Zemes un vides zinātnes Earth and Environment Sciences - Latvijas ...

Zemes un vides zinātnes Earth and Environment Sciences - Latvijas ... Zemes un vides zinātnes Earth and Environment Sciences - Latvijas ...


164 ADVANCES IN PALAEOICHTHYOLOGY Acknowledgements. - Dr. Valentina Karatajūtė -Talimaa was generous with the contribution of unique and valued material from Central Asia, instructing in thin section making technique and providing indispensable advices. Dr. Alain Blieck provided the opportunity to work in the Laboratory of Palaeozoic Palaeontology and Palaeogeography (CNRS research unit UMR 8014), University of Science and Technology of Lille, and to study the material with the environmental SEM (with X-microanalysis and digital imaging) as well as with high-resolution photonic microscopes. Prof. Daniel Goujet, Dr. Vincent Dupret kindly allowed to explore articulated thelodont material in the National Museum of Natural History in Paris. Dr. Grazina Skridlaite and the Institute of Geology and Geography promoted the internship in Lille and Paris. Drs Tiiu Märss, Ervīns Lukševičs and Susan Turner helped greatly by making critical remarks on the manuscript. The contribution of all the above-mentioned persons and institutions are gratefully acknowledged. References Berg L. S. 1938. Ancient freshwater fishes. Priroda, 7-8, p. 149-150. [In Russian]. Berg L. S. 1940. Systematics of modern and fossil fishes. Proccedings of the Institute of Zoology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 5, p. 87-517. [In Russian]. Blieck A., Janvier P. 1993. Silurian – Devonian vertebrate biostratigraphy of Siberia and neighbouring terranes.-In: Long, J.A.(ed.), Palaeozoic vertebrate biostratigraphy and biogeography. Chap. 5: 87-103, 5 fig.; Belhaven Press, London [also published by John Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore, Chap. 5, 1994]. Cope E. D. 1889. Synopsis of the families of Vertebrata. American Naturalist, 23, 2, p. 849-877. Gross W. 1968. Porenschuppen und Sinneslinien des Thelodontiers Phlebolepis elegans Pander. Palaeontographica, 42: 131-146. Karatajūtė -Talimaa V. N. 1978. Silurian and Devonian Thelodonts of the USSR and Spitsbergen. “Mokslas”, Vilnius. 334 p. [in Russian]. Karatajūtė -Talimaa V.N., Novitskaya L.I., Rozman K.S., Sodov I. 1990. Mongolepis - a new Lower Silurian elasmobranch genus from Mongolia. Paleontologicheskiy Zhurnal 1: 76-86. [In Russian]. Karatajūtė - Talimaa V. 1997. Taxonomy of loganiid thelodonts. Modern Geology, 21: pp. 1-15. Kiaer J. 1932. New Coelolepids from the Upper Silurian on Oesel (Estonia).–In: Eesti loodusteaduse Archiiv (1), 10, 3, p. 1-8, Tartu. Märss T. 1979. Lateral line sensory system of the Ludlovian thelodont Phlebolepis elegans Pander. ENSV TA Toimetised. Geoloogia, 28 (3): 108-111. (In Russian with English summary). Märss T. 1986a. Silurian vertebrates of Estonia and West Latvia. Valgus, Tallinn. 104 p. Märss T. 1986b. Squamation of the thelodont agnathan Phlebolepis. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 6 (1): 1 – 11. Märss T., Miller C. G. 2004. Thelodonts and distribution of associated conodonts from the Llandovery-lowermost Lochkovian of the Welsh Borderland. Palaeontology, 47 (5): 1211- 1266. Märss T., Ritchie A. 1998. Articulated thelodonts (Agnatha) of Scotland. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 88: 143 – 195. Miller G., Märss T. 1999. A conodont, thelodont and acanthodian fauna from the Early Přidoli (Silurian) of the Much Wenlock Area, Welsh Borderland. Palaeontology, 42, part 4: 691-714. Minjin Ch. 2001. Ordovician and Silurian stratigraphy of Mongolia. In: Webby et all (eds.), Field guide, Mongolian Technical University, Ulaanbaatar.

