Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...


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JAMSTEC 2002 Annual Report<br />

<strong>Research</strong> Achievements<br />

Talks and Presentations<br />

) Ochi, H., T. Kikuchi, Analysis of Acoustic Propagation at<br />

Near Bottom in Deep-sea Area., Technical Report of IEICE,<br />

US-/-/pp.-.<br />

) Ochi, H., T. Kikuchi, The Influence of Sub-bottom Sound<br />

Speed Profile for Lateral Wave., The Autumn Meeting of<br />

the Acoustical Society of Japan, pp.-.<br />

) Shimura, T., T. Kikuchi, T. Tsuchiya, Convergence of phase<br />

conjugate waves in shallow water by horizontal array*, The<br />

Spring Meeting of the Acoustical Society of Japan,<br />

pp.-.<br />

) Shimura, T., T. Kikuchi, T. Tsuchiya, Relation of Mode and<br />

Phase of Phase-Conjugate Waves in Shallow Water, The th<br />


-.<br />

) Shimura, T., T. Kikukchi, T. Tsuchiya, Convergence in time<br />

domain of phase conjugate waves in shallow water, The <br />

Spring Meeting Acoustical Society of Japan, pp.-.<br />

) Shimura, T., Y. Amitani, H. Ochi, T. Sawa and Y. Watanabe,<br />

<strong>Research</strong> on the improvement of propulsion maneuvering<br />

system of SHINKAI with experimental thrusters and<br />

automatic motion control, The International <strong>Marine</strong><br />

Technicians Workshop (INMARTECH), Proceedings on<br />

CD-ROM.<br />

) Shimura, T., Y. Amitani, T. Sawa and Y. Watanabe, <strong>Research</strong><br />

of Improvement of the Propulsion Maneuver System of<br />

SHINKAI ~The Result of the Real Sea Test~, Tecno<br />

Ocean , Proceedings on CD-ROM.<br />

) Shimura, T., Y. Amitani, T. Sawa, Y. Watanabe, H. Ochi, T.<br />

Aoki, S. Tsukioka, T. Murashima, H. Nakajoh, T. Hyakudome,<br />

"<strong>Research</strong> on the improvement of thruster system and the automatic<br />

motion control of SHINKAI" and "Acoustic<br />

Systems of the AUV URASHIMA", The Society of Naval<br />

Architects of Japan Ocean Engineering Committee.<br />

) Yamaguchi, H., S. Kato, N. Koishi, Numerical Simulation<br />

needed for the Study on Remediation of Eutrophic Semi-<br />

Closed Estuaries, The third joint meeting of the UJNR/CEST<br />

panel.<br />

(3) OD21<br />

Publications<br />

) Takagawa, S., IODP (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program) and<br />

Science Drillship "CHIKYU", ISOPE 2002.<br />

) Takagawa, S., Ocean Science Drilling and Underwater<br />

Technologies, UT2002, pp-.<br />

) Yano, Y., S. Takagawa, K. Wada, Outline of scientific ocean<br />

drilling and specifications of riser drilling vessel Chikyu,<br />

Journal of <strong>Marine</strong> Science and Technology, Volume No.<br />

pp-.<br />

(4) Ocean Observation and <strong>Research</strong> <strong>Department</strong><br />

Publications<br />

) Ando, K., I. Ueki, Y. Kuroda, K. Kutsuwada (Tokai Univ.),<br />

Effect to the dynamic processes of salinity variation in the<br />

Pacific warm pool area, Kaiyo Monthly, , CVol., No.,<br />

p.-.<br />

) Ando, K., Y. Kuroda, TWO MODES OF SALINITY AND<br />


OF THE PACIFIC WARM POOL, Journal of Oceanography,<br />

Vol., -.<br />

) Andreev, A., M. Kusakabe, M. Honda, A. Murata, C. Saito,<br />

Vertical fluxes of nutrients and carbon through the halocline in<br />

the Western Subarctic Gyre calculated by mass balance, Deep-<br />

Sea <strong>Research</strong> II, /-/-.<br />

) Andreev, A., S. Watanabe, Temporal changes in dissolved oxygen<br />

of the intermediate water in the subarctic North Pacific,<br />

Geophysical <strong>Research</strong> Letters, ./GL.<br />

) Aoyama, M. (MRI), T. Joyce (WHOI), T. Kawano, Y. Takatsuki,<br />

Standard seawater comparison up to P, Deep-Sea <strong>Research</strong>,<br />

Vol., , -.<br />

) Hosoda, S., N. Koyama, K. Mizuno, Y. Washio, Measurement<br />

of the Draft Variation of the TRITON Surface Float Buoy<br />

using a Depth Recorder, Report of Japan <strong>Marine</strong> Science and<br />

Technology Center, ()//-.<br />

) K. Donohue, E. Firing, G. D. Rowe, A. Ishida, H. Mitsudera,<br />

Equatorial Pacific Subsurface Countercurrents: A Model-Data<br />

Comparison in Stream Coordinates, Journal of Physical<br />

Oceanography, vol., No., -.<br />

) Kashino, Y., M. Kawabe, Y. Kuroda, W. Zenk, T. J. Muller,<br />

Variability of the New Guinea Coastal Undercurrent and water<br />

property of the Antarctic Intermediate Water, Report of Japan<br />

<strong>Marine</strong> Science and Technology Center, , Cp-.<br />

) Kawabe, M., D. Yanagimoto, S. Kitagawa, Y. Kuroda,<br />

Variations of the deep circulation current in the Wake Island<br />

Passage, JAMSTECR, , -.<br />

) Kawano, T., Y. Takatsuki, M. Aoyama (MRI), Lot dependency<br />

in the conductivity of the standard KCl solution - potential cause<br />

of "initial offset" of standard seawater -, Journal of the Japan<br />

Society for <strong>Marine</strong> Survey and Technology, Vol., , -.<br />

) Kikuchi, T., Ice-Drifting buoy observation of the multi-year ice<br />

zone in the Arctic Ocean, Kaiyo Monthly, ., p-.<br />

) Koizumi, I., T. Irino, H. Yamamoto, Changes in the warm<br />

water Kuroshio Current system from the ending period of the<br />

last glacial to the present interglacial based on diatom fossiles<br />

in the western North Pacific Ocean sampled on the R/V Mirai<br />

cruise [MR-K], JAMSTECR46, , p-.<br />

) Kumamoto, Y., A. Murata, C. Saito, M. Honda, M. Kusakabe,<br />

Bomb radiocarbon invasion into the northwestern North<br />

Pacific, Deep-Sea <strong>Research</strong> II, /-/-.<br />


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