Name: Prof. Dr. Martin Frank Private Address: Rönnerweg ... - Geomar

Name: Prof. Dr. Martin Frank Private Address: Rönnerweg ... - Geomar

Name: Prof. Dr. Martin Frank Private Address: Rönnerweg ... - Geomar


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<strong>Name</strong>:<br />

<strong>Prof</strong>. <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Martin</strong> <strong>Frank</strong><br />

<strong>Private</strong> <strong>Address</strong>: <strong>Rönnerweg</strong> 1, 24223 Schwentinental, Germany.<br />

Date of Birth: 3.2.1966 in Pforzheim, Germany.<br />

Nationality: German<br />

Marital Status: Married to Claudia Schmengler since 7.9.1994.<br />

Children: Yannick <strong>Frank</strong>, born on 2.7.1995 in Heidelberg, Germany.<br />

Alisa <strong>Frank</strong>, born on 23.12.1996 in Oxford, England.<br />


July 1985: “Abitur” at the Hebelgymnasium Pforzheim.<br />

Nov. 1985 - April 1987: Compulsary Civilian Service.<br />

April 1987 - Feb. 1992: Diplom (M.Sc.) in Geology, University of Heidelberg<br />

M.Sc. thesis: “Investigations of the radionuclides 230 Th, 231 Pa und 10 Be in deepsea<br />

sediments of the Galapagos-Microplate, eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean”<br />

under the supervision of <strong>Prof</strong>. Augusto Mangini at the Department of<br />

Environmental Physics, University of Heidelberg.<br />

May 1992 - July 1995: Ph.D. in Geology, University of Heidelberg:<br />

Ph.D. Thesis: “Reconstruction of late Quaternary environmental conditions<br />

applying the natural radionuclides 230 Th, 10 Be, and 231 Pa and 238 U: A study of<br />

deep-sea sediments from the eastern sector of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current<br />

System” supervised by <strong>Prof</strong>. Augusto Mangini in collaboration with <strong>Dr</strong>. Rainer<br />

Gersonde and <strong>Dr</strong>. Michiel Rutgers van der Loeff the Alfred-Wegener Institute for<br />

Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany<br />

19/07/1995: Viva at the Department of Earth Sciences, Heidelberg, “magna cum<br />

laude”.<br />

August 1995 - March 1996: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Heidelberg<br />

Academy of Sciences.

April 1996 until July 1999: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Earth<br />

Sciences, University of Oxford, research group of <strong>Prof</strong>. R. Keith O’Nions.<br />

August 1999 – December 2004: Assistant/Oberassistent at ETH Zurich, Department<br />

of Earth Sciences, Institute for Isotope Geology and Mineral Resources, research<br />

group of <strong>Prof</strong>. Alex N. Halliday.<br />

April 2002: Habilitation at the Department of Earth Sciences of ETH Zurich: “The<br />

application of trace metal isotopes in paleoceanography”.<br />

Since December 2004: <strong>Prof</strong>essor of Chemical Paleoceanography (C3) at the<br />

GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel.<br />

Current activities:<br />

Co-founder (2001) and member of the international GEOTRACES programme.<br />

Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the DFG-Accelerator Mass spectrometry<br />

facility of the University of Cologne (Cologne AMS)<br />

Member of the Scientific advisory board of the Leibniz Labor für Altersbestimung und<br />

Isotopenforschung of the University of Kiel.<br />

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Supervised Ph.D. and Diploma (Masters) Students<br />

(I only list those students that I was either fully responsible for or to the supervision of<br />

whom I significantly contributed, which is always reflected by my co-authorships on<br />

their respective publications. At GEOMAR in Kiel the funding for all listed student<br />

projects was raised by myself and I have been fully responsible for all these students):<br />

Ph.D. Students:<br />

University of Oxford:<br />

Ben Christopher Reynolds (2000): Neodymium and Lead isotope time series from<br />

Atlantic ferromanganese crusts.<br />

ETH Zürich:<br />

Tina van de Flierdt (2003): The Nd, Hf, and Pb isotope composition of<br />

ferromanganese crusts and their paleoceanographic implications.<br />

Marcus Helmut Gutjahr (2006): Reconstruction of Changes in Ocean Circulation and<br />

Continental Weathering Using Radiogenic Isotopes in Marine Sediments.<br />

Veronika Klemm (2006): Osmium isotope stratigraphy of marine ferromanganese<br />

crusts.<br />

Rudolf Bastian Georg (2006): Geochemistry of Stable Silicon Isotopes measured by<br />

High-Resolution Multi-Collector Inductively-Coupled-Plasma Mass-Spectrometry<br />

(HR-MC-ICP-MS).<br />

Jörg Dominik Rickli (2008): The Hafnium and Neodymium isotopic composition of<br />

seawater and rivers.<br />

GEOMAR:<br />

Torben Stichel (2010): Tracing continental weathering and water mass mixing in the<br />

Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean with neodymium and hafnium isotopes.<br />

Roland Stumpf (2011): Reconstruction of the Late Pleistocene history of<br />

Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) from radiogenic isotopes.<br />

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Claudia Ehlert (2011): Late Quaternary Changes in Silicate Utilisation and Upwelling<br />

Intensity off Peru – Insights from Silicon and Neodymium Isotopes.<br />

Patricia Grasse (2012): Silicon and Neodymium Isotope Constraints on<br />

Biogeochemical Cycles and Water Mass Mixing in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific.<br />

