Nitnem by Dr. Kulwant Singh, with Punjabi ... -

Nitnem by Dr. Kulwant Singh, with Punjabi ... - Nitnem by Dr. Kulwant Singh, with Punjabi ... -
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116 nwm Twm n jwiq jwkr rUp rMg n ryK Naam Th:aam naa jaat. jaakar roop ran:g naa raekh qyrw nwm, itkwxw, zwq, rUp-rMg, Aqy nw rUp-ryKw (ichn-c`kr) hn[ You are without a name, place, caste, color, and are Formless. Awid purK audwr mUriq Ajoin Awid AsyK ] Aad.-e purkh oud.aar moorat.-e ajone aad.e asaekh qUM mu`Flw purK (hsqI) Aqy KulHy idl dw hYN, qUM jUnw (jnm) ivc nhI AwauNdw, sB kwsy dw AwrMB (SurU) Aqy sMpUrn hYN[ You are the cause of everything right from the beginning (Primal Being), big hearted, You do not get born, but You are the origin (Beginning) of everything, and are complete. dys AOr n Bys jwkr rUp ryK n rwg ] D.aes aur naa bhaes jaakar roop raekh naa raag qyrw dys nhI, Bys nhI, Skl-sUrq nhI, nw hI qYnUM iksy dy nwl moh hY[ He is the One without a specific place and dress (Appearance). He is Formless and Detached - Not attached to anyone. (Not bound to one place, He is everywhere. He has no specific appearance every appearance is His). j`qR q`qR idsw ivsw huie PYilE Anurwg ]80] Jat.r;; d.isaa vissa hu-e phaaeleoa anuraag ieQy auQy, hr pwsy, PYilAw hoieAw hYN ipAwr-rUp hoky[ Here, there, everywhere, You are the love prevailing in all the directions. nwm kwm ibhIn pyKq Dwm hUM nih jwih ] Naaam kaam biheen paekhat. dh:aam hoon: nahe jaahe auhnUM nwm Aqy ie`Cw irhq dyKdy hW, Gr-Gwt vI nhI ijsdw[ We think of Him as Nameless, Desireless, and Placeless. (All names, desires and places are His). srb mwn srb`qR mwn sdYv mwnq qwih ] Sarab maam sarbat.t.r; maan sad.aaev maanat. t.aahe qUM sBnw dw mwnXog hYN, hr QW qyrI mwnqw hY, sdw hI qyrI mwnqw hY[ All revere You, You are revered everywhere, You are revered always. eyk mUriq Anyk drsn kIn rUp Anyk ] Aek moorat.-e anaek d.arsan keen roop anaek auh iek rUp (iek hsqI) hY, auhdy drSn-srUpW dw AMq nhI ikauN jo auh AwpxI rcnw dy

117 ivc byAMq srUpW (SklW) ivc zwihr hY[ He is One, and still seen as many, because in His Creation all the forms are His. Kyl Kyl AKyl Kyln AMq ko iPir eyk ]81] Khael khael akhael khaelan an:t. ko phir aek auh Kyf Kyf ky (jgq dI Kyf) jd iehnUM An-Kyf (prlo) kr idMdw hY, qW auhdI rcnw aus ivc vwps Alop ho jwx dy kwrx auh muV iek ho jWdw hY[ When, after playing the play of Creation He ends it, everything goes back into Him, and again He becomes One. dyv Byv n jwnhI ijh byd Aaur kqyb ] D.aev bhaev jaanhee jeh baed aour kataeb dyvqy Byd nhI jwxdy ijs dw, vyd Aqy kqyb vI ieh nhI jwxdy[ vyd - cwr vyd: swm, Xjur, irg, AQrvn; kqyb - cwr ikqwbW: kurwn, AMjIl, qOryq, zMbUr[ His Mystery is not known to gods, Vedas, and Kateb - Qouran and other books related to this. rUp rMg n jwiq pwiq su jwneI ikh jyb ] Roop ran:g naa jaat.e paat.e su jaanaee keh jaeb ijsdw rUp rMg, zwq (jwqIAW, iksmW) goq nhI, auh Awp hI jwxdw hY ik auhdI Suhbw kYsI hY[ Greatness of the One Who is without color, form, caste, sub-caste, etc. can only be known to that One only. qwq mwq n jwq jwkr jnm mrn ibhIn ] maat. naa jaat. jaakar-e janam maran biheen ipqw, nw mwqw, nw zwq (Aqy, jwq - sMqwn) hY ausdI, jnm, mrx qoN ibnw hY[ He has no father, mother, caste (or children), and is above birth and death. c`k® b`k® iPrY c`qR c`k mwnhI pur qIn ]82] Chakkr; bakkr; phiraae chat.t.r; chakk maanhee pur t.een auhdw c`kr tyFw (iqrCw, iBAwnk) iPrdw hY (At`l hu`km[ mOq) cwroN bMny, Aqy mMndIAW hn iqMny purIAW (DrqI,AwkwS, pwql) auhnUM[ His terrifying sharp-ring (Sharp circular-throwing weapon) works in all four directions, and the three worlds (earth, sky, nether world), revere Him.

