Nitnem by Dr. Kulwant Singh, with Punjabi ... -

Nitnem by Dr. Kulwant Singh, with Punjabi ... - Nitnem by Dr. Kulwant Singh, with Punjabi ... -
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118 lok caudh ky ibKY jg jwphI ijNh jwp ] Lok choud.ah kae bikhaae jagg jaapahee jeh jaap lokW (Bvnw, mMflW) cOdW dy ivc jgq jpdw hY auhdw nwm[(ieslwimk m`q Anuswr AwkwS cOdW hn[ ihMdU m`q s`q lok DrqI qoN au~pr Aqy s`q DrqI qoN hyTW mMndw hY)[ In all the fourteen levels (Mandals, worlds - In the universe), He is revered. (In the Hindu and Islamic philosophy, there are seven levels below the earth and seven above it). Awid dyv Anwid mUriq QwipE sbY ijNh Qwp ] Aad.e d.aev anaad.e moorat.-e thaapeou sabaae jeh thaap auh AwrMB qoN joq-srUp (pUjx Xog) SurU qoN vI pihlW dI mUrq (hsqI) hY, ik ijs ny (Awpxy qoN bwAd Awp) ieh rcnw rcI[ You have been the Worshipful Being since before the beginning of the time, and You created everything. prm rUp punIq mUriq pUrn purKu Apwr ] Param roop puneet. moorat.-e pooran purkhu apaar vwihgurU sB qoN au~cI hsqI, piv`qr-srUp, pUrn-purS (sB ivc mOjUd), byAMq hY[ God is Supreme, the Purest-Form (Immaculate, Truth), Complete (Perfect-Being), and Limitless (All Pervading). srb ibsÍ ricE suXMBv gVn BMjnhwr ]83] Sarab bisv; rachoa suyan:bhav bhan:jan-haar auhny swrw ivSv (sMswr) ricAw hY, Br auhny Awpxy Awp nUM Awpy hI bxwieAw hY, Aqy auh sB nUM GVn (rcx) qy BMnx (mwrx) vwlw hY[ He has created whole of the Universe, but He Himself is Self-Created, and He is the Creator and the Destroyer. kwl hIn klw sMjugiq Akwl purK Adys ] Kaal heen kalla san:jugat.-e akaal purukh ad.aes auhnUM mOq nhI, sB kuC krn dI SkqI rKdw hY, Aqy mOq rihq hsqI dw koeI iek itkwxw nhI (dyS kwl – AsQwn qy smyN qoN, mu`kq hY)[ He is the Deathless Being, has the power to create everything, is Immortal, Akaal- Purakh (not bound by time), and has no specific place (He is present all over). Drm Dwm su Brm rihq ABUq AlK ABys ] Dh:aram dh:aam su bharam rahet abhoot. alakh abhaes auh Drm dw Gr (somw) ibnw iksy Brm dy (s`cIN hI) hY, q`qW qoN nhI bixAw (srIr nhI), so auh dyiKAw nhI jw skdw, Aqy auhdw koeI vys (pihrwvw, rUp) nhI[

119 He is the source of Dharma (Discipline, righteousness) and is the Truth (He really is, there is no illusion about it). He is not made of elements (Is without body) and so He cannot be seen, and has no dress (appearance, form). AMg rwg n rMg jwkih jwiq pwiq n nwm ] An;g raag naa ran:g jaak-he jaat.e paat.e naa naam auhdw, moh dw kwrx srIr nhI hY, rMg-rUp nhI, nw zwq goq Aqy nw hI nwm hY[ He is without a body, has no attachment, no color, no caste or sub caste (Clan), and is without name. grb gMjn dust BMjn mukiq dwiek kwm ]84] Garab gan:jan d.ust bhan:jan mukat.-e d.aaik kaam auh, hMkwr qoVn vwlw, duSmx BMnx-mwrx vwlw, ie`CwvW qoN mu`kqI dyx vwlw hY (ie`Cw pUrI krn vwlw hY)[ He is the remover of ego, breaker of evil, and liberator from desires (He Fulfills desires). Awp rUp AmIk An ausqiq eyk purK AvDUq ] Aap roop ameek ann aek purkh avdh:oot. auh svY-srUp (Awpy nUM Kud bxwieAw): jnimAw nhI, gihr-gMBIr (fUMGw-smJx qoN prHy), ausqq krn qoN au~pr hY - ausqq kIqI nhI jw skdI, Aqy iek purK (sBnw ivc ricAw, hsqI) hY ijs nUM sMswr dI pkV nhI[ He is Self-Created, too deep to understand, beyond praise, and the Detached Being. grb gMjn srb BMjn Awid rUp AsUq ] Garab gan:jan sarab bhan:jan aad.e roop asoot. auh hMkwr qoVdw, swirAW nUM mwrx vwlw (szw dyx vwlw, inAW krx vwlw), mu`Flw-purS Aqy prsUq (jnm) qoN rihq hY[ He is destroyer of ego, killer of all, from the beginning (Primordial Being), and Self-Created. AMg hIn ABMg Anwqm eyk purK Apwr ] An:g heen abhan:g aek purkh apaar auh srIr rihq hY, AibnwSI (nwS rihq, mOq nhI), Awqmw dI auhdy qoN Al`g AwpxI hoNd nhI), iek hsqI hY ik ijs dw koeI pwrwvwr nhI: byAMq hY[ (auhdy ibnw Awqmw koeI Alg vsq nhI[ prm-Awqmw hY)[ He has no body - Bodiless, He cannot be destroyed - Indestructible, He is deathless - Immortal, the Supreme-Soul - the source of soul to everyone, and is

