Nitnem by Dr. Kulwant Singh, with Punjabi ... -

Nitnem by Dr. Kulwant Singh, with Punjabi ... - Nitnem by Dr. Kulwant Singh, with Punjabi ... -
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26 Some, sing of His praise after realizing that it is difficult to attain wisdom to meet Him. gwvY ko swij kry qnu Kyh ] gaavai ko saaj karay tan khayh. koeI gwauNdw hY ik vwihgurU srIrW nUµ bxw ky Pyr iehnw nUµ Kqm (im`tI) kr idMdw hY[ (koeI, vwihgurU dI, srIr bxw ky iehnUµ imtw dyx dI v`fI SkqI dyK ky iehdy gux gwauNdw hY)[ Some sing that He creates and then destroys it (Some sing impressed by the great power of the Lord that He creates a body and can destroy it as well). gwvY ko jIA lY iPir dyh ] gaavai ko jee-a lai fir dayh. keI auhdI SkqI dy gux gwauNdy hn ik vwihgurU pRwx lYky (mwr ky) vwps dy (jIvwl) idMdw hY[ (keI vwihgurU dI mwr ky muV izMdw kr dyx dI SkqI nUµ dyK (pRBwvq ho), auhdy gux gwauNdy hn)} Some sing (impressed by the fact) that God has the power to takes away life and then restore it too. gwvY ko jwpY idsY dUir ] gaavai ko jaapai disai door. keI gwauNdy hn ik vwihgurU bhuq dUr l`gdw Aqy idsdw hY[ (keI, vwihguru nUµ phuMc qoN bwhr jwx ky auhdy gux gwauNdy hn)[ Some sing, God seems and appears to be too far away (impressed that God is unreachable). gwvY ko vyKY hwdrw hdUir ] gaavai ko vaykhai haadraa hadoor. koeI gwauNdy hn ik auh swnUµ dyK irhw hY (auhdy drbwr ivc hW) – auh nyVy hY[ (keI Awpxy Awp nUµ auhdI hwzrI, auhdy kol, smJdw hY Aqy auhdy gux gwauNdw hY)[ Some sing that He beholds them - They are in His presence. kQnw kQI n AwvY qoit ] kathnaa kathee naa aavai tot. auhdw js gwaux vwly byAMq hn[ {vwihgurU bwry ivcwrW dw AMq nhI[ vwihgurU bwry ivcwrW (AMdwzy) dsx vwly byAMq hn[ ivcwrW krn vwly auhdy bwry keI qrHW nwl dsdy hn ik auh hY} There are many who sing His praise. (There is no dearth of views about God. There is no end to those who give opinions about God. Thinkers tell about Him in many ways that He is).

27 kiQ kiQ kQI kotI koit koit ] kath kath kathee kotee kot kot. kroVW hI auhdy gux gwauNdy hn[ (kroVW vwihgurU dy bwry dsdy hn)[ Many praise Him. (Millions give descriptions of God). dydw dy lYdy Qik pwih ] daydaa day laiday thak paahi. dyx vwlw (vwihgurU) dyeI hI jWdw hY, BwvyN lYx vwly lYNdy Qk jwx[ The Giver (God) keeps on giving, though the recipients may become weary of receiving. jugw jugMqir KwhI Kwih ] jugaa jugantar khaahee khaahi. byAMq smy qoN (jugW qoN) Kwx vwly auhdy idqy (pdwrQW) nUµ Kw rhy hn[ Since ages the people have been eating and consuming (His provisions). hukmI hukmu clwey rwhu ] hukmee hukam chalaa-ay raahu. hwkm (vwihgurU) Awpxy hukm dy ivc iek AsUl (rwh) qy sB kuJ (sMswr dI kwr) qordw hY[ The Lord sets up (Establishes) everything within His System (Discipline, Order). nwnk ivgsY vyprvwhu ]3] Nanak vigsai vayparvaahu. ||3|| nwnk, rb KuSI ivc rihMdw, sMsr dI kwr qoN byprvwh hY (sMswr hukm ivc Awpy c`lI jWdw hY, auhnUM iehdy leI koeI Kycl krn dI loV nhI[ Nanak God stays in joy and is carefree (The world continues in the System He has set). ||3|| swcw swihbu swcu nwie BwiKAw Bwau Apwru ] saachaa saahib saach naa-i bhaakhi-aa bhaa-o apaar. s`cy vwihgurU dw s`cw nwm lok bVy ipAwr dy nwl lYNdy hn[ (vwihgurU s`cw hY, auhdw inAwauN vI s`cw hY, auhdI bolI bVI prym-BrI hY – auh prym nUµ smJdw hY)[ True is the Lord, True His Name and people recite His Name with great love. (The Lord is the Truth, True is His Justice, and He accepts the True Love). AwKih mMgih dyih dyih dwiq kry dwqwru ] aakhahi mangahi dayhi dayh daat karay daataar. lok bynqI krky mMgdy Aqy dyx nUµ kihMdy hn, vwihgurU auhnw dIAW mMgW pUrIAW krdw hY[ The People pray, beg, and ask for His Boons, the Giver; the Lord, fulfills their

