Metal Recycling Impurity Removal PGM Recovery - enviolet.com

Metal Recycling Impurity Removal PGM Recovery - enviolet.com

Metal Recycling Impurity Removal PGM Recovery - enviolet.com


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e n v i o l e t G m b H<br />

P G M R e c o v e r y<br />

A M R<br />

M e t a l R e c y c l i n g<br />

I m p u r i t y R e m o v a l

N e u e W e g e d e r K u p f e r - u n d N i c k e l r ü c k g e w i n n u n g<br />

N e w w a y s o f c o p p e r a n d n i c k e l r e c y c l i n g<br />

Kupfer und Nickel sind die mit am häufigsten eingesetzten <strong>Metal</strong>le bei der Kunststoffgalvanisierung,<br />

der Leiterplattenherstellung und der konventionellen Oberflächenveredelung. Über Jahre<br />

hinweg wurden zur Rückgewinnung beider <strong>Metal</strong>le nur Technologien angeboten, die wie eine Niere<br />

direkt am Elektrolyten arbeiten. Üblicherweise wurden Membranelektrolysen oder Trommelelektrolyse<br />

eingesetzt, um die <strong>Metal</strong>le aus den verbrauchten Elektrolyten direkt, oder über den Umweg<br />

der Fällung und Wiederauflösung zurück zugewinnen.<br />

Enviolet beschreitet hier neue Wege. Neben der Einhaltung der strengen Abwasserüberwachungswerte<br />

werden zusätzlich die <strong>Metal</strong>le in einer Reinheit von bis zu 99,5% zurückgewonnen. Die<br />

abgeschiedenen <strong>Metal</strong>le können direkt verkauft werden und erzielen einen Verkaufswert von etwa<br />

95 % des LME Wertes. Enviolet erreicht dies durch die Kombination von intelligenter Spültechnik,<br />

selektiven Ionenaustauscherverfahren und einer Hochleistungselektrolyse, die 50 bis 500 kg <strong>Metal</strong>l<br />

am Tag abscheiden kann.<br />

Nickel and copper is used widely in the printed circuit board, plating on plastics and general metal<br />

finishing industries. For many years various technologies have been promoted to recover both<br />

nickel and copper at source. Dragout rinses are operated with electrolytic cells to recover the metal<br />

plated either on a reticulated or spinning cathode, alternatively recovery in a barrel electrowinning<br />

system have been considered.<br />

Other alternatives such as producing a mono hydroxide sludge of the base metal have also been<br />

explored and implemented in the past, but in this case the value recovered is only the cost reduction<br />

foe sludge disposal, and not extracting the real value of the waste metal produced by the plating<br />

operation.<br />

Enviolet has developed a stand-alone technology that addresses not only the issue of meeting<br />

low discharge limits, but also recovers copper and nickel with a metal purity of 99.9% and 99.5%<br />

respectively. The recovered metal requires no additional purification steps and can be sold on the<br />

open marked to yield 95% of the LME value. Enviolet achieves this with a <strong>com</strong>bination of segregated<br />

rinse techniques, high performance ion exchange technology and refinery based electrowinning<br />

processes that can recover between 50 to 500 kg/day of high purity copper and nickel.

E d e l m e t a l l - R e c y c l i n g i n B e r g b a u u n d O b e r f l ä c h e n t e c h n i k<br />

P r e c i o u s M e t a l R e c o v e r y f r o m M i n i n g a n d M e t a l F i n i s h i n g<br />

Edelmetalle (Platin, Palladium,<br />

Osmium, Rhodium, Gold) sind<br />

in vielen Abwässern enthalten.<br />

Dabei liegen diese oft in nur<br />

schwer zugänglicher Form vor.<br />

Enviolet hat dazu ein neues Kompaktverfahren<br />

entwickelt, bei dem<br />

zunächst durch einen oxydativen<br />

Aufschluss die Zugänglichkeit der<br />

<strong>Metal</strong>le verbessert wird. Danach<br />

setzen zwei Rückgewinnungsverfahren<br />

Hand-in-Hand nacheinander<br />

ein, um eine weitgehende Abtrennung<br />

der Edelmetalle bis hin zu minimalen<br />

Restkonzentrationen zu erreichen.<br />

Typische Einsatzorte sind Mienen,<br />

Raffinerien und Oberflächenbetriebe.<br />

Precious metals (platinum, palladium,<br />

osmium, rhodium and gold) are found<br />

in significant concentrations in various<br />

effluents. Unfortunately most of the time<br />

they are in a poorly accesable state.<br />

Enviolet developed a brand new<br />

<strong>com</strong>pact process, where initially the<br />

accesability for the metals is enhanced<br />

by an oxidative break down.<br />

Afterwards, two designated recovery<br />

processes are applied for the best<br />

separation of the precious metals<br />

while meeting low discharge limits.<br />

Typical application sites are mines, reffineries<br />

and metal finishing industries.

