SECTION I - Sikhs-in-Europe

SECTION I - Sikhs-in-Europe

SECTION I - Sikhs-in-Europe


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A Selected Bibliography of the <strong>Sikhs</strong> & Sikhism 322<br />

Raqaim-i-Alamgiri, MS., RSL ;<br />

Letters of Aurangzeb Alamgir, one of them conta<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g<br />

reference to Guru Gob<strong>in</strong>d S<strong>in</strong>gh, the tenth and the last Guru of the<br />

<strong>Sikhs</strong>.<br />

Rattan Chand Bal. Khalis Namah,. also called<br />

Tarikh-i-Sikhan, MS. 1846 A.D., PUL No. 167; GS.<br />

A histoty of the <strong>Sikhs</strong> from the time of Guru Nanak to the year<br />

1844.<br />

Razi-ud-D<strong>in</strong> Ahmad. Hadiqat-ul-H<strong>in</strong>d,<br />

History of India up to 1265 A.H., with the <strong>Sikhs</strong>.<br />

Risalah-i-Muhammad Shah Badshah Ghazi wa Ahwal-i-.Khan Dauran,<br />

also called Risala-i-Muhammad Shah wa’Zikr-i-Khan Dauran,<br />

MS. 1202 A.H., 1788 A.D., BM, Or. 180, K<strong>in</strong>g’s College.<br />

Cambridge, 204.<br />

History of the later Mughals, particularly Farrukh Siyar and Muhammad<br />

Shah.<br />

Risalah-i-Tarikh-i-Afghanian, MS. HSL {Tarikh),716.<br />

MS. PUL No. 95. th i rd chapter on<br />

History of the Afghans.<br />

Rishtiya, Sayyed Qasim. Afghanistan dar qaran-i-Nuzdaham,<br />

Kabul, 1329 A.H. (S)<br />

Robkar-ha-i-Panjab, , for the years 1852-53, MS., GS.<br />

Roznamcha-i-Ranjit S<strong>in</strong>gh, 1825, IRD.<br />

Roznamcha-i-Sarkar-i-Khalsa, 1847, MS. GS.<br />

Diary of the Lahore Darbar for the year 1847.<br />

Roznamcha-i-Maharajah Ranjit S<strong>in</strong>gh Bahadur.<br />

MS. OPB, 298.<br />

A part of Sohan Lal’s Umdat-ut-Tawarikh.<br />

Roznamcha-i-Shah-i-Alam, , MS. OPB, 620/174.<br />

A large collection of statistical registers of presents,<br />

khil’ats, ‘<strong>in</strong>ams, etc., given by Shah Alam to pr<strong>in</strong>ces, nobles and

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