Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...


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JAMSTEC 2002 Annual Report<br />

Frontier <strong>Research</strong> System for Global Change<br />

10000<br />

1000<br />

100<br />

10<br />

160<br />

(250km)<br />

320<br />

(125km)<br />

640<br />

(63km)<br />

1280<br />

(31km)<br />

2560<br />

(15.6km)<br />

Truncation wavenumber N (Resolvable scale λ res)<br />

tions than T.<br />

Elapse time for 1 time step [msec] on ES (80 nodes)<br />

3<br />

N slope<br />

gl-7<br />

2<br />

N slope<br />

gl-8<br />

The next case is the result from the life cycle experiment<br />

of extratropical cyclones, which is proposed by<br />

Polvani and Scott () as a standard experiment of<br />

the dynamical core. It compares deterministic stage of<br />

the nonlinear evolution of extratropical cyclones for<br />

about days. We have succeeded in the simulation at<br />

the resolution of glevel (∆x .km) using <br />

nodes of the Earth Simulator.<br />

b-. Next Generation Ocean Modeling Group<br />

5120<br />

(7.8km)<br />

We are developing an ocean circulation model<br />

which has a very high physical and computational performance.<br />

As the first step of this development, an<br />

ocean circulation model, in which we focused on<br />

increasing the computational performance on the<br />

Earth Simulator, has been developed. The model is<br />

based on the Bryan-Cox ocean model and is well vectorized<br />

and parallelized. By improving the data<br />

exchange method, the computational performance of<br />

this model reaches . T flops using nodes on<br />

the Earth Simulator.<br />

In order to realize higher computational performance,<br />

we have started to develop an ocean circulation<br />

model using cubic grid. The cubic grid is generated<br />

gl-9<br />

gl-10<br />

NICAM(λ res=2∆x)<br />

NICAM(λ res=4∆x)<br />

AFES(λ res=2πa/ N)<br />

gl-11<br />

Fig.20 Comparison of computational time for one time step<br />

between NICAM and AFES. The sustained performances<br />

are also shown.<br />

by mapping grids on the surface of a cube to the sphere.<br />

Various mapping methods have already been proposed.<br />

First we tried "conformal" cubic grid and developed an<br />

accurate finite difference scheme including the vertices<br />

and succeeded a long time integration of a shallow<br />

water model by use of this grid. However, this grid system<br />

has a shortcoming; sizes of square shape grids are<br />

larger near the center of the surface of the original cube<br />

and smaller near the original vertices and the ratio<br />

between the largest and the smallest grid size increases<br />

with increase of resolution to reach about at the targeted<br />

resolution, km. Thus this conformal version of<br />

cubic grid tends to loose the "quasi-uniform" nature.<br />

Therefore we decided to abandon the development by<br />

the end of FY . After examination of various methods,<br />

we have come to adopt the method proposed by<br />

Purser and Rancic (). Generally, the cubic grid is<br />

considered to be more advantageous than other quasihomogeneous<br />

grids. The grid is quadrilateral so that it<br />

is relatively easier to introduce the schemes used in<br />

the current ocean circulation models. Moreover,<br />

the cubic grid is structured grid so that the vectorization<br />

and parallelization will be easier and this is crucial to<br />

use the computational power of the Earth Simulator<br />

efficiently. On the way of the development, we derive<br />

Arakawa-Jacobian applied to the entire cubic grid<br />

including the singularities. With the Arakawa-Jacobian,<br />

we developed a momentum-advection scheme which<br />

conserves energy and enstrophy in non-divergent case.<br />

These conservative properties prevent a type of nonlinear<br />

instability caused by anomalous energy cascade so<br />

that we anticipate to simulate well the behavior of<br />

meso-scale eddies which has only a few grids scale<br />

even in the high resolution computation.<br />

We applied the scheme to the standard shallow<br />

water test suite (Williamson et al ). We also<br />

applied the scheme which does not conserves energy<br />

nor enstrophy for comparison. In the test shown below,<br />

no numerical viscosity was applied to clarify the effect<br />

of conservative nature. Fig. shows the free-surfaceheight<br />

field of the simulation of Rossby-Haurwitz<br />


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