Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State

Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State

Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State


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..<br />

W h ('n a ~ t he Soviet Republic <strong>of</strong> Ru..ia in its call<br />

for the DtgIl ni n ti on <strong>of</strong> tho'! Third Inte rn at ional , inelu<br />

ded the I. W. W. as one <strong>of</strong> the bodies eliltible to<br />

auch ne international, and<br />

\\lIen T he L W. W. is the only rn olutionary<br />

orpniuti on in th e United SUtell _hOI''' program<br />

i. abMlJutely scientific and un('ompro m ill"in!,. and is<br />

th e lO«ieal American unit <strong>of</strong> the Third Internatio nal.<br />

~d<br />

\\''}II·n aa. T he prolebrian rn oluti on "' worid-wide<br />

and not nation al Or I()("al ih ill! ..-o pt' ;<br />

Thenfore, The time has com. fo r the L W. W.<br />

to ~me ita proper pl ao:e u. t he Am t'riC'an U nit<br />

<strong>of</strong> th e Worken ' RPd Intemat iomd . an d to establish<br />

d OS('I' I'PI. tiorts with groups <strong>of</strong> the nme or similar<br />

prineipl es in eve.ry rountr J;, luch &I tll e eom m lUlnt<br />

<strong>of</strong> RUMis, H unga ry , Bav aria., ete., th e Spar1.at'a ns<br />

<strong>of</strong> Gt-nnany, th. S).,.dicali~ts <strong>of</strong> France, Italy and<br />

Great Bri tai n and ot her eeunt r fes and the Industrial<br />

Unionists <strong>of</strong> Canada and AUl triali. ; thPre(or e.<br />

he it<br />

lW"olved, That th e l. W. W. shall create a comm<br />

it tee on Int e-rnationnl R e l ati o n ~ . wh ich IIhall at<br />

onc e e.tablillh and maintain correspon dence and<br />

fraternal rel at ions with such afo resald revoluti onary<br />

KroUPS throu i'hout t he wor ld a nd !'hall pr ovide<br />

for the reprtM'ntat ion <strong>of</strong> the l. W. W. a ~ a conetit<br />

uent membe.r <strong>of</strong> the Thir d In ternational. Car·<br />

ned unanImousl y.<br />

Moved by King. seecnded by Mille r . that the _<br />

leeticn <strong>of</strong> Fell ow Worker W illiam France Il.& ed itor<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Croatian paper be appro ved, with power to<br />

start th e paper as IIOOn as pouible. be to have the<br />

authority to hirP .emen ne to do Renographic wor k<br />

an d boo kkeepi.nl!l', if (\ l'

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