Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...


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Japan <strong>Marine</strong> Science and Technology Center<br />

<strong>Research</strong> Achievements<br />

) Takahashi, M., W. Lin, T. Hirono, and Y. Yamamoto,: On<br />

visualization of inner microstructure in rocks by micro focus X<br />

ray CT, Jour. Japan Soc. Eng. Geol., Vol., No., pp.-<br />

, .<br />

) Takahashi, N., H. Mikada, K. Suyehiro, T. Urabe, and H.<br />

Shimizu, Crustal structure beneath the Shimabara Peninsula<br />

deduced from a controlled source seismic experiment, Kazan.<br />

, , -, .<br />

) Takahashi, N., S. Kodaira, A. Nakanishi, J-O. Park, S. Miura,<br />

T. Tsuru, Y. Kaneda, K. Suyehiro, H. Kinoshita, N. Hirata, and<br />

T. Iwasaki, Seismic structure of the western end of the Nankai<br />

trough seismogenic zone. Journal of Geophysical <strong>Research</strong>,<br />

, ./JB, .<br />

) Takahashi, N., H. Amano, K. Hirata, H. Kinoshita, S. Lallement,<br />

H. Tokuyama, F. Yamamoto, A. Taira, and K. Suyehiro, Faults<br />

configuration around the eastern Nankai trough deduced by multichannel<br />

seismic profiling. <strong>Marine</strong> Geology, , -, .<br />

) Takahata, N., R. Yokochi, Y. Nishio, Y. Sano, Volatile element<br />

isotope systematics at Ontake volcano, Japan, Geochemical<br />

Journal, , -. .<br />

) Uno, K., Y. Otofuji, T. Matsuda, K. Furukawa, T. Mishima,<br />

Y. Kuniko, R. Enami, R. G. Kulinich, P. S. Zimin, A. P.<br />

Matunin, and V. G. Sakhno, An example of multicomponent<br />

magnetization in welded tuffs: a case study of Upper Cretaceous<br />

welded tuffs of eastern Russia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences,<br />

, -, .<br />

) Yamamoto, Y., K. Shimura, H. Tsunakawa, T. Kogiso, K. Uto,<br />

H. G. Barsczus, H. Oda, T. Yamazaki, and E. Kikawa,<br />

Geomagnetic paleosecular variation for the past Ma in the<br />

Society Islands, French Polynesia. Earth, Planets and Space,<br />

, -, .<br />

) Yoneshima, S., T. Endo, V. Pistre, J. Thompson, P. Campanac,<br />

H. Mikada, J. C. Moore, M. Ienaga, S. Saito, and the Leg <br />

Scientific Party, Processing leaky-compressional mode from<br />

LWD sonic data in shallow ocean sediments: ODP sites in<br />

Nankai trough, Proc. 6th SEGJ Internatinal Symposium, -<br />

, .<br />

a-2. Non-reviewed Articles<br />

) Abe, N., and H. Takayama (), Leg Evolution of nonvolcanic<br />

continental margin -Returen to iberia-. Chikyu<br />

Monthly, Special issue No., -.<br />

) Asakawa, K., Y. Shirasaki, M. Yoshida, and T. Nishida,<br />

Feasibility Study on Long-term Continuous Monitoring from<br />

Seafloor with Underwater Cable Network, Proceedings of<br />

International Symposium on Ocean Space Utilization Technology,<br />

-, .<br />

) Asakawa, K., H. Mikada, K. Kawaguchi, R. Iwase, K. Hirata, T.<br />

Goto, K. Mitsuzawa, H. Matsumoto, T. Watanabe, and K.<br />

Suyehiro, Envisioned Network System for Future Underwater<br />

Observations, Proceedings of Techno-Ocean CD-ROM, .<br />

) Asakawa, K., J. Muramatsu, M. Aoyagi, K. Sasaki, and K.<br />

Kawaguchi, Feasibility Study on Real-time Seafloor Globe<br />

Monitoring Cable-Network -Power Feeding System-,<br />

Proceedings of Underwater Technology, -, .<br />

) Asakawa, K., Construction and Maintenance Technology for<br />

Underwater Optical Communication Cables, J. <strong>Marine</strong><br />

Accoustic Soc. Jpn., Vol. No., -, .<br />

) Becker, K., H. Mikada, S. Saito, M. Kinoshita, and M. Ienaga,<br />

Leg : Nankai Trough LWD/ACORK, ODJ Newsletter, ,<br />

-, .<br />

) Fujikura, K., M. Aoki, Y. Fujiwara, S. Ichibayashi, M. Imamura,<br />

J. Ishibashi, R. Iwase, K. Kato, A. Kosaka, H. Machiyama, H.<br />

Miyake, J. Miyazaki, C. Mizota, Y. Morimoto, T. Naganuma, N.<br />

Nakayama, K. Okamoto, K. Okoshi, W. Sato-okoshi, T. Okutani,<br />

T. Satoh, Toth, L. G., S. Tsuchida, M. Wakamatsu, H. Watanabe,<br />

T. Yamanaka, H. Yamamoto, Report on investigation of vent and<br />

methane seep ecosystems by the crewed submersible 'Shinkai<br />

' and the ROV 'Dolphin K' on the Hatoma and the<br />

Kuroshima Knolls, the Nansei-shoto area, JAMSTEC Jour. Deep<br />

Sea <strong>Research</strong>, : -, .<br />

) Goto, T., K. Sayanagi, H. Mikada, and T. Nagao, Calibration<br />

and Running Test of Torsion Magnetmeter made in Russia,<br />

JAMSTEC Jour. Deep Sea <strong>Research</strong>, , -, .<br />

) Goto, T., N. Seama, H. Shiobara, K. Baba, M. Ichiki, H.<br />

Iwamoto, T. Matsuno, K. Mochizuki, Y. Nogi, S. Oki, K.<br />

Schwalenberg, N. Tada, K. Suyehiro, H. Mikada, T.<br />

Kanazawa, Y. Fukao, and H. Utada, Geophysical Experiments<br />

in the Mariana Region: Report of the YK-cruise,<br />

InterRidge News, Vol., , -, .<br />

) Hirata, K., and K. Kawaguchi, Attitude of cabled ocean-bottom<br />

seismometers and strong ground motion on the seafloor,<br />

JAMSTEC J. Deep Sea Res., , -, .<br />

) Hirono, T., and S. Nakashima, Ionic difusivity and molecular<br />

structure in nanopore of sediments and rocks, Chikyu Monthly,<br />

Special issue No., -, .<br />

) Ichiyanagi, M., H. Takahashi, Y. Motoya, M. Kasahara, H.<br />

Mikada, K. Hirata, and K. Suyehiro, An unusual seismic activity<br />

from October, to June, , off Tokachi, Hokkaido,<br />

Japan, Geophysical Bull. Hokkaido Univ., Sapporo, , -,<br />

.<br />

) Kanazawa, T., Y. Hayasaka, E. Araki, M. Mochizuki, and K.<br />

Hirata, Leg.: Seafloor Borehole Broadband Seismic<br />

Observatories WP- and petrologic features of basaltic rocks<br />

in the hole D, Chikyu Monthly, Special issue, No., -<br />

, .<br />

) Kasaya, T., N. Oshiman, I. Shiozaki, S. Nakao, S. Yabe, K.<br />

Kondo, Y. Fujita, T. Uto, and K. Yoshida, Resistivity Structure<br />


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