KYRGYZSTAN TODAY Policy briefs on - Department of Geography

KYRGYZSTAN TODAY Policy briefs on - Department of Geography

KYRGYZSTAN TODAY Policy briefs on - Department of Geography


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Sheradil Baktygulov,<br />

Independent Expert<br />

Participati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> Kyrgyzstan’s NGOs<br />

in Public Decisi<strong>on</strong>-Making: Issues and Prospects<br />

As <strong>of</strong> May 21 st , 2008, Kyrgyzstan had 11,035 registered NGOs [9]. Experts estimate<br />

that in 2004 the NGO sector had over 20,000 full-time employees, as many as 10,000<br />

part-time employees, and 8,000 volunteers. Other estimates suggest that the NGO sector<br />

employs approximately 100,000 people, which amounts to 5 percent <strong>of</strong> the country’s<br />

workforce [1, p. 32].<br />

The NGO sector represents a very proactive porti<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong> the populati<strong>on</strong> and experts<br />

with high levels <strong>of</strong> competence. The questi<strong>on</strong> high <strong>on</strong> today’s agenda is “how can the<br />

potential <strong>of</strong> NGOs be made relevant to ensure that the development goals <strong>of</strong> the country<br />

and society are achieved in an efficient and effective manner?”<br />

Examples <strong>of</strong> successful cooperati<strong>on</strong> between the NGO sector, <strong>on</strong> the <strong>on</strong>e hand,<br />

and public administrati<strong>on</strong> and local self-government, <strong>on</strong> the other, dem<strong>on</strong>strate the<br />

possibility <strong>of</strong> collaborati<strong>on</strong> in healthcare, educati<strong>on</strong>, social welfare, and improvements<br />

to social and ec<strong>on</strong>omic c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s at the local level, at the same time as clearly defining<br />

goals, objectives, and desired outcomes.<br />

The NGO sector, however, fails to systematically participate in producing and<br />

defining strategies and plans for nati<strong>on</strong>al, sectoral, or regi<strong>on</strong>al development. Examples<br />

show that NGO participati<strong>on</strong> in these processes is c<strong>on</strong>tingent <strong>on</strong> the will <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficials<br />

in government ministries and agencies. Often, the purpose <strong>of</strong> such collaborati<strong>on</strong> is to<br />

create a semblance <strong>of</strong> expert appraisal <strong>of</strong> a draft piece <strong>of</strong> legislati<strong>on</strong> or strategy with<br />

the involvement <strong>of</strong> NGO members. The nati<strong>on</strong> lacks a mechanism for incorporating<br />

alternative viewpoints, which would enable NGOs to become real actors in the process<br />

<strong>of</strong> defining appropriate avenues for development.<br />

The purpose <strong>of</strong> this study is to examine NGO participati<strong>on</strong> in decisi<strong>on</strong>-making with<br />

regard to issues <strong>of</strong> public c<strong>on</strong>cern. To understand this problem and attempt to solve it,<br />

we must address three tasks.<br />

The first task is to define political decisi<strong>on</strong>-making, its strengths and weaknesses,<br />

and the stages at which the NGO sector can join the process.<br />

The sec<strong>on</strong>d task is to identify and dem<strong>on</strong>strate what is meant by the NGO sector,<br />

to outline its strengths and weaknesses, and to understand how it can join the process<br />

<strong>of</strong> political decisi<strong>on</strong>-making.<br />

The third task is to give a brief overview <strong>of</strong> legislati<strong>on</strong> related to political decisi<strong>on</strong>making.<br />

These three tasks will enable us to produce recommendati<strong>on</strong>s for increased<br />


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