SECTION I - Sikhs-in-Europe

SECTION I - Sikhs-in-Europe

SECTION I - Sikhs-in-Europe


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A Selected Bibliography of the <strong>Sikhs</strong> & Sikhism 297<br />

of the <strong>Sikhs</strong>, 95a ; Shah Zaman’s <strong>in</strong>vasion and the <strong>Sikhs</strong>, 103b-<br />

108b ; an account of the Punjab, 125a-130a; Letters of Shah Zaman<br />

to Sapuran Dev of Jammu, 165a-b; Rajah Sahib S<strong>in</strong>gh of Patiala,<br />

I 67a ; S. Sher S<strong>in</strong>gh and Rai S<strong>in</strong>gh of Buria, 168a-b ; S. Lahna<br />

S<strong>in</strong>gh of Lahore.<br />

Inayat-ullah Ismi, Munshi. Ahkam-i-Alamgiri.<br />

RSL. ii, 130, Kalimat Tayyabat,<br />

Ruqat-i-Alamgiri,<br />

Occasionally refers to Guru Gob<strong>in</strong>d S<strong>in</strong>gh’s activitics <strong>in</strong><br />

the Punjab.<br />

Intikhab-i-Akhbar-i-Riyasat-i-S<strong>in</strong>dhia,<br />

MS., BHU.<br />

Selections from the news from the camp of S<strong>in</strong>dhia.<br />

Arrest of Colonel Stuart at the hands of the <strong>Sikhs</strong>, 13b-14a,<br />

24a; Maratha—Sikh relations, 30b, 51a.<br />

Iqrar Namaha-i-Rajaha-i-Kohistan wa Sardar Sultan Muhammad Khan<br />

Barakzai, MS, GS.<br />

Treaties and agreements of the Rajahs of Hill States and of<br />

Sardar Sultan Muhammad Khan Barakzai With the Lahore Darbar.<br />

Iradat Khan, Mirza Mubarik-ullah, Tawarikh-i-Iradat Khani, also called<br />

Tarikh-i-Mubariki, MS. 1126 A.H., PPL, ; 10, Ethe<br />

389; OPB, 579/131 ; ASB, II. 363; BM, Or. 1687<br />

Memoirs of Iradat Khan giv<strong>in</strong>g a history of Aurangzeb’s<br />

successors.<br />

The author was present <strong>in</strong> the army of Mun’im Khan at<br />

the battle of Lohgarh aga<strong>in</strong>st Banda; his account of the affairs<br />

therefore, is based upon personal observations and is of great<br />

historical value.<br />

Death of Wazir Khan of Sirh<strong>in</strong>d, etc., — Capture and massacre of Banda<br />

and his companions—the spirit of Martyrdom among the <strong>Sikhs</strong>—

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