118<br />

lok caudh ky ibKY jg jwphI ijNh jwp ]<br />

Lok choud.ah kae bikhaae jagg jaapahee jeh jaap<br />

lokW (Bvnw, mMflW) cOdW dy ivc jgq jpdw hY auhdw nwm[(ieslwimk m`q Anuswr AwkwS<br />

cOdW hn[ ihMdU m`q s`q lok <strong>Dr</strong>qI qoN au~pr Aqy s`q <strong>Dr</strong>qI qoN hyTW mMndw hY)[<br />

In all the fourteen levels (Mandals, worlds - In the universe), He is revered. (In<br />

the Hindu and Islamic philosophy, there are seven levels below the earth and<br />

seven above it).<br />

Awid dyv Anwid mUriq QwipE sbY ijNh Qwp ]<br />

Aad.e d.aev anaad.e moorat.-e thaapeou sabaae jeh thaap<br />

auh AwrMB qoN joq-srUp (pUjx Xog) SurU qoN vI pihlW dI mUrq (hsqI) hY, ik ijs ny (Awpxy<br />

qoN bwAd Awp) ieh rcnw rcI[<br />

You have been the Worshipful Being since before the beginning of the time, and<br />

You created everything.<br />

prm rUp punIq mUriq pUrn purKu Apwr ]<br />

Param roop puneet. moorat.-e pooran purkhu apaar<br />

vwihgurU sB qoN au~cI hsqI, piv`qr-srUp, pUrn-purS (sB ivc mOjUd), <strong>by</strong>AMq hY[<br />

God is Supreme, the Purest-Form (Immaculate, Truth), Complete (Perfect-Being),<br />

and Limitless (All Pervading).<br />

srb ibsÍ ricE suXMBv gVn BMjnhwr ]83]<br />

Sarab bisv; rachoa suyan:bhav bhan:jan-haar<br />

auhny swrw ivSv (sMswr) ricAw hY, Br auhny Awpxy Awp nUM Awpy hI bxwieAw hY, Aqy auh<br />

sB nUM GVn (rcx) qy BMnx (mwrx) vwlw hY[<br />

He has created whole of the Universe, but He Himself is Self-Created, and He is<br />

the Creator and the Destroyer.<br />

kwl hIn klw sMjugiq Akwl purK Adys ]<br />

Kaal heen kalla san:jugat.-e akaal purukh ad.aes<br />

auhnUM mOq nhI, sB kuC krn dI SkqI rKdw hY, Aqy mOq rihq hsqI dw koeI iek itkwxw<br />

nhI (dyS kwl – AsQwn qy smyN qoN, mu`kq hY)[<br />

He is the Deathless Being, has the power to create everything, is Immortal, Akaal-<br />

Purakh (not bound <strong>by</strong> time), and has no specific place (He is present all over).<br />

<strong>Dr</strong>m Dwm su Brm rihq ABUq AlK ABys ]<br />

Dh:aram dh:aam su bharam rahet abhoot. alakh abhaes<br />

auh <strong>Dr</strong>m dw Gr (somw) ibnw iksy Brm dy (s`cIN hI) hY, q`qW qoN nhI bixAw (srIr nhI), so<br />

auh dyiKAw nhI jw skdw, Aqy auhdw koeI vys (pihrwvw, rUp) nhI[

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