KYRGYZSTAN TODAY Policy briefs on - Department of Geography

KYRGYZSTAN TODAY Policy briefs on - Department of Geography

KYRGYZSTAN TODAY Policy briefs on - Department of Geography


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other indirect features <strong>of</strong> judicial corrupti<strong>on</strong> may include the sudden purchase by judges<br />

<strong>of</strong> real estate, luxury items, expensive and fancy cars, frequent visits to saunas, casinos,<br />

etc.<br />

Recommendati<strong>on</strong>s <strong>on</strong> minimizing judicial corrupti<strong>on</strong><br />

To diminish the level <strong>of</strong> judicial corrupti<strong>on</strong>, a set <strong>of</strong> measures is required, because<br />

complex problems do not have easy soluti<strong>on</strong>s. The following may be viewed as<br />

comprehensive measures to tackle corrupti<strong>on</strong>:<br />

1. Ensuring transparency <strong>of</strong> the entire judicial system [9]. Transparency includes<br />

not <strong>on</strong>ly public access to any judicial decisi<strong>on</strong> or judicial practice <strong>on</strong> different categories<br />

<strong>of</strong> cases, but also availability <strong>of</strong> certain informati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> any judge in any court.<br />

When electing the legislative bodies and some executive <strong>of</strong>ficials, the public has<br />

the right to become familiar with the biography <strong>of</strong> candidates, informati<strong>on</strong> about<br />

their property, etc. As far as judges are c<strong>on</strong>cerned, very few people have access to<br />

any informati<strong>on</strong> about who will be resp<strong>on</strong>sible for justice: some unknown former<br />

investigator, court clerk, or some<strong>on</strong>e who has earned a good reputati<strong>on</strong> with the<br />

public through their pr<strong>of</strong>essi<strong>on</strong>al activities and gained a wealth <strong>of</strong> experience<br />

working with people [5].<br />

To increase transparency in the judiciary, it is important to take every opportunity<br />

<strong>of</strong> informing the public about criminal cases and lawsuits submitted to the courts, as<br />

well as about the decisi<strong>on</strong>s made, cases submitted to courts <strong>of</strong> review and courts <strong>of</strong><br />

appeal, and dates <strong>of</strong> case review. This can be d<strong>on</strong>e through the Internet, <strong>of</strong>ficial websites<br />

<strong>of</strong> the courts, and private web-portals. Any physical or legal entity should be able to<br />

receive informati<strong>on</strong> about the status <strong>of</strong> their case at any time.<br />

Another way to increase transparency in the judiciary is to publish an annual<br />

report <strong>on</strong> judicial activities and expenses, while judges should be obliged to provide<br />

informati<strong>on</strong> about their property and income.<br />

2. It is important to narrow the scope <strong>of</strong> corrupti<strong>on</strong> as much as possible. This can<br />

include minimizing judicial judgments when handling the case, and excluding factors<br />

which are c<strong>on</strong>ducive to corrupti<strong>on</strong>. Corrupti<strong>on</strong> can also be reduced by introducing a<br />

system for distributing cases am<strong>on</strong>g judges, which can be d<strong>on</strong>e by casting lots, through<br />

a computer, or creating a strict order <strong>of</strong> case assignments. For example, to certify a<br />

number <strong>of</strong> deals, notaries were forced to use special forms with a few protecti<strong>on</strong> levels<br />

and a registrati<strong>on</strong> number. The same system should be introduced for judges, who<br />

should use special forms for their decisi<strong>on</strong>s, as well as registrati<strong>on</strong> sheets where they<br />

have to write their decisi<strong>on</strong>s or the sentences they announce. This measure will be a<br />

positive step in many ways. In particular, it will be difficult to make decisi<strong>on</strong>s l<strong>on</strong>g<br />

after they have to be made, or to hide certain cases from the management and prevent<br />

them from being registered in order to make their own rulings single-handedly [5].<br />

Also, it is crucial to speed up the work <strong>of</strong> the Supreme Court Assembly <strong>of</strong> developing<br />

standard judicial policies, in order to eliminate c<strong>on</strong>tradictory judicial practices and the<br />

ensuing corrupti<strong>on</strong> [7].<br />

3. C<strong>on</strong>trol by civil society may be a str<strong>on</strong>g instrument, particularly if not-for-pr<strong>of</strong>its<br />

focus <strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong>e or several issues using a l<strong>on</strong>g-term perspective. If journalists start attending<br />

court hearings, judges will have to think carefully before taking a bribe or announcing<br />

a verdict that was ordered by some<strong>on</strong>e else. Civil society should have the opportunity<br />

to m<strong>on</strong>itor the activities <strong>of</strong> the courts and to research the causes and manifestati<strong>on</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

corrupti<strong>on</strong> in this area.<br />


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