Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State

Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State

Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State


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..<br />

to ha ve voul"hen f or all money received and 1'1':<br />

eeiptls for all money expended. beginning R5 soon<br />

as po.'l8ible. Carried unanirnou!!l)',<br />

Adjourned 5 ;QO P. M.<br />

AUl'u.t 30, 191 9.<br />

Meetinl':' called t o order 9 ;00 A. M. b)' chai rman.<br />

The morning was spent in going over th e minu!;(os<br />

and di ~ u s.~inR various mat ters pertaini ng to<br />

t he organi211tion work.<br />

Adjourned sine die a t 12 :00 M.<br />

(Note)<br />

In the bod}' <strong>of</strong> these mi nu l.e~ not es ar e occasionally<br />

inserted in explan ation <strong>of</strong> th e actions <strong>of</strong> t he<br />

Board , an d a commen tary is now added as further<br />

explanation <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> the m otions, as follows :<br />

The matter <strong>of</strong> refu sa l to enter into t ime agreements<br />

is a fundamental pr inci ple <strong>of</strong> Revolutionary<br />

In dustrial Unionism . and is writ t en into ou r eonsti<br />

tuti on. How ever, we have alwRYlI observ ed tempor<br />

ary ac com odlltions be twee n th e workers and employen,<br />

and since the condition s are peculiar to<br />

each indu stry and cannot well b€ re l!.ehed by a general<br />

recommendati on. we feel t hat th e..e mat ters<br />

should be handled in each instance by th e Indu s­<br />

trial Union involv ed in t he set tlement.<br />

In these times <strong>of</strong> intense labor un r est, it is high ly<br />

ne cessary that the I. W. W. shall do al l in itl! power<br />

t o sLabl1i!e the situation and endea vor t o lead se nti .<br />

nrent to wards sa ne econom ic Rction, rather than in<br />

th e dire ct ion <strong>of</strong> fanatical insurrecti onism. We approve<br />

th e resolution that the Uni ons send delel:ates<br />

to r adical conf erences, as the r eby we bave an opportunity<br />

to exert a rational influ..ne e a nd at t he<br />

same t ime keep our finger on t he puh e <strong>of</strong> wor king<br />

elan sentim ent .<br />

l:very strike situation or aggravat ed labor condit<br />

ion produces a ('ertain amount <strong>of</strong> hJlst er ia from<br />

which even members <strong>of</strong> the I . W. W. are not immune.<br />

H ysteria begets exaggerat ion. t he worst<br />

fo nn <strong>of</strong> misinform ation. We can onl y act hitellige<br />

ntly as t he actual f ads are kn own, and in the<br />

labor wor ld, hasty or ill advised action may ruin<br />

t he best laid plans <strong>of</strong> organiza tion. The master<br />

elass will tell us enough Ii!"! in ord er to- misle ad<br />

us, so let us avoid the pitfall s <strong>of</strong> exaggerntion. As<br />

you val ue Industrial U nio nism observe this motto­<br />

Truth. T he whole truth and nothing but the truth.<br />

The holding <strong>of</strong> correspo nde nce be yond a reasonable<br />

t ime serves no go od purpose. Errors are usually<br />

dieeoveeed and corrected within 90 days and the<br />

retaining <strong>of</strong> eOrTe$po nden ce in regard to accounts<br />

that hav e been definitely closed is a w ast e <strong>of</strong> space<br />

that can be use d to better lld,'antn.ge.<br />

Thil is a ti me <strong>of</strong> greatest ac tivity in lahor organization<br />

and r eacti onary uniona are ~iall y busy<br />

in this r egard . It ia characteristic that workers are

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