SECTION I - Sikhs-in-Europe

SECTION I - Sikhs-in-Europe

SECTION I - Sikhs-in-Europe


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A Selected Bibliography of the <strong>Sikhs</strong> & Sikhism 143<br />

preparations. 353; arrangements of treacherous leaders, 354-55;<br />

battle of Mudki, Sikh Iosses not more than of the British, 358;<br />

Ferozeshah, Aliwal and Sobraon, 359--372; treaty—British<br />

occupation of Lahore, 373-76; Moolraj -resignation, 382-384; siege<br />

and fall of Multan, 385-424; Ram Nagar, 397-400; Sadullapore,<br />

405-7; Chillianwala, 415-423; battle of Gujerat, 428-435; annexation<br />

of the Punjab, 436-437; Rani Chand Kaur, 349; S. Chatar S<strong>in</strong>gh,<br />

392 to 394,410, 424-25; Rani J<strong>in</strong>d Kaur, 349.50; 392; Lall S<strong>in</strong>gh<br />

and Tej S<strong>in</strong>gh rewarded for their treachery, Sher S<strong>in</strong>gh Attarlwala,<br />

392--438.<br />

………. History of Afghanistan from the Earliest period to 1878. W.H.<br />

Allen & Coy., London. 1879.<br />

Death of Nadir Shah, 213; Koh-i-Noor, 273, 313, 333; coronation of Ahmed<br />

Shah, 275; Invasion of India—carries H<strong>in</strong>du slaves from<br />

Mathura—battle of Panipat aga<strong>in</strong>st the Mahrattas, 276-90; <strong>Sikhs</strong><br />

and the Durranis—Taimur defeats the <strong>Sikhs</strong> near Multan, 291-<br />

96; Shah Zaman’s expedition aga<strong>in</strong>st the <strong>Sikhs</strong>, 305-7; Shah Shuja’s<br />

treaty with the British—his misfortunes, 331-33; Fateh Khan’s<br />

treaty with Ranjit S<strong>in</strong>gh for conquest of Kashmir— withdraws<br />

from payment of the promised amount—Ranjlt S<strong>in</strong>gh occupies<br />

Attock (Atok),— Dost Mohammed defeated by Ranjlt S<strong>in</strong>gh, 335-<br />

39; Ranjit S<strong>in</strong>gh defeats the Afghans at Naushera- advantages of<br />

the victory to the <strong>Sikhs</strong>, 350-51; Ranjit S<strong>in</strong>gh’s occupation of<br />

Peshawar, 356-58; Dost Mohammad unsuccess-ful aga<strong>in</strong>st the<br />

<strong>Sikhs</strong>—battle of Jamrud—<strong>Sikhs</strong> besieged— Akbar Khan retreats<br />

on the arrival of Sikh re<strong>in</strong>forcement, 358-59 ; Dost Mohammed<br />

applies to the English for help- Burnes’ mission to Kabul-arrival<br />

of Russian agent at Kabul, 359-65 ; Lord Auckland prepares to<br />

depose Dost Mohammed and replace him by Shah Shuja—<br />

Maharaja Ranjlt S<strong>in</strong>gh refuses passage to the expedition (British)<br />

force through the Punjab, 365-371 ; the British Invasion of Kabul,

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