Water Balance Equation

Water Balance Equation

Water Balance Equation


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Soil and <strong>Water</strong> Assessment Tool<br />

(SWAT)<br />

SWAT is a public domain model actively supported by the USDA Agricultural<br />

Research Service at the Grassland, Soil and <strong>Water</strong> Research Laboratory in<br />

Temple, Texas, USA.<br />

http://www.brc.tamus.edu/swat/<br />

SWAT is a river basin scale model developed to quantify the impact of land<br />

management practices in large, complex watersheds<br />

<strong>Water</strong> <strong>Balance</strong> <strong>Equation</strong><br />

SWt = SW + (Rday-Qi-Ea-Pi-QRi)<br />

Where:<br />

SW: soil water content<br />

T: time<br />

Rday: amount of precipitation<br />

Qi: amount of surface runoff<br />

Ea: amount of evapotranspiration<br />

Pi: amount of percolation<br />

QRi: amount of return flow<br />


SWAT (Soil and <strong>Water</strong> Assessment Tool) Model<br />

Parameter<br />

Surface Runoff/Initial losses<br />

Recharge<br />

Transmission Losses<br />

Infiltration<br />

Channel Routing<br />

Evapotranspiration<br />

Manning’s Coefficient<br />

Method<br />

SCS Curve Number<br />

Venetis & Sangrey<br />

function of K,TT,P, and L<br />

SCS Curve Number<br />

Muskingum Routing<br />

Penman-Monteith Eq.<br />

Jarret Procedures<br />

Surface Runoff/Initial losses<br />

Initial losses: losses before precipitation<br />

reaches the stream<br />

Two methodologies:<br />

(1) SCS Curve Number Procedure (SCS, 1972)<br />

(2) (2) Green & Ampt Infiltration Method (1911)<br />


Initial Abstraction<br />

• Surface storage (ponding)<br />

• Interception (by plants)<br />

• Infiltration prior to runoff<br />

Curve Number<br />

• SCS Engineering Division, 1986 tested a<br />

list of soils with varying landuse, soil types<br />

and Antecedent <strong>Water</strong> Content (AWC).<br />

• Assigned CNs and provided a lookup table<br />

for these numbers all based on daily<br />

conditions.<br />


SCS Curve Number<br />

SCS Curve Number (CN)<br />

• Function of soil<br />

permeability, land use,<br />

and antecedent soil<br />

water conditions<br />

(losses)<br />

• 4 Hydrologic groups<br />

based on infiltration<br />

capability<br />

Antecedent Soil Moisture Condition<br />

Soil retains a degree of moisture after a rainfall event. This residual<br />

water moisture affects the soil's infiltration capacity. During the next<br />

rainfall event, the infiltration capacity will cause the soil to be<br />

saturated at a different rate. The higher the level of antecedent soil<br />

moisture, the more quickly the soil becomes saturated. Once the soil<br />

is saturated, runoff will occur.<br />

Three types:<br />

• I – dry (wilting point)<br />

• II – average (field capacity)<br />

• III – wet (oversaturated)<br />


Hydrologic Groups<br />

Groups that share similar runoff/infiltration<br />

potential<br />

• A = High Infiltration/Low Runoff (e.g. alluvial<br />

deposits)<br />

• B = Moderate (e.g. sandstone)<br />

• C = Slow/Low (e.g., massive LS)<br />

• D = Very Low Infiltration/High Runoff (e.g.,<br />

basement)<br />

Distribution of<br />

Soil types (CNs)<br />

Quaternary: 63<br />

Nubian Sandstone: 77<br />

Tertiary LS: 98<br />

Precambrian: 98<br />


Why not the Green and Ampt Method?<br />

• Too many assumptions that don’t work for<br />

arid areas.<br />

• Predict infiltration assuming excess water<br />

at the surface at all times<br />

• Soil profile is homogenous and AM is<br />

uniformly distributed in the profile.<br />

G & A Schematic<br />


Losses in the stream<br />

Transmission Losses<br />

tloss = K * TT * P *<br />

ch<br />

ch<br />

L<br />

ch<br />

Kch = Hydraulic Conductivity<br />

TT = Travel Time<br />

Pch = Wetted perimeter of channel<br />

Lch = Length of channel<br />

Evapotranspiration<br />

Evapotranspiration<br />

Evaporation<br />

Transpiration<br />

Vegetation<br />

Open <strong>Water</strong> Soil Plants<br />

Surfaces<br />

Source: Ward and Trimble 2004<br />


Controlling Factors<br />

• Energy availability<br />

• Wind speed<br />

• Moisture gradient<br />

1) Temperature<br />

2) Humidity<br />

• Vegetation<br />

• Precipitation<br />

Penman-Monteith <strong>Equation</strong><br />

• Comprehensive expression: Combines<br />

components that account for energy needed to<br />

sustain evaporation, strength of the<br />

mechanism required to remove the water and<br />

aerodynamic and surface resistance terms.<br />

• Assume minimal to no transpiration and<br />

canopy interception<br />


Why not the Priestley-Taylor Method?<br />

• Simplified version of the combination<br />

equation for use when surface areas are<br />

wet.<br />

• Aerodynamic component was removed<br />

and a fudge factor was added to the<br />

energy component.<br />

Why not the Hargreaves Method?<br />

• Least accepted method<br />

• Only accounts for the energy component<br />


<strong>Water</strong> Routing<br />

SWAT deals with routing water in volumes<br />

of water<br />

Two Methods:<br />

(1) Variable Storage Method<br />

(2) Muskingum Routing Method<br />

Channel Characteristics<br />


Muskingum Routing Method<br />

Accounts for flooding by modeling storage<br />

volume in a channel length as a<br />

combination of wedge and prism storages<br />

Manings <strong>Equation</strong> used throughout<br />

routing<br />

• Calculates open channel<br />

flow<br />

• Introduced by the Irish<br />

Engineer Robert Manning<br />

in 1889.<br />

• The Mannings equation is<br />

an empirical equation that<br />

applies to uniform flow in<br />

open channels and is a<br />

function of the channel<br />

velocity, flow area and<br />

channel slope.<br />

Where:<br />

Q<br />

v<br />

A<br />

n<br />

R<br />

S<br />

Use SWAT default value<br />

Flow Rate, (ft3/s)<br />

Velocity, (ft/s)<br />

Flow Area, (ft2)<br />

Manning’s Roughness Coefficient<br />

Hydraulic Radius, (ft)<br />

Channel Slope, (ft/ft)<br />


Why not Variable Storage Routing<br />

Method (Williams, 1969)?<br />

• Does not accommodate flooding scenarios<br />

• For a given reach segment, storage is based<br />

on the continuity equation.<br />

V<br />

in<br />

−V<br />

out<br />

=<br />

ΔV<br />

stored<br />

Recharge - Venetis & Sangrey<br />

Exponential decay weighting factor<br />

w rchrg,i = (1-exp[-1/δ gw ])*w seep + exp[-1/ δ gw ]*w rchrg,i-1<br />

Where:<br />

w rchrg,I = amount of recharge entering aquifer of a<br />

given day<br />

δ gw = delay time or drainage time of overlying<br />

aquifer<br />

w seep = total amount of water exiting the bottom of<br />

the soil profile on a given day<br />

w rchrg,i-1<br />

1<br />

= amount of recharge entering aquifer on day i-<br />


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