Miller .. .... . .. assistant quartermaster. . P. T. Turuley. do. .. -.. F. Myers . do.<br />

A. Montgomery .. do. . .<br />

G. R. Paul ... . acting assistant quartermaster. .<br />

J. B. Wetherell. . .. . . .. do. .<br />

G. W. Holt . .. . . . . . do.<br />

J. B. Collins. . . do.<br />

W. H. Wood do.<br />

A. Shaaff do.<br />

Z. R. Bliss. do.<br />

L. W. O'Bannon. . . .. . . do.<br />

J. P. Rcy do. . . . .<br />

F. A. 1Vashington . . . . . .. . . do. .. . .<br />

J. Drysdale do. ..<br />

J. Tipton &io.<br />

J. T. Greble. . ... .. do.<br />

L. 0. Morris. do. W. B. Hazen, late . . .. . do. . .. .<br />

J. B. S. Alexander. . . ... . do. ..<br />

M. M. Kimmel . do<br />

E. F. Bagley, late. . .. . .. .. do.<br />

J. V. Du Bois . . . . . do. . . .. . . W. McE. Dye. regimental quartermaster<br />

L. Leonard. . . . . . .. . . military storekeeper .<br />

J. M. Branuan. ... ... captain<br />

F. F. Flint . . . .. do. .<br />

J. K. Allen. .. . lieutenant. . .<br />

R. Lodor do<br />

J. R. Cook. . . . . ... . do. . ..<br />

W. B. Hughes. . . . . do.<br />

A. F. Bond do.<br />

J. N. Moore . . do.<br />

W. F. Edgar. . . . . . . . assistant surgeon. . .<br />

J. A. Dix, R. M. Blatchford, and G. Opdyke.<br />

35<br />

17 004<br />

16<br />

7<br />

142<br />

182<br />

771<br />

201<br />

372<br />

49<br />

550<br />

27 520<br />

97<br />

249<br />

277'215<br />

17 1l 0<br />

187<br />

1<br />

3, 983<br />

953<br />

83<br />

5<br />

303<br />

6)616<br />

578<br />

4<br />

162<br />

8, 432<br />

163<br />

9, 397<br />

88<br />

698<br />

3)520<br />

89<br />

805, 000<br />

08<br />

67<br />

80<br />

00<br />

46<br />

26<br />

85<br />

38<br />

13<br />

63<br />

90<br />

14<br />

50<br />

96<br />

86<br />

24<br />

18<br />

50<br />

39<br />

54<br />

75<br />

00<br />

40<br />

09<br />

80<br />

25<br />

75<br />

86<br />

50<br />

28<br />

00<br />

33<br />

93<br />

97<br />

00<br />

4, 943, 830 02<br />

873, 648 28<br />

$4, 070, 181 74<br />

To T. P. Andrews<br />

E. Van Ness .<br />

B. Alvord<br />

J. H. Ringgold.<br />

T. M. Winston<br />

H. Leonard<br />

R. B. Reynolds<br />

L. J. Beall<br />

B. W. Brice,<br />

T. J. Leslic<br />

C. H. Fry.<br />

Eorage.<br />

. . . . . . . . . . deputy paymaster<br />

. . . . paymaster.<br />

. do.<br />

. do.<br />

do.<br />

. do.<br />

. do.<br />

do.<br />

do.<br />

. . . . do.<br />

general . . 15, 400 00<br />

7, 500 OO<br />

4, 800 OO<br />

2& 600 OO<br />

4, 300 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

2, 698 53<br />

5, 600 00<br />

8, 9OO 00<br />

12&624 26<br />

5, 140 OO<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . . . $68, 062 78



291<br />

1860-'61.<br />

To H. HrH.<br />


Brought forward.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

paymaster.<br />

, B. Began ~ ---..... do.<br />

D. Hunter. . do.<br />

G. C. Hatter . . . . . do.<br />

S. Maclin. do.<br />

J. Longstreet . .. ... . . do.<br />

R. H. Chilton . do.<br />

N. W. Brown. . . .. . do.<br />

R. B. Marcy . do.<br />

F. E. Hunt. . .. . . . . do.<br />

D. McClure. do.<br />

C. Woods. do.<br />

F. A. Cunningham . do.<br />

T. G. Rhett .. . .. . . .... . do.<br />

H. Prince. do.<br />

A. J. Smith do.<br />

G. L. Febiger . .. . . . do.<br />

B. Cameron. . . . . ... . do<br />

T. S. Jesup, deceased, late . . quartermaster general<br />

N. S. Clark, deceased, late. brigadier general<br />

A, B. Lansing, late. assistant quartermaster. J. W. Steiner, late. . assistant surgeon. A. . Buford ... . . .. . captain. . . .... . .. . .. . P. Calhoun, late. . do<br />

H. L. Pearce. ... . . .. lieutenant<br />

W. H. Emory, late. ... do.<br />

O. Chapman, deceased, late .. . . ... .. do.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By T. P. Andrews. . .. . . deputy paymaster general<br />

H. Prince paymaster<br />

G. H. Ringgold. . .. . . . . do . R. H. Chilton. do. ..<br />

C. H. Fry . do. ..<br />

S. Maclin . do.<br />

A. W. Gsines, late. . . do. ..<br />

J. H. Lendrum .. . ... . . ... . captain. ..<br />

900 00<br />

2, 253 36<br />

4)174 67<br />

184 00<br />

3, 625 G7<br />

1, 305 87<br />

3, 584. 71<br />

42 66<br />

68, 062 78<br />

10, 100 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

7, 800 00<br />

907 73<br />

4, 700 00<br />

3, 100 00<br />

872 00<br />

3, 800 00<br />

4&000 00<br />

800 00<br />

4, 500 00<br />

2, 300 00<br />

400 00<br />

800 00<br />

700 00<br />

1& 318 G6<br />

4, 000 00<br />

800 00<br />

8 00<br />

421 60<br />

16 26<br />

124 26<br />

27 73<br />

2 13<br />

16 00<br />

48 00<br />

19 20<br />

121, 144 35<br />

16& 070 94<br />

8115, 073 41<br />

Ctotht'ng.<br />

To C. Thomas. . .. assistant quartermaster general. . ... . .<br />

D. D. Tompkins. . .. . dn.<br />

A. C. Myers . . . . . ... . assistant quartermaster. .<br />

J. H. Dickerson, . do<br />

J'. B. Collins .. . acting assistant quartermaster<br />

L. L, Ls, ngdon . . do.<br />

C. G. Sawtelle. . .. lieutenant. . .<br />

J. S. Marmaduke . . . do.<br />

M. Miles, deceased, late. . . .. . . .. private. . .. .. . . . From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By T. P. Andrews. . . -. . . . deputy paymaster<br />

E. Van Ness. . do.<br />

general<br />

90 84<br />

121 64<br />

1) 112, 000 00<br />

31&382 50<br />

30 00<br />

4G, 100 00<br />

47 50<br />

5 00<br />

937 02<br />

3 87<br />

8 35<br />

1, 190, 514 24<br />

Carried forward. $212 48 1, 190, 514 24


1860-'6l.<br />


Brought forward<br />

By T. Swords .... . . . . deputy quartermaster general .<br />

G. H. Crosman . do<br />

E. F. Hunt .. .. .. ... . paymaster<br />

J. Longstreet. do. H. Leonard (10.. D. McClure do.<br />

G. H. Ringgold. do<br />

B. W. Brice do. . .. G. C. Hutter do.<br />

H. Hill. . do. . L. J. Beall do<br />

D. Hunter do. .<br />

A. W. Gaines, late. . ... . . do.<br />

It. B. Marcy. do. .<br />

R. H. Chilton . do.<br />

T. J. Leslie do. ..<br />

R. B. Reynolds .. . . ..„. do.<br />

C. H. Fry . do. ..<br />

S. Maclin ~ &10.<br />

F. A. Cunningham. . . . .. . . do. .<br />

A. B. Began. do.<br />

H. Prince . do. B. Alvord do. . . .. .. .<br />

T. M. Winston do.<br />

A. J. Smith . do<br />

W. H. Van Bokkelen .. .. .. assistant quartermaster<br />

M. S. Miller do. . . R. W. Kirkham. . . .. ... . . do. ... ... .<br />

T. E. Miller. . . . .. . acting assistant quartermaster .<br />

Z. R. Bliss. do. L. W. O'Barmen . . .. do. . .. . .. .<br />

J. S. Marmaduke. . . . . . .. . do.<br />

J. J. Dana. do<br />

H. B. Schroeder .. . .. do<br />

W. B. Hazen, late. .. .. .. .... . do. ... . . ..<br />

G. Stoneman. ... . .. . . .. . captain<br />

J. H. Lendrum do. . . P. Calhoun, deceased, late . .. do. .<br />

J. C. Pemberton, late. . . ... do. ...<br />

T. C. Sullivan . .. .. . . lieutenant .. .. . P. T. Swain do.<br />

L. L. Rich . do. .<br />

J. R. Cook do<br />

D. D. Clark, deceased, late. .. . .. do. . A. F. Bond. . do. . .. . . .<br />

212 48<br />

220 02<br />

1 88<br />

7, 437 97<br />

2, 968 03<br />

330 92<br />

728 48<br />

1, 232 56<br />

I& 322 61<br />

263 03<br />

629 86<br />

192 92<br />

986 24<br />

3, 106 92<br />

356 87<br />

1, 136 72<br />

28 17<br />

315 36<br />

10, 278 95<br />

163 03<br />

1, 530 33<br />

2, 021 45<br />

10, 899 43<br />

2, 276 37<br />

63 54<br />

710 95<br />

86 15<br />

237 22<br />

110 12<br />

50 00<br />

190 00<br />

77 93<br />

3 87<br />

2 10<br />

189 46<br />

118 75<br />

3 92<br />

4 48<br />

58<br />

13 98<br />

73 67<br />

15 83<br />

50 82<br />

66 36<br />

I 78<br />

691 60<br />

1, 190, 514 24<br />

51, 403 71<br />

1, 139, 110 68<br />

To T. P. Andrews,<br />

E. Van Ness<br />

B. Alvord.<br />

G. H. Ringgold<br />

T. M. Winst(. n<br />

H. Leonard<br />

R. B. Reynolds .<br />

L. J. Beall.<br />

B. W. Brice.<br />

Payment in lieu of clothing for ogcers' servants.<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . deputy<br />

paymaster general ..<br />

. do.<br />

paymaster<br />

do<br />

do.<br />

do.<br />

do.<br />

do.<br />

do.<br />

Carried forward . &<br />

I,<br />

5, 600 00<br />

2, 600 09<br />

1, 200 00<br />

292 62<br />

1, 200 09<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 118 99<br />

1, 787 50<br />

1, 100 00<br />

$16, 894 11



293<br />

1860-'61,<br />

To T. J. Leslie<br />


C. H. Fry. . . do<br />

H. Hill. do.<br />

A. B. Ragan . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

D. Hunter. . . . . . . do.<br />

D. McClure . . . do.<br />

R. B. Marcy . do<br />

R. H. Chilton . . . do.<br />

G. C. Hutter . do.<br />

S. Maclin . . . . do.<br />

J. Longstreet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

N. W. Brown . . do.<br />

T. E. Hunt . do.<br />

S. Woods do.<br />

F. A. Cunningham. . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

T. G. Rhett . . do.<br />

A. B. Ragan do.<br />

H. Prince. . d0.<br />

A. J, Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

C. H. Fry. . do.<br />

G. L, Febiger . do.<br />

B. Cameron . . . . do.<br />

Brought forward<br />

paymaster<br />

T. S. Jesup. . . . . . quartermaster general. . .<br />

N. S. Clark, late . . . . . . brigadier general<br />

A. B. Lansing, late. . . . . . . . . assistant quartermaster. . . .<br />

R. H. Arthur, late . . . . . . . . . . . . . . captain. . . . . . . . .<br />

P. Calhoun, late. . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. M, Steincr, late . . . . . . . assistant, surgeon.<br />

A. Buford, late. . . . . . captian<br />

W. K. Lear, late . . . . , . . . lieutenant . . . . .<br />

G. Chapman, late . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

D. D. Clark, late . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

H. L. Pearce . do.<br />

W. H. Emory, late. . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By T. P. Andrews. ....... . deputy paymaster general<br />

H. Prince . . paymaster.<br />

C. H. Fry . do. S. Maclin. . .. do. A. W. Gaines, deceased, late . . . . . do. . .. .... .<br />

300 00<br />

497 16<br />

210 04<br />

170 26<br />

4, 566 86<br />

16, 894 11<br />

4, 944 65<br />

700 00<br />

3, 300 00<br />

200 00<br />

2, 200 00<br />

900 00<br />

11002 91<br />

471 59<br />

400 00<br />

1, 300 00<br />

900 00<br />

800 00<br />

1, 192 56<br />

700 00<br />

100 00<br />

200 00<br />

300 00<br />

500 00<br />

312 08<br />

I, 220 38<br />

1, 000 00<br />

200 00<br />

2 50<br />

131 75<br />

5 08<br />

91<br />

33<br />

38 83<br />

4 39<br />

3 75<br />

3 00<br />

2 66<br />

2 50<br />

10 00<br />

39, 943 92<br />

5, 744 32<br />

$34, 199 60<br />

To T. Swords, deputy quartermaster<br />

Purchase of horses for dragoons.<br />

general<br />

M. M, MiHer, quartermaster<br />

S. Van Vliet, quartermaster<br />

J. H. Diclterson, quartermaster<br />

J. P. Hollidsy, acting assistant quartermaster<br />

R. H. Oiliey, acting assistant quartermaster<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repaymeuts:<br />

By T. Swords, deputy quartermaster general<br />

G. H. Crosman, deputy quartermaster general. . . .<br />

W. E. Van Bokkelcn, assistant quartermaster.<br />

79, 988 84<br />

1, 620 00<br />

11825 30<br />

70, 000 00<br />

15, 000 00<br />

63, 600 00<br />

57, 800 00<br />

157, 385 00<br />

23, 000 00<br />

386, 785 00<br />

Carri:d forward. . . . . . . . . . . $83, 434 14 386, 785 00

294<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

By E. D. Phillips, acting assistant quartermaster . .. .<br />

L. Looser, lieutenant<br />

83, 434 14<br />

1, 000 00<br />

4, 630 21<br />

386, 785 00<br />

89, 064 35<br />

9297, 720 65<br />

Expenses of recruiting.<br />

To T. P. Andrews . .. deputy paymaster general. C. 'I'bomas. . .. .. . .. assistant quartermaster general G. Wright. . colonel. .. . .. . . . .<br />

W. B. Franklin . do<br />

J. V. Bomford. .... .. . brevet lieutenant colonel. .. C. F. Smith. . do.<br />

T. J. Leslie . paymaster. . E. D. Townsend .. .. . . acting adjutant general.<br />

T. H. Holmes . major. . . . ... . L. P. Graham . . do.<br />

L. W. Sherman. . . .. . brevet major. . . L. Smith. . do.<br />

G. R. Paul . do.<br />

C. S. Lovell. . captain.<br />

W. S. Ketchum. . . . . do<br />

A. G. Brackett. do.<br />

James Oaks. . . . .. . .. . do.<br />

E. K. Smith do.<br />

N. J. Evans do.<br />

J. H. King. do.<br />

W. E. Prince. do.<br />

G. W. Wallace. do.<br />

D. Huston, jr . do<br />

J. A. Grove do.<br />

R. H. Anderson. ... .. . .. . do.<br />

C. C. Gilbert . do.<br />

G. 16cLane. do.<br />

G. E. Pickett . do<br />

R. W. Foot do.<br />

J. Totten do.<br />

T. Fink do.<br />

H. W. Wassell do<br />

W. Clinton do.<br />

J. C. Robinson. . do<br />

C. D. Jordan. do.<br />

J. W. Caldwell. .. . . do.<br />

R. H. Riddick. . . . lieutenant.<br />

G. L. Wiliard . do.<br />

M. A. Reno. . do.<br />

W. D. Pender. do.<br />

R Johnson<br />

. do.<br />

T. W. Walker. do.<br />

C. E. Bennett do.<br />

L Bissell.<br />

do.<br />

H. C. Hodges . . do.<br />

Chambers .<br />

do<br />

W. P. Carlin. . do.<br />

F. Wheaton . do.<br />

J S. Conrad. . . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

A. K. XtcLemore. . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

C. B. Watson . . . . . . do.<br />

J. B. Collins . . . . . . . . do.<br />

Carried forward. . . . .<br />

15 00<br />

75 25<br />

1, 5OO OO<br />

1, 000 00<br />

300 00<br />

100 00<br />

12 00<br />

400 00<br />

560 00<br />

900 00<br />

200 00<br />

300 00<br />

500 00<br />

200 00<br />

200 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

100 00<br />

100 00<br />

500 00<br />

200 00<br />

300 00<br />

100 00<br />

400 00<br />

500 00<br />

100 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

500 00<br />

100 00<br />

150 00<br />

200 00<br />

3)200 OD<br />

150 00<br />

2, 230 00<br />

17 000 00<br />

300 00<br />

200 00<br />

300 00<br />

500 00<br />

500 OO<br />

600 00<br />

200 00<br />

500 OO<br />

1, 000 00<br />

500 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

1, 0OO 00<br />

4, 700 00<br />

3, 57O OD<br />

400 00<br />

200 DO<br />

ooo oo<br />

3OO 00<br />

936, 362 25



295<br />

1860-' 61.<br />


Brought forward. . .<br />

To H. B Davidson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lieutenan<br />

J. R. Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. A. Thompson. . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

W. H. Wood . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

E. D. Blake . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

T. M. Jones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. P. Jones . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

S. S. Carroll . do.<br />

F. S. Armistead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

J. F. Minter . . . . . . . do.<br />

E. C. Jones. . . . . . . . . do.<br />

W. Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. D. Wilkius . . . do.<br />

A. B. Carey . do.<br />

J. McRca . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. D. 0. Connell. . . . . . . . . do.<br />

E. G. Marshall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

M. Cogswell. . . . . . do<br />

H. C. Bankhead. . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

T. J. C. Amory. . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

W. W. Low . do<br />

D. Bell . do.<br />

C. H. Ogle. . . . . . . . do<br />

G. B. Anderson. . . . . . . . . do<br />

A. V. Collum do.<br />

H. M. Enos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. L, Corley. . do.<br />

S. P. Higgins. . do.<br />

E. Tracy. do.<br />

G. D. Buggies. . do.<br />

J, 0. Long . . do.<br />

J. B. Green do.<br />

N, A. M. Dudley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

C. J. Wnlker . do.<br />

J. Mullius . do.<br />

B. H. Robertson. . . . . . . do .<br />

T. C. Sullivan . . . . do. . . . . .<br />

J. 1V. Ba, rringer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. J. Chnndler . do.<br />

N. B. Swcitzer . do.<br />

J. C. Duane do<br />

T. L. Casey . do.<br />

R. C. Duryea . do<br />

R. P. Eagle . do.<br />

E. Dillon . do.<br />

B F. Smith<br />

do<br />

A. B. Hnrdcastle. . . . . . . . . do.<br />

R. B. Ayers . . . . do.<br />

A. . B. Chnpman do. .<br />

R. Jones. . do.<br />

T. J. Haines. do<br />

N. J. Hall. do<br />

J. Merrill . do.<br />

L. H. Pelouze do<br />

A. S. Webb do.<br />

A. L. Anderson .. . . do.<br />

F. C. Armstrong. .. . .. do.<br />

W R. Tyrell. . . . do<br />

J. 51. Wilson ~ - -- do.<br />

C. H. Pierce . do.<br />

R. F. Icrauk . do.<br />

36, 362 25<br />

2, 100 00<br />

300 00<br />

500 00<br />

750 00<br />

800 00<br />

500 00<br />

360 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

500 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

5&130 00<br />

800 00<br />

1, 040 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

260 00<br />

5, 940 00<br />

4, 850 00<br />

4, 300 00<br />

3, 400 00<br />

6, 200 00<br />

1, 800 00<br />

2, 830 00<br />

3, 600 00<br />

6, 569 65<br />

1, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

500 00<br />

400 00<br />

200 00<br />

300 00<br />

300 00<br />

300 00<br />

31 00<br />

850 00<br />

150 00<br />

800 00<br />

800 00<br />

400 00<br />

1, 200 00<br />

2, 900 00<br />

400 00<br />

250 00<br />

450 00<br />

3, 400 00<br />

150 00<br />

250 00<br />

150 00<br />

200 00<br />

800 00<br />

100 00<br />

100 00<br />

200 00<br />

500 00<br />

500 00<br />

150 00<br />

363 00<br />

500 00<br />

100 00<br />

400 00<br />

I& 200 00<br />

300 00<br />

Carried forward $112&425 90

ZrJ6<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward.<br />

To J. H. Bowie .. ... .. . .. . lieutenant. J. B. I'orter . . surgeon .. . .. . .. . .. ..<br />

E. Butler<br />

112, 425 90<br />

4 00<br />

66 25<br />

23 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By E. Van Ness. .. . deputy paymaster general. .<br />

R. H. Chilton .. . paymaster. T. H. Holmes . . . . . .. . . major. . G. McLane . captain . .... W. T. Magruder. . .. . lieutenant ..<br />

S. P. Higgins, late. . . do. R, C. Duryea. . .. ... do .. .<br />

T. C. Sullivan . do.<br />

A. S. Webb. do<br />

J. Mullins. do. .. .<br />

W. D Pender. . do. . .<br />

J. W. Barringer . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. . . . . . . . . .<br />

28 00<br />

80 76<br />

260 00<br />

500 00<br />

30 00<br />

400 00<br />

300 00<br />

86 45<br />

150 00<br />

150 00<br />

400 00<br />

100 00<br />

112, 519 15<br />

2, 485 21<br />

$110, 033 94<br />

Raising four additional regiments.<br />

To T. Swords. . . . . deputy quartermaster general.<br />

P. T. Swain . lieutenant. . .. .. S. P. Higgins, dec'd, late acting assistant, quartermaster. . . ...... .<br />

90, 934 39<br />

7, 335 01<br />

3 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By A. W. Gaines, deceased, late . . paymaster. . .<br />

T. J. I eslie. . do.<br />

M. S. Miller. . . .. . assistant quartermaster<br />

B. Wetherall. ...... . acting assistant quartermaster<br />

J. H. Forney do.<br />

F. A. Washington . do. ..<br />

J. B. S. Alexander. .. do.<br />

N. A, M. Dudley. . . ..... .. . . lieutenant. . ... 6, 293 26<br />

7 35<br />

7 00<br />

18 00<br />

li 00<br />

62 50<br />

2 80<br />

31 00<br />

98& 272 40<br />

6, 432 91<br />

$91& 839 49<br />

Quartermaster's<br />

department.<br />

To C. Thomas. . assistant quartermaster general. .<br />

D. D. Tompkins . . . do.<br />

Thomas Swords. ... . . deputy quartermaster general ..<br />

G. H. Crosman do. .<br />

D. H. Vinton. . quartermaster. .<br />

E. B. Babbitt. . . . . .. . . do.<br />

M. M. Clark . do<br />

, M. S. Miller .. .. . . assistant quartermaster<br />

A. C. Myers do.<br />

S. Van Vliet. . . . .. . do.<br />

J. L Donaldson . . . do.<br />

A. Montgomery. .. ... ... do<br />

P. T. Turnley . do.<br />

W. L. Cabell . do.<br />

98, 308 29<br />

18, 898 00<br />

318, 864 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

192, 050 00<br />

248, 162 00<br />

5, 298 00<br />

58, 750 00<br />

21, 980 50<br />

42, 816 00<br />

365, 575 00<br />

35, 365 00<br />

9, 317 00<br />

52, 705 00<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . . . $1, 478& 088 79

1860-'61.<br />

To J. McKinstry.<br />

L. C. Easton<br />



. . . . . . . . . assistant quartermaster<br />

H. C. Ransom do.<br />

J. G. Martin. do.<br />

R. E. Glary .. . . ... . do.<br />

J. Belger do.<br />

W. W. Chapman, deceased. . .. .. . . do<br />

D H, Rucker<br />

Brought forward<br />

do<br />

. do.<br />

J. H. Dickerson. . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

Thomas S. Jesup, deceased, late quartermaster general.<br />

R O. Tyler. . . .. . . .... . assistant quartermaster. . .. ..<br />

O. H. Tillinghast. . .. . .. . do.<br />

R. Saxton. do.<br />

G. Talmadge. . . .. . do.<br />

S. Crispin. .. .. . acting assistant quartermaster. ......<br />

J. E. Powell. . . do.<br />

E Ingraham .. . .. . . . . do.<br />

G. T. Balch. . . . do.<br />

S. S. Carroll. . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. P. Holliday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

C. H. Webber . . do.<br />

J. H. Gillman. . (10.<br />

J. D. Wilkins . . . . . . . do<br />

C. B. Watson . do.<br />

T. G. Treadwell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. Thompson do.<br />

J. L. Reno. . . do.<br />

G. R. Paul. . . . do.<br />

J. B. Witherell . . . . do.<br />

. . . do.<br />

jr. S. Breck,<br />

J. P. Hawkins. do.<br />

W F. Lee.<br />

do.<br />

G. W. Holt. . do<br />

J. S. Sauuders. . . . do.<br />

J. W. Robinson, late. . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. P. Roy do.<br />

G. F, Hartsutf . do.<br />

J. M. Itobcrtson. . . . . . do.<br />

M. M. Blunt . . . . . do.<br />

Z R. Bliss. . . . . . . clo.<br />

W. J. Robinson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

N. J. Hall. . do.<br />

J, D. Bingham . do.<br />

T. Edson. . . . . . do<br />

J. Flynn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. Oaks. . . do.<br />

F. A, Washington. . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

A. Iverson. . . . . . do.<br />

J. Tipton. do.<br />

E D. Phillips. . (10.<br />

A. . L. Long. . . do.<br />

L. O. Morris do.<br />

J. Drysdale. do.<br />

R. Jones. do.<br />

J. B. Mclntyre . do.<br />

L. Bea, ll. do<br />

A. B(ckwith (lo.<br />

J. C. Tidball. . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

H. Benson. . do.<br />

J. A. De Lagncll . . . . . . cio<br />

J. J. Dana do.<br />

1, 478&088 79<br />

9?, 807 00<br />

1, 680 00<br />

11, 126 00<br />

11, 550 00<br />

71, 674 18<br />

6. 500 00<br />

6, 062 51<br />

40, 500 00<br />

29& 200 00<br />

2 25<br />

6& 000 00<br />

15&500 00<br />

5, 242 00<br />

4, 741 00<br />

?20 00<br />

39&313 00<br />

6, 111 00<br />

1, 765 00<br />

3, 401 00<br />

14, 600 56<br />

1, 773 00<br />

1, 024 00<br />

3, 718 00<br />

8, 569 00<br />

I, 115 00<br />

1, 300 00<br />

320 00<br />

91 00<br />

11, 575 85<br />

515 00<br />

308 00<br />

3. 283 00<br />

668 60<br />

550 00<br />

229 31<br />

5, 000 00<br />

1, 313 00<br />

574 QQ<br />

268 OQ<br />

192 38<br />

2, 09G 00<br />

1& 285 00<br />

5, 549 00<br />

592 00<br />

61 49<br />

582 70<br />

287 66<br />

GOO 00<br />

2, 116 78<br />

5, 815 09<br />

741 00<br />

143 61<br />

15, 185 75<br />

125 00<br />

550 00<br />

(62 00<br />

12, 760 00<br />

1, 215 00<br />

300 00<br />

355 00<br />

60<br />

Carrie(l forward. . . . . . $1, 945, 095 11

298<br />

1860 —'61.<br />

To G, Weitzel . .<br />




Brought forward. . .<br />

acting assistant quartermaster.<br />

C. A. Reynolds do.<br />

W. E. Burnett. . .. ...... . do.<br />

H. C. Ransom. do.<br />

G. C. Strong. . . . .. . .. .. do.<br />

W. F. Edgar. . do.<br />

C. L Eillburn. . . ... . do. .<br />

A. T. Torbert. do.<br />

W. Craig. . do.<br />

J. C. Davis . . . . do.<br />

T. J. C. Amory do.<br />

A. Chambers. . . . . do.<br />

J. R. Waddy. . . do.<br />

J. McL. Taylor, . .. . regimental quartermaster.<br />

S. D. Lee. . do.<br />

L. H. Marshall. do.<br />

W. McE. Dye do.<br />

J. P. Hawkins. do<br />

R. Fatherly. . .. military storekeeper<br />

F. C. Humphries. . do.<br />

J. M. Gait. . . .. . . . do.<br />

G. B. Baldwin. do.<br />

L. Leonard. . . . . do<br />

J. S. Abeel. .. .. do<br />

L. Taliaferro. . .. . . . do.<br />

N. S. Clark, deceased, late brigadier general<br />

G. Loomis. . colonel<br />

A. Porter. . .. .. . . lieutenant colonel.<br />

S. Eastman. . . major.<br />

H. C. Wayne. brevet major<br />

S. P. Moore, . ... . surgeon.<br />

J. M. Brannon. . . .. . ... . captain.<br />

H. Beth . . do.<br />

J. Totten. do.<br />

F. F. Flint. . . do.<br />

J. C. Pemberton. . . ... . do.<br />

T. J. Pitcher do<br />

J. L. 'l'idball. . do<br />

J. W O'Bannon .. .. lieutenant .. . ..<br />

L. L' aiser. . .. . .. do.<br />

J. R. Cook . .. do<br />

J. S. Marmaduke. . do.<br />

W. B. Hazen . do.<br />

J. N. Moore . (io.<br />

J. M. Saunders do.<br />

J. P. Gordon, deceased, late . do.<br />

W. Alexander . . ordnance sergeant.<br />

M. W. Smith. . . . . . . do<br />

E. Powell . . . . do<br />

A. Ambrecht . do.<br />

H. Douglass . do.<br />

. . do<br />

W. P. Martin . do.<br />

Bur<br />

art<br />

F. Darkingkeller J. Davidson. . . . .. . . .. do.<br />

L. Walker do.<br />

E. Shaler. . . .. . . agent quartermaster's department. . .<br />

W. Thompson<br />

U. V. Tyler'<br />

E. Gale, deceased<br />

W. Musgrave, deceased.<br />

Carried for ward.<br />

1 945, 095 Ii<br />

71 00<br />

274 00<br />

482 00<br />

325 00<br />

40 00<br />

85 97<br />

2, 900 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1, 892 42<br />

2& 000 00<br />

800 00<br />

500 00<br />

500 00<br />

4& 450 00<br />

2& 783 00<br />

29, 760 00<br />

5, 929 81<br />

1&242 00<br />

140 00<br />

50 00<br />

200 00<br />

350 00<br />

655 25<br />

86 00<br />

1, 600 00<br />

77 12<br />

555 00<br />

40 00<br />

250 00<br />

3& 690 29<br />

10 72<br />

184 60<br />

4 00<br />

1& 064 00<br />

608 57<br />

3<br />

1, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

8, 890 67<br />

3, 233 45<br />

8, 888 74<br />

3 87<br />

1& 629 06<br />

4, 910 29<br />

500 00<br />

64 00<br />

35 50<br />

250 00<br />

78 00<br />

50 00<br />

30 00<br />

45 00<br />

25 00<br />

26 00<br />

70 00<br />

37 00<br />

200 00<br />

87 50<br />

120 33<br />

1, 978 33<br />

22 00<br />

g2, 040& 870 63



299<br />

1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By C. Thomas . . . assistant quartermaster general<br />

D. D. Tompkins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

G. H. Crosman deputy quartermaster general<br />

M. M Clark. . . . . quartermaster.<br />

E. E. McLcan, . . . . . . . . . . assistant quartermaster .<br />

W. K. Van Bokkelen. . . . . . . . . do.<br />

D. H. Rucker . . do.<br />

M. S. Miller. .. .. . do. .<br />

W. L. Cabell . do. J. G Martin. , .. .. . do. .<br />

R W. Kirkham. .. . . ... . do.<br />

F. . B. Babbitt. . .. . . do.<br />

Thomas Jordan. . .. do. P. T, Turnley ... .. .... . do. . .. ... ..<br />

A. C. Myers, late. . . .. do.<br />

J. V, DuBois acting assistant quartermaster<br />

G. Tal madge. . . . do.<br />

J, T, Greble do. P. W. L Plympton. .. . .. . . do. . .... . .<br />

W. H. Jenifer . .. .. do.<br />

J. R. Church. do<br />

P. Stockton. ... . . do<br />

R. S. C. Lord . do.<br />

A, Baird. .... .,... . do<br />

T. E. Miller. do. . J. B. Collins. . . . .. .. . ... do. .... ...<br />

W. H. Wood. .. do. .<br />

R. N. Scott. do.<br />

E. W. H. Read. . .. . . do. .<br />

YV. P. Carlin.<br />

. do<br />

L. L. Langdon. . ... . . . . do. .<br />

J. Gorgas. . do. D. R. Ransoru. . . . . do. .. ..<br />

J. H. Hill . do.<br />

M. M. Blunt. clo<br />

R. H. Riddick do.<br />

J. S Marmaduke. . . . do. S. M. Cooper . do. ..... .. .<br />

G. W, Holt. do.<br />

N. H. McLean. do<br />

J. E. Powell do.<br />

W. Butler do. . -. - ~ .<br />

J. B. S. Alexander . . . . . do.<br />

E. L. Hertz. do. . . .<br />

H. B, Lyon<br />

S. P. Higgins, dec'd, late acting assistant quartermaster<br />

D. D. Clark, deceased . .. . . do.<br />

D. S. Lee. . . regimental quartermaster<br />

R. Fatherly. ... .. .. . military storekeeper.<br />

H. Brown colonel<br />

Fitz John Porter. . . . brevet major. .<br />

J. S. Simonson. . . do. ..<br />

G. Stoneman .. . captain ..<br />

R. H. Anderson. .. . . do<br />

P. T. Swain. . .. ... .. . lieutenant.<br />

L. L. Rich . do.<br />

W. P. Sanders. . do.<br />

D. B. IdcKibben .. . . .. . . do<br />

C. G. Sawtelle . do.<br />

Carried forward . .. --<br />

4, 900 00<br />

347 50<br />

65, 450 65<br />

90 66<br />

19 96<br />

19, 417 72<br />

75 55<br />

907 77<br />

162 75<br />

6 25<br />

74 85<br />

37 50<br />

30 00<br />

692 03<br />

6&644 05<br />

17 25<br />

2, 195 95<br />

1, 251 80<br />

50 00<br />

1 65<br />

9 80<br />

9 60<br />

560 67<br />

56 32<br />

998 78<br />

690 94<br />

777 67<br />

85 75<br />

333 33<br />

1, 061 67<br />

7, 384 22<br />

85 88<br />

408 24<br />

782 30<br />

5 00<br />

661 70<br />

1, 370 29<br />

135 81<br />

1 25<br />

970 71<br />

36 70<br />

463 82<br />

51577 78<br />

4 00<br />

26 00<br />

171699 77<br />

98 04<br />

1, 017 00<br />

133 00<br />

6 20<br />

58 63<br />

17 10<br />

2 50<br />

87<br />

25, 097 83<br />

7&085 00<br />

12 96<br />

22 00<br />

13& 368 58<br />

$189&491 60<br />

2, 040) 870 63<br />

2&040, 870 63

'<br />

.<br />

300<br />



18GO-'61.<br />


By H. Randall, late.<br />

Brought forward<br />

... . .. . lieutenant<br />

0. Chapman do. ..<br />

R. Lodor do. . T. J. Berry . do.<br />

Q. A. Eensell . do.<br />

W. Craig . (io. C. B. Watson. do. .<br />

J. P. Roy do.<br />

H. 'S. Putnam. . do. .. G. Chapin do. . ... -..<br />

J. B. Hood do. .<br />

J. S. Mason. &io. - ~ ---- ~<br />

S. W. Ferguson, late. . .. . do. .... ..<br />

J. A. Washington. . .. ... .... do. T. C. Sullivan . do. J. T. Shaaif do. J. L. K. Smith. . .. . .. . do. .. ..<br />

J. K. McCall. . ... .. acting commissary of subsistence<br />

J. 0. Long. . do.<br />

R. B. Lee ... ... ... ..... . orderly sergeant. .<br />

R. B. Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . agent. .<br />

189, 491 60 2, 040, 870 63<br />

54 75<br />

53 97<br />

79 86<br />

329 85<br />

2, 661 51<br />

14, 954 86<br />

1 75<br />

38 50<br />

227 90<br />

738 79<br />

4&963 78<br />

389 77<br />

15 65<br />

4 OO<br />

126 08<br />

29 50<br />

759 90<br />

9 00<br />

7 28<br />

68 59<br />

1, 642 09<br />

216& 643 93<br />

62, 824, 226 70<br />

Incidental expenses of the quartermaster'6<br />

department.<br />

To C. Thomas. . .. assistant quartermaster general.<br />

D. D. Tompkins. .. .. . do<br />

T. Swords .. . .. ... . deputy quartermaster general .<br />

G. H. Crosman. do.<br />

D. H. Vinton. ...... . .. . . quartermaster .... .. .. .... M. M. Clark . . do.<br />

E. B. Babbitt do.<br />

S. Van Vliet. . .. . .. assistant quartermaster .<br />

J. L. Donaldson .. .. do.<br />

Justus McEinstry .. . ..<br />

. .. .. do<br />

J . G. Martin<br />

. do<br />

W. L. Cabell. do.<br />

A. Montgomery .. . .. . ..... .... do.<br />

A. C, lmyers. do.<br />

M. S. Miller .. do. .<br />

L. C. Easton . do.<br />

R. E. Clary . do. .<br />

D. H. Rucker . . do<br />

J. Belger do<br />

P. T. Turnley do.<br />

J. H. Dickerson . ...... .. .... . do.<br />

E. Sbaler . . . do<br />

W. W. Chapman. . . do<br />

H. C. Ransom . do.<br />

0. H. Tillinghast ... ... . .... do.<br />

R. 0, Tvler . ... do.<br />

R. Sexton . . . . . do.<br />

S, S. Carroll . . ... . acting assistant quartermaster. .. . J. Y. Holliday do.<br />

C. H. Webber . . do.<br />

J. Thompson .. . do.<br />

G. Talmadge. . . . do.<br />

P. W. L. Plympton ... . . . . . . . . do.<br />

Carried forward<br />

45, 700 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

84&890 00<br />

9, 850 00<br />

64&900 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

125, 705 00<br />

11, 450 00<br />

S2, 758 00<br />

3, 688 00<br />

1 42&i 00<br />

4, 820 00<br />

2S, 606 00<br />

5. &079 10<br />

21, 500 00<br />

214 00<br />

27, 100 00<br />

80, 670 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

46, 000 00<br />

234 00<br />

1& 320 96<br />

200 00<br />

4, 500 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

700 00<br />

850 00<br />

3, 054 00<br />

'870 00<br />

115 00<br />

17& 160 80<br />

50 00<br />

8689, 508 66



301<br />

1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

To G. R, Paul .... .. . . acting assistant quartermaster. ..<br />

R. S. C. Lord . do.<br />

J. H. Gilman ... . ...... . do.<br />

C. B. Watson do.<br />

J. D. Bingham. .. do<br />

J. P. Roy . . . do.<br />

J. P. Bawkins. . . do.<br />

W. F. Lee. . . .. . . . do.<br />

A. Baird do.<br />

J. E. Powell . do.<br />

E. Ingraham . do.<br />

J. B. Collins. do.<br />

W. H. Wood, late. . .... .... .. . do.<br />

N. J. Hall do.<br />

J. D. Wilkins . . ... . . . . do.<br />

G. L' HartsuQ'. do. .<br />

M, M. Blunt. do.<br />

L. L. Langdon. do.<br />

J. Gorgas . do.<br />

D. R. Ransom . do.<br />

H. A. Smalley. do.<br />

S. P. Higgins, deceased. . . ... . do.<br />

J. H. Hill do.<br />

W. P. Cs, rlin . do.<br />

T. A. Washington .. ... .. . do.<br />

E, D. Phillips . do<br />

J. S. Marmaduke .. .. . . do.<br />

A. L. Long . .. . . do.<br />

L. 0. Morris do<br />

J. Drysdale do.<br />

G. W, Holt. do.<br />

N. H. McLean. do.<br />

J. B. McIntyre. do.<br />

L. Beall. . . . do.<br />

W, G. Robinson ... . ... . . do.<br />

A. Beckwith. do.<br />

A. Iverson. .. . . do.<br />

H. Benson do.<br />

J. A. DeLagnel. . . ... do.<br />

R, Jones . .. . .. do.<br />

W. Butler . do.<br />

J. B. S. Alexander . . .... . .. do.<br />

G. Weitzel. . . do.<br />

J. L. E. Smith do.<br />

D. D. Clark, deceased .. . do<br />

S. M. Cooper do<br />

A. C. Reynolds do<br />

W. F. Edgar do<br />

C. S. Killburn do<br />

L. J. Beall .... do<br />

A. P. Porter do<br />

T. Edson. do-<br />

J. L. Tidball do-<br />

G. Ball do<br />

J. W. T. Gardiner . .. . do<br />

A. T. Torbert . . do<br />

W. Craig do-<br />

J. C. Daris . do<br />

T. J. C. Amory do<br />

A. C. Gillem rlo<br />

J. R, 1Vaddy -do .<br />

Carried forward. . ..<br />

689, 508 86<br />

35 80<br />

401 15<br />

110 00<br />

1, 470 00<br />

2, 105 00<br />

1, 145 00<br />

1, 279 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

26 75<br />

I& 170 00<br />

733 00<br />

174 37<br />

899 90<br />

575 00<br />

1, 450 00<br />

500 00<br />

330 00<br />

6, 165 04<br />

4 48<br />

3 12<br />

100 00<br />

10, 811 46<br />

782 30<br />

531 38<br />

182 68<br />

91 78<br />

912 61<br />

200 00<br />

50 48<br />

8&283 33<br />

104 50<br />

243 68<br />

2, 875 00<br />

253 00<br />

210 00<br />

61 00<br />

290 00<br />

130 00<br />

23 00<br />

100 00<br />

162 51<br />

3& 572 28<br />

40 00<br />

23 83<br />

1 50<br />

111 90<br />

276 00<br />

4 00<br />

800 00<br />

418 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

1, 300 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

2& 000 00<br />

500 00<br />

1, 850 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

2, 050 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

125 00<br />

8759, 557 69

302<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

To J. McL. Taylor . . regimental quartermaster<br />

D. S. Lee do<br />

W. McE. Dye do<br />

L. H. Marshall . . . . . do<br />

L. Taliaferro . military storekeeper<br />

L. Leonard do<br />

G. L'oomis. . . . . . . . . . . colonel<br />

G. J. Rains . . . lieutenant colonel .<br />

W. K. Van Bokkelen . captain<br />

J. Totten do<br />

J. Pope &10<br />

T. J. Berry lieutenant<br />

W. T. Magruder do<br />

W. B. Hazen . do<br />

R. R. Garland do<br />

P. T. Swain do<br />

J. Hohnes. do<br />

W. P, Sanders . do<br />

C. G. Sawtelle . do<br />

R, Lodor do<br />

J. R. Cook do<br />

G. A. Kensel . do .<br />

W. Craig . do .<br />

J. T. Greble . do<br />

J. B. Hood -&10<br />

J. K. Allen. do<br />

A. F. Bond . . . . . . do<br />

I. N. Moore do .<br />

J. S. Mason . do.<br />

J. M. Saunders. do.<br />

A. Shaler. . . . . agent quartermaster's department. . .<br />

R. B. Thomas. . do.<br />

T. M. Hunt. do.<br />

I. I. Stevens, late . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . governor. . . . . . .<br />

T. B. Irwin<br />

M. . Kanaka<br />

S. W. Crawford<br />

759, 557 69<br />

1, 000 00<br />

3, 545 00<br />

1, 496 22<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1, 100 00<br />

23 35<br />

1, 100 00<br />

1& 266 00<br />

3& 921 92<br />

100 00<br />

591 00<br />

222 00<br />

30 00<br />

2& 118 55<br />

493 25<br />

682 55<br />

26 17<br />

12 96<br />

6, 768 30<br />

230 78<br />

5, 256 92<br />

919 94<br />

908 64<br />

207 84<br />

927 31<br />

6& 039 72<br />

852 82<br />

475 22<br />

124 90<br />

500 00<br />

520 00<br />

602 33<br />

173 77<br />

723 29<br />

51 00<br />

183 87<br />

7 75<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By G. H. Crosman. deputy quartermaster general<br />

R. Allen. . ..... . . .. assistant quartermaster .<br />

J. B. Wetherell. . . acting assistant quartermaster.<br />

D. Bell. . ... do. . . .<br />

T. E. Miller. do. Z R. Bliss. do. L. W. O'Bannon ... . . . . .. . do. J. Oaks. . do. .. ... . J. Tipton do. J. J. Dana . . . . . do . J. W. Robinson, late. .. . do. J. P. Major, late. . . . . do. . .. . . S. D. Lee, late . regimental quartermaster H. C. Wayne . . brevet major. . J. M. Brannon. . . . . captain. . .<br />

F. F. Flint .. . . . ... . .. . do. .... . A. G. Bracket, actiug assistant commissary of subsistence.<br />

L. L, Rich . lieutenant. . L. Loeser. . . . , do. W. H. Jackson. . . ..... ... . do. . .. . .<br />

109& 997 58<br />

660 00<br />

10, 783 60<br />

496 46<br />

28 09<br />

392 32<br />

588 07<br />

582 70<br />

1&171 54<br />

44 30<br />

534 21<br />

57 00<br />

2& 600 00<br />

6& 910 94<br />

16 63<br />

451 82<br />

I 00<br />

425 19<br />

1&456 85<br />

18 85<br />

804&761 06<br />

Carried forward . . . . . . . . 8137, 217 15 804, 761 06



303<br />

1860-'61.<br />

By G. Chapin.<br />

T. C. Sullivan<br />


Brought forward. . . . . . 137, 217 15<br />

. lieutenant. . . . . . 234 91<br />

. . . do. . . . . . . . . . 728 97<br />

804, 761 06<br />

138, 181 03<br />

$666, 580 03<br />

Transportation and supplies in the quartermaster's department.<br />

To J, W. McCrabb, deceased, late assistant quartermaster . . 238 20<br />

Which d<strong>edu</strong>ct from the following repayments:<br />

By J, W. McCrabb, dcc'd, late . . assistant quartermaster. $237 20<br />

C. R. Webster, late . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. . . . . . . . . 239 91<br />

L. Lneser. lieutenant. . . . . . 719 47<br />

Excess of repayment.<br />

Transportation<br />

of' officers& baggage.<br />

To C. Thomas . . . . . . . . . . . assistant quartermaster general.<br />

D. D. Tompkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

T. Swords. . . . . . . . . . deputy quartermaster general . .<br />

D. H. Vinton. . . . . . . . . quartermaster.<br />

M. M. Clark. do.<br />

E B. Babbitt.<br />

. do<br />

M. S. Miller. ... . .. . . assistant quartermaster . .. .. . . S. Van Vliet. iio.<br />

J. L. Donaldson. .... .. . .. . do.<br />

J. McKinstry do.<br />

H. C. Ransom do.<br />

J& . Montgomery. . . .. ... .. . do.<br />

h. , C. Myers do.<br />

W. L. Cabell do.<br />

W. W. Chapman. .. .. . . . . do<br />

R. E. Clary . do.<br />

J. G, Martin . do. . J. Belger. . ... do<br />

J, H. Dickerson. .. . ... . ... do.<br />

G. Talmadge . . . do. .<br />

J. W. McCrabb, deceased, late. . . . . do. .<br />

G. T. Balch. . . . . . . . . . . acting assistant quartermaster<br />

S. S. Carroll. do. .<br />

J. P. Holliday do.<br />

C. H. Webber . do.<br />

J. H Gilman . do.<br />

J. L. Reno. . do.<br />

S. Breck, jr . do.<br />

W. I&'. Lee. . do.<br />

J. E. Powell. . do.<br />

J. B. Collins . Eio.<br />

J. P. Roy . do.<br />

J. D. Wilkins . . . do.<br />

N. J. Hall. . do.<br />

C. B. Watson. . do.<br />

T, E&leon . do.<br />

J. B. McIntyre~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. P. Hawkins. . . . . . . do.<br />

G, L Hartsuff . . . . . . , do.<br />

J. M. Robertson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

1, 196 58<br />

$958 38<br />

2& 900 00<br />

25, OOG 00<br />

14, 800 00<br />

4, 375 00<br />

2, 700 00<br />

17, 000 OO<br />

20, 000 00<br />

4, 250 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

4& 300 OQ<br />

800 00<br />

I, 150 00<br />

2& 690 97<br />

80 00<br />

88 80<br />

7, 400 OQ<br />

500 00<br />

I& 000 00<br />

2, 800 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

10 20<br />

620 00<br />

1, 800 00<br />

2, 150 00<br />

400 00<br />

495 00<br />

100 00<br />

300 00<br />

4oO 00<br />

250 00<br />

85 85<br />

200 00<br />

1, 990 00<br />

890 00<br />

250 00<br />

720 00<br />

350 OQ<br />

200 00<br />

200 00<br />

200 00<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . . . $127& 995 82

304<br />



1860-'61.<br />

To L. L. Lsngdon.<br />


Brought forward. .<br />

. .. . acting assistant quartermaster.<br />

Z. R. Bliss. . . . . . do<br />

J. Gorgas . do.<br />

E. Ingraham . do.<br />

J. Tipton ; do.<br />

E D. Phillips<br />

Eio.<br />

A. L. Long . do.<br />

J. Drysdale . do.<br />

R. Jones. . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

A. . Beckwith . do<br />

A. Benson . do.<br />

W, Butler do<br />

J. B. S. Alexander. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

G. C. Strong. . do.<br />

T. J. Treadwell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

S. M. Cooper . do.<br />

W. Craig do.<br />

J. C. Davis. . do.<br />

C, Gillem. . do.<br />

T. E. Miller, late. . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. W. Robinson, late. . . . . . . . do.<br />

S. P. Higgins, late . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. McL. Taylor. . . . . . . . . . . regimental quartermaster<br />

D. S. Lee . do.<br />

L. Taliaferro. . . . . . . . . . . . military storekeeper. . . . . . . . .<br />

L. Leonard do.<br />

B. 6. Baldwin . do.<br />

H. Brown . colonel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

G. Loomis. . do<br />

G. J. Rains. . . . . . . . . . . lieutenant colonel<br />

S. Eastman. nlaj 01'<br />

H. C. Wayne. . . . . . . . . brevet major. .<br />

W. K. Van Bokkelen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . captain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

G. Stoneman . do.<br />

J. Totten do<br />

F. F. Flint . do<br />

J. C. Pemberton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

G. Talru adge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lieutenant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

P. L. Swaine. . do.<br />

C. 6. Sawtelle . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

L, W. O'Bannon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

J. R. Cooke do.<br />

H. S. Putnsm . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. T. Greble . do.<br />

S. Crispin . do.<br />

J. K. Allen . do.<br />

W. B. Hazen . &10<br />

E. Swift. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . assistant surgeon. . . . .<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

general<br />

By G. H. Crosman deputy quartermaster<br />

D. R. Ransom. . .. . . acting assistant quartermaster<br />

T. A. Washington . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do. . . . . .<br />

N. H. McLean . . . . do.<br />

J, L K. Smith. . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

W. McE. Dye. . . . . . . . . . . regimental quartermaster<br />

S. D. Lee, late. .. . ... . do ..<br />

S. Maclin . paymaster.<br />

L. Leonard. .. . ..... ... . military storekeeper. ..<br />

Carried forward<br />

21&905 30<br />

16 40<br />

1 60<br />

1, Ol 1 80<br />

5 20<br />

2, 426 60<br />

399 00<br />

5 20<br />

99 80<br />

825, 870 40<br />

127, 995 82<br />

251 40<br />

517 35<br />

70 00<br />

50 80<br />

62 00<br />

55 00<br />

400 00<br />

602 00<br />

100 00<br />

140 00<br />

300 00<br />

132 40<br />

39 00<br />

600 00<br />

285 00<br />

881 40<br />

000 00<br />

ooo no<br />

500 00<br />

218 90<br />

18 00<br />

105 93<br />

000 00<br />

899 00<br />

870 00<br />

100 00<br />

25 00<br />

4 00<br />

100 00<br />

200 00<br />

150 00<br />

771 80<br />

100 00<br />

27 50<br />

200 00<br />

6 00<br />

12 47<br />

6 80<br />

2& 000 00<br />

517 46<br />

31 10<br />

68 20<br />

7 80<br />

079 38<br />

42 40<br />

18 00<br />

75 00<br />

4 55<br />

144, 635 66<br />

144, 635 66



305<br />

1860-'61<br />


Brought forward. ... ..<br />

To A, Porter. .... lieutenant colonel.<br />

0. L. Shepherd . .. brevet major<br />

J. M. Brannon. . ... captain. . ..<br />

H. Arthur, deceased. . . . . .. do.<br />

L. Loeser. . . . . . . . lieutenant. R, Lodsr do. . . ...<br />

A. F. Bond do. .<br />

J. W. Moore . do.<br />

J. L. Mason do. ..<br />

T. C. Sullivan do.<br />

0. Chapman, deceased . . do<br />

A. Buford, late. .. .. . do. . C. E, Jesup, deceased .... . .... .. .. do. .. . ..<br />

25&870 40<br />

20<br />

29 00<br />

209 90<br />

19 10<br />

43 38<br />

70<br />

223 40<br />

46 50<br />

I, 040 90<br />

1, 717 90<br />

15 76<br />

45 45<br />

40<br />

144, 635 66<br />

29, 262 99<br />

$115&372 67<br />

cVedieal and hospital department.<br />

To E. Van Ness ..... deputy paymaster general B. Alvord paymaster. .... . ..... ..<br />

G. H. Ringgold. .. do. F. E. Hunt. . ... .... . .. ..... do. ... . .....<br />

J. Longstreet. do.<br />

H. Leonard. do<br />

D. McClure do<br />

B. W. Brice . do. . . ..<br />

G. C, Hutter do.<br />

H. Hill do.<br />

D. Hunter do.<br />

L. J. Beall . . do.<br />

R. B. Marcy do.<br />

R. H. Chilton .. . do.<br />

T. J. Leslie .. . ... do.<br />

R. B. Reynolds ..... .. .. ... . do.<br />

C. H. Fry. do.<br />

F, A. Cunningham. ... . ... do.<br />

N. W. Brown. . do.<br />

A. B. Ragan. .. ... .. .. . . do.<br />

J. M. winston. do.<br />

A, J. Smith .. do.<br />

A. W, Guines, deceased, late .. do.<br />

S. Macklin, late . . . . do.<br />

E E. McLean. ......... .... assistant quartermaster.<br />

W. l. Cabell do.<br />

R. Allen . &Io.<br />

P. T. Turnley do.<br />

C. R. Webster, late. . .. .. . . do.<br />

W. H. Jenefir .... ..... . acting assistant quartermaster. ..<br />

J. B. Wetherell. do.<br />

R. N. Scott . do.<br />

E. W. H. Read do.<br />

D. Bell .. do.<br />

A. Shaaff. do.<br />

S. M. Cooper . do.<br />

R. Raudall . do. E. F. Bagley, late. . . do. J. T. Shaaff, late . ..... . do. . . .....<br />

W. McE. Dye ... . ... . ... regimental quartermaster. .. .... . .<br />

20 R<br />

75 00<br />

I& 875 65<br />

1, 758 25<br />

2& 602 25<br />

1&164 40<br />

243 30<br />

122 50<br />

554- 50<br />

337 25<br />

680 25<br />

314 00<br />

273 00<br />

204 25<br />

525 00<br />

271 25<br />

235 25<br />

1, 428 7o<br />

779 50<br />

468 75<br />

I& 552 60<br />

124 95<br />

119 00<br />

655 50<br />

851 45<br />

80 00<br />

144 85<br />

155 00<br />

532<br />

239 91<br />

1 65<br />

33 25<br />

85 75<br />

333 33<br />

491 66<br />

49 63<br />

32 00<br />

25 00<br />

5 00<br />

25 00<br />

241 66<br />

Carried forrvard. . $19, 692 51

306<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

To S. Cooper. . . .. . adjutant general. .<br />

L, Thomas. .. .. .... ...... acting adjutant general. .<br />

G. do.<br />

T. P. Andrews . .. .. .... colonel. ...<br />

J. B. Magruder. .. . . . . lieutenant colouel<br />

H. Bache. . . ... major. .<br />

J. Belger . do.<br />

H. Stansbury . captain . .<br />

C. Fletcher do.<br />

A. G. Bracket t . . do,<br />

C. Smith . lieutenant. .<br />

J. 'I'hompson do.<br />

W. H. Jackson. (io.<br />

R. Arnold do.<br />

J. Drysdale, late. . .... . do.<br />

T, H. Mitchell. . ..... . . doctor<br />

L. De B. Kuhn. do.<br />

G. D. Bradways. .. ... . ...... do<br />

D. G. Ridgley. do.<br />

J. P. Foot do<br />

W. E. Dearing do.<br />

J. L. Dawson. &10.<br />

R. B. Simpson .(10.<br />

L. Byrne . . do.<br />

Isaac G. Braman. . .... ..<br />

.. do.<br />

E. S. Snow. . do.<br />

J. V. D. Middleton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

W. S. Bishop do.<br />

P. P. Burton do.<br />

W. L. Jones. -do.<br />

R. Burns . . do.<br />

Z. Pitcher -do.<br />

A. F. Watson do.<br />

E. H. White . do.<br />

J. J. Sturm do.<br />

P. M. Enders. do.<br />

W. M. Hines. . do.<br />

W. S. Golding . do.<br />

A. S. Breysacher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

R. S. F. Diesel do.<br />

W. F. Cormack . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

A. Viele. do.<br />

W. W. Harris. do. .<br />

R. P. Harris. . do.<br />

J. H. Bowie. . do.<br />

G. W. Thornton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

C. B. Combe . do.<br />

J. C. Cooper do<br />

J. Dickson. . do.<br />

T. C. Skrine . . . do.<br />

P. 51. Enders . . . . . . . . . do<br />

J. W. Daniels . do,<br />

R. T. Hayes. . do.<br />

J. M. Reuse . do.<br />

J. S. Redfield . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

B. W. Robinson . . . . do.<br />

W. P. Buel . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

E. Morwitz . . . . . . . do.<br />

C. Briggs. do.<br />

S. D. Thurston . do.<br />

A. . M. Hunt. . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

Carried forward .<br />

19, 692 5l<br />

24 39<br />

15 65<br />

63 00<br />

13 68<br />

74 35<br />

50 22<br />

28 05<br />

89 30<br />

17 15<br />

80 00<br />

10 00<br />

1 00<br />

18 85<br />

27 00<br />

2 50<br />

100 00<br />

1& 107 49<br />

154 50<br />

417 73<br />

234 00<br />

269 15 i<br />

'225 00 i<br />

480 00<br />

240 00<br />

360 00<br />

360 00<br />

718 33<br />

320 00<br />

237 98<br />

225 00<br />

300 00<br />

360 00<br />

50 00<br />

160 00<br />

10 00<br />

240 00<br />

41 21<br />

52 00<br />

410 00<br />

25 94<br />

83 33<br />

405 00<br />

80 00<br />

18 00<br />

331 00<br />

219 00<br />

50 00<br />

250 00<br />

16 71<br />

360 09<br />

240 00<br />

97 09<br />

217 5o<br />

77 00'<br />

48 39<br />

82 9i<br />

340 00<br />

3 94<br />

240 09<br />

6 09)<br />

186 69<br />

830, 5995i

1860 '61.<br />




Brought forward. . doctor<br />

G. Bomford. .... .... . do.<br />

J. b. Ormsby .... .... do.<br />

J. Bryan . . do<br />

S. A. Storrow. . . do.<br />

J. S. Smith .. do.<br />

R. Keenan ...... ... .. . ....... do.<br />

G. M. Dove . do.<br />

F. L, Town do.<br />

P. V, Schenck do.<br />

A. Ingram . do.<br />

W. W. Bailey. . ... . &lo.<br />

D. Bache . do.<br />

W. C. Spencer. . do.<br />

B. E. Fryer do.<br />

H. R. Silliman. do.<br />

B. B. Miles .. . do.<br />

R. J. Thomas. ...... .... ... . . . do<br />

J. H. Trente . do<br />

J. B, Dunlap . do<br />

G. M. Sternberg. ..... . . ... . . do.<br />

C. H. Cameron . do.<br />

C. C. Gray . &10.<br />

W, P. Young do.<br />

G. Kimbsll do<br />

A, Major . do<br />

J. P. Wright. do.<br />

W. Lindsley do.<br />

J. W. S, Gawley .... .... ..... ... . do.<br />

J. H. Bailey do.<br />

To G. W. Webster.<br />

J. R. Hayes . do.<br />

C. H. Absdee. .... . . .. .. surgeou<br />

k. S. Satterlee<br />

. do.<br />

W. J. Sloe, u.<br />

do.<br />

R. Murray do<br />

S. G. J. DeCamp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

W, S. King<br />

R. H. Coolidge<br />

C. S. Tripler<br />

do<br />

do.<br />

do<br />

J. S. Bailey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . assistant surgeon. . .<br />

W. W'ebster.<br />

J. N. Marks<br />

J. W. Nsirn<br />

J. M. Young<br />

Kidwell & Lawrence<br />

J. L. Kidwell<br />

Louisa A. Wotherspoon<br />

W. S. Thompson<br />

F. Taylor<br />

A. Leitch<br />

E. R Perrot<br />

J, S. Holland.<br />

Tyler, Wise &, Alleyne.<br />

J. P. Polk &, Co.<br />

H. H. McPherson, jr<br />

Gales &, Seaton.<br />

J. C. Rives<br />

H. Leitch & Co.<br />

J. Pettibone<br />

J. F, Long & Co<br />

J. B. McCaro & Co.<br />

do.<br />

307<br />

30, 659 85<br />

191 66<br />

160 00<br />

562 00<br />

9 00<br />

70 00<br />

133 33<br />

75 33<br />

50 00<br />

43 33<br />

43 33<br />

60 00<br />

28 33<br />

46 66<br />

63 33<br />

43 33<br />

56 66<br />

32 00<br />

96 66<br />

23 33<br />

70 59<br />

36 66<br />

86 66<br />

60 00<br />

60 00<br />

2, 239 17<br />

6 65<br />

63 33<br />

33 33<br />

20 00<br />

5 15<br />

2S9 35<br />

910 00<br />

145, l51 00<br />

1, 530 00<br />

2, 600 00<br />

25 65<br />

742 44.<br />

4, 200 00<br />

1, 112 77<br />

60 50<br />

92 10<br />

22 60<br />

386 25<br />

30 00<br />

491 69<br />

108 62<br />

460 00<br />

438 18<br />

6 37<br />

32 85<br />

56 19<br />

8 00<br />

5 00<br />

198 05<br />

26 17<br />

60 50<br />

28 87<br />

154 30<br />

298 50<br />

112 56<br />

100 00<br />

Carried forward. $194, 868 18

308<br />



1860-'6L<br />


To W. J. Williams<br />

J. B. Moore<br />

C. Wendell<br />

Blauchard & Co.<br />

J. Bien<br />

G. W. Bowman .<br />

C. MiRer<br />

Blanchard & Mohun.<br />

C. S. Willet.<br />

J. Wiley.<br />

S. Heplenbower.<br />

M. Malone .<br />

W. D. Wallach .<br />

G. W. Carpenter, Henzey & Co.<br />

J. D. Defrees .<br />

N. Longworth .<br />

H. W. Eastman.<br />

A. Small .<br />

A. Gartman .<br />

C. A. Morris & Co.<br />

A. M. Leslie.<br />

L. M. Smith.<br />

J. J. Sturm.<br />

J. S. GrifRn<br />

G. W. GeQ'ress<br />

Brought forward 19. 4, 868 18<br />

'7<br />

OO<br />

54 49<br />

63 00<br />

140 00<br />

8 00<br />

5 00<br />

6 00<br />

10 00<br />

50 00<br />

5 60<br />

11 25<br />

61 09<br />

13 00<br />

632 83<br />

141 53<br />

60 00<br />

300 00<br />

49 78<br />

24 BO<br />

386 85<br />

227 60<br />

6 69<br />

45 00<br />

204 06<br />

165 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By N. W. Brown, paymaster<br />

S. P. Moore, surgeon<br />

1 05<br />

25 12<br />

197, 546 75<br />

26 17<br />

$197, 520 58<br />

Barracks and quarters.<br />

To T. S. Jesup, deceased, late quartermaster general. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

C, Thomas. . . . . . assistant quartermaster general. . . . . .<br />

D, D, Tompkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

G. H. Crosman. . . . . . . . deputy quartermaster general.<br />

T. Swords . . do.<br />

D. H. Vinton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . qua&termaster .<br />

M. M. Clark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

E. B. Babbitt. . . . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

J. L. Donaldson . . . . . . . . . assistant quartermaster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

D. H. Rucker . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J, McKinstry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

P. T, Turnley. . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

A. Montgomery. . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

M. S. Miller. . . . . . do.<br />

L. C. Easton. . do.<br />

A. . C. Myers . . do.<br />

H. C. Ransom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. Belger. . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J, H. Dickerson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

R, . Saxton . . . . . . . do.<br />

G. Talmadge . . . . do.<br />

C, H, Webber. . . . . . . . . acting assistant quartermaster.<br />

J. Thompson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

R. S. C. Lord. . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

A. C. Gillem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

13 50<br />

14, 30D 00<br />

25] ioo 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

147, 188 00<br />

13&812 47<br />

BOD 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

40, 530 00<br />

56, 000 00<br />

9, 900 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

3, 754 00<br />

40, 800 00<br />

25 00<br />

1& 308 63<br />

100 00<br />

1, 5OO 00<br />

32&500 00<br />

6OO 00<br />

7, 292 75<br />

14, 100 0o<br />

225 OD<br />

136 00<br />

5 244 OD<br />

Carried forward . . 8423& 229 35



309<br />

&860-'61.<br />


Brought forward. To J. H. Gilman ... . .. acting assistant quartermaster. .. . ..... .<br />

J. Breck, jr. .. . do.<br />

A, Baird . . do<br />

J. E. Powell. do.<br />

J, B Collins. .... . . . . do.<br />

W. H. Wood, late. . . . . do.<br />

W. P. Carlin .. . .. do.<br />

J, B. S. Alexander. . do.<br />

T, J. C. Amory. . ... do.<br />

S. M. Cooper .. ........ .. . .. do.<br />

G. P. . Paul . do.<br />

W. Craig. do.<br />

J, C. Davis. do.<br />

G. L. HartsuQ'. ...... ... ... . .... do.<br />

L. Beall do.<br />

N. . J. Hall do.<br />

J. D. Wilkins ... do.<br />

A. Chambers ... ... .. do.<br />

M. M, Blunt . .. . do.<br />

A. Beckwith. . . . do.<br />

J. D. Bingham. . ... .. . . . do.<br />

R. Jones . do.<br />

L. L. Langdon. . .. . . ... .. . do.<br />

Z. R. Bliss<br />

'<br />

. . do.<br />

C. L. Killburn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

W. Butler do.<br />

D. R. Ransom . . . . . . do.<br />

H. A. Smalley. . . . . . do.<br />

J. B. McIntyre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

S. P. Higgins, late . do.<br />

C. B. Watson do.<br />

J. C. Tidball. do<br />

J'. P. Holliday . do'.<br />

J. A. De Lagnell . . do<br />

A. L, Long do<br />

J. Tipton do.<br />

H. B. Schroeder do . .<br />

J. Drysdale do.<br />

N. H. McLean. . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

S. N, Cia, rk, late brigadier general. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

J. Loomis colonel.<br />

G. J. Rains lieutenant colonel<br />

H. C. Wayne brevet major . .<br />

Fitz John Porter. . .. . do.<br />

J. P. Moore. . . surgeon<br />

J. L. McL. Taylor reginrenta1 quartermaster ..<br />

tV. McE. Dye<br />

do.<br />

J. P. Hawkins. . . . do.<br />

J. M. Brannon. . . captain<br />

J. Totten. . do.<br />

T. G. Pitcher . do.<br />

R. Loder . . lieutenant<br />

T. C. Sullivan. . . „do.<br />

J. S. Mason. do.<br />

A. F. Bond do.<br />

W. B. Hazen do<br />

J. E. Allen do. .<br />

P. T. Swain do. . . .<br />

J. Holmes do.<br />

W. Craig do.<br />

423, 229 35<br />

422 50<br />

200 00<br />

4 50<br />

2, 500 00<br />

362 55<br />

242 40<br />

111 38<br />

2, 922 84<br />

2, 000 00<br />

45 15<br />

15 6G<br />

1& 900 00<br />

500 00<br />

1, 400 00<br />

64 00<br />

747 80<br />

951 00<br />

1, 145 00<br />

330 00<br />

3, 275 00<br />

1, 900 00<br />

45 00<br />

128 81<br />

423 49<br />

800 00<br />

54 47<br />

375 02<br />

986 00<br />

4, 900 00<br />

778 52<br />

90 00<br />

50 00<br />

3, 450 00<br />

162 00<br />

1& 013 00<br />

103 00<br />

201 00<br />

3, 132 28<br />

1, 141 99<br />

251 61<br />

140 00<br />

280 00<br />

1, 385 55<br />

46 38<br />

14 40<br />

2, 250 00<br />

375 00<br />

2o0 00<br />

46 18<br />

300 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

13 50<br />

189 78<br />

485 47<br />

800 83<br />

300 57<br />

2, 375 14<br />

1, 10G 65<br />

26 33<br />

457 32<br />

Carried forward. $478, 197 62

310<br />



1860 —'61.<br />


To G. Chapin<br />

. . lieutenant<br />

Brought forward<br />

J. B. Hood . do.<br />

C. G. Sawtelle . do.<br />

L. Loeser do.<br />

L. Taliaferro military storekeeper<br />

I. I. Stevens, late . governor<br />

S. Jackson.<br />

S. F. Nichols.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayruents:<br />

By G. H. Crosman . . . . . . . deputy quartermaster general<br />

W. K. Van Bokkelen. . assistant quartermaster<br />

W. W. Chapman, late . . do.<br />

A. B. Lansing, late . do. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

J. B. Wetherell . . acting assistant quartermaster<br />

M. F&. Miller do.<br />

L. 1V, O'Bannon . . do.<br />

F. A. '&Vashington . . do. .<br />

E. D. Phillips do.<br />

L. O. 0lorris. . do<br />

S. M. Cooper do.<br />

J. S. Simonson . brevet major. .......<br />

J. R. Cook. . . lieutenant. .<br />

J. N. 3foore do.<br />

R. R. Garland . . do. . . .<br />

H. Y. Slaymaker agent quartermaster's department<br />

R. B. Thomas. . . . . . do. . .<br />

27& 464 84.<br />

753 26<br />

9, 485 00<br />

217 32<br />

625 24<br />

91 43<br />

735 63<br />

156 28<br />

4& 9GI 87<br />

192 59<br />

633 81<br />

2G 40<br />

4, 750 22<br />

I, 821 58<br />

493 25<br />

29 00<br />

501 36<br />

478& 197 62<br />

488 70<br />

I& 976 53<br />

1, 005 66<br />

1&963 12<br />

100 00<br />

356 16<br />

105 00<br />

150 00<br />

484, 342 79<br />

52, 939 08<br />

$431, 403 il<br />

Contingenetes<br />

of the army.<br />

To D. D. Tompl ins assist. mt quartermaster general .<br />

M. 51. Clark quartermaster .<br />

S, M. Miller assistant quartermaster. .<br />

A. C. Jlyers. do<br />

Robert Allen<br />

&lo<br />

P. T. 'I'urnley do.<br />

J. B. Collins acting assistant quartermaster .<br />

J. H. Forney, late .... .. do.<br />

J. T. Sbaaif, late do.<br />

H. Randall, late dn.<br />

J. Drysdale, late . do<br />

L. J. Beall. .... . . .. paymaster .. . ....<br />

E. Harding, late . . major<br />

J, P. Major lieutenant .<br />

R. I'atherly military storekeeper. .... . H. Y. Slaymaker. .. agent quartern&aster's department. ....... ....<br />

J. Potts. ... .... .. . disbursing clerk. ...<br />

C. Johnson<br />

347 50<br />

90 06<br />

907 77<br />

235 00<br />

505 00<br />

159 61<br />

14 00<br />

11 00<br />

3 50<br />

l, is<br />

10 00<br />

121 45<br />

194 00<br />

57 00<br />

133 00<br />

29 00<br />

23, 000 00<br />

460 64<br />

8)(& 261 06



311<br />

1860-'61,<br />


Three months' e&ntra<br />

pay.<br />

To T. P. Andrews . deputy paymaster general. ...<br />

B, Alvord. .. . . . ... . paymaster ..<br />

G. H. Iliinggold. . . .. . do.<br />

L. J. Beall. ..... . . . &lo.<br />

T. J. Leslie. . . ... do.<br />

H, Hill .... . do.<br />

R. IL Pieynolds. . . . do.<br />

R. H. Chilton. . .. ... .... . . do.<br />

A. W. Gaines, deceased, late. .... . do.<br />

R. Dilsworth ... .. .. .. . . lieutenant.<br />

H. PIagee . . do.<br />

1, 181 25<br />

45 00<br />

261 00<br />

48 00<br />

143 00<br />

63 00<br />

24 00<br />

21 00<br />

24 00<br />

75 00<br />

61 75<br />

$1, 947 00<br />

I'aj&ment to discharged soldiers f'o r clothing<br />

To T. P. Andrews. . . . . . deputy paymaster general .<br />

E. Van Ness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

B. Alvord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . paymaster.<br />

G. H. Ringgold. . . do<br />

F. I';. Hunt. . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. Longstreet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

H. Leonar&l. . do.<br />

D. ZlcClure . do.<br />

B. 1V. Brice do.<br />

('. C, Hutter<br />

. do<br />

H. Hill do.<br />

D. Hunter &lo.<br />

L J. Beall<br />

do.<br />

R, B. 11;ircy . do.<br />

R. H. Chilton .. . ... ... . do.<br />

. do.<br />

'I'. J. Leslie .<br />

R. B. Reynolds . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

C. H. Fry . do.<br />

S. ;Haclin . do.<br />

F. A. Cunningham. . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

A. W. Gsines, deceased, late . . . . . . do.<br />

not drawn.<br />

519 12<br />

558 42<br />

2, 452 20<br />

4, 351 44<br />

13, 963 37<br />

5, 505 03<br />

3, 028 74<br />

931 70<br />

1, 448 62<br />

830 18<br />

852 88<br />

2. 560 15<br />

557 43<br />

1, 387 00<br />

1, 839 93<br />

1, 871' 13<br />

386 17<br />

3, 829 36<br />

446 93<br />

1, 758 82<br />

1, 482 52<br />

650, 001 14<br />

Purchase nf stot&es for oPc«rs' and sol&liers' quarters.<br />

To T. Sivords . .. . deputy quartermaster general. ......<br />

W. W. (,'hapm:m. assistant quartermaster .....<br />

i(I. sh i&liller .. . .... .... do.<br />

A. C. Ilyers. . do.<br />

T. A. iZIiller, late. acting assistant quartermaster.<br />

J. B. Collins. . . . do<br />

J. P. Holliday. . . . do<br />

N. H. 5I&;Lean. ......... . . . do<br />

J. J. 1)ana do.<br />

C. G. Saw(elle. ...... ..... . . lieuteuaut. ....<br />

J, N. Iloorc. do.<br />

J, 4. Zlasou do.<br />

'i', C. Sullivan. .. .. . .... . . do.<br />

14 00<br />

141 38<br />

13 25<br />

222 87<br />

31 83<br />

208 00<br />

51 00<br />

127 85<br />

45 00<br />

40 25<br />

3 50<br />

5<br />

19 80<br />

Carried forward 8923 98

612<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward. . . . .<br />

l(rom which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By L. L. Langdon . . . . . . acting assistant quartermaster . 6 50<br />

A. I'. Bond. . . . . . . . . . . lieutenant. . . . 40 32<br />

923 98<br />

46 82<br />

$8(7 16<br />

To B. Huger.<br />

Purchase of horses for h'ght artillery by ordnance department.<br />

. brevet colonel.<br />

P. V. Hagner. .. ... ...... .. brevet major ...<br />

W. H. Bell . do. .<br />

G. D. Ramsey do<br />

R. H. K. Whiteley. . ... . ... captain.<br />

S. Crispin. . lieutenant. .<br />

T. J. Eckerson. . . . military storel-eeper .<br />

T. Lewis. . . ... . . .. do<br />

2, 673 10<br />

2, 727 69<br />

2, 000 00<br />

14, 500 00<br />

4, 050 00<br />

15, 000 00<br />

500 00<br />

49 92<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By B. Huger<br />

. colonel.<br />

W. H. Bell. . . . . . major .<br />

852 50<br />

843 14<br />

41, 500 71<br />

1, 695 64<br />

$39, 805 07<br />

Apparatus and equipments for field signals.<br />

To A. G. Myer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . signal of(leer. . $2, 000 00<br />

Pay of ogcers, cadets, gc. , at West Point.<br />

To E. Van Ness, deputy paymaster general.<br />

H. Hill, paymaster.<br />

27 00<br />

11 0, 000 00<br />

$110, 027 00<br />

Subsistence of ogcers, 3f". , at West Point.<br />

To H. Hill, paymaster. $3 508 20<br />

Forage for oQcers' horses at West Point.<br />

To H. Hill, paymaster<br />

$(18 39<br />

Current and ordinary expenses ot West Point.<br />

To A. H. Bowman, colonel<br />

R. Delafleld, major<br />

J. T. Greble, acting assistant quartermaster .<br />

12, 293 24<br />

24, 500 00<br />

101 «<br />

$30, 895 00



1860-' 61.<br />


Forage for artillery and cavalry horses at TVest Point.<br />

To R, Delafield, colonel $5, 640 00<br />

IIorses for artillery and cavalry praclice at TVest Point.<br />

To R. Delafield, colonel $2, 000 00<br />

Inc&ease and expense of library at TVest Point,<br />

To R. Delafield, colonel.<br />

A. H. Bowman, colonel.<br />

500 00<br />

500 00<br />

$1, 000 00<br />

I'. . &T&e»ses of board of nsitors at TVest Point.<br />

To A. H. Bowman, colonel $4, 500 00<br />

Furniture for hospital for cadels at TVest Point.<br />

To R. Delafield, colonel $100 00<br />

Repairs of once& s' quarters at TVest Point,<br />

To R. De!afiel, colonel $500 00<br />

Extension of toate& pipes and increase of reservoir at TT e. . t Point.<br />

To R. Delafield, colonel $2, 500 00<br />

Targets and batteries for artillery exercise at TVest Point,<br />

To A. H. Bowman, colonel $150 00<br />

Oaspipes, gasometers, and retorts at TVest Po'~»t.<br />

To R. Delafield, colonel $500 00<br />

Payment in lieu of clothing to oPcers' se& vanls at 1T'e;l Point.<br />

To H. Hill. paymaster $9 33<br />

To R. Delafiefil, colonel<br />

A. H, Bowman<br />

Iron girders for academic building<br />

at TVest Point<br />

500 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

$3, 500 00<br />

11'armi»g appa&'atus for acade&nic building, TT cs! Point.<br />

To R. Delafield, colonel $250 00

314<br />


1860-'61.<br />


Materials for quarters for subaltern beers.<br />

To R. Delafield& colonel. $3, 500 00<br />

Commission upon United States Military Academy.<br />

To A. A. Humphreys,<br />

captain<br />

J. C. Ives, lieutenant. . . . .<br />

I& 360 00<br />

1&500 00<br />

$2& 860 00<br />

Arming and equipping<br />

the militia.<br />

To R. T. Allison, paymaster<br />

W. H. Bell, major<br />

G. D. Ramsay, brevet major<br />

P. V. Hagner, brevet major<br />

F. D. Callender, captain<br />

J. B. Butler, military storekeeper<br />

E. Ingersoll, military storekeeper.<br />

T. J. Eckerson, military storekeeper<br />

S. Lansing, military storekeeper<br />

W. R. Shoeroaker, military storekeeper.<br />

D. Murphy, military storekeeper.<br />

J. J. Pittman.<br />

H. A. Dingee<br />

W. C. Freeman.<br />

E. Gaylord<br />

J. Boyde &; Sous<br />

J. T. Ames<br />

Merrill, Thomas t&. Co<br />

C. M. Dupay<br />

C. C. Chafi'ee.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By D. H. Murray, acting adjutant general 18 64<br />

T. Le&vis, military storekeeper 9 52<br />

L. Leonard, military storekeeper 37 30<br />

3, 060 90<br />

2, 157 69<br />

1& 000 00<br />

3, 150 00<br />

200 GG<br />

29, 450 00<br />

64, 950 00<br />

I, 200 00<br />

3, 700 00<br />

100 00<br />

21, 000 00<br />

4& 235 70<br />

2, 241 60<br />

10, 3G5 00<br />

3, 686 00<br />

2, 272 65<br />

5, 641 83<br />

3, 073 19<br />

20, 220 00<br />

8, 047 50<br />

189 752 06<br />

65 46<br />

$189, 686 60<br />

To G. D. Ramsay,<br />

brevet major<br />

Armament<br />

W. A. Thornton, brevet major<br />

A. B. Dyer, captain<br />

C. P, Eingsbury, captain<br />

b. Lansing, jr. , military storekeeper.<br />

J. B. Butler, military storekeeper<br />

T. J. Eckerson, military storekeeper<br />

L. Leonard, military storekeeper<br />

Enap, Rudd &r Co<br />

C. Enapp<br />

R. P. Parrott<br />

, J. L. Archer<br />

Taylor &r, Humphries<br />

of fortifications.<br />

Carried forward<br />

39, 700 00<br />

2, 200 00<br />

33& 809 00<br />

lo, 000 00<br />

182, 100 00<br />

76, 340 00<br />

900 00<br />

37, 500 00<br />

64, 351 49<br />

3, 038 14<br />

20& 058 77<br />

6, 428 57<br />

1, 474 29<br />

$482, 851 26

1860-'6 l.<br />

'fo C. Alger gt Co.<br />

S. Er A. M. Sawyer<br />

C. T. James<br />

Agricultural Iron Works<br />

A, gr 1V. Denmead gr Sons.<br />

Phoenix Iron Company<br />


E. J. Dupont, De Nemours gr Co.<br />



315<br />

Brought forward 482, 851 26<br />

529 20<br />

463 78<br />

3, 658 94<br />

4, 066 81<br />

177 31<br />

350 00<br />

1, 008 0&<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By B. 'Huger, colonel 91 14<br />

L. Leonard, military storekeeper. . . . . . . . 7, 657 60<br />

493, 105 30<br />

7, 74S 74<br />

8485, 356 56<br />

To R. E. De Russey, lieutenant<br />

Contingencies<br />

colouel<br />

J. G, Baruard, major<br />

H. Browerton, major<br />

P. G. T. Beauregawt, brevet major<br />

2, B. Tower, brevet major<br />

W. H. C. Whiting, captain<br />

J. G. Foster, captain<br />

E. B. Hunt, captain<br />

J. Newton, captain<br />

C. E. Blunt, lieutenant.<br />

M. D. McAllester, lieutenant<br />

W, H. Stevens, lieutenant<br />

C. S. Stewart, lieutenant<br />

J. C. Prdfrey, lieutenant<br />

F. E, Prime, lieutenant<br />

J. St. C. Morton, lieutenant.<br />

D. A. Gillmore, lieutenant.<br />

J. Eveleth, agent<br />

J. J. Lec, agent.<br />

of fortifications.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By J. G. Totten, brevet brigadier general . . . 200 00<br />

W. H. Stevens, lieutenant 2 51<br />

8, 441 75<br />

500 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

168 00<br />

l, 000 00<br />

650 00<br />

2, 300 00<br />

20, 600 00<br />

1, 255 00<br />

900 00<br />

381 00<br />

503 17<br />

100 00<br />

300 00<br />

I&'500 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

23, 000 Ool<br />

100 00<br />

96, 698 92<br />

202 51<br />

$96, 496 41<br />

2 rsenats.<br />

To G. D. Ramsay, brevet major<br />

W. T. Welcker, lieutenant<br />

J. B. Butler, military storel-eeper<br />

W. R. Shoemaker, military storelreeper.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By A. B. Dyer, captain<br />

2, 428 5&<br />

7, 850 00<br />

4?7 14-<br />

3, 170 86<br />

13, 926 59<br />

l, 355 47<br />

$9. 571 12

316<br />



1860 —'61.<br />


Manufacture of arms at the national armories.<br />

To E. Ingersoll, military storekeeper<br />

D, Murphy, military storekeeper<br />

149, 500 00<br />

143&549 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By G. D. Ramsay . major<br />

L. Lansing, jr. . ... . . . military storekeeper. T. Lewis. do. ..... . D. Murphy, late ....... ... . ... . do .. 12, 500 00<br />

25, 000 00<br />

6& 000 00<br />

5, 840 95<br />

293, 049 pp<br />

49, $40 95<br />

$243, 708 05<br />

Payof civil superintendents<br />

'To E. Ingersoll, military storekeeper.<br />

D. Murphy. . . . . . do<br />

at the national armories.<br />

2& 500 00<br />

1&875 00<br />

$4, 375 00<br />

Itepairs, gc. , at 8pringfield armory.<br />

To E. Ingersoll, military storekeeper.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By E. Ingersoll, military storekeeper<br />

65, 000 00<br />

1, 377 33<br />

$63, 622 67<br />

Pepairs, tyc. , at Harper's J&erry armory.<br />

To D. Murphy, military storekeeper. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34, 500 00<br />

1lfachinery, tools, Jfc. , for an arsenal of construction, J'ayetteville,<br />

1@orth Carolina.<br />

To J. A. J. Bradford, captain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5, 775 00<br />

Ordnance service.<br />

To B. Huger colonel ..<br />

W. H. Bell. major. ......... ...... . ..<br />

W. A. Thornton. .. .. brevet major<br />

G. D. Ramsay .... ..... . do.<br />

P. V. Hagner . do.<br />

G. H. Murray .. . . acting adjutant general<br />

J, A. J. Bradford. . captain .... ... ... ..<br />

R. H. E. Whiteley . .. . . do.<br />

J. Gorges ... . . . .. . do.<br />

F, D. Calleuder. . . ...... do.<br />

J. L. Reno . . do.<br />

A. . B. . D yer. ..... .. ... ... ... do.<br />

R. A. Wainwright. . . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

W. Maynadier . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

W. T. Welcker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . lieutenaut<br />

J. L. White. . . . . „ . . . . do.<br />

T. J. Treadwell. . . . . . . do.<br />

J. Lansing, jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . military storekeeper . . . . . . . . . .<br />

L. Leonard . . . . . . . do.<br />

Carried forward. . .<br />

2, 200 00<br />

6, 763 12<br />

10, 730 00<br />

28, 700 00<br />

6, 267 00<br />

189 90<br />

5& 075 00<br />

6, 125 00<br />

5, 200 00<br />

5, OOO 00<br />

950 00<br />

8, 6OO Op<br />

920 00<br />

(00 00<br />

375 00<br />

247 38<br />

1& 000<br />

17&500 00<br />

10, 290 00<br />

$116&832 40

1860-'61.<br />




Brought forward.<br />

To T. Lewis. .... .... military storekeeper. . .. . . ... . F. C. Humphreys. . ... . .. ...... do. .<br />

R. Fatherly. do.<br />

J. 8, Abeel . do<br />

W. It. Shoemaker . . do. .<br />

J. B. Butler . ... .. . . do.<br />

J. M. Gait. .. ... do.<br />

B. G. Baldwin . do.<br />

E. Inversoll. . ..... , do. I'. J. Eckerspn . . . do. .<br />

E. Powell . . ordnance sergeant<br />

H. Douglas ...... .. do<br />

N. Grant. .. ...... .... .. United States agent. ...<br />

C. T. James<br />

D. Van Nostrand.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By T. P. Andrews deputy paymaster general<br />

T. J. Leslie. ... . . . . . . paymaster ......<br />

F. E Hunt . . . . do, .<br />

H. Heath . . captain. ....<br />

R. H. K. Whiteley. . .. .. . ... . do. ..<br />

T. Lewis .. .. ... military storekeeper .. .<br />

W. R. Shoemaker. ... ...... .. .. .. do. .... .<br />

47 42<br />

161 35<br />

747 84<br />

4 00<br />

I& 525 00<br />

4 76<br />

70 86<br />

Bzl<br />

116&832 40<br />

760 00<br />

1& 725 00<br />

230 00<br />

SOO 00<br />

7, 900 00<br />

11, 400 00<br />

359 21<br />

200 00<br />

1'75 50<br />

10, 400 00<br />

454 91<br />

78 00<br />

2, 550 00<br />

5, 246 90<br />

95 00<br />

159& 206 92<br />

2& 561 23<br />

$156, 645 69<br />

Ordnance,<br />

ordnance stores and st&I&plies.<br />

To C, Van Ness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . deputy paymaster general . . . . . . . . .<br />

B. Alvord . pal master. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

G, H. Ringgold. . do.<br />

F. E. Hunt . . . do.<br />

J. Longstreet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

H. Leonard. . . . . . . . . . do<br />

D. McClure . do.<br />

B. W. Brice do.<br />

H. Hill.<br />

D. Hunter. . do.<br />

I. . J. Beall . . do.<br />

R. B. Marcy . do<br />

R, H. Chilton do.<br />

N. tV. Brown . do.<br />

F. A. Cunningbam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &lo.<br />

C. H. Fry. . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

A. B. Began . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

R. B. Reynolds. . do.<br />

T, hf. Winston . do.<br />

A. J. Smith . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

S. hIaclin. . . . . do.<br />

A. W. Gaines, deceased, late. . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

W. L. Cabell . . . . . . . . assistant quartermaster<br />

J. G. Martin . . . . . do.<br />

D. H. Rucker . do.<br />

R. W. Kirkham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

P, T. Turnley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

F. Mve&s. . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

A, Montgon&ery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

24 00<br />

161 50<br />

236 00<br />

405 00<br />

220 60<br />

51 50<br />

103 20<br />

227 60<br />

122 00<br />

146 40<br />

80 40<br />

23 20<br />

129 60<br />

481 00<br />

335 65<br />

705 03<br />

278 37<br />

6 61<br />

26 00<br />

122 80<br />

474 00<br />

544 55<br />

17 90<br />

6 25<br />

75 55<br />

74 85<br />

1, 004 67<br />

16 80<br />

7 00<br />

Carried forward. $6, 108 03



1860 —'61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

J. R. Church . . . . . . . . . . . acting assistant quartermaster.<br />

P. Stnckton . do.<br />

D. Bell. do.<br />

J. P. Roy . -do.<br />

J. V. Du Bois . do.<br />

J. E Powell . . . . . . . . . . do. .<br />

M. M. Kimmel . do.<br />

R. H. Riddick. do.<br />

W. H. Bell . . . . . . , major.<br />

D. G. Ramsay . . . . . . . . do.<br />

W. A. Thornton. . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

P. V. Hagner. . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. L. Reno. . . . . . . . captain . .<br />

W. Manaydier . do.<br />

A. B. Dyer. . do.<br />

J. Gorgas. . . . . . . dn.<br />

R. H. K. Whiteley, . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

F. D. Callender do.<br />

T. J. Treadwell . . . . . . . lieutenant<br />

W. T. Welcker . dn.<br />

J. B. Butler . . . military storekeeper<br />

S. Lansing, jr do.<br />

L Leonard<br />

. do<br />

E. Ingersoll . do.<br />

T. J. Eckerson dn.<br />

B. H. Gilbreth . Ii0.<br />

W. E. Jones<br />

R. H. Hartley & Co<br />

Goulding, Bagley &, Seawall<br />

J. T. Ames<br />

H. B. Sweeney<br />

J. Adams.<br />

C T. James<br />

Knorr, Nece & Co<br />

F. McNerhany<br />

S. R. Philips<br />

C. Alger &, Co<br />

R. P. Parrott<br />

Savage's Fire Arms Company<br />

A. & W. Denmead & Sons<br />

W. S. Hansell & Sons<br />

A. B. Norton<br />

E. P. Mayer & Brothers<br />

J. Boyde & Sons<br />

Vf. ~ . Magee & Co<br />

E. Gaylord<br />

S. P. Harmer.<br />

H. A. Dingee<br />

Colt's Fire Arms Company<br />

Peters &, Benner<br />

R. Nece<br />

J. Pittman<br />

E. J. Dupont, De Nemours & Co.<br />

W. C. Freeman<br />

Hazard Powder Company.<br />

C. S. Storms<br />

6, 108 03<br />

9 80<br />

9 60<br />

4 80<br />

97 50<br />

320 65<br />

36 70<br />

33 75<br />

179 85<br />

15, 025 00<br />

10, 300 00<br />

4, 800 00<br />

6, 600 00<br />

78 80<br />

2& 300 00<br />

4, 500 00<br />

12, 900 00<br />

36, 400 00<br />

10& 000 00<br />

3, 200 00<br />

409 00<br />

129, 700 00<br />

77& 600 00<br />

8& 726 00<br />

2& 900 00<br />

200 00<br />

100 00<br />

3, 454 00<br />

10, 49'7 16<br />

185 33<br />

23, 791 29<br />

4, 200 00<br />

300 00<br />

337 82<br />

3& 505 00<br />

818 52<br />

15, 519 71<br />

8, 075 53<br />

5, 921 08<br />

5, 159 00<br />

699 76<br />

15, 163 00<br />

692 60<br />

10& 580 00<br />

7, 538 00<br />

3&634 00<br />

8, 565 50<br />

3, 523 00<br />

15&019 SS<br />

25, 080 00<br />

18, 139 40<br />

3&454 60<br />

14, 558 SS<br />

396 60<br />

215 00<br />

27, 648 00<br />

8, 088 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By T. P. Andrews . . . . deputy paymaster general<br />

B. F. Lamed. . . . . paymaster general.<br />

25 23<br />

9, 506 55<br />

577, 191 12<br />

Carried forward . . $9, 531 78 $577&191 12



860-'61.<br />

By N. W. Brown .<br />


Brought forward<br />

. paymaster<br />

E. E. McLean . . assistant quartermaster.<br />

R. Fatherly . military storekeeper.<br />

T. Lewis . do<br />

J. S. Abeel do<br />

L. Leonard do<br />

J. Lansing, jr. . . . do<br />

B. Huger colonel<br />

G. D. Ramsay . . brevet major<br />

W. H. Bell . . do.<br />

P. V. Hagner do<br />

E. B. Hunt. . captain.<br />

J. L. Reno . do<br />

W. B. Hazen . . lieutenant<br />

J. L. White . . do.<br />

0. Chapman, deceased do . .<br />

E. P. Langworthy . assistant surgeon.<br />

M. Miles, deceased private<br />

9, 531 78 577, 191 12<br />

2, 099 87<br />

60 04<br />

972 99<br />

35, 000 60<br />

1, 745 24<br />

873 85<br />

25, 000 00<br />

1, 177 19<br />

157 32<br />

1, 341 01<br />

57 69<br />

54 00<br />

1& 009 88<br />

23 55<br />

87 95<br />

26 00<br />

6 22<br />

29 16<br />

79, 254 34<br />

$497&936 78<br />

Purchase of best breech-loading<br />

carbines.<br />

To Bristol Fire-arms Company 624, 916 25<br />

Arsenal at. Allegheny.<br />

To J. B. Butler, military storekeeper $5& 350 00<br />

Arsenal at Charleston.<br />

To F, C, Humphries, military storekeeper 6250 00<br />

Arsenal at California.<br />

To W. A. Thornton, brevet major<br />

F. D. Callender, captain.<br />

D. Murphy, military storekeeper<br />

T. F. Eckerson, military storekeeper<br />

S. M. Clark<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By W. A. Thornton, brevet major<br />

382 93<br />

20, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

38, 000 00<br />

291 32<br />

59, 674 25<br />

9 15<br />

$59, 665 10<br />

Arsenal at Fort Jjfonroe.<br />

To A. B. Dyer, captain<br />

A. & W. Denmead & Sons<br />

23, 175 00<br />

91 76<br />

$23 266 76

320<br />



1860-' 61.<br />


Arsenal at Lennebeck.<br />

To B. G. Baldwin, military storekeeper<br />

$8OO Oo<br />

Arsenal at ~YeM York.<br />

To W. A. Thornton, breve t major. $1, 1OO 00<br />

Arsenal at St. Louis.<br />

To W. H. Bell, major<br />

P. V. Hagner, brevet major<br />

F. D. Callender, captain<br />

2, 537 90<br />

500 00<br />

900 00<br />

$3, 937 90<br />

To S. M. Clark<br />

W. H. K. Whiteley, captain<br />

Arsenal at Texas.<br />

46 20<br />

5, 000 00<br />

$5, 046 20<br />

To G. D. Ramsay, brevet major<br />

Arsenal at Washington.<br />

$3, 950 00<br />

S. Lansing, military storekeeper<br />

Arsenal at Waterrliet.<br />

$15, 000 00<br />

Arsenal at Watertoton.<br />

To L. Leonard, military storekeeper. $3, 500 00<br />

Repairs of all the smaller arsenals.<br />

To P. V. Hagner, brevet major<br />

J. Gorgas, captain<br />

J. L. Reno, captain<br />

J. M. Gait, military storekeeper<br />

T. Lewis, military storekeeper<br />

N. . Grant<br />

J. S. Abeel, military storekeeper<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By T. Lewis, military storekeeper 35 64<br />

J, M. Gait, military storekeeper 59 21<br />

3, 700 00<br />

1, 600 00<br />

670 00<br />

200 00<br />

560 00<br />

500 00<br />

100 00<br />

7, 330 00<br />

94 65<br />

17, 23 15



321<br />

1860-' 61.<br />


'I'o B. Huger, brevet colonel<br />

G. D. Ramsay, brevet major<br />

P. V. Hagner, brevet major<br />

R, H. K. Whiteley. captain<br />

W. Maynadier, captain<br />

T. J. Tread well, lieutenant<br />

J. M. Gait, military storekeeper<br />

J. B. Butler, military storekeeper<br />

E. Powell, ordnance sergeant<br />

Contingencies<br />

of arsenals.<br />

700 00<br />

1, 513 56<br />

300 00<br />

2& 050 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

500 00<br />

I, 891 84<br />

300 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By B. Huger, brevet colonel<br />

D. H. Maury, acting adjutant general<br />

R. H. Whiteley, captair&<br />

E. Powell, ordnance sergeant<br />

To G. W. Cullum& captain<br />

Fort Adams, Ithnde 1sland.<br />

262 58<br />

171 26<br />

1, 000 00<br />

64 91<br />

9, 755 40<br />

1, 498 75<br />

$8, 256 65<br />

$5, 000 00<br />

, To H. Brewerton, major<br />

J. G. I'oster, captain<br />

Fort Carroll, 3Iaryland,<br />

10, 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

$20& 000 00<br />

Fort Calhoun,<br />

Virginia.<br />

To R. E, De Russy, lieutenant colonel $45, 000 00<br />

Fort Clinch, Florida.<br />

To FI. C. Whiting, captain.<br />

D. P. Woodbury<br />

20, 000 00<br />

I& 000 00<br />

$21, 000 00<br />

Fort Delazoare,<br />

Delaz, are.<br />

To John Newton, captain<br />

$43, 642 70<br />

Fort at Fort Point, California.<br />

To J. F. Gilmer, captain.<br />

$52, 000 00<br />

Fort Gaines, Alabama.<br />

To F. E. Prime, lieutenant<br />

$25, 807 19<br />

Bl R

322<br />


1860 —'61.<br />


Fort Jackson, Louisiana.<br />

To P. G. T. Beauregard, brevet major $175 00<br />

Eort Jefferson, Elorida.<br />

To D. P. AVoodbury, captain<br />

M. C. Meigs, captain<br />

J. Si. C. Morton, lieutenant<br />

33, 000 00<br />

24, 045 54<br />

58, 954 46<br />

$116& 000 00<br />

To J. C. Palfrey, lieutenant.<br />

Fort Enon', Maine.<br />

$12, 500 00<br />

Fort 3Iontgomery,<br />

iVew York.<br />

To C. E. Blunt, lieutenant $7, 000 00<br />

Fort Monroe,<br />

To R. E. De Russy, lieutenant colonel .<br />

Q. A. Gillmore, lieutenant<br />

Virginia.<br />

5, 699 59<br />

4, 000 00<br />

$9. 699 59<br />

To J. G. Foster, captain<br />

Fort 3Ioultrie, South Carolina.<br />

$13, 500 00<br />

Fort 3Iadison, 3Iaryland.<br />

To J. Eveleth, agent<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By M. C. Meigs<br />

433 30<br />

$433 30<br />

Fort iQcRea, Elorida.<br />

To F. E. Prime, lieutenant<br />

$3, 500 00<br />

To J. G. Foster, captain<br />

Eort Sumter, Soutn Carolina.<br />

$41, 000 00<br />

'I'o M. D. McAllester, lieutenant<br />

J. G. Barnard, major<br />

Fort Richmond,<br />

New York.<br />

12, 028 67<br />

7, 800 00<br />

$19& 828 51<br />

Fort St. Phih'p, Louisiana.<br />

To P. G. T. Beauregard, brevet major $7, 000 06



1860-' 61.<br />


Fort Taylor, Florida.<br />

To E. B. Hunt, lieutenant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $120, 000 00<br />

To C. S. Stewart, captain.<br />

Eo& t IVinthrop,<br />

3Iassachusetts,<br />

$296 50<br />

Fort opposite Fort 8r. 'huyler,<br />

r'ver York.<br />

To G. W. Cullum, captain $5, 950 00<br />

To M, D. McAllester, lieutenant.<br />

J. G. Bernard, major.<br />

Fort on site of Fort Tompkins,<br />

2Vew York.<br />

16, 300 00<br />

15, 000 00<br />

$31, 300 00<br />

Forts on the western frontier of Texas,<br />

To D. kI. Vinton, quartermaster $35, 000 00<br />

Fortification ot Aicatra" island, California.<br />

To J. B. Mcpherson, lieutenant. . $25, 000 00<br />

fortifications at entrance to Nevi ltedford harbor.<br />

To G. W. Cullum, captain. $20, 000 00<br />

1&orAfications at Hog Island Ledge, 3Iaine.<br />

To J. C. Palfrey, lieutenant<br />

J. J. Lee, agent<br />

24 410 00<br />

400 00<br />

$24, 810 00<br />

To H. W. Benham, captain<br />

J. G. Foster, captain<br />

Fortifications at Sandy HooI", 2~ew Jersey.<br />

74, 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

$84, 000 00<br />

Fortifications for defence of entrance to Galveston harbor and bay.<br />

To W. H. Stevens, lieutenant. 838, 000 00<br />

FortijCcations<br />

at Ship& island, coast of the 3Iississippi.<br />

To F. E. P&ime, lieuteuant . $18, 199 35

324<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Reconstructing<br />

the stables at Carlisle barracks,<br />

To J. P. Holliday, acting assistant quartermaster. $8, 050 00<br />

Repairs, tfic. , of barracks, quarters,<br />

le. , at forts not occupied by troops.<br />

To F. L. Prime, lieutenant $1, 000 00<br />

To J. H. Simpson.<br />

Survey for mihtary defences of the sea and inland frontier.<br />

. . ... . captain.<br />

W. F. Reynolds. . .. ... do.<br />

J. Pope . . do.<br />

W. F. Smith do.<br />

A. W. Whipple ... .... .. .. . . do.<br />

R. S. Williamson .. . . . lieutenant<br />

O. M. Poe<br />

f<br />

do.<br />

E. F. Beale .. . . . superintendent ... . .<br />

John Potts. . .. . .. .. . disbursing<br />

E. de Giradin.<br />

clerk.<br />

4, 000 00<br />

25, 000 00<br />

800 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

1I 200 00<br />

li500 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

9, 000 00<br />

180 00<br />

654, 680 00<br />

Purchase of a site a»d additional<br />

To J, F. Gilmer, captain.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following<br />

By J. F. Gilmer, captain<br />

repayment:<br />

defences for San Francisco.<br />

201, 500 00<br />

200, 000 00<br />

$1, 500 00<br />

To John Mullin, lieutenant. . . . . . . .<br />

John Potts, disbursing clerk<br />

Rood from Fort Benton to Walla- Walla.<br />

60, 000 00<br />

1, 079 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following<br />

By John Potts, disbursing clerk<br />

repayment:<br />

61, 679 00<br />

177 02<br />

$61, 501 98<br />

Road front Steilacoom to Vancouuer.<br />

To George Thorn, captain $10, 000 00<br />

P!epairs of bridge over 3Iill creek.<br />

To R. E. De Pussy, brevet colonel $500 00<br />

Paying existing liabtlities and to finish the maps, +c. , of the sur1&ey of the Atrato<br />

route of the inter-oceanic canal.<br />

To N. Michler, lieuter ant $6, 500 00



325<br />

l 860-' 61.<br />


Removing obstructions in the Savannah river.<br />

To W. H. C. Whiting, captain. 88, 000 00<br />

Removing obstructions in the mouth of the 3Iississippi & iver.<br />

To S. H. Long, lieutenant colonel.<br />

A, A. Humphries, captain .<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By P. G. T. Beauregard, brevet major. . . . . . . . .<br />

S. H. Long, lieutenant colonel<br />

14 10<br />

5&000 00<br />

36& 000 00<br />

2, 191 02<br />

38, 191 02<br />

5, 014 10<br />

$33, 176 92<br />

Improvements<br />

of Des 11Ioines ropids in the 3Iississippi river.<br />

To John 6. Floyd, United States agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 840& 000 00<br />

