Nitnem by Dr. Kulwant Singh, with Punjabi ... -

Nitnem by Dr. Kulwant Singh, with Punjabi ... - Nitnem by Dr. Kulwant Singh, with Punjabi ... -
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312 s`qR im`qR ijh qwq n mwqw] Sat.t.r; mit.t.r; jeh t.aat naa maat.aa ahudy duSmx, dosq, mW jW bwp koeI nhI[ He has no enemies or friends, and no mother or father. sB qy dUir sBn qy nyrw] Sabh d.oor sabhan naeraa auh sB qoN dUr (phMc qoN bwhr), Br sB dy nyVy (nwl) hY[ He is far away, but still close to everything. jil Qil mhIAil jwih bsyrw]4] Jalle thalle mahia-le jahe basaeraa. (4). pwxI, DrqI, AkwS-DrqI ivckwr, auhdw itkwxw hY (hr QW hY)[ He is there in the water, earth, and space (Space - between earth and sky, everywhere). Anhd rUpu Anwhd bwnI] Anhad. roopu anaahad. baanee byAMq hY auhdI hoNd – hr QW iek`swr hY, auhdI bwnI (bwxI: hukm) vI swry hI iekswr - ie`ko jyhw: brwbr, hY[ Your Form is limitless and constant (Same) everywhere, and Your Will equally prevails at all places. crn srin ijh bsq BvwnI] Charan sarane jeh bast. Bhavaanee auhdy crnw dI Srn: Et, ivc BvwnI (durgw dyvI) rihMdI hY – Bwv, hukm swry prmwqmw dw hI c`ldw hY[ Bhavaanee (Goddess Durgaa) stays in the refuge of Waheguru (God) – Will of God prevails all over the world. bRhmw ibsnu AMq nhIN pwieE] Br;ahmaa Bisn ant.t. nahee paa-eo bRhHmw, qy ivsnUM, qyrw AMq nhI pw sky[ bRhmw – rcnw krn dw dyvqw; ibsn – ivSnUM: pwlx dw dyvqw[ The gods of creation and support to it, could not find His limits. (Brahma – god of creation. Bisan: Vishnu – god of provisions).

313 niyq nyiq muK cwr bqwieE]5] Naet.e naet.e mukh chaar bat.aa-eo (5). “ieh nhI, ieh nhI” cwr mUMhW vwly (brhmw) nyN kih id`qw – brhmw AMq nhI pw sikAw qy iehny kih id`qw ik prmwqmw vrgw koeI dUsrw nhI hY[ nyiq nyiq – nw ieiq, nw ieiq: ieho ijhw nhI, ieho ijhw nhI[ muK cwr –cwr mMh vwlw, Bwv brhmw ny cwr vyd aucwry - ieh cwry vyd mUMh-zbwnI aucwr vI skdw hovygw[ Even the four-faced - Brahma - god of creation, declared that there is none other like Him. (Four faced – Brahma created four Vedas. As well, he might have been able to recite these from his memory). koit ieMdR aupieMdR bnwey] Kote Indr; Oup-Indr; banaa-ae vwihgurU ny kroVW hI ieMdr Aqy aupieMdR (vwmn-Avqwr,) bxwey[ aupieMdR – ivSnUM dw pMjvW Avqwr vwmn, ieMdr dw Cotw Brw[ ieh Aidiq dy audr qoN (pyt coN) kSXp dw pu`qr sI[ The Lord created millions of god Indar and OupIndar (Younger brother of Indar). bRhmw ru`dR aupwie Kpwie] Br;ahmaa Rudr; oupaa-ae khapaa-ae (prmwqmw ny) brhmw qy ru`dR (iSv) pYdw kIqy Aqy Kqm kr id`qy[ He created and then destroyed Brahma and Rudar (Shiva). lok cqR ds Kyl rcwieE] Lok chat.urdass khaelu rachaa-eo lokW (mMflW) cOdW ivc vwihgurU ny rcnw kIqI[ bwkI Drm, s`q mMfl DrqI qoN au~pr, Aqy s`q ies qoN hyTW, kul cOdW mMfl mMndy hn[ He set up seven levels: Mandals (Mandla), above the earth, and seven below it (Set up His Play – Creation). bhuir Awp hI bIc imlwieE]6] Bahure aap hee beech milaa-aeo (6). &yr, prmwqmw ny ies AwpxI rcI Kyf nUM Awpxy ivc imlw ilAw (Kqm kr id`qw). After creating whole of His Play, the Lord took everything back into His Own Self (Annihilated: destroyed, everything). dwnv dyv PinMd Apwrw] D.anav d.aev phanin:d.e apaaraa (prmwqmw ny rcy) rwKSS qy dyvq,y PnIAr s`pW dy rwjy (SySnwg), Anigxq[ (PinMd: Pn + ieMdr = s`pW dw rwjw - SySnwg)[

