Quantitative paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic reconstruction ...

Quantitative paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic reconstruction ...

Quantitative paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic reconstruction ...


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26 N.D. Sheldon, N.J. Tabor / Earth-Science Reviews xxx (2009) xxx–xxx<br />

tropospheric CO 2 is isotopically heavier; ~− 6.5 to − 8.0‰ during the<br />

Holocene), but will be isotopically more negative than δ 13 Cvaluesofthe<br />

same mineral that forms in a 2- or 3-CO 2 component soil. Minerals that<br />

may result from one-component soil CO 2 mixing include calcite (Tabor<br />

et al., 2007) <strong>and</strong> siderite (Mozley <strong>and</strong> Carothers, 1992; Mozley <strong>and</strong><br />

Wersin,1992; McMillan <strong>and</strong> Schwertmann,1988; Ludvigson et al.,1998;<br />

White et al., 2005). It is less likely that carbon-bearing minerals that<br />

require oxidizing conditions (e.g., Fe(CO 3 )OH in goethite; Yapp, 2001b)<br />

or free drainage (e.g., occluded CO 2 in gibbsite; Bárdossy <strong>and</strong> White,<br />

1979; Schroeder <strong>and</strong> Melear, 1999) will form in soils characterized by<br />

one component of soil CO 2 .<br />

7.2.2. Two-component soil CO 2<br />

Two-component soil CO 2 mixing assumes that the only two sources<br />

contributing to soil CO 2 are CO 2 from the open atmosphere (tropospheric<br />

CO 2 ) <strong>and</strong> CO 2 from in situ oxidation of biological carbon in the<br />

soil. Steady-state solutions to the one-dimensional Fickian diffusion<br />

equation yield reasonable representations of δ 13 C values of soil CO 2<br />

with depth in modern soils characterized by mixing of two sources of<br />

CO 2 (Cerling, 1984). In these models, the pCO 2 <strong>and</strong> δ 13 C value of Earth's<br />

atmosphere is the upper boundary condition, <strong>and</strong> there is a depthdependent<br />

CO 2 production term that describes the oxidation of organic<br />

carbon in the soil. Above a characteristic CO 2 production depth within<br />

the soil, both the concentration <strong>and</strong> δ 13 C of soil CO 2 will progressively<br />

approach values of the Earth's atmosphere. Thus, CO 2 in soil gas can be<br />

generally regarded as a mixture of two isotopically distinct endmembers<br />

in these soils: atmospheric CO 2 <strong>and</strong> CO 2 derived from in situ<br />

oxidation of soil organic matter (Fig. 16). As mentioned earlier, soil<br />

organic matter δ 13 C values are principally determined by (1) the δ 13 C<br />

of CO 2 in the global troposphere <strong>and</strong> (2) the photosynthetic pathway<br />

employed by primary producers within the soil profile. Therefore, for<br />

times in the geological past when C 3 photosynthesis was the dominant<br />

floral metabolism (pre-Miocene time; see 8.6) <strong>and</strong> soil organic matter<br />

δ 13 C exhibited minimal temporal or spatial variation (e.g., Tabor et al.,<br />

2004a,b; Peters-Kottig et al., 2006; Montañez et al., 2007), stratigraphic<br />

changes in mineral δ 13 C values among paleosol profiles may<br />

indicate either (1) variations in soil productivity (i.e., the concentration<br />

of CO 2 derived from in situ oxidation of organic matter) or (2)<br />

changes in atmospheric pCO 2 . In this regard, δ 13 C values of carbonbearing<br />

pedogenic minerals which formed in the presence of twocomponent<br />

soil CO 2 mixing have the potential to provide information<br />

about (1) paleoecology <strong>and</strong> (2) the concentration of CO 2 in ancient<br />

atmospheres. Pedogenic minerals which provide geochemical records<br />

of two-component soil CO 2 mixing include calcite (Cerling,1991; Mora<br />

et al., 1996; Yapp <strong>and</strong> Poths, 1996; Ekart et al., 1999; Tabor et al., 2004a,<br />

b), goethite (Yapp, 1987a,b; Yapp <strong>and</strong> Poths, 1992, 1993, 1996; Yapp,<br />

2004; Tabor et al., 2004a,b; Tabor <strong>and</strong> Yapp, 2005a), <strong>and</strong> gibbsite<br />

(Schroeder <strong>and</strong> Melear, 1999; Tabor <strong>and</strong> Yapp, 2005a,b; Schroeder<br />

et al., 2006). Of these minerals, only the geochemistry of calcite <strong>and</strong><br />

goethite are sufficiently understood to permit estimates of atmospheric<br />

pCO 2 . Both pedogenic calcite <strong>and</strong> goethite are relatively<br />

abundant in the terrestrial stratigraphic record, <strong>and</strong> thus have the<br />

potential to provide a relatively continuous Phanerozoic record of<br />

paleoatmospheric pCO 2 (see Section; Ekart et al., 1999) that<br />

may be cross-checked by independent proxy methods (Yapp <strong>and</strong><br />

Poths, 1996; Tabor et al., 2004a,b).<br />

Fig. 16. Steady-state model plot of soil depth in meters versus (A) soil CO 2 concentration <strong>and</strong> (B) δ 13 C values of soil CO 2 <strong>and</strong> pedogenic calcite. Solution to the soil CO 2 concentrations<br />

assumes Fickian, one-dimensional diffusion, of the form<br />

0 1<br />

ð/ = D s Þ × 1− e − z = Z<br />

pCO 2 = @<br />

410 6 A + 300<br />

22<br />

where ϕ is the production rate of CO 2 in the soil in gC cm − 3 h − 1 ,D s is the diffusion coefficient for gas through the soil, z is depth in meters in the soil, <strong>and</strong> Z is a scaling depth in meters,<br />

also called the characteristic production depth of CO 2 (Cerling, 1991) in the soil. This model soil is calculated with ϕ=0.00002 gC cm − 3 h − 1 , D s =0.0001, <strong>and</strong> Z=0.2, <strong>and</strong> 300 ppmV<br />

as the upper boundary limit of the soil (i.e., a tropospheric pCO 2 of 300 ppmV). Soil CO 2 δ 13 C values were calculated as a mass balance of tropospheric CO 2 (300 ppmV through<br />

profile) with δ 13 C value of − 6.5‰ (a reasonable pre-industrial age value; Schlesinger, 1997) <strong>and</strong> CO 2 from oxidation of organic matter (variable concentrations) with δ 13 C value of −<br />

6.5‰ (i.e., organic matter δ 13 C=− 26.4‰). Soil calcite δ 13 C values were calculated using the CO 2 -calcite carbon isotope fractionation equation of Bottinga (1968) with assumed<br />

calcite crystallization temperatures of 25 °C <strong>and</strong> mildly alkaline soil solution. See Text for discussion.<br />

Please cite this article as: Sheldon, N.D., Tabor, N.J., <strong>Quantitative</strong> <strong>paleoenvironmental</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>paleoclimatic</strong> <strong>reconstruction</strong> using paleosols, Earth-<br />

Science Reviews (2009), doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2009.03.004

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