C o p p e r E l e c t r o l y t e P u r i f i c a t i o n<br />

A n t i m o n y a n d B i s m u t h R e m o v a l<br />

During the copper refining process, impurities in the anode either dissolve into the electrolyte or form<br />

anode slime. When arsenic, antimony and bismuth enter the electrolyte, they can undergo a number<br />

of different reactions depending on their respective concentrations, as well as on the presence and<br />

concentration of other elements. Arsenic enters the electrolyte as As(III), and it is gradually oxidized<br />

to As(V). Under these circumstances, insoluble antimony and bismuth arsenates are formed causing<br />

both issues with the tank house circulation pipework fouling and copper cathode nodulation.<br />

In the past refineries have undertaken multi-step purification processes to address impurity build up,<br />

these have included the use of ion exchange techniques, unfortunately issues of resin poisoning and<br />

high regeneration acid usage have made these processes both expensive and difficult to operate.<br />

Enviolet has addressed the issue of resin poisoning and fresh regeneration acid usage. Now copper<br />

refineries have a viable technology to remove antimony and bismuth from their copper electrolytes.<br />

Enviolet works solely with dedicated Lewatit resins.<br />

The recycling of the eluent acid is a crucial step for the economic efficiency of the whole process.<br />

Enviolet manage to recycle 80% of the eluent acid.

W e r t s c h ö p f u n g d u r c h A b w a s s e r b e h a n d l u n g<br />

W a s t e T r e a t m e n t f o r P r o f i t<br />

D i e V o r t e i l e l i e g e n a u f d e r H a n d<br />

W e r t s c h ö p f u n g d u r c h M e t a l l r ü c k g e w i n n u n g<br />

M i n d e r k o s t e n d u r c h w e n i g e r M e t a l l s c h l a m m -<br />

e n t s o r g u n g s k o s t e n<br />

P o s i t i v e Ö k o b i l a n z<br />

T h e a d v a n t a g e s a r e o b v i o u s<br />

E x t r a v a l u e t h r o u g h m e t a l r e c o v e r y<br />

L e s s e x p e n s e s f o r m e t a l h y d r o x i d e<br />

s l u d g e d i s p o s a l<br />

P o s i t i v e l i f e c y c l e a s s e s s m e n t

e n v i o l e t G m b H<br />

I h r e A M R E x p e r t e n<br />

Y o u r A M R - E x p e r t s<br />

Unsere Mitarbeiter zählen zur Spitze unter den <strong>Recycling</strong>-Experten. Wir legen<br />

den Schwerpunkt auf die industrielle Anwendung des <strong>Metal</strong>lrecyclings. Deshalb<br />

können wir für bekannte und neue Anwendungen den richtigen Prozess darstellen<br />

und somit unseren Anteil zur Sicherung des Bedarfs an sauberem Wasser<br />

und sauberer Technologie beitragen. Wir unterstützen die Wasserexperten<br />

bei der Suche nach der richtigen Kombination aus Preis, Produkt, Service und<br />

Technologie, welche Ihre Bedürfnisse am besten erfüllt.<br />

Our staff rank among the <strong>Recycling</strong> top experts, with a focus on industrial applications,<br />

proven by our reliable installations placed in the market. By this we<br />

are enabled to identify new challenges associated with existing and new applications<br />

to meet the worlds increasing demand for clean water technology. We<br />

support water experts to find the best <strong>com</strong>bination of price, product, service and<br />

technology to perfectly suit your requirements.<br />

Postal Schenkenburgstraße 18<br />

76135 Karlsruhe, Germany<br />

Phone +49 (0)721 59721 0<br />

Fax +49 (0)721 59721 21<br />

Web<br />

Mail<br />

www.<strong>enviolet</strong>.<strong>com</strong><br />

info@<strong>enviolet</strong>.<strong>com</strong><br />

April 2012 Copyright: a.c.k. aqua concept GmbH<br />

Gestaltung: Marc Szaratta

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