Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State

Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State

Financial Statement - Washington Secretary of State


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<strong>Financial</strong>. <strong><strong>State</strong>ment</strong><br />

Industrial Workers<br />

<strong>of</strong> the World<br />

(General Office)<br />

Report and Minut e1l <strong>of</strong> the General<br />

Executive Board<br />

Rea1pt••....:I~nb<br />

c..-.-al Oft_ and Jtr......<br />

August and September<br />

•<br />

•<br />

f\oI>lw.ed try<br />

Ind Ulh l . 1 Wor ken o f t he World<br />

)(1: 1 W~ Mad_ Stlft'l<br />


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A UG. 14 T O A U G. 30<br />

Chiea~ . JIlinoi s, Au~. 30, 19 19.<br />

'Worke n :<br />

T he ne wly installed Ge ne ral E xecutive Boa rd<br />

sends greetings to al l the member ship, both in an d<br />

out <strong>of</strong> jai ls, lind to t he wo rking cl3.S8 in general.<br />

As to the gener al condi tion <strong>of</strong> our ort:"a nizat ioo.<br />

we lir e pl"'B..\Ied to report that , d""Pit e the pen e­<br />

cution <strong>of</strong> our mem bers by t he hire lings <strong>of</strong> the plu-"<br />

to crscy, we are growing at a most eneourag-mg<br />

I rat e. The wor kers are awake ning to th e dangers<br />

tha t lie a head and are turning to Ind ust r ial Un ionism<br />

as a solution <strong>of</strong> all economic a nd socia l ills an d<br />

inequalities.<br />

The re-or gr mieed ::'IIa r ine T ransport Wor ker s' Industrial<br />

Uni on No. 8 is expertencme a spl endid in .<br />

crease in mem ben hip on both t he Atlantic a nd Pacific<br />

coasts, and along the Great Uikes, an d is in<br />

active an d sym pa t hetic to uch with T ra ns por t Wor k­<br />

e rs <strong>of</strong> t he oth er Mar iti me motion s <strong>of</strong> t he w or ld.<br />

AgTicultural Workers' I nd ust r ial U nion No. 40 0<br />

is in til e midst <strong>of</strong> a n enormous drive f or member ­<br />

ship. With hu nd reds <strong>of</strong> del...gates in the field, they<br />

are -tn aki ng good on their slogan, " Come on, 400 !"<br />

and confidently expect an incr ease <strong>of</strong> 10,000 by<br />

Seph>mber .1,.<br />

Co nst ruction Worker s' Ind ustrial Union No. 57 3<br />

is growing s to:>adily in all parts <strong>of</strong> the country, and<br />

will com me nce a co ncentrated d rive in t he middle<br />

"tates in Se ptember . From now on n pr inted bulletin<br />

w ill be issued by t his union every week, which<br />

is ex pected to be II model in eve ry wily.<br />

Met al and Machinery Wo rkers' Indust r ial Union<br />

No. 30 0 is ha ving better success than was antiej.<br />

pete d, a nd cond it ions are now so sha ping themselves<br />

that the pr ospects <strong>of</strong> this union are mo re<br />

th a n encouraging. It should have a ,-ast in cr ease<br />

in m embership during t he coming Fall and Wint er ,<br />

Railroad Workers' I ndustri al Union No. 600 is<br />

inc r easing steadily. One great Ilign <strong>of</strong> increasing<br />

int erest among t he Railroad Wor ker s ill the fact<br />

that on ma ny roads only the migrat or}' wo rker with<br />

a Wobbly card is able to get by.<br />

H ot el, Rl"!taurnnt a nd Domestic Worke rs I ndustrial<br />

Uni on No. 1,100 forges st eadily ahead, preparing<br />

0. e wa y f or d i ~ni fying a servic-e that eve n<br />

the workers have hereto for e re~ard e d as menial.<br />

E very wor ker can help stren~h...n this union by<br />

demanding that the waiters and others wear the<br />

H. R. e D. W. I. huttons.<br />

In t he Lumber and Mining Ind ust ri es <strong>of</strong> tile<br />

Northwest we find L. W. I. U. No. 500 and M. M.<br />

W. I. U. No. 8 00 going strong. ThiS"is very eneouraging<br />

when we consider that this section h ll.8<br />

been un der the Iron H eel mor e than a ny other.<br />

Other sections are stirring etec, a nd both Lumber<br />

'Worken a nd Metal Miners have mo r e calls foc organizen<br />

. than t hey are a ble to supply.<br />

The T extile Wo rken ' I nd ustrial Union No. 1,000<br />

is prOgTef;Sing, and reeently began publishing the<br />

Textile Worker at Paterson, N . J .<br />

T he other unions are growinj!; aceocding to the<br />

vij!;or <strong>of</strong>.t he ir me mb ership Rnd the lipread <strong>of</strong> kn owl.<br />

