Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...


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JAMSTEC 2002 Annual Report<br />

<strong>Research</strong> Achievements<br />

A. Matsumoto, J. J. Cruz-Motta, P. Kershaw, R. Parker, D.<br />

Parry, M. Jones, The ups and downs of benthic ecology: considerations<br />

of scale, heterogeneity and surveillance for benthicpelagic<br />

coupling., Journal of Experimental <strong>Marine</strong> Biology<br />

and Ecology., - (): p.-.<br />

) Serisawa, Y. (<strong>Marine</strong> Biosystems <strong>Research</strong> Center, Chiba<br />

Univ.), T. Ueshima (Usa <strong>Marine</strong> Biological Institute, Kochi<br />

Univ.), K. Matsuyama, S. Taino (Nishinihon Institute of<br />

Technology Co.), Z. Imoto (Usa <strong>Marine</strong> Biological Institute,<br />

Kochi Univ.), M. Ohno (Usa <strong>Marine</strong> Biological Institute,<br />

Kochi Univ.), Relationship between age and morphology of<br />

Ecklonia cava (Laminariales, Phaeophyta) sporophytes growing<br />

off Tei, Kochi Prefecture, Japan., SUISANZOSHOKU,<br />

//-.<br />

) Tsuchida, S., J. Hashimoto, A new species of bythograeid<br />

crab, Austinograea rodriguezensis (Decapoda, Brachyura),<br />

associated with active hydrothermal vents from the Indian<br />

Ocean, Journal of Crustacean Biology, //-.<br />

) Ymamoto, H., K. Fujikura, A. Hiraishi, K. Kato, Y. Maki,<br />

Phylogenetic characterization and biomass estimation of bacterial<br />

endosymbionts associated with invertebrates dwelling in<br />

chemosynthetic communities of hydrothermal vent and cold<br />

seep fields., <strong>Marine</strong> Ecology Progress Series, / -.<br />

Talks and Presentations<br />

) Fujikura, K., K. Okoshi (Ishinomaki Senshu University), T.<br />

Naganuma (Hiroshima University), Use of strontium as a<br />

growth marker for estimation of microscopic growth rate in a<br />

bivalve, th Annual meeting of The Japanese Association of<br />

Benthology, .<br />

) Fujikura, K., K. Okoshi, T. Naganuma, Use of strontium as a<br />

growth marker for estimation of microscopic growth rate in a<br />

bivalve, The Annual meeting of The Malacological<br />

Society of Japan, .<br />

) Furushima, Y., M. Okamoto (Tokyo University of Fisheries), S.<br />

Nijima (Kyushu University), S. Kanno (Fuyo Ocean Development<br />

and Engineering Co., Ltd.), Characteristics of physical environment<br />

of Japanese coral reef region in Sekisei lagoon (Okinawa<br />

prefecture, JAPAN), Oceans MTS/IEEE.<br />

) Ishibashi, J. (Kyushu Univ.), T. Yamanaka (Kyushu Univ.), A.<br />

Nakano (Kyushu Univ.), Y. Umeki (Kyushu Univ.), H. Miyake,<br />

J. Hashimoto (Nagasaki Univ.), Geochemical study of<br />

hydrothermal system around the Wakamiko Caldera in<br />

Kagoshima Bay, Geochemical Society of Japan.<br />

) Kanno, S. (Fuyo Ocean Development and Engineering Co.,<br />

Ltd.), Y. Furushima (JAMSTEC), M. Okamoto (Tokyo<br />

University of Fisheries), S. Murakami (JAMSTEC), Box Model<br />

Analysis for the Estimation of the Water Mass Transport in<br />

Coral Reef Region, Japan, Oceans MTS/IEEE.<br />

) Kosaka, A. (Hokkaido Univ.), N. Nakayama (Hokkaido<br />

Univ.), U. Tsunogai (Hokkaido Univ.), T. Gamo (Hokkaido<br />

Univ.), K. Fujikura, H. Machiyama, Geochemistry of cold seep<br />

fluids at Kuroshima Knoll, Annual meeting of Geochemical<br />

Society of Japan, .<br />

) Kosaka, A. (Hokkaido Univ.), N. Nakayama, U. Tsunogai, T.<br />

Gamo, K. Fujikura, H. Machiyama, Geochemistry of cold seep<br />

fluids at Kuroshima Knoll, th Ammual Meeting of the<br />

Geochemical Society of Japan, .<br />

) Lindsay, D. J., Bioluminescence in the mesopelagic realm:<br />

Results from JAMSTEC's Midwater Biology Program, Recent<br />

Developments in <strong>Research</strong> on Bioluminescence in <strong>Marine</strong><br />

Organisms, a Symposium.<br />

) Lindsay, D. J., H. Miyake, M. Kitamura, Symbiotic and parasitic<br />

relationships in the midwater and benthopelagic zones,<br />

Blue Earth Symposium.<br />

) Lindsay, D. J., <strong>Marine</strong> Food Webs Applications of the Stable<br />

Isotope Technique, Fujisawa Eco Net.<br />

) Matsuyama, K., Y. Hamano (Tokai Univ.), Y. Serisawa (CHiba<br />

Univ.), T. Nakashima, Macroalgae growth in response to deep<br />

seawater, Algae (th Annual Congresses of Japanese<br />

Society of Phycology and rd Asian Pacific Phycological<br />

Forum) (poster session).<br />

) Miyake, H., Jellies in the deep sea, kurage-kenkyu-kouryu-kai.<br />

) Mizota, C. (Iwate Univ.), T. Yamanaka (Kyushu Univ.), Y.<br />

Maki (Iwate Univ.), K. Fujikura, Y. Fujiwara, S. Tsuchida, H.<br />

Tsutsumi (Kumamoto Pref. Univ.), H. Machiyama, Carbonnitrogen-sulfur<br />

isotopic characterization of biological samples<br />

from chemo-synthetic communities in southern Okinawa, th<br />

Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, .<br />

) Nakayama, N. (Grad.School Sci.,Hokkaido Univ.), F. Kouzuma<br />

(Grad.School Sci.,Hokkaido Univ.), U. Tsunogai (Grad.School<br />

Sci.,Hokkaido Univ.), T. Gamo (Grad.School Sci.,Hokkaido<br />

Univ.), H. Chiba (ISEI, Okayama Uviv.), F. Inagaki, K. Fujikura,<br />

Stable isotopic compositions of methane in a hydrothermal<br />

site: North Knoll at the Iheya Ridge, Okinawa Trough, th<br />

Annual Meeting of the Geochemical Society of Japan, .<br />

) Ohashi, R. (Nihon University), Y. Furushima, K. Yoshihara<br />

(Nihon University), The relation of sea conditions to marine<br />

bio-productivity in coral reef.<br />

) Okoshi, K. (Ishinomaki Senshu Univ.), K. Fujikura,<br />

Biomineralization of radular teeth in deep-sea chitons, The <br />

Annual meeting of The Malacological Society of Japan, .<br />

) Okoshi, K. (Ishinomaki Senshu Univ.), W. Okoshi-Sato<br />

(Tohoku Univ.), K. Fujikura, Distribution, shell structure and<br />

growth performance of the deep-sea mussels in the Okinawa<br />

Trough, th Annual meeting of The Japanese Association of<br />

Benthology, .<br />

) Okoshi, K. (Ishinomaki Senshu Univ.), W. Sato-Okoshi<br />


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