27<br />

kiQ kiQ kQI kotI koit koit ]<br />

kath kath kathee kotee kot kot.<br />

kroVW hI auhdy gux gwauNdy hn[ (kroVW vwihgurU dy bwry dsdy hn)[<br />

Many praise Him. (Millions give descriptions of God).<br />

dydw dy lYdy Qik pwih ]<br />

daydaa day laiday thak paahi.<br />

dyx vwlw (vwihgurU) dyeI hI jWdw hY, BwvyN lYx vwly lYNdy Qk jwx[<br />

The Giver (God) keeps on giving, though the recipients may become weary of<br />

receiving.<br />

jugw jugMqir KwhI Kwih ]<br />

jugaa jugantar khaahee khaahi.<br />

<strong>by</strong>AMq smy qoN (jugW qoN) Kwx vwly auhdy idqy (pdwrQW) nUµ Kw rhy hn[<br />

Since ages the people have been eating and consuming (His provisions).<br />

hukmI hukmu clwey rwhu ]<br />

hukmee hukam chalaa-ay raahu.<br />

hwkm (vwihgurU) Awpxy hukm dy ivc iek AsUl (rwh) qy sB kuJ (sMswr dI kwr) qordw hY[<br />

The Lord sets up (Establishes) everything <strong>with</strong>in His System (Discipline, Order).<br />

nwnk ivgsY vyprvwhu ]3]<br />

Nanak vigsai vayparvaahu. ||3||<br />

nwnk, rb KuSI ivc rihMdw, sMsr dI kwr qoN <strong>by</strong>prvwh hY (sMswr hukm ivc Awpy c`lI jWdw hY,<br />

auhnUM iehdy leI koeI Kycl krn dI loV nhI[<br />

Nanak God stays in joy and is carefree (The world continues in the System He<br />

has set). ||3||<br />

swcw swihbu swcu nwie BwiKAw Bwau Apwru ]<br />

saachaa saahib saach naa-i bhaakhi-aa bhaa-o apaar.<br />

s`cy vwihgurU dw s`cw nwm lok bVy ipAwr dy nwl lYNdy hn[ (vwihgurU s`cw hY, auhdw inAwauN<br />

vI s`cw hY, auhdI bolI bVI prym-BrI hY – auh prym nUµ smJdw hY)[<br />

True is the Lord, True His Name and people recite His Name <strong>with</strong> great love.<br />

(The Lord is the Truth, True is His Justice, and He accepts the True Love).<br />

AwKih mMgih dyih dyih dwiq kry dwqwru ]<br />

aakhahi mangahi dayhi dayh daat karay daataar.<br />

lok <strong>by</strong>nqI krky mMgdy Aqy dyx nUµ kihMdy hn, vwihgurU auhnw dIAW mMgW pUrIAW krdw hY[<br />

The People pray, beg, and ask for His Boons, the Giver; the Lord, fulfills their

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