Annual report 2001 - GL events

Annual report 2001 - GL events Annual report 2001 - GL events
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2 General Information regarding Générale Location and its share capital 2-1 General information regarding Générale Location Share capital Corporate name and registered office : GENERALE LOCATION Route d’Irigny – Zone Industrielle – 69530 BRIGNAIS Nationality : French Legal form : Corporation under French law. Trade registration number : 351 571 757 RCS LYON – Code APE : 741 J Activity : The company’s objects are : The acquisition of interest in all established or future firms, companies, trade associations, (G.I.E.), whether French or foreign, by all means, in particular, by contribution, subscription or purchase of shares or shares in partnership, merger, etc. All financial, personal and real estate transactions which may be directly or indirectly related to the corporate purpose and all similar or related objects; All administrative, advisory and other services and research and development activities; The organization, communication, management, general installation and fittings of exhibitions, shows, fairs, public or private events, whether national or international, training; The design, manufacture, rental, installation and fittings of stands, floor coverings, floral decoration, decoration of all premises and of exhibitions, signage, museum fittings, stage design, furniture, furnishings equipment and accessories, power supply, lighting systems, illuminated signs, heating, air-conditioning, sound system, filming and broadcasting of film, and of high power video projection on all media, video walls – multimedia, temporary structures, grandstands, exhibition equipment, and more generally all products, processes and companies, related to these events as well as their advertising and promotion in any form whatsoever. It may act directly or indirectly and carry out all these operations on its own behalf or on behalf of third parties and either alone, in a joint venture, partnership or grouping or companies with any other persons or companies and carry them out in any form whatsoever. It may also take all interests and holdings all companies and businesses, regardless of their corporate objects. Financial year Each year covers a period of twelve months from 1 January to 31 December. Annual Meetings (articles 22 and 23 of the statutes) The Board of Directors shall convene Shareholders‘ Meetings. If it fails to do so, the Statutory Auditors or any other person legally authorized for this purpose may call these meetings. Notably one or several shareholders, representing at least the required share of the authorized capital and acting in accordance with the conditions and within the time limits defined by law, may request by registered mail with acknowledgement of receipt, that draft resolutions be entered on the meeting agenda. The procedures and time limits for issuing notices of meeting are governed by law. The notice to attend must indicate the place of meeting which may be the registered office, or any other place, as well as list the meeting agenda. All shareholders have the right to attend the General Meetings and to take part in decisions in person or by proxy, regardless the number of shares owned, upon simple proof of identity, as long as due payments on their securities have been paid in full and that they have been registered in account in their name at least five days before the date of the meeting. All shareholders may vote by mail using a form which they can request to have sent to them according to the conditions specified in the notice to attend the General Meeting. A shareholder may also be represented in accordance with the conditions established by the current regulation, provided that the proxy is himself a shareholder. He can also be represented by his spouse. The right to attend Meetings or to be represented is subject to either the registration of the shareholder with shares being recorded in the company’s registry, or to the deposit at the place indicated in the notice to attend of certificates delivered by authorized intermediaries testifying to the unavailability until the date of the

24 25 General Meeting of bearer shares registered in account held by them. These formalities must be carried out no later than five days before the General Meeting is held. The Board of Directors can, however, shorten or eliminate these deadlines. The bearers of registered shares shall be admitted to meetings on simple proof of identity ; the owners of bearer shares shall be admitted on proof that they filed certificates as provided above. Admission to the Meeting shall be open to any registered shareholders on simple proof of identity. The Board of Directors may, however, if it deems so necessary, remit personal admission cards bearing the shareholder’s name to shareholders. Rights to vote (article 25 of the statutes) At General Meetings, each member of the meeting shall have as many votes as the shares he owns or represents without limitation. However, a double right to vote compared to that granted to other shares, considering the portion of capital they represent, shall be allocated to all shares paid in full and with proof of registration of at least three years in the name of the same shareholder. In case of capital increase by capitalization of reserves, or by exchange of shares when shares are pooled or divided, the double right to vote shall be allocated to shares granted by reason of registered shares, provided that such shares have been kept in registered form as from allocation thereof. This double right to vote shall be granted at the end of a three year period as from registration in registered form of the shares by reason of which they were allocated. The merger or the break-up of the Company shall have no impact on the double right to vote which may be exercised within the beneficiary company if its articles of association instituted a double right to vote. Appropriation of the earnings (article 28 of the statutes) On the profits of the financial year, reduced if the case may be by previous losses, a deduction of at least one twentieth, thereof shall be set aside to form a reserve fund known as “legal reserve” limited to one tenth of the authorized capital. The legal reserve shall be funded when, for any reason whatsoever, the said fund falls below this fraction of the authorized capital. The distributable profits shall be comprised of the profits of the financial year less any previous losses and sums set aside in reserve in application of the law or articles of association and increased by the retained earnings. On this profit, the Meeting shall set aside any sums that it deems appropriate so as to fund any optional, ordinary or extraordinary reserve funds or to carry forward. The balance, if any, shall be allocated between all the shares in proportion to the paid up and unredeemed amount thereof. However, except when the capital is reduced, no payment may be made to shareholders when the equity capital falls or as a result thereof falls below the amount of the authorized capital, increased by reserves which pursuant to the law or articles of association cannot be distributed. The General Meeting may decide to distribute sums drawn from the reserves at its disposal. In this case, the decision shall expressly specify the reserve accounts from which the deductions were drawn. Losses, if any, once the financial statements have been approved by the General Meeting, shall be posted in a special account under liabilities on the balance sheet so that they may be charged. Threshold crossing (article 12 of the statutes) On top of the obligation to inform the company when acquiring certain fractions of rights to vote attached to the capital, any natural or legal shareholder acquiring or controlling directly or indirectly, or even together with other shareholders in accordance with the law, 2.5 % at least of the capital and/ or rights to vote of the company, must inform the company by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within the 15 days of the threshold crossing and indicate whether the shares are owned or not on behalf, under the control or together with other natural or legal persons. This procedure must be renewed with every acquisition of each additional fraction of 2.5 % of the capital and/ or rights to vote up to the threshold of 50 % of the capital. Place where the legal documents and information concerning the company can be consulted : at the registered office of the company : Route d’Irigny – Zone Industrielle – 69530 BRIGNAIS