GEOMAR (ongoing):<br />

Susana Bolhao Muinos (disputation december 2012): Ferromanganese crusts from<br />

the seamounts north of the Madeira Islands: composition, origin and paleooceanographic<br />

conditions.<br />

Steffanie Kraft (disputation in winter of 2012): Centennial-scale variability of past<br />

heat and water mass exchange across the eastern equatorial Atlantic basin over<br />

the past 150,000 years.<br />

Claudia Teschner (disputation in winter of 2012): Water mass exchange and climate<br />

variability in the northernmost Atlantic and Arctic Oceans during the beginning of<br />

the Quaternary.<br />

Lasse Heuer (disputation in spring 2013): Geochemistry and growth conditions of<br />

ferromanganese crusts and nodules in the central Pacific Ocean over the past 10<br />

million years.<br />

Tianyu Chen (disputation end of 2013): Reconstructing Quaternary glacial-interglacial<br />

deep circulation patterns in the western Pacific Ocean using combined Nd-Hf<br />

isotope compositions in authigenic phases of marine sediments.<br />

Moritz Zieringer (disputation in winter 2014): Water mass mixing, weathering inputs<br />

and silicate utilization in the tropical Atlantic Ocean from the distribution of<br />

radiogenic (neodymium, hafnium) and stable (silicon) isotopes<br />

Kristin Döring (disputation in spring 2015): Reconstruction of upwelling intensity and<br />

nutrient utilisation in the Peruvian upwelling system over the past 20,000 years.<br />

Diploma-, Master-, and Staatsexamen Theses:<br />

Umweltphysik Heidelberg:<br />

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<strong>Martin</strong> Riediger (1994): Uran-Thorium-Messung an einem Sedimentkern des<br />

mittelatlantischen Ceara-Rückens.<br />

Tim Asmus (1996): Direkte Bestimmung von 231 Pa am Sedimentbohrkern PS-2499-5<br />

aus dem südlichen Atlantischen Ozean.<br />

Christian Koschmieder (1996): Zeitlich hochauflösende Rekonstruktion von<br />

spätquartären Umweltbedingungen im Südatlantik mit Hilfe von 230 Th.<br />

GEOMAR:<br />

Nur Güneli (2008): Potential Iron and Nitrate Influence on Silicon Isotope<br />

Fractionation in Diatom Culture Experiments.<br />

Claudia Ehlert (2008): Radiogenic Isotope Signatures of Clay-size Sediments in the<br />

Eastern Indian Ocean: Implications for Weathering Inputs and Current Regimes<br />

during the Latest Quaternary.<br />

Lasse Heuer (2010): The evolution of Neodymium, Lead and Hafnium Isotopes in the<br />

Southwest Indian Ocean: Ferromanganese Crust Records of the Past 20 Million<br />

years<br />

Moritz Zieringer (2012): The Hf and Nd isotope signature of water masses in the<br />

western equatorial Atlantic Ocean.<br />

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List of publications (date Septemeber 2012; 118 publications, only peer<br />

reviewed, H-factor in ISI Web of Science: 35):<br />

Mangini, A., Rutsch, H.J., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Eisenhauer, A., Eckhardt, J.-D. (1994): Is there<br />

a relationship between atmospheric CO 2 and manganese in the Ocean?- in:<br />

Carbon Cycling in the Glacial Ocean: Constraints on the Ocean's Role in Global<br />

Change, NATO ASI Series, Vol. I 17, edited by R. Zahn et al., 87-104.<br />

Eisenhauer, A., Spielhagen, R.F., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Hentzschel, G., Mangini, A., Kubik,<br />

P.W., Dittrich-Hannen, B., and Billen, T. (1994): 10 Be records of sediment cores<br />

from high northern latitudes: Implications for environmental and climatic<br />

changes.- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 124, 171-184.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M., Eckhardt, J.-D., Eisenhauer, A., Kubik, P.W., Dittrich-Hannen, B., Segl,<br />

M., and Mangini, A. (1994): Beryllium 10, thorium 230, and protactinium 231 in<br />

Galapagos Microplate sediments: implications of hydrothermal activity and<br />

paleoproductivity changes during the last 100,000 years.- Paleoceanography 9,<br />

559-578.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M., Eisenhauer, A., Bonn, W.J., Walter, P., Grobe, H., Kubik, P.W., Dittrich-<br />

Hannen, B., and Mangini, A. (1995): Sediment redistribution versus<br />

paleoproductivity change: Weddell Sea margin sediment stratigraphy for the last<br />

250,000 years deduced from 230 Th ex , 10 Be and biogenic barium profiles.- Earth<br />

Planet. Sci. Lett. 136, 559-573.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M., Gersonde, R., Rutgers van der Loeff, M., Kuhn, G. and Mangini, A.<br />

(1996): Late Quaternary sediment dating and quantification of lateral sediment<br />

redistribution applying 230 Th ex : A study from the eastern Atlantic sector of the<br />

Southern Ocean.- Geol. Rundsch. 85, 554-566.<br />

Rühlemann, C., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Hale, W., Mangini, A., Mulitza, S., Müller, P.J. and<br />

Wefer, G. (1996): Late Quaternary productivity changes in the western equatorial<br />

Atlantic: Evidence from 230 Th normalized carbonate and organic carbon<br />

accumulation rates.- Marine Geology 135, 127-152.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M., Schwarz, B., Baumann, S., Kubik, P.W., Suter, M. and Mangini, A.<br />

(1997): A 200 kyr record of cosmogenic radionuclide production rate and<br />

geomagnetic field intensity from 10 Be in globally stacked deep-sea sediments.-<br />

Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 149, 121-129.<br />

Nürnberg, C.C., Bohrmann, G., Schlüter, M. and <strong>Frank</strong>, M. (1997): Barium<br />

accumulation in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean - results from 190,000<br />

year records.- Paleoceanography 12, 594-603.<br />

Spielhagen, R.F., Bonani, G., Eisenhauer, A., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Frederichs, T., Kassens,<br />

H., Kubik, P.W., Mangini, A., Nørgaard-Pedersen, N., Nowaczyk, N.R., Schäper,<br />

S., Stein, R., Thiede, J., Tiedemann, R. and Wahsner, M. (1997): Arctic Ocean<br />

evidence for late Quaternary initiation of northern Eurasian ice sheets.- Geology<br />

