Nitnem by Dr. Kulwant Singh, with Punjabi ... - Gurbanifiles.org

Nitnem by Dr. Kulwant Singh, with Punjabi ... - Gurbanifiles.org

Nitnem by Dr. Kulwant Singh, with Punjabi ... - Gurbanifiles.org


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112<br />

nmo srb rogy ] nmo srb Bogy ]<br />

Namo sarab rogae / Namo sarab bhogae<br />

sBnw dy rog (sBnw nUM rogI kr dyx vwly), nmskwr[ sBnw nUM Bogx (mwxn) vwly, nmskwr[<br />

I bow to the Super-Disease (Source of afflictions: maladies). I bow to the Enjoyer<br />

of everything (Gives joy to all).<br />

nmo srb jIqM ] nmo srb BIqM ]69]<br />

Namo sarab jeet.an: / Namo sarab bheet.an:<br />

nmskwr, sB nUM ijq lYx vwly[ nmskwr, swirAW dy fr (ik sB qYQoN frdy hn)[<br />

I bow to the Supreme Conqueror, the Fear of all.<br />

nmo srb igAwnµ ] nmo prm qwnµ ]<br />

Namo sarab giaanan: / Namo param taanan:<br />

sBnw nUM jwxn vwly, nmskwr hY[ nmskwr hY, mhwn SkqI vwly[<br />

I bow to You the All Knowing (Omniscient), the Omnipotent (All Powerful) I<br />

bow to You.<br />

nmo srb mMqRM ] nmo srb jMqRM ]70]<br />

Namo sarab mant.r;an: / Namo sarab jant.r;an:<br />

nmskwr hY, ik qUM swirAW dw jwp-mMqr hYN[ nmskwr hY, ik sB nUM Dwgy-qvIqW dI QW qUM hI<br />

hYN[<br />

I bow to You the Supreme-Mantra (Source of all mantras: Your Name is the<br />

greatest of all mantras). I bow to the Supreme-Jantra (Super-Charm).<br />

nmo srb idR`sM ] nmo srb ik®`sM ]<br />

Namo sarab d.r:issan: / Namo sarab kr;issan:<br />

nmskwr hY, swirAW nUM dyKx (iDAwn r`Kx) vwly[ nmskwr hY, swirAW nUM Awpxy v`l iKcx<br />

vwly (sB dy iDAwn ivc v`sx vwly)[<br />

Protector (Caretaker, keeps an eye on everyone) of all, I bow to You.<br />

I bow to You the Attraction of all.<br />

nmo srb rMgy ] iqRBMgI Anµgy ]71]<br />

Namo sarab ran:gae / T.ribhan:gee anan:gae<br />

hr rMg rUp ivc vsx vwly, nmskwr hY[ iqMny qwp nws krn vwly, AMg rihq, nmskwr hY[<br />

iqRBMgI - iqn qwp: AwiD, ibAwD, aupwD[<br />

I bow to Him Who exists in all colors (states of the mind), and is the Destroyer of<br />

all afflictions.

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