8urvey of northern and northttestern lakes.<br />

To 6. G. Mead, captain $75, 000 00<br />

Repairs and contingencies<br />

To W. H. Stcvcns, lieutenant.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By John Newton, captain<br />

of harbors.<br />

9 29<br />

6 24<br />

63 05<br />

Pier and mole at Osn:ego, Neu&<br />

York.<br />

To J. D. Graham, lieutenant colonel $10, 000 00<br />

I'rinting charts nf lake surveys,<br />

To J. C. Woodruif, captain. 85, 000 00<br />

Continuing the topographical and hydrographical survey of the delta of' the<br />

mississippi.<br />

To A. A. Humphrics, captain 81, 060 02<br />

To J. Z. S. Blackwell.<br />

P. 6: C. Powell.<br />

M. Allison<br />

Improuement<br />

of Tennessee river.<br />

185 85<br />

37 30<br />

223 38<br />

$446 53


18GO-'61.<br />


Dome of the Capitol of the United States.<br />

To W. B. Franklin, captain<br />

M. C. Meigs, captain<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following<br />

By M, C. Meigs& captain<br />

repayment:<br />

135&000 00<br />

30&000 00<br />

165, 000 00<br />

70<br />

$164, 999 30<br />

Extension of the Capitol of' the United Slates.<br />

To W. B. Franklin, captain<br />

M. C. Meigs, captain<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By W. B. Franklin, captain<br />

M. C. Meigs, captain<br />

65 54<br />

8G 36<br />

387, 500 00<br />

47, 000 00<br />

$434, 500 00<br />

151 90<br />

$434&348 10<br />

To W. B. Franl-lin, captain<br />

M. C. Meigs, captain<br />

Extension of the General Post 0+ce.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By M. C. Meigs& captain .<br />

70, 000 00<br />

16&006 50<br />

86, 00G 50<br />

6 50<br />

$86, 000 00<br />

Continuing the Washington aqu<strong>edu</strong>ct.<br />

To M. C. Meigs, captain .<br />

H. W. Benham, captain .<br />

J. St. C. Morton, lieutenant<br />

103, 0OO 00<br />

100, 000 00<br />

80, 000 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By M. C. Meigs, captain .<br />

J. St. C. Morton, lieutenant<br />

5, 283 71<br />

26, 245 74<br />

283, 000 00<br />

31, 529 45<br />

$251&470 55<br />

Payment to the State of 3Iaine for expenses incurred in. organizing a regintent<br />

of volunteers for the 3Iexican urar.<br />

To Nathan Dane& treasurer 810, 308 28



327<br />

1860-'61.<br />


Payment of erpenses of militia of New 3IIexico called out in 1854.<br />

To C. H. I'ry, paymaster<br />

W. Craig, lieutenant . . . . .<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By W. Craig, lieutenant.<br />

60, 000 00<br />

12, 400 53<br />

72&400 53<br />

12, 400 53<br />

$60, 000 00<br />

Pay of volunteers.<br />

To T. P. Andrews, deputy paymaster general.<br />

H. Hill, paymaster.<br />

T. l. Lcslie, paymaster<br />

L. J. Beall, paymaster.<br />

J. A. Logan, assistant quartermaster<br />

306 10<br />

44 71<br />

13 02<br />

18 00<br />

19 71<br />

8401 54<br />

Settlement of suspenaecl accounts for expenses of volunteers in kansas Territory<br />

in 1856.<br />

To S. P. Higgins, (deceased, ) late acting assistant quartermaster<br />

E. S. Sibley, quartermaster .<br />

R. H. Riddirk, late acting assistant quartermaster. . . . . . .<br />

424 51<br />

481 85<br />

115 04<br />

$1, 021 40<br />

Pay of four companies of volunteers called out l&y Lieutenant Colonel IVashington.<br />

To T. P. Andrews, deputy paymaster general.<br />

Which d<strong>edu</strong>ct from the following repayment:<br />

By T. Swords, deputy paymaster general .<br />

Excess of repayment.<br />

139 91<br />

26, 000 00<br />

$25, 860 09<br />

Pay of'five companies Texas mounted volunteers.<br />

'I'o T. P. Andrews, deputy paymaster general. $40 97<br />

Payn&ent of Florida volunteers in 1857 and 1858.<br />

To T. P. Andrews, deputy paymaster general .<br />

9. C. Hutter, paymaster.<br />

H. Hill, paymaster.<br />

T. J. Leslic, paymaster<br />

R. B. Reynolds, paymaster.<br />

A. J. Smith, paymaster .<br />

2, 338 40<br />

450 14<br />

184 35<br />

1, 596 04<br />

2, 042 25<br />

1, 041 67<br />

$7, 652 85



1860-' 61.<br />


Pay and supplies of mounted and foot companies of Florida volunteers.<br />

To T. P. Andrews, deputy paymaster general<br />

T. J. Leslie, paymaster<br />

H. Hill, paymaster.<br />

M. S. Miller, assistant quartermaster<br />

W R. Van Bohj&elen, captain<br />

R. B. Thomas, agent.<br />

Which d<strong>edu</strong>ct from the following repayment:<br />

By A. C. Myers, assistant quartermaster<br />

Excess of repayment<br />

161 36<br />

58 89<br />

118 21<br />

266 00<br />

458 05<br />

1, 728 88<br />

2& 791 39<br />

16, 924 98<br />

$14, 133 59<br />

Payment of mounted rifleme volunteers<br />

To T. P. Andrews, deputy paymaster general<br />

G. H. Ringgold, paymaster.<br />

under Captain John C. Fremont.<br />

895 50<br />

136 50<br />

$1, 032 00<br />

Payment of claims adjudicated to mounted ~"jilemen under Colonel John C<br />

Fremont in 1846.<br />

To J. Salasar and others 8822 90<br />

Travelling allouances to volunteers.<br />

To B. Alvord, paymaster<br />

T. P. Andrews, deputy paymaster general<br />

220 00<br />

67 46<br />

$287 46<br />

Arrearages of pay to volunteers in Black Hatck u;ar.<br />

To T. P. Andrews, deputy paymaster general. 8447 32<br />

Pay of three companies of Eansas volunteers.<br />

To T. P. Andrews, deputy paymaster general. $279 98<br />

Support of four companies of volunteers<br />

To T. P. Andrews. . . . . .<br />

F. E. Hunt<br />

G. H. Ringgold.<br />

B. W. Brice.<br />

D. Hunter.<br />

A. B. Began<br />

B. Alvord<br />

L. L. Rich<br />

. deputy paymaster general. . .<br />

paymaster.<br />

d o. .<br />

do.<br />

. do<br />

. do<br />

do.<br />

. lieutenant.<br />

at Camp Scott. , utah Territory.<br />

Carried forward<br />

865 88<br />

84 54<br />

98 97<br />

261 77<br />

157 73<br />

190 48<br />

89 84<br />

3, 493 85<br />

85 243 06



1860-' 61.<br />


Brought forward. . 5, 243 06<br />

Which d<strong>edu</strong>ct from the following repayments:<br />

By G. H. Crossman, deputy quartermaster general . . . . . . . .<br />

H. Prince, paymaster .<br />

94& 699 28<br />

8, 6o5 95<br />

103, 355 23<br />

Excess of repayment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $98. 112 17<br />

Purchase of gunpotcder for the Package coast.<br />

To E. J. Dupont, De Nemours &, Co. $2, 957 50<br />

Refunding to the Slate of California eopensesincurred in suppres. ing Indian,<br />

hostilities prior to January 1, 1854, act of Congress August 5, 1854.<br />

To T. G. Pratt 9, 997 63<br />

W, B. Todd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352 37<br />

Riggs &; Co 547 63<br />

Sweeney, Rittenhouse, Fant 8t Co 629 80<br />

$11, 527 43<br />

Preventing and suppressing India», hostihties.<br />

To T. P. Andrews, deputy paymaster general<br />

H. Hill, paymaster<br />

G. C, Butter, paymaster<br />

T. J. Leslie, paymaster.<br />

J. Osteen, late quartermaster<br />

J. W. McCrabb, deceased, late assistant quartermaster.<br />

H. Brown, colonel.<br />

2, 680 60<br />

63 51<br />

41 23<br />

1, 590 00<br />

852 54<br />

419 10<br />

2 20<br />

$5, 649 18<br />

Pepressi ng Sentinole hostilities.<br />

To T. P. Andrews, deputy paymaster general $307 78<br />

3Iexica n hostilities.<br />

To C. H. Fry, paymaster<br />

$10, 000 00<br />

Purchase of gunpotader for the land service.<br />

To S. Lansing, military storekeeper .<br />

E. J. Dupont, De Nemours tt Co<br />

Hazard Powder Company<br />

J. J. Bogue .<br />

H. I'. Offutt &, Co.<br />

3, 500 00<br />

19, 672 10<br />

6, 701 25<br />

3, 439 20<br />

4, 563 90<br />

$37, 876 45<br />

Purchase ancl repairs of instruments for & orps nf topographical engine~vs.<br />

I'o J. C. Woodruff, captain . $10, 000 00

'<br />

330<br />

1860-'61.<br />

To L. Loeser, lieutenant<br />

John Potts, disbursing<br />

T. Harm.<br />

C. H. Todhunter.<br />



Military contributions<br />

clerk.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By John Potts, disbursing clerk . . . .<br />

in mexico.<br />

114 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

450 00<br />

412 00<br />

4, 97G 00<br />

432 41<br />

$4, 543 59<br />

Refunding money for expensesincurred, g.<br />

To P. D. Bool-er and Catherine Randolph $22 00<br />

Arrearages prior to July, 1815.<br />

To H. Hale, alias Heald<br />

H. Stone, deceased<br />

W. Bratton<br />

A. Wheaton.<br />

J. o-<br />

S. , Tones<br />

B.<br />

H. Cross.<br />

G. Connor<br />

L. Wiswall<br />

5 67<br />

4 35<br />

9 00<br />

30 16<br />

49 00<br />

29 34<br />

50 66<br />

22 33<br />

48 00<br />

5 00<br />

$253 51<br />

Printing book of tactics.<br />

To John Poits, disbursing<br />

clerk<br />

286 61<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By John Potts, disbursing clerk<br />

$286 50<br />

Gontingent<br />

erpenses of the Adj ulant General's dePartment.<br />

To W. A. Xichols, acting adjutant general<br />

S. Williams, acting adjutant general<br />

'1'. Talbot, acting adjutant general<br />

R. Arnold, acting assistant adjutant general<br />

Fitz John Porter<br />

R. Williams<br />

50 00<br />

225 00<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

75 00<br />

50 00<br />

$500 00<br />

Con7pensation of a clerk and messenger in once of Commanding GeneraL<br />

To Winfield Scott, lieutenant general $2, 000 00


1860-'61.<br />


Contingent expenses of once of Commanding General.<br />

&To Winield Scott, lieutenant general 8300 00<br />

To T. P. Andrews, deputy paymaster general<br />

A. J. Smith, paymaster<br />

L Heatherly<br />

Joseph Watts.<br />

Expenses of Rogue Iti ver Indian rear.<br />

155 95<br />

16 45<br />

100 00<br />

304 00<br />

8576 40<br />

Printing a revised edition of the System<br />

of' Instruction for I"ield Artillery.<br />

o C. Wendell<br />

T<br />

J. Poits, disbursing clerk .<br />

3, 199 01<br />

1, 900 99<br />

85, 100 00<br />

Payment to the State of iIinnesota for expenses incurred by Captaiii James<br />

Stait:ey's company of 1'Iinnesota volunteers, in 186'7.<br />

To Charles Sheffer, treusurer $1, 111 77<br />

Deficiencyfrom Indian hostilities in the transportation of troops, act of March<br />

o, 1861.<br />

To D. D. Tompkins, assistant quartermaster general .<br />

6. H. Crosman, deputy quarterrusster general<br />

J. McKinstry, assistant quartermaster<br />

J. H. Dickerson, assistant quartermaster<br />

J. P. Halliday, acting assistant quartermaster<br />

Defi'ciency from Inilian hostilities in barracks, quarters,<br />

gc.<br />

273, 000 00<br />

86, 150 00<br />

30, 000 00<br />

30, 000 00<br />

50, 000 00<br />

$469, 150 00<br />

To D. D. Tompkins, assistant quartermaster general . $178, 000 00<br />

Deficiency fiom Indian hostilities in incidental expenses of quartermaster's<br />

department.<br />

To D. D. Tompkins, assistant quartermaster general . . 44, 000 00<br />

W. Cmig, lieutenant 12, 400 53<br />

$56, 400 53<br />

Conipleting<br />

the report and<br />

To J. N. 31acomb, captain<br />

perfecting the diaioings of the San Juan exploring<br />

expcdi ti on.<br />

$1, 800 00<br />

I'rotcction of emigre ants on the overland routes.<br />

To H, E. 5laynadier, captain . $25, 000 00

382<br />



1860-'6].<br />

To Mrs. Agatha O' Brien<br />


Relief of 3Irs. Agatha O' Brien.<br />

$686 75<br />

Relief of Whitemarsh<br />

To J. Beamer<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By J. Beamer<br />

B. Seabrook and others.<br />

1, 072 gg<br />

$1, 072 33<br />

Pielief of the legal representatives of Sylvester Day, late surgeon united States<br />

army.<br />

To S. Day, deceased, late surgeon 8426 00<br />

Reh'ef of the 3IIissionary Society of the 3Iethodist Episcol&al Church. , act of<br />

tune 1, 1860.<br />

To L. Carlton, treasurer $20, 000 00,<br />

Relief of Lieutenant George S. Hartsu~, L'nited States army.<br />

To G. S. Hartsuty, lieutenant . $380 00<br />

REpAYMFwrs.<br />

Purchase of best breech-loading<br />

rtftes.<br />

By W. A. Thornton, major. $13 57<br />

Repairs of barracks at Baton Rouge, Louisiana.<br />

By S. M. Cooper, acting assistant quartermaster $52 40<br />

Road from a point on the 1Vlissouri river of the City of Council Bus,<br />

Fort Eearney, 1Vashington Territory.<br />

at Nea'<br />

By E. G. Beckwith, captain $6 63<br />

Road from Fort Riley to Bridger's Pass.<br />

By E. G. Beckwith, captain $6 63<br />

Road from Fort Riley to Arkansas river.<br />

By E. G. Beckrvith, captain $6 64<br />

Survey of' railroad from the 3lississippi to the Pacipc.<br />

By I. I. Stevens, late governor $1. 201 13



1860-' 61.<br />


Pioads and bridges for fhe use of armies in the f»eld.<br />

By J. H, Simpson, captain 8903 24<br />

Ite-openi»»g a communicatio»»<br />

behveen Albemarle sound and the yt!lantic ocean.<br />

By W. Trumbull, deceased, brevet colonel 83, 521 39<br />

Improvement<br />

of Cape 1&ear river, iVorth Carolina.<br />

By W. Trumbull, deceased, brevet colonel $795 65<br />

Improven»ent<br />

of' Itiver»St. , Iohn's, Florida.<br />

8y W, H. C. Whiting, captain 8822 60<br />

Delaware brealcwater.<br />

By J. Newton, captain $19 88<br />

Construction<br />

of a harbor on the east side of Peedy island.<br />

By J. Newton, captain $77 43<br />

Impro» en»ent of'the navigation of the Colorado river.<br />

By W. H. Stevens, lieutenant 841 50<br />

Continuing the improvement of the harbor of Dunl'irk:.<br />

By J. D. Graham, lieutenant colonel 8158 68<br />

Sea-wall in, the harbor of S&. Augustine, Florida.<br />

By W. H. C. Whiting, captain 890 20<br />

Payment' of Texas volunteers under General Srook.<br />

By T. Swords, deputy paymaster general 85, 000 00<br />

Testing gun metal fo»' heavy cannon.<br />

Bv L Leonard, military storekeeper 8182 23


1860-'61.<br />


To A F. Ammidown<br />

I'ay of the navy.<br />

navy agent<br />

W. F. Russell<br />

H. F. wendell .. .<br />

do<br />

do.<br />

G. Loyall do<br />

A. E. Maxwell do<br />

W. Badger do<br />

H. G. S. Key do<br />

W, Flinn do.<br />

B. D. Herriot do<br />

A. E. Smith do<br />

S. P. Brown do.<br />

E. L. Norton do<br />

W. P. Ewing do<br />

J. S. Chambers . do<br />

I. Henderson do.<br />

T. L. Tullock do<br />

F. Sense paymaster<br />

J. K. Harwood .. . .. do<br />

J. D. Murray do<br />

G. H. White . do.<br />

E. T. Dunn do<br />

J. V. B. Bleecker. . . do<br />

B. F. Gallaher do<br />

T. M. Taylor do<br />

J. B. Rittenhouse do<br />

J. S. Cunningham. . . do<br />

G. H. Ritchie do<br />

C. Murray do<br />

R. T. Allison d. o<br />

T. H. Looker do<br />

A. E. Watson do<br />

J. A. Semple . do-<br />

C. C. Upham do<br />

G. W. Clark do<br />

J. G. Harris do<br />

W. A. Ingersoll . do<br />

W. W. J. Kelly. . . do<br />

L. D. Slsmm do<br />

B. J. Cahoone &10<br />

G. F. Cutter do<br />

H. Myers do<br />

J. 0. Bradford do<br />

A. J. Watson do<br />

J. DeBree do<br />

J, N. Carpenter . . do<br />

C. J. Emery do<br />

A. A. Belknap do<br />

J. N. Hambleton do.<br />

J. H. Watmough . do<br />

G. T. Pierce do<br />

W. B. Boggs &10<br />

E. C. Doran ----do<br />

T. B. Nalle . . do<br />

S. Forrest, deceased, late do<br />

E. W. Dunn do<br />

C. W. Abbott . do<br />

M. H. Morris . do<br />

J. S. Gulick do<br />

R. Pettit . . do<br />

J. A. Bates . . . do<br />

58) 811 00<br />

165, 147 00<br />

41, 685 20<br />

401042 00<br />

22, 250 00<br />

75, 206 00<br />

127, 341 00<br />

73, 509 OOI<br />

3, 000 00<br />

381, 792 62<br />

21) 809 00<br />

76, 432 00<br />

36, 000 00<br />

31, 040 00<br />

93, 437 001<br />

21, 594 00<br />

7, OOO OOI<br />

]2&500 00<br />

64, 300 00<br />

123& 300 00<br />

74& 000 00<br />

60, 000 00'<br />

249, 800 00<br />

oo, ooo 00/<br />

51, 000 00<br />

80, 409 ol<br />

40&606 00<br />

146, 000 00,<br />

146& 000 00<br />

35) 500 00<br />

44, 320 00<br />

205, 000 00<br />

40, 600 00<br />

50, 036 87<br />

27, 586 03<br />

52, 000 00<br />

29, 000 00<br />

116&100 00<br />

103, 070 05<br />

10, 000 00<br />

36, 000 00<br />

123, 000 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

53, 000 00<br />

6O, OOO 00<br />

10, 400 00<br />

115, 414 00<br />

6, 574 32<br />

167, 400 00<br />

11, 252 82<br />

22& 000 00<br />

61, 5OO 00<br />

72, 000 00<br />

6, 600 5 00<br />

3P, 000 00<br />

11, 000 00<br />

17, 000 00<br />

0 OOO 011<br />

201<br />

2 000 00<br />

I<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . . $3&949&876



1860- 61.<br />

'&<br />


To H. Etting<br />

Brought forward.<br />

paymaster<br />

W. G. Marcy do<br />

L. J. Brown . do<br />

H. B. Woodbridge . . do<br />

H. M. FIeiskell. . . . do<br />

W. A. Russell do<br />

L. Wsrrington do<br />

R. H. Clark . do<br />

J. Irving ilo<br />

C. D. Wallack . do.<br />

A. H. Gilman &10<br />

B. M. Dove. acting paymaster<br />

0. H. Berryman do<br />

A. I&. V. ('ray, deceased . . do<br />

F. ;it, an icy do<br />

L. C. bartori do.<br />

J. Lsmnan do<br />

J. N. Maftitt . . do<br />

T. A. Craven do<br />

J. M. Frailey do<br />

J. M. l&rooke do.<br />

M. Woodhull do<br />

C. Stedman . do<br />

J. De Camp do<br />

, J. H. Strong . do<br />

tV. Ronckendorff<br />

do<br />

J. P. Greyson do<br />

J. R. Goldsborough . do<br />

A S. Bahlwin.<br />

do<br />

G. H. Holt do<br />

T. Kitchen . do<br />

I. Wood do<br />

G. De Y. Barton do<br />

F&. K, Cooley.<br />

do<br />

C. IV. Rassler . do.<br />

W. Reynolds. . . naval storekeeper<br />

J. M. Watson do.<br />

J. Boyle do<br />

J. Filor do<br />

D. D. Porter. . . commander<br />

J. C. Carter do<br />

H. Bruce do-<br />

A. J. McCartney lieutenant<br />

C. E. 'I'horburn, former ., do<br />

C. Thomas . do<br />

J. P. Foster do<br />

H. C. Flagg do<br />

J. M. Gi1 lies do.<br />

J. H. Carter do<br />

S. D. Trenchard. . . do<br />

H. A. Wise do<br />

J. J. B. Walback, late do<br />

J. T. 'I'aylor passed assistant surgeon<br />

L. C. Lane „do<br />

bccretary of the N ivy<br />

trustee<br />

Chief of Bureau of Provisions and Clothing<br />

J. H. Boutwell . sailmaker<br />

J. Holt alias C. H. Knspp, deceased<br />

J. A. Dix, R. Ji. Blstchford, and G. Opdyke<br />

Baring Ihothcrs 6: Co<br />

3&949, 876 90<br />

50, 000 00<br />

110, 000 00<br />

100 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

13, 000 00<br />

15, 000 00<br />

14, 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

6' , 000 OO<br />

10, 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

442 94<br />

13, 557 50<br />

&, 000 00<br />

5, 950 00<br />

13, 551 00<br />

]4, 900 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

176 84<br />

207 000 00<br />

19, 000 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

4, 953 31<br />

9, 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

1, 848 37<br />

107 500 00<br />

2, 069 00<br />

52 55<br />

38 SG<br />

955 36<br />

2. 100 82<br />

191 26<br />

219 73<br />

7, 000 00<br />

5GI 06<br />

1, 964 38<br />

8, 058 91<br />

344 60<br />

3, 000 00<br />

502 13<br />

34 52<br />

700 00<br />

182 74<br />

19, 295 89<br />

95, 135 26<br />

580 97<br />

193 44<br />

I, 000, 000 00<br />

550, 000 00<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . . $6, 0817538 34



1860-' 61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By H. G. S. Key . . . navy agent.<br />

G. Loyall -do<br />

W. F. Russell do<br />

H. F. wendell . . do<br />

G. N. Sanders, late. . . do<br />

A. E Smith do<br />

J. H. Lathrop . . do.<br />

T. Hays do. . .<br />

A. F. Ammidown. . . . do<br />

J. D. Gibson paymaster<br />

J. 0. Bradford do<br />

J. 'W. Nuron. . . . . . . do.<br />

E. C. Doran . do<br />

J. V. B. Bleecker do<br />

G. W. Clarl-e . do<br />

M. H. Morris Mo<br />

H. Jl. Heiskell ~ do<br />

J. H. Watmough . do<br />

G. F. Cutter do<br />

H. Myers do<br />

B F. Gallaher<br />

do<br />

W. W. J. Kelly do „<br />

E. T. Dunn. do.<br />

J. D. lllurray . do<br />

G. R. Barry do<br />

B. J. Cahoone do.<br />

1V. G. Jlarcy do<br />

H. Ettiug . do<br />

J. M. Brooke . . . acting paymaster<br />

R. L. Tilghman do<br />

G. H. Hol lins captain<br />

M. Woodhull . . lieutenant<br />

A. H. Hughes do<br />

A. Armstrong, late . . . . . do<br />

G. W. Harrison do<br />

W. H. Ball<br />

C. Steedmau<br />

N. Pinckney. . . . . surgeon<br />

Chief of Bureau of Provisions and Clothing<br />

T. P. Venable . . gunner<br />

J. A. Dix, R. 81. Blatchford, and G. Opdyke<br />

To W. F. Russell<br />

'tV. Badger<br />

Clothing of' the nary.<br />

. . . . navy agent<br />

9, 687 84<br />

18 18<br />

29 73<br />

10 94<br />

22, 925 97<br />

53 46<br />

4 00<br />

9 00<br />

5 24<br />

40, 468 65<br />

97 19<br />

22, 807 59<br />

761 10<br />

13, 392 78<br />

688 98<br />

389 94<br />

16, 896 61<br />

11, 691 40<br />

1) 310 00<br />

7, 400 00<br />

12, 835 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

6, 181 09<br />

2, 463 20<br />

26, 775 87<br />

6, 015 90<br />

619 94<br />

30, 000 00<br />

3, 475 54<br />

3, 594 44<br />

625 00<br />

14, 494 55<br />

160 00<br />

369 50<br />

32 84<br />

5, 911 86<br />

1& 639 34<br />

25<br />

1, 444 66<br />

52 93<br />

805, 000 00<br />

A. F. Ammidowu do<br />

H. G. S. Key . do<br />

G. Loyall . . . . . . . . „ . do<br />

E. L. Norton . do.<br />

I. Henderson do<br />

W. P. Ewing do<br />

J. B. Rittenhouse . . . paymaster .<br />

C. Murray do<br />

F. B. Nalle do<br />

A. A Belknap . . . . . do<br />

W. 35. Ingersoll . . do<br />

J. 0. Bradford do<br />

J. M. Brool-e. . . acting paymaster .<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . .<br />

. do<br />

6, 081, 538 34<br />

1, 075, 340 51<br />

85, 006, 197 83<br />

104& 370 00<br />

12, 710 00<br />

55, 597 00<br />

29 00<br />

10 00<br />

39, 073 00<br />

30, 766 00<br />

450 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

1, 800 00<br />

4, 500 00<br />

1, 700 00<br />

1& 546 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

83 3&<br />

8&58, 584 33


1860 —'61.<br />


From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By H. G. S. Key. . . navy a«ent . . .<br />

G. Lo all do<br />

A. E. Smith . do<br />

W. F. Russell<br />

H. F. Wende]]. uel . .<br />

do<br />

A. F. A. mrnidown . do<br />

W. Badger . . do .<br />

G. N. Sanders, late. . . do<br />

J. D. Gibson . paymaster<br />

H. M. Heiskell. . . do<br />

J. G. Harris . do<br />

J. W. Nixon do<br />

G. R. Barry . do.<br />

S. Forrest, late . . do<br />

, f. ]8. Brooke . . . . acting paymaster.<br />

G. S. Blal-0 captain<br />

W. H. Ball . lieutenant.<br />

H. Woodhull. do<br />

Chief of Bureau of Provisions and Clothing<br />

Brought forward. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

1, 247 29<br />

424 39<br />

308 19<br />

1, 009 36<br />

85 18<br />

181462 05<br />

193 58<br />

10, 898 47<br />

4. 047 77<br />

6, 733 03<br />

17, 678 54<br />

3, 198 12<br />

912 80<br />

10, 456 87<br />

1, 044 43<br />

685 00<br />

I, 004 52<br />

3, 161 15<br />

95, 412 15<br />

837<br />

256, 584 39<br />

176, 962 89<br />

$79, 62] 50<br />

To A. F. Ammidown<br />

W. F. Russell<br />

H. G&. S. Key<br />

G. Loyal]<br />

A. E. 5Iaxwe]]<br />

W. Badger<br />

H. I . Wendell<br />

W. Flinn<br />

Baring Brothers C]z<br />

A. E. bmith<br />

G. N. Sat)dere, late<br />

S. P. Brown<br />

E. L. Norton<br />

J. S. Chambers<br />

I. Henderson<br />

W. P. E wing<br />

J. F. Steele<br />

G. Y. Pierce<br />

J. D. Gibson<br />

G. H. White<br />

C. ]&Intra'&»<br />

E. R Dunn<br />

H, M. Heiskell<br />

E. C. Doran<br />

A. J. Watson<br />

A. E. Wa, tson.<br />

G. H. Ritchie<br />

H. Ilyers<br />

B. J. Cahoone<br />

F. Sense<br />

J. De Bree<br />

J. W. Nixon<br />

C. J. Emery<br />

W. B. Bog s<br />

W. A. Ingersoll<br />

R<br />

C 0<br />

Proc isioszs for thc nat:y,<br />

navy agent<br />

do .<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

&10<br />

. do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

paymaster.<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do .<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

. do<br />

&10<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do .<br />

. do .<br />

do<br />

96, 526 00<br />

15&J, 068 00<br />

31, 225 95<br />

31, 501 00<br />

14, 212 00<br />

31, 833 00<br />

2, 485 00<br />

12, 889 00<br />

75, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

36, 100 88<br />

1]5, 675 50<br />

9O, 356 OO<br />

12, 814 00<br />

241, 769 00<br />

316 00<br />

500 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

22, 564 19<br />

2& 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

li, 249 32<br />

3, (00 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

19, 000 00<br />

13, 000 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

5, 747 74<br />

700 00<br />

11, 000 00<br />

14, 810 46<br />

2, 500 00<br />

13. 418 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

Ca) t ted fo& ward $])111)811 04

338<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward . .<br />

By J. EI. Watmough. . . . . . . . . . . paymaster. . . . . .<br />

G, R„Barry . do.<br />

A. A. Belknap. do<br />

L. Warrington. do.<br />

J. G. Harris. . do. .<br />

M. H. Jlorris do.<br />

B. F Gallaher. do.<br />

J. S. Gulick do.<br />

J. S. Cunningham. . . . . do<br />

C. D. Wallach do<br />

J. OI. Brool(e. . . . acting paymaster. . .<br />

J. 51 Frailey . do.<br />

F. Stanley . do.<br />

J. Boyle do.<br />

J. Filor naval storekeeper<br />

W. H. Ball lieutenant<br />

J. P. Foster do<br />

M. 1Voodhull. .(io<br />

Secretary of the Navy<br />

trustee<br />

Froru which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repaymeuts:<br />

By G. Loyall . navy ageut.<br />

A. E. S(uith do. .<br />

H. F. wendell .. do. IV. F. Russell do. .. .. ..<br />

A. F. Ammidown do .<br />

W. Badger . do.<br />

J. G. Harris paymaster. . . .<br />

S, Forrest, late. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &lo.<br />

J. M. Brooke . acting paymaster<br />

F Engle<br />

captain<br />

Secretary of the Navy<br />

trustee.<br />

Chief of Bureau of Provisions, S(c.<br />

838 91<br />

29 91<br />

505 29<br />

520 05<br />

1, 692 GI<br />

120 30<br />

2, 000 48<br />

4, 646 49<br />

108 69<br />

192 85<br />

4, 917 89<br />

351 22<br />

1, 111, 8l1 04<br />

3, 500 00<br />

15, 060 00<br />

12, 000 00<br />

3, 615 00<br />

850 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

GG 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

2, 421 12<br />

500 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 519 73<br />

I&118 20<br />

3&398 36<br />

24 00<br />

8, 777 12<br />

5, 928 93<br />

I, 187, 589 50<br />

15, 924 69<br />

81, 171, 664 81<br />

To<br />

Pay of st(~erintenden(s.<br />

EI. I'. W e nd e ll<br />

. navv agent<br />

A. E. Maxwell . . do.<br />

A. E. Smith . . do.<br />

W. Fliun .. . do.<br />

W. I'. Russell . . do.<br />

T. L. Tullock do.<br />

G. H. White . . ... . paymaster.<br />

L&'. T. Dunn. . . do.<br />

J. B. Rittenhouse. . .. ... . do.<br />

C. Murray do.<br />

R. T. Allison do.<br />

J. H. Watmough .. .. .. ... . . do<br />

E. C. Doran . . . do.<br />

0' B N'(lie<br />

do<br />

A. A. Belknap .... . do.<br />

L. Warrington .. .. do<br />

B. F. Gallaher . . do.<br />

J, O. Bradford. .. . do.<br />

Carried forward.<br />

9, 600 00<br />

7, 230 00<br />

15, 000 PP<br />

574 24<br />

236 72<br />

2, 500 00<br />

5, 300 00<br />

7, 500 00<br />

7, 100 00<br />

11, 300 00<br />

17, 100 SS<br />

9, 000 00<br />

6, 750 PP<br />

11, 160 00<br />

8, 0OO 00<br />

2, 852 05<br />

4, 5pp UU<br />

1, 5PO PP<br />

8127, 143 69

1860-' ll l.<br />




Brought forward<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By E T. Dorm, paymaster<br />

127, 143 89<br />

750 00<br />

$126, 393 89<br />

Surgeons'<br />

neeessar?es.<br />

To EV. F. Russell. . . . . . . . navy agent.<br />

G. I, oyall. . do<br />

W, Badger clo.<br />

A. I&'. Ammidown. . . . . . . . . . . . clo.<br />

H. F. Wend el I . . do .<br />

W. Flinn do.<br />

H. G. S. Key . . clo.<br />

A. E. Maxwell clo.<br />

A. I:. Smith . do<br />

G. N. Sanders, late. . . . . . . do<br />

J. Henderson . . do,<br />

T. L. Tullock do.<br />

J. S. Chambers. . . . . do.<br />

W. P, Ewing . do.<br />

S. P, Brown. . do<br />

E, L. Norton. . do.<br />

D. Gibson . . paymaster.<br />

J. ,<br />

J. W. Nixon . do.<br />

G. R. Barry do.<br />

B. I'. Gal lahel do.<br />

J. A. Bates do<br />

W. A. Ingersoll . (lo.<br />

J. G. Harris . clo.<br />

J. 51. Brooke . . acting paymaster. .<br />

J, Lanmsn do.<br />

$I. Woodhul1, late<br />

. do.<br />

W. H. Ball . lieutenant<br />

J. P. Foster cl0 .<br />

Chief of Bureau of Medicine and surge&y<br />

Chief of Bureau of Provisions and Clothing<br />

I'ronl which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By H. G. S Ikey . . . ua, vy agent<br />

A. F. s4?nnddown. . . . . do. . .<br />

J. G. IIarris . paymaster.<br />

H. Forrest, deceased, late . -do.<br />

799 52<br />

7 00<br />

18 76<br />

274 73<br />

485 00<br />

148 00<br />

525 00<br />

100 00<br />

135 00<br />

903 00<br />

272 00<br />

105 00<br />

46 79<br />

664 24<br />

138 00<br />

55 00<br />

248 00<br />

50 00<br />

93 00<br />

222 00<br />

258 93<br />

138 OG<br />

267 79<br />

300 00<br />

250 00<br />

500 00<br />

35 00<br />

250 23<br />

15 00<br />

219 66<br />

2& 127 51<br />

15 75<br />

9& 390 53<br />

357 G4<br />

18, 316 13<br />

I, 100 01<br />

$17, 216 12<br />

Coll il7l Jce?? I rlxl??e??. 'es.<br />

fo A. F. Ammiclown . . ns, vy agent<br />

tV. Flinn<br />

do.<br />

H. F. Wendell . . . . do<br />

W. F. Russell . do.<br />

G. Loyall. do.<br />

A. I:. . Jlax&veil. . --. . . . . . . do<br />

W. Bee!ger do.<br />

H, G. S. Ikey do<br />

A. E. Smith. do.<br />

107, 420 13<br />

47, IG9 58<br />

30, 905 61<br />

94, 131 41<br />

26& 336 00<br />

20&893 00<br />

17, 446 00<br />

5, 311 00<br />

75, 000 00<br />

Carried forwarcl. . $424, 612 73



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward<br />

To S, P. Brown . . .. . navy agent. . .. . .. .. ..<br />

E. L. Norton. . do.<br />

W. P. Ewing do.<br />

J. S. Chambers. . . do<br />

J. Henderson do.<br />

T L Tullock.<br />

do.<br />

, l. B. Rittenhouse . . . . . . paymaster<br />

R T. Alhson<br />

G H. White.<br />

do.<br />

. do.<br />

E. 'l'. Dunn. do.<br />

C. Jlurray do.<br />

A. E. Watson . do.<br />

H. M. Heiskell do<br />

K. C. Doran rlo.<br />

A. J. Watson do.<br />

J. S Cunningham . . do<br />

M. H. Morris . do.<br />

J. H. Watmough . . . . . do.<br />

J. W. Nixon do<br />

B F. Gallaher<br />

dv.<br />

C G 10m cry<br />

. do.<br />

J. D. Murray. do.<br />

T. B. Nalle . do.<br />

G. R. Barry . do.<br />

S Forrest, deceased, late . do:. . . . . .<br />

J. H. Harwood . do.<br />

A. A Belknap . . do.<br />

J. De Bree do.<br />

T. 51cK. Buchanan . do.<br />

L Warrington<br />

do.<br />

W. A. Ingersoll . . . do.<br />

J. G. Harris do.<br />

W. B. Boggs . do.<br />

J. S. Gulick do.<br />

J. 0. Bradford . do.<br />

(I D. Wallach do.<br />

0. H. Berryman . acting paymaster. . . . .<br />

J. M. Brooke . do.<br />

J. Lanman do.<br />

J. Boyle do<br />

M. Woodhull, late . . . . . . . do<br />

F. Stanley do<br />

C. W. Rassler do<br />

J, Tatnall . commander<br />

J. Filor naval storekeeper<br />

W. Reynolds do.<br />

J M. Watson<br />

do<br />

A. Patterson. . do.<br />

J. P. Foster lieutenant. . . .<br />

G. B. Balch . do.<br />

F. A. Parker do.<br />

H. . A. Wise. . do.<br />

N. Pinkney . surgeon.<br />

. l. T. Mason. . do<br />

R. Woodworth. . do.<br />

T. P. Venable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gunner.<br />

A. S. Robinson. . . . acting boatswain.<br />

Chief of Bureau of Construction, 8:c<br />

Carried forward<br />

424, 612 73<br />

37, 220 00<br />

30, 343 00<br />

2, IIH 00<br />

13, 449 Qo<br />

36, 161 00<br />

2, 988 00<br />

17, 500 00<br />

42, 000 00<br />

4, 600 00<br />

21, 500 00<br />

18, 600 00<br />

9, 000 00<br />

5, 679 53<br />

19, 000 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

2, 166 00<br />

11, 250 00<br />

1, 60B 49<br />

13, 000 00<br />

4, 418 00<br />

3, 460 00<br />

27, 500 00<br />

6, 934 40<br />

665 41<br />

357 00<br />

9, 100 Oo<br />

1, 000 00<br />

126 00<br />

4, 611 06<br />

6, 954 00<br />

1, 150 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

341 49<br />

157 56<br />

4, 4HQ 27<br />

1, 639 07<br />

500 00<br />

2, OOO 00<br />

20O 00<br />

1, 582 50<br />

167 25<br />

2, 500 00<br />

100 00<br />

170 00<br />

21 05<br />

14 90<br />

823 00<br />

187 9&<br />

126 00<br />

45s HO<br />

176 50<br />

23 20<br />

1, 879 50<br />

$813, 126 67



341<br />

1860-'61.<br />


Brougb t forward<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By H. G. S. Key .. . . . navy agent 101 9o<br />

A. E. Smith. . .. . do. 20, 691 92<br />

H. I'. Wendell. . .. do. . 243 06<br />

W. Flinn. do. . 65 69<br />

A. F. Ammidown. .. .. . do. . . 14, 510 12<br />

G. N. Sanders, late. .. ... ... . do. . . 47, 379 94<br />

'i'<br />

Hays, late. ... do. . . 130 00<br />

5V. Badger do. . . 40 65<br />

. I. D. Gibson. .. . ... .. . payruaster. 1, 049 66<br />

J, G. Harris . . do. . 23, 776 38<br />

E. T Dunn. . .. ..... . do. ... . ... .. 2, 034 00<br />

R. T. Allison do. . . . 1,<br />

8&J5 42<br />

J, 1&' Steele, late. . . . . . . . . . . . do. . . . . . 710 53<br />

F. Ilngle. . . . . . captain. . . . . 12 19<br />

A. J. McCartney . . . . . . lieutenant. . . . . . 30 00<br />

W H. Ball do. . . 1, 009 10<br />

, i, P Foster do. . . . . 588 84<br />

J. H. Carter do. . . . . . 45 00<br />

L. C Lane, late. . . . . . . . . . . . assistant surgeon. . . . 00<br />

S. H. t&outwell. . . . . . . . . . . . sailmaker. . . . . 16 00<br />

Secretary of the ~Vavy . . . . . . . . trustee. . . 781 65<br />

813, 126 67<br />

115, 117 10<br />

$698, 009 57<br />

Increase, reI&air s, armament,<br />

To W. Ba&lger. . . .. . . navy agent.<br />

A. E. Smith . do.<br />

A. F. Ammidown. .. ..... . .. .. do.<br />

AV. Flinn<br />

H. F. Wendell do.<br />

W. F. Russell do.<br />

H ( l. S. Ikey<br />

, do.<br />

G. Lovall . do.<br />

A. L&' Maxwell. . do.<br />

Baring Brothers 6& Co . . &io<br />

S. l' Brown &10.<br />

E. I. . Norton . . . . do<br />

J. S. Chambers . . . . . do.<br />

J. Henderson . do.<br />

T L. TuHock<br />

do.<br />

W. P, Ewing. &in<br />

J. D. Gibson. . . . . . . . paymaster.<br />

J. B. Rittenhouse. . . . . . . . . . do<br />

R. T. Allison . . . . . do.<br />

C. Murray . do.<br />

G. H. White . do<br />

W. A. Ingersoll. . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

H. M. EIeisl&eli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

J. G. II;&rris . do.<br />

E. T. Dunn . do.<br />

A. J. Watson. . . . . . . . . &io<br />

J. H. Watmough. . . . . . . . . . . . . . do<br />

J W. Vixon . . . do<br />

B F. Gallaher. . . do.<br />

W. B. Boggs do.<br />

E. (' Dor;&n . &lo.<br />

art&t equi@ment of tke r&auy.<br />

do<br />

27, 290 00<br />

55, 000 00<br />

32&483 00<br />

87, 044 58<br />

69, 121 OO<br />

79, 354 00<br />

5, 503 00<br />

30&933 00<br />

21, 575 00<br />

50, 000 00<br />

54& 959 21<br />

414& 718 00<br />

191, 014 00<br />

363, 496 53<br />

42, 194 00<br />

I, 900 64<br />

9, 145 66<br />

87, 000 00<br />

119, 000 00<br />

S0, 500 00<br />

34, 000 00<br />

10, 880 00<br />

1, 362 69<br />

17, 388 84<br />

72, 675 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

147, 000 00<br />

1, 860 30<br />

28, 059 29<br />

3&, 000 00<br />

100, 000 00<br />

Carried forward. . . $2, 241&457 74

'<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Brought forward.<br />

To T. B. Nalle. . .. .. ..... . .... paymaster. .. G. R. Barry do.<br />

T. Forrest, deceased, late. .. . . do.<br />

A. A. Relknap. do.<br />

L. Warrington . do.<br />

A. K. Watson. . .. do.<br />

J. S. Gulick. . Iio.<br />

J. O. Bradford. do<br />

J. M. Brooke, acting. . do.<br />

J. Lanman, acting .. ... .. . ....... do.<br />

T. A. Craven do<br />

M. Woodhul'I, late do<br />

J. F. H. Claiborne timber agent<br />

J. C. Pelot .. do<br />

J. Wooten -do<br />

C. 'I'. Jenkins do<br />

N. McPherson do<br />

J. M. Watson. . . .. naval storekeeper .<br />

J. Filor. do<br />

W. H. Ball lieutenant<br />

J. P. Foster do<br />

Chief of Bureau of Yards and. Docks<br />

Chief of Bureau of Provisions and Clothing<br />

2, 241, 457 74<br />

228, 000 00<br />

10, 816 44<br />

381 21<br />

148, 000 00<br />

11, 192 02<br />

1, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

77, 000 00<br />

1, 211 47<br />

3, 387 70<br />

2, 242 00<br />

8, 926 10<br />

1. 161 75<br />

1, 071 00<br />

609 50<br />

1, 170 92<br />

178 50<br />

2, 000 00<br />

8 25<br />

2, 434 00<br />

4 25<br />

87 91<br />

1, 622 29<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By H. G. S. Key . navy agent<br />

do<br />

G. Loyall .. '<br />

A. E&. Smith. do-<br />

H. F. Wendell . do<br />

W. Flinn do<br />

A. F. Ammidown do<br />

G. N. Sanders, late . do .<br />

B. D. Herriot do.<br />

W. Badger do<br />

E. T. Dunn . paymaster<br />

R. T. Allison do<br />

L. harrington<br />

F. McNerhany, late naval storekeeper<br />

Chief of Bureau of Construction, 8rc.<br />

Don Gabriel<br />

6& 204- 89<br />

919 98<br />

63, 919 84<br />

373 86<br />

55 47<br />

4, 869 54<br />

17&007 54<br />

160 87<br />

606 81<br />

15, 000 00<br />

12, 893 42<br />

21, 720 71<br />

452 58<br />

7, 264 02<br />

20, 750 32<br />

2, 731, 463 05<br />

172, 199 85<br />

52, 559, 263 20<br />

To A. F. Ammidown. .<br />

Six first-ctass steam fiigates.<br />

navy agent<br />

W. F. Russell do<br />

W. Flinn . do<br />

G. Loyall . . . . . . . do<br />

H. F. Wendell . . do<br />

S. P. Brown . do<br />

J. Henderson . . . do .<br />

C. 5Iurray paymaster<br />

A. A. Bell-nap do<br />

R. T. Allison . do<br />

Carried forward<br />

3, 940 91<br />

3, 558 00<br />

1, 869 00<br />

'516 nO<br />

8, 046 OO<br />

'<br />

426 00<br />

1 807 OO<br />

55, 000 00<br />

119& 000 00<br />

28 75<br />

8194, 191 66



1860-'61<br />


Brought forward. . . .<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment. ':<br />

By H. G, S. Key . . . . . navy agent. . 899 13<br />

G. N. Sanders, late . . . do . . 1, 001 47<br />

194, 191 66<br />

1, 400 60<br />

8192, 791 06<br />

To W. Iritnn<br />

. . navy agent,<br />

W. F. Russell do<br />

G. Loyal 1 do<br />

A. F. Ammidown do<br />

W. Badger do<br />

G. N. Sanders, late . do<br />

S. P. Brown do<br />

R. T. Allison. . . paymaster<br />

I, '. T. Dunn<br />

do<br />

E. C. Doran do<br />

B. F. Gallaher do.<br />

6, 123 00<br />

442 00<br />

7, 891 00<br />

25 00<br />

2G 00<br />

948 63<br />

3, 464 00<br />

38, 000 00<br />

63, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

17, 000 00<br />

Et'ue slocrps-of-tean.<br />

Front which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By L. IVarrington<br />

paymaster<br />

E. T. Dunn do. .<br />

R. T. Allison do. . . . . .<br />

7, 671 G8<br />

2&000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

142, 919 63<br />

14, 671 68<br />

8128, 247 95<br />

Set en steam sloops ancl one . vteamer.<br />

To A. F. Ammidowu. . . navy agent.<br />

1V. I'linn . do<br />

G, Loyall do<br />

W. Badger. . do<br />

W. F. Russell do<br />

FI. G. S. Key.<br />

do<br />

H. F. 1VeudcR . .. do<br />

A, E. Maxwell . do<br />

G. N. Saunders, late . do.<br />

S. P. Brown dn<br />

T. L. Tullork. . . do<br />

J. S. Chambers do.<br />

E. T. Dunn paymaster ~<br />

R. T Allison do.<br />

C. iilurray. do<br />

G, H. White do-<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct tbe following repayment:<br />

54, 841 G5<br />

690 00<br />

948 00<br />

18, 25G S5<br />

41, 727 46<br />

25, 746 70<br />

64 00<br />

61 00<br />

35 55<br />

156 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

14, 163 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

521 20<br />

7, 000 00<br />

184. 211 41<br />

By A. E. Smith, navy agent . 121, 201 17<br />

963, 010 24

'<br />



18 60-' 61.<br />


Seven steam screM sloops-of Mar, second class.<br />

To T. L. Tullock<br />

. . navy agent.<br />

S. P. Brown. do<br />

J. H Watmough . . . . . . paymaster<br />

15, ouu oo<br />

81 00<br />

10, 500 OO<br />

$25& 581 00<br />

'Io S. P. Brown.<br />

Naval Academy.<br />

. . navy agent<br />

J. Henderson do<br />

J. S. Cunningham . paymaster<br />

P&. F. Gallaher . do<br />

80 00<br />

594 00<br />

29, 724 92<br />

25, 194 57<br />

655, 593 49<br />

Navy yard, Portsmouth,<br />

iVew Hampshire.<br />

To H. F. Wendell. . . . . . navy agent<br />

T. L. Tullock do<br />

Chief of Bureau of Construction. kc.<br />

13, 934 68<br />

2, 547 00<br />

151 13<br />

$16, 632 81<br />

Navy yard, Boston, 3Iassachusetts.<br />

To A. F. Amnridown<br />

navy agent<br />

E. L Norton do<br />

J. B. Rittenhouse paymaster<br />

T. B. Nalle do<br />

J. 0. Bradford . do<br />

Chief of Bureau of Construction, 5:c<br />

Fronr which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By A. F. Ammidown, navy agent.<br />

23, 123 00<br />

I, 008 00<br />

21& 000 00<br />

7, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

100 32<br />

54, 231 32<br />

392 00<br />

853, 839 32<br />

Naiy yard, Nero E orle ctty.<br />

To W. F. Pussell . navy agent<br />

W. Fliun do<br />

W. Badger do<br />

G. N. Sanders, late. . . . do<br />

I. Henderson do<br />

C. Jlurray. paym aster.<br />

A. A. Belknap . do<br />

Chief of Bureau of Construction, 6'c<br />

6, 537 00<br />

16 00<br />

21 00<br />

3, 591 50<br />

1, 703 00<br />

16, 300 00<br />

7, 400 00<br />

68 53<br />

8 5, 707 03



1860-'61.<br />


Xavy yarrl, Phitadely&hia,<br />

To W. Badger. . . .<br />

navy agent<br />

W. Flin n. .. do<br />

W. F. Russell . do<br />

G. N. Sanders, late. . . . do<br />

. I. S. Chambers do<br />

G. H. White paymaster<br />

J. H. Watmough . do<br />

Chief of Bureau of Construction, kc<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By W. Badger, navy a«ent<br />

G. H. White, paymaster<br />

Pennsylvania.<br />

90 Ol<br />

135 00<br />

2, 980 00<br />

27 00<br />

202 72<br />

10 00<br />

878 00<br />

6, 600 00<br />

14 500 00<br />

199 32<br />

25, 397 04<br />

225 04.<br />

$25. 172 00<br />

iVavyyarrt,<br />

To W. Flinn . . . . navy agent<br />

G. N. Sanders, late . do<br />

S. 1'. Brown do<br />

R. T. Allison. paymaster<br />

B. F. Gallaher do .<br />

Chief of lhrreau of Construction, kc<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By W. Flinn, navy agent.<br />

TVashington, , District of Columbia.<br />

6, 631 00<br />

09<br />

717 00<br />

17, 000 00<br />

8, 000 00<br />

927 SS<br />

28, 275 9?<br />

1, 335 20<br />

$26, 940 77<br />

To G. Loyall<br />

iVQvy ya'IY(, Xolfollc, Virginia.<br />

navy agent.<br />

W. Flinn do<br />

A. F. Ammidown . do<br />

E. T, Dunn . „paymaster<br />

,<br />

E. C. Doran . do<br />

Chief of Bureau of Construction, Rc<br />

5, 200 00<br />

6, 292 00<br />

371 86<br />

17, 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

312 25<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By G. N. Sanders, late navy agent<br />

H. G. S. Key, navy agent<br />

E. T. Dunn, paynraster<br />

3'avy yarel, Pensacola, Ftoricla.<br />

To A. E. Klaxwell<br />

navy agent<br />

A. F. Ammidown do<br />

W. Bad cr do<br />

W. F. Russell do<br />

G. N. Sanders, late . „do<br />

W. F linn do<br />

L. Warrington, paymaster<br />

Carried forward<br />

253 10<br />

333 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

49, 175 61<br />

8, 086 10<br />

$46, 089 51<br />

22, 401 00<br />

122 58<br />

fb 250 00<br />

727 SI<br />

6 44<br />

69 00<br />

8, 547 82<br />

$33, 124 65



1860-' 61.<br />


Brought forward. . .<br />

From which dednct the following repayment:<br />

By Chief of Bureau of Yards and Doclrs.<br />

33, 124 55<br />

87 91<br />

$33, 036 74<br />

Navvy yard, SaeLett's Harbor,<br />

Vev 3'orle.<br />

'1'o J. Tsttnall, commander $1, 000 00<br />

rVauy yawl, 11Ia~ e Island, California.<br />

'I'o A. . E. Smith, navy agent<br />

C. Murray, paymaster<br />

Which d<strong>edu</strong>ct from the following repayment:<br />

By A. E. Smith, navy agent<br />

Excess of repayment<br />

65, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

67, 000 00<br />

183, 919 0(<br />

$116, 919 07<br />

1IIagazine, P'ortsnrovth, iVero HamIrshire.<br />

. . navy agent<br />

To H. F. Wendell<br />

T. L. TuBock do<br />

32, 234 3li<br />

3, 331 00<br />

$35, 565 3li<br />

3Iagazi ne, if& oston, 3Jassaeh u sett, .<br />

To A. F. Ammidown<br />

navy agent<br />

E. L. Norton . . . do<br />

J. B. Rittenhouse paymaster<br />

J. O. Bradford . do<br />

190 00<br />

1 00<br />

500 00<br />

100 00<br />

$791 00<br />

To W. F. Russell<br />

I. Henderson<br />

C. Murray<br />

A. A. Belknap<br />

iIIagazine, iVev: 3 or1c eitt1.<br />

navy agent<br />

do<br />

paymaster<br />

do<br />

4, 973 00<br />

592 00<br />

5, 400 00<br />

2, 400 00<br />

13, 365 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the followiug repayment:<br />

By G. N. Sanders, late navy agent 30 50<br />

$13 334 50<br />

1IIagazine, Philadelphia,<br />

Pennsylrrania.<br />

To W. Badger, navv agent. 8483 00


1860-'61.<br />


1l1agrasine, 1I ust«norton, District of C'ot((nxbia,<br />

To 1V. Flinn . . . uavy agent<br />

Y. I', Brown do.<br />

R. T. Allison. . . . . . . paymaster<br />

B. F, Gallaher do.<br />

Chief of Bureau of Construction, kc<br />

From which derluct the followirg repayment:<br />

By R. T. Allison, paymaster<br />

988 00<br />

128 00<br />

1, 187 41<br />

246 00<br />

1 80<br />

2. 551 21<br />

236 19<br />

8?, 315 02<br />

3Iuga ine, Votf'vlk,<br />

To G. Loyall<br />

navy agent<br />

(L N. Sanders, late do<br />

E. T. Dunn paymsst(r<br />

E. (.'. Doran<br />

(io<br />

l iryrinia.<br />

1, 161 00<br />

32 04<br />

5, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

Fro&n which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repay(nents:<br />

. . . . . . navy agent<br />

By A. F. Ammidown<br />

E. T. Dunn paymaster<br />

371 SG<br />

1, 000 00<br />

11, 193 04<br />

1, 371 3G<br />

$9, S21 GS<br />

'fo A. F. Ammidown<br />

3Iaguri ((e, 1'en, aoola, Elo(ida.<br />

navy agent<br />

A. E, Msa:well. . . . do<br />

61 29<br />

1, 450 00<br />

81, 511 29<br />

To A. F. Ammidoun<br />

E L. Norton<br />

IXo~tn'tat, I&osto», ll«ssa( 1(((sett .<br />

.. . navy agent.<br />

do<br />

J. B. Rittenhousc . lrsyrnaster .<br />

T. B. Nalle do<br />

Chief of Bureau of Construction, kc<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By A. F. Ammidown,<br />

navy ageut<br />

903 00<br />

29 00<br />

1, 200 00<br />

200 00<br />

60 00<br />

2, 392 00<br />

19G 00<br />

S, 19G 00<br />

Ho&~&glut,<br />

'(e(a 3ro&+ city.<br />

To lV. Y. Russell . . . . navy sge»t---. ---------------.<br />

I, Henderson (lo<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repay u&ent<br />

By G. N. Sanders, late navy agent<br />

ll. 48s 00<br />

1, 188 00<br />

12, 676 00<br />

108 52<br />

SI2. 567 48



1860-'61.<br />


To W. Badger<br />

Hospital, Pt)itadetpl&ia, Pennsylvania.<br />

navy agent.<br />

J. S. Chambers. . . do<br />

1 rom )vhich d<strong>edu</strong>ct the follovving repayment:<br />

By W. Badger, navy agent<br />

4, 063 00<br />

629 00<br />

4, 692 00<br />

21 00<br />

$4, G71 00<br />

Hospital,<br />

'ror folk, Virqi))ia.<br />

To G. Loyall<br />

navy agent.<br />

G. N. .' anders, late . . do<br />

E. T. Dunn paymaster<br />

E. C. Doran . do. .<br />

Chief of Bureau of Construction, kc<br />

3, 402 00<br />

252 08<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

14 50<br />

$7, 168 58<br />

Hospital, P&, nsacota, Iitori&ta<br />

To A. E. &lax~veil<br />

. uavy agent<br />

W. F. Bussell do<br />

W. Flinn do.<br />

L, Warrington. paymaster<br />

7, 533 00<br />

30 08<br />

158 81<br />

2. 116 88<br />

$9, 838 7i<br />

, 8'«t&t»» t of be)ujieiaries at tl)e '&&n& ol A. ylura at Pl)itarletpt)ia, Pennsylvania.<br />

To 1V. Badger . . navy ag&nt.<br />

W. F. Itnssell &lo<br />

G. N. ~ &uder:, late . . &lo.<br />

J. $. Chan&bere . . do<br />

I. Henderson . do<br />

G, H. White . . paymaster<br />

J. H. Wat)cough . do<br />

16, 1'9 00<br />

2, 861 91<br />

'409 89<br />

2, 339 00<br />

648 92<br />

1, 100 00<br />

2, 300 00<br />

~25, 778 72<br />

Hospital fun!(.<br />

To V. . F. Busscll . navy agent<br />

G. Loyall do<br />

W. Badger &lo<br />

A. F. Ammi&lo&vn do<br />

A. E. 5iazue)l do<br />

"1'n" linn. . . . . do<br />

I. Henderson &lo<br />

J. $. Chambers . do<br />

E. L. Norton . . do<br />

. .<br />

Carried forward.<br />

00<br />

2, 633 00<br />

1, 776& 00<br />

2, 825 00<br />

1, 29i 0'1<br />

909 57<br />

1G, 067 00<br />

209 00<br />

419 00



1860-'61<br />

Excess of repayments<br />


Brought<br />

Which d<strong>edu</strong>ct from the following repayments:<br />

Bv H. G. 8 Key<br />

navy agent<br />

G. N. S;&n&lers . . do<br />

A. I". Ammidowu . . . . do<br />

T. Hays, late do<br />

IV. Badger<br />

do<br />

I. A. Luckwoo&i snrgeon<br />

J. L. Fox do<br />

Secretary of the Navy . trustee<br />

Chief of Bureau of Medicine and Surgery<br />

, 1. 11. Green<br />

forward.<br />

24 00<br />

1, 439 47<br />

589 00<br />

30<br />

200 00<br />

155 00<br />

25 00<br />

33, 638 21<br />

9, 390 53<br />

120 26<br />

37, 892 57<br />

45, 581 77<br />

8(, 689 20<br />

1'oy of f J(e n(arin& oorgx .<br />

To H. F. bVcn&lcll . . . . navy agent<br />

H. G. S. Key do<br />

W. Flinn do<br />

(I. Loy'dl<br />

&in<br />

W. Y. Bussell do<br />

bV. Badser<br />

do<br />

(I, N. Sarulers, late<br />

do<br />

A. F. Ammidown do<br />

K P. Brown<br />

do<br />

E, L. Nurtuu . . do<br />

W. P. I&wing . do<br />

'!'. L. Tullucl&<br />

do<br />

J. S. Chambers.<br />

, I. D. Gibson . .<br />

.. do<br />

. . . pay &nas(er<br />

W. bV. Ituss& ll do<br />

J. G. Harris do<br />

T. bl, 'I'aylor &lo<br />

, I. G. Bradford . do<br />

J. I~e Bree do<br />

A. E. Watson. do-<br />

J. W. Nixon do<br />

G. IL Barry do<br />

S. Irorrest, deceased, late do<br />

W. B. Ilo us do<br />

EI. Ettiug &10<br />

L. Warringtnn do<br />

(,. I'&. gallach . do<br />

bl. Woodhull, late . . acting payruaster<br />

A. A. (ichulsun, deceased, late &Iuar(& rn&;&ster<br />

J. P. Foster . . lieutenant<br />

Secretary of the Navy<br />

trustee<br />

. . uavy agent<br />

J. H. Lathrop, late . . do<br />

A. G reenleaf, l(&tc . . do<br />

IT. bI. Eleisl. & ll<br />

paymaster.<br />

ty. 8 . Kiri&land, late .. .....<br />

. Iieutenaut<br />

1&rom which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repay(uents:<br />

By H, G. S. If& y.<br />

I, 000 00<br />

4 00<br />

28 17<br />

420 02<br />

13(i<br />

1, 176 00<br />

3, 400 68<br />

4. 000 00<br />

500 00<br />

14, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

15, 404 80<br />

3, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

1. 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

5, 730 72<br />

230, 000 00<br />

4. 434 03<br />

7, 000 00<br />

7, 000 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

7, 5sb 64<br />

1. 835 68<br />

318 13<br />

I, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

817 68<br />

100 08<br />

132 28<br />

G, G08 19<br />

344. 043 91<br />

1, 589 03<br />

$342. 454 88

350<br />



1860 —'61.<br />


Prooisions for the marine corps.<br />

To W. B Slack. . . .... ..... . . quartermaster<br />

G. F. Lindsay, deceased, late. ... do.<br />

tV. W. Russell .. ..... .... ... .. paymaster.<br />

Sec)etary of the iVavy. . . trustee<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By G. F. Lindsay, deceased, late . quartermaster. . . . 7, 554 72<br />

W. B. Slack. . . . . . . . . . do . . I, 843 55<br />

46, 800 00<br />

14, 417 13<br />

17, 500 00<br />

1, 437 20<br />

80) 154 33<br />

9, 398 27<br />

870, 756 06<br />

Clotln'ng for the marine corps.<br />

To W. B. Sh)ck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . quartermaster<br />

G. 1'. Lindsay, deceased, late . . . do.<br />

A. E. Smith. . . . . . navy agent. .<br />

1V. $V. Russell . . . . . . . . . . . paymaster<br />

G. H. Barry . . . . . . do.<br />

From vvhich d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayments:<br />

By W. B. Slack. . ..<br />

. .. quartermaster<br />

A. A. Nicholson, deceased, late do.<br />

W. 1V. Russell. ... .. .. . . .. paymaster<br />

1, 284 07<br />

425 68<br />

279 61<br />

68, 000 00<br />

7, 832 53<br />

15 00<br />

42, 000 00<br />

173 72<br />

118, 021 25<br />

1, 989 36<br />

$116, 031 89<br />

To IV. B. Slack, quarter)uaster<br />

E!!cl for the n!arine co!'p;.<br />

Which d<strong>edu</strong>ct from the tollowing repayments:<br />

By W. B. Slack. . . . . , quartermaster . . . .<br />

A. A. Nicholson, deceased, late . . . . . . do<br />

G. F. Lin!I«ay, deceased, 1st. . . do.<br />

W. W. Russell. . . . . . . . paymaster.<br />

1, 236 61<br />

89 20<br />

6, 408 20<br />

5, 659 46<br />

13, 300 00<br />

13, 393 47<br />

Excess of repayments 693 47<br />

ilIilitargstol es f' or the marine corps.<br />

To W. B. )lacl- . . . . . . . . . . . . . quartermaster<br />

G. F. Limlssy, deccasecl, late . . . . . do<br />

1V. W. Russell. . . . . . . . . . . . paymaster . .<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By W. B. Sisal-, quartermaster<br />

7, 600 00<br />

3, 259 BB<br />

500 00<br />

11, 359 Bs<br />

608 32<br />

810 751 56


1860-'Gl.<br />


2'&'unvp&ntotion an&1 recruitinyr the marine corps.<br />

To W. B. Iilack. .. .. .. quartermaster.<br />

A. A. Niche]son, deceased, late . . .. do. .<br />

A. E. Smith .. . .... navy agent. ..<br />

W. W. Russell. ... .. ... .. paymaster .<br />

From which de&luct the following repayments:<br />

By W. B. Slack . . . . . . . . . quartermaster. . . . . . .<br />

G. F. Lindsay, deceased, late. . . . . . . do. . . . . . . .<br />

G. N. Sanders, late. . . . . . . . . . navy agent. . . .<br />

485 48<br />

9, 305 33<br />

165 00<br />

lt&trair 8 of bar ractci, t&I&ro f&» the nrarine corPs.<br />

To W. B. Slack. . . . . . . . . . . . . quartermaster.<br />

W. Flinn. . . . . . . . . . navy agent.<br />

L. Warrington . . . . . paymaster .<br />

ii rom which &lcduct the following repaymeuts:<br />

By G. 1". Lindsay, deceased, lute. . . quartermaster . . . . . 3, G93 98<br />

tV. B. Slack . . do. . . . . . 494 32<br />

C&r&rtingencics &f&<br />

..... .. . .. quarterruaster<br />

G. F. Lindsay, d&. ceased, late .. do<br />

W, W. Russell. ... .. ... .. paymaster<br />

To W. B. Slack.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the follorving repal ruent:<br />

By W. B. Slack, quartermaster<br />

the mari r«' corps.<br />

12, 200 00<br />

514 88<br />

381 48<br />

2r 500 00<br />

15, 59G 36<br />

9, 955 81<br />

85, 640 55<br />

4, 000 00<br />

918 29<br />

370 46<br />

5, 288 75<br />

4, 188 30<br />

$1, 100 45<br />

25, 200 00<br />

1, 452 G9<br />

7, o00 00<br />

34, 152 69<br />

904 60<br />

833, 248 09<br />

To &V. B. Slack<br />

~llar ine barrack. , Lroot tt&tr&,<br />

... ..... . .. .. quarterruaster<br />

W. Y. Russell. . .. .. nrrvy agent. ..<br />

IV. Flinn<br />

do<br />

I. Henderson do.<br />

X«c 1 nk.<br />

I, 135 70<br />

38, 652 20<br />

96 00<br />

9, 300 00<br />

$49, 183 90<br />

. ilarine liarrack„', I'& nsa& ola, 1'l&rr&rla.<br />

To W. I'linn, nrrvy r" ent . 819G 25<br />

It&pairs of »&a»inc barra&. 1', at f. "harteetor&'»,<br />

z1Ias'eac1&r&sette.<br />

To IV. B. Slack. quartermaster 811, 000 00

352<br />

1860-' G l.<br />




American Nautical Almanac.<br />

YV. Flinn<br />

do.<br />

E. L. Norton. . do<br />

'I'o A. F. Ammidown. . . . . . . . . . . . navy agent. .<br />

IG, 000 00<br />

2G 00<br />

4, 126 87<br />

820, 152 Gi<br />

To hV. Flinn.<br />

M . F. Russell .<br />

A. I~'. Ammidown.<br />

1V. Badger<br />

G. N. Sanders, late<br />

S. P. Brown<br />

E. L. Norton .<br />

J. S. Chambers<br />

I. Henderson<br />

Purchase and rePairs of nautical instruments.<br />

. navy agent.<br />

do.<br />

do<br />

. do.<br />

. . do.<br />

do.<br />

do.<br />

do.<br />

. do<br />

3, 509 00<br />

G, 892 00<br />

3, 754 25<br />

111 00<br />

I, 127 13<br />

2, 343 00<br />

592 00<br />

90 00<br />

1, 522 74<br />

19, 941 12<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By A. F. Ammidown, navy agent. . si 00<br />

$19, 854 12<br />

To AI illism Flinn<br />

S. Brown<br />

I Henderson<br />

Printing and publishing<br />

. . . . . . . . navy agent.<br />

do<br />

. do<br />

Sailing Directions.<br />

302 00<br />

686 00<br />

320 00<br />

Fromwhich d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repavment:<br />

By G. N. Sanders, late navy agent.<br />

I, 308 00<br />

7 50<br />

41, 300 50<br />

To V, Flinn<br />

3V. F. Russell<br />

G. N. Sanders,<br />

S. P. Brown.<br />

I. Henderson<br />

Publication of TVind and Current<br />

. navy ageut<br />

do<br />

late. . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

do. .<br />

. do.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By D. Eggart k Son<br />

Charts.<br />

10, 8GG 00<br />

4, 775 00<br />

621 45<br />

3, 07i 00<br />

222 34<br />

19, 561 i9<br />

2 43<br />

819. 559 3G<br />

Contingent exp&enses ond uoges at the Obse&reatorg and Hydrographical once.<br />

To 1V. F]inu. . . . . . . . . . . navy agent. . . . . .<br />

A. F. Ammidown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do.<br />

G. Loyal 1. . . . . . . . do.<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . .<br />

6, 870 00<br />

16 00<br />

3 00<br />

@6, 889 00


1860 —'61.<br />


Brought forward. ..<br />

To W. Badger. . . . .. navy agent. .. ...<br />

W. F. Russ ll. .. do.<br />

G. N. Sanders, late. .. do<br />

S. P. Brown . . . . . . . .. . do.<br />

J, S. Chambers. . do.<br />

I. Henderson . do.<br />

E, L. Norton . „.. . . . .. . do.<br />

Publishing<br />

charts, Ep:. , of La Plata river.<br />

To W. Flinn, navy agent. . ... . . .. From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By G. N. Sanders, late navy agent . . . . ... . ... . .<br />

To R, T. Allison, paymaster<br />

Testi ng improvements<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By R. T. Allison,<br />

paymaster<br />

i n steam-boilers.<br />

6, 889 00<br />

11 00<br />

66 63<br />

31 19<br />

1, 889 00<br />

55 00<br />

182 00<br />

5 00<br />

$9, 128 82<br />

4, 406 42<br />

81 00<br />

$4, 325 42<br />

100 83<br />

32 29<br />

868 54<br />

Testing usef ul inventions and discoveries.<br />

To W. Flinn, navy agent.<br />

R. T. Allison, paymaster.<br />

B. F. Gallaher, paymaster.<br />

J. Lauman, lieutenant. .<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By R. T. Allison, paymaster<br />

13 00<br />

II587 38<br />

77 45<br />

1, 4l6 04<br />

3, 093 87<br />

296 17<br />

62, 797 70<br />

3Iilitary contributions<br />

in 3Iexico.<br />

To S, Forrest, deceased, late paymaster . $5, 375 13<br />

Prt'ze money to captors during the tear rcith 3Iezico.<br />

To W. Flinn, navy agent<br />

S. P. Brown, navy agent.<br />

From vrhich d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following<br />

By W. Flinn, navy agent<br />

repayment:<br />

2, 045 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

7, 045 00<br />

33<br />

87, 044 67<br />

23 R

354<br />



1860-'61.<br />


Arming and manning the ordnance ship Plymouth.<br />

To W. Flinn, navy agent, $53 12<br />

Arranging specimens of natural history.<br />

To A. F. Ammidown, navy agent . .<br />

W. Flinn, navy agent.<br />

S. P. Brown, navy agent.<br />

360 00<br />

1, 678 7g<br />

125 00<br />

$2, 163 79<br />

Exploration of the Parana and<br />

To A. F. Ammidown, navy agent.<br />

S. P. Brown, navy agent<br />

tributaries of the Paraguay river.<br />

1&800 00<br />

84 27<br />

$1, 884 27<br />

Itemoval of the naval monument<br />

To W. Flinn, navy agent<br />

R. T. Allison, paymaster.<br />

B. F. Gallaher, paymaster.<br />

to the Naval Academy at Annapolis,<br />

1IId.<br />

29 44<br />

926 19<br />

544 37<br />

$1, 500 00<br />

Erection of a hose house.<br />

To W. Flinn, navy agent . . $1, 486 50<br />

Extra pay to officers and men employed on<br />

To W. Flinn, navy agent. . .<br />

S. P. Brown, navy agent<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By J. H. Lathrop, late navy agent.<br />

the Pacific coast.<br />

10, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

15&000 00<br />

325 55<br />

$14, 674 45<br />

Compen sation of clerks in the United States Naval astronomical<br />

expedition<br />

To R. T. Allison, paymaster 1&804 94<br />

B. F. Gallaher, paymaster 600 60<br />

$2, 304 94<br />

Increase of pay of clerks and messengers in B'ashington navy yard and mari&<br />

barracks.<br />

To R. T. Allison, paymaster $595 00<br />

Purchase or charter of vessels for the Paraguay expedition.<br />

To W. F. Russell, navy agent. $2, 856 61



N5<br />

l860-'61.<br />


Fuel for the navy.<br />

To W. Badger. .. . navy agent. . . A. F. Ammidown .. .. do.<br />

W. F. Russell .. . .. . . do.<br />

EI. G. S. Key . do<br />

A. K. lllaxwell . . do.<br />

H. F. Wendell . .. ... . do<br />

W. Flinn . . ... do.<br />

B. D. Heriot. . do.<br />

G. Loyall do.<br />

G. N. Senders, late . . . do.<br />

Bariog Brothers tt Co .... . . . do.<br />

S. P. Brown. do.<br />

E. L. Norton .. . . . do.<br />

J. S. Chambers. . . . .. do.<br />

I. Henderson. . . ... do<br />

W. Eb Ewing. . .. do.<br />

J. D. Gibson .. . . . paymaster<br />

K. A. Watson. .. . . . do.<br />

C. Murray . do.<br />

H. M. Heiskeil do.<br />

J. G. Barns. . . do.<br />

R. T. Allison .. . .. . . . . . . do.<br />

G. R. Barry do.<br />

W. B. Boggs .. . . . do.<br />

A. . A. Belknap. . . . . . . do.<br />

L. Warrington. . . do.<br />

J. Lanmsn. . acting paymaster. . J. Filor. .. ... . . .. naval storekeeper. . .<br />

J. J. Boyle. . do.<br />

A, Patterson . do<br />

W. H. Ball ... ,. .. . . . lieutenant ..<br />

C. J. Fox. consul.<br />

W. Miles, deceased, late. .... ... . do.<br />

F. Chase. do.<br />

D. A. Robinson, jr . . do.<br />

D. M. Huckins. .. .. . do<br />

D. H. Guyon. . vice-consul .<br />

B. Upton. . . . ... . . commercial agent<br />

J. W. B. Lynsiager. .. . United States agent. . . . .<br />

G. H. Holmes 3: Co. .. . . . consignees .. W. Trcvitt do.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By R. T. Allison, paymaster<br />

116, 204 oO<br />

41, 762 59<br />

60, 512 99<br />

13, 979 47<br />

500 00<br />

2, 043 50<br />

3, 055 00<br />

1, 977 40<br />

1, 765 00<br />

16, 024 30<br />

125, 000 00<br />

15, 849 UU<br />

13, 846 00<br />

59, 657 00<br />

53, 652 50<br />

645 00<br />

7, 866 58<br />

18, 177 00<br />

3, 200 00<br />

99 96<br />

10, 045 96<br />

6, 200 92<br />

50 00<br />

5, 700 00<br />

3, 300 00<br />

699 70<br />

2, 683 37<br />

18, 771 07<br />

3, 642 67<br />

1, 432 00<br />

456 00<br />

407 40<br />

213 80<br />

70 89<br />

58 20<br />

926 35<br />

118 20<br />

1, 320 00<br />

2, 103 35<br />

409 50<br />

1, 815 72<br />

616, 242 89<br />

1, 062 77<br />

Purchase of hemp for the<br />

To A. F. Ammidown. . .... navy agent. . W. F. Russell .. . . do.<br />

G. N. Sanders, late. . do.<br />

E. L. Norton. . . do<br />

I. Henderson . . . . . -. .. . do.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By A. F. Ammidown, navy agent. . . . .<br />

llavy.<br />

$615. 180 12<br />

118, 627 50<br />

3, Ub5 70<br />

1, 843 62<br />

lb, 479 00<br />

285 00<br />

140 300 82<br />

1, 824 79<br />

$138, 476 03



1860-'61.<br />


Ordnance, ordnance stores, and small arms.<br />

To W. Flinn. navy agent. . . .. .<br />

H. F. wendell .. . . . do.<br />

W. F. Russell. .. .... . . . . do.<br />

G. Loyall do. .<br />

A. E. Elaxwell. . . . do<br />

A. F. Ammidown. . .. ... . .. do.<br />

H.<br />

W. Badger do.<br />

A. E. Smith do<br />

G. N. Sanders, late .. . . .. . do<br />

S. P. Brown do<br />

E. L. Norton . do<br />

W. P. Ewing .„. . . . . do.<br />

J. S. Chambers. do.<br />

I. Henderson . . . do.<br />

T. L. Tullock . . . . do<br />

J. B. Bittenhouse. paymaster.<br />

R. T. Allison. . . . . .. . . .... do.<br />

G. H. White. do.<br />

E. T. Dunn do.<br />

C. 5Iurray do.<br />

B. F. Gallaher. . . . . do.<br />

J. H. Watmough. ... .. . .. do.<br />

E. C. Doran . . do.<br />

T. B. Nalle do.<br />

. A. Belknap. . do.<br />

L. Warrington. . . do.<br />

J. O. Bradford. . . . . . .. do.<br />

E. B. Hunt . . captain .<br />

Chief of Bureau of Construction, trc<br />

Chief of Bureau of Provisions and Clothing.<br />

66, 545 00<br />

14, 210 00<br />

67, 741 00<br />

2, 655 00<br />

317 00<br />

7, 145 29<br />

7, 170 25<br />

1, 728 5O<br />

5, 015 25<br />

22, 594 65<br />

78, 191 00<br />

4, 273 13<br />

1, 354 00<br />

1, 235 00<br />

12, 353 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

3, 400 00<br />

62&000 Oo<br />

3, 000 00<br />

16, 000 00<br />

15, 100 00<br />

23& 939 00<br />

11, 000 00<br />

14, 500 Oo<br />

12&200 Oo<br />

33, 000 00<br />

85 00<br />

9, 000 00<br />

54 75<br />

3&048 79<br />

92 84<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the folio»ring repayments:<br />

By G. Loyall . . . . . . . . . navy agent<br />

H. F. Wendell . do<br />

A. F. Ammidown . do.<br />

W. Badge. ", late . do.<br />

G. H. White . . . paymaster<br />

B. T, Allison do<br />

E. T. Dunu. do<br />

J. H. Watmough do<br />

J. B. Fdttenhouse. . . do<br />

A. B. Norton. . . . . . naval storekeeper<br />

J. M, Brooke lieuter ant<br />

Chief of Bureau of Ordnance, lkc<br />

213 32<br />

77 00<br />

83 00<br />

24 24<br />

36 00<br />

9, 149 67<br />

1) 500 00<br />

20 00<br />

20 00<br />

692 60<br />

40 00<br />

7, 616 67<br />

493& 848 45<br />

19, 472 50<br />

$474, 375 95<br />

Purchase of salt@etre for the navy.<br />

'I'o A. F. Ammidown, navy agent $1&625 31<br />

Engraving charts of the survey of Phering straits, the North Pacific ocean, and<br />

China seas.<br />

To W. Flinn, navy age»t<br />

S. P. Brown, navy agent<br />

2, 820 75<br />

2, 160 03<br />

84, 980 83


3G& 7<br />

1860-'61,<br />


Commission<br />

To W. Badger, navy agent.<br />

W. Flinn, navy agent<br />

A. F. Ainmidown, navy agent<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct the following repayment:<br />

By F. Eagle, captain<br />

to the Isthmus of Chirigui.<br />

600 00<br />

25 00<br />

300 00<br />

925 00<br />

42 28<br />

$882 72<br />

Report of the survey of the route betueen California and China, and portions<br />

of the coast of Japan.<br />

To W. Flinn, navy agent. 2, 953 86<br />

S. P. Brown, navy agent 125 00<br />

$3, 078 86<br />

Purchase of the right to Rt oo?ce's deep-sea sounding apparatus.<br />

To J. M. Brooke, lieutenant $5, 000 00<br />

Purchase of the rtght to Davidson's boat apparatus.<br />

To H. Davidson, lieutenant $10. 000 00<br />

Purchase of the right to Sargeant&s steam-engine<br />

governor.<br />

To H. C. Sergeant $10& 000 00<br />

Re?t'ef oj the u'idotcs and orphans of the ogcers and men lost in C. S. sloop Albany.<br />

To J. Holt, alias C. H. Knapp, dece ised 144 00<br />

M. Dunn, deceased 132 00<br />

W, J. Bond, deceased 60 00<br />

$336 00<br />

Relief of Joseph 3Iorehead.<br />

To J. Morehead, late passed midshipman $375 60<br />

Relief of Richard IV. 3Ieade.<br />

To B. W. Meade, commander $535 00<br />

Relief of theforu;ard<br />

oPcers of the late exp?oring expedition.<br />

To J. A. Frost, deceased, late boatswain $879 00<br />

Relief of Thomas G. Corbin.<br />

To Thomas G. Corbin, lieutenaut $273 15<br />

Payment of interest on treasury notes per 9th, section of<br />

To J. 8. Whitney, late collector, Boston.<br />

Hiram Barney, collector, New York<br />

Augustus Schcll, late collector, New York .<br />

J. B. Baker, late collector, Philadelphia<br />

act of December 17, 1860.<br />

5 83<br />

57 65<br />

314 37<br />

1 73<br />

$379 58




WXRRB. NTS.<br />

Statement of warrants drawn previously to June 30, 1861, in favor of sundry<br />

individuals on the treasury of the United States, not I&laced to the credit of<br />

the Treasurer on that day.<br />


Clerks and messengers in the once of the Solicitoi of the Treasury.<br />

1861 — J. D. Colmesnil. 79 12<br />

Salaries of governor, j uoges, gc. , of Utah Territory.<br />

1858 — k. Gumming. .. . No. 5602 1&182 06<br />

1850 1853 —<br />

Salaries of governor, j udges, tsc, , of Oregon Territory.<br />

Edward Hamilton. . . No. 3584. 2 96<br />

W. Wilson. .. . 859 38 46<br />

41 42<br />

1860 —<br />

Contingent exI&enses of' Washington Territory,<br />

J. Tilton . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 5331 247 50<br />

Salaries of governm, judges, g. , of &Yew ilIexico.<br />

1861 — R. Benedict. .. .. No. 1347 625 Pp<br />

1861 —<br />

Salary of tke surveyor general of California.<br />

J. W. Mandeville. . . . . . . . No. 5546 I& 125 00<br />

Clerks in the once of" the surveyor general of Utah.<br />

1860 — D. Jones. . .. . . No. 2038. 250 00<br />

Clerks in tke once of the surveyor general of Oregon.<br />

1860 — S. Sco5eld. . ... . .. No. 3490 200 00<br />

Clerks in the once of tke surveyor general of rVew 1VIexico.<br />

1861 — P. Smith. . . . . . . No. 5627 126 92<br />

Clerks in tke once of' the surveyor general of' Elorida.<br />

1861 — 21. M. Reed. . . . ... No. 4609 150 PP<br />

Surveyor general of' Louisiana.<br />

1861 — W. J. McCnlloclr .. . . No. 4615.<br />

Clerks in tke o/ice of tke surveyor general of Louisiana.<br />

1861 — P. A. Hatirinson. No. 4613<br />

J. W. ttrrand. . ... . 4614<br />

375 00<br />

250 00<br />

625 PP<br />

Carried forward 85&152 02



1860-'61.<br />



Brought for ward 5, 152 02<br />

Clerksin the once of the surveyor ritoryy. general of Washington Ter-<br />

1861 — W. H. Carlton. . No. 5542<br />

J. K. Hall .. . . . . . 5543<br />

Rent of the surveyor general's once of' TVashington<br />

450 00<br />

550 00<br />

Territory.<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1861 — J. Tilton. . . . . . . . . No. 5539 638 82<br />

Rent of the surveyor general's once of Oregon.<br />

1860 — J. S. Zciber . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 389 11 40<br />

of' the surveyors general to be apportioned<br />

according to the exigencies of' thc public service.<br />

1860 — S. Scofield. . . ..<br />

No. 1262<br />

S. 8cofield.<br />

2108<br />

S. Scofield. ..<br />

2775<br />

S. Scofield.<br />

3491<br />

S. Scoficld.<br />

4919<br />

Clerks in the aces<br />

1861 — C. L. Mavor.<br />

A. BercegaJ . ..... . .<br />

H. Gascon<br />

J. M. Wachburn.<br />

C. L. Illsby .<br />

J. S. Purviance ..<br />

1841 — D. Ringo.<br />

4589<br />

4590<br />

4591<br />

4592<br />

4593<br />

4594-<br />

District j udges of' the United States.<br />

T. 11. 51cCaleb. . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Aia Briggs<br />

J, Brockenbrough<br />

J. C. Watrous<br />

No. 1023<br />

1256<br />

1471<br />

1479<br />

1792<br />

400 00<br />

425 00<br />

425 00<br />

225 00<br />

13 85<br />

1&488 85<br />

300 00<br />

300 00<br />

275 00<br />

300 00<br />

250 00<br />

250 00<br />

625 00<br />

06<br />

625 00<br />

625 00<br />

G25 00<br />

3, 163 85<br />

2&500 06<br />

1835 1841 —<br />

District attorneys of' the United States.<br />

S. E. Bell. . No. 1263<br />

C. M. Garnet. . . 7848<br />

C. 21. Garnet. .. ..... . 8763.<br />

1854 — Seth M. Blair.<br />

Seth M. Blair.<br />

1858 — G. E. Iland<br />

W. Weer .<br />

1860 H, J. Harris<br />

1861 — J. II. New<br />

T. J. Watson. . . . .<br />

J. H. New. . . . ----. . -----<br />

489<br />

799<br />

4490<br />

4475<br />

5997<br />

8278<br />

1386<br />

1387<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

62 50<br />

62 50<br />

120 56<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

100 00<br />

125 00<br />

55<br />

50 00<br />

62 50<br />

50 00<br />

170 56<br />

Carried forward. $608 11 12, 466 15

1860-'61.<br />

J. T. Warren. . .<br />

F. B. Miller. ..<br />

P. H. Aylett.<br />

B. P. Anderson.<br />

R. H. Tompkins. . .<br />

1861 —<br />

L. D. Marks<br />



Brought forward<br />

. . . . . No. 1068<br />

1207<br />

1589<br />

1618<br />

1715<br />

7849<br />

37arshals of the<br />

1861 — W. H. Tison . . . .. . . No<br />

W. C. Young<br />

J. G. Halliburton.<br />

J. L. Jones .<br />

W. B. Marshall. . . . . . W. B. Marshall.<br />

J. H. Lewis . ... . . . WARRANTS.<br />

United States.<br />

1097<br />

1098<br />

1100<br />

1127.<br />

1234 51 09<br />

1235. . . . 50 00<br />

1764 . 50 00<br />

1765 . 15 38<br />

608 11<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

62 75<br />

62 50<br />

77 08<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

101 09<br />

65 38<br />

12, 466 15<br />

950 94<br />

366 47<br />

I& of' expenses the conrts of' the United States.<br />

1851 — B. T. Rising . No. 3464<br />

H. B. Miller<br />

3470<br />

1853 T. B. Childress .. 6167<br />

1854 C. A. Hinkley<br />

8293<br />

f855 J. H. Smith<br />

9388.<br />

1856 J. W. Harris. . 2842<br />

1858 G. D. Gross. 6455<br />

1859 T. Fletcher. . .<br />

9060<br />

1860 — M. R. Dutton.<br />

980<br />

J. G. Wilson. 3638<br />

F. J. Parker. . 3693<br />

187 50<br />

F. J. Parker. . . 4469<br />

187 50<br />

H. C. Young. .<br />

4376<br />

H. Wilcox. 4466.<br />

1861 — G. Lewis. . .<br />

4477<br />

4525<br />

4538<br />

F. J. Lovejoy .<br />

H. C. Miller<br />

J. L. Carroll .<br />

J. A. Cuthbert .<br />

J. W. Gurley. .<br />

J. Gausche. . . .<br />

Sampson k Hendricks. .<br />

R. W. Edmondson<br />

R. W. Edmondson. . B. F. Simmons. . . . .<br />

F. B. Miller P. H. Aylett . ..<br />

P. K. Hobbs . . Jesse Woodbury .<br />

Post Otfrce Department . . R. Lane ... . S. S, Buckley. .<br />

H. D. Barrow . L. B. Hastings ..<br />

J. W. Bean . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

4756.<br />

4777<br />

4793<br />

4 801.<br />

4926 369 30<br />

4941 106 35<br />

4971<br />

5172<br />

5189<br />

5277<br />

6281<br />

6299<br />

5302<br />

5305<br />

5372<br />

6377<br />

5453<br />

2 90<br />

9 25<br />

10 00<br />

39 20<br />

18 30<br />

500 00<br />

2 10<br />

18 50<br />

3 40<br />

15 00<br />

375 00<br />

1&000 00<br />

275 00<br />

101 90<br />

33 00<br />

335 00<br />

96 80<br />

67 20<br />

267 51<br />

1, 111 09<br />

250 00<br />

475 65<br />

30 00<br />

80 00<br />

595 00<br />

30 00<br />

1&680 00<br />

25 24<br />

100 00<br />

8 35<br />

1&500 00<br />

146 00<br />

21 90<br />

Carried forward $9& 223 29 13, 783 58



1860-'61.<br />

1861 —<br />


Brought forward<br />

B. P. Anderson. . No. 5458<br />

R C. Hill. . 5463. .<br />

S. Ellison . . 5490. . A. J. Noses . . . 5493<br />

S. A. Williams . . . 5564<br />

R. H. Tompkins . 5576<br />

W. Rabe. . . 5600<br />

J. H. Lewis. . .. . . . 5630<br />


9, 223 29<br />

80 00<br />

60 28<br />

30 00<br />

60 00<br />

138 25<br />

30 00<br />

127560 00<br />

88 64<br />

13, 783 56<br />

22)270 46<br />

OP'cers, clerks, gc. , in branch mint at Cliarlotte, N. C.<br />

1861 — G. W. Caldwell . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 5964, in part. Ii 500 00<br />

$37, 554 02<br />

srrscELr ANEovs.<br />

Tages of u;orkmen in branch mint at Charlotte, North Carolina.<br />

1861 — G. W. Caldwell. . . . . . No. 5964, in part<br />

Incidental expenses of branch mint at Charlotte, North Carolina.<br />

1861 — G. W. Caldwell . . . No. 5964, in part<br />

875 00<br />

250 00<br />

Erection of a temporary capitol in TT ashington Territory and a<br />

site for the same.<br />

1860 — B. D. Gholson . . No. 3372 10&000 00<br />

Erection of a penitentiary in TVashington Territory and a sitefor<br />

the same.<br />

1860 — R. D. Gholson No. 3372 10, 000 00<br />

Expenses of taking the census of Oreqon.<br />

1850 — B, H. Williamson .. No. 2174 500 00<br />

Contingent<br />

expenses of kansas Territory.<br />

1861 — W. Bsrnes . . No. 5827 9 00<br />

Salaries of supervising<br />

and local inspectors of steam vessels.<br />

1853 — S. Hall . . No. 8759, in part<br />

Travelling expenses, Sc. , of super''si ng i nspectors of' steam vessels.<br />

1853 — S. Hall No. S759<br />

Splaries of' nine supervising and pftylocal inspectors'of steamboats,<br />

rbc.<br />

1860 — C. Ross . No. 9235<br />

1861 — W. Kine<br />

L. Christie<br />

5554<br />

5557<br />

375 00<br />

294 40<br />

268 80<br />

476 90<br />

179 40<br />

938 20<br />

Carried forward $60, 782 52

362<br />

1860-'61.<br />





Contingent<br />

Brought forward 60, 782 52<br />

expenses under the act of August 6, 1846, for the safekeeping<br />

of the public revenue.<br />

1861 — A. J. Guirot .. No. 5521. . . . 33 15<br />

C. P. Bertram . . 5524. 50 00<br />

Payment to 1lIissouri volunteers for horses, dc. , lost.<br />

1846 — H. Crigger . No. 4367<br />

Payment for horses and other property lost or destroyed in the<br />

military service of the United Slates.<br />

1846 — J. Kelly . No 7059<br />

1849 — W. W. Morris.<br />

S. Morris<br />

1854 J. T. Namery<br />

1857 — G. S. Woods<br />

T. B. Ellison<br />

1858 — Membersof Captain Fisher's<br />

company .<br />

1859 — Members of M. M. Parson' s<br />

company<br />

1859 — D. C. Rupp et al<br />

N. W. Massey<br />

C. P. Jarnagin<br />

J. W. Humphreys .<br />

W. George et al<br />

1860 — D. Swan et al<br />

Georgia volunteers<br />

Missouri volunteers<br />

T. Jamison et nl<br />

D. Bussel1<br />

J. D. Perkins et al<br />

J. G. Spratt et al<br />

B. G. Scott et al<br />

H. Inman<br />

J. Boyles et al<br />

1861 — W. Campbell et nl<br />

W. S. Dobbs<br />

—<br />

B. Ashe<br />

'll ashington<br />

H. G. Faut et al<br />

D 0<br />

W, M. Jacobs et al<br />

D 0<br />

et al<br />

E. Stevens<br />

71issouri mounted volunteers<br />

D 0<br />

7473 . .<br />

7566<br />

2480<br />

8056<br />

8142<br />

39<br />

717<br />

991<br />

1744<br />

1761<br />

1762<br />

2011<br />

257l<br />

3121<br />

3220<br />

3597<br />

3700<br />

3839<br />

3889<br />

4210<br />

4326<br />

4616<br />

4769<br />

4890<br />

4907<br />

5084<br />

5504<br />

5507 . .<br />

5746<br />

5747<br />

5935.<br />

6008<br />

6224.<br />

639 80<br />

650 40<br />

520 20<br />

390 00<br />

585 60<br />

570 00<br />

15 20<br />

58 18<br />

71 76<br />

14 80<br />

110 00<br />

27 60<br />

1, 454 00<br />

885 80<br />

641 50<br />

58 00<br />

59 75<br />

55 00<br />

886 37<br />

1, 633 55<br />

457 00<br />

I, 040 23<br />

974 95<br />

13 00<br />

852 70<br />

738 20<br />

499 35<br />

378 52<br />

773 70<br />

518 71<br />

160 00<br />

85 00<br />

345 00<br />

11290 20<br />

910 20<br />

49 75<br />

1, 155 60<br />

Expenses incurred by the provisional government of Oregon in<br />

defending the people of that Territory from the Cayuse Indians.<br />

1852 — M. Hunter . No<br />

D. Waldo .<br />

O'. Welch<br />

J. Burst<br />

7644<br />

7 689<br />

7853<br />

9189<br />

113 50<br />

341 79<br />

119 75<br />

168 25<br />

83 15<br />

19 65<br />

16, 213 62<br />

Carried forward $743 29 99, 999 99



1860-' 61.<br />

W. Beckman<br />

1853 — R. Evans<br />

A. I'u«enit<br />

1854 — James Altry<br />

L. Able<br />

J. IV. Piatt.<br />

N. B. Jones<br />

J. Sexton.<br />

G. IV. Neal<br />

1856 Charles Wright.<br />

1861 — J. Witchey<br />

D. H. Good<br />

J. W. Morgan<br />

W. Graham<br />


rought forward<br />

No. 9191<br />

9241<br />

738<br />

3496<br />

3634<br />

3640<br />

5199. . .<br />

5552<br />

5673<br />

6943<br />

4823<br />

4824<br />

4826<br />

5981<br />


743 29 77, 098 94<br />

87 00<br />

12 00<br />

34 30<br />

38 00<br />

110 00<br />

118 50<br />

8 50<br />

27 00<br />

6 50<br />

111 50<br />

114 31<br />

5 00<br />

68 55<br />

21 60<br />

1, 506 05<br />

L&'xpenses of collecting the revenue from customs.<br />

1854 — L. H. Trigg<br />

G. H. Rosctt<br />

J. W. Harris<br />

1859 A. B. E. Hotchkiss<br />

1860 — J. C. Van Dyke<br />

N. R. Jennings<br />

F. W. Latham<br />

1861 — H. C. Miller<br />

N. R. Jennings<br />

P. Arnaut<br />

iV. I&'. Presson<br />

G. 'I'. Wright.<br />

G. P. Johnson .<br />

G. W. Hoff&nan<br />

P. F. Wilson .<br />

B. Brownell<br />

No 9742. ..<br />

7809<br />

8534<br />

6288<br />

560<br />

848<br />

1082<br />

1829.<br />

1830<br />

1835<br />

2087<br />

2106<br />

2119<br />

2321<br />

2362<br />

2371<br />

14 37<br />

8 04<br />

250 00<br />

81 54<br />

50 00<br />

30 90<br />

5& 350 00<br />

40 00<br />

37 70<br />

450 00<br />

136 00<br />

400 00<br />

561 70<br />

2, 520 00<br />

768 00<br />

58 00<br />

10, 756 25<br />

Debentures or drambaclcs&<br />

1854 —<br />

bounties or allotcances.<br />

J. W. Schuth. . . . . . . No. 551 47 10<br />

Debentures and other charges, per acts October 16, 1887, August 8,<br />

1846, and ClIarch 8, 1849.<br />

1853 — T. 0. Lcroy k, Co No. 6930. 9 80<br />

Refunding duties, per acts llIay 8, 1846.<br />

1847 — Andrew Watsou No. 8787 65 98<br />

Irefunding<br />

1855 — R. Reed<br />

H. C. Beecher<br />

H. Case<br />

C. Brathier<br />

C. Ilir. st .<br />

G. EIa, rlow<br />

B. Austin<br />

duties on fish and other articles under the reciprocity<br />

treaty u&ith Great Retain.<br />

No 3133. . .<br />

3142<br />

3590<br />

36l6<br />

3670<br />

4058<br />

4240<br />

101 47<br />

16 40<br />

78 41<br />

3 00<br />

3 08<br />

7 87<br />

16 00<br />

Carried forward $226 23 89&484 12

364<br />



1860-'61.<br />

J. W. Wells<br />

J. McEwen<br />

J. Lamoureaux<br />

L. P, Rand<br />

1856 — J. Graham<br />

D. Tarbox, 2d<br />

J. Germa . .<br />

S. Wiley<br />

H. Smith<br />

D. IK. Sylvester<br />

B. F. Hawkins<br />

J. Ring<br />

1858 — J. iG. Loder<br />


Brought forward<br />

No. 4255<br />

4358<br />

5005<br />

5172<br />

5533<br />

5535<br />

6225<br />

6572<br />

6792<br />

6794.<br />

I<br />

&265<br />

8738<br />

4374<br />


Refunding duties to extend the hcarehousing system.<br />

1856 — F. Mitchell. . . . . . No. 8105<br />

Refundkng<br />

226 23<br />

5 00<br />

2 05<br />

193 19<br />

24 60<br />

3 30<br />

15 58<br />

8 20<br />

39 00<br />

74<br />

4 65<br />

94 46<br />

82<br />

20 76<br />

duties collected in Mexico from military contributions.<br />

1860 — J. D. Cox rt at . . . . No. 8779<br />

Repayment to importers of excess of deposits on unascertained<br />

duties.<br />

1859 P. Clason . No<br />

1861 — Bayard 3: Treadwell<br />

J. Ricketson<br />

7368<br />

1748<br />

2284<br />

unclaimed merchandise.<br />

1841 — H. P. Kane No. 9339.<br />

90<br />

7 60<br />

546 45<br />

Additional compensathon to cancers and men of the revenue service<br />

huho served on the coast of California.<br />

1853 —<br />

J. Williams. . . . No.<br />

J. Jones<br />

W. Harrison<br />

H. B. Eaigh .<br />

i603<br />

7 604<br />

i605<br />

8 166<br />

Supplying light-houses huith oQ, Sc.<br />

30 00<br />

30 83<br />

15 67<br />

5 00<br />

89, 484 12<br />

638 58<br />

275 00<br />

215 00<br />

554 95<br />

9 19<br />

81 59<br />

1861 — B. Brownell . No. 2182 80 00<br />

Salaries of light-house<br />

1860 F. W. Latham No 1056<br />

1861 — R. Eager<br />

1553<br />

J. . Sierra<br />

'<br />

1583<br />

S. Arnau<br />

1905<br />

B. Brownell<br />

2182<br />

keepers.<br />

Seamen's u:ages, repairs and supplies of light@oats.<br />

1861 — R. Eager . , No. 1553.<br />

Carried forward<br />

580 00<br />

I)315 00<br />

575 00<br />

825 00<br />

287 83<br />

3, 582 83<br />

204 00<br />

$95, 125 17

urnia,<br />

1860-'61<br />





Brought forward<br />

365<br />

95, 125 17<br />

Qymmission of 2k per cent. to such, superintendents as are entitled<br />

to the same.<br />

1860 — I&'. W. Latham<br />

1861 — R. Eager<br />

J. Sierra<br />

S. Arnan<br />

B. Brownell. . . .<br />

. . No<br />

1056<br />

1553<br />

1583<br />

1903<br />

2182<br />

14 50<br />

37 97<br />

49 37<br />

20 62<br />

9 90<br />

Raising, cleaning, repairing, $c. , beacons, buoys, dc. , on the coast<br />

f'&<br />

&fi Cal Oregon, and IVashington.<br />

1860 — C. S, Boggs . .. No. 9186<br />

Purchase of a site and construction of a custom-house at Louisville,<br />

ZentucLy.<br />

1854 — R. C. Thompson . . No. 8873.<br />

For materials for warehouses at quarantine station belou Eeic<br />

Orleans, Louisiana.<br />

1861 — J. Davis . . . No. 1768<br />

For the erection of appraisers'<br />

1861 — C. H. Mead .. . . No. 1948<br />

3Iarine hospital establishment.<br />

1856 C. E. Avery. . . No 6492<br />

1861 — J. Sierra, ..<br />

1565<br />

J. Bobb<br />

1895<br />

E. Wright<br />

2054<br />

G. T, Wright<br />

2105<br />

stores at San Francisco.<br />

9 59<br />

2, 082 00<br />

1&000 00<br />

81 00<br />

88 00<br />

132 16<br />

400 00<br />

4 Z5<br />

2, 493 12<br />

1&307 35<br />

3, 260 59<br />

Salaries and commissions of registers and receivers.<br />

1858 W. W. Parnbro.<br />

1860 — E. Ransom.<br />

W. A. Bevans<br />

W. J, Martin<br />

D GriKn<br />

1861 — P. T. Critchiield<br />

T. Herbert.<br />

R. 1V. Edmonton<br />

G. Davis.<br />

T. Patterson .<br />

A. . H. Jackson<br />

C. B. Jordan<br />

Expenses of depositing of<br />

1860 — W. A. Bevans . .. ... . No.<br />

D Griiiin. .<br />

1861 — T. Herbert. . . . /&<br />

G. Davis<br />

No 5449<br />

670<br />

3991<br />

4166<br />

4363<br />

4397.<br />

4399.<br />

4669<br />

4673<br />

5025.<br />

5642<br />

5644<br />

registers and receivers.<br />

3991<br />

4363<br />

4399<br />

4673<br />

41<br />

370 00<br />

362 09<br />

1, 250 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 254 40<br />

875 00<br />

125 00<br />

1& 061 80<br />

1, 724 86<br />

200 00<br />

250 00<br />

100 00<br />

120 00<br />

62 25<br />

200 00<br />

8&473 56<br />

482 25<br />

Carried forward . . . . $111, 678 45




1860 —<br />

B ought forward<br />

1nct'dental eapenses of the several land aces.<br />

Z. Ransom ..<br />

W. J. Martin. . . . . . . .<br />

W. J. Martin<br />

D. Griffin<br />

1861 — P. T. Critchiield<br />

R. A. Clark<br />

G. Davis<br />

No. 670, in part. . . .<br />

4166.<br />

4219<br />

4363<br />

4397. . .<br />

4632<br />

4673<br />

Repayments for lands erroneously<br />

1837 — A. C. Hayes tk Co No<br />

J. Gordon. . .<br />

A.<br />

1838 — J. B. Bas'<br />

J. V. Flemming<br />

J. B. Kilbourne<br />

1840 R. Tober.<br />

1844 — M. Brown<br />

H. D. Terrell<br />

W, H. Fleming .<br />

1846 — A. Ray, deceased<br />

S. '. Lane<br />

W. Allison<br />

1847 — J, Madden<br />

'<br />

A. . Coifey ..<br />

D. B. Cummings<br />

McK. Ho! derness<br />

D. Bowder<br />

T. B. Goldsby and F. lI.<br />

Bradley N. Noggle .<br />

1848 — W. A. McKay<br />

D. Traul<br />

1849 T. Jones<br />

1850 B. Hudspeth<br />

1852 — J. Britzer<br />

A. L. Potter<br />

1853 — G. W. Sanches<br />

C. Jones.<br />

1854 R, Hopper .<br />

1855 — Z. Cook<br />

J. Valverd<br />

J. B. Dume<br />

R. Danifield<br />

G. . Cook<br />

H. T. Pope<br />

J. Prattle<br />

1856 — M. Picard<br />

J. . Bone<br />

J. H. Hitchcock<br />

H. . Lait<br />

F. L. Halley<br />

M. Stoddard<br />

B. Brake<br />

J. J. Norton<br />

H. C. Massey .<br />

A. Vogt<br />

W. Wilson<br />

5459 . .<br />

5511<br />

55&4<br />

9642.<br />

8859.<br />

9639<br />

6312<br />

7222<br />

8313<br />

3519<br />

5688<br />

6061<br />

7186<br />

8941<br />

4I032<br />

9037<br />

9392<br />

521.<br />

852.<br />

1527<br />

2744.<br />

6040<br />

9040<br />

1679<br />

3919<br />

4064. . . .<br />

6462<br />

6618<br />

8579<br />

9312<br />

17<br />

163<br />

225<br />

465<br />

595<br />

681<br />

991.<br />

1559<br />

1615<br />

1818<br />

1856<br />

2062.<br />

2198<br />

2207<br />

2491<br />

2566<br />

2607<br />

sold.<br />

50 00<br />

158 00<br />

55 71<br />

20 00<br />

86 00<br />

58 88<br />

105 00<br />

100 00<br />

48 57<br />

50 45<br />

100 68<br />

50 19<br />

49 41<br />

48 57<br />

49 86<br />

62 50<br />

87 53<br />

50 00<br />

100 00<br />

9 50<br />

46 74<br />

8 96<br />

237 29<br />

50 07<br />

99 71<br />

152 55<br />

4 89<br />

98 95<br />

3 16<br />

7 11<br />

3 00<br />

1 05<br />

49 48<br />

197 50<br />

50 00<br />

1 41<br />

7 67<br />

49 91<br />

50 00<br />

21 63<br />

10 00<br />

10 01<br />

59 12<br />

12 06<br />

4 99<br />

50 00<br />

5 00<br />

8 76<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 03<br />

100 00<br />

5 00<br />

20 00<br />

111, 678 45<br />

525 59<br />

Carried forward 32& 283 37 112, 204 6&


18 60-' 61. OIiTSTANDING WARRANTS.<br />

G. M. Smith. . . . . No.<br />

1856 1857 — H. C. Bog g .<br />

W. P. Curtis<br />

W. Buzan<br />

H. McMilian<br />

A. Joyner<br />

J. W. Petty<br />

R Sat tcrheld<br />

W. Ssher<br />

1858 — J. Curtie<br />

G. W. Fagan.<br />

W. M. Butler.<br />

M. Muelleur<br />

J. Steiger<br />

J. Y. Morris<br />

D. Stewart<br />

. Lee<br />

J. Wigham<br />

J. Lewellen.<br />

G. Shoemaker<br />

W. Maynard<br />

J. W. Hawkins<br />

B. B. Hicks<br />

R E. Glover . .<br />

H. Wells<br />

W. Barrette<br />

W. P. Bandy<br />

E. Brown<br />

J. W. Deese<br />

s. Moss<br />

H. Porter. . .<br />

1859 — D. N. Carvender<br />

M. R. Hopper<br />

k. C. Hs, wkins<br />

0. Hendricks<br />

C. Nelson<br />

H. H. Stratton<br />

L. Huifall<br />

1L G. Reed<br />

W. P. Baggott<br />

F. Moore<br />

A. E. Thompson<br />

C. B. Noble<br />

J. Rhodes<br />

W. W. Moore. . .<br />

W. Estes<br />

W. Klein. .<br />

J. Kine<br />

M, Sprulock<br />

H. Mitchell<br />

A. M. Dutton<br />

J. McCormick<br />

D. Fuller<br />

G. W. MIBer<br />

W. S. Rice<br />

J. L. Shepherd<br />

H. H. Smith<br />

C. W. Edmonds<br />

P. McIntire<br />

J. Mete:df<br />

W. A. . Pixley<br />

Brough t forward<br />

2628<br />

3472<br />

3474<br />

3538.<br />

3646<br />

3683<br />

4202<br />

4226<br />

4402<br />

4514<br />

4938<br />

5048<br />

6131<br />

5137<br />

6145<br />

5146<br />

5149<br />

5278<br />

5380<br />

5643<br />

56)83<br />

56)84<br />

o6R9 rSR<br />

671 V)R<br />

6' 317<br />

6341<br />

6366<br />

6426<br />

6431<br />

6525<br />

6889<br />

7059<br />

7069<br />

7 073<br />

7176<br />

7 178 .<br />

7218.<br />

7 478.<br />

7482<br />

7 601<br />

7934<br />

8 016<br />

8093<br />

8113. . . .<br />

8132.<br />

R (13<br />

9098<br />

9 166<br />

9189<br />

9210<br />

9433<br />

9465<br />

9549.<br />

9585 .<br />

9868<br />

9869<br />

9874 .<br />

9877<br />

9895 .<br />

9905<br />

9910<br />

Carried forward<br />

2, 283 37<br />

10 00<br />

15 00<br />

58 00<br />

20 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 01<br />

9 44<br />

10 00<br />

50 00<br />

3 2S<br />

9 9S<br />

5 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

10 00<br />

50 03<br />

5 00<br />

5 00<br />

15 00<br />

15 00<br />

10 00<br />

7 45<br />

10 00<br />

5 00<br />

5 00<br />

4 93<br />

69 81<br />

6 00<br />

5 00<br />

10 60<br />

39 83<br />

5 00<br />

20 07<br />

10 90<br />

5 00<br />

10 00<br />

18 55<br />

101 23<br />

20 00<br />

5 00<br />

10 00<br />

5 00<br />

9 96<br />

5 00<br />

40 00<br />

10 25<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

5 00<br />

50 00<br />

6 97<br />

29 76<br />

20 00<br />

40 09<br />

23 87<br />

99 52<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

50 00<br />

83, 527 24<br />

112) 204 04<br />

112, 204 04


1868 — '61. OUTSTANDING WARRANTS.<br />

S. Long---- ------ ------<br />

S. Burgess. . . ...<br />

J. McYarlan. .<br />

L. Schutle.<br />

T. Cunningham.<br />

1859 1860 — W. F. Wheeler<br />

G. G. Tidwell. . J. Bidwell. . .. . . .<br />

C. Smith .<br />

R. A. McAllister. .<br />

W. H. Taylor. . .<br />

Charles Avery. . A. A. . S. Beaufort<br />

D 0,<br />

L. Johnson .<br />

Isaac White . .<br />

M. P. Cates<br />

B. M, Cowling. . . . . . . . . .<br />

J. S. Hunt.<br />

R. Raincy . .<br />

E. Ward<br />

F. Wedgewood<br />

T. Arnold. .<br />

L. C Massingill<br />

D. Nelson. . . . . .<br />

W. Craig.<br />

H. McElvey. .<br />

W. E. Justice . .<br />

J. C. Kuykendall<br />

J. H. Benton<br />

R. W. Shaw.<br />

J. C. Palmer<br />

F. Kelly. . .. . . W. McKnight . . . ... W. E. Martin . J. Harrison, jr. .. . W. . Brooks .<br />

S. H. Pearch . . . .<br />

E. F. White. M. E. Clark O. . Leper .. . . . . .<br />

T. James .<br />

W. A. Johnson<br />

M. Bennett.<br />

J. B. Lollar .<br />

W. R. Meacham<br />

S. J. Dennis.<br />

W. Mitchell. . . . .<br />

W. Tiuker<br />

T. P. Saddler. ... .. J. Cummins J. John. son. . .. .<br />

W.<br />

A. . Rutherford . . . .. ..<br />

W. Suiherlin . .<br />

D. B. Linn<br />

J. Harrison, sen<br />

R. H. Hunt<br />

A, P. Reups<br />

Brought forward. . . . . . . . . . .<br />

9911<br />

103<br />

I 18<br />

369 .<br />

489<br />

495<br />

6 13. .<br />

6 86<br />

8 50<br />

8 53<br />

8 82<br />

8 85<br />

911 50 00<br />

912 . 200 00<br />

934<br />

950<br />

95<br />

9<br />

1 069<br />

1 079<br />

1084<br />

1085. .<br />

1 233<br />

1287<br />

1<br />

1 364<br />

1375. . .<br />

1377<br />

1387<br />

1392<br />

1592.<br />

I<br />

1 595<br />

1597<br />

1612<br />

1817<br />

I<br />

2048<br />

2059<br />

2181. .<br />

2228<br />

2242<br />

2248<br />

2527<br />

2 528<br />

2 529<br />

2555<br />

2715<br />

2721<br />

2728<br />

2<br />

2 838<br />

2834 .<br />

2 840<br />

2 882<br />

2886<br />

2887<br />

2<br />

3Z61<br />

3, 527 24 112, 204 04<br />

10 00<br />

24 77<br />

76 37<br />

40 00<br />

20 00<br />

5 00<br />

60 23<br />

50 00<br />

18 71<br />

8 15<br />

20 00<br />

311 21<br />

250 00<br />

1 08<br />

5 00<br />

10 00<br />

5 00<br />

100 00<br />

5 05<br />

216 82<br />

15 11<br />

50 00<br />

100 00<br />

50 00<br />

40 00<br />

5 11<br />

19 43<br />

43 15<br />

15 00<br />

49 92<br />

5 00<br />

60 00<br />

100 00<br />

4 96<br />

10 00<br />

100 00<br />

9 96<br />

40 00<br />

50 00<br />

80 00<br />

20 00<br />

40 00<br />

30 57<br />

39 25<br />

4 98<br />

20 02<br />

50 00<br />

90 00<br />

50 00<br />

60 00<br />

15 00<br />

50 00<br />

4 99<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

12 50<br />

30 00<br />

30 00<br />

30 00<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . . . . 86, 219 58 112, 204 6&