25, 783-786.<br />

Francois, R., Altabet, M.A., Yu, E.-F., Sigman, D., Bacon, M.P., <strong>Frank</strong>, M.,<br />

Bohrmann, G., Bareille, G. and Labeyrie, L. (1997): Contribution of Southern<br />

Ocean surface-water stratification to low atmospheric CO 2 concentrations during<br />

the last glacial period.- Nature 389, 929-935.<br />

Ceccaroni, L., Langone, L., Frignani, M., Ravaioli, M., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Mangini, A.,<br />

Basavaiah, N. and Giglio, F. (1997): Late Quaternary fluctuations of organic<br />

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carbon and biogenic silica accumulation on the continental slope of the Ross<br />

Sea, Antarctica.- in: The Antarctic Region: Geological Evolution and Processes,<br />

Proceedings of the VII International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences<br />

Siena, 1995, edited by C.A. Ricci, Terra Antarctica Publication, Siena, Italy, 889-<br />

896.<br />

O’Nions, R.K., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., von Blanckenburg, F. and Ling, H.-F. (1998): Secular<br />

variation of Nd and Pb-isotopes in ferromanganese crusts from the Atlantic,<br />

Indian and Pacific Oceans.- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 155, 15-28.<br />

Bruns, P., Dullo, W.-C., Hay, W.W., <strong>Frank</strong>, M. and Kubik, P.W. (1998): Hiatuses on<br />

Vøring Plateau: sedimentary gaps or preservation artifacts - Marine Geology 145,<br />

61-84.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M. and O’Nions, R.K. (1998): Sources of Pb for Indian Ocean<br />

ferromanganese crusts: A record of Himalayan erosion?- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.<br />

158, 121-130.<br />

Ivy-Ochs, S., Heuberger, H., Kubik, P.W., Kerschner, H., Bonani, G., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., and<br />

Schlüchter, C. (1998): The age of the Köfels event. Relative, 14 C and cosmogenic<br />

isotope dating of an early Holocene landslide in the Central Alps (Tyrol, Austria).-<br />

Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie 34, 57-68.<br />

Kubik, P.W., Ivy-Ochs, S., Masarik, J., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Schlüchter, C. (1998): 10 Be and<br />

26 Al production rates deduced from an instantaneous event within the<br />

dendrocalibration curve, the landslide of Köfels, Ötz Valley, Austria.- Earth<br />

Planet. Sci. Lett. 161, 231-241.<br />

Ceccaroni, L., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Frignani, M., Langone, L., Ravaioli, M. and Mangini, A.<br />

(1998): Late Quaternary fluctuations of 230 Th ex -normalized fluxes of biogenic<br />

components on the continental slope of the Ross Sea, Antarctica.- Journal of<br />

Marine Systems 17, 515-525.<br />

Belshaw, N.S., Freedman, P.A., O’Nions R.K., <strong>Frank</strong>, M. and Guo, Y. (1998): A new<br />

variable dispersion double-focussing plasma mass spectrometer with<br />

performance illustrated for Pb-isotopes. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 181, 51-58.<br />

Asmus, T., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Koschmieder, C., <strong>Frank</strong>, N., Gersonde, R., Kuhn, G. and<br />

Mangini, A. (1999): Variations of biogenic particle flux in the southern Atlantic<br />

section of the Subantarctic Front during the late Quaternary: Evidence from<br />

sedimentary 231 Pa ex and 230 Th ex .- Marine Geology 159, 63-78.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M., Gersonde, R. and Mangini, A. (1999): Sediment redistribution, 230 Th ex -<br />

normalization and implications for the reconstruction of particle flux and export<br />

paleoproductivity.- in: Use of Proxies in Paleoceanography: Examples from the<br />

South Atlantic. edited by G. Fischer and G. Wefer, Springer-Verlag, Berlin,<br />

Heidelberg, 409-426.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M., O’Nions, R.K., Hein J.R. and Banakar, V.K. (1999): 60 Ma records of<br />

major elements and Pb-Nd isotopes from hydrogenous ferromanganese crusts:<br />

Reconstruction of seawater paleochemistry.- Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 63,<br />

1689-1708.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M., Reynolds, B.C. and O’Nions, R.K. (1999): Nd and Pb isotopes in Atlantic<br />

and Pacific water masses before and after closure of the Panama Gateway.-<br />

Geology 27, 1147-1150.<br />

Reynolds, B.C., <strong>Frank</strong>, M. and O’Nions, R.K. (1999): Nd- and Pb- isotope time<br />

series from Atlantic ferromanganese crusts: Implications for changes in<br />

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provenance and paleocirculation over the last 8 Myr.- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 173,<br />

381-396.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M. (2000): Comparison of cosmogenic radionuclide production and<br />

geomagnetic field intensity over the last 200,000 years.- Phil. Trans. R. Soc.<br />

Lond. A 358, 1089-1107.<br />

O’Nions, R.K. and <strong>Frank</strong>, M. (2000): Long term records of erosional change from<br />

marine ferromanganese crusts.- Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Earth Planet. Sci.) 109,<br />

171-180.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M., Gersonde, R., Rutgers van der Loeff, M., Bohrmann, G., Nürnberg, C.,<br />

Kubik, P.W., Suter, M., and Mangini, A. (2000): Similar glacial and interglacial<br />

export bioproductivity in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean: Multiproxy<br />

evidence and implications for atmospheric CO 2 .- Paleoceanography 15, 642-658.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M., Davies, G.R., Claude-Ivanaj, C., and Hofmann, A.W. (2001): Radiogenic<br />

isotopes: New tools help reconstruct paleocean circulation and erosional input.-<br />

Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 82, 66, 71.<br />

David, K., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., O'Nions, R.K., Belshaw, N.S., Arden, J.W., and Hein, J.R.<br />

