SECTION I - Sikhs-in-Europe

SECTION I - Sikhs-in-Europe

SECTION I - Sikhs-in-Europe


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A Selected Bibliography of the <strong>Sikhs</strong> & Sikhism 321<br />

R<br />

Rahim Ali Khan b<strong>in</strong> Hafeez-ud-D<strong>in</strong> Khan. Rahim Namah, MS<br />

1850 A.D:, BM, Or. 1919<br />

A history of the fort of Rohtas from its erection to the<br />

death of Maharajah Ranjit S<strong>in</strong>gh.<br />

Raja Ram Kaul Tota, Pandit. Tarikh-i-S<strong>in</strong>ghan, about 1853 A D. YSP.<br />

A history of the <strong>Sikhs</strong> from the time of 1849 A.D. Also<br />

see Tota, Raja Ram.<br />

Rajjab Ali, Sayyad. Roznamcha<br />

ALP M / 408.<br />

...............Muraslajat. 1839-43, MS.<br />

ALP M/353<br />

1845-46, ALP M-465 ; 1847, ALP M-354; 1848 ALP M-<br />

422.<br />

..............Makatibat, ,correspondence with the Political Agent at Ludhiana.<br />

ALP M-432.<br />

..............Malfuzat.official correspondence of the British Government<br />

addressed to the Cis-Sutlej States, 1836-39. ALP M-322.<br />

.............Sanadat wa Mua’idat,<br />

Treaties, engagements and grants relat<strong>in</strong>g to Raja Bagh S<strong>in</strong>gh,<br />

Bahi Lal S<strong>in</strong>gh, Sardar Gurdit S<strong>in</strong>gh. etc., etc.<br />

ALP M/425.<br />

For Rajjab Ali, also see ALP M—25, 26, 411.<br />

Raj Kanwar. Jang Namah-i-Lahore, 1855 A.D. 5TH. MS. /269 A.H.,<br />

Raju S<strong>in</strong>gh. Ahwal-i-Khandan-i-Phulkian,<br />

MS. GS.<br />

A history of the Phulkian family of the Maharajahs of<br />

Patiala, Nabha and J<strong>in</strong>d.

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