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Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...


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JAMSTEC 2002 Annual Report<br />

Frontier <strong>Research</strong> System for Global Change<br />

notion of "high latitude amplification" was introduced<br />

in the early s. Early simulations of a xCO atmosphere<br />

suggested that the Arctic might warm at rate twoto-four<br />

times greater than the global average. This<br />

notion is supported by a portion of the time series of<br />

Arctic and global temperatures, i.e., the period -<br />

. However, other portions of the record suggest no<br />

amplification, e.g., the record from - shows<br />

an Arctic warming rate of .˚C per decade compared<br />

to the global value of .˚C per decade. In this analysis<br />

of the -year record, we conclude "Intrinsic<br />

Arctic variability obscures long-term changes, limiting<br />

our ability to identify complex feedbacks in the Arctic<br />

climate system." (Polyakov et al., )<br />

The descending dense water along shelves/slopes differs<br />

dynamically from the open ocean deep convection,<br />

such as in the Labrador Sea and in the Norwegian and<br />

Greenland seas. When the surface water loses heat to<br />

the atmosphere or when sea-ice formation ejects salt to<br />

the ocean surface, surface water becomes heavy enough<br />

to become statically unstable. Along the coast of the<br />

Arctic Ocean, seasonal variability of sea-ice cover produces<br />

dense water on continental shelves/slopes due to<br />

ice formation from an ice-free (or partial ice cover)<br />

condition in summer-fall to a complete ice cover condition<br />

in winter. Thus, the dense, cold shelf water is seasonally<br />

supplied to the Arctic halocline layer, which<br />

prevents sea ice from melting due to the underlying<br />

warm Atlantic Water. Figure shows a plan-view of<br />

the simulated dense water spreading downslope into the<br />

deep basin using a -D primitive equation model. To<br />

model this process, the bottom boundary layer (BBL)<br />

must be resolved, or a BBL parameterization must be<br />

implemented in the ocean GCMs. IARC/Frontier<br />

researchers are working on the BBL parameterization<br />

of the Arctic Ocean GCMs.<br />

Dramatic changes of the Arctic atmosphere, sea-ice<br />

and the ocean have been observed recently. Changes in<br />

sea-ice and upper layers of liquid freshwater may<br />

affect deep convections in the Greenland Sea and the<br />

Labrador Sea by their export, which is believed to be<br />

offshore deep ocean (km)<br />

300<br />

0 300<br />

coast (km)<br />

Fig.27 Horizontal salinity of bottom layer in case of surface salt<br />

flux (-10.0 x exp (-4)[kg/s m 2 ]) forcing at day 100. Red (blue)<br />

corresponds to high (low) salinity. This experiment shows<br />

that turbulence of instability is developing with time integration.<br />

Irregular turbulent flow occurs because of surface<br />

salinity forcing at southern boundary. The turbulence reaches<br />

the center of the model basin at day 100. Several small<br />

scale eddies with radii of around 10km are found in the turbulence.<br />

The growth of instability is consistent with previous<br />

studies. The model domain is 300km x 300km.<br />

linked to the North Atlantic Thermohaline circulation<br />

and the associated multidecadal climate variability.<br />

With an Arctic coupled sea-ice/ocean model for climate<br />

study (Zhang and Zhang ), Xiangdong<br />

Zhang, collaborating with Motoyoshi Ikeda and John<br />

Walsh, performed modeling experiments to investigate<br />

the Arctic sea-ice and freshwater changes driven by the<br />

Arctic-climate-leading mode (Zhang et al. ).<br />

IARC/Frontier scientists were developing a coupled<br />

ice-ocean model (CIOM; Wang et al. ) that was<br />

applied to the pan-Arctic and North Atlantic Ocean. At<br />

m depth (Figure ), which represents the typical<br />

Atlantic Water Layer (m), the Arctic Basin is<br />

dynamically connected to the GIN seas, while the<br />

northern North Atlantic Ocean is disconnected from<br />

the Iceland-Faroe Ridge in Demark Strait, where dense<br />

water outflow may climb the ridge and flow into the<br />

deep ocean of the northern Atlantic.<br />

The influence of realistic but extreme Arctic sea ice<br />


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