Name: Prof. Dr. Martin Frank Private Address: Rönnerweg ... - Geomar

Name: Prof. Dr. Martin Frank Private Address: Rönnerweg ... - Geomar

Name: Prof. Dr. Martin Frank Private Address: Rönnerweg ... - Geomar


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carbon and biogenic silica accumulation on the continental slope of the Ross<br />

Sea, Antarctica.- in: The Antarctic Region: Geological Evolution and Processes,<br />

Proceedings of the VII International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences<br />

Siena, 1995, edited by C.A. Ricci, Terra Antarctica Publication, Siena, Italy, 889-<br />

896.<br />

O’Nions, R.K., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., von Blanckenburg, F. and Ling, H.-F. (1998): Secular<br />

variation of Nd and Pb-isotopes in ferromanganese crusts from the Atlantic,<br />

Indian and Pacific Oceans.- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 155, 15-28.<br />

Bruns, P., Dullo, W.-C., Hay, W.W., <strong>Frank</strong>, M. and Kubik, P.W. (1998): Hiatuses on<br />

Vøring Plateau: sedimentary gaps or preservation artifacts - Marine Geology 145,<br />

61-84.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M. and O’Nions, R.K. (1998): Sources of Pb for Indian Ocean<br />

ferromanganese crusts: A record of Himalayan erosion?- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.<br />

158, 121-130.<br />

Ivy-Ochs, S., Heuberger, H., Kubik, P.W., Kerschner, H., Bonani, G., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., and<br />

Schlüchter, C. (1998): The age of the Köfels event. Relative, 14 C and cosmogenic<br />

isotope dating of an early Holocene landslide in the Central Alps (Tyrol, Austria).-<br />

Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie 34, 57-68.<br />

Kubik, P.W., Ivy-Ochs, S., Masarik, J., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Schlüchter, C. (1998): 10 Be and<br />

26 Al production rates deduced from an instantaneous event within the<br />

dendrocalibration curve, the landslide of Köfels, Ötz Valley, Austria.- Earth<br />

Planet. Sci. Lett. 161, 231-241.<br />

Ceccaroni, L., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Frignani, M., Langone, L., Ravaioli, M. and Mangini, A.<br />

(1998): Late Quaternary fluctuations of 230 Th ex -normalized fluxes of biogenic<br />

components on the continental slope of the Ross Sea, Antarctica.- Journal of<br />

Marine Systems 17, 515-525.<br />

Belshaw, N.S., Freedman, P.A., O’Nions R.K., <strong>Frank</strong>, M. and Guo, Y. (1998): A new<br />

variable dispersion double-focussing plasma mass spectrometer with<br />

performance illustrated for Pb-isotopes. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 181, 51-58.<br />

Asmus, T., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Koschmieder, C., <strong>Frank</strong>, N., Gersonde, R., Kuhn, G. and<br />

Mangini, A. (1999): Variations of biogenic particle flux in the southern Atlantic<br />

section of the Subantarctic Front during the late Quaternary: Evidence from<br />

sedimentary 231 Pa ex and 230 Th ex .- Marine Geology 159, 63-78.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M., Gersonde, R. and Mangini, A. (1999): Sediment redistribution, 230 Th ex -<br />

normalization and implications for the reconstruction of particle flux and export<br />

paleoproductivity.- in: Use of Proxies in Paleoceanography: Examples from the<br />

South Atlantic. edited by G. Fischer and G. Wefer, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,<br />

Heidelberg, 409-426.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M., O’Nions, R.K., Hein J.R. and Banakar, V.K. (1999): 60 Ma records of<br />

major elements and Pb-Nd isotopes from hydrogenous ferromanganese crusts:<br />

Reconstruction of seawater paleochemistry.- Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 63,<br />

1689-1708.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M., Reynolds, B.C. and O’Nions, R.K. (1999): Nd and Pb isotopes in Atlantic<br />

and Pacific water masses before and after closure of the Panama Gateway.-<br />

Geology 27, 1147-1150.<br />

Reynolds, B.C., <strong>Frank</strong>, M. and O’Nions, R.K. (1999): Nd- and Pb- isotope time<br />

series from Atlantic ferromanganese crusts: Implications for changes in<br />

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