Ž. Žigaite. New telodont from Tuva and Mongolia 165 Turner S. 1991. Monophyly and Interrelationships of the Thelodonti. In Chang Mee-Mann, Liu Yu-Hai and Zang Guo-Rui (eds.), Early Vertebrates and Related Problems of Evolutionary Biology, 87-119. Science Press, Beijing. Wilson M.V.H., Caldwell M.W. 1998. The Furcacaudiformes: A new order of jawless vertebrates with thelodont scales, based on articulated Silurian and Devonian fossils from Northern Canada. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 18 (1): 10-29. Žigaite Ž. 2002. Lower Silurian (Upper Llandoverian) Thelodonts (Agnatha) of NW Mongolia. In Satkunas J., Lazauskiene J. (eds.). Basin Stratigraphy – Modern Methods and Problems. The Fifth Baltic Stratigraphical Conference, Vilnius: 229-230. Žigaite Ž. 2003. Lower Silurian (Llandoverian) Thelodonts of Tuva and NW Mongolia and their stratigraphic significance. In Schultze H-P., Lukševičs E., Unwin D. (eds.). The Gross Symposium 2 – Advances in Paleoichthyology. Ichthyolith Issues, Special publication 7, Riga: 57-58. Jauna telodontu ģints un suga no Tuvas un ziemeļrietumu Mongolijas apakšējā silūra ŽIVILĖ ŽIGAITĖ Jauna telodontu ģints un suga Talimaalepis rimae ir aprakstīta pēc izolētām ārējā skeleta mikroskopiskām atliekām no centrālās Āzijas (Tuvas un ziemeļrietumu Mongolijas) silūra Landoveras augšdaļas – Venlokas. Ir izdalīti pieci dentīna zvīņu morfoloģiskie tipi: rostrālās, cefalopektorālās, postpektorālās, prekaudālās un pinnālās. Tāpat atrastas zvīņas ar sānu līnijas kanālu sistēmas porām. Ņemot vērā zvīņu uzbūvi un dentīna audu iekšējo struktūru, jaunais telodontu taksons ieņem stāvokli starp ģintīm Loganellia Turner, 1991 un Helenolepis Karatajūte- Talimaa, 1978.

Ž. Žigaite. New telodont from Tuva <strong>and</strong> Mongolia 165<br />

Turner S. 1991. Monophyly <strong>and</strong> Interrelationships of the Thelodonti. In Chang Mee-Mann, Liu<br />

Yu-Hai <strong>and</strong> Zang Guo-Rui (eds.), Early Vertebrates <strong>and</strong> Related Problems of Evolutionary<br />

Biology, 87-119. Science Press, Beijing.<br />

Wilson M.V.H., Caldwell M.W. 1998. The Furcacaudiformes: A new order of jawless vertebrates<br />

with thelodont scales, based on articulated Silurian <strong>and</strong> Devonian fossils from Northern<br />

Canada. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 18 (1): 10-29.<br />

Žigaite Ž. 2002. Lower Silurian (Upper Ll<strong>and</strong>overian) Thelodonts (Agnatha) of NW Mongolia.<br />

In Satk<strong>un</strong>as J., Lazauskiene J. (eds.). Basin Stratigraphy – Modern Methods <strong>and</strong> Problems.<br />

The Fifth Baltic Stratigraphical Conference, Vilnius: 229-230.<br />

Žigaite Ž. 2003. Lower Silurian (Ll<strong>and</strong>overian) Thelodonts of Tuva <strong>and</strong> NW Mongolia <strong>and</strong> their<br />

stratigraphic significance. In Schultze H-P., Lukševičs E., Unwin D. (eds.). The Gross Symposium<br />

2 – Advances in Paleoichthyology. Ichthyolith Issues, Special publication 7, Riga:<br />

57-58.<br />

Ja<strong>un</strong>a telodontu ģints <strong>un</strong> suga no Tuvas <strong>un</strong> ziemeļrietumu<br />

Mongolijas apakšējā silūra<br />


Ja<strong>un</strong>a telodontu ģints <strong>un</strong> suga Talimaalepis rimae ir aprakstīta pēc izolētām ārējā skeleta<br />

mikroskopiskām atliekām no centrālās Āzijas (Tuvas <strong>un</strong> ziemeļrietumu Mongolijas) silūra<br />

L<strong>and</strong>overas augšdaļas – Venlokas. Ir izdalīti pieci dentīna zvīņu morfoloģiskie tipi: rostrālās,<br />

cefalopektorālās, postpektorālās, prekaudālās <strong>un</strong> pinnālās. Tāpat atrastas zvīņas ar sānu līnijas<br />

kanālu sistēmas porām. Ņemot vērā zvīņu uzbūvi <strong>un</strong> dentīna audu iekšējo struktūru, ja<strong>un</strong>ais<br />

telodontu taksons ieņem stāvokli starp ģintīm Loganellia Turner, 1991 <strong>un</strong> Helenolepis Karatajūte-<br />

Talimaa, 1978.

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