1860-' 61. OUTSTAiVDING WARRANTS.<br />

1860 —<br />

A. C, Goodman. ..<br />

R. W. Rockhold<br />

H. E. Jolly<br />

S. L. Nizon.<br />

R. Gilbert. ... .,......<br />

F, Joy.<br />

J. ihf((ntgomery<br />

IV. Baker. ..<br />

J, S. Dukes.<br />

D. W. Henderson.<br />

W. B. Taylor. ...<br />

W. Marriott<br />

S. Smith<br />

J. R. Burns. .. . W, B. Taylor. . .....<br />

Nancy Warfotd<br />

J. Sterlin.<br />

J. King.<br />

J. F. Wilson.<br />

L. Preston. H. Preston. ......<br />

T. J. Carlisle. ...<br />

N. Moore. ...<br />

W. H Cummins .<br />

T. Rosette.<br />

A. J. Waters ..<br />

A, Patterson. ..<br />

G. Withers<br />

W. Davidson. J. G. Robms. ...-.-.---- ~<br />

J. IV. McLain<br />

D. Goodwin.<br />

W. J. Usher. ...<br />

D, H. Bankston<br />

S. J. Donovan .<br />

J. S. Wilson.<br />

R. R. Highsmith .<br />

E. M. Orton.<br />

J. C. Kane. . J. Hakey ... .. M. W Leonard . E. B. Williams ... .... ---<br />

D. W. McKee<br />

W. Davidson.<br />

J. D. Wesson. ..<br />

W. J. Ashcroft. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

J. N. Whittiugton<br />

W, L. Roach .<br />

W. C. Hyder .<br />

J. L. Goods . . .<br />

J. H. Merritt<br />

L. Jacobs<br />

W. D. Ray<br />

D. W Walker<br />

G, sVhite.<br />

J. Dnvc((port. . . .<br />

C. W. Bc(isley.<br />

P. D. Csstelle. .<br />

I. Winn.<br />

S. L. Ogden. .<br />

24 R<br />

Br ought forward.<br />

No 3266<br />

3267.<br />

3269<br />

3276.<br />

3279<br />

3299<br />

3530<br />

3535.<br />

3586.<br />

3538.<br />

3543<br />

3546<br />

3547<br />

3559<br />

3561<br />

3595<br />

3609<br />

3736<br />

3740.<br />

3846.<br />

3848<br />

3858<br />

3859<br />

3860<br />

3865<br />

3902<br />

3904<br />

3905<br />

8923<br />

3931<br />

3936<br />

3937<br />

3980<br />

3981.<br />

4047.<br />

4099<br />

4111<br />

4116<br />

4118<br />

4119<br />

4121 . .<br />

4125<br />

4128.<br />

4129<br />

4181<br />

4133<br />

4134<br />

4136<br />

4138<br />

4139.<br />

4140<br />

4146<br />

4149<br />

4150<br />

4 l51<br />

4152<br />

4153.<br />

4156<br />

4179<br />

4185. .<br />

6, 219<br />

5<br />

50<br />

40<br />

35<br />

10<br />

10<br />

10<br />

20<br />

100<br />

10<br />

100<br />

10<br />

80<br />

G<br />

200<br />

10<br />

10<br />

100<br />

16<br />

50<br />

150<br />

60<br />

40<br />

260<br />

120<br />

49<br />

47<br />

49<br />

5<br />

80<br />

30<br />

19<br />

48<br />

20<br />

146<br />

109<br />

200<br />

80<br />

10<br />

5<br />

30<br />

5<br />

19<br />

20<br />

5<br />

40<br />

66<br />

100<br />

5<br />

30<br />

40<br />

10<br />

5<br />

30<br />

1]8<br />

20<br />

89<br />

2G<br />

40<br />

10<br />

58<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

10<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

7&<br />

00<br />

00<br />

06<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

60<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

95<br />

09<br />

84<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

94<br />

80<br />

2G<br />

16<br />

37<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

95<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

18<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

77<br />

07<br />

94<br />

25<br />

00<br />

00<br />

112, 204 04<br />

Carried fomvard. . . . . . . . $9, 285 06 112, 204 04


1860-' 61. OUTSTANDING WARRANTS.<br />

Br ought forward. .<br />

1860 — W. R. Barrett. .. No 4186.<br />

D. R Norman. ..<br />

4188<br />

D. W. Clark. 4189<br />

G. W. Hart. . 4209<br />

E. L. Smith.<br />

4210<br />

D. Mileham<br />

4352<br />

J. Cate. .<br />

4353<br />

1861 — J. C. Pendergast. ...<br />

4565<br />

D. C. Collins<br />

4639<br />

J. L. Isaacs<br />

4f)43<br />

J. L. Henderson.<br />

4644<br />

F. Thiele.<br />

4646.<br />

A. P. Downing.<br />

4651<br />

T. A, Stewart<br />

4653<br />

A. McCrady .........<br />

4658<br />

F. Eeding. ...<br />

4664.<br />

4714<br />

F. Monroe. .<br />

D. Faber.<br />

A. Wright. ...<br />

M. Lout<br />

A, L. Pander<br />

H. W. Shell. . C. Land<br />

J. A. Granger<br />

A. Moore.<br />

J. Hennessey.<br />

W. Gage.<br />

W. H. Hill. . . . . . . . .<br />

T. M. Gore.<br />

5I. C. Lilley<br />

R. R. Jefierson.<br />

T. A. Boykin<br />

J Waters. . .<br />

J. Rogers.<br />

N. )S. Greenwood.<br />

A Stevenson.<br />

A. H. Chandler<br />

J. A. Carmin.<br />

D. Stone. .<br />

J. L. Meredith.<br />

J. Cowan.<br />

T. Johnson. . . . .<br />

S. Doggett<br />

A. G. williams . . .<br />

E. Taylor. . . .<br />

J. L. Meredith.<br />

51. Joyce<br />

J. JI. Baxter .<br />

H. Conklin<br />

J. N. Snodgrass.<br />

W. L. Vroom .<br />

F, H. Wood ... . .. .. ..<br />

F). T. Mug for d<br />

J. Wimberley .<br />

J. 5L Smith<br />

N. Fetol. ...... J. Winans . .<br />

J. Cramer .<br />

R. Chilcot t. . . . . . .<br />

'7<br />

471 71( )<br />

4722<br />

4 +22 23<br />

4725<br />

4732. . . .<br />

4739<br />

4740<br />

4742.<br />

4996<br />

4997<br />

4998<br />

5001<br />

5003<br />

5005.<br />

5060.<br />

5063<br />

5080<br />

5223<br />

5381<br />

5382<br />

5383<br />

5384<br />

5385<br />

5887<br />

5390<br />

5391<br />

5396<br />

5397<br />

5398<br />

5401<br />

5402<br />

5406<br />

5408<br />

5409<br />

5413<br />

5414.<br />

5415<br />

5417<br />

5418<br />

5425<br />

5428<br />

5433<br />

9) 285 06 I 12) 204 04<br />

10 00<br />

42 42<br />

10 03<br />

1. )0 45<br />

34 99<br />

30 00<br />

50 00<br />

262 09<br />

45 42<br />

5 00<br />

19 77<br />

5 00<br />

100 00<br />

24 79<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

73 39<br />

10 00<br />

60 00<br />

50 00<br />

83 80<br />

10 00<br />

49 24<br />

40 00<br />

120 00<br />

30 43<br />

30 00<br />

15 00<br />

37 16<br />

31 32.<br />

17 37<br />

40 OO<br />

29 02<br />

20 00<br />

48 86<br />

20 00<br />

50 00<br />

60 00<br />

210 70<br />

33 40<br />

40 00<br />

5 00<br />

80 00<br />

94 96<br />

50 00<br />

14 17<br />

I 26<br />

60 00<br />

143 84<br />

80 OO<br />

30 00<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

80 00<br />

41 54<br />

200 00<br />

5 00<br />

30 00<br />

3 71<br />

5 00<br />

Carried forward. . )12) 409 19 112, 204 94



1860-" 61.<br />

1861 —<br />


Brought forward. .<br />

J. Spalding ... No, 5434<br />

W. Burns. . . . . 5436<br />

O. P. Hempsted. .. .. 5441<br />

T, G. Harrold 5442<br />

C, Brornstardt 5446<br />

H. H, )Veils. . . 5448<br />

F. Bohne .. 5449. .. A. Bess ... . 5451<br />

D. Gregory .. ... 5623<br />

R. P. Vincent .. . ..... 5624<br />

12, 409 19 112, 204 04<br />

280 40<br />

40 00<br />

40 00<br />

100 00<br />

30 00<br />

13 79<br />

80 00<br />

18 82<br />

100 00<br />

299 65<br />

13, 411 85<br />

8'urueying<br />

the public lands.<br />

1861 — J. T, M. Barues ..... . .... No. 5414 198 80<br />

Paynent of' n, ar bounty land certificates,<br />

1849 — C. Murray .... ........ . .. No<br />

S. West .<br />

1850 — G. W. Helm ....<br />

1851 —<br />

A. Smith<br />

G. W. Smith.<br />

J. Wood.<br />

J. Russell ..<br />

J. Lanigan. .. ..<br />

J. L. Pollard. E. Elbritz .. ..<br />

P. H. Anderson<br />

C. Blake. ...... ..... .<br />

J. W. Tipton. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

1852 —<br />

1860 — M. Duyer et ut<br />

447<br />

560<br />

856. . . . . .<br />

903.<br />

904<br />

933<br />

1011<br />

1261<br />

3222.<br />

2436<br />

3204. .<br />

4460<br />

4831<br />

2389<br />

100 00<br />

100 00<br />

100 00<br />

25 00<br />

25 00<br />

100 00<br />

25 00<br />

25 00<br />

100 00<br />

20 00<br />

100 00<br />

100 00<br />

100 00<br />

100 00<br />

1, 020 00<br />

Surveying the public lands and private land claims in California.<br />

1861 — C. C. Tracy. No. 5343<br />

C. C. Tracy .. .. 5344. .<br />

C. C. Tracy. .. . .. ... .. 5345<br />

J. T. Strat ton<br />

J. Walls, ce. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

J. Wallace. . . . . . .<br />

J. S. White<br />

M. Brownson 6r, Fary. . .<br />

T. Boyce.<br />

T. Boyce<br />

G. W. Guthrie. . . . . . . ----<br />

G. W. Guthrie. . . . . . . . . .<br />

G. O' Doherty<br />

H. Hamilton H. Hamilton . H. Hamilton. H. Hamilton. H. Hs, milton. ..... ........<br />

5554.<br />

5555<br />

5559<br />

5581.<br />

5582<br />

SS93<br />

5594<br />

5595 . .<br />

5596<br />

5628<br />

5629.<br />

5632.<br />

5633<br />

5648<br />

5649<br />

238 01<br />

214 81<br />

66 88<br />

114 92<br />

422 80<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

00<br />

6 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

15 00<br />

10 00<br />

519 70<br />

417 80<br />

537 72<br />

10 50<br />

11 50<br />

20 00<br />

12 00<br />

10 00<br />

55 00<br />

1, 594 22<br />

Carried forward. . . . . - $128, 428 91

872<br />

1860-'61.<br />




WA. RRANTS.<br />

Brought forward 128& 428 9]<br />

For survey'ng<br />

1861 — L. F. Carter<br />

the public lands in Oregon at the rates now authorized<br />

by law.<br />

L. F. Carter. . ....<br />

L. F. Carter . . ......<br />

H. J. C. Averell<br />

No. 4923<br />

5149<br />

5357<br />

5358<br />

806 64<br />

2, 139 22<br />

217 21<br />

3, 163 07<br />

65 85<br />

For surveying liabilities incurred by the late surveyor general of<br />

California prior to tune 30, 185'7.<br />

1860 — J. H. Brooks . . . . . . . . . . . No. 2819<br />

Surveying townshzp and subdivision lines, estimated at 4, 990<br />

miles, in IVashington 1'erritory.<br />

1860 — W. D. B. Newman .... .... No. 4354<br />

Surveying the necessary base, merzdian, standard parallels, 4sc. ,<br />

in kansas and Nebraska.<br />

1859 — M. M. Hall. .. . No.<br />

J. D. White. .<br />

1860 —<br />

G. M. Tilford<br />

W. S. Caldwell . .<br />

J. K. McMullen<br />

1861 — S. Parsons .<br />

G. M. Tilford. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

7409<br />

1601<br />

3661<br />

3665<br />

3709.<br />

4517<br />

4521<br />

16 88<br />

1, 497 46<br />

11 95<br />

75<br />

1 89<br />

49<br />

4 35<br />

Surveying the necessary base, meridian, standard parallels, &rfc. ,<br />

in iVew ilI&chico.<br />

1861 — W. pelham tt R. E. Cleznents, No. 5191<br />

3& 228 92<br />

365 00<br />

48 94<br />

1, 533 77<br />

527 98<br />

Arrearages for running and marking the boundary line between<br />

the United Slates and 3Iexico.<br />

1854 — W. Ferguson. .... ....... . No. 7913<br />

Indemnity for swamp lands purchased by individuals.<br />

1861 — R. Yates. . . No. 5469 2, 703 30<br />

R. Yates. .. . ... ... .. 5517. . . . . . 4, 815 61<br />

1860-M. Sullivan<br />

For the suppression<br />

... . No<br />

J. N. Mafhtt et al, .... . ... T. Sharpe<br />

J. R. Beckwith et at . .<br />

J. Morrison. .<br />

A. Ruland. .<br />

C. H. Fahs<br />

1861 — W. H. Moore<br />

P. Casperd et at . .<br />

S. L. Crawford. . . . . . . . .<br />

of the slave trade.<br />

4060<br />

4178.<br />

4211<br />

4212<br />

4285<br />

4287.<br />

4314<br />

4377<br />

4404<br />

4449.<br />

3 75<br />

8, 218 66<br />

65 39<br />

2&431 03<br />

2, 052 84<br />

102 01<br />

316 09<br />

660 91<br />

128 33<br />

577 23<br />

270 00<br />

7& 018 91<br />

Carried forward. . . . . $14, 529 90 141, 422 47



1860-'61.<br />

1861 — A. G. Ellis<br />

W. H. Moore<br />

A. Corning<br />

W. F. Laighton.<br />

L. J. Brown ....<br />

J. 'S. Nichols<br />

J. Faron. .<br />

J. Faron ..<br />

A. C. Craven<br />

H. C. Buckman. .....<br />

E. Millach .<br />

A. F. Crossman<br />

W. IlcLain<br />

W. McLain<br />

T. N. Shock. .<br />

J. B. Houston .<br />

J. Roop .<br />

W. Mcl sin Gt J. Adams<br />


Brought forward<br />

. No. 4494<br />

4877<br />

4883<br />

4904<br />

5051.<br />

5052<br />

5135<br />

5188<br />

5176<br />

5177<br />

5183<br />

5185<br />

5351<br />

5598.<br />

5499.<br />

5524<br />

5580<br />

5597.<br />

308 00<br />

38. & 00<br />

2, 865 83<br />

28, 270 00<br />

14, 529 90<br />

114 51<br />

122 50<br />

104 45<br />

118 46<br />

118 46<br />

1, 735 00<br />

693 00<br />

253 50<br />

250 83<br />

250 83<br />

433 50<br />

31, 135 83<br />

433 50<br />

250 83<br />

258 46<br />

1, 700 00<br />

141, 422 43<br />

52, 529 90<br />

For the encnuragernent<br />

of learning in Illinois.<br />

1861 — R. Yates .. .. . . No. 5518 293 75<br />

E'tcpenses to be incurred in taking the eighth, census.<br />

1861 — P. A. Keller .. .... . . No. 4442 5, 000 00<br />

Salary of clerk in the once of the Auditor for the Post 0+ce<br />

Department.<br />

1861 — G. K. Harper .... .... . No. 6158 96 15<br />

If'lank book~, binding,<br />

Pc. , for the once of the I'reasurer.<br />

1861 — J. D. Colmesnil . . . . . . No. 6205 150 00<br />

For services of special counsel, t'rc. , in defending the title of the<br />

United States in public propert y in California.<br />

1859 — T. Hofl'man .. . ... . . No. 8426 200 00<br />

Act for the relief of the heirs of the legal representatives<br />

estate of Charles 3Iason.<br />

of the<br />

1860 — Charles H. Mason ..... . No. 5264 488 80<br />

Act for the relief yf the heirs and legal representatives<br />

D. Roiviand, deceased, and others.<br />

1859 —<br />

A, L. Allen. . . . . . . . . . . . No. 1476 .<br />

Patent fund.<br />

1837 — S. Bradley. .. .. . ... . iVo. 6191<br />

of Itichard<br />

2, 510 07<br />

20 00<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . $202, 711 10

1860 —'61.<br />





Brought forward.<br />

202, 711 16<br />

1850 1858 —<br />


Salaries of secretaries of legation to Great Britain, Jjc<br />

Gales 8t Seaton. . . . No. 3484<br />

J. C. Marriott. . . . 9247<br />

1 63<br />

49<br />

2 12<br />

1861 —<br />

1857 —<br />

Salaries of ministers of the United States.<br />

P. L. McLaughlin . . . . . . . . No. 6239<br />

Salaries of consuls of the United<br />

H. Wood . . . . . No. 4368<br />

States.<br />

545 50<br />

21 98<br />

Auards under the conuentiott bettceett the United States and Peru,<br />

conclvded at Lima 3Iarch 17, 1841.<br />

1859 — O'. G. Peabody ..... ... .. No. 476 95 87<br />

Itelief and protectio n of American seamen.<br />

1836 J. Varney. .... . No. 2477<br />

1837 C. Weston. ... ... 6983<br />

1843 D. C. Joy<br />

4882<br />

1844 Greeley A Gould. .. ..<br />

8<br />

1846 — J. Palister<br />

4088<br />

W. H. Van Phister .<br />

'<br />

1847 — J. Roberts.<br />

3 17<br />

S. Watts<br />

1848 — S. Edridge<br />

3409<br />

J. Weston .<br />

6658<br />

1849 J. K. Rogers. ..<br />

8594.<br />

1850 S. Rogers<br />

1852 — S. Foster<br />

1854 1855 —<br />

W. Allen. . . .... . ... J. R. 5Iorton . .<br />

D. Dyer ...<br />

E. J. Eilbourn W. C. Russell. ..<br />

W. W. De Forest. ..<br />

1859 — Masters of vessels, J. Smith<br />

and others ..<br />

Captain Cope<br />

F. A. Newell. ...<br />

F. J. Manley. .<br />

J. H. Baird<br />

1860 — D. Snow.<br />

R. H. Blether<br />

1861 —<br />

E, E. Graves . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

H. D. Joy . . ..<br />

J. H. Chase ... . ..<br />

L. B. Leslie ...<br />

John Crocker. .... .<br />

G. W. McNear . Isaiah Larabee. ..<br />

Jatnes D. Eeith<br />

J. B. Mc Council .... ......<br />

T. Jii lier<br />

H. N. Turner.<br />

0. J. Calutt. .... .... ,.....<br />

6224 .<br />

6230<br />

7045<br />

2582. . . .<br />

4192<br />

4755<br />

5565.<br />

428<br />

813<br />

1795<br />

1907<br />

2017<br />

3 08G<br />

47 I - - - - --<br />

3490<br />

4068<br />

4734.<br />

5356.<br />

5431<br />

5440.<br />

5586 .<br />

6011<br />

IAO<br />

6216.<br />

G238<br />

Carried forward.<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

50 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

70 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

60 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

30 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

20 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

30 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

25 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

$645 00 203, 376 57


il860-'61.<br />


1861 —<br />

1840 1844 —<br />

Brought forward.<br />

R. P. Bush. ... . . . No. 6326<br />

E, Josslym. . ... . . 6341<br />


Interest on funded debt, (old. )<br />

E. Tucker .. .... . . No, 3793<br />

R, Sherman, deceased. .. 9287<br />

375<br />

645 OO 203, 376 57<br />

10 00<br />

10 00<br />

665 00<br />

17<br />

14<br />

Payment of treasury notes, per act December 28, 1857.<br />

1861 — T. P. Shalcross . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 4581 400 00<br />

Interest on treasury notes, per art December 23, 1857.<br />

1861 — T. P. Shalcross. . . . . . No. 4581 24 40<br />

Payment to such creditors of Tes'as a; are comprehended<br />

act of Septentber 9, 1850.<br />

in the<br />

1860 — W. P. Williams .......... No. 1042 3 85<br />

204, 470 13<br />


Pensions to uIidoms ano, orphans, act of July 4, 1836, sec. 3.<br />

1854 1861 —<br />

W. R. Vance .. .. No. 5512.<br />

S. W. Dalton. .. . .. . 3872<br />

Pensions, act June 3, 1858.<br />

1861 — S. W. Dalton . . . . . . No. 3872<br />

5 58<br />

200 00<br />

205 58<br />

1, 500 00<br />

1853 1855 —<br />

Pensions, act February 2, 1848.<br />

J. Kelley. . . . No. 4517<br />

B. M. Love. . .. ... . 7098.<br />

11<br />

50<br />

61<br />

Pensions, act June 7, 1832.<br />

il856 — C. Boswell. . .. . . . . No. 7760<br />

Unclaimed pensions (army. )<br />

1850 — S. Damon .. .. .. . No. 113G<br />

C. Thompson. 1223<br />

E. Jones. . . 1224<br />

E. Lambert. .. 1293<br />

1852 J. P. Pinkstou. ... 3201<br />

1853 — 0, Cooker. . 3911<br />

C. Pattersou. . .. .. 4090<br />

M. G. Nunn. .. .. . 4123<br />

J, iScherr. ... .. 4318<br />

A. Falconer et at. 4585.<br />

P. P. Puckett. 4793 . .<br />

1854 — A. Gordon. . ..... ....... 4892<br />

13 33<br />

10 60<br />

8 49<br />

2 63<br />

65 85<br />

41 30<br />

19 52<br />

24 00<br />

13 20<br />

8 31<br />

1 60<br />

24 25<br />

Carried forward $233 08 2061176 56



1860-' 61. OUTSTANDING WARRANTS.<br />

1854—<br />

E, Stokes.<br />

C. Carpenter. . ....... . N<br />

R. Patricl-. ..... ......... .<br />

W. C. Fox.<br />

S. Ackerman.<br />

F. leonard. . .. . ..... .<br />

M. Coon.<br />

S. Mastons.<br />

A. Feagle .. .<br />

S. E, Watts. ..... .. .<br />

1855—<br />

E. Butler.<br />

J. Purdy and C. Coley. M. Wilkerson. . .... .....<br />

Brou ght forward.<br />

o. 4930<br />

5014<br />

5054<br />

5055<br />

5356<br />

5463<br />

5482<br />

5688<br />

5852<br />

5937<br />

6209<br />

6593<br />

6855 . .<br />

Z. Blackburn et al.<br />

6866<br />

1856— W. Stephenson et al<br />

7353.<br />

M. Harvey et al.<br />

7358<br />

N. Tabor et al.<br />

7376<br />

N. Tabor<br />

7544<br />

7393<br />

J. M. Liudsley. ..<br />

D. Armstrong. E. Rankin. ...... .<br />

E. Post. ... ..<br />

J. Sage et al. .<br />

B. Tyler.<br />

E. Ferguson<br />

'il. A. Porter. ......<br />

T. H. Cole.<br />

A. Parker W. Stapp .. J. Ellis et al. ... . .<br />

J. Venater . G. R. Brush .<br />

A. Feagle ..<br />

A. Gran detaf. ...<br />

7465<br />

7522<br />

7649<br />

7663<br />

7666<br />

7860.<br />

8094<br />

8193<br />

8335<br />

8346<br />

8370.<br />

8398<br />

8442<br />

8842 .<br />

1857— 8559<br />

M. Cox. . ..<br />

C. Evans .... .<br />

J. H. Sizer . .<br />

8879. . .<br />

8947<br />

4<br />

M. H. Davis. .<br />

76<br />

J. W. Martin. ....<br />

92<br />

J. Vincent ..... 223<br />

S. Baldwin et al.<br />

505<br />

E. B. Horn.<br />

538<br />

1858— M. Mount<br />

814.<br />

Sarah C. Tarry.<br />

8' 67<br />

S. Lynn. .<br />

1031<br />

H. Mooring et al. . 1116.<br />

J. Buckner. .... ....<br />

1138<br />

1859—<br />

1629<br />

S. Ward . . . .<br />

T. Portlock .<br />

J. Doty et al<br />

J. Baughman. ....<br />

J. Sharer.<br />

S. Jl, Lathrop . ...<br />

J. Belcher and R. Pilhoif. .<br />

J. Porter. ... .. . J. Woods.<br />

J. M. C. Clason et al . P, . Parker . . ..<br />

T. Thornhill. Mary Swan. . ...<br />

Z. Bingham .. .. .<br />

1842<br />

1899<br />

1948<br />

1964<br />

1995<br />

2020.<br />

2026<br />

2040.<br />

2096. .<br />

2116<br />

2 117<br />

2149<br />

2161<br />

Carried forward<br />

233 08<br />

14 20<br />

96 15<br />

7 00<br />

11 55<br />

16 00<br />

10 40<br />

2 75<br />

25 20<br />

24- 00<br />

4 60<br />

11 67<br />

3 50<br />

10 83<br />

2 70<br />

2 16<br />

23 05<br />

12 83<br />

12 83<br />

2 91<br />

1 61<br />

1 87<br />

85<br />

21 98<br />

4 39<br />

240 00<br />

115 38<br />

7 55<br />

2 53<br />

24 00<br />

18 34<br />

12 00<br />

48 00<br />

48 00<br />

192 00<br />

2 05<br />

3 73<br />

21 23<br />

33 15<br />

36 00<br />

96 00<br />

8 20<br />

3 27<br />

74<br />

21 00<br />

21 00<br />

1 05<br />

48 00<br />

42 00<br />

2 74<br />

1 63<br />

36 00<br />

113 16<br />

14 13<br />

21 60<br />

5 60<br />

5 60<br />

6 63<br />

13 50<br />

32 47<br />

3 46<br />

29 98<br />

81& 889 83<br />

20'6, 176 56<br />

206, 176 56



1860-' 61.<br />

1859 — W. Barber et rd.<br />

E. Pi l I i r) «s er al. . . . . . . . .<br />

R. Ellis el al. .<br />

Z. Robinson fk 5l, cry Il)obinson<br />

1860 — W, Brown et «l.<br />

E. H. Cahoon ancl W. D.<br />


Bror<br />

Elclridge ..... ..<br />

51. Obt et al<br />

J. Jo«eeet al<br />

E. Knox .<br />

J. Powell and H. Stewart<br />

A. P)iley.<br />

W. R. Findley. ... . ......<br />

W. Whitney e( cd. ......<br />

'H. Hammorrd el al<br />

J. Baker ..<br />

J. E. Rutherford. ...<br />

E. Porter.<br />

W, J. Bowen<br />

E. Sa well.<br />

H. 6: J. 'I'errill. ... .....<br />

J. Frisbee et nl ...<br />

Nancy Haines .<br />

J. Bolten et al. .<br />

J. Shook. ......<br />

G. Kelton.<br />

J. Benson ..<br />

E. Hashberger . „ 5I H. Stebbins L. Golding. ... ..........<br />

C. Bovd.<br />

1861 —<br />

S. Cloud ..<br />

S. S. Irving ......<br />

A. Thomas<br />

J. B. 1Vallace<br />

A. Hicks . .<br />

J S. Patton and W. Patton<br />

S. Pettit. . .<br />

J. Farmer et al. .<br />

J. N. Bevans . . . . -. . . . -- ~<br />

N. Thacker .<br />

G. G. Guinea<br />

E. Horn. ..<br />

lV. T. Broadrlus. ... ..... .<br />

P. T. Allen. ...<br />

J. H. Mautey<br />

A. Patclrer and F. Band.<br />

W. Paris<br />

J. Chapin . . . . . . .<br />

J. Rogers. .<br />

S. Cram and H. Hall .<br />

J. Shtrler<br />

tght forward . .<br />

o. 2198<br />

2205<br />

28)rt2<br />

2805.<br />

2358<br />

2451.<br />

))5a<br />

1511<br />

2525<br />

2565<br />

2571<br />

2715<br />

2808<br />

2905<br />

2907<br />

3084<br />

3102<br />

31!)9.<br />

3?51<br />

3846<br />

3422.<br />

3518<br />

3689<br />

3640<br />

364. 1<br />

:-lt)48<br />

3644<br />

8651.<br />

3654<br />

8G71<br />

3821<br />

3822<br />

8852<br />

8853<br />

3877.<br />

3879<br />

8880<br />

3881<br />

3950.<br />

3986<br />

402T<br />

4078<br />

4074<br />

4075.<br />

4083<br />

4094<br />

4095<br />

4096<br />

4097.<br />

4220.<br />

4222<br />

4227<br />


I'c»siorts, pet' acl . 1lac rlt 18, 181b.<br />

1861 — F. H. Flagg . . . . . . . . No, 3870<br />

Y. 1V Dalton. . . . . . . 3872<br />

Carried forward. . . . . .<br />

1, 889 83 206, 176 56<br />

2 52<br />

8 50<br />

6 71<br />

14 17<br />

31 20<br />

3 OG<br />

7 03<br />

10 26<br />

3 73<br />

25 86<br />

240 00<br />

247 95<br />

12 '90<br />

76<br />

6 30<br />

17 81<br />

5 Z0<br />

158 78<br />

10 58<br />

12 71<br />

7 17<br />

45 62<br />

42 57<br />

22 02<br />

22 71<br />

48 77<br />

24 75<br />

1 51<br />

8 87<br />

41 1Z<br />

48 21<br />

18 66<br />

2 06<br />

2 32<br />

2 48<br />

27 13<br />

2 26<br />

84<br />

48 66<br />

24 00<br />

36 00<br />

25 52<br />

21 00<br />

16 00<br />

Z5 68<br />

48 00<br />

6 14<br />

27 29<br />

5 29<br />

7 20<br />

10 60<br />

48 00<br />

50 00<br />

100 00<br />

3, 429 31<br />

150 00<br />

$209, 755 8T

1860-'61.<br />





1861 —<br />

1853 1859 —<br />

Invalid pensions (army )<br />

Brought forward. . . . -. ~----- 209, 755 87<br />

F. H. Flagg. . No. 3870 . . 1, 150 00<br />

Do. .... .. ...... 3872 3, 200 00<br />

Eulfilling treaties with the Osages.<br />

F. Fisher. . No. 4548<br />

D. J. Jones. . . . .. ... 2421<br />

72 52<br />

280 00<br />

S'ulfilling treaties with the Chippewas of Lake Superior of September<br />

80, 1854,<br />

1856 — R. Reed. ... . No. 7 977<br />

B. F. Rathburn .. . . . 7984<br />

J. Suter tk Co. ... 7989<br />

1858 —<br />

I" ulfilling treaty with the Rogue River Indians.<br />

2i 60<br />

8 07<br />

17 00<br />

J. Bruce. . . . . . . . . No. 586. . . 165 15<br />

W. S. King. . . . . . 589 86 92<br />

J. Benjamin. . . . . . . . . . 1157. . . . . . . . 109 87<br />

Pay of interpreters<br />

4858 — E. A. Starling. .. .. No, 713<br />

and Indian agents.<br />

Contingencies of the Indian department.<br />

1855 H. Bittenger .... .... .... No. 6768<br />

1861 — Depositary, Little Rock, Ark 3772<br />

E. Rector . . . . . . . 3972<br />

Buildings at the several agencies and repairs.<br />

1851 — A. J. Vaughn. . .. . No. 2447<br />

Incidental expenses of Indian service in California.<br />

1858 N. Gray. .. .. .... .. No. 752.<br />

1861 —<br />

M. Whallon. . . . . . . . . 4023<br />

50<br />

71 24<br />

1, 400 00<br />

550 61<br />

480 75<br />

Payment of liabilities incurred for Indian se~ vice in Oregon. .<br />

1858 — E. A. Starling. . . . . . . . . . No. 713<br />

Extinguishing<br />

title of Indian tribes to lands tcest of Missouri.<br />

1859 — J. W. Denver . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 2366.<br />

Payment to Cherokees omitted in the census taken by D. W' Siler.<br />

1857 Ty-es-tah ..... .. . No. 86 . 54 70<br />

1859 — Ty-es-tah. .... .. 1214. 38 12<br />

92 82<br />

1860 — M. Hicks<br />

2877<br />

38 12<br />

J. Hicks. ... .... . 2878. .<br />

38 12<br />

Carried forward. .<br />

4, 350 00<br />

352 52<br />

46 67<br />

361 94<br />

2 72<br />

1, 471 74<br />

50<br />

1, 031 36<br />

9 92<br />

6 40<br />

169 06<br />

8217, 558 70

1860-' 61.<br />





Itoad from Fort Iiearney to C&&7&f&» «ia.<br />

Brought forwar&l . . . 217, 558 70<br />

1859 — J, E, Bromley. . . . . . . . No. 1818. . . . . 51 58<br />

A. Stead . . . . . . . . . . 2279 . . o7 50<br />

Insurance, transjrortation,<br />

1860 — by, H. Myers. . .. .. . No. 3490<br />

g. , of Pawnee annuity goods.<br />

Fulfilling treaty with, the It tact&f&oot Indians.<br />

109 08<br />

90 74<br />

1860 — W. H. JIycrs. .. . No. 3490 32 98<br />

Insurance, tbc, , of Pawnee, Ponca, and Yancton Sioux annuity<br />

gooas,<br />

1860 — W. H, Myers . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 3490.<br />

F&ulf&lling treaty of Fort Laramie.<br />

'28 69<br />

1S60 — W. H. Myers ... No. 3490. 151 76<br />

Indian service in the district of country leased from the Choctaws<br />

for Indians lately residing in Texas.<br />

1861 — Depositary, Little Rock, Ark. Nn. 3772<br />

Colonizing, supporting, Jfo. the TVichitaws and other a@tiated<br />

banda<br />

186 l — Depositary, LittleRock, Ark. No. 3772<br />

Compensation of three special agents and three interpretersfor Indtar&s<br />

t n Texas.<br />

1861 — Depositary, Little Rock, Ark. No. 3772<br />

Incidental expenses of Indian service in, 1&7ew ItIexico.<br />

1861 — M. P. McMahon No. 4008<br />

Incidental expenses of Indian service in Utah.<br />

1861 — W. H. Brockway. . .. No. 4106<br />

1861 —<br />

Pay of interprelers.<br />

J. Crawford. . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 4169<br />

An act for the relief of Azet Spalding.<br />

13& 954 50<br />

12, 716 57<br />

122 21<br />

170 90<br />

600 00<br />

200 00<br />

1861 — A. Spalding. .. .. .... . No. 4164 226 69<br />

For loss a»d. destruction of property of «tizens of 3Iinnesola and<br />

lo«a at Sl»'it Lake by l&&k-pa-du-tab's band.<br />

1861 — A. P. Shigley. . No. 4181 . 405 65<br />

J. A. Dodson. . .. . . 4182. . . 494 40<br />

900 05<br />

Carried forward . $246, 862 8?

380<br />

1860 -' 61.<br />





Trust fund interest due Choctaws under convention<br />

saws.<br />

Brought forward. . . . . . 246, 862 70<br />

u&ith Chicka-<br />

1860 — E. Rector. .. .. .. ... .. No. 3996 16& 120 86<br />

For Payment to the 8is-see-ton and Wah-pa-ton bands of Sioux<br />

Indians for their reservation on the jlinnesota river, act 3Iarch<br />

20, 1861.<br />

1861 — G. L. Becker. ... .. . No. 4188<br />

3& 397 98<br />

N. Myrick & Co<br />

4190<br />

10, 198 66<br />

G. L. Becker<br />

4195 321 64<br />

G. L. Becker<br />

4196 2, 866 02<br />

A. Fairbault.<br />

L. Robert & Co<br />

X, Treiner. .<br />

A. Treincr<br />

G. & A. Fuller<br />

Forbes &, Eittson . . . . .<br />

1861 — N. Myrick 8r, Co. . ... No<br />

G. L. Baker<br />

T. Odell<br />

A. Fairbault<br />

L. Pobert & Co .<br />

A. Treiner<br />

Forbes & Kittson.<br />

P. Prescott<br />

4202<br />

4203<br />

4204<br />

4206<br />

4208<br />

4217<br />

3, 187 66<br />

59 20<br />

5, 204 84<br />

2, 644 21<br />

I, 100 23<br />

4, 989 92<br />

1, 289 57<br />

For Payment to the 3Ied-a-wa-kan-ton and Wah-pa-koo-ta bands<br />

of Dakota or Sioux Indians f' or their reservation, act 3Iarch<br />

20, 1861.<br />

4190.<br />

10, 597 91<br />

4195<br />

76 28<br />

4199.<br />

111 37<br />

4202<br />

4, 198 14<br />

4203<br />

8, 387 11<br />

4206<br />

14 58<br />

4217.<br />

1, 883 69<br />

4218<br />

29 70<br />

32, 072 27<br />

25, 298 78<br />

1860 —<br />

1861 — B. W. Brice<br />

R. H. Anderson<br />

G. W. C. Lee.<br />

A. B. Lansing. . .<br />

O. L. Shepherd. ... ..<br />


Pay of the army.<br />

No 354<br />

574<br />

1485.<br />

1624<br />

1635<br />

10 14<br />

2 05<br />

20, 000 00<br />

39 86<br />

67 50<br />

20, 119 55<br />

Subsistence of the army.<br />

1850 L. '1'homes. .. .. . No 590, in part<br />

1851 H. Hayes. ... 4477<br />

1856 A. A. Gibson. ... .<br />

7255.<br />

1861 — G. T. Balch<br />

1357<br />

G. G. Waggaman<br />

1493<br />

1939 .<br />

S. H. Reynolds. . .<br />

36<br />

1 25<br />

27<br />

1, 300 00<br />

50, 000 00<br />

560 00<br />

Carried forward. . . . 6392<br />

&<br />

51, 861 88<br />

336 21

1860 '61.<br />



, cb bsrstence of oP cere.<br />

1861 — B, W. Brice. . . No<br />

R. H. Anderson. .<br />

G. W, C. Lee.<br />

Quartermaster'8<br />

1854 J. K. Duncan. .... . No<br />

1860 S. G. French. ......<br />

1861 — J. D. Bingham<br />

C. L. Best<br />

C. L. Best<br />

J. McL. Taylor. . .<br />

B. Livingston<br />

L. Beall.<br />

1485<br />

16Z4.<br />

1635<br />



Brought forward<br />

department.<br />

3400<br />

9523<br />

1328<br />

1333 . . 1, 9 60 00<br />

1551 384 00<br />

1579<br />

2015<br />

2020<br />

Incidental expenses of the quartermaster'8<br />

1858 R. Ransom . ..... No.<br />

1861 — C. L. Best<br />

C. L. Best<br />

J. McL. Taylor. .<br />

B. I ivingston<br />

department.<br />

3836<br />

1333 . 500 00<br />

1551. 300 00<br />

4, 5oo oo<br />

31 20<br />

55 80<br />

09<br />

16<br />

252 00<br />

2, 294 00<br />

I, 638 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

400 00<br />

10<br />

800 00<br />

1579 . 1 950 00<br />

2015 .. ... . . 366 00<br />

881<br />

392, 836 21<br />

4, 587 00<br />

6, 084 25<br />

3, 116 10<br />

Transportation<br />

1849 — L. Thomas. . No<br />

S. G. George. L. Metcalf. ..... ...... .<br />

1850 — W. H. Collagan<br />

E. Abbey<br />

1859 1860 — J. ZIullins<br />

G. Grassie.<br />

S. Corvey<br />

1861 — J. Enos<br />

J. Marshall. . . . . . . . . .<br />

E. L. Blank . . . . . . . .<br />

C. L. Best.<br />

J. Marrion .<br />

Tucker 8r Lloyd<br />

of the army.<br />

590.<br />

1600<br />

1666<br />

1973<br />

2064<br />

5237<br />

7195<br />

65<br />

162<br />

255<br />

256.<br />

1333.<br />

1395<br />

1631<br />

1 80<br />

20 00<br />

2 96<br />

72 00<br />

102 83<br />

16 66<br />

8 90<br />

10 00<br />

115 00<br />

105 00<br />

105 00<br />

500 00<br />

895 00<br />

1, 235 00<br />

3, 185 15<br />

1861 —<br />

Transportation<br />

of ofhcer~' baggage.<br />

J. T. Greble. . No. 770. . .<br />

C. L. Best. . ..... ...... 1551<br />

1861 — B. W. Brice . . . --. . .<br />

G. W. C. Lee. . . . . . .<br />

20<br />

155 00<br />

Forage,<br />

. . No. 1485 . . 300 00<br />

1635 . . . . . . 8 26<br />

155 20<br />

308 26<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . $409, 772 1'I

882<br />

1860-'61.<br />





1861 —<br />

Brought forward. 409, 772 17<br />

Payment in lieu, of clothing for ogcers' servants.<br />

B. W. Brice .. . . No. 14~5<br />

IL H. Anderson 1624<br />

G, W. C. Lee .... . .... . 1635 .<br />

200 00<br />

1 08<br />

2 58<br />

203 66<br />

1852 1854 1857 1859 1860 —<br />

S. Williams<br />

1861 —<br />

M. P. Parks . .. .. No.<br />

E. G. Steptoe. ...<br />

A. B. Hardcastle ...<br />

E. Ingraham ....<br />

— Lugenbell. ....<br />

G. W. Wallace ...<br />

G. Chapin<br />

r nuray .<br />

J. J. Upham M. Bryant .... ..... ...<br />

F. Payne . . .<br />

W. H. Wood .... . ... . .<br />

J. Adams .<br />

H. C. Hedges. .... . ..<br />

L. Corley<br />

'I'. J. Haines<br />

J. L. Corley .<br />

R. W. Foots<br />

E. Dillon. . .<br />

J. J. Upham . . . .<br />

B. F. Smith<br />

M. Bryant<br />

A. B. Hardcastle<br />

J. Hayden<br />

A. L. Anderson .<br />

J. G. Chandler.<br />

T. J. Haines. . .<br />

J. Mendenhall<br />

Jlxpenses of recruiting.<br />

6809<br />

1658<br />

224 l<br />

6059<br />

9342<br />

419<br />

569<br />

7 l7<br />

719<br />

720<br />

7rg 7JB<br />

761<br />

763<br />

933<br />

1386<br />

1387<br />

1426<br />

1672<br />

1673<br />

1674<br />

1675<br />

1676<br />

1677<br />

1678<br />

1718<br />

1732.<br />

1813<br />

1957<br />

2029<br />

3fedical and hospital department.<br />

1851 L. Powell No<br />

1855 — H. Randall<br />

E. P. Scammon . .<br />

1860 W. F. . Dearing<br />

1861 — N. Spring<br />

J. H. Baldridge .<br />

P. P. Barton .<br />

J. M. Reno<br />

P. P. Barton<br />

R. Kenoon<br />

P. M. Enders .<br />

N. Lyon. . .<br />

1857 1861 — N. Grant<br />

W. R. Shoemaker<br />

W. T. Welcker<br />

4799 . .<br />

5694<br />

6170<br />

9611.<br />

702.<br />

703<br />

734<br />

899<br />

989. .<br />

1209<br />

1322<br />

1926<br />

Ordnance service.<br />

3354<br />

994<br />

1597<br />

1687.<br />

T. G. Brereton . . No<br />

Carried forward.<br />

20 00<br />

370 00<br />

72 00<br />

200 00<br />

500 00<br />

150 00<br />

250 00<br />

200 00<br />

300 00<br />

200 00<br />

150 00<br />

150 00<br />

150 00<br />

200 00<br />

600 00<br />

250 00<br />

150 00<br />

250 00<br />

150 00<br />

150 00<br />

150 00<br />

250 00<br />

150 00<br />

150 00<br />

200 00<br />

125 00<br />

000 00<br />

150 00<br />

100 00<br />

11 00<br />

2 00<br />

27 30<br />

75 00<br />

1, 260 00<br />

150 00<br />

90 00<br />

90 00<br />

112 00<br />

141 33<br />

173 33<br />

2 00<br />

300 00<br />

150 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

200 00<br />

8, 737 00<br />

2, 138 96<br />

1, 650 66<br />

$422, 496 79



1860-' 61. OUTSTANDING WARRANTS.<br />

Brought forward<br />

Ordnance, ordnance stores, dc.<br />

422, 496 79<br />

1861 — W. T. Welcker . No. 1li87 400 00<br />

Arsenals.<br />

1861 — W. P. Shoemaker No. 1597<br />

Ifarracics, quarters,<br />

1860 — J. Graham, deceased No. 9917<br />

G. Grassie. . . . 65<br />

1861 — J. McL. Taylor 1579<br />

@.<br />

256 25<br />

52 50<br />

1, 050 00<br />

750 00<br />

1, 358 75<br />

1846 —<br />

D<br />

Mexican hostilities.<br />

T. J. Leslie. . . No.<br />

0--<br />

B. Walker<br />

1850 — A. Robinson<br />

R. A Pierce<br />

1855--T. McDonald .<br />

C. Pritchard<br />

1856 J. McSpadden<br />

1859 — M, Stebbins<br />

4796.<br />

4797.<br />

4910<br />

2638<br />

2641<br />

3870<br />

4731<br />

7369.<br />

4909. .<br />

200 00<br />

200 00<br />

Preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities.<br />

1853 J. Keen . .. No<br />

1854 — J. Knowles<br />

1855--J. L. McKoin<br />

1855 — W. F. Thompson<br />

E. Hess. .<br />

H. Greenwood<br />

I', S. Wood. .<br />

J. Fridge<br />

1856 — Hazeltine tk Co<br />

Cooper &, Higbee .<br />

C. Johnson<br />

S. Williams .<br />

Friedman Jr Wells<br />

1857 W. Leveridge<br />

1858 — V. Payne<br />

E. Phillips .<br />

J. Ward<br />

8861. . . .<br />

2306<br />

4734<br />

Expenses of the Pzogue Itiver tear.<br />

No 4325<br />

4329<br />

4332<br />

6931<br />

6933<br />

9035<br />

9036<br />

9051<br />

9060.<br />

9061.<br />

1<br />

3514<br />

35l5. . .<br />

351S.<br />

Itefunding money for expenses incurred, Jtc.<br />

1851 — W. H. Diggs .. No. 4469<br />

S. R. Curtis ... ......... 4952<br />

Carried forward<br />

400 00<br />

500 00<br />

15 00<br />

30 50<br />

42 00<br />

89 00<br />

8 71<br />

337 53<br />

164- 40<br />

11 75<br />

16 00<br />

300 00<br />

5 50<br />

92 75<br />

6 00<br />

10 00<br />

10 25<br />

100 00<br />

9 00<br />

24 00<br />

183 00<br />

12 00<br />

84 00<br />

162 00<br />

76 00<br />

2 00<br />

5 00<br />

1, 422 74<br />

192 15<br />

1, 074 50<br />

7 00<br />

$427, 701 93



1860-'61. OUTSTANDING WARIlANTS.<br />

Brought forward.<br />

Payment of claims reported by board of army oQcers.<br />

1859 — T. Breckinridge No. 4919<br />

30 00<br />

J. Barrett .. .. 4920. .<br />

35 00<br />

1860 — P. Crowley 7171<br />

50 00<br />

H. Beeson 7398.<br />

15 00<br />

Payment of claims adj udicated to mounted riflemen under Colonel<br />

J. C Fremont.<br />

1855 — J. Cypriano<br />

A. Martiness<br />

S. Kelsey<br />

J. Yates<br />

H. A. Green.<br />

W. Dagler<br />

No 6615<br />

6616.<br />

6617<br />

6619<br />

6620.<br />

6762<br />

118 00<br />

122 00<br />

150 00<br />

50 00<br />

76 00<br />

50 00<br />

427, 701 gg<br />

130 00<br />

566 06<br />

rirrearages prior to July 1, 1815.<br />

1851 W. J. Dabney No 5127<br />

1856 0. Odel<br />

8787<br />

1860 — R. Waldby<br />

7196<br />

W. Church<br />

8545<br />

N. Smith<br />

9576<br />

14 96<br />

28 80<br />

11 61<br />

4 00<br />

4 03<br />

63 40<br />

Payment nf the civil o+cersof the Territory of New Mexico.<br />

1854 — R. Dallam . No<br />

J. W. I. eal<br />

1855 — Juan Otero<br />

Juan Cruz Baca<br />

3011<br />

3&'&2 &'&go<br />

4832<br />

4834<br />

376 22<br />

28 83<br />

67 59<br />

69 75<br />

547 gg<br />

Itelief of 1K B. Seabrook, and others,<br />

1857 — C. C. Prentiss .. . No. 2921 44 70<br />

Extra pay of overs and men — escort to 3Iexican boundary<br />

mtss20. L<br />

com-<br />

1860 — 0, L. Shepherd . .... No. 572 73 gg<br />

Fort monroe.<br />

1861 — R. E, DeRussy. .. No. 1309. 1, 000 00<br />

Purchase of a site for the defence of San Francisco.<br />

1861 —<br />

No. 1849<br />

J. F. Gilmer. . . . .<br />

Carried forward<br />

2, 000 6o<br />

g&432& 121 gg



385<br />

1860-'Gl,<br />



NAVAL<br />


Brought forward<br />

432r 121 95<br />

S. J. Potts. . .<br />

1858 1859 S. Jackson<br />

1861 — J. H. Strong<br />

J. Irl. Frailey<br />

G. R. Barry<br />

L. Lansing.<br />

H. J. Ballard<br />

Pay of the navy.<br />

3126<br />

4712.<br />

6311<br />

6355<br />

6444<br />

6501<br />

6577<br />

101 60<br />

119 07<br />

4, 000 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

20, 00ri 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

2. 000 00<br />

33, 720 67<br />

Increase, repairs, tbe.<br />

1861 — F. H. Claiborne No. 6139<br />

Contingent expenses of the navy.<br />

1861 — J. W. Sanford No. 6371<br />

615 00<br />

5 50<br />

$466, 463 12<br />


Civil, miscellaneous, foreign intercourse, and public debt.<br />

Department of the Interior<br />

Military establishment<br />

Naval establislrrnent<br />

204 470 13<br />

115, 884 65<br />

111, 7G7 17<br />

34, 341 17<br />

8466, 463 12<br />

25 it


OF<br />



FOB THS<br />

1'ISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1861,<br />





ln the fiscal year ending June 30, 1861, on u'arrants issued by the<br />

8ccretary of the Treasury, and unexpended balances<br />

og appropriations rohich are to be carried<br />

to the next annual statement.<br />

" References to acts" refer to the particular<br />

Nore. — The figures in the columns headed<br />

acts of appropriation (in the next pages) which authorize the expenditure of the sums<br />

placed on the same lines with them in the columns headed Appropriations for the fiscal<br />

year ending June 30, 1861. "


General statement of certain appropriations vnade by laM for the year ending<br />

June 30, 1861, including the balances of former appropriations unexpended<br />

on the last day of June, 1860; exhibiting also the expenditures of tke United<br />

States in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1861, on warrants issued by the<br />

Secretary of tke Treasury, 'and unexpended balances of appropriations Ickiek<br />

are to be carried to tke next annual statement.<br />


April 17, 1792<br />

Feb. 20, 1811<br />

3 Mar. 6, 1820<br />

4 Dec. 4, 1820<br />

5 June 23, 1836<br />

6 June 23, 1836<br />

7 July 4, 1836<br />

8<br />

s{<br />

10<br />

Oct. 16, 1837<br />

July 7, 1838<br />

July 21, 1840<br />

Mar. 3) 1839<br />

11 Sept. 4, 1841<br />

12 Aug. 29, 1842<br />

13 April 2, 1844<br />

14 Aug. 3, 1846.<br />

15<br />

16<br />

July 22, 1846<br />

Jan. 28, 1847<br />

17 Feb. 9, 1847<br />

18<br />

19<br />

May 9, 1848<br />

June 26, 1848<br />

20 Mar. 3, 1849<br />

21 Mar. 3, 1849<br />

22 Mar. 22, 1852<br />

An act concerning consuls and vice-consuls.<br />

An act to enable the people of the Territory of Orleans to form s<br />

constitution and State government, and for the admission of such<br />

State into the Union on an equal footing with the original States,<br />

and for other purposes.<br />

An act to enable the people of Missouri Territory to form a constitution<br />

and State government, anrl for the admission of such State<br />

into the Union on an equal footing with the original States, aud<br />

to prohibit slavery in certain Territories.<br />

An act to provide for paying the State of Illinois three per cent. of<br />

the net proceeds arising from the sales of public lands within the<br />

same.<br />

An act supplementary to an act entitled "An act for the admission<br />

of the State of Arks, nsas into the Union, and to provide for the<br />

due execution of the laws of the United States within the same,<br />

and for other purposes.<br />

"<br />

An act supplementary to "An act to establish the northern boundary<br />

line of the State of Ohio, and to provide for the admission of the<br />

State of Michigan into the Union on. certain conditions.<br />

"<br />

An act to carry into efi'ect in the States of Alabama and Mississippi<br />

tbe existing compacts with those States in regard to the five per<br />

cent. fund and school reservations.<br />

An act making further appropriations for the year 1837, (2d section. )<br />

An act authorizing<br />

payment to certain. officers of the customs.<br />

An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expense&<br />

of the government, and for other purposes, for the year 1839, (26<br />

section. )<br />

An act to appropriate the proceeds of the sales of public lands,<br />

and to grant pre-emption rights.<br />

An act in relation to lands sold in the Greensburg, late St. Helens,<br />

land district, in the State of Louisiana, and authorizing there.<br />

survey of certain lau. ds in said district.<br />

An act directing the disposition of certain unclaimed goods, warssi<br />

or merchandise, seized for being illegally imported into the Vnitefi<br />

States,<br />

Au act to exempt cofFee imported from the Netherlands from duty<br />

in certain cases, and for other purposes.<br />

An act to authorize the issue of treasury notes and a loan.<br />

An act authorizing the issue of treasury notes, a loan, and for other<br />

purposes.<br />

An act providing for the payment of any interest, falling due en(he<br />

public debt.<br />

An act for the relief of John Black.<br />

An act to prevent the importation of adulterated and spurious drugs<br />

and medicines.<br />

An act requiring all moneys receivable from customs, and from all<br />

other sources, to be paid immediately into the treasury without<br />

abatement or r<strong>edu</strong>ction, (Zd section. )<br />

An act to provide for the pa ment of horses and other property lost<br />

or destroyed in the milits y service of the United States.<br />

An act to make land warran. s assignable, and for other purposes,


STATE;1I I'. XT — Continued.<br />


23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

31<br />

32<br />

33<br />

37<br />

38<br />

39<br />

40<br />

41<br />

42<br />

43<br />

44<br />

45<br />

46<br />

48<br />

50<br />

51<br />

52<br />

Feb. 26, 1853<br />

Mar. 3, 1853<br />

Mar. 28, 1854<br />

Aug. 4, 1854<br />

Mar. 2, 1855<br />

Feb. 16, 1857<br />

Dec, 3, 1857<br />

June 14, 1858<br />

Feb. 28, 1859<br />

Mar. 3, 1859<br />

Mar. 3, 1859<br />

Juue 14, 1859<br />

Mar. 3, 1857<br />

Feb. 28, 1859<br />

May 26, 1860<br />

June<br />

7, ISGO<br />

June 9, 1860<br />

June 9, 1860<br />

June 15, 1860<br />

June 16, 1800<br />

June 16, 1860<br />

June 21, 1860<br />

June 21, 1860<br />

June 23, 1860<br />

June 22, 1860<br />

June 23, 1860<br />

June 23, 18GO<br />

June 23, 1860<br />

June 2:&, 1S(i0<br />

June 23, 1SGO<br />

An act to regulate the fees and costs to be allowed clerks, marshals,<br />

and attorneys of the circuit and district courts of the United<br />

States, and for other purposes.<br />

An act making appropriations for the naval service for the year ending<br />

June 30, 1854.<br />

An act to extend the warehousing system by establishing private<br />

cnd bonded warehouses, and for other purposes, (8th section. )<br />

An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses<br />

of the government for the year ending June 30, 1855.<br />

An act for the relief of purchasers and locators of swamp lands.<br />

An act to incorporate the Columbia Institution for the instruction of<br />

the deaf, dumb, and blind.<br />

An act to authorize the issue of treasury notes.<br />

An act making appropriations for the expenses of collecting the<br />

revenue from customs.<br />

An act giving the assent of Congress to a law of the Missouri legislature<br />

for the application of the reserved two per cent. land fund<br />

of said State.<br />

An act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and<br />

judicial expenses of the government for the year ending June 30,<br />

1860.<br />

An a" t making appropriations for the consular and diplomatic expenses<br />

of the government for the year ending June 30, 1860.<br />

An act making appropriations for the transportation of the United<br />

States mail by ocean steamers and otherwise during the fiscal year<br />

ending June 30, 1859, (1st section. )<br />

An act making appropriations for certain civil expenses of the government<br />

for the year ending June 30, 1858.<br />

An act to amend an act entitled "An act authorizing repayment for<br />

land erroneously sold.<br />

"<br />

A. n act making appropriatious for the consular and diplomatic expenses<br />

of the government for the fisca year ending June 30, 1861,<br />

and for other purposes.<br />

A resolution authorizing the settlement of the accounts of J. R.<br />

Bartlett, late commissioner of the United StItes to run and mark<br />

the boundary line between the United States and Mexico.<br />

A joint resolution for the relief of Henry Woods.<br />

An aot for the relief of Peter Rogerson 8I Son, of St. John' s, Newfoundland.<br />

An act making appropriations for the service of the Post Office Department<br />

for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1861.<br />

Au sct entitled an act to amend an act in addition to the act prohibiting<br />

the slave trade.<br />

An act for the relief of Benjamin Sayer.<br />

An act for the relief of Peay and Aylitfe.<br />

An act for the relief of P. B. Holmes.<br />

An act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and<br />

judicial expenses of the government for the year ending June 30,<br />

1861.<br />

An act making appropriations for the naval service for the year end-<br />

ing June 30, 180 I.<br />

Au act providing for the erection of a post office in the city of Philadelphia.<br />

Au act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and<br />

judicial expenses of the goverument for the year ending June 30,<br />

18G l.<br />

An act foI' the relief of W. A. Linn.<br />

An act for the relief of Sheldon MCKnight.<br />

Au act for the relief of Mrs. A. A . Angus.


STATE iIEXT — Continued.<br />


53<br />

54<br />

55<br />

56<br />

58<br />

59<br />

60I<br />

61<br />

62<br />

63<br />

63<br />

65<br />

66<br />

68<br />

I<br />

70<br />

71<br />

72<br />

73<br />

74<br />

76<br />

I<br />

7<br />

79<br />

80<br />

June 22, 1860<br />

June 21, 1860<br />

June 25, 1860<br />

June 25, 1860<br />

Dec. 17, 1860<br />

Feb. 3, 1861<br />

Feb. 9, 1861<br />

Ireb. 13, 1861<br />

Feb. 18, 1861<br />

Feb. 19, 1861<br />

Feb. 20, 1861<br />

Feb. 20, 1861<br />

Feb. 23, 1861<br />

Feb. 25, 1861<br />

Feb. 27, 1861<br />

Mar. 2, 1861<br />

Mar. 2, 1861<br />

Mar. 2, 1861<br />

Mar. 2, 1861<br />

Mar. 2, IS 61<br />

Msr. 2, 1861<br />

Mar. 2, 1861<br />

June 25, 1860<br />

June 25, 1860<br />

Aug. 10, 1846<br />

June 20, 1860<br />

Mar. 3, 1847<br />

Mar. 3, 1847<br />

Sept. 28, 1850<br />

Mar. 3, 1851<br />

Mar. 3, 1855<br />

May 16, 1860<br />

June 16, 1860<br />

An act for the relief of Edward Ely.<br />

An act for the relief of the heirs or legal representatives of the estate<br />

of Charles A, Mason.<br />

An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the gov.<br />

ernmcnt for the year ending June 30, 1860.<br />

An sct making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the gov<br />

ernment for the year ending June 30, 1861.<br />

An act to authorize the issue of treasury notes, and for other purposes.<br />

An act to authorize a loan.<br />

An act to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the service of<br />

the fiscal year ending June 30, 1861.<br />

An act for the relief of A. H. Palmer.<br />

An act for the relief of Townsend Hainea<br />

An act for the relief of Randall Pegg.<br />

An act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, aud<br />

judicial expenses of the government for the fiscal year ending<br />

June 30, 1861.<br />

An act to carry into effect conventions between the United States<br />

and the republics of New Granada and Costa Rica.<br />

An act for the relief of Captain A. W. Frazer.<br />

An act making appropriations for the consular and diplomatic expenses<br />

of the government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1862.<br />

An sct to refund to the Territory of Utah expenses incurred in suppressing<br />

Indian hostilities in the year 1853.<br />

An sct to provide for the payment of expenses incurred by the Territories<br />

of Oregon and Washington in the suppression of Indian<br />

hostilities in 1855 —'56.<br />

An sct making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government<br />

for the lear ending June 30. 1862.<br />

An act making appropriation to supply a deficiency in the appropriation<br />

for the completion of the geological survey of Oregon sud<br />

Washington Territories.<br />

An act for the relief of Taylor Dudley.<br />

An act for the relief of Henry Rice.<br />

An act for the relief of Richard Chenery.<br />

An act to provide for the payment of outstanding treasury notes, to<br />

authorize a loan, to regulate and fix the duties on imports, sud<br />

for other purposes.<br />

An act for the relief of the California Stage Company.<br />

An act for the relief of Cassius M. Clay.<br />

An act to estIIblish the Smithsonian Institution for the advance and<br />

difi'usion of knowledge among men.<br />

An act making appropriations for light-houses, beacons, buoys, kc.<br />

An sct making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses<br />

of the government for the year ending June 30, 1858, and for<br />

other purposes.<br />

An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenres<br />

of the government for the year ending June 30, 1848.<br />

An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses<br />

of the government for the year ending June 30, 1851.<br />

An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses<br />

of the government for the year ending June 30, IS52.<br />

An act making appropriations for the civil snd diplomatic expenses<br />

of the government for the year ending June 30, 1856.<br />

An act to carry into effect a convention between the United States<br />

and the republic of Paraguay.<br />

An act making appropriation for the paymeut of the expenses of<br />

the legislative assembly of Minnesota.


STATEMENT — Continue&l.<br />



81<br />

82<br />

83<br />

84<br />

85(<br />

86<br />

88<br />

89<br />

90<br />

91<br />

Jan.<br />

May<br />

15, 1861<br />

15& 1856<br />

Aug. 18, 1856<br />

Mar. 3, 1857<br />

Feb.<br />

Feb.<br />

Feb.<br />

Feb.<br />

Feb,<br />

Mar.<br />

Mar.<br />

Mar.<br />

Mar.<br />

Mar.<br />

Mar.<br />

Mar.<br />

18, 1861<br />

18, 1861<br />

23, 1861<br />

23, 1861<br />

27, 1861<br />

1, 1861<br />

1, 1861<br />

2, 1861<br />

2, 1861<br />

2, 1861<br />

2, 1861<br />

2& 1861<br />

May 24, 1860<br />

Mar. 3, 1857<br />

June 25, 1860<br />

June 12, 1858<br />

July 4, 1836<br />

An act for the relief of B. C. Martin.<br />

An act making a grant of lands to the State of Iowa, , in alternate<br />

sections, to aid in the construction of certain railroads.<br />

An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government<br />

for the year ending June 30, 18o7.<br />

An act making appropriation for certain civil expenses for thc year<br />

ending June 30, 1858.<br />

An act for the relief of William Cowing.<br />

An act for the relief of George H. Giddings.<br />

An act for the relief of S, S. Gr, en.<br />

An act for the relief of Samuel Perry.<br />

An act making appropriations for the service of the Post Office<br />

Department for the year ending June 30, 1855.<br />

An act for the relief of A. H. Evans.<br />

An act for the relief of Cole 8t Barr.<br />

An act for the relief of Charles J. Helm.<br />

An act for the relief of D. B. Hibbard.<br />

An act for the relief of Eliza B MilLE.<br />

An act for the relief of J, H. Wheeler.<br />

An act making appropriations for the services of the Post Office<br />

Department for the year ending June 30, 1862.<br />

An act to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the year ending<br />

June 30, 1860.<br />

An act mal-ing appropriations for the transportation of the United<br />

States mails by ocean steamer and otherwise for the year ending<br />

June 30, 1858.<br />

An act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses<br />

of the government for the year ending June 30, 1851.<br />

An act inaking appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the government<br />

for the year ending June 30, 1859.<br />

An act to provide for the progress of the usei'ul arts and to repeal<br />

all acts and parts of acts made heretofore for that purpose.

&<br />

49)<br />



Q d&<br />

A<br />

Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

o<br />

I&)<br />

o<br />

&D<br />

O cO<br />

O DD<br />

o. M<br />

CD<br />

o<br />

CD<br />

c&<br />

o<br />

cd '<br />

CD<br />

CD<br />

o<br />

O<br />

o cd<br />

O CD<br />

CD<br />

dd<br />

DD&O cc&<br />


Compensation<br />

States<br />

Compensation<br />

and mileage of senators of the United<br />

and mileage of Iuembers of the House<br />

of Representatives and delegates. .......<br />

of officers, clerks, 6IC. , receiving an<br />

annual salary in the service of the Senate .... .<br />

Compensation<br />

House of Representatives<br />

Pages and mail boys for the House of Representatives<br />

Two mail boys, at $900 each, and the messenger<br />

in charge of the south extension<br />

Laborers for the House of Rcpresentatives. . ..-..<br />

Capitol police, House of Representatives<br />

Folding documents, including pay of folders, lac. ,<br />

House of Representatives. ....<br />

49, 59<br />

Compensation of officers, clerks, 6Ic. , receiving an<br />

annual salary in the service of the House of Representatives<br />

49<br />

Clerks to committees, pages, police, horses, a, nd<br />

carryalls for the Senate.<br />

49 I<br />

Stationery for the Senate<br />

49<br />

Miscellaneous items for the Senate<br />

49, 59<br />

Newspapers for the Senate<br />

49<br />

Congressional Globe, and binding the same for the<br />

the Senate<br />

49<br />

Reporting proceedings for the Senate<br />

49<br />

For the usual additional compensation to the reporters<br />

of the House and Senate for reporting<br />

the proceedings 2d session 36th Congress<br />

49<br />

Expenses of the heating and ventilating apparatus,<br />

including pay of engineers and firemen<br />

Binding for the Senate<br />

Lithographing and engraving for the Senate ... &<br />

49<br />

49<br />

. 49<br />

Fixtures for gas, and furniture for the committee,<br />

office, and other apartments in the north wing of<br />

Capitol .<br />

49<br />

Capitol police, Senate<br />

49<br />

Draughtsmen and clerks on land maps, clerks to<br />

committees, 6Ic. , House of Representatives. 49<br />

Stationery for the House of Representatives<br />

Newspapers for the House of Representatives. . . . 49<br />

Miscellaneous items for the House of Representatives<br />

49, 59<br />

i<br />

Fuel, oil, and candles for the House of Representatives<br />

49<br />

Horses, carriages, and saddle-horses for the House<br />

of Representatives.<br />

Furniture, repairs, and boxes for members of the<br />

49& 59<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

59<br />

4, 410 08 202& 138 28<br />

4&366 20 615I250 00<br />

3, 760 99 79& 664 00<br />

12, 062 82<br />

200 00<br />

30, 333 32<br />

4, 446 00<br />

7o, 030 00<br />

42, 901 74<br />

363 96<br />

58, 727 28<br />

1, 000 00<br />

81& 248 16<br />

14&936 00<br />

12, 000 00<br />

23, 000 00<br />

3, 300 00<br />

32, 000 00<br />

11& 000 00<br />

3, 200 00<br />

12, 000 00<br />

50, 000 00<br />

30&000 00<br />

19I 400 00<br />

9& 296 97<br />

17& 800 00<br />

21, 000 OOi<br />

12, 500 00<br />

69, 000 00<br />

15, 000 00<br />

6, 0OO OO<br />

7 095 79 15, 000 00<br />

204 37<br />

847 5&2<br />

4, 500 OO'<br />

3, 300 OO<br />

6, 285 0o<br />

9 516 Ol<br />

56, OGO 00<br />

Carried forward $249, 750 07 1, 434, 335 38

— Continued.<br />



C&<br />

C&<br />

0<br />

+<br />

CC&<br />

4. =<br />

cl<br />

C) &C<br />

CJ<br />

0<br />

C<br />

CJ<br />

~o<br />

C.<br />

C»J<br />

C&<br />

bl&~ m<br />

C& ~<br />

C<br />

)&<br />

CJ CC&<br />

C& ~ W<br />

J&<br />

~o<br />

C&<br />

S~<br />

CJ c<br />

CC<br />

2R~<br />

H M ~ C&&<br />

C&<br />

o<br />

CC CC)<br />

C<br />

C»<br />

~<br />

CJ CC<br />

C" 0<br />

CC JJ<br />

206, 548 36<br />

5, 239 80 211, 788 16<br />

208, 788 16<br />

3) 000 00<br />

619, 616 20<br />

106, 635 71 726) 251 91<br />

688. 176 30<br />

38, 075 61<br />

83, 424 99<br />

83, 424 99<br />

74, 399 82<br />

9) 025 17<br />

81& 248 16<br />

81, 248 16<br />

81, 248 16<br />

26, 998 82<br />

12, 000 00<br />

23, 000 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

26, 998 82<br />

12, 000 00<br />

231000 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

26, 998 82<br />

12, 000 00<br />

23, 000 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

62, 333 32<br />

15&446 00<br />

62, 333 32<br />

15& 446 00<br />

62, 333 32<br />

15)446 00<br />

3, 200 00<br />

12, 000 00<br />

129, 030 00<br />

72, 901 74<br />

3& 200 00<br />

12&000 00<br />

1291030 00<br />

72, 901 74<br />

3, 200 00<br />

12, 000 00.<br />

76, 560 44<br />

54, 161 35<br />

52, 469 56<br />

18, 740 39<br />

19, 400 00<br />

9, 296 97<br />

19, 400 00<br />

9, 296 97<br />

19, 400 00<br />

9, 296 97<br />

17&800 00<br />

21& 363 96<br />

12)500 00<br />

17&800 00<br />

21, 363 96<br />

12, 500 00<br />

17, 799 19<br />

21, 363 96<br />

12, 500 00<br />

81<br />

127, 727 28<br />

1271727 28<br />

127&727 28<br />

16, 000 00<br />

161000 00<br />

9, 938 68<br />

6, 061 32<br />

6, 000 00<br />

G, OOO 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

22, 095 79<br />

22, 095 79<br />

22, 095 79<br />

4, 500 00<br />

4, 500 00<br />

4& 499 31<br />

3, 300 00<br />

6& 285 00 .<br />

9, 721 34<br />

3, 300 00<br />

6, 285 00<br />

9&721 34<br />

3, 300 00<br />

G, 285 00 .<br />

9, 513 49<br />

207 85<br />

561847<br />

52<br />

56, 847 52<br />

5G, S47 52'<br />

1, G84, 0S5 45 ill&875 51 1 795 9GO 96 1 668 379 5Gl 127, 581 40




Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

o<br />

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Ac c» A&<br />

A. N cn<br />

Brought for ward<br />

Binding documents for the House of Representatives.<br />

Binding documents ordered to be printed by the<br />

House of Representatives during the 33d and<br />

34th Congresses, and for engravings, lithographs,<br />

and electrotypes for the same. .<br />

Cartage for the House of Representatives<br />

Reporting debates for the House of Representatives.<br />

Engraving, lithographing, and electrotyping for<br />

the House of Representatives<br />

Engraving maps, &c. , of surveys for the Pacific<br />

railroad<br />

Binding 24 copies of the Congressional Globe and<br />

Appendix for each member of the House of Re-<br />

presentatives . . . . .<br />

For 24 copies of the Congressional<br />

Globe and<br />

A„;"ndix for 1st and 2d sessions 36th Congress<br />

Additional compensation to the reporters of the<br />

Congressional Globe for reporting the proceedings<br />

of the House of Representatives . . . . .<br />

To indemnify the Clerk for sums expended for<br />

books under resolution of the House of Representatives<br />

of July 7, 1856, &c<br />

For 1, 000 copies of the papers of James Madison,<br />

now in the State Department. .<br />

To supply deficiencies in the appropriations for<br />

printing, dry-pressing, inserting maps and plates,<br />

and binding documents ordered during the 83d,<br />

34th, and 35th Congresses<br />

Printing for the 1st session 86th Congress. . .<br />

Paper required for the printing of the 1st session<br />

36th Congress.<br />

Printing for the 2d session 36th Congress .<br />

Paper required for the printing of the 2d session<br />

36th Congress.<br />

Principal and assistant librarians and messengers<br />

in library of Congress . .<br />

Contingent expenses of the library of Congress<br />

Purchase of books for Library of Congress .<br />

Purchase of law books for Library of Congress . ..<br />

For paper, printing, and binding a complete catalogue<br />

of the Library of Congress ..<br />

Compensation of the Superintendent of Public<br />

Printing and clerks and messengers in his office<br />

Blank books, stationery, postage, &c. , for office of<br />

Superintendent of Public Printing<br />

To supply the deficiency in the appropriations heretofore<br />

made for printing ordered by the Senate<br />

and House of Representatives, 1st session 86th<br />

Congress<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

56<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

59<br />

249, 750 07 1, 434, 385 36<br />

11, 199 38 100, 000 uu<br />

56, 403 45<br />

21343 68<br />

121. 110 73<br />

41478 51 . . . .<br />

2) 000 00<br />

8, 000 00<br />

15)811 20 61969 60<br />

34&848 00 171424 00<br />

36, 576 90<br />

4, 000 00<br />

2, 800 00 2, 000 00<br />

5& 244 47<br />

47&525 21<br />

108, 785 48<br />

500 00<br />

2, 615 27<br />

100, 000 00<br />

150, 000 00'<br />

9, 000 00<br />

1, 000 06<br />

5,<br />

'000 06<br />

2, 000 uu<br />

2)841 08 9, 714 0o<br />

2, 850 0o<br />

187, 816 38<br />

Carried forward . $697, 833 43 2, 042, 109 86



continued.<br />

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dQ<br />

1) 684, 085 45<br />

111, 199 38<br />

111&875 51 1, 795, 960 96<br />

111, 199 38<br />

1, GGB, 379 56<br />

91, 154 32<br />

127, 581 40<br />

20', 045 OG<br />

56, 403 45<br />

2&000 00<br />

10, 343 68<br />

56& 403 45<br />

21000 00<br />

10, 343 68<br />

708 75<br />

2, 000 00<br />

10, 118 18<br />

55& 694 70<br />

225 50<br />

121, 110 73<br />

4, 478 51<br />

121, 110 73<br />

4, 478 51<br />

70, 338 64<br />

594 73<br />

3, 883 78.<br />

5D, 772 09<br />

22, 780 80<br />

22& 780 80<br />

15, 173 34<br />

7& 607 46<br />

52, 272 00<br />

52, 272 00<br />

52) 272 00,<br />

4, 000 00 4, 000 00 4, 000 Do<br />

36, 576 90<br />

36, 576 90<br />

6, 786 00 29, 790 90<br />

4, 800 00<br />

4, 800 00<br />

4, 800 00<br />

5, 244 47<br />

471525 21<br />

5&244 47<br />

47, 525 21<br />

5& 050 07<br />

471525 21<br />

194 40<br />

103, 785 48<br />

1001000 00<br />

103, 785 48<br />

100& 000 00<br />

103, 784 30<br />

47, 164 67<br />

1 18<br />

521835 33<br />

150&000 00<br />

150, 000 00<br />

134, 213 56<br />

15&786 44<br />

9, 000 00<br />

1& 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

667 16<br />

299 63<br />

9, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

5&66? 16<br />

2, 799 63<br />

9&000 00<br />

1&000 00<br />

3, 667 16<br />

1&?99 63<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1& 000 00<br />

2&G15 27<br />

199 20<br />

2) 814 47<br />

1, 562 84<br />

1, 251 63<br />

12, 555 08<br />

12&555 08<br />

9, 713 99<br />

2& 841 09<br />

2, 850 00<br />

943 12<br />

3, 793 12<br />

3, 793 12<br />

1871 816 38 187& 816 38 174, 141 75 13, 6?4 63<br />

2& 739, 942 79 113, 984 62 2, 853, 927 41 2, 463, 941 82' 89& 564 96I 300, 420 63




Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

M<br />

O<br />

CC<br />

O<br />

CC<br />

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O<br />

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&-&& CCC CC&<br />

Brought forward<br />

To enable the Superintendent of Public Printing<br />

to carry into efi'ect the provisions of the joint<br />

resolution in relation to the public printing. . . .<br />

Salaries of the three judges of tbe Court of Claims,<br />

the solicitor, assistant solicitor, deputy solicitor,<br />

clerks, occ<br />

Stationery, fuel, gas, labor, printing, and miscellaneous<br />

items for the Court of Claims. .<br />

Commissioners' fees for taking testimony in behalf<br />

of the government, and fees of witnesses, occ.<br />

&<br />

in the Court of Claims . .<br />

American State Papers<br />

Salary of the President of the United States.<br />

Salary of the Vice-President of the United States.<br />

Private secretary, steward, and messenger to the<br />

President<br />

Contingent expenses of the executive oifice, including<br />

stationery, occ<br />

Salary of secretary to sign patents for public lands.<br />

Salary of the Secretary of State.<br />

Assistant Secretary of State . . .<br />

Clerks, messengers, and laborers in the office of the<br />

Secretary of State<br />

Extra clerk hire and copying in the State Department<br />

Stationery, blank books, binding, furniture, orc. ,<br />

for the State Department.<br />

Newspapers for the State Department<br />

Miscellaneous items for the State Department<br />

Publishiug the laws in pamphlet form and in the<br />

newspapers for the State Department . .<br />

Copper-plate printing, books, and maps for the<br />

State Department .<br />

Proof-reading, packing, and distributing laws and<br />

documents, lac. , for the State Department.<br />

Compensation of four watchmen and two laborers<br />

in the northeast executive building<br />

Fuel, lights, and repairs for northeast executive<br />

building<br />

To enable the Secretary of State to purchase 50<br />

copies each of volumes 22 and 23 of Howard's<br />

Reports of the Decisions of the Supreme Court .<br />

For 150 copies of volume 23 of Howard's Reports<br />

of the Decisions of the Supreme Court<br />

Salary of the Secretary of the Treasury .<br />

Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. .<br />

Clerks, messengers, and laborers in the office of the<br />

Secretary of the Treasury.<br />

59<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

697, 833 43<br />

8, 569 87<br />

2, 000 00<br />

5, 464 00<br />

1, 588 76<br />

314 75<br />

222 09<br />

408 95<br />

17 94<br />

1, 000 00<br />

4, 250 00<br />

1, 150 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

31, 033 50<br />

7, 363 17<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 414 34'<br />

2&042&109 36<br />

135, 000 00<br />

27, 300 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

290, 540 37<br />

25, 000 00<br />

8&000 OO<br />

4, 600 00<br />

350 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

8, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

46&800 00<br />

2&000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

16&725 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

3, 6OO OO<br />

4, 5OO 00<br />

500 00<br />

75O OO<br />

8, OOO OO<br />

3, 000 00<br />

37, 6OO OO<br />

Carried forward. . . . $766& 630 82 2, 686, 874 73

— Continued.<br />



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2, 739, 942 79 113, 984 62 2) 853, 927 41 2, 463, 941 82 89, 564 96 300, 420 63<br />

135)000 00 135, 000 00 1351000 00<br />

35& 869 87<br />

35 869 87 27, 879 66. 7, 990 21<br />

6, 000 00 6, 000 00 4, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

5, 464 00'<br />

290 540 37l<br />

26, 588 76,<br />

8, 000 00<br />

4& 914 75 .<br />

5, 464 00<br />

290, 540 37<br />

26, 588 76<br />

8, 000 00<br />

4& 914 75<br />

4. , 464 40<br />

290, 540 37<br />

23, 097 83<br />

7, 333 00<br />

4, 428 99<br />

999 60<br />

3, 490 93<br />

667 OO<br />

485 76<br />

572 09<br />

1, 908 95<br />

8, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

2 30<br />

21 74<br />

574 39<br />

1, 908 95<br />

8& 021 74<br />

3& 000 00<br />

5G1 56<br />

11500 00<br />

7, 977 26<br />

27999 98<br />

12 83<br />

408 95<br />

44 48<br />

2<br />

46& 817 94,<br />

3, 000 00'<br />

14, 250 00[<br />

1, 150 00)<br />

3, 000 00<br />

432 28<br />

847 69<br />

6&481 66<br />

300 75<br />

523 43<br />

47&758 50 3, 224 50<br />

2& 000 02<br />

7, 363 17<br />

3, 600 00<br />

61 500 00<br />

407 68<br />

398 15<br />

714 19<br />

47. 250 22<br />

3, 847 69<br />

20, 731 66<br />

1, 450 75<br />

3, 523 43<br />

2, 407 70<br />

7, 761 32<br />

3& 600 00<br />

7& 214 19<br />

46& 271 96<br />

3, 847 69<br />

17, 494 37<br />

1) 050 00<br />

37250 00<br />

1, 550 00<br />

2&147 35 . . .<br />

3, 600 00<br />

4& 000 00 . . .<br />

978 26<br />

31 237 29<br />

400 75<br />

273 43<br />

501983 00 241250 00 26&733 00<br />

857 70<br />

5, G13 97<br />

31214 19<br />

1, 500 00<br />

1) 500 00<br />

500 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

750 00<br />

8, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

750 00<br />

8, 000 00<br />

3&000 00<br />

750 00<br />

8, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

39, 014 34<br />

39, 014 34<br />

37, 041 00<br />

1) 973 34-<br />

37453, 505 55I 127) 338 99 3) 580, 844 54 3& 130, 477 24 89) 564 96 360& 802 34



I&)<br />

Specific objects of appropriatiou.<br />

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Brought forward<br />

Copying blank books, stationery, &c. , for office of<br />

the Secretary of the Treasury.<br />

First Comptroller of the Treasury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Clerks, messengers, and laborers in the First<br />

Comptroller's office<br />

Furniture, blank books, binding, stationery, &c.,<br />

for office of First Comptroller. . . . .<br />

Second Comptroller of the Treasury<br />

Clerks, messengers, aud laborers in the office of<br />

the Second Comptroller<br />

Blank books, binding, stationery, &c. , for office of<br />

Second Comptroller.<br />

First Auditor of the Treasury<br />

Clerks, messengers, and laborers in the office of the<br />

First Auditor<br />

Blank books, binding, stationery, &c, for office of<br />

First Auditor<br />

Second Auditor of the Treasury . . . . . . .<br />

Clerks, messengers, and laborers in the office of the<br />

Second Auditor<br />

Blank books, binding, stationery, &c. , for office of<br />

Second Auditor<br />

Third Auditor of the Treasury<br />

Clerks, messengers, and laborers in oflice of Third<br />

Auditor.<br />

Blank books, binding, stationery, &c., for office of<br />

Third Auditor.<br />

Fourth Auditor of the Treasury. . . . . . .<br />

Clerks, messengeiu, and laborers in office of Fourth<br />

Auditor<br />

Stationery, blank books, binding, &c. , for office of<br />

Fourth Auditor<br />

Expenses of removing the office of Fourth Auditor<br />

to Winder's building<br />

Fifth Auditor of the Treasury. .<br />

Clerks, messengers, and laborers in the office of<br />

Fifth Auditor.<br />

Blank books, binding, stationery, &c. , for office of<br />

Fifth Auditor.<br />

Sixth Auditor of the Treasury . . . . . . . .<br />

Clerks, messengers,<br />

Sixth Auditor.<br />

and laborers in the ofFice of<br />

Stationery, blank books, &c. , for office of Sixth<br />

A. uditor<br />

Treasurer of the United States.<br />

Clerks, messengers, and laborers in office of the<br />

Treasurer.<br />

Blank books, binding, stationery, &c. , for office of<br />

the Treasurer<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

766) 630 82<br />

8, 764 22<br />

648 91<br />

300 00<br />

182 67<br />

500 00<br />

986 45<br />

1, 100 00<br />

967 34<br />

3, 976 46<br />

2 73<br />

937 48<br />

235 24<br />

200 00<br />

501 46<br />

10, 462 96<br />

48 91<br />

539 85<br />

961 07<br />

2, 686, 874 73'<br />

12, 000 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

24& 840 00<br />

1, 800 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

23, 840 00<br />

1& 200 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

32) 940 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

3& 000 00<br />

32&540 00<br />

1, 200 00<br />

3& 000 00<br />

129& 640 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

23, 804 72<br />

1, 000 00<br />

3, 508 55<br />

3, 000 00<br />

14, 840 00<br />

800 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

169, 340 00<br />

3& 000 00<br />

24, 340 q0<br />

1. 000 00<br />

Carried forward. . . ... . I $797& 946 57 3& 214, 508 00


continued.<br />

O<br />

IC<br />

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O<br />

O<br />

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I&c<br />

gd<br />

cd<br />

cd ~<br />

3, 453, 505 55<br />

20, 764 22<br />

3, 500 00<br />

25, 488 91<br />

2, 100 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

24&022 67<br />

1, 700 00<br />

3& 000 00<br />

32, 940 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

33, 526 45<br />

2, 300 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

130, 607 34<br />

3, 976 46<br />

3, 002 73<br />

24, 742 20<br />

1& 000 00<br />

3, 508 55<br />

3, 000 00<br />

15&075 24<br />

1, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

1G9&841 46<br />

10, 462 96<br />

3, 048 91<br />

24&879 85<br />

127, 338 99<br />

59 94<br />

380 86<br />

303 28<br />

135 00<br />

173 08<br />

2, 052 86<br />

182 77<br />

3, 580, 844 54<br />

20, 764 22<br />

3, 500 00<br />

25, 488 91<br />

2, 100 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

24, 022 67<br />

1, 700 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

321940 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

33, 526 45<br />

2, 300 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

130& 607 34<br />

4, 036 40<br />

3, 002 73<br />

24, 742 20<br />

1, 380 86<br />

3, 811 83<br />

3, 000 00<br />

15&210 24<br />

1, 000 00<br />

3, 173 08<br />

1711894 32<br />

10, 645 73<br />

3, 048 91<br />

24, 879 85<br />

3, 130, 477 24 89, 564 96<br />

14, 000 00 .<br />

3, 500 00<br />

24, 651 54.<br />

1, 700 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

23, 402 72<br />

500 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

32, 940 00<br />

1, 450 00<br />

3& 000 00<br />

32, 309 7Z . . . .<br />

1, 800 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

127, 249 85<br />

2& 500 00 .<br />

21956 10 .<br />

24& 438 58<br />

1, 380 86 .<br />

3, 811 83<br />

3, 000 00 .<br />

14, 477 98<br />

800 00<br />

3& 002 75<br />

1G9, 937 09<br />

8, 500 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

24, 250 46<br />

360, 802 34<br />

6, 764 22<br />

837 37<br />

400 00<br />

619 95<br />

1, 200 00<br />

50 00<br />

1, 216 68<br />

500 00<br />

3, 357 49<br />

1, 536 40<br />

46 63<br />

303 62<br />

732 26<br />

200 00<br />

170 33<br />

1, 957 23<br />

2, 145 73<br />

48 91<br />

629 39<br />

1, 961 07<br />

1, 961 07 768 00<br />

1, 193 OZ<br />

4, 012, 454 57 130, 626 78 4, 143, 081 35 3, 668, 804 77 89, 564 96 384, 711 62

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— Continued.<br />

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D P<br />

CC &a<br />

O ca<br />

P A<br />

C-'l<br />

41012, 454 57<br />

3)000 00<br />

130& 626 78<br />

4, 143, 081 35 3, 668, 804 77<br />

3, 000 00 3& 000 00<br />

89, 564 96 384, 711 62<br />

49, 361 64<br />

49&361 64 48, 636 04<br />

725 60<br />

6, 294 16<br />

3, 500 00<br />

13, 734 85.<br />

5, 065 53<br />

817 28<br />

3, 000 00<br />

17, 469 63<br />

2, 197 63<br />

9& 240 00<br />

600 00<br />

13, 823 63 .<br />

17, 528 2]. . . . . .<br />

1, 907 36<br />

8, 000 00<br />

293 00<br />

6, 294 16<br />

3& 793 00<br />

5, 864 94<br />

3, 793 00<br />

13, 734 85 13, 011 82<br />

5, 065 53<br />

817 28<br />

3, 000 00<br />

2, 197 63<br />

9, 240 00<br />

600 00<br />

2) 000 00<br />

3, 000 00-<br />

133 00 17, G02 63 17)487 34<br />

1, 907 36<br />

87 000 00<br />

1, 200 00. . .<br />

91 223 33 . --. .<br />

600 00--<br />

13&823 63 13&800 00 --. . . .<br />

17, 528 21 111000 00 .<br />

1, 750 00<br />

87 000 00<br />

429 22<br />

723 03<br />

3&065 53<br />

817 28<br />

115 29<br />

997 63<br />

16 67<br />

23 63<br />

6& 528 21<br />

157 36<br />

281900 00<br />

G, 506 00<br />

3. 000 00<br />

170, 890 00<br />

58, 400 09 . . . .<br />

28, 900 00 28, 900 00<br />

6, 500 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

6, 500 00<br />

3& 000 00<br />

1707890 00 1701890 00<br />

58& 400 00 58& 400 00<br />

98) 2G 62 98&926 62 56, 000 00 42&926 62<br />

2, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00.<br />

3) 000 00-<br />

28&940 00 28 940 00 28 940 00<br />

7, 000 00 7, 000 00 7, 000 00.<br />

4, 575, 551 11 131& 052 78 4, 70G& G03 89 4, 175& 801 24<br />

oG R<br />

89)564 96 441)237 69



Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

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o &s<br />

o<br />

Brought forward<br />

One clerk in Indian office, employed under act of<br />

March 3, 1855, grsntiug bounty land to Indians<br />

Blank books, binding, stationery, fuel, 8rc. , for<br />

Indian office.<br />

Commissiouer of Pensions.<br />

Clerks, messengers, 8rc. , in ofiice of Commissioner<br />

of Pensions .<br />

Stationery, binding, furniture, 8'c. , for Pension<br />

office.<br />

Commissioner of Public Buildings .<br />

Clerk iu office of Commissioner of Public Buildings<br />

Messenger in office of Commissioner of Public Buildings.<br />

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

. Stationery, books, plans, drawings, 8&c. ) for office<br />

of Commissioner<br />

of Public Buildings.<br />

Surveyor gereral of Floiida.<br />

Clerks, 8rc. , in office of surveyor general of Flori, la<br />

Surveyor general of Louisiana<br />

Clerks, 8rc. ) in office of surveyor gen'1 of Louisiana<br />

Clerks, 8re. , in office of surveyor gen'1 of B. rkausas<br />

Surveyor general of Wisconsin and Iowa<br />

Clerks, 8:c. , in office of surveyor general of Wisconsin<br />

and Iowa.<br />

Surveyor general of Illinois and Missouri.<br />

Clerks, 8tc. , in oflice of surveyor general of Illinois<br />

and Missouri<br />

Surveyor general of Minnesota. .<br />

Clerks, &ic. , in office of surveyor general of Minnesota<br />

Surveyor general of Kansas and Nebraska<br />

Clerks, 8'. ) in office of surveyor general of Kansas<br />

snd Nebraska.<br />

Office rent, fuel, 8rc. , for surveyor general of Kansas<br />

and Nebraska<br />

For binding field notes, plate, snd records of surveys<br />

in office of surveyor general of Kansas and<br />

Nebraska.<br />

Surveyor general of New Mexico. .<br />

Clerks, kc. ) in oflice of surveyor general of New<br />

Mexico.<br />

Rent of surveyor general's office in New Mexico,<br />

fuel, bool's, &c<br />

Translator in office of surveyor general of New<br />

plexico.<br />

Purchase of Spanish and Mexican law books for<br />

office of surveyor general of New Mexico<br />

Surveyor gerersl of Utah<br />

Clerks, 8rc. , in office of surveyor general of Utah . Ofiice rent for surveyor general of Utah, fuel, books,<br />

&c.<br />

Carried for ward. . .<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

875, 253 11 3) 700, 298 00<br />

500 00<br />

300 00<br />

1, 400 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

3. 000 00<br />

106, 340 00<br />

25, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1& 200 00<br />

250 00 1, 000 00<br />

500 00<br />

935 87<br />

500 00<br />

625 00<br />

6, 234 78'<br />

500 00<br />

1&575 00<br />

500 00<br />

1, 185 00<br />

500 00<br />

2, 052 56<br />

164 83<br />

1& 304 03<br />

796 66<br />

622 00,<br />

750 00<br />

1, 000 02<br />

1, 032 94<br />

500 00<br />

3, 725 28<br />

3, 895 66<br />

4& 600 78<br />

250 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

2) 000 00<br />

6, 300 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

3, 820 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

6, 300 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

6, 300 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

2, 500 06<br />

1, 467 06<br />

4, 000 06<br />

4, ppp 06<br />

2, 500 00<br />

$909, 803 52I 3 910, 175 06



continued.<br />

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a! c 0<br />

a! '<br />

4, 575, 551 11 131, 052 78<br />

l&400 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

3&000 00<br />

106, 340 00 .<br />

4, 706, 603 89<br />

1, 400 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

3& 000 00<br />

106, 340 00<br />

4& 175r 801 24 89& 561 96 441r 237 69<br />

1, 400 00 . .<br />

5, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

1061340 00<br />

25, 000 00<br />

2)500 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

25, 000 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

1&500 00<br />

15, 000 00<br />

2)000 00<br />

1, 400 00<br />

101000 00<br />

500 00<br />

100 00<br />

1&250 00<br />

250 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

4, 435 BV<br />

2 5PP Pp<br />

3, 125 00<br />

6, 234 78<br />

2&500 00<br />

1&250 00<br />

250 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

4, 435 87<br />

2) 500 00<br />

3, 125 00<br />

6, 234 7S<br />

2&500 00<br />

1, 166 67<br />

250 00 .<br />

1& 500 pp<br />

2, 535 87<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 250 00<br />

2, 307 69<br />

6& 234 78<br />

83 33<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1) 900 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

1, 875 00<br />

192 31<br />

7, 875 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

7, 875 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

67300 00<br />

2) 142 85<br />

1, 575 00<br />

357 15<br />

5 005 00<br />

2&500 00<br />

8, 35Z 5G<br />

2&164 83<br />

5, 005 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

8, 352 56<br />

2, 164 83<br />

3& 743 33<br />

2&OG5 93<br />

V, 152 91<br />

1& 901 09<br />

1, 261 67<br />

434 07<br />

1, 199 65<br />

263 74<br />

7& 604 03<br />

71 604 03<br />

6, 108 15<br />

1, 495 88<br />

31296 66 20 93<br />

3, 317 59<br />

11910 58<br />

1&407 01<br />

622 00<br />

3, 750 00<br />

622 00<br />

3&750 00<br />

107 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

515 00<br />

750 00<br />

5, 000 02<br />

2, 500 00 . . . .<br />

5, 000 02<br />

2& 500 00<br />

4&000 00<br />

2& 319 1S<br />

17000 02<br />

180 82<br />

2, 500 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

1, S26 09<br />

673 91<br />

500 00<br />

7, 725 28<br />

895 G6<br />

500 00<br />

7, 725 28<br />

7, 895 6G<br />

3, 000 00<br />

2, GGO 60<br />

5OO 00<br />

4, 725 28<br />

5, 235 OG<br />

7, 100 VB<br />

71100 78<br />

1, 929 70<br />

57171 08<br />

4, S19, 978 58 131, 073 71 4)951, 052 29 4&370, 11S 88 95, 799 74 485) 133 G7


ST%TENEZ'ji<br />

Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

c&<br />

8<br />

&s<br />

c4 o<br />

c& ~<br />

&&&<br />

c4<br />

a! m<br />

Ds<br />

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&s<br />

&s ~<br />

&&<br />

GO<br />

c&<br />

lj<br />

c&, &0 c&<br />

&s<br />

Brought forward.<br />

Surveyor general of California. .<br />

Clerks, &c, , in office of surveyor gen'1 of California<br />

Rent of surveyor general's office in California, fuel,<br />

books, stationery, &c.<br />

Surveyor general of Oregon. .<br />

Clerks, &c. , in office of surveyor general of Oregon.<br />

Rent of surveyor general's office in Oregon, and for<br />

fuel, books, stationery, &c.<br />

Surveyor general of Washington Territory . . . .<br />

Clerks, &c. , in office of surveyor general of Washington<br />

Territory<br />

Rent of office for surveyor general of Washington<br />

'1'erritory, and for fuel, books, stationery, &c<br />

Extra clerks and draughtsmen in the offices of the<br />

surveyors general, to be apportioned according<br />

to the exigencies of the public service<br />

Salary of the Secretary of War.<br />

Clerks, iuessengers, and laborers in office of Secretary<br />

of War<br />

Blanl- books, stationery, books, maps, plans, extra<br />

clerk hire, &c., for office of Secretary of War<br />

Extra clerks employed in the War Department<br />

Clerks and messenger in office of Adjutant General<br />

Blank books, binding, stationery, &c., for office of<br />

Adjutant General<br />

Clerks and messengers in office of Quarmaster General<br />

Blank books, binding,<br />

master General<br />

&c., for office of Quarter-<br />

Clerks and messengers in office of Paymaster General.<br />

Blank books, binding, stationery, &c., for office of<br />

Paymaster General<br />

Clerks and messengers in office of Commissary General<br />

of Subsistence.<br />

Blank books, binding, stationery, &c, for ofiice of<br />

Commissary General of Subsistence .<br />

Clerl-s and messengers in office of Surgeon General.<br />

Blank books, binding, stationery, &c. , for office of<br />

Surgeon General<br />

Clerks and messengers in office of Topographical<br />

Engineers<br />

Blank books, binding, stationery, &c., for office of<br />

Topographical Engineers.<br />

Clerks and messengers in office of Chief Engineer<br />

Blank books, stationery, binding, &c., for office of<br />

Chief Engineer<br />

Clerks and messengers in office of Colonel of Ordns,<br />

nce .<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . .<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

