KYRGYZSTAN TODAY Policy briefs on - Department of Geography

KYRGYZSTAN TODAY Policy briefs on - Department of Geography

KYRGYZSTAN TODAY Policy briefs on - Department of Geography


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200. This means that about USD 20 milli<strong>on</strong> are being earned per m<strong>on</strong>th, revenue that<br />

is not c<strong>on</strong>sidered by taxati<strong>on</strong> or social insurance. The pr<strong>of</strong>it margin <strong>of</strong> the workshop<br />

owners are estimated at 25 to 150 percent.<br />

The implementati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> many policies now in place remains questi<strong>on</strong>able due to the<br />

fundamental misc<strong>on</strong>cepti<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> migrant entrepreneurs and small business. For instance,<br />

at the nati<strong>on</strong>al level, in Spring 2009 the Presidential Decree <strong>on</strong> Moratorium (freezing)<br />

<strong>of</strong> any inspecti<strong>on</strong>s by “law and order” instituti<strong>on</strong>s until 31 December 2008 was an<br />

example <strong>of</strong> political will by the nati<strong>on</strong>al leader to improve trust in the government by<br />

entrepreneurs. However, as <strong>of</strong> early September 2008 this Moratorium already seemed<br />

to be “hanging by a thread” facing a high likelihood <strong>of</strong> cancellati<strong>on</strong>. At the local level,<br />

an attempt was made by the Municipality <strong>of</strong> Bishkek City to initiate a Unified Window<br />

for business registrati<strong>on</strong> similar to Moscow City Government <strong>of</strong> Russian Federati<strong>on</strong>.<br />

A good practice by definiti<strong>on</strong>, it was designed to make business registrati<strong>on</strong> much<br />

easier. However, this service will now be m<strong>on</strong>opolised by the Ministry <strong>of</strong> Justice and<br />

the City Justice <strong>Department</strong>. This may mean that private law firms that, in the past,<br />

dealt with the registrati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> businesses will no l<strong>on</strong>ger be allowed to provide these<br />

services. Again, the intended c<strong>on</strong>sequences <strong>of</strong> this policy are in doubt from the start.<br />

The proposed shift in perspective: Bishkek’s New Middle Classes<br />

Three principles to frame policies for formalising the informal<br />

A majority <strong>of</strong> entrepreneurs in self-help housing districts have admitted that they<br />

do not know how to c<strong>on</strong>duct <strong>of</strong>ficial business or declare their self-employment (Dialect-<br />

ICON research April-June 2008). A deep and widely-shared mistrust exists between<br />

the residents <strong>of</strong> the self-help housing districts and the government agencies. For many<br />

internal migrants, entrepreneurship is a way to survive and feed their families, and they<br />

feel that they do not need to ask the state for permissi<strong>on</strong> to do so. Yet they are afraid <strong>of</strong><br />

potential intrusi<strong>on</strong> in their activities by “authorised” individuals or instituti<strong>on</strong>s (such<br />

as tax inspectors, or electricity inspectors, sanitary and epidemiology inspectors), and<br />

having to pay bribes. When bribes and un<strong>of</strong>ficial fees have become normalized and<br />

grow, it becomes too expensive to do un<strong>of</strong>ficial business. Therefore, they feel that <strong>on</strong>e<br />

day they would have to start declaring their business and revenue, yet they do not<br />

know where to start and how to gradually prepare for it.<br />

To overcome existing mistrust between the government and small entrepreneurs, the<br />

self-help housing districts’ residents need to receive more support from the government<br />

and the municipal authorities. Yet the state has to shift its perspective and stop viewing<br />

rural migrants as “dependent masses” but instead encompass and support the identity <strong>of</strong><br />

internal migrants as an emerging middle class that is engaged in markets <strong>of</strong> producti<strong>on</strong><br />

and c<strong>on</strong>sumpti<strong>on</strong>. This is how the state can compete with the expansi<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> the informal<br />

sector and perhaps even compete against the interests <strong>of</strong> organised crime that makes<br />

use <strong>of</strong> the shadow sector as well.<br />

Several policies have been formulated jointly by the business community and the<br />

government, and attempts have been made to implement them during 2008. However,<br />

there has not been much success in facilitating the process <strong>of</strong> formalising small businesses<br />

and making their activities more transparent and accountable. This is perhaps due to the<br />

nature <strong>of</strong> these policies. They do not allow for, or adjust to, the case <strong>of</strong> internal migrants<br />

becoming entrepreneurs and turning around at least USD 200 milli<strong>on</strong> annually in Bishkek’s<br />

undeclared workshops. Today it is clear that, to motivate and to legalize small business,<br />

the following principles should be used to frame discussi<strong>on</strong> and policy making:<br />


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