(2001): The Hf isotope composition of global seawater and the evolution of Hf<br />

isotopes in the deep Pacific Ocean from Fe-Mn crusts.- Chemical Geology 178,<br />

23-42.<br />

Rühlemann, C., Diekmann, B., Mulitza, S., and <strong>Frank</strong>, M. (2001): Late Quaternary<br />

changes of western equatorial Atlantic surface circulation and Amazon lowland<br />

climate recorded in Ceará Rise deep sea sediments.- Paleoceanography 16,<br />

293-305.<br />

Masarik, J., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Schäfer, J., and Wieler, R. (2001): Correction of in-situ<br />

cosmogenic nuclide production rates for geomagnetic field intensity variations<br />

during the past 800,000 years.- Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 65, 2995-3003.<br />

Rehkämper, M., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Hein, J.R., Porcelli, D., Halliday, A.N., Ingri, J., and<br />

Liebetrau, V. (2002): Thallium isotope variations in seawater and hydrogenetic,<br />

diagenetic, and hydrothermal ferromanganese deposits.- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.<br />

197, 65-81.<br />

van de Flierdt, T., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Lee, D.-C., and Halliday, A.N. (2002): Glacial<br />

weathering and the Hafnium isotope composition of seawater.- Earth Planet. Sci.<br />

Lett. 198, 167-175 – republished after corrections in Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 201,<br />

639-647.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M., Whiteley, N., Kasten, S., Hein, J.R., and O’Nions, R.K. (2002): North<br />

Atlantic Deep Water export to the Southern Ocean over the past 14 Myr:<br />

Evidence from Nd and Pb isotopes in ferromanganese crusts.-<br />

Paleoceanography 17(2), 1022, 10.1029/2000PA000606.<br />

Schaltegger, U., Desmurs, L., Manatschal, G., Müntener, O., Meier, M., <strong>Frank</strong>, M.,<br />

and Bernoulli, D. (2002): The transition from rifting to seafloor spreading within a<br />

magma-poor rifted margin: field and isotopic constraints.- Terra Nova 14, 156-<br />

162.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M., Rutgers van der Loeff, M.M., Kubik, P.W., and Mangini, A. (2002): Quasiconservative<br />

behaviour of 10 Be in deep waters of the Weddell sea and the<br />

Atlantic sector of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 201,<br />

171-186.<br />

- 8 -

<strong>Frank</strong>, M. (2002): Radiogenic isotopes: Tracers of past ocean circulation and<br />

erosional input.- Rev. Geophys. 40(1), 1001, 10.1029/2000RG000094.<br />

Schaltegger, U., Zeilinger, G., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., and Burg, J.-P. (2002): Multiple mantle<br />

sources during island arc magmatism: U-Pb and Hf isotopic evidence from the<br />

Kohistan arc complex, Pakistan.- Terra Nova 14, 461-468.<br />

von Quadt, A., Peytcheva, I., Kamenov, B., Fanger, L., Heinrich, C.A., and <strong>Frank</strong>, M.<br />

(2002): The Elatsite porphyry copper deposit in the Panagyurishte ore district,<br />

Srednogorie zone, Bulgaria: U-Pb zircon geochronology and isotopegeochemical<br />

investigations of magmatism and ore genesis.- in: The Timing and<br />

Location of Major Ore Deposits in an Evolving Orogen edited by D.J. Blundell, F.<br />

Neubauer, and A. von Quadt, Geological Society, London, Spec. Publ. 204, 119-<br />

135.<br />

van de Flierdt, T., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Halliday, A.N., Hein, J.R., Hattendorf, B., Günther, D.,<br />

and Kubik, P.W. (2003): Lead isotopes in North Pacific Deep Water –<br />

Implications for past changes in input sources and circulation patterns.- Earth<br />

Planet. Sci. Lett. 209, 149-164.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M. (2003): Radiogene Isotopensysteme in Eisen/Mangankrusten: Tracer für<br />

Zirkulation und Verwitterungseintrag in den Ozean, Vierteljahresschrift der<br />

Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich 148, 89-96.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M., van de Flierdt, T., Halliday, A.N., Kubik, P.W., Hattendorf, B., and<br />

Günther, D. (2003): The evolution of deep water mixing and weathering inputs in<br />

the central Atlantic Ocean over the past 33 Myr.- Paleoceanography 18(4), 1091,<br />

10.1029/2003PA000919.<br />

Rehkämper, M., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Hein, J.R., and Halliday, A.N. (2004): Cenozoic marine<br />

geochemistry of thallium deduced from isotopic studies of ferromanganese crusts<br />

and pelagic sediments.- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 219, 77-91.<br />

Francois, R., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Rutgers van der Loeff, M.M., and Bacon, M.P. (2004):<br />

230 Th-normalization: an essential tool for interpreting sedimentary fluxes during<br />

the late Quaternary.- Paleoceanography 19, PA 1018, 10.1029/2003PA000939.<br />

van de Flierdt, T., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Halliday, A.N., Hein, J.R., Hattendorf, B., Günther, D.,<br />

and Kubik, P.W. (2004): Deep and bottom water export from the Southern Ocean<br />

to the Pacific Ocean over the past 38 million years, Paleoceanography 19, PA<br />

1020, 10.1029/2003PA000923.<br />

van de Flierdt, T., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Halliday, A.N., Hein, J.R., Hattendorf, B., Günther, D.,<br />

and Kubik, P.W. (2004): Tracing the history of submarine hydrothermal inputs<br />

and the significance of hydrothermal Hf for the seawater budget: A combined Pb-<br />

Hf-Nd isotope approach.- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 222, 259-274.<br />

Levasseur, S., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Hein, J.R., and Halliday, A.N. (2004): The global variation<br />

in the iron isotope composition of marine hydrogenetic ferromanganese deposits:<br />

implications for seawater chemistry? - Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 224, 91-105.<br />