ed j!;e emong- the workers in their indust r ies.<br />

Now, Fell ow WOR O" , ou r present g ro wth is ..<br />

positive demcnstratlon that we ca nn ot he d Clltroyed<br />

all an organization . We may receive setba cks, but<br />

the principles <strong>of</strong> Ind ustrial Unionism sr e immortal.<br />

T he wo rking world is now awakening to class con-

•<br />

sd ousneSll, a nd we have the opportunity t o de mon­<br />

IItrste t hat t he Industrial Union s can take over the<br />

in dustries a nd save II civi lizati on t ha t has been<br />

wrecked b y the greed and corruption <strong>of</strong> its plu tocratic<br />

over lords. W e hav e been accus ed <strong>of</strong> attempting<br />

t o wreck the ' social structur e wh en we<br />

poi nted ou t its inherent rottenness and wa r ned th e<br />

world <strong>of</strong> the impend ing d isaster. Our fu nction ill<br />

t o !!:lve th e good there is in lif e a nd rest or e th e<br />

wor ld t o &::Inil)'.<br />

A hun dred f or cdul and det ermined men coul d<br />

no w overthrow car italism. but in t he present disorganized<br />

slate 0 t he workin J(' class, only chace<br />

could re sult from such an act- a d isaste r that would<br />

be ir re trieva ble. Our d ut y is t o organize t he wo rken,<br />

not 50 mu ch to _overthro w capitalism, for it<br />

di"soh -es be f ore our \ll'r )' eyes, as to ('lIr ey on production<br />

and !;l'nt : J oh n J acks on , Fred<br />

l'Oe}l;On, Cha r les Miller, Geo rge Bra dley a nd J a mes<br />

R inl'.<br />

J ohn J a ckson was elected temporary chainnan.<br />

J a mes King was e lected reco.rdin l!: secre tary.<br />

Resolut ion s, «>mmu n ic:lltions lind bllls taken up<br />

a nd placed in t he ir p ro per or der as nearly as poesible.<br />

A dj ourned a t 5 :20 p. 10.<br />

August 15, 1919. Mee ting ca lled t o ord er a t 9<br />

a. m. b y t emporary chairman.<br />

Ne w h usin e.... Move d b y Nel so n, IIt'conded b y<br />

King, tlmt r esolut ion pertaining to te ntative agreemen<br />

ts be referred to Indust ri al Unions. Carried.<br />

(Note-This resoluti on suggest ed g ettinl!: out leaflets,<br />

stat ing the wag 'l9 a nd condi t ion l'l we would<br />

work lor. Also th at tentative IlIl'J'('Cments be m ad e<br />

wi th employees. As this is a matter for t he Indus_<br />

trial Unions, it was re ferred to them fo.r action. )<br />

Moved by G. BrBdle y, seec nd ed by H . Brad ley,<br />

t hat r eeolutien as k ing f or a bo ok <strong>of</strong> instruction and<br />

advice for d elegate", be referred to I ndustrial Unions,<br />

with r eeommend at lcn that they J:"et out B<br />

book <strong>of</strong> ins t ructions to d elegates. Carned.<br />

Moved b y King, sec onded by G. Bradley, tlut t we<br />

r ecommend a ll Ind ustrial Un ion s to aend delegate s<br />

t o radica l confer.. nces in their locality. Carried.

