SECTION I - Sikhs-in-Europe

SECTION I - Sikhs-in-Europe

SECTION I - Sikhs-in-Europe


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A Selected Bibliography of the <strong>Sikhs</strong> & Sikhism 223<br />

Sikh Delegation to the Round Table Conference—Speeches of<br />

Sir Jogendra S<strong>in</strong>gh. Raja Sir Daljit S<strong>in</strong>gh, and the reply of S. S.<br />

Ujjal S<strong>in</strong>gh. Also the Delegates’ speeches at the Conference <strong>in</strong><br />

london and on other occasions.<br />

………… Sikh Empire. The Fall of the. North Br. Rev. Ed<strong>in</strong>burgh. II.<br />

1849. p. 221.<br />

………… Sikh Gurus. The. Asiatic Researches. Calcutta. VIII. (1805),<br />

p. 25-40.<br />

Sikh History. Anecdotes from. Model Press, Lahore.<br />

See Anecdotes from Sikh History. .<br />

………… Sikh Military colonies In the United States. The. Service<br />

Magaz<strong>in</strong>e, New York. Vol. 18 (1882). p.432.<br />

………… Sikh Ordnance. See Symth. Ralph; Sutlej.<br />

………… Sikh Situation In the Punjab. Fortnightly Rev.. London. Vol. 119<br />

(February. 1923). p. 238-251.<br />

………… Sikh Unrest. A Brotherhood. London Times. August 20. 1923.<br />

Sikhism—An Abstract of a Paper read at the Conference of liv<strong>in</strong>g<br />

religions with<strong>in</strong> the Empire. Open Court. Chicago. Vol. 38<br />

(December. 1924). p. 730-2.<br />

Sikhism or the Higher Religious Synthesls—A lecture at Jullundur. Nov. 5,<br />

1903.<br />

Sikh Regimental Histories. History of the First Sikh Infantry 1846-1886.<br />

Thacker Sp<strong>in</strong>k & Co., Calcutta. 1887.<br />

Expeditions (1848-49) aga<strong>in</strong>st Ram S<strong>in</strong>gh and Bhai Jodh S<strong>in</strong>gh <strong>in</strong><br />

the Doaba, and all other expeditions after 1850.<br />

Record of the Second (or Hill) Sikh Infantry, Punjab Frontier Force.<br />

Punjab Government Press. Lahore, 1887.<br />

Historical Records of the 3rd <strong>Sikhs</strong> 1847-1930.<br />

………… A Brief History of 14th Ferozepur <strong>Sikhs</strong>.<br />

………… History of the First Sikh Infantry (1846-1902). 51 <strong>Sikhs</strong>

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