Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...

Marine Ecosystems Research Department - jamstec japan agency ...


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JAMSTEC 2002 Annual Report<br />

Institute for Frontier <strong>Research</strong> on Earth Evolution (IFREE)<br />

4. Plate Dynamics Modeling <strong>Research</strong> Group<br />

4.1. Outline<br />

The objective of our group is to develop models for<br />

subduction zone structure, deformation, failure, and flow<br />

mechanisms. Numerical modeling is done with crustal<br />

structure data obtained from the structure research group.<br />

Results from rock experiments and field surveys of the<br />

material property research group also aid in numerical<br />

fault zone simulations. The Earth Simulator (ES) supercomputer<br />

provides the computational power for large<br />

scale -D numerical models to obtain an integrated<br />

model of subduction dynamics. Several simulation codes<br />

for the ES are being developed.<br />

4.2. Results<br />

() Rupture Characteristics of Plate Boundary Earthquake<br />

More details of the source process of the <br />

Tonankai earthquake were estimated using tsunami<br />

wave analysis. To obtain more reliable and finer slip<br />

distribution, especially near the trough axis, the plate<br />

geometry and the tsunami initial model were<br />

improved. The distribution of slip is similar the distribution<br />

of splay faults found east of the Kii peninsula<br />

by reflection surveys (Fig.). This may support the<br />

possibility of slip on such splay faults.<br />

36N<br />

() Thermal Modeling of a Subduction Zone<br />

To investigate the relationship between the source<br />

process of the Nemuro-oki earthquake and the<br />

crustal structure there, a thermal model was constructed<br />

based on the results of a seismic structure survey crossing<br />

the source region. The obtained thermal structure<br />

indicates that the locked area of the plate boundary<br />

includes the source region and goes deeper. The relocated<br />

hypocenters of small earthquakes around the source<br />

region concentrate in the deeper part of the locked area.<br />

() Estimation of Stress Field using Shear-wave<br />

Splitting Method<br />

To estimate the stress field in the subduction zone,<br />

shear-wave splitting analysis was applied to the seismic<br />

wave data observed using ocean bottom seismometers<br />

off Cape Muroto. The results revealed for<br />

a<br />

b<br />

Vmax<br />

c<br />

d<br />

Hx<br />

Landward flank<br />

τ = 0<br />

Hy>Hx<br />

(regional E-W<br />

compression)<br />

OBS98<br />

shear stress distribution<br />

V+ τ V<br />

Hx<br />

small τ<br />

Hy>Hx<br />

0<br />

(and local recovery of<br />

the regional stress)<br />

25<br />

V+ τ<br />

MPa<br />

Hx>Hy<br />

large τ<br />

50<br />

Seaward flank<br />

Hy<br />

V<br />

x<br />

x<br />

y<br />

z<br />

y<br />

OBS1<br />

Kii peninsula<br />

Splay faults<br />

Omaezaki<br />

0 1 2 3 4 5<br />

slip (m)<br />

35N<br />

34N<br />

KTG<br />

OBS98<br />

S02<br />

S04<br />

S06<br />

S09<br />

OBS1<br />

134˚ 00' 135˚ 00'<br />

136E<br />

137E<br />

138E<br />

139E<br />

34˚ 00'<br />

33˚ 00'<br />

32˚ 00'<br />

Fig.24 Slip distribution of the 1944 Tonankai earthquake: The rectangles<br />

represent subfaults on the fault plane, and the slip<br />

amounts are shown in the red scale. The triangles shows<br />

tide gauges. The up-dip limit of the rupture area is consistent<br />

with the upper edge of the splay faults which had<br />

been detected by seismic surveys.<br />

Fig.25 Direction of maximum principal stress axes estimated from<br />

S-wave splitting analysis using OBS data and an interpretation:<br />

(a) stress field caused by seamount subduction, (b) and<br />

(c) expected stress change around a subducted seamount,<br />

(d) estimated maximum principal stress axes. Large and<br />

small circles show the positions of subducted seamounts.<br />


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