•<br />

Moved by G. Bl'1ldley, see onded by Nelson, that we<br />

eoncnr in the f ollowing resolution : Any person<br />

working un der the eu pervieien <strong>of</strong> the G. E. B., and<br />

who BhaU submit r eports not founded up on f acts, or<br />

who shall exaggerate the f acts for an y reason in<br />

his report, llhall be discharged by t he G. E. B. at<br />

eaee. E..ch person em ployed shall be inf ormed <strong>of</strong><br />

this ruling upon being employed by the Ge neral<br />

Executive Board. (Note-We take th is action beca<br />

use in t imes P8.6t the membe r sh ip have been led<br />

to behe ve th llt en ormous strikes were on whe re<br />

there was pr obably a very small affair. We do not<br />

gain 8nything by exagge:rating facts; if we state<br />

the pla in facts we will kno w bette r where we<br />

stand. )<br />

Moved by H. Br adley, seconded by G. Bradley,<br />

th at we concur in the followi ng resoluti on : That in<br />

all Indu 8trial Unions lind Hea

•<br />

t ontinuatt on ea.rda shall be f ree, the .amea.usual.<br />

Carried.<br />

. Moved by G. Bradlt};, aeeo nded by l\1aon, that we<br />

the Secn>tary <strong>of</strong> the Defense be empolllered to .tart<br />

• speakn on a toor <strong>of</strong> publlcity in Europe and to<br />

un.rl¥' rne.UIIglI tnl'OUU to the A Uantic CouL<br />

Canied.<br />

Moved by J adtson., lleeonded by Nelaon. that notiu<br />

be publish ed in all I. W. W. papers. ~Uftlting<br />

m C'mben to lIend in an y suggestions the, may have<br />

.. to .a)-os and means <strong>of</strong> building up the orcani1:ation.<br />

CarriK. (Note-We l"'iNI to p t • better<br />

line <strong>of</strong> common ieation with the membullhip. to<br />

...e will kr.ow the r;.entiment <strong>of</strong> the membC'nhip . t<br />

all timeoti ng called to order at 9<br />

.. m. by chainnan.<br />

G. FR B. Membl'f Geo. Bradley <strong>of</strong> M. T. W. r eeomm<br />

ends a delegate to r epM.'M!nt M. T. W. and R. R.<br />

W. I. U. No. 600 at International Tranllporlation<br />

Conln"t"'l', to be held at Am sterdam in October .<br />

Moved by Mill('r, seecnded by H. Bradley, that t he<br />

recomm end ation be given the endorsement <strong>of</strong> th e<br />

G. E. B. Carried .<br />

Mo\'OO by J af'kson, second ed by Nelson, that tmivenal<br />

credentials be appro ved .. preaentM . Carried.<br />

•<br />

Moved by Nelsen , aPCOnded by H. Bradley, that<br />

we do not con..ur in the recommendati on <strong>of</strong> No. 573<br />

and that clag 1OllI' priAonen shall be !pven the same<br />

ltamr- ar. othu members. QarTied.<br />

Adj o urned 1 1 ,1>0 a. m.<br />

Mt't't if\,f:' call ed to order by chainnan at 1 p. m,<br />

Movrd by King, I8P

•<br />

shall be given any further ra i~e<br />

<strong>of</strong> wag es without<br />

Carried.<br />

the consent <strong>of</strong> the G. E. E.<br />

Moved by J eekso n, seconde d by Nelso n, t hat bill~<br />

paid t o Industrialist! by the Duluth Defense Com·<br />

mittee, be turned over t o t he General Defense Committee<br />

for collect ion ; funds collected in this way to<br />

b e used f or gen eral defense. Carried.<br />

Meeting adj ou rn ed at 5 :15 p, m,<br />

August 17, 1919. Meeting call ed to order 9 :20<br />

by chairman.<br />

Moved by Nelson , secon ded by G. Bradle y, t hat<br />

we instruct al l secretari es <strong>of</strong> r ecruiting and I ndustri<br />

al Unions t hat all rnemben must be tn m sfe ned<br />

to th eir r espective Industrial Unions as the constlt<br />

ution provide s. Carried.<br />

Moved by J ack son, seconded by G. Bradley, that<br />

an organizer be sent to the Kentuek y coni fields,<br />

8S re quested by Metal Mine Workers' Industrial<br />

Un ion No. 800, headqu arters to be r eimbursed by<br />

No. 800, as se t for th in leltt'r f rom A. S. Embree.<br />

Carr-ied.<br />

Moved by Nelson , seconded b)' King, th at Hotel,<br />

Red aurnnt and D omest ic WOI'kers' Industrial Un­<br />

Ion shall be c1a..sified in the pub lic' service . Carried<br />

.<br />

MOl'ed by Geor ge Br adley, seco nded by King,<br />

th at the G. E. B. a pprove th e act ion <strong>of</strong> Industrial<br />

Union lSl'cre t.a.riee, editors <strong>of</strong> pa pers, a nd ~ e c re to rytreasurer,<br />

in f orm ing General Defense Committee<br />

an d electi ng Will iam D. Haywood as secretar y.<br />

Carried.<br />

Move d by George Brad ley, sec onde d b)' King,<br />

that the secr etary <strong>of</strong> t he General Def ense Com mitt<br />

ee be instructed to issue a general defense bu l­<br />

let in at le a..t onc e a week. Carried .<br />

Meeti ng adjour ned at 1 ;50 p. m.<br />

August 18, 191 9. :Meet ing called t o order at 9<br />

a. m. by ch airm a n.<br />

Moved by Nelson, seconded b)' J ackson, t hat th e<br />

sec r etarv-tre esur ee be instructed to pa y Att or ney<br />

Recht $500 on account and t he bala nce all the organization<br />

is able. Car rie d.<br />

MOl'ed by J a ckson, se conded by G. Bradle y, t hat<br />

def ense fu nd s shan be segrega ted from organizati<br />

on f unds. Am ended by K ing a nd secom led by H<br />

Bntdley, t hat itemized and sum mari zed reports skll<br />

be segregated. Amendme nt ca rried.<br />

Me eting adjour ned at 12 noon.<br />

Me eting caned t o or der at 1 p. m. by chairmim.<br />

Moved by K ing, seconded by Nel son, that secre -<br />

tary-treasu re r be instructed to write AUorney S i('J:"el<br />

request ing data as to what work he did fo r the defe<br />

m e, and on whose au thori t y. Carrie d.<br />

Moved by King, seconded by Nelson, th.Ilt secretary<br />

<strong>of</strong> Defense Comm it tee be instructed to avoid<br />

the building <strong>of</strong> a netw ork <strong>of</strong> attorneY6 1111 far lIS<br />

possibl e. Carried. Geo.rge Bradley, Miller an d<br />

Jackso n oppoaed.

\<br />

•<br />

M(I'I'N by Nel son, seconded by MiUl!f , that c:om­<br />

1l'Iunialti on <strong>of</strong> Alume)' Arthur LeSeuer be place-d<br />

on file. CaniM.<br />

M l!d in~ adjourned at 5 :10 p. m.<br />

Augug 19. 19 15. Meeting (alled to order at 9<br />

.. In. by cha irman.<br />

MO'I'ed by NeUoon, seconded by J ac kaon. tlI. t u n­<br />

lltitution be accepted as read. Camed.<br />

Movl"d by G. Bradl ey, seeended by Killl:. that<br />

eonm tutions be made the same l Ull' .a the due<br />

bookL Carried.<br />

Moved by K i~. seconded by H . Bradley, that<br />

the HCftb-ry be instro.rled to pay FeUow Worker<br />

T . A . J en kin. the $21.47 due him for w .~ for<br />

,,",ork he ,",'as hired to do by th e eon ventlcn. Carr<br />

if'd.<br />

Moved by Georg. Brad!e)', seconded by H. Bradley,<br />

that t he lIe

•<br />

hold no other <strong>of</strong>ficial pos iti on while acting &II eeereta.ry<br />

