Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State

Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State

Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State


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sd ousneSll, a nd we have the opportunity t o de mon­<br />

IItrste t hat t he Industrial Union s can take over the<br />

in dustries a nd save II civi lizati on t ha t has been<br />

wrecked b y the greed and corruption <strong>of</strong> its plu tocratic<br />

over lords. W e hav e been accus ed <strong>of</strong> attempting<br />

t o wreck the ' social structur e wh en we<br />

poi nted ou t its inherent rottenness and wa r ned th e<br />

world <strong>of</strong> the impend ing d isaster. Our fu nction ill<br />

t o !!:lve th e good there is in lif e a nd rest or e th e<br />

wor ld t o &::Inil)'.<br />

A hun dred f or cdul and det ermined men coul d<br />

no w overthrow car italism. but in t he present disorganized<br />

slate 0 t he workin J(' class, only chace<br />

could re sult from such an act- a d isaste r that would<br />

be ir re trieva ble. Our d ut y is t o organize t he wo rken,<br />

not 50 mu ch to _overthro w capitalism, for it<br />

di"soh -es be f ore our \ll'r )' eyes, as to ('lIr ey on production<br />

and !;l'nt : J oh n J acks on , Fred<br />

l'Oe}l;On, Cha r les Miller, Geo rge Bra dley a nd J a mes<br />

R inl'.<br />

J ohn J a ckson was elected temporary chainnan.<br />

J a mes King was e lected reco.rdin l!: secre tary.<br />

Resolut ion s, «>mmu n ic:lltions lind bllls taken up<br />

a nd placed in t he ir p ro per or der as nearly as poesible.<br />

A dj ourned a t 5 :20 p. 10.<br />

August 15, 1919. Mee ting ca lled t o ord er a t 9<br />

a. m. b y t emporary chairman.<br />

Ne w h usin e.... Move d b y Nel so n, IIt'conded b y<br />

King, tlmt r esolut ion pertaining to te ntative agreemen<br />

ts be referred to Indust ri al Unions. Carried.<br />

(Note-This resoluti on suggest ed g ettinl!: out leaflets,<br />

stat ing the wag 'l9 a nd condi t ion l'l we would<br />

work lor. Also th at tentative IlIl'J'('Cments be m ad e<br />

wi th employees. As this is a matter for t he Indus_<br />

trial Unions, it was re ferred to them fo.r action. )<br />

Moved by G. BrBdle y, seec nd ed by H . Brad ley,<br />

t hat r eeolutien as k ing f or a bo ok <strong>of</strong> instruction and<br />

advice for d elegate", be referred to I ndustrial Unions,<br />

with r eeommend at lcn that they J:"et out B<br />

book <strong>of</strong> ins t ructions to d elegates. Carned.<br />

Moved b y King, sec onded by G. Bradley, tlut t we<br />

r ecommend a ll Ind ustrial Un ion s to aend delegate s<br />

t o radica l confer.. nces in their locality. Carried.

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