Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...


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JAMSTEC 2002 Annual Report<br />

Outline of Activities<br />

InterRidge (An initiative for international cooperation<br />

in ridge-crest studies)<br />

InterMARGINS (The International Margins Program)<br />

ICDP (International Continental Scientific Program)<br />

ARGO (The Array for Real Time Geostrophic<br />

Oceanography)<br />

3. Intergovernmental cooperation<br />

JAMSTEC participates in intergovernmental<br />

research cooperation between Japan and such countries<br />

or regions as the U.S., U.K., Australia, Canada,<br />

China, Germany, France, Russia, and EU.<br />

The following intergovernmental committees were<br />

held in fiscal .<br />

May : Japan-France Ocean Development<br />

Committee<br />

October : Japan-Germany Ocean Science and<br />

Technology Panel<br />

January : Japan-Russia Science and Technology<br />

Cooperation Committee<br />

February : Japan-China Science and Technology<br />

Committee<br />

4. Cooperation with overseas organizations<br />

JAMSTEC is carrying out research cooperation<br />

under memoranda and agreements concluded with<br />

related organizations in the U.S., France, Germany,<br />

Canada, Indonesia, India, U.K. and South Korea.<br />

() Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)<br />

The agreement for research cooperation was revised<br />

in June . The two organizations are cooperating<br />

over a wide range of research fields, including marine<br />

geology and geophysics, polar research, biogeochemistry<br />

and the carbon cycle, marine physics and reobservation<br />

of the WOCE observation lines, geochemical<br />

evolution of the solid earth, submersible engineering<br />

and safety, and ocean bottom observation stations.<br />

() Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO)<br />

JAMSTEC and SIO renewed their agreement for<br />

research cooperation in December , and are cooperating<br />

in research into the global ocean circulation,<br />

and the deformation of the oceanic plate in the Pacific<br />

Ocean. In February study of thermal and material<br />

flux at ocean bottom floor was added to the memorandum<br />

as a new field of research cooperation.<br />

() Pacific <strong>Marine</strong> Environmental Laboratory, National<br />

Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,<br />

(NOAA/PMEL)<br />

In December the memorandum between JAM-<br />

STEC and PMEL on observational research in the<br />

Pacific Ocean was partially amended, and under it, the<br />

two organizations are cooperating in the deployment of<br />

joint international research mooring buoys in the<br />

Tropical Pacific Ocean. When the memorandum was<br />

renewed in December , a new provision on cooperation<br />

regarding loss and damage to buoys was added.<br />

() Joint Oceanographic Institutions (JOI)<br />

In July JAMSTEC signed an agreement on<br />

deep-sea scientific drilling with JOI, the ODP planning<br />

and management organization. Under this agreement,<br />

JAMSTEC and JOI concluded an agreement on<br />

technical exchanges for the ODP database in . In<br />

they signed an agreement on a science and technology<br />

and operational information project connected<br />

with the IWG support office.<br />

() Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO) of<br />

Columbia University<br />

JAMSTEC signed a memorandum on research<br />

cooperation with LDEO in December , and since<br />

then, the two organizations have exchanged research<br />

data in such fields as physical oceanography, marine<br />

science, and marine solid-earth science.<br />

() Monterey Bay Aquarium <strong>Research</strong> Institute (MBARI)<br />

In June JAMSTEC and MBARI signed a<br />

memorandum on research cooperation, under which<br />

the two organizations are cooperating in research on<br />

chemosynthetic seep and vent communities and mid<br />

and deepwater communities, on the development of a<br />

video image database, and on ROV piloting methods.<br />

() Texas A&M University (TAMU)<br />

JAMSTEC and TAMU concluded a memorandum<br />


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