Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State

Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State

Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State


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dustrial Dinrict Councila, and IUl we can not see<br />

any urgent necessit y for such bodlee, we eeeem ­<br />

mend that if Industrial Union s find it DK e ssary,<br />

Uley form a Cen tral Commi ttee to cany out the<br />

wis hes <strong>of</strong> t he Indus teial Unions. We f urther recommend<br />

that the f orming <strong>of</strong> Indus t rial Districl.<br />

Council! be withheld t ill functi ons <strong>of</strong> said councils<br />

have heen outlined by a ge ne ral conventi on and ntilied<br />

by a r eferendum ball ot. ClU'ried.<br />

The balance <strong>of</strong> the afternoon Wall taken up with<br />

the appeal <strong>of</strong> T. B. Weber on ex pulsion f ro m Loa<br />

A~eles Recruiting U nion.<br />

Meeti ng adjourned at 5:15 p. rn.<br />

August 24, 1919. Meet ing called to order at 9<br />

8 . m . by chairma n. "-<br />

Moved by King, seconded by Bradley, that we<br />

notif y Los Angel es Re cruiting Uninn that we cannot<br />

take WlY action in tm,. case <strong>of</strong> J . Waugh against<br />

If. B. Weber fo r th e fo llowing r eescns : Becau se<br />

t he evidence seems to be n othing but hesrsa)'; and<br />

f urther, the various etete mente and r eports <strong>of</strong> witneMe5<br />

a nd trial are not pr operly s i~ned and do<br />

not have the seal <strong>of</strong> th e branch , the t rial committee's<br />

report not even hav ing their signatur es- Carr<br />

ied. (Note-If the un signed report <strong>of</strong> trial committee<br />

presente d to t he board is r eally <strong>of</strong>ficial, the<br />

e\' idence would not warrant. e xpu l~ i o n_ )<br />

Mee tin~ adjourned at 12 :20 p. m.<br />

AUgUst 25, 1919. Meeting ca lled t o order at 9<br />

a. m. by chainnan .<br />

Moved by Mille r, sec onded by H. Br8.dley, that<br />

Defense Committee shall be instruct ed to pay Mrs.<br />

Stenbera $10 pe r week relief. Carried.<br />

Moved by G. Bradley, ~ conded by Mill er , t ha t<br />

a Spanish organizer shall be sent to P anama as<br />

aoon as the organ izatio n' s fu nds will warrant . Carried.<br />

Meeting adjourne d at 12 :15 p. m.<br />

M~ting ca lled to order at 1:10 p. m, by chairman.<br />

Moved by G. Bradley, &>cond ed b~' H. Bradley,<br />

that J ewi sh press committee be empowered to iSllue<br />

five tho usand cop ies <strong>of</strong> the I. W. W.-The Gnatest<br />

Thin g on Earth, transl ated into the J ewish languege.<br />

Carried.<br />

Meeting adjourned at 5 :15 p. m.<br />

Augu st 2 6, 19 19. Meeting ealled to order at 9<br />

a. m.. by chairman.<br />

Moved by G. Bradley , seconded by J ackson, th at<br />

delegate t o Int t'rn at ional Transportation Congress<br />

shall be inst ru ct ed to ar range a sys tem witb revcluti<br />

onar y working class orgllniwtions <strong>of</strong> Ioeelgn<br />

countries whe reby member-s from foreiJl:ll countries<br />

can pa)' dues in t his country, and vice versa. ceer<br />

ied un animously.<br />

Moved by Kin~, seconded by J ackson, that the<br />

ed itors <strong>of</strong> the pepers shall be instructed to publish<br />

articl es in the papers to get t he sentim ent <strong>of</strong><br />


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