SECTION I - Sikhs-in-Europe

SECTION I - Sikhs-in-Europe

SECTION I - Sikhs-in-Europe


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A Selected Bibliography of the <strong>Sikhs</strong> & Sikhism 139<br />

Kharak S<strong>in</strong>gh towards the British -Jehangir’s tomb, 275-280;<br />

Lahore—<strong>Sikhs</strong>—their sports -Maharaja Kharak S<strong>in</strong>gh—Sher<br />

S<strong>in</strong>gh—Akalis—288-303.<br />

First Anglo-Sikh war, the Sikh Military establishment-the British position,<br />

64; the battles of Mudki, 65-90; Ferozeshah, 91-132; Baddowal,<br />

133-162; Aliwal, 163-206; Henry Smith’s division—battle of<br />

Sobraon, 207-248; British forces concentrate at Kasur-visit of<br />

Gulab S<strong>in</strong>gh and Dalip to British Camp—occupation of Lahore—<br />

the Treaty concluded, 249-293.<br />

Mackison, Lieut. Journal of Capta<strong>in</strong> C.M. Wade’s voyage from Ludhlana<br />

to Mithankote by the River Sutlej. JASB, 1837, pp. 169-217.<br />

Mackeson, Capta<strong>in</strong> F. Copies of Correspondence with—Political Agent<br />

at Peshawar, 1833-43.<br />

Imperial Records Department, Government of India: No <strong>in</strong> the<br />

list, 310-317 ; Hand Book, p. 88.<br />

MacLagan, E. Fragments of the History of Multan.<br />

MacLagan, ED., Ibbetson, D. and Rose. H. A. A Glossary of the Castes<br />

and Tribes of the Punjab and North Western Frontier Prov<strong>in</strong>ce.<br />

Government Pr<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g, Lahore. 1919. 3 Vols.<br />

See under Ibbetson, Sir Denzil.<br />

MacLagan, Edward. Census of India, 1891, Vol. XIX—The Punjab and<br />

its Feduatories. Government Pr<strong>in</strong>t<strong>in</strong>g, Calcutta, 1892.<br />

The progress of Sikhism, 94-97 ; Nanak and his followers, the Nanak<br />

Panthls—Bedis— Udasis—Gulabdasis— Suthras-some m<strong>in</strong>or<br />

sects—Sanwal Shahls—Nirankaris, N<strong>in</strong>e Gurus-Niranjanis—the<br />

Ramdasls—Dhir Maliias, Ram Raiyas—Sewa Panthls—Sodhls,<br />

148-164; Guru Gov<strong>in</strong>d S<strong>in</strong>gh—Character of the Khalsa—Akalls<br />

and Nihangs—the Nirmalas— Kukas -Kukas ris<strong>in</strong>g of 1872 ; Kukas<br />

of today—present Sikh School of op<strong>in</strong>ion. 164-171.<br />

Mac Lagan, General R., etc., etc. The ‘Punjab’ ‘India’ and ‘H<strong>in</strong>dostani’<br />

articles <strong>in</strong> the Encyclopaedia Britanlca, 9th edition. The

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