909, 803 52<br />

1, 125 00<br />

1&431 52<br />

2& 162 50<br />

875 00<br />

1&150 00<br />

1, 826 44<br />

750 00<br />

1, 550 00<br />

531 37<br />

13, 174 48<br />

105 88<br />

328 93 (3) 11& 240 00<br />

1& 200 00<br />

88 90<br />

87 91 (5)<br />

8& 910&175 06<br />

4, 500 00<br />

11& 000 00<br />

2& 500 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

2& 000 00<br />

3& 000 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

2& 500 00<br />

25, 000 00<br />

8&000 00<br />

15&400 00<br />

5, 500 00<br />

(2) 14, 840 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

16&440 00<br />

1, 200 00<br />

500 00<br />

10, 040 00<br />

1, 200 00<br />

5& 240 00<br />

400 00<br />

9, 040 00<br />

1& 200<br />

8, 440 00<br />

9OO 00<br />

12, 240 00<br />

$936& 141 40 4, 095, 995 OU

— Continanl.<br />


&ac<br />

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&ac<br />

ca CO<br />

c& C)<br />

0 CC<br />

C CC<br />

cC<br />

4, 819&978 58<br />

5, 625 00<br />

12, 431 52<br />

4, 662 50<br />

4& 375 00<br />

5&150 00<br />

31826 44<br />

3, 750 00<br />

5, 550 00<br />

3, 031 37<br />

131&073 71 4, 951&052 29 4&370, 118 88<br />

5, 625 00 3, 375 00<br />

121431 52 10)411 52<br />

4, 662 50<br />

4) 375 00<br />

5, 150 00<br />

3, 826 44<br />

3, 750 00<br />

5) 550 00<br />

3, 031 37<br />

2, 262 50<br />

2, 625 00<br />

3, 950 00<br />

2, 715 04<br />

3, 000 00<br />

3, 400 00 .<br />

1, 111 93<br />

95, 799 74 485& 133 67<br />

2, 250 00<br />

2, 020 00<br />

2, 400 00<br />

1, 750 00<br />

11200 00<br />

1, 111 40<br />

750 00<br />

2, 150 00<br />

1& 919 44<br />

38, 174 48<br />

8, 000 00<br />

38, 174 48<br />

8, 000 00<br />

23, 710 04<br />

8)000 00<br />

14, 464 44<br />

15)400 00 151400 00 15, 400 00<br />

5, 500 00<br />

14, 840 00<br />

3 01<br />

5, 500 00<br />

3 01<br />

14, 840 00<br />

5, 500 00<br />

14) 830 21<br />

3 01<br />

9 79<br />

2, 000 00<br />

2& 000 00<br />

2&000 00<br />

16& 645 83<br />

16, 545 83<br />

161392 52<br />

153 31<br />

1, 200 00<br />

111 568 93<br />

500 00<br />

10, 040 00 .<br />

1, 200 00 1, 200 00<br />

11)568 93 11, 212 38<br />

500 00<br />

10& 040 00 10& 016 38<br />

356 55<br />

500 00<br />

23 62<br />

2, 400 00<br />

5& 240 00<br />

2, 400 00<br />

5, 240 00<br />

5&204 38<br />

2, 400 00<br />

35 62<br />

400 00<br />

400 00<br />

400 00,<br />

9&078 90<br />

9. 078 90<br />

9& 040 00<br />

38 90<br />

1&200 00<br />

8&527 9]<br />

1, 200 00<br />

8&527 91<br />

1, 200 00<br />

8, 381 38<br />

146 53<br />

900 00<br />

900 00<br />

900 00<br />

12, 240 00<br />

6, 032&136 46<br />

121 240 00 12& 087 63<br />

131& 076 72 6) 163) 213 18 4& 548) 444 79 95, 802 75<br />

152 37<br />

518& 965 64

'<br />



c&<br />

c<br />

c&<br />

c& c&c&<br />

I<br />

~o &c<br />

Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

ct<br />

c& cc&<br />

o r&<br />

cc<br />

0<br />

c»<br />

c&<br />

ct<br />

c& w<br />

c&<br />

&c<br />

c&~<br />

W QC&<br />

c&<br />

c&, R o"<br />

cci c&&<br />

p<br />

Brought forward.<br />

Blank books, binding, stationery, 8. c. , for oflice of<br />

Colonel of Ordnance<br />

Compensation of four watchmen and two laborers<br />

of northwest executive building .<br />

Fuel, lights, and miscellaneous items for northwest<br />

executive building<br />

Superintendent, watchmen, and laborers in building<br />

coiner of F and 17th streets<br />

Fuel, compensation of firemen, and miscellaneous<br />

items for building corner of F and 17th streets.<br />

Salary of Secretary of the Navy. .<br />

Clerks, messengers, and laborers in once of the<br />

Secretary of Navy<br />

Blank books, binding, stationery, 8rc. , for oiBce of<br />

becretary of the Navy<br />

Chief of Bureau of Navy Yards and Docks<br />

Clerks, messengers,<br />

and laborers in Bureau of Navy<br />

Yards and Docks<br />

Blank books, stationery, plans, and drawings for<br />

Bureau of Navy Yards snd Docks. . . . . . . . .<br />

Chief of Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography<br />

Clerks, messenger, snd laborer in Bureau of Ordnance<br />

and Hydrography<br />

Blank books, stationery, and miscellaneous items<br />

for Bureau of Ordnance and Hydrography .<br />

Chief of Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and<br />

and Repairs<br />

Engineer-in-chief, clerks, messenger, and laborer<br />

in Bureau of Construction, Equipment, and<br />

Repairs.<br />

Blank books, binding, stationery,<br />

Carried forward.<br />

6rc. , for Bureau<br />

of Construction, Equipment, and Repairs. . . . . .<br />

Clerks, messengers, and laborer in Bureau of Provision<br />

and Clothing<br />

Blank books, stationery, and miscellaneous items<br />

for Bureau of Provisions and Clothing. .<br />

Chief of Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.<br />

Clerks, messenger, and laborer in Bureau of Medicine<br />

snd Surgerv.<br />

Blank bool-s, stationery, and miscellaneous items<br />

for Bureau of Medicine and Surgery .<br />

Compensation of four watchmen in the southwest<br />

executive building.<br />

Labor, fuel, lights, snd miscellaneous items for the<br />

southwest executive building .. Salary of the Postmaster General ... .- . . .----.<br />

Three Assistant Postmasters General. .<br />

Clerks, messengers, watchmen, and laborers in the<br />

oifices of the Post Once Department. . . .----.<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

40<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

936, 141 40 4& 095& 995 06<br />

500 00<br />

648 00 3, 600 00<br />

929 48<br />

7, 008 26<br />

8&160 30<br />

2& 679 39<br />

456 72<br />

4, 000 00<br />

8&850 00<br />

4& 800 00<br />

8, 000 00<br />

21, 600 00<br />

2, 840 00<br />

8, 500 00<br />

10& 640 00<br />

80O OO<br />

3. 500 00<br />

8& 840 00<br />

2, 144 00 750 00<br />

2, 241 67<br />

2&191 25<br />

2, 102 75<br />

1& 007 61<br />

734 3o<br />

689 00<br />

41 66<br />

58 34<br />

3, 500 00<br />

17, 840 00<br />

800 00<br />

8, 840 00<br />

700 00<br />

3, 500 OO'<br />

6, 040 00<br />

450 00<br />

2, 400 00<br />

3, 918 OO<br />

8, 000 OO,<br />

9, 000 00<br />

561 20 140, 800 00<br />

4967& 745 33 4& 878, 998 06I


continued.<br />

I<br />

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DD<br />

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D&& CDC<br />

0<br />

c~<br />

)D '<br />

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CD Co<br />

0 CX)<br />

DD cD"<br />

CC<br />

cs<br />

C<br />

0 cc 0<br />

Cl W<br />

o 0 cc<br />

5) 032, 136 46<br />

131, 076 72 5, 163) 213 18<br />

4& 548& 444 79<br />

95, 802 75 518, 965 64<br />

500 00<br />

500 00<br />

250 00<br />

250 00<br />

4)248 00<br />

4, 248 00<br />

3, 300 00<br />

948 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

3, 850 00<br />

3&850 00<br />

3&850 00<br />

4, S00 00<br />

81000 00<br />

4, 800 00<br />

8, 000 00<br />

4& 800 00<br />

8, 000 00<br />

22, 529 43<br />

22, 529 43<br />

21, 600 00<br />

929 43<br />

91848 26<br />

31500 00<br />

310 62<br />

10, 158 88<br />

3, 500 00<br />

4, 300 00<br />

3& 500 00<br />

5& 858 88<br />

18, 800 30<br />

18, 800 30<br />

10, 640 00<br />

8, 160 30<br />

3, 479 39<br />

3&956 72<br />

394 23<br />

3, 873 62<br />

3, 956 72<br />

600 00<br />

2, 916 00<br />

31273 62<br />

1, 040 72<br />

8& 840 00<br />

8) 840 00<br />

8, 840 00<br />

2& 894 00<br />

416 09<br />

3, 310 09<br />

600 00<br />

2, 710 09<br />

3& 500 00<br />

31500 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

20) 081 67<br />

2O, G81 67<br />

17& 840 00<br />

2, 241 67<br />

2, 991 25<br />

223 94<br />

3, 215 19<br />

600 00<br />

2, 615 19<br />

8, 84O OO<br />

8& 840 00<br />

8, 840 00<br />

2, 802 75<br />

3, 500 00<br />

282 84<br />

3, 085 59<br />

3, 500 00<br />

600 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

2, 485 59<br />

71047 61<br />

7&047 61<br />

6& 009 . 56<br />

1, 638 05<br />

1, IS4 35<br />

1& 184 35<br />

600 00<br />

584 35<br />

2, &400 00<br />

2& 400 00<br />

2, 400 00<br />

4, 552 oo<br />

8, 041 66<br />

9, 058 34<br />

141, 361 20<br />

485 99<br />

5& 037 99<br />

8, 041 66<br />

9, 058 34<br />

141, 361 20<br />

3, 600 00<br />

8, 000 66<br />

S&999 50<br />

140&862 84'------------<br />

1, 437 99<br />

41 00<br />

58 84<br />

498 36<br />

5& 346, '743 39 133& 190 43 5, 479) 933 82 4, 830)993 35i 95, 802 75 553, 137 72



Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

o Cd'<br />

ce<br />

d) M<br />

d)c<br />

cd m<br />

O<br />

ID<br />

o )d<br />

)- "d)<br />

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cd<br />

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)d<br />

g<br />

c<br />

hd<br />

c)<br />

cd M<br />

c) c.<br />

7: d)<br />

C cu<br />

Brought forward<br />

Blank books, &c. , and fuel for the General Post<br />

Office building, including the Auditor's office,<br />

oil, gas, &c<br />

Watchmen, engineers for steam-engines, laborers,<br />

furniture, &c. , for the General Post Once extension<br />

For furnishing, partially, 81 rooms in the General<br />

Post Office extension, &c. , and for fuel, gas, candles,<br />

day-watchmen, &c<br />

Commissions allowed to clerks and other employee<br />

in the Washington city post office<br />

Salary of the Attorney General of the United States<br />

Assistant Attorney General of the United States<br />

Clerks, messengers, &c. , in the office of Attorney<br />

General<br />

Contingent expenses of Attorney General's office<br />

Office furniture, &c. , for Attorney General's office<br />

Fuel and labor for Attorney General's oifice<br />

Rent of building occupied by A. ttorney General and<br />

First Auditor.<br />

Purchase of law and necessary books for Attornev<br />

General's office<br />

Purchase of deficient State reports and statutes for<br />

Attorney General's office .<br />

For legal assistance, &c. , in the disposal of private<br />

land claims in California . . .<br />

Furnishing rooms in the treasury building for A. ttorney<br />

General's office.<br />

Paper and printing for the executive departments,<br />

including paper, &c. , for the annual statements,<br />

& C.<br />

Salaries of assistant treasurers of the United<br />

States .<br />

Salaries of ten additional clerks authorized by act<br />

of August 6, 1846, &c .<br />

Clerks, messengers, &c. , in oifice of assistant treasurer<br />

at New York<br />

Oflicers) clerks, &c. , of the United States mint at<br />

Philadel phia<br />

Officers, clerks, &c. , of the branch mint at Charlotte,<br />

North Carolina<br />

Officers, clerks, 8rc. , of the branch mint at Dahlonega,<br />

Georgia<br />

Officers, clerks, &c. , of the branch mint at New<br />

Orleans, La.<br />

Officers, clerks, &c. , of the branch mint at San<br />

Francisco, Cal<br />

Officers& clerks, &c. &<br />

in the assay office at New York.<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

56<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

967, 745 33 4, 378, 998 06<br />

4& 000 00 15, 000 00<br />

14, 105 04<br />

15<br />

1, 23Z 61<br />

423 61<br />

1) 064 98<br />

912 41<br />

875 00<br />

11216 78<br />

1, 547 21<br />

107 000 00<br />

16, 330 98<br />

8, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

6, 500 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

300 00<br />

500 00<br />

500 00<br />

500 00<br />

61177 57 10, 000 00<br />

27589 45<br />

1, 316 84<br />

2, 500 00<br />

13, 971 47 55, 000 00<br />

7, 369 32 18, 000 00<br />

6, 900 00<br />

1, 900 00<br />

6) 975 00 27, 900 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, ooo oo<br />

18, 300 00<br />

3O, SOO 00<br />

24) 900 00<br />

Carried forward $1&031&522 77 4, 661, 5Z9 04


ontinued.<br />

cd<br />

Cdc<br />

d)<br />

L<br />

d))<br />

cd<br />

d)<br />

cd<br />

d& d)<br />

A<br />

dd ~<br />

p<br />

Cd&<br />

3<br />

cd ~<br />

cd<br />

c&& R o<br />

c& ccd c)d<br />

~c&<br />

a<br />

d) CI<br />

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hc&ccd &D<br />

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8 c&<br />

Q cc d)<br />

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cd<br />

'cd ~<br />

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cd<br />

c) m<br />

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cc&<br />

c'.<br />

S4<br />

c'<br />

cd o<br />

cc&<br />

d)<br />

o c)<br />

m<br />

c)<br />

5, 346, 743 39 133, 190 43 5&479, 933 82 4& 830, 993 35 95, 802 75 553, 13'l 72<br />

19&000 00 19, 000 00 19, 000 00 .<br />

10, 000 00 10& 000 00 10, 000 00<br />

14&105 04<br />

14, 105 04<br />

14, 105 04<br />

16, 330 98<br />

8, 000 15<br />

3& 000 00<br />

16, 330 98<br />

8, 000 15<br />

3, 000 00<br />

16& 330 98<br />

7& 332 00<br />

2, 750 00.<br />

668 15<br />

250 00<br />

7, 732 61<br />

2, 423 61<br />

1, 364 98<br />

1& 412 41<br />

363 69<br />

7, 732 61<br />

2, 787 30<br />

1, 364 98<br />

1& 412 41<br />

5, 627 00<br />

2, 725 00i<br />

1, 350 00<br />

590 00<br />

2& 105 61<br />

62 30<br />

14 98<br />

822 41<br />

875 00<br />

875 00<br />

875 00<br />

1&716 78<br />

1&716 78<br />

900 00<br />

816 78<br />

2& 047 21<br />

2& 047 21<br />

500 00<br />

1, 547 21<br />

16&177 57<br />

300 00<br />

16, 477 57<br />

5&966 00<br />

10, 511 57<br />

2, 500 00<br />

2& 500 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

68, 971 47<br />

68& 971 47<br />

48, 201 40<br />

20, 770 07<br />

25&369 32<br />

25, 369 32<br />

16&681 50<br />

8, 687 82<br />

9, 489 45<br />

9, 489 45<br />

5&?05 33<br />

3, 784 12<br />

15, 216 84<br />

34& 875 00 . . .<br />

15) 216 84<br />

34, 875 00<br />

13, 900 00<br />

34, 875 00'<br />

1, 316 84<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6& 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

G, OOO 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

3&000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

18, 300 00 1) 575 83<br />

19) 875 83<br />

10&725 83<br />

9, 150 00<br />

30, 500 00<br />

24& 900 00<br />

30, 500 00<br />

24, 900 00<br />

22, 875 00<br />

24, 900 00<br />

7& 625 00<br />

5&G93& 051 81 135)429 95 5& 828& 481 76 5, 105, 408 43 95&802 75 627& 270 58



rD Q.<br />

Specific objects of apppropriation.<br />

O<br />

«)<br />

p<br />

O<br />

A<br />

IO<br />

~~ «D<br />

p CD<br />

Ce<br />

«rr<br />

cr) M<br />

p<br />

D Ca<br />

O<br />

A<br />

A<br />

' ))<br />

CC)<br />

LQ<br />

«I<br />

P<br />

'~ DCD<br />

p~w<br />

C«<br />

«" Q «)"<br />

D IA O)<br />

Brought forward.<br />

Chief justice and associate judges of the Supreme<br />

Court of the United States.<br />

Chief justice of the District of Columbia, associate<br />

judges, and judges of the orphans' and criminal<br />

cont'ts .<br />

)Salary of the reporter of the decisions of the Supreme<br />

Court<br />

District judges of the United States.<br />

Salary of the circuit judge of California<br />

District attorneys of the United States.<br />

Marshals of the United States<br />

Expenses of courts of the United States.<br />

Payment of clerks of United States courts where<br />

the compensation is less than $500 per annum<br />

Compensation of governor, judges, B:c. , of Territory<br />

of New Mexico.<br />

Compensation and mileage of members of the legislative<br />

assembly of New Mexico<br />

Contingent expenses of Territory of New Mexico<br />

To employ an interpretor or translator for the<br />

Territory of New Mexico.<br />

Governor, judges, &tc. , of Utah Territory. ..<br />

Compensation<br />

lative assembly of the Territory of Utah. . .<br />

Contingent expenses of Utah Territory. .... ..<br />

aud mileage of merubers of the legis-<br />

Governor, judges, &rc, of Washington Territory<br />

Compensation and mileage of members of the legis-<br />

lative assembly of Washington Territory. . Contingent expenses of Washington Territory .. ..<br />

Governor, judges, &tc. , of Nebraska Territory.<br />

Compensation and mileage of members of the legislative<br />

assembly of Nebraska Territory<br />

Contingent expenses of Nebraska Territory. . . . .<br />

Governor, judges, &tc, of Oregon Territory<br />

Compeusation and mileage of members of thelegislative<br />

assembly of Oregon Territory.<br />

Governor, judges, &:c. , of Kansas Territory. . .<br />

Compensation and mileage of members of the legislative<br />

assembly of Kansas Territory.<br />

Contingent expenses of Kansas Territory.<br />

Governor, judges, &", c. , of Minnesota Territory<br />

Payment of the expenses of the legislative assetubly<br />

of Minnesota Territory<br />

Cotupensation and mileage of members of the legislative<br />

assembly of Minnesota Tendtory.<br />

Compensation and mileage of members of the legislative<br />

assembly of Colorado Territory. .<br />

Contingent expeuses of the Territory of Colorado<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

66<br />

80<br />

66<br />

66<br />

1, 031, 522 77<br />

15, 540 67<br />

5, 688 23<br />

27&795 94<br />

1, 862 50<br />

9, 581 23<br />

4, 795 97<br />

2997 385 23<br />

6, 273 95<br />

18, 085 91<br />

6, 165 85<br />

12, 902 31<br />

17500 00<br />

4, 240 66<br />

4, 483 00<br />

126 79<br />

7, 146 66<br />

17, 187 59<br />

5 14<br />

2, 583 94<br />

11, 847 10<br />

3, 312 68<br />

50 30<br />

116 25<br />

27 400 05<br />

24& 805 09<br />

47 661& 529 04<br />

54, 500 00<br />

157 750 00<br />

1, 300 00<br />

135, 250 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

11, 850 00<br />

10) 400 00<br />

1, 015) 389 77<br />

1&395 BB<br />

127 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

500 00<br />

12&000 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

12)500 10<br />

20, 000 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

10) 500 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

17 000 00<br />

10&500 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

1, 656 00<br />

24, 805 09<br />

20, 000 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . $1, 519, 405 81 6, 094&325 76

— Continnerl.<br />


A<br />

G<br />

&l<br />

tD<br />

o<br />

AW<br />

d&D<br />

cd ~<br />

PA<br />

A<br />

8<br />

cd<br />

5.<br />

"-<br />

4<br />

~G<br />

al M<br />

A<br />

td<br />

Cd<br />

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~ d CD<br />

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o<br />

~ ~ &&D<br />

A<br />

4~<br />

A<br />

g ID<br />

&D<br />

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G)<br />

Go<br />

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cd<br />

4 CD<br />

G~<br />

C'v<br />

)=D CD<br />

cd ct&<br />

ID<br />

G A<br />

'ct ~<br />

CD<br />

A A<br />

cd G<br />

cd ~<br />

DQ<br />

5& 693& 051 81 135& 429 95 5& 828&481 76 5& 105)408 43 95& 802 75 627, 270 58<br />

70& 040 67 . 70&040 67 49, 505 49<br />

20, 535 18<br />

21& 438 23 21) 438 23 16, 687 50 . 4) 750 73<br />

1&300 00<br />

1G3, 045 94<br />

7&862 50<br />

21, 431 23<br />

15& 195 97<br />

1, 314, 775 00<br />

1&395 88<br />

18, 273 95<br />

28, 085 91<br />

1, 000 00<br />

5&00 00<br />

18, 165 85<br />

1Z, 902 31<br />

3& 000 00<br />

16, 740 66<br />

24, 483 00<br />

1, 626 79<br />

17& 646 66<br />

37)187 59<br />

1, 005 14<br />

", 583 04<br />

11& 847 I(<br />

13, 812 68<br />

14, 295 67<br />

687 81<br />

9, 706 45<br />

2, 024 60<br />

350 00<br />

20 07<br />

1) 300 00<br />

163, 045 94<br />

7&862 50<br />

21, 431 23<br />

15, 195 97<br />

1, 329, 070 67<br />

1, 395 88<br />

18, 273 95<br />

28, 773 72<br />

1& 000 00<br />

500 00<br />

18&165 85<br />

22, 608 76<br />

3& 000 00<br />

16, 740 66<br />

26, 507 60<br />

1&626 79<br />

17, 646 66<br />

37, 537 59<br />

1)005 14<br />

2) 583 94<br />

11 867 17<br />

13)812 68<br />

1, 300 00<br />

123, 211 OH<br />

6& 000 00<br />

9, 659 50<br />

10, 435 81<br />

726) 448 50<br />

1&395 88<br />

91967 03<br />

18, 040 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

500 00<br />

10, 943 24<br />

16&940 28<br />

3, 000 00<br />

11, 875 00<br />

17)500 00<br />

1, 250 00<br />

12, 027 78<br />

20& 000 00<br />

11000 00<br />

730 V7<br />

395 95<br />

9)714 18<br />

20, 050 30 300 50 20, 350 80 20&000 00<br />

1, 772 25 1&292 10 3, 064 35 1, 798 21<br />

2& 400 05<br />

2&400 05<br />

24, 805 09 24&805 09 24)805 09 .<br />

39& 834 86<br />

1, 862 50<br />

11, 771 73<br />

4) 760 16<br />

602) G22 17<br />

8& 306 92<br />

10, 733 VZ<br />

7& 22'2 61<br />

5, 668 48<br />

4, 865 66<br />

9, 007 60<br />

376 79<br />

5)618 88<br />

17, 537 59<br />

5 14<br />

1& 853 17<br />

11, 471 22<br />

4, 098 50<br />

350 80<br />

1&266 14<br />

2, 400 05<br />

24, 805 09<br />

24&805 09<br />

24, 805 09<br />

20, 000 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

20&000 00<br />

1&500 00<br />

5& 000 00<br />

1& 500 00<br />

15&000 00<br />

7&613, 731 59 164& 107 15 7& 777) 838 74 6, 238) 039 72 95) 802 75 1& 443) 996 27




)s<br />

O O<br />

~ a<br />

Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

O<br />

)&)<br />

O<br />

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O<br />

O<br />

O &O<br />

$5 W<br />

c))<br />

c5 M<br />

)))<br />

O~<br />

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Ow )))g) M<br />

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O OO<br />

)5 o)<br />

g<br />

Brought forward. . . . . . . . . . 1, 519, 405 81 6, 094, 325 78<br />


Payment of sundry annuities granted by special<br />

acts of Congress.<br />

Wages of workmen and' adjusters in the mint at<br />

Philadelphia .<br />

Incidental and contingent expenses, including<br />

wastage, kc. , in the mint at Philadelphia. . ..<br />

of bullion from the New York assay<br />

office to tbe inint at Philadelphia . ...... .<br />

Transportation<br />

Specimens of ores and coins to be reserved at the<br />

mint at Philadelphia<br />

New fixtures and machinery for the mint at Philadelphia<br />

To render the mint at Philadelphia fire-proof. . . Wages of workmen in the branch mint at Charlotte,<br />

N. C ..<br />

Incidental expenses of the branch mint at Charlotte,<br />

N. C<br />

Construction of a new roof to branch mint at Char-<br />

1 otte, N. C. . .<br />

Wages of workmen,<br />

lonega, Ga<br />

6IC. , in branch mint at Dah-<br />

Incidental and contingent expenses of branch mint<br />

at Dahlonega, Ga<br />

Wages of workmen in the branch mint ai New<br />

Orleans<br />

Incidental and coqtingent expenses of the branch<br />

mint at New Orleans.<br />

Wages of workmen, Ikc. , in the branch mint at San<br />

Francisco, California<br />

Incidental and contingent expenses of the branch<br />

mint at San Francisco, California . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Establishing branch mint at San Francisco, Cal.<br />

Wages of workmen, Erc. , in assay office at New York<br />

Incidental and contingent expenses in assay office<br />

at New York<br />

Mail service for the several departments of government.<br />

Mail service performed for the two houses of Congress<br />

and other departments and offic of government<br />

For mail service on the new post routes in Western<br />

Kansas, per act of March 27, 1860.<br />

For supplying deficiencies in the revenues, and defraying<br />

the expenses of the Post Office Department<br />

for the year ending June 80, 1860, and in<br />

part for the support of the Post Office Department<br />

for the year ending June 30, 1861. . . . . . . . . . -. .<br />

Carried forward<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

49<br />

65<br />

75<br />

7?<br />

1& 000 00<br />

18, 700 00<br />

18&750 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

800 00<br />

4&785 63<br />

913 12<br />

91 00<br />

2& 096 20<br />

2& 262 28<br />

213 53<br />

2, 885 11<br />

77282 45<br />

3) 470 76<br />

21025 52<br />

75, 799 41<br />

45, 000 00<br />

9, 000 00<br />

50, 2OZ OZ<br />

25, 16O OO<br />

1, 626, 324 pp<br />

67, 000 00<br />

30& 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

300 00<br />

8&500 00<br />

1) 871 12<br />

70 42<br />

28) 519 45<br />

33, 590 57<br />

96, 928 00<br />

95, 772 61<br />

24, 000 00<br />

39& 662 77<br />

200& 000<br />

250& 000 60<br />

5, 007& 424 76<br />

98& 418& 166 79( 11, 9? 7, 965 47


continued.<br />

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1'<br />

7, 613& 731 59 164, 107 15 7, 777, 83S 74 6, 238&039 72 95, 802 75 1, 443) 996 27<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

85&700 00<br />

48&750 00 . . . .<br />

857700 00<br />

48&750 00<br />

85, 700 00<br />

48, 750 00<br />

7& 500 00<br />

600 00<br />

7, 500 00<br />

600 00<br />

7& 500 00<br />

600 00 .<br />

4, 785 63<br />

913 12<br />

4, 785 63<br />

913 12<br />

4&785 63<br />

913 12<br />

3, 591 00<br />

3&967 32 .<br />

2& 262 23 . .<br />

3) 591 00<br />

3, 967 32<br />

2&262 23<br />

17750 00<br />

500 00<br />

2, 262 23<br />

1, 841 00<br />

3) 467 32<br />

213 53<br />

213 53<br />

213 53<br />

2, 955 53<br />

2, 955 53<br />

1, 386 47<br />

1, 569 06<br />

35&801 90 2, 500 00<br />

38&301 90 19)400 00<br />

18, 901 90<br />

371061 33 3&500 00<br />

40)561 33 19, 461 35<br />

21, 099 9S<br />

98& 963 52<br />

98, 953 52<br />

98, 953 52<br />

171, 572 02<br />

45& 000 00<br />

33& 900 00<br />

89, 864 79 .<br />

200& 000 00 .<br />

1711572 02<br />

45) 000 00<br />

33& 000 00<br />

89)864 79<br />

2007000 00<br />

121, 171 48<br />

33)000 00<br />

39&600 00<br />

200& 000 00<br />

50, 400 54<br />

45. 000 00<br />

50, 264 79<br />

250& 000 00<br />

250, 000 00<br />

250, 000 00<br />

25) 160 00<br />

25, 160 00<br />

25, 160 00<br />

6, 633& 748 7)) 300, 000 00 6, 933, 748 75 4)364, 234 44 2, 569, 514 31<br />

15)396, 132 26 470, 107 15 15&866) 239 41 11& 530, 260 51 98, 064 98 4, 237, 913 92



Speci5c objects of appropriation.<br />

0<br />

I<br />

&)<br />

»&<br />

n o<br />

og<br />

cS w<br />

Q<br />

O<br />

az ct<br />

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)&<br />

~<br />

&&s &&)<br />

Brought forward<br />

Transportation of the mails from New Orleans, via<br />

Tehuantepec, to Ventoza and back, per act of<br />

5farch 30, 1859<br />

Transportation of the mails from Panama to California<br />

and Oregon, and back, per act of June 14,<br />

1858<br />

Transportation of the mails between San Francisco,<br />

California, and Olympia, Washington Territory.<br />

Transportation of the mails on Puget's sound, Washington<br />

Territory, per 14th section of act of March<br />

3, 1857<br />

Transportation of the mails between the United<br />

States and foreign ports by steamship, per act of<br />

June 14, 1858<br />

Semi-monthly mail by sea between Washington and<br />

Oregou Territories and California. .<br />

For carrying the mails from New York, via Panama,<br />

to San Francisco, per act of February 19, 1861<br />

For a post office in the city of Baltimore .<br />

For a site and building for the accommodation of<br />

the United States courts at Baltimore . . . . . .<br />

For a site and building for a post office in the city<br />

of New York<br />

For the accommndation of the United States courts,<br />

post office, &c. , at Rutland, Veiinont.<br />

Ten per cent for contingent expenses for United<br />

States courts, &c. , at Rutland, Vermont<br />

For the accommodation of the United States courts,<br />

post oKce& &c. ) at Windsor, Vermont.<br />

Ten per cent. for contingent expenses for accommodation<br />

of United States courts, &c. , at Windsor,<br />

Vermont<br />

Making alterations in the building purchased of<br />

the Bank of Pennsylvania for a post oKce at<br />

Philadelphia<br />

Purchase of a lot and building for use of the United<br />

States at Philadelphia. .<br />

Purchase of a site, and erection of a building there<br />

on, for a post oKce and court-house in Philadel'a<br />

Court-house and post oKce at Raleigh, N. C .<br />

Court-house and post oKce at Columbia, S. C. .<br />

Court-house and post oKce at Tallahasse, Fla. . . . . .<br />

For accommodation<br />

Key West, Fla. . . . .<br />

of tbe United States courts at<br />

Ten per cent. for contingencies in completing the<br />

United States court-house, &c.<br />

&<br />

at Key AVest& Fla<br />

Court-house and post oKce at Memphis, Tenn.<br />

Court-house and post oKce at Indianapolis, Ind.<br />

90<br />

88<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . .<br />

3&418, 166 79 1 l) 977& 965 4<br />

(6)<br />

----- (7)-<br />

4, 085 13<br />

150 00<br />

80, 100 24<br />

101655 00<br />

340 39<br />

146, 092 42<br />

499 617 80<br />

7, 716 Zl<br />

1&925 57<br />

483 81<br />

5'75 38<br />

(8) 204, 807 29<br />

49, 892 52<br />

49, 933 12<br />

49) 915 90<br />

37, 908 26<br />

3, 000 00<br />

49, 900 10<br />

48, 989 56<br />

857, 620 04<br />

25, 065 76<br />

286, 249 99<br />

~ $4& 613& 755 49 12, 596, 901 26


continued.<br />

Ac<br />

0<br />

cd, ~<br />

A<br />

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A D<br />

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0 A<br />

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I<br />

Ao<br />

c' CD<br />

d&<br />

0 A<br />

CC<br />

O CII<br />

A<br />

c 0<br />

15, 396&13Z 26 470. 107 15 15, 866, 239 41 11, 530, 260 51 98& 064 98 4, 237, 913 92<br />

4& 085 13 4, 085 13 4, 085 13<br />

150 00<br />

30, 100 24 71624 56<br />

150 00<br />

37, 724 80 37, 724 80<br />

150 00<br />

10, 655 00 10&655 00 7, 624 56 3, 030 44<br />

357, 620 04<br />

25, 065 76<br />

357&620 04 357)620 04<br />

25, 065 76 25, 065 76<br />

236& 249 99<br />

340 39<br />

236, 249 99<br />

340 39<br />

236& 249 99<br />

125 50<br />

214 89<br />

146, 092 42<br />

4991617 80<br />

146, 092 42<br />

21, 558 25<br />

499&617 80 200, 250 00<br />

124& 534 17<br />

299, 367 80<br />

7, 71G 21<br />

7, 716 21<br />

2, 064 95<br />

5, 651 26<br />

1, I25 57<br />

1&925 57<br />

122 75<br />

1, 802 82<br />

483 81<br />

483 81<br />

483 81<br />

575 38 575 38 422 70 152 68<br />

204, 307 29<br />

49, 892 52<br />

491933 12<br />

49&915 90<br />

37& 908 2G<br />

3, 000 00<br />

491900 10<br />

48, 9SO 5G<br />

204)307 29<br />

49, 892 52<br />

49, 933 12l<br />

49, 915 &90<br />

37, 908 2G<br />

164, 118 89<br />

7, 91S 00<br />

3, 000 00.<br />

49, 900 10 15, 044 00<br />

48, 989 56 34, 152 00<br />

49, 933 12<br />

171210)656 75 477&831 71 17&GB8, 38S 46 12 6401 806 51 155) 113 67<br />

40, 188 40<br />

41, 974 5Z<br />

49, 915 90<br />

37, 908 26<br />

3, 000 00<br />

34-, 856 10<br />

14, 837 56<br />

4, 892, 468 2



Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

Brought forward. . .<br />

For accommodation of the United States courts<br />

and post office at Springfield, Illinois.<br />

Ten per cent. for contingencies in building the<br />

United States courts and post office at Spring-<br />

field, Illinois<br />

Court-house and post office at Madison, Wis.<br />

Payment of mortgage and interest on property in<br />

Pine street, New York, belonging to the United<br />

States, purchased under authority of act of<br />

August 4, 1854<br />

Continuation of the Treasury building. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Lighting and ventilating the upper story of the<br />

Treasury building, and giving additional security<br />

to the vault<br />

Erection of a temporary capitol in Washington Territory,<br />

inclusive of a site.<br />

Erection of a ponitentiary in Washington Territory,<br />

inclusive of a site.<br />

Public buildings for the use of the legislature of<br />

Kansas .<br />

Purchase of a site and erection of a penitentiary in<br />

Utah Territory.<br />

Preservation of the archives of the Territory of<br />

New Mexico,<br />

To carry into effect the act entitled "An act for the<br />

admission of the State of Kansas into the Union"<br />

Repair of the capitol building in the Territory of<br />

Nebraska .<br />

Completion of the capitol of the Territory of New<br />

exico<br />

Purchase of books for the territorial libraries of<br />

Minuesota, Oregon, Utah, New Mexico, Wash-<br />

ington, Nebraska, and Kansas, $500 each . . . . .<br />

Expenses of taking the census of Oregon<br />

Survey of the Atlantic and Gulf coast of the United<br />

State s<br />

Continuing the survey of the western coast of the<br />

United States<br />

Continuing the survey of the Florida reefs and keys<br />

Running a line to connect the triangulation on the<br />

Atlantic coast with that on the Gulf of Mexico,<br />

across the peninsula of Florida.<br />

Publishiug observations made in the progress of<br />

the survey of the coast of the United States<br />

Fuel and quarters, kc. , for officers of the army<br />

serving on the coast survey<br />

Pay and ratious of engineers of seven steamers used<br />

in the hydrography of the coast survey.<br />

o<br />

O<br />

41<br />

Q<br />

56<br />

56<br />

56<br />

56<br />

56<br />

56<br />

56<br />

56<br />

56<br />

Ko 0 cO<br />

&&&&<br />

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CJ ~ &»<br />

cg o&<br />

4, 613& 755 49 12& 596& 901 26<br />

50, 000 00<br />

3& 886 60<br />

49, 920 75<br />

637 60<br />

41, 929 83 (9) 350, 000 00<br />

2&524 50<br />

30, 000 00<br />

20&000 00<br />

455 16<br />

3, 254 95<br />

175 13<br />

4&000 00<br />

147 57<br />

500 00<br />

5&000 00<br />

40& 500 00<br />

1& 000 00<br />

1, 900 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

60, 000 00<br />

250, 000 olj<br />

130, 000 00<br />

40, 000 00<br />

5, 000 09<br />

5, 000 60<br />

5, 000 00<br />

12, 800 00<br />

Carried forward 84& 869& 587 58 13& 459& 701 26


continued.<br />

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dQ<br />

17) 210 656 75 477& V31 71 17) 688 388 46 52, 641, 021 51 155, 113 67 4, 892, 253 28<br />

50, 000 00 50, 000 00<br />

50, 000 00<br />

3, 886 60<br />

49& 920 75<br />

3, 886 60<br />

49& 920 75 50 00<br />

3, 886 60<br />

49, 870 Z5<br />

637 6(i .<br />

391, 929 83 2, 635 19<br />

637 Gn<br />

394)565 02 318& 347 15<br />

637 60<br />

Z6, 217 87<br />

2, 524 50 2, 293 68<br />

30, 000 00 .<br />

4, 818 18<br />

30, 000 00<br />

307 00<br />

35 00<br />

4, 511 18<br />

29, 965 00<br />

20, noo on<br />

20&000 00<br />

60 00<br />

19, 940 00<br />

455 16<br />

5 74<br />

460 90<br />

460 90<br />

3, 254 95<br />

5, 165 05<br />

8, 420 00<br />

57 00<br />

8, 363 00<br />

175 13<br />

175 13<br />

175 13<br />

4, 000 00<br />

205 15<br />

4, 205 15<br />

264 89<br />

3& 940 26<br />

5& 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

60& 000 00<br />

60, 000 00<br />

132 00<br />

59, 868 00<br />

14V 57<br />

500 On<br />

147 57<br />

500 00<br />

147 57<br />

500 00<br />

255, 000 00<br />

255, ooo on<br />

210&VOO 00<br />

44&300 00<br />

IVO&500 00<br />

40, 000 nn<br />

170, 500 00<br />

40, 000 00<br />

113, 000 00<br />

38, 000 00<br />

57 500 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

5&000 00<br />

5& 000 00<br />

5&000 00<br />

6& 000 00<br />

5, 000 00 .<br />

14, 700 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

14& 700 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

4) 000 00<br />

9, 000 00<br />

18, 329&288 84 488, 036 52 18, 817) 325 3613& 344, 974 55 156) 387 30<br />

07 R<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1) 000 00<br />

5, 700 00<br />

5) 315& 963 51


STATEME't&t T<br />

Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

Brought forward.<br />

Repairs of the "Crawford, " "Madison, " "Mason,<br />

"<br />

'George M. Bache,<br />

" and other sailiug vessels<br />

used in the coast survey<br />

Salaries of supervising inspectors of steam vessels, &c<br />

Travelling expenses of supervising inspectors of<br />

steam vessels, &c.<br />

Salaries of nine supervising and fifty local inspectors<br />

of steam vessels.<br />

Compensation to such persons as may be designated<br />

to receive sud keep the public ruoney, under act<br />

of August 6, 1846<br />

Compensation of special agents to examine books,<br />

accounts, &c. , in the several depositories<br />

Building vaults as additional security to the public<br />

funds in sixty-six depositories<br />

Contingent expenses, under act of August 6, 1846,<br />

for safe-keepiug the public revenue.<br />

Expenses incident to loans and treasury notes<br />

Engraving, printing, preparing and issuing treasury<br />

notes, per act of December 23, 1857<br />

Engraving and printing the certificates, and other<br />

expenses of the loan of 1860.<br />

Engraving and printing certificates of the stock of<br />

the $20, 000, 000 loan, per act of June 14. , 1858. .<br />

Engraving and printing certificates of stocl" loan,<br />

6th section act 1&ebruary 8, 1861, &c<br />

Engraving, printiug, &c. , treasury notes, per 11th<br />

section act December 17, 1860<br />

Preventing the abrasion, counterfeiting, and deterioration<br />

of the coins of the United States<br />

To cause analyses of difi'erent ore beds to facilitate<br />

the proper selections of iron for the public works<br />

Payment for horses and other property lost or destroyed<br />

in the tnilitary service of the United States<br />

Payment to Missouri volunteers for horses, &c., lost<br />

Expenses incurred by the provisional government<br />

of Oregon in defending the people of that Territory<br />

from the Cayuse Indians<br />

To comperisate the agent employed in paying annuities<br />

to the Cherokee Indians remaining in<br />

North Carolina<br />

To make good the interest on the investment in<br />

stocks ot' the State of Arkansas, held in trust by<br />

the Secretary of the Treasury for the Chickasaw<br />

Indians<br />

Completing the works of the exploring expedition<br />

Replacing the works of the exploring expedition<br />

destroyed by fire in Philadelphia<br />

Carried forward . . . .<br />

«&<br />

0<br />

«»<br />

«&<br />

»&<br />

58<br />

57<br />

21<br />

9 c&<br />

C ««&<br />

h «&«&<br />

c&<br />

«» «6<br />

c .<br />

c&<br />

««&<br />

tn<br />

476 90<br />

179 40<br />

c&<br />

u<br />

t»&<br />

«» Q<br />

c&<br />

««& ~<br />

T»&«-'&<br />

gI, 00<br />

Q<br />

». o<br />

rn c&<br />

A«l aa<br />

4, 869, 587 58 13, 459, 701 26<br />

10, 000 00<br />

21, 497 12 80& 000 60<br />

5, 974 99<br />

12, 161 09<br />

55. 751 34<br />

f&4, 900 91<br />

l, 917 50<br />

2, 448 83<br />

5, 000 00.<br />

2& 564 00<br />

2& 368 74 .<br />

21, 002 3n<br />

19 65 .<br />

12, 607 26<br />

58 51<br />

5, 4oo on<br />

4, 220 05<br />

20, 000 00<br />

15 000 00<br />

5, 000 06<br />

29, 515 39<br />

l3& 619 216 65I

— Continued.<br />


~ W<br />

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Ã)<br />

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O<br />

C&I W<br />

d&<br />

O<br />

~ l<br />

(Cl<br />

18, 329, 288 84<br />

488) 036 52 (8, 817, 325 3(i 13, 344, 974 55 156, 387 BO 5, 315, 963 51<br />

lo, nnn on<br />

47G 90<br />

179 4n .-<br />

101, 497 12<br />

10, 000 00<br />

476 90<br />

179 40 .<br />

10) 000 0(<br />

101, 497 12 81, 192 27 .<br />

476 90<br />

179 40<br />

20, 304 85<br />

5, 974 99----------<br />

12, 161 09<br />

55, 751 34 ---. -------<br />

6(. , (inn 91<br />

1. 947 5n<br />

2, 448 83<br />

5, 000 00------------<br />

2, 564 00 ---. ----<br />

20&000 00<br />

15, 000 00<br />

G, OOO On<br />

2, 3(lB 74 .<br />

50, 517 Gci<br />

19 65<br />

399 86<br />

5& 974 99<br />

12& 161 0!i<br />

55, 751 34<br />

64, 900 91<br />

1, 947 Gn<br />

2, 448 83<br />

5, 000 0(l<br />

2, 564 Co<br />

20& 000 00<br />

15, 399 86,<br />

5 000 00<br />

2, 368 74<br />

50, 517 69<br />

19 65<br />

3, 556 3('<br />

2, 179 7&<br />

665 0<br />

33, 069 7'&<br />

1, 000 onI<br />

2, 448 83<br />

1, 590 OC<br />

37 50<br />

6, 722 50 . -<br />

3, 441 76-----<br />

65 00 .<br />

34, 304 07 .<br />

2, 418 G9<br />

9, 981 39<br />

55, 086 34<br />

31, 831 19<br />

947 50<br />

3, 410 00<br />

2, 526 50<br />

1'3, 277 50<br />

11, 958 10<br />

5, 000 00<br />

2, 303 74'<br />

16, 213 62.<br />

19 65<br />

12, 607 26 . 12, 607 26 390 70 12, 216 56<br />

58 51-------- 58 51 58 51<br />

5, 400 00-----------<br />

4, 220 05 677 62<br />

994 46 576 88 ], 571 34 576 88<br />

5, 400 00<br />

5, 400 00<br />

4, 897 67 3, 677 62' 1&220 05<br />

18 690 88 (9, 198, 068 16,<br />

, 708& 377 28j 489) (3, 529, 892 4(ii 156, 387 30<br />

994 46<br />

5, 511&788 46



O<br />

CC<br />

O<br />

O c&<br />

O &O<br />

O CC&<br />

Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

O<br />

C&<br />

O<br />

C&<br />

Cf<br />

O<br />

M~<br />

C& «&<br />

O<br />

O O<br />

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C'<br />

rn<br />

Ci &«<br />

Q&<br />

ce<br />

&C<br />

CO<br />

O C.<br />

o<br />

O&O<br />

O CO C&&<br />

Brought forward<br />

Smithsonian Institution<br />

Expenses of the Smithsonian Institution.<br />

I&'or a serfes of portraits of the Presidents of the<br />

United States, for the Executive mansion<br />

Claims not otherwise provided for<br />

Satisfying the claims of the State of Maine, under<br />

the stipulations of the treaty between the Unite i<br />

States and Great Britain, concluded August 9.<br />

1842, per 1st section of act Suue 12, 1858<br />

Consular receipts<br />

Expenses cf collecting the revenue from customs<br />

Payment of discriminating tonnage duties<br />

Debentures or drawbacks, bounties or allowances .<br />

Debentures and other charges, per act of October<br />

16, 1837<br />

Refunding duties on fish and other articles under<br />

the reciprocity tre«ty vcith Great Britain<br />

Refunding duties to extend the warehousing system<br />

Refunding duties, per act of May 8, 1846<br />

Refunding duties collected in Mexico from military<br />

contributions, per act of March 3, 1849.<br />

Unclaimed merchandise<br />

Proceeds of the sale of g &ods, wares, &c<br />

Repayments to importers of excess of deposits for<br />

unascertained duties<br />

Salaries of special examiners of drugs<br />

Additional compensation to collectors and naval<br />

officers<br />

Additior&al compensation tn officers and men in the<br />

revenue service who served on the coast of C«. lifornia<br />

Salaries of light-house keepers, assistants,<br />

Salarie«of keepers of light-boats, &c<br />

&c<br />

Supplying light-houses with<br />

wicks, &c.<br />

oil, tube-glasses,<br />

Repairs and incidental expenses of light-houses, &c<br />

Seamen's wages, repairs, and supplies of lightboats<br />

Commissions of 2z per cent. to such superintendents<br />

as are entitled to the same<br />

Expenses of superintendents in visiriog lighthouces,<br />

annually, and reporting their condition<br />

Expenses of weighing, mooring, cleaning, repairing,<br />

and supplying losses of beacons, buoys, &c<br />

Fuel and quart r« fur officers of the army serving<br />

on light-house duty<br />

Light-house and keeper's dwelling on Round<br />

island, in M«chins bay, Maine<br />

Carried forward<br />

72<br />

30<br />

14<br />

20<br />

25<br />

13<br />

10<br />

19<br />

56<br />

56<br />

56<br />

56<br />

56<br />

56<br />

56<br />

56<br />

56<br />

5, 089, 160 63 18, 619, 216 65<br />

1551429 87 74, 729 51<br />

30, 910 14<br />

5, 000 00<br />

1, 763 82 5, 000 00<br />

244 61<br />

573, 072 80<br />

243 27<br />

2, 011 44<br />

3, 600, COO 00<br />

189 9c<br />

640, 115 42<br />

9 80 8, 526 57<br />

648 58<br />

338 00<br />

65 OF<br />

385 0:<br />

81, 768 88<br />

873 64<br />

709 99<br />

81 50<br />

26& 920 18<br />

398 06<br />

9& 380 08<br />

585 68<br />

] 045 55<br />

309 15<br />

764, 575 23<br />

4, 990 09<br />

9, 637 87<br />

32 00<br />

188 912 97<br />

27&350 00<br />

136, 226 00<br />

115, 526 14<br />

120 84 172, 705 00<br />

11737 4&'<br />

1, 000 94<br />

5, 341 OF<br />

3, 763 82<br />

61638 61<br />

1, 414 81<br />

1, 321 40 107, 000 00<br />

3, 202 29<br />

$5& 959& 810 85 i9, 520, 265 34


ontinued.<br />

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«)<br />

&a<br />

18, 708, 377 28<br />

230, 159 38<br />

30, 910 14<br />

489, G90 88 19& 198, 068 16<br />

230, 159 38<br />

30, 910 14<br />

13, 529, 892 40 156, 387 30<br />

30, 910 14<br />

5, 511, (88 46<br />

230, 159 3S<br />

5) 000 Ol'<br />

6, 763 82<br />

5, 000 00<br />

6, ?GS 82<br />

2& 188 63<br />

5, 000 oo<br />

4, 575 19<br />

244 61<br />

2& 011 4(<br />

4, 173, 072 8('<br />

189 90<br />

640, 358 6',<br />

8, 536 37<br />

648 58<br />

1, 3SS 55<br />

65 9f'<br />

77, 729 04<br />

4, 242 74<br />

244 61<br />

2, 011 44<br />

4, 250, 801 84<br />

189 90<br />

644, 601 43<br />

8& 536 3?<br />

648 58<br />

1&383 55<br />

65 9&<br />

2, 011 44 .<br />

2, 921& 184 88<br />

189 90 .<br />

644, 554 33 .<br />

8&526 57<br />

10 0(<br />

1, 108 5. '<br />

244 61<br />

1, 329, 616 9G<br />

47 10<br />

9 80<br />

638 58<br />

275 00<br />

65 98<br />

385 0()<br />

81, 7GB 88<br />

309 15<br />

385 00<br />

81, 768 88<br />

309 15<br />

170 0(<br />

648 96<br />

309 15<br />

215 00<br />

81, 119 92<br />

76$, 948 87<br />

4, 99O O. '<br />

1, 693 67<br />

83 00<br />

766, 642 54<br />

5& 073 09<br />

766, 087 59 .<br />

5& 073 09<br />

10, 347 86)<br />

10, 347 86<br />

10, 34? 86<br />

113 50<br />

215&833 15<br />

27, 743 06<br />

2, 017 26<br />

243 34<br />

113 50<br />

217, 850 4l<br />

2?, 986 40<br />

32 OU<br />

148, 6 l8 88<br />

18, 93 l 82<br />

81 50<br />

69, 231 53<br />

9, 054 58<br />

145, 55G 08<br />

116. 111 82<br />

2, 033 33<br />

1, 724 69<br />

147, 589 41<br />

117, S36 5 &<br />

147, 407 24<br />

102& 133 16<br />

182 17<br />

15&703 35<br />

172& 825 84<br />

2, 716 49<br />

175&542 33<br />

142, 053 4f"<br />

33, 488 85<br />

8, 376 01<br />

8, 376 01<br />

7&775 59<br />

600 42<br />

2, 415 7.<br />

'1<br />

519 20<br />

2& 934 95)<br />

1, 345 OU<br />

1, 589 95<br />

108, 32] 40<br />

5& 585 70<br />

113, 90? 10<br />

84, 380 15<br />

29&526 95<br />

8, 543 37<br />

8, 543 37<br />

3, 832 22<br />

4, 711 15<br />

3, 763 SZ<br />

3, 763 8)<br />

3, 763 82<br />

25&480&0?G 19<br />

588, 2?9 34 26) 068& 355 53 18, 579, 723 03 160& 151 12 7, 328& 481 38

&&&<br />



Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

w<br />

O<br />

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»& &&&<br />

W &z&<br />

@~M<br />

~ r<br />

g, O<br />

n «z &a<br />

Brought forward.<br />

Light-house on or near Widow's island, Maine<br />

Light-house at the entrance of the thoroughfare,<br />

Isle au Haute, Maine.<br />

For s fog-bell, to be rung by machinery, at Whale's<br />

Back light-house, New Hampshire<br />

Towards the erection of a light-house of granite,<br />

iron, or a combination of both, on the outer<br />

Minot Ledge, eritrance of Boston harbor, Mass . .<br />

Light-house and keeper's dwelling on or near the<br />

Point of Rocks, at Westport, Massachusetts<br />

Rebuilding thetwo light-house towers on Thatcher's<br />

island, Cape Ann, Massachusettr, and Qtting them<br />

with first order of illuminating apparatus<br />

For a survey to determine the proper site for a<br />

light hoase at or near the "Sow " and Pigs, at<br />

the entrance of Buzzard's bay, Massachusetts,<br />

per act of June 20, 1860 . . . . . . . .<br />

For a light-house at Duxbury, in Plymouth harbor,<br />

Massachusetts, per act of June 20, l860<br />

For the purchase of suitable land, and the erection<br />

thereon of a building for the use of the<br />

Light-house Board, at Wood's Hole, Great har-<br />

bor, &c, Massachusetts, per act of June Zo, 1860<br />

For a light-ship, or light-house, at the discretion<br />

of the Secretary of the Treasury, on or near the<br />

"Hen and Chickens,<br />

" st the entrance of Buzzard's<br />

bay, Massachusetts, per act of June 20,<br />

1860 .<br />

Establishment of beacons on Commercial Point<br />

and Bullock's Point, in Providence river, Rhode<br />

Island .<br />

Surveying of and for buoying out Seekonl- river,<br />

between Seekonk and Providence, Rhode Island<br />

For the re e-tablishment and alteration of tbe<br />

beacon-light ori l. ong wharf, New Haven, Connecticut,<br />

per act of Jurie 20, 1860.<br />

'<br />

For a fog-bell, to be rung by machinery, st the<br />

Stratford light-house, Connecticut . .<br />

To enable the Light house Board, under the direction<br />

of the Secretary of tbe Treasury, to experi-<br />

ment with Dabnll's and other signals, aud to<br />

purchase tbe signal erected by D:iboll and now<br />

in operation at New London, Connecticut, per<br />

act of June 20, 1860.<br />

Repairs, &c, to the light-house, snd buildings con-<br />

nected therewith,<br />

at Oswego, New York<br />

Beacon-light on one of the Sisters' islands, in the St.<br />

Lawrence river, below Alexandria bay, New York<br />

Carided forwsrd. . . . . -. . . .<br />

73<br />

73<br />

73<br />

73<br />

73<br />

73<br />

73<br />

5, 959, 810 85&<br />

5, 187 62<br />

5, 187 66<br />

1'& 000 00<br />

3& 216 88-<br />

65, 917 60<br />

(10) 20, 000 oo<br />

4, 000 00<br />

19& 520, 265 34<br />

47& 090 36<br />

1& 000 00<br />

5, 000 OO<br />

5, 000 00<br />

35, 000 00<br />

3, OO0 OO<br />

500 0(&<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1, 200 00<br />

6, 000 oo<br />

f 6, 064, 320 61 19, 626, 055 70

— Gontinued.<br />

Or<br />

O<br />

Ac<br />

O<br />

I&&<br />

A. O<br />

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4<br />

Obo<br />

" ce<br />

O A<br />

CCI<br />

A<br />

O<br />

cC ra<br />

OQ<br />

25&480, 076 19<br />

5, 187 62<br />

588, 279 34 16& 068& 355 53<br />

5, 187 62<br />

18, 579, 723 03 160&151 12<br />

5& 187 62<br />

7, 328)481 38<br />

5) 187 66<br />

11000 00 .<br />

5, 187 66<br />

1, 000 00<br />

5, 187 66<br />

1& 000 00<br />

47, 090 36<br />

31216 88<br />

47, 090 3G<br />

3, 216 88<br />

17, 511 46 29, 578 90<br />

3, 216 88<br />

65, 917 6(l 65, 917 6(l 40, 000 00 25&917 60<br />

1, 000 00<br />

5) 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

5& 000 00<br />

11000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00 5, 000 00 5& 000 00<br />

35) 000 00 35, 000 00 35, 000 00<br />

3& 000 00<br />

500 00 . . . .<br />

3, 000 00<br />

500 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

500 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

2& 000 00<br />

1, 200 00<br />

1, 200 00<br />

1, 200 00<br />

6, 000 0(<br />

6, 000 00<br />

1 500 00<br />

4& 500 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

2, 000 0(I<br />

2, 000 00<br />

25&690, 376 31 588, 279 34 26 34 49<br />

, 278, 655 65)18, 642, 7 170& 52G 40 7& 465& 394 76


STATEMj&:NT<br />

Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

O<br />

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Brought forward.<br />

Erection of a stone beacon on Mill Reef, New York<br />

For a beacon-light on the Hudson rivet, between<br />

Albany and Troy, New York.<br />

For a beacon-light at Oak Orchard, Lake Ontario,<br />

New York.<br />

Erecting a first-class light-house, and fitting it with<br />

first-order apparatus, at Barnegat, New Jersey<br />

Compensation of two superintendents of life stations<br />

on coasts of Long Island and New Jersey<br />

Contingencies of life stations on the coasts of Long<br />

Island and New Jersey<br />

Compensation of fifty-four keepers of life stations<br />

at $200 each, on the coasts of Long Island aud<br />

New Jersey<br />

Rebuilding the two light-house towers at Navesink,<br />

New Jersey<br />

Repairing the life. saving stations on the coast of<br />

Long Island and New Jersey .<br />

Light-house on Fen wick's island, Delaware<br />

Light-house at Seven-foot Knoll, Maryland .<br />

Rebuilding the Cape Charles light-hou, e, Virginia,<br />

and fitting it with proper illumiuating apparatus.<br />

Rebuilding on a proper site thc light, -house destroyed<br />

by ice at Pungoteague, Virginia<br />

For a light-house half way between Cape Henry<br />

and Body's island<br />

For a light to mark the entrance to the Cone and<br />

Yeocomico rivers, Virginia<br />

For the constructic6) of a first class light-house at<br />

Assateague, Virginia, in lieu of the present one.<br />

Completion of the tower and keeper's dwelling at<br />

Cape Charles, Virginia, per act of June 20, 1860<br />

For buoying the approaches to the canal connecting<br />

the waters of the Chesapeake bay with Albemai'le<br />

sound, per act of June 20, 1860<br />

For a beacon range light at Ocracoke, North<br />

Carolina<br />

For re-establishing the Beacon Island light-house<br />

and constructing in connexion therewith a<br />

beacon-light to form a range for running tbe<br />

Ocracoke inlet, North Caroliua .<br />

For a beacon-light at a suitable point at or near<br />

Cape Hatteras inlet, North Carolina . . .<br />

For buoying Beaufort harbor and Bogue sound,<br />

North Carolina<br />

Erection of a light-house at or near the mouth of<br />

North river, North Carolina . .<br />

Light-house<br />

at the mouth of Cape Fear river<br />

73<br />

56<br />

56<br />

73<br />

73<br />

73<br />

73<br />

73<br />

73<br />

73<br />

6, 064) 320 6 l l9, 626, 055 70<br />

5, 000 Os<br />

1, 001 39<br />

348 38<br />

2&000 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

3, 000 OO<br />

5, 858 17 10, 800 00<br />

2, 000 0(<br />

4) 367 15 .<br />

12, 946 90<br />

4, 273 96<br />

760 00<br />

72, 941 OO<br />

50, 000 OO<br />

10, 200 00<br />

600 00<br />

5, 000 OO<br />

5&000 OO<br />

1, 000 00<br />

10, 000 OO<br />

40, 000 00<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . . . . f6&095&868 39 19, 844, 996 70


~antinaed.<br />

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C&t<br />

Cl<br />

C&<br />

c&<br />

c&<br />

gl<br />

25, 690, 376 31<br />

5, 000 00<br />

588&279 34<br />

26& 278, 655 65 18& 642, 734 49<br />

5, 000 00 3, 5UO 0(:<br />

170, 526 4U<br />

7, 465, 394 76<br />

1, 500 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

1 92<br />

1 92<br />

1 92<br />

4, 001 39<br />

375 00<br />

4, 376 39<br />

3, 173 07<br />

1& 203 32<br />

348 38<br />

11 25<br />

359 63<br />

321 1(,<br />

BS 47<br />

16& 658 1V<br />

1, 350 00<br />

18, 008 17 11, 518 13<br />

6, 490 04<br />

72, 941 00<br />

V2, 941 00<br />

10, 000 0(&<br />

62, 941 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1& 251 04<br />

700 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

17251 04<br />

700 00<br />

1, 25&1 04<br />

7UC 0(l<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1 83<br />

1 83<br />

1 83<br />

4, 367 15<br />

4& 367 15<br />

24 24<br />

4, 342 91<br />

12&946 9U<br />

12, 946 90<br />

12, 9(6 90<br />

4& 273 96<br />

4, 273 96<br />

4& 273 9(l<br />

50, 000 00<br />

10&200 00 . . . . . -------<br />

50& 000 00<br />

10, 200 00<br />

3, 1)3 57<br />

57 000 00<br />

46, 886 43<br />

5, 200 00<br />

500 OU<br />

V50 00 .<br />

500 00<br />

750 00 . 750 00<br />

500 00<br />

5, ooo oo .<br />

5& 000 00<br />

5, 060 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

40, 000 00<br />

5, 000' 00<br />

1, 000 00.<br />

10, 000 00<br />

40, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

700 0(l<br />

5, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

39, 300 Oo<br />

26 865 09 591 , 968 55 26, 532, 833 64 18 685 084 66 194, 794 Ob, » (&527<br />

7 940, 954 02

Specific<br />




object of appropriation.<br />

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c&<br />

d&<br />

d&<br />

0<br />

c&<br />

dd m<br />

Q<br />

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~<br />

Brought forward<br />

For a buoy on Middle Ground shoal, Beaufort harbor,<br />

North Carolina<br />

Two range beacon-lights (in the place of the Overall<br />

beace&n-lights) for the beach onSullivan's Island<br />

chanuel, South Carolina<br />

Beacon-light to range with the Amelia Island light<br />

and the outer bar, Georgia<br />

Two beacon-lights and a keeper's dwelling on or<br />

near the north front of Amelia island, Georgia<br />

For a range-light at a proper point in St. Andrew' s<br />

sound, aud for one in St. Catharine's sounci,<br />

Georgia<br />

Beacon-lights at Piney Point, Cuckoo Point, and<br />

Nine-mile Point, in the St. John's rivet, between<br />

Jacksonville and Pilatka, Florida<br />

Light-house to marl- the entrance to St. Andrew' s<br />

bay, Florida<br />

Beacon-light on or near the western entrance of St.<br />

George's sound, Florida<br />

Light-house on Southwest cape, west side of Apalachicola<br />

bay, Florida<br />

Rebuilding tbe light-house at Cape Canaveral, and<br />

fitting it with a first orner catadioptric illuminating<br />

apparatus, Florida<br />

Making permanent the signals placed by the Coast<br />

Survey along the Florida reefs, Florida<br />

Beacon light on Rebecca shoal, Florida<br />

Light-house at St. Joseph's island, Mississippi<br />

For a light-house at Pass Christian, Mississippi, in<br />

addition to the proceeds of the sale of the old<br />

light-house rite at that point<br />

Commencement and completion of an iron screw<br />

pile light-house at or near the entrance to the<br />

channel of the Mississippi river, at the South<br />

Pass, Otc. , Louisiana<br />

Light-house at the mouth of Calcasieu river, La<br />

Erection of a light-house at the mouth of tbe Rio<br />

Grande river, Texas<br />

Erection of range-beacons for crossing the bar aud<br />

entering Galveston bay, Texas, in place of the<br />

present light-vessel at that place<br />

Light-house at San Luis Pass and at the mouth of<br />

the Brsazos river, Texas<br />

For a channel range-light at Maumee bay Ohio<br />

Completion aud protection of way to the lighthouse<br />

at Huron, Ohio<br />

Protection of the piers and beacon-lights on the<br />

pier at Cleveland, Ohio.<br />

73<br />

56<br />

6, 095, 868 39 19&844&996<br />

4, 000 00<br />

1&664 98<br />

329 96<br />

20, 000 0(&<br />

13, 159 35<br />

14, 282 32<br />

4, 209 04<br />

10, 814 18<br />

64, 251 10<br />

154 06<br />

108, 600 03<br />

5, 115 97<br />

200 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

1& 000 00<br />

7& 500 OO<br />

o, ooo oo<br />

56<br />

s, ooo oo<br />

Carried forward 66, 362, 649 38 19, S67, 496 »

IXI<br />

CD<br />

ID<br />

O<br />

CD<br />

ID<br />

~ sc<br />

I<br />

I<br />

ID<br />

I O<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

O<br />

ID<br />

O<br />

ID<br />

C.<br />

O O<br />

O O<br />

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O<br />

o<br />

O<br />

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I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

If I<br />

I<br />

O I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

Ctt<br />

Ql<br />

I<br />

I<br />

IXI<br />

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O<br />

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ID<br />

ID<br />

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Cx<br />

o<br />

lD<br />

O<br />

Ct<br />

CD<br />

lf<br />

O<br />

Cft<br />

Cfl<br />

Balances and appropria<br />

tions.<br />

Ql<br />

CD<br />

Qf<br />

C<br />

bf<br />

Ctt<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

If I<br />

Q<br />

&Xt<br />

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I<br />

O OCI<br />

C Cft<br />

lD<br />

Ql<br />

CD<br />

I<br />

CO<br />

CC<br />

Repayments madein the<br />

fiscal ye fr ending June<br />

30, 1861.<br />

GCI<br />

t4<br />

tf<br />

CJ<br />

If<br />

If<br />

ICI<br />

ICI<br />

O<br />

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CD<br />

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o<br />

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O O<br />

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o<br />

ID<br />

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I I I<br />

I<br />

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I I I<br />

I<br />

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O<br />

ID<br />

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CCI<br />

If<br />

ID<br />

CD<br />

t4<br />

O<br />

O<br />

If<br />

CD<br />

o<br />

oct<br />

CXt<br />

Ql<br />

QCI<br />

If<br />

Aggregate arailabl» for<br />

the fiscal yoar ending<br />

June 30, 1861.<br />

Payments made in the<br />

fiscal year ending June<br />

30, 1861.<br />

1<br />

ID<br />

Ct<br />

ID<br />

O<br />

M<br />

Ctl O<br />

CXI O<br />

O O<br />

I I<br />

I I<br />

I<br />

I I<br />

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CD<br />

CD<br />

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I<br />

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O I<br />

O<br />

O<br />

ID<br />

ID<br />

Qt O CCI<br />

If O GCI<br />

I<br />

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I I<br />

I<br />

I I<br />

I I<br />

I I<br />

I I<br />

I I<br />

I I<br />

I I CD<br />

I<br />

ID<br />

&XI<br />

If<br />

ID<br />

If<br />

CC<br />

Cft<br />

CC<br />

Ctt<br />

Qt<br />

Cft<br />

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o<br />

O<br />

O<br />

ID<br />

tf<br />

Ctt<br />

Ql<br />

t4<br />

ID<br />

Cfl<br />

Amounts »arri»d to the<br />

surplus fund June 30,<br />

1861.<br />

Balances of appropriations<br />

June 30, 1861.


STATEME]gT<br />

Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

O<br />

CD<br />

IXI<br />

D<br />

ce M<br />

C<br />

0<br />

CP<br />

O<br />

D D ca .<br />

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D tat<br />

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a<br />

0 IS<br />

D<br />

D cD<br />

Q<br />

IS<br />

I-i ~ O<br />

Brought forward<br />

Protection of the piers and beacon-lights<br />

piers at Fairport, Ohio<br />

on the<br />

Light-house on Green island, Lake Erie, Ohio<br />

Completing the light-house at or near tbe north<br />

pier head at Chicago, Illinois, and protecting<br />

the, I curn arne<br />

Repairing the works and piers in order to secure<br />

the light-house at Chicago, Illinois<br />

Light-house at the mouth of the peninsula dividing<br />

Grand Traverse bay, Michig:cn<br />

Light-house at the east side of Middle harbor, West<br />

Marquette, Michigan<br />

Rebuilding the towers at White Fish Point, Detroit<br />

aud Manitou islands, all on the coast of Lake<br />

Superior, Michigan<br />

For a light-house at Bertram bay, Michigan<br />

For a light-house at or near Tawas city, Michigan<br />

For a light-house at the mouth of Manistie river.<br />

For one or two beacon-lights, at the discretion of<br />

the Secretary of t'Ie Treasu;y, at the entrance to<br />

Gr:cnd Island bay and harbor, Lake Superior,<br />

fichigan<br />

For a fog-bell at Grand Haven light-house, Mich<br />

For a range of lights for Copper harbor, Lake<br />

Superior, with a fog bell or ear signal, Mich<br />

For a light-house at or near old Fort Mackinaw,<br />

Michigan<br />

Light-house on Green island, or one of the adjacent<br />

islands, Green bay, Wisconsin<br />

Light-house on Raspberry island, one of the apostle<br />

islands, Lake Superior, WiscoIIsiu<br />

Light-house at the mouth of Kewanee river, Lake<br />

Michigan, Wisconsin<br />

For a fog-bell at Port de Morta light-house, Wisconsin<br />

Light-house pier aud light-house at Milwaukie, in<br />

lieu of the North Cut beacon light-house, Wisconsin<br />

Construction of a beacon-light at Port Racine,<br />

Wisconsin<br />

To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to pay<br />

Peter Campau<br />

Light-house a, t Beaver bay, Lake iguperior, Minn<br />

Light-house at Grand Marias, Lake Superior, Minn<br />

Light-house at or near the mouth of Two Island<br />

river. Lake Superior, Minnesota.<br />

Light-house at Punta de los Reyes, California<br />

Light house at Point Lobos, California<br />

Carried forward. . . .<br />

56<br />

73<br />

73<br />

73<br />

73<br />

73<br />

73<br />

73<br />

73<br />

73<br />

6, 362, 649 38 19I 867I 496<br />

143 85<br />

68, 313 01<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 217 44<br />

5. 262 17<br />

5, 000 00<br />

I, 103 97<br />

1, 406 79<br />

5, 000 00<br />

45, 000 00<br />

6, ono on<br />

6, ooo on<br />

5, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

6I 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

50, 000 00<br />

30, 100 00<br />

114 58<br />

40, ooo on<br />

56, 478I096 61 20, 079, 211 2


~nntinun1.<br />

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+<br />

26, 230, 146 08 593, 022 33 26, S23, 168 41 18& 724'& 564 15 393& 378 63<br />

7, 705, 225 63<br />

5, 000 00<br />

0)<br />

5, 000 00<br />

01<br />

01<br />

5, 000 00<br />

143 85<br />

68, 313 01 .<br />

6, 000 00 .<br />

143 85<br />

68, 313 01<br />

G, nnn 00<br />

3, 500 0(I<br />

143 85<br />

G4, 813 01<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

5 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

45, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

45&, 000 nn<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00 .<br />

33, 768 00<br />

11, 232 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

5& 000 00<br />

n, nnn nn<br />

]&500 00<br />

G, nnn nn<br />

1, 500 00<br />

1&500 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

3, 500 pn<br />

3&500 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6& 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 Gnl.<br />

6, 000 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

12, 000 00 .<br />

1, 500 00 .<br />

6, 000 00<br />

12& 000 00-<br />

1, 500 00<br />

1& 750 00<br />

4, 250 00<br />

12& 000 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

50, 000 00<br />

30, 100 nn<br />

114 5F<br />

5, 217 44<br />

5, 2G2 17<br />

50, 000 00<br />

30, 100 00<br />

114 58<br />

5, 217 44<br />

5, 262 17 .<br />

11, 000 00<br />

11, 000 00.<br />

103 33 .<br />

5, 217 44<br />

39, 000 00<br />

19, 100 00<br />

11 25<br />

5, 262 17<br />

5, 000 nn<br />

41, 103 97<br />

1, 406 79<br />

5, 000 00<br />

41, 103 97<br />

1, 406 79<br />

250 OA<br />

I, 15G 79<br />

5, 000 00<br />

41, 103 97<br />

26, 557, 307 89 593, 022 34 27, 150&330 23 18, 7S7&435 48 469, 709 73<br />

, 7, 893& 185 02



Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

!I<br />

O<br />

O<br />

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g1, D<br />

O &O<br />

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c&<br />

O O<br />

O )O<br />

N co<br />

S<br />

O O) cO<br />

Brought forward<br />

Light-bouse on Mare island, San Francisco bay, Cal<br />

For a first class light-house at Cape Mendocino,<br />

California, being the extreme western point of<br />

land on the Pacific coast<br />

Light-house at Trinidad bay, California.<br />

For a fog or ear signals to be erected in conjunction<br />

with a light-house on Point del Reyes, Cal<br />

For buoying out the channel and the bar at the<br />

entre, nce of Humboldt bay, California, and for<br />

three movable beacons to be provided with lens<br />

lanterns, to be kept in range with the channel<br />

Light-house at Red Bluff, on Whidby's island,<br />

Washington Territory<br />

For buoying out the channel of the Columbia river<br />

from the mouth of Willamette river to the<br />

cascade of the Columbia river, W. T<br />

For a light-house at Gray's harbor, W. T, aud for<br />

buoying out the channel and bar at said harbor<br />

Sais)ies of keepers and assistant keepers of lighthouses<br />

on the coasts of California, Oregon, and<br />

Washington, at an average not exceeding $800<br />

per annum<br />

Commission of 2$ per cent. to such superintendents<br />

as are entitled to the same on the coasts of<br />

California, Oregon, and Washington<br />

Expenses of raising, cleanicg, repairing, &c. ,<br />

beacons, buoys, chains, &c. , on the coasts of<br />

California, Oregon, and Washington<br />

Repairs ami incidental expenses of lights and buildings<br />

connected therewith on the coasts of California,<br />

Oregon, and Washington<br />

Oil and other supplies, cleaning materials, &c., for<br />

lights on the coasts of California, Oregon, and<br />

Washington .<br />

Providing a suitable vessel and maintaining the<br />

same in visiting lights, &c. , for inspections and<br />

delivering supplies, and for transportation of<br />

materials, supplies, and laborers for constructing<br />

and repairing light houses on tbe Pacific coast<br />

For the establishment of ear signals at West Quoddy<br />

Head and Boon island, Maine, at Boston, Massachusetts,<br />

at Sandy Hook, New Fork, at Charleston,<br />

at Savannah, at the Southwest Pass of the<br />

Mississippi river, and at Galveston, Texas<br />

Contingencies for life-saving apparatus on the coasts<br />

of tbe United States.<br />

Purchase of best self-righting life-boats, to be placed<br />

at each of the twenty-eight life-stations on the<br />

coast of New Jersey<br />

73<br />

56<br />

56<br />

56<br />

6, 478, 096 61 20, 079, 211 28<br />

9, 989 00<br />

14, 283 48<br />

18, 759 15<br />

2) 460 19<br />

5&928 52<br />

4, 746 16<br />

2, 048 62<br />

11, 951 50<br />

1, 242 00<br />

80, 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

2, 500 OC<br />

10. 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

2O, ODO Off<br />

4, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

111666 64<br />

30, 000 00<br />

20, 000 off<br />

Carried forward. . . . 20, 285, 377 9<br />

$6& 549) 505 23f


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9, 989 00 .<br />

7, 893, 185 02<br />

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80, 000 00<br />

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2, 500 00<br />

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20, 000 00<br />

22& 759 15 2Z, 759 15 17, 970 70 . 4, 788 45<br />

2, 460 19 2, 460 19 987 83 11472 3G<br />

8, 9ZB 52. 8, 928 52 11818 07 7&110 45<br />

4. 746 16 4& 746 1G 4, 74G 16<br />

13&715 26 . 13, 715 2G 3, 459 00 10&256 28<br />

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20& 000 OG'<br />

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20& 000 00<br />

1, 334 27<br />

1, 242 00------------ 1, 242 00<br />

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26, 834, S83 15 593, 02Z 34 27)427&905 4918&861, 024 47 479&993 21 8, 086, 887 81<br />


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460 00 460 00 . 460 00<br />

3, 487 41<br />

354, 972 18<br />

40, 062 25<br />

3&241 27<br />

6, 492 77<br />

151 99<br />

1&684 69<br />

7, 477 96<br />

19&179 80<br />

1, 767 24<br />

51 049 89<br />

1, 402 55<br />

1, 503 80<br />

18, 472 04 6, 987 65<br />

3, 487 41<br />

360, 022 07<br />

40, 062 25<br />

4, 643 82<br />

6&492 77<br />

314, 890 22<br />

499 00<br />

155 17<br />

20<br />

32 22 184 2]<br />

1, 684 69 1, 684 69<br />

7, 477 96 51 40<br />

19, 179 80.<br />

1, 767 24<br />

1, 503 80<br />

25, 459 69<br />

7&426 56<br />

3, 487 41<br />

45, 131 85<br />

39, 563 25<br />

41488 65<br />

6)492 57<br />

184 21<br />

19, 179 80<br />

17767 24<br />

1, 503 80<br />

14& 039 04 11& 420 65<br />

274 73 274 73 274 73<br />

24, 941 00<br />

3, 304 23<br />

7, 464 48<br />

2, 613 35<br />

24, 941 00<br />

3, 304 23<br />

7)464 4H<br />

27613 3G<br />

1, 831 71<br />

100 00<br />

3, 304 23<br />

5, 632 77<br />

24, 941 00<br />

2, 513 36<br />

2) 156 32<br />

2, 211 3l<br />

8, 646 21<br />

604 56<br />

710 35<br />

2&156 32<br />

2, 211 31<br />

8, 64G 21<br />

710 35 .<br />

604 56<br />

835 37<br />

5 00<br />

599 56<br />

2, 156 32<br />

Z, 211 31<br />

7, 810 84<br />

710 35<br />

600 00<br />

45, 909 83<br />

602 84<br />

600 00<br />

46, 512 67<br />

600 00<br />

1&779 72<br />

44, 732 95<br />

3, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

5, 300 00<br />

3) 388 44<br />

5, 300 00<br />

3, 388 44<br />

3& 388 4&<br />

5, 300 00<br />

155 28<br />

1, 721 85<br />

155 28<br />

1, 721 85<br />

18 42<br />

1, 721 85<br />

136 86<br />

27, 406, 128 15 607, 807 84 28, 013, 935 99 19, 201, 014 79 500, 481 63<br />

2S R<br />

8) 3127439 57




Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

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Brought forward<br />

Custom-house at Belfast, Maine<br />

For the accommodation of the custom house, post<br />

office, 8rc. , at Portsmouth, N. H. .<br />

Construction of a building at Burlington, Vermont,<br />

for the accommodation of the custom-house and<br />

post olf&ce.<br />

Custom-house, &c. ) at Bristol, Rhode Island. . .<br />

Custom-house at New Haven, Connecticut .<br />

Custom-house at Buffalo, New York. . . . . .<br />

Ten per cent. for contingent expenses, &c. , in erection<br />

of custom-house at Buffalo, New York<br />

'fen per cent. for the contingent expenses, &c. , in<br />

the erection of a custom-house at Plattsburg,<br />

New York<br />

Custom-house at Ogdensburg, New York.<br />

Tcn per cent. for contingent expenses, &c, of custom<br />

house and post oifice at Ogdensburg, N. Y .<br />

Custom-house at Oswego, New York. .. . .<br />

Custom-house and post office at Perth Amboy, N. J.<br />

'Ien per cent. for contingent expenses of customhouse<br />

and post ofiice at Perth Amboy, N. J<br />

For accommodation of the custom-house and post<br />

office at Georgetown, D. C. . ... ...<br />

Ten per cent. for contingent expenses, &c, of custom-house<br />

and post office at Georgetown, D. C. .<br />

Purchase of a site and erection of a custom-house<br />

at Norfolk, Virginia<br />

Customhouse, &c., at Wheeling, Virginia<br />

Custom-house, .&c. , at Petersburg, Virginia<br />

Ten per cent. for the contingent expenses of a<br />

custom-house at Alexandria, Virginia<br />

Repairs of theeustom-house at Baltimore, Md.<br />

Custom-house, &c., at Charleston, South Carolina. .<br />

Purchase of a site and erection of a custom-house,<br />

to contain rooms for post office, &c. ) at Mobile,<br />

Alabama<br />

Custom-house at New Orleans, Louisiana . . . . . . . .<br />

Custom-house at Galveston, Texas. . .<br />

Ten per cent for, contingent expenses in erection<br />

of custom-house at Galveston, Texas . . . . .<br />

Purcliase of a site and erection of a fire-proof building<br />

for a custom-house, independent treasury,<br />

&c, at St. Louis, Missouri. . .<br />

Purchase of a site and erection of a custom-house<br />

at Louisville, Kentucky.<br />

For the accommodation of the custom-house, post<br />

office, 8rc. , at Nashville, 'I'ennessee.<br />

Ten per cent. for contingent expenses, &c. , customhouse,<br />

post office, 8'c. , at Nashville, Tennessee .<br />

56<br />

59<br />

6, 789) 977 80 20, 616)150 35<br />

2, 131 37<br />

6)767 06. . .<br />

1, 364 25<br />

7, 156 50<br />

851366 55<br />

10&006 54<br />

72 66<br />

100& 000 00<br />

8, 858 25<br />

5, 122 02<br />

20& 000 00<br />

767 84<br />

960 38<br />

193 17<br />

1, 248 78<br />

60 98<br />

1) 535 12<br />

60, 714 f0<br />

9, 590 57<br />

17, 422 22<br />

78, 392 90<br />

1, 411 00<br />

15, 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

50, 000 0"<br />

2, 269 48. -. -- ~ ~ ~<br />

I) 130 92<br />

4 25<br />

9, 215 69<br />

15, 000 00<br />

95, 000 00 . --- -- ~-<br />

Carried forward 97, 315, 329 90 20, V17, 561 35

— Contimsecl.<br />


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27, 406, 128 15<br />

2, 131 37<br />

607, 807 84 28, 013, 935 9919, 201, 014- 79<br />

2& 131 37 2& 131 37<br />

500, 481 63 8&3121439 57<br />

6, 767 06<br />

1, 364 25<br />

7, 156 50<br />

85& 366 55<br />

53 23<br />

226 11<br />

6, 767 06 5, 083 97<br />

53 23' . .<br />

1& 364 25i<br />

7, 382 61<br />

85, 366 55<br />

1, 285 50<br />

1, 689 31<br />

53 23 .<br />

1&G83 09<br />

78 75<br />

5, 693 30<br />

85, 3G6 55<br />

10, 006 54<br />

10, 006 54<br />

198 40<br />

9, 808 14<br />

72 66<br />

100&000 00<br />

72 66<br />

100, 000 00<br />

25 00<br />

47 66<br />

100, 000 00<br />

8, 858 25<br />

5, 122 02<br />

20, 000 00<br />

8, 858 95<br />

5, 122 OZ<br />

20, 000 00<br />

69 88<br />

8, 858 25&<br />

5, 052 14<br />

20& 000 00<br />

767 84<br />

767 84<br />

142 50<br />

625 34<br />

960 38<br />

960 38<br />

960 38<br />

193 17<br />

193 17<br />

193 17<br />

1, 248 78<br />

1, 471 98<br />

1, 535 12<br />

1, 248 78<br />

1, 471 98<br />

1, 535 12<br />

486 00<br />

69S 75<br />

1, 518 50<br />

762 78<br />

16 62<br />

773 23<br />

15, 000 00<br />

80&714 60 3, 079 92<br />

11<br />

15, 000 00<br />

83&794 52<br />

13, 526 70<br />

79& 364 61<br />

1, 473 30<br />

4, 429 91<br />

9, 590 57<br />

67, 422 22<br />

&8, 392 90<br />

11, 686 10<br />

9, 590 57<br />

79, 108 32<br />

78&392 90<br />

555 50<br />

51, G14 82<br />

78 300 95<br />

9, 035 07<br />

91 95<br />

27, 493 50<br />

2, 269 48<br />

2&269 48<br />

721 25<br />

1, 548 23<br />

16&130 92<br />

4 25<br />

95& 000 00<br />

9&215 G9<br />

9&GOO 04 12&826 51<br />

6& 295 63 22, 426 55<br />

9, 215 69, 9, 215 69<br />

4 25<br />

95, 000 00<br />

4 25<br />

95, 000 00<br />

2S, 032&891 25 629, 148 94&28, 662, 040 1919, 448, 027 84 512«, 037 2&".<br />

,<br />

28, 701, 975 07


STATK3IE'ArT<br />

Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

&&l<br />

O<br />

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g, o<br />

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&p<br />

&o<br />

~<br />

Brought forward<br />

For the accommodation of the custom-house and<br />

post office at Knoxville, Tennessee . . . .<br />

Ten per cent. for contingent expenses, &c. , in erection<br />

of custom-house and post of5ce at Nashville,<br />

Tennessee<br />

Custom-house, &c. , at Toledo, Ohio. . . . . .<br />

Ten per cent. for contingent expenses, &c. , in erection<br />

of custom-house at Toledo, Ohio<br />

Construction of a building for the accommodation<br />

of the custom-hcuse and post oi5ce at Sandushy,<br />

0 hio.<br />

'<br />

Custom-house, &c., at Cleveland, Ohio.<br />

Ten per cent. for contingent expenses, &c. , in erec.<br />

tion of custom-house at Cleveland, Ohio. . .<br />

Custom-house at Chicago, Illinois . .<br />

Ten per cent. for contingent expenses, &c., in erection<br />

of custom-house at Chicago, Illinois<br />

For the accommodation of the custom house and<br />

post oi5ce at Galena, Illinois.<br />

Custom-house, &c. , at Cairo, Illinois.<br />

Custom-house, &c. , at Detroit, Michigan. .. . .<br />

Custom-bouse, &c., at Dubuque, Iowa. ... .<br />

(.'ustom-house,<br />

&c. , at San Francisco, California<br />

Erection of an appraiser's store for the customhouse<br />

at San 1'rancirco, California. .<br />

Custom-house at Astoria, Oregon<br />

Construction of warehouses at quarantine station,<br />

on the Mississippi river, below New Orleans<br />

Salaries and cozomissions of registers of laud of5ces<br />

and receivers of public moneys<br />

Expenses of depositing the public moneys by registers<br />

and receivers.<br />

For services heretofore performed<br />

receivers. .<br />

Incidental expenses of the several land oifices<br />

Salary of recorder of land titles in Missouri<br />

Salaries and incidental expenses of the commission<br />

by registers and<br />

appointed to settle land claims in California . . .<br />

An act to establish two additional land districts in<br />

Minnesota, &c<br />

Repayment for lands erloneously sold.<br />

Indemnity for swamp lands purchased by individuals<br />

Debentures and other charges. .<br />

Payment of war bounty land certificates, &c.<br />

Distribution of the proceeds of the sale of public<br />

lands<br />

49<br />

22<br />

49<br />

49<br />

36<br />

27<br />

8<br />

7, 315, 329 90 20& 717& 561 35<br />

871 997 50<br />

81570 69<br />

2&742 20<br />

674 69 . . . -. . . ---<br />

1, 407 51<br />

2& 356 37<br />

1&974 14<br />

68, 284 63<br />

17, 801 99 ---<br />

327 56<br />

50, 000 00<br />

151934 17<br />

58, 847 Sl<br />

181211 44<br />

7, 443 05<br />

39&938 43<br />

12, 908 10<br />

38, 176 77 262, 700 00<br />

251559 53 30& 000 00<br />

18, 453 60<br />

125 00<br />

4, 836 51 . . .<br />

189 45<br />

13, 939 20<br />

18, 109 78<br />

55, 402 Or<br />

192 28<br />

301000 08<br />

500 00<br />

38, 755 08<br />

48, 376 48<br />

35 8b<br />

Carried forward . - --- $7, 885, 542 10 21, 128, 121 08


~ontinueri.<br />

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28, 032)891 25<br />

629, 148 94 28, G62, 040 19 19, 448, 027 S4 512& 037 28 8& 701, 975 07<br />

87, 997 50<br />

87, 997 50<br />

87, 997 60<br />

8, 570 69<br />

2, 742 20<br />

674 69<br />

8, 570 69<br />

2, 742 20<br />

674 69 25 00<br />

8, 570 69<br />

2, 742 20<br />

G49 69<br />

1, 407 51<br />

2}356 37<br />

1, 407 51<br />

2, 356 37<br />

50 00<br />

851 60<br />

1, 504 77<br />

1, 357 51<br />

1, 974 14<br />

68& 284 63<br />

1, 974 14<br />

GB, 284 63<br />

75 On<br />

61, 160 80<br />

1, 899 14<br />

7, 123 83<br />

17, 801 99<br />

327 56<br />

50)000 00<br />

15, 934 17<br />

58, 847 Bl<br />

18&211 44<br />

7, 443 05<br />

39, 938 43<br />

12, 908 10<br />

300, 876 77<br />

55 559 63<br />

192 28<br />

48& 453 60<br />

625 00<br />

4&836 51<br />

189 45<br />

62, G94 29<br />

48&376 4H<br />

35 88<br />

18&109 78<br />

460 70<br />

95 78<br />

260 88<br />

17, 801 99<br />

327 56<br />

50, 000 00<br />

16&394- 87<br />

58, 847 Bl<br />

18, 211 44<br />

2, 320 00<br />

66 50<br />

13, 344 31<br />

45, 408 43<br />

801 30<br />

7, 443 05 5, 733 84 401 BG<br />

39, 938 43 --.. 39& 938 43<br />

13)003 88 3, 055 00<br />

301, 137 65 175, 472 22<br />

55 559 53 10&ZS1 25<br />

192 28<br />

48, 453 60<br />

625 00<br />

4, 836 51<br />

189 45<br />

52, 694 29<br />

48, 376 48<br />

35 88<br />

18& 109 78<br />

192 28<br />

29& 01G 25 .<br />

500 00 .<br />

1, 000 00<br />

39, 282 44<br />

41&357 57<br />

35 88<br />

15, 481 99<br />

261 OG<br />

50, 000 00<br />

3, 050 56<br />

13, 439 38<br />

17, 410 14<br />

1, 307 35<br />

7, 455 76 2, 493 12<br />

125, 665 43<br />

44, 778 28<br />

19, 437 35<br />

125 00<br />

3, 836 51<br />

189 45<br />

13, 411 85<br />

7, 018 91<br />

18& 109 I 8<br />

65&402 08<br />

55, 402 08<br />

29, 013&6G3 18 G29&966 30 29& 643, G29 48 19, 878, 557 51<br />

55, 402 08<br />

563& 237 24 9, 201) 834 73



Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

Brought forward. . . . . . . . .<br />

Surveying the public lands, per act of August 31,<br />

1852, &c.<br />

Resurveys, &c., of the public lands in the States<br />

where the offices of the surveyors general have<br />

been or shall be closed<br />

Surveying the public lauds and private land claims<br />

in California, including office expenses, &c. . . .<br />

Surveying liabilities incurred by the late surveyor<br />

general of California. .<br />

For the survey of the eastern boundary of California<br />

Surveying the necessary base, meridian, standard<br />

parallel, township, and section lines in Kansas<br />

and Nebraska.<br />

Surveying liabilities incurred by the late surveyor<br />

general of Kansas and Nebraska during the year<br />

ending June 30, 1859<br />

Surveying in Louisiana at augmented rates, &c. ,<br />

per acts of March 3, 1851 and 1855 .<br />

Refunding moneys where certain lands have been<br />

entered at the land office in the Greensburg (late<br />

Helena) land district, Louisiana.<br />

For surveying tbe public lands in Oregon, to be<br />

disbursed at the rates now authorized by law,<br />

per sct of March 3, 1859<br />

Surveying standard parallel and meridian lines<br />

over Coast mountains, &c. , in Oregon . . . . .<br />

For surveying the 46th parallel of north latitude,<br />

so far as it continues a common boundary between<br />

Oregon aud Washington Territory<br />

Surveying liabilities incurred by the late surveyor<br />

general of Oregon during the year ending June<br />

30, 1859, per act of May 24, 1860.<br />

For defraying the expenses of a geological reconnoissance<br />

snd explorations in Oregon and Washington<br />

Territories, over and above the appropriations<br />

of March 3, 1853 and 1855, per act of<br />

March 2, 1861<br />

Surveying township and subdivision lines, estimated<br />

at 4, 920 miles, in Washington Territory,<br />

at a rate not exceeding $12 per mile, &c. . .<br />

Surveying standard paralleland meridian lines in<br />

Washington Territory, an estimated distance of<br />

500 miles<br />

Surveying the public lands in Washington Terri-<br />

tory at the rates now authorized<br />

by la, w, per act<br />

of June 20, 1860.<br />

Completing the surveys of towns and villages in<br />

Missouri, including otilce-work, &c. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Ql<br />

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7) 885) 552 10 21&128) 121 08<br />

23, 412 73<br />

20, 301 69<br />

44-, 486 53<br />

30, 116 06<br />

11, 187 05<br />

20&000 00<br />

4& 861 53<br />

7, 716 77<br />

1, 950 36<br />

11, 65Z 19<br />

30, 836 58<br />

9, 955 08<br />

2, 925 82<br />

50, 000 00<br />

2&000 00<br />

20& 000 00<br />

55& 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

406 25<br />

15, 000 00<br />

4, 500 00<br />

3, 574 70<br />

15, 000 00<br />

Carried forward. . . $8) 104, 944 49 21, 313, 602 08



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73, 412 73, 30 38 73) 443 11 39, 773 27 33, 669 84<br />

22, 301 69<br />

22, 301 69<br />

2, 000 00<br />

15, 000 0(' 5, 301 69<br />

64, 486 53<br />

64, 486 53<br />

60, 176 84<br />

4, 309 69<br />

30, 116 0(J<br />

55& 000 00<br />

30, 116 06<br />

55, 000 00<br />

27, 935 18<br />

37, 551 19<br />

2, 180 88<br />

17, 448 81<br />

31&187 05 31, 187 05 19, 726 88 11, 460 17<br />

20, 000 00 .<br />

4, 861 53.<br />

20, 000 00<br />

4, 861 53<br />

15, 028 62<br />

4, 861 53<br />

4, 971 38<br />

40G 25 406 25 40G 25<br />

22, 71G (7 .<br />

1, 950 3G<br />

22, 716 7'I<br />

1& 950 36<br />

16, 896 16 5, 820 61<br />

1, 950 36<br />

4, 500 00 4, 500 00 4, 500 00<br />

11, 652 19 11) 652 19 7, 948 33 3, 703 86<br />

3, 574 70 3, 574 70 3, 574 70<br />

30, 83G 58 30, 83G 58 21, 883 75 8, 952 83<br />

9, 955 08 9&955 08 9, 470 11 484- 94<br />

15) 000 00<br />

2, 925& 82 .<br />

157000 00<br />

2, 925 82<br />

10) 488 56 4, 511 44<br />

2 925 82<br />

29 ' 278 91<br />

, 418, 54G 52i 629, 996 68i30, 048, 543 20 20) 156, 578, 237 24 9, 314, 027 05



Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

Brought forward . .<br />

Correcting erroneous and defective lines of public<br />

and private surveys in Illinois and Missouri, lkc.<br />

Examining and correcting imperfect and defective<br />

surveys in the northern part of the lower peninsula<br />

of Michigan<br />

Continuing the surveys in the northern portions of<br />

Iowa, Minnesot", Wisconsin, 3t;c. .<br />

Surveying the necessary base, meridian, standard<br />

parallel, township, and section lines in New<br />

Mexico.<br />

Surveying such of the private claims of New Mex-<br />

ico as shall have been confirmed by Congress,<br />

3rc. , per act of June 12, 1858 .<br />

Susveying the base, principal meridian, correction<br />

of parallels, township, and section lines in Utah<br />

Territory at augmented rates . . . . . . .<br />

Preparing the unfinished records of public and<br />

private surveys to be transferred to the State<br />

authorities in those districts where the surveys<br />

are about being completed<br />

Expense of running the boundary line between the<br />

State of Texas and Territory of New Mexico .<br />

Sn act to authorize the President of the United<br />

States, in conjunction with the State of Texas,<br />

to run and mark the boundary lines between<br />

tbe Territories of the United States and the State<br />

of Texas, approved June 5, 1858 .<br />

Running and marking that part of the western<br />

boundary of Minnesota which is not defined by<br />

natural landmarks, estimated at 130 miles, per<br />

act March 3, 1859.<br />

Expense of running aud marking the boundary<br />

line between the United States and Mexico, (arrearages)<br />

Compensation of commissioner and surveyor employed<br />

upon the boundary between the United<br />

States and Mexico<br />

For an additional land district in Washington Territory,<br />

per act May 16, 1860.<br />

Compensation of the clerks in the land oflice at<br />

Kickapoo, Kansas, in accordance with an act approved<br />

Sugust 18, 1856, as per act February 19,<br />

1861<br />

Expenses incurred in the analysis of eighty-eight<br />

specimens from difierent localities of soils, coals,<br />

and ores, and preparation of the final report for<br />

publication, per act March 2, 1861 .<br />

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8, 294 92<br />

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2, 687 91<br />

1& 094 67<br />

3, 855 25<br />

59& 449 05<br />

9, 880 59<br />

10, 000 00<br />

16, 857 52<br />

342 52<br />

12, 139 77<br />

6, 088 33<br />

10, 000 00<br />

8, 000 00<br />

10, 533 00<br />

6, 984 50<br />

Carried forward . t38&241&554 78 21, 349, 119 53


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9, 314, 027 05<br />

8, 294 92<br />

5&919 76 -. .<br />

8&294 92<br />

51919 76<br />

8& 294 92<br />

51919 7G<br />

2, G87 91<br />

2& 687 91<br />

21687 91<br />

11, 094 67 ---. . . 11, 094 67 8, 980 43----------- 2, 114 24<br />

3, 855 25 31855 25 3, 855 25<br />

59, 449 05--- 59, 449 05 1, 939 68------------ 57, 509 37<br />

9, 880 59<br />

9, 880 59<br />

31616 Bj<br />

6& 263 78<br />

10, 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

16&857 52 16&857 52 5, 000 00 11) 857 52<br />

342 59 342 52 342 52<br />

12&139 77 45 00 12, 184 77 ?70 9G 11& 413 81<br />

6, 088 33<br />

81000 00<br />

6, 088 33.<br />

8) 000 00 8, 000 00<br />

6) 088 33<br />

10, 533 00 10, 533 00 3, 553 00-- 6, 980 00<br />

61984 50 6, 984 50 6&984 50<br />

29, 590, 674 31 630&041 6830, 220, 715 9920, 191, 322 06 6101451 9' 9, 418& 942 01



Specioc objects of appropriation.<br />

Brought forward. . . . . . .<br />

To enable the Secretary of the Interior to supply<br />

such newly-created ofoces as are entitled thereto,<br />

&c. ) with full sets of the Statutes at Large, and<br />

to replace those once furnished to old oilices, per<br />

act June 25, 1860<br />

For the suppression of the slave trade .<br />

For removing to the coast of Africa, and there providing<br />

with food, shelter, and clothing for a<br />

term not exceeding one year from the date of<br />

landing in Africa the captured Africans recently<br />

landed in the southern district of Florida, per<br />

act June 16, 1860<br />

Roads and canals and improvements in navigation<br />

within the State of Alabama. . . . . . . . . .<br />

Two per cent. of the net proceeds of land sold by<br />

the United States and relinquished to the State<br />

of Alabama<br />

Roads and canals within the State of Missouri, on<br />

account of the 3 per cont. fund ..<br />

public lands sold in the State of Missouri ...<br />

Two per cent. of the net proceeds of the sales of<br />

Roads and levees within the State of Louisiana, (5<br />

per cent. fund)<br />

Two per cent. fund of the net proceeds of the sale<br />

of lands within the State of Minnesota. . Roads and canals within the State of Arkansas, on<br />

account of the 5 per cent. fund .. . ... . .. .<br />

Roads and canals within the State of Mississippi.<br />

Two per cent. of the net proceeds of lands sold by<br />

the United States and relinquished to the State<br />

of Mississippi.<br />

Roads and canals within the State of Michig'an<br />

Alterations and. repairs of the President's House. . .<br />

Refurnishing the President's House<br />

Compensation of the doorkeeper of the President's<br />

H ouse . .<br />

Assistant doorkeeper of the Presideni's House<br />

Two night watchmen in the President's House<br />

Furnace-keeper at the President's House. .<br />

Fuel in part for the President's House .<br />

Purchase of books for the library of the Executive<br />

mansion .<br />

For introducing Potomac water into the President's<br />

House .<br />

Removing the stone wall which forms the southern<br />

boundary of the park at the President's House<br />

Annual repairs of the Capitol, &c<br />

O<br />

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10, 700 32<br />

418 04<br />

150 00<br />

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300 00<br />

150 00<br />

710 47<br />

1, 000 00<br />

940& 000 00<br />

250&000 00<br />

4, 324 49<br />

2, 882 99<br />

81858 05<br />

5, 905 37<br />

13, 382 09<br />

8, 555 17<br />

65, 941 81<br />

7& 354 87<br />

4, 908 24<br />

3, 316 88<br />

6, 000 00<br />

20) 000 00<br />

600 00<br />

600 00<br />

1, 200 00<br />

600 00<br />

3, 600 00<br />

25O 00<br />

4, 420 00<br />

5, ooo 00<br />

Carried forward . . $8) 25!&188 6l 22, 702, 814 49

— Continued.<br />


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1, 000 00<br />

950) 700 32 855 93<br />

1, 000 00<br />

951, 556 25<br />

42 00<br />

121, 117 08<br />

958 00<br />

8301 439 17<br />

250&000 00<br />

250, 000 00<br />

149, 500 57<br />

100, 499 43<br />

4&324 49<br />

4&324 49<br />

4& 324 49<br />

2& 882 99<br />

2, 882 99<br />

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8& 858 05<br />

81858 05<br />

8, 858 05<br />

51905 37<br />

5, 905 37<br />

5) 905 37<br />

13, 382 09<br />

13& 382 09<br />

13& 382 09<br />

3, 555 17<br />

3, 555 17<br />

3, 555 17<br />

65, 941 81<br />

7, 354 87<br />

65, 941 81<br />

7& 354 87<br />

65, 941 81<br />

7 354 87<br />

4, 903 24<br />

3, 31G 88<br />

6, 000 00<br />

20, 418 04<br />

4, 903 24<br />

3, 316 88<br />

6)) 000 00<br />

20, 418 04<br />

4, 903 24<br />

3, 316 88<br />

6, 000 00<br />

7, 917 70<br />

12, 500 34<br />

750 00<br />

750 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

750 00<br />

3, 600 00<br />

750 00<br />

750 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

750 00<br />

3, Goo 00<br />

700 00<br />

700 00<br />

1&400 00<br />

700 00<br />

1, 800 00<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

100 00<br />

50 00<br />

1, 800 00<br />

960 47<br />

15 54<br />

976 01<br />

960 47<br />

15 54<br />

41420 00<br />

4, 420 00<br />

4&420 00<br />

5) 000 00 5, 000 00 5, 000 00<br />

30, 95G&948 10 630, 913 15 31& 587, 861 25, 20, 607) 584 84 610& 451 92, 10& 369, 824 49




Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

Brought forward. . .. ...<br />

Furnishing and ornamenting the Capitol with such<br />

works of art, &c., to be placed in either wing of<br />

the extension .<br />

To enable the President to contract with Hiram<br />

Powers for some work of art executed or to be<br />

executed by him, and suitable for an ornament<br />

to the Capitol<br />

Repairs of water pipes, Capitol<br />

Compensation of laborers for cleaning rotunda,<br />

water-closets, &c., Capitol. .. .. .<br />

Compensation of western gate keeper at the Capitol.<br />

Compensation of two watchmen to preserve the<br />

public grounds about the Capitol. . . . . .<br />

Compensation of one night watchman employed for<br />

the protection of the buildings lying south of the<br />

Capitol .<br />

Lighting the Capitol and President's House, and the<br />

public grounds around them<br />

For converting the old Senate chamber into a court<br />

room, the old court room into a law library, and<br />

fitting up the rooms in connexion with them for<br />

the use of the Supreme Court<br />

For fitting up the rooms in the centre building of<br />

the Capitol formerly occupied by the Senate<br />

Committees on Naval, military, and Indian<br />

Affairs, for the use of the Court of Claims.<br />

Erection of the north front of the Patent Office<br />

building<br />

Preparing the saloon of the west wing of the Patent<br />

Office for the reception of models, &c. . . . . . . . .<br />

Casual repairs of the Patent Oflice building . . . . . . . .<br />

Making cases and fitting up rooms in the Patent<br />

Office building to receive copy-right books, charts,<br />

and other copy-right matter, &c . .<br />

Collection of agricultural statistics, investigations<br />

for promoting agriculture and rural economy,<br />

and procurement of cuttings and seeds.<br />

Drawings to illustrate the report of the Commissioner<br />

of Patents<br />

Preservation of the collections of the exploring and<br />

surveying expeditions of the government.<br />

For constructing the cellar of the north front of<br />

the Patent Oflice building into oflices and storerooms,<br />

and for putting iron railing around the<br />

areas of the court-yard of said building, and for<br />

fiagging the same<br />

Patent fund.<br />

Carried forward. . .<br />

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& , 046, 620, 451 92 10) 437& 642 66<br />

