Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State

Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State

Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State


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u<br />

and phon~ ph ~ord s. \he &eCn tllry-l reUUl't'1'<br />

aha ll be in.t.ruded not to have a ny made. Canied.<br />

Moved by G. Bradley, seconde d by H. Bradley,<br />

that Sali darity be issned as .. !ix-pa Ke paper, tbe<br />

defen H to p t at I"," one~. Carrifd. King<br />

op powd.<br />

Moved by G. BradJe")". seeended by H. Bradle y,<br />

that JIirlory, Structllrt and Melbod. <strong>of</strong> the I. W. W.<br />

be ..,n>ptN .. ""vised by St. J ohn. Carried.<br />

M~ng adjourned at 12 noon.<br />

M....wng ('ailed Ul order at 1 p. m. by chairm llll.<br />

Moved by Ki~ . 9Konded by H. Bradley. that<br />

bills <strong>of</strong> H. W. Md alill&n, due ChaTles H. Kerr &: ce.,<br />

be turned OVf'1' to Ko. 800 . Carried.<br />

) l oved by Millet", R'Conded by H. Brad ley, that<br />

t he G. E. B. ('ommunical.e with J WlW Ebert t o<br />

find Dot it he can write a handbook <strong>of</strong> the I. W. W.<br />

and what hi. u nns will be . Ca rried.<br />

Moved by KinJr. seconded by H. Bradley, that<br />

secretary <strong>of</strong> the defense be iTUlUueted to communieete<br />

wit h Attorney J ohn Lind, with th e purpose <strong>of</strong><br />

hav i n ~ him han dle the eese <strong>of</strong> MlL8lInovitch and otllen.<br />

Carried.<br />

Move d by King, eecended by Miller , that se cretar<br />

y· t n>al'u.rer be instruetl'd to ecmmumcete with<br />

the ..,ffidals ",f tht" Canadian One Big Unlc n, rfw<br />

qut"sting inf"'rm ati",n regarding !.tIeir movement.<br />

Carried.<br />

Moved by Miller, seconded by H. Bradley. that<br />

we ca nnot com ply witb the n>quffi <strong>of</strong> !.tie ~ r et ary_<br />

b'easun>r <strong>of</strong> 11. T. W. that old dllt't .tarnJNl and<br />

boclb be iAu ed to him, to in t urn be iuued to Mar<br />

ine Transport Wor ken <strong>of</strong> En gland a t t he rate <strong>of</strong><br />

U for in itiati on fee and 25 cents per mon!.tl dues,<br />

as it would be in din>ct eontn.dirlion to th e o:on­<br />

..titution and the w t eoswentien. Ca rrie<br />

t.ary.lZ'~r be instructed to inform !.tie Di.trio:t<br />

Council <strong>of</strong> Kew York that the G. E. B.. u pon du e<br />

t: ",n..ide rati on <strong>of</strong> al l material a" ai lable upo n the<br />

l"_ York aituatio n. find that !.tie)" arf' functionil'l¥<br />

as. an excellent propaganda o:omm iU....... bu t not<br />

aa a di..t rict. t'",u nc:il, so that therefot e we ca nnot<br />

illllue them an Industrial District Council Charter.<br />

Carried.<br />

M ......ting Adjourned at 5 :20 p. m.<br />

A~ wo t 23, 1919. Moved b)' G. Bradl ey. eeeon ded<br />

by H . Bradley, t hat the Russian ed ito r be permitted<br />

t", i88ue a Ru . l'ian pap er t hree ti me. a w ('(Ok lUI r e­<br />

quested , Carried.<br />

Moved by G. Bradl('y, seconded by King, thd<br />

5eo:tetary·t.teaaul'f!t shall be instructed to kee p in<br />

eleser touch with o~ization papers, e8peci lllly<br />

thOlle outside <strong>of</strong> Chicag o. Carried.<br />

Meetinll' adj ourned at 12 noon.<br />

Mee ting ealled to ord er at 1 p. In. by thainoan.<br />

Moved by King, seconded by J u b on, th a t owing<br />

to the cOJ\$titution not ou Uining the f unc tion <strong>of</strong> ~

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