Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...


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Japan <strong>Marine</strong> Science and Technology Center<br />

Frontier <strong>Research</strong> System for Extremophiles<br />

Fig. 8 Morphological properties of Sulfurihydrogenobium subterraneus<br />

A FISH for S. subterraneus-specific probe B Whole<br />

microbial cells stained with DAPI C Electron micrograph of<br />

S. subterraneus<br />

Persephonella hydrogenophila sp. nov.<br />

A novel thermophilic, hydrogen-oxidizing bacterium,<br />

designed as W T , was isolated from a deep-sea<br />

hydrothermal vent chimney sample collected from the<br />

Suiyo Seamount in the Izu-Bonin Arc, Japan, at a<br />

depth of m. The cells were coccoids (.-. mm<br />

in diameter) and straight rods (.-. mm long) under<br />

static and agitated culture conditions, respectively.<br />

The new isolate was an obligate chemolithoautotroph<br />

growing by respiratory nitrate reduction with H <br />

,<br />

forming N <br />

as a final product. Very low concentration<br />

of O <br />

(opt. .-. %, v/v) was also used as an alternative<br />

electron acceptor while reduced sulfur compounds<br />

did not serve as electron donors. Growth was observed<br />

between and .˚C (opt. ˚C; min doubling<br />

time), pH . and . (opt. pH .), and in the presence<br />

of . and . % NaCl (opt. .%) on anoxic<br />

hydrogen-oxidizing growth with nitrate. The G+C<br />

content of the genomic DNA was . mol%.<br />

Phylogenetic analysis based on S rDNA sequence<br />

indicated that the isolate was a member of the recently<br />

described genus Persephonella in a potential new family<br />

within the order Aquificales. On the basis of the<br />

physiological and molecular properties of the new isolate,<br />

the name Persephonella hydrogeniphila sp. nov.<br />

is proposed. The type strain is strain W T (= JCM<br />

T = DSMZ T ).<br />

Marinithermus hydrothermalis sp. nov.<br />

A novel thermophilic marine bacterium, designated<br />

as strain T T , was isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal<br />

vent chimney sample collected from the Suiyo<br />

Seamount in the Izu-Bonin Arc, Japan, at a depth<br />

of m. The cells were found to be rod-shaped,<br />

occurring in pairs or filamentous, and stained gramnegative.<br />

Growth was observed between and<br />

.˚C (opt. .˚C; min doubling time) and pH<br />

. and . (opt. pH .). The new isolate absolutely<br />

required NaCl in the range between . and . %<br />

NaCl (opt. %). It was a strictly aerobic heterotroph<br />

capable of growing solely on the complex organic<br />

substrates such as yeast extract, tryptone and<br />

Casamino acid, and utilizing glutamate, proline, serine,<br />

cellobiose, trehalose, sucrose, acetate, and pyruvate<br />

as complementary substrates. The G+C content<br />

of the genomic DNA was . mol%. The S rRNA<br />

gene (rDNA) sequence of the isolate was most similar<br />

to those of members of the genus Thermus but distantly<br />

related to them on the genus level of differentiation<br />

(< %). In addition, the phylogenetic analysis<br />


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