81<br />




Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

Brought forward . .<br />

Purchase of a site and erecting in the neighborhood<br />

of Washington an asylum for the insane<br />

of the District of Columbia and of the army and<br />

navy<br />

Support, clothing, and medical treatment of the<br />

insane of the District of Columbia and of the<br />

army and navy at the asylum<br />

Heating and ventilating the entire unfinished re-<br />

mainder of the insane hospital edifice, etc . . . . . .<br />

For books and incidental expenses of the asylum.<br />

Furnishing the present hospital continuation, comprising<br />

the centre snd three sections of the wing<br />

For erecting, furnishing, lighting, and heating a<br />

lodge for colored women, corresponding to that<br />

already erected and occupied by colored men .<br />

For salaries and incidental expenses vf the Columbia<br />

Institute for the deaf, dumb, snd blind. .<br />

Maintenance and tuition of deaf, dumb, or blind<br />

pupils of the District of Columbia at the Columbia<br />

Institute<br />

Support and medical treatment of forty transient<br />

paupers, medical and. surgical patients in the<br />

Washington Infirmary .<br />

Support of the penitentiary in the District of Columbia<br />

Compensation of the warden, clerk, physician, chaplain,<br />

etc. , of the penitentiary, District of Columbia.<br />

Compensation of three inspectors of the peniten-<br />

tiary, District of Columbia. . . . . .<br />

Compensation of four draw-keepers and a watchman,<br />

and for fuel and oil for the lamps of the<br />

Potomac bridge .<br />

For taking down and rebuilding the southern span<br />

of the bridge across the Potomac, known as the<br />

" Long Bridge".<br />

Repairs of the Potomac, navy yard, and upper<br />

bridges, 6&, c<br />

Compensation of two draw-keepers, and for fue land<br />

oil for the lamps of the two bridges across the<br />

eastern branch of the Potomac<br />

To repay thc corporation of Georgetown, District<br />

of Columbia, all moneys heretofore advanced by<br />

said corporation towards the construction of the<br />

bridge over the Potomac at "Little Falls". . . .<br />

Compensation of the public gardener, Washington,<br />

District of Columbia .<br />

Laborers employed on the public grounds and President's<br />

grounds. .<br />

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30, 000 00<br />

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13& 640 00<br />

750 00<br />

3, 266 00<br />

3, 247 54<br />

12, 000 00<br />

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31, 779, 841 GO G32, 285 3G SZ, 412, 126 96 21, 305, 103 36 G2Z) 014 42 10, 485, 009 18<br />

97 36<br />

97 36<br />

7, 000 00<br />

7, 000 00 7, 000 00<br />

15, 431 90<br />

1&437, 000 00 386 00<br />

15 431 90<br />

1, 437, 38G 00<br />

10, 466 07<br />

900, 000 00<br />

4, 965 83<br />

5S7, SSG 00<br />

SZ, 034 10 32, 034 10 30, 5G2 58 1, 471 5Z<br />

5, 000 00 5& 000 00 5, 000 00<br />

121000 00 12, 000 00 12, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

31000 00<br />

922 75<br />

453, 615 02<br />

29 00 951 75<br />

12, 832 54 466, 447 56<br />

460, 264 87<br />

951 75<br />

6, 182 69<br />

20, 000 00<br />

20)000 00<br />

18&214 00 1, 786 00<br />

264 00<br />

264 00<br />

264 00<br />

293 75<br />

293 75<br />

293 75<br />

10, 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

SS, '776, 139 12 645, 894 2634, 422, 033 38 22& 746, 610 88 627) 111 78 111048, 310 72<br />

3211540 G4<br />

52) BS2 81<br />

321) 540<br />

52, 882<br />

64<br />

81<br />

294, 794 95<br />

Z8, 721 71<br />

26, 745 69<br />

24, 161 10<br />

6, 729 77<br />

6, 729 77<br />

3, 000 00<br />

3, 729 77<br />

5& 088 79<br />

5, 088 79<br />

5, 000 00<br />

88 79<br />

iN&162, 381 13 G45, 894 26 34, 808, 275 39 23, 078, 127 54 627, 111 7811, 103, 036 07

&&&<br />

~<br />



Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

]]&<br />

&&<br />

c]<br />

o<br />

O<br />

p, CI<br />

c] &-'&<br />

GO<br />

&]!<br />

c&<br />

w<br />

O<br />

w ]»<br />

A<br />

4<br />

A<br />

]]& 'c&<br />

0<br />

a<br />

]&!<br />

&&<br />

~<br />

~ Q~w<br />

]&I<br />

&&<br />

]e<br />

CQ<br />

&s& &]&<br />

Brought forward<br />

Salaries of assistant secretaries of legation at I, ondon<br />

and Paris.<br />

Salaries of United States consuls and commercial<br />

agents<br />

For estimated loss by exchange on drafts of consuls<br />

and commercial agents for salaries.<br />

Blank books, stationery,<br />

for consuls of the United States<br />

Office rent for those consuls-general, consuls, and<br />

commercial agents who are not allowed to trade<br />

Preservation of the archives of the consulates and<br />

commercial agencies of the United States<br />

arms, presses, fiags, 8!c. ,<br />

Interpreters, guards, aad other expenses of the consulates<br />

at Constantinople, Smyrna, Candia, 6rc<br />

Salary of the commissioner of claims to China<br />

Compensation of the commissioner to China and<br />

the consuls to the five ports in China<br />

Contingent expenses of the commission in China<br />

Interpreters to the consulates in China<br />

Compensation of interpreter to the mission to Japan<br />

Fxpenses of the envoys and suite constituing the<br />

Japanese embassy<br />

Expenses of intercourse with the Barbary powers. .<br />

Coutingent expenses nf all the missions abroad. .<br />

Contingent expenses of foreiga intercourse<br />

To carry into effect the convention between the<br />

United States aad Paraguay<br />

To defray the expenses of such delegates as nray be<br />

appointed by the President, on the part of this<br />

government, to attend the international congress<br />

which is to meet in London in July, 1860 . .<br />

Prosecution of the work, including pay of commissioner<br />

aad other expenses, provided in the<br />

first article of the reciprocity treaty with Great<br />

Britain<br />

Compensation of the commissioner, secretary, chief<br />

astronomer, Rc. , and contingent expenses of the<br />

commissioner to run and mark the boundary between<br />

the United States and British possessioos<br />

bounding on Washington Territory<br />

To enable the President to conclude a treaty of<br />

peace with Mexico.<br />

To meet the necessary expenses attendant upon the<br />

execution of the neutrality act of April 12, 1818, 8 c.<br />

Awards under the convention between the United<br />

States and Peru, concluded at Lima . . . .<br />

Awards under the convention with the Mexican<br />

republic<br />

37<br />

37<br />

37<br />

37<br />

37<br />

37<br />

37<br />

8& 586& 546 77 25, 575&834 36<br />

37&568 32<br />

19, 657 29<br />

32, 929 16<br />

16&875 25<br />

1&640 68<br />

2, 976 90<br />

6, 500 00<br />

4, 429 36<br />

1, 250 00<br />

5& 297 55<br />

43, 739 72<br />

71&452 79<br />

2&500 00<br />

23, 000 00<br />

384 50<br />

2& 919 48<br />

2, 134 66<br />

2, 250 47<br />

3&000 00<br />

268]750 00<br />

30, 000 00<br />

27, 370 00<br />

2& 500 00<br />

961 33<br />

367 90<br />

3& 000 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

40, 000 00<br />

2, 698 87<br />

150& 000<br />

Carried forward ----- $8, 864, 052 90 26, 129, 982 46

— Continued.<br />


pc<br />

0<br />

pc<br />

p<br />

'o p<br />

p o<br />

N<br />

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C<br />

)))&<br />

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p~ ')<br />

p<br />

~ c c)<br />

O<br />

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F<br />

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&D<br />

c)<br />

p<br />

c) cp c))<br />

Cf,<br />

p cp cc&<br />

cc)<br />

cc&<br />

34, 162, 381 13 645, 894 2634, 808, 275 3923, 078, 127 54 627& 111 78 11& 103, 036 07<br />

3, 000 00. 3, 000 00 3, 000 00<br />

306, 318 32 2, 03G 92 308, 355 24 257, 170 61 51, 1S4 63<br />

19, 657 29 19, 657 29 10, 139 75<br />

62& 929 1G 2, 076 25 65& 005 41 32, 939 93<br />

44, 245 25 3, 124 49 47, 369 74 20, 036 73<br />

1, 640 68 2, 433 32<br />

5, 47G 90<br />

961 33<br />

G& 500 00<br />

367 90<br />

7, 429 36<br />

3, 750 00<br />

8&297 55<br />

63, 739 72<br />

111& 452 79<br />

59 89<br />

24, 831 85<br />

3, 154 15<br />

3&741 45<br />

4, 074 00<br />

5, 536 79<br />

961 33<br />

6, 500 00<br />

367 90<br />

7) 429 36<br />

3) 750 00<br />

24, 831 85<br />

8) 297 55<br />

66, 893 87<br />

115, 194 24<br />

175 09<br />

3, 079 16<br />

961 33<br />

4, 334 23<br />

367 90<br />

5, 699 83<br />

3, 750 00<br />

6, 461 54<br />

2, 500 00<br />

G6, 665 08<br />

74, 451 84<br />

9, 517 54<br />

32, 065 48<br />

27)333 01<br />

3, 898 91<br />

2, 457 G3<br />

2, 165 77<br />

I, 729 53<br />

18, 370 31<br />

5, 797 55<br />

228 79<br />

40, )42 40<br />

2) 698 87<br />

2, G98 87<br />

2, 698 8&<br />

2& 500 00 2, 500 00 2, 500 00<br />

23& 000 00 23, 000 00 15, 000 00' 8, 000 00<br />

150& 000 00<br />

384 50<br />

2, 919 48<br />

2, 134 G6<br />

2, 250 47'<br />

5S4 48<br />

150, 000 00<br />

384 50 .<br />

3, 503 96<br />

2, 134 66<br />

2, 250 47<br />

110, 000 00<br />

1&000 00<br />

384 50<br />

40, 000 00<br />

2, 503 96<br />

2, 134 6G<br />

2, 250 47<br />

34) 994, 035 36 687& 937 06 35& 681, 972 42 23, 698, 559 43 627, 496 28 11, 356) 816 71



cd<br />

Q c&<br />

A<br />

Specifrc objects of appropriatiou.<br />

c&<br />

Q<br />

Q<br />

c&<br />

Q<br />

A &A<br />

Q cc&<br />

&&o<br />

c& cc<br />

O<br />

Q<br />

cd<br />

'<br />

cd<br />

4 A<br />

»& ~<br />

Q c&<br />

cd~<br />

cd<br />

T w~<br />

cc&<br />

Q cd<br />

A& c& Q&<br />

A &A cc<br />

Brought forward.<br />

Awards under the 15th article of the treaty between<br />

the United States snd Mexico, per act of<br />

February 2, 1848, and March 3, 1S49 .<br />

Awards under the convention between the United<br />

States and the emperor of Brazil<br />

Awards under the 1st article of the treaty of Ghent<br />

Awards under the convention with the king of the<br />

French .<br />

Awards under the convention with Denmark<br />

A. wards under the conventiou with the Two Sicilies<br />

Claims on France<br />

Claims on Spain.<br />

Expenses of releasing from captivity among the Indians<br />

of Queen Charlotte's island the crew and<br />

passengers of the American sloop " Georgiana"<br />

For defraying the expenses of carrying into effect<br />

the joint resolution of May 11, 1858, authorizing<br />

suitable acknowledgements to be made to the<br />

British naval authorities at Jamaica, &c. . .<br />

To defray the cost of a prison ship at Canton, in<br />

China, from January 1, 18o4, to January 1, 1857,<br />

and for compensation of the marshal of the consular<br />

court at Canton from January 1, 1854, to<br />

January 1, 1857.<br />

Compensation of the commissioner, secretary, interpreter&<br />

&c. , to adjust claims of citizens of the<br />

United States against New Granada, pursuant to<br />

the 8th section of the act of February 20, 1861<br />

To meet an extraordinary emergency which has<br />

arisen in bringing from Batavia 24 seamen of the<br />

ship "Staghound, " charged with mutiny<br />

Settlement of accounts of Edward Ely, deceased,<br />

late consul st Bombay<br />

Expenses incurred by Charles J. Helm, consul-geu-<br />

eral at Havana<br />

Expenses, &c., which may be incurred in rescuing<br />

citizens of the United States from shipwreck.<br />

Relief and protection of American seamen. . . . . .<br />

For expenses incurred under instructions from the<br />

Secretary of State in bringing horne from foreign<br />

countries persons charged with crime, and expenses<br />

incident thereto.<br />


Redemption of United States steel-, loan of 1846<br />

Payment of interest on the public debt created<br />

since July 21, 1841<br />

Carried forward<br />

37<br />

15<br />

17<br />

8&864, 052 9026, 129&982 46<br />

211, 110 29<br />

15, G72 95<br />

4, 112 89<br />

4& 945 94<br />

2, 453 53<br />

166 67<br />

11, 731 02<br />

2&427 31<br />

6, 208 60<br />

3, 000 00<br />

4&760 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

9, 792 00<br />

1, 832 49<br />

7, 146 33<br />

5, 000 00<br />

33, 903 53 200& 000 00<br />

10& 000<br />

9& 1Gl& 785 63 26& 367& 513 2<br />

1, 000 00 I, 000 00<br />

22 01 2, 965, 984 00<br />

f9, 162, 807 64, 29, 334, 497 28


~ontinoerl.<br />

)n<br />

A<br />

0<br />

c& v<br />

cn<br />

C)<br />

eE<br />

SQ<br />

o c&<br />

5&&<br />

C' M<br />

n<br />

o<br />

&X)<br />

o<br />

U) C<br />

Q<br />

C<br />

C<br />

O CC<br />

O<br />

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&<br />

f CA<br />

o<br />

)))&<br />

~<br />

CVJ<br />

o o<br />

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C' . A<br />

ov<br />

ao<br />

o M<br />

d<br />

A o<br />

U c<br />

A )A<br />

oc<br />

o<br />

v A<br />

CC<br />

o m<br />

CD<br />

„c<br />

C&<br />

0 A<br />

cn W<br />

o<br />

AA<br />

34& 994& 035 36 687, 937 06 35&681, 972 42 23, 698, 559 43 627, 496 28 11, 356, 816 71<br />

211&110 29<br />

211, 110 29<br />

2, 895 22<br />

208, 215 07<br />

15, 672 95<br />

4, 112 89<br />

15, 672 95<br />

4, 112 89<br />

1& 000 00<br />

14, 672 95<br />

4, 112 89<br />

4, 945 94<br />

2, 453 53<br />

166 67<br />

11&731 OZ<br />

2, 427 3l<br />

4, 945 94<br />

2, 453 53<br />

166 67<br />

11, 731 02<br />

2. 427 31<br />

4, 945 94<br />

2, 453 53<br />

166 67<br />

11, 731 02<br />

2, 427 31<br />

6, 208 60 6, 208 60 6, 208 60<br />

3, 000 00. 3& 000 00<br />

C<br />

3, 000 00<br />

4) 760 00<br />

4, 760 00<br />

4, 756 52<br />

3 48<br />

1, 000 00<br />

9&792 00 . .<br />

1, 000 00<br />

9& 792 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

9, 792 00<br />

1, 832 49<br />

1, 832 49<br />

1, 832 49<br />

7, 14G 33<br />

7, 14G 33<br />

7, 146 33<br />

5, 000 00<br />

233) 903 53<br />

4, 802 72<br />

3, 133 58<br />

9, 802 72'<br />

237, 037 11'<br />

6, 000 00<br />

201, 610 29<br />

3) 802 72<br />

35, 426 82<br />

10, 000 00<br />

35, 529, 298 )J1<br />

10& 000 00 6, 684 6)1<br />

695, S73 36 36, 225, 172 27123, 944, 27 6 89<br />

3, 315 39<br />

627& 499 76 &11, G53, 395 62<br />

2, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00i j2, 000 00<br />

2, 96G, OOG 01 37 101 75 3, 003& 107 76' 3, 003, 107 76<br />

38, 497, 304 92 73Z)975 11 39, 230, 280 03 26, 949, 384 65[ G27, 499 76 11, G53, 395 62



Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

w<br />

V<br />

cd<br />

O<br />

cll<br />

Q&<br />

O<br />

d&<br />

d&<br />

d&<br />

cd<br />

o~<br />

d&<br />

00<br />

I<br />

cd &»<br />

O<br />

d&<br />

o &d<br />

cc! .<br />

d!<br />

d& d&<br />

A d&<br />

0 r&r&<br />

~ c<br />

cc&<br />

r&<br />

cd c»<br />

d& dd<br />

Q<br />

&d&O<br />

n'crd d&<br />

Brought forward<br />

Interest on the funded debt, (old) . .<br />

Redemption of bounty land stock under act of<br />

February 11, 1847<br />

Interest on bounty land stock under act of February<br />

11, 1847<br />

Reimbursement of treasury notes, per acts prior<br />

to July 22, 1846<br />

Reimbursement of treasury notes, per act of July<br />

22, 1846.<br />

Interest on treasury notes, per act of February 9,<br />

1847<br />

Payment of treasury notes, per 9th section of act of<br />

December 23, 1857<br />

Interest on treasury notes, per 9th section of act of<br />

December 23, 1857<br />

Payment of such creditors of Texas as are compre-<br />

hended in the act of September 9, 1850. . . . . . . .<br />

Redemption of United States five per cent. stock<br />

issued for paying the principal and interest of<br />

the 4th and 5th instalments of the Mexican indemnity,<br />

&c. , as authorized per 1st section of<br />

act of !august 10, 1846<br />

Payment of interest on the Mexican indemnity,<br />

per act of February 9, 1847<br />

Payment of certificates, as authorized per acts of<br />

March 3, 1849<br />

Reimbursement of treasury notes, pursuant to the<br />

act of Congress of June 28, 1847 . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Payment of treasury notes, per 9th section act December<br />

17, 1860<br />

Payment of interest on treasury notes, per 9th<br />

section act December 17, 1860<br />

Payment of treasury notes, per 4th section act<br />

March 2, 1861<br />

Payment of interest on treasury notes, per 4th<br />

section act March 2, 1861 .<br />

Department of the Interior<br />

Military establishment.<br />

Naval establishment<br />

15<br />

15<br />

29<br />

16<br />

57<br />

29<br />

57<br />

9& IG2, 807 64 29, 334, 497 28<br />

31<br />

8&875 00<br />

2, 785 81<br />

1& 768 31<br />

593, 500 00 l7, 487, 050 00<br />

33, 976 87<br />

190&980 60<br />

1& 104 91<br />

311 11<br />

138 64<br />

300 00<br />

50 00<br />

1, 028, 060 49<br />

100 00<br />

68& 350 00<br />

379 58<br />

586, 050 00<br />

5, 7l5 59<br />

9, 996& 249 20 48, 510, 552 94<br />

2, 840, 711 47 4, 012, G35 09<br />

4, 316, 909 02 32, 763, 855 16<br />

4, 177, 232 43 23, 305, 139 51<br />

21. 331& 102 12 108, 592, 182 70

— Continued.<br />


C<br />

ca<br />

O<br />

D&<br />

al<br />

FQ<br />

CD<br />

C<br />

a/<br />

ta& O<br />

C)&<br />

g Ot P<br />

M<br />

Pj,<br />

O<br />

en<br />

O<br />

ao<br />

DD c&D<br />

V<br />

go<br />

)D<br />

O<br />

C&<br />

H<br />

C<br />

O CD<br />

QWI<br />

g al<br />

~ cp cr/<br />

~ Cr&<br />

O<br />

O<br />

'g n'G<br />

a!<br />

O a<br />

ca<br />

C<br />

C<br />

g<br />

S CD<br />

&D DC& ~<br />

al<br />

C<br />

O DD<br />

Oo<br />

C' aa<br />

C<br />

C<br />

)/l )<br />

O<br />

38, 497, 304 92<br />

31<br />

8, 875 00<br />

2&785 81<br />

732& 975 11 39, 230, 280 03 26, 949, 384 65<br />

31<br />

8, 875 00 100 00 .<br />

2, 785 81<br />

9 06<br />

627, 499 76 11& 653, 395 62<br />

31<br />

8, 775 00<br />

2, 776 75<br />

300 00<br />

300 00<br />

300 00<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

50 00<br />

1)768 31<br />

1, 76S 31<br />

34 10<br />

1, 734 21<br />

18, 080& 550 00<br />

1, 062, 037 36<br />

18& 080, 550 00<br />

1, 062, 037 36<br />

18, 080, 150 00<br />

1, 062, 012 96 .<br />

400 00<br />

24 40<br />

190, 9SO 60<br />

190, 980 60<br />

78, 884 16<br />

1 12) 096 44<br />

1, 104 91<br />

1, 104 91<br />

1, 104 91<br />

311 11<br />

311 11<br />

311 1]I<br />

138 64<br />

138 64<br />

138 64<br />

100 00<br />

68& 350 00<br />

379 58<br />

100 00<br />

68, 350 00<br />

379 58<br />

100 00<br />

68, 350 00 .<br />

379 58<br />

586& 050 00<br />

5) 715 59<br />

586, 050 00<br />

5, 715 59<br />

58, 506, 802 14 732, 975 11 59, 239) 777 25&<br />

6&853, 346 56 223, 683 65 7, 077, 030 21<br />

37&080, 764 18 2, 369, 725 21 39, 450, 489 39<br />

27& 482& 371 94 1, 996&520 93 29, 478, 892 87<br />

586, 050 00<br />

5, 715 59<br />

46, 831, 520 10<br />

4) 123 764 55<br />

25, 371, 255 88<br />

14, 38 J, 677 45<br />

627, 949 5]i]1, 780, 307 64<br />

5, 875 72 2, 947, 389 94<br />

53, 210 05 14, 026, 023 46<br />

69& 426 27 15& 025& 789 15<br />

129, 923, 284 82 5) 322) 904 90 135 246 1S9 72 90, 710, 217 98 756, 461 55 43, 779, 510 19


i% OTKS.<br />


(1. ) The amount appropriated for "clerl's, 6rc. , in office of Secretary of<br />

War" was<br />

To which add this sum transferred from-<br />

"Clerl-s, Rc. , in office of Chief Engineer"<br />

14, 000 06<br />

1, 400 00<br />

$15, 400 00<br />

(2.) The amount appropriated for "clerks and messenger in office of Adjutant<br />

General" was<br />

To which add this sum transferred from—<br />

"Clerks, 6rc. , in office of Paymaster General"<br />

13, 640 00<br />

1, 200 00<br />

$13, 840 00<br />

(3. ) The amount appropriated for "clerks, &c, in office of Paymaster<br />

General" ivas<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct this sum transferred to-<br />

"Clerks, &c.<br />

&<br />

in ofiice of Adjutant General"<br />

12& 440 00<br />

1& 200 00<br />

$11, 240 00<br />

(4. ) The amount appropriated for "clerks, kc. , in oiHce nf Topographical<br />

E&ngineers" was . .<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct this sum transferred<br />

"Clerks, 6ic. , in office of Chief Engineer"<br />

to-<br />

10, 640 00<br />

1& 600 00<br />

$9, 040 00<br />

(5. ) The amount appropriated for " clerks, &c, in oificeof Chief Engineer"<br />

was<br />

To which add amount transferred from—<br />

"Clerks, &c. , in office of Topographical Engineers" .<br />

8, 240 00<br />

1, 600 00<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct amount transferred<br />

"Clerks, 3rc. , in office of Secretary of War"<br />

to-<br />

9, 840 00<br />

1, 400 00<br />

8, 440 00<br />

(6. ) On the 1st day of July this balance was $126, 307 29, all of which<br />

was transferred to the purchase of a site and erection of a post<br />

oflice and court-house at Philadelphia, Pa.<br />

(7. ) On the 20th day of July this balance was $78, 000, all of which was<br />

transferred asabove.<br />

(8.) This amount, $204, 307 29, is made up from the two above transfers.<br />

(9.) The aiuount appropriated for the "continuation of the treasury buildin<br />

'no" was<br />

To which add this sum transferred from the books of the Interior&<br />

"for removing stone wall, &c., at the President's<br />

grounds" .<br />

350, 000 00<br />

i5, 000 00<br />

$365, 000 00


(10. ) On the 1st day of July, 1861, this balance was<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct this sum transferred<br />

' Pier and mole at Oswego, V. Y. "<br />

to-<br />

30, 000 00<br />

101000 00'<br />

$20, 000 00<br />

(11. ) On the 1st day of July, 1861, this balance was $16, 000, which wss<br />

transferred to treasury ledger No. 10 — continuation of the treasury.<br />



8 YATEiilZXT<br />



ALSO<br />





FOR<br />



WITH<br />

T7Ie unexpended balances on the 30t7i day of' June, 1861, Iohich are to be<br />

accounted for in the next anneal statement.<br />

Nors. — The figures in the columns of this statement headed '' References to acts,<br />

" refer<br />

to the particular acts of appropiiation (on the next pages) which authorize the expenditure<br />

of the suins placed in the columns headed "Appropriations for the fiscal year ending<br />

June 60, 1861. "



Statement ezhibiting the baLances of appropriations unezpended on the 1st of<br />

ment of' the Interior for the fiscaL year ending June 30, 1861; together ~'th<br />

counted for in the nezt annual statement.<br />


1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

41<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

March 3, 1819<br />

April 16, 1836<br />

April 20, 1836<br />

Jan. 9, 1837<br />

April 6, 1838<br />

July 3, 1856<br />

March 3, 1860<br />

June 9, 1860<br />

Dec. 21, 1860<br />

Jan, 23, 1861<br />

Jan. 23, 1S61<br />

Feb. 23, 1861<br />

March 2, 1861<br />

March 2, 1S61<br />

March 2, 1861<br />

June 25, 1861<br />

An act malring provision for the civilization of Indian tribes adjoin<br />

Au act in addition to an act entitled "An act in relation to the navy<br />

An act carrying into ei'feet the treaties with the Chickasaw tribe of<br />

An act to regulate in certain cases the disposition of the proceeds of<br />

An act directing the transfer of money unclaimed by' certain pension<br />

An act for tbe relief of 0. M. Wozencraft.<br />

An act for the relief of Ann Scott.<br />

An act making appropriations for the current and contingent<br />

tribes, for the year ending June 30, 1861.<br />

An act making appropriations for the payment of invalid and other<br />

An act for the relief of 0. D. Yairbsnks.<br />

An act for the relief of the children of the late Captain Capron,<br />

An act for the relief of Azel Spaulding.<br />

An act making appropriatious for the support of the army for the<br />

An act making appropriations for the current and contingent<br />

tribes for the year ending June 30, 1862.<br />

An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the<br />

An act making appropriatious for sundry civil expenses of the


July, 1860; also the appropriations and expenditures on account of the Departthe<br />

unexpended balances on the 30th day of' June, 1861, uhick are to be ac-<br />

hers or AppnopnIATIoxs.<br />

ing the frontier settlements<br />

pension fund.<br />

"<br />

Indians.<br />

lands ceded by the Indian tribes in the United States.<br />

ers, and authorizing the payment of the same at the treasury of the United States.<br />

expenses of the Indian Department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various<br />

pensions of the United States for the year ending June 30, 1862.<br />

year ending June 30, 1862.<br />

expenses of the Indian Department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various<br />

government for thc year ending June 30, 1862.<br />

government for the year ending June 30, 1861.



Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

o<br />

C&<br />

o<br />

)&I<br />

o<br />

o~<br />

o<br />

)X&<br />

&e m<br />

W<br />

0<br />

~~ »&<br />

c& 0<br />

)e<br />

ro<br />

&)<br />

I» o<br />

n<br />

i&<br />

o o<br />

4<br />

1e<br />

» o<br />

)-&<br />

)&&<br />

)» o<br />

c) &n c»<br />

Pensions—<br />

Invalid, army.<br />

A. cts March 18, 1818; May 15, 1828; June 7,<br />

1<br />

Acts July 4, 1836, sec. 3; July 7, 1838; March<br />

3, 1843; June 17, 1844; Feb. 2 and July 29,<br />

1848; Feb. 3, 1853, sec. 2 ... ... ...<br />

Acts July 21, 1848; Feb. 3, 1853, sec. 1; and<br />

under special acts of Congress. .<br />

Act June 3, 1858.<br />

Act June 7, 1832<br />

Act, July 4, 1836<br />

Acts June 7, 1844; Feb. 2 and July 29, 1848<br />

Half pay to widows and orphans, payable<br />

through the Third Auditor's of'fice. ..<br />

Unclaimed, army.<br />

Invalid, navy<br />

Navy, (five years, ) to widows aud orphans,<br />

act August 11, 1848. . . . . .<br />

Privateer, navy<br />

Unclaimed, navy<br />

Navy pension fund<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Blackfoot nation of Octo-<br />

ber 17, 1855 .<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Comanches, Kiowas, and<br />

Apaches of Arkansas river. . .<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Chippewas of Lake Supe-<br />

rior of September 30, 1854.<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Chippewas of Lake Superior<br />

and the Mississippi.<br />

Fulfilling treaty ivith the Chippewas of Saginaw<br />

Fulfillin treaty with the Chippewas of baginawproceeds<br />

of land.<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Chippewas of Saginaw,<br />

Swan Creek, and Black river. . .<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Chippewas of the Mississippi<br />

of February 22, 1855 .<br />

Fulfilling treaty ivith the Chippewas, Menomonees,<br />

Wionebagoes, aod New York Indians<br />

Fulfillin treaty with the Chippewas, Ottawas, and<br />

Pottawatomics<br />

Fulfillin treaty with the Cherokees — proceeds of<br />

laod<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Creeks.<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Creeks — proceeds of land<br />

Fulfilliog treaty with fhe Chickasaws<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Ciiristian Indians.<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Choctaws<br />

Carried forward<br />

8<br />

41<br />

44<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

4q<br />

2<br />

20, 745 24 425, 000 00<br />

42, 008 65<br />

89, 258 29 200, 000 00<br />

375 67<br />

24<br />

5 58<br />

61<br />

60, 000 00<br />

136, 527 64<br />

32, 478 62 „„<br />

4, 128 59 14, 046 98<br />

200 12 43, 000 00<br />

1 11<br />

859 93<br />

9, 679 47<br />

120&000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 739 89<br />

24, 0B3 37<br />

38&810 25 35, 000 0<br />

3, 234 64 25, 000 00<br />

28, 700 41 48, 146 66<br />

28&445 60<br />

4, 090 08<br />

3, 461 80<br />

11, 803 24 20, 240 00<br />

2, 145 25<br />

2, 895 25<br />

800 00 .<br />

40 45<br />

32, 912 06<br />

63 78<br />

800 00<br />

5, 868 46<br />

66) 286 67<br />

1, 500 00<br />

49&140 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

35, 520 00<br />

8363, 913 39 1, 309, 231 21

— Continued.<br />


O<br />

c<br />

Cd<br />

C)<br />

O<br />

cd<br />

Pl<br />

Cd<br />

O<br />

A<br />

+<br />

cn<br />

p<br />

O<br />

p<br />

O O<br />

x<br />

7/&<br />

D<br />

C&cP W<br />

)O A<br />

Oa<br />

A<br />

O<br />

I<br />

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O cd<br />

v OD<br />

cC m CO<br />

cn c<br />

gJ<br />

. = s)&<br />

C) .<br />

g<br />

c&)<br />

A<br />

cd<br />

cc D<br />

~ cp CO<br />

F4<br />

O O<br />

cr<br />

O c<br />

M<br />

O<br />

I-"I cc m<br />

C c7)<br />

c'. ~<br />

O<br />

O<br />

cc<br />

Ci<br />

O<br />

A<br />

O<br />

445, 745 24<br />

7&881 63<br />

453&626 87 417)407 26<br />

36, 219 61<br />

421008 65<br />

150 00<br />

42, 158 65 23, 358 47<br />

18, 800 18<br />

289, 258 29 8, 618 26 297&876 55 238, 700 28 59, 176 27<br />

60& 375 6&7<br />

13G& 527 64<br />

2 f<br />

6 Gn<br />

61<br />

1, 938 13<br />

627 99<br />

62, 313 80<br />

137 155 63<br />

24<br />

5 58<br />

61<br />

60, 734 20<br />

135, 655 63<br />

1, 579 Go<br />

11500 00<br />

24<br />

5 58<br />

61<br />

32, 478 62<br />

18, 175, &7<br />

43, 200 12<br />

20 00<br />

8 87<br />

32, 498 62<br />

18, 1S4 44<br />

43, 200 12<br />

1, 631 98<br />

14, 755 13<br />

39, 106 59<br />

30)866 64<br />

3)429 31<br />

4, 003 53<br />

120, 001 11<br />

1& 859 93<br />

1) 739 80<br />

33) 7GZ 84<br />

45 38<br />

6 64<br />

4& 092 88<br />

120, 046 49<br />

1, 866 47<br />

1, 739 89<br />

37, 855 72<br />

119, 935 10<br />

782 00<br />

1, 739 80<br />

2, 261 37<br />

111 39<br />

1& 084 47<br />

35, 594 35<br />

73& 810 25<br />

737810 25 151232 58<br />

58, 577 67.<br />

28& 234 64<br />

28&234 64 16, 207 75<br />

11, 526 89<br />

76&847 07<br />

767 847 07 41& 582 85<br />

35&264 22<br />

28, 445 60<br />

41090 08<br />

3&461 80<br />

32, 043 24<br />

28, 445 60<br />

4, 090 08<br />

3, 461 80-<br />

32, 043 24 17, 491 80<br />

7, 000 00 21, 445 60<br />

4&000 08<br />

3, 461 80<br />

14&551 44<br />

68, 431 92<br />

68) 431 92 64, 390 42<br />

4, 041 50<br />

41 395 25<br />

4, 395 25<br />

1, 125 00<br />

3, 270 25<br />

800 00<br />

800 00<br />

800 00<br />

40 45<br />

BZ, 052 06<br />

63 78<br />

3, 000 00<br />

800 00<br />

41&3SB 4G<br />

40 45<br />

82, 052 OG<br />

63 78<br />

3, 000 00<br />

800 00<br />

41, 388 46<br />

56, 400 1G<br />

12, 460 00<br />

800 00<br />

40 45<br />

25& 651 90<br />

63 78<br />

3, 000 00<br />

28, 928 46<br />

, G73, 044 60 23) 3S9 GB<br />

1 696 ) 434 28 1 288, 548 46I 800 00 407& OS5<br />

&<br />

82<br />

30 a



&&&<br />

&&&<br />

Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

o<br />

&0<br />

c&<br />

w<br />

o<br />

O &&&&<br />

w<br />

0<br />

&» W<br />

&&&<br />

c &&0<br />

v n<br />

«&<br />

G &»<br />

~&i<br />

«& w<br />

Q& &&&<br />

N &&&&<br />

&&3<br />

~ A &&&<br />

Brought forward<br />

FnlfiUing treaty with the Choctaws' orphan reservations<br />

— proceeds of land.<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Chests, Scoton, and<br />

Umpqua Indians.<br />

Fulfilling treaties with the Chippewa and Christian<br />

Indians — proceeds of land.<br />

Fulfilling treaty with thc Calapooia, Molala, and<br />

Clackama Indians.<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the confederated tribes and<br />

bands in middle Origon. . . . .<br />

I&'ulfilling treaty with the Divaiuish and other allied<br />

tribes in Washington Territory<br />

Fulfilliog treaty with the Delawares<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Delawares — proceeds of<br />

land.<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Flatheads and other confederated<br />

tribes<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Florida Indians or Seminoles.<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Iowas. .<br />

Fulfilling treaty with tbe Iowss — proceeds of land<br />

Fulfilling treaty with tbe Rsnsss<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Riel-apoos.<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Raskaskias, Peorias,<br />

Wess, and Piankeshaws. . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Fulfilling treaty with tbe Kaskaskias, Peorias,<br />

Wess, and Pisnkeshaws — proceeds of land<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Miamis.<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Miamis of Fel river<br />

Fulfilling treaty with tbe Menoiuonces<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the &M&aki&h tribe<br />

Fulfilling tres, ty with the Iloli-1 Indians<br />

Fulfilliug treaty with the Nes Percds. . . .<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Ottawas and Chippewas<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Ottaivas and Cbippeivas<br />

of Michigan<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Osages. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Omahas<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Ottawas<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Ottawss of Kansas<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Ottoes aud Mi& sourias<br />

Fnltilling treaty ivith the Pottawstomies<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Pottawstomies of the<br />

If uron<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Pawnees<br />

FuPdlling treaty with the Pu&&et Sound Indi&ms<br />

Fulfilliug treaty with the 1'oncas. .<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Quapavvs. . . . . . . . . .<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . .<br />

7<br />

363& 813 39 1, 309, 231 21<br />

16& 033 80<br />

29, 856 32<br />

21, 126 58<br />

89& 250 00<br />

5, 700 00<br />

31, 448 22<br />

8& 000 00<br />

300 00<br />

38, 500 00<br />

3, 513 56 3& 654 00<br />

59, 787 49<br />

37& 102 67<br />

28, 370 89<br />

2, 055 46<br />

35& 464 73<br />

28, 674 51<br />

7, 095 27<br />

I& UG3 65'<br />

'<br />

44, 493 82,<br />

40, 762 84i<br />

1, 100 00<br />

38, 231 77<br />

14, OOO OO<br />

17& 100 00<br />

90, 850 0&&<br />

2, 553 13<br />

31, 722 8f,<br />

25 756 91<br />

4, 579 3oi<br />

1, 734 OO<br />

2, 300 00<br />

4, 109 24<br />

G6& 648 02<br />

400 00<br />

2, 843 35,<br />

8, 700 ool<br />

8& 248 33'<br />

1& 131 79<br />

2, 000 00<br />

32, 200 00<br />

2& 875 00<br />

2o, noo on<br />

14, 000 00<br />

4, 317 47<br />

42, 602 89<br />

1, 100 00<br />

21& 51G 66<br />

10, 000 00<br />

53, 540 00<br />

3, 456 00<br />

33, 940 00<br />

2, 600 00<br />

16, 940 00<br />

G3, 420 00<br />

400 00<br />

101& 080 00<br />

8, 700 00<br />

24, 500 00<br />

2, G60 00<br />

61& 168& 9?3 GGI 1& 820& 181 45

— Continued.<br />


o<br />

0<br />

r„Cr<br />

'r.<br />

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~ go"<br />

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~<br />

cC cA cr&<br />

oo<br />

0 C&<br />

+<br />

I<br />

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o<br />

CQ<br />

I<br />

0<br />

(3 Aao<br />

C)l<br />

CC&<br />

h, CO<br />

CO<br />

A&<br />

A o&<br />

A cr&<br />

4' O o<br />

O<br />

A<br />

(Q<br />

o<br />

1, 673, 044 60<br />

23, 3S9 68<br />

1& 6961 434 28<br />

1, 288& 548 46<br />

800 00 407& 085 82<br />

16, 033 80<br />

167033 80<br />

141 36<br />

15, S92 44<br />

35, 556 32<br />

35, 556 32<br />

10, 670 00<br />

24, 886 32<br />

31, 448 22<br />

31, 448 22<br />

5, 531 85<br />

251916 37<br />

29, 126 58<br />

89& 550 00<br />

9& 125 00<br />

29, 126 58<br />

98, 675 00<br />

19, 700 00<br />

61, 831 84.<br />

9, 426 58<br />

36, 843 16<br />

381500 00<br />

7, 1G7 56<br />

1, 500 00<br />

35 54<br />

40, 000 00<br />

7, 203 10<br />

29, 191 25<br />

3& 654 00<br />

10, 808 75<br />

3, 549 10<br />

59&787 49<br />

59, 787 49<br />

41914 68<br />

54& S72 81<br />

39, 102 G7<br />

709 75<br />

39, 812 42<br />

20, 081 21<br />

19, 731 21<br />

60&570 89<br />

4, '9JO 46'<br />

35& 464 73<br />

48, 674 51<br />

21, 095 27<br />

52. 917 25<br />

117 28<br />

113, 488 14<br />

4& 930 46<br />

35, 464 73<br />

48, 674 51<br />

Zl&212 5or<br />

311077 00<br />

689 60<br />

14, 986 81<br />

16, 868 30<br />

121 295 28<br />

82, 411 14<br />

4, 240 86<br />

20)477 92<br />

31, 806 Zl<br />

8, 917 27<br />

1, 063 65<br />

1, 0G3 65<br />

1)063 65<br />

48&811 29<br />

83, 365 73<br />

2& 200 00<br />

59, 748 43<br />

14, 000 00<br />

17, 100 00<br />

100, 850 00<br />

2, 553 1S<br />

2& OG9 81<br />

5&500 00<br />

48, 811 29<br />

85, 435 54<br />

2, 200 Oo<br />

59 748 43<br />

19 500 00<br />

17, 100 00<br />

100, 850 00<br />

2, 553 13<br />

3&236 32<br />

33) 565 01<br />

'<br />

1) 100 00,<br />

690 00<br />

14, 24G 00<br />

10, 970 00<br />

69& 603 30<br />

45, 574 97<br />

511870 53<br />

11 100 05<br />

32, 058 43<br />

5, 254 00<br />

6, 130 00<br />

31, 24G 70<br />

2, 553 13<br />

85, 2G2 84<br />

29, 212 91<br />

JS, 519 30<br />

1, 734 00<br />

4, 900 00<br />

21, 049 24<br />

130, 068 02<br />

800 00<br />

103, 923 35<br />

17& 400 00<br />

J2, 748 33<br />

3 791 79<br />

4& 048 75<br />

87S 12<br />

177 25<br />

85, 262 84<br />

29, 212 91<br />

42, 568 Oo<br />

1, 734 00<br />

4, 900 00<br />

21, 049 24<br />

130, OGS OZ<br />

800 00<br />

103, 923 35<br />

1S, 278 12<br />

32, 925 5<br />

3, 791 79<br />

49, 626 68<br />

2, 686 80<br />

32, 270 00<br />

4, 900 00<br />

14, G50 00<br />

76, 199 11 ---. . -------<br />

400 00<br />

60, 433 94<br />

1J, 050 00<br />

18, 907 45<br />

2, 122 19<br />

35, 636 1G<br />

26, 526 11<br />

10, 298 05<br />

1, 734 00<br />

6, 399 24<br />

53, 868 91<br />

400 00<br />

43, 489 41<br />

5, 228 12<br />

14, 018 13<br />

1, 669 60<br />

2, 989) 155 11 100& 4GS 48 3, OS9, 623 59 1& 95o) S38 44 800 00 1& 132& 985 15




Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

o<br />

I<br />

O<br />

O<br />

c&<br />

'&<br />

o<br />

O c&<br />

O cc<br />

C4<br />

O<br />

O r)l<br />

o c)<br />

& O I<br />

c) c)<br />

Sf<br />

o h&<br />

IXI CC<br />

O O<br />

O C)c<br />

'I C<br />

c C<br />

cc<br />

Brought forward<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Qui-nai-elt and Quil-Ichute<br />

Indians. .. -..... .-.. .. ...--<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Rogue River Indians<br />

II'ulfilling treaty with the Sioux of Mississippi. ..<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Sacs and Foxes of the<br />

Mississippi.<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Sacs and Foxes of Missouri.<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Senecas.<br />

Fulfillin treaty with the Senecas of New York.<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Senecas and Shawnees<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Shawnees .<br />

Fulfilling treaty with thc Six Nations of New York.<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Stcckbridges.<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Stockbridges and 5Iunsees<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the S'Eallams<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Tonawanda Indians. .. .<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Utahs<br />

Fulfilling treaty with thc Umpquas — Cow Creek<br />

baud.<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Un)pquas and Calapooias.<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Winnebagoes . . . . . . . . .<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Wyandottes . .<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Walla-Walla, Cayuses,<br />

and Umatilla tribes<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Yancton Sioux or Da-<br />

1-ota Indians.<br />

Fulfilling treaty with the Yakama Nation . . . . . . .<br />

Interest due Chippewas of Swan Creek<br />

Interest due Chippewas and Ottawas .<br />

Interest due Chippewas, Ottawas, and Pottawatomies<br />

— <strong>edu</strong>cation<br />

Interest due Chippewas, Ottawas, and Pottawatomies<br />

— mills.<br />

Interest due Cboctaws — <strong>edu</strong>cation.<br />

Interest due Choctaws under convention with the<br />

Chickasaws .<br />

Interest due Choctaw claimants.<br />

Interest due Cherokees under treaty of 1835-'36<br />

Interest due Cherol-ee orphans . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Interest due Creek orphans. . . .<br />

Interest due Delawares.<br />

Inte& est due Iowas<br />

Interest due Indian tribes, and reimbursable .<br />

Interest due Kaskaskias, Peorias, Weas, and Pian-<br />

I'eshaws ..<br />

Interest due Menomonees .<br />

Interest due Osages —<br />

<strong>edu</strong>cation . . . . . .<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

1&168, 973 66<br />

18, 800 00<br />

12, 227 00<br />

387021 57<br />

967580 19<br />

10)375 89<br />

371 59<br />

11, 099 10<br />

760 00<br />

7& 058 54<br />

5, 585 72<br />

3& 642 76 .<br />

6, 278 10<br />

207000 00<br />

79, 005 40<br />

181547 49 .<br />

1, 772 43<br />

18, 135 64<br />

6, 484 62<br />

4, 458 46<br />

781650 00<br />

37 693 55<br />

90, 850 00<br />

1& 193 76<br />

8& 663 26<br />

1, 029 68<br />

24, 429 35<br />

2, 657 75<br />

42, 049 02<br />

20, 644 88<br />

220 08<br />

1, 437 75<br />

28, 163 37<br />

9, 487 86,<br />

1, 75O 00(<br />

119 53<br />

1, 530 00<br />

20, 445 14<br />

9, 85, & 90<br />

1, 820, 181 45<br />

2, 500 00<br />

150&050 00<br />

73, 880 00<br />

7, 870 00<br />

2, 660 00<br />

11, 902 50<br />

Z, 060 00<br />

105& 000 00<br />

4, 500 00<br />

550 00<br />

5, 950 00<br />

59, 250 00<br />

130) 000 00<br />

10, 500 00<br />

185 24<br />

920 54<br />

5, 338 52<br />

27, 704 08<br />

23)436 93<br />

2, 700 00<br />

10, 388 38<br />

35, 999 06<br />

5&710 00<br />

117700 00<br />

7, 499 22<br />

1, 693 44<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81, 869, 998 54 2&520, 124 36

— Continued.<br />


&<br />


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C<br />

2&989, 155 100, 468 48 3, 089&623 59 1& 955, 838 44 800 00 1& 132, 985 15<br />

13) 800 00 51 650 00 19 450 00<br />

14, 727 00,<br />

14, 727 00<br />

188, 071 57' 1, 738 64 189, 810 21',<br />

13, 986 37<br />

5, 062 56<br />

177, 283 89<br />

5, 463 63<br />

9, G64 44<br />

12, 52G 3Z<br />

170, 460 19 9 23 170, 469 42 107, 338 17 63, 131 25<br />

18, 245<br />

3, 031<br />

23, 001<br />

2, 820<br />

112, 058<br />

10, 035<br />

3, 642<br />

6, 278<br />

20. 000<br />

79, 005<br />

18, 547<br />

59<br />

Goi<br />

54'<br />

72'<br />

7G,<br />

10<br />

00<br />

40<br />

49<br />

2, 322 43<br />

24, 085 64<br />

'65, 734 62<br />

4, 45S 46<br />

2, 500 00<br />

786 68<br />

18, 245 89<br />

3, 031 59<br />

23, 001 60<br />

2, 820 00<br />

112, 058 54<br />

10, 035 72<br />

3, 642 76<br />

6, 278 10<br />

22, 500 00<br />

79, 005 40<br />

18, 547 49<br />

2, 322 43<br />

24, 085 G4<br />

66, 521 30<br />

4, 458 46<br />

15, 910 00<br />

2, 190 00<br />

11, 902 50<br />

1, 530 00<br />

103, 973 97<br />

4, 549 93<br />

1, 555 00<br />

4, 389 26<br />

15, 827 38<br />

2, 747 95<br />

825 00<br />

11, 925 00<br />

64, 183 92<br />

2, 335 89<br />

841 59<br />

11, 099 10<br />

1, 290 00<br />

8) 084, &7<br />

5, 485 79<br />

2, 087 76<br />

1, 938 84<br />

6, 6T2 62<br />

76, 25i 45<br />

18, 547 49<br />

1, 497 43<br />

12, 160 64<br />

2, 337 38<br />

4, 45S 46<br />

78, 650 00 14&100 00 92. 750 00 60, 039 35 32, 710 G5<br />

133, 693 55<br />

101)350 00<br />

1, 379 oo<br />

9, 583 80<br />

11, 200<br />

1, 2S7<br />

00<br />

58<br />

133, 693 55<br />

1121550 00<br />

2, G66 58'<br />

9, 583 80<br />

49, 671 27<br />

82)320 00<br />

1, 287 58<br />

84, 022 28<br />

30, 230 00<br />

1, 379 00<br />

91583 80<br />

1& 029 68<br />

1, 029 GB<br />

1, 029 GS<br />

24, 429 35<br />

7, 991 27<br />

110 01<br />

24, 539 36<br />

7, 991 27<br />

5, 859 51<br />

24, 539 36<br />

2, 131 76<br />

69, 753 10<br />

20, 644 88<br />

23, 657 01<br />

4, 137 75<br />

38, 551 75<br />

45, 486 42<br />

7) 460 00<br />

119 53<br />

61590 12<br />

G9, 153 10<br />

20, 644 88<br />

23, G57 01<br />

4, 137 75<br />

38, 551 75<br />

45, 486 42<br />

14, 050 12<br />

119 53<br />

39 540 20<br />

8. 963 30<br />

1, 370 25<br />

13, 700 96<br />

45, 4861 23<br />

4, 750 00<br />

30, 212 90<br />

20, Gk(- 88<br />

14, 693 i1<br />

2, 767 50<br />

21, 850 79<br />

19<br />

9, 300 12<br />

119 53<br />

]3, 230 00<br />

27, 944 3G<br />

11 549 34<br />

13, 230 00<br />

2T, 944 36<br />

11, 549 34<br />

13, 230 00<br />

IG, OOO<br />

On<br />

5, 330 17<br />

11, 944 36<br />

6, 219 17<br />

4, 390, 122 90 144, 440 74 4, 534, 563 64 2, 849, 547 84 800 00, 1, 684, 215 80


Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

Brought forward. .<br />

Interest due Ottawas of Blanchard's Fork. . ... ..<br />

Interest due Ottawas of Roche de Bceuf .<br />

Interest due Senecss.<br />

Interest due Senecas of New York. . Interest due Senecas and Shawnees . Interest due Shawnees<br />

Interest due Stockbridges and Munsees.<br />

Interest due Pottawatomies Interest due Pnttawatomies — mills<br />

Carrying into effect the treaty with the Chickasaws<br />

of October, 1832<br />

Chickasaw orphans<br />

Cherokee schools — 1819.<br />

Incompetent Indians<br />

Kansas schools.<br />

Pay of superiutendents<br />

Pay of sub-agents<br />

Pay of interpreters<br />

Civilization of Indians<br />

Presents to Indians<br />

Provisions for Indians.<br />

snd agents<br />

<strong>edu</strong>cation . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Buildings and repairs st the agencies. .... .<br />

Vaccination of Indians<br />

Contingencies of the Indian department . . . . . Pay of clerk to superintendent at St. Louis.<br />

Pay of clerk to superintendent in California. .<br />

Temporary clerks to superintendents of Indian affairs.<br />

Incidental expenses of Indian service in California<br />

Incidental expenses of Indian service in Utah Territory<br />

.<br />

Incidental expenses of Indian service in Washington<br />

Territory<br />

Incidental expenses of Indian service in Oregon.<br />

Incidental expenses of Indian service in New<br />

34exico .<br />

Negotiating treaties with Indians in Oregon<br />

Negotiating treaties with Indians in Washington<br />

Territory .<br />

Negotiating treaties with Rogue River and Cow<br />

Creek band of Umpqua Indians in Oregon .<br />

Holding treaties with various Indian tribes in California<br />

.<br />

&adjusting difficulties and preventing outbreaks<br />

among Indians in Oregon<br />

Payment of liabilities of Indian service in Oregon<br />

Insurauce and transportation of annuities to Indian<br />

tribes in Oregon.<br />

Carried forward.<br />

o<br />

cd<br />

o<br />

&»<br />

o<br />

9&<br />

~d&<br />

d&<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

4<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

7<br />

ho&<br />

o &o<br />

o 00<br />

o&<br />

cd<br />

~<br />

o ~<br />

d& &&&<br />

O g<br />

dd O<br />

ld '<br />

ld<br />

1, 869, 998 54<br />

47 13<br />

46 96<br />

1, 459 07<br />

468 36<br />

130, 959 98<br />

2, 702 14<br />

4, 529 85<br />

4, 053 56<br />

20, 856 59<br />

1, 172 08<br />

26, 211 50<br />

25, 209 57<br />

4, 794 65<br />

14&202 70<br />

14, 967 66<br />

85 47<br />

818 30<br />

2, 749 57<br />

1&281 28<br />

17, 082 09<br />

22, 708 37<br />

13 97<br />

45, 065 66<br />

81662 17<br />


Q<br />

d&<br />

w meed<br />

a<br />

1<br />

o o<br />

o id<br />

o<br />

d&<br />

O d&&O<br />

Wa&<br />

&d<br />

o o »»o<br />

o N io<br />

2, 520&124 36<br />

268 40<br />

64 26<br />

250 00<br />

802 96<br />

312 24<br />

12, 376 96<br />

2, 950 00<br />

88, 557 38<br />

72 22<br />

10, 654 00<br />

200 00<br />

l, 443 30<br />

87 750 00<br />

10, 500 00<br />

31, 900 00<br />

10&000 00<br />

5, ooo oo<br />

111800 00<br />

101000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

36, 500 00<br />

1, 200 00<br />

1, 800 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

7, 500 00<br />

3 10 45, 000 00<br />

2, 732 87<br />

2& 063 58<br />

536 47<br />

200 74<br />

196 94<br />

2, 607 18<br />

50, 000 00<br />

$2, 228, 488 10 2& 957, 026 08

— Continued.<br />


CI<br />

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W Ct)<br />

C& CI<br />

&- CCI<br />

CI<br />

4, 390, 122 90<br />

268 40<br />

111 39<br />

250 00<br />

46 96<br />

802 96<br />

1, 459 0?<br />

780 60<br />

12, 376 96<br />

2, 950 00<br />

2191 517 36<br />

2, 774 36<br />

15, 183 S5<br />

4, 253 5G<br />

22, 299 89<br />

88, 922 08<br />

10, 500 00<br />

58, 111 50<br />

35, 209 57<br />

9, 794 65<br />

26, 002 70<br />

24, 967 6G<br />

5, 000 00<br />

36, 585 47<br />

2, 018 30<br />

4, 549 57<br />

6, 281 28<br />

24, 582 09<br />

45, 003 10<br />

22, 708 37<br />

13 97<br />

144, 440 74 4, 534, 563 64<br />

268 40<br />

9, 545 39<br />

9, 579 02<br />

7, 131 84<br />

344 00<br />

100 00<br />

152 04<br />

1, 800 00<br />

111 39 .<br />

250 00<br />

46 96<br />

802 96<br />

11459 0']<br />

780 60<br />

12, 376 96<br />

2, 950 00 .<br />

219, 51? 36<br />

Z, 774 36<br />

15, 183 85<br />

4, 253 56<br />

22&299 89<br />

98&467 47<br />

20, 079 02<br />

65, 243 34<br />

35, 209 5?<br />

10, 138 65<br />

26, 002 70<br />

24) 967 66<br />

57 100 00<br />

36, 737 51<br />

2, 018 30<br />

4, 549 57<br />

8, 081 28<br />

24, 582 09<br />

39 84 22, 748 2]<br />

13 97<br />

2, 849, 547 84<br />

250 00<br />

802 96<br />

312 24<br />

2, 606 25<br />

86, 689 27<br />

4&682 35<br />

22, 000 00<br />

61, 243 89<br />

12, 105 76<br />

Z4, 079 43<br />

5, 659 00<br />

3, 804 48<br />

23, 544 59<br />

10, 199 22<br />

2, 3o2 85<br />

29, 612 12<br />

600 00<br />

5, 098 00<br />

3, 106 99<br />

9, 599 49<br />

800 00 1, 684, 215 80<br />

268 40<br />

111 39<br />

46 96<br />

1, 459 07<br />

468 36<br />

9, ??0 71<br />

2, 950 00<br />

132, 828 09<br />

2, 774 36<br />

10, 501 50<br />

4, 253 56<br />

299 89<br />

37, 223 58<br />

?, 973 26<br />

41, 163 91<br />

29, 550 57<br />

6, 334 17<br />

2& 458 11<br />

14, 768 44<br />

2, 717 15<br />

7, 125 39<br />

1, 418 30<br />

4& 549 57<br />

2& 983 28<br />

21, 475 10<br />

4& 478 51 49) 481 61 47, 64Z 02 1, 839 59<br />

13& 148 72<br />

13 97<br />

95, 065 66<br />

8, 662 17<br />

951065 66<br />

8, 662 17<br />

69, 815 40<br />

25, 250 26<br />

8, 662 17<br />

21732 87<br />

2, 063 5b<br />

2, 732 87<br />

2, 063 5S.<br />

2) 732 87<br />

2, 063 58<br />

536 47<br />

536 47<br />

536 47<br />

200 74<br />

196 94<br />

500 00<br />

700 74<br />

196 94<br />

700 74<br />

196 94<br />

2, 607 18<br />

2, 607 18<br />

1, 383 50<br />

571851514 18 1?8, 111 38 5&363, 625 56 3, 2?7, 308 5?l 800 001 2&085, 516 99



Specific olf)ects of appropriation.<br />

p<br />

&s<br />

p<br />

p<br />

w<br />

p, O<br />

p &&&<br />

00<br />

p<br />

&C<br />

p<br />

p»&<br />

A<br />

pp<br />

4<br />

»&<br />

~<br />

&x&<br />

p &p &&&<br />

Brought forward.<br />

Insurance, transportation, &c. , of annuities, goods,<br />

&c. , to Indian tribes in Minnesota, Michigan,<br />

and Wisconsin .<br />

Holding council with the Red Lake and Red River<br />

Chippewas in Minnesota, for the extinguishment<br />

of their title to lands in that State . . . . . . . . .<br />

Holding council with the Arapahoe and Cheyenne<br />

Indians.<br />

Compensation of three special agents and three<br />

interpreters for Indians of Texas<br />

Removal and subsistence of Indians in California<br />

to three military reservations and two additional<br />

military reservations<br />

Removal and subsistence of Indians in California<br />

to the reservations of that State, and for pay of<br />

physicians, smiths, mechauics, and laborers at<br />

the reservations<br />

Removal and subsistence of Indians in Oregon<br />

Remcval and subsistence of Indians in Washington<br />

Territory<br />

Removal and subsistence of Catawbas to the west<br />

of the Mississippi.<br />

Removal and subsistence of Indians .<br />

Collecting and publishing statistics of Indian tribes<br />

Collecting and establishing the Southern Comanches,<br />

Wichitaws, &c. , on reservations of the<br />

Arkansas river<br />

Payment of annuities and transportation to certain<br />

Indian tribes, per treaty of Ieort Laramie of September<br />

17, 1851<br />

Payment to North Carolina Cherokees (principal)<br />

for their removal and subsistence<br />

Payment to Cherokees omitted in the census taken<br />

by D. W. Siler<br />

Payment to Cherokee nation of $74, 603 37 and<br />

interest, at 5 per cent. , from June, 1838, until<br />

P ald-<br />

Payment of awards to W. B. Mitchell .<br />

Payment of the value of property of Baker 8r, Street<br />

destroyed by Kiowa Indians<br />

Presents to bands of Pueblo Indians in New Mexico<br />

Running and marking the eastern boundary of the<br />

C&eek country west of the Arkausas.<br />

Running and marking the northern and western<br />

boundary of the Creek country west of the<br />

Arkansas<br />

Survey of the Creek boundary<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . .<br />

2, 2Z8, 488 10 2, 957, 026 08<br />

3&002 01<br />

10, 000 00<br />

35, 000 00<br />

8, 855 45 ----------. . -<br />

28, 157 35------------<br />

71, G57 50 50, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

2, 284. 25<br />

74 87<br />

3 &0----<br />

27, 454 75 70, 000 00<br />

42&290 69 .<br />

650 30<br />

3G6 10<br />

1, 674 14<br />

50 00<br />

3, 998 58<br />

283 96<br />

7G 40<br />

118 81<br />

02, 424, 486 96 3& 1Z2& 026 08

Cll<br />

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CD<br />

ID<br />

CO<br />

CD<br />

CO<br />

CO<br />

QI<br />

tF<br />

Balances and appropriations.<br />

Repayments made in the<br />

fiscal year ending June<br />

30, 1861.<br />

CIE<br />

CD<br />

OO O<br />

I D<br />

I<br />

I<br />

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CO<br />

CII<br />

CD<br />

CD<br />

ID<br />

CO<br />

CD<br />

ID<br />

CO<br />

ID<br />

CI<br />

CO<br />

OO<br />

ID<br />

CD<br />

CO<br />

Ql<br />

CO<br />

CO<br />

OO<br />

Aggregate available for<br />

the fiscal year endmg<br />

June 30, 18G1.<br />

Payments made in the<br />

fiscal year ending June<br />

30, 1861.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

CII<br />

I<br />

CD<br />

11 CD<br />

I<br />

OOI<br />

O<br />

O<br />

CO<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

OO<br />

ID<br />

ID<br />

Amounts carried to thc<br />

surplus fund Junc 30,<br />

18G1.<br />

CO<br />

ID<br />

cD Dl<br />

OO D<br />

Ol CD<br />

OO D<br />

& CD<br />

CD<br />

CD<br />

I ~ I<br />

I ~ I<br />

I I I<br />

I I I<br />

I I ~<br />

I I I<br />

I I ~<br />

I ~ I<br />

I I I<br />

I I I<br />

~ I ~<br />

I I ~<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

OO<br />

CII<br />

OO<br />

CD<br />

OI<br />

CO<br />

CD<br />

OO<br />

CII<br />

Ql<br />

I<br />

OI<br />

Balances of appropriations<br />

June 30, 1861.



Specific obj ects of appropriation.<br />

Brought forward. . . . . . . . .<br />

Surveying and allotting to the proper persons the<br />

reserved tracts, per treaty with the Sacs and<br />

Foxes of July 15, 1830<br />

Surveying and marking the boundary of the Choctaw<br />

and Chickasaw country, and completing the<br />

survey of the Creek boundary<br />

Surveying boundaries of Indian reservations, and<br />

allotting and defining Indian reserves and halfbreed<br />

lands<br />

Surveying and marking the external boundaries of<br />

Indian pueblos in New Mexico<br />

Surveying and mapping four farms and reservations<br />

in Utah.<br />

Surveys of reservations for the Nez Perces, Flatheads,<br />

and Yakama Indians, and Intlians west<br />

of the Cascade mountains. .<br />

Rescuing prisoners from Indian tribes.<br />

Opening communication with the Comanches,<br />

Apaches, kc.<br />

Preventiuu trespasses and depredations by Indians<br />

Balance due Creek Indians for losses during the<br />

last war with Great Britain.<br />

New code of regulations for the Indian department.<br />

Additional amount paid for subsistence improperly<br />

charged to the treaty fund<br />

Arrearages of compensation from October I, 1850,<br />

to June 30, 1851, for three Indian agents for<br />

tribes in California.<br />

Purchase of stock for Great and Little Osages. . . . . .<br />

Carrying into effect Choctaw treaty on account of<br />

lands relinquished.<br />

Carrying into effect Choctaw treaty, per act of June<br />

11, 1842.<br />

Carrying into effect the treaty with the Stockbridges<br />

and Munsees.<br />

Carrying into effect the treaty with the Chippewas<br />

of October, 1842.<br />

Carrying out treaties with the Ottowas, Missourias,<br />

Delawares, Omahas, Iowas, 8rc.<br />

Restoring and maintaining peace with Indian tribes<br />

in Oregon<br />

Road from Fort Kearney to California<br />

Road from El Paso to Fort Yuma<br />

Road from Platte river to Running Water river<br />

Road from Fort Ridgely to the South Pass of the<br />

Rocky mountains<br />

Payment to the Pottawatomies for corn crop<br />

abandoned<br />

o<br />

ts<br />

0<br />

a&<br />

o<br />

o<br />

I<br />

ttt<br />

ct o<br />

o to<br />

i ac<br />

&&&<br />

0<br />

o r&<br />

A o<br />

2, 424, 486 96<br />

2, 239 99<br />

67 70<br />

7&537 81<br />

3, 750 00<br />

2, 753 31<br />

10, 000 00<br />

4, 373 80<br />

384 00<br />

2&000 00<br />

201 11<br />

2, 250 00<br />

6, 080 00<br />

826 26<br />

95 83<br />

42 00<br />

452 47<br />

3, 535 43<br />

50, 000 00<br />

27, 691 87<br />

14, 200 04<br />

1& 128 62<br />

17 50<br />

Sl<br />

o tttt<br />

at<br />

o<br />

o 4<br />

o<br />

tc<br />

o<br />

Q o<br />

r» o&<br />

0 N a&<br />

3&122, 026 08<br />

1& 200 00<br />

15&000 00<br />

Carried forward . . . . . . . . $2& 564, 114 70 3, 138, 226 08


continued.<br />

Hc<br />

0<br />

F4<br />

0)<br />

cd<br />

a0 A<br />

A<br />

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Cl<br />

a) 0<br />

5, 546& 513 04 200) 716 94 5& 747) 229 98 3) 441& 524 35 5) 874 87 21299, 830 76<br />

2&239 99 21239 99 904 02 I, 335 97<br />

67 70 67 70 67 70<br />

7, 537 81<br />

7, 537 81.<br />

7, 537 81<br />

3& 750 00<br />

3) 750 00<br />

3& 750 00<br />

17200 00<br />

1&200 00<br />

1, 200 00<br />

15, 000 00<br />

2, 753 31<br />

15, 000 00 .<br />

27 753 31<br />

15, 000 00<br />

2, 753 31<br />

10) 000 00<br />

4&373 80<br />

384 00<br />

2& 000 00<br />

101000 00<br />

4, 373 80<br />

384 00 .<br />

2, 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

4, 373 80<br />

384 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

201 11<br />

201 11<br />

201 11<br />

2, 250 00<br />

6, 080 00<br />

2, 250 00<br />

61080 00<br />

2, 250 00<br />

6) 080 00<br />

826 26<br />

826 26<br />

826 26<br />

95 83<br />

95 83<br />

95 83<br />

42 00<br />

452 47<br />

3) 535 43<br />

42 00<br />

452 47 .<br />

3& 535 43 .<br />

42 00<br />

452 47<br />

3, 535 43<br />

50, 000 00<br />

27, 691 87<br />

14, 200 04<br />

4) 637 53<br />

165 00<br />

425 60<br />

54, 637 53 54) 637 53<br />

27, 691 87 16, 835 11<br />

14&365 04 10, 829 44<br />

425 60<br />

10, 856 76<br />

3, 535 60<br />

425 60<br />

1& 128 62<br />

17 50<br />

1) 128 62<br />

17 50 .<br />

1, 128 62<br />

17 50<br />

51702&340 78 205, 945 07 5, 908, 285 85 3, 524, 730 45 5&874 87 Z)377, 680 53



Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

iit<br />

&&<br />

p<br />

o<br />

&&&<br />

O<br />

A<br />

pp 0 i &&&<br />

p<br />

p<br />

0<br />

5 N<br />

&&<br />

p<br />

&&& C&<br />

A A<br />

0 h&<br />

p<br />

0& ~<br />

o<br />

&& &&&<br />

p, &0&&<br />

QWK<br />

p 0 o<br />

p ip i&&<br />

&&&<br />

~<br />

Brought forward<br />

Payment to the Shawnees, to be reimbursed to the<br />

United States when collected from agents Gay<br />

and arnold<br />

Payment to settlers for their improvements in lands<br />

situated within the general reservation at Puget's<br />

S ound<br />

Payment to Spunk or Bald Frog, ai4rs Joseph Henson<br />

Payment to M. L. Young for rations furnished to<br />

the emigrating Pottawatomies, Chippewas, and<br />

Ottawas, in 1852<br />

Purchase of land owned by the missionary society<br />

of the Methodist Episcopal church, at Iroquois<br />

Point, Michigan, for certain bands of Ottawas<br />

and Chippewas<br />

Payment to the Choctaw nation on accountof their<br />

claim under articles ll and 12 of the treaty of<br />

tune 22, 1855<br />

Payment to the Sisiton and Wah-pa-tan bands of<br />

the Dakota or Sioux Indians. .<br />

Payment to the Med-a-wa-kan-ton and Wah-pakoo-ta<br />

bands of Dakota or Sioux Indians.<br />

Transportation of annuities,<br />

Sioux of Mississippi<br />

goods, &c. , to the<br />

Transportation and delivery<br />

the Blackfoot Indians<br />

of annuity goods to<br />

Insurance, transportation, &c.<br />

&<br />

of Pawnee annuity<br />

goods<br />

Insurance, transportation, &c. , of annuities and<br />

provisions for the Chippewas of Lake Superior.<br />

Insurance, transportation, &c. , of annuities and<br />

provisions for the Chippewas of the Mississippi<br />

Insurance, transportation, &c. , of annuities and<br />

provisions for the Indian tribes in Minnesota and<br />

Michigan<br />

Insurance, transportation, &c. , of annuities, goods<br />

and provisions, ior the Flatheads, Yakamas, and<br />

Nez Percds<br />

Insurance, transportation, &c. , of annuity goods<br />

and provisions for the Pawnee, Ponca, and<br />

Yanctou Sioux<br />

Negotiating treaties with Indian tribes in Oregon,<br />

west of the Cascade mountains . . . . . . . -. . --. --<br />

Payment of the accounts of J. P. Gaines and C. M.<br />

Walker, for expenses incurred, &c..<br />

Expenses of expedition against Ink-pah-du-tah's<br />

band<br />

Extinguishing title of Indian tribes to lands west<br />

of Missouri and Iowa.<br />

Carried forward .<br />

13<br />

13<br />

2, 564, 114 70 3, 138&226 08<br />

368 04 .<br />

2, 263 13 .<br />

2& 939 90<br />

48 34<br />

1& 163 82<br />

3& 879 35 .<br />

3, 074 44<br />

9& 000 00<br />

400 00<br />

9, 625 00<br />

993 44<br />

250, 000 00<br />

170& 880 00<br />

96& 000 00<br />

17&000 00<br />

5, 762 63<br />

3, 886 75<br />

20, 350 62<br />

42& 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

62&574&777 28 3, 777, 198 96

CD<br />

ID<br />

Ct<br />

co<br />

Ct<br />

ID<br />

ID<br />

ID<br />

Co<br />

CII<br />

Ct<br />

I<br />

ID<br />

CD<br />

Ct<br />

CD<br />

OI<br />

Ct<br />

ID<br />

CD<br />

I<br />

Ct<br />

oo<br />

GO<br />

Ct<br />

cD<br />

Co<br />

ID<br />

ID<br />

ID<br />

Ct<br />

cD<br />

CD<br />

ID<br />

cD<br />

CCI<br />

Ct<br />

C O<br />

Ct Ct<br />

O O<br />

D D<br />

I<br />

I I<br />

~ I<br />

~ I I<br />

~ I<br />

~ ~<br />

I I<br />

I ~<br />

I ~<br />

I ~<br />

co<br />

CD<br />

If<br />

Qt<br />

CD<br />

C4<br />

co<br />

lf<br />

C4<br />

CD<br />

oo<br />

If<br />

Qc<br />

Balances and appropris<br />

tions.<br />

Repayments suade in the<br />

fiscal year ending June<br />

30, 1861.<br />

Qt<br />

Qt<br />

tf<br />

Ct<br />

co<br />

I<br />

Ct<br />

CD<br />

ID<br />

D<br />

ID<br />

Ct<br />

Ct<br />

CD<br />

ICc<br />

ID<br />

Qt<br />

C4<br />

Co<br />

Gtt<br />

C4<br />

ID<br />

C t<br />

CD<br />

co<br />

CD<br />

ID<br />

CD<br />

ID<br />

Ct<br />

ID<br />

ID<br />

Ct<br />

ID<br />

Qt<br />

CCI<br />

CGI<br />

CD<br />

CD<br />

Co<br />

Qt<br />

Go<br />

Go<br />

GO<br />

Ct<br />

CD<br />

Co<br />

C4<br />

Ctt<br />

Ct<br />

CD<br />

Ct<br />

Qt<br />

Ct<br />

Ct<br />

cD<br />

CD<br />

CD<br />

CQ<br />

O<br />

D D<br />

C O<br />

O O<br />

D D<br />

CQ<br />

tf O<br />

D Ct<br />

O O<br />

OO<br />

O O<br />

I I<br />

I I<br />

~ ~<br />

~ I<br />

~ ~<br />

I<br />

I I<br />

~ I<br />

~ I<br />

~ I<br />

I I<br />

co<br />

CD<br />

If<br />

co<br />

CCI<br />

Ct<br />

oo<br />

C4<br />

GO<br />

co<br />

Qt<br />

C4<br />

If<br />

Co<br />

Aggregate available for<br />

-<br />

the fiscal year ending<br />

June 30, 1861.<br />

Payments made in the<br />

fiscal year ending June<br />

30, 1861.<br />

Amounts carried to the<br />

surplus fund June 30,<br />

1861.<br />

Co<br />

cD<br />

C4<br />

Co<br />

tf<br />

CD<br />

QI<br />

Qt<br />

If<br />

Ct<br />

Co<br />

CQ<br />

GO<br />

I<br />

I I<br />

~ I<br />

~ I<br />

~ I<br />

'I ~<br />

I I<br />

I ~<br />

I I<br />

I ~<br />

I ~<br />

~ ~ I<br />

C4<br />

GO<br />

co<br />

oo<br />

Balances of appropriations<br />

June 30, 1861.



Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

O<br />

O<br />

0&<br />

o<br />

sl<br />

~ &<br />

c&<br />

c&<br />

o<br />

Cc cc&<br />

0 ~<br />

c&<br />

c&<br />

cc ~<br />

0 ~<br />

c&<br />

Ki<br />

c&<br />

&z<br />

sl<br />

o»»<br />

u<br />

IX&<br />

~<br />

A<br />

c&<br />

c&<br />

4<br />

a1<br />

'p c& cc&<br />

p, Kcc<br />

Q~ M<br />

c&<br />

cm<br />

x c&'<br />

~~a co<br />

Brought forward<br />

Stocks redeemed and due Cherokees<br />

Stocks redeemed and due Cherokee school fund . .<br />

Stocks redeemed and due Delawares. . . . .<br />

Stocks redeemed and due Iowas.<br />

Stocks redeemed and due Kaskasias, Peorias, Weas,<br />

and Piankeshaws.<br />

Maintenance of a school at the Brazos agency<br />

Engagements aud stipulations of General Hsrney<br />

with the Sioux Indians at Fort Pierre. . . . .<br />

To adjust differences and preserve peace with the<br />

Cutbead and Yanctonaise bands of Sioux Indians.<br />

To enable the President to negotiate a treaty with<br />

Indians in Michigan .<br />

Payment of principal awarded to Choctaw claimants<br />

Removal and subsistence of Seminole Indians now<br />

in Florida .<br />

Payment of persons engaged by the provisional government<br />

of Oregon<br />

Expenses of the recovery and the restoration to<br />

their homes of the children surviving the massa-<br />

cre by Indians of the emigrant trains from Arkansas<br />

in the fall of 1857.<br />

Csrryiug into ed'ect section 24 of the civil and diplomatic<br />

appropriation act of March 3, 1855, snd<br />

the appropriation act of February 28, 1859<br />

Removal of the Court Orielle band of Chippewa Indians<br />

Restoration to their relatives in Wisconsin four orphan<br />

children of Edward Miltimore, who escaped<br />

the &nassacre by Indians in 1859. .<br />

Incidental expenses of Indian service in Oregon and<br />

Washington Territory<br />

Erecting buildings for Indian agents in Washington<br />

Territory<br />

Indian service in the district of country leased<br />

from the Choctaws for Indians lately residing in<br />

Texas<br />

Indian service in Utah, under the direction of the<br />

Secretary of the Interior<br />

Travelling expenses of superintendents and agents<br />

in Oregon<br />

Extinguishing title of Chippewas to lands in Minnesota<br />

and Wisconsin<br />

Settlement of the accounts of Oliver M. Wozencraft<br />

Payment for depredations committed by whites<br />

upon Shawnee Indians in Kansas Territory. . . 2, 574, 777 28<br />

1& 020 45<br />

811 17<br />

329 42<br />

414 87<br />

315 86<br />

900 00<br />

1&122 22<br />

375 27<br />

382 02<br />

1&000 00<br />

152&985 96<br />

413 42<br />

3&244 91<br />

253 00<br />

1, 200 00<br />

25& 027 00<br />

143 50<br />

70 75<br />

36, 711 00<br />

3, 777, 198 96<br />

1& 500 00<br />

35, 000 06<br />

45&650 00<br />

156 00<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . . . . 82& 801) 498 10 )<br />

3, 859, 504 96

— Continued.<br />


cd<br />

4»<br />

0<br />

&&»<br />

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&d<br />

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g c)<br />

g cd<br />

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= =X<br />

C cg)<br />

C)<br />

»4<br />

C<br />

5 w<br />

O<br />

&d<br />

6, 351&976 24<br />

11 020 45<br />

811 17<br />

329 42<br />

414 87<br />

206) 091 24<br />

6, 558, 067 48<br />

11020 45<br />

811 17,<br />

329 42<br />

414 87<br />

3, 934, 012 05<br />

51874 87 2, 618, 180 56<br />

1, 020 45<br />

811 17<br />

329 42<br />

414 87<br />

315 86<br />

900 00<br />

315 86<br />

900 00<br />

315 86<br />

900 00<br />

1, 122 22<br />

1, 122 22<br />

1, 003 GO<br />

118 62<br />

375 27<br />

375 27<br />

375 27<br />

382 02<br />

382 02<br />

382 02<br />

1& 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

152, 985 96<br />

494 31<br />

1531480 27<br />

200 57<br />

153, 279 70<br />

413 42<br />

413 42<br />

413 42<br />

85 85 85<br />

3, 244 91<br />

253 00<br />

3, 244 91<br />

253 00<br />

31244 91<br />

253 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

3G& 200 00 14, 242 25<br />

2&855 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

50, 442 25<br />

2) 855 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

42, 115 2S 8, 326 97<br />

2& 855 00<br />

45& 650 00<br />

251027 00<br />

45, 650 00<br />

25, 027 00<br />

31, G95 50<br />

10, 92Z 73------------<br />

13, 954 50<br />

14, 104 27<br />

143 50<br />

143 50<br />

143 50<br />

70 75&<br />

156 00<br />

36, 711 00<br />

70 75<br />

15G 00 15G 00<br />

36, 711 00<br />

70 75<br />

36)711 00<br />

6, GG1, 003 06 2Z3, 683 G5 G, 884, 686 71 4, 021, 605 731 5, 875 72 2, 857, 205 26



C) Q<br />

Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

C)<br />

CD<br />

Q<br />

CD<br />

C)<br />

CD<br />

C)<br />

C)<br />

C)<br />

p, O<br />

Q C&D<br />

&D&<br />

C! &4<br />

Q<br />

C) CD<br />

C)<br />

CC<br />

C!<br />

Q<br />

Q b&)<br />

&D 'tS<br />

CC 4<br />

Q Q<br />

CC<br />

4<br />

Q<br />

4 8<br />

CD»D O<br />

Q &CC C&D<br />

Brought forward<br />

Payment to the late Indian agents in Utah Territory<br />

Colonizing, supporting, 8:c. , the Wichitas and other<br />

afiiliated bands ... Loss and destruction of property of citizens of Minnesota<br />

and Iowa at Spirit Lake, in 1857, by Inkpa-du-tah's<br />

band of Sioux Indians. . ..<br />

Relief of Ann Scott ..<br />

Relief of 0. F. D, Fairbanks& Frederick Dodge, and<br />

others<br />

Relief of the children of the late Captain E. A. Ca-<br />

pron .<br />

Relief of Azel Spaldiug.<br />

Relief of destitute Indians and Indian tribes .<br />

7& 12<br />

6<br />

10<br />

11<br />

7<br />

2, 801, 498 10 3)859, 504 96<br />

39)213 37<br />

75, 610 00<br />

26, 320 71<br />

58 35<br />

614 36<br />

300 00<br />

226 69<br />

50& 000 00<br />

$2&840, 711 47 4) 012& 635 09

&&&<br />


-Continuerl.<br />

0<br />

0&<br />

CW<br />

e'<br />

H m<br />

0<br />

ce<br />

FQ<br />

0& 0<br />

0 N<br />

f&<br />

j= »0&<br />

0'A C&<br />

CC<br />

I~<br />

8 0&<br />

0<br />

»<br />

)C<br />

»& H<br />

W OO<br />

O<br />

C &&&<br />

)0<br />

b2 &0<br />

I»<br />

Yc<br />

C&J +'<br />

0<br />

C<br />

0 .<br />

r C 0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

Xl<br />

C<br />

0 CO<br />

0<br />

»&<br />

0<br />

6, 661, 003 06 223) 683 65 6, 884&686 71 4, 021, 605 73 5, 875 72 2, 857, 205 26<br />

39, 213 37<br />

39, 213 37<br />

23, 764 99<br />

15)448 38<br />

75&610 00<br />

75, 610 00<br />

47, 465 94<br />

28, 144 06<br />

26& 320 71<br />

58 35<br />

26, 320 71<br />

58 35<br />

8, 955 16<br />

58 35<br />

17, 365 55<br />

614 38<br />

614 38<br />

614 38<br />

300 00<br />

226 69<br />

50, 000 00<br />

6, 853, 346 56<br />

300 00<br />

226 69<br />

50, 000 00<br />

223, 683 65 7, 077, 030 21<br />

300 00<br />

21& 000 00<br />

4, 123, 764 55 5, 875 72<br />

226 69<br />

29, 000 00<br />

2&, 947, 389 94<br />

31 R





ALSO<br />



OF<br />


EOR<br />



The nnexyended<br />

batances on fhe 80th da&f of tune, 18t&1, II&ht'ch ewe to he<br />

acconntcd foe I'n fhe next annnat report.<br />

NOTE. — The figures in the columns of this statement headed "References to acts<br />

" refer<br />

to the particular acts of appropriation (on the next pages) which authorize the expenditure<br />

of the sums pls, ced in the columns headed "Appropriations for the fiscal year ending<br />

June 30, 1861. "




Statement shotoing the balances of appropriations unexpended on the last day of<br />

service of the Z nited Slates for the ftscal year ending June 30, 1861; together<br />

accounted for in the next annual statentent.<br />

Dhrss hND X1TLss ov Tns<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

April 23, 1808<br />

June 2, 1848<br />

Mar. 3& 1849<br />

July 17, 1854<br />

Mar. 3, 1855<br />

Mar. 3, 1855<br />

June 12, 1858<br />

June 1, 1860<br />

June 9, 1860<br />

June 12, 18 GO<br />

June 16, 1860<br />

June 21, 18GO<br />

June 25, 1860<br />

Jan. 5, 1861<br />

Js, n. o, 18G1<br />

Feb. 19, 1861<br />

Mar. 2, 1861<br />

Mar. 2. , 18G1<br />

Feb. 9, 1859<br />

An act making provision for arming and equipping the whole body<br />

An act to refund money for expenses incurred for subsistence or<br />

mustered into the service of the United States.<br />

An act to provide for the settlement of accounts of public oilicers<br />

in Mexico.<br />

An act to authorize the Secretary of War to settle and adjust the<br />

An act mal-ing appropriatious for the civil and diplomatic expenses<br />

An act nraking appropriations for the support of the army for the<br />

An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the govern<br />

An act making appropriations for the support of the Military Acaderuy<br />

An act for the relief of the legal representatives of Sylvester Day,<br />

An act to liquidate the unadjusted contracts of the Tennessee river<br />

An act for the relief of the Missionary Society of the Methodist<br />

An act making appropriations for the support of the army for the<br />

A. n act making appropriations for sundry civil expeuses of the gov<br />

An act making appropriations for the support of the Military Academy<br />

An act for the relief of Lieutenant George L. Hartsuff, United<br />

An act to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the service of<br />

An act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the govern<br />

An act nraking appropriations for the support of the army for the<br />

An act to provide for the payment of the claims of the State of<br />

hlexican war.



June, 1860; also the appropriations and expenditures on account of' the Inihtary<br />

Iciih the unexpended balances on the 80th day of jttne, 1861, Iohich are to be<br />


of the militia of the United States.<br />

transportation furnished for the use of volunteers during the present war before being<br />

and others who may have received moneys arising from military contributions<br />

or otherwise<br />

expenses of the Rogue River war.<br />

of the government for the year endiug June 30, 1856, and for other purposes.<br />

year ending June 30, 1856.<br />

ment for the year ending June 30, 1859.<br />

for the year ending June 30, 1861.<br />

late a surgeon in the United States army.<br />

improvements.<br />

Episcopal Church.<br />

veer ending June 30, 1861.<br />

ernment for the year ending June 30, 1861.<br />

for the year ending June 30, 1862.<br />

6tates army.<br />

the fiscal year ending June 30, 1861.<br />

ment for the year ending June 30, 1862.<br />

year ending June 30, 1862.<br />

Maine for expenses incurred by that State in organizing a regiment of volunteers for the




0 o<br />

Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

o<br />

&'<br />

Q<br />

M<br />

o<br />

o ~<br />

0<br />

c<br />

m<br />

o r»<br />

u<br />

o<br />

o<br />

c &Acu<br />

Pay of the army.<br />

Subsistence of the army<br />

Subsistence of oi'ficers<br />

Transportation of the army<br />

Forage<br />

Clothing.<br />

Payment in lieu of clothing for officers' servants<br />

Purchase of horses for dragoons<br />

Expenses of recruiting<br />

Raising four additional regiments<br />

Quartermaster's department<br />

Incidental expenses of the quartermaster'sdepartm't.<br />

Transportation and supplies in the quartermaster's<br />

department<br />

Transportation of officers' baggage<br />

Medical and hospital department<br />

Barracks, quarters, kc<br />

Contingencies of the army<br />

Three months extra pay<br />

Payment to discharged. soldiers for clothing not<br />

drawn<br />

Subsistence of ten regiments of regular troops<br />

Remounting four companies of light artillery<br />

Purchase of stoves forofficersand soldiers' quarters<br />

Purchase of horses for light artillery by Ordnance<br />

department<br />

Spparatus and equipments for field signals. ... .<br />

Pay of oi5cers, cadets, kc. , at West Point<br />

Subsistence of oificers, 6-c. at West Point &<br />

Forage for officers' horses at West Point. . . .. . Current and ordinary expenses at West Point<br />

Forage for artillery and cavalry horses at West Point.<br />

Supplying horses for artillery and cavalry practice<br />

at West Point. . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Increase and expense of library at West Point. . .<br />

Expense of board of visitors at West Point.<br />

Furniture for hospital for cadets at West Point. .<br />

Repairs of oi5cers' quarters at V& est Point .<br />

bIodels for cavalry department at West Point. .<br />

Extension of water pipes and increase of reservoir<br />

at West Point<br />

Targets and batteries for artillery exercise at West<br />

P oint.<br />

'<br />

Gas pipes, gasometers, and retorts at West Point<br />

Payment in lieu of clothing for oificers' servants<br />

at West Point .<br />

Iron girders for academic building at West Point<br />

Warming apparatus for academic building at West<br />

Point.<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12& 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12& 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12& 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

18<br />

12<br />

12<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

8<br />

291, 378 40<br />

667, 063 47<br />

31, 864 52<br />

850 52<br />

63, 471 51<br />

72, 023 24<br />

6, 820 22<br />

96, 099 99<br />

93, 070 05<br />

105&129 47<br />

15, 486 21<br />

819 22<br />

9&984 67<br />

5, 183 17<br />

48, 936 57<br />

693 79<br />

13, 759 49<br />

28&261 09<br />

1 14<br />

7, 925 05<br />

(1)---------<br />

13, 042 54<br />

(2)16, 977 40<br />

1, 674 99<br />

5& 748 03<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1&000 00<br />

120 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

7, 196, 432 00<br />

4& 180, 564 00<br />

2, 010, 885 00<br />

4, 592, 000 00<br />

250, 080 00<br />

1, 492, 997 33<br />

80, 260 00<br />

251 000 00<br />

150, 000 00<br />

3& 281, 000 00<br />

935, 000 00<br />

250& 000 00<br />

191& 225 50<br />

810, S53 50<br />

50& 000 00<br />

100&000 00<br />

15& 000 00<br />

30, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

116, 096 00<br />

4, 161 00<br />

1, 440 00<br />

36, 895 00<br />

8, 640 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1& 000 00<br />

4, 500 00<br />

100 00<br />

500 00<br />

100 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

150 00<br />

500 00<br />

60 00<br />

2, 750 00<br />

Carried forward 61, 602, S84 5 26, 049, 689 33

— Continnc)rl.<br />


o<br />

H.<br />

D<br />

cc<br />

C)<br />

C)<br />

Cl<br />

cC<br />

r-'I<br />

o o<br />

+<br />

Cf )<br />

F4<br />

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co<br />

D<br />

o<br />

eo<br />

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o<br />

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C)<br />

C) CD<br />

+ c)O<br />

C<br />

CC Cr)<br />

))o W<br />

C)<br />

))o<br />

CLcc &<br />

o<br />

'r.<br />

o<br />

H<br />

cc CC«<br />

H o<br />

cc O<br />

~ CD<br />

o c)<br />

C)<br />

a<br />

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&D<br />

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CD<br />

C<br />

" CD<br />

c C)<br />

0<br />

cc «)<br />

o<br />

CD<br />

c'<br />

7, 487. 810 40<br />

4, 847, G27 47<br />

2, 042, 749 52<br />

4, 592, 850 62<br />

313 551 51<br />

1, 565, 020 57<br />

87, 080 22<br />

347, 099 99<br />

2431070 05<br />

105, 129 47<br />

3, 296& 486 21<br />

936, 819 22<br />

9& 984 67<br />

255, 183 17<br />

2401162 07<br />

811, 547 29<br />

63, 759 49<br />

28, 261 09<br />

100, 001 14<br />

7, 925 05<br />

28, 042 64<br />

46, 977 40<br />

2, 000 00<br />

117&770 99<br />

4& 161 00<br />

7& 188 03<br />

36, 895 00<br />

10, G40 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

4, 500 00<br />

100 00<br />

500 00<br />

100 00<br />

143, 712 80<br />

149, G6G 89<br />

34, 589 58<br />

873, 648 28<br />

16&070 94<br />

51, 403 71<br />

5, 744 32<br />

89, 06)4 35<br />

2, 485 21<br />

6, 432 91<br />

216, 643 93<br />

138& 181 03<br />

1&196 58<br />

29, 262 99<br />

26 17<br />

52. 939 08<br />

46 82<br />

1, 695 G4<br />

7, 631, 523 20<br />

4, 997, 294 36<br />

2, 077, 339 10<br />

5, 466, 498 80<br />

3ZO, G22 46<br />

1, 616, 424. 28<br />

92, 824 54<br />

436& 164 34<br />

245, 555 26<br />

111, 562 38<br />

3, 513, 130 14<br />

1, 074, 000 25<br />

11, 181 25<br />

284, 446 16<br />

240, 188 24<br />

8641486 37<br />

63, 759 49<br />

28, 261 09<br />

100, 001 14<br />

7, 925 05<br />

28, 089 36<br />

48, G73 04<br />

2, 000 00<br />

117, 770 99<br />

4, 161 00<br />

7, 188 03<br />

36, 895 00<br />

10, '64O OO<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

4, 500 00<br />

100 00<br />

500 00<br />

100 00<br />

4, 255, 132 15<br />

3, 879) 135 04<br />

989, 521 03<br />

4, 943, 830 02<br />

121, 144 35<br />

1&190, 514 24<br />

39, 943 92<br />

3861785 00<br />

112, 519 16<br />

98, 272 40<br />

2, 040, 870 63<br />

804, 761 OG<br />

238 20<br />

144, 635 66<br />

197, 546 75<br />

484, 342 79<br />

26, 281 08<br />

], 947 00<br />

50, 001 14<br />

923 98<br />

41, 500 71<br />

2, 000 00<br />

110, 027 00<br />

3&508 20<br />

718 39<br />

36, 895 00<br />

6, 640 00<br />

21000 00 .<br />

1& 000 00 .<br />

4, 500 00 .<br />

100 00<br />

500 00<br />

3, 376, 391 05<br />

1, 11S, 159 32<br />

1, 087, 818 07<br />

522, GGB 78<br />

208, 478 10<br />

425& 910 04<br />

52, 880 62<br />

49, 379 34<br />

133, 036 11<br />

13, 2S9 98<br />

1, 47Z, 259 51<br />

269, 239 19<br />

10, 943 05<br />

139, 810 50<br />

421G41 49<br />

380, 143 58<br />

37, 478 41<br />

2G, 314 09<br />

50, 000 Oo<br />

7, 925 05<br />

27, 165 38<br />

7&172 33<br />

7, 743 99<br />

652 80<br />

G, 469 64<br />

5, 000 00<br />

100 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

2&500 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

150 00<br />

500 OO<br />

150 00<br />

500 00<br />

150 00<br />

5)00 00<br />

180 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

180 00<br />

3, 500 00<br />

9 33<br />

3, 500 00<br />

170 67<br />

2, 750 00<br />

2, 750 00<br />

250 00<br />

2, 500 00<br />

27, 652, 574 08 1, 812, 811 23 29, 465, SS5 SII 19, 983, G44 22 9, 481, 741 09



Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

O<br />

c&<br />

0<br />

cc<br />

c&<br />

O<br />

&u<br />

c&<br />

C&<br />

c&<br />

c<br />

go<br />

0 CD<br />

c&c&<br />

0<br />

c' m<br />

0<br />

O 0<br />

c'<br />

0 0<br />

Cf<br />

O +<br />

h&<br />

cc '0<br />

0 Q<br />

0 0<br />

cc 0&<br />

&=Ccp CC&<br />

Rrought forward<br />

blaterials for quarters for subaltern oificers<br />

Commission upon United States blilitsry Academy<br />

Arming and equipping the militia.<br />

Armament of fortifications . . . . . ...<br />

Manufacture of arms at the national armories. . . Contingencies of fortifications . .<br />

Arsenals. -<br />

Psy of civil superintendents at the national armories.<br />

Repairs, &c. , at Springfield armory<br />

Repairs, &c. , at Harper's Ferry armory<br />

Machinery, tools, &c., for an arsenal of construction<br />

at Fayetteville, N. C.<br />

Ordnance service .<br />

Ordnance, ordnance stores, snd supplies. ..<br />

Purchase of best breech-loading carbines<br />

Purchase of hest breech-loading rifies . .. .<br />

Arsenal at Alleghany<br />

Arsenal st Charleston<br />

Arsenal in California<br />

A. rsenal at Fort Monroe .<br />

Arsenal at Leavenworth<br />

Arsenal at Frankford<br />

Arsenal at Kennebeck<br />

Arsenal at New York<br />

Arsenal at St. Louis<br />

Arsenal at Texas.<br />

Arsenal at &&Vasbington.<br />

Arsenal at Watervliet .<br />

Arsena' at Watertown<br />

Repairs of all the smaller arsenals. . .<br />

Contingencies of arsenals.<br />

Fort Adams, Rhode Island. .<br />

Fort Carroll, Maryland<br />

Fort Calhoun, Virginia.<br />

Fort Clinch& Florida .<br />

Fort Delaware, Delaware<br />

Fort at Fort Point, California.<br />

Fort Gaiues, Alabama<br />

Fort Hamilton and wharf, New York .<br />

Fort Jackson, Louisiana<br />

Fort Jefi'erson, Florida .<br />

Fort Knox, biaine .<br />

Fort Montgomery, New York.<br />

Fort blonroe, Virginia<br />

Fort bloultrie, South Carolina .<br />

Fort blacon, North Carolina<br />

Fort bladison, bfarylsnd<br />

Fort McRse, Florida<br />

8<br />

1Z, 13<br />

1, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

18<br />

5<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12718<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12& 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12& 18<br />

12<br />

12&18<br />

12, 18<br />

12<br />

12<br />

12<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12<br />

12<br />

18<br />

12<br />

1, 602&884 75 26& 049, 689 33<br />

3, 500 00<br />

2, 860 00<br />

34, 547 21 400, 000 00<br />

2307303 30 400, 000 00<br />

57, 177 77 60, 000 00<br />

43, 445 51<br />

61239 28 610)000 00<br />

4, 375 00<br />

37 67 123, 125 00<br />

50, 858 57 130, 000 00<br />

22, 378 89<br />

3, 765 75<br />

47498 47<br />

25, 000 00<br />

5, 366 74<br />

24, 351 32<br />

8, 500 00<br />

30, 600 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

5&279 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

7, 650 00<br />

11, 844 53<br />

11, 628 23<br />

20, 144- 62<br />

30, 000 00<br />

7, 300 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

11, 500 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

500 00<br />

5, 699 59<br />

5&000 00<br />

10, 500 00<br />

316&000 00<br />

500, 000 00<br />

10, 528 00<br />

15, 000 00<br />

100, 000 00<br />

48, 250 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

6& 100 00<br />

3, 750 00<br />

5, 550 00<br />

43, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

15&000 00<br />

14, 290 00<br />

40, 000 00<br />

101 000 00<br />

100, 000 Oo<br />

100, 000 00<br />

30, 000 00<br />

75, 000 00<br />

100, 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

50, 000 00<br />

15, 000 00<br />

150, 000 00<br />

4O, OOO 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

5, 000 OO<br />

8, 500 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

Carried forward . . . . . . . . $2&285&501 2029, 680, 017 33

— Continued.<br />


rr<br />

)))<br />

C<br />

/<br />

r<br />

5 r<br />

27, 652, 574 08<br />

3&500 00<br />

2, 860 00<br />

434&547 21<br />

630&303 30<br />

117& 177 77<br />

43, 445 5l<br />

616)289 28<br />

4, 375 00<br />

123, 162 67<br />

180, 858 57<br />

32, 878<br />

319, 765<br />

504, 498<br />

25, 000<br />

5, 3G6<br />

10, 528<br />

151000<br />

124, 351<br />

48, 250<br />

20, 000<br />

6, 100<br />

8, 500<br />

3, 750<br />

36, 150<br />

48, 000<br />

10, 279<br />

20, 000<br />

15, 290<br />

7, 650<br />

61, 844<br />

10, 000<br />

1]1, 628<br />

120, 144<br />

60, 000<br />

82, 300<br />

102, 000<br />

31, 500<br />

89<br />

75<br />

47<br />

00<br />

74<br />

00<br />

00<br />

32<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

Oo<br />

63<br />

00<br />

23<br />

62<br />

00(<br />

00(. . .<br />

0.<br />

0<br />

00,<br />

'<br />

000 00<br />

50,<br />

15, ooo oo'<br />

156, 000 00'<br />

40, 000 00<br />

20, eoo ool<br />

10, 699 59I<br />

13, eoo ool<br />

000 00<br />

10&<br />

]0, 000 00<br />

1, 812, 811 23 29& 465, 385 31 19 983,<br />

&<br />

65 46<br />

7, 748 74<br />

202 51<br />

4, 355 47<br />

49, 340 9o<br />

1, 377 33<br />

2, 561 23<br />

79, 254 34<br />

13 57<br />

9 15<br />

94 85<br />

1&498 75<br />

433 30<br />

3, 500 00<br />

2, 860 00<br />

434, 612 67<br />

638, 052 04<br />

117, 380 28<br />

47, 800 98<br />

665, 580 23<br />

4, 375 00<br />

124, 540 00<br />

180, 858 57<br />

32, 878 89<br />

322, 32G 98<br />

583, 752 8]<br />

25, 000 ooi<br />

5, 380 31<br />

10, 528 00<br />

15, 000 00<br />

124, 360 47<br />

48, 250 00<br />

20, 000 00.<br />

6, 100 00.<br />

8, 506 00<br />

3, 750 00<br />

36, ]50 00<br />

48, 000 00<br />

10, 279 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

lo, 290 00<br />

7)744 85<br />

53, 343 28<br />

10, 000 00<br />

111, 628 23<br />

120& 144 GZ<br />

60, 000 00<br />

82, 300 00<br />

102, 000 00<br />

3], 500 00<br />

50, 000 00-<br />

15, 000 00<br />

15G, 000 00<br />

40, 000 00<br />

20, 500 00<br />

10, 699 59<br />

13, 500 00<br />

10, 000 00 .<br />

433 30<br />

10, 000 00<br />

G44 22'<br />

3, 500 00(<br />

2, 860 00'<br />

]89, 752<br />

493, 105<br />

96, 698<br />

13, 92G<br />

293, 04-9<br />

4, 375<br />

65, 000<br />

34, 500<br />

06,<br />

'<br />

30.<br />

92--<br />

59'<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

5, ii5 00 27, 103 89<br />

159, 206 92<br />

577, 191 ]2<br />

24-, 916 25<br />

5, 350 00<br />

250 00<br />

59, 674 25<br />

23, 2G6 76<br />

800<br />

], 100<br />

3, 937<br />

5, 046<br />

3, 950<br />

15, 000<br />

3, 500<br />

7, 330<br />

9, 755<br />

5) 000<br />

20&000<br />

45& 000<br />

21, 000<br />

43, 642<br />

52, 000<br />

25, 807<br />

175<br />

1]6, 000<br />

12, 500<br />

7, 000<br />

9, G99<br />

13, 500<br />

ooi<br />

00<br />

90<br />

20)<br />

00<br />

ooi--<br />

40)-<br />

Uo-<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00,<br />

70,<br />

00 .<br />

19<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00 .<br />

00'<br />

59',<br />

00<br />

433 30,<br />

3, 500 ooj<br />

9, 48]& r 41 09<br />

244, 860 61<br />

144, 946& 74<br />

20, 681 36<br />

33&874 39<br />

372, 531 23<br />

59, 540 00<br />

146, 358 57<br />

1G3, 120 06<br />

6, 561 69<br />

83 75<br />

5, 380 31<br />

5, 178 00<br />

14, 750 00<br />

64, 686 22<br />

24, 983 24<br />

20, 000 00<br />

G, 100 00<br />

7, 700 00<br />

2, 650 00<br />

32, 212 10<br />

42, 9os 80<br />

6, 329 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

11&790 00<br />

414 85<br />

43, 587 88<br />

5, 000 00<br />

91& 628 23<br />

75, 144 62<br />

39, 000 00<br />

38& 65i 30<br />

50, 000 00<br />

5, 692 81<br />

50, 000 00<br />

14, 825 00<br />

40, 000 00<br />

27, 500 00<br />

13&500 00<br />

], 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

6, 500 00<br />

31, 9Ge, els 63], 959, 766 8833, 926, 285 4]22, 461, 718 67 27) 103 89I]], 436, 462 85