<strong>of</strong> the de fense. Carried.<br />

Me(!ti ng ad journed at 6 :20 p. m.<br />

A UgIU!t 20, 19 19. Meeting called to order at 9<br />

a. m. by chairm an.<br />

Moved by G. Bra dley, sec ond ed by H. Br adley,<br />

that play, ca lled " Gen eral Strike" <strong>of</strong>fer ed by Robin<br />

Dunhar, to be pu blish ed in pamphlet fo rm. be returned<br />

to him wi th an explen atien <strong>of</strong> why we could<br />

no t use it. Carried.<br />

Meeting adjourned at 12 :10 p. m.<br />

Meeting c..lled to oroW' at 1 p, m. by chairman.<br />

Moved by H. Bradley, se conded by Miller, that<br />

matter <strong>of</strong> Haywood's account be laid over until we<br />

ca n j:!;ct f urther inform ation. Carried.<br />

T he afternoon was taken up in confer en ce with<br />

the various editors and the mansger <strong>of</strong> t he publillh·<br />

ing bur~u.<br />

Meeti ng adjourned at 6: 10 p. m.<br />

Augu8t 2 1, 19 19. Meeting eaJled to order at 9<br />

a. rn. by chairman.<br />

Members present : J ackson, n. Bratllc)', Speed,<br />

Mill er. George Bradley and King, Fred Nelson having<br />

left fo r home.<br />

Moved by King, ~~o nded by G. Br adl ey, that<br />

rnanager <strong>of</strong> prin t ing plan t disco ntinue all outside<br />

wor k so that we can t&ke ca re <strong>of</strong> ou r own wor k.<br />

Carried.<br />

Moved by K in~, seco nded by Miller, t hat pa pers<br />

5hatl1 not be held up f or the pri nt ing <strong>of</strong> pamphlets,<br />

pap ers t o have prt'

I<br />

..<br />

Carried. (Kou--Tbe reatMlD for this action ia beca<br />

use the pa per is running in d~l on an ."rn

u<br />

and phon~ ph ~ord s. \he &eCn tllry-l reUUl't'1'<br />

aha ll be in.t.ruded not to have a ny made. Canied.<br />

Moved by G. Bradley, seconde d by H. Bradley,<br />

that Sali darity be issned as .. !ix-pa Ke paper, tbe<br />

defen H to p t at I"," one~. Carrifd. King<br />

op powd.<br />

Moved by G. BradJe")". seeended by H. Bradle y,<br />

that JIirlory, Structllrt and Melbod. <strong>of</strong> the I. W. W.<br />

be ..,n>ptN .. ""vised by St. J ohn. Carried.<br />

M~ng adjourned at 12 noon.<br />

M....wng ('ailed Ul order at 1 p. m. by chairm llll.<br />

Moved by Ki~ . 9Konded by H. Bradley. that<br />

bills <strong>of</strong> H. W. Md alill&n, due ChaTles H. Kerr &: ce.,<br />

be turned OVf'1' to Ko. 800 . Carried.<br />

) l oved by Millet", R'Conded by H. Brad ley, that<br />

t he G. E. B. ('ommunical.e with J WlW Ebert t o<br />

find Dot it he can write a handbook <strong>of</strong> the I. W. W.<br />

and what hi. u nns will be . Ca rried.<br />

Moved by KinJr. seconded by H. Bradley, that<br />

secretary <strong>of</strong> the defense be iTUlUueted to communieete<br />

wit h Attorney J ohn Lind, with th e purpose <strong>of</strong><br />

hav i n ~ him han dle the eese <strong>of</strong> MlL8lInovitch and otllen.<br />

Carried.<br />

Move d by King, eecended by Miller , that se cretar<br />

y· t n>al'u.rer be instruetl'd to ecmmumcete with<br />

the ..,ffidals ",f tht" Canadian One Big Unlc n, rfw<br />

qut"sting inf"'rm ati",n regarding !.tIeir movement.<br />

Carried.<br />

Moved by Miller, seconded by H. Bradley. that<br />

we ca nnot com ply witb the n>quffi <strong>of</strong> !.tie ~ r et ary_<br />

b'easun>r <strong>of</strong> 11. T. W. that old dllt't .tarnJNl and<br />

boclb be iAu ed to him, to in t urn be iuued to Mar<br />

ine Transport Wor ken <strong>of</strong> En gland a t t he rate <strong>of</strong><br />

