Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...


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Japan <strong>Marine</strong> Science and Technology Center<br />

<strong>Research</strong> Activities<br />

Mutsu <strong>Research</strong> Group<br />

<strong>Research</strong> project; Category 1<br />

1. Time-series observational study in the North<br />

Pacific (HiLATS project)<br />

(1) Overview<br />

The importance of time-series observation has been<br />

recognized for the better understanding of the ocean's<br />

role in the uptake of the increasing atmospheric carbon<br />

dioxide. However repeatable observation by ordinary<br />

research vessels is indeed difficult both economically<br />

and physically. Although the time-series sediment<br />

trap experiment has been one of the effective<br />

approaches for time-series observation, this instrument<br />

is usually moored in the deep sea and does not always<br />

give us the information about seasonal and interannual<br />

variability in biogeochemistry in the upper ocean.<br />

In order to clarify the "biological pump" more precisely,<br />

time-series observation in the shallow and<br />

intermediate water is essential using autonomous<br />

observation instruments. Under this situation, the<br />

North Pacific Time-Series Observational Study<br />

(HiLATS project) initiated in as a research programs<br />

at Mutsu Institute for Oceanography (MIO) of<br />

JAMSTEC. This is also a joint program with the Joint<br />

Pacific <strong>Research</strong> Center (JPAC) of the Woods Hole<br />

Oceanographic Institution (WHOI).<br />

(2) Outline of research activity<br />

Fiscal years / and / were devoted<br />

to the preparation of time-series instruments such<br />

as automated incubation chamber, automated oceanographic<br />

sampler and CTD profiler. In , the first<br />

set of moorings were deployed in the northwestern<br />

North Pacific. In / fiscal year, the first mooring<br />

systems and data set were recovered.<br />

(3) 2002/2003 annual report (HiLATS)<br />

In the R/V MIRAI MR-K cruise conducted from<br />

October to November , time-series mooring systems<br />

(two moorings for biogeochemistry: BGC mooring,<br />

one for physical oceanography: PO mooring; Fig.<br />

) deployed at stations K and K (Fig. ) in September<br />

were successfully recovered. In this cruise, a pair<br />

of BGC mooring and PO mooring was also deployed at<br />

stations K, K and K. In order to study material cycle<br />

in the mesopelagic layer or "twilight zone", ten sediment<br />

traps were installed on K BGC mooring (MEX<br />

mooring; Fig. ). These mooring systems will be recovered<br />

in September using R/V KAIREI.<br />

Fig. shows seasonal variability in concentrations<br />

of nutrients (silicate and nitrate/nitrite) at a depth of<br />

around m observed using the automated water sam-<br />

55˚N<br />

50˚N<br />

K1<br />

45˚N<br />

K2<br />

40˚N<br />

K3<br />

35˚N<br />

SeaWiFS Chl-a map (May 2002)<br />

(Courtesy of Dr. Sasaoka of NASDA)<br />

30˚N<br />

140˚E 145˚E 150˚E 155˚E 160˚E 165˚E 170˚E<br />

Fig. 1 Time-series stationsK1: 51N165E, K2: 47N160E, K3: 39N160E<br />


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