Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State

Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State

Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State


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•<br />

shall be given any further ra i~e<br />

<strong>of</strong> wag es without<br />

Carried.<br />

the consent <strong>of</strong> the G. E. E.<br />

Moved by J eekso n, seconde d by Nelso n, t hat bill~<br />

paid t o Industrialist! by the Duluth Defense Com·<br />

mittee, be turned over t o t he General Defense Committee<br />

for collect ion ; funds collected in this way to<br />

b e used f or gen eral defense. Carried.<br />

Meeting adj ou rn ed at 5 :15 p, m,<br />

August 17, 1919. Meeting call ed to order 9 :20<br />

by chairman.<br />

Moved by Nelson , secon ded by G. Bradle y, t hat<br />

we instruct al l secretari es <strong>of</strong> r ecruiting and I ndustri<br />

al Unions t hat all rnemben must be tn m sfe ned<br />

to th eir r espective Industrial Unions as the constlt<br />

ution provide s. Carried.<br />

Moved by J ack son, seconded by G. Bradley, that<br />

an organizer be sent to the Kentuek y coni fields,<br />

8S re quested by Metal Mine Workers' Industrial<br />

Un ion No. 800, headqu arters to be r eimbursed by<br />

No. 800, as se t for th in leltt'r f rom A. S. Embree.<br />

Carr-ied.<br />

Moved by Nelson , seconded b)' King, th at Hotel,<br />

Red aurnnt and D omest ic WOI'kers' Industrial Un­<br />

Ion shall be c1a..sified in the pub lic' service . Carried<br />

.<br />

MOl'ed by Geor ge Br adley, seco nded by King,<br />

th at the G. E. B. a pprove th e act ion <strong>of</strong> Industrial<br />

Union lSl'cre t.a.riee, editors <strong>of</strong> pa pers, a nd ~ e c re to rytreasurer,<br />

in f orm ing General Defense Committee<br />

an d electi ng Will iam D. Haywood as secretar y.<br />

Carried.<br />

Move d by George Brad ley, sec onde d b)' King,<br />

that the secr etary <strong>of</strong> t he General Def ense Com mitt<br />

ee be instructed to issue a general defense bu l­<br />

let in at le a..t onc e a week. Carried .<br />

Meeti ng adjour ned at 1 ;50 p. m.<br />

August 18, 191 9. :Meet ing called t o order at 9<br />

a. m. by ch airm a n.<br />

Moved by Nelson, seconded b)' J ackson, t hat th e<br />

sec r etarv-tre esur ee be instructed to pa y Att or ney<br />

Recht $500 on account and t he bala nce all the organization<br />

is able. Car rie d.<br />

MOl'ed by J a ckson, se conded by G. Bradle y, t hat<br />

def ense fu nd s shan be segrega ted from organizati<br />

on f unds. Am ended by K ing a nd secom led by H<br />

Bntdley, t hat itemized and sum mari zed reports skll<br />

be segregated. Amendme nt ca rried.<br />

Me eting adjour ned at 12 noon.<br />

Me eting caned t o or der at 1 p. m. by chairmim.<br />

Moved by K ing, seconded by Nel son, that secre -<br />

tary-treasu re r be instructed to write AUorney S i('J:"el<br />

request ing data as to what work he did fo r the defe<br />

m e, and on whose au thori t y. Carrie d.<br />

Moved by King, seconded by Nelson, th.Ilt secretary<br />

<strong>of</strong> Defense Comm it tee be instructed to avoid<br />

the building <strong>of</strong> a netw ork <strong>of</strong> attorneY6 1111 far lIS<br />

possibl e. Carried. Geo.rge Bradley, Miller an d<br />

Jackso n oppoaed.

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