U for in itiati on fee and 25 cents per mon!.tl dues,<br />

as it would be in din>ct eontn.dirlion to th e o:on­<br />

..titution and the w t eoswentien. Ca rrie<br />

t.ary.lZ'~r be instructed to inform !.tie Di.trio:t<br />

Council <strong>of</strong> Kew York that the G. E. B.. u pon du e<br />

t: ",n..ide rati on <strong>of</strong> al l material a" ai lable upo n the<br />

l"_ York aituatio n. find that !.tie)" arf' functionil'l¥<br />

as. an excellent propaganda o:omm iU....... bu t not<br />

aa a di..t rict. t'",u nc:il, so that therefot e we ca nnot<br />

illllue them an Industrial District Council Charter.<br />

Carried.<br />

M ......ting Adjourned at 5 :20 p. m.<br />

A~ wo t 23, 1919. Moved b)' G. Bradl ey. eeeon ded<br />

by H . Bradley, t hat the Russian ed ito r be permitted<br />

t", i88ue a Ru . l'ian pap er t hree ti me. a w ('(Ok lUI r e­<br />

quested , Carried.<br />

Moved by G. Bradl('y, seconded by King, thd<br />

5eo:tetary·t.teaaul'f!t shall be instructed to kee p in<br />

eleser touch with o~ization papers, e8peci lllly<br />

thOlle outside <strong>of</strong> Chicag o. Carried.<br />

Meetinll' adj ourned at 12 noon.<br />

Mee ting ealled to ord er at 1 p. In. by thainoan.<br />

Moved by King, seconded by J u b on, th a t owing<br />

to the cOJ\$titution not ou Uining the f unc tion <strong>of</strong> ~

__<br />

..<br />

dustrial Dinrict Councila, and IUl we can not see<br />

any urgent necessit y for such bodlee, we eeeem ­<br />

mend that if Industrial Union s find it DK e ssary,<br />

Uley form a Cen tral Commi ttee to cany out the<br />

wis hes <strong>of</strong> t he Indus teial Unions. We f urther recommend<br />

that the f orming <strong>of</strong> Indus t rial Districl.<br />

Council! be withheld t ill functi ons <strong>of</strong> said councils<br />

have heen outlined by a ge ne ral conventi on and ntilied<br />

by a r eferendum ball ot. ClU'ried.<br />

The balance <strong>of</strong> the afternoon Wall taken up with<br />

the appeal <strong>of</strong> T. B. Weber on ex pulsion f ro m Loa<br />

A~eles Recruiting U nion.<br />

Meeti ng adjourned at 5:15 p. rn.<br />

August 24, 1919. Meet ing called to order at 9<br />

8 . m . by chairma n. "-<br />

Moved by King, seconded by Bradley, that we<br />

notif y Los Angel es Re cruiting Uninn that we cannot<br />

take WlY action in tm,. case <strong>of</strong> J . Waugh against<br />

If. B. Weber fo r th e fo llowing r eescns : Becau se<br />

t he evidence seems to be n othing but hesrsa)'; and<br />

f urther, the various etete mente and r eports <strong>of</strong> witneMe5<br />

a nd trial are not pr operly s i~ned and do<br />

not have the seal <strong>of</strong> th e branch , the t rial committee's<br />

report not even hav ing their signatur es- Carr<br />

ied. (Note-If the un signed report <strong>of</strong> trial committee<br />

presente d to t he board is r eally <strong>of</strong>ficial, the<br />

e\' idence would not warrant. e xpu l~ i o n_ )<br />

Mee tin~ adjourned at 12 :20 p. m.<br />

AUgUst 25, 1919. Meeting ca lled t o order at 9<br />

a. m. by chainnan .<br />

Moved by Mille r, sec onded by H. Br8.dley, that<br />

Defense Committee shall be instruct ed to pay Mrs.<br />

Stenbera $10 pe r week relief. Carried.<br />

Moved by G. Bradley, ~ conded by Mill er , t ha t<br />

a Spanish organizer shall be sent to P anama as<br />

aoon as the organ izatio n' s fu nds will warrant . Carried.<br />

Meeting adjourne d at 12 :15 p. m.<br />

M~ting ca lled to order at 1:10 p. m, by chairman.<br />

Moved by G. Bradley, &>cond ed b~' H. Bradley,<br />

that J ewi sh press committee be empowered to iSllue<br />

five tho usand cop ies <strong>of</strong> the I. W. W.-The Gnatest<br />

Thin g on Earth, transl ated into the J ewish languege.<br />

Carried.<br />

Meeting adjourned at 5 :15 p. m.<br />

Augu st 2 6, 19 19. Meeting ealled to order at 9<br />

a. m.. by chairman.<br />

Moved by G. Bradley , seconded by J ackson, th at<br />

delegate t o Int t'rn at ional Transportation Congress<br />

shall be inst ru ct ed to ar range a sys tem witb revcluti<br />

onar y working class orgllniwtions <strong>of</strong> Ioeelgn<br />

countries whe reby member-s from foreiJl:ll countries<br />

can pa)' dues in t his country, and vice versa. ceer<br />

ied un animously.<br />

Moved by Kin~, seconded by J ackson, that the<br />

ed itors <strong>of</strong> the pepers shall be instructed to publish<br />

articl es in the papers to get t he sentim ent <strong>of</strong><br />


u<br />

the me mberBhi p <strong>of</strong> t he general organ iza ti on regarding<br />

the raising <strong>of</strong> dues to ' 1 per month. Can ied<br />

unanimously.<br />

Moved by H. Bradley, seconded by Miller. that<br />

owing t o the fad that we cannot get the origina l<br />

documents in the case <strong>of</strong> J llile St reet. and considering<br />

that the origi na l accus er , Phil E ngel , ill in<br />

Chicago at the pr'l"se nt time, but refuses to come<br />

before the boned to present h is side <strong>of</strong> the case,<br />

we NIn do nothlng but gjve Fellow Worker Street<br />

the benefit <strong>of</strong> the doubt and exo ne rate her <strong>of</strong> the<br />

