Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...


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Japan <strong>Marine</strong> Science and Technology Center<br />

<strong>Research</strong> Achievements<br />

Kuril arc-trench system as revealed from onshore-offshore<br />

wide angle seismic profiles, The th Int. Symp. on deep seismic<br />

profilling of the continents and their margines (poster<br />

sess.), .<br />

) Nakanishi, A., Kurashimo, E. (ERI, Univ. of Tokyo), Miura,<br />

S., Kodaira, S., Takahashi, N., Tsuru, T., Obana, K.,<br />

Kaneda,Y., Hirata, N. (ERI, Univ. of Tokyo), and Iwasaki, T.<br />

(ERI, Univ. of Tokyo), Tectonics of the southernmost Kuril<br />

arc-trench system built on the paleo-continental margin, The<br />

th Int. Symp. on deep seismic profilling of the continents<br />

and their margines (poster sess.), .<br />

) Obayashi, M., Sugioka, H., and Fukao, Y., Seismic Slow<br />

Anomalies in the Deep Upper Mantle Oceanward of<br />

Subducting Slabs, AGU, Fall Meet., .<br />

) Ono, S., Aqueous fluid connectivity in pyrope aggregates at<br />

upper mantle conditions, AGU, Fall Meet., .<br />

) Ono, S., Mineralogy of peridotite and basalt at the Earth's<br />

lower-mantle pressures, XIX Cong. and Gen. Ass. of the Int.<br />

Union of Crystallography, .<br />

) Park, J.-Oh., Splay Fault Branching From the Nankai<br />

Subduction Megathrust, UJNR Earthquake Res. Panel: The th<br />

Joint Meet., .<br />

) Park, J.-Oh., Tsuru, T., Smith, A., Ito, A., Kodaira, S., and<br />

Kaneda, Y., A subducted ridge as earthquake barrier:<br />

Preliminary results of KAIREI multichannel seismic survey<br />

(KR-), The th Shinkai Symp., .<br />

) Park, J.-Oh., Tsuru, T., Takahashi, N., Kodaira, S., and<br />

Kaneda, Y., Seismic Reflection Image Across the Izu-Bonin<br />

Island Arc System, AGU, Fall Meet. (poster sess.), .<br />

) Park, J.-Oh., Tsuru, T., Kodaira, S., and Kaneda, Y., Backstop<br />

structure and subduction megathrust earthquakes: the <br />

Hyuga-nada earthquake (M.), West. Pac. Geophys.<br />

Meet., .<br />

) Park, J.-Oh., Tsuru, T., Kodaira, S., and Kaneda, Y., Seismic<br />

reflection image of the Nankai accretionary wedge, The <br />

Japan Earth and Plan. Sci., Joint Meet., .<br />

) Park, J.-Oh., Tsuru, T., Kodaira, S., Hori, T., and Kaneda, Y.,<br />

Structural constraints on subduction megathrust earthquakes in<br />

Hyuga-nada region, Seismogen. Soc. of Japan, Fall Meet.,<br />

.<br />

) Park, J.-Oh., Tsuru, T., Kido, Y., Moe, K. T., Kodaira, S.,<br />

Kaneda, Y., Takahashi, N., Watanabe, K., and Taniguchi, K.,<br />

Multichannel seismic reflection image across the Izu-Bonin<br />

island arc system: preliminary results, Seism. Soc. of Japan,<br />

Fall Meet., .<br />

) Park, J.-Oh., Tsuru, T., Kido, Y., Takahash, N., Kodaira, S.,<br />

and Kaneda, Y., Structure across the Izu-Bonin island arc system:<br />

Preliminary results of KAIREI multichannel seismic survey<br />

(KR-), The th Shinkai Symp., .<br />

) Ruttenberg, K. C., and Ogawa, N. O., A high through-put<br />

solid-phase extraction manifold for quantifying different forms<br />

of phosphorus and ion in particulate matter and sediments, The<br />

th int. symp. on the geochem. of the earth sci. (GES-),<br />

Hawaii, USA, May .<br />

) Sakamoto, T., and Ikehara, M., Reconstructing sea-ice history<br />

in the Sea of Okhotsk: a window into the glacial world, Int.<br />

Symp. and Workshop "Land-Ocean Linkage in East Asia-NW<br />

Pacific", .<br />

) Sakamoto, T., New proposal of the Sea of Okhotsk and far<br />

north Japan Sea for IODP, Int. Symp. and Workshop - "Land-<br />

Ocean Linkage in East Asia-NW Pacific", .<br />

) Sakamoto, T., High resolution paleoceanographic research in<br />

the SE Okhotsk, IMAGES MD- Core analysis, Joint<br />

meet. of Japanese-Korean Scientists by JSPS fellow, .<br />

) Sakamoto, T., New development of non-destructive XRF<br />

corescanner, TATSCAN F and F, Joint meet. of Japanese-<br />

Korean Scientists by JSPS fellow, .<br />

) Sato, K., Tatsumi, Y., Prikhodko, V. (Inst. Tectonics and<br />

Geophys., Khabarovsk, Russia), and Bretstein, Y. S. (Inst.<br />

Tectonics and Geophys., Khabarovsk, Russia), Cenozoic volcanism<br />

in Sikhote Alin, Russia: Transition of magma type<br />

associated with backarc opening, Goldschimit incoporated<br />

with ICOG, .<br />

) Suzuki, K., Honda, M., Shinotsuka, K., Shimoda, H. (AIST),<br />

and Tatsumi, Y., Pt-Os and Re-Os systematics of ocean island<br />

basalts: Preliminary results, th Annual meet. of the<br />

Geochem. Soc. of Japan, .<br />

) Suzuki, K., Honda, M., Shinotsuka, K., Shimoda, H. (AIST),<br />

and Tatsumi, Y., Pt-Os and Re-Os systematics of ocean island<br />

basalts: Preliminary results, Japan Earth and Plan. Sci.,<br />

Joint Meet. (poster sess.), .<br />

) Tatsumi, Y., and Tamura, Y., Genetic linkage between calcalkalic<br />

andesites and continental crusts: contributions from NE<br />

Japan, The Joint Meet. of Japan Earth and Plan. Sci.,<br />

.<br />

) Tatsumi, Y., and Kogiso, T., The subduction factory: Its role in<br />

the evolution of the mantle reservoirs, The Goldschmidt<br />

Conf., Davos, Switzerland, .<br />

) Tatsumi, Y., Genetic linkage between calc-alkalic andesites<br />

and continental crusts, The Goldschmidt Conf., Davos,<br />

Switzerland, .<br />

) Tatsumi, Y., The subduction factory: its role in the evolution<br />

of the solid Earth, Living Earth Symp., Carnegie Inst. of<br />

Washington, USA, .<br />

) Tatsumi, Y., The subduction factory: its role in the evolution<br />

of the crust and mantle of the Earth, The rd Ann. EDC<br />

Geotherm. Conf. (GEOCON), Manila, .<br />

) Tatsumi, Y., Implications of subduction zones for planetary<br />


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