313<br />

niyq nyiq muK cwr bqwieE]5]<br />

Naet.e naet.e mukh chaar bat.aa-eo (5).<br />

“ieh nhI, ieh nhI” cwr mUMhW vwly (brhmw) nyN kih id`qw – brhmw AMq nhI pw sikAw qy<br />

iehny kih id`qw ik prmwqmw vrgw koeI dUsrw nhI hY[<br />

nyiq nyiq – nw ieiq, nw ieiq: ieho ijhw nhI, ieho ijhw nhI[ muK cwr –cwr mMh vwlw,<br />

Bwv brhmw ny cwr vyd aucwry - ieh cwry vyd mUMh-zbwnI aucwr vI skdw hovygw[<br />

Even the four-faced - Brahma - god of creation, declared that there is none other<br />

like Him. (Four faced – Brahma created four Vedas. As well, he might have been<br />

able to recite these from his memory).<br />

koit ieMdR aupieMdR bnwey]<br />

Kote Indr; Oup-Indr; banaa-ae<br />

vwihgurU ny kroVW hI ieMdr Aqy aupieMdR (vwmn-Avqwr,) bxwey[<br />

aupieMdR – ivSnUM dw pMjvW Avqwr vwmn, ieMdr dw Cotw Brw[ ieh Aidiq dy audr qoN<br />

(pyt coN) kSXp dw pu`qr sI[<br />

The Lord created millions of god Indar and OupIndar (Younger brother of Indar).<br />

bRhmw ru`dR aupwie Kpwie]<br />

Br;ahmaa Rudr; oupaa-ae khapaa-ae<br />

(prmwqmw ny) brhmw qy ru`dR (iSv) pYdw kIqy Aqy Kqm kr id`qy[<br />

He created and then destroyed Brahma and Rudar (Shiva).<br />

lok cqR ds Kyl rcwieE]<br />

Lok chat.urdass khaelu rachaa-eo<br />

lokW (mMflW) cOdW ivc vwihgurU ny rcnw kIqI[<br />

bwkI <strong>Dr</strong>m, s`q mMfl <strong>Dr</strong>qI qoN au~pr, Aqy s`q ies qoN hyTW, kul cOdW mMfl mMndy hn[<br />

He set up seven levels: Mandals (Mandla), above the earth, and seven below it<br />

(Set up His Play – Creation).<br />

bhuir Awp hI bIc imlwieE]6]<br />

Bahure aap hee beech milaa-aeo (6).<br />

&yr, prmwqmw ny ies AwpxI rcI Kyf nUM Awpxy ivc imlw ilAw (Kqm kr id`qw).<br />

After creating whole of His Play, the Lord took everything back into His Own<br />

Self (Annihilated: destroyed, everything).<br />

dwnv dyv PinMd Apwrw]<br />

D.anav d.aev phanin:d.e apaaraa<br />

(prmwqmw ny rcy) rwKSS qy dyvq,y PnIAr s`pW dy rwjy (SySnwg), Anigxq[<br />

(PinMd: Pn + ieMdr = s`pW dw rwjw - SySnwg)[

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