Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...


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Japan <strong>Marine</strong> Science and Technology Center<br />

<strong>Research</strong> Achievements<br />

Japanese Society for Extremophiles, Abstract p.,<br />

Tokushima, .<br />

) Hung, S.-V, Hatada, Y., Lu, J., Ohta, Y., Takami, H., Ito, S.<br />

and Horikoshi, K., α-Glucosidase from a strain of Geobacillus,<br />

a new enzyme having hydrolysis, transglycosidation, and isomerization<br />

activities. The rd meeting for the Japanese Society<br />

for Extremophiles, Abstract p., Tokushima, .<br />

) Inagaki, F. and Takai, K., Subsurface biosphere in the continental<br />

margin. The th annual meeting for Japanese Society<br />

of Geology, Abstract p., Niigata, Japan (INVITED), ,<br />

Sep.<br />

) Inagaki, F., Microbial diversity in subsurface on Earth. The th<br />

annual meeting for Japanese Society of Evolution. Abstract<br />

p., Tokyo, Japan (INVITED), , Aug.<br />

) Inagaki, F., Okada, H., Tsapin, A. I., Nealson, K. H. and<br />

Horikoshi, K., Endolithic genetic record of ancient microbes in<br />

Cretaceous black shale, ISSM (International Symposium on<br />

Subsurface Microbiology) , Abstract p., Copenhagen,<br />

Denmark, (,).<br />

) Inagaki, F., Okada, H., Tsapin, A. I., Nealson, K. H. and<br />

Horikoshi, K., Endolithic genetic record of ancient microbes in<br />

Cretaceous black shale. Goldschmidt , Geochim.<br />

Cosmochim. Acta (S), A, Davos, Switzerland (INVIT-<br />

ED), (,).<br />

) Inagaki, F., Suzuki, M., Takai, K., Nealson, K. H. and<br />

Horikoshi, K., Microbial population, activity, and phylogenetic<br />

diversity in the subseafloor core sediment from the Sea of<br />

Okhotsk. AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall<br />

Meeting, Eos. Trans. AGU, (), F, San Francisco,<br />

USA, (, ).<br />

) Inagaki, F., Suzuki, M., Takai, K., Oida, H. and Horikoshi, K.,<br />

Analysis of microbial community structure in subseafloor core<br />

sediments from the Sea of Okhotsk. The th annual meeting<br />

for Japanese Society of Microbial Ecology, Abstract p., Mie,<br />

Japan, , Nov.<br />

) Inagaki, F., Suzuki, M., Takai, K., Oida, H., Horikoshi, K. and<br />

IMAGES Okhotsk Core Scientific Party, Distribution and phylogenetic<br />

diversity of deeply buried marine sediments from the<br />

Sea of Okhotsk. The rd annual meeting for Japanese Society<br />

of Extremophiles, Tokushima, Japan, , Dec.<br />

) Inagaki, F., Takai, K., Hirayama, H., Nunoura, T., Kinoshita,<br />

M., Fujioka, K., Nakagawa, S., Chiba, H., Doi, K., Nakayama,<br />

N., Kozuma, F., Geomicrobiological survey in the mid-<br />

Okinawa Tough hydrothermal fields: NT- cruise. The<br />

th Blue Earth Symposium, Abstract p., Yokohama,<br />

Japan, , Jan.<br />

) Ishii, A., Nakasone, K., Sato, T., Wachi, M., Nagai, K. and<br />

Kato, C., The mechanism of bacterial cell division under high<br />

pressure, The Symposium for the Molecular Technology of the<br />

Single-Cell, p, Nakano, Nov. .<br />

) Ishii, A., Nakasone, K., Sato, T., Wachi, M., Nagai, K. and<br />

Kato, C., The mechanism of high pressure regulation of the<br />

bacterial cell division, The rd annual meeting of the Society<br />

for the Extremophiles, p, Tokushima, Dec. .<br />

) Ishii, A., Nakasone, K., Sato, T., Wachi, M., Sugai, M., Nagai,<br />

K. and Kato, C., Analysis of cell division mechanisms under<br />

high-pressure conditions in a piezophilic bacterium,<br />

Shewanella violacea, nd General Meeting of American<br />

Society for Mocrobiology, Abstract, p., Salt Lake City,<br />

USA, , May.<br />

) Ishii, A., Oshima, T., Nakasone, K., Sato, T., Mori, H. and<br />

Kato, C., Analysis of RNA expression profiles under highpressure<br />

conditions by Escherichia coli DNA microarray, The<br />

th International Congress on Extremophiles, Abstract, p.,<br />

Naples, Italy, , September.<br />

) Ishii, A., Oshima, T., Nakasone, K., Sato, T., Mori, H. and<br />

Kato, C., The analysis of gene expression under high pressure<br />

using E. coli DNA microarray, The annual meeting of Japan<br />

Society for Bioscience, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry,<br />

p, Apr, Sendai, .<br />

) Ito, S. and Kobayashi, T., Carbohydrate-active enzymes from<br />

alkaliphiles: International symposium of new approaches in<br />

starch science and carbohydrate-active enzymes. Tokyo<br />

(Invited lecture), .<br />

) Kato, C. and Nakasone, K., High pressure adapted bacteria,<br />

and their genome analysis, nd International Congress on High<br />

Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology, ABSTRACT p.,<br />

Dortmund, Germany, , September.<br />

) Kato, C., Fujioka, K., Sato, T. and Miwa, T., The cruse report<br />

about the discovery of cold seep in the Chishima Trench in<br />

, Blue Earth Symposium, p, Jan., Yokohama, .<br />

) Kato, C., Ishii, A., Sato, T. and Nakasone, K., Molecular<br />

mechanisms of bacterial cell division under pressure conditions.<br />

(Invited talk), The th International Congress on<br />

Extremophiles, Abstract, p., Naples, Italy, , September.<br />

) Kato, C., Molecular biology and biotechnological applications<br />

of piezophilic bacteria. (Invited talk), Federazione Italiana<br />

Scienze della Vita, ˚ Convegno, p., Riva del Garda, Italy,<br />

, September.<br />

) Kawano, H., Nakasone, K., Abe, F., Ikegami, A., Kato, C.,<br />

Yoshida, Y., Usami, R. and Horikoshi, K., The effect of hydrostatic<br />

pressure on stability and activity of RNA polymerase<br />

isolated from the piezophilic bacterium Shewanella violacea<br />

DSS, The th International Congress on Extremophiles,<br />

Abstract, p., Naples, Italy, , September.<br />

) Kawano, H., Nakasone, K., Abe, F., Ikegami, A., Kato, C.,<br />

Yoshida, Y., Usami, R., Horikoshi, K., The effect of hydrostatic<br />

pressure on stability and activity of RNA polymerase isolat-<br />


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