CiTATEiIEXi T<br />

C C<br />

Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

C<br />

C<br />

r~ O<br />

C&<br />

c)<br />

&z M<br />

C&<br />

&&)<br />

o w<br />

4<br />

rc<br />

C<br />

C<br />

x O<br />

C (&)<br />

&<br />

Brought forward<br />

Fort Sumter, South Carolina<br />

Fort Richmond, New York ...<br />

Fort Schuyler, Xelv York<br />

Fort St. Philip, Louisiana<br />

Port Taylor, Florida<br />

Fort Winthrop, 31assachusetts .<br />

Fort opposite Port Schuyler, New York . ...<br />

Fort on site of Fort Tompkins, New Yorl-. . . . . . . .<br />

Forts on the western frontier of Texas<br />

Fortifications at Alcatraz island, California<br />

Forti6cations at entrance of Kennebec river, Maine<br />

Portifications at Hog Island ledge, Maine .<br />

Fortifications at entrance of New Bedford harbor . .<br />

Fortifications at Sandy Hook, New York. . .<br />

Fortifications for defence of inner passes into Mobile<br />

bay<br />

Fortifications for defence of entrance to Galveston<br />

harbor and bay.<br />

Forti6cstions at Ship island, coast of the 3f ississippi<br />

Barracks for the western frontier<br />

Reconstructing the stables at Carlisle barracks<br />

Repairs of' barracks, quarters, &c. , not occupied by<br />

troops .<br />

Surveys of sites, &c., for military post near valley<br />

of Red River of the North.<br />

Survey for military defences of the sea and inland<br />

frontier<br />

Purchase of a site aud additional defences for San<br />

Francisco.<br />

Platforms for modern cannon in fortifications of<br />

harbors.<br />

Repairs, &c., of Tower Dupre, Louisiana .<br />

Repairs of barracks at Baton Rouge, Louisiana<br />

Road from Steilacoom, on Puget Sound, to Fort<br />

Walla-'tValla<br />

Road from a point on the Missouri river to New<br />

Fort Eearney<br />

Road from Myrtle creek to Camp Stewart, in Rogue<br />

River valley<br />

Road from Fort Bentou to Walla-Walla. . .<br />

Road from Fort Riley to Bridger's Pass<br />

Road from Steilacoom to Vancouver. . . .<br />

Road fro(n Port Riley to the Arkansas river<br />

Survey of railroad from the 31ississippi to the Pacific.<br />

Repairs of bridge over 31ill creel-, Old Point Comfort<br />

. . . .<br />

Roads and canals . .<br />

Paying for maps, &c. , of survey of Altrato route, &c<br />

Carried forward<br />

12, 18<br />

12<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12& 18<br />

12& 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

18<br />

12<br />

12<br />

18<br />

12<br />

12, 18<br />

12<br />

13<br />

2, 285& 501 20 29, 680, 01( 33<br />

85, 000 00<br />

4, 828 57 30, 000 00<br />

15, 000 05<br />

10, 000 00<br />

140, 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

10& 222 27<br />

6', 50O OO 50, 000 00<br />

150& 000 00<br />

5n, ooo oo<br />

99&000 00<br />

20&000 00<br />

90, 000 33<br />

99, 850 00<br />

74&500 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

2)476 95<br />

15, 500 00I<br />

297& 000 00<br />

98, 094 38<br />

10& 000 00<br />

743 39<br />

245 17<br />

99, 500 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

242 24<br />

60, 000 00<br />

50, 000 00<br />

75, 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

8, 050 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

100, 000 00<br />

500 00'<br />

6, 500 00<br />

- $3, 480& 204 5)o 30, 335) 067 33I

— Cnntiuue&1.<br />

0 0<br />

DC&<br />

0<br />

"'0<br />

= m0&<br />

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0<br />

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! f.<br />

0<br />

"-C<br />

C<br />

DD<br />

m O<br />

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00<br />

DD<br />

0<br />

0<br />

g<br />

DD<br />

CG<br />

0 CD<br />

c CD<br />

0 0<br />

m &0<br />

m O<br />

C&<br />

31, 965&518 53<br />

85, 000 00<br />

34, 828 57<br />

15, 000 05<br />

10, 000 00<br />

140, 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

10, 222 27<br />

56, 500 00<br />

15o, 'one oo<br />

50, 000 00<br />

99, 000 00<br />

60, 000 00<br />

70, 000 00<br />

165, 000 33<br />

99&850 00<br />

94, 500 00<br />

26, 000 00<br />

2, 476 95<br />

8, 050 00<br />

25, 500 00<br />

5& 000 00<br />

100& 000 00<br />

1, 959, 766 88 33, 925, 285 41.<br />

85, 000 00<br />

34, 828 57<br />

15, 000 05<br />

10, 000 00<br />

140, 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

10, 222 27<br />

56, 500 00<br />

150, 000 00<br />

50&000 00<br />

99, 000 00<br />

Go, ooo 00<br />

70, 000 00<br />

165, 000 33<br />

297, 000 00 200& 000 00<br />

98, 094 38<br />

10, 000 00<br />

743 39<br />

52 40<br />

6 63<br />

99, 850 00<br />

94, 500 00<br />

26, 000 00<br />

2, 476 95<br />

8, 050 00<br />

25, 500 00<br />

5 000 00<br />

100, 000 00<br />

497, 000 00<br />

98, 094 38<br />

10, 000 00<br />

52 40<br />

743 39<br />

22& 461, 718 67<br />

41, 000 00<br />

19, 828 57<br />

7, 000 00<br />

120, 000 00<br />

296 50<br />

5&950 00<br />

31, 300 00<br />

35, 000 00<br />

25, 000 00<br />

24, 810 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

84&000 00<br />

38, 000 00<br />

18, 199 35<br />

81050 00<br />

11000 00<br />

54, 680 00 . . .<br />

201, 500 00<br />

27, 103 89 11) 436, 462 85<br />

44, 000 00<br />

15, 000 00<br />

15, 000 05<br />

3, 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

19, 703 50<br />

41272 27<br />

25, 200 00<br />

115, 000 00<br />

25, 000 00<br />

99, 000 00<br />

35, 190 00<br />

50)000 00<br />

81, 000 33<br />

2, 47G 95<br />

52 40<br />

G 63<br />

99, S50 00<br />

56, 500 00<br />

7& 800 65<br />

24, 500 00<br />

5& 000 00<br />

45, 320 00<br />

295, 500 00<br />

98, 094 38<br />

10, 000 00<br />

743 39<br />

245 17<br />

99, 500 00<br />

10& 000 00<br />

177 02<br />

G 63<br />

G 64<br />

1, 201 13<br />

245 17<br />

99, 677 02<br />

6 63<br />

10, 000 00<br />

G 64<br />

1, 201 13<br />

61, 679 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

6 63<br />

245 17<br />

37, 998 02<br />

6 G4<br />

1, 201 13<br />

500 On<br />

242 24<br />

6, 5on oo<br />

500 00<br />

24-2 24<br />

G 500 00<br />

500 00<br />

6, 500 00<br />

242 24<br />

33&815. 271 88 I, 161, 217 33 35, 97G, 4S9 21 23, 27G, 012 09<br />

, 29, 646 50 12, G70, 830 62



Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

o<br />

&&&<br />

o<br />

&&&<br />

o<br />

P<br />

o o<br />

o &&&<br />

&&0<br />

o<br />

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O<br />

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&o<br />

S<br />

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'S o<br />

»&<br />

'o<br />

oo<br />

&&<br />

o &&<br />

CQ<br />

Q<br />

C4»& o&<br />

o&&o &&&<br />

Brought forward<br />

Roads and bridges for the use of armies in the field.<br />

Reopening a communication between Albemarle<br />

sound and the Atlantic ocean.<br />

Removing obstructious in the Savannah river.<br />

Removing obstructions in the mouth of the Mississippi<br />

river .<br />

Improvement of Des Moines rapids in the Mississippi<br />

river.<br />

Improvement in Cape Fear river, North Carolina<br />

Improvement in the river St. John, Florida .... . Survey of the northern snd northwestern lakes<br />

Repairs snd contingencies of harbors .<br />

Pier and mole at Oswego, New York<br />

Foundation for a light-house on the breakwater at<br />

Waukegan, Illinois<br />

Printing charts of lake surveys. .. . ... . . .<br />

Delaware breakwater.<br />

Construction of a harbor on the east side of Reedy<br />

island .<br />

Construction and repair of snag boats, &c. , for<br />

Ohio and Mississippi rivers, &c..<br />

Continuing the topographical, &c. survey of the<br />

&<br />

delta of the Mississippi.<br />

Improvement of the navigation of the Colorado<br />

river .<br />

Rebuilding and repairing boats snd improvments<br />

on Mississippi and Ohio rivers, 8rc. . . . . . . . .<br />

Improvement of Tennessee river. ..<br />

Materials, tools, &c. , for building four steam<br />

dredges for Lake Champlain, 8rc ..<br />

Coutinuing the improvement of the harbor of Dun-<br />

kirk, New York. . . . . .<br />

Sea wall in the harbor of St. Augustine, Florida.<br />

Dome of the Capitol of the United States<br />

Extension of the Capitol of the United States. .<br />

Extension of the General Post Office<br />

Continuing the Washington aqu<strong>edu</strong>ct .<br />

Payment to the State of Texas for moneys advanced<br />

in payment to volunteers.<br />

Payment to the State of Maine for expenses incurred<br />

in organizing a regiment of volunteers for<br />

the Mexican war.<br />

Payment of expenses of militia of New Mexico,<br />

called out in 1854 .<br />

Pay of volunteers; act of March 2, 1847 . . . . .<br />

Payment to the State of Iowa for advances to<br />

troops in 1857, 1858, and 1859<br />

Settlement of suspended accounts for expenses of<br />

volunteers in Kansas Territory in 1856<br />

12& 18<br />

12, 18<br />

10<br />

13, 16<br />

13, 17<br />

13<br />

12<br />

19, 7<br />

12<br />

12<br />

12<br />

3, 480& 204 55 30, 335, 067 33<br />

8&800 26<br />

38, 382 94<br />

40& 672 10<br />

2, 901 42<br />

29, 18'0 35<br />

849 22<br />

(3) 10&000 00<br />

10, 500 00<br />

8, 005 00<br />

62 84<br />

1&060 02<br />

338 40<br />

585 49<br />

305&000 00<br />

14, 336 01<br />

150, 000 00<br />

20& 000 00<br />

446 53<br />

554-, 921 74<br />

86, 000 00<br />

500& 000 00<br />

123, 544 51<br />

10, 308 28<br />

74, 009 00<br />

18, 988 84<br />

5, 000 00<br />

Carried forward. $3, 950, 878 60 31, 878, 286 23

— Continued.<br />



0<br />

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=„b»<br />

C&)<br />

bO<br />

O<br />

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)<br />

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cf<br />

Qb<br />

C<br />

0<br />

W<br />

Cb<br />

O<br />

c &-<br />

cb . C<br />

33, 815&271 88 2&1611217 33 35, 976, 489 21 23) 276& 012 09 29& 646 50 12, 670, 830 62<br />

903 24 903 24<br />

903 24<br />

8&800 26<br />

38& 382 94<br />

40) 672 10<br />

2, 901 42<br />

179, 180 35<br />

849 22<br />

10, 000 00<br />

10, 500 00<br />

28& 005 00<br />

3, 521 39<br />

5& 014 10<br />

795 65<br />

822 GO<br />

19 88<br />

77 43<br />

3&521 39<br />

8, 800 26 8&000 00 800 26<br />

43, 397 04 38, 191 02<br />

40, 672 10<br />

3& 697 07<br />

82Z 60<br />

179& 180 35<br />

855 46<br />

10, 000 00<br />

10, 500 00<br />

28& 005 00<br />

19 88<br />

77 43<br />

40, 000 00<br />

75& 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

5, 000 001<br />

3, 697 07<br />

19 88<br />

77 43<br />

3, 521 39<br />

5& 20G 02<br />

672 10<br />

822 60<br />

104, 180 35<br />

846 17<br />

10, 500 00<br />

23, 005 00<br />

62 84<br />

62 84<br />

62 84<br />

1, 060 02<br />

1, 060 02<br />

1, 060 02<br />

41 50<br />

41 50<br />

41 50<br />

338 40<br />

446 53<br />

338 40<br />

446 53<br />

446 53<br />

338 40<br />

585 49<br />

585 49<br />

585 49<br />

305, 000 00<br />

554, 921 74<br />

86&000 00<br />

500, 000 00<br />

158 68<br />

90 20<br />

70<br />

151 90<br />

6 50<br />

31& 529 45<br />

158 68<br />

90 20<br />

305, 000 70<br />

555&073 64<br />

86, 006 50<br />

531, 529 45<br />

165, 000 00<br />

434, 500 00<br />

86& 00G 50<br />

283, 000 00<br />

158 68<br />

90 20<br />

140, 000 70<br />

120, 573 64<br />

248, 529 45<br />

123, 544 51<br />

123& 544. 51<br />

123, 544 51<br />

10, 308 28<br />

10, 308 28<br />

10)308 28<br />

74, 009 00<br />

14, 336 01<br />

12) 400 53<br />

86, 409 53<br />

14, 336 01<br />

72, 400 53'<br />

401 54<br />

14, 009 00<br />

13, 934 47<br />

18, 988 84<br />

5, 000 00<br />

18, 9BS 84<br />

5, 000 00 1, 021 40<br />

18, 988 84<br />

3, 978 60<br />

35) 829, 164 83 2, 216& 757 32 38, 045& 922 15 Z4, 506) 357 20 34, 282& 64 13, 505) 2S2 31




C'<br />

C'<br />

Specific objects ef appropriation.<br />

CG<br />

C<br />

0<br />

0<br />

O<br />

~O<br />

0& 0&<br />

0 CO<br />

0<br />

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0 cu C&)<br />

Brought forward<br />

Pay of volunteers; act of August 8, 1846. . .<br />

Pay of four companies of volunteers, called out by<br />

Lieutenant Colonel Washington; act of February<br />

27, 1851<br />

Pay of five companies Texas mounted volunteers;<br />

act of July 21, 1852.<br />

Payment of Florida volunteers in 1857 and 1858;<br />

act of Pfsrch 3, 1859<br />

Pay, subsistence, 6&c. , of six companies of New<br />

Mexico volunteers, under General Garland<br />

Pay of Florida militia, on account of the quartermaster's<br />

department<br />

Pay of Florida nfifitia, on account of subsistence<br />

Pay of the companies of Captains Bush, Price, and<br />

Susrez, for military service in Florida . .<br />

Payment of Texas volunteers under General Brooke<br />

Pay s, nd supplies of mounted and foot companies of<br />

Florida volunteers.<br />

Payment of mounted riflemen volunteers, under<br />

Captain John C. Fremont, in 1846<br />

Payment of claims adjudicated by a board of army<br />

officers to mounted rifiemen under Captain J. C,<br />

Arrearages due Florida militia under General Brool-<br />

Arrearages of pay of Kentucl-y volunteers in 1836.<br />

Travelling allowance to volunteers<br />

Forage, transportation, 6:c. , of six companies of<br />

New Mexico volunteers and'spy company, under<br />

General Garland<br />

Subsistence of eleven regiments of volunteers<br />

Arrearages of pay to volunteers in Black Hawk war. .<br />

Three months' pay and allowance to Seminole warriors<br />

.<br />

Pay of three companies of Kansas volunteers ..<br />

Arrearages of pay due Captain McRea's company<br />

Virginia volunteers<br />

Support of four companies of volunteers at Camp<br />

Scott, Utah Territory<br />

Purchase of gunpowder for Pacific coast. . . . . .<br />

Civil fund of California.<br />

Refunding to the State of California expenses incurred<br />

in suppressing I~dian hostilities prior to<br />

January, 1854; act of August 5, 1854. . . Preventing and suppressing Indian hostilities. . . . .<br />

Repressing Seminole hostilities<br />

Refunding to the Territory of Utah expenses incurred<br />

in suppressing Indian hostilities, act July<br />

17, 1854<br />

of<br />

3, 950&878 60 31& 878& 286 23<br />

7, 022 95<br />

78 36<br />

21, 831 17 . .<br />

10, 334 88<br />

4& 537 08<br />

1, 012 97<br />

271 85'<br />

94 16<br />

3) 018 34 - -----. . ---<br />

4, 806 58 . ---<br />

8) 118 90<br />

2, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1G, OG8 92<br />

42, 492 02<br />

1&404 38<br />

719 83<br />

688 44<br />

1, 173 67<br />

2, 663 71<br />

36, 873 96<br />

2, 957 50<br />

665 16<br />

23, 659 90<br />

20, 126 31<br />

9, 076 7?<br />

1, 250 00<br />

Carr&ed forward. . . . . . . . . . . . 64) 174) 826 41 31 878) 286 23

CO<br />

Cll<br />

CO<br />

QC<br />

CO<br />

CO<br />

OO<br />

Ql<br />

O<br />

Ql<br />

CO<br />

QI<br />

O<br />

CD<br />

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CO<br />

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OO<br />

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O l4<br />

M QO<br />

Balances and appropri;1-<br />

tions.<br />

Repaynients made in tl»c<br />

fiscal year en&ling June<br />

30, l F61.<br />

AQ~'~rcoatc avaRable for<br />

the ilsc&ll year ending<br />

June 30, 1861.<br />

Payments made in tltc i<br />

~<br />

fiscal year ending. lone<br />

30, 1861.<br />

Amounts carrie&l to the<br />

surplus falsi Junc 30,<br />

1861.<br />

l'alan«s of appropriat'lens<br />

Junc 30 is(i l


S TATE MEN'j<br />

)) &&<br />

Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

O<br />

&&)<br />

Q<br />

&&)<br />

&))<br />

C)<br />

c<br />

( ~<br />

0<br />

e)&<br />

~ a<br />

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A u<br />

0 ))<br />

&&<br />

&))<br />

I))<br />

O ))<br />

'&))<br />

c&'<br />

))& 0<br />

~8 O<br />

)c<br />

Brought forward.<br />

Mexican hostilities.<br />

Purchase of gunpowder for the land service<br />

Purchase and repairs of iiistrumeuts for corps of<br />

topographical engineers<br />

Military contributions in Mexico . . . . .<br />

Refunding money for expenses incurred, &c<br />

Arrearages prior to July, 1815<br />

Printiug book. of tactics<br />

Contingent expenses of the adjutant general's department<br />

Compensation of clerk aud messenger in office of<br />

commanding general<br />

Contingent expenses of office of commanding general<br />

Artesian well at Fort Monroe, act )ifarch 3, 1857. . .<br />

Testing gun metal for heavy cannon.<br />

Carrying into eifect the joint resolution directing<br />

the payment of certain volunteers and militia,<br />

under the limitations prescribed therein, approved<br />

August 4, 1846<br />

Expenses of Rogue River Indian war<br />

Printiug a revised edition of the System of Instruction<br />

for 1'ield Artillery, act March 3, 1857.<br />

Extra pay of officers and men comprising<br />

ifilexican bouudary commission. . . . .<br />

escort to<br />

Surveying and marking the boundary line of Kansas<br />

Territory.<br />

Payment to the State of Minnesota for expenses incurred<br />

by Captain James Starke's company of<br />

Minnesota volunteers, act of March 3, 1859<br />

Deficiency from Indian hostilities in the transportation<br />

of troops, act March 2, 1861.<br />

Deficiency from Indian hostilities in barracks,<br />

quarters, &c<br />

Deficiency from Indian hostilities in incidental expenses<br />

of the quartermaster's department, act<br />

gfarch 2, 1861<br />

Completing the report and perfecting the drawings<br />

of the San Juan exploring expedition, act, March<br />

2, 1861<br />

Protection of emigrants on the overland routes.<br />

Payment of judgment against Captain A. T. Lee<br />

and others, act March 2, 1861 . . . . . . .<br />

Construction of a military post in or near the valley<br />

of the Red Piver of the North, act 54rch 2, 1861.<br />

Purchare of clocks for permanent posts, act March<br />

2, 1861.<br />

12, 18<br />

3<br />

2<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12, 18<br />

12<br />

4<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

18<br />

4, 174, 826 41<br />

52, 596 86<br />

37, 876 45<br />

13, 103 27<br />

4, 017 59<br />

7 00<br />

7, 142 59<br />

286 61<br />

453 72<br />

8, 994 00<br />

2, 338 76<br />

4, 000 00<br />

1&378 50<br />

5, 100 00<br />

1 49<br />

2& 639 00<br />

31, 878, 286 23<br />

20, 000 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

22 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

4, 000 00<br />

600 00<br />

6& 000 00<br />

272 40<br />

73 53<br />

473, 464 00<br />

178, 887 00<br />

57, 084. 00<br />

1, 800 00<br />

50, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

50, 000 00<br />

560 00<br />

Brought forward.<br />

$4& 314 ) 762 25I 32&743, 049 16

— Continue&1.<br />



C)<br />

K<br />

O<br />

C4<br />

O<br />

CC C)<br />

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'C<br />

C)<br />

2<br />

C&)<br />

g<br />

C)<br />

C) CO<br />

g<br />

O& )6 O)<br />

C) Ct<br />

C<br />

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( O<br />

(<br />

(( WCC)<br />

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O C)<br />

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O )))<br />

P CC<br />

CC<br />

~<br />

M )<br />

C)<br />

O<br />

C O<br />

361 053, 112 64 2, 368&03? 53 38) 421 150 17 24& 545 536 93, 53 208 45<br />

52, 596 86<br />

5'2, 596 BG 10) 000 00<br />

37&876 45<br />

37&876 45 3?, 876 45<br />

331 103 27<br />

241 017 59<br />

29 00<br />

7) 142 59<br />

28G 61<br />

1, 453 72'<br />

4, 000 00'<br />

2 41<br />

Goo oo'<br />

14, 994 00<br />

21338 76 18 2 23<br />

33& 103 27<br />

24&450 00<br />

29 00<br />

7& 142 59<br />

286 72<br />

1, 453 72<br />

4, 000 00<br />

Goo 00<br />

14, 994 00<br />

2, 520 99<br />

16, 000<br />

47 976<br />

22<br />

253<br />

286<br />

00<br />

00<br />

00<br />

5 1).<br />

61<br />

500 00 . . .<br />

2) 000 00<br />

13, 822, 404 79<br />

42, 596 86<br />

23, 103 27<br />

19, 474 00<br />

7 00<br />

6, 889 08<br />

953 72<br />

2, 000 00<br />

300 00' 300 00<br />

14, 994 00<br />

21520 99<br />

4, 000 00<br />

1, 650 90<br />

5& 100 00 . ----<br />

73 53-<br />

4, 000 00<br />

1, 650 90 576 40<br />

5, 100 00<br />

73 53<br />

5, 100 00<br />

1 49 ------. - 1 49 ---------. . - 1 49'<br />

4, 000 00<br />

1, 074 50<br />

73 53<br />

2& 639 00 . -----<br />

473, 464 00 ------------<br />

1781 887 00 ---- --. -----<br />

2, 639 00<br />

473, 464 00<br />

178&887 00<br />

1, ill 77<br />

469, 150 00<br />

178, 000 00, ----------<br />

1, 527 23<br />

4, 314 00<br />

88? 00<br />

57 084 00 57, 084 00 56, 400 53 683 47<br />

11800 00<br />

50, 000 00<br />

1) 000 00<br />

50, 000 00<br />

560 00 .<br />

1, 800 00 1, 800 Ooi<br />

50, 000 00 25, 000 00 . 25, 000 00<br />

1, 000 00<br />

1, 000' 00<br />

50, 000 00<br />

50, 000 00<br />

560 Ooi<br />

56o oo<br />

3? 057 , 811 41, 2) 3G. 8 Gv2 28 . 39 . 42 G, 463 t)9, 25& 34S. S90 20', 53. 210 05 14, 024, 363 44<br />

32) R



r&,<br />

D<br />

0 ~<br />

» )&)<br />

u<br />

8 ec<br />

)<br />

Specific objects of appropriation. 0<br />

Brought forward . .<br />

Payruent of the civil officers of the Territory of<br />

New Mexico<br />

Relief of AIrs. Agatha O' Brien<br />

Relief of Whitemarsh B. Seabroox and others.<br />

Relief of the legal representatives of Sylvester Day,<br />

late surgeon United States army. . .<br />

Relief of the Missiouary Society of the Methodist<br />

Episcopal Church, act June 1, 1860 .<br />

Relief of Lieutenant George L. Hartsuif, United<br />

States army<br />

&'.<br />

)&&<br />

V<br />

Cl<br />

)»<br />

V<br />

o<br />

n~<br />

9<br />

11<br />

15<br />

&I<br />

0<br />

&)& 4<br />

'» m<br />

r&<br />

f"-I<br />

4, 314, 7 62 25 32, 743<br />

&<br />

542 39<br />

486 75<br />

1, 117 63<br />

I» c&<br />

s1<br />

0 )»<br />

»»e w<br />

)»<br />

Q<br />

r&<br />

&&&<br />

Rc<br />

~&g»&<br />

049 16<br />

426 00<br />

20, 000 00<br />

380 00<br />

84, 316& 909 02 32) 763, 855 16


VOTES.<br />

(1) On July 1, 1860, this balance was.<br />

From which d<strong>edu</strong>ct this sum transferred<br />

Purchase of horses for light artillery<br />

to—<br />

8, 192 40<br />

$8, 192 40<br />

(2) On July 1, 1860, this balance was.<br />

To which add this sum transferred<br />

Remounting<br />

from—<br />

four companies of light artillery<br />

8, 785 00<br />

8, 192 40<br />

$16, 977 40<br />

(3) This amount was transferred from—<br />

"Repairs and incidental expenses of light-house at Oswego, N. Y. "<br />

$10, 000 00


8 YA YE;iilEXT<br />






FOR<br />

TEIE FISC II. I. YEA. R ENDING JVNE 80, 1861;<br />


The ItnexJIen&lecl, balances on the 30th day og JuI&e, ISGI, Ichich are to be<br />

accounted for in the next, a«nrzal statenrerrt.<br />

Nors. — The figures in the columns of this statement headed "References to acts" refer<br />

to the particular acts of appropriation which authorize the expenditure of the sums placed<br />

in the columns headed "Appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1861. "

, 9)<br />


NAVAL<br />

Statement ezhi biti&zg the balances nf ayyroyriationsunexpended<br />

on the last &lay<br />

seruice of t1ee 6 nited States for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1861; together<br />

accounted for in the 7&ezt annual statement.<br />


3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

March 3, 1849<br />

March 3, 1849<br />

June 22, 1860<br />

Feb. 1, 1849<br />

Feb. 16, 1853<br />

March 3, 1855<br />

Aug. 1, 1856<br />

May 9, 1860<br />

Feb. 21, 1861<br />

March 2, 1861<br />

An act making appropriations for the naval service for the year<br />

An act to provide for the settlement of the accounts of public<br />

otherwise, in Mexico.<br />

An act making appropriations for the naval service for the year<br />

An act for the relief of the forward oiiicers of the late exploring<br />

An act for the relief of Joseph Morehead.<br />

An act making appropriation for the naval service for the year<br />

An act for the relief of the widows and orphans of oiiicers lost on<br />

An act for the relief of Richard W. Meade.<br />

An act making appropriations for the naval service for the year<br />

An act for the relief of Thomas G. Corbin.<br />

77<br />

Specidc objects of appropriation.<br />

&7<br />

a)<br />

0<br />

«7<br />

cl<br />

C&<br />

C&<br />

0 ~<br />

a) ~<br />

O<br />

77<br />

a&<br />

o za<br />

& o<br />

&&) .<br />

7<br />

w 'c<br />

C<br />

P<br />

&z<br />

a&<br />

az<br />

c&<br />

c&<br />

&7<br />

c&& a& o<br />

~» C)7<br />

Pay of the navy<br />

Clothing<br />

Provisions.<br />

Pay of superintendents.<br />

Surgeons' necessaries.<br />

Contingent expenses.<br />

Increase, repairs, armam't, and equipm't of the navy<br />

Six erst class steam frigates.<br />

Five sloops-of- war<br />

Seven steam sloops and one steamer.<br />

Seven steam screw sloops-of-war<br />

Naval academy<br />

Navy yard at Portsmouth, New Hampshire.<br />

Navy yard at Boston, Massachusetts.<br />

Navy yard at New Yorl', New Yorl- .<br />

Navy yard at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.<br />

Navy pard at Washington, District of Columbia. . . .<br />

Navy pard at Norfolk, Virginia<br />

Navy yard at Pensacola, 1 lorida<br />

Navy yard at Sackett's Harbor, New York.<br />

Navy yard at Mare Islaud, California .... Magazine at Portsmouth, New Hampshire. ...... .<br />

Magazine at Boston, Massachusetts .<br />

Magazine at New York, New Yorlr<br />

Magazine at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. ..<br />

Magazine at Washington, Districi of Coluznbia .<br />

Magazine at Norfolk, Virginia .<br />

Magazine at Pensacola, Florida. ...<br />

Magazine at Mare Island, California. . ... Carried forward. ... ..... .<br />

3&9<br />

3, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

9<br />

3&9<br />

3, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

3<br />

3, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

3<br />

3, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

3<br />

840) 217 24 013, 302 97<br />

299, 176 55<br />

2& 195 13 1& 984, 550 00<br />

787 265 85 296, 708 00<br />

13, 116 38 717150 00<br />

45. 675 64 1, 495, 000 00<br />

10, 765 83 4, 1037000 00<br />

716, 954 07<br />

192, 965 04<br />

63, 010 48<br />

670 14<br />

16, 174 30<br />

93, 326 04<br />

30, 038 31<br />

43. 159 82j<br />

13& 207 84<br />

312 25<br />

45, 917 95<br />

49&440 97<br />

70, 842 77,<br />

6, 536 03j<br />

33, 560 76'<br />

1, 577 42<br />

6, 348 30<br />

598 00<br />

11, 439 00<br />

1&200, 000 00<br />

106, 663 25<br />

30, 000 00<br />

75, 000 00<br />

87, 225 00<br />

27, 043 00<br />

51&414 00<br />

147. 056 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

2, 000 00<br />

115, 000 00<br />

7, 400 00<br />

600 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

23, 200 00<br />

1, 132 00<br />

82, 685, 492 11118, 857, 444 22



rf& fir&«i I)J60; rr tsar the ayprrifrr('atr'one anrl eoJ&cnrti tares on aerro)mt of'thc i&a Pal<br />

mr'th the rsnr'x)ienrtril balan&Pe rin the 30th of . Jirnrr, 1S61, Iohieh are to be<br />


ending June 30, 1850.<br />

OSccrs and others who may have received moneys arising from military contributions,<br />

ending June 30, 1861.<br />

expedition.<br />

ending June 30, 1856, (Zd section. )<br />

the " Albany.<br />

"<br />

ending June 30, 1862.<br />

or<br />

c'<br />

m<br />

o<br />

cl<br />

m<br />

C) be<br />

Cl<br />

c&<br />

QJ<br />

C&<br />

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D C&b<br />

B~m m<br />

cc<br />

be<br />

0<br />

m 'tj<br />

c<br />

(<br />

C&<br />

bc&<br />

C. Dj 0 cc&<br />

m<br />

o<br />

. I- br.<br />

4l—<br />

CD<br />

DD<br />

I<br />

B om<br />

I( cc&<br />

c&c<br />

Ão<br />

o c&<br />

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'0<br />

m<br />

a<br />

m<br />

D&<br />

0 ~ix&<br />

m<br />

c<br />

CD<br />

c'- n<br />

0<br />

o<br />

m<br />

c' m<br />

9, 853, 520<br />

299, 17(i<br />

I, 986, 7 (. i<br />

374) 973<br />

84, 2GG<br />

I, 540, ()75<br />

4, 113, 7(i5<br />

71G, 954<br />

192, OCi5<br />

63, 010<br />

1, 200, 000<br />

107, 333<br />

4(i, 174<br />

168, 326<br />

117, 2G3<br />

701 202<br />

G4, 621<br />

147, 3()H<br />

5&5, 917<br />

2, 000<br />

164&440<br />

70 842<br />

13, 936<br />

33, 5(io<br />

2, 177<br />

ICi, 3. IH<br />

23& 200<br />

I, 730<br />

11, 439<br />

21(1& 075, 3(0 51<br />

if& 176, 962 89<br />

13 15, IJ24 69<br />

75O OO<br />

38! 1, 100 01<br />

G4 115, 117 10<br />

HS lit&199 85<br />

07 1, 400 (')0<br />

04 14, 671 6H<br />

4)( 121, 201 17<br />

0 0<br />

S 1 1<br />

30.<br />

04' 39Z 00<br />

3<br />

82, 225 04<br />

Sl 1, 385 20<br />

'<br />

I . . .<br />

25 3, 0HC& 10<br />

iJol 87 9 l<br />

00<br />

9i, 183, J19 07<br />

0 3<br />

7()' 30 50<br />

o<br />

30 23G I', l<br />

00 I, 3il 3G<br />

00 .<br />

00 . -----------<br />

10, 9281 860<br />

476, 139<br />

2& 002, GG9<br />

375, 723<br />

Sl&, SCG<br />

1, 655, 792<br />

4, 285& 965<br />

718, 354<br />

207, G36<br />

18(, 211<br />

I, 200, 000<br />

107, 333<br />

46, li I<br />

168& 718<br />

117, 2G3<br />

70, . 12i<br />

G5, 957<br />

150, (5(:<br />

56, 005<br />

2, 000<br />

348, 360<br />

70<br />

13, 936<br />

33, 59 l<br />

2, 1ii<br />

16, 584<br />

24, 571<br />

I, 730<br />

11& 43IJ<br />

72<br />

44<br />

82<br />

85<br />

39<br />

74<br />

68<br />

()7<br />

&2<br />

G, ')<br />

Oo<br />

39<br />

30<br />

04<br />

31<br />

SG<br />

04<br />

35<br />

86,<br />

00<br />

04~,<br />

I I<br />

03<br />

2(i<br />

. (2<br />

4 I)<br />

3(i<br />

00<br />

00<br />

6, 081& 53S<br />

25G, O84<br />

187, 58IJ<br />

127, 143<br />

18, 316<br />

813, 126<br />

2 731, 463<br />

19 I, 191<br />

142, 919<br />

184, 211<br />

25, 561<br />

55, 593<br />

IG& 632<br />

54, 231<br />

25, 397<br />

28& 2&5<br />

49, 1c5<br />

33, 124<br />

I, 000<br />

Gi, 000<br />

35. 5G5<br />

791<br />

13& 365<br />

483<br />

2. 551<br />

11, 193<br />

I, 511<br />

34<br />

39<br />

50<br />

89<br />

13<br />

C)7<br />

05<br />

63<br />

41<br />

00<br />

4.<br />

81.<br />

32<br />

03<br />

Ol,<br />

Oi<br />

(i 1<br />

C)5,<br />

00<br />

ooi<br />

3(i .<br />

ool<br />

00<br />

00<br />

21<br />

04 .<br />

'<br />

oi),<br />

21, 542, 936 33 I HH5, ') ol 87 23, 428, 288 20 12, 194, 263 -io<br />

4<br />

4, S47, 322 38<br />

219, 555 05<br />

815, 080 32<br />

218, 579 96<br />

Gi, 050 26<br />

842, G66 07<br />

1, 554,<br />

524,<br />

G4,<br />

502 G3<br />

163 01<br />

ili 09<br />

1, 17(, 419 00<br />

51, 739 90<br />

29, 541 49<br />

114, 486 72<br />

81&556 28<br />

45&030 82<br />

3i& C)81 07<br />

101, 278 74<br />

22, 881 21<br />

I& 000 00<br />

281 360 04<br />

35, 271 41<br />

13, 145 03<br />

20, 226 26<br />

1, 694 42<br />

14, 033 2S<br />

13& 37S 3Z<br />

21S 71<br />

11, 439 00<br />

24 11, 234& 024 47


ciTATE ifErs T<br />

d) d)<br />

Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

d)<br />

C)<br />

C<br />

O<br />

C 00<br />

0<br />

O<br />

v ~<br />

0<br />

)<br />

co dd<br />

x'<br />

d<br />

W cx)<br />

O<br />

Brought forward.<br />

Hospital at Washington, District of Columbia.<br />

Hospital at Boston, Massachusetts. . .<br />

Hospital at New Yorl-<br />

Hospital at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania<br />

Hospital at Norfolk, Virginia.<br />

Hospital at Pensacola, Florida. . .<br />

Support of beneficiaries at the Naval Asylum at<br />

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania .<br />

Navy hospital fund.<br />

Pay of the marine corps.<br />

Provisions for the marine corps .<br />

Clothing for the marine corps<br />

Fuel for the marine corps<br />

ivIilitsry stores for the marine corps<br />

Transportation and recruiting the marine corps<br />

Repairs of barracks, A, c. , for the marine corps<br />

Contingencies of the marine corps. .<br />

Marine barracks at Brooklyn, New York. ... .<br />

Marine barracks at Pensacola, Florida. .<br />

Repairs of marine barracks at Charlestown, Mass<br />

Stevens's war steamer.<br />

American Nautical Almanac. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Purchase and repair of nautical instruments<br />

Printing and publishing )Sailing Directions<br />

Publication of Wind and Current Charts<br />

Contingent expenses snd wages in Observatory and<br />

Hydrographical office<br />

Publishing charts, Rc. , of La Plsta river.<br />

Testing improvement in steam boilers . .<br />

Testing useful inventions and discoveries. . . . . . . . .<br />

Mexican hostilities.<br />

Military contributions in Mexico. .<br />

Prize money to captors during the war with Olexico.<br />

Arming and manning the ordnance ship Plymouth.<br />

Pay of dropped naval officers.<br />

Arranging, 6:c. , specimens of natural history<br />

Exploration of the Parana and tributaries of the<br />

Paraguay river<br />

Naval depot at Blythe island, coast of Georgia . . . .<br />

Removal of the naval monument to the Naval<br />

Academy at Annapolis, Maryland<br />

Erection of a hose house<br />

Extra pay to officers and men employed on the<br />

~<br />

Pacific coast<br />

Compensation of clerks in the United States naval<br />

astronomical expedition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Exploration snd verilication of the surveys, 6:c. , of<br />

a ship canal near the Isthmus of Darien. . . . .<br />

Carried forward .<br />

9<br />

3, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

3. 9<br />

3<br />

3, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

8, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

8, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

3&9<br />

3, 9<br />

9<br />

2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

3<br />

2, 6S5, 492 11' 18, 857, 444 22<br />

1, 000 00<br />

5) 204 95 5, 000 00<br />

11, 081. 08 9, 100 00<br />

21, 558 41 9, 450 00<br />

26&270 00<br />

15, 993 38 10, 500 00<br />

5, 900 So(<br />

118, 031 57,<br />

7I, 047 87<br />

496 40<br />

5& 420 70<br />

492 48<br />

581 61<br />

792 25<br />

65, 668 56<br />

587 18<br />

79, 475 09,<br />

2) 500 Ooi<br />

8, 811 21~<br />

20, 952 96,<br />

81, 249 55<br />

1, G65<br />

4, 391<br />

354<br />

G, 915<br />

28, 799<br />

4, 466<br />

25, 822<br />

25, 277<br />

5, 900<br />

5, 235<br />

15, G25<br />

69, 335<br />

968<br />

35<br />

49<br />

72<br />

08<br />

90'<br />

54, 000 00<br />

850, 557 60<br />

143, 518 00<br />

195, 546 00<br />

44, 684 50<br />

24, 000 00<br />

28, 000 00<br />

16, 000 00<br />

65, 000 00<br />

19, 456 00<br />

51& 760 00<br />

45, 000 00<br />

16& 500 00<br />

6, 000 00<br />

56 5, ooo oo<br />

77 12, 840 23<br />

sl I<br />

8<br />

98<br />

4 1<br />

62,<br />

1 5<br />

76.<br />

1, 500 00<br />

1, 500 00<br />

14, 674 45<br />

2, 304 94<br />

$3, 347, 047 6S. 20, 516, 605 94

— Continued.<br />


+<br />

m<br />

I<br />

rd w<br />

dl<br />

c' M<br />

u& O<br />

'N ro<br />

gr<br />

o<br />

Sri<br />

'r)<br />

'r ~<br />

Q)<br />

)d<br />

rd<br />

. g ~r<br />

C<br />

g<br />

r &)&)<br />

o o<br />

dl<br />

i<br />

o~<br />

&Q<br />

e M<br />

cd<br />

Q &x)<br />

o<br />

d) o) o Ca<br />

o rd<br />

U)<br />

g 0<br />

cd<br />

CQ<br />

21, 542, 93G<br />

1, 000<br />

10, 204<br />

20, 131<br />

31& 008<br />

26, 270<br />

26, 493<br />

59, 900 80<br />

113, 031 57<br />

927, G05 47<br />

143, 518 00<br />

196, 042 40<br />

50& 105 20<br />

24, 492 48<br />

2S, OOO 00<br />

16&, SSI 61<br />

65, 79Z 25<br />

65, GGB 56<br />

587 13<br />

19, 456 00<br />

79, 475 09<br />

541 260 00<br />

53, 811 21<br />

20, 952 96<br />

31, 249 55<br />

33 1 885& 351 87<br />

&<br />

00<br />

95 196 00<br />

08' 108 52<br />

41 21 00<br />

00<br />

38<br />

18, 1G5 35<br />

10, 391 49<br />

354 72l<br />

6, 915 03<br />

28, 799 90<br />

9, 466 56<br />

38, 663 00<br />

25, 277 83 .<br />

5, 900 98<br />

5, 235 41'<br />

1, &. 625 62<br />

69, 335 15,<br />

1, 500<br />

1& 500<br />

OO<br />

Oll<br />

14, G74 45<br />

45, 581 77<br />

1, 589 03<br />

9, 398 27<br />

1, 989 36<br />

13, 393 47<br />

608 32<br />

9, 955 81<br />

4, 188 30<br />

904 60<br />

87 00<br />

7 &'0<br />

2 43<br />

81 00<br />

32 29<br />

296 17<br />

33,<br />

23, 428, ZBB<br />

I, 000<br />

10, 400<br />

20, 239<br />

31, 029<br />

26, 270<br />

26, 493<br />

20'12&<br />

00'<br />

60<br />

41<br />

00<br />

38<br />

59, 900 80<br />

'158, 613 34<br />

929, 194 50<br />

152, 916 27<br />

198) 031 76<br />

63, 498 67<br />

25, 100 80<br />

37, 955 Bl<br />

20, 769 91<br />

66& 696 85<br />

65, 668 56<br />

587 13<br />

19, 456 00<br />

79, 475 09<br />

54-, 260 00<br />

53, 898 21<br />

20, 960 46<br />

31, 251 98<br />

18, 1G5 35<br />

10, 472 49<br />

387 01<br />

7, 211 20<br />

28& r 99 90<br />

9, 466 5G<br />

38, G63 33<br />

25, 277 83<br />

5, 900 98<br />

5, 235 41<br />

194, 2G3 49<br />

2, 392 00<br />

12, 676 00<br />

4, 692 00<br />

7, 168 58<br />

9, 838 77<br />

25&778 72<br />

37, 892 57<br />

344, 043 91<br />

80, 154 33<br />

118, 021 25<br />

13, 300 00<br />

11, 359 88<br />

15, 596 36<br />

5, 288 75<br />

34, 152 69<br />

49, 183 90<br />

496 25<br />

11&000 00<br />

20, 152 87<br />

19, 941 12<br />

I, 308 00<br />

19, 561 79<br />

9, 128 82<br />

4&406 4Z<br />

100 83<br />

3, 093 87<br />

5 375 13<br />

7, 045 00<br />

53 12<br />

2, 163 79<br />

15, 625 62! 1, 884 27<br />

G9, 335 15~<br />

I, 500<br />

I, 500<br />

325 55 15& 000<br />

00) I& SOO OO<br />

00 15, 000 00<br />

88<br />

69, 335 15I<br />

11, 234, 024 47<br />

1, 000 00<br />

8, 008 95<br />

7, 563 60<br />

26, 337 41<br />

19, 101 42<br />

16, 654 61<br />

34, 122 OS<br />

120, 720 77<br />

585, 150 59<br />

72, 761 94<br />

80&010 51<br />

50 198 67<br />

13, 740 92<br />

221359 45<br />

15, 481 16<br />

32, 544 16<br />

16, 484 66<br />

8&456 00<br />

79, 475 09<br />

34, 107 13<br />

33, 957 09<br />

19) 652 46<br />

11& 690 19<br />

9, 036 53<br />

6, 06G 07<br />

286 18<br />

117 33<br />

799 90<br />

28,<br />

4<br />

31& 618 33<br />

25, 224 71<br />

900 98<br />

5,<br />

071 62<br />

3&<br />

091 43<br />

13, 741 35<br />

14 50<br />

2, 304<br />

2, 304<br />

94&<br />

2& 304 94<br />

9(iH rG 96S 7d, pl<br />

968 76<br />

23, 863, 753 GZ 1, 974, 118 59, 25, 837, 772 21 13, 091& 804 92 6)9& 426 27 12& 676, 541 02



Specific objects of appropriation.<br />

o<br />

&s<br />

o<br />

o<br />

c<br />

2 o<br />

o»&<br />

QQ<br />

o<br />

&t<br />

0<br />

»&<br />

»&<br />

O<br />

&&<br />

O<br />

4 g&<br />

9<br />

&. c&<br />

Brought for ward. . . -. . . . . - - -,<br />

Increase of pay of clerks and messengers in the<br />

Washington navy yard and marine barracks<br />

Purchase or charter of vessels for the Paraguay<br />

expedition<br />

Fuel for the navy<br />

Purchase of hemp for the navy .<br />

Drdnance, ordnance stores, and small arms, includ-<br />

ing incidental expenses. . ..<br />

Charter of the Toey-wan<br />

Purchase of saltpetre for the navy. . Engraving charts of the survey of Behring's Straits,<br />

the North Pacific ocean, and China Seas<br />

Commission to the Isthmus of Chiriqui.<br />

Report of the survey of the route between California<br />

and China, and portions of the coast of Japan.<br />

Purchase of the right to Brooke's deep-sea sounding<br />

apparatus<br />

Purchase of the right to Davidson's boat apparatus.<br />

Purchase of thc right to Sargeant's<br />

steam, engine<br />

governor<br />

North Pacific Surveying expedition.<br />

Construction of a sewer on Flushing avenue, Brooklyn,<br />

New York. . . . . . .<br />

Relief of widows& 6;c„of those lost in the Albany<br />

Relief of Joseph Morehead.<br />

Relief of Richard W. Meade<br />

Relief of the forward officers of the late exploring<br />

expedition .<br />

Relief of Thomas G. Corbin. . . . .<br />

3<br />

3, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

3, 9<br />

3<br />

9<br />

9<br />

9<br />

9<br />

9<br />

9<br />

5<br />

8<br />

4<br />

10<br />

(<br />

3& 347& 047 68 20, 516, 605 94<br />

2, 856 61<br />

270, 534 48<br />

163, 549 50<br />

348, 244 16<br />

45, 000 00<br />

595 00<br />

1& 380, 000 00<br />

600, 000 00<br />

665, 500 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

20, G82 00<br />

11, G37 81<br />

5, 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

10& 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

7, 700 00<br />

60, 000 00<br />

336 00<br />

375 61<br />

535 09<br />

879 00<br />

293 15<br />

$4, 17 7, 232 43 23, 305, 139 51

— Continuo'.<br />


0<br />

))<br />

C /<br />

)&'<br />

I<br />

23, 863, G53<br />

62 1, 974, 118 59 25, 837, 772 21 13, 091, 804 92<br />

69, 426 27 12, 676, 541 02<br />

595 On 595 00 595 00<br />

2, 856 6!<br />

1, 650, 534 48<br />

763, 549 50<br />

1, 013, 744<br />

45, 000<br />

10, 000<br />

20, 682<br />

11, 637<br />

16<br />

00.<br />

00<br />

00~<br />

81I<br />

5, ono oo<br />

5, 000 00 .<br />

10, 000 00,<br />

1, 06)'& 77<br />

1, 824 79<br />

19, 472 50<br />

42 28<br />

2&856 61<br />

1, G51, 597 25<br />

765, 374 29<br />

1, 033, 216 66<br />

45, 000 00<br />

10& 000 00<br />

20, 682 00<br />

11, 680 09<br />

5& 000 00<br />

5, 000 00<br />

10, 000 00<br />

21856 61<br />

616, 242 89<br />

140) 300 82<br />

493& 84 45 .<br />

1, 625 31<br />

4, 980 83<br />

925 00<br />

3, 078 86<br />

5, 000 00<br />

10&000 00.<br />

1, 035, 354 36<br />

625, 073 47<br />

539, 368 21<br />

45', ono oo<br />

8, 374 69<br />

15, 701 17<br />

10, 755 09<br />

11921 14<br />

10, 000 00<br />

7, 700 00<br />

Go, noo<br />

336<br />

375<br />

535<br />

879<br />

293<br />

no . .<br />

00<br />

Gl'<br />

00)<br />

00<br />

15<br />

10) 000 00<br />

7, 700 00<br />

60, 000 00<br />

336 00<br />

375 61<br />

535 00<br />

879 00<br />

293 15<br />

10)000 00<br />

336 00 .<br />

375 61<br />

535 00<br />

879 00<br />

293 15<br />

7, 700 00<br />

Gn, noo 00<br />

27, 482& 371 94 1, 99G, 520 9329, 478, 892 87 1413831677 45 69, 426 27' 15&025 789 15

.<br />

'.<br />

.<br />

.<br />

do<br />

~<br />

.<br />

'<br />



.<br />

+t(( ter«enzt ezlzibi ti&zg the ba7azzces dzze ozz accozzzzt of' ol(l izzterzzal<br />

30, 1861.<br />

rez ezztze, Jurze<br />

Yam ex. 0%ces. Districts.<br />

Balances due June 30,<br />

1861.<br />

To otRcers.<br />

By of8cers.<br />

Joshua W(, ntworth<br />

Timothy Osgood .<br />

William Pecl- . Daniel Dexter .<br />

Paul Allen<br />

Nathaniel Cushing<br />

Abel Sherman. . . . .<br />

Jarues Hedden<br />

Peter Smith<br />

Henry Miller.<br />

John Conrad.<br />

Dauiel Delozicr<br />

Richard Marshall . .<br />

-- ~ ~<br />

~ I<br />

George I31agruder.<br />

Evans Willmg. .. . .<br />

I<br />

Robert J. H. Handv<br />

I<br />

Late surveyor ..<br />

Collector.<br />

Supervisor<br />

Collector<br />

do.<br />

do<br />

. do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

Supervisor . .<br />

Acting supervisor ..<br />

Supervisor<br />

Collector . .<br />

do<br />

. do<br />

do<br />

John Bennett. . . do<br />

Joseph Forman . . do<br />

Sanmel Hanson ... ... l. do<br />

. . . . ~. . . . do<br />

Samuel Sibley<br />

'<br />

Levin Ba, liard . do<br />

Levin Pollett . . do<br />

I<br />

John Dicl-inson. ...<br />

dn<br />

John Thoma-<br />

do<br />

Jeremiah Xicholls. . . do<br />

,<br />

Richard G. Hardesty. .<br />

I do<br />

William Richardson Inspector<br />

Collector.<br />

James II allace. . . Stamp agent . . . . . .<br />

George Collett . . . . . . . .<br />

~<br />

Robert Suoddy .. ~<br />

John A. Burdick. . do<br />

Jame. Craig. . . do<br />

,<br />

Alexander Campbell<br />

Vincent Gray ...<br />

Edrvard Warsham<br />

John E. Holt<br />

Jacob Feltner. . .. .<br />

Charles Vowles. . .<br />

Alexander Hawthorne .. I<br />

Elias Srilwcll ..<br />

Enoch Dailv. ..... ~,<br />

Thomas Wiiliams. . . . . .<br />

Collector. . . . . . . . .<br />

do<br />

do<br />

. do<br />

do.<br />

---do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

George Alexander. . I<br />

William Revnolds. .. do<br />

Benjamin Cudworth. . do<br />

John 31arhews ... . .,<br />

Supervisor<br />

James Alger. . do<br />

Joshua Houghton<br />

Andrew Baxter<br />

Robert 3IcDougal<br />

Lambert Clayton. . dn .<br />

. . . do<br />

District attorney.<br />

Collector . .<br />

Late collector. . .<br />

do<br />

yt(rv Hampshire<br />

Massachusetts .<br />

Rhode Island.<br />

do<br />

. . . do.<br />

do<br />

hew York .<br />

Yew Jersey<br />

do<br />

Pennsvlvania<br />

do<br />

Maryland .<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

. do.<br />

do<br />

. do.<br />

do.<br />

. do<br />

~ (zo-<br />

. do<br />

do. . .<br />

do<br />

. do.<br />

do<br />

do<br />

. do<br />

do<br />

- do.<br />

do.<br />

. . . --. do<br />

do<br />

do.<br />

Yirginia . . .<br />

. do<br />

do<br />

. do<br />

. do.<br />

'snr th Carolina.<br />

do.<br />

do<br />

do<br />

(10.<br />

South Carolina .<br />

Geor ia .<br />

dn<br />

dn<br />

. do<br />

(l"<br />

4 I<br />

88<br />

94<br />

1 59<br />

03 25<br />

ll<br />

7 18<br />

184 20<br />

Carried forsvard 81. 35s 51<br />

7, 414 51<br />

55 18<br />

4, 468 50<br />

1, 252 94<br />

46 11<br />

4, 049 52<br />

115 00<br />

128 ii<br />

4, 349 65<br />

5, 037 44<br />

49, 287 78<br />

559 80<br />

1. 902 3i<br />

4, 704 15<br />

1, 114 36<br />

54 15<br />

15 11<br />

229 01<br />

18 i2<br />

1, 654 24<br />

155 51<br />

15 06<br />

122 69<br />

71 10<br />

4 13<br />

95 15<br />

17 18<br />

20 75<br />

123 44<br />

468 74<br />

85 16<br />

232 33<br />

1, 924 02<br />

2i 26<br />

413 22<br />

155 81<br />

52 25<br />

20 73<br />

s<br />

4i 50<br />

398 00<br />

25 00<br />

111 05<br />

411<br />

91, 489 06


bT 't'I'ERIE'&&'f' —<br />

(' »&ti»t» &l.<br />

509<br />

I a&ncs. Ofbccs. Dist&icts.<br />

Balances due June 30,<br />

1861.<br />

To ofhcer~<br />

By oflicers<br />

Henry Clmppalcar . .<br />

Sa»&»i l Gardinan. . .<br />

John Collier .<br />

John Da&vacott.<br />

Henry J&i»~ . .<br />

Yancy s. &odors. Hamilton Wynn ..<br />

John Best wick .<br />

Edward White . .<br />

Simeon Maxwell ..<br />

David Rc(. '<br />

Isaac Crew. ..<br />

Claud Tbomps&m .<br />

Jolm Overton .. Thoruas Brown.<br />

Reubcn Saunders<br />

Thomas Gray<br />

Edward Scott<br />

Henry Bradford James 51orrison ..<br />

Robert Crockett<br />

John W. Han»a<br />

W&ll&an& Ythreslllcv.<br />

John Artl&nr.<br />

J. Arthur an&i G. Manscl<br />

Thomas Worthh&gton<br />

James S&»ith. . .<br />

Robert Momson. . . . . -<br />

Griflith Green<br />

John G. Jlac»n. . . .<br />

Elisba Tisdale. . .<br />

Ebenezer Sproat<br />

Late collector<br />

do<br />

do.<br />

. do.<br />

do. -----<br />

&io------<br />

do. ------<br />

do<br />

.&lo<br />

do------<br />

Su&'vcvo&' ~ - ---. ~<br />

Collector. ..<br />

do<br />

District »ttorne<br />

Collector.<br />

Supervisor . . . . .<br />

. do.<br />

A& tin . supervis<br />

t'&&ll«ctor.<br />

V.<br />

0&<br />

do<br />

Supervisor . . . . .<br />

Collector . .<br />

do.<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

.<br />

'<br />

Brought forward. .<br />

Georgia .<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

. do.<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do--<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

,<br />

Tennessee<br />

. do.<br />

do.<br />

do<br />

&lo<br />

do<br />

Flentncky<br />

do.<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

Northwest<br />

. do.<br />

. do<br />

do.<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

. do<br />

district<br />

1, 358 51<br />

5<br />

21 70<br />

91, 489 06<br />

220 73<br />

10 00<br />

9 00<br />

465 57<br />

163 65<br />

IS 00<br />

391 02<br />

SSI 61<br />

28 00<br />

48 34<br />

262 55<br />

221 83<br />

128 82<br />

533 Sl<br />

2, 313 79<br />

140 00<br />

113 00<br />

84 35<br />

8, 518 93<br />

33, 229 12<br />

949 85<br />

2, 285 83<br />

I, 544. 22<br />

44 64<br />

2) ll& 91<br />

126 21<br />

458 62<br />

90 24<br />

61 91<br />

25 66<br />

',<br />

9l, 402 56 l46, 475 70


Statement exhibiting the balances due on account og direct tax og 1798, June<br />

30, 1861.<br />

Names. Offices. Districts.<br />

Balances due June 30,<br />

1861.<br />

Nathaniel Rogers. .<br />

John g. Dexter. .<br />

William Peck. ..<br />

John A. Collins. . .<br />

John Allen .<br />

Thomas Potter, jr.<br />

Nicholas E. Durfee.<br />

'I'homas Palmer . . . . . . .<br />

John Remington .<br />

Joseph Thomston .<br />

George James.<br />

Francis W. Gardiner . .<br />

Henry N iles<br />

William H. Davis<br />

Peleg Rhodes<br />

Daniel S. Dexter .<br />

John Rogers.<br />

James Paine .<br />

Duty Smith<br />

Nehemiah Knight, jr. .<br />

Thomas Wilburn. . .<br />

Fleet Brown .<br />

John Gorton.<br />

Samuel Osgood<br />

Benjamin Goldsmith ..<br />

Jesse Hale<br />

Eliphalet Chichester ..<br />

Joseph Lattiug.<br />

Joseph Perrine<br />

George Huisin ...<br />

Frederick Wcisenfels<br />

William Brown<br />

Daniel Hitchcock . .<br />

Carlisle Pollock<br />

John B. Groshen. ...<br />

Elijah Ward .<br />

Evert Hogenkamp. . ..<br />

Samuel Moffat<br />

John Morrill<br />

James Dill<br />

Nathan Halsey<br />

Wm. Kuicl'erbocl-er .<br />

A. Vosburg<br />

W. D. Houtailing ..<br />

Storm A. Becker .<br />

Jesse Shepherd. . . . . „.<br />

Robert Mitchell<br />

George Marsh.<br />

Abraham. Wells . .<br />

Abraham Conyne. . . . . .<br />

Late supervisor<br />

do<br />

Acting supervisor<br />

Collector<br />

&lo<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

. do<br />

do<br />

do.<br />

do. --<br />

. do<br />

. -----dQ---<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

. do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

-do<br />

do. .<br />

-do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

. do<br />

. do<br />

-do<br />

do. .<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do---<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

. do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

-do<br />

do<br />

New Hampshire .<br />

Rhode Island<br />

do<br />

do.<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

. de<br />

(10<br />

. do<br />

. do<br />

. do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

. do<br />

. do .<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

. do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

Acting supe rvisor New York<br />

Collector<br />

do.<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do.<br />

do<br />

.-do-------. -.<br />

do.<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do.<br />

do .<br />

(io<br />

do<br />

-do.<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

---- do<br />

To officers. By oihcers.<br />

25 52<br />

592 36<br />

14 45<br />

2& 528 47<br />

109 52<br />

10 97<br />

4 80<br />

26 43<br />

5<br />

1 97<br />

6 30<br />

1 39<br />

6 70<br />

5 61<br />

1 53<br />

67 93<br />

601 30<br />

4 00<br />

45<br />

4 22<br />

76<br />

15 63<br />

11 18<br />

196 62<br />

5 94<br />

5 76<br />

39<br />

40 56<br />

6 20<br />

28 77<br />

124 28<br />

76 02<br />

63 44<br />

194 09<br />

35 90<br />

33 58<br />

1 82<br />

44 03<br />

2g 16<br />

g9<br />

2 37<br />

20<br />

0'1<br />

14 97<br />

34 r<br />

34 00<br />

2(l 69<br />

5 80<br />

4 85<br />

40 00<br />

Carried forward 5, PJ8 05

.<br />

~<br />

.<br />

.<br />

l<br />

~<br />

Virginia<br />

~<br />

31,<br />


& T &t TECHIE')& T — Continued.<br />

Names. Off)ces. Districts.<br />

Balances due June 30,<br />

1861.<br />

I To officers. By officers.<br />

Late collector<br />

Collector<br />

Late collector<br />

Collector<br />

do<br />

do.<br />

. Supervisor<br />

do<br />

Collector<br />

Stephen Cromwell.<br />

Cor. C. Buckms, n.<br />

John Fluskey. ..<br />

Abraha, in Camp<br />

Iles:s Wright ... ... do<br />

James C. &'liapell. .. ~<br />

Ricketson flurlingh;Iin<br />

Henry Mill(r<br />

Daniel Delozier . . .<br />

,<br />

John Ford. ...... . i<br />

William Alexander. .. do<br />

James Arthur. . . . . .. do<br />

John B&nnett. . ..<br />

do<br />

John Green. . . do<br />

Thomas Carter. . Matthew Rhodes John Burkley. ..... Samuel Richardson. ..<br />

John Brown<br />

Wilson D&ivis .<br />

P)obert Steele<br />

Henry Edmonson<br />

Archba!d McCall .<br />

Elias Sti i)veil .<br />

Alexander Hawthorn . .<br />

John Armstrong . . . . . .<br />

Daniel Stevens<br />

Robert E. Cochran<br />

Hugh Swinton .<br />

Charles E. Steedman John JI;irsb)ill, jr ....<br />

Thomas Godfrey .<br />

John Simpson. ...<br />

'I'homes Hutcliison.<br />

James E. Benson ..<br />

James Al"& r .<br />

John Jb)ttliews ...<br />

Joseph Turner . . .<br />

William A. Stewart<br />

George Watkins .<br />

Thomas McKenney<br />

'William lVynn.<br />

. .<br />

'<br />

Hen& y Cb a p paler. .<br />

John D&irra cot t. . ... .<br />

Jauies &&. Crosby Samuel G;irdiiier .<br />

John Overton<br />

R&)bert &'re(kelt<br />

do<br />

do.<br />

. do.<br />

do.<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do.<br />

do.<br />

. . do<br />

Late col! ector<br />

. do<br />

Super viso<br />

. do<br />

Collector<br />

do.<br />

. do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

&10<br />

do<br />

Superviso<br />

&lo<br />

Collector .<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

. do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

'do<br />

do<br />

Supersdso<br />

do<br />

Brought forward<br />

New York<br />

. do<br />

. do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

. do<br />

do<br />

Pennsylvania<br />

Maryland<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do.<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do.<br />

. do . .<br />

. do.<br />

do.<br />

. do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

North Carolina.<br />

South Carolina<br />

. do.<br />

. do<br />

. . . . . do. . .<br />

. . do.<br />

do<br />

Georgia<br />

. do.<br />

. . . . . . do. . . . . . . . . . .<br />

.. do.<br />

do<br />

(io<br />

... do<br />

. . &1o. . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Ilo.<br />

. do.<br />

'I'I nnessee<br />

Kentucky<br />

20 02<br />

21<br />

24<br />

7<br />

59<br />

47<br />

10<br />

1 34<br />

1 05<br />

8 86<br />

5 49<br />

9 li3<br />

5, 138 05<br />

50 91<br />

36 85<br />

24 29<br />

1G 20<br />

53 70<br />

22G 31<br />

54 49<br />

2, 292 23<br />

423 58<br />

264 34-<br />

3 49<br />

2G2 36<br />

2 55<br />

25 16<br />

20 23<br />

266 76<br />

495 90<br />

2 930 52<br />

443 94<br />

193 80<br />

70 45<br />

808 66<br />

570 89<br />

862 29<br />

418 11<br />

387 32<br />

195 07<br />

534 25<br />

492 53<br />

1, f)25 75<br />

2, 164 19<br />

352 91<br />

927 71<br />

G87 25<br />

2 029 15<br />

46 10<br />

4, 516 99<br />

$53 57<br />

~<br />

915 28

&148<br />


Statement, exhibiting t1ze tzatances drze on accozznt og r'nternat nenentze, Jzizze 30,<br />

1S61.<br />

Balances due June 30, 1861.<br />

Collectors and others.<br />

Gideon Garrlner. . .<br />

Taylor Sherman.<br />

Nathan Myers<br />

William Tremer.<br />

Josiah Sheldon. . . . . .<br />

Silas Holmes<br />

Moses J. Cantine<br />

Sylvester D. Russell .<br />

John White<br />

Nicholas Kern<br />

Mathias Richards. .<br />

Jacob Lechner<br />

Hugh Bt:llas<br />

David Rieliy<br />

William Cunningham<br />

Henry H. Beeson<br />

John Witbrow George Slorgan Robert Beatty. .. James Patterson. .<br />

Satuuel M. Reed.<br />

Andre w Ste war t<br />

Stephen H Moore<br />

Thomas B. Hall.<br />

Daniel Schnebly . .<br />

John MciNeil, jr.<br />

Williatn A. Harrison<br />

Jonathan Jacl. son.<br />

Salathiel Curtis .<br />

Salathiel Curtis<br />

Sauiuel B. Hall<br />

Asher Waterman. . . . .<br />

'<br />

Joseph Fawcett .<br />

William D. Taylor<br />

Thomas JI. Randolph.<br />

George F. Strothers<br />

Henry Mencfee<br />

John Slclrarlsnd.<br />

John S. Benhsm<br />

Charles Anthony<br />

Charles lk Sherman . .<br />

Jeremiah P. Fogg .<br />

John M Goodenow<br />

Satuuel Coulter .<br />

Goodenow St Dyke<br />

John W. Willey. . ---.<br />

I<br />

'lhomas D. Webb . . . . I-<br />

15<br />

2<br />

4<br />

6<br />

10<br />

19<br />

1<br />

8<br />

12<br />

14<br />

15<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

17<br />

18<br />

4<br />

8<br />

8<br />

9<br />

5<br />

6<br />

8<br />

8<br />

18<br />

19<br />

19<br />

7<br />

3<br />

6<br />

6<br />

States.<br />

Massachusetts ..<br />

Connecticut<br />

New York<br />

. Clo<br />

do<br />

. do<br />

De puty district attorney, southern<br />

district New York.<br />

New Jersey, district attoruey<br />

Pennsylvania,<br />

do<br />

do<br />

Pennsylvania,<br />

do<br />

. do<br />

. do<br />

1'ennyslvania,<br />

do<br />

. do<br />

do<br />

Pennsylvania,<br />

ern district.<br />

Maryland<br />

. do<br />

. do.<br />

district attortiey<br />

sheriff<br />

attorney, west-<br />

Virginia, western district, attorney.<br />

tie<br />

. do.<br />

. do.<br />

. clo.<br />

. do ..<br />

Virginia, late acting attorney,<br />

eastern district.<br />

(10 ... .<br />

North Carolina. . . .<br />

Ohio, district attorney. .<br />

. tlo.<br />

Ohio<br />

0 hio ' .<br />

Ohio<br />

Ohio<br />

Ohio, attorneys-at-law<br />

Ohio, late district attorney<br />

Ohio<br />

Carried forward. . . . . . l<br />

To collectors<br />

and others.<br />

15<br />

1 64<br />

96 72<br />

49 93<br />

By collectors<br />

and others.<br />

18, 180 10<br />

7, 311 03<br />

16, 592 20<br />

559 98<br />

361 80<br />

584 10<br />

1, 158 79<br />

18, 553 33<br />

2) 130 22<br />

247 43<br />

2, 015 26<br />

11, 114 42<br />

932 35<br />

I, 645 15<br />

16, 075 34<br />

2, 928 40<br />

321 33<br />

18, GS5 08<br />

181 60<br />

2, 51G 38<br />

12, 687 i2<br />

9, 150 47<br />

1, 614 81<br />

4, 430 74<br />

283 28<br />

2, 276 91<br />

1, 998 94<br />

453 60<br />

3 64<br />

763 83<br />

10, 005 71<br />

85 98<br />

602 56<br />

498 19<br />

900 38<br />

SS 39<br />

17, 841 l6<br />

1, 845 7't<br />

5 38<br />

2i5 39<br />

410 40<br />

162 05<br />

106 40<br />

188&585 99


STATE NEXT — Continued.<br />

518<br />

Balances due June 30, 1861.<br />

Collectors and others. ,<br />

John H. )klorton. ..<br />

Samuel Theobold<br />

John Coburn. .. Benjamin Field Benjamin Field Amos Edwards .... .<br />

, fohn H. Morton.<br />

John A. Jones<br />

William Bard. ....<br />

John Rynum<br />

Francis Adams<br />

Sene Dubuse<br />

Robert Mitchell ..<br />

Thomas Brown<br />

Nicholas T. Perkins<br />

David H. Crawford<br />

P. A. Oelachaise. . .<br />

Allen D. Thorn .. ...<br />

John W. 'l hompson<br />

Edward Bates. .<br />

James H. L'lake.<br />

Wm. Whitaker, Jaa<br />

Wilson, and the<br />

heirs and legal rep- l<br />

resentatives of Jos.<br />

l<br />

B. Hain ilton.<br />

George i)1. Bil&b. . . . . . ,<br />

4<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

10<br />

3<br />

5<br />

1<br />

J<br />

2<br />

States.<br />

Brought forward. . .<br />

Kentucky<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

. do<br />

-. do<br />

. . . . . do<br />

.. do<br />

do<br />

South Carolina.<br />

dE)<br />

. ... do<br />

Tennessee<br />

. rlo<br />

Georgia<br />

Louisiana .<br />

Indian Territory<br />

Missouri.<br />

Missouri, United States attorney.<br />

District of Columbia. . . . . .<br />

Sureties of Amos Edwards,<br />

collector of the 6th district<br />

of Kentucky.<br />

Late United States attorney,<br />

Kentucky.<br />

To collectors<br />

and others.<br />

148 44<br />

88 2S<br />

34 33<br />

544 76<br />

$815 81<br />

By collectors<br />

and others.<br />

188, 585 99<br />

14, 658 14<br />

588 25<br />

6, 854 78<br />

882 09<br />

2, 871 35<br />

5, 239 37<br />

3, 225 76<br />

2, 903 67<br />

18, 161 88<br />

1, 722 28<br />

2, 533 14<br />

400 04<br />

9, 954 30<br />

2, 257 51<br />

27 00<br />

1'2, 089 10<br />

8, 150 63<br />

1, 116 12<br />

351 62<br />

2, 497 92<br />

285, 070 94<br />

33 It


Statement exhibiting the balances due on account of direct tax of 1816, June<br />

30, 1861.<br />

Balances due June 30, 1861.<br />

Collectors and others. 60<br />

O<br />

John Massey<br />

Hatevil Knight .<br />

Amos Townsend. .<br />

Josiah W. Seaver. . . .<br />

Nicholas Kern<br />

John Conrad.<br />

John Snyder.<br />

William Cunningham<br />

Samuel M. Read<br />

Richard Beau<br />

George Brown<br />

Richard Duval<br />

Thomas B. Hall. . .<br />

James H. Bla, ke. .<br />

Daniel Kiucheloe<br />

Salathiel Curtir .<br />

Scuvant Jones<br />

William D. Taylor<br />

, lohn H. Alley<br />

Richard Mitchell<br />

George Matlock. . .<br />

William C. Mynate<br />

William 1Vard<br />

John Thompson. .<br />

$<br />

CQ<br />

2<br />

5<br />

8<br />

8<br />

12<br />

15<br />

18<br />

23<br />

1<br />

5<br />

8<br />

4<br />

5<br />

17<br />

18<br />

12<br />

1<br />

4<br />

10<br />

2<br />

States.<br />

Clerk district court, Maine ..<br />

New Hampshire. ..<br />

16assachusetts<br />

. do.<br />

Pennsylvania ..<br />

Pennsylvania, late marshal. . .<br />

Maryland<br />

District of Columbia. . . . . . . . .<br />

Virginia . .<br />

do . .<br />

do.<br />

North Carolina<br />

Tennessee<br />

do .<br />

Clei k court eastern<br />

Tennessee.<br />

Kentucky<br />

Louisiana<br />

district<br />

To collectors<br />

and others.<br />

4 29<br />

By collectors<br />

and others.<br />

1, 917 43<br />

42 41<br />

20<br />

5, 306 93<br />

1, 817 81<br />

1, 428 50<br />

3, 755 15<br />

3, 106 56<br />

798 04<br />

2, 938 64<br />

132 55<br />

2, 087 47<br />

257 74<br />

126 39<br />

6, 202 17<br />

2 15<br />

3, 804 65<br />

6, 250 10<br />

2, 115 54<br />

114 28<br />

432 43<br />

91 05<br />

14, 440 57<br />

$4 29 57, 168 76<br />

Balances due on account of the tax of' 1815.<br />

'<br />

John H. Alley . 12<br />

William Marshall . . 1<br />

North Carolina<br />

Louisiana.<br />

6, 643 56<br />

53 20<br />

$6, 696 76<br />

Due by collectors designated<br />

to receive the list of taxes due by non-residents.<br />

Wkliam H. Taylor. . . .<br />

John H. Morton.<br />

Nicholas T. Perkins<br />

Virginia<br />

Kentucky<br />

Tennessee<br />

12, 397 09<br />

3, 174 07<br />

45 53<br />

315, 616 69


OF THE<br />





i Washmgton,<br />

'<br />



Statement of the accounts of receivers of public moneys arising from<br />

Due July I, 1860,<br />

Receivers. Districts. Date of bond<br />

By receivers. To receive&'s,<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

)2<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

rs6<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

31<br />

32<br />

33<br />

34<br />

35<br />

36<br />

37<br />

:39<br />

4II<br />

41<br />

42<br />

43<br />

44<br />

45<br />

46<br />

47<br />

48<br />

49<br />

50<br />

51<br />

52<br />

53<br />

54<br />

55<br />

57<br />

58<br />

59<br />

60<br />

Thomas McNaliy , James Rnwe ...... George E. Greene*. .. . Cherie. C. Campbell. . A. G. Ilerndon. ...... , sanies 4. Dougherty, Ehas E Buckiier .........<br />

. do.<br />

John J. Turnbsugh . . . . . .<br />

Thomas J. Bishop. . . . . . . .<br />

N. B. Holden. . . . . . , , . . . . .<br />

John S. Hnustnn. . . .......<br />

John Peebles*<br />

Th oinas E. Herbert s. John S. Nance". .. . .. . do i .... ...... James W. 'IVarren. .......<br />

do,<br />

...... do 7 .. ........ . Richard F. Cook. ..... . do *. . . ... .... . ..<br />

Sidney 54 Torbert 7, ... .<br />

Edmnnd M. Hastings". .. ,<br />

L M. Stiff*.<br />

Wni. N. Wbiteliurst. . ..<br />

...... do *.... . . .....<br />

A. a R. i. "arter .. . ...<br />

do *... . . , ... ,<br />

Robert A. Clarl' *. . John J. Gage . . . 7. ... . ..... do!!. ..., .. .<br />

Robert D. Haden do 7 ......... . Henry W. Palfrey. .., .... .<br />

..... . do j, ... . . John Poesy* ..... , . .. ...<br />

Chas. H. Morrison. .... ...<br />

C H. Dnbbs. ... ~ ~. George Purvis *.... .. . .<br />

Jesse R. McClenden $. . John Laplace * . .<br />

Jacob Beeson. ..... .., ...<br />

Geo. S Fro. t. . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

H enry K. Hanger . . . . . . . . ,<br />

Henry J. IVil. . on . . . . . . . . .<br />

John C. Dexter .. , . .<br />

Wn& L. P. I. iule .... , ,<br />

('harles H. Robinson. . . R. J. Grave)at. . .. , , Ebenezer Warren jj .... ...<br />

...... do. .... ...... .. .<br />

H rnry R. blather ... Alexander Campbell O. A. Stevens ... . , .<br />

Wm A. Bevens. ,<br />

do ....... .... .<br />

P. T Crutrhiield 7 . Daniel GriSn, . . ... . .<br />

...... dn ..... . .<br />

Carried forward.<br />

Chil icothe, Ohio ...... do .... ... Vincennes, Ind .. Indianapolis) Ind Spnngheld, III. . .<br />

Ht. Louis, Mo, . , ,<br />

Boonville, bio ..., ...<br />

do<br />

Jackson, Mo. ... ,.. Springn) ld, Mo. .. , , .<br />

Wars)in, Mo<br />

Pie ttshu)rg, Mo. .. . . St. Stephen's, Ala . ..<br />

Green viRe, Ala<br />

Huntsville, Ala. ..<br />

, ... . do .... .... ,<br />

Tuscaloosa, Ala ..... . do ........... . .<br />

..., , . do, , Elba, Ala . .......<br />

..... . do .....<br />

Drmopoli, Ala. .. .<br />

Montgomery, Ala. .<br />

Centre, Ala. ........ .<br />

Miss, ...<br />

do ...<br />

Paulding, Miss. ......<br />

do<br />

Jacksim, Miss , Grenada, Miss .......<br />

CI0<br />

do .... .. . . .<br />

I<br />

..., , ..., Columbus, Miss. ...... ... j'<br />

do<br />

New Orleans, La. , ,<br />

do .... .... . ,<br />

Opelousas, La. ...........<br />

blonroe, La. ..... ... . ,<br />

I<br />

. . do . .<br />

...., , do ......... . .... !<br />

Green. burg, La. . ...<br />

Natchitocl&es, La .<br />

l&etroit, Mich. ...<br />

, do ... , ..........<br />

...... do<br />

j Ionia, Mich. . ..... ,<br />

I. ..... do .... ........<br />

East Saginaw, Mich<br />

j<br />

..... . do .... ., ... ,. .<br />

Marquette) Mich. , , , do ............ ......<br />

. . . . . . . . do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

. . . . . . . . do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,<br />

. . do . . . .<br />

Traverse City, Mich . . . . . . .<br />

Batesviile, Ark . . . . . . . . . . ,<br />

do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

. . . Little Rock, Ark. . . , . . . . .<br />

Washington, Ark . . . . . . . . .<br />

. , , . , do . . . .<br />

* To March 31, 1861.<br />

7 Hale of Cherok) e school lands.<br />

To December 3I, 1860.<br />

0 Sale of Choctaw orphan lands. '<br />

May<br />

A pril<br />

March<br />

May<br />

June<br />

May<br />

June<br />

Juiy<br />

June<br />

May<br />

April<br />

Jan.<br />

Sept.<br />

Feb.<br />

April<br />

Apwl<br />

May<br />

April<br />

Apnl<br />

Jan.<br />

Jan.<br />

Jan.<br />

A pnl<br />

blarch<br />

Nov.<br />

Oct.<br />

July<br />

April<br />

Jan.<br />

April<br />

Sept,<br />

Sept.<br />

March<br />

Feb.<br />

May<br />

April<br />

Feb.<br />

Apnl<br />

April<br />

March<br />

Sept.<br />

May<br />

Feb.<br />

July<br />

Oct.<br />

June<br />

July<br />

April<br />

July<br />

April<br />

May<br />

June<br />

Aug.<br />

. . . . . d<br />

Dec.<br />

May<br />

June<br />

Feb.<br />

Feb.<br />

April<br />

May<br />

March<br />

ii Amount recewed for approved private claims.<br />

20, 1858<br />

19, 1861<br />

17, 1859<br />

24', ie. e<br />

18, 1858<br />

21, 1858<br />

9, 1854<br />

3, IU58<br />

3, 1858<br />

I &<br />

1858<br />

1& 1860<br />

22, 1858<br />

2& 1858<br />

27, 1860<br />

26, 1858<br />

26, Iebe<br />

2 1853<br />

13, 1857<br />

14& 1858<br />

22) 1856<br />

25, 1860<br />

Il, 1859<br />

I, 1858<br />

I, )BUU<br />

I, 1856<br />

2&I, 1860<br />

25, 1857<br />

I, 1858<br />

23, 1858<br />

30, l855<br />

I) 1856<br />

I, 1856<br />

I, 1855<br />

14& 1859<br />

I, 1857<br />

I, lebt!<br />

20& 1857<br />

3, 1855<br />

6, 1856<br />

10, 1859<br />

29& 1860<br />

I) 1860<br />

29, 1860<br />

I, 1858<br />

2, 1860<br />

I, 1861<br />

I, l858<br />

29, 1861<br />

20) 1858<br />

16, 1861<br />

15& 1857<br />

I and<br />

27& 1859<br />

0<br />

10) 1860<br />

I, 1861<br />

1 I, 1&)58<br />

'28, 1856<br />

IU) 1860<br />

I, 1859<br />

16, IBM<br />

I, 1860<br />

1, 762 35<br />

376 9l '. .<br />

19 92<br />

2, 611 85<br />

769 72<br />

1, 6IU Bl<br />

2, 169 54<br />

11, 448 40 o.<br />

2, '30e 47 j, .<br />

14, 198 Oi '. 2, 912 29 '..<br />

684 24<br />

14, 435 ld<br />

74 94 j. .<br />

1, 092 06<br />

320 67<br />

2, 598 97<br />

13, 092 92<br />

1, 6I3 49<br />

', 790 14<br />

1, 560 49 )<br />

132 14<br />

2, 827 13<br />

651 64<br />

!<br />

j<br />

152 65<br />

2, l47 07 !<br />

1, 125 lti<br />

3, 711 15<br />

36 50<br />

1, 337 83<br />

41, 811 95<br />

7, 270 48<br />

1)628 43<br />

1, 290 4l<br />

11, 733 00<br />

5 00<br />

941 64<br />

2, 819 98<br />

4, 417 28<br />

j<br />

487 80 !<br />

8)772 42<br />

678 5l;.<br />

1, 702 80 i.<br />

6, 525) 26<br />

3, 956 90<br />

204 22<br />

13, 497 74<br />

12<br />

111 90<br />

81<br />

Jji199) 325 77, 112 83

'<br />


the sale vf public lands fvr the f]seal year ending June 30, 1861.<br />

Acres.<br />

Land sold.<br />

Purchase<br />

money.<br />

6<br />

2<br />

B )<br />

/<br />

r<br />

'/<br />

)I u<br />

u<br />

C5<br />

]]ue July 1, 1861.<br />

By receivers<br />

To<br />

receivers.<br />

1)884. 32<br />

202. 04<br />

161). OU<br />

196. 2U<br />

18, 3M). 19<br />

2, 114. 57<br />

2, 977. 74<br />

52, 372. 05<br />

33, 833. 48<br />

1], 4S7. 29<br />

)<br />

234891. 89<br />

43, 562. 32<br />

72)) 149, 07<br />

M0. 45<br />

66, 551, U9<br />

41, 342. 98<br />

3, 516. 24<br />

22, 770. 87<br />

23)6]4, 94<br />

1!, 112. 58<br />

5, 496. 34<br />

2, 430 33<br />

25 25<br />

110 00<br />

245 25<br />

27, 877 29<br />

3, 202 69<br />

)<br />

2, 034 18<br />

18, 674 10<br />

20, b78 78<br />

8, 618 18<br />

7, 811 30<br />

21)185 88<br />

9, 585 95<br />

650 57<br />

9, 546 15<br />

]0)244 86<br />

1. 629 62<br />

6, 192 71<br />

13, 071 54<br />

1, 151 44<br />

818 70<br />

2 OU<br />

341 00<br />

i<br />

1U 00<br />

112 Uo<br />

146 00<br />

141 00<br />

76 00<br />

366 00<br />

126 00<br />

63 00<br />

3 00<br />

29 00<br />

5 96<br />

4 00<br />

19, 378. 93 ]3, 854 Uo 26 76<br />

3, 558. 57 1, 310 00 9 96<br />

1, 687. 58 ])428 31 10 00<br />

22, 927, 25 18, ]UU 41 72 00<br />

100. 00<br />

55, 484. 02<br />

36, 039. 40<br />

33, 828, 42<br />

56, 7]3. 74<br />

46, 197. 58<br />

3, 252. U7<br />

24, 099. 08<br />

648. 26<br />

13, 333. %<br />

1, 639. 87<br />

]7, 266. 20<br />

o', 559'. BO<br />

1, 956. 45<br />

1, 378. 59 i<br />

286. 1]<br />

]O, O42. 75<br />

96, 898. 38<br />

73, 980. 76<br />

125 OO<br />

31)748 61<br />

18, 423 33<br />

15, 295 63<br />

10, 323 95<br />

29, 480 64<br />

], 512 18<br />

7, 996 4]<br />

I<br />

213 08<br />

6, 949 62<br />

'840 43<br />

7)513 31<br />

925 85<br />

3, 889 82<br />

], 7K] 25<br />

357 64<br />

6)984 50<br />

32, 930 4U ])<br />

37, 912 37<br />

43, 547, 12 34, :ll7 M<br />

1, 002 43<br />

160 00<br />

188 00<br />

43 92<br />

598 16<br />

37 00<br />

]27 00<br />

21 00<br />

230 00<br />

62 00<br />

74 00<br />

10 00<br />

137 50<br />

]62 00<br />

136 00<br />

24 00<br />

36]. 00<br />

86 00<br />

500 58<br />

3, 630 26<br />

330 00<br />

219 OU<br />

13, 612 14<br />

3, 257 41<br />

2, 343 76<br />

24, 031 /8<br />

6, 020 65<br />

14, 708 64<br />

651) UO<br />

5, 838 48<br />

31, 866 39<br />

8, 244 78<br />

650 57<br />

7, 373 3S<br />

9, 259 86<br />

]o„oo6 00<br />

6, 177 SU<br />

14, 916 53<br />

1, 871 29<br />

117 86<br />

10, 309 22<br />

334 M<br />

lM 65<br />

3, 300 0(l<br />

1) 125 ]6<br />

18)601 57<br />

1, 337 83<br />

73)U30 90<br />

4)444 78<br />

20) 259 77<br />

6, 660 00<br />

10, 303 GO<br />

36)ll)l 47<br />

1, 055 10<br />

8, 123 42<br />

234 08<br />

7)95U 18<br />

265 00<br />

8, 513 64<br />

402 44<br />

4, 939 59<br />

1, 596 44<br />

5, 691 41<br />

19)255 58<br />

32, 980 39<br />

MB 00 41, 255 00<br />

17)]42 01<br />

725 OO<br />

433 00<br />

5, 697 42<br />

17, 0/5 73<br />

5. 832 21<br />

130 26<br />

50 00<br />

41 66<br />

50 00<br />

15 Uo<br />

458 42<br />

18 OI]<br />

121 74<br />

51 33<br />

109 97<br />

]41 19<br />

79 65<br />

121 08<br />

400 00 148 82<br />

353 15<br />

562 42<br />

27 25,<br />

156 91<br />

46 17<br />

60 99<br />

1, 619 Bi<br />

], 538 96<br />

539 30<br />

31 87<br />

1, 892 95<br />

2, 262 29<br />

2, 874 86<br />

3, 758 88<br />

1, 416 11<br />

3, 264 83<br />

269 34<br />

3)537 Uo<br />

4, 656 54<br />

i, 63i 4O i. .<br />

1, 832 9b ). .<br />

'846 60<br />

704 84<br />

132 14<br />

6, 398 92<br />

1, 637 08<br />

285 38<br />

3)3/1 99<br />

36 50<br />

125 00<br />

1)5M 09<br />

2)696 05<br />

8, 781 97<br />

1, 354 68<br />

5)630 33<br />

499 08<br />

637 43<br />

1)893 75<br />

935 85<br />

4)152 34<br />

487 80<br />

7)884 65<br />

262 Bl<br />

381 64<br />

2, 332 60<br />

1, 702 80<br />

19, 737 26<br />

9, 389 46<br />

204 22<br />

6, 735 ll<br />

]2<br />

111 90<br />

48 01<br />

l, ]OI)926 4U 450, 031 35 6, 0M 27 483, 49U 22 47, 577 29 1, 618 3o 122, 751 21 160 84<br />

1<br />

2<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

]3<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

97<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

31<br />

32<br />

33<br />

34<br />

35<br />

36<br />

37<br />

38<br />

39<br />

40<br />

41<br />

42<br />

43<br />

44<br />

45<br />

46<br />

47<br />

48<br />

49<br />

M<br />

51<br />

52<br />

53<br />

54<br />

55<br />

56<br />

57<br />

58<br />

59<br />


I Wm.<br />

i<br />

George<br />

Thomas<br />

'<br />



Due July 1, 1860.<br />

Receivers. Districts. Date oi bond.<br />

By receivers To receivers.<br />

61<br />

63<br />

64<br />

65<br />

66<br />

67<br />

68<br />

69<br />

70<br />

71<br />

72<br />

73<br />

74<br />

75<br />

76<br />

77<br />

78<br />

79<br />

80<br />

81<br />

82<br />

83<br />

84<br />

85<br />

86<br />

87<br />

88<br />

89<br />

90<br />

91<br />

92<br />

93<br />

94<br />

95<br />

96<br />

97<br />

98<br />

99<br />

100<br />

101<br />

102<br />

103<br />

104<br />

105<br />

106<br />

107<br />

108<br />

109<br />

110<br />

111<br />

112<br />

113<br />

114<br />

115<br />

116<br />

Brought forward.<br />

Joseph L. Dickson. Moreau Rose *... Wm. T. Sargent. .. .<br />

A. L. Woodward f. .. ~<br />

F. P. Ferreira f ... . -<br />

Geo. Helvenston f , ...<br />

Madison Post f .. .<br />

Isaac Cooper. .....". ~ .." ~<br />

John G. Weeks A. H. Palmer. ..... Dexter C. Bloomer. ... ...<br />

Ariel K. Eaton, (late). Chas, W. Hobbs. ...........<br />

Robert Means. .<br />

James P. Edie. Thos. Sargent. Samuel Ryan. ..... James D. Reymert. . B. W. Reynolds . . Albert Q. Ellis. .. , Almanson Eaton. .. Theodore Rodolph, Milton Barlow. ..., T, Rush Spencer. .<br />

..... . do ......... .... ... N. Byron Boyden, (late). John E. Perkins . H. Clay Willianis M. H, Abbott ... ..<br />

Wm. H. Mower. , L. K. Stannard .... .... Samuel L. Hays, (late). ...... do ..... ....., Samuel E. Adams. ....... ...<br />

John H. MeKenney. . . .<br />

...... do ......... ~ ~ ~<br />

Henry W. Holley John D. Evans. . ....<br />

....., do ...,. . . .<br />

Geo. Bradley .. , Chas. 0. Jordan . B. F. Tillotson. , . ..<br />

John Kerne ........, Christopher Graham R. H. Pendergast, John Whipple. . . .<br />

...... do ..... , ,<br />

Sidney Luce Wm. Sawyer .... ...........<br />

. . . . . . do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Paschal Bequette. . . . . . . . . . .<br />

do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Royal H. Wailer Joseph Hopkins. . James Compron. .... .... ...<br />

B Norman. .. , , ,<br />

C. Havens. .......<br />

117<br />

~'<br />

118 Baker .<br />

119 ' George W. Hook<br />

120 Wm. H. Prait ..<br />

121<br />

122<br />

198<br />

124<br />

125<br />

126<br />

Augustin Olvera .... .<br />

A. Lawrenre I ovejoy<br />

Win. J. Martin Wm. Brindle. ........<br />

do .. ..... do f. ......... ..<br />

Huntsville, Ark. ..........<br />

Clarksville& Ark<br />

Cbampagnoile, Ark. .<br />

Tallahassee, I'la. ........ .<br />

St. Augustine,<br />

Fla<br />

Newnansville, Fla .. .....<br />

Tampa, Fla ...... ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I<br />

Fort Des Moines, Iowa. ...... do ............. Council BlufFs, Iowa. do .... . .<br />

Osage. , Iowa. ~,<br />

...... do .... ..... '<br />

'<br />

Sioux City, Iowa. . ,<br />

I. ..... do .......... ...<br />

Fort Dodge, Iowa ....<br />

Menasha, Wis .... ....<br />

Falls of St. Croix, Wis<br />

..... do .... ..........<br />

Stevens's Point, Wis. .<br />

..... do<br />

La Orosse, Wis .... do ...... Bayfield, Wis ........<br />

...., do .... ....<br />

Eau Claire, Wis. )Io ........ ..... .<br />

.<br />

.. .. do<br />

Cambridge, Minn. . Sunrise City, Minn. ...<br />

... .. do ..<br />

St. Cloud, Minn do ...<br />

..... do ........ Chatiield, Minn. do ..... do .......... Forest City, Minn. ..... do ......... , .... . , . . I<br />

do<br />

..... do .... St. Peter, Minn. .. do ..... ......<br />

Henderson, Minn<br />

...., do .... , ... , . Portland, Minn. , .<br />

. do .. .<br />

,<br />

.... , do .... .......... ...,<br />

Otter Tail City, Minn. l<br />

'<br />

..... do .......... . . .... San Francisco, Cal. do . ..... do ...... . Marysville, Cal . ... .. do ..., .. , Stockton, Cal. .... ...<br />

..... do ....<br />

V)saba) Cal .... . Humboldt, Csl. ......, ....<br />

.. . &...... do<br />

I. os Angelos, Cal. .. ...<br />

Oregon City, Oregon .... , .<br />

~<br />

April<br />

Feb.<br />

April<br />

April<br />

Oct.<br />

April<br />

May<br />

April<br />

April<br />

April<br />

April<br />

April<br />

July<br />

March<br />

May<br />

June<br />

May<br />

May<br />

April<br />

May<br />

April<br />

May<br />

April<br />

Aug.<br />

April<br />

June<br />

March<br />

A pril<br />

May<br />

March<br />

April<br />

May<br />

May<br />

June<br />

July<br />

June<br />

April<br />

Oct,<br />

Sept.<br />

Oct.<br />

April<br />

May<br />

April<br />

Feb.<br />

June<br />

Sept.<br />

Sep).<br />

April<br />

Se pt.<br />

Nov.<br />

Oct.<br />

May<br />

May<br />

March<br />

May<br />

July<br />

June<br />

July<br />

July<br />

June<br />

Aug.<br />

Feb.<br />

Marsh<br />

March<br />

Roseburg, Oregon .. . I<br />

Lecompton, Kansas. . ,<br />

do . , ,<br />

... ...... do .... ...... ........ I ...... d<br />

9, 1858<br />

13, 1860<br />

14, 1858<br />

7) 1858<br />

30, 1858<br />

1, 1856<br />

5, 1859<br />

5, 1858<br />

li, 1861<br />

8, 1858<br />

18, 1861<br />

2, 1858<br />

I, 1858<br />

8, 1860<br />

6) 1861<br />

1, 1858<br />

17, 1858<br />

19, 1858<br />

8, 1861<br />

11, 1858<br />

12, 1861<br />

7& 1858<br />

19, 1861<br />

26) 1858<br />

18& 1859<br />

1, 1858<br />

17, 1860<br />

26, 1861<br />

4, 1858<br />

6', 1860<br />

29, 1861<br />

8, 1857<br />

I, 1858<br />

11, 1860<br />

15, 1858<br />

14, 1854<br />

27& 1861<br />

30, 1857<br />

30& 1858<br />

11, 1860<br />

18, 1861<br />

I) 1858<br />

16) 1861<br />

I, 1859<br />

4, 1861<br />

26, 1856<br />

11, 1860<br />

29& 1861<br />

29, 1856 I<br />

5, 1860<br />

2, 1853<br />

6, 1859<br />

21, I861 i<br />

12, 1859<br />

' I<br />

i<br />

1861<br />

2, 1858<br />

I, 1861<br />

3, 1858<br />

I, 1858<br />

)<br />

4& 1861 '<br />

I I, IBBB<br />

24, 1859<br />

16, 1860<br />

19, 1857<br />

d o<br />

i<br />

()<br />

199, 325 77<br />

4, 405 17<br />

5, 873 32<br />

1, 883 96<br />

99 63<br />

405 28<br />

4)785 27<br />

799 91<br />

1, 4i7 71<br />

3, 590 52<br />

34, 690 25<br />

1, 315 49<br />

107 00<br />

3, 861 09<br />

803 50<br />

5 28<br />

2)027 90<br />

4)221 81<br />

16 25<br />

175 57<br />

5, 721 58<br />

150 83<br />

793 64<br />

160 47<br />

497 01<br />

2)401 04<br />

171 32<br />

3, 032 00<br />

3, 988 47<br />

2, 416 30<br />

900 75<br />

1, 589 22<br />

168 25<br />

605 4i<br />

73 96<br />

17 00<br />

3&066 29<br />

3, 319 36<br />

1. 805 59<br />

1, 472 51<br />

5, 908 29<br />

Bi 64<br />

647 14<br />

473 88<br />

4, 5t&1 86<br />

137 78<br />

12, 487 92<br />

112 83<br />

Carried forward , '$326) 569 22 114 83<br />

* To March 31, If6I.<br />

f To December 31, 1860.<br />

I Transferred to account uoder new bond.<br />

) Trust lands sold.<br />

2 v0

'<br />

.<br />

.<br />

— Continued.<br />


Land sold.<br />

Dne July I, ]86].<br />

c<br />

K<br />

Acres.<br />

Pnrcbnsp.<br />

money.<br />

C<br />

c<br />

(II<br />

r-<br />

e<br />

C.<br />

c<br />

By receivers.<br />

To<br />

(<br />

receivers.<br />

], lol, 926 40<br />

23, 339. 4U<br />

44)b]5. 30<br />

]27)UIB. OI<br />

23) 732. 83<br />

994. 76<br />

3)JQ7. 15<br />

328. 90<br />

3, 222. 39<br />

562. 32<br />

649. 56<br />

294. 27<br />

1, 7J4. 14<br />

8, 895. 28<br />

2, 078. b3<br />

127. 50<br />

2, 329. 43<br />

395. 88<br />

]6)684. 53<br />

3, 803. 89<br />

118. J2<br />

])952. 89<br />

57]. 23<br />

I)699. 49<br />

126. 96<br />

6, 841. 99<br />

8, 602, 79<br />

1, 3]9. 39<br />

7, 948. 62<br />

205, 40<br />

16, 843. 68<br />

380. 00<br />

22) 501. 73<br />

430, (JU<br />

445. 97<br />

]80. 00<br />

49. (4<br />

56. 89<br />

1, 554. 57<br />

Q)801. 48<br />

14, 2I4. 53<br />

18, 943. 68<br />

]5, 095. 42<br />

2, 107. 27<br />

7, 857. 39<br />

18, 331, 40<br />

2)QI I'03<br />

6UQ. 55<br />

26(. 9U<br />

1, 6(J. U4<br />

450, 031 35<br />

22, 691 89<br />

31, 196 99<br />

111, 840 78<br />

5, 312 (9<br />

1, 127 96<br />

1, 929 55<br />

37l 16<br />

3, 827 99<br />

854 17<br />

1, 065 94<br />

1, 417 83<br />

2, 468 48<br />

7, 304 68<br />

2, 898 28<br />

218 75<br />

3, 753 7U<br />

377 94<br />

17, 555 85<br />

4, 045 96<br />

247 90<br />

2, 441 ]4<br />

714 03<br />

2, 124 34<br />

158 70<br />

9, 000 39<br />

15)174 41<br />

959. 86 1, 613 51<br />

1, 661 73<br />

10, 579 82<br />

553 41<br />

22, tHI 19<br />

722 17<br />

28, 386 86<br />

319 64<br />

559 27<br />

225 00<br />

61 42<br />

71 14<br />

1, 943 ol<br />

3, 5UI 85<br />

17)(68 32<br />

23, 879 60<br />

18, 869 32<br />

9, 634 10<br />

U, BQI 72<br />

22, 9(4 26<br />

2, 773 79<br />

753 19<br />

327 37<br />

2, 141 3U<br />

6) 032 27<br />

56 00<br />

87 (io<br />

], 213 20<br />

112 00<br />

4 00<br />

2() 00<br />

61 ((0<br />

160 OU<br />

54 ou<br />

224 50<br />

15 75<br />

(94 00<br />

7 00<br />

1, 172 00<br />

70 UU<br />

536 Uo<br />

37 OU<br />

IQU 50<br />

12 00<br />

213 00<br />

49 5U<br />

8 00<br />

4]l 00<br />

42 00<br />

449 00<br />

23 Uo<br />

2, 4(1 45<br />

5) I53 00<br />

2(3 00<br />

785 50<br />

2, U05 50<br />

1(5 00<br />

5, 853 00<br />

5, 580 00<br />

238 00<br />

98 Uo<br />

24 00<br />

3 00<br />

2J 00<br />

70 00<br />

13 00<br />

9U7 00<br />

103 00<br />

559 Uo<br />

12 00<br />

210 00<br />

226 80<br />

48 Uo<br />

2U OU<br />

23l 00<br />

195 50<br />

483, 490<br />

26, 787<br />

3U, 787<br />

64, 269<br />

4, 420<br />

447<br />

3, 439<br />

843<br />

4, 78(<br />

2(5<br />

4) 715<br />

22<br />

56<br />

16<br />

59<br />

09<br />

10<br />

00, . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Ul<br />

48 ]UO (N<br />

UU<br />

87<br />

7, ]61 09<br />

1, 090 9l<br />

i, l50 00<br />

2, 2(9 91<br />

6, 539 59<br />

2, 305 96<br />

4)622 90<br />

286 56,<br />

21, 587 45 i<br />

(6 25<br />

431 47<br />

633 42<br />

], 100 37<br />

2) 708 32<br />

273 03<br />

9, 556 IQ<br />

20, 012 65<br />

1, 09Q 02<br />

12) 015 06<br />

28, 518 2. 3<br />

(2e6 Bt<br />

34, 5Q4 64<br />

220 05<br />

596 94 '. . .<br />

154 38 (. .<br />

65 54 '. .<br />

17 00<br />

4, 019 Bl<br />

2(, 924 68<br />

19 000 00<br />

20, 577 76<br />

7)950 00<br />

19,<br />

830 32<br />

478 18<br />

i<br />

i<br />

47, 577 29 1) 618 35 122, 75)1 21 16O 84 I<br />

36o 50<br />

6, 370 15<br />

19, 499 60 31, 168 05<br />

l, ]03 63<br />

1, 090 14 i .<br />

3, 3UJ 82<br />

388 16<br />

584 22<br />

6b3 17,<br />

165 09 '..<br />

15 75<br />

27, 529 16<br />

224 58<br />

568 83<br />

7 00<br />

)JBS 17 '. ..<br />

4, 293 49<br />

747 25<br />

89( 34<br />

3OO OO i. . .<br />

833 60<br />

100 00<br />

155 75<br />

130 95<br />

1, 148 25<br />

103 38<br />

350 OU<br />

5'2 7(<br />

', 400 OU<br />

2, 695 46<br />

5) 088 16<br />

Oso'ou'I'. ; ], 352 60<br />

493 2]<br />

262 SQ<br />

5UI 02<br />

25 49<br />

181 70<br />

497 Oi<br />

2)128 Ul<br />

1, 154 96<br />

872 09<br />

3) 269 20 77 56<br />

. . .<br />

'15i 94 I::::<br />

1, 423 ]4<br />

200 UU<br />

15U 00 I. . . . . . . , ,<br />

lr5 00<br />

100 00<br />

1, 422)907 JS 874, 415 44 i<br />

']6)579 48 59, 209 I<br />

t OU5 47<br />

10 00<br />

4U3 37<br />

'3, 988 47<br />

3, 771 51<br />

570 26<br />

668 41<br />

216 71<br />

375 36<br />

856 44<br />

457 64<br />

257 53<br />

3 (,'0<br />

4 00<br />

5 60<br />

1)049 69<br />

3)514 85<br />

70 00<br />

4, 982 60 . .<br />

656 l5 '.<br />

2, 646 10<br />

J, 554 23<br />

9)847 41<br />

2, 82( 79<br />

834 83<br />

425 19<br />

2, 332 56<br />

4)521 86 1.<br />

137 78<br />

8. 170 45<br />

21, 733 42 274, 712 63 162 84<br />

,<br />

61<br />

62<br />

63<br />

64<br />

65<br />

66<br />

67<br />

I]8<br />

69<br />

70<br />

71<br />

7Q<br />

73<br />

74<br />

75<br />

76<br />

77<br />

78<br />

79<br />

89<br />

81<br />

82<br />

83<br />

84<br />

85<br />

86<br />

87<br />

88<br />

89<br />

90<br />

91<br />

92<br />

93<br />

94<br />

95<br />

96<br />

97<br />

98<br />

99<br />

100<br />

101<br />

102<br />

103<br />

104<br />

105<br />

106<br />

107<br />

108<br />

109<br />

110<br />

111<br />

112<br />

113<br />

114<br />

115<br />

116<br />

117<br />

118<br />

119<br />

120<br />

121<br />

]22<br />

123<br />

124<br />

125<br />




Due July 1, 1860.<br />

Receivers. Districts. Date of bond.<br />

By receivers. To receivers.<br />

]27<br />

128<br />

129<br />

130<br />

131<br />

132<br />

133<br />

134<br />

135<br />

136<br />

13 I<br />

138<br />

139<br />

140<br />

141<br />

142<br />

143<br />

144<br />

145<br />

146<br />

147<br />

Bmught forward,<br />

Wm. Brindle .... Charles B. Lines. Daniel Woodson. ....., .<br />

, do<br />

. do<br />

, ..... do<br />

Ira H. Smith ... George I. Clark. ... ..<br />

Charles W. Adams, ...<br />

1"mdley Patterson. . . . . . .<br />

Addison R. Gill more, (late)<br />

Peter F. Ivilson. , B. M. Trumbull. ..... Edmund A. Deslonde . Charles B. Sinith. ... ., ...<br />

...,., do. . .., . George B. GraQ'. .. , Alfred H. Jackson ........<br />

.... . do.<br />

Selncius Garfield .........<br />

J. S. 51. Van t'leave<br />

Lecompton, Kansas. ...<br />

.. ..... , do ...<br />

Kickapoo, Kansas ..<br />

,... do , do . . . do , . .. . ... do .... .... ... Fort Scott, Kansas. . .. ...... do ... , .... .. , ... , .<br />

