Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...


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JAMSTEC 2002 Annual Report<br />

<strong>Research</strong> Achievements<br />

spectroradiometer: Detection of aerosol plume from forest fire,<br />

The th Discussion Meeting on Atmospheric Chemistry, <br />

(In Japanese).<br />

) Kanaya, Y., K. Toyota, H. Akimoto, Y. Nakano, S. Enami, S.<br />

Nakamichi, S. Aloisio, S. Hashimoto, and M. Kawasaki<br />

(Kyoto Univ.), Oxidation processes of DMS as explored with a<br />

box model using a newly measured rate coefficient of the DMS<br />

+ IO reaction, The th Symposium on Atmospheric<br />

Chemistry, Toyokawa, Japan, (In Japanese).<br />

) Karumuri, A., Z. Guan, and T. Yamagata (FRSGC/Univ. of<br />

Tokyo), The Indian Ocean Dipole - Impact on the Indian and<br />

Australian Climates During Boreal Summer, AGU Fall<br />

Meeting, San Francisco, .<br />

) Karumuri, A., Z. Guan, and T. Yamagata (FRSGC/Univ. of<br />

Tokyo), How the Indian Ocean Dipole-Modulated Hadley<br />

Circulation reduces the ENSO influence on the Indian monsoon:<br />

AGCM sensitirity studies, The Hadley Circulation;<br />

Present, Past and Future, .<br />

) Kato, T. (Tohoku Univ.), S, Sugawara (Miyagi Univ. of<br />

Education), T. Nakazawa (FRSGC/Tohoku Univ.), S. Shuji<br />

(Tohoku Univ.), and M. Ishizawa, Seasonal variations of O<br />

in CO at Zao, Spring Meeting of Meteorological Society of<br />

Japan, (In Japanese).<br />

) Kim,Y. Y., T. Qu, and A. Ishida, Seasonal and Interannual<br />

Variations of the NEC bifurcation latitude in a high-resolution<br />

OGCM, AGU Fall Meeting, .<br />

) Kimura, F., Y. Kitayachi, and T. Sato, Diurnal cycle of rainfall<br />

around Sumatora Island simulated by two and a half dimensional<br />

model, The nd Workshop on Regional Climate<br />

Modeling for Monsoon System, .<br />

) Kishi, M. J. (FRSGC/Hokkaido Univ.), S. Itoh (Tohoku<br />

National Fisheries <strong>Research</strong> Institute), and B. A. Megrey<br />

(National <strong>Marine</strong> Fisheries Service, Alaska Fisheries Science<br />

Center), Tropho-dynamics of ocean ecosystem (), SCOR-JOS<br />

International Symposium, .<br />

) Kobashi, F., H. Mitsudera, and N. Maximenko (IPRC),<br />

Relationship between seasonal variations of subtropical front<br />

and subtropical mode water in the North Pacific, Spring<br />

Meeting of the Oceanographic Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan,<br />

(In Japanese).<br />

) Komine, K., X. Zhang, K. Takahashi, H. Sakuma, and M.<br />

Ikeda (FRSGC/Hokkaido Univ.), Implementation and confirmation<br />

of IARC sea-ice model in MOM, Yokohama, Japan,<br />

.<br />

) Komine, K., T. Motoi, K. Takahashi, X. Zhang, H. Sakuma,<br />

M. Ikeda (FRSGC/Hokkaido Univ.), and T. Sato, Sensitivity<br />

experiments of sea-ice processes on world ocean circulation by<br />

using a global coupled ocean/sea-ice model, WOCE and<br />

Beyond: Achievements of the World Ocean Circulation<br />

Experiments, San Antonio, Texas, .<br />

) Komori, N., H. Sasaki, K. Takahashi, T. Kagimoto, Y.<br />

Masumoto, A. Ishida, Y. Sasaki, T. Motoi, S. Masuda, and Y.<br />

Yamanaka (FRSGC/Hokkaido Univ.), Eddy-resolving simulation<br />

in the world ocean. Part . Regional features of surface<br />

circulations, Fall Meeting of the Oceanographic Society<br />

of Japan, .<br />

) Kuba, N., Effect of cloud condensation nuclei on the precipitation-<br />

Numerical simulation with a hybrid microphysical<br />

model-, AMS The th Conference on Cloud Physics, .<br />

) Kuba, N., Y. Fujiyoshi (FRSGC/Hokkaido Univ.), and H.<br />

Iwabuchi, Proposed method to predict number concentration of<br />

cloud droplets and retrieve CCN spectrum, The Fifth APEX<br />

International Workshop, .<br />

) Kuba, N., H. Iwabuchi(Tohoku Univ.), and Y. Fujiyoshi<br />

(FRSGC/Hokkaido Univ.), Proposed method to predict number<br />

concentration of cloud droplets and retrieve CCN spectrum,<br />

Fall Meeting of the Meteorological Society of<br />

Japan, .<br />

) Kurihara, Y., A new approach to the cumulus parameterization,<br />

The th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology,<br />

San Diego, USA, .<br />

) Kurihara, Y., On the structure change of tropical cyclones,<br />

International Workshop on NWP Models for Heavy recipitation<br />

in Asia and Pacific Areas, Tokyo, Japan, .<br />

) Kurihara, Y., Hurricane Modeling in Retrospect and its<br />

Prospect, Hurricane Modeling, Past and Future Perspectives<br />

Princeton, NJ, USA, .<br />

) Lebedev, K., H. Mitsudera, I. Nakano (JAMSTEC), M.<br />

Yaremchuk (IPRC), and G. Yuan (IPRC), Monitoring Kuroshio<br />

Extension through dynamically constrained synthesis of the<br />

acoustic tomography, altimetry and in situ data, PICES (North<br />

Pacific <strong>Marine</strong> Science Organization), .<br />

) Liu, Q., J. Wang, and M. Jing (Univ. of Alaska), A Nested<br />

Coupled Ice-Ocean Model for the Beaufort Sea, The st Workshop<br />

on a Collaborative <strong>Marine</strong> Physical and Biogeochemical <strong>Research</strong><br />

in Barrow, Fairbanks, USA, .<br />

) Ma, X., T. Yasunari (FRSGC/Tsukuba Univ.), T. Ohata<br />

(FORSGC/Hokkaido Univ.), and S. Tian, Hydrological regimes<br />

of the Selenge River basin, Mongolia, Western Pacific<br />

Geophysics Meeting , .<br />

) Ma, X., and Y. Fukushima (<strong>Research</strong> Institute for Humanity<br />

and Nature), Hydrological study for cold and semiarid river<br />

basins, International Workshop on Vulerability of Water<br />

Resources to Environmental Change, .<br />

) Ma, X., and Y. Fukushima, Modeling of river ice breakup data<br />

and thickness in the Lena River, The th IAHR International<br />

Symposium on Ice, .<br />

) Maistrova, V., R. Colony, and A. P. Makshtas, Interannual<br />


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