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Download Brochure - Global Real Estate Institute

Download Brochure - Global Real Estate Institute


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fax to: +44.20 8445 6633<br />

or registrations@globalrealestate.org<br />

Mr/Mrs/Dr First Initials Last (III/Jr/...) Nick-/Badge Name<br />

position<br />

Reserve your space:<br />

Sign up for group discussions<br />

Direct tel<br />

fax<br />

q INVESTOR<br />

q PENSION (Investor)<br />

q PROPERTY COMPANY (Developer)<br />


q LENDER<br />

q HOTEL (Company)<br />


q CORPORATE (User)<br />

q AGENT (Surveyor)<br />

q ADVISOR (Accountant/Tax)<br />

q LAWYER<br />

q A&E (Architect/Engineer)<br />


q GOVERNMENT (Officials)<br />


q ACADEMIC (Think Tank)<br />

q MEDIA<br />

q TRADE (Group/Exhibit/<br />

Conference Organiser)<br />

q OTHER_________________<br />

• PAYMENT DETAILS A receipt will be returned.<br />

Please tick<br />

q q q q Visa Mastercard AmEx check (+$100)(1)<br />

Card Number<br />

Name on Card<br />

Email<br />

company<br />

assistant Tel email<br />

Address<br />

City State Postcode Country<br />

Division’s web address (ex: www.company.ext/division...)<br />

*Card Security Code (MANDATORY)<br />

q Investing in CEE in 2010 – is it really worth it?<br />

q Financing in the crisis – dream or reality?<br />

q Poland in Eastern Europe – is it an exception?<br />

q Return of the credit?<br />

q Reassessment of pricing – developers, investors, bankers view<br />

q Investors & Lenders – a different approach to risk now?<br />

q Debt Financing – are there other alternatives?<br />

q CEE Investors – unprecedented buying opportunities soon?<br />

q Evaluations in distressed markets – strategies for a “new” era?<br />

q Residential in CEE/SEE – when to recover?<br />

q Developing in Eastern Europe – flight to quality?<br />

q Retail in CEE – threats and opportunities<br />

q Logistics – is eastern europe still investors darling?<br />

q New balls please! – re-inventing the game of commercial real estate?<br />

q Joint Ventures – opportunities in post-crisis cee<br />

q Polish Retail | Shopping Centers – recovery in sight?<br />

q Due Diligence – the devil is in the detail?<br />

q High Street Retail – is the crisis dagger or springboard for inner city developments in ce?<br />

Expiry<br />

Signature<br />

Credit Card Billing address, if different from above (important, please provide)<br />

Street Address<br />

City State/County Postcode<br />

Sign-up for group discussions<br />

Group discussions run concurrently for 75 minutes each, in successive series of 4 to 5 at a time.<br />

Prior sign-up is required for participation, as there is limited seating capacity. While the GRI is committed<br />

to trying to satisfy sign-up requests, it regrettably cannot guarantee availability. Please tick ( ).<br />

New Europe GRI 2009<br />

Warsaw, 24 Nov<br />

Until 19 Oct<br />

After 19 Oct<br />

Single<br />

Non Member<br />

€1,875<br />

€1,975<br />

Group rate (per person)<br />

Non Member<br />

€1,775<br />

€1,875<br />

Discussion Chair<br />

or GRI Member<br />

€1,575<br />

€1,675<br />

Fee for payment methods other than credit card<br />

€75<br />

Fee for onsite payment (credit card or cash only) €125<br />

GRI Annual Individual Membership<br />

(optional)<br />

Regular<br />

Discussion co-Chair**<br />

** Available for fee paying Discussion (co-) Chairs of any GRI during calender year.<br />

€ Euro rate<br />

q €1,800<br />

q €600<br />

*The CSC is the final three digit number printed on the reverse of your card along the signature strip.<br />

for american express cards, please provide the four digit cvv located above the card number.

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