Maden, C., Döbeli, M., Kubik, P.W., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., and Suter, M. (2004): Measurement<br />

of carrier-free 10 Be samples with AMS: the method and its potential.- Nucl. Instr.<br />

Meth. Phys. Res. B. 223-224, 247-252.<br />

van de Flierdt, T., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Lee, D.-C., Halliday, A.N., Reynolds, B.C., and Hein,<br />

J.R. (2004): New constraints on the sources and behavior of neodymium and<br />

hafnium in seawater from Pacific Ocean ferromanganese crusts.- Geochim.<br />

Cosmochim. Acta. 68, 3827-3843.<br />

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Stoykov, S., Peytcheva, I., von Quadt, A., Moritz R., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., and Fontignie, D.<br />

(2004): Timing and magma evolution of the Chelopech volcanic complex<br />

(Bulgaria).- Schweizerische Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen 84,<br />

101-117.<br />

Ling, H.-F., Jiang, S-Y., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Zhou, H.-Y., Zhou, F., Lu, Z.-L., Chen, X-M.,<br />

Jiang, Y.-H., and Ge, C.D. (2005): Differing controls over the Cenozoic Pb and<br />

Nd isotope evolution of deepwater in the central North Pacific Ocean.- Earth<br />

Planet. Sci. Lett. 232, 345-361.<br />

Polliand, M., Schaltegger, U., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., and Fontboté, L. (2005): Formation of<br />

volcanosedimentary basins on the western flank of the central Peruvian Andes<br />

during Late Cretaceous oblique subduction: field evidence and constraints from<br />

U-Pb ages and Hf isotopes.- International Journal of Earth Sciences 94, 231-242.<br />

Siddall, M., Henderson, G.M., Edwards, N.R., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Müller, S.A., Stocker, T.F.,<br />

and Joos, F. (2005): 231 Pa/ 230 Th fractionation by ocean transport, biogenic<br />

particle flux and particle type.- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 237, 135-155.<br />

Klemm, V., Levasseur, S., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Hein, J.R., and Halliday, A.N. (2005): Osmium<br />

isotope stratigraphy of a marine ferromanganese crust.- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.<br />

238, 42-48.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M., Whiteley, N., van de Flierdt, T., Reynolds, B.C., and O’Nions, R.K.<br />

(2006): Nd and Pb isotope evolution of deep water masses in the eastern Indian<br />

Ocean during the past 33 Myr.- Chemical Geology 226, 264-279.<br />

Reynolds, B.C., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., and Burton, K.W. (2006): Constraining erosional input<br />

and deep-water formation in the North Atlantic using Nd isotopes.- Chemical<br />

Geology 226, 253-263.<br />

Reynolds, B.C., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., and Halliday, A.N. (2006): Silicon isotope fractionation<br />

during nutrient utilization in the North Pacific.- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 244, 431-<br />

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<strong>Frank</strong>, M., Marbler, H., Koschinsky, A., van de Flierdt, T., Klemm, V., Gutjahr, M.,<br />

Halliday, A.N., Kubik, P.W. and Halbach, P. (2006): Submarine hydrothermal<br />

venting related to volcanism in the Lesser Antilles: Evidence from<br />

ferromanganese precipitates.- Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 7,<br />

Q04010, 10.1029/2005GC001140.<br />

Chu, N.-C., Johnson, C.M., Beard, B.L., German, C.R., Nesbitt, R.W., <strong>Frank</strong>, M.,<br />

Bohn, M., Kubik, P.W., Usui, A. and Graham, I.J. (2006): Evidence for<br />

hydrothermal venting in Fe isotope compositions of the deep Pacific Ocean<br />

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Moran, K., Backman, J., Brinkhuis, H., Clemens, S.C., Cronin, T., Dickens, G.R.,<br />

Eynaud, F., Gattacceca, J., Jakobsson, M, Jordan, R.W., Kaminski, M., King, J.,<br />

Koc, N., Krylov, A., <strong>Martin</strong>ez, N., Matthiessen, J., McInroy, D., Moore, T.C.,<br />

Onodera, J., O’Regan, A.M., Pälike, H., Rea, B., Rio, D., Sakamoto, T., Smith,<br />

D.C., Stein, R., St. John, K., Suto, I., Suzuki, N., Takahashi, K., Watanabe, M.,<br />

Yamamoto, M., Farrell, J., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Kubik, P., Jokat, W. and Kristoffersen, Y.<br />

(2006): The Cenozoic palaeoenvironment of the Arctic Ocean.- Nature 441, 601-<br />

605.<br />

De Haller, A., Corfu, F., Fontboté L., Schaltegger, U., Barra, F., Chiaradia, M.,<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M. and Zuñiga Alvarado, J. (2006): Geology, geochronology, and Hf and<br />

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Pb isotope data of the Raúl-Condestable iron oxide-copper-gold deposit, central<br />

coast of Peru.- Econ. Geol. 101, 281-310.<br />

Bard, E. and <strong>Frank</strong>, M. (2006): Climate change and solar variability: What’s new<br />

under the Sun?- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 248, 1-14.<br />

Georg, R.B., Reynolds, B.C., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., and Halliday, A.N. (2006): Mechanisms<br />

controlling the silicon isotopic compositions of river waters.- Earth Planet. Sci.<br />

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Georg, R.B., Reynolds, B.C., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., and Halliday, A.N. (2006): New sample<br />

preparation techniques for the determination of Si isotopic compositions using<br />

MC-ICPMS.- Chemical Geology 235, 95-104.<br />

Klemm, V., Reynolds, B.C., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Pettke, T., and Halliday, A.N. (2007):<br />

Cenozoic changes in atmospheric lead recorded in central Pacific<br />

ferromanganese crusts.- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 253, 57-66.<br />

Francois, R., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Rutgers van der Loeff, M.M., Bacon, M.P., Geibert. W.,<br />

