Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State

Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State

Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State


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A UG. 14 T O A U G. 30<br />

Chiea~ . JIlinoi s, Au~. 30, 19 19.<br />

'Worke n :<br />

T he ne wly installed Ge ne ral E xecutive Boa rd<br />

sends greetings to al l the member ship, both in an d<br />

out <strong>of</strong> jai ls, lind to t he wo rking cl3.S8 in general.<br />

As to the gener al condi tion <strong>of</strong> our ort:"a nizat ioo.<br />

we lir e pl"'B..\Ied to report that , d""Pit e the pen e­<br />

cution <strong>of</strong> our mem bers by t he hire lings <strong>of</strong> the plu-"<br />

to crscy, we are growing at a most eneourag-mg<br />

I rat e. The wor kers are awake ning to th e dangers<br />

tha t lie a head and are turning to Ind ust r ial Un ionism<br />

as a solution <strong>of</strong> all economic a nd socia l ills an d<br />

inequalities.<br />

The re-or gr mieed ::'IIa r ine T ransport Wor ker s' Industrial<br />

Uni on No. 8 is expertencme a spl endid in .<br />

crease in mem ben hip on both t he Atlantic a nd Pacific<br />

coasts, and along the Great Uikes, an d is in<br />

active an d sym pa t hetic to uch with T ra ns por t Wor k­<br />

e rs <strong>of</strong> t he oth er Mar iti me motion s <strong>of</strong> t he w or ld.<br />

AgTicultural Workers' I nd ust r ial U nion No. 40 0<br />

is in til e midst <strong>of</strong> a n enormous drive f or member ­<br />

ship. With hu nd reds <strong>of</strong> del...gates in the field, they<br />

are -tn aki ng good on their slogan, " Come on, 400 !"<br />

and confidently expect an incr ease <strong>of</strong> 10,000 by<br />

Seph>mber .1,.<br />

Co nst ruction Worker s' Ind ustrial Union No. 57 3<br />

is growing s to:>adily in all parts <strong>of</strong> the country, and<br />

will com me nce a co ncentrated d rive in t he middle<br />

"tates in Se ptember . From now on n pr inted bulletin<br />

w ill be issued by t his union every week, which<br />

is ex pected to be II model in eve ry wily.<br />

Met al and Machinery Wo rkers' Indust r ial Union<br />

No. 30 0 is ha ving better success than was antiej.<br />

pete d, a nd cond it ions are now so sha ping themselves<br />

that the pr ospects <strong>of</strong> this union are mo re<br />

th a n encouraging. It should have a ,-ast in cr ease<br />

in m embership during t he coming Fall and Wint er ,<br />

Railroad Workers' I ndustri al Union No. 600 is<br />

inc r easing steadily. One great Ilign <strong>of</strong> increasing<br />

int erest among t he Railroad Wor ker s ill the fact<br />

that on ma ny roads only the migrat or}' wo rker with<br />

a Wobbly card is able to get by.<br />

H ot el, Rl"!taurnnt a nd Domestic Worke rs I ndustrial<br />

Uni on No. 1,100 forges st eadily ahead, preparing<br />

0. e wa y f or d i ~ni fying a servic-e that eve n<br />

the workers have hereto for e re~ard e d as menial.<br />

E very wor ker can help stren~h...n this union by<br />

demanding that the waiters and others wear the<br />

H. R. e D. W. I. huttons.<br />

In t he Lumber and Mining Ind ust ri es <strong>of</strong> tile<br />

Northwest we find L. W. I. U. No. 500 and M. M.<br />

W. I. U. No. 8 00 going strong. ThiS"is very eneouraging<br />

when we consider that this section h ll.8<br />

been un der the Iron H eel mor e than a ny other.<br />

Other sections are stirring etec, a nd both Lumber<br />

'Worken a nd Metal Miners have mo r e calls foc organizen<br />

. than t hey are a ble to supply.<br />

The T extile Wo rken ' I nd ustrial Union No. 1,000<br />

is prOgTef;Sing, and reeently began publishing the<br />

Textile Worker at Paterson, N . J .<br />

T he other unions are growinj!; aceocding to the<br />

vij!;or <strong>of</strong>.t he ir me mb ership Rnd the lipread <strong>of</strong> kn owl.<br />

ed j!;e emong- the workers in their indust r ies.<br />

Now, Fell ow WOR O" , ou r present g ro wth is ..<br />

positive demcnstratlon that we ca nn ot he d Clltroyed<br />

all an organization . We may receive setba cks, but<br />

the principles <strong>of</strong> Ind ustrial Unionism sr e immortal.<br />

T he wo rking world is now awakening to class con-

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