ebe raes pr efe rred a~ inBt he r. Carried un an ­<br />

imously.<br />

Mee ti ng adjourned at 12 :15 p, m.<br />

Meeting called to order at 1:10 p. m. by ch airman.<br />

Moved by King, seconded by H. Ilradley, that<br />

t he following resolution be adopted and copies<br />

se nt to ell parties conc erned : Resol ved, That M. M.<br />

W. I. U. No. ROO, or on c <strong>of</strong> i t.~ ort:anization committee<br />

, has not acted h ir ly with H. R. &. D. W.<br />

I. U. N o. 1100 in keeping Roberta Bruner, who<br />

was making a tour for H. R. &. D. W. in Colorado,<br />

thereby br eaking he r tour lind causi flJ:" H . R. &<br />

D. W. t o suffer a considerable loss <strong>of</strong> finances expended<br />

to advertise and make the t our a su ccess.<br />

and be it further resol ved th at we cond emn any acti<br />

on that t ends to bu ild up on e Indust rial Union<br />

at t he exp ense <strong>of</strong> another, and we beli eve that M .<br />

M. W. I. U. No. 800 should pay the loss sustained<br />

by H. & R. D. W. I. U. No. 11M. Clll'ried unanimo<br />

usly<br />

Moved by G. Bradley, seconded b)' King, that<br />

SOnJl:ll pr eyen!e

..<br />

W h ('n a ~ t he Soviet Republic <strong>of</strong> Ru..ia in its call<br />

for the DtgIl ni n ti on <strong>of</strong> tho'! Third Inte rn at ional , inelu<br />

ded the I. W. W. as one <strong>of</strong> the bodies eliltible to<br />

auch ne international, and<br />

\\lIen T he L W. W. is the only rn olutionary<br />

orpniuti on in th e United SUtell _hOI''' program<br />

i. abMlJutely scientific and un('ompro m ill"in!,. and is<br />

th e lO«ieal American unit <strong>of</strong> the Third Internatio nal.<br />

~d<br />

\\''}II·n aa. T he prolebrian rn oluti on "' worid-wide<br />

and not nation al Or I()("al ih ill! ..-o pt' ;<br />

Thenfore, The time has com. fo r the L W. W.<br />

to ~me ita proper pl ao:e u. t he Am t'riC'an U nit<br />

<strong>of</strong> th e Worken ' RPd Intemat iomd . an d to establish<br />

d OS('I' I'PI. tiorts with groups <strong>of</strong> the nme or similar<br />

prineipl es in eve.ry rountr J;, luch &I tll e eom m lUlnt<br />

<strong>of</strong> RUMis, H unga ry , Bav aria., ete., th e Spar1.at'a ns<br />

<strong>of</strong> Gt-nnany, th. S).,.dicali~ts <strong>of</strong> France, Italy and<br />

Great Bri tai n and ot her eeunt r fes and the Industrial<br />

Unionists <strong>of</strong> Canada and AUl triali. ; thPre(or e.<br />

he it<br />

lW"olved, That th e l. W. W. shall create a comm<br />

it tee on Int e-rnationnl R e l ati o n ~ . wh ich IIhall at<br />

onc e e.tablillh and maintain correspon dence and<br />

fraternal rel at ions with such afo resald revoluti onary<br />

KroUPS throu i'hout t he wor ld a nd !'hall pr ovide<br />

for the reprtM'ntat ion <strong>of</strong> the l. W. W. a ~ a conetit<br />

uent membe.r <strong>of</strong> the Thir d In ternational. Car·<br />

ned unanImousl y.<br />

Moved by King. seecnded by Mille r . that the _<br />

leeticn <strong>of</strong> Fell ow Worker W illiam France Il.& ed itor<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Croatian paper be appro ved, with power to<br />

start th e paper as IIOOn as pouible. be to have the<br />

authority to hirP .emen ne to do Renographic wor k<br />

an d boo kkeepi.nl!l', if (\ l'

u<br />

. Moved by King, seconded by Bradley, that Fellow<br />

Wor kers Woodruff a nd Sandgren be appointed<br />

a committee to arrange (or the writing <strong>of</strong> an I. W.<br />

W. Handbook by J m t \15 E bert, E b('rt to be informed<br />

that $28 per week is t he usual scale, but if<br />

nel'eSsllry we will pay him $35, the sa me as he reeelvee<br />

f or work ing at his trade. C....ried UIlIlO·<br />

lmously.<br />

Move d b)' G. Bradley, ascended b y H. Bradley,<br />

tha t sc eretarv-treeeur er shall be ins tructed t o I!:et<br />

out leaflets a ppealing t o color ed wor kers. Carried<br />

unanimously.<br />

Meeting adjourned at 5 :20 p. m .<br />

A u~ s t 29 , 191 9. Meet ing called to orde r at 9<br />

a. m. by chai r ma n.<br />

Moved by H. Bradle y, second ed by Jackson, that<br />

the G. E . C. en do r se th e publi shing <strong>of</strong> the J ewish<br />

paper, Ind ustrial Arbeiter , in Chkllg'o. Carried '<br />

unanimousl)'.<br />

Moved by King, seconded by H. Bradley, that all<br />

wag es ~h ll ll r "mllin the !