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Heck, P.R., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Anselmetti, F.S., and Kubik, P.W. (2007): Origin and age of<br />

submarine ferromanganese hardgrounds from the Marion Plateau, offshore<br />

northeast Australia.- In Anselmetti, F.S., Isern, A.R., Blum, P., and Betzler, C.<br />

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Program), 1–22. doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.194.008.2007.<br />

Heuberger, S., Schaltegger, U., Burg, J.-P., Villa, I.M., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Dawood, H. and<br />

Hussain, S. (2007): Age and isotopic constraints on magmatism along the<br />

Karakoram-Kohistan Suture Zone, NW-Pakistan: Evidence for subduction and<br />

continued convergence after India-Asia collision.- Swiss Journal of Geosciences<br />

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Siddall, M., Stocker, T.F., Henderson, G.M., Joos, F., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Edwards, N.R.,<br />

Ritz, S. and Müller, S.A. (2007): Modelling the relationship between 231 Pa / 230 Th<br />

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circulation.- Paleoceanography 22, PA2214, 10.1029/2006PA001358.<br />

Meister, P., McKenzie, J.A., Vasconcelos, C., Bernasconi, S., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Gutjahr, M.<br />

and Schrag, D. (2007): Dolomite formation in the dynamic deep biosphere:<br />

Results from the Peru margin.- Sedimentology 54, 1007-1032.<br />

Jakobsson, M., Backman, J., Rudels, B., Nycander, J., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Mayer, L., Jokat,<br />

W., Sangiorgi, F., O’Regan, M., Brinkhuis, H., King, J., and Moran, K. (2007):<br />

The Early Miocene onset of a ventilated circulation regime in the Arctic Ocean.-<br />

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Gutjahr, M., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Stirling, C.H., Klemm, V., van de Flierdt, T. and Halliday, A.N.<br />

(2007): Reliable extraction of a deepwater trace metal isotope signal from Fe-Mn<br />

oxyhydroxide coatings of marine sediments.- Chemical Geology 242, 351-370.<br />

van de Flierdt, T., Goldstein, S.L., Hemming, S.R., Roy, M., <strong>Frank</strong>, M. and Halliday,<br />

A.N. (2007): Global neodymium-hafnium isotope systematics - Revisited.- Earth<br />

Planet. Sci. Lett. 259, 432-441.<br />

Henderson, G.M., Anderson, R.F., Adkins, J., Andersson, P., Boyle, E.A., Cutter, G.,<br />

de Baar, H., Eisenhauer, A., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Francois, R., Orians, K., Gamo, T.,<br />

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German, C., Jenkins, W., Moffett, J., Jeandel, C., Jickells, T., Krishnaswami, S.,<br />

Mackey, D., Measures, C.I., Moore, J.K., Oschlies, A., Pollard, R., Rutgers van<br />

der Loeff, M.M., Schlitzer, R., Sharma, M., von Damm, K. and Zhang, J. (2007):<br />

GEOTRACES – An international study of the global marine biogeochemical<br />

cycles of trace elements and their isotopes.- Chemie der Erde – Geochemistry<br />

67, 85-131.<br />

Haley, B.A., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Spielhagen, R.F. and Eisenhauer, A. (2008): Influence of<br />

brine formation on Arctic Ocean circulation over the past 15 million years.- Nature<br />

Geoscience 1, 68-72.<br />

Knudsen, M.F., Henderson, G.M., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Mac Niocaill, C., and Kubik, P.W.<br />

(2008): In-phase anomalies in Beryllium-10 production and palaeomagentic field<br />

behaviour during the Iceland Basin geomagnetic excursion.- Earth Planet. Sci.<br />

Lett. 265, 588-599.<br />

Gutjahr, M., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Stirling, C.H., Keigwin, L.D. and Halliday, A.N. (2008):<br />

Tracing the Nd isotope evolution of North Atlantic Deep and Intermediate Waters<br />

in the western North Atlantic since the Last Glacial Maximum from Blake Ridge<br />

sediments.- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 266, 61-77.<br />

Muiños, S.B., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Maden, C., Hein., J.R., van de Flierdt, T., Lebreiro, S.M.,<br />

Gaspar, L., Monteiro, J.H. and Halliday, A.N. (2008): New constraints on the Pb<br />

and Nd isotopic evolution of NE Atlantic water masses.- Geochemistry,<br />

Geophysics, Geosystems. 9, Q02007, doi:10.1029/2007GC001766.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M., Backman, J., Jakobsson, M., Moran, K., O’Regan, M., King, J., Haley,<br />

B.A., Kubik, P.W., and Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2008): Beryllium isotopes in<br />

central Arctic Ocean sediments over the past 12.3 million years: Stratigraphic<br />

and paleoclimatic implications.- Paleoceanography 23, PA1S02,<br />

doi:10.1029/2007PA001478.<br />

Haley, B.A., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Spielhagen, R.F., and Fietzke, J. (2008): Radiogenic isotope<br />

record of Arctic Ocean circulation and weathering inputs of the past 15 million<br />

years.- Paleoceanography 23, PA1S13, doi:10.1029/2007PA001486.<br />

Backman, J., Jakobsson, M., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Sangiorgi, F., Brinkhuis, H., Stickley, C.,<br />

O’Regan, M., Løvlie, R., Pälicke, H. Spofforth, D., Gattacecca, J., Moran, K.,<br />

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Paleoceanography 23, PA1S03, doi:10.1029/2007PA001476.<br />

Andersson, P.S., Porcelli, D., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Björk, G., Dahlqvist, R., and Gustafsson, Ö.<br />

(2008): Neodymium isotopes in seawater from the Barents Sea and Fram Strait<br />

Arctic-Atlantic gateways.- Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 72, 2854-2867.<br />

Delacour, A., Früh-Green, G.L., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Gutjahr, M., and Kelley, D.S. (2008): Srand<br />