Junction City, Kansas .<br />

Omaha, N. T. do . .... .. do .... ......... Nebraska City, N. T. .<br />

Brownsville, N. T .. .... .. do ... . .. . .<br />

Dakota, N. T . , , do , .. ...... do .... ... .. . .<br />

Olympia, W. T . , , . ..... , do ...... .... .... .<br />

March 19, 1857<br />

Apnl 20, 1861<br />

May ll, 1857<br />

do. ..<br />

..... do .... . .<br />

. iuly 17, 1858<br />

June 17, 1861<br />

Feb. 27, 1860<br />

May 21, 1861<br />

Aug. 5 and Oct.<br />

16) 1858.<br />

May 9, 1855<br />

March 22) 1859<br />

April 15, 1861<br />

Sept. .), 1858<br />

May 26, 1857<br />

June 1, 1858<br />

April 12, 1859<br />

Nov. 14, 1860<br />

A. pril 16, 1861<br />

Dec. 13, 1856<br />

Aug. 10, 1660<br />

326, 569 22<br />

7, 247 28<br />

2) 437 85<br />

12, 995 00<br />

4. 276 86<br />

346 BB<br />

3) 420 96<br />

1, 390 19<br />

1, 528 21<br />

297 41<br />

2, Ls28 03<br />

3)470 54<br />

923 07<br />

416 05<br />

114 83<br />

9 53<br />

37 80<br />

Total. . . . I--368, 147 65 162 16<br />


Balances due by receivers July 1, 1860<br />

Purchase money for lands sold<br />

Fees received for locating military bnuuty land warrants.<br />

Balances due to receivers July 1, 1661 .<br />

368)147 55<br />

908, 141 35<br />

51)132 35<br />

210 17<br />

$1, 327)631 42

3,<br />

~<br />

ii<br />

— Continued.<br />


acres,<br />

Land sold.<br />

Purchase<br />

)I I 0 fl t y<br />

, C<br />

J<br />

sc<br />

o<br />

6<br />

e<br />

)s'<br />

C<br />

ts<br />

C<br />

c)<br />

n<br />

CI<br />

))<br />

)s<br />

ss<br />

Due July 1, 1861.<br />

By receivers<br />

Ti)<br />

receivers.<br />

~<br />

l)4u2 ~<br />

907 38 874) 415 I I<br />

~<br />

2, 673. 77 3, 392 39 '<br />

177, 79, 222 24<br />

3, 192. 43 I<br />

903 10<br />

6, 53I. 77 i 8, 165 05<br />

l<br />

'<br />

2 89<br />

]<br />

3 61<br />

3 o<br />

, 5-3. 11 4, 406 76<br />

3)293. 78<br />

241, 51<br />

518. 44<br />

3, 435. 74<br />

301. 71<br />

5)83. 'P2<br />

2UJ. I4<br />

32U. 36,<br />

1)496. 61<br />

1, 449, 4'3. 65<br />

4, 497 22<br />

301 88<br />

398 02<br />

4, 294 65<br />

377 (4<br />

729 03<br />

363 93<br />

400 45<br />

2, 270 44<br />

36, 5) 9 48<br />

1, 871 50<br />

191 UU<br />

946 00<br />

10 00<br />

5, 072 42<br />

"20 00<br />

3, 191 00<br />

i, i89 50<br />

84 00<br />

389 98<br />

914 00<br />

2(9 OU<br />

120 97<br />

38 00<br />

95 50<br />

162 84<br />

881, 956 93 59, 209 17 2(, 733 42 274, 712 63<br />

10)049 39 683 33 '.... .....<br />

1)778 45<br />

413 24<br />

12)520 78 i 917 C5 145 7'2<br />

2, 437 85<br />

12 995 00<br />

3, 198 30' , 2, 716 67<br />

3, 21U 99<br />

IU 00<br />

223 61<br />

9, 320 54, 964 62<br />

733 56<br />

565 21<br />

6, 905 86<br />

683 29<br />

2)013 57<br />

4, 000 15<br />

'46»I<br />

i<br />

45U 00<br />

i<br />

336 06<br />

81 54<br />

i<br />

100 00,<br />

400 00 i.<br />

134 37<br />

"297 41<br />

824 98<br />

11 66<br />

1)520 92<br />

4, 579 04<br />

I)049 70<br />

97 266 59<br />

480 44<br />

2, 365 94<br />

37 80<br />

908, 141 3» 51, 132 35 932)469 59 65, 207 55 22, 031 80 307, 760 32 210 17<br />

127<br />

198<br />

129<br />

130<br />

131<br />

132<br />

133<br />

134<br />

13»<br />

136<br />

137<br />

138<br />

139<br />

140<br />

l41<br />

149<br />

143<br />

144<br />

145<br />

(46<br />

147<br />

* Transferred to successor.<br />


Balances due to receivers July 1, 1860.<br />

Payments into the treasury.<br />

Military and bounty land scrip<br />

Bepaynients, rsc,<br />

Balances due by receivers July 1, 1861<br />

162 16<br />

932, 469 59<br />

65)207 5)5<br />

92. ((31 80<br />

307, 760 32<br />

$1) 327)63( 42


Statement of the accounts of receivers of public moneys arising from the sale<br />

of puMic lands, who were out of once on the 1st of july, 1860.<br />

P. ecei vers. Districts.<br />

Charles Humphreys . .<br />

Moses H. Kirby<br />

Peter Wilson. .......<br />

John H. Viers. . . . . . . . .<br />

Horton Howard .<br />

John Caldwell<br />

Nathaniel Ewing .<br />

J. C. iS. Harrison<br />

John C. Hebard<br />

Israel T. Canby .<br />

Marks Crume. . . . .<br />

James T. Pollock .. ..<br />

Andrew P. Hay<br />

Samuel Lewis<br />

Abner McCarty.<br />

Calvin W. Ruter<br />

John W. Lemon<br />

John Taylor<br />

Edward Connor.<br />

W. L. D. Ewing ....<br />

William Linn<br />

J. W, Stephenson<br />

Guy W. Smith<br />

Edward Humphreys. .. Samuel Crawford. .<br />

William Adair. ... .<br />

Benjamin Stephenson B. F. Edwards .. ... . . A. M. Jenkins.<br />

E. H. Haddock .<br />

D. G. Garnsey<br />

James Levan . . . . .<br />

S. R. Rowan<br />

Samuel Merry<br />

Bernard Prate<br />

Samuel Hammond<br />

R. B. Dallam .<br />

Nicholas R. Smith<br />

John P. Campbell<br />

J. W. S. Mitchell<br />

T. Quarles . .<br />

Abraham Bird. .<br />

Felix G. Allen<br />

W. D. McKay.<br />

W. Hal lib urton. . . . .<br />

J. C. Hutchison .<br />

Samuel Smith<br />

George Conway.<br />

John H. Oweo<br />

Samuel S. Houston . .<br />

John Herbert. . .<br />

Marietta, Ohio<br />

Lima, Ohio<br />

Steubenville, Ohio<br />

do<br />

Bucyrus, Ohio<br />

do<br />

Vincennes, Indiana. . . . . .<br />

do<br />

do<br />

Crawfordville,<br />

Indiana<br />

-. . . . . do<br />

do<br />

Jefi'ersonvi lie, Indiana<br />

Fort Wayne, Indiana<br />

Indianapolis, Indiana<br />

do<br />

Laporte, Indiana<br />

Springfield, IlliI Eois<br />

. do.<br />

Vandalia, Illinois<br />

. do<br />

Galena, Illinois.<br />

Palestine, Illinois<br />

Haskaskia, Illinois.<br />

do<br />

do<br />

Edwardsville, Illinois<br />

.(10<br />

do.<br />

Chicago, Illinois<br />

Dixon, Illinois<br />

do. . . . .<br />

Shawneetown, Illinois<br />

St. Louis, Missouri<br />

do.<br />

. . . do.<br />

. do<br />

Springfield, Missouri<br />

Eio<br />

Fayette, Missouri<br />

Palmyra, Missouri<br />

do<br />

. Jackson, Missouri<br />

Lexington, Missouri<br />

Mi! an, Missouri<br />

do<br />

St. Stephens, Alabs, ma<br />

do. . . . ---<br />

do<br />

do<br />

Sparta, Alabama<br />

Balances due July 1, 1861.<br />

By receivers.<br />

31 79<br />

348 87<br />

19 64<br />

5, 967 32<br />

9, 253 08<br />

18 86<br />

33 897 59<br />

708 04<br />

G, 051 95<br />

3, 964 42<br />

3 I<br />

3 I<br />

16,<br />

73<br />

23<br />

137 38<br />

382 31<br />

123 81<br />

376 74<br />

214 13<br />

272 12<br />

862 68<br />

807 92<br />

187 08<br />

827 5G<br />

181 17<br />

6, 460 41<br />

1, 552 51<br />

324 77<br />

4, 655 80<br />

872 04<br />

3, 540 42<br />

194 03<br />

21, 574 44<br />

13 12<br />

96 40<br />

619 02<br />

4, 927 81<br />

1I 044 79<br />

211 11<br />

9, 877 23<br />

4<br />

33I590 92<br />

5, 613 00<br />

41, 940 25<br />

13, 265 69<br />

2, 444 24<br />

To receivers.<br />

23<br />

1 83<br />

40 OG<br />

50 50<br />

115 28<br />

120 89<br />

98<br />

35 88<br />

Carried forward. $344, 452 50 365 70



STATE ii E bi T — Continued.<br />

523<br />

Receivers.<br />

Districts.<br />

Balances due July I, 1861,<br />

By receivers.<br />

To receivers.<br />

. John G. Winston<br />

William Taylor. .<br />

H, G. Perry. . Mathcw Gale. ... . .<br />

Amlrew T. Perry. ....<br />

William 51. Lapsley . .<br />

D, E. Moore<br />

A, Suodgrsss ....<br />

R. H. Sterling<br />

G, B. Dameron G. B. Dameron<br />

A. W. McDaniel .<br />

George B. Crutcher . .<br />

Samuel T. Scott. .. .<br />

Samuel T. Scott. David (', Glenn. ... .....<br />

William M. Gillaspie<br />

W. J. Draughn .... ...<br />

William Burnett<br />

H. Alsbury<br />

G. H. Holliman ...<br />

Oliver C. Dease<br />

L". B. Randolph. ..... ....<br />

J. EI, IVestbrook<br />

W. P. Harris ... ...<br />

G. D. Boyd ....<br />

George S. Golladsy<br />

Robert H. Gollsday . .<br />

James A. Girault<br />

IVBBsm Edmonson ...<br />

Solomon Clark ..<br />

IVilliam S. 'I'aylor. .... .<br />

John F. Wray<br />

R. 5I. Carter .... .<br />

James J. McLanshan<br />

A. S. Lewis<br />

Thomas Barrett.<br />

Oliver B, Hill<br />

George M. Smith . .<br />

Wil! ism Garrurd. ....<br />

Luke Lecessisr. . . . .<br />

John L. Daniel<br />

B. R. Gsntt. .<br />

James Ray . . . . . . . . . . . , I<br />

Joseph Friend<br />

J. B. O. Bevsrd. . . . .<br />

B. Laurcnts<br />

Thomas C. Elunt<br />

A. G. Penn . .<br />

Paris Childress . . . . . . . . . .<br />

J. H. Dunkgrave<br />

Peyton G. King.<br />

C. IV. Wilson .<br />

Brought forward<br />

Lebanon, Alabama<br />

Cahawbs, Alabama<br />

. rlo.<br />

do<br />

. &10.<br />

do.<br />

Demopolis, Alabama<br />

Centre, Alabama.<br />

Chocchums, Alabama<br />

Choctaw, 5lississippi<br />

Mount Salus, 51is)issippi .<br />

Choctaw, 5lississippi<br />

Wssldngton, Zlississippi<br />

Jackson, Zlississippi<br />

Jackson rchool lund, Ilies<br />

Jackson, Mississippi<br />

Augusta, Zlississippi.<br />

do.<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

Columbus, Gfississippi<br />

rlo<br />

Grenada,<br />

5fississippi<br />

do<br />

do<br />

Pontotoc, Mississippi<br />

. . . do<br />

do<br />

New Orleans,<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

do<br />

Opelousas,<br />

do.<br />

do<br />

. ----. do<br />

do<br />

Louisiana<br />

Louisiana<br />

do.<br />

Ouachita, Louisiana<br />

Natchitoches, Lonisiana<br />

do<br />

. do .<br />

St. Helena, Louisiana<br />

Greensburg, Louisiana<br />

Zlonroe, Louisiana<br />

Little Rock, Arkansas<br />

344, 452<br />

SSZ<br />

21, 458<br />

6, 074<br />

172<br />

28, 155<br />

I) 360<br />

8& 407<br />

I, 858<br />

2, 715<br />

344<br />

28, 515<br />

I, 706<br />

4) 404<br />

7, 873<br />

300<br />

232<br />

4, 395<br />

I, 149<br />

107<br />

132<br />

5, 566<br />

2, 236<br />

u7<br />

148<br />

100, 117<br />

37& 132<br />

53<br />

85<br />

25, 493<br />

1, 51'&<br />

270<br />

213<br />

237<br />

57, 068<br />

593<br />

824<br />

1, 087<br />

2& 698<br />

296<br />

9, 943<br />

589<br />

3, 072<br />

11, 268<br />

I<br />

50<br />

64<br />

60<br />

81<br />

72<br />

57<br />

73<br />

79<br />

15<br />

56<br />

33<br />

28<br />

64 ).-<br />

89<br />

85<br />

00<br />

24<br />

29<br />

17<br />

85<br />

00<br />

35<br />

31<br />

10<br />

46<br />

40<br />

79<br />

32<br />

00<br />

37<br />

42<br />

52<br />

58<br />

92<br />

23<br />

99<br />

G9<br />

08<br />

82<br />

18<br />

16<br />

34<br />

37'<br />

00<br />

318 85<br />

17, 907 46<br />

70, 565 92<br />

165 84<br />

i<br />

IG, 136 04<br />

14, 14i 27<br />

60<br />

3G5 70<br />

7<br />

128 55<br />

2 42<br />

Carried fomvard. . 8844, 702 99 ) 496 74


STATEMENT — Continued.<br />

Receiver~.<br />

Districts.<br />

Balances due July 1, 1861.<br />

By recervers<br />

To receivers.<br />

G. N. Causin . .<br />

A. W. Lyon<br />

, C, F. M. Noland.<br />

L. Hawkins<br />

Edwin McNamee<br />

Davis Thompson<br />

James C Tappan .... . .<br />

Daniel T. Witter<br />

Charles B. Mitchell .<br />

Mathew Leper<br />

Richard Thurston.<br />

William Queensbury<br />

M. T. Kainey.<br />

Albert G Rust . .<br />

Laban C. Howell . ...<br />

Alfred Henderson. ...<br />

Samuel Dexter<br />

William A. Pratt<br />

J. A. Allen. ....<br />

Joseph C. Hawkins. . . .<br />

Samuel E. Bayard<br />

Thomas McKnight. .<br />

Patrick Quigley.<br />

Enos Lowe<br />

P. M. Cassady<br />

V. P Van A. ntwerp .<br />

L. H Sales.<br />

Andrew Leech. . . . . . .<br />

David W. Jones.<br />

R. W. Lansing<br />

Henry Plowman .<br />

Thomas Lee. .<br />

L. T. Pease. . .<br />

Stoddard Judd. .<br />

J. A. . Helfenstein .<br />

Charles H. Williams .<br />

Jonas Whiting<br />

B. H. Mooers<br />

Eliab B. Dean, jr .<br />

Otis Hoyt<br />

William H. Allen. . . .<br />

John C. McClelland<br />

John 11. Fontaine.<br />

R B. Semple.<br />

Henry Bond<br />

William Holcombe ..<br />

Lorenzo D. Smith.<br />

William H. Wood ..<br />

R. P. Russell .<br />

E. Ransom .. ..<br />

E. Ransom. ..<br />

James P. Downer.<br />

John C. Turk. .. . .<br />

Brought forward<br />

Little Rock, Arkansas<br />

Batesville, Arkansas . .<br />

do<br />

Helena, Arkansas<br />

.(10.<br />

dv<br />

do<br />

Washington,<br />

dv.<br />

Fayetteville,<br />

do<br />

do<br />

Champagnolle,<br />

Arkansas<br />

Arkansas<br />

Arka, nsas<br />

do<br />

Johnson C. H. , Arkansas<br />

do<br />

Ionia, Ilichigan<br />

Sault St. 5larie, Michigan<br />

Kalamazoo, Michigan<br />

Burlington, Iowa<br />

Fairfield, Iorva<br />

Dubuque, Iowa<br />

. do<br />

Council BluÃs, Iowa.<br />

Fort Des Moines, Iowa<br />

Fort Dodge, Iowa<br />

Chariton, Iowa<br />

Sioux City, Iowa.<br />

Mineral Point, Wisconsin<br />

. do<br />

do. --<br />

Green Bay, wisconsin.<br />

. do<br />

. . . do<br />

Milwaukie,<br />

Wisconsin<br />

. do<br />

. . do<br />

Menasha, Wisconsin<br />

Superior, Wisconsin<br />

Hudson, Wisconsin<br />

St. Augustine, Florida<br />

. do.<br />

. do<br />

Tallahassee, Florida<br />

do<br />

Stillwater, Minnesota<br />

Faribault, Minnesota .<br />

Sauk Rapids, Minnesota.<br />

(<br />

lf inneapolis, Minnesota<br />

(<br />

Fort Scott, Kansas<br />

do<br />

Ogden, Kansas.<br />

Dakota, V. T<br />

4, 702 99<br />

121 21<br />

447 54<br />

462 33<br />

99, 058 83<br />

377 15<br />

826 71<br />

166 96<br />

I, 661 20<br />

460 12<br />

1, 433 10<br />

54 53<br />

1, 604 96<br />

54 72<br />

333 75<br />

2, 078 14<br />

234. 55<br />

48 13<br />

7, 325 44<br />

287 82<br />

9, 996 32<br />

l<br />

5 01<br />

2, 944 25 I<br />

1, 623 91<br />

(<br />

6(J8 43<br />

l<br />

4, G63 19<br />

618 86<br />

2, 711 91<br />

8 66<br />

648 19<br />

6, 011 66<br />

45 20<br />

466 Gl<br />

8, 658 07<br />

100 00<br />

390 94<br />

227 25<br />

3, 408 25<br />

0&060 08<br />

1, 997 50<br />

1, 022 80<br />

48 62<br />

359 95<br />

993 74<br />

'<br />

6, 310 35 ,<br />

9 38<br />

573 75<br />

200<br />

1& 384<br />

292<br />

77<br />

59<br />

96<br />

496 74<br />

8 56<br />

2, 096 43<br />

97 03<br />

272 11<br />

Carried forward 31, 048, 221 38 2, 970 87



STATENEW T — Continued.<br />

525<br />

Receivers.<br />

Districts.<br />

Balances due July 1, 1861.<br />

By receivers.<br />

To receivers.<br />

George W. Lawson. .<br />

B. P. Linton ...<br />

W. C. licott<br />

Lewis Saunders, jr<br />

George W. Gale.<br />

R. M. Gaines ..<br />

. l. A. S. Acklen<br />

Augustus Jones. .... ..<br />

John Patterson<br />

Matthew Birchard Courtland Cushing George C. Bates. . .....<br />

Brought forward.<br />

Winchester, Oregon<br />

U. 8 attorney, western dist. La,<br />

U. )S. attorney, Arkansas<br />

U. S, attorney, Kentucky<br />

U. S. attorney, south'n dist. Ala<br />

1'. S. attorney, south'n dist. Miss.<br />

U. S. attorney, north'n dist. Ala<br />

U. S. marshal, Mississippi<br />

U. S. marshal, Ohio.<br />

Agent, &c.<br />

U. S. attornev, Indiana<br />

U. S. attorney, Michigan<br />

I, 048) 221 38<br />

800 70<br />

7) 900 00<br />

1, 149 65<br />

1, 267 88<br />

2, 006 71<br />

4, 0t)0 00<br />

2, 320 00<br />

316 59<br />

963 96<br />

1, 420 10<br />

62<br />

2, 970 87<br />

2 36<br />

61, 070, 367 59 2, 973 23

.<br />


Statemeftt of the accounts of receit(ers, as disbursing<br />

Balance due July I, 1860<br />

Receivers. Districts. Date of bond. By receivers. To receivers,<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

31<br />

32<br />

33<br />

34<br />

35<br />

36<br />

37<br />

38<br />

39<br />

40<br />

41<br />

42<br />

43<br />

44<br />

45<br />

46<br />

47<br />

48<br />

49<br />

50<br />

51<br />

52<br />

53<br />

54<br />

55<br />

56<br />

57<br />

58<br />

59<br />

60<br />

61<br />

62<br />

63<br />

64<br />

65<br />

66<br />

67<br />

68<br />

69<br />

i0<br />

Thomas McNally. . , . ....<br />

George E. Greene. . , C. ('. Campbell .... .... ..... .<br />

Archer G. Herndnn<br />

James 8. Dougherty. ...<br />

J. J. Turnbau h. ... .. Nathaniel B. Holden. .......,<br />

Thomas J. Bishop. . . . . . . . . . . ,<br />

E. E. Buckner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

John Peebles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Thomas E. Herbert . . . . . . . . . .<br />

F. Cook.<br />

Sidney M. Torbert. . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Ediriund 51. Hastings. . . , , , . . .<br />

La('ayettr. M. Stiff. . . . . . . . . .<br />

James W. Warren. . . .<br />

John S. Nance. . . . . . . . . . . . . , .<br />

William N. Whitehurst . . . . . .<br />

Asa R. Carter. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Robert. A. Clark. . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

John J. Gage . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .<br />

Robert D. Baden. . . . . . , . . . . ,<br />

Henry (V. Palfrey. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

John Pocey, . . . . . . .<br />

Cbnstopher H. Dobbs . . .<br />

( corgi'. Pn&v&. . .<br />

Jesce B. McClendeu. . . . . . . . . .<br />

John Laplace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Jacob Beeson. . . . , . . . . . .<br />

George S. Frost. . . . . . . . . . , . . .<br />

Ilenry K. Sanger. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Henry J. Wilson. . . . . . . . . . . . ,<br />

(V. L. P. Little.<br />

Rbrnrxrr Warner. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

H. R Mather. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Oscar A. Steven<br />

Wifiiam A Bevens. . . . . , . . . . . ,<br />

P. 'I'. Critchfield. . . . . . . . . . . , .<br />

D. Griffin<br />

J. I . Dickson<br />

Moreau Rose . . . . . . . , . . . .<br />

VVilhmn T. Sargent . . . . . . . . , .<br />

J. C. Tappan. .... . , . A. L. (Voodivard .. ......<br />

I'. P Ferreira &VI&&di.-nn Post. ... ...... .....<br />

isaac Cooper.<br />

Ahraham H. Palmer. Thomas Sargent. ............<br />

Robert Mesne ..<br />

Sa» luel ltv'&i&<br />

Albert G. Efiis. .. . ....<br />

Almanson Eaton. .. ., ..<br />

'I'heodore Roilolph. . Milton Barlow. . . ... . .. ,<br />

Jiihn E. Perkins.<br />

James D. Reymert. .. , . . ... .<br />

Benjamin F. Reynolds. T. Rush Spencer ............ ,<br />

. . .... do. ... ....<br />

W&lliam H. Mower. , .<br />

Lilcas K ~ 8(anl&a&'&1. , , , ,<br />

. amus(E. Adamc. ..., . .. , ..<br />

John H. McKrnny, , , . . Henry W. HnBy. . . Iotm D. Ev, ins. . , ,<br />

George Bradl y. .. .....<br />

Cbarlrc B. Jordan. ... . Benjamin F. Tifiotson. . , . John Kern. ...... ,..... ~ . ~ .<br />

s Over c. edit.<br />

Chilicothr. , Ohio . .. ,<br />

Vincennes, lnd . .. ,...<br />

Indianapolic, Iud. Springfiel, 10. St. Louis, &Mo. ......... ....<br />

J&ckson, Mo. .... .. . . ...<br />

War. aw, 51o.<br />

i<br />

Springfield, Mo. . Boonvillr, 51n. . ........ ....<br />

St. Stephens, Ala. . . . . . . . . .<br />

Greenv&lie, Ala. . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Elba, Ala. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

De&nopolis, Ala<br />

Montgomery, Ala . . . . . . , . .<br />

Centre, Ala. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .<br />

Tuscaloosc& Ala. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Huntsville, Ala. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Washington, 'Miss. . . . . . .<br />

Paulding, Miss, . . . . . . .<br />

Jacksou, Miss. ........<br />

Grenada, Miss.<br />

Columbus, alias. . . . New Orlean, La. . . Opelousas, Lai. , .<br />

Monroe, La. . . dn. . . . , . . . . Grrenrburg, La. .. Natchitoches, La. . . Detroit, Mich. . , , .. , do. . ., .. .... .... ..<br />

. ... do. ...<br />

fonia. Mich. ..<br />

East Sa inaw& Mich. . Marquette& Mich. .... .... . .<br />

. . . do.<br />

Travrrse City, Mich. .<br />

Batrsville, Ark. ......... . ..<br />

Li&tie Rock, Ark. tyashin ti&n& Ark. . .<br />

Huntsviile, Ark. , ClarksviBr, Ark. ......... ..<br />

Chsnipagnofie, Ark .<br />

Helena, Ark. .... . . . ,<br />

Tallahascre, Fla. . . , , .<br />

St. Augustine, Fla . . Tamp:i, Fla ..... . .. . .. Fort Des Mi&inec, Ioiva. Council Rlu(fc, Ii&wa. I"ort i od e, Iowa. Sioux City, iowa. . . Mens. ha, Vt'is. . . . ... Stsveiis&s Point, 'lVi- ......<br />

,<br />

do<br />

La (.<br />

'rosse, '&Vis. ....... ... . do<br />

Eau Claire, Wis ....... ....<br />

Falls St. Croix, Wis. ... ...<br />

. ... do. ... ... .... .<br />

Bay(ield, Wis. ...... . .... ,.<br />

.. do<br />

Sunrise Ciiy, Minn. ... .... .<br />

uo. ... .<br />

St. Clou&I, iNIinn. Chatfii Id, Minn. ...........<br />

..... do<br />

Forest City, Minn. . . . do. .......... . ........<br />

.... . do. ..<br />

St. Peter& i51inn .. .,<br />

...... do .... ..... ...........<br />

May<br />

Mar.<br />

May<br />

June<br />

May<br />

June<br />

A pril<br />

Niay<br />

July<br />

Oct.<br />

Feb.<br />

Jan.<br />

J an.<br />

Ap&ll<br />

Feb.<br />

April<br />

April<br />

INov<br />

April<br />

Jan.<br />

Oct.<br />

Feb.<br />

Apr&l<br />

Feb.<br />

Mar.<br />

Sept.<br />

May<br />

Feb.<br />

July<br />

Oct.<br />

Jnne<br />

J uly<br />

July<br />

July<br />

Dec.<br />

June<br />

Feb.<br />

A pri1<br />

51 sr.<br />

April<br />

F b.<br />

A pril<br />

May<br />

May<br />

Dec.<br />

June<br />

20, 1858<br />

17, 1859<br />

24, I858<br />

18, 1858<br />

31, 1858<br />

3& 1858<br />

1) 1858<br />

l. 1858<br />

3I 1858<br />

5, 1858<br />

27& 1860<br />

25& 1860<br />

lli 1859<br />

I, 1858<br />

25, 1860<br />

14, 1858<br />

26, 1858<br />

I& 1856<br />

SU, 1860<br />

I, 1858<br />

23& Ir58<br />

9, 1856<br />

14, 1859<br />

I, 1858<br />

2U, 1857<br />

10, 1859<br />

29,<br />

' ieUU<br />

li 1858<br />

29, 1860<br />

I, 1858<br />

2, 'i860<br />

I, 1861<br />

1& 1858<br />

20, lt&18 i<br />

2, lt&a9<br />

10, 1860<br />

11, 1858<br />

10, 1860<br />

I, 1859<br />

I, 186&<br />

26& 18o8<br />

13& 186U<br />

14, 1858<br />

12, 1858<br />

6, '1858,<br />

7, 1818 '<br />

3, 1859<br />

April 5, 1858<br />

April 5, 185e<br />

June I, l858<br />

Mar. 5, 186U<br />

iMay 17, 185&8 I<br />

May 11, 18&8 '<br />

April 12, 186 I<br />

M&ly 1858 I<br />

April 19, 1861<br />

Mar. 20, 1860<br />

May 19, 1858<br />

May I&& 1861<br />

April ! t', 1859<br />

. . . do<br />

Feb. 29,<br />

April 29,<br />

June ll,<br />

1860<br />

July 15, 1858<br />

April 27, 1861<br />

Sept. 30, I858<br />

Oct. 6, 1»60<br />

April 15, 1861<br />

Mav<br />

April<br />

ll,<br />

1860<br />

1861<br />

1858<br />

1861 i. .<br />

17 20<br />

48 59<br />

50 10<br />

1, 431 25<br />

1, 034 83<br />

*18 00<br />

889 00<br />

528'Ia<br />

87 78<br />

775 75<br />

47 51<br />

364 56<br />

i<br />

361 48 i<br />

8i0 38<br />

1, 911 32<br />

2, 824 i3<br />

586 Ui<br />

647 72<br />

669 23<br />

95 03<br />

230 97<br />

181 87<br />

672 08<br />

2I2 64<br />

183 31<br />

129 14<br />

25U 11<br />

124 18<br />

iiO 39<br />

7 66<br />

107 I<br />

169 99<br />

166 15<br />

48 12<br />

$38 00<br />

80 86<br />

128 71<br />

Special ac'I<br />

220 t&l<br />

210 91<br />

10 20<br />

f225 00<br />

66 93<br />

42 63<br />

1, 061 00<br />

457 67<br />

186 49<br />

55 02<br />

500 10<br />

640 46<br />

92 19<br />

40 47 [<br />

I G8<br />

7 49 ,<br />

',..... 33 24<br />

124 52 I. ... . .. ...<br />

40 18<br />

17( 74<br />

387 85<br />

Carried Yorward. . .. S16, ' '188 02 4. 429 06<br />

j Cor. wt, j Sale fur.



agents, tfrr the fisca year ending June 30, IS|&1.<br />

Warrants in<br />

favor of re- By receivers<br />

ceivers.<br />

Casb transferred. payments by receivers for— Balance due July 1, 1861,<br />

To receivers. ' Expenses of Salaries &(overt(sd<br />

e p os i ten and comm)s- log and iaci.<br />

sions, oental expenses.<br />

By receivers To race)vers.<br />

~<br />

1, 560 06<br />

3JO 00<br />

I) 862 53<br />

3I IUI 26<br />

1, 6bl 73<br />

2, 889 04<br />

1, 627 00<br />

1, 456 19<br />

2)314 12<br />

I)686 72<br />

758 OU<br />

1)527 80<br />

1, 074 55<br />

3, 278 25<br />

2 209 75<br />

427 86<br />

1, 428 oo<br />

334 M<br />

400 00<br />

1)234 45<br />

5, 7(8 65<br />

5, 119 UU<br />

1, 485 00<br />

1„()r)6 80<br />

I, BU3 60<br />

4, 136 78<br />

5S'& 25<br />

775 87<br />

2(0 99<br />

i 26)' Uo<br />

1, 202 00<br />

400 OU<br />

3UO UU<br />

1, 458 07<br />

2, 147 14<br />

1, 250 UU<br />

'-', J65 UU<br />

2, 170 87<br />

2)304 UU<br />

5)071 J9<br />

290 OU<br />

i, l(2 00<br />

3JO Uo<br />

.)SU 00<br />

1, 531 48<br />

I) 170 UU<br />

1, 970 OU<br />

1, U50 00<br />

1, 330 f)2<br />

942 5U<br />

286 5)6<br />

9)109 79<br />

3(i6 70<br />

1, 318 18<br />

1)144 13<br />

600 00<br />

1)350 le<br />

395 32<br />

3, 6M 58<br />

6)2M tie<br />

2) 363 55<br />

25U 00<br />

5, 643 )6<br />

286 el<br />

108, 655 08<br />

88 60<br />

140 00<br />

120 00<br />

136 64<br />

120 00<br />

82 50<br />

eo 00<br />

336 BU<br />

(2 20<br />

34 80<br />

3 90<br />

59 00<br />

145 00<br />

300 00<br />

561 30<br />

9)007 62<br />

100 00<br />

16 eo<br />

1, 92U OO<br />

24 60<br />

40 OU<br />

'250 65<br />

185 5U<br />

305 00<br />

286 00<br />

110 Uo<br />

ble 75<br />

'.::: """e3'2o'<br />

245 60<br />

55 60<br />

144 OU<br />

40 00<br />

831 22<br />

379 20<br />

1, 002 15<br />

2, l(2 44<br />

666 74<br />

3)111 64<br />

769 28<br />

2, 493 71<br />

'ooi eo<br />

1, 540 64<br />

1, 906 42<br />

1, 533 08<br />

674 64<br />

1)391 10<br />

1, 398 63<br />

9, 144 52<br />

2)219 71<br />

970 81<br />

oeo so<br />

588 36<br />

364 55<br />

1)155 97<br />

514 63<br />

2, 494 60<br />

1, 391 16<br />

1, 050 46<br />

I'954 55<br />

2, 260 36<br />

353 44<br />

1, 019 08<br />

188 45<br />

1, 262 61<br />

1, 208 97<br />

65() 51<br />

344 41<br />

1, 6U9 85<br />

2)223 14<br />

1, 129 9(<br />

9, IM 53<br />

1, 599 82<br />

1, 919 21<br />

4, 733 80<br />

306 33<br />

1, 113 73<br />

Ub5 1:3<br />

si3 95<br />

942 97<br />

1, 062 10<br />

1, 974 56<br />

946 89<br />

l, o94 90<br />

1, 016 12<br />

9U9 16<br />

1, 496 22<br />

296 74<br />

))300 M<br />

1, 47r. 51<br />

152 83<br />

709 35<br />

54 95<br />

1)2U9 50<br />

179 05<br />

3, 560 41<br />

5, 741 45<br />

411 U3<br />

879 86<br />

2, 421 16<br />

'254 96<br />

5) 4is 59<br />

276 84<br />

711 15<br />

8 00<br />

639 62<br />

1, 025 72<br />

850 45<br />

19 SU<br />

99 16<br />

551 94<br />

108 77<br />

37 6<br />

119 19<br />

8 00<br />

258 75<br />

127 60<br />

61 48<br />

309 75<br />

83 45<br />

20 10<br />

105 36<br />

38 35<br />

77 47<br />

4, 730 67<br />

J 50<br />

124 65<br />

oo7 ]8<br />

32 es<br />

584 65<br />

930 90<br />

175 22<br />

22 75<br />

31 04<br />

)295 87<br />

223 45<br />

45 72<br />

30 00<br />

20 44<br />

75 OU<br />

16 75<br />

55 50<br />

71 96<br />

60 00<br />

644 56<br />

15 94<br />

184 56<br />

216 87<br />

208 20<br />

61 81<br />

3 51<br />

377 Js<br />

5 00<br />

7 15<br />

11 00<br />

2U5 02<br />

510 39<br />

46!J 55<br />

192 50<br />

3 00<br />

6 26<br />

342 90<br />

149 86<br />

16, 615 31<br />

9 85<br />

42 90<br />

661 97<br />

Sel 86<br />

145 45<br />

216 66<br />

62 49<br />

1, 343 73<br />

J&970 92<br />

786 30<br />

9 16<br />

385 4i<br />

19 49<br />

38 78<br />

364 86<br />

302 73<br />

70 34<br />

169 58<br />

3ti le<br />

107 85<br />

12 53<br />

4 97<br />

51 14<br />

99 45<br />

10 76<br />

30 79<br />

73 89<br />

64 96<br />

88 63<br />

146 27<br />

9 97<br />

"""'8 ei<br />

~ ~ ~<br />

30 36<br />

397 93<br />

71 04<br />

40 18<br />

2, 819 41<br />

924 28<br />

272 U4<br />

190 07<br />

260 30<br />

966 73<br />

281 12<br />

311 69<br />

32 86<br />

418 43<br />

21<br />

435 03<br />

27 54<br />

44 41<br />

437 UI<br />

281 55<br />

13 30<br />

222 36<br />

85 69<br />

290 M<br />

152 83<br />

185 66<br />

54 95<br />

148 90<br />

597 72<br />

233 12<br />

4(4 03<br />

1&092 02<br />

403 51<br />

4 96<br />

16 45<br />

ll)095 64 10, 738 38<br />

1<br />

9<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

90<br />

91<br />

22<br />

93<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

98<br />

99<br />

30<br />

31<br />

32<br />

33<br />

34<br />

35<br />

36<br />

37<br />

38<br />

39<br />

40<br />

41<br />

42<br />

43<br />

44<br />

45<br />

46<br />

47<br />

48<br />

49<br />

5II<br />

51<br />

52<br />

53<br />

54<br />

55<br />

56<br />

57<br />

58<br />

59<br />

60<br />

61<br />

62<br />

63<br />

64<br />

65<br />

66<br />

67<br />

68<br />

69<br />


~<br />

Selue;us<br />

.<br />

o&B<br />

68<br />


ST IITE'jfEx), T<br />

Balance due July I, 1860,<br />

Receivers. Districts. Date of bond. Bv receivers. To receivers<br />

'<br />

71 ' (Jliristopher Graham .. . .<br />

i<br />

72 Rnswel) H. Peudegrast , I. . . ... do<br />

73 John W hipp)e. ........... ... , Portland, Minn. ...<br />

74 . .. . do<br />

. do. . .... . . .......<br />

75 Sidney Luce<br />

... .. do. ...<br />

76 Wil harn Sawyer<br />

Otter Tnil City, Minn. . 77 . ..... dn<br />

. . do. ... .. . . . . . . . . ...<br />

78 Paschal Bei)notte<br />

San Fraricisco, Cal. . ,<br />

79 Augustin Ol vera.<br />

Los Ange)os, Cal. . .<br />

80 Jo, eph Hopkins.<br />

Nary. ville, Cal. .. .....<br />

81 William B. Norman<br />

«tockton, Chal. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

82 Thomas Raker.<br />

Visa)is, Cal. ......... ~ ~ .<br />

b3 I<br />

George W. Honk<br />

84 A. Lawrence I.<br />

I<br />

ovejoy.<br />

85 Williaiu J. Maiun<br />

'<br />

86 Garfield<br />

87 J. S. i'd). Van Cleave<br />

88 Williani Brindle<br />

89 Charles B. Lines.<br />

90 George J. Clark<br />

9 I Daniel Woodson<br />

92 Ira H. Sniith<br />

Find)ay Patterson<br />

Petri' F. Wilsoii<br />

Benjamin M. Trumbull<br />

Edinnnd A. Des)unde.<br />

i:)mr)ca B. Smiih<br />

George B. Gralf .<br />

99 Alfred H. Jackson.<br />

Do<br />

I 00 Wiil iam A. Street.<br />

Brought forward<br />

Henderson, Minn. .<br />

Humboldt,<br />

Cal<br />

Oregnn Ciiy, Oregon. . . ,<br />

Roseburg, Oregon. . . . . . .<br />

Olym pi a, W. T. . . .<br />

. . . . . do . .<br />

L ceo m pton, Kansas<br />

. . . . do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Fort Scott, Kansas<br />

Kick apoo, Katwas. . . . . . .<br />

, . do. . . . . . . .<br />

Jnnction City, Kansas. . .<br />

Oinaha, Nebraska. . . . . . .<br />

. . . . . d i. ... ... .<br />

Nebraska City, Nebraska<br />

Brownsville, !i')ebraska. .<br />

Dakota, Nebraska ... . , . do. .... . ' .. ..... . ..<br />

. . . . . . do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

San ia Pd, N. M. . . . . . . . .<br />

I 6i 388 02<br />

Feb. ), 1859 i. . . , '. . . , . . . ,<br />

June 4, 1861<br />

Sept. 26i 185b I 152 73<br />

Sept. 24, 186U<br />

Apwl 20, 1861<br />

Sept. 29, 1856 I 35 21<br />

Nov. 5, 1860<br />

May 6, 1859 34<br />

I<br />

Aug, 17. 1858 974 UU<br />

Mar, 16, Ii'59 186 00<br />

Jiil) 2i 18)8<br />

July 3, 1858 318 05<br />

July 6, 1858 323 06<br />

Feb. 24, 1859 42 17<br />

Mar. )6, )860,<br />

Dec, 16, 1856 i 600 00<br />

Aug. 20, 1860 ifur. 13 00<br />

l<br />

Mar. I9, 1857<br />

April 17, )861 ...<br />

I<br />

'<br />

Feb. 27, 1860 41<br />

July )2, )858<br />

June 17, 1861<br />

Aug. 5, 1858 488 95<br />

)<br />

Mar. 22, 1859 217 19<br />

April 16, 1861 ' . . . . . . . , , . . .<br />

Oci. 9, 1858 45 22<br />

June. 1, 18i8', . . . . . , .<br />

Apnl 12, 1859, . . . . , , , . . . , .<br />

Nrlv 12~ 1860<br />

April )6, 1861', j''''''"''<br />

Apnl 15, 1859 ), 071 69<br />

ef)I, 182 IU<br />

4, 429 06<br />

340 28<br />

39 71<br />

8, 492 54<br />

3, 618 86<br />

3 78<br />

)6i924 23 '<br />

Balance due July I, 1860i by receivers .<br />

Warrant. on the Treasurer in favor oi'receivers .<br />

C:ish transferred tn rei eivers.<br />

Balance due to receivers Ju)y I, 1851 .<br />


21, 182 10<br />

)83, 554 54<br />

124 97<br />

25, 325 12<br />

8230, 186 75<br />

Nore. — The accounts for Cliilicothe. Ohio, Vincennes, Iowa, Jackson anu Boonvi)le, yio. , St. Stevens and<br />

ville, and Champ igni i) le, Ark. , Port Drs Moines, Fort Dodge, and Sioux City, Iowa, Otter Tail I 'ity, Min. , Sas<br />

gon, Olympia, W. T, RrowiisviHe, Neb. , and Santa Fe, N. M. , are to March 31, )86); St. Liiui. . Mo. ,<br />

and Greensburc, La. , Batesville and He)mar, Ark. , Tallahas ee and Tainpi, Fla, to December 31, 1860; Greengu.<br />

tine, Fla. , to S ptember .')U, 1860; Springftr)d, Mo. , to June 17, 186); Elba, Alia, tn January 14, 1861; Hunts<br />

Couuril B)u(fs, Iowa, to May 19, 186); Eau Ciaire, Wis. , to May 31, )86); Fort Scott, Kansas, to June 9, 186);<br />

Tuessnav Dgrsavlltgnxi Registeru Ojfrrr, Nseeirrter 22, 1861.

~<br />

~<br />

— Continnerl.<br />


Warrants in<br />

favor nf<br />

receivers.<br />

Cash transferred.<br />

By receivers<br />

To receiver. '. Frpenses of<br />

(le pc)its<br />

Payments bl' receivers i'or— Balance due July 1, 1861.<br />

Salaries<br />

and commis<br />

sions.<br />

Advertis- Byreceivers. To receivers.<br />

ng and inci<br />

dental expenses.<br />

108, 655 UB<br />

7, 067 37<br />

150 00<br />

700 00<br />

125 00<br />

950 00<br />

4, 675 10<br />

3, 150 00<br />

5~225 00<br />

4, 887 00<br />

4, 950 00<br />

4, 776 94<br />

4, 425 OU<br />

4, 255 7l<br />

62) OU<br />

4, 9'27 67<br />

4, 317 47<br />

5, 660 84<br />

2)292 99<br />

3. 982 il<br />

2, 125 87<br />

440 00<br />

Ul5) 92<br />

878 57<br />

334 97<br />

824 50<br />

2)936 45<br />

27 73<br />

97 24<br />

27 73<br />

»24,<br />

8. , 9l9 06<br />

l]0 0)i<br />

1U5 00<br />

206 Oo<br />

149 OU<br />

94, i42 47<br />

5, 650 45<br />

4U7 80<br />

275 00<br />

718 41<br />

147 bl<br />

223 25<br />

3l6 99<br />

4)5UU 00<br />

4)247 97<br />

4, 500 00<br />

4, 500 00<br />

4)5UO UU<br />

') 7)50 UU<br />

3, 750 00<br />

3, 75)l I)0<br />

(J7l 46<br />

3, '. )48 6l<br />

'2, 62l 07<br />

26)l 72<br />

6, 17li 88<br />

1, 60. 1 01<br />

20 02<br />

4, 267 32<br />

1, 991 24<br />

323 15<br />

], 145 68<br />

1, 567 30<br />

342 25<br />

761 24<br />

3, 541 48<br />

16, 615 31<br />

1, 088 17<br />

]92 75<br />

2 50<br />

413 44<br />

300 00<br />

765 Oi)<br />

383 50<br />

946 OU<br />

600 00<br />

682 77<br />

476 UU<br />

593 89<br />

34 Io<br />

3 35<br />

170 80<br />

269 42<br />

338 00<br />

256 27<br />

207 70<br />

808 22<br />

100 50<br />

59 00<br />

]2 50<br />

1S3, 554 56 124 97 124 97 9, 489 06 164, 980 68 24 820 74<br />

11, 095 64<br />

41 00<br />

3 50<br />

750 00<br />

J4 40<br />

253 54<br />

998 17<br />

95 55<br />

116 85<br />

4 26<br />

454 16<br />

]U)738 38<br />

]21 53<br />

407 80<br />

183 43<br />

]47 61<br />

65 54<br />

126 99<br />

423 27<br />

177 95<br />

10 90<br />

6, 8JU 89<br />

264 U7<br />

824 43<br />

3, ]98 3U<br />

20 02<br />

283 26<br />

392 24<br />

996 95<br />

111 5b<br />

]3 847 07 25) 325 12<br />

71<br />

79<br />

73<br />

74:<br />

75<br />

76;<br />

77'<br />

78<br />

79<br />

80<br />

Bl<br />

82<br />

83<br />

84<br />

85<br />

86<br />

87<br />

88<br />

19<br />

9ii<br />

91<br />

92<br />

i)3<br />

94<br />

95<br />

96<br />

97<br />

98<br />

99<br />

100<br />


Balance dui, to receiver~ Jnly 1, 1860. ,<br />

1'asli translhrrcd by receivers,<br />

Kxpvnscs of di posits.<br />

Bslsrics anil cinnmia)iona . . .<br />

Advvrtisiiiv and inviilen tel expenses.<br />

Balance duc by receivers July 1, 1861<br />

16, 924 23<br />

i24 97<br />

9)4r9 U6<br />

164, 980 BS<br />

2t, 82U 74<br />

13, 847 07<br />

230, 186 75<br />

Centrr, Ala. , Wavliington, Miss. , ]onia, East Sagin Itvi and Marquette, Mich. , ]Fash]upton) Huntsville, Clarks-<br />

Fiancisco, Los Angrlos, lllnrysvillc, otockton, Visa]iu) and Humboldt, Cal. , Orv on City and Roseburg, Ore-<br />

' kliil'Cll 4, 1861; lyarsa)w, Mo. , Dvi»opoh:, ;md '1'uscaloo. a, Ala. , Jackson and i:olumbus, Miss. , New i))leans<br />

ville and ittont ornery, Ala), anil Monrov. , l. ai. , to Jan 31, ]861; Grenada, Miss. , Little Rock, Ark. , aud St. Auvllle,<br />

Ala. , io February 28, 1861; Pauldiii 5]i)as.<br />

& , to January 10, 1861; Opelousas, ], ao to February 16, 1861)<br />

and Nclirsska City, Neb. , to Apnl 10, ]86)t,<br />

1. E. CHITTENDEN, Register.<br />

34 R

~ I ~<br />

~ ~ I 'I<br />

~ ~<br />

I<br />

~ ~<br />

I<br />

I ~


(I)(ring tkefisea7 year ending June 30, 1861<br />

Gross amount of—<br />

C<br />

C C<br />

C<br />

C<br />

7&<br />

C<br />

C<br />

C<br />

C<br />

A<br />

0<br />

M<br />

C<br />

C<br />

9<br />

C<br />

W<br />

0<br />

C<br />

C<br />

)&<br />

C<br />

6<br />

)&<br />

C<br />

C<br />

C&<br />

t<br />

)<br />

C C<br />

C<br />

'C<br />

C<br />

I<br />

8<br />

5<br />

C<br />

C<br />

(5<br />

1<br />

+ ~ o C<br />

C ~'<br />

&<br />

n<br />

C<br />

C<br />

1<br />

600 00<br />

100 45<br />

G9 90<br />

75 4!<br />

529 61<br />

113 24<br />

309 75<br />

141 49<br />

4(8 58<br />

203 96<br />

426 82<br />

45 85<br />

901 24<br />

138 97<br />

88 64<br />

22 70<br />

lii 94<br />

144 86<br />

1)590 31<br />

8, 204 0&<br />

675 64<br />

309 7;<br />

141 49<br />

418 58<br />

20J 96<br />

1)278 58<br />

45 85<br />

976 12<br />

138 97<br />

115 3&<br />

70<br />

6) 938 2U<br />

2, 585 21<br />

158 156 7&<br />

1<br />

2<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

Il<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

IIG 84<br />

64 15<br />

29, 201 32,<br />

10, 648 76'<br />

50 UU,<br />

&25 UUI<br />

100 ):I<br />

I 55<br />

J '5<br />

50 0(<br />

24 &2<br />

10 00<br />

975 00<br />

"535 2&<br />

"98 61<br />

439 '&UI<br />

t(0 00<br />

66 00<br />

761 IU<br />

249 88<br />

25) 00<br />

376 66<br />

529 77<br />

93 85<br />

81 38<br />

71 BH<br />

3 30<br />

22 10<br />

7 20<br />

284 9U<br />

, &2 20<br />

315 33<br />

201 9)<br />

185 39<br />

8 96<br />

29 12<br />

16 69<br />

99 4(<br />

&7 83,<br />

38 40<br />

358 44<br />

161 31<br />

573 49<br />

266 2(<br />

14 9(<br />

I &9<br />

9, 788 65<br />

3, 455 GG<br />

15 32<br />

]6 11<br />

628 Ui<br />

1, !50 08<br />

436 84<br />

287 78<br />

365 69<br />

7 52<br />

76 14<br />

5 34<br />

787 10<br />

75 39<br />

63 93<br />

19 00<br />

43, 884 46',<br />

23 85<br />

Bl 38<br />

71 88<br />

3 30<br />

22 IU<br />

7 90<br />

3) 183 76<br />

'&l 20<br />

;6<br />

17<br />

IH<br />

, 0<br />

'&0<br />

21<br />

.<br />

(4<br />

16, 39J 0("<br />

'2<br />

I 5<br />

2, 617 97 . 76<br />

3) 7U9 8( . 64U 93, CB<br />

1, 97( 05 . .... . " J<br />

6, 827<br />

24(<br />

11, 606<br />

I, 5)19<br />

3), 23!<br />

6, 579<br />

48<br />

I<br />

3, 46i, 835<br />

76<br />

27<br />

45&<br />

66<br />

51<br />

4, 'I<br />

4(.<br />

36<br />

79<br />

7(l<br />

605, 684 95<br />

15 Jl<br />

IG&<br />

l I<br />

1, 319 31<br />

1, 251 55<br />

5, 051 18<br />

1, 963 22<br />

4U5 69<br />

7 52<br />

14( 78<br />

5 34<br />

35, 8!5 43<br />

1, 669 6)<br />

4)627 42<br />

2)056 18<br />

JU<br />

:I I<br />

32<br />

3J<br />

34<br />

. IG<br />

37<br />

38<br />

39<br />

40<br />

41<br />

43<br />

44<br />

45<br />

l6<br />

'I 7<br />

. . . . . . oJ<br />

51<br />

50 32' 52<br />

53<br />

)4<br />

55<br />

40)844 10 . . . 1, 160 17 776 30!l)101 98 97 82 376 66 25, 779 85 4, 450, 131 94 50 32<br />

* Cash for weighing, gauging, and measuring.<br />

f Bale of old iron sa&e and revenue boats.



Collectors.<br />

Districts,<br />

I<br />

0<br />

o<br />

0<br />

CP<br />

O<br />

is<br />

w<br />

c<br />

a<br />

]<br />

9<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

1U<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

90<br />

91<br />

92<br />

23<br />

94<br />

25<br />

96<br />

97<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

31<br />

32<br />

33<br />

34<br />

35<br />

36<br />

37<br />

38<br />

39<br />

40<br />

41<br />

42<br />

43<br />

44<br />

45<br />

46<br />

47<br />

48<br />

49<br />

50<br />

51<br />

59<br />

53<br />

54<br />

55<br />

Robert Burns. . . . . . . . .<br />

Washington Long. . . . .<br />

A. F, Par)in. .... .....<br />

Win. B. Sinith<br />

Thomas D. Jones ...<br />

isaac H. Thomas John R. Redman . . Seth K. Devereux John H Kennedy. ....<br />

Davis Tillson. ....... Thomas Cunningham Erastus Foots. ... James H. Nichols. . Roland Fisher. ..., Moses Macdonald. ... .<br />

Jedediah Jewett.<br />

A. A. Han corn .. Tliomas K. Lane ....<br />

John Cousens. . , . Luther Jenkins ..., George G. Bowden. ...<br />

Jeremiah S. Putnam ..<br />

Jonathan G. Dickerson<br />

T. Hsrmon ....<br />

Dudley F. Leavitt. ... ,<br />

W. P. Wingste .<br />

Augustus Jenkins. ....<br />

J. B. Cpliain<br />

Isaac B. Rovi'dish. Charles Linsley. Williain Clapp. . ..<br />

James Rlood. . ... , ,<br />

Enoch G. Currier .... .<br />

Giirham Babson. . .<br />

John S. Webber. , ,<br />

William B. Pike. .... Wil lard P Phillips . Willi un Bartoll. .. Williain Standley. . James 8 Whitney. Jehu Z. Goodrich, Wait Wad worth .<br />

Thoinas Loring .... Pbineas W. Leland ...<br />

S. B. Pbinney. ........<br />

Chas. B. H. Fessenden<br />

Laurence Grinnell. Ira Darrow ...........<br />

John Ymson. .. . Eben W. Allen , Alfred Macy. .... James A. Aborn, Charles Anthony. ... George H. Reynolds. ..<br />

W. H. S. Bayley.<br />

Passamaquoddy Me ..... do. ..... Machiasi Me, ... ..........<br />

..... do, ..... ...<br />

Frenchman's Bay, Me. . ..... do. ................, ....<br />

Penobscot, Me.<br />

do. .... . ..". . ~ ~ ~ ~-<br />

Waldoborough, iMe ..........<br />

..... do. .. .... ......<br />

Saco, Me. . .<br />

.... ado. ~ ~ ~ ....... ~ ~ ~ . ~ ... ~ ..<br />

Kennebunk, Me .<br />

York, Me. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

. . . . do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I<br />

'<br />

..... do. .... Belfast, Me, ..... Iio ..... . . Bangor, Me. .., ............ ,.<br />

. . . . . do. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Portsinouth, N. H. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

... do ... ... . Burlington, Vt , do. . . . ..... do. ... ........ , Newburyport, Mass .... do , .. ... , .. .<br />

Gloucester, Mass ,<br />

..... do .......... ........ Salem and Beverly, Mass. ....<br />

. . . . . do, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Marblehead, Mass. . . . . . , . . . .<br />

.... do. ......, ........ ..<br />

Boston and ChariestowniMass.<br />

. do. ... .... . Plymouth, Mass ....... ....<br />

. ... . do. .......... "'<br />

Fall River, Mass ., i<br />

Barnstable, Mass. ... . . iNew Bedford, Mass. , I<br />

..... do, ......... Edgartown, Mass . ,<br />

..... do. . ........ , Nantucket, Mass. .. i<br />

..... do. ....... . , , Providence, K. I ..... do ................. .<br />

Bristol and Warren, R, I ,<br />

...... do ..................... ,<br />

is<br />

A<br />

May 1, 1858<br />

Apr. 18, 1861<br />

Jan. 16, 1858<br />

Apr. 9, I861<br />

Jan. 14, 1858<br />

Apr. 5, 1861<br />

klay 14, 18o8<br />

May 10, 1861<br />

reb. 1, '186i<br />

do. .<br />

Apr. 99iil861<br />

Wiscasset, iyle. Fi b. 1„1858<br />

do .... . Apr. 92„1b61<br />

Bath, Me „<br />

Jan. 31, !86U<br />

..... do . .... ............ .. Apr. 8, 1861<br />

Portland and Falmouth, Me. ..<br />

Jau. 90, Ir58<br />

Carried forward.<br />

Apr. 11, 18111<br />

Sept. 20. , 1856<br />

Sept. , 12, 186U<br />

Jan. 19, 1858<br />

Jan. 14, 1858<br />

July 20, 1860<br />

Mar. 9, 1861<br />

May 29, 1861<br />

Feb. 97, 1858<br />

A pr. 18i 1861<br />

Jan. 17, 1858<br />

Apr. 4, 1861<br />

June93, 1858<br />

Apr. 26, 1861<br />

Feb. 23, 1851<br />

July 14, 1860<br />

Apr. 4, 1861<br />

J n n e 11, 1858<br />

Apr. 16, 18nl<br />

iyiay 18, 1858<br />

Apr. 20, 1861<br />

Feb. 19, 1857<br />

Mar 26, 1861<br />

June 14, 1858<br />

Apr. 18, 18fi I<br />

Feb. 23, 1860<br />

Mar. 22i 1861<br />

June. il. 1858<br />

Apr. 20. 1861<br />

June I5, ls:i8<br />

June 30, 1858<br />

Apr. 19, 1858<br />

Apr. 11. 1861<br />

Ju ne 21, 1860<br />

Msy i29, 18iil<br />

June 14 1858<br />

Apr. 20i186I<br />

Jan. 16, 1858<br />

A pr. 29, 1861<br />

Jan. 18, 1858<br />

Apr. 99, 1861<br />


42<br />

43<br />

44<br />

— Continued.<br />



Payments made into the treasury.<br />

I d, d, d, l„d; (I<br />

I d J II, IVI,<br />

~I<br />

behalf of the United States.<br />

0<br />

j.<br />

0<br />

'I<br />

C I:<br />

C<br />

G<br />

I<br />

0<br />

C<br />

V~<br />

0<br />

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'A<br />

dl<br />

I<br />

0 C IC<br />

Jc o<br />

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IJ O dl<br />

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Cd w<br />

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o ts<br />

d<br />

I<br />

dl<br />

0 I<br />

'I tO<br />

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C<br />

d<br />

s1 ' 0<br />

C 0<br />

IJ dl 0<br />

o C<br />

d-<br />

C. c c<br />

G<br />

d<br />

dc<br />

CO<br />

0<br />

tJ<br />

dl<br />

C<br />

V<br />

0<br />

SJ<br />

6<br />

0<br />

V!<br />

0<br />

dl<br />

dl<br />

0<br />

IJJ<br />

0<br />

V<br />

dl<br />

0<br />

dr<br />

0<br />

C<br />

0<br />

0<br />

t<br />

7)784 04<br />

208 85<br />

609 ]9<br />

99 IU<br />

1, 094 90<br />

1!019 37<br />

140 70<br />

4, 461 Id<br />

1, 253 BB<br />

Inr3) 096 74<br />

30, 367 15<br />

122 51<br />

137 52<br />

K BU<br />

957 50<br />

13, 664 44<br />

7tt5 78<br />

3)420 35<br />

590 00<br />

2, 204 Ol<br />

5)773 76<br />

839 76<br />

2) 627 22<br />

7, 783 64<br />

29, 655 25<br />

2, 70U 00<br />

158 07<br />

3, 467, 835 79<br />

BU5)684 95<br />

56 00<br />

4, 792 49<br />

1, 820 63<br />

4, 765 35<br />

1)589 15<br />

302 97<br />

944 94<br />

40, 318 43<br />

7, 275 22<br />

1, 031 90<br />

$4) 426) 666 53<br />

862 15<br />

675 64<br />

147 70<br />

141 49<br />

223 84<br />

Ii I 86<br />

255 57<br />

45 Bo<br />

136 97<br />

37 84<br />

22 70<br />

4, 677 86<br />

I, ,'I31 33<br />

6, 281 00<br />

13, 517 31<br />

81 38<br />

61 49<br />

22 10<br />

7 20<br />

3, 032 06<br />

52 00<br />

11) 24II 60<br />

1, 832 19<br />

808 21<br />

50 93<br />

24 72<br />

1, 285 51<br />

6, 573 29<br />

241 66<br />

3, 887 00<br />

1. 5!19 4;I<br />

326 Ui '46<br />

,<br />

374 07<br />

102 72<br />

7 52<br />

5 34<br />

1, 662 64<br />

818 46<br />

1, 024 98<br />

79)643 23<br />

I<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

II<br />

I 13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

31<br />

32<br />

53<br />

34<br />

35<br />

36<br />

11. 732 97<br />

387940' 37<br />

I<br />

38<br />

I 79 39<br />

i<br />

40<br />

. . . . . . . . . , .<br />

l<br />

100 35<br />

16 ll<br />

l<br />

I<br />

315 02<br />

83 47 45<br />

)<br />

47<br />

48<br />

49<br />

5U<br />

51<br />

52<br />

53<br />

54<br />


,<br />

F.<br />

, May<br />



Collectors.<br />

2i Hiram Barney .. 28 Henry B. Smith. ,<br />

29Geor e W. Goff .. 3u Theoph. Peu net. ..<br />

31 J. W. Ingalls. ... ....<br />

32, 0. car F. Dickinson 3'i'George M. Abel(. ...<br />

Disu icts.<br />

...... &10<br />

Champlain, N. Y ....<br />

.. . . . do .... ... . ~ ~<br />

Cape Vincent, N. Y. .<br />

.... .. da<br />

Dunkirk, N, Y. ......<br />

... . da. ...<br />

31 William S. Bowen. . Bridgeta&vn, N. 3 & Henry J. Ashmore . Burlington, N. J<br />

0<br />

O<br />

0<br />

&t<br />

0<br />

'O<br />

O<br />

0<br />

36 Amos Robin~ ...... Pcrth Aniboy, N. J. . ... do. ....<br />

Bi J. Lawrence Boggs 38 Thos. D. Winner. .<br />

... ... do .. .. .... . ..<br />

Apr. 2, 1861<br />

. IGreat Ezg Harbor, N. J June 19, 1808<br />

39 Isaac S. Jennings. . Little E Harbor,<br />

4U J. H. Bartlett. .....<br />

~ N. J. Dec. 27, (&58<br />

...... da .... . May 20I IBGI<br />

41 Edward T. IDHyer, . Newark, N J ........<br />

Way 24, 186 l<br />

42 Peter W. Martin ..., . . 60<br />

May 6, 186i I<br />

43 I homes B. Atkinson Camden, N. J. .......<br />

A pr. 13, 1858<br />

I<br />

...... da ....<br />

9, 1861<br />

44 S. BirdseH, ... .. , 45 Joseph B. Baker. ...<br />

Philadelphia, Penn. .<br />

46 Wm. B. Thomas<br />

. do ... ~ ~ ~<br />

47 Charles M. Tibbals. Presque Isle, Penn. 4( James A. Gibson. Pntsburg, Penn.<br />

49 C. H. Bachelor. .<br />

... 5(i Jesse Sharpe. ... .. . do ...... ..... .<br />

.. De(aware& (Wi(mttanj<br />

51 Thos M. Rodney. ..<br />

...... do ...... 52 Jna Thomson Mason Be)tin&are, Md, .<br />

53 H W. Hoffman. ...... do .... .. 54~John T, Hammond. . Annapolts, Md, .<br />

55, Ti nch Tilghrnan Osford. Md, .<br />

5(i Wi(liam H. VaH&ant. ...... do ............<br />

(S<br />

O<br />

0<br />

O<br />

&5<br />

(-t<br />

A pr. 4, 186 I<br />

June 2(i, (8&8<br />

May 1U, 1861<br />

June 12, 1858<br />

Apr. 18, 1861<br />

Jan. 31, 1857<br />

Apr, 5, 1861<br />

June 15, 1858<br />

June 17, 1858<br />

Juiie ll, (858<br />

Apr. 20, 1861<br />

Jan. 23) 186&&<br />

June 15), 1858<br />

Apr. 19, 186i<br />

Mar. 10, 1858<br />

May 18, 1861<br />

Mar. 26, 1858<br />

Apr. 18, I86(<br />

Mar. 10, )858<br />

Mar. 18, 1858<br />

Apr. 5, 1861<br />

Balances due<br />

July I, 1860.<br />

O<br />

0<br />

0<br />

e<br />

&0<br />

III<br />

0<br />

0<br />

'<br />

Brought forward. ..<br />

56, 153 37<br />

I Gilbert Chace. . . Newport, R. I ....<br />

Apr. 6, 1858 5)061 21<br />

2Seth W, Macy. . ...... da .<br />

3 Patrick Facan .<br />

... , ...<br />

Apr. I, 186 I<br />

..<br />

Middleiown, Conn. ..<br />

Jan. 28, 185i<br />

4 Origen Dtley . . ~ .. ~ ... do<br />

51ar. 4, 186l<br />

5 Johri P. C. Mather. . New I. ondon, Conn May 17, 1858 2, 708 95t<br />

6 Edward Prentis. .. ..... . 80 ... , ...... Anr. 9) 1061<br />

7 Minott A. Osborn. . New Haven, Conn. . Feb. I, 1858 4, 140 07<br />

8 James F. Babcock. . ..... . da .... .. A pr. 2, I b(i I<br />

UI WiHiam S. Pomeroy Fairfield, Conn . Apr. 1, IB. &8 19 90<br />

1U, Si(as C. Ban(he. ....<br />

. .. . . . da . . ,<br />

il Kphraim Wiuiams, jr<br />

.... . . Apr. 17, I 861<br />

Stonington, Conn. . Junc 13, (860<br />

12tFranklin A. Palmer. ...... da ...., . ..... . Apr. 16, 1861<br />

13 William Howland. Sac kett's Harbor) N. Y. Feb. 4, 1857 41 16. ..<br />

14, (L W. Inglehart . ...... do . . . .<br />

A pr. 6, 1861<br />

15, P(iny M. Sronily. . Genesee, N. Y. . J une 15, 1858 94 GG. ..<br />

16, P. M. Crandah. . do . ... .. 1&IJ. B. Higgins. ..... ~ May 11, 1861<br />

. Osivego, N. Y. IBlGeorge P Eddy ""<br />

51 sr. 21, 186U 744 90 Niagara, N. Y. ......<br />

Mar. 15, 18&8 347 50 ...<br />

19' Spauldirig. ... . . . . .. . . do<br />

M sr. 30, 186 I<br />

20 1Varren Bryant. .. Sufi'alo Creek&N. Y. . Mar. 8, (850<br />

21 Chrisiian Metz, jr. do<br />

ttpr. 21, (861<br />

22 H&irace Moody. . Oswegatchie, N. Y. . Jan. I,<br />

23 David M. Chapin ..<br />

..... . 60 .... .... . It&5&J 370 83<br />

Mar. 29, 1861<br />

2&t Jason M. Terbell. . . , Sag Harbor, N. Y. ...<br />

. I une 12, 18, iB 114 06<br />

2' John Sherry .. . , , . do . ....<br />

May 21, 18&(1<br />

26 Augustus Schell ... . New York city, N. Y. July 1, I SGB 1 1U<br />

4, U61 05<br />

410 62,<br />

213 95 .<br />

613 75 .<br />

100 14 .<br />

160 9u . .<br />

60 00<br />

&5 78<br />

93 lUi<br />

1, 363 87<br />

92 17D<br />

135 6ui.<br />

72 20<br />

Gross amount of—<br />

O<br />

is<br />

0<br />

&t<br />

S<br />

0<br />

A<br />

25 87 4)379, 995 06<br />

8, 359 17<br />

1, 023 12<br />

7, 683 If&<br />

2, 424 42<br />

7. , 827 09<br />

1, 778 Sl<br />

65. 993 71<br />

23, 053 77<br />

593 42<br />

O<br />

0<br />

So<br />

But<br />

&t<br />

0 )s<br />

O<br />

0 &t<br />

&t<br />

6 96<br />

7 29, 1, 151 38 191 25 ..<br />

1, 237 19 . 3, 313 19 . 902 21 5) 707 62 . 2&2 37 . 2)280 Br'. 394 11 ..<br />

918 BG . .<br />

&t<br />

&t<br />

0<br />

m<br />

40, 844 10<br />

281 025<br />

93 75<br />

25) 374) 488 74, 58 29 61, 512 16<br />

12, 814 U&J<br />

2, 767, 070 Iil.<br />

235 03 . .<br />

498 54 . .<br />

25 90 . .<br />

8 12&<br />

1, 7(i4, 064 64<br />

178)&78 84<br />

2&1 5(<br />

47(i ll<br />

117 95<br />

7. 187 08<br />

793, 192 89<br />

80, 356 07<br />

Carried forward. , 982 lo 98 07 35)513)764 12<br />

88 3 , 560 36<br />

600 44<br />

lu UU<br />

13 75<br />

I 3i<br />

9, 636 32<br />

3, 107 39

Ji<br />

38<br />

— Continued,<br />

RECEIPTS Ai&'D<br />

Gross amount of—<br />


x ' ~<br />

o<br />

c&<br />

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40(i 35) 56 50 33, 643 00<br />

], 888 15 336 88 2)5(4 42<br />

90I') Ql . ,<br />

683 Jl . ,<br />

50 00 .<br />

776 30 1, 101 98 97 82 376 66<br />

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7 2U<br />

9, 477 59<br />

2 14 79 17U UU<br />

3 00 . .<br />

60 4(<br />

17 35<br />

]285. 992 00 ..<br />

96 00 . ,<br />

2, 022 60 . ,<br />

1, 398 QU "„'I J5 ..<br />

2, 4)4 95 ..<br />

599 40<br />

521 2U 88 98<br />

171 5U ..<br />

1) 711 00 . .<br />

140 SU . .<br />

2&U 30 . .<br />

83 50<br />

9(iU. .<br />

7 6U . .<br />

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25) 7i9 8<br />

219 18<br />

106 8(t<br />

619 98<br />

139 30<br />

559 99<br />

82 00<br />

639 40<br />

259 10<br />

490 40<br />

lt6 Oi<br />

24U 65<br />

52 58<br />

37 83<br />

ll 68<br />

70 08<br />

14 84<br />

1, 097 91<br />

32 57<br />

1)698 22<br />

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330 8')<br />

77 40<br />

262:30<br />

16 35<br />

169 71<br />

45 9B<br />

1)153 79<br />

149 U7<br />

834 7U<br />

378 Go<br />

746 5U<br />

491 08<br />

37 Ul<br />

278 60<br />

58 OU<br />

407 Qu<br />

29 80<br />

4, 485 67<br />

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1) 409 28<br />

60 U3<br />

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3, 936 Ol<br />

1, 2)6 89<br />

338 18<br />

369 00<br />

108 00<br />

4, 450, ]JI 94<br />

(&, 578 05<br />

1, 129 95 . ,<br />

8, 302 3i ..<br />

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838i 08 . .<br />

1, 8oo 2(<br />

Gti, 907 36 . .<br />

23, 406 62<br />

1, 083 82 . .<br />

116 Ui<br />

240 6' ..<br />

52 58<br />

6'& l4<br />

3(82 ..<br />

1)573 46<br />

30? 09 . 4, 35i 7() ..<br />

4, 896 73<br />

902 QI . 9, 984 75 ..<br />

1, 768 33 . .<br />

J, ]94 ]c . .<br />

597 45<br />

], 295 86<br />

1( 40<br />

95. 509, 569 30<br />

2, 89(, 198 Ol<br />

J4) 24( 90<br />

453 9:& . .<br />

1, 031 14<br />

IQ5 75 . ,<br />

179 31 . .<br />

5359 . .<br />

1, 15&3 79<br />

149 0<br />

834 70 . .<br />

428 60 . .<br />

746 50<br />

499 Qtc<br />

37 Ol<br />

285 80 .<br />

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407 &20 . .<br />

29 80<br />

1, 78(, 811 40 . .<br />

181, 437 Ut' . .<br />

3)l St) . .<br />

1) 902 14<br />

li9 35<br />

8, 013 78 . .<br />

91 '8<br />

806, 065 29<br />

84)790 69 . .<br />

338 IF<br />

- JGQ 00<br />

108 Ot'<br />

50 32<br />

], 8&9 t)O<br />

92) 834 00<br />

3, 187 0] 393 38 48, 373 35 1, 076 91 10)815 73 9, (44 62 354 83 100, 181 OU 35, 908, 695 06 94. 793 32<br />

.<br />

(<br />

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,<br />

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52<br />

53<br />

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— COntifttterl.<br />



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Payments made into the treasury. Ronde and sash transferred in<br />

behalf of the United States.<br />

CJ<br />

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CJ<br />

al<br />

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Balance due June 30,<br />

i 861.<br />

ta<br />

0<br />

CJ<br />

O<br />

V<br />

ca<br />

I<br />

0<br />

CJ<br />

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co<br />

4, 426, 666 53<br />

12, 378 84<br />

219 30<br />

12, 092 50<br />

551 00<br />

8, 132 65<br />

64 00<br />

71, 047 43<br />

13, 325 30<br />

902 7I2<br />

240 65<br />

89 07<br />

1, 385 19<br />

4, 964 12<br />

4)848 06<br />

9, 984 75<br />

9, 443 46<br />

1)200 52<br />

25, 509, 563 40<br />

2, 89l, 098 32<br />

26, 433 81<br />

967 63<br />

112 95<br />

1)197 80<br />

78 UU<br />

995 6U<br />

2t!3 00<br />

647 00<br />

364 23<br />

245 70<br />

433 40<br />

3U UU<br />

1, 761, 811 4O<br />

l81, 437 08<br />

249 38<br />

1, 902 14<br />

11 17<br />

9, 257 21<br />

806, 065 29<br />

84, 790 69<br />

285 84<br />

208 00<br />

$R 10<br />

79, 643 23<br />

1)261 U2<br />

BIO 65<br />

1, 997 18<br />

2, 012 72<br />

2)963 38<br />

1) 796 21<br />

10, 081 32<br />

201 00<br />

116 U7<br />

52 58<br />

14 23<br />

31 82<br />

282 93<br />

302 09<br />

138 48<br />

396 17<br />

9U2 21<br />

1, 768 33<br />

1, 121 55<br />

597 45<br />

209 40<br />

11 4U<br />

CJ9 69<br />

11)869 14<br />

453 23<br />

474 13<br />

125 75<br />

280 31<br />

53 59<br />

569 71<br />

171 21<br />

145 60<br />

159 50<br />

210 75<br />

37 01<br />

58 OU<br />

20 ' "2u, OOO OO<br />

145 52<br />

168 18<br />

120 44<br />

91 38<br />

144 51<br />

289 60<br />

iOB OO<br />

35 849 105 06 32 30 142, 486 70<br />

1<br />

9<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

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19<br />

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14<br />

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20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

o3<br />

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25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

31<br />

32<br />

33<br />

34<br />

35<br />

37<br />

I 38<br />

39<br />

40<br />

41<br />

42<br />

43<br />

44<br />

45<br />

46<br />

47<br />

48<br />

49<br />

50<br />

51<br />

52<br />

53<br />

54<br />

55<br />





Collectors.<br />

Districts.<br />

0<br />

0<br />

cl<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

cs<br />

0<br />

ID<br />

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Ut<br />

Balances due<br />

July I, 1860.<br />

0<br />

ID<br />

0<br />

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P<br />

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0<br />

D&<br />

0<br />

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Gross amount of—<br />

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M<br />

'0<br />

ID<br />

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Ilt<br />

ID<br />

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0<br />

1 William S. Jackson.<br />

2 James R. Thompson<br />

3<br />

Brought<br />

Vienna, Md ..... . .<br />

Town Creek, Md. .. ,<br />

Wm. B. Viorgan. ...<br />

. do.<br />

. ..... do . ...... ...<br />

Henry I'. Mathews Georgetown, D. C. Judson Mitchell. ....<br />

..... do .. ... . ..<br />

W&lliam M. Harrison Richmond, Va. ....<br />

Jesse J. Simktns. ...<br />

Viorfolk n&nd Portemouth,<br />

Va.<br />

George T. Wright. Tappahannock, Va J/ihn S. Parker. . Cherrystone, Va. Wm. F. Presson. Yorktown, Va, Timothy Rives. .. Petersburg, Va . E/lward S. Hongh. Alexandria, Va. .....<br />

Andrew Jamieson . do ..<br />

Andrew J. Pannell, Wheeling, Va .......<br />

5<br />

6<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

1/<br />

18<br />

10<br />

20<br />

2)<br />

22<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

31<br />

32<br />

33<br />

34<br />

35<br />

36<br />

3/<br />

38<br />

39<br />

40<br />

41<br />

42<br />

43<br />

44<br />

45<br />

46<br />

47<br />

48<br />

49<br />

50<br />

51<br />

forward. 8<br />

Mar. 18) 1858<br />

&VIar. 25, 1858<br />

Havre de Grace, Md July 29, 1856<br />

.. . Eio . ... . iVov. 28, 186U . ... . do .... ....<br />

Feb. 28, 186) .<br />

Mar. 11, 1858 ..<br />

lune14, 186l .<br />

Mar. 1, 1850<br />

Apr. 15, 1858 ..<br />

impar. 30, 1857<br />

Mar. 10, 1858<br />

Feb. 24, 1860<br />

Mar. 16, 1858<br />

J un e 14, 1858<br />

June 18, 1861<br />

Mar. 9D, leSS<br />

Gi&rdon Forbes Yeocomico, Va. . July 7, 1858<br />

Lucien D. Stake. Camden, N. C Mar. 12, 1858<br />

wm. C. Butler. .. , ... . do .. . ... Apr. 2, 186 I<br />

Edmund Wright. Rdenton, N. C. . Mar. 23, 1858<br />

Joseph Ramsey. ...<br />

Plyinnuth& N. C. .. Mar. 1, 1859<br />

Henry P. Hancock. Washington, N. C. Mar. 13)<br />

Vewbern, N C, 1858<br />

Wm. G. Sin leton Apr.<br />

Oliver '. Deivey. 12, 186U<br />

Ocracnke& N. C. . Mar. 25, i858<br />

James E. Gibble. Beaufort& N. C, Oec, 3U, 1858<br />

J. F. Bell, . ... .. ..... do .... . .... . Jan. 24, 1861<br />

James T. Miller ...<br />

)Vitmingtoc» N. C. Dee. 24, )858<br />

Willian& F. Colcock Charleston, S. C .. Mar. 31, 1858<br />

John N. Merriman . Georgetown, B. C. Aug, 20, 1856<br />

Beaulort, S. C. . No report. ..<br />

John Boston. ... , daven nab, Ga. . May 25, 1858<br />

John F. Dufour. ... . St. Mary' s&, Ga. . Oec. 29, 1858<br />

....../10 . ..... do .... . . , Oet. 15, 1860<br />

Woodford Mabry. . Brunswick, Ga. Apr. 11, 1856<br />

...... do ....... ...<br />

. ..... do .... ckgay 26)1860<br />

Thomas W. Fleming /gugusta, Ga, .. . Jan. 23, 1858<br />

Joseph Sierra. ... I'enssacola, Fla. , June 14, 1858<br />

John P, Baldwin. . Ifey West, Fla. ......<br />

A. pr. 1, 1858<br />

Charles Howe, .... , ..... . do ......<br />

May 25, 1861<br />

St. Augustine, Fla. Vo report,<br />

Alonzo B. Noyes . St. Mark's, 1'la. star. 4, 1858<br />

'I'homas Ledwith Bt. John' s, Fla. ... . Apr. I, 1858<br />

Nathan Baker ... Apalachicola, Fla. June 27, 1860<br />

Felix Livingston. Fernan/Iina, Fla . Mar. 27, 1857<br />

A. J, Decatur. .. .. Bayport, Fla . , Apr. 20, 1858<br />

Thaddeus Sanford . vlobile, Ala . (Apr. 1, 1858<br />

Jonathan Haralson, Belrna& Ala. . .... ar. 93. 1857<br />

Robert Eager Pearl River, Miss Feb. I, 1856<br />

. do .... ...... do . . .... June 28, 1860<br />

John Hunter ......<br />

IVatchez, iMiss. .. Apr. 6, I858<br />

John Bobb. Vieksburg, Miss. Mar. 2, 1860<br />

Francis H. Hatch ..<br />

New Orleans, La 'Ma&. 12, 1857<br />

Robert N. McMillan Teche, la. .........<br />

Mar. 31, 1858<br />

Carried forward<br />

982 151 98 Oi<br />

681 03 .<br />

26 58 .<br />

260 09 .<br />

2 40'. .<br />

19 20<br />

23 61<br />

75 94<br />

2)854 57 . .<br />

713 12 . .<br />

72 39.<br />

132 06 . .<br />

152 34<br />

512 63 . . .<br />

522 45 .<br />

249 72<br />

76 76<br />

17 13<br />

594 96<br />

26 97<br />

55 OU<br />

24 87. .<br />

238 70 . . .<br />

9)521 43<br />

221 97<br />

35 51 . . .<br />

149 53 . . .<br />

5, 234 49<br />

3 80<br />

168 94 . .<br />

78 iJO .<br />

108 48 . .<br />

136 80 . .<br />

35, 513)764 12 59 17 139, 532 Ul<br />

1) 150 23 . .<br />

55, 724 64<br />

6, 122 14<br />

11, 678 95 . .<br />

13, 552 98 . .<br />

438 30<br />

621 90 . .<br />

9U . .<br />

88 08 . .<br />

214 05 . . 107 5U<br />

1, 302 72<br />

2, 119 41<br />

43)628 01<br />

182) 332 14 246 39<br />

57&804 62 . .<br />

235 11<br />

16, 197 68 ..<br />

7, 253 17 . .<br />

3, 883 05 . .<br />

368 12 . .<br />

910 34 . 3043. 8, 476 71 8)291 Ol ..<br />

59)378 64<br />

303 60 . .<br />

140 OU<br />

2, 070 00 . .<br />

15, 120 51 . .<br />

1, 326, 349 06 . . 6, 375 00<br />

105) 696 45/375 04 37, 339) 410 83 59, 17I139)797 Ql

— COnti]]]1ed.<br />


Gross amount of—<br />

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0:r 4<br />

8 cr<br />

CJ<br />

I-<br />

4 "CC<br />

004<br />

400<br />

4)D 4<br />

3)187 U4 393 38 48)373 35 ], 076 91 10„815 73 2)144 62 1, 354 83 100, 181 00<br />

898 93<br />

79 29<br />

42 21<br />

76 63<br />

12 90<br />

389 80<br />

8 UU<br />

448 92<br />

250 OU .<br />

4)60] ]5<br />

184 32 155 10<br />

5 00<br />

60 00<br />

337 54<br />

77 76 . .<br />

330 9I<br />

]54 90<br />

341 67<br />

242 86<br />

149 07<br />

350 10<br />

3 60<br />

410 53<br />

33 20<br />

323 94<br />

13 71<br />

60 12<br />

300 90<br />

99 40<br />

]35 92<br />

40 20<br />

13 90<br />

9 20<br />

250 08<br />

924 00<br />

8 06<br />

659 9]<br />

9 9]<br />

14 06<br />

30 25<br />

20 31<br />

]43 67<br />

952 56<br />

152 78<br />

95 36<br />

957 46<br />

525 76<br />

28 83<br />

7 U4<br />

1, 273 28<br />

30, 908 625 06 94, 793 32<br />

898 93 . ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ..<br />

7929 . 4221. 76 63 . 12 90 1)540 U3 8 00 . 56, 173 58 . 10, 973 29 ..<br />

]54 UO<br />

341 67 . 942 86i. 11)828 02 ..<br />

14, 075 15 163 07<br />

3 6U 848 83 33 20 95U 93 ]4 6I ..<br />

148 80<br />

622 45 . 99 40, n, 498 64 '.<br />

2) 159 61 . 13 90 . 920. 43, 878 09 184, 179 49 ..<br />

806. .<br />

58, 604 53 9 91 . 1406. 265 36 ..<br />

20 31<br />

16, 197 68 7)306 84 4, 913 37 520 90 ..<br />

1, 005 70<br />

287 89<br />

9, 002 47<br />

8, 3IU 87<br />

7 04<br />

61, 378 63<br />

303 GU<br />

177 40<br />

177 40<br />

2, 070 UU<br />

]5, 120 5]<br />

504 48 642 00 1)826 22 670 11 1, 540 06 8, 873 33 1)346)87U 26<br />

]U3 02<br />

103 U2<br />

3 ) 965 84 I 'I 19U 48 50 852 ll I 070 91 I IO BI 5 7v . J, B, 92 4I9 3 225 80 ]23, 938 72 37, 772 130 75 I 94)956 39<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

]0<br />

ll<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

]5<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

31<br />

33<br />

34<br />

35<br />

37<br />

38<br />

39<br />

40<br />

41<br />

42<br />

43<br />

44<br />

45<br />

46<br />

47<br />

48<br />

49<br />

50<br />




K<br />

O<br />

il<br />

Cl<br />

O<br />

Collectors.<br />

Districts.<br />

O<br />

'O<br />

O<br />

0<br />

Sl<br />

O<br />

CI<br />

Cl<br />

O<br />

Cl<br />

O<br />

O<br />

v<br />

l<br />

O<br />

O<br />

IC<br />

ls<br />

Cl<br />

1<br />

9<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

2U<br />

91<br />

22<br />

23<br />

94<br />

25<br />

9li<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

31<br />

39<br />

33<br />

34<br />

35<br />

36<br />

37<br />

38<br />

39<br />

40<br />

41<br />

42<br />

43<br />

44<br />

45<br />

46<br />

47<br />

48<br />

49<br />

50<br />

51<br />

Wm. S. Jackson .... James R. Thompson ..<br />

Wm. B. Morgan. .....<br />

...... do. .<br />

do .<br />

Henry C. Mathews. .....<br />

Judson Mitchell<br />

William M. Harrison. . . .<br />

Jesse J. Simkins<br />

George T Wright. John S. Parker. ... Wm. F. Presson. Timothy Rives. .........<br />

Edwani S. Hough. Andrew Jaimeson. . Andrew J. Pannell .... .<br />

Gordon Forbes. ..„. l. ucien D. Starke Wm. C. Butler. . .. Edmund Wright ~. Joseph Ramsey .... Henry P Hancock. Wm. G. Singleton .<br />

0 iver S. Dewey. James E. Gibble ..... ...<br />

J. F. Bell. ...<br />

James T. Miller. ... William F. Cnlccck . John N. Merriman. .. John Boston. .... .......<br />

Johu T. Dufour. . . . . . . .<br />

. . . . . da<br />

Waodford Mabry. . . . . . . .<br />

Thomas W. Fleming. . . .<br />

Joseph Sierra . . . . . . . . . .<br />

John P. Baldwin.<br />

Charles Howe. . . . . , . . . .<br />

Alonzn B. Noyes.<br />

I'hoiiias Led with .<br />

Nathan Baker ... , Felix Livingston. A. J. Decatur ..... Thaddeus. anford . Jr&nathan Haralson. . Robert Eager . . ...<br />

..., , , dn. .., .. , , , , ,<br />

John Hunter. . ....... .<br />

John Babb. ..,..<br />

Francis H. Hatch, .. Robert N. McMiltan. .....<br />

Brought forward.<br />

Vienna, Md .<br />

Town Creek, Md. ... ~ ""<br />

"<br />

Havre de Giace& Md. ...<br />

do. ~ ~ ~<br />

.... do ......... Georgetown& D. C .... .... ..<br />

...... do. ...<br />

Richmond, Va. .... . . .<br />

Norfolk and Portsmouth,<br />

Va<br />

'1'appahannock, Va. ........<br />

Cherry Stone, Va<br />

Vlirktown, Va. Petersburg, Va. .......... ..<br />

Alexandria,<br />

Va<br />

.... da<br />

Wheeling, Va. . ...<br />

Yeacomico, Va Camden, N. C. ............<br />

..... do .....<br />

Edenton, N. C .<br />

Plymouth, N. i,<br />

Washington, N C . . . . . . ""<br />

Newbern, N. C. . ~<br />

Ccracake& N. t'. Beaufort, N. C. ........ ....<br />

Wilmington, N. C. .........<br />

Charleston, S. C. ..<br />

Geareetown, S. C. ....... ..<br />

Beaufort, S. C. ~" ~<br />

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

Savannn, h, Ga. ... ........ ~ ~<br />

St. Mary' s, Ga.<br />

..... do . ... ... ~ ~ ~ "~<br />

Brunswick& Ga. ..... do ..... , Augu-ta, Ga ....... . .....<br />

Peusacola, Fla. ""<br />

~ ~ "~ ~<br />

Key West, Fla. . . . . . do ..... . . .. ~ ...<br />

St. Augustine, Fla. .....<br />

St. Mark's, Fla.<br />

St. John' s, Fla. ... Apalachicola, Fla. Fernandina, Fla Bayport, Fla. ..<br />

Mobile, Ala. . ,<br />

Selma, Ala .. .. . Pearl river, Miss ...... do. ... ... ............<br />

Natchez, Miss .<br />

Vicksburg, Miss .<br />

New Orleans, La. ~ Techc, La. ....... ....... Carried forward. ..<br />

Mar. 18, 1858<br />

Mar. 25, 1858<br />

July 29, 1856<br />

N ov. 28, 186 ll<br />

Frb. 28. )861<br />

Mar. 11, 1858<br />

June 14, )861<br />

Mar. 1, 1859<br />

Apr. 15, 1 58<br />

Mar. 30, 1857<br />

Mar. 10, 1858<br />

Feb. 94, 18&&0<br />

Mar. 16, 1858<br />

June 14, ! 858<br />

June 18, 1861<br />

Mar. 25, 1858<br />

July 7, 18, 8<br />

Msr. 12, 1858<br />

Apr. 9, 1861<br />

Mar. 23, 1858<br />

Mar. 1, 1859<br />

M nr. 1:1, 1 t. "58<br />

Apr. 12, 186U<br />

Mar, 25, I 858<br />

Dec. 30, 1858<br />

Jan. 24, 1861<br />

Dec. 94, '1858<br />

Mar. 31, 1858<br />

Aug. 20, le56<br />

No report.<br />

May 25, 1858<br />

Dec. 99, 1858<br />

Oct. 15, 186U<br />

Apr. 11, 1856<br />

May 26, 1860<br />

Jan. 93, 1858<br />

June 14, 1858<br />

Apr. 1, 1858<br />

May 25) 1861<br />

No report<br />

Mar. 4, 1858<br />

Apr. 1, 1858<br />

June 27, 1860<br />

Mar. 27, 1857<br />

Apr. 20, 1858<br />

Apr. 1, 1858<br />

Mar. 23, 1857<br />

Feb. 1, 1856<br />

June 28, 1860<br />

Apr. 6, 1858<br />

Mar. 9, 1860<br />

Mar. 12, 1857<br />

Mar. 31)1858<br />

6 60<br />

147 50<br />

@154 10

On warrants included in the<br />

Treasurer'n acrnunts in<br />

CD the pcerrdi»g yearn, nnt<br />

pas. t'll tn till' rrt'llit ni' cnl<br />

lecture nil the) ear endulg<br />

June 30, 186i.<br />

I<br />

CG<br />

Cb 4<br />

GD IU '<br />

CG I Cb<br />

O CU N '<br />

GD lo O<br />

o U! cn '<br />

Cb<br />

CG cr!<br />

CG NGGNO ~<br />

cnMoM c! GDO<br />

GGGG GDCDW b'I GD'<br />

C!'CGCCUIGD M4'IU'<br />

OC4 CDOCDC IUC4'<br />

4 CGDG<br />

CP Cb 4<br />

DI CU — bl<br />

O4 ceto<br />

cc R'<br />

NIUO'<br />

C CU CU<br />

ocbc N<br />

M&CO<br />

O tc GD! 4<br />

UI<br />

C MCDI GCM U U!<br />

I<br />

CGOCC cctn<br />

Cn CD O Cb<br />

co!UN IU<br />

MOGDC! U<br />

Un! GDCI GDCD<br />

O<br />

I N O IU I O<br />

o MN<br />

c'tn<br />

CG O<br />

U!<br />

CD<br />

cn<br />

IXI<br />

Ce GD O<br />

CI Cn<br />

5OR<br />

On warranls included in Ihe<br />

account-. of the Tltasurer<br />

and of the respec tive collectors<br />

ior the year endnlg<br />

Juue 30, 1861.<br />

2<br />

U<br />

B<br />

&<br />

tb<br />

On tvarrnnts pnsc»d to th»<br />

credit nf the coll ctnls,<br />

renpcctiv»ly, in tho year<br />

186l, which ar» i»clultrd<br />

in the Tre lsnrer'4 accnunts<br />

fnr the yl nr eudulg<br />

June 30, 1866.<br />

I".<br />

sl<br />

CD<br />

From collectors.<br />

UU<br />

gc O<br />

I Dl<br />

U U<br />

IG<br />

UU<br />

ID g<br />

To collectors.<br />

e U<br />

~ . ~<br />

ID<br />

To collectors.<br />

n<br />

U<br />

U<br />

ID<br />

U<br />

c4. Gbcccn' c4' 1&colYI<br />

o 4 cnccl' cb oN&oo<br />

IU' CDNO O' 4 OCDCGG<br />

~ I<br />

ocn4 4 4 4 4 o4. 4 4 4 cb ~ cnctncnc4OOCGGD NNNNNNNNtUN I<br />

» oc00&ocnnncGIU+oc o&ocn4 GGN» M ~ Nco&R IA c4t D cctcwcncncnc N» ccctoodcbcng GDINI<br />

By collectors.<br />

tb<br />

CG<br />

CI<br />

m<br />




O<br />

CI<br />

Ql<br />

Balances due<br />

July 1, 1860.<br />

Gross amount of-<br />

O<br />

Cl<br />

Ql<br />

ID<br />

Collectors.<br />

Districts.<br />

I<br />

O<br />

'O<br />

O<br />

DD<br />

O<br />

Qi<br />

c2<br />

QI<br />

O<br />

O<br />

Ql<br />

O<br />

Cl<br />

O<br />

I<br />

O<br />

CI<br />

Ql<br />

0<br />

O<br />

'O<br />

n<br />

cl<br />

O<br />

Ql<br />

S<br />

u<br />

O<br />

A<br />

O<br />

O O<br />

al<br />

Ql<br />

QI<br />

O O<br />

c o<br />

IQ<br />

Ql<br />

Ql<br />

'O<br />

IO<br />

S<br />

CI<br />

Ql<br />

QI<br />

QD<br />

~ I<br />

O<br />

m<br />

1 Hamilton Stuart . . .<br />

2IDDrwin M. Stapp . .<br />

3 Francis W. Latham<br />

Texas, Tex<br />

Brought<br />

Salu ria, Tex. . . . . , . .<br />

Brazos de Santiago)<br />

Joshua Sloane ......<br />

..... do .... .. .<br />

James A. Watson. ..<br />

Monterey, Cal ... I<br />

Patrick H. Downey . San Pedro, Cal ......<br />

forward . . . . 105. 696 45<br />

Apr. 2)1858 4, 363 44<br />

July 31, 185I' 97 43<br />

Feb. 1)1859 3, 300 46<br />

375 04<br />

Tex.<br />

4 Samuel J. Jones. .. Paso del Nortel Tex. Jan. Jl)1859 6, 484 04 ...<br />

5 Daniel H. Donovan St. Louis, Mo. Jan. 31, )86U . 6 Richard J. Howard. do .... . . Apr. 20, 1861 ..<br />

7 A. W. Lamb. ... ....<br />

Hannibal, Mo. . . May 14, 1856 21 10<br />

8 Walter N. Haldeman Louisville, Ky. . June 2, 1857<br />

Ul<br />

9 William Nolen. . Paducah, Ky ........<br />

Feb. 16, 1850 ..<br />

. . 386 31<br />

10 IFrank Stewart. Columbuls, Ky. Mar. 1, 186U 4, 876 08<br />

ll Joase Thomos Nashville, Tenn. Mar. 19, 1859 76<br />

12 H. T. Hulbert ......<br />

Memphi. ', Tenn. . A pr. 24, 1858 1, 475 58<br />

1J T. Jefferson Sherlock Cincinnati, Ohio. ....<br />

June 12, 1858 ..<br />

14 Enoch T. Carson , ..... do.<br />

Apr, 30, 1861<br />

15 Emery D. Potter. . . Miami, Ohio. . hler. 19, 1859 161 92)<br />

16 Andrew Stephan . ..<br />

....., do .... ... , Apr. 16, 1861<br />

17 George S. Paiterson. Bandusky, Ohio. . Mar. I J, 1858 208 70<br />

18 John Young ...... do ... , ... , Apr. 5, 1861 ..<br />

19 Rob) rt Parks. .....<br />

Cuyaho a, Ohio .....<br />

...... do .'. .. Mar. 22, 1858 30 ... .<br />

...<br />

2U Benjamin Brownell . Sept. l I, 1860<br />

21 Charles J, Ballard. dn<br />

Apr. 9, 1861 ..<br />

22 Robert W. Davis .. . Detroit, Mich ........<br />

Jan. 31, 1860 I) 318 73<br />

2 'I N. G Isbell. .... . . . ..... . do<br />

Mar. 25, 186! I24 Jacob A. T. Wendell Michilimack'c, Mich, June30, 1860 25 J. W. MOMath. ..... IIO .... . .......<br />

Apr. I, I86l ..<br />

26 Charles Denby. ... Evansville, lnd Feb. I, 1858 1, 422 80<br />

2 Bolton F. Sirother . Chicago, ill. . June 21, 1858 49 70<br />

28 Julius White. ... , ..... do . . Apr. 6, l861<br />

otU<br />

Benj L. Oorsey Alton, lll . , . June 23, 1858 684 80<br />

30 Daniel Warm . ..... Galeria, III. .... ......<br />

July 1, 185t 1, 081 45<br />

31 Tliomas Benneson. . chuincy, Ill<br />

June 19, 185S ..<br />

32 Philip Harvey Burlington, Iowa , Mar. 10, 1859 191 28<br />

33 William Stotts. .....<br />

Keoku k, iowa, .. Jan. 20, 1859 1, 332 68<br />

34 George W. Clsson, Milwaukie, Wis. Dec. 27, 1858 642 45<br />

35 Edwin Palmer, ... ...... do .... .... . Apr. 11, 1861<br />

36 JamesNcFetridge. . Minnesota, Minn .. Sept, 4, 18)7 216 36<br />

37 Morris H. Frost. ... , Puget Sound, W. T Oct. 8, 1856 2, 962 90<br />

38 Charles C. Phillips. . ..... . do . ... Sept. I, 1860 ..<br />

39 John Adair. Oregon, Ore .........<br />

July 2, 1859 778 73<br />

40 Wdl i am L. Adams . .... do<br />

June12, 186I .<br />

41 Barclay 1. Burns. . , Cape Perpgtua) Ore. Mar. 9, 1858 ..<br />

75 85<br />

42 Be nj an)in 0 rat tain I'ort Orford, Ore. July 25, 1859 15 44 .<br />

43 Peter Ruffner, ......<br />

..... do .... ...... Apr. 6, 186 l 44 Benj. F. Washington San Fraocisco, Cal. Apr. 1, 1858 . 45 lra P. Rankin. ..... . ..... do .... . May 29, 186 1<br />

Sonomal Cal . j<br />

..<br />

46 Timothy B. Storer. Sept. 19, 1855 13 86<br />

47 George P. Gilliss. do , Aug. 9, 1860 .<br />

48 Beth M. Swain. ... . ...... do .... .... . hlay 9, 1861 .<br />

49 Lewis 8 mders, jr. . Sacramento) Cal. . . pr. 18, 1859 ll 60.<br />

50<br />

dan Diego, Cal, ... 2<br />

ay 31, 18)9<br />

Henry Hancock. ....<br />

Mar. 24, 18'IU I<br />

51<br />

iVIay 22, I86I<br />

52<br />

Aug. 14, 1860<br />

June 27, 1856<br />

53<br />

Apr. 26, i859 ..<br />

37, 339, 4I0 83<br />

33, 645 23<br />

5, 947 Ui<br />

12, 449 24<br />

4, 811 72 . .<br />

106, 430 15<br />

2, 668 44 . .<br />

12, 442 03 . .<br />

19, 246 08 . .<br />

3, 154 32 „<br />

1)2, 079 Ub<br />

32, 630 '3'I ..<br />

4, 597 05<br />

. 96UU<br />

4 UU ..<br />

58 '98<br />

2 04<br />

741 53, .<br />

8, 435 98 .<br />

i, '026 82 . '.<br />

tl2, 627 5: 1, 554 46<br />

3607 ..<br />

177I 1, 933 I5 44, 728 89 ..<br />

420 46 . .<br />

86 ii<br />

16 32 . .<br />

7) 289 50 .<br />

401 04, .<br />

1, 163 J3 . 416 J8 612 59 . 2, 021 40, 1, 848 29 . 4, 082 2), .<br />

1) 178, 460 Ol'<br />

130, 592 11<br />

24 35 . .<br />

18 38 . .<br />

59 17<br />

129, 797 60<br />

601 56<br />

5 04<br />

3, 726 J6<br />

685 30<br />

180 tabb<br />

391 11<br />

16 67<br />

6 00<br />

1, 279 25<br />

'156 8)<br />

B 137)645 38 837 2U 39)038) 260 16 59 17 146, 776 55<br />

TRexsoav DeraRxtteux) Rcglrtcrls once) December 28, 1861 ~



I<br />

9<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

10<br />

II<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

1<br />

18<br />

19<br />

20<br />

21<br />

99<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

96<br />

27<br />

28<br />

Q9<br />

30<br />

31<br />

39<br />

33<br />

34<br />

35<br />

36<br />

37<br />

38<br />

39<br />

40<br />

41<br />

42<br />

43<br />

44<br />

45<br />

46<br />

47<br />

48<br />

49<br />

50<br />

51<br />

59<br />

53<br />

Collectors.<br />

Hamilton Stuart. . , Darwin M. Stapp ... , .<br />

Francis W. Lstbam. Salnuel J. Jones. .. ,<br />

Daniel H. Donovnn . Richard J. Howard, A. W. Lamb. ........ Walter N. Haldeman. Wilbam Nolen Frank Stewart. J e. se Thomas. . H. T. Hulbert. ..... .. T. Jefferson Sherlock Enocb T. Carson. Emery D. Potter . Andrew Stephan. ... George S. Patterson. ....<br />

John Youngs .....<br />

Robert Parks<br />

Benjalnin Brownell I'buries J. Ballard. ......<br />

Robert tV. Davis. .... ...<br />

N. G. lsbell<br />

Jacob A. T. Wendell. .<br />

J. W. McMath ......... ,<br />

Charles Denby. ... .<br />

Bolton F Strotber ..... .<br />

Julius tVhite<br />

Benjamin L. Dorsey. Daniel Warm ....., .....<br />

Thomas Benneson. Philip Harvey. . William Stotts. ... George W. Clason. Edwin Palmer. ... James McFetridge. ......<br />

Morns H. Frost. .. Charles C. PhiBips, ......<br />

, iohu Adair, ...<br />

William L. Adams. Barciay l. Burns .. ....<br />

Bcoianlln Braualu. .<br />

Pets. r Ruffner. ... . ... ..,.<br />

Benjamin F. Washington<br />

Ira P. Rankin. .... ....<br />

Timothy B. Storer. George P. Gllliss. ......<br />

Seth M. Swain. ...<br />

Lewis Sander, jr. .......<br />

Henry Hancock. ...<br />

Joshua Sloane. .... James A. Watson, . .. Patrick H. Vowney. ....<br />

Districts.<br />

Brought forward, ...<br />

Texas, Texas. . ...<br />

Saluria, Texas. ....<br />

Brazosde Santiago, Texas. Paso del Norte, Texas. St. Louis, Mo. . . .... . do. ... ... . ,. Hannibal, Mo. . .<br />

Loui. ville, Ky. . . ,<br />

Paducah, Ky. ......., ......<br />

Colulrlbus,<br />

Ky<br />

Nashville, Tenn . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Memphi;, Tenn. .<br />

Cincinnati, Ohio. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

..... do. ... ..<br />

Miami, Ohio.<br />

..... do. ..... . ,. . Sandusky, Ohio. ....... ...<br />

.... . do ... .... , . , . Cuyaboga, Ohio. , 60 . .......<br />

..... 60. .... .. , Detroit, Mich . . . .. ... do. ....... ., ......,. Michilimackinac, Mich. ..<br />

..... do. ... .... ., Evansville, Ind. , . Cbicagol Ill. . .... . do. .. . . Alton, Ill. . . , Galena, III, . .... ... ....<br />

IIuincy, ill. .. ~ ."<br />

Burlineton, Iowa ... ..<br />

Krokukr Io'lva<br />

Milwaukie, Wis. ......... ..<br />

. ... . do. ..........,....<br />

Minnesota& Minn<br />

PugetSound, W. T. . .... . do. ....... .....,...<br />

Oregon, Oregon. ...<br />

..... do. .......<br />

Cape Perpetua, Oregon. . i'ort Oriord, Oregon. . . . do. ....... . , .. San Francisco, Cal. ..... do. ... . .. Sonoma, Cal. . . do. . . ..... do. ..... ... Sacramento, Cal . . . ..<br />

San Diego, Cal. ........... .<br />

. . . . do. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Monterey, Cal, . . . . . . . . . . . ,<br />

San Pedro, Cal. . . . . . . . . . . "<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

'ld<br />

0<br />

a<br />

I<br />

0<br />

dl<br />

cd<br />

gt<br />

Apr. 2, 1858<br />

July 31d 1858<br />

Feb. Is 1859<br />

Jan. 31, :859<br />

Jan. 3I, I860<br />

Apr. 20, 1861<br />

May 14, 1856<br />

June 9, 1857<br />

Feb. 16, 1859<br />

Mar. 1, 1860<br />

Mar. 19, 1859<br />

Apr. 24, 1858<br />

June 12, I 858<br />

Apr. 30, 1861<br />

kiar. 19, 1859<br />

Apr. 16, l 861<br />

Mar. I 3, 1858<br />

Apr. 5, 1861<br />

Mar. 22, 1858<br />

Sept. 11, 1860<br />

Apr. 9l 1861<br />

Jan. 31, li'60<br />

M ar. 20, 1801<br />

June30, 186U<br />

Apr. 1, 186 I<br />

Frb. 1, 1858<br />

June 21, 1858<br />

Apr. 6, 1861<br />

June 23~~ 1858<br />

July 1, 1858<br />

June 19, 1858<br />

Mar. 10, 1859<br />

Jan. 20, )859<br />

Dec. 27, 1808<br />

Apr. 11, l86I<br />

Sept. 4, 1857<br />

Oct. 8, 1856<br />

Sept. Irl86U<br />

duly 2, 1859<br />

June 19, 1861<br />

Mar. 9, 1858<br />

July 95, 1859<br />

Apr. 6, I 861<br />

A pr. 1, 1858<br />

May 29, 1861<br />

Sept. 19, 1855<br />

Aug. 9, 1860<br />

May 9. I 861<br />

Apr. 18, 1859<br />

May 3I, '59 A<br />

Mar. 24, 1860<br />

May 22, 1861<br />

Aug. 14, '60 A<br />

J une 27, 1856<br />

Apr. 2J, 1859<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

I<br />

0<br />

Sd<br />

0<br />

0<br />

6<br />

0<br />

dr<br />

0<br />

dl<br />

0<br />

dl<br />

0<br />

Cl<br />

154 10<br />

8154 10

— Cnntinunr].<br />


Payments made into the treasury. Bonds and cash tranferred in Balance due June 3U, 1861.<br />

behalf of the United States.<br />

i<br />

C<br />

0<br />

C<br />

0 r<br />

5=<br />

CC Ct<br />

C<br />

CC<br />

CJ<br />

s<br />

C<br />

CJ<br />

J.<br />

0<br />

0<br />

'J r)<br />

G<br />

0 GD 8<br />

0<br />

0<br />

/.<br />

0 0<br />

0, CJ<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

CG<br />

CC<br />

CJ<br />

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r<br />

G<br />

0 Gl<br />

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0 0<br />

00~<br />

C C<br />

C<br />

0 'C)<br />

CJ<br />

0<br />

CJ .—<br />

8 GOD<br />

C<br />

CC<br />

0<br />

0<br />

Cl<br />

0<br />

0<br />

CC<br />

G<br />

Cl<br />

0<br />

Cl<br />

CJ<br />

Cl<br />

0<br />

IC<br />

0<br />

Cl<br />

GI<br />

CJ<br />

3)490 37 37)7I4, 830 45<br />

40, 85)3 38<br />

3, 476 87<br />

1, 310 o5 '.<br />

9, 153 00<br />

IU7, 989 60<br />

91 10<br />

13, 721 91<br />

197 00, .<br />

19, 095 00 ~. ,<br />

3, 326 82<br />

ll)534 78<br />

34, 764 93<br />

4, 619 15<br />

351 59,<br />

447 48<br />

84 60<br />

0, 319 10<br />

67, 192 51<br />

999 09<br />

3, 175 46<br />

46. 677 57<br />

I. 377 76)<br />

606 UO<br />

5, 8UO 91<br />

9)924 43<br />

649 67<br />

1)UUI 91 !<br />

41 07 ',<br />

i, 198, 733 Ul<br />

134, 229 4li<br />

44 59<br />

116 60<br />

0 04<br />

8 65<br />

9 46 443 04 159)480 06<br />

1, 4U5 27<br />

9, 832 63<br />

18, 942 49<br />

9, 182 76<br />

3, 779 00<br />

3, 366 19<br />

134 16<br />

10 98<br />

1, 197 60<br />

5, 070 30<br />

76<br />

9, 786 96<br />

191 33<br />

69 35<br />

91)7 50<br />

136 09<br />

1, 920 93<br />

97 35<br />

1, 752 37<br />

9)819 33<br />

9 40<br />

89 77<br />

343 54<br />

945 30<br />

770 90<br />

1, 396 76<br />

1)481 29<br />

599 39<br />

1, 374 68<br />

822 06<br />

156 47<br />

8)98 95<br />

4, 309 59<br />

2, 134 53<br />

5, 909 15<br />

19 5U<br />

93 03<br />

9 60<br />

37 47<br />

17 60<br />

35 05<br />

18 38<br />

I 05<br />

25 19<br />

3, 490 3 30, 437, 227 43 9 46 3, 190 35 924, 082 08<br />

~<br />

1<br />

9<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

ll<br />

19<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

90<br />

91<br />

99<br />

93<br />

94<br />

25<br />

96<br />

I<br />

27<br />

98<br />

99<br />

30<br />

31<br />

32<br />

33<br />

34<br />

35<br />

36<br />

37<br />

38<br />

39<br />

40<br />

41<br />

42<br />

43<br />

44<br />

45<br />

46<br />

47<br />

48<br />

49<br />

50<br />

51<br />

52<br />

53<br />

3n II



Statement of the salaries, fees, and commz'ssions of col/ectors of the customs tchose<br />

clerk hire, stationery, once rent, fuel, anfj other<br />

Districts. Collectors. Time. E<br />

~4<br />

s<br />

's<br />

IT)<br />

o<br />

n<br />

c&<br />

c&<br />

I<br />

9<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

19<br />

l3<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

20<br />

91<br />

99<br />

93<br />

94<br />

96<br />

27<br />

'28<br />

99<br />

Passamaquoddy& Me. ......<br />

. .... do. ...... .....<br />

Portland and Falmouth, Me.<br />

...... do. . ....<br />

...... do.<br />

Boston A Ch erie stown, Mass.<br />

(Io. ...... do. .................<br />

James S. Ivhitney. ...., do. .... ...... do. ...... .... .... . . John Z. Gooclrich. New Haven, Conn. ..... ...<br />

Minott, A. Osborn ..... . do.<br />

..... do.<br />

New York city, N. Y. ...... ;<br />

Augustus Schell .<br />

Philadelphia, Penn, ....... ..... ...<br />

. Joseph B. Baker.<br />

. .... do<br />

..... do . ........ .... Baltimore, Md. John Thomas Mason. .<br />

.. .... do. ...... ..<br />

. .... Richmond, Va. . . do. ....<br />

. VVm. M. Harrison. Charleston, S. C Wm. F. Colcock.<br />

...... do. ... ..... do.<br />

Mobile, Ala ...... .<br />

........ ............. .<br />

.<br />

. . . . . . do. .<br />

New Orleans, La . . . .<br />

Memphis, Tenn. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Cincinnati, Ohio.<br />

. . . . . . do. .<br />

St. I. ouis& Mo. . . . . . . . . . . . ,<br />

. . . . . . do. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,<br />

. . . . . . do. . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . . ,<br />

. . . . . . do, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,<br />

San Francisco, Cal . . . . . . . .<br />

Bion Bradbury. .........<br />

Robert Burns<br />

Moses 5Iacdonatd. ......<br />

..... do. ...... ~ .<br />

do.<br />

Arthur W. Austin<br />

" ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

Thaddeus Sanford. ..... do. .... ..... Francis M. Hatch. Henry T. Hulbert. ......<br />

T. Jefferson Sherlock, ,<br />

..... do. .... Win. A, Linn A. C. Keener ...... Daniel H. Donovan .... .<br />

...... do. ......<br />

Benjamin F. Washington<br />

July I, 1856, to AprB 30, 1857. . . .<br />

July I, 1859, to June 30, 1860. . . .<br />

. . . do. . . . . . . . . . do. . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Balance July I, 1860. . .<br />

July I, 1859, to June '0, 1860. . . .<br />

Julv I, 1859, to February 99, 1860.<br />

i%larch I to June 30, 1860. . . . . . .<br />

July I, 1860, to March 31, 1861 April I, 1861, to June 30, 1861. July I, 1859, to June 30, 1860. July I, 1860, to April 7, 1861 . .<br />

July I, 1859, to June 30, 1860. ...<br />

.. do ........... do<br />

July I, 1860, to April 30, 186l. July I, 1859, to June 30, 1860, July I, 1860, to April 30, 1861 ...<br />

July I, 1859, to June 30, 1860. July I, 1858, to June 30, 1859. .<br />

July I, 1859, to June 30, 1860. ...<br />

. do. ..... ...... do ....<br />

Ju I y I, 1860, to November 17, 1860<br />

July I, 1859& to June 30, 1860, .<br />

do. do. ... di&. ........... do. ....... ....<br />

July I, 1860& to December 31, 1860<br />

July I, 1859, to December 96, 1859<br />

Dec. 97, 185&9, to Feb. 7, 1860 . . .<br />

February 8, 1860, to June 30, 1860<br />

July I, 1860& to i(lay 13, 1861 . . .<br />

July I, 1859, to June 30, 1860. . . .<br />

908 63<br />

1, 301 60<br />

9, 605 17<br />

993 63<br />

39 51<br />

3&094 03<br />

I& 349 76<br />

69 64<br />

192 64<br />

75 GO<br />

135 00<br />

48 43<br />

9, 305 64<br />

3, 359 45<br />

136 13<br />

4715&837 96

'<br />



net emoluments ezceecI the maxisnum allowed, hy law, and their disbursements for<br />

oPcial ezpensesfor the year ending . Ji!ne 30, 1860.<br />


CC<br />

M<br />

Cl<br />

C<br />

CJ<br />

CJ<br />

~o<br />

CJ<br />

O<br />

Cl<br />

V<br />

Ct<br />

Cl<br />

o<br />

Commissions<br />

o<br />

Cl<br />

o 17<br />

CP<br />

op<br />

CC<br />

tll<br />

'r o<br />

CI O<br />

Ja Cl<br />

Ci<br />

CJ<br />

t)<br />

on—<br />

W<br />

Ct<br />

op<br />

Ct IC<br />

ttt CO<br />

~ OO<br />

oo8<br />

O Ct<br />

CP<br />

ct o<br />

Ct 3,<br />

O<br />

p<br />

o ".-<br />

CP<br />

o~cs<br />

Ct Cl<br />

o ct)s 5<br />

~ c) o,<br />

cnt<br />

(". G-<br />

roa<br />

W<br />

CP<br />

CC<br />

CP<br />

CP<br />

~o<br />

CI<br />

2)874 77<br />

3)840 28<br />

3, 474 Qi<br />

10, 167 13<br />

5)521 9l<br />

12, 131 39<br />

4, 234 75<br />

1, 651 50<br />

018 88<br />

73)760 74<br />

7, 523 42<br />

5, 838 49<br />

4)690 97<br />

3)690 17<br />

1) 751 75<br />

2)121 79<br />

2, 173 30<br />

3)574 30<br />

16)569 06<br />

558 20<br />

1)463 73<br />

807 11<br />

967 65<br />

158 80<br />

1, 045 75<br />

1, 523 75<br />

4, 047 OU<br />

500 UO<br />

"57 58<br />

: 'ti$'4O<br />

ti 32 86<br />

763 43<br />

250 00 . . . .<br />

350 00<br />

35PU 00<br />

175 00<br />

170 24<br />

41 63<br />

138 13<br />

303 84<br />

285 61<br />

2, 133 50<br />

1, 298 22<br />

6, 798 13<br />

3, 428 21<br />

6, 935 66<br />

1, 211 37<br />

3)238 16<br />

1, 440 93<br />

63, 195 96<br />

9, 616 48<br />

6, 681 73<br />

4, 359 13<br />

3, 281 Ql<br />

1, 475 08<br />

2, 245 03<br />

2, 849 06<br />

4, 573 35<br />

26)207 70<br />

2, 502 25<br />

1, 100 17<br />

796 31<br />

1, 284 78<br />

408 7Q<br />

2, 467 10<br />

3, 239 47<br />

96 35<br />

53 90<br />

47 65<br />

135 43<br />

Ul 68<br />

191 93<br />

5 62<br />

5 30<br />

349 20<br />

95 56<br />

81 53<br />

52 11<br />

42 02<br />

9 17<br />

42 11<br />

43 78<br />

162 64<br />

400 OU<br />

27 40<br />

83 98<br />

138 69<br />

62 61<br />

70. 09<br />

34 33<br />

86 32<br />

31 14<br />

718 59<br />

4 41<br />

2 87<br />

138 96<br />

140 71<br />

20) 791 32<br />

9, 694 39<br />

22)465 06<br />

8, 750 19<br />

106)895 32<br />

20, 230 77<br />

18, 066 75<br />

15))272 03<br />

14, 062 68<br />

73 25 7, 368 54<br />

182 69 8, 753 24<br />

89 05<br />

219 40 22, 279 50<br />

425 34 175 4o 48, 387 78<br />

490 24<br />

118 48<br />

85 50<br />

178, 000 93 2) 278 84 272 27 163, 133 41 2, 289 80 9, 253 44 323, 017 50 694 22<br />

008 63<br />

3, 770 71<br />

7, 468 i)7<br />

2, 605 17<br />

4, 88Q 72<br />

38, 256 63<br />

18, 770 45<br />

41, 849 87<br />

14, 227 45<br />

8)046 98<br />

3, 604 87<br />

245, 428 54<br />

37)651 76<br />

30)879 51<br />

24, 518 20<br />

21, 352 69<br />

3, 236 Ou<br />

12, 032 0]<br />

14, 065 50<br />

10, 954 98<br />

3, 359 45<br />

65, 675 66<br />

3, 673 98<br />

2) 013 90<br />

1, 868 41<br />

2, 422 67<br />

600 15<br />

3)651 07<br />

5, 067 06<br />

53 035 57<br />

68i. 7ii 67<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

1U<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

t)3<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

"Commission under act June 12, 1858, sec. 17,<br />

7 Commission on unclaimed merchandise.<br />

7 lotnmission on new custom-house.