116<br />

nwm Twm n jwiq jwkr rUp rMg n ryK<br />

Naam Th:aam naa jaat. jaakar roop ran:g naa raekh<br />

qyrw nwm, itkwxw, zwq, rUp-rMg, Aqy nw rUp-ryKw (ichn-c`kr) hn[<br />

You are <strong>with</strong>out a name, place, caste, color, and are Formless.<br />

Awid purK audwr mUriq Ajoin Awid AsyK ]<br />

Aad.-e purkh oud.aar moorat.-e ajone aad.e asaekh<br />

qUM mu`Flw purK (hsqI) Aqy KulHy idl dw hYN, qUM jUnw (jnm) ivc nhI AwauNdw, sB kwsy dw<br />

AwrMB (SurU) Aqy sMpUrn hYN[<br />

You are the cause of everything right from the beginning (Primal Being), big<br />

hearted, You do not get born, but You are the origin (Beginning) of everything,<br />

and are complete.<br />

dys AOr n Bys jwkr rUp ryK n rwg ]<br />

D.aes aur naa bhaes jaakar roop raekh naa raag<br />

qyrw dys nhI, Bys nhI, Skl-sUrq nhI, nw hI qYnUM iksy dy nwl moh hY[<br />

He is the One <strong>with</strong>out a specific place and dress (Appearance). He is Formless<br />

and Detached - Not attached to anyone. (Not bound to one place, He is<br />

everywhere. He has no specific appearance every appearance is His).<br />

j`qR q`qR idsw ivsw huie PYilE Anurwg ]80]<br />

Jat.r;; d.isaa vissa hu-e phaaeleoa anuraag<br />

ieQy auQy, hr pwsy, PYilAw hoieAw hYN ipAwr-rUp hoky[<br />

Here, there, everywhere, You are the love prevailing in all the directions.<br />

nwm kwm ibhIn pyKq Dwm hUM nih jwih ]<br />

Naaam kaam biheen paekhat. dh:aam hoon: nahe jaahe<br />

auhnUM nwm Aqy ie`Cw irhq dyKdy hW, Gr-Gwt vI nhI ijsdw[<br />

We think of Him as Nameless, Desireless, and Placeless. (All names, desires and<br />

places are His).<br />

srb mwn srb`qR mwn sdYv mwnq qwih ]<br />

Sarab maam sarbat.t.r; maan sad.aaev maanat. t.aahe<br />

qUM sBnw dw mwnXog hYN, hr QW qyrI mwnqw hY, sdw hI qyrI mwnqw hY[<br />

All revere You, You are revered everywhere, You are revered always.<br />

eyk mUriq Anyk drsn kIn rUp Anyk ]<br />

Aek moorat.-e anaek d.arsan keen roop anaek<br />

auh iek rUp (iek hsqI) hY, auhdy drSn-srUpW dw AMq nhI ikauN jo auh AwpxI rcnw dy

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