..<br />

to ha ve voul"hen f or all money received and 1'1':<br />

eeiptls for all money expended. beginning R5 soon<br />

as po.'l8ible. Carried unanirnou!!l)',<br />

Adjourned 5 ;QO P. M.<br />

AUl'u.t 30, 191 9.<br />

Meetinl':' called t o order 9 ;00 A. M. b)' chai rman.<br />

The morning was spent in going over th e minu!;(os<br />

and di ~ u s.~inR various mat ters pertaini ng to<br />

t he organi211tion work.<br />

Adjourned sine die a t 12 :00 M.<br />

(Note)<br />

In the bod}' <strong>of</strong> these mi nu l.e~ not es ar e occasionally<br />

inserted in explan ation <strong>of</strong> th e actions <strong>of</strong> t he<br />

Board , an d a commen tary is now added as further<br />

explanation <strong>of</strong> some <strong>of</strong> the m otions, as follows :<br />

The matter <strong>of</strong> refu sa l to enter into t ime agreements<br />

is a fundamental pr inci ple <strong>of</strong> Revolutionary<br />

In dustrial Unionism . and is writ t en into ou r eonsti<br />

tuti on. How ever, we have alwRYlI observ ed tempor<br />

ary ac com odlltions be twee n th e workers and employen,<br />

and since the condition s are peculiar to<br />

each indu stry and cannot well b€ re l!.ehed by a general<br />

recommendati on. we feel t hat th e..e mat ters<br />

should be handled in each instance by th e Indu s­<br />

trial Union involv ed in t he set tlement.<br />

In these times <strong>of</strong> intense labor un r est, it is high ly<br />

ne cessary that the I. W. W. shall do al l in itl! power<br />

t o sLabl1i!e the situation and endea vor t o lead se nti .<br />

nrent to wards sa ne econom ic Rction, rather than in<br />

th e dire ct ion <strong>of</strong> fanatical insurrecti onism. We approve<br />

th e resolution that the Uni ons send delel:ates<br />

to r adical conf erences, as the r eby we bave an opportunity<br />

to exert a rational influ..ne e a nd at t he<br />

same t ime keep our finger on t he puh e <strong>of</strong> wor king<br />

elan sentim ent .<br />

l:very strike situation or aggravat ed labor condit<br />

ion produces a ('ertain amount <strong>of</strong> hJlst er ia from<br />

which even members <strong>of</strong> the I . W. W. are not immune.<br />

H ysteria begets exaggerat ion. t he worst<br />

fo nn <strong>of</strong> misinform ation. We can onl y act hitellige<br />

ntly as t he actual f ads are kn own, and in the<br />

labor wor ld, hasty or ill advised action may ruin<br />

t he best laid plans <strong>of</strong> organiza tion. The master<br />

elass will tell us enough Ii!"! in ord er to- misle ad<br />

us, so let us avoid the pitfall s <strong>of</strong> exaggerntion. As<br />

you val ue Industrial U nio nism observe this motto­<br />

Truth. T he whole truth and nothing but the truth.<br />

The holding <strong>of</strong> correspo nde nce be yond a reasonable<br />

t ime serves no go od purpose. Errors are usually<br />

dieeoveeed and corrected within 90 days and the<br />

retaining <strong>of</strong> eOrTe$po nden ce in regard to accounts<br />

that hav e been definitely closed is a w ast e <strong>of</strong> space<br />

that can be use d to better lld,'antn.ge.<br />

Thil is a ti me <strong>of</strong> greatest ac tivity in lahor organization<br />