K s r E n D 1T o A E s<br />

Compensation,<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

Districts.<br />

Passamaquoddyt Me .<br />

. . . . . . do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Portland and Falmouth,<br />

Me.<br />

. . . . . . do.<br />

. . . . . . do.<br />

Boston and Charlestown,<br />

Mass.<br />

clo. , ~, , .<br />

,..... do. , do. ... ........ New Haven, Conn. ....<br />

. . . . . . do.<br />

New York city, N. Y. . .<br />

Philadelphia, Penn. . . . .<br />

. . . . . . do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Baltimore, Md . . . . . . . . .<br />

. . . . . . do. . . . . . . . . .<br />

Richmond, Va . .<br />

Charleston, S. C. . . . . , . ,<br />

..... . do .. .. , Mobile, A]a ........ ....<br />

...... do.<br />

New Orleans, La. ...... i<br />

Montphis, Tenn . i Cincinnati, Ohio . . . ...... do. ... .. , . St. Lou)a, Mo. , .<br />

do. .,<br />

. do . , . ...... )10.... ....., . , San Francisco& Cal. ..... ..<br />

V<br />

6<br />

O<br />

ct<br />

O<br />

cd<br />

al<br />

24 17<br />

@26 59<br />

j<br />

Ct<br />

Fg<br />

Cl<br />

O<br />

at<br />

m<br />

'O<br />

O<br />

ca<br />

O<br />

C)<br />

V<br />

t-<br />

0<br />

228 00 134 ]7 247 80<br />

789 89 341 00<br />

~. . . . . . . . . 523 08<br />

3])519 63 2, ]34 66<br />

15, 605 65<br />

35)337 ]2<br />

11, 793 18<br />

203) 897 22<br />

27, 407 81<br />

22)358 85<br />

17, 400 U5<br />

15) 114 97<br />

5, 981 20<br />

7, 899 99<br />

810 00<br />

45, 997 27<br />

2, 800 00<br />

1, 316 66<br />

1, 446 49<br />

]86 79<br />

2, 629 03<br />

3, 80l BJ<br />

36)124 99<br />

], 008 40<br />

1) 681 80<br />

834 23<br />

33l ]6<br />

7" 73<br />

9, 646 57<br />

697 12<br />

532 91<br />

370 57<br />

5]0 13<br />

66 07<br />

496 08<br />

499 95<br />

492 05<br />

74 25<br />

]07 3J<br />

95 45<br />

30 75<br />

908 83<br />

1 63<br />

805 69<br />

3, 175 74<br />

2, 700 75<br />

481 5].<br />

408 96<br />

13 50,<br />

25 68<br />

241 75<br />

49 50<br />

30 23<br />

6 75<br />

8, 424 25 1, 255 25<br />

O<br />

Cl<br />

O,<br />

Cl<br />

a!<br />

Ct<br />

0<br />

48 22<br />

539 33<br />

577 71<br />

24, 740 21<br />

494 40<br />

]3, 380 36<br />

151 02<br />

136 65<br />

32 52<br />

507 14<br />

513 51<br />

241 68<br />

l<br />

O<br />

Ct<br />

O<br />

a. '<br />

3, 000 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

2 398 35 I<br />

3, 949 12<br />

1, 990 88<br />

4, 455 00<br />

1, 485 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

2, 26U 45<br />

5, 940 Uo<br />

5, 940 OU<br />

4)944 56<br />

5, 940 00<br />

4, 950 00<br />

3, 000 00<br />

5, 244 58<br />

5, 349 31<br />

3, 000 Uo<br />

5, 940 00<br />

3, 000 OU<br />

2, 9]3 90<br />

1, '868 42<br />

1)459 24<br />

353 05<br />

1, 186 81 I<br />

2, 604 39<br />

7, 500 00<br />

Ct<br />

O<br />

O<br />

O<br />

Cl<br />

O<br />

O<br />

O<br />

]]U 33<br />

192 68<br />

1 10 26<br />

206 42<br />

126 01<br />

278 25<br />

31 14<br />

63 oo<br />

5 30<br />

400 00<br />

2]8 45<br />

169 90<br />

191 07<br />

183 63<br />

9 ]7<br />

248 22<br />

289 90<br />

251 69<br />

40o oo '<br />

27 40<br />

400 00<br />

489, 746 73 99, 527 82 10 ()25 32 41) 598 20 96)673 96 3. 913 02

— Cnntinued.<br />




Balances transferred to ac<br />

counts of customs.<br />

Balances due July 1, 1860.<br />

'I<br />

C<br />

t<br />

E<br />

0 0 0 il<br />

- Ctcs 0<br />

CC<br />

0<br />

Cl c&<br />

Cl<br />

0<br />

E<br />

0<br />

Ct<br />

Cl<br />

0<br />

Cl<br />

Ct<br />

0<br />

Cl<br />

0<br />

Ct<br />

Et<br />

0<br />

CC<br />

0<br />

Cl<br />

0<br />

0<br />

Cl<br />

Cl<br />

0<br />

Ct<br />

0<br />

tZ<br />

908 63<br />

2, 604 97<br />

3, 004 03<br />

1. 340 7G<br />

2, 305 64<br />

3)359 45<br />

908 63<br />

3, 768 52<br />

4, 862 90<br />

2, 604 97<br />

3, 6NI 15<br />

37) 809 83<br />

18)730 04<br />

41, 752 17<br />

14, 143 55<br />

6&697 22<br />

3, 604 87<br />

245, 453 86<br />

37, 529 12<br />

3U, 706 97<br />

24, 383 20<br />

21, 167 69<br />

3)U75 24<br />

12, 032 Ol<br />

14, 064 83<br />

7, 505 53<br />

3, 359 45<br />

65, 720 U5<br />

3&151 ]5<br />

6)086 88<br />

3, 438 30<br />

3, 042 38<br />

573 26<br />

4)322 98<br />

6, 919 73<br />

53, 946 17<br />

3, l72 98<br />

1, 569 88<br />

864 13<br />

701 69<br />

2)558 19<br />

244. 42<br />

35 89<br />

29 78<br />

705 45<br />

25 32<br />

44 39<br />

10 60<br />

2 19<br />

2, 605 17<br />

20<br />

1, 242 57<br />

446 80<br />

39 51<br />

97 70<br />

83 90<br />

I) 349 76<br />

122 64<br />

172 54<br />

135 00<br />

185 00<br />

160 76<br />

67<br />

3)359 45<br />

522 83<br />

908 63<br />

3, 770 71<br />

7) 468 07<br />

2, 605 17<br />

4)882 72<br />

38, 256 63<br />

]8, 770 45<br />

41, 849 87<br />

14, 227 45<br />

8, 046 98<br />

3, 694 87<br />

245&428 54<br />

37)651 76<br />

30&873 51<br />

24, 518 20<br />

91, 359 69<br />

3, 236 00<br />

lo, 032 01<br />

14&065 50<br />

10)954 98<br />

3, 359 45<br />

65, 675 66<br />

3, 673 98<br />

2, 913 90<br />

1, 868 42<br />

2, 422 67<br />

609 15<br />

3)651 07<br />

5, 067 06<br />

53, 935 57<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

13, 670 Ul<br />

6t!5, 182 55<br />

8)866 80<br />

1, 015 54<br />

HO 31<br />

10, 526 69<br />

687)777 67<br />

TREAUURY DEPARTIEENT& Regi)Eer e O@ce& Dere)Dier 12& 1861<br />

L. E. CHITTENDKN& Register.

Blln<br />

Sfr(fc))z())t r j) tlat(), v((krics, fees, and i o))z))zissio)zs of su)'vcyo)'s of tile custoras )vlzosc net e)nolu)nents exceed flic ))taxi))zu))z allozv&cd by<br />

II<br />

Receipts<br />

Crom—<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

Districts.<br />

Boston and Chnrlcslolvn, Mass. Ncw York rity& N. Y, . . Philndclphis, Penn. ... . ......., ..<br />

Bnlti&nore& Md.<br />

Charleston, 8. (J<br />

New Orleans, La. .. , .. San I"rancisco, Cal ........ ......<br />

gill.<br />

Burveyors.<br />

Fletcher Webster. E. 8 . Hart, ... . ... John Hamilton, jr. . Washington Finley. Myer Jacobs. .., . .. Robert W. Adalns. Wm. B, Dameron, ...<br />

Time.<br />

July 1, 1859, to June 30& 1860 do, do . . do. . do. , do. ,. do . , .<br />

do , do , ,<br />

do. . do . .... do. ..... ........ do ..... , ..<br />

8<br />

0<br />

s&<br />

0<br />

IS<br />

tn<br />

282 46<br />

5<br />

49 00<br />

430 75<br />

7, 107 06<br />

15, 483 77<br />

2, 832 23<br />

2, 180 26<br />

1, 309 42<br />

3, 535 63<br />

2, 122 30<br />

p, B<br />

v&<br />

gu 0<br />

r)<br />

0)s 0<br />

I& »'0 & I&<br />

t& &&<br />

0<br />

u<br />

u, &) Ir)<br />

»n&»4n<br />

3, 410 48<br />

9, 468 4&Y<br />

7, 055 00<br />

4, 421 54<br />

344 94<br />

8, 773 50<br />

7)744 95<br />

&&<br />

0<br />

10)80U 00<br />

24, 952 27<br />

9, 936 23<br />

6)6))l 80<br />

1, 654 36<br />

12, 748 88<br />

9, 867 95<br />

$771 26 34 570 67 41, 218 86 76 560 79<br />

I2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

1 Bnltilnorc,<br />

2 Ciull'le)toll B. C. . .<br />

Statcnzent as above for reports previous to July 1, 1859.<br />

Washington Finlsy . .<br />

Myer Jacobs. . . . . . . „<br />

July 1, 1858, to Junc 30, 1859. ,<br />

. . . do . . . . . . ~ ~. . . . . do . . . . . . . . 112 05<br />

2, 297 tl7<br />

1, 4)0 97<br />

4, U74 65<br />

936 49<br />

6112 05 3)718 04 5)011 14<br />

6, 371 72 1<br />

2)469 55 2<br />

8, 811 27<br />

Statcnzent as above for the fzscal year ending June 30, 1861.<br />

I Boston and Charlcstown, Mass. ..<br />

Fletcher Webster . 2 .... .. do,<br />

Charles A. Phelps. . 3 Baltimore, Md.<br />

Washington Finley 4 1. . ~, 60<br />

John p. McJilton . . 5 Fl"ulclsco& Cal. ....<br />

Wm. B. Dalueron. .<br />

i<br />

6 '. ... . . do John T. McLcan, ...<br />

July Ilv)860& to April 30, 1861. 145 20<br />

May 1, l861, to June 30, 186i. .<br />

July 1, 1860 to May 13, 1861. . ,<br />

May 14, 1861, to June 30, 1861 ..<br />

July 1, l 860, to May 31, 1861<br />

June 1, 186I, to June 3~)& 1861. .. 2 35<br />

$147 55<br />

6, 120 24<br />

1, 431 50<br />

1)027 59<br />

206 83<br />

1&696 48<br />

183 90<br />

11, 566 54<br />

2)773 00<br />

797 32<br />

3)840 19<br />

737 44<br />

71140 30<br />

1, 213 05<br />

16)501 39<br />

9, 038 44 I<br />

2', 228 82 I<br />

5, 767 78<br />

944 27<br />

8)839 22<br />

1)306 95<br />

98)215 48<br />

1<br />

5<br />


~<br />

~<br />

i<br />

STATEIIEXT — Continuetl.<br />

Expenditures for— Balances «lue<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

I<br />

Districts.<br />

Boston and Charlestown, Mass .<br />

Philadelphia, Penn ..<br />

4&<br />

0<br />

4&<br />

'0<br />

4&<br />

4&<br />

C<br />

al<br />

Ia<br />

New York city, N. Y. . ..........<br />

Baltimore& M. D .........<br />

Charlesu&n, S. C . ... ,<br />

New Orleans, La ...<br />

San 1"ranci co& Cal 65<br />

aa<br />

~ &<br />

t2<br />

6, 199 80<br />

18, '808 74<br />

4, 900 00<br />

], 500 00<br />

3&916 66<br />

QI 700 00<br />

0<br />

al<br />

e)<br />

215 01<br />

299 75<br />

al<br />

C<br />

«4<br />

C<br />

4!<br />

I<br />

4&<br />

O<br />

215 43<br />

17 32<br />

4&<br />

0<br />

~ I<br />

«&<br />

825 36<br />

601 do<br />

4, 246 93<br />

]I230 50<br />

C<br />

0<br />

0«<br />

E<br />

e)<br />

4, 455 00<br />

4, 455 00<br />

4, 455 00<br />

4, 5UO 00<br />

1, 608 57<br />

3, 785 63<br />

5, 625 00<br />

al<br />

0 0 0 al<br />

al<br />

«4 4&<br />

4<br />

C<br />

0C<br />

S 0<br />

t2<br />

363 68<br />

396 00<br />

35 80<br />

mcus 0 C<br />

6,<br />

0 «I! 0<br />

41<br />

«4<br />

C 0 0<br />

0<br />

87 23<br />

'10, 654 80<br />

24, 887 29<br />

9, 838 23<br />

6, 'Bol eo<br />

1, 653 73<br />

11, 94«0 QQ<br />

9, 864 90<br />

tn<br />

'0<br />

4&<br />

145 20<br />

65 05<br />

98 00<br />

63<br />

799 66<br />

2 35<br />

]o, eoo oo<br />

24, 952 27<br />

9, 936 23<br />

6)601 80<br />

1, 654 36<br />

12, 748 88<br />

9, 867 95<br />

1<br />

«2<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

$0 69<br />

38, 025 20 514 76<br />

232 75 6, 913 59<br />

28)876 20<br />

799 48<br />

87 23 75)449 90<br />

1) 110 89<br />

76)560 79<br />

Statement as above for reports previous to July 1, 1859.<br />

1 Baltimore, Md.<br />

2 Chariestull, S. C<br />

1, 500 00 . ~" . . " .<br />

1201 . . . . . . . . . . . . 3925 19 50<br />

S]2 01 1, 500 Uo 39 25 19 50<br />

371 72 4, 500 00<br />

2, 218 07 80 66 100 00<br />

371 72 6 718 07<br />

80 66<br />

6, 371 79<br />

9, 469 55<br />

6, 371 72 I<br />

2, 469 55 9<br />

100 00 8, 841 27 . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 8, 841 27<br />

Statemertt as ahot&e for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1S61.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

5<br />

6<br />

Boston and Charlestown, Mass. .<br />

. . . . . . do .<br />

Baltimore, Md.<br />

. . . . . . do .<br />

San Francisco, Cal. . . . . . . . . . , . . .<br />

. . . . . do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,<br />

5, 166 50<br />

], 033 30<br />

1, 278 Ql<br />

221 79<br />

2, 475 OO<br />

225 00<br />

.. Silo&399 80<br />

~<br />

Taaasonv DaeanvttanT! Register'r 025ce! December 10, 1861,<br />

659 00<br />

35 25<br />

578 86<br />

133 19<br />

1)0]7 72<br />

199 20<br />

604 25 1, 928 97<br />

i<br />

3, 708 4'2<br />

8, 874 92<br />

746 58<br />

1, 779 88<br />

3)664 58<br />

5, 521 65<br />

469 84<br />

824 82 t. ..<br />

5, lBl 40<br />

9, 313 12<br />

463 60<br />

923 05<br />

14, 214 49 27, 237 44 ~. .<br />

L ~<br />

163 52<br />

448 94<br />

946 13<br />

]lo 45<br />

473 90<br />

9)038 44 1<br />

2)228 82<br />

5 767 78 3<br />

944 27 4<br />

I<br />

9, 313 ]2 5<br />

1, 396 95 6<br />

1, 451 94 28, 089 38<br />

E, CHITTENDEN, Register.

8'trit&'rrzr»t qf tlrr s«lrrrics fees, and corn»zi ssions of naval oPcers of tire custorrtswlzosc net es»olusnents exceed the nta. imusn allotvcd by lrc re,<br />

«url their rli sbuise»tc»ts for clerk hire, , stationery, rent, fuel, and other crperzscs fo'r thcfiscal yc«r ending June 30, 1S60.<br />

I<br />

c&<br />

Receipts from—<br />

Districts. Naval offi ers, Time.<br />

B<br />

o<br />

'V<br />

c&<br />

c&<br />

c&<br />

)s<br />

&n<br />

0<br />

o<br />

o'0 o<br />

mn m<br />

"c& n T&<br />

E E~gnoH<br />

sow o<br />

&s Pn neon<br />

sl<br />

0<br />

Bnston and Charlcsto)vn, Mass. .<br />

Ncw York city, N. Y.<br />

1'hilrulelphia, Penn. . . . , . . . . . . . . .<br />

Baltin)orc, Md.<br />

Charleston, S. C<br />

New Orteains) La.<br />

San Irrancicco, Cal. . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Charles G. Green. A. Birdsall. .... .... .<br />

Charles McKibben. ,<br />

Lcvi K. Bowen. John Laurens. . Joseph Genois. Prank Tilford. ......<br />

July 1, 1859, to June 30, 1S60. . .<br />

do. . do. do. , do. ....<br />

do. . do. ...<br />

&lo. . do. .<br />

do. . dn. .. .<br />

...... do. .......... do. ..... ...<br />

3, 756 12<br />

52 20<br />

49 92<br />

464 29<br />

93 33<br />

$4)415 86<br />

14, 587 37<br />

72, 069 02<br />

7, 523 41<br />

4)518 34<br />

2, 173 30<br />

8, 181 78<br />

4)947 00<br />

2, 980 00<br />

9)896 00<br />

7, 239 20<br />

1, 805 61<br />

7, 299 00<br />

15, 607 21<br />

114)000 22 44, 827 02<br />

17, 567 37<br />

75) 825 14<br />

l7, 471 61<br />

11, 807 46<br />

3, 978 91<br />

)5)945 07<br />

20, 647 54<br />

163, 243 10<br />

1<br />

9<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8taterncnt as above for reports dated prevl'ous to July 1, 1S59.<br />

1 Baltimore, Md. Levi K. Bowen. . . July 1, 1858, to June 30, 1859. . $12 48 4, 450 23 7, 445 94 11, 808 65 1<br />

&S(rrtcrrzcrrt rrs aboz c for the fiscal year ending Junc 30, 1S61.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Bostnn nnd Charlesto)vn, Mass. . .<br />

Philadrlphia, Penn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .<br />

Balt)more, Md,<br />

, . . . . , do,<br />

Charles G. Green . ,<br />

Edward Wallace. l. evi K. Bowen, T. S. Corkran .....<br />

July 1, 1860, to June 30, 1861 . May 1, 1861, to June 30, 1861. July 1, 1860, to May 4, 18lil. ...<br />

May 5& 186I, to June 3U, 1861 . .<br />

10, 918 79<br />

1, 047 63<br />

5S 64 3, 592 90<br />

461 40<br />

1)500 00<br />

1, 869 67<br />

6, 600 24<br />

1, 399 02<br />

12, 418 79<br />

2, 917 30<br />

10, 251 78<br />

1, 86U 42<br />

658 64 16)090 72 11) 368 93 27, 448 99<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />


~<br />

.& TATEhlEbi T — Contitt tted.<br />

Di&trit'ts.<br />

1 . Boston and Charlestown& Mass. 2 New York city, N. Y. .. . .... ...<br />

3 Philadelphia, Penn Baltimore, Md. .. . . .<br />

5 Charleston, 8, C. . .... . .. .<br />

6 New Orleans, La. ..... 7 San Francisco, Cal. ... ...<br />

dl<br />

O<br />

dl<br />

'O<br />

d<br />

Cl<br />

dl<br />

III<br />

80 02<br />

I<br />

dl<br />

U<br />

11, 350 00 1, 048 37<br />

58, 498 25 3, 882 77<br />

11, 000 00 1, 290 95<br />

5, 976 30<br />

1, 4UO 00 ' 66 03<br />

9, 980 64<br />

11, 743 33 1, 399 25<br />

C<br />

Etpcnditures<br />

n<br />

d<br />

ld<br />

dl<br />

6<br />

O<br />

dl<br />

268 56 863 41<br />

772 60<br />

8 61 4 00<br />

1, 146 22<br />

1, 2S4 96<br />

for—<br />

O<br />

Cd<br />

B<br />

O<br />

c&<br />

4, 950 UO<br />

4, 950 00<br />

4, 950 OU<br />

4, 950 OU<br />

2, 500 25<br />

4, 950 00<br />

6, 250 00<br />

O C&d d&<br />

O O<br />

C<br />

dl<br />

8<br />

O O<br />

COO<br />

dl kco<br />

~5 W.<br />

" C<br />

c<br />

219 00<br />

128 46<br />

49 92<br />

cd<br />

E<br />

17, 567 37<br />

68, 462 99<br />

17, 3G9 41<br />

11, 748 82<br />

3, 978 91<br />

10, 076 86<br />

20, 647 54<br />

lo9, 948 s2 7, 687 37 267 17 4, 041 19 3:l 500 25 397 38 155, 851 90<br />

Balances duc.<br />

Vl<br />

dl<br />

Cd<br />

m<br />

C<br />

dl<br />

7, 362 1;)<br />

109 )U<br />

58 64<br />

17, 567 1<br />

75)825 ll 9<br />

17, 471 6l 3<br />

11, 807 4!l 4<br />

3, 978 Ul 5<br />

16, 076 86 6<br />

20, 647 54 7<br />

7, 522 99 163)374 89<br />

S(atcntent as above jor reports dated previous to, Title 1, 1S59.<br />

1 Baltimore, Md<br />

@6&000 00 795 25 4, 9SO OO 12 48 1 1) 758 73<br />

49 92 11, 808 65 1<br />

&Stcctentent fcs cclovejot tlbefiseal year cncli&cg, Turte So, 1S61.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Boston and Charleston, Mass Philadelphia, Pa. . Baltimore, Md. ............ .. , .<br />

...... do. .<br />

8, 206 21<br />

1, 843 40<br />

5, 065 7G<br />

934 24<br />

560 57! . .<br />

53 75 182 24<br />

914 65<br />

123 23<br />

3, 575 OU<br />

829 53<br />

4, 179 25<br />

770 75<br />

75 50<br />

49 92<br />

2) 908 92<br />

10)209 58<br />

1, 828 22<br />

1 51<br />

8 38<br />

19, 418 "&9<br />

9, 917 30<br />

1U, 951 78<br />

1, 860 42<br />

$16&049 61 li14 32 1, 220 12 9, 354 53 125 42 14)946 73 27&448 29<br />

A<br />

3<br />

4<br />

TRE& EURY DEEERTREE&T& Re ister's Office& December 11, 1861.<br />

L. E. CHITTENDEN& Resists)'.


the 4th re March, 178r], t0 the 30th t]Jtte, 1861.<br />

Public Iands. Dividends and<br />

salesofbank<br />

stnck and<br />

be nun.<br />

Miscellaneous,<br />

including indemnities<br />

and<br />

Chickasaw fund.<br />

]tee e]pts) ezcl usive<br />

of loans, treasury<br />

nates, atc.<br />

Loans and treasury<br />

notes, atc.<br />

Tntal receipts.<br />

4, 836 13<br />

83, 54U 60<br />

11)963 ll<br />

443 75<br />

167, '726 06<br />

188, 628 02<br />

165, 675 69<br />

487, M6 79<br />

540, 193 80<br />

765, 245 73<br />

466, ]6J 27<br />

647)9JQ 06<br />

442)9M 33<br />

696, 548 82<br />

l)040)237 53 , .<br />

7]U, 427 78<br />

SJ5, 655 14<br />

1, (35, 971 VU<br />

1, 287, 959 28<br />

1, 717, 985 03<br />

IIOOI, QQG 06<br />

2, (IU6)564 77<br />

J)274, 422 78<br />

1, 635, 871 6(<br />

1, 212, 066 46<br />

1, 803, 58( 5)4<br />

916)M3 IU<br />

984, 418 15<br />

1, 2]6, 090 56<br />

1)393, 785 UU<br />

1)495, 845 26<br />

1, 018, 3OB 75<br />

1, 5(7, 175 13<br />

2, 3]O, 356 14<br />

3)QIU, S(5 48<br />

2, 623, 381 Ua<br />

3, 967)682 55<br />

4I857IGUV 60<br />

14, 757, 600 75<br />

24, 877, 179 86<br />

6, 776, 236 52<br />

3, 08!, 939 47<br />

7, 076, 447 aa<br />

S, QUQ&285 58<br />

1, 36i, 627 42<br />

I, X]5, (97 52<br />

897, 8(B 11<br />

n&059&939 UU<br />

2, o]], o22 ao<br />

2, 694, 4M 48<br />

", 498, 355 2U<br />

3& ]Qd) 642 M<br />

1, 688, 959 55<br />

1, 859, 894 25<br />

QIS52, 305 av<br />

2, 043&239 58<br />

1, 667, 084 99<br />

8)4]OI 7&JB a0<br />

1], 497, 049 07<br />

8, 917, 644 93<br />

3, 829, 486 64<br />

3, 5IJ, 7(5 87<br />

1, 756, 687 30<br />

1)778, 557 7(<br />

870, 6nS 54<br />

' '8, o28'on'<br />

38, 500 00<br />

303, 472 UU<br />

]60&000 OU<br />

1, 240, 000 00<br />

385, 220 00<br />

79, 920 00<br />

71, 040 00<br />

71)040 00<br />

88, 8VO 00<br />

1)327, 560 00<br />

202, 426 SU<br />

525, 000 OU<br />

675)VUO UV<br />

'ono oo<br />

l, ooo,<br />

105)UUO Uo<br />

297, 500 OV<br />

350)OUO 00<br />

350, 000 0(i<br />

367, 500 UO<br />

402)500 Uo<br />

420, 0UU 00<br />

455, 000 00<br />

490, 000 00<br />

490, 000 00<br />

490, 000 00<br />

659, 000 00<br />

6IU, 285 00<br />

586, 649 5U<br />

569, 280 82<br />

t]28, 674 (i7<br />

1)375, 965 44<br />

4, 542, 102 22<br />

], 774, 5!3 80<br />

672&769 38<br />

56, 912 53<br />

5, 000 00<br />

4, 340 39<br />

34, 834 70<br />

8, 955 00<br />

260)2ta 51<br />

1, 021 34<br />

S], 466 78<br />

19, 440 10<br />

9)918 65<br />

10, 390 37<br />

23)799 48<br />

5, 9(7 97<br />

16, 506 ]4<br />

30, 379 29<br />

18, 692 81<br />

45, 187 56<br />

74, 712 10<br />

266, 149 15<br />

177, 905 86<br />

115, 518 18<br />

]12, 575 53<br />

19, 039 BU<br />

]U, 004 Io<br />

34, 935 69<br />

21)802 J5<br />

23, 638 51<br />

84, 476 84<br />

60, 068 52<br />

41, 125 47<br />

236, 571 00<br />

119, M9 81<br />

]50&282 74<br />

123, 994 6]<br />

BU, 389 17<br />

J7, 547 71<br />

57, 027 10<br />

54, 872 49<br />

IM, 072 52<br />

452, 3. &5 15<br />

141, 019 ]5<br />

127, 603 60<br />

]29)982 25<br />

94, 288 52<br />

1, 315)62( 83<br />

65, 106 34<br />

1(2, 561 95<br />

73)(72 64<br />

583, 563 03<br />

99, 276 ]6<br />

J34, 796 67<br />

128, 4t2 32<br />

696, 279 13<br />

2& 209) 89 I 3'<br />

5, 562&190 80<br />

2, 5(7) 252 42<br />

1, 265, 068 91<br />

874, 662 28<br />

J3], 285 37<br />

383, 895 44<br />

286)235 99<br />

I ) 075) 419 7(i<br />

328, 20] 78<br />

289, 950 13<br />

]86, 467 91<br />

57], 775 90<br />

676, 424 13<br />

2, 064, 308 91<br />

924, SQQ 60<br />

46!1, 228 06<br />

853, 3(3 02<br />

I, 105, 3]2 74<br />

827, 731 40<br />

1, 116, ]90 Sl<br />

1, 259, 920 88<br />

]&35'2, 029 13<br />

1, 454, 596 24<br />

1, 08!], 603 18<br />

4)418, 9(3 19<br />

3&660, 960 31<br />

4, 652, 923 14<br />

5)431, 904 87<br />

6&114)534 59<br />

It)377&529 65<br />

8, 688)780 99<br />

7, 90U)495 80<br />

7)546, 8(3 31<br />

10, 848)749 10<br />

12, 935) 33(i 95<br />

]4)995, 793 95<br />

I], 064, 007 63<br />

11, 826)3U7 38<br />

1J, 560, 693 20<br />

15, 559, 93( 07<br />

16, 308, U]9 26<br />

17)060, 661 93<br />

7, 773, 473 12<br />

9, 384, &2(4 28<br />

14, 423&5QU 09<br />

9, 801& IM 76<br />

14, 3(0, 409 95<br />

11, (81&6Q5 16<br />

15, 696, 916 82<br />

47, 676, 98o 66<br />

33, 099, 049 74<br />

2(, 5(t5, 171 U4<br />

24, 603, 374 37<br />

I 7, 84(i, 669 55<br />

14„573& 379 72<br />

QU, 232, 4&27 94<br />

20, 540, 666 26<br />

]9, 381) 212 79<br />

2()840&t)58 02<br />

25, 26U, 434 21<br />

QH) iJ66, 363 96<br />

24, 763. 629 23<br />

24, 827, 627 38<br />

24, 844, 116 51<br />

28, 526, 820 82<br />

31, 865, 561 16<br />

33, 948)426 25<br />

21, 791, 935 55<br />

35)420, 087 10<br />

50, 826, 796 08<br />

24, 890, 864 69<br />

26, 302) 561 74<br />

30, 02!'], 966 GB<br />

19) 442, 646 08<br />

16, 860, (60 27<br />

19, 965, 009 25<br />

S, QSIIUUI 26<br />

20, 320, 707 78<br />

29, 941, 853 9U<br />

29, 699, 067 74<br />

26&437, 403 16<br />

35. 698, 699 21<br />

30, 721, 077 50<br />

43, 592, 888 88<br />

M, 555)039 33<br />

49, 8(6, 8(5 60<br />

I<br />

61, 483, 730 31<br />

73, 800, 34 1 40<br />

65, 350, 574 68<br />

74, 0M, 699 24<br />

68, 965, 312 57<br />

46, 655, 365 96<br />

52, 761, 690 58<br />

56&054& 599 83<br />

], U23&515 21<br />

5, 791, 112 56<br />

5, 070)806 46<br />

1, 067&701 14<br />

4, 609, 197 78<br />

J, 305)268 20<br />

362&800 00<br />

70, 135 41<br />

S08, 574 27<br />

5&074)646 53<br />

1)602, 435 04<br />

10)125 00<br />

5, 597 36<br />

9, 532 64<br />

128)814 94<br />

48, 897 71<br />

1, 882 16<br />

Q, 759, 992 25<br />

8, 309 05<br />

12)83i, DVU 00<br />

26, 184, 435 00<br />

23&377, 9]1 79<br />

35, 264, 320 78<br />

9, 494, 436 16<br />

734, 542 59<br />

8, 765 62<br />

2, 291 00<br />

3, 04((. 824 13<br />

5, 000) 324 OU<br />

5, U00, 000 00<br />

5, 000, 000 00<br />

2, 992, 989 15<br />

12, 7]6, 8QO 86<br />

3, 857, 276 21<br />

5, 589, 547 51<br />

13&659&317 38<br />

14, 808, 735 64<br />

12, 551, 409 19<br />

I, 877, 847 95 I<br />

28, 900, 765 36<br />

21, 293, 780 00<br />

29, 075, 815 48<br />

4)05G, 500 00<br />

207, 664 92<br />

46, 300 00<br />

16, 37Q 50<br />

1) 950 00<br />

800 00<br />

200 00<br />

3, 900 UU<br />

23, 717, 300 00<br />

28 996, 857 72<br />

20, 786, 808 00<br />

41, 895, 340 74<br />

10, 910)025 75<br />

8, 740, 766 77<br />

5, 720)624 28<br />

10, 041&]01 65<br />

9, 419&802 79<br />

8, 740&399 65<br />

8)758, 916 40<br />

8, 209)070 07<br />

12, 621)459 84<br />

12, 451, 184 14<br />

12, 945)455 95<br />

15, 001&391 3]<br />

11, 064)097 63<br />

11)835, 840 02<br />

13, 689)508 14<br />

15, 608, 828 78<br />

16, 398, 019 Q6<br />

17, 062&)544 09<br />

7, 773)473 12<br />

I'2, 144, 206 53<br />

14, 431, 838 14<br />

22&639, D32 76<br />

40, 524)844 95<br />

34 559, 536 95<br />

5U)96], 237 60<br />

57, 171, 421 82<br />

H)BSSI502 33<br />

21, 593, 936 66<br />

24, 605, 665 37<br />

20, 881, 493 6S<br />

19)573, 703 72<br />

20, 232, 427 94<br />

20, 540, 666 26<br />

24, 381, 2(2 79<br />

26&840&858 02<br />

25, 260, 434 21<br />

22, 966, 363 96<br />

24, 763, 629 23<br />

24, 827, 627 38<br />

24, 844&1]G 51<br />

2B, M6, 820 82<br />

3(, 865)561 ]6<br />

33, 948, 4Q6 25<br />

21, 791)935 55<br />

35)&430)087 10<br />

50, 826, 796 08<br />

27, 883, 853 84<br />

39, 019, 382 60<br />

33, 881)242 89<br />

'25, 032, 193 59<br />

3U, 519, 477 65<br />

34, 773))744 89<br />

&20, 782)4]0 45<br />

31, 198, 555 73<br />

29, 941, 853 9O<br />

29, 699)967 74<br />

55, S38, 168 52<br />

56, 992, 479 21<br />

59, 796, 892 98<br />

47, 649 388 88<br />

52, 762, 704 25<br />

49, 89J, ]15 60<br />

61, 500, 102 81<br />

73) 802)) 29 I 40<br />

65, 351, 374 68<br />

74, 056, 899 24<br />

68, 969)212 57<br />

70, 372, 665 96<br />

81, 758, 557 30<br />

76, 842, 48D 76<br />

BS, 371, 640 13<br />

In&, t&17, 961 20 21, 915, M] 38 35, 664, 298 99 I, 53, 760, 83ti 69 423, 235) 877 18 2, 267, 450)570 98


A statemer?t nf the expel?ditt?res nf the 6rrited states frnr?? the 4th lI«rr]k, I t89,<br />

Years Civi] list. Foreign intercourse,<br />

including<br />

awards.<br />

h]iscel)ancona Military service. i?eve)et)unary<br />

and other pensions.<br />

From March 4, 1r89, to<br />

December Jl, 178i. .<br />

1792. ...., .<br />

1793. 1784. . . 1795. , , 1796. ............ .....<br />

1797. ........ .... .....<br />

1798.<br />

1799. , , . , 1800. .. ,.. 180). .„. ....., , ,....<br />

1802. 1803. . . . L804. , . , 1805. .., . .., ........<br />

1806. 1807. ,. , , .<br />

1808. .., . . 1809. , , ., ,...,<br />

18)0. „<br />

18)l. . , .<br />

18L2. ...,............,<br />

1813<br />

1814. . . , ......<br />

1815. ..,.. . .....<br />

1816. . . , ] 817. . , ., .<br />

1818. , , ...<br />

18)8. . . 1820, , , ... .,.<br />

1821. ,„ 1822. ................<br />

1823, „.<br />

1824. ....., , 1825. , „,, , . ..<br />

]826, ........... ,<br />

1827. ........, ... , ...<br />

1828.<br />

IS29, 1830. .. , 183). . , , . ......<br />

1832. , ... , ]833. „ , . 1834, , . .., ... .....<br />

]835. .., ,<br />

1836. , , , , 183". .................<br />

]838<br />

1839<br />

1840<br />

184). ...<br />

1842. ...,<br />

1843 (to J<br />

1843-44. .<br />

1844-45. . ~<br />

1845-46 "<br />

]Sufi — 47 . ~ ~<br />

1847-48. . ~<br />

1848-49. ~ .<br />

1848-50. ~<br />

IS50-51. ..<br />

1851-52. ."<br />

]SM-53. ~ ~<br />

1853-54. .. ~<br />

1854-55. .<br />

]8M — Sb ..<br />

]BM 57. ~ ~ ~<br />

1857-58.<br />

1858-o9. ...<br />

1859-60<br />

1860-)il. .. ~<br />

une 30]<br />

757, 134 45<br />

380, 9)i 58<br />

358, 24) 08<br />

440, 946 58<br />

J61, 633 36<br />

447, )39 05<br />

4SJ. 233 70<br />

504. 605 17<br />

5925805 76<br />

748, 688 45<br />

544 288 31<br />

596, 98) 11<br />

526, 583 )2<br />

624, 795 63<br />

585, 849 79<br />

684, 230 53<br />

655, M4 65<br />

69), ]67 80<br />

7I2, 465 13<br />

r03, 994 03<br />

644, 467 27<br />

826, 271 55<br />

780, 545 45<br />

427, 424 23<br />

852, 247 16<br />

1, r&08, 125 77<br />

894, 556 17<br />

I, 109, 55479<br />

])142, 180 41<br />

), 248, JIU 05<br />

l, l)2, 282 64<br />

1, 158, )31 58<br />

1&05b)911 65<br />

I)536)266 24<br />

1, 330, 747 24<br />

1, 256, 745 48<br />

), 228, ]41 Oi<br />

1, 455) 490 58<br />

1, 327)3369 J6<br />

1, 579, 724 64<br />

1, 373, 755 89<br />

L, SU0, 7o7 74<br />

1, 562, 758 28<br />

'2, 080)tioi 60<br />

1, 9U5, MI 5)<br />

2, l)0, 175 47<br />

2. 357, 035 94<br />

2, 688, 70H 56<br />

2, 1 16, 93)2 77<br />

2, i36, r68 Jl<br />

2) 556, 471 79<br />

2, 805, 04) 65<br />

L)222)422 48<br />

2, 454, 958 15<br />

2. , 369, 652 79<br />

2, 5'32, K32 92<br />

2, 570, 338 44<br />

2, 647, 802 87<br />

2, 865, )96 81<br />

3, 027) 454 39<br />

3)48), 219 Sl<br />

3, 439, 923 22<br />

4, 265, 86) 68<br />

4, 62), 482 24<br />

6. 350, 875 88<br />

6, 452, 256 35<br />

7, 611, 547 27<br />

7, ))6, 338 04<br />

5, 8)3, 281 50<br />

6, U77, 0US 9o<br />

6, 073)926 83<br />

)4, 733 33<br />

i8, 766 67<br />

L9, 500 00<br />

14b;403 5)<br />

812, 685 )2<br />

18], 859 64<br />

669, 788 54<br />

457)428 74<br />

271, 374 11<br />

385, 2dB 18<br />

295, 676 73<br />

55U, 92o 93<br />

1)110, 8:34 77<br />

1, )86, 655 57<br />

2, r98)028 77<br />

1)750, 42) 30<br />

577, 826 34<br />

304, 992 83<br />

166, 3UU 04<br />

8), 367 48<br />

264, 904 47<br />

347, 703 29<br />

2U9, 941 01<br />

177&179 47<br />

290, 892 U4<br />

364, 620 40<br />

281, 995 97<br />

420, 429 40<br />

284, )13 84<br />

253))370 04<br />

207, 110 75<br />

]64, 8&8 51<br />

292, 118 56<br />

5, 140, 098 83<br />

373)666 25<br />

232, 7) iJ US<br />

658, 21) 87<br />

1) OU1, 143 66<br />

207, 76o 85<br />

284)067 27<br />

298, 554 Uo<br />

325, ISL U7<br />

&Jo5, 39S 88<br />

241, 562 35<br />

774, 750 28<br />

533, 382 65<br />

4)b03, 905 40<br />

], 215)095 59<br />

987, 667 92<br />

683, 278 15<br />

428, 410 57<br />

563)19) 41<br />

4UU)566 04<br />

636)OI9 66<br />

702, 637 22<br />

409, 292 55<br />

4OS O 8 )0<br />

448, 593 01<br />

6, 908)996 72<br />

5, 990, 858 81<br />

6, 2o6, 427 )6<br />

4, )USI321 59<br />

850, 8 I 30<br />

7)73)3, 8)2 31<br />

847, 007 26<br />

3, 64'&)615 39<br />

899, )77 65<br />

1, 39b, sUS 72<br />

98), 946 87<br />

), 146, 143 79<br />

1, 147, 7)6 9)<br />

311, 533 83<br />

184)572 32<br />

24, 709 46<br />

))8, 248 30<br />

82, 718 5U<br />

150, 476 14<br />

103, b80 82<br />

148, 004 15<br />

lr5, 1)l 81<br />

193)636 59<br />

269, 803 41<br />

3)5) 022 36<br />

2Uo, 217 87<br />

378, 558 23<br />

384&720 19<br />

445&485 18<br />

464, 546 52<br />

42r, )24 98<br />

337, 032 62<br />

315, 783 47<br />

457, 8)9 66<br />

509, 113:)7<br />

738, 949 15<br />

1, 103, 425 50<br />

1, 755, 7JL 27<br />

1, 416, 995 UO<br />

2, 242, 384 62<br />

2, 3U5, 848 82<br />

1, 640, 917 06<br />

]. UUUI34) 85<br />

903, 7)8 15<br />

644i 985 15<br />

671, 063 iB<br />

678, 94? 74<br />

1)046, 131 40<br />

1, 1)0, 7)3 23<br />

826, ILU3 67<br />

), 2)9, 368 40<br />

I, M6, 679 66<br />

1, 363) 624 13<br />

))382, 336 ll<br />

2, 451, 202 64<br />

3, 198, 091 77<br />

2, 082, 5b5 OU<br />

1, 549)386 74<br />

J, &48, r21 60<br />

2)932, 428 93<br />

3', 2SS, 'BUO 68<br />

2, 62), , 340 20<br />

2, 575)35) 50<br />

3, 505, 994 09<br />

3, 307, J91 55<br />

1, 579, 724 48<br />

2, 55I, 146 05<br />

2, 839, 4io 97<br />

3, 769, 75b 42<br />

3) 9 I 0, 140 8 I<br />

2, M4, 455 37<br />

3) lll, 140 61<br />

7. 025, 45U )6<br />

8, 14ti, 577 33<br />

9, 867)b26 64<br />

12, 246)335 0J<br />

13, 461, 450 13<br />

16, 738, 44? 29<br />

15, 260, 475 iJ4<br />

]8, 916)189 91<br />

l7, 847, 851 19<br />

)6, 873, ii) 68<br />

20, 788, 183 43<br />

16, 026, 674 79<br />

632, 804 03<br />

), 100, 702 09<br />

l, )30, 249 08<br />

2, 639, 097 59<br />

2, 480, 910 ]3<br />

1, 260, 263 84<br />

1, 039, 402 66<br />

2)009, 522 30<br />

2, 466, 946 88<br />

2, 560, 878 77<br />

), 672&944 08<br />

1&l79, 148 25<br />

822, 055 85<br />

BiS, 423 93<br />

712, 78L 28<br />

I)'224)355 38<br />

1, 288, 685 91<br />

2, 900, 834 40<br />

3, 345, 772 17<br />

2, 294, 323 94<br />

2, 032, 828 )9<br />

11, !'17, 798 24<br />

19, 652, 0) 3 02<br />

20, 350, 806 86<br />

14, 784, 294 22<br />

16)0)2)096 So<br />

S, UU4, 236 53<br />

5, 629, 715 ]U<br />

6, 5U6, 300 37<br />

9)630, 392 31<br />

4, 461, 291 78<br />

3, 11), 88) 48<br />

3, o86, 924 43<br />

3, 340, 939 85<br />

3, 659, 914 18<br />

3, 943)194 37<br />

3, 938, 977 88<br />

4, 145&544 56<br />

4, 724, 291 07<br />

4, r67, 328 88<br />

4)841, 835 55<br />

5, 446, 034 BB<br />

6, 704, U)9 10<br />

5)696)]88 38<br />

5, 759, ]sli 89<br />

)2, 168, 226 64<br />

13)682, 730 80<br />

)2, 897I224 16<br />

8, 9]6, 995 80<br />

7, 095, 267 23<br />

8, 80))6]0 24<br />

6, 6)0, 438 02<br />

2)9U8, 671 95<br />

5, '218, 183 66<br />

5, 746)291 28<br />

10, 413) 3 U 58<br />

35))840, 030 33<br />

27, 687, 334 21<br />

14, 558, 473 26 (<br />

8, 687, 024 58<br />

j<br />

]2, 161, 965 )1<br />

8, 52 ) )<br />

9, 910)498 50li ) 9<br />

49<br />

I) ) 722, 282 87<br />

]4. , 64)&, 074 U7<br />

16, 863, 160 sl<br />

19&)59, 150 87<br />

25, 680, )94 56<br />

23)154, 720 53<br />

)6)472)2UU ro<br />

23, 001, 530 67<br />

175, 813 88<br />

109, 243 15<br />

80, 087 81<br />

8), 399 24<br />

68&673 22<br />

100)843 71<br />

92, 256 97<br />

]U4, 8]5 33<br />

95, 444 03<br />

64, 130 73<br />

73)533 37<br />

85, 440 38<br />

62, 802 10<br />

80, 092 80<br />

81, 854 59<br />

81, 875& 53<br />

70, 50U OU<br />

82, 576 04<br />

87, 833 54<br />

83, 744 16<br />

75, 043 88<br />

91)402 10<br />

86, 989 9)<br />

90, 164 36<br />

68) 65)6 06<br />

188) 804 15<br />

297, 374 43<br />

890, 7)9 90<br />

2)4)5)939 85<br />

3, 208, 376 31<br />

242, 8)7 25<br />

1, 948, 199 40<br />

1, 780, 588 52<br />

1, 499, J?6 59<br />

I 308, 810 57<br />

1, 556, 583 BJ<br />

9i6))38 86<br />

850, 573 57<br />

949, 594 47<br />

)) 363, 297 3)<br />

1, 170)665 14<br />

], ]84I422 40<br />

4, 588, 152 40<br />

3, '64, 285 30<br />

1, 954, 7)l 32<br />

2) 882, 797 96<br />

2, 672, )62 45<br />

9, 156, 057 29<br />

3, 142, 750 51<br />

2. 603, 562 17<br />

2IJ88, 434 5)<br />

1, 378) 93) 33<br />

839, 041 )9<br />

2, 032, 008 94<br />

2, 400, 788 11<br />

I, 8)1, 097 56<br />

1, 744, t! 83 63<br />

), 228)496 48<br />

], 328I 867 64<br />

1, 866, 886 02<br />

2, 29J, 377 22<br />

2, 40), 858 78<br />

], 75)6, 306 20<br />

1, 252, 665 OU<br />

1, 477, 6)9 33<br />

1)296. 229 65<br />

1, 309jl)5 Bi<br />

1, 2)9, 768 30<br />

1) M2) 222 71<br />

I) 100, 802 32<br />

1, 034, 599 73<br />

,'6)4))27)&935 6) 80, 513), 674 52 253, 437. 065 40 572, 326, 167 91 80, 738, 069 29


tu June 30, 1861, and thr. balancesof money in thfe treasury at the end of each year.<br />

Indian departmenl,<br />

includ)ng<br />

Cb&ekssaw fund.<br />

I<br />

Naval establishment.<br />

Expenditures, exclusive<br />

of the<br />

pubhc debt.<br />

Public debt. Total. Balances in the<br />

treasury at end<br />

of each year.<br />

27, 000 00<br />

13, 64ti 65<br />

27&282 83<br />

Lsiu42 46<br />

23, 475 68<br />

lid, 563 98<br />

M)386 38<br />

16, 470 08<br />

20, 302 19<br />

:il 22<br />

8, 000 00<br />

94, 0UU Uu<br />

60, 000 OU<br />

336)500 Uo<br />

186&5UO OU<br />

23I, QOU 00<br />

205)425 Uo<br />

QI3, 575 UU<br />

Sd7, 50J 84<br />

177, 625 OU<br />

151) 875 UU<br />

277&845 UU<br />

167, 358 26<br />

167, 384 86<br />

530, 750 OU<br />

274, 512 16<br />

3I9, 463 7ls<br />

5U5, 7U4 27<br />

46d)IBI 39<br />

3I5)750 Ul<br />

477)005 44<br />

575)UU7 41<br />

380)isl M<br />

428, 887 9U<br />

724)LU6 44<br />

743, 447 83<br />

76U, N24 88<br />

705)084 24<br />

5i6. 344 74<br />

62S)NGQ 47<br />

830, 7JS 04<br />

1)dsl)419 75<br />

l)802&880 93<br />

L)003, 853 Qu<br />

1)706, 444 48<br />

4, 6ls)14l 49<br />

4, 3I8, 036 IU<br />

5, 504, 191 34<br />

2, 5&QB)UI7 28<br />

Q, SSI, i94 86<br />

2, 514.<br />

, 837 LQ<br />

l)398)088 66<br />

si8, 371 UU<br />

1)256, o32 d8<br />

1)539, 351 35<br />

1, 027, 683 64<br />

1)43U, 411 30<br />

1)252, 286 Sl<br />

1&374, 161 55<br />

I)663)SVI 47<br />

2&829, noi 77<br />

3, U43)576 04<br />

3)st!U, 484 ld<br />

IISSU)339 55<br />

9)77d, QUU 78<br />

2)644)NGS 97<br />

4, 355, 683 64<br />

4)978)266 ls<br />

3, 480)534 SS<br />

2, 89L, IQI 54<br />

N~)u65, 46I 17<br />

570 00<br />

53 02<br />

61, 4US 97<br />

410, 562 03<br />

274, 784 04<br />

382, 631 BU<br />

1)38I)347 &6<br />

2', sse', uei 64<br />

3, 448, 716 03<br />

2)111)424 00<br />

935, 561 87<br />

), 215)230 53<br />

L, 188)832 75<br />

1, 597, 5UO Uo<br />

1, 649, 641 44<br />

3, 722)064 47<br />

I', e84', u67 eo<br />

2, 427, 758 60<br />

1, 654, 244 JU<br />

1, 865, 566 39<br />

3, 85&J, 365 15<br />

6, 446, 600 LLI<br />

7, 3II&280 60<br />

e, 'bso,'uuo 25<br />

S, UO8, 278 SO<br />

3, 3L4, 598 48<br />

2)953, 695 00<br />

3, 847, 640 42<br />

4, 387, 990 00<br />

3, 319, 243 06<br />

2, 224I458 88<br />

2, 503)765 83<br />

'2, 904, 581 5G<br />

d)049, U83 86<br />

4, NIS, NM 45<br />

4, 263, 877 45<br />

d, 918, 786 44<br />

3, 308, 745 47<br />

3)239, 428 63<br />

3) 856, 183 07<br />

3) 856, 3&0 29<br />

3, 901, 356 75<br />

3) 956) 26U 42<br />

3, 864, 838 06 '<br />

5, 8U7, 718 23<br />

6, 646, 914 53<br />

6, 131, 56U 5J<br />

N, ltbd, 284 25<br />

6, 113)896 89<br />

6, 001, 07b 97<br />

8, 397, 242 85<br />

3, 727, 711 53<br />

6, 488, 199 ll<br />

6, 287, 177 69<br />

6, 455, 013 92<br />

7, 8un, 6d5 76<br />

9, 4U8, 476 02<br />

9)786, 7u5 92<br />

7, 8U4, 724 66<br />

8)880, 5SI 38<br />

e. 'Uis,'s42 iu<br />

11„067, 7I39 53<br />

10, 78U, U86 32<br />

13)327, 085 ll<br />

14, 074, 834 64<br />

LNIGsl)684 61<br />

I4, '053', 264 64<br />

14, 690, 927 90<br />

ll, sl4, 649 83<br />

12, 387, 156 M<br />

I<br />

I<br />

1, 9IN)589 5N<br />

1, 877)9U3 68<br />

1, 710, U7U 26<br />

3, 500&546 65<br />

4, 350&658 U4<br />

2, 531, 930 4U<br />

2, 833, 590 86<br />

4& SNS, QQS 54<br />

6& 480& 166 72<br />

7, 411 369 97<br />

4, 981, 669 90<br />

3, 737, 079 9l<br />

4, 002&824 24<br />

4, 4M, B58 81<br />

6, 357, 234 62<br />

6, 080)209 36<br />

4)884, 572 88<br />

6, 504)336 85<br />

7, 4I4, 672 14<br />

5, 31I)062 28<br />

5, 592, 604 86<br />

17IB29&498 70<br />

QB, V82, 386 92<br />

30, 127, 686 38<br />

26)953, 571 00<br />

23)373, 432 58<br />

15)454, 608 82<br />

l3, 808, 673 iB<br />

36, 300, 273 44<br />

13&134)53U 57<br />

LU, 723, 479 07<br />

9, 8N7)643 51<br />

9, 784, I54 59<br />

15)330)144 71<br />

11)480)459 94<br />

I 3, ON 2, 316 27<br />

IQ, 653&) 095 65<br />

13)296)041 45<br />

12)66U, 490 62<br />

13, 229, 533 33<br />

13)864, 067 80<br />

16, 516, 388 77<br />

2'2, 733, 755 11<br />

I 8 425, 4 I 7 25<br />

&<br />

17, 5I4, 850 28<br />

30, 868, 164 04<br />

37, 24'J, QI4 24<br />

dd)849, 7IB 08<br />

26, 496, 948 73<br />

24&LSU)UNU li<br />

26, 196, 840 28<br />

24)d61&336 59<br />

11, 256, 508 60<br />

20. 650, 108 oi<br />

QI, 695, 368 61<br />

26, 418, 459 58<br />

53, Bol)569 S7<br />

45, 227, 454 77<br />

38, 93J, 542 61<br />

J7, I65, 99U UU<br />

44)049, 949 48<br />

40, 389, 954 56<br />

44, 078, 156 J5<br />

51, 142, 138 42<br />

56)312, 097 7N<br />

60, J33, 836 45<br />

65, 0J2, 558 7b<br />

72, 299, 182 63<br />

66, d27, 405 72<br />

60, 01U, IIQ 58<br />

62, 50l)u29 45<br />

5, 287, 949 50<br />

7, 263, 66o 99<br />

5)BI9, 565 28<br />

=-, 'eoi, 'sis oo<br />

Ii, 084, 411 6I<br />

5, 835, 846 44<br />

5)792&421 82<br />

J, 990, 294 14<br />

4, 596)876 78<br />

4, 578I368 95<br />

7, 291, 707 04<br />

9, 539, U04 76<br />

7, 256&159 43<br />

8, 171)787 45<br />

7, 369, 889 79<br />

8, 9M, 884 61<br />

6, 307, 720 10<br />

IU, 260, 24o 35<br />

6)4M, 554 IG<br />

8, 006, 904 46<br />

8, 009, 204 U5<br />

4, 449, 622 45<br />

11, 1UB&123 44<br />

7&UVU&543 94<br />

12, 628, 922 35<br />

24, 87I, 062 93<br />

cds)423)036 12<br />

2I, N86, 20l 62<br />

7, 7UJ, 926 29<br />

8, 628) 494 NS<br />

8, 367&083 62<br />

7, 848I849 12<br />

5, 530, OI6 41<br />

16, 568, 393 76<br />

12, 095, 344 78<br />

Il, 04L, OSQ 18<br />

10, 003&)668 39<br />

12, 163, 438 07<br />

LN, 383, 867 78<br />

11, 3M&) 748 22<br />

16, 'I74, 3ie 22<br />

17, 840, :&U9 29<br />

1, 543, 543 38<br />

b, 176, 555 19<br />

58, 181 28<br />

QI, SQQ 9I<br />

5, 605) 72U 27<br />

11, II7, 987 42<br />

4, 086, 613 70<br />

5, 600, 688 74<br />

8, 5'75)539 94<br />

861, 586 55<br />

LQ&88I', 902 84<br />

8)595, 039 10<br />

I, 2 I 3& 823 3 I<br />

6, 719, 282 37<br />

15, 427IGBS 42<br />

I6) 452, 880 13<br />

7, 438, 728 li<br />

4, 426&154 83<br />

6, 322& 654 27<br />

10, 498, 805 3&J<br />

24, 33U, 980 66<br />

9, 8M, Giti 24<br />

12)JM, 505 12<br />

6, 242, U27 6l<br />

9, '771)067 04<br />

17, 351, Q37 20<br />

l7)045, 013 07<br />

QN, SSV, L4I 46<br />

7, 2U7, 539 02<br />

8, 141)568 67<br />

7, 529, 575 55<br />

9, 302, I24 74<br />

10, 435&068 65<br />

8, 367, 776 84<br />

8)626)VIQ 78<br />

B, BIS, NI7 68<br />

LL, U77, U43 50<br />

11, 889)739 92<br />

12, 273, 376 94<br />

IS)Q76, utl4 67<br />

11, 258, 883 67<br />

12, 624, 646 36<br />

13, 727) I24 43<br />

15, 070, 083 97<br />

11, 292, 292 99<br />

16, 764, 584 20<br />

13, 867, 226 Su<br />

13, JI9, 986 74<br />

L3, 601, 808 9i<br />

22, 279, INL 15<br />

39, 190, 520 36<br />

JB, 028, 230 32<br />

39, 582, 493 35<br />

48, 244) 485 51<br />

40) 877) 646 U4<br />

35, 104, 875 40<br />

24, 004, I99 73<br />

21, 763, 024 85<br />

19, 080, 572 69<br />

17, 676, 592 63<br />

15, 3I4, 171 VU<br />

31, 8933, 538 47<br />

QSI585, 804 7Q<br />

24, 103, 398 46<br />

QN, GSGI764 04<br />

25, 4M, 479 M<br />

Q5, 044&358 40<br />

24, Seo, NSI SS<br />

30, UJ8, 446 IQ<br />

34, J56, 698 06<br />

24, 257, 288 49<br />

24, 601)982 44<br />

17, 573, I4l 5G<br />

30, 868, 164 I34<br />

37, 265, (I37 15<br />

39, 455, 4SS 35<br />

37, 614, 936 15<br />

QH, 226, 533 Bl<br />

31, 797) 530 03<br />

32, 836, 676 53<br />

IQ)I18, 105 15<br />

33, 642, 010 85<br />

30, 49U, 408 71<br />

27, 632, 282 90<br />

60&5NOI851 74<br />

60, 655, 143 19<br />

56, 386)422 74<br />

44, 604, 718 26<br />

48, 476&IU4 31<br />

46, 712, 60t3 83<br />

54, 577, 061 74<br />

75, 473, 1IU 08<br />

66, 164, 775 96<br />

72, 726, 341 57<br />

7l, cd74&587 37<br />

82, 063)259 67<br />

SJ, 6r8, 642 92<br />

77, U55, 125 65<br />

85)387, 3I3 08<br />

t&6)483)547 53 358) 842& i91 NU I, 574, 7IIU)287 28 661)661)183 68 2, 236, 4&6)71S 15<br />

97'3, 905 75<br />

783, 444 51<br />

753, 661 69<br />

I) 151, 924 17<br />

516) 44Q 61<br />

888) 995 42<br />

1)021, 899 04<br />

617, 451 43<br />

2, 161„867 77<br />

2)623, 311 99<br />

3)285&SNI 00<br />

5&U20, 697 64<br />

4&825&811 60<br />

4&U37, 005 26<br />

3, 999, 388 99<br />

4, 5JB, 123 80<br />

9, 64;3, 850 07<br />

9, 941, 809 86<br />

3, 848, 056 78<br />

2, 672, Q76 57<br />

3, 502)305 BU<br />

3, 862, 217 41<br />

5)186, 542 00<br />

1, 727, 848 63<br />

13)106, 592 88<br />

22, U33, 5IN 18<br />

14, 988)465 48<br />

1, 478)526 74<br />

2)U79, 892 38<br />

I, 198)461 Ql<br />

1, 68I, 592 24<br />

4, 2J7, 427 55<br />

9, 463, 822 81<br />

1, 946)597 13<br />

5, 20 I &<br />

65U 43<br />

6, 358, 686 18<br />

6, 668, 286 10<br />

5, 972, 435 81<br />

5)755, 704 78<br />

6, UI4, M9 75<br />

4, 502, 9I4 45<br />

cd Ui l&777 55<br />

il)&02, 905 31<br />

8, 882, 858 42<br />

26&749, 803 86<br />

46, 7US, 436 Uu<br />

37, 327, 252 68<br />

36, 88I) 396 94<br />

33, )57, 503 68<br />

28, 963, !63 46<br />

QB, 685&) I I I 08<br />

30, 521, 979 44<br />

S9, 186, 284 74<br />

J6, 742, 829 62<br />

JG, 194, 274 81<br />

SB, NGI, 958 65<br />

33, 078, 276 43<br />

28, 4IG, NLN 45<br />

32, 827, 082 69<br />

35)n&1, 7:3 31<br />

4U, I58)353 25<br />

43, 33", 860 02<br />

5U. 261, 901 08<br />

48, 591, 07S 4I<br />

47, 777&672 13<br />

48, 108)229 SU<br />

4li, SU2, 855 UO<br />

35, II3, 334 22<br />

J3, 19, '3)248 60<br />

d2, 979, 530 78<br />

J0, 963, 857 83

~<br />

87,<br />

I 10,<br />

'<br />

r<br />

20,<br />

i<br />

16.<br />

'<br />

~<br />

i<br />

)5,<br />

i<br />

)<br />

i<br />

15.<br />

,<br />

))280,<br />

'<br />

'<br />

i<br />

~<br />


8tatement of the aj) proyriations<br />

7nade by latofrom the 4th Mar(:1c, I'/S9, trs the<br />

balances of<br />

Years Civil list, Foreign intercourse,<br />

includ<br />

ing awards.<br />

bliscellsneous.<br />

i<br />

Military service. Reve)at)nnaryI Indian departand<br />

other ment, includpensions.<br />

ing Chickasaw<br />

fund.<br />

Frnm March 4,<br />

liao, tn Dec.<br />

31) 1791. ~ ~ ~ .<br />

1792 ~ 1793 ... ~ . ~ "<br />

1794. ~ ~ .<br />

1795. ~<br />

lr96 . ~<br />

1797. ..."<br />

1798. . . . "<br />

.". .<br />

. .<br />

~ ~ ~ ~<br />

~<br />

1799. .. ~ "<br />

1800"".<br />

]801. . . ~ " ~<br />

1802 .." ~ .<br />

1803"" "~ ~ ~ ~<br />

) 804. ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

1805. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

1806. .. .- ~<br />

1807. ~ ~<br />

1808. " ~<br />

1809. ... ~-<br />

1810" ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

)HLL. ~ ".<br />

1812. .. ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

1813. ~ ".<br />

1815. ~ "<br />

1816. .".<br />

1814. . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

1H17. .<br />

18)8 .. .<br />

1819. ~ 1820. " 1821. ......<br />

LSQJ " ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

1824. ..."<br />

~ ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

1822. . " . . " .<br />

~<br />

LHQ5. ~ .<br />

1826. ~ ~ ~ ~ "<br />

182<br />

" ~<br />

1828. .<br />

1829. .. ~ " ~ .<br />

1830. .. , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

183). ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

1832<br />

1833. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

)834. . 1835. ... ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

)836. ".<br />

1837. ..<br />

1838. 1839. .<br />

1840 . 184). . 1842. ... ......<br />

1843, to June 30<br />

1843-44.<br />

1844-45. ,<br />

1845-46. 1846-47. ......<br />

1847-48<br />

1848-49<br />

18(9-50<br />

)850-51<br />

1851-52<br />

1852-53<br />

)853-54<br />

1854-55<br />

185o-56<br />

1856-57<br />

)857-o8<br />

1858-59<br />

)859-60<br />

IcGO — 61<br />

946, 841 00<br />

400, 458 14<br />

440, 660 95<br />

443)031 13<br />

417, 362 07<br />

507, 228 07<br />

540)747 91<br />

G64, 408 96<br />

568)190 75<br />

805, U51 69<br />

692, 8Q4 05<br />

65U)272 80<br />

537, 339 64<br />

643, 617 52<br />

707, 335 73<br />

681, 004 11<br />

653, '535 24<br />

678, 4U9 59,<br />

699, 607 98<br />

7)5, 972 Ud<br />

I<br />

r08, 565 22<br />

785)924 87<br />

954)050 73<br />

1, 213, 359 42<br />

1. )115)595 07<br />

1, 343, 383 ro<br />

1, 107, 293 HU<br />

1, 019, 197 18<br />

1, 123)643 94<br />

1, )82, 525 e2<br />

)I007, 338 86<br />

BiJ4, 945 78<br />

1, 037, 660 32<br />

1)'274)444 06<br />

1, 7)5, 0)Q 98<br />

1, 020, 092 51<br />

))254 015 55 i<br />

1)437)516 Ql<br />

1, 392, 423 07<br />

1, 558I445 59<br />

), 434, 263 89<br />

1, 758, 279 G9<br />

1, 596, 585 49<br />

2, 116, 670 76<br />

1, 885, 665 74<br />

2, 303) 977 76<br />

2, 562, 002 24<br />

3, 072, 8i7 85<br />

1, 506, 039 58<br />

2, 95)I033 89<br />

2, 678, 724 32<br />

2, 872, 226 87<br />

HUUI544 67<br />

2. 519. 544 65<br />

2, 360. 172 69<br />

'2, 540 M5 86<br />

2, 56U. 430 39<br />

2)773, )44 53<br />

2, 757, 475 79,<br />

'<br />

3, 295, 350 82<br />

3)288, 662 88(,<br />

3, 522)010 82<br />

4)358, Q22 36<br />

4, 822, 366 53<br />

6, 347, 897 71<br />

7, 103) 147 16<br />

7, 684. 275 78<br />

7 636 3'9 36<br />

I<br />

5, 637, 078 16<br />

I<br />

'<br />

6, 032, 0io 81<br />

6, 094, 325 78<br />

g144, 481, 308 92 I<br />

100, 000 00<br />

9U, OOO 00<br />

4U, OOO 00<br />

1, 040, 000 Vo<br />

40, 000 00<br />

481, 991 00<br />

64U, 905 66<br />

528, 65U 00<br />

496, 200 00<br />

279, 000 00<br />

564, 364 00<br />

3, 138, 365 76<br />

4, 139, 946 82<br />

382, S74 73<br />

2, 43), 963 JS<br />

216, 9) 0 00<br />

2)188, 05U 00<br />

)94, 550 00<br />

243, 050 00<br />

255, :)00 69<br />

228, 392 67<br />

266, 000 00<br />

256, 900 00<br />

207, 741 67<br />

247, 2ou 00<br />

368, 946 65<br />

296, 333 32<br />

457, 336 00<br />

J28)750 UU<br />

299, 833 32<br />

317, 500 UU<br />

226, 525 Uu<br />

136, 000 Uo<br />

5, 282, 000 00<br />

329, 858 37<br />

333, 132 3;I<br />

1, 468, 284 00<br />

65, 520 46<br />

195, 8) I 33<br />

269, r48 49<br />

302, )86 34<br />

:)38)381 89<br />

1)003, 366 60<br />

291, 128 98<br />

782, 3)0 Ql<br />

473, 939 48<br />

4, 8GI, U23 37<br />

), 106, 272 70<br />

990, 576 95<br />

658, 849 74<br />

455, 624 47<br />

524, 390 82<br />

387, 635 28<br />

999)699 85<br />

371, 646 78<br />

530, 95)0 00<br />

407, 145 60<br />

44'2, 438 74<br />

9, 237. 901 39<br />

4, )50, 729 00<br />

7, 2(5, 027 42<br />

3, 634, 387 29<br />

990, 838 25<br />

10, 630, 448 27<br />

992, 473 59<br />

'<br />

882, 2M 56 .<br />

1, 118, 04J )2<br />

), 450, 401 04<br />

922, 120 00<br />

1, 115, 025 46<br />

1, 116, 178 92<br />

449, 344 88<br />

)75, 324 70<br />

56, 1)3 76<br />

169, 01U 79<br />

78, 86 1 86<br />

213, 619 03<br />

147, 104 39<br />

122, 899 61<br />

161, 466 31<br />

312, 823 77<br />

238, 845 13<br />

393, 331 95<br />

363, 579 09<br />

375)954 14<br />

590, 765 10<br />

547 007 25)<br />

587, 396 2'I<br />

434, 625 42<br />

408, 6ro U9<br />

650, 514 23<br />

6U4, 825 37<br />

666. 548 59<br />

i, i84, 6)7 GO<br />

1, 332, 076 32<br />

2, )04, 272 Ql<br />

), 851, 7)5 30<br />

1)74Q)314 40<br />

2, 471)353 U3<br />

1) 540. 3)8 2)<br />

1, 386, 448 42<br />

57U, 373 44<br />

759, 170 06<br />

776, 2U7 37<br />

728, 889 )8<br />

1, 103, 025 61<br />

1)515, 703 77<br />

630, 428 85<br />

), 390, 585 26<br />

2, )33, 538 39<br />

1, 436, 201 06<br />

1, 45(i, 449 43<br />

2, 946, 392 70<br />

J, )96, 771 48<br />

2, 206. 215) 30<br />

1, 547, 3)5 la<br />

3, 085, 691 65<br />

4, 600I68U 46<br />

2, 635)269 55<br />

2, 218, 428 70<br />

3, 243, 649 40<br />

2, 901, 543 49<br />

3) 55)0, 369 61<br />

1, 442, 839 05<br />

2, 750, 018 46<br />

Q, 763, 433 05<br />

4, 111, 606 03<br />

3, 657, 527 02<br />

9, 794, UGQ 35<br />

3, 59. ), 853 12<br />

7, )22& 970 04<br />

49)„UQG 55<br />

, lu, 479, 636 )5<br />

,<br />

13. 042, 38310<br />

i<br />

12, 726, 940 15<br />

19, 899, 042 04<br />

13, 907, 470 3(<br />

442, 860 66<br />

599„618 76<br />

15, 598. 033 20<br />

21. U9) 876 41<br />

19, )3;. 008 58<br />

947, 166 96<br />

1, (18, 527 9)<br />

1)068, 376 52<br />

4, 090, 669 25<br />

1, 06'3)121 29<br />

1, 139, 6)4 UU<br />

1, 440, 641 20<br />

4, 051, 730 95<br />

3, 243, 649 00<br />

3, 272, 620 35<br />

1, 963, Q52 20<br />

1)5)8)000 00<br />

89), 4)3 )3<br />

853, 719 SH<br />

3, )23, 260 77<br />

1, 655, 154 55<br />

4, 719, 713 40<br />

4, 0;)7, 532 18<br />

:I. IU7, 920 5U<br />

3, U07, 3)5 61<br />

14, 100)418 89<br />

16, 835)392 27<br />

27, 03d, 406 UU<br />

5, 403, 68r 4)<br />

)6, ii3, 000 00<br />

8, 278, 445 37<br />

6. Q93, 971;)7<br />

4, i9n, ulu 43<br />

4. 9'):I. 027 99<br />

3. 061, 406 al<br />

2)&J&1, Hd( iu<br />

3, 166, 671 5U<br />

3) 48). 24) 91<br />

4) 0((r, 737 )9<br />

4) 308) 847 20<br />

3, 912)066 27<br />

4) 432) H)6 I<br />

4, 540, 693 74<br />

5, 082) 843 98<br />

4. 6la), )54 9)<br />

6, 065, 584 90<br />

6)GQL)649 02<br />

6, 86), 622 02<br />

4, 94S, QO7 25<br />

14, 6(3, U53 24<br />

13, 665, 447 43<br />

6(&GIGIS 17<br />

8, 682, U06 )9<br />

6, 504. 830 67<br />

9, 406, 829 61<br />

7, 052, 9)5 90<br />

1, 243)980 12<br />

6, 104. 619 94<br />

4) 3i)8, 396 6)<br />

13)619, 633 81<br />

36, 009. 026 87<br />

32)729IOGS 34<br />

12, 73), 610 54<br />

6, 838, 919 56<br />

)0, 328, 582 69<br />

8. 061)436 Ha<br />

16) 141, 251 90<br />

ll)035, 910 89<br />

i. 76U, 647 46<br />

)3, 152. 452 90<br />

18, 614. 594 12<br />

QBI934)929 49<br />

i 20, 720, i90 17<br />

4. ')3, 332 64<br />

32, 63, 855 16<br />

280)443 32<br />

87, 463 60<br />

. 82, 245 32<br />

80, 239 55<br />

85, 357 04<br />

114, 259 Ou<br />

96, 350 00<br />

102, 067 07<br />

93, 400 00<br />

93)000 00<br />

93, 000 00<br />

93, 000 OU<br />

93, 000 00<br />

98, 000 00<br />

98, 000 00<br />

98, 000 00<br />

98)UUU 00<br />

98, 000 00<br />

oa, 'ouu oo<br />

98, 000 Uo<br />

98, 000 UU<br />

98. 0(iu 00<br />

98, 000 OU<br />

98. OUU Uo<br />

98, 'ouu oo<br />

270, 000 Uu<br />

2uu', Jou oo<br />

7)0, 000 00<br />

2, 415, 939 85<br />

I ) 2 () 8 ) 302 7 I<br />

243) 324 00<br />

1, 959. 699 00<br />

1)873, 815 00<br />

1)6U4, 89L 81<br />

1, 268, 452 26<br />

1, 432, 290 00<br />

1, 573, 240 0(I<br />

396)095 OU<br />

809, 497 00<br />

742 06<br />

1, 304, 494 Uo<br />

1)517)25r 84<br />

4, 237, 674 76<br />

3)56(. 463 OU<br />

2, 126, 267 87<br />

2, 396, 637 90<br />

3. , 096, 081 71<br />

2, 682, 440 Sd<br />

3, 499, 268 42<br />

1, 934, 557 37<br />

1, 857, 199 34<br />

1, 367, 5)7) 77<br />

'958,')6(I 83<br />

1) 586, 8?r& 69<br />

, I, M26, 27) 17<br />

1, 530, 605 18<br />

987. 935 02<br />

991. 7d4 02<br />

G, UUI) 314 51<br />

457, 390 16 268)266)250 12 601, 085, 955 79 8). 864. 580 27<br />

40, 000 00<br />

100)000 00<br />

IQ, 942 77,<br />

50IOUO 00<br />

229, 0UO 00<br />

19, UOU 00<br />

))5, 'Hau OO I<br />

207, 5UO 00<br />

69, 500 OU<br />

83, 000 00<br />

163, UUO 00<br />

34, 500 00<br />

116, 5UO 00<br />

234, 40U 00<br />

2J4, 425 VU<br />

)86, 325 OO<br />

269, 175 00<br />

232, 'Uio OO<br />

2)8, 625 00<br />

~<br />

211, 950 UO<br />

)<br />

270, 787 76<br />

i<br />

239, 225 00<br />

538, 225 00<br />

2 3, 225 00<br />

303)325 00<br />

320, 175 00<br />

536, )62 50<br />

48'3, 490 38<br />

454, 425 00<br />

526, 280 44<br />

6U3, 914 75<br />

377)oi5 00<br />

501, 200 70',<br />

709, 752 00<br />

896, 362 U5<br />

6(iB) 986 99<br />

817. 887 07<br />

695)692 96<br />

), G32, 490 15<br />

9(), 489 48<br />

'<br />

1, 306, 281 27<br />

2, 171, 863 29<br />

1, 353, 5)9 06<br />

Q, uoa, 923 98<br />

9, 709, 357 54<br />

3, 501)405 94<br />

. 5, 042, I ) 2 58<br />

2, 161. 360 26<br />

1, 309, 523 8)<br />

I ), 968, 024 25<br />

I<br />

I,<br />

' i3O'. O94 77<br />

1, 4)6, 707 95 ), 446, 929 69<br />

946. 78( 80 ), 312, 125 14<br />

1, 723, 941 88 ), 012, 058 84<br />

i<br />

2, 349, 56( 52 ), 353. 538 73<br />

i<br />

2, )43) 228 64 i', 219, 6S& oa<br />

2, U62, 038 i7 I) r8. 5, 070 06<br />

1, 546, 3dt 31 i iii', a'6 os (<br />

874, 983 30 ), 3:IUI007 41<br />

1, 773))U87 62 I, 810, 942 15<br />

2, 272, U)3 63 4, 0)5, 448 09<br />

2, 827, 5&69 68 1, 784, 179 03<br />

4, 069, 367 )6<br />

), 693, 190 09<br />

4, I)4IQHU JS<br />

2, 586, 319 14<br />

4, 593, 562 ra<br />

3, 298, 752 26<br />

2, 770IUi8 01<br />

3) 0)11 3cu 58<br />

93. 107)883 i9 i<br />

* This sum is the amount carried to surplus fund in year ending June 30& )850, after d<strong>edu</strong>cting 6152)249 94,

)<br />

clue)ve<br />

~<br />

'<br />

'<br />

'<br />

'<br />



I////e,<br />

ag/pre/pria t trrn y.<br />

ISG1 7 shawing, also, the sunts carried to the surplus fund, ancE the<br />

Naval establish- Appropriations) exi<br />

mcnt. nf pubhc<br />

debt.<br />

Public debt. Total. Amount carried<br />

to surplus fund.<br />

Balances of appropriations.<br />

33, 327 50<br />

2)000 00<br />

768) 888 82<br />

5)000 00,<br />

487)uuu Uu<br />

'<br />

2, 024, 7)2 00<br />

3, 823)789 89<br />

2, 482, 953 49<br />

3)U42, 352 95<br />

242, 294 00<br />

i<br />

(, 144)797 46<br />

1, 667, 498 45<br />

1, 55U, UUU Uo<br />

l)692, ]41 44<br />

2, 429, 564 4/<br />

1, 131, 567 So<br />

2, 916, 902 50<br />

1, 664, 640 69<br />

1, 870, 2i4 05<br />

4, 304, 6(i9 60<br />

9, 510, 788 55<br />

8, 174, 910 87<br />

5, 258)686 25<br />

4, 234)793 77<br />

3, 814, 5UH 49<br />

3, 508, 695 UU<br />

3! 427)'3U6 95<br />

4, 04 2, 990 00<br />

2, 7U9, 243 06<br />

. 3, ]4)) 881 M2<br />

QISQQ, 484 62<br />

2, 95J, UGU 29<br />

3, 667)7u6 31<br />

3, 74H)985 2J<br />

3)70)J)629 Qo<br />

4, IU), 987 90<br />

3, 723)475 4U<br />

4, 3(6)000 47<br />

3) 496, 643 29<br />

4, 46i, . i73 53<br />

3, 867, 872 Ol<br />

4, 578, 373 37 I<br />

S~N 4, UUH, I'J<br />

6, 789, ]67 9(i<br />

7&(70, UG&7 60<br />

5&ui6, 336 26<br />

5)<br />

890. 430 96<br />

5, 801, 679 IU<br />

7, 562)759 7U<br />

6, 741. 683 21<br />

J, 672, 300 97<br />

r&', uio', 4so sl<br />

r&', oil', ioo 98<br />

9, 091. 388 40<br />

i&7(I)773 64<br />

9, 295, 054 34<br />

0, 845, '&49 U7<br />

)<br />

O)70]) J45 22<br />

7, 8'3, U4'& lS<br />

lu, uo/J, (56 71 I<br />

)3, G&J]I. ')i3 '37<br />

11. I. &H, GIU 65 )<br />

J5 /0) ')r)8 4)J<br />

li, I l7, I'3. l 55,<br />

I'I, IUQI:359 36<br />

15), . 580, 99) 99<br />

23, :305) 139 51<br />

2, 79"„ 123 66<br />

35<br />

], 787, 396<br />

6, (iu4, 782 31<br />

1, 734, 702 26<br />

2)69U, 711 10<br />

3, J71, 7(9 16<br />

7) 6 I 0) 348 59<br />

8)594)195 95<br />

7, 314, 949 30<br />

6, 677)638<br />

4, '68u', 33<br />

Jr4 51<br />

7, 831, ]63 IJ I<br />

4, ]75, 857 97<br />

6, 466, 184 09<br />

6) 592, 748 57<br />

7, 79i, 955 49<br />

7) 525) 44 I Ql<br />

8) 636, 746 75<br />

6, 7(0, 973 19<br />

6, 729, 322<br />

20, 492, 349 71<br />

29, U78, 974 05<br />

38, 602, 719 28<br />

14, 500)il5 94<br />

25, 145, ]64 42<br />

15, 759, 460 38<br />

J4)996, 7J5 UB<br />

14))09, 459 80<br />

15, 497, 553 20<br />

8, 435, 466 61<br />

10, 508)0)7 81<br />

lo, )90, )13 Hl<br />

15, 830, 635 95<br />

12, 892) 544 72<br />

(3) 255, 413 09<br />

I:3, 216, 6oo 86<br />

12, 642, 408 61<br />

13, 49i, (3( 89<br />

14, 976, 471 80<br />

'<br />

13, 5&88, 681 39<br />

18, 397, 75( 82<br />

2:&', bo&') 78 65<br />

&<br />

Qu, 968, 992 49<br />

18, ;)47, 014 36<br />

'(9, 3i I, 825 53<br />

J9, 756, 698 75<br />

35, 30), 927 99<br />

24, 948, 111 06<br />

22) 404, ] 24 Qi<br />

)26, ]12, 593 61<br />

23, 6US. 224 05<br />

9. 896, 207 03<br />

QI, 189, (340 ]3<br />

I!I, u58, 450 36<br />

:I'J, 2 i7. 01 3 7&<br />

, &(, 193. Ol" 35<br />

'&o &/ 8')8 69<br />

u). 3i:I, ut'0 62<br />

Ji) (io'i. 3a) 41<br />

4, lt&], 5)uo 93<br />

)G », 'r» 03<br />

.&0. .).&s 4)H BQ<br />

.! &. !Jiu, t'I 07<br />

fi I . . :) I, I I. ) 66<br />

;)(.!)'&0, I:ni 28<br />

u , IH], It&I 10<br />

J, i' & i. Ie)(i 37<br />

0'J. 7 i. !, Ou<br />

. itt, , ')'l 80<br />

l, G, )u 38<br />

, ti, I:I I. i i. 'I 04<br />

6, 194, 476 49 8, 991, 600 15<br />

7, 372, 871 89 9) 246, 646 24<br />

7, 489, 497 18 9, 276, 823 73<br />

7, 427, 903 92 14, 032, 686 23<br />

7, 521. , 159 45 9, 255, SG I 71<br />

5, 123, 241 35 7, 813, 952 45<br />

4, 669, 686 59<br />

8)<br />

04], 435 75<br />

4)366, 499 45<br />

4, 632) 11„976, 848 04<br />

265 94 ]3, 226, 46I 89<br />

4, 639, 672 56 11, 954, 621 86<br />

6, 794, 519 48 13. 472, ]57 81<br />

7, 378, 627 48 ]/QI058, 89] )JH<br />

5)) 854, 957 I I 13, 686, 120 12<br />

8, 12Q) 989 77 12)298, 847 74<br />

/, 369) 889 79 I 3, 836), 073 88<br />

8) 989, 884 61 !<br />

15, 582)633 18<br />

8, 021, 319 86 ! 15, 819, 275 35<br />

8, 546, 645 59 ! 16, 072, 086 80<br />

6, 452, 554 16 15&)U89, 300 91<br />

8, 008, 904 46 14)719, 877 65<br />

8, 009, Q04 05 14, 738, 526 97<br />

8, 000, 000 00 Q8, 492, 3(u 71<br />

t<br />

8, 000)000 00 37)078, 974 05<br />

8)000&u(/0 00 46, 602, 7)9 28<br />

16)767, 593 Iio 31, 268, 309 54<br />

24, 760, 055 93 49, 905, )&20 35<br />

20, 853, 6bl 70 36)<br />

2), 613) 122 u(3<br />

296, 306 04 36, 293, 021 12<br />

lo', ooo, 'uoo Uo 24) IU4, 459 So<br />

10, 000, 000 00 25, 497, 553 26<br />

10) Uot), OUO OU 18) 435) 466 61<br />

lo, uoo, ouo OU 20, 508, 017 81<br />

IU, UOU, UUU 00 20, 19U, 1 13 Bl<br />

lo', ooo', ooo od 25, 830, 635 95<br />

lu, OUO, UOU 00 22, 892, S44<br />

10, 000, 000 00 Q3)25c, 413 09<br />

IU, UOU, OOU uo 23, 2)6)650 86<br />

]U) Uou. oou 00 22, '642,'408 Ol<br />

12, 334I170 27 25)825, 302 16<br />

11, 35, &. 748 22 2b, 332, 220 02<br />

16, 174 378 22<br />

t<br />

29, 76:3, 059 61<br />

IS, U78. 938 BS 3n, 476, 690 67<br />

]U, OUU, OOO OU :32, 695, 782 65<br />

2U, 968, 992 49<br />

18)347, 0(4 36<br />

96, o]9 uo 39, 467, 844 62<br />

39, 756&698 75<br />

40, 905)431 18<br />

36, 078, 051 13<br />

26. 449, 926 32<br />

31, 8)U, 954 35<br />

3'2, (/83)092 99<br />

10, 757, 814 50<br />

'<br />

34, '229, 492 96<br />

S. (i03, 50'3 19<br />

11, 129, 940 U7<br />

4, 045. 802 us<br />

5, 698, 360 74<br />

',<br />

8, 477, 868 94<br />

S61I607 47<br />

13, 040, 152 83<br />

8, 588, 157 62<br />

], 2)7, 823 3(<br />

6, 715, QHQ 37,<br />

I;&, 429, 197 Ql,<br />

]6)453)272 39<br />

7. 43, 366 41<br />

4, 45(, 841 87<br />

i<br />

6, 319, 185 53<br />

]0, 500, 259 55<br />

24. Js, ulo 29<br />

I<br />

9, 846, 859 50,<br />

];I, /06, 24(i 50<br />

, &', 319, 'ue9 S2<br />

9, 647, 20] 17<br />

1, 340, ied 94<br />

t<br />

17) GOH 355 71<br />

QQ) 143) 039 66<br />

28. ]46)607 98 )<br />

34, 474, 837 03<br />

60, 908, 294 72<br />

66, 187)095 90<br />

56, 826, 353 0 I<br />

42, 130. 710 82<br />

51, 61 4, 348 80<br />

44, 481, 447 56<br />

61)058, 6iH 37<br />

BU)327, 791 36<br />

71)377, 975 16<br />

68. 626. 68'2 78<br />

7J, eo3, 273 6&<br />

I,<br />

83, iu], 057 54<br />

i<br />

O'0, OHG. 485 74<br />

5, USU. Oib 09<br />

]UH)587, 182 7U<br />

415, 761 74<br />

99, 359 03<br />

17, 4]7 90<br />

62, 237 25<br />

183, 120 37<br />

57, 044 38<br />

2, 249, 19U 77<br />

395, 141 Ol<br />

59, 450 12<br />

1, 446, 149 23<br />

968, 810 89<br />

3, 606, 428 00<br />

674, 032 14<br />

113, 422 68<br />

3, 909, 531 86<br />

706, 841 74<br />

1)187, 795 16<br />

268)709 47<br />

570)868 96<br />

259, 176 57<br />

592. JU9 99<br />

JU3, 050 98<br />

639. 133 99<br />

372I 066 58<br />

382, 514 55<br />

133, 359 02<br />

137. 571 78<br />

i47, 30H 96<br />

641, 285 65<br />

150, 720 ll<br />

273, 36'3 64<br />

277, 802 61<br />

251, 830 89<br />

220, 181 73<br />

29b, u88 47<br />

193 (2;35 97<br />

621, 845 21<br />

)79, 535 36<br />

]37, UUO 31<br />

]72, 073 42<br />

449, 359 56<br />

482)983 40<br />

o50, 016 44<br />

3)3, 407 51<br />

2)759, 022 17<br />

958, 6ui 79<br />

2, 973, 977 iB<br />

839, 208 6U<br />

74, 43J 69<br />

443)945 35<br />

2i4, 57U 38<br />

!35, /61 02<br />

tl2. 618 67<br />

les, 024 99 I<br />

I, :(H(, 201 63<br />

I'<br />

&I /8, 291 61<br />

I:38, 286 15<br />

l)S)]20 30<br />

1, 892, 532 30<br />

121, )64 56<br />

1, 107, 317 53<br />

310, 959 85<br />

6/2)437 49<br />

5t:i, 475 02 I<br />

394, 652 04<br />

915, G55 39<br />

i&6, 461 55<br />

3"3, 1)u, i68 05 ], 659. 3)JU 127 ]U 664, 6U2, 051 94 2)334, UiU)Hi9 U4 43, 606, 605 26<br />

1, 784, 061 13<br />

I, SS9, 137 70<br />

3, 636, 385 88<br />

7, 951, ]85 63<br />

6, 672, 6)8 66<br />

6I]01, 376 37<br />

5, 454, 562 09<br />

8, 634, 772 08<br />

10)727, )46 U9<br />

8, 442, 837 26<br />

9, 246, 477 12<br />

7, 969, 834 32<br />

8, 95U, 821 54<br />

8, 356, 212 03<br />

4, 858, 733 50<br />

4, 697 240 57<br />

9, ]10, 800 25<br />

4, 508, 770 99<br />

5)024, 003 Bii<br />

5;236, U99 61<br />

6, 104))08 20<br />

1 I ') 746, 467 80<br />

9, 375, 744 92<br />

17, 357, 923 89<br />

8, 650, 689 10<br />

9, 672, 279 95<br />

5, 035))689 41<br />

5, 841, 320 58<br />

5, 8)3, 2QH 63<br />

9, 4 10, 185 26<br />

8, 007, 770 22<br />

10, ]97, 909 75<br />

14) 923, 132 45<br />

8, 581. 866 29<br />

7, 610, SU3 68<br />

6, 5)0, 987 42<br />

6, 850, 692 51<br />

3, /37, 533 13<br />

4, 325, 240 92<br />

5. 450, 33] ]8<br />

4, 995) 412 31<br />

6, 978, 404 61<br />

15)244, 815 J5<br />

11, ]6', 465 84<br />

11) 453, 35524<br />

]9, 503. 0]9 38<br />

2(, 681, 273 47<br />

20, 372)244 13<br />

17)876, 705 32<br />

]3)126)]20 05<br />

]'2, 300, 335 97<br />

11, 372) (18 54<br />

]U, U]1, 827 89<br />

10)155)36465<br />

7, 536, 993 54<br />

]3, 643, 786 65<br />

13, 328) 778 96<br />

18, 675, 538 68<br />

17, 734, 267 3'2<br />

]4, 929, 7)8 33<br />

17, 927, 978 35<br />

]5, 5]5, 594 60<br />

)20, 134, 678 93<br />

24, 868, 186 65<br />

28, 9/J, U68 32<br />

24, 5b'2, 449 68<br />

26, 418, 698 44<br />

27, 344, 594 )22<br />

23„. '357, 785 00<br />

Q(, 33(, 102 12<br />

43, 769) 5]O ] 9<br />

crroneon. )y cnrried in the year 18(i, and returned by order of the Pirst Con&plroller of Deccn)be ccn& er 14 1849.


Extracts fram the preceding statements.<br />

The total amount of receipts into the treasury from March 4, 1789, to June 30, 1861, was. . . . $2, 267, 450, 570 98<br />

The total expenditures for the same period was . .<br />

The balance in the treasury on the 30th day of June, 1861, ivas . .<br />

2, 236, 486, 713 15<br />

30, 963, 857 83<br />

$2, 267, 450c570 98<br />

The amount of appropriations from March 4i 1789, to June 30, 1861, was. . . 89, 324, 050, 879 04<br />

The total expenditures for the same period was. .<br />

Tbe total amount carried to the surplus fund during the same period was. ......., .. ........<br />

Tiiis amount erroneously carried to the surplus t'und in the fiscal year ending June 30, 1847,<br />

and restored to the appropriations in tbe year 1850, by order of the First t, 'omptroller. ...<br />

This amount of repaynients when there are no expendiuires<br />

This amount of repayments ivhen there are no expemiiturss<br />

in tbo year 1851. in the year 1852. .<br />

$'21, 621 05<br />

14ii79 45<br />

The balance of appropriations on June 30i 1861. .<br />

2, 236, 486, 713 15<br />

43, 606, 605 96<br />

152i249 94<br />

35, 800 50<br />

43, 769, 510 19<br />

@2, S24, 050, 879 04

Treas.<br />

HJ<br />

10<br />

. A3<br />

C. 1<br />

Treas-<br />

HJ<br />

1O<br />

. A3<br />

WTNOR<br />

C. 1<br />

TI TLE<br />

DATE<br />

LOANEO<br />

U. S. Treasury Dept.<br />

An Account Of Receipts<br />

& Expenditures Of The<br />

U. S. , 186O-1861.<br />

Treasury<br />

An Account 0 f Receipts<br />

&. Expenditures<br />

U. S. , 1860-1861.<br />


Of The

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