24 25<br />

General Meeting of bearer shares registered in account<br />

held by them. These formalities must be carried out no<br />

later than five days before the General Meeting is held.<br />

The Board of Directors can, however, shorten or eliminate<br />

these deadlines.<br />

The bearers of registered shares shall be admitted to<br />

meetings on simple proof of identity ; the owners of<br />

bearer shares shall be admitted on proof that they filed<br />

certificates as provided above.<br />

Admission to the Meeting shall be open to any registered<br />

shareholders on simple proof of identity. The Board of<br />

Directors may, however, if it deems so necessary, remit<br />

personal admission cards bearing the shareholder’s name<br />

to shareholders.<br />

Rights to vote (article 25 of the statutes)<br />

At General Meetings, each member of the meeting shall<br />

have as many votes as the shares he owns or represents<br />

without limitation. However, a double right to vote<br />

compared to that granted to other shares, considering<br />

the portion of capital they represent, shall be allocated<br />

to all shares paid in full and with proof of registration<br />

of at least three years in the name of the same<br />

shareholder.<br />

In case of capital increase by capitalization of reserves,<br />

or by exchange of shares when shares are pooled or<br />

divided, the double right to vote shall be allocated to<br />

shares granted by reason of registered shares, provided<br />

that such shares have been kept in registered form as<br />

from allocation thereof. This double right to vote shall<br />

be granted at the end of a three year period as from<br />

registration in registered form of the shares by reason<br />

of which they were allocated.<br />

The merger or the break-up of the Company shall have<br />

no impact on the double right to vote which may be<br />

exercised within the beneficiary company if its articles<br />

of association instituted a double right to vote.<br />

Appropriation of the earnings (article 28 of the statutes)<br />

On the profits of the financial year, reduced if the case<br />

may be by previous losses, a deduction of at least one<br />

twentieth, thereof shall be set aside to form a reserve<br />

fund known as “legal reserve” limited to one tenth of<br />

the authorized capital. The legal reserve shall be funded<br />

when, for any reason whatsoever, the said fund falls<br />

below this fraction of the authorized capital.<br />

The distributable profits shall be comprised of the<br />

profits of the financial year less any previous losses and<br />

sums set aside in reserve in application of the law or<br />

articles of association and increased by the retained<br />

earnings.<br />

On this profit, the Meeting shall set aside any sums that<br />

it deems appropriate so as to fund any optional,<br />

ordinary or extraordinary reserve funds or to carry<br />

forward.<br />

The balance, if any, shall be allocated between all the<br />

shares in proportion to the paid up and unredeemed<br />

amount thereof.<br />

However, except when the capital is reduced, no<br />

payment may be made to shareholders when the equity<br />

capital falls or as a result thereof falls below the<br />

amount of the authorized capital, increased by reserves<br />

which pursuant to the law or articles of association<br />

cannot be distributed.<br />

The General Meeting may decide to distribute sums<br />

drawn from the reserves at its disposal. In this case, the<br />

decision shall expressly specify the reserve accounts<br />

from which the deductions were drawn.<br />

Losses, if any, once the financial statements have been<br />

approved by the General Meeting, shall be posted in a<br />

special account under liabilities on the balance sheet so<br />

that they may be charged.<br />

Threshold crossing (article 12 of the statutes)<br />

On top of the obligation to inform the company when<br />

acquiring certain fractions of rights to vote attached to<br />

the capital, any natural or legal shareholder acquiring<br />

or controlling directly or indirectly, or even together<br />

with other shareholders in accordance with the law, 2.5 %<br />

at least of the capital and/ or rights to vote of the<br />

company, must inform the company by registered letter<br />

with acknowledgment of receipt within the 15 days of<br />

the threshold crossing and indicate whether the shares<br />

are owned or not on behalf, under the control or<br />

together with other natural or legal persons. This<br />

procedure must be renewed with every acquisition of<br />

each additional fraction of 2.5 % of the capital and/ or<br />

rights to vote up to the threshold of 50 % of the<br />

capital.<br />

Place where the legal documents and information concerning the company can be consulted :<br />

at the registered office of the company : Route d’Irigny – Zone Industrielle – 69530 BRIGNAIS

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