and r eacti onary uniona are ~iall y busy<br />

in this r egard . It ia characteristic that workers are

"<br />

rel ueta nt to make new un ion aftI1iationJI eeen atu,<br />

they r ealize that they hay !' been stung, and this it!<br />

eapeciaUy true where job control hwI been achieved.<br />

Ma ny situatioTUI are being lost to us because we<br />

were no t prepared to handle them at the particula r<br />

mome nt. It is po ssible to r etrieve ma ny <strong>of</strong> these<br />

losses and enter new fields <strong>of</strong> organization and no<br />

one sh ould hesitate to l end in suggestions in regard<br />

to these mattus-you r plan may be the one to<br />

succeed.<br />

The International Transportatin Workers' Congress<br />

at Amsterdam in October will be <strong>of</strong> great irnport-anee.<br />

As mem bers <strong>of</strong> Marine Transport Workers'<br />

Industrial Union No. 8 are in close touch with<br />

th e European worl

"<br />

these industries f rom the per capita tax and the<br />

Olll"aniu.tiOll ..ta mp... The more regululy and fuOy<br />

the per t'apita tax ill paid, the more the propaganda<br />

can be carried forward in these unoccupied field..<br />

At the time <strong>of</strong> the convention, it was estimated<br />

that the new due book could be supplied at 12%<br />

cents, but the ste ady .rise in th e price <strong>of</strong> leather<br />

lind other ma terial s has put such a price out <strong>of</strong><br />

the question. It is 20 ce nt.; or go ba ck to the old<br />

style bo ok.<br />

The organization is anxioUll t o increase the number<br />

<strong>of</strong> langu ag e pa PerlI aD lUI t o r each all the ve r­<br />

ious lI:l'Oup s in the eouJtry, who sh ould have our<br />

m essage <strong>of</strong> Industrial Un ion ism, but we have not<br />

the fu ndB wit h which to de all the work in this<br />

line that should be done. In order not to 6WllI1lP<br />

the organiza t ion with expenses it is n ece5l

"<br />

tonized thi. inllt.lt1,ltion. The Councils had never<br />

functioned and many delegates wanted to abolish<br />

them altogether. AI tltey now ltand in the eonsti<br />

tuUon. by the last referendum, they ha...e no<br />

Bpce ifje economic f unction end are designed to promote<br />

solidarit y in the particular localities. Under<br />

these etrc umstaecea, tho Board dOel!l not feel justi ­<br />

fied in issuing charters giving economic p<br />

accounts to be che cked up and an)' errol'!l corrected<br />

at once.<br />

Remember, we are buil ding the new soc iety wit h­<br />

in the shell <strong>of</strong> the old, and the Indu strial Uni ons<br />

ar e the or~!I <strong>of</strong> that new 5Ociety. But one I n­<br />

du strial Union is a (uUlity unless the othe;r Industrial<br />

Uni ons IU1! alllD organ il:ed . A piece <strong>of</strong> hread<br />

may be bread , but it is not the loaf. We are<br />

organizing t he Industrial WorkerJ <strong>of</strong> the Wodd.<br />

Our credential. s re univel'lllli credentials so that<br />

no man may be missed, s nd all must be lined up<br />

right. Every membe r should r eal ize that at all<br />

tim..... he is en I. W. W.• but f or the purpose <strong>of</strong><br />

administration and to get job control, he should<br />

always tran sfer in to the Industrial Union <strong>of</strong> th e

..<br />

job where he goes to work. We do not want to<br />

be piltriotie to • Union as weh-we " I,nt to ba<br />

patriot ic to the Working Class. Remember when<br />

you leav e the barvest fields to go on Const ruction ,<br />

or in to Metal and Machinery, you should b'/l nsfe!'<br />

:Crom 400 to 573, or SOD, 8 S th e cue may be. and<br />

you pre helping ci nch t he job for Industrial Unionism.<br />

Equal ly when you go from the weaving roo m<br />

o.:r tailor shop into the printing plan t., yo u transfer<br />

fro m 100 0 to 1200. You ha.,·e changed your IndustriaJ<br />

Unten, but you are rtill lin I . W . W.<br />

We have the hi.tl)l'ic mission <strong>of</strong> the working<br />

das.. to carry oct, and Industrial Unionism i. the<br />

instrument by wh ich we expect to accomplish our<br />

tea k. We can only do this as we give al l ou r energy<br />

to the wor k a nd w-operate to the fullest meMUre.<br />

If llVe an' to build t he new soci ety, we must ha ve<br />

t he One Big Union lI.ctually fu ncti oning in the Industries,<br />

and not spelled out in scrawly Jette" on<br />

a piece <strong>of</strong> pape r only. 'Would you be free? Then,<br />

get bu sy!<br />


George Speed. Chairman,<br />

George Bradley ,<br />

Hen ry Bradley,<br />

Cha s. J. Mille r ,<br />

John J ac h on,<br />

J ames King,<br />

Fred Nelson.




FG~ A ,, &,u.t a nd S.,pl..m be~. 1919<br />


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Finn!.b Manlan C1ab, D.t..., It. .. _ _ _ .<br />

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Ga r ibaldi 8nt h l, . OO;t<br />

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M. J . ~ Vita Mr Ca g 1 _ .n ~olp.. on<br />

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AntonIo Tu« i1i. ".n dor~n• • •._ _ _ .__.• •<br />

Ceo. B. 8 u th bt.nd n 1 d<strong>of</strong>ft'l" _._._ _ .._ ..<br />

G. Cbrloto. "''''' d<strong>of</strong>.nM _ _ _ .•_.. __•.<br />

Frank J'~ rk 11. 1 d ef ..,• • ._ .._ ._ ..__._._. .<br />

Mn. R oo. Glhon. lI'-., Iy,,"..r~. r ibbon _.._.__..<br />

S.ptembor 2lI<br />

P . • P. W . I . U . 1.2 00. depoolt ..._.. _.. _ .._.. _.._ .<br />

F . J . G" o• • tti, d"JI o. " S p""t.h PaPO' _ .<br />

Septembe. 29<br />

Roland S v l i tll __ •....._ _ _ _ _ .<br />

Johnr::.:::J ~.~~~ ..: : : : : ~~: : :: : : :: ~_-: : : : : ::....::::=_:<br />

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!lau t Rang " _ _.._ _ _•__._._ .._. _<br />

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Con. _ .__• .•_ _•.••_._._.•_.••_••_. _<br />

)l.ag...r Juhan.on. ",.n..raJ d.f.o... aotL lloekto r d,<br />

Ill. . _.._ _.. _._. .__.__._ .<br />

Rairnar J ob ...,.on. I_ n t 11 _ _ ._ _ _ .<br />

Matt K. Yo.. No. n o• • tampll •_ _ ._._ _ ._ _.._.._<br />

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For You You Are Out<br />


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