Nd-isotope geochemistry of the Atlantis Massif (30°N, MAR): Implications for<br />

fluid fluxes and lithospheric heterogeneity.- Chem. Geol. 254, 19-35.<br />

Klemm, V., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Levasseur, S., Halliday, A.N., and Hein, J.R. (2008):<br />

Seawater osmium isotope evidence for a middle Miocene flood basalt event in<br />

ferromanganese crust records.- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 273, 175-183.<br />

Peytcheva, I., von Quadt, A., Georgiev, N., Ivanov, Zh., Heinrich, C.A., and <strong>Frank</strong>,<br />

M. (2008): Combining trace element compositions, U-Pb geochronology and Hf<br />

isotopes in zircons to unravel complex calcalkaline magma chambers in the<br />

Upper Cretaceous Srednogorie Zone (Bulgaria).- Lithos 104, 405-427.<br />

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Reynolds, B.C., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., and Halliday, A.N. (2008): Evidence for a major change<br />

in silicon cycling in the subarctic North Pacific at 2.73 Ma.- Paleoceanography 23,<br />

PA4219, doi:10.1029/2007PA001563.<br />

Zimmermann, B., Porcelli, D., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Rickli, J., Lee, D.-C., and Halliday, A.N.<br />

(2009): The hafnium isotope composition of Pacific Ocean water.- Geochim.<br />

Cosmochim. Acta 73, 91-101.<br />

Rickli, J., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., and Halliday A.N. (2009): The hafnium-neodymium isotope<br />

composition of Atlantic seawater.- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 280, 118-127.<br />

Porcelli, D., Andersson, P.S., Baskaran, M., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Björk, G., and Semiletov, I.<br />

(2009): The distribution of Nd isotopes in Arctic Ocean basins.- Geochim.<br />

Cosmochim. Acta 73, 2645-2659.<br />

Peytcheva, I., von Quadt, A., Neubauer, F., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Nedialkov, R., Heinrich, C.A.,<br />

and Strashimirov, S. (2009): U-Pb dating, Hf isotope characteristics and trace-<br />

REE-patterns of zircons from Medet porphyry copper deposit, Bulgaria:<br />

Implications for timing, duration and sources of ore-bearing magmatism.- Miner.<br />

Petrol. 96, 19-41.<br />

Zimmermann, B., Porcelli, D., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Andersson, P.S., Baskaran, M., Lee, D.-C.,<br />

and Halliday, A.N. (2009): Hafnium isotopes in Arctic Ocean water.- Geochim.<br />

Cosmochim. Acta 73, 3218-3233.<br />

Sellén, E., Jakobsson, M., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., and Kubik, P.W. (2009): Pleistocene variations<br />

of beryllium isotopes in central Arctic Ocean sediment cores.- Global and<br />

Planetary Change 68, 38-47.<br />

Khélifi, N., Sarnthein, M., Andersen, N., Blanz, T., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Garbe-Schönberg, D.,<br />

Haley, B.A., Stumpf, R., and Weinelt, M. (2009): A major and long-term Pliocene<br />

intensification of the Mediterranean Outflow, 3.5-3.3 Ma ago.- Geology 37, 811-<br />

814.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M., Porcelli, D., Andersson, P.S., Baskaran, M., Björk, G., Kubik, P.W.,<br />

Hattendorf, B., and Günther, D. (2009): The dissolved Beryllium isotope<br />

composition of the Arctic Ocean.- Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 73, 6114-6133.<br />

Gutjahr, M., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Halliday, A.N., and Keigwin, L.D. (2009): Retreat of the<br />

Laurentide ice sheet tracked by the isotopic composition of Pb in western North<br />

Atlantic seawater during termination 1.- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 286, 546-555.<br />

Rickli, J., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Baker, A.R., Aciego, S., de Souza G., Georg, R.B., and Halliday<br />

A.N. (2010): Hafnium and Nd isotopes in surface waters of the eastern Atlantic<br />

Ocean: Implications for sources and inputs of trace metals to the ocean.-<br />

Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 74, 540-557.<br />

O'Regan, M., St. John, K., Moran, K., Backman, J., King, J., Haley, B.A., Jakobsson,<br />

M., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., and Röhl, U. (2010): Plio-Pleistocene trends in ice rafted debris on<br />

the Lomonosov Ridge.- Quat. International 219, 168-176.<br />

van de Flierdt, T. and <strong>Frank</strong>, M. (2010): Neodymium isotopes in paleoceanography,<br />

Editorial for special Theme: Case studies of Neodymium Isotopes in<br />

Paleoceanography.- Quaternary Science Reviews 29, 2439-2441.<br />

Gutjahr, M., Hoogakker, B.A.A., <strong>Frank</strong>, M. and McCave, I.N. (2010): Changes in<br />

North Atlantic Deep Water strength and bottom water masses during Marine<br />

Isotope Stage 3 (45 to 35 ka BP).- Quaternary Science Reviews 29, 2451-2461.<br />

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Stumpf, R., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Schönfeld, J., and Haley, B.A. (2010): Late Quaternary<br />

variability of Mediterranean Outflow Water from radiogenic Nd and Pb isotopes.-<br />

Quaternary Science Reviews 29, 2462-2472.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M. (2011): Chemical twins, separated.- Nature Geoscience 4, 220-221.<br />

Chen, T.-Y., Ling, H.-F., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Zhao, K.-D., and Jiang, S.-Y. (2011): Zircon effect<br />

alone insufficient to generate seawater Nd-Hf isotope relationships.-<br />

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 12, Q05003,<br />

doi:10.1029/2010GC003363.<br />

<strong>Frank</strong>, M. (2011): Geochemical proxies of ocean circulation and weathering inputs:<br />

Radiogenic isotopes of Nd, Pb, Sr, Hf, and Os.- IOP Conference Series: Earth<br />

and Environmental Science 14, 012010.<br />

Meister, P., Gutjahr, M., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Bernasconi, S., Vasconcelos, C., and McKenzie,<br />

