Zemes un vides zinātnes Earth and Environment Sciences - Latvijas ...

Zemes un vides zinātnes Earth and Environment Sciences - Latvijas ... Zemes un vides zinātnes Earth and Environment Sciences - Latvijas ...


160 ADVANCES IN PALAEOICHTHYOLOGY Fig. 1. Talimaalepis rimae gen. et sp. nov. scale morphological varieties. Lake Basin outcrop No 21, north west Mongolia; Chargat Formation, Salhit Regional Stage, Upper Llandovery – Wenlock, Lower Silurian. A, LGI M-1/201, oral scale; B, LGI M-1/254, oral scale; C, LGI M-1/203, oral scale; D, LGI M-1/204, oral scale; E, LGI M-1/224, holotype, cephalo-pectoral scale; F, LGI M- 1/258, cephalo-pectoral scale; G, LGI M-1/234, cephalo-pectoral scale; H, LGI M-1/231, cephalopectoral scale; I, LGI M-1/233, cephalo-pectoral scale; J, LGI M-1/232, cephalo-pectoral scale;

Ž. Žigaite. New telodont from Tuva and Mongolia 161 with large anterior spur-like process. Pulp opening allocated just behind the vertical projection of the base. Only one well-defined pulp canal present. Straight separate dentine canals, rather thin in the periphery, anostomose and become thicker close to the pulp canal. Pore scales of sensory line-system present. Description. Morphology. Five major morphological types of the scales have been distinguished – the rostral, cephalo-pectoral, postpectoral, precaudal and pinnal (according to Märss 1986a, b; Märss and Ritchie 1998). Rostral scales (Fig. 1 A-D; Fig. 2 A-C) are slightly rhombic to oval, with a massive basal plate which is usually larger than the crown. The crown has isometrically serrated edges. The surface of the crown is smooth and lacks any kind of sculpture. Cephalo-pectoral scales (Fig. 1 E-L; Fig. 2 D-L) are large, elongate and relatively flat, with distinct crown sculpture. The crown surface contains a sharp longitudinal central depression or groove, surrounded by symmetrical ribs on both sides, and one or two pairs of lateral ribs. The crown goes over the smooth base. The neck is not well expressed. The posterior edge of the crown is notched and stretches over the base. The base is large, wedge shaped, often with a specific strong anterior spur-like process. Postpectoral scales (Fig. 1 M-P) are characterized by a wide and shallow central crown depression and one pair of lateral ribs. The crown is usually wider and longer than the base. The difference between cephalo-pectoral and postpectoral scales is transitional. Precaudal scales (Fig. 1 Z; Fig. 2 M) are comparatively tiny, up to 0.5 mm long. The crown sculpture, the central groove and ridges are not very clear. Pinnal (fin) scales (Fig. 1 R-V; Fig. 2 N, O) are narrow and elongate as are crown sculpture elements. The base is strongly wedge-shaped, its vertical projection lies almost at a right angle with the crown. The crown is rather needle shaped, so called “cuneata” type (Märss 1986a, b). These scales might have been allocated on the fins of this thelodont. The shape of the scales reflects the higher flexibility of fins. The scales possessing pores of the sensory-line system are also established (Fig. 2 H). Histology. The internal structure of Talimaalepis rimae gen. et sp. nov. is rather similar to that of genus Helenolepis. The horizontal longitudinal thin sections of the scales show thin dentine canals which are directed from the periphery towards the pulp canal, gradually thickening and anastomosing. In the central part of the scale, several thick dentine canals enter into a wide single pulp canal which takes approximately 2/3 of the crown length (Fig. 3). Comparison. The morphology of rostral and cephalo-pectoral scales of Talimaalepis rimae gen. et sp. nov. is rather similar to that of Helenolepis obruchevi Karatajūte- Talimaa, 1978. A common feature is the extremely high vertical projection of the base of adult scales. The internal scale structure and the possession of thick dentine canals display a close relation to genus Helenolepis too. Though possession of a single pulp K, LGI M-1/237, cephalo-pectoral scale; L, LGI M-1/227, cephalo-pectoral scale; M, LGI M- 1/207, post-pectoral scale ; N, LGI M-1/208, post-pectoral scale; O, LGI M-1/223, post-pectoral scale; P, LGI M-1/235, post-pectoral scale; R, LGI M-1/220, pinnal scale; Q, LGI M-1/238, pinnal scale; S, LGI M-1/213, pinnal scale; T, LGI M-1/214, pinnal scale; U, LGI M-1/226, pinnal scale; Y, LGI M-1/200, pinnal scale; V, LGI M-1/206, pinnal scale; Z, LGI M-1/239, precaudal scale. Scale bars: A, D, E, H, N, P, 200 µm; B, C, G, I, K, M, O, R-T, V, 300 µm; F, J, L, U, Y, Z, 400 µm.


Fig. 1. Talimaalepis rimae gen. et sp. nov. scale morphological varieties. Lake Basin outcrop No<br />

21, north west Mongolia; Chargat Formation, Salhit Regional Stage, Upper Ll<strong>and</strong>overy – Wenlock,<br />

Lower Silurian. A, LGI M-1/201, oral scale; B, LGI M-1/254, oral scale; C, LGI M-1/203, oral<br />

scale; D, LGI M-1/204, oral scale; E, LGI M-1/224, holotype, cephalo-pectoral scale; F, LGI M-<br />

1/258, cephalo-pectoral scale; G, LGI M-1/234, cephalo-pectoral scale; H, LGI M-1/231, cephalopectoral<br />

scale; I, LGI M-1/233, cephalo-pectoral scale; J, LGI M-1/232, cephalo-pectoral scale;

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