J.A. (2011): Dolomite formation within the methanogenic zone induced by<br />

tectonically driven fluids in the Peru accretionary prism.- Geology 39, 563-566.<br />

Kindler, P., Godefroid, F., Chiaradia, M., Ehlert, C., Eisenhauer, A., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Hasler,<br />

C.-A., and Samankassou, E. (2011): Discovery of Miocene to lower Pleistocene<br />

deposits on Mayaguana, Bahamas: evidence for recent active tectonism on the<br />

North American margin.- Geology 39, 523-526.<br />

Ehlert, C., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Haley, B.A., Böniger, U., DeDeckker, P. and Gingele, F.X.<br />

(2011): Current transport versus continental inputs in the eastern Indian Ocean:<br />

Radiogenic isotope signatures of clay-size sediments.- Geochemistry,<br />

Geophysics, Geosystems 12, Q06017, doi:10.1029/2011GC003544.<br />

Weldeab, S, <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Stichel, T., Haley, B.A., and Sangen, M. (2011): Spatiotemporal<br />

evolution of the West African monsoon during the last deglaciation.-<br />

Geophysical Research Letters 38, L13703, doi:10.1029/2011GL047805.<br />

Stumpf, R., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Schönfeld, J., and Haley, B.A. (2011): Climatically driven<br />

changes in sediment supply on the SW Iberian shelf since the Last Glacial<br />

Maximum.- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 312, 80-90.<br />

Uenzelmann-Neben, G., Watkeys, M.K., Kretzinger, W., <strong>Frank</strong>, M. and Heuer, L.<br />

(2011): Palaeoceanographic interpretation of a seismic profile from the southern<br />

Mozambique Ridge, Southwestern Indian Ocean.- South African Journal of<br />

Geology 114, 449-458.<br />

Stichel, T., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Rickli, J., and Haley, B.A. (2012): The hafnium and<br />

neodymium isotope composition of seawater in the Atlantic sector of the<br />

Southern Ocean.- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 317-318, 282-294.<br />

Hathorne, E.C., Haley, B.A., Stichel, T., Grasse, P., Zieringer, M., and <strong>Frank</strong>, M.<br />

(2012): Online preconcentration ICP-MS analysis of rare earth elements in<br />

seawater.- Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 13, Q01020,<br />

doi:10.1029/2011GC003907.<br />

van de Flierdt T., Pahnke, K., Amakawa, H., Andersson, P., Basak, C., Coles, B.,<br />

Colin, C., Crocket, K., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., <strong>Frank</strong>, N., Goldstein, S.L., Goswami, V., Haley,<br />

B.A., Hathorne, E.C., Hemming, S.R., Henderson, G.M., Jeandel, C., Jones, K.,<br />

Kreissig, K., Lacan, F., Lambelet, M., <strong>Martin</strong>, E.E., Newkirk, D.R., Obata, H., Pena,<br />

L., Piotrowski, A.M., Pradoux, C., Scher, H.D., Schöberg, H., Singh, S.K., Stichel,<br />

T., Tazoe, H., Vance, D., Yang, J. (2012): GEOTRACES intercalibration of<br />

neodymium isotopes and rare earth element concentrations in seawater and<br />

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suspended particles – Part 1: reproducibility of results for the international<br />

intercomparison.- Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 10, 234-251.<br />

De Souza, G.F., Reynolds, B.C., Rickli, J., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Saito, M., Gerringa, L.J.A., and<br />

Bourdon, B. (2012): Southern Ocean control of silicon stable isotope distribution in<br />

the deep Atlantic Ocean.- Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26, GB2035,<br />

doi:10.1029/2011GB004141.<br />

Stichel, T., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Rickli, J., Hathorne, E.A., Haley, B.A., Jeandel, C., and<br />

Pradoux, C. (2012): Sources and input mechanisms of hafnium and neodymium in<br />

surface waters of the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean.- Geochim.<br />

Cosmochim. Acta 94, 22-37.<br />

Chen T.-Y, <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Haley; B.A., Gutjahr, M., and Spielhagen, R.F. (2012):<br />

Variations of north Atlantic inflow to the central Arctic Ocean over the last 14<br />

million years inferred from hafnium and neodymium isotopes.- Earth Planet. Sci.<br />

Lett. 353-354, 82-92.<br />

In press:<br />

Muiños, S.B., Hein, J.R., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Monteiro, J.H., Gaspar, L., Conrad, T., Garcia<br />

Pereira, H. and Abrantes, F. (2012): Deep-sea Fe-Mn crusts from the northeast<br />

Atlantic Ocean: Composition and resource considerations.- Marine Georesources<br />

& Geotechnology, in press.<br />

Grasse, P., Stichel, T., Stumpf, R., Stramma, L., and <strong>Frank</strong>, M. (2012): The<br />

distribution of neodymium isotopes and concentrations in the Eastern Equatorial<br />

Pacific: Water mass advection versus particle exchange.- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.,<br />

in press.<br />

Lachner, J., Christl, M., Synal, H.-A., <strong>Frank</strong> M. and Jakobsson, M. (2012): Carrier<br />

free 10 Be/ 9 Be measurements with low-energy AMS: Determination of<br />

sedimentation rates in the Arctic Ocean.- Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. B., in<br />

press.<br />

Etourneau, J., Ehlert, C., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., <strong>Martin</strong>ez, P., and Schneider, R. (2012):<br />

Contribution of changes in opal productivity and nutrient distribution in the coastal<br />

upwelling systems to late Pliocene/early Pleistocene climate cooling.- Climate of<br />

the Past, in press.<br />

Cao, Z., <strong>Frank</strong>, M., Dai, M., Grasse, P., and Ehlert, C. (2012): Silicon isotope<br />

constraints on sources and utilization of silicic acid in the northern South China